Pet Friendly: Main OOC

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Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

Babylon Gardens can’t be the only pet friendly neighborhood.

Welcome to “Pet Friendly,” the Housepets! inspired roleplay, where players assume the role of a pet similar to that of the comic! The main point of this roleplay is to be fun and easy! Anyone may join, contributing their own stories and ideas.

Want to just jump in and read this wall of text later? The quick version is right here.
The Neighborhood List, with the players and characters in them, as well as how many slots they have open, is right here.

While this role-play was originally started by Brittles, he has since disappeared, and the game has taken a life of its own. A good chunk of this current OOC (as well as the original rules) were written by him. Credit is given where credit is due! In addition, Buckdida, when he was Game Master, wrote most of
this OOC before handing the position to Argent Flame. However, currently the PFs are no longer run by a single global GM. Instead decisions are made by the approval of the majority as well as the local moderators.

Neighborhoods and their GM:
Richardson Valley: Keeshah (Temp GM)
Radiant Gardens: WolvenPaw15
Richmond Acres: Shirosune
Brookshire Meadows: RockstarRaccoon
Sunset Plateau: IceKitsune
Blue Peak Shore: valerio
Edge City : D-Singer
Applegate: Seth
Exotic Acres: musclecar326
Haven: caelei

Quick Join list:
RV: 6 slots open!
RG: Recruiting!
RA: Recruiting! (Need members!) 4 slots open!
BsM: No longer uses the slot system: feel free to apply!
SP: 1+ slot(s) open!
BPS: All slots full!
Applegate: 3 slots!
Edge City: 12-13 current players, join on request
Exotic Acres: 3 slots! Be aware, this RP is slower.
Haven: Open!
SRP: Terra Ridge: 1 slot open

If you have any questions, ask in this thread, PM the local moderators, or hop onto the IRC and join #Pet_friendly.

Basic Premise: You create a character, a pet, with his or her own personality, (and backstory, if you wish) and have it interact with other characters to have adventures or misadventures: silly imaginating, realistic, fantasy or otherwise, depending on the neighborhood you join. In all cases, Rick’s comic canon is used as the base for each scenario, though the setting can be altered somewhat.

…But being mostly new players without a proper game master to guide us at the time …well, we went astray at times to the original intent of being bubbly and lighthearted. The first two neighborhoods, Richardson Valley, and Radiant Gardens, show that! Although another way to look at it is that one can break away from canon at times to have fun. While the main point is to have fun, players should try to set limits, and stay within the genre of the neighborhood they’re in! Also note: Rick’s characters do not make appearances in this RP! After all, we are in a different neighborhood. The neighborhoods and their current states will be explained later! For now...

Joining Instructions: Joining is simple! Here are the instructions:

1) Read the rules below!
2) Pick a neighborhood with free space and read its OOC thread, as well as the first and last page of that neighbor's in-game thread!
3) Create a character using the template and rules below for the said neighborhood! (Beware of house rules!)
4) Post your character in the Main OOC (this thread)!
5) Request to join at the said neighbor's OOC while providing a link to your character!
6) Wait for its GM to approve your character!

And that's all!

-Character rules-
Anything within reason. Keep in mind pets tend to take the last name of their human owners. Though note that simpler names are easier to remember, type out and spell correctly…for the other RP’ers.

-Character Type-
Is this a main character or a guest character?

Most people, keeping in with the theme of the game, should be a dog or a cat, breed included if you so wish. As this is a light hearted game though...ANY animal that can be domesticated legally is allowed within reason. Certain creatures will suffer from limitations though, look bellow at the extra character building rules.

Exception: House Rules (explained bellow in advanced rules) can allow or disallow other species and even impossible hybrids. Be sure to read the neighborhood's description to see if there's any interesting rules about character building.

1 Human Year = 3.5 Pet years. Pets live twice as long in the comic, so they do here as well. Most pets should stick to being somewhere between 10 to 45 years old. Older or younger characters can be limited in their actions, so be careful.

Small animals like mice and hamsters use 1 human year = 7 pet years.

This is the place where your pet resides and interacts! You can only interact with others in the same neighborhood, and some Neighborhoods may carry a genre for you to play in. However, crossovers are not allowed in the IC threads. However, there is a way for characters to interact with others outside their neighborhood, which I will mention much later. Be sure to read Echo's list to see which neighborhoods have room, and be VERY SURE TO READ THE NEIGHBORHOOD DESCRIPTIONS at the bottom of this post so that you know what type of atmosphere you're getting into, and if there might be any special rules. If you don't like drama or magic, then be sure to pick a neighborhood that has neither so that you can have the most fun! If you are a beginner, I highly recommend that you pick a neighborhood tagged with "Basic," meaning that it has no extra house rules or alterations. You can always join more and as many neighborhoods as you wish, though it's recommended that you join no more than two, especially if a neighborhood you're in has a fast rate.

How your character appears, and any bits of clothing it might be often seen wearing; for most pets this is just a collar though. One to three lines should be enough for most…but no more then two paragraphs. Try to let us visualize your character, but keep it concise!

The bread and butter of Pet Friendly! What is your character like? A fast talker? Slow minded, but strong? Happy and bubbly? It’s really up to you. The general question is: “How does your character act, in public and private?” But keep in mind that some of the best way to show off the character’s personality is through the RP! Keep things concise here. Oh, and factor in the character’s personality when making the special stats bellow.

-Other Notes-
Any other minor details you want to add about your character. Character Backgrounds are NOT required but if you want to bring up a few important details this is the place to put them. Also keep in mind that characters with a backstory can be easier to write for.

Nerd time! S.P.E.C.I.A.L is a simple system I'd like people to use to define their characters abilities: How strong they are, how fast they are etc. Don't panic, it's very simple, the numbers are only here as 'guidelines' of sorts, we will never actually use REAL rules. All you need to do is take 42 points, and spread them between the seven attributes bellow. You must put at least 2 points in each one, and the most you can put in one is 10, with 5 being 'average'. You need not spend all 42 points if you don't want to, but most of the RP’ers would recommend spending all the points, unless there’s a backstory trait behind it.

Strength- Easy to explain. Your pure muscle power. How much you can lift, and how much force you can put out. This is useful anytime you're character needs to counteract any kind of physical force against him or her.

Perception- Your awareness of your surroundings. Your ability to sense what's going on around you, along with what's going on in the minds of others. For example, this is useful for spotting things your pet might need, or for sensing if someone is trying to lie to you, or how they might be feeling at the time.

Endurance- Your physical health. Your resistance, and stamina, and overall ability to keep on moving.

Charisma- Your characters ability to influence others. To get them to agree with you, listen to what you say, ability to pull something over on another character, and sometimes, your overall "stage presence."

Intelligence- Your 'book' smarts. Your technical knowledge, problem solving skills, and ability to pick up on new things.

Agility- How fast you are. You dexterity, coordination, acrobatics…etc.

Luck- How lucky your character is! Trust me, this is more useful then it sounds. It can basically be anything else that leaves your character in the right place at the right time, or helpful when your character takes a gamble. Adversely, bad luck leaves you in the worst spot at the worst time, and even the most perfect situation can go wrong for your character.
Each character sheet should be included as it's own individual post.

Example Character Sheet:
This character belongs to Brittles.

Brittles wrote: Name: Dee-Cafe Snow ("Dee")

Species: Dog (Heinz 57')

Age: 28

Neighborhood: Richardson Valley

Looking at Dee the first thing that you're aware of is how content she looks. Her Blue eyes almost always half closed, a simple little smile always across her lips. The Dog almost always looks like she's on verge of falling asleep, and this may very well be the case.

The dog sports a slightly long snout, and droopy ears. Her fur color is a mix of things; blotches of Black, brown, and orangish-Brown going down her back, shifting to a pure fluffy white on her underbelly, including the 'underside' of her arms, legs, tail etc. She wears a grey-blue collar with a miniature 'eight ball' hanging from it.

Dee is a 'serene observer' type. Despite her lazy appearance she's very much aware of everything going around her, and has great insight into human behavior, and the patterns of the world. So much so that she might even know more then you know about yourself if you spend enough time with her. She could also be called a 'childish philosopher' often thinking about random ideas, and concept in her head. From time to time she may blurt out a long rant on what she's currently thinking about, and is more then happy to talk more lively with someone who has interest in the subject. Most of the time though, Dee simply tags along, helping others where she can, never speaking more then one or two words at a time.

Other Notes:
-The Eight Ball on Dees Collar actually works!
-Dees high luck is not so much Luck as it is insight. Knowing where to stand, what to bring, and what to do in most situations.
-Runs a small blog that talks about various philosophical ideas, and things going around in the neighborhood.
-Lives with Espresso Snow, and views him as a brother.
-The two of them live at the coffee cafe called "The Wall" which sits within the neighborhood, a default hang out spot for many of the older human inhabitants.


Extra Character Building Rules:
-Small animals (such as rodents) cut their strength and endurance scores in half after spreading their points out (rounding down). They’re small. If a stat of 1 results in this case, it is acceptable.

-Young animals, such as pups, cut either their strength or endurance by half (rounding down) and neither of those stats may be above 7, and their intelligence can not be above 5. Young animals simply have not had enough time in the world to develop their bodies and minds. (Ages younger than 10.5 years old/3 human years)

-Old animals can not have agility or endurance scores above 4. Old age simply slows people down. (Ages older than 70/20 human years)

-Animals with natural abilities that put them at an obvious advantage (such as a bird’s flight, or a wild cat’s claws) only get 36 points to spend rather then 42.

-SPECIAL points must be whole. You can’t split them (i.e. S-4.5 P-5.5 E-6.5 etc).

-You may only have up to two main characters, unless you had more before the rule was created. Secondary minor characters, such as humans or other random pets, are allowed, but their involvement should be minimal.

The reason that only two main characters are allowed per player is this: There can be a total of 30+ characters running around and doing things based the amount of participation in any given neighborhood (each of which can have up to 15 players at a time), and any more characters than that would start to make things confusing! Not to mention that the more characters someone has, the less development (generally, anyway) each character gets. However, if you think you're really up to the challenge, you can participate in more than one neighborhood at once, or use the following rules for guest characters...

Guest Characters: So, sometimes, you get an idea for a new character, or you want to have someone who's part of your main character's backstory show up. With a character limit of two, what do you do? Simple! Bring in the characters!

Okay, maybe not, "Simple." You'll have to follow these rules....

--Players have two main characters which are played at all times.
--Players have one guest character slot
--You can have a pool of 3 guest characters to swap between (bringing your total characters up to 5)
--Players can swap out the guest at the start of each arc, and only then
--You can use your guest character slot for up to three arcs in a row
--For each arc you use your guest character slot, you must match the same number of arcs in a row where you do NOT use a guest character
--"Strike Characters" are characters that are only used ONCE, but do not add to your guest character pool. They take up the guest character slot when used.

Note: "Strike Characters" can be used as main or guest characters in neighborhoods other than the one they originally appear in.

Stat Alert System:
Sometimes, when you're doing something, players might forget about other player's stats, and how they might want to make the character react. If you want to remind players, simply put the stat in parentheses to tell how other characters how they might want to react. For example, say one character tries to lie to another. They might want to remind the character they're lying to about their CHA stat, to say how convincing the lie is. Of course, stats are no replacement for writing...if you lie, make sure you write the lie convincingly so that it's more entertaining for everyone.

RP Rules: These rules are incanted to ensure that everyone has fun, and that everyone participates in the community as a whole. There’s the forum rules and house rules. Pay attention to both, or you could risk being reprimanded. I’m sorry, but these things are necessary!

Forum Rules: These rules have to do with the community as a whole. Check the main forum rules thread. All regular forum rules apply here as well. The following are special reminders for rules that have been broken in the past.

-The forum is rated PG-13: Stay within that limit for ALL of PF related things, or you will be removed from the RP and given a warning.

-Swearing: If and when your character might swear, self censor all of it, or the mods will get annoyed.

-Politics: It’s flamebait, pure and simple. However, this is an extreme gray area, as characters could have political ideals, particularly with pet rights. In context of the pets and comic, it can drive an entire arc if done well. If done wrong (injecting real world politics into your character’s dialogue; i.e. NOBODY wants to hear what your pet thinks of new health care policies) you’re most certainly facing a warning, and possible expulsion from the RP.

-Stay in good standing: Receiving warnings for other infractions or rule breaking in other parts of the forums can affect your ability to play in PF.

House Rules: Rules added so that the RP runs smoothly.

-Stay canon!: Stick to the facts from the comic’s universe (a nice compilation *ahem* here)…unless the neighborhood’s genre allows you otherwise, of course.

-RP canon is IC thread: Story and character development and interaction is only "real" in your "In Character" thread. Anything that might be done elsewhere is considered "non-cannon" and does not affect the IC thread or its story.

-Mind the stat gap: The stats for your character are more of a guideline then a hard set rule. However, this does not give you an excuse to godmod or powergame with your character. Mind your limits…and mind what a stat 10 and a stat 2 can do before you take them.

Examples: STR 2 is the common strength…for a MOUSE! And something bad happens to Djinn just about every move he makes, with his LUCK 2. Venison can be outright ignored on occasion, and can’t lie to save his life, with his CHA 2. Inversely, Lucky has gotten out of some nasty scrapes (literally, other characters will randomly come to his rescue, or he’ll just have things go his way) with his LUCK 10 and Venison can fly and bounce all over the place with his AGL 10, and if he precisely knows what he’s doing, he just might be able to use that INT 10 to convince or explain something. That is, if the other character feels like listening at all to him.

-One stat is not a replacement for another: Keep in mind that something such as luck is no replacement for any other stat. Your luck 10 is not going to help your strength 2 when you’re tying to push a car! Perhaps you might be able to get good footing in the mud to push it out, but that thing still isn’t going to budge…without the help of another character, that is.

-Character control: Other’s characters? Don’t even think about making them do anything without the player’s consent. Even making another character that isn’t yours walk across the room to talk to you is pushing it! There is an exception: if the character’s player has disappeared, and you’re waiting for a response (two day minimum, everyone) then you can take very minor control to keep things moving.

-Avoid scripting: Some scripting is okay…like brainstorming ideas of where you want the current scenario to go. Otherwise, plotlines and plotholes can emerge when characters you can’t control don’t stick to the script you set for them. While this is a work of fiction, let's avoid using the cop out, "A wizard did it."

-No crossovers in the IC threads: i.e. No Venison from Richardson Valley dropping in for a visit in Radiant Gardens, especially with the new house rules that may alter character creation. Once you leave a neighborhood for a different one (something like moving), you are not allowed to return that character to the neighborhood you left, in order to prevent moving abuse, and your character must follow the rules of the new neighborhood you've moved to.

-Participate in the entirety of the forums: There are two other main boards; use them! Please make an effort to interact with the community beyond the RP when you can. While this is more of a suggestion than an actual rule, remember that this is a webcomic community, not a rolepalying one! Be sure to comment on the comic and emerge from the Roleplaying cave every now and again!

-Addendum For Catnip and Other Such Things: Catnip has appeared before in the comic, and thus, is okay to use in the RP in great moderation, though should more often than not be avoided (might be hard to avoid at parties though, and occasionally, people eat the wrong things by mistake). This means there may be no severe addicts allowed. Furthering that, Alcohol is simply NOT allowed. If it MUST be there, use the creative equivalent: Catnip Tea. Again, no "tea-aholics," or anything similar. Treat Anise, the catnip equivalent for dogs, the same way. If anyone mentions smoking, the it is automatically catnip or anise depending on the pet. (Or perhaps ferrotone.) Mind that any other substance is not allowed, and warnings can be issued if they are brought up.

-Fighting and Other Violence: People like to fight, wolves like to hunt; It's really that simple and violence just happens. If violence is slapstick/for humor or similar things, it's always okay, because the very nature of it is non-graphic. (I.E. Someone gets beaned by a brick, gets up, asks what the heck the brick thrower was thinking etc.) However, I should remind of some things. NO GORE. Period, ever. We don't want to hear exactly what happened to that internal organ when the claw struck the perfect angle or whatnot. A tiny bit of blood is okay, and should be kept to a minimum when used, more of a side mention than anything. Anyone with a weapon is ALWAYS using non-lethal force of some kind, be it a taser or tranq-gun. "Real" ballistic lethal weapons are NEVER allowed to have any chance to hit a character. Even those with luck 2 will not be hit (though a projectile may cause a light scratch, nothing worse than skinning your knee), and this applies to any other lethal weapons too, such as knives. When playing pretend, or during a flashback or other non-real moments, such weapons may do more, but again, no gore is allowed, and blood is very minimal.

THERE IS NO VIOLENT DEATH, PERIOD. Let me make that clear. If someone gets very hurt, they will always get medical help, and they will always survive. If someone gets trapped in a burning building, they always manage to escape or be rescued. If a character needs "to be put on a bus" then you can find far more creative ways to remove the secondary or minor character than outright offing them.

Posting Organization:
This is the main OOC. Here, you post character sheets, organize new neighborhoods, and ask general questions about Pet Friendly here. However, nothing else is allowed here. If found, It will simply be ignored.
However, the will be a OOC for each neighborhood, in which you can discuss and comment on plot, ask questions to other RP’ers, and do some light scripting if necessary. If someone wants to do something…radical, shall we say, with the neighborhood, (like a time skip, or dropping an arc and ending it early) it must be put to a vote in the relevant OOC!
Of course, there are then the different In Character, or IC threads…differentiated by their neighborhood name. This is where you post for your character! Make sure you post in the right neighborhood, as mentioned in your character sheet.
Do not make OOC only posts in the IC threads. That’s what the OOC is for.

-If you have a problem with another player, try to discuss your problem with them, and work it out. If you can't, then contact the local moderators, and they will help you resolve the situation.
-Players can interact more easily with your characters if you put a link to your character sheet and stats in your signature. This is entirely optional.
-Some players complain that, "They can't seem to get their foot in the door." The answer to this is quite simple: Take your character and force him/her to interact with another character!

The old/original OOC thread for pet friendly, with old character sheets, commentary, and building of new rules and actions, can be found here..

Communications: If you join there is a variety of ways to communicate with the other players. The first and foremost way to do so is via the OOC (Out Of Character) thread for the neighborhood (see the description bellow). Be sure to read and stay up to date with the OOC of any neighborhood you're participating in, as well as this main one.

Another powerful tool of communication is the IRC, on gamesurge, much like the regular IRC. The main channel is #Pet_friendly. This channel is the main channel, where we can do non-canon crossovers and have general discussion of PF.

In addition, each neighborhood has their own IRC, called the same as the neighborhood's initails. (I.E. #BsM) How used that IRC is, however, depends on the players. For example, #BsM uses their channel extensively, whereas RG does not. Remember that in these channels, you must follow forum rules. In addition, I expect you all to at least be in the main channel AS WELL.

Oh, and one final thing...

Crossovers: Okay! Question: who here has heard about this?

This is why I was saying, "Only things in the IC thread are considered canon to the RP." Oftentimes, we will RP in the IRC...crossovers and all. For example, Echo's character Marshall had met RV pets when he was still in RG, interacting with all of us!

Mind that you don't HAVE to stick to PF stuff...or even stats. It's entirely non-canon, and just for fun! You can do this if you wish, or ignore it. However, remember that you must still follow all forum rules while there! Thank you in advance.

Neighborhood GM's and Other advanced rules

Neighborhood GM's:
In a standard 15 slot neighborhood, once you reach about 9 players, it's time to elect an official who can enforce rules in the RP. Not only that, they can put house rules, kicking players, and other such things to a vote to alter the RP. If they have any problems with players who break rules, they can come and talk to the moderators.
A GM Should:
-Enforce the RP rules listed above and ensure that the RP does not break any forum rules.
-Do his/her best to ensure the enjoyment of all players
-Report broken forum rules within the RP using the report function
-Be willing to listen to the players in the neighborhood he/she runs
-Put certain rules up to vote for change when necessary (more explained in house rules)
-Be prepared to warn/kick players from the RP, and follow through with punishment if necessary (arguably the HARDEST part)
-Read all posts in the neighborhood and its OOC, and ensure that the players are doing the same

Neighborhood/House Rules:
Some neighborhoods might want to customize their rules to speed up or slow down the RP, change character creation, mess with setting/genre, etc. Advanced RP'ers can start their own neighborhoods with such modifications, starting as the GM. Mind that any neighborhood must be approved by the local moderators before starting. Furthermore, neighborhoods that have already started can only change their house rules though a vote, and must have at least a simple majority vote of more than 50%, though that percentage for a vote to pass can be risen by the GM on a case-by-case basis.

However, when creating House Rules, there ARE some restrictions:
--Specifically, you can't break forum rules (that's a given), you can't have major control over other players characters without their consent, things about nip, etc. Look above and read them again if you've forgotten.
-Use the basic stat system: By this I mean to use SPECIAL. You can alter this, but it must bear some resemblance to the main system we have. In particular, numbers must remain whole, and 5 is average. 1 is the lowest stat a house rule can go to, but there's no particular cap on the upper ceiling (super-powered pets, anybody? *gins mischievously*)
-Basic Age conversion: 1 human = 3.5 pet. Keep that one simple and constant, please. How long they can actually live is another matter entirely, and changed around in setting.
-House rules changed mid game MUST BE PUT TO A VOTE! Any rules changed mid-game have retroactive effects on all players and characters as well. For example, if the players decided that characters are only allowed 36 stat points to distribute for any new characters, then ALL EXISTING CHARACTERS must abide by this rule as well, and re-adjust their stats accordingly so that they only have 36 total stat points.

With that out of the way, look at some of the fun things neighborhoods and their GM's can decide:

-Character/Player caps: Want them gone? Go right ahead. Want less or more players in the 'hood? Sure. Want to axe the restrictions on guest characters? No problem. Want players to ONLY have one character? Make it so.

-Posting Speed: Busy and only have time for one post a day? Or perhaps you want someone to make at least five a day? You can adjust the posting speed and rate of the neighborhood based on people's availability and how fast you would like it to go.

-Joining Requirement (Special note: You can not add this house rule UNTIL you have at least 60% of your slots filled with active players. That means 9 for the standard 15 players.): Sometimes, some simple quality standards and agreements can make an RP run more smoothly for everyone. Once a neighborhood has enough people, they can agree for some hoops for the newcomers to jump through, or just outright make the neighborhood invite only. Upon doing so, slots cease to exist, and the GM of that neighborhood is the one that gauges how "full" the neighborhood is getting.

-Changing Character building: Want hybrid animals? Go for it! Think it's silly that mice need to round down their stats? Change it! Want more points to distribute to give your characters power, or less for more of a challenge? Do as you'd like. Do you want your pets to age, or run on comic book time? You can change all of this.

-Changing Setting (Special Note: This house rule can NOT be changed mid game.): Pets...IN SPACE! The big city! Village in a nature preserve? If you're up for a challenge, you can try to play PF in a new or interesting setting other than that of a suburb.

If you have any other ideas, PM me or Argent, and we'll discuss what else you might be able to alter.

Quick Neighborhood descriptions:

Richardson Valley:
Tags: Semi-Realistic, Occasional Fighting/Violence, Drama, Basic, Invite Only
Once a fertile farmland, part of this valley was transformed into a small suburb, surrounded by nature. A longer description is here. This was the first neighborhood, and without a GM to guide them, populated by new players and characters, it slightly began to run amok! Drama between the characters ensued, creating interesting and...sometimes unrealistic situations. Certainly not bubbly and lighthearted! There was once a situation with a feral pack, and an raid on animal control to rescue some pets...some players loved it, some hated it. Most of the pets here could fight a human and win, or at least outsmart them. There's a fair amount of action, drama, and backstory, with characters clashing or helping each other constantly.

Recently, the players in RV have decided to actually be a little more pet-friendly, patching up things with how Animal Control runs, and mutually deciding to reduce the bad drama. However, the action isn't all outright removed, so expect to see it occasionally...though not as often as before.

Radiant Gardens:
Tags: Hybrid Allowed, Minimal magic Allowed
Originally starting as an overflow neighborhood when RV got too many players, RG is a neighborhood on the edge of a forest. However, because the GM took a leave of absence and was unable to catch up, it also saw its fair share of drama! Magic creeped in slowly at first, then became full blown and a crazy driving plot point...for a time. When players found that the magic could cause far too much drama, they decided to reduce its involvement greatly and the drama dropped along with it. But because of all that, the neighborhood is fantasy based...very small magical things can happen, and "impossible" hybrids and fantasy pets can join too. Just...if you make a mini-dragon, or something, be sure to clear it with all the other RP'ers first! Remember, the magic, if at all used, should be used to make things fun, not dramatic. The neighborhood has since tried to avoid the fantasy setting, and it's rather just an undertone now. They still allow some hybrids, but there are no magical creatures allowed. Magic will occasionally show up, but there is always an alternative event going on for non-magic pets. Keep it simple and Tarot like!

Richmond Acres:
Tags: Basic
Richmond Acres is a suburb nestled between a small city and expansive farmlands. A place to leave your past in the past and start anew. Everyone is rather laid back and friendly with no real worries (save for that one instance with the miniature airplane and some minor flashback angst). This neighborhood is rather uncomplicated, showing the lives and times of new neighbors getting to know each other in a quiet setting. Great for new RPers and veterans who want a more lighthearted RP.

Brookshire Meadows
Tags: Semi-Unrealistic (subject to change), Apply to Join, IRC usage, Fast Posting Rate
Brookshire Meadows is a small development sandwiched between the city of Brookshire and the Brookshire Forest nature preserve. The rules of the setting are extremely lenient, pushing for comedy and action, as the main goal is entertainment and fun. Things aren't as serious here. Read the Brookshire OOC and introduce yourself BEFORE posting in the IC thread for Brookshire, as Brookshire is now "join on request." You also need to be able to use the IRC.

Yorkshire Fields
Tags: Setting; city, petlike
Yorkshire Fields started out similar to its neighboring city, Brookshire Meadows. Unlike Brookshire, Yorkshire took off from it's humble beginnings as fields of farming to the big city that it is now. Most housing in Yorkshire are town houses, apartments, or the second floor of a store. Town houses and Apartments are generally in the same area, surrounding the big park in the center of town. The city park is big, covering about 5 acres of land full of tree's, sidewalks, benches, and a pond.
Neighborhood canon
- Pets are more like Pets then other neighborhoods where Pets are more childlike. Yorkshire recently accepted Pet Friendly laws, so owners are still adjusting to the change. What this basically means is that Owners treat their pets more as pets then children. Example: Pets will primarily eat kibble, have pet beds instead of real beds (like children beds). An example for dogs/canids: Being told to Sit, or Stay, being punished by wearing a muzzle, or having to sleep in a kennel etc.
-All pets have rights with the new PF laws. But like mentioned before, everyone is still adjusting and getting used to them. This is why pets are more like pets, then children.
-Before the PF laws were placed(A few months ago) there were leash laws. Now with the new PF laws Pets can roam the city as long as they have a collar with a licensed tag.
-Pets can still be childlike and happy go lucky, it's the owners that act differently.
-Pets moving in from a PF neighborhood are the only exception to this, their owners can act however you want.
- Yorkshire Fields is the big-city, while Brookshire isn't much of a city at all.
- Yorkshire is rapidly expanding, encroaching on the surrounding wildlife, causing an ecological meltdown. Wild animals in the Yorkshire are less friendly and do not socialize with each other anywhere near as much.
Yorkshire is currently in the process of being assimilated into Brookshire Meadows.
Sunset Plateau
Tags: Basic
This neighborhood is OPEN for new players and is ready to be built from the ground up with whatever setting we want to make. We'll follow the rules given in the main PF OOC thread as a base, and will be able to add our own house rules as we progress.

Blue Peak Shore
Tags: (To be added)

Edge City:
Tags: Semi-Realistic, Creepypasta Series, Slenderman, Drama, Horror
An isolated city with widespread, fringing suburbs. Edge city is located at the border of a very large expanse of forest and semi-arid landscape. It’s under populated, pet friendly, and an epicenter of urban legends with unexplained incidents throughout its history. Expect mystery, drama, horror, and possibly mild violence. While kept mostly to a realistic standard, the supernatural is reoccurring.

If none of these options appeal to you, you can always try to start up a new neighborhood! Just present the idea at the main OOC, or ask any of the RP section moderators.

And remember, first and foremost...Have fun!

(Thanks to Buck for creating the OOC).
Last edited by ArgentFlame on Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:08 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

Here's the quick version:

PF OOC: Quick version
Wanna jump in and read the OOC later? Here's the things you really need to know:

Firstly, follow all forum rules!
Do not control other player's characters!
Don't powergame/godmod; mind the stats you set!
Participate in all parts of the forum if you can!
Post in the correct threads! Keep the OOC/IC stuff in the right spot.
Be sure to communicate with the other players; keep up to date with the main and neighborhood OOC you're in to help things run smoothly. If you have questions, the IRC is the fastest way you can communicate with other players, so be on when you can.

Your character needs a name, species, and age (in pet years, just treat it as a normal age). Describe their appearance and personality, and finally, arrange 42 points into 7 stats: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck; no stat can be higher than 10, and none lower than 2.

Pets with natural advantages get less points to spend: 36. Small pets, like mice, halve their STR and END scores (if a stat of 1 results in this situation, it's okay). Young pets with a pet year age of 10.5 or lower, and old pets with a pet age of 70 or higher have other stat restrictions, and can be harder to play. You can only have up to two main characters.

Write that all up and post it as a character sheet in this thread, the main OOC. Then, look over the neighborhood list, and pick one with an empty slot for you to join. Pay attention to its genre and description, and play within that!

You're good to go! Make sure to read the entire OOC when you have the chance.

Have fun!
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

ANNOUNCEMENT: Congratulations Ctcmjh and 44RONM10, new GMs of Radiant Garden
Last edited by ArgentFlame on Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by EchoFireant »

To find the neighborhood you're looking for - [RV] , [RG] , [RA] , [BsM] , [OT] , [YsF] , [SP]
To find the guest characters - [GUESTS]

Richardson Valley Status - Full [RV]




Jimmy Jazz:




Teh Brawler:









Radiant Gardens Status - Open by Request [RG]







The Game:


Richmond Acres Status - Full [RA]
Typhon :

Profesor Rod :

Kyderra :

BlueAnubis :

EvilTwin :

Adzo :

Zack :

ctcmjh :

The Game :

Dr. Prower :

Clockwork Hero :

DarkHeartsAndSuch :

furryovrlord :

ChewyChewy :

SweetCupcakeCat :

Wolf :

Brookshire Meadows Status: Join on Request! Go post in the BsM OOC thread to join. [BsM]
RockstarRaccoon :

Zander :

Neko :

Atari :

FunkyChickenFace :








CY Law:
-Xuán Law






Oasis Towers Status - 3 Slots Left [OT]



The Game:


Teh Brawler:









-Precious "Xena"






Jimmy Jazz:



Yorkshire Fields Status : NEW [YsF]

Sunset Plateau Status : NEW [SP]

Guest Characters [GUESTS]








Notes :
-Players of each neighborhood are not ordered.
-Click on the names to get to the Character sheet :3
-Guest characters are now listed.
-As an added help to instantly locate character sheets, posting your character sheet per post (1 sheet per post) would help others locate your characters faster. Of course, this is entirely optional. You can post all your sheets in the same post as well.

Side note:
-This post will probably become the most edited post ever.
And now, get to posting and reposting your character sheets :mrgreen:
Last edited by EchoFireant on Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:57 pm, edited 60 times in total.

Pet Friendly, Marshall : S-7 P-7 E-7 C-4 I-5 A-7 L-5
Pet Friendly, Natalia : S-4 P-7 E-5 C-9 I-7 A-5 L-5

Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ctcmjh »

I can be the watchman for RG, if you'll have me. :D

Max and Liz! As well as my guest character, Morrigan.

Name: Maximillian Rozen, But his friends call him Max

Species: Dog, Finnish Lapphund

Age: 7 human years ( 24.5 Dog years)

Neighborhood: Radiant Gardens

Gang: NPC President (Neighborhood Pets Club)

Max has long, fluffy black hair all along his back and sides. He has a white chest, belly and calves. He has blotches of cream fur along his muzzle, eyebrows and feet. His tail curves up and curls around itself. He tends to have an understanding look on his face, and he has a calming way about him. His collar is red, and his tag is a red cross.

Max is a carefree, friendly dog who will do anything to help others, even if it means harm will come to him. He tries to be a nice guy to everyone, and does his best to keep a level head. He has a habit of acting very polite to people he just met, especially the owners of his friends. Whenever possible, he loves to take naps.

-Other Notes-
Max’s mom is a veterinarian at the local clinic. He helps his mom out at the Vet‘s office in any way he can. This includes performing checkups on other pets. His mother has taught him extensive first aid for both pets and humans. He also enjoys playing tabletop games, his favorites being D&D, Monopoly, Go and Chess. He helps cook in his house, and he really enjoys it. He also enjoys reading, when he has the time.

Strength- 6 "I guess I'm pretty average."
Perception- 8 "And how does that make you feel?"
Endurance- 4 "Sure, swimming sounds fun."
Charisma- 6 "Hey, I'm Max. Nice to meet you."
Intelligence- 8 "Quiet, I'm reading. Yes, I'm reading all the books in that stack, and that one, and that one. No, I have a life."
Agility- 5 "I'm average here too."
Luck- 5 "There's no such thing as luck."

Name: Elizabeth Rozen, but she prefers to be called Liz

Species: Cat, Maine Coon/Norwegian Forest

Age: 4.5 Cat years (15.75 Cat years)

Neighborhood: Radiant Gardens

Gang: NPC member

Liz has very long, very well-groomed fur. Her back fur is mainly brown, with black stripes. Along her side, the tips of some of the hairs are tan. Her chest, muzzle and belly are white. Her face is randomly colored with large spots of tan, brown, and white. Her front paws are white from the wrist down, and her hind paws are white from the knees down. A little joke is that she has gloves and boots. Liz’s collar is green, and the charm is a rainbow peace sign.
Picture by Kyderra

She loves the outdoors. She would rather sleep outside than in her bed any day. She enjoys hiking, and seeing the sites, as well as nature. She can act very silly and can come off as naïve, dumb, or a ditz (well actually, she is naïve, dumb and a ditz). She can be overly emotional at times, especially when she‘s sad or happy. She is very easy to get to know, and loves making friends, even with the dogs. She is almost always hyper, and is a huge optimist.

-Other Notes-
His father is a teacher for High School P.E. and Wildlife Conservation, and he brings her to work during the school year to help. He goes hiking often, and he usually brings her along. Liz is obsessed with “Going Green,” is a vegetarian, and disapproves of killing other animals. She likes to hike and camp, and does so often. She also does catnip, and prefers to do so either by smoking or catnip tea. Nobody knows of this, including her owners.

She is currently dating Jackson Birch (played by Athlon2736)


Strength- 4 "I don't like lifting, it makes my paws sweaty. And that's yucky"
Perception- 7 "I like your purfume!" She yells to someone at the other side of the park
Endurance- 7 "I LOVE running!"
Charisma- 7 "I also LOVE making friends!"
Intelligence- 3 "What's Algebra? Is it a country? OOH! Let's go there for vacation!"
Agility- 9 "Can't catch me!"
Luck- 5 "Pretty normal"

Name: Morrigan

Species: Cat

Age: 5 (human years) 17.5 (Cat years) But she died around 1000 years ago and is now a ghost, so her actual age is unknown.

Neighborhood: Radiant Gardens

She has light brown fur, with white on her belly, chest, paws, feet and face. She basically looks like Liz without the stripes.

She is very protective of Liz, and assists her at times. She can be a little too focused on what she is doing at the moment. When first re-awakening as a ghost, she had a huge culture shock; She died around the year 800, and it it’s currently (presumably) 2010, so the differences are so huge, it confuses her.

-Other Notes-
She has been dead for more than 1000 years, and currently resides inside of Liz's mind. She is Liz's past life, and only awakens when there are large amounts of magic nearby, such as when Zappa's old mentor attacks. Until then, she lies sleeping, but aware of her surroundings. In life, she was a celtic druid, who was very adept at healing and protective magics. She was physically handicapped when she was alive because of an unknown disease, and the disease later killed her.

Quotes: "Stupid Incorporeality." "Gah! I wish people could see me."

S- N/A "Stupid Incorporeality"
P- 10 "I can sense auras and see through, walls you know."
E- N/A "Well at least there's one good thing about being a ghost: You're already dead."
C- 8 "I enjoy talking to people. But only Zappa, Zack and Jackson can see me. Oh well, they're all nice."
I- 7 "What is an 'internet?' Is it a spider web, because I can do 23524 things with a spider web, and only 2342 involve magic."
A- 8 "I do enjoy flying. Yes, that's another good thing."
L- 9 "When you're dead, few bad things can happen. Then again, few good things can happen as well."

S- 4 "I hate doing this."
P- 7 "The smells! They're in my brain! Too many! Ah!"
E- 4 "*GASP FOR AIR* Note, to self, remember, to, inhale..."
C- 8 "Hello there, my name is Morrigan. It is quite the pleasure to meet you."
I- 8 "I'm glad I learned to read. In 14 languages. What, that's not excessive."
A- 4 "I would rather fly..."
L- 7 "Oh look, a penny."
Last edited by ctcmjh on Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:18 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ChewyChewy »

I've added a little to my bios to reflect what's been going on.

Name: Honey Cake (first name Honey, last name Cake)

Species: Collie dog

Age: Not quite six years old (the equivalent of a young adult)

Neighborhood: Radiant Gardens

Appearance: Honey is a long-haired breed, and usually wears her hair back in a ponytail. She wears a blue collar with a tag shaped like a beehive, and she usually wears sunglasses although she doesn't let them cover her eyes. Often wears a purple sweater with gold trim (and the letter H on it) and occasionally a matching skirt.

Personality: Honey is very friendly and at a first impression appears more childlike and naive (not to say foolish) than she really is. Part of this is due to the fact that she doesn't get weighed down in convention--she's not the contrary "no one tells me what to do" sort, nor is she completely apathetic to rules, but she's not afraid to defy rules and traditions that she thinks are silly, which she usually does by acting as though she doesn't know they exist, rather than drawing attention to them.

Other Notes: Honey lives with her younger sister (not related by blood), Vanilla Cake. Honey thinks Vanilla worries too much about what others think and does her best to try to find opportunities for her sister to have some fun once in awhile, and get some laughs. Honey is concerned for her sister's sake and wants to help as best she can. She loves to play pretend games, usually with a fantasy or Western motif, and feels worst when she can't help someone.

S - 6
P - 7
E - 6
C - 6
I - 5
A - 6
L - 6

Name: Vanilla Cake

Species: Shetland Sheepdog

Age: four years old (the equivalent of a young teenager)

Neighborhood: Radiant Gardens

Appearance: Vanilla is a short-haired breed and looks somewhat masculine (although her personality doesn't quite match this). Her collar is red and her tag looks like a vanilla ice cream cone. When outdoors (which is usually only when necessary) she wears a green jacket with a hood that contributes to a look resembling that of a sullen teenage boy.

Personality: Outwardly Vanilla acts snobbish, even to the point of being slightly elitist, but this masks an insecurity. She fears that others won't like her and so puts on airs and only associates with others who act the same way, since she reasons they're the "best of the best" and thus if they'll accept her she'll be worthwhile. She's obsessed with the way things are "done" and does a lot of reading into traditions and conventions so as to make herself an expert. The only way in which she doesn't seem to follow through on that is in her appearance, the latter of which is primarily for comfort. Rather than being shy and quiet she'll very audibly turn her nose up at things to others and mention things she thinks no one will know about.

Other Notes: Vanilla lives with her older sister Honey, and is often embarrassed by her sister, not to say ashamed of her. Vanilla usually resists Honey's attempts to get her to socialize, although the truth is that Vanilla wants to make friends but needs to be dragged into it kicking and screaming. She had a best friend before the Cake family moved into the neighborhood and now she doesn't know anyone and feels insecure. She enjoys the game of chess immensely, although she's not as good at it as she'd like (though she can beat Honey every time). She's an avid fan of the Alice books (though she won't admit it) and Stanley Kubrick films.

S - 4
P - 4
E - 5
C - 3
I - 8
A - 5
L - 3
Last edited by ChewyChewy on Mon May 31, 2010 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by bixlow »

Name: Montblanq (Monty Blanque)

Species: Dingo (its a dog).

Age: 5 (acts on a range of 12-18).


Monty has short sandy fur, bushy on the tail with a patch of white on the chest. He wars a minty green collar with boomerang shaped ID/name tag. Monty has yellow eyes and a big shiny smile. There are a couple of tiny scars decorating the pads of his feet. Despite being slightly larger than most dogs in the neighborhood, Monty is considered very small for a Dingo.

Monty is generally a very cheery dog. He has a playfully aggressive demeanor and is a fan of Kung-Fu movies. He has a bad habit of freezing up around pretty girl... er... female dogs. Except Vanilla, he is just scared of her

-Other Notes-
Despite suspicions, he does not have an Australian accent.
He has very little memory of his life in Australia due to mental blocks from an incident there


Perception- 4





... biscuit?...really?
Monty: S-7/P- 4/E-6/C-7/I-4/A-5/L-9/
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

Alright, now my character sheets.

Name: Cier Burke

Main Character

Species: Dog

Gender: Male

Age: 23 "pet years"/6.5 human years

Neighborhood: Richardson Valley

Appearance: Cier is nearly a head taller than most dogs, and had medium length gray-black fur except on his ears and muzzle, which are a lighter shade. Cier's eyes are a deep blue, and he wears a matching collar with a tag in the shape of a Celtic cross.

Personality: Cier is normally amiable and very patient, he prefers to think things through before taking action. Speaks very formally with everyone except those he has a large amount of trust for. He will do nearly anything in order to prevent others from coming to harm.

Notes: Cier is often left home alone, as his owners job requires him to travel extensively. Cier has slightly impaired hearing in one ear, because Del tends to yell in it if she thinks he's not paying attention to her.

Strength: 8
Perception: 6
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by EchoFireant »

Name: Marshall Lysander

Species: German Shepherd

Age: Around 21 years old.

Gang: None.

Marshall is pretty much a full solid black furred German Shepherd wearing a couple of dog tags with some information about him. Well built as most military dogs are.

Jovial and friendly around people but is able to transform quickly to a calm and collected dog when trouble arises. However, sometimes he gets a little bit too serious. Sometimes can be a mystery to those who hangs around him as well.

-Other Notes-

-Owner's name is John A. Lysender. Leader of an elite Special Ops team, now going around teaching survival skills to others who wants to prepare for anything while camping in the wilderness and doing search and rescues when needed.

-Marshall was part of his owners special ops team due to his above average physique, fur coloration and his personality of remaining calm and collected under combat stress. Rank : Sergeant.

-Circumstances leading up to John teaching survival skills and doing search and rescues will probably never be revealed unless he or Marshall decides to talk about it.

-Call sign for John is Wolf 1 and Marshall is Echo.

-Marshall had an embarrassing event (for him at least) occurred to him during one of his past missions.

Strength- 7
Perception- 7
Endurance- 7
Charisma- 4
Intelligence- 5
Agility- 7
Luck- 5

Pet Friendly, Marshall : S-7 P-7 E-7 C-4 I-5 A-7 L-5
Pet Friendly, Natalia : S-4 P-7 E-5 C-9 I-7 A-5 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Bolly »

Name: Betawolf Thomas

Species: Wolf, male

Age: 23 (just over 6½ human years)

Neighborhood: Radiant Gardens

Gang: None yet (new in town)

Family: Bob Thomas (dad)

Appearance: taller than most pets but not as tall as your average human, Beta is pretty much your typical wolf. His fur divides pretty neatly into two colours, with his back all blue and his front all greyish.

Unlike most wolves, he wears a collar, with the greek letter beta as a tag.

Personality: Most wolves don't make good pets. Most wolves are feral. Beta isn't your standard wolf. He has grown up in the company of his dad since he was just a cub, and although both he and his dad can care for themselves perfectly well, the strong bond between them still remains, and they help each other out even when they don't need to. His loyalty to his dad and to his friends is unbreakable. He's a good friend, Beta, always up for a chat, or a game, or even just some quiet time, and he makes friends quickly. People and their pets tend to be a tiny bit nervous when they first meet him, but the 'whole wolf thing' (as he calls it) is normally over within an hour. Always willing to help out, but well aware of when enough is enough, and with a good sense of 'how far is too far', Beta is, as his friends have called him in the past, 'amazing'.

Other notes: Beta's personality stems from what happened when he was a cub. He was born in a zoo, as the son of his pack's alpha male. His father died soon after, and although, as the alpha male's son, he was expected to be mostly self-reliant, he simply wasn't, and he was shunned by his pack. His only friend was a zoo-keeper, and on many occasions he tried to escape from the zoo to get away from his pack. Each time, the zoo-keeper said that things would get better, and each time, things got worse. And then, after one escape attempt went particularly awry, the little cub opened up his heart to the zoo-keeper, and the zoo-keeper did the same to him. The zoo gave permission for the zoo-keeper to adopt the cub, and as a token of his love for the cub, the zoo-keeper named him Betawolf, "because he's no alpha wolf, but he's not far behind."

STR: 10
PER: 5
END: 6
CHA: 6
INT: 7
AGI: 4
LUC: 4
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by EchoFireant »

Name: Natalia Vasiliev

Species: Siberian Husky

Age: 19 years old.

Gang: None.

A very beautiful Siberian Husky with a typical mixture of black and white fur coloration. Wears a collar with a star on it.

A charmer in all senses, trained particularly for assignments. She is able to manipulate certain pets effectively due to her charming looks. When someone gets on her nerves, she would give him her piece of mind.

-Other Notes-

-Part of the special ops which worked with Marshall's team on a specific location.
-Ex-filtrated from her area of operations due to increased risks.
-Trained in Martial Arts focusing on techniques due to her strength and as a secondary line of defense, the first being her charm.
-Likes picking on Marshall for fun.

Strength- 4
Perception- 7
Endurance- 5
Charisma- 9
Intelligence- 7
Agility- 5
Luck- 5

Pet Friendly, Marshall : S-7 P-7 E-7 C-4 I-5 A-7 L-5
Pet Friendly, Natalia : S-4 P-7 E-5 C-9 I-7 A-5 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

Ctcmjh, you are now the Neighborhood Watch for Radiant Gardens. Your job is to keep an eye on the players and make sure they're keeping to the general genre of the neighborhood, as well as make sure everyone's following the rules, and keep me informed if any serious violations occur.
Del S2 P6 E2 C5 I10 A8 L3
Sean S6 P5 E10 C3 I6 A6 L6
Bastion S5 P6 E4 C8 I5 A10 L4

Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ctcmjh »

ArgentFlame wrote:Ctcmjh, you are now the Neighborhood Watch for Radiant Gardens. Your job is to keep an eye on the players and make sure they're keeping to the general genre of the neighborhood, as well as make sure everyone's following the rules, and keep me informed if any serious violations occur.
Yes sir/ma'am! I'm not really sure... :lol:
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by D-Singer »

Name: Blood Singer
Species: Coydog
Age: 8~ (Dog years~28)
Gender: Male

Looks much like your standard pure-bred German Shepherd in shape and size, but has tawny, dark brown, and sandy colored fur in the typical coyote color pattern. He has very striking, blood-red eyes, and a thousand yard stare. A very large and athletic looking dog due to his dominant working dog blood-line, with only a few distinct coyote features [fur color and guard hairs]. He commonly has a slightly impatient or bored expression.

Wears a dark grey digital camouflage collar with a silver ID plate tacked lengthwise onto it, dog-tags are on a small chain kept tucked under it.

Blood is generally passive and friendly, but is quite sarcastic and pessimistic at times, and can become outwardly aggressive if he or someone he cares about is directly threatened. He's very loyal and defensive of his friends, but also quite brazen and will often speak his mind without hesitation.

Blood doesn’t really enjoy the company typical house pets. He tends to stick with other dogs, usually those who can keep up with him in physical games. Stamina is Blood's claim to fame. While not particularly energetic, he'll never back down or give up on a challenge, no matter how small or how difficult.

This is often tested due to being extremely accident prone and having notoriously bad luck.

-Other Notes-
-Licensed, level III protection dog (training wise, the equivalent to a Sgt. rank police K9)
-The collar he wears is police-issue and made of kevlar, and is relatively broad and thick with plenty of pockets.
-Although he is an excellent swimmer, Blood is deathly afraid of drowning.

Last edited by D-Singer on Sun Oct 13, 2013 6:52 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

Name: Endellion 'Del' Burke

Main Character

Species: Mouse

Gender: Female

Age: 32 "pet years"/4.5 human years (Note: Mice and other animals of a similar size use 1=7 instead of 1=3.5 for age conversion)

Neighborhood: Richardson Valley

Appearance: Del is an average sized mouse with gray fur, and a large darker gray spot that covers most of her back. She normally wears a tiny labcoat.

Personality: Del is highly intelligent, she is capable of learning new things very quickly and has a nearly perfect memory.
She is generally nice, and has a good sense of humor.

Notes: Del usually rides on the head or shoulder of other pets, usually Cier's.

Strength: 2
Perception: 6
Endurance: 2
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 8
Luck: 3

And for the record Ctcmjh, I'm a guy.
Last edited by ArgentFlame on Tue May 18, 2010 2:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Vadiant »

Name: Sebastian Cantor, but goes by Seb more often than not.

Species: Dog, more specifically Basenji

Age: 17 (about 5 human years)

Gang: None

Seb's fur is on the short side, and a red-brown color from his pointy ears down to his curled tail. The only exceptions to this are the white fur that runs from his stomach out to his paws, and the white line of hair from his nose up to midway between his eyes. His collar is green, with a black question-mark shaped tag hanging from the front.

Seb has a habit of speaking before thinking, but on the whole just means well. He has a hard time holding grudges, and honestly tries his best to make those around him happy when he can. At the same time, however, meaning well and doing well are not quite the same thing-- he is not one for lies or sarcasm. Both of them tend to go right over his head, leaving him at times confused and about as tactful as a bag of hammers. When this isn't a problem for him, however, he has his moments where he can be genuinely insightful.

-Other Notes-
Sebastian isn't dumb so much as he is not worldly. He grew up essentially in the middle of nowhere, and as such, has a lot of naivete when it comes to the world at large.


Strength- 5
Perception- 9
Endurance- 7
Charisma- 6
Intelligence- 3
Agility- 8
Luck- 4


Name: Dahlia Deckard

Species: Dog, Whippet

Age: 16 (about 4.5 human years)

Gang: None

Her fur is almost totally white, save for three black areas: two that separately color the space around her eyes and each of her ears, and the third at the tip of her tail. She wears a loose hanging purple scarf, no matter the weather. It usually covers her collar, which is red with an exclamation-point shaped tag.

Dahlia is slightly pessimistic, and not one to hope for miracles. She prefers the hands-on approach to life when possible; if only because it means she doesn't give someone else the chance to make mistakes on her behalf. She seems at first impression very serious, but usually loosens up after adjusting to her surroundings. Having grown up more 'normally' herself, Dahlia is easily the wiser between her and Seb, and tries to watch out for him to that end. As such, she views him as somewhere between a brother and a nuisance. She tends to have blunt opinions, and isn't afraid to share them, but usually has good intentions in doing so.

-Other Notes-
Dahlia is essentially a niece to the Cantor family. That is, she stays with them until(*Cough*if*Cough*) her own mom, Mrs.Cantor's sister, comes back. ... It's been about a year, so far.
She's also particularly fond of flowers. She actually tends her own small garden-- though she keeps it hidden in the first place, afraid of it being ruined or disturbed.


Strength- 3
Perception- 4
Endurance- 3
Charisma- 7
Intelligence- 9
Agility- 9
Luck- 7
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Ebly »

. . . and now that everything's been cleared up, it's tempting to join again.

Tsk. I'll wait and see if everything goes according to plan.
I was going to make a joke but then I did.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Dissension »

No promises, but I may also join. It's not like I have a lot taking up my time at the moment.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

Name: Sean

Main Character

Species: Dog

Gender: Male

Age: 23 pet years/6.5 human years

Neighborhood: Richardson Valley

Appearance: nearly identical to his brother Cier, except that Sean's fur is lighter colored. His eyes are an icy blue and he wears a black collar with a simple circular silver tag. He has a large scar, mostly obscured by his fur, on the upper right side of his torso, underneath his arm.

Personality: Sean is generally mean, though he won't go out of his way to torment others. He will generally do whatever is best for him, regardless of consequences to others. He is intensely loyal to his friends. He has an extreme distrust of cats, which could be seen as outright hatred.

Notes: Sean can easily be mistaken for Cier at a distance. Despite wearing a collar, Sean is currently a stray.

Strength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 10
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Last edited by ArgentFlame on Tue May 18, 2010 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Kalvin »

Name: Balbaroy Piikart (Also Bal, Bally, or Roy)
Species: Dog (Labrador/Poodle mix)
Age: 14 dog years
Gang: Unaffiliated
Appearance: Whitish blonde curly poodle hair, brown eyes, medium sized for a dog. Wears a red collar with a star tag on it.
Personality: Very friendly and assumes everybody else is until they prove otherwise. Very excitable and doesn't know his own strength, so if you play with him be prepared for him to accidently hurt you. Enjoys to wrestle, nap, play pretend, and play board games. He has recently immigrated from New Zealand and has a thick accent which most people mistake for Australian. Among everything else he seems to have a sort of zen in his stupidity that comes out now and then, just something that's so wise yet so simple, but he never seems to notice it. Lives with his dad Kent and his "uncle" *wink wink nudge nudge* Travis.
Strength- 8
Perception- 3
Endurance- 6
Charisma- 10 (There's just something so likable about him.)
Intelligence- 2
Agility- 7
Luck- 5

Species:Dog (mutt but primarily Irish Wolfhound)
Age:28 pet years (8 human)
No affiliation with any gang

Appearance- Large and shaggy, Lucky looks almost purebred, but there are a few tell-tale signs such as the texture of his fur is a little smoother than the average wolfhound's. He's also a little small for a wolfhound, that being the other main tell of his mixed blood. He tops out at 4 foot flat, which is still a little tall for most pets. His fur color is a dark gray except the tips of his ears which are a little lighter shade. His collar has a shamrock tag on the end.

Personality- Lucky is unpredictable. His actions have varied from lying about animal control to running away at the first sign of trouble. In all he just responds how I would. Among all of this he is also a highly musical person. He has a particular liking for rock from the 60's to the 80's, but there is not alot of music he doesn't like. Most of the time you can hear him humming a tune as he walks by. (That will be specified in posts.) He has a huge dream of starting the first all pets band to make it big, but he realizes it's just a dream. The family he lives with is upper middle class so they're not exactly wealthy but they live considerably comfortably.


While Balbaroy is the character I RP purely for fun, Lucky is the character I RP to play myself. btw, both are in Richardson Valley.
Last edited by Kalvin on Thu May 27, 2010 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pet Friendly
Balbaroy: S-8 P-3 E-6 C-10 I-2 A-7 L-5
Lucky: S-5 P-6 E-5 C-5 I-6 A-5 L-10
Kessler Caravan
Rakala: S-8 P-5 E-6 C-3 I-5 A-7 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Buckdida »

Buckdida's Characters, in order: Richardson Valley

Name: Venison
Original Name: Vinton Galifer
Species: Dog
Breed: Coydog
Age: 17.5 Pet/5 human
Neighborhood: Richardson Valley
Char Type: Main

Nutshell Description: Stray honorable thief dog with a troubled past and trust problems, though his time in Richardson Valley is slowly changing that for the better.
Personal Quote: "No, I am not a feral. Nor am I a pet. I am a stray and I'm just trying to survive."
"Friends can change an animal into a person."

Venison.jpg (133.23 KiB) Viewed 210363 times
Venison is colored a dusty lightish golden brown over most of his body, except for his lower legs and the underside of his tail. In those places, his fur is instead a light gray. In addition, Venison has a fur ridge down his back, starting right behind his ears, and it has a tendancy to really stick up on the back of his neck. That ridge is a dark brown. His tail is looks like that of a Golden Retriever's. Ven is slightly shorter than other pets, say, maybe an inch or two taller than Joey, from the comic. Venison is also not very strong; he's on the skinny side, though not by much. His eye color is a bright emerald green.

One interesting thing about Ven is his clothing. He wears army cargo pants, old and worn, with a large tear down the inside of his left leg. These pants hold most of his supplies and belongings. He's recently been acquiring collars...a simple, dark blue one is his usual favorite, and he'll occasionally wear an emerald green collar that matches his eyes. He also has a flashy red collar with a reindeer shaped tag on it, given to him by Rav. He only wears it on rare occasions. He keeps his jackknife lockpick and a turning tool, as well as his tag, attached to his collars via a carabiner.

During his time in Richardson Valley, Venison's appearance changed. He used to be entirely gray colored with brown eyes, and his pants did not have a great tear in them, and he never wore a collar. Of course, it almost seemed as if the entire neighborhood worked together the change that... In addition, his lockpick and turning tool were on a leather necklace strap, rather than the carabiner.

A very analytical stray dog with a troubled past, he's got one simple goal: Survival.
Fiercely independent despite being so weak, he accepted help from little, being shy and horrible socially otherwise. He's extremely blunt, and views almost everything in an analytical fashion. However, what let him survive regardless was his human-like intelligence, and inhuman reactions and dexterity. His good perception and luck contributed to his survival and freedom as well. On rare occasions, his intellect overrode his horrible charisma...but not often.

Being too smart for his own good caused constant friction between him and his family, and then after particularly nasty incident involving his human parents work, Venison decided it was time to get out of dodge before something even worse happened to him. He walked away from a tarnished golden cage with a rather cynical outlook on life and the human's control on the world, but was able to keep his sanity intact by rationalizing every action as "survival..." whether he was breaking and entering to steal food, stunning a rent-a-cop with his invented, expertly made "Balishock," and occasionally breaking a bone. But fair as fair; he also rationalized his heroic actions, such as stopping muggings, saving other pets, and "repossessions" as "survival" as well.

As a couple years pasted by, his cynicism and anger were replaced by feeling run down. Worn out from dealing with street-wise city people, (and being occasionally shot at) he decided to begin picking on small towns and suburbs. Then, he arrived in Richardson Valley...and after a very long chain of events, Venison decided to stay, and stay for good.

Background w/ spoilers:
Venison's psyche was severely damaged when his parents attempted to control him and his high intellect with psychological conditioning, rendering him with little to no knowledge of emotions and spells of insanity... which also covered up a simple base need of being wanted by others (he was often ignored as a pup, and born in a puppy mill). Unfortunately, he was unable to understand his own mental situation correctly, and confused "respect" and "need" as opposed to being friends or having family. This resulted in about three years of stray life, in an attempt to survive while rallying known dangerous strays to uprise, trying to gain renown from doing so. Suffice to say, this didn't work, and after several failed attempts, Venison ducked his head low and tried to find another angle in life.

When he arrived in Richardson Valley, life threw him a the form of friendly pets and humans who...wanted to help him, and went out of their way to do so. He certainly wasn't used to this, as he had been living in cities with strays...who commonly view each other as tools to get things done. Venison became confused as to why others would help him without asking anything in return, and also became equally curious, and stuck around to figure out exactly what knowledge he was missing. His emotions slowly began to rebuild over time, and eventually, that combined the kindness of the others convinced Venison to stay, and he declared himself the "Neighborhood Dog," despite the fact that Richardson Valley was swarming with pets...he mainly called himself the neighborhood dog because of his tendency to sleep and eat at his friend's houses, not truly being owned and cared for by a single family, though "officially" (he denies it,) on paper, he's Sara Ligerr's pet.

Other Notes
-Venison makes frequent use of the lockpick hung around his neck, usually when digging around for supplies...or getting somewhere he's not supposed to.
-His cargo pants hold a multitude of supplies, from duct tape, to food, to oil for maintaining his lockpick. Just about anything he needs, really.
-He's got horrible eyesight!
-With such high intelligence, Venison has access to knowledge that astounds pets and humans. He seems to have extensive knowledge on a variety of subjects and trades, such as locksmithing.
-His agility is what kept him alive the most: People can't touch him. His dexterity is extremely stable as well.
-Venison has a non-lethal, homemade, electroshock weapon: The Balishock. It's basically a Balisong (a.k.a. Butterfly knife), but instead of a blade, there are tazer probes set in place. It's got two settings: A small shock setting for fighting people off, and a strong shock setting made to temporarily knock people out. However, Venison only uses the weapon in cases when he would otherwise be down and out; worse case scenarios like when he gets captured, incapacitated, or gets shot at. But in a place like Richardson Valley, the weapon is a hindrance since he has no use for it!
-Being a particularly smart stray with a weapon had the police on his tail, but the police gave up hunting him long ago when they became frustrated and decided they had bigger fish to fry. Not to say that they would be very happy if they did find him. And figured out who he was.
-Being fiercely independent, it's hard to persuade him, unless it's in his interests. On the other hand, Venison has horrible trouble persuading others.
-He dislikes taking his pants off in public, following human modesty values of his own free will.
-His main residence is a room in Rav's backyard barn, which was remodeled into a clubhouse. The clubhouse, named by Rav, is aptly called "Fort Venison." However, he really only uses the room when he needs time alone. Otherwise, he's often sleeping in various houses of his friends (and eating their food too).

Buckdida wrote:Name: Ochen
Species: Cat
Age: 21 pet/6 human

Neighborhood: Richardson Valley
Type: Guest

Appearance: Ochen is blue, blue, blue! His main fur color is blue, and the only different parts are in inside of his ears, which are a sky blue, and the tip of his tail...a sea green. He wears a generic yellow shock collar with the signature red lock on its frontside. His tail fur is quite ragged and worn from lack of care, and he's missing one whisker on the right side of his face where Venison slugged him HARD. He's also got a small, missing patch of fur around the scar where he hit his head.

Personallity: Ochen was once a very violent, somewhat bloodthirsty berserker and torturer in Grif's feral pack...until the time he was caught clawing Magnus, which greatly angered Venison, who then proceeded to kick Ochen straight into a tree, causing him to get captured by animal control. During the animal control raid, he challenged Venison to a fight, where Venison knocked him out hard enough to cause amnesia. Ochen forgot nearly everything, including who his family was, or why he even left them, or what he had been doing for the past couple of years. Not having any memory of who he was, or what he was doing, his personality reverted back to the last point he could remember...essentially giving him a second shot at a regular life.

Ochen tries to be laid back despite his situation, and generally tries to keep his head down and out of the way so that he can finish pet school with flying colors and get himself adopted again. While he's not as smart or fast or as strong as many of the others, he seizes every opportunity to enjoy himself and have what little fun he can in the pet school. He's quite an optimist, and the feeling tends to rub off on others for some reason. The only spot where he's not optimistic is his past, as he fears what would happen if he could remember everything he had done, and if that would change him. He still loves to wrestle (and just about any sport actually) though.

Other notes:
-Ochen has a speech impediment that he's working to fix, where he replaces any "s" sound with a "ch" instead. This, of course, was due to the massive hit on his head.
-Ochen was given his name by his physical therapist, since he had forgotten his original name due to his amnesia. It comes from the fact that, well, he's quite blue, and he's a good swimmer who loves the water, despite being a cat. When he couldn't pronounce ocean correctly, the name was changed to Ochen.

Retired RP Character List (Sorry guys)
Richardson Valley: Venison and Ochen
Brookshire Meadows: Trinket
Oasis Towers: Jaxeh and Klack
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

Name: Wynn

Guest Character

Species: Dog (borzoi)

Gender: Female

Age: 21 pet years/6 human years

Neighborhood: Richardson Valley

Appearance: Wynn has a slim frame, but has some muscle. Her fur is cream colored with light brown patches on her back and over her left eye.

Personality: Nice, but somewhat shy, Wynn would much rather take a walk in the woods than talk to people.

Notes: Wynn loves nature. Likes running

Strength: 4
Perception: 6
Endurance: 9
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 4
Agility: 10
Luck: 5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

Name: Ratatoskr 'Rat'

Guest Character

Species: Squirrel

Gender: Male

Age: 28 pet years/4 human years

Neighborhood: Richardson Valley

Appearance: Rat is a rusty brown/red, and has purple eyes. He wears a small piece of red sting tied around his neck in imitation of a collar.

Personality:Rat is easily frightened, and is absolutely terrified of larger animals. He is quite friendly however, and secretly wishes to be a pet.

Notes: Rat is a friend of Del's, and helps her in the construction of her devices.

Strength: 2
Perception: 10
Endurance: 2
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 4
Agility: 10
Luck: 5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

Name: Kellie

Guest Character

Species: Dog

Gender: Female

Age: 52 pet years/14.8 human years

Neighborhood: Richardson Vally

Appearance: Kellie is massive, standing at least a foot taller than most dogs. Her fur is a very light gray, and is slightly darker on her back. Kellie has no tail, and hides this fact by wearing a long white skirt that falls to her ankles, that is open at the side to allow easier movement. Her collar is white with a simple black tag and an old police dog badge hanging from it.

Personality: Kellie was quite hotheaded in her youth, but has mellowed out somewhat with age, though she still has a bit of a temper.

Notes: Her tail was lost while working as a police dog, and she is very embarrassed about it. Is the mother of Cier and Sean.

Strength: 9
Perception: 6
Endurance: 9
Charisma: 5
Agility: 4
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 4
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Keeshah »

Name - Rav Ligerr
Owner - Sara Ligerr
Trainer - Christopher Toss

Species - Germain shepherd dog

Age - 5 human years, 17.5 pet years.

Gang - none yet

Appearance - Rav is one of those really big, an fluffy GSD's, currently only Magnus is taller then he is. He has the standard GSD colors an markings. He is strong but not ripped, as he has a bit of a belly, from being a bit over fed an under exercised.
He is usually wearing a doggie scarf of some sort, tied about his neck.
He wears a shocker collar, with A shiny light blue ID tag. a bronze rabies tag. an a black tag with a white outline of a dog baring it's teeth, with the words emblazoned around the edge in red. Certified Attack Dog.

Personality - Rav is caring, devoted, an very protective of those he cares about.
He has a tremendous drive that he gets from his Alpha complex. he will keep getting up, an coming even when having been shot.
Altho currently his self-confidence is shaken, he is unsure of himself, an scared! having come literally a needles point away from being put down.
He is awkward in social gatherings.

Background - Rav's sire an dame are showdogs. Rav however is disqualified to be a showdog.

Other Notes -
Christopher from the obedience school has been working closely with Rav. getting him de-listed as a vicious dog.

Rav ran with a pack of ferals as a puppy.

Rav can not sip from a cup like other pets can, because of his long muzzle. he has to lap, use a straw, or use a childs covered cup with spout, so he can tilt his head back an pour the drink into his muzzle.

Rav can usually speak clearly despite his long muzzle. Altho he will slur his words of he tries to speak quickly an/or excitedly. there also are some words that are just too hard to speak for him to say. No medical career for him.. :lol:

Strength - 7
Perception - 6
Endurance - 7
Charisma - 5
Intelligence - 5
Agility - 6
Luck - 6
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
Oreo (RA) - M - Spotted Skunk: Str-5 Per-6 End-6 Cha-5 Int-7 Agi-8 Luck-5

Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ctcmjh »

ArgentFlame wrote:And for the record Ctcmjh, I'm a guy.
I didn't really want to assume... :oops: :? :) :D
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Zack_the_husky »

Name: Zack Rivers
Owner: Liz Rivers

Species: Dog(husky)

Age: 14

Gang: Dany's gang.

Appearance: Zack is a black-and-white husky, with brown eyes, and, he usually wears a blue collar, with a dog tag shaped like a book.

Personality: Zack is the type of dog, who likes to read alot, have some fun, and, various other things. However, he's not really the type of dog who will attack anyone, considering his poor physical strength.

-Other Notes-
Any other minor details you want to add about your character. Character Backgrounds are NOT required but if you want to bring up a few important details this is the place to put them.

Nerd time! S.P.E.C.I.A.L is a simple system I'd like people to use to define their characters abilities:How strong they are, how fast they are etc. Don't panic, it's very simple, the numbers are only here as 'guidelines' of sorts, we will never actually use REAL rules. All you need to do is take 42 points, and spread them between the seven attributes bellow. You must put at least 2 points in each one, and the most you can put in one is 10, with 5 being 'average'. You need not spend all 42 points if you don't want to.


Perception- 10






Name: Drake

Owner: None(Yet)

Species: Raccat(Raccoon/Cat hybrid)

Age: 18 (5 Human years(And, a couple of months))

Gang: None

Looks like a cat, but, with Raccoon markings, including a raccoon mask on his face, and Raccoon stripes on his tail. He Has Gray fur, and, the markings are Brown. He usually wears some kind of locket around his neck.

Drake...While his physique and non-color traits are more cat-like, he's definitely more raccoon-ish at heart. Sleeps in people's Garages, likes shiny things, and LOVES cookies. He's also the perfect thief. With his claws, and, some magic, he can EASILY cut stuff open.

-Other Notes-
Is the offspring of a male raccoon and a female Cat. He lived in some kind of hidden village in a forest, but, was banished.

Nerd time! S.P.E.C.I.A.L is a simple system I'd like people to use to define their characters abilities:How strong they are, how fast they are etc. Don't panic, it's very simple, the numbers are only here as 'guidelines' of sorts, we will never actually use REAL rules. All you need to do is take 42 points, and spread them between the seven attributes bellow. You must put at least 2 points in each one, and the most you can put in one is 10, with 5 being 'average'. You need not spend all 42 points if you don't want to.

Strength- 5

Perception- 6






Ray Rivers

Lydia Rivers(Zack's owner's sister)

Fennex Fox(They ARE legally allowed as 'Exotic' pets.)

14(3 humans yers)

Radiant Gardens

Pretty much has the typical appearance for a Fennec his age. He also wears a Brown collar, with a tag shaped like the head of a Fennex Fox.

He's not really snobby. He talks to others, and, has a slightly above average intelligence. He can be an ok guy, but, his Brother and Sister's antics DO irk him to no end.

-Other Notes-
Any other minor details you want to add about your character. Character Backgrounds are NOT required but if you want to bring up a few important details this is the place to put them. Also keep in mind that characters with a backstory can be easier to write for.


Strength- 2.5

Perception- 7

Endurance- 2.5

Charisma- 7

Intelligence- 7

Agility- 5

Luck- 6

Icee Rivers

Fennec Fox

10.5(3 Human years. Also, those who are 10.5 pet years or older don't have to follow the young pet rules, right? I mean, it DID say YOUNGER than 10.5/3)

Radiant Gardens

Icee is a cute, 10.5 pet years old Fennec Fox. She usually wears a ribbon and a white collar with a yin tag.

Icee's intelligent and somewhat feminine, but, NOT feminine enough to the point where she doesn't love some of the stuff that her brother of the same age loves. Also, like Luke, she LOVES schemes and playing around and stuff.

-Other Notes-
Any other minor details you want to add about your character. Character Backgrounds are NOT required but if you want to bring up a few important details this is the place to put them. Also keep in mind that characters with a backstory can be easier to write for.


Strength- 2

Perception- 7

Endurance- 2

Charisma- 8

Intelligence- 9

Agility- 5

Luck- 5

Luke Rivers

Fennec Fox

10.5 years(3 human years)

Radiant Gardens.

Looks like a regular Fennex fox for his age. He usually wears a Black collar with a Yand tag.

Luke's pretty masculine, although he's NOT dumb. Although, he does have a bad habit of doing dumb things, sometimes. Anyway, like his sister, He LOVES schemes and playing around. Also, he's kind of the muscle of the Duo, although both of them are above average intelligence.

-Other Notes-
Any other minor details you want to add about your character. Character Backgrounds are NOT required but if you want to bring up a few important details this is the place to put them. Also keep in mind that characters with a backstory can be easier to write for.


Strength- 3

Perception- 6

Endurance- 3

Charisma- 6

Intelligence- 7

Agility- 6

Luck- 5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

To make it easier for Echo, can everyone please post each character sheet as a separate post?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Kyderra »

Name: Frits

Species: Dog (golden retriever)

Age:21 Years

Gang: None at this point

Neighborhood: Richmond Acres Status


Frits is a playfull dog, running after a flying object is what he likes to do.
Even do he is good with humans, around other dogs he intend to get very shy, and sit out a game with friends.
It's not that he is bad at games, he just has a bad history when playing with other dogs.
Overall, he is very mature, and will not turn childish to win a argument. (he would rather admit defeat knowing he was right then start a long discussion)
Rather then asking a lot of questions, Frits is the type that would just look at you strange, and not say a word.
Overall a very smart dog, but shy's away from showing it.

Other Notes:
-he carry's his frisbee, just in case, and can be attached to the back of his collar.
-First look, then run type of guy.
-Will never rely on luck to solve his problems.
- Type that would brake his own rule to save a damsel in distress.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Teh Brawler »

Name: O'Connor Benuto

Species: Dog (Scottish Terrier)

Gender: Male

Neighborhood: RV

Age: 53 (Housepets! dog years), 15 (human years)

Light gray fur everywhere and brown eyes. He's smaller in stature than most dogs, but has a strong muscular build. He has a green collar with a golden shamrock hanging from it, and a thick Scottish accent.

-Personality- (Rewritten since his character has developed so much)
At first sight, O'Connor is a crotchety old mutt who doesn't want any trouble. However, he's actually younger than he appears, and is an empathetic dog who really loves to spend time with people. He's easily angered, and doesn't enjoy being ignored, either, but he's always willing to help, even if it doesn't seem like it. His long life has given him a great understanding of the inner-workings of the animal mind, and he can often tell a pet's true intent.








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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Teh Brawler »

Name: Tory

Gender: Male

Neighborhood: RV

Species: Northern Cardinal

Age: 12 (Cardinal years), 4 (Human years)

As a bird, Tory is smaller than the rest of the animals. His feathers are bright red, but he has a touch of black in his crown.

Tory is the espresso to O'Connor's biscotti. Bubbly, child-like, and expressive, Tory loves being around people, even if he's afraid of being eaten by a wanton cat or dog. He's very trusting, and is always trying to be of service, but in a "jolly to a fault" sense that drives O'Connor up the wall. However, his small stature makes this a problem.

-Other Notes-
Tory came from the wild, and therefore feels a stronger connection with Felix and, to a lesser extent, Venison. However, his past is a mystery to everyone, including O'Connor.



Perception- 5






One last thing: I apologize for not being as involved. I've been having trouble organizing my life lately, and the RP has fallen to the back-burner. However, from now on, especially when the next day/time warp starts, I'm going to be much more involved at the level necessary.
Last edited by Teh Brawler on Mon May 31, 2010 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Dylan »




21 (3 human years, about 10.5 years in housepets)


Pyxis is a little shorter then most cats. His fur color is mostly black, except for scattered patches of white, and his left ear is also white. He has teal colored eyes.
His collar is brown and his ID tag is a brown colored cube.

Pyxis tends to keeps to himself unless he addressed or forced. Very curious and will investigate things. At any sign of danger (big or small) even if he could handle it, he may try to avoid rather then getting in a mess by either sneaking off somewhere or just plain running.
With his sister, he keeps quiet and follows what she does.

Other notes
-keeps everything in a cardboard box.
-loves boxes
-little strong for pushing and lifting all the time.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Dylan »

Name: Amelia

Gender: Female

Species: Cat

Age: 28 (4 human years, 14 housepet years)

Gang: none

Amelia, unlike Pyxis is almost completely dark gray, except for her right ear, which is white. Amelia is stronger then Pyxis and a bit larger.
Amelia wears half rim glasses that she keeps around her neck. Her collar is orange and her ID tag is copper colored gear. Amelia's eyes are orange.

Amelia is very strong and very smart and Independent. She views everything as data, and is capable of answering a problem before anyone even knew that there was even one. She watches over Pyxis and protects him from bullies and other mischief he walks into. She spends her free time by, reading, watching t.v, and going on the internet.

Other notes
-Amelia can see fine without glasses, but when she is reading she uses them.
-Her ID tag opens her locker.
-Gives many lectures to Pyxis.
-Sometimes will build things.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Dylan »

Name: Dylan

Age: 4 years 14 house pets years

Species: mouse

Appearance: light brown fur. A bit larger than normal size of a mouse.

Uploaded with

Personality: Normally Self dependent, He likes to do things his way. He hates it when he feels useless in some situations. He is a wild mouse so normally isn’t polite and fears larger animals. (anything that could eat him). When he can’t to anything Physically, he will revert to sarcasm and taunts. Will take large risks...Most of which go wrong. (will work on it some more as time passes.)

Str 4
Per 4
End 4
Cha 4
Int 5
Agi 10
Luck 3
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Zander »

You could put this link as my character strip:
Fursona! :3

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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Jimmy Jazz »

Hotdog! THIS THING HAS EXPLODED. I wish I was on earlier today, but I was just too darn busy.

but I'll reform my character sheets and put em' up here pretty soon... I'll just edit them in when done.
one down one more to go, I'll have to do it in the morning. sorry guys!

Name: Octavian

Species: Tame Silver Fox

Age: 30 years old petwise, 8 1/2 or so human.

Gang: none.

his face generally looks like this. his paws are White/Grayish (almost like gloves). his belly has a whitish/grayish oval connecting with the hour glass like shape from his face.(again). His collar is a dark navy blue. useually wearing his red coat.

-Personality- Is mostly playful and joking, does get a bit serious at times though. he is a loyal friend, and will do almost anything for his friends. while he won't go

Nighbourhood: Richardson Valley (RV)

-Other Notes-
-if theres some thing he gets his mind on to nothing can stop him from trying and trying.
-wears no extra trinkets on his collar.
-moved to Richardson Valley from Russia. after being saved by his current owner, Vadim.


Strength- 6

Perception- 5

Endurance- 7

Charisma- 6

Intelligence- 6

Agility- 7

Luck- 5


Name: Sekhmet

Species: Cat

Age: 8 human years. (27 pet-years)

Gang: None

Sand colored fur, long fuzzy tail.

-Personality- sometimes bitter and irrtable, but is becoming better at being nice to other pets in general. she's the kind of girl to hold a grudge though.

Nighbourhood: Richardson Valley (RV)

-Other Notes-
-Used to live in Richardson Valley as a kitten.
-Was kidnapped by the pack that used to live in the forest.


Strength- 7

Perception- 6

Endurance- 5

Charisma- 8

Intelligence- 5

Agility- 6

Luck- 4

(I got kind of lazy updating this one because I'm short on time.)
Last edited by Jimmy Jazz on Wed May 19, 2010 10:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by ArgentFlame »

Ok, Typhon, Kyderra, Rod, any of you can start up the new neighborhood, you have no need to wait for one of us to do it.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by BlueAnubis »

Name: Jackson "Jack" Lazul

Species: Dog, Lurcher (Greyhound/Jackal)

Age: 5 (18 dog years)

Neighborhood: Richmond Acres

Appearance: Jack has medium-length tan fur with a dark brown stripe along each side of his back and his by his eyes, which are deep blue. He has a slim build, due to being half greyhound. He always wears a black trilby and his tag is a pyramid.

Personality: Jack is chivalrous and kind to everyone he meets. He is selfless and always willing to help anyone he can, no matter what the risk. His enhanced sense of smell allows him to tell what someone is feeling, which often leads him to do whatever he can to cheer someone up.

Other notes:
-Jack was born and raised in Egypt, where his Mom was an archeologist. He was often looked down upon as a pup because his birth mother was a Jackal, who where thought of as bad omens. Nevertheless, he was raised to be a gentleman and turn the other cheek. Eventually, he became liked by everyone as soon as he met them.
-After he turned 3 1/2 (about 9), he traveled with his Mom every time she went on a dig, working as her assistant.
-Recently, his Mom got a job as the curator of a new museum near Richmond Acres, which prompted the move there.
-His hat was a gift from his Dad who passed away when he was 3 years old. It is his most prized possession.
-He loves to run and explore new things whenever he can.


Strength: 3

Perception: 8

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 7

Intelligence: 6

Agility: 9

Luck: 4


So, I noticed that Richmond Acres is not up yet, May I start it?
Last edited by BlueAnubis on Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
Jack and Ruby: Richmond Acres
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by EchoFireant »

Yes you may BlueAnubis :mrgreen:

Pet Friendly, Marshall : S-7 P-7 E-7 C-4 I-5 A-7 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Alex »

Alexander (Alex)



6 human years. 21 pet years.

Alex is a black cat with a white belly and muzzle. The top of his tail and the inside of his paws are white, too. He has a scar over his left eye. His eyes are electric-blue, and he wears a red collar. His ID-tag is a miniature electric guitar.

Alex is the silent type, and he's a daydreamer. He can usually be seen with huge headphones on his ears, listening to music and thinking about something...... If his body could speak for him, it would say "I don't care" all the time. While often described as emotionless, Alex actually cares a lot about his sister Mai, and is very protective about her. He also often prevents her from doing stupid stuff. He tends to avoid large groups. He likes to play video game, mostly RPGs, imagining himself in those magic worlds.. he also reads a lot. He is very intelligent.

Other notes
-Alex plays the electric guitar since he was 1 year old.
-Being the daydreamer he is, he wouldn't be surprised by an explosion that took place 2 feet away from him, simply because he wouldn't notice it (Sarcasm example, but you get the point).
-Alex has very long claws, just because he doesn't care about his looks (he didn't care about cutting the claws). That also means that he grooms himself rarely.
-He also eats rarely. He can sometimes forget to eat for a whole day without noticing it. However, he drinks a lot of milk to make up for it.
-Although embarrassed, he likes being pet A LOT. Especially behind his ears.


Perception- 4

Endurance- 5

Charisma- 5

Intelligence- 10

Agility- 7

Luck- 4




5 human years. 17.5 pet years.

Mai is a dark-yellow cat, but the tips of her ears and tail are orange. Her belly and muzzle are white. Her eyes and collar are brown, and her ID tag is a miniature microphone.

Mai can be described as the total opposite of Alex. She's cheerful, playful and active. She's persistent, and she won't stop until she gets what she wants, but usually she's just trying to make Alex play with her, and she succeeds at it. Her intelligence, however, can't be compared to Alex'. When it comes to thinking, she's the instant loser.

Other notes
-People and other pets have said that Mai has the voice of an angel.
-Mai is deadly afraid of bugs and spiders.
-Her curiosity is stronger than her common sense. She'd rather investigate a ghost house instead of backing away from it.
-Unlike all other cats, Mai likes taking baths.


Perception- 4

Endurance- 4

Charisma- 9

Intelligence- 3

Agility- 10

Luck- 9

Guest Character - Will probably appear again



4 human years.

Gary is a dark dark dark dark orange cat (Just like the one in the third panel of this comic. The upper-left one). There's not a single spot of his fur that is covered with another color. His tail is shorter than most other cats. His eyes are black.

A little bit of a jerk, he turns everything in a joke. He always stands up for himself, and never gives up, even if it means that he'll have to use extreme violence to fix a problem. Known as a troublemaker. He's talkative, with his tongue faster than his mind most of the time. Usually he's not being serious, so if he offends you take it as a joke. However, he knows when to be serious. He hates the look of his eyes for no apparent reason, therefor he wears shades almost all the time.

Other notes
-Gary has been training martial arts, and he won the silver medal in the national pet competition. Better not to start a fight with him >_>
-Avoids water more than anything.
-Plays the bass guitar, but he's not that good at it.


Perception- 5

Endurance- 7

Charisma- 6

Intelligence- 7

Agility- 7

Luck- 2
Last edited by Alex on Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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