A New Era

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Re: A New Era

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Great update, Civil!
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Re: A New Era

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Let us all remember Outlaw...
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Re: A New Era

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That picture really did come out nice! We will always remember!
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Re: A New Era

Post by Civilization »

Chapter 23: Epidemic Part Two

Alpha helped Old Yeller along as the made their way down the road, Charlie followed slowly behind looking around some more. "You think they even want to see us?" Old Yeller asked. "Probably not, but we need to sort some stuff out." Charlie answered before Alpha could. "What does Baxter want us to sort out?" Alpha asked, "Well, with the stuff that is happening, trade is now a very important issue. Then we need to know if they are dealing with this too." "Ah." They slowly continued to make their way along, when they finally made their way to the Kingdom's gates, a wolf stood on top of the wall, "Stop!" Their little group complied. "What do you want now?" Charlie stepped forward, "We need to discuss trade." He called back. "You can discuss it from there." Alpha could see that the wolf was wearing a mask like them, At least Chaz listened, it was how the wolf was treating them that concerned him. "Why can't we come in?" Alpha called out this time. "You bring death with you." They all watched as the wolf quickly bent over and stood back up. Charlie looked back at Alpha, before turning back to the direction of the wolf. "Okay, we talk from here; first, will the Kingdom still be trading with Sanctuary and Utopia?" "Yes, but we'll be doing it differently..." The wolf paused, "Tell your group to pick up the supplies in the same spot..." There was another pause as the wolf tried to keep his voice up. "There'll be more instructions there." Charlie nodded to himself making a mental note of that, "What about this disease, how is the Kingdom faring?" "That is none of your business." The wolf called out, "It is our business, we have our own in there!" Charlie called out extra loud before going into a coughing fit. "And this is our home, this meeting is over." Alpha reached over and patted Charlie on the back, "You okay." Charlie back and up at him, "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's get out of here." Old Yeller looked at them both, "I don't know about you two but I'm feeling better about our chances already." Alpha looked at him, Old Yeller pulled off a half shrug, "At least we're not the only ones dealing with it." Charlie looked back at them, "Yeah, and how long do you think they'll stay friendly?" "Right now it doesn't matter." Alpha said to them as they went along. "Right now is the only time we can have it matter, Butch and a lot of others are in there, and we know nothing." He stopped to let out a sneeze, "And Chaz knows a lot more about what we're probably going to do." Alpha looked at him, "What makes you think that?" Charlie didn't look back this time,

"Because that wolf already had answers to our questions..."
Bandit made his way through Haven checking on everything, trying to distract himself. Rex sat alone in what was probably the editing room of this place in front of the radio, "Well, does it work?" Rex looked up at him, "Yeah, yeah it works fine." "That's great." Neither of them spoke with much enthusiasm. He made his way back into Bersi's area, she was in there with Otis and Coon. "What's going on in here?" Bersi turned to him, "They're both sick." "And..." Coon looked at him, "Bersi believes it would be best for us to stay here in quarantine." Bandit sighed, "It's a little too late for quarantine, don't you think." "Well, we don't need the rest of getting sick." Bandit looked at Bersi, "Either we all get sick or we don't, right now we can't afford to lock up those that are sick." Bersi walked up to him, "Look, I know," "No, don't go there, right now we have six, locking two up will do us no good." Bandit looked at Otis and Coon, "You can stay in here or not, that is your choice, whatever happens from it is not your fault." Bersi looked like she was about to object but stayed quiet. Bandit managed to walk out into the hallway and then make a few more steps before crying a little again. He felt a paw on his shoulder, he looked up to see Cit, he pushed himself into her side and continued to cry. She rubbed his back trying her best to soothe him. After a few minutes they both found themselves in the entry waiting room. Bandit was able to calm himself down again when Alpha and the others made their way through the door. "How did it go?" Bandit asked getting up off the floor. "Eh, not great." Charlie said, "Where's Bersi?" Bandit pointed down the hallway, "In her room." Charlie nodded and walked off. Alpha looked at Bandit, "About the whole trade thing..." Bandit looked at Alpha, "Yeah, what about it?" "Well, it's going to be different now, in a few days check the spot where they left there stuff last time, and there should be instructions on where to leave our stuff." Bandit took it in, "Okay, why?" "Because they have the disease in their mix too, and they've already got enough reasons to hate us, let's just hope they follow through." Alpha helped Old Yeller down the hallway, Rex walked down it towards them, "Ah, thought I heard your voices, just wanted to tell you Baxter is waiting for you to return to Sanctuary." "Thanks, looks like we'll be heading off now." Alpha continued to help Old Yeller along, Charlie joined them and they all made their way back to the roof. Alpha nodded to Bandit, "Good luck." Bandit nodded back, "Yeah, back at you."

Bandit watched as the Chinook left before deciding to go for a stroll through the city...
Baxter sat in his office, waiting for Charlie to return. Soap was busy in the clinic trying to help Shepard, Eleanor was trying to be helpful but wasn't doing to good herself. Control had come down with whatever this was, he wasn't to sure about how Cleo was doing. Vex and Mo seemed fine. Charlie and Old Yeller had this disease too, but Alpha and the others in his team also seemed fine. There were one or two other isolated cases that he knew about in Sanctuary, then he was sick, couldn't forget himself now could he. As for Utopia they lost one, Fala was sick, and Virgil as far as he knew was fine. If any new cases develop there they would be unable to provide any assistance. Vex had called him in when Otis and Rex were able to get the radio working. He now knew that they lost Outlaw and Otis and Coon were sick, but Bersi and the others were fine too. He so hoped that Bersi's plan would help, because so far all it looked like it did was spread it around. Well, there was nothing he could do about it now, he let out a sigh before coughing. He spent so long in deep thought that he didn't notice Charlie come in. "Baxter." "Huh, what?" He looked around to see Charlie, "Oh, hey Charlie, how did it go?" Charlie looked at him, "Er, depends, good news is that the Kingdom will still trade with us, bad news is they're going to isolate themselves, no more contact will be happening between us." Baxter stood up, "But what about Butch and the others!?" "We have no idea about them." Baxter sat back down, "Anything else?" "They also have some infected." Charlie turned and started to walk out, "Who would have thought it would end like this." Charlie paused, "What?" "Oh, nothing, thank you Charlie." Charlie nodded and left. All the problems they've faced in the past, and this might be the one the ends civilization for good. He got up and headed back to the clinic. When he walked in it was the same sight as before, although Shepard looked like he was doing a little better, or maybe just stable. David was actually helping Old Yeller, he walked over to Soap who was taking a quick break, "Anything you need?" Soap asked noticing Baxter standing by him. "No, I was going to ask if you need anything, you're doing a lot already and it's going to get harder." Soap looked at Shepard, "No, I don't need anything, thanks, got David to help out." They both looked at David still helping Old Yeller, "Yeah, you're going to have to tell me how that happened." "Oh, we had a little, um... Talk." Baxter chuckled, "Okay, well, keep up the good work." He left to go check in on the others that were sick and not at the clinic.

He so hoped that Utopia was faring better than they were...
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Re: A New Era

Post by SuperStar »

And que Utopia fairing just as they are.

Nice chapter.
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Re: A New Era

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah when a chapter ends like that, odds are the place they think is doing better off is probably doing a lot WORSE.
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Re: A New Era

Post by Civilization »

Well, it's finally getting close to the end, hope my writing skills have improved a little...
Chapter 24: Recovery

Alpha, Bandit, and Virgil all sat in what used to be Baxter's office, there was a town hall meeting going on but right now they had some stuff that they had to discuss. "Well, it's been a hard week, but looks like all signs of infection are finally gone from Sanctuary." Alpha looked at Bandit and Virgil, "Utopia is now disease free." "The city is clear too." In the main hall Soap made his way to the front of the crowd of animals, he looked around at them, they all seen hard times, and now this room was what was left of Sanctuary, Utopia, Haven, and the Kingdom combined. "We've all seen our fair share of hard times, now that we've come through together it is only fair that we remember those who didn't make it..." Those in the back room sat there listening through the door that was left open, Alpha turned back to the two others, "How do you want to go about splitting the supplies?" "Well, the city now has plenty, and since we've voted to return, the supplies from us will be split between Utopia and Haven." Bandit paused and looked at them both, "So who wants what?" During the pause they all heard Soap again, "Baxter, Charlie..." Alpha lost himself in deep thought, remembering those days when they both decided to grant Alpha control over Sanctuary when they were both too sick to perform their duties, "Old Yeller, Lassie, Rune..." Alpha put his head on the table and let out a low whine, he didn't know it but Cujo also let out a low whine as their teammates names were read out loud. Virgil took those moments to lean over to Bandit, "Supplies aren't going to be an issue for any of us, look, we over at Utopia voted to come set up at Sanctuary. We're going to face whatever comes next together." Bandit nodded, he wanted to comfort Alpha but didn't know how. "Shepard..." Soap paused, remembering his pal that was always there with him, he looked down at the list and kept reading, "Control..." Cleo and Mo both sat together in Cleo's wheelchair, still grief stricken by her loss. "Fox, Omega..." Butch stood at the back of the room, he remembered meeting that fox, one jolly fellow. Then Omega, they had to go through a lot together with the time they spent at the Kingdom. "Bersi, Otis, Coon..." Both Rex and Cit sat by each other holding each other close. Butch made his way over to them and put a paw on Cit's shoulder, they both looked up at him, they were a close team, and in the end they couldn't even have been together. "Outlaw..." Bandit heard that and he himself put his head on the table, Alpha had barely just recomposed himself, and seeing that Bandit had lost family, he rubbed Bandit's back. Virgil knew what was next, a few more names and he still wasn’t looking forward to it. Alpha looked over at Virgil, "Well, Sanctuary will welcome you with open arms, what's going to happen to the Utopia?" "Fala..." Alpha cursed himself for pausing to soon, Virgil slid down in his chair and sighed. "It'll stay where it is, no change." They all sat there quietly as Soap went through the rest of the names. There was one last name that stuck out to them all, "Chaz..." Alpha was the only one left who really knew how Chaz was, he still never understood though how some creature as planning and cunning as him fell to something as simple as a disease. But then a lot of creatures had fallen to this disease, so he didn't concern himself too much over it. Butch also took a moment out to remember Chaz, he knew him from the beginning, and was also there for his untimely demise, only himself, Omega, and Chaz knew what really happened that day, but he was just fine telling everyone else that it was the disease that got him. Soap finished by reading the humans names, "Derrick, Alika, Eleanor..." David stood at the back of the room, he still didn't know why he survived, being the last human on Earth didn't have any merits and he lost the three others that he could even closely relate to. His allergies were still getting to him though, or maybe he was still sick, right now it didn't matter. Soap stopped reading, he kept looking at the list though, as if expecting something to change or more names to be added. After a few seconds of silence Soap looked up, he had no idea how to end this, "May we always remember them." With that everyone slowly got up and made their way around the room.

Alpha stood up, "Okay, well, that settles it. Bandit, Virgil, get some of your own together and meet me over at the depot in an hour or two." He nodded and made his way out to find Cujo. Bandit got up next, he tried to say something but couldn't, so he just nodded too and made his way out to find Cit and Rex. Virgil sat in his chair for a few moments, nodding to both of the others as they left, he managed to get himself up and make his way out into the main hall, he didn't have anyone to try and find, so he just stood in the doorway watching everyone else. Alpha found Cujo, he walked up to him and gave him one big hug. Cujo whimpered, "Why?" "It's my fault." Cujo pulled back, "No it's not." Alpha looked him in the eyes, "Look at what’s happened, wow, only three weeks ago." They were both on the military base then, all five of them, with nothing better to do than argue with each other and listen to static on the radio channels. Lassie and Rune were sitting at the radio while Old Yeller and Cujo argued playfully over who knows what. Alpha had been looking out the window when the static on the radio burst and they heard of a place called Sanctuary. "Sounds like a walk in the park." Old Yeller had said when they decided to head off to that general location. Everything was a walk in the park to that dog. "That led us here, then look at all that happened, my fault." "Don't blame yourself, it happened, it's done." Cujo sighed. Meanwhile Bandit found himself with Cit, Rex, and Butch. "How are you holding up?" Cit was kind enough to ask. "I don't know, how are you doing?" He looked at all three of them. Cit looked around the room, and realized she was the last remaining original member of Sanctuary. She was back in the old town now, remembering how when she was a kit how the big scary military people showed up and took over the town. How some dog by the name of Baxter arrived to help the other animals in the town get used to the transition. "Everything is going to be all right." He had told her, only if he knew where everything would end up. She remembered after the humans had to leave Baxter was able to get Charlie and his team to help maintain order, at the time the biggest problem was the ferals, Charlie lost some of his team to them. That's how she met Coon, two of Charlie's team found her digging through their stuff. She was the first what humans would call uncivilized, though to her she was called friend. After a while Rex and Otis showed up, then Butch, she couldn't remember how they all ended up together, something told her it was Baxter that threw them together. They all became so close, she came back to the present and looked over at Rex and Butch, "I don't know either, sad seems to be the word." Rex was busy in his past, remembering how after the whole mess with the humans getting sick and one day waking up alone. He spent most the first half of the first year like every other animal, lost mostly. Otis ran into him one day when Otis tried taking Rex's food out of his old house. Rex, being so desperate for a companion, asked him to stay. "As long as I get some food." Otis had said, what a start to a friendship, mostly just making sure they had food before they both came across Sanctuary. A the time the place was barely just starting to have anything in the way of defense, ferals were a big problem since there was no humans to keep them at bay. Now in the present that wall was useless, they started to take what were once called ferals in since every creature started to have a hard time. Rex came back to the present with Cit looking at him, "Yeah." Bandit looked at them, "Well, up for one more task." He took no joy in saying it, but Alpha, Virgil and him needed the extra help getting the now over supply of supplies back to Sanctuary. "Sure, for old times sake, what is it?" Cit said. "We need to go get the supplies from the other three places and bring them here." "Oh, everyone's going to be staying here now?" Butch said looking around at the room. Bandit looked around too, "Yep, meet outside the depot in an hour or two."

Vex, like Virgil, didn't have anyone to look for, so she made her way over to Cleo and Mo, they both looked up at her, "How you doing?" Cleo looked devastated, Mo looked about the same. "Oh, probably about the same as everyone else here." His voice sounded terrible. Mo looked up at him and they were both back on their base. Cleo was training to go to space with two other astronauts as a routine scientific study trip. Control was supposed to be a rodent control cat, Cleo had only run into her a few times before. One day went he was walking down one of the bases many hallways Control crashed into him, that was their first meeting were they actually noticed each other. After that they talked here and there, Control was still trying to catch a certain mouse that would later turn out to be one of their greatest friends. He still remembered the last conversation they had before he went to space, "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it." Then while in space news of a contagious disease reached them and their returned would be delayed. Someone both humans with him got sick and passed on, even later word from the ground went silence one place at a time. Control was able to find a way to contact him though, that certain mouse had helped her with that. He snapped back to the present, "Why how are you?" Vex looked around, "Sorry for everyone here, I don't know what it must be like." She remembered when she first showed up, Sanctuary still had no radio communication, she had some portable radio set her owner had before he passed. Charlie himself had mistaken her for a feral and tackled her, "Hey, you almost wrecked my radio." She scolded him, Baxter found out her skill with radios and allowed her to stay. It was because of her so may more creatures like Virgil and Alpha were able to find Sanctuary. She didn't know Control that well, only that she and Mo also knew how to work radio equipment too. "Oh." Cleo said bringing her back to the present. Meanwhile Soap found himself walking over to Virgil, neither one said anything but both knew what each other wanted to say. They both stood quietly watching everyone else still try and come to terms with this new reality. Virgil thought about how he got here, all those years ago when he was just some ship captain's pet. Somewhere along their travels they must have stopped at a wrong port at the wrong time, because one day the coast guard quarantined. Then after members of the crew got sick they went from quarantine to isolation. Problem was it didn't matter, news from the shore and around the world was already grim, until one day it just stopped. His owner brought the ship into the nearby port, those left of the crew left, and that was it. Virgil never bothered to leave, eventually animals came to him, and with that he was slowly able to get enough to tell how to operate certain pieces of equipment on the ship. It was a slow process but after a while of going up and down the coast they picked up radio transmissions from Sanctuary, and they never bothered to leave after they found the place. He never remembered were Fala came in, but she was one of the most helpful creatures he ever met. Soap, like everyone else, took these moments to remember his past. When all the humans had left, Soap took the advantage of having no one around to see what human civilization was like. Most of the former pets stayed away from him, and he was just fine with that too, until he met Shepard. Shepard had approached him without any fear, Soap took that as a threat, "Stay away." He warned, "That won't affect me, now what are you doing here." Shepard had taken a defensive stand. After a short conversation, a brief fight, and Soap spraying Shepard, somehow they ended up working together. Shepard knew the area and Soap was the perfect defense against other more hostile animals. As they went along they found the area's hospital, and that is where they decided to set up until Alpha came along and brought them here. "Hey." Soap looked around and noticed Virgil looking at him, "Never got your name, I'm Virgil." Virgil held out a paw. "Oh, I'm Soap." He shook the otter's paw. "Um, look; me, Bandit, and Alpha are going to collect the supplies from the other three communities and bring them here. Sorry, but I have no one I can ask from Utopia, and you seem capable." "Yeah, sure, no problem." Virgil looked a little relieved, "Thanks, meet us outside the depot in an hour or two."

After about an hour Alpha made his way to the front of the hall, "Excuse me." He put both paws up. No one was really talking anymore so everyone gave him their attention. "Right now we have plenty of room here, you can decide which place you want and who you wish to share with. Right now a few of us are going to collect the supplies from Utopia and the city, for now take a break, we've all been through a lot and we deserve it." With that Alpha gestured to Bandit and Virgil and left the town hall out into the daytime air. With it now being winter on the calendar, the air was getting colder, but it was still not uncomfortable. Vex walked out and up to him, he turned to face her, "Hey, how's the radio thing working out?" "Well, thanks to Rex and Bandit, we're able to play the emergency broadcast over and over again, hopefully now those that are far away can pick it up and know we are here." Alpha nodded, "Well, that's great, I'll let you be." As everyone else slowly came out of the town hall Alpha made his way over to the depot. He walked in and checked the supplies, they had no need for a guard anymore since they now had so much, even without the supplies from Utopia or the city here they were going to do great. He remembered what Charlie had told him about Baxter and Virgil's fear of this relic of civilization failing. Well, it almost did, twice, hopefully there wouldn't be third. Cujo had walked in a little bit ago, he cleared his throat, "Oh, hey, is everyone ready?" "Yep." Alpha turned fully around and walked out to see the group they had gathered. Alpha, Cujo, Virgil, Soap, Bandit, Butch, Rex, and Cit. Seven, it wasn't much but it would have to do. Alpha walked to the back of what used to be Charlie's truck and opened it up, he and Cujo helped the other five in before Alpha and Cujo walked around and got into the front. "This feels so weird." Alpha said as he climbed into the driver seat. "Coming from a dog who could fly." Cujo tried so hard to be funny with it but it came out dull. "Yeah, no more flying from this dog." "Sounds like a long drive." Alpha started up the truck and slowly drove it out of Sanctuary, "Yep." Utopia wasn't far away, but without talking it sure felt like it to all of them. Once they had arrived and were all standing on the deck of Utopia Virgil lead them into the ship. He pointed out where the supplies were kept and continued to walk around what he called his ship. He found himself in the medical bay of the ship. So many were lost in this room, but his mind drifted to Fala, why did he have to take her to Sanctuary that day he could not remember why. He sat down in the chair he used to keep an eye on her with, it still hadn't moved from where he left it when Fala passed on, now all he could do was stare at an empty table, in an empty room. He wasn't too sure how long he sat there, but Alpha came in, "There you are, we're ready to leave whenever you are." Virgil looked up at Alpha, "Okay." He slowly got up and looked around, shame the journey started in the bridge just to end in the medical bay. Once they were all in the truck with a pile of supplies Virgil looked out the back of the truck and said his final goodbye to his old life for a second time. Alpha drove them back to Sanctuary to offload the supplies and refuel the truck. Once they finished that they got started on their long trip to where Haven and the Kingdom were located. When they finally got there it was very late at night, or maybe early morning, the moon is a very hard thing to use to tell time. Bandit lead them to the small amount of supplies they had stored away at Haven, Bandit didn't bother to try and go into their medical room, it was already hard enough to be in the same building. Once they finished they made their way to the Kingdom. Butch lead them around the place to where all the different places where the Kingdom kept their supplies. Butch decided to walk into Chaz's throne room, he pointed out his room to the others since he kept the real valueable stuff with him. While they got the supplies he looked around, remembering that night Omega was sick, "But we have one thing we have to do." That wolf had told him, and after a night of poor planning they both went to visit the King that morning. Only Butch came out of that place after that meeting, when Bandit asked what he and the other survivors were doing at Haven, Butch told them that the disease had taken it's toll and it was over. So when Alpha came that was the story. The others brought out the small amount of supplies, "Nothing as great as he probably lead the others to believe, but it's something." Alpha said when they finished, they looked into the back of the truck, after Butch, Rex, and Cit got in the truck it was for once it was cramped full. Virgil and Bandit looked at each other with a frown. "Looks like you two will be riding up front." Cujo tried again to joke. Alpha worked up a smile, no matter how much the dog annoyed him he appreciated that about him more than ever right now.

"Come on, let's go home..."
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Re: A New Era

Post by SuperStar »

*feels loaded and shot like a shotgun*

OH MAN THIS CHAPTER! Now I want to make remembrance art for Fala, Control, and Baxter. :(
Man, the end is coming. It's been an interesting ride...
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Re: A New Era

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Great update here! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!
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Re: A New Era

Post by Saturn381 »

Great update, Civil!
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Re: A New Era

Post by SuperStar »

Yes I know this quote was said by Cleo, but I think it works.
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Re: A New Era

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Chapter 25: Animedica

Alpha stood there in Sanctuary's depot, it was unbelievably full. He walked outside, it was early morning and the sun would rise any minute now. The others in the group were all standing outside. "Well, that's it." Alpha said. "What do you mean?" Virgil asked. "For once there is nothing more we can do, we have plenty of supplies, plenty of space, and for once no problems." They all looked at each other, "Given what has just happened we earned this break, so for now the best thing we can do is go about and try and find something to do." Alpha let out a yawn, he looked at them all, "Well, we all got our places." Rex, Cit, Butch, and Bandit all said their goodbyes and headed off. Soap nodded and headed off himself. Alpha looked at Virgil, then at Cujo and shrugged, "We have plenty of room at our place, want to take some of it up?" "Yeah, thank you." With that they headed off to their place. Butch led them to their old home, when they arrived they found it just the way it was before they left, no one had taken it for themselves. They all walked in and looked around, the makeshift beds on the couch and floor where still there. Bandit looked at the empty makeshift bed, Cit at the couch, and Rex at his old bedroom. Rex walked into his room and came back out carrying his blankets and put them on the floor, Butch did the same. Cit took the blankets from the couch and laid them out near the other three, and for the first time back in their old home they all slept next to each other. When Soap got home he found Cleo laid out on the couch asleep with Mo asleep on top of him and Vex asleep on the floor next to the couch. "Hope you don't mind but I offered Vex our place to stay." Cleo said quietly without moving. "No, it's fine." Soap made sure to stay quiet too, "Can't sleep?" "No, but you go right on ahead." Soap walked over and sat against the wall next to the side of the couch Cleo's head was on. "I don't think I'll be able to go to sleep this morning." "Ah, okay then." They both sat there quietly waiting for the sun to rise or the other two to wake up. Alpha led Cujo and Virgil back to their place, it seemed so much emptier now that it went from five to three occupants. "You can take that bedroom for yourself." Alpha pointed at one of the two doors. "Thanks." Virgil walked into the bedroom and threw himself onto the bed. He sighed and let himself drift off to sleep. Alpha and Cujo shared the bed in their bedroom. After a few hours most of them were awake again.

Vex woke up and, after helping Cleo back into his wheelchair, made the others breakfast with the help of Soap, "Hope you like it, I'm not much of a chef." Cleo looked down at the oatmeal, it was the one thing they had plenty from the humans that still did not spoil. Soap helped him eat, "It's fine, thanks for making it." He said after taking a few bites. "So what's the plan for today?" Vex looked at him, "I'm just going to be staring at radios all day for the foreseeable future." Cleo worked a smile, "Mind if I join you?" "Not at all, Soap, do you want to come?" Soap looked over at her, "No, I'm going to be in the clinic for whatever reason should come up that I need to be there." "Okay then." Vex got up to clean out her bowl. "I'll take care of that." Soap said getting up with Cleo's bowl. "Thanks." She walked back over to the table, "Ready to go?" "Yeah." Both Cleo and Mo said at the same time. Vex took the wheelchair and pushed it to the door, Soap opened it for them, "See you later." He said, waving to them as they left. He finished his meal and cleaned the place up. He looked around the empty place before deciding to head off. To his surprise David was sitting in the clinic when he arrived, "Oh, hey, do you need something?" David looked up at him, "No, figured this would be a good place to stay, thought you could use the company too, after well." Soap looked at him, "Are you sure you’re okay?" "What, that little talk you gave me no longer applies." Soap couldn't help but smile without trying for once, "It still applies friend." David pointed at him, "Don't call us friends." "Sure, whatever you say." They didn't have much to talk about but they both stayed in the clinic waiting for something that was never going to happen to happen. Meanwhile Vex, Cleo, and Mo were all in the communications building listening to silence, "Are you sure something’s playing?" Vex chuckled, "Yes, but I didn't want to listen to the emergency broadcast over and over again." Cleo looked at her "Oh, well, how is anyone supposed to find this place on that thing alone?" "It's a special emergency broadcast, the one that tells you where to go, it repeats this location over and over again, anyone with a map and radio can find this place." "Yeah, if there is anyone left to find this place." Mo said walking back and forth on the table. "Well, we just have to wait and see." So that is what they did.

Alpha and Cujo both woke up about the same time, with nothing to do they both enjoyed their breakfast, Virgil woke up right about the time they finished, "Hey, there's some already cooked food left if you want any, we're going to go for a walk if you want to come." Virgil walked over and grabbed a bowl of oatmeal, he didn't know why he bothered, he didn't even like the stuff, but he needed something to eat. "Okay, let's go." Virgil followed behind Alpha and Cujo eating his meal. "Anything planned for today?" He asked. "Nope." "Yeah, I wonder how long that'll last." Cujo still tried to joke. Alpha looked around as they walked by the little farm thing, some animals were still working to make sure the plants were taken care of, some more still walked along the walls keeping an eye out for nothing. Most however, seemed to be trying to enjoy their first day off in over two years. They found themselves standing on the wall by the main gate, all the gates were now left open, no need to keep anything out or in. "You think there is anyone out there?" Virgil asked the two dogs. "Yes, why even ask?" Alpha asked looking over at Virgil. "Well, look what just happened, it couldn't have been just this area effected, I mean, look at the sky." Alpha and Cujo both looked up, "Yeah, it's a clear, nice, sunny day." Alpha said, "Exactly, and not a bird in the sky, or any noise out there but what comes from this place." Now that they thought about it, it did seem kind of off. "But we made it, so there has to be others out there who made it." Virgil looked at Alpha, "And by that logic there should have been other humans that made it." Alpha looked back out at the sea of houses the lay just beyond the walls of Sanctuary, "Then this is a very empty world we're living in." Cujo looked at both of them, "You've got to be kidding me, you two can't seriously believe this." "No Cujo, I don't, but until we find a way to get out there, we're waiting for out there to find us. And that is probably what very other group out there is doing." Bandit walked up to them, "Hey, Alpha, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to go for a walk out there." Alpha looked at him, noticing he was by himself, "Really? By yourself?" Bandit looked around, "Yeah, I guess so, what is there to fear?" Alpha looked at Cujo, "I don't know, mind if we join you?" Virgil looked down at his empty bowl, "Yeah, I think I'll stay here, see you later." He made his way back to what he called home now. Bandit looked at the two dogs, "Sure, wasn't going to look for anything though." "I figured, we just enjoy the walk." Because everything is a walk in the park. He could tell Cujo thought the same thing based off his now sadder look. Bandit looked at both of them, "Okay." He walked off down the road, Alpha and Cujo followed this time. Meanwhile Butch, Rex, and Cit, having nothing better to do, made their way around Sanctuary.

What none of them knew however, was someone had picked up the emergency broadcast signals. Two military Humvees made their way through the city's highway. In the first one there is two dogs, in the second one was one wolf. The dog driving in front looked over at the second dog, "Are you sure it's in this area?" The second dog was holding a very marked up map, "Yes, it's supposed to be right there, just keep driving." "Are we close yet?" Said the wolf over the radio. The second dog sighed and picked up the radio, "Yes, calm down, I know it's exciting but we can only go so fast." The dog driving looked back over, "So what was this placed called?" "Given what's been playing on the radio, they call it Sanctuary." The dog driving looked back at the highway, "Sanctuary? Wasn't that place military?" "Yes, but like most places it dropped off the radar a while ago." The dog chuckled, "Can't wait to see what became of the place." "Well, given that they started broadcasting after the infection shifted, it might be hopeful." They continued to drive onward. "Pull off here." The second dog said pointing to one of the exit ramps.

Bandit, Alpha, and Cujo slowly walked along the road. "Kind of spooky with no noise." Cujo said looking around. "What, your not scared are you?" Bandit said with a smile. "No, it's just spooky okay." "Well, want to look for anything?" Alpha asked them both. "No, I'm just enjoying..." "Shh!" Alpha interrupted Bandit, "Wh..." "Shh!" Cujo heard it too. The sound of two vehicles slowly grew louder until they finally saw the two Humvees. They both skidded to a stop by them, a dog got out of the driver seat, "Hey, do you know where Sanctuary is?" Alpha raised his paw and pointed down the road, "That way, straight ahead." The dog looked at them, "Well, you coming?" They didn't notice the other dog had opened the back door for them. "Uh... Yeah." Alpha gave Cujo a nudge forward. Cujo slowly got into the back of the Humvee with Bandit and Alpha following. The dog got back into the driver seat, "So, how you've been holding up?" Alpha was still surprised to see new faces so quickly, "Uh..." The dogs chuckled, "We must be quite a sight, no worries, we'll get answers later." They drove into Sanctuary and parked their vehicles next to the truck. They all got out, the dog that was driving looked at them, "Is there someone in charge here?" Alpha looked at him, "I kind of am." "Ah, excellent, now is there a place we can talk?" Alpha pointed down the dirt path, "Yeah, follow me." He looked back at Bandit, "Go get Virgil, he's at our place probably, over there. Just ask around." Bandit nodded and ran off. Alpha led Cujo and the other three to the town hall, "Cujo, keep everyone else out please." Cujo looked at him, "Sure." He stood by the door as the others went inside. "We can wait for your friends to show up before we begin." "Okay." Alpha said. Bandit made his way to the general location of where Alpha pointed him to, by now word of new arrivals had everyone talking. Virgil was outside making it easier for Bandit to find him, "Hey Bandit, what happened?" "I'll tell you on the way, come on." Bandit turned and ran off, Virgil quickly ran off following the ferret. "We're not alone." Bandit said as Virgil ran up next to him, "Really!?" "You'll see for yourself." They both slowed down as they got up to the entrance of the town hall, Cujo let them in. "Okay, is this it?" The main dog asked, "Yes." Alpha told him. "Excellent, let me introduce ourselves. I'm Brigadier, you can call me Brigs though," He pointed to the other dog, "That's Summa, and that's Octavian." Alpha looked at them, "Well, I'm Alpha, that's Bandit, and that's Virgil." Brigs looked at them, "Now that introductions are aside, let's get down to business, we represent Animedica. Now before you ask what that is, we are a group of communities just like this one that stretches up and down the coast, now can you tell us about any other groups in the area?"

Alpha looked at Virgil and Bandit, "Well, now it's just Sanctuary. There is a ship in the nearby docks that is called Utopia, and in the city there was a place called the Kingdom. But after a disease hit and wiped most of us out." Brigs listened, and at the mention of disease he looked back at Summa. "That disease was the same thing that almost wiped humans off the face of the Earth, lucky for us it wasn't as deadly." Alpha looked at Summa funny, "Did you say almost?" "Yes, even though Animedica is now a shell of what it used to be we still have some humans helping us." "What, did you think they were all gone?" Brigs smiled like it was some big revelation. "No, we have one human still with us." Alpha looked at them, "He might want to hear about that though." "You can tell him later, and he can come back with us too." Brigs looked at Virgil, "My guess is you're the captain of Utopia, can you get that ship you mentioned moving?" "Yeah, why?" Virgil looked up at Alpha. "Well, we have plenty to offer, but my guess is you have plenty too. Right now we are trying to reconnect the world, and we need places like this to help us do that. We also brought some special long range radios to help you get in contact with all the other communities in Animedica." Alpha looked at Brigs, "And what do we have to do?" "Nothing much really, we just ask that you keep your gates open for your fellow communities and if you want to help with the search and expansion of our civilization." Brigs looked at Virgil, "However, it would be a great help to us if you could use that ship of your to get some of our animals across the ocean. We already have another ship but that one is restricted to coastline work since we don't have another one to spare." Bandit looked up at Alpha, "I say we join these fellows." Alpha looked at him and then at Virgil, "Our world isn't empty anymore, I'll be glad to help." Alpha looked at Brigs, "Sanctuary will be overjoyed to hear about this, we accept your invitation." Brigs smiled, "Excellent, let's get that radio set up here, and go see that human too." And that's just what they did. Vex, with Summa's help, was able to gain contact with countless other communities along the coast, David was happy to hear he wasn't the last person, and Virgil set up what was left of his crew for an oversea adventure. Bandit and David would go back to Animedica's 'capital' community with Brigs and Alpha would take lead over Sanctuary.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, and the story is finished. Now I could go on to say Virgil was able to cross the ocean. And that he found others. I could go onto say with the help of David the other humans were able to contact the last clean havens of those at WHO headquarters around the world. And that a cure was made. I could go on to say Bandit was able to see the lands of Animedica, helping give a voice to communities that needed help. And go on to be one of the best leaders of Animedica. I could go on about how Alpha, leading a frontier community, was able to help Animedica discover more communities even further along the coast. And help Sanctuary become one of the greatest communities with the help of Bandit. But, like I said, that's a story for another day.

At that moment though, when they were all heading off to begin their new adventures, they all remembered what they went through. And they all realized something, this was a new era... this was their era.
Dedicated to Superstar: Thanks for inspiring me and for the wonderful conversation...
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Re: A New Era

Post by SuperStar »

Aww, thanks buddy! *hugs Civil* This story was a nice ride, I enjoyed it! Despite the saddening penultimate chapter, this one really gives out the message of hope. I enjoyed all of it. Thank you Civil. Thanks.

Sanctuary and everyone in it, they have come far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK1M8EzRsE8
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Re: A New Era

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I like how this story has ended! It really was wonderful!
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Re: A New Era

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, Civil!
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Re: A New Era

Post by SuperStar »

The story may have ended, but it's legacy lives on. Let us all remember Fala, the greatest assistant Virgil could have asked for.
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Re: A New Era

Post by Civilization »

Well, first, super big thanks to Superstar for bringing my characters to life!
Then another really big thanks for all of you out there that took the time to read over my little attempt at writing! I really appreciated all the support and suggestions (Even though I was terrible at replying and listening.)

So now that this is over, (Be honest please.) Did any of you that took the time to read this or even just glance it over notice any improvement in writing skill, style (Okay, that was a piece of advice I ignored, sorry.), or anything else (Like questions about anything here.)?
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Re: A New Era

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice job on the drawing, SuperStar. :)
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Re: A New Era

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice job on the picture! I really like how your style is!
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Re: A New Era

Post by Obbl »

I really do like this story. You made me want to invest in the animals at Sanctuary and Utopia and Haven. I think having so many individual characters was a bit overambitious, but you did a good job of making a few try to stand out a little more strongly so that we could invest in some specific characters as well as the community. Your writing certainly improved with more description and atmosphere and didn't take away from the actions either, so good job!
I'm glad you let the disease take its toll on the community. As sad as it is to see characters die whom we like, it gives a direct sense to us of the hardship and pain that those left behind have to face. That was very touching, and having characters that I am emotionally invested in makes it really hit home. Thanks for that
There's still room to grow. I know you shied away from spacing out the character dialogue, but it really makes the story flow smoother. Large blocks of text are dense and hard to penetrate, but the space provided by moving dialogue to its own line can give the eye room to look at everything without peering between the lines all the time. Even if it seems to stretch the story out and make it look longer, it'll feel shorter and like less of a wall to read through. It'll spread some of your sections thin, but there are other passages without as much talking as well. At least play with it some ;)
Beyond that I'd say if you enjoyed the experience, keep writing. You have a very good sense of the characters here. Even with so many, it felt like you had a grasp on who everyone was and did pretty well at distinguishing them for us. It was an excellent read! :D
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Re: A New Era

Post by SuperStar »

Baxter, he did his best.
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Re: A New Era

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Baxter looks very cute and handsome!
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