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The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:02 pm
by WeirdGamer
So a little while ago I decided to really try my hand at writing stories. I had the idea for these stories rattling around in my head for awhile, so without further ado I present to you the Beacon Scouts.

The Beacon Scouts are a series of short stories about the scouting group of the same name. The kids that make up this prestigious respected tolerated group get into all sorts of hi-jinks. The stories take inspiration from such things as Calvin & Hobbes, Foxtrot, Junie B. Jones, Ramona Quimby, and Bob's Burgers.

They feature humor, friendship, comical accidents, badge hunts, farcical occurrences, and hugs.

Here are the links to the current stories:

Setting and Characters

An Introduction to the Beacon Scouts: A short overview of the Beacon Scouts as an organization.

The Town of Rhodes: Here I describe Rhodes, the town the strange upstate New York town the Beacon Scouts live in.

Beacon Scout Picture: A picture of all the main characters with some short descriptions and information for each one.


The Beacon Scouts and Bird Watching: Two Beacon Scouts run into more trouble than expected when trying to earn their bird watching badges.

The Beacon Scouts and Forest Exploration: Three Beacon Scouts end up bonding during an exercise in a forest.

The Beacon Scouts Get Locked In: Two Beacon Scouts stay too long after a meeting and end up locked inside a church.

The Beacon Scouts Confess: A Beacon scout recounts a story of how he helped another Beacon Scout during confession with a priest.

The Beacon Scout's Cupcake Adventure: The Beacon Scouts get together to make some cupcakes. Surely nothing can go wrong at all.

The Beacon Scouts Try Not To Get Mauled: In this story three Beacon Scouts have a close encounter with one of the beasts that prowls the streets of their town.

The Beacon Scouts Ride Out A Storm: Various Beacon Scouts deal with their problems as a storm comes to town. Much will be revealed. Or at the very least hinted at.

Beacon Scouts Vignettes: Short glimpses into the Beacon Scouts lives. Wackiness ensues.

The Beacon Scouts Go to the Mall (Part 1, Part 2): The Beacon Scouts take a shopping trip to a dying mall to learn fiscal responsibility. Surly they couldn't get into trouble, right? If you answered yes, this is probably your first time reading one of these stories.

The Beacon Scouts Go Trick-or-Treating: In this Halloween tale the Beacon Scouts do what kids do on Halloween. Knock on the doors of strangers begging for sweets while wearing absurd outfits.

The Beacon Scouts Commit a Heist: A Beacon Scout teams up with someone to retrieve an important bit of property. Will they succeed? Maybe, but given who's involved, it will probably go wrong in some way.

The Beacon Scouts Trampoline Shenanigans:A group of Beacon Scouts join together to horseplay and roughhouse on a trampoline. I don't see how this could wrong at all.

Left to Right: Zuri, Coby, Scout Assistant Janna, Jorge, Addie, Theo, Dominic, Lola, Scout Leader Steward, Ruth, (and along the bottom): Felix.
Image by Hanna

I hope you enjoy the stories!

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:26 pm
by Tales
Even after that first paragraph... what a vocabulary! I was actually surprised they were real words with relevant meanings. Well done on vocab alone!

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:38 pm
by WeirdGamer
Thank you very much!

I'll admit though, for some I had to have an online thesaurus open next to me.

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:23 am
by WeirdGamer
There's a new story!

The Beacon Scouts Confess

A Beacon Scout recounts a story of how he helped another Beacon Scout out during confession with a priest.

This story introduces the final two Beacon Scouts, as well as Scout assistant Jana in person. After this, there will be a story with all nine Beacon Scouts.

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:38 am
by WeirdGamer
A new Beacon Scout story is up.

The Beacon Scout's Cupcake Adventure

The Beacon Scouts get together to make some cupcakes. Surely nothing can go wrong at all.

This is the first Beacon Scout story to feature all the scouts together. I hope enjoy and as always feedback is appreciated.

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:18 pm
by WeirdGamer
This story took me a long time to write. Just eventually forced myself to finish it. Despite that I like the final result.

The Beacon Scouts Try Not To Get Mauled

In this story three Beacon Scouts have a close encounter with one of the beasts that prowls the streets of their town.

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:36 am
by WeirdGamer
Not a story this time, but setting details.

The Town of Rhodes

Here I describe Rhodes, the town the strange upstate New York town the Beacon Scouts live in.

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 1:55 am
by FancyHat
Scout Leader Steward looks a lot like Michael Grosswhich is no problem at all.. And these are actually some pretty neat stories, how have I not looked at these before, I do not know.

Also Hurray for fleshed out setting!

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:33 pm
by WeirdGamer
Huh, I guess he kind of does. I don't know much about Michael Gross, but maybe the artist did.

Anyway, I'm glad you've enjoyed them. :)

I'm about to begin work on the next one, so stay tuned.

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:29 pm
by WeirdGamer
Well it took my a long while to get around to it, but I've finally begun to work on the next story. Since I haven't updated in awhile, instead I'll share a picture my friend drew of Felix (And here's a link to her deviantart).

P.S., Sorry to my fans (all two of you) who thought this was a new story. I am working on it!


Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:42 am
by WeirdGamer
Finally a new Beacon Scouts story!

The Beacon Scouts Ride Out A Storm

Various Beacon Scouts deal with their problems as a storm comes to town. Much will be revealed. Or at the very least hinted at.

It's the longest one so far, and I really like how it turned out. I hope you enjoy!

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 4:11 pm
by WeirdGamer
My, it has been awhile.

I ran into writer's block while working on the next Beacon Scouts story. So to provide content and get my creative juices flowing I wrote this! It's a series of five short stories featuring all nine Beacon Scouts paired into groups of two. "But wait!" You might say, "Wouldn't that leave one Beacon Scout alone?" Never fear theoretical reader, for Ruth meets a mysterious newcomer...(well to the stories, Ruth has actually known her for years.)

Beacon Scouts Vignettes

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:56 pm
by WeirdGamer
It's a week late posting here, but the next Beacon Sc out story is here, in two short parts.

The Beacon Scouts Go to the Mall (Part 1, Part 2)

The Beacon Scouts take a shopping trip to a dying mall to learn fiscal responsibility. Surly they couldn't get into trouble, right? If you answered yes, this is probably your first time reading one of these stories.

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:29 pm
by WeirdGamer
In time for Halloween, a new Beacon Scouts story!

The Beacon Scouts Go Trick-or-Treating:
In this Halloween tale the Beacon Scouts do what kids do on Halloween. Knock on the doors of strangers begging for sweets while wearing absurd outfits.

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 10:42 pm
by WeirdGamer
I was on a bit of a role.

The Beacon Scouts Commit a Heist:
A Beacon Scout teams up with someone to retrieve an important bit of property. Will they succeed? Maybe, but given who's involved, it will probably go wrong in some way.

Re: The Beacon Scouts (Stories)

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:43 pm
by WeirdGamer
I've been having writer's block, so I wrote a little slice of life thing to get over it.

The Beacon Scouts Trampoline Shenanigans:A group of Beacon Scouts join together to horseplay and roughhouse on a trampoline. I don't see how this could wrong at all.