Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Zander »

Matt's eyes widened as Coffee flew out the door. "o......................k................." He took this opportunity to check up on his cars.
He pulled out his Iphone 4 from the strap on the back of his collar and started texting.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by The Game »

"Calm is overrated." Stephi said to Toby, jokingly. "wait your a D.J??" she asked Marc, still grabbing his arm. She saw Stet out of the corner of her eye, and it shocked her into finally realizing that she was grabbing Marc, she let go suddenly and blushed. She scratched the back of her head to cover up her sudden movement. "I mean do you DJ?" she asked, her face going back to normal color.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Buckdida »

ctcmjh wrote:
Buckdida wrote:
ctcmjh wrote:As she walked towards the stairs, she saw Jaxeh walking back down them. She walked up to him, "Hey." She said, nonchalantly.
"Hmm? Oh, hello. Who are you? Sorry, bit distracted. Meeting a friend downstairs. Pool's a-that-way, if you were with the group," he said, pointing down the hall. "I got loooooots of subjects now...heh. Lots of pets here."
"Nah, I prefer to stay dry. And what do you mean by 'subjects'?" Grace couldn't help but ask him.
"Hmm? Oh, just muttering to myself. Oh, hey, there he is, late as per usual. KLACK! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE! Anyway, yeah, who are you? My name would happen to be Jaxeh Wark. I was just on my way to the pool, but then I knew I'd have to come and get this guy..." He thumbed over to Klack. "Anyway, I'm glad that this place is finally open. It's been dull with nobody about; that pre-move in thing was far too exclusive," he sneered.
"Oh, hello." Klack smiled at Jaxeh. "Nice to finally see you again. What was that, about two weeks of being cooped up? Oh, and I doubt Moov will be able to navigate here in time before sundown..." He turned his attention to this other cat. "Oh, sorry. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ctcmjh »

"My name is Grace." She said to Jaxeh. She smiled at how he got Klack's attention, "No, you're not interrupting anything." She told him.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Teh Brawler »

The Game wrote:"Calm is overrated." Stephi said to Toby, jokingly. "wait your a D.J??" she asked Marc, still grabbing his arm. She saw Stet out of the corner of her eye, and it shocked her into finally realizing that she was grabbing Marc, she let go suddenly and blushed. She scratched the back of her head to cover up her sudden movement. "I mean do you DJ?" she asked, her face going back to normal color.
"I-I-I......" Marc was looking around frantically, trying to find a way out. However, with three pets looking at him, there didn't seem to be any way out of this one. "I don't, I can't, I........" he stammered, trying to escape. Quickly, though, he realized that there was no way out of it. He sighed, and acquiesced. "I don't know if any of you will recognize this, but........" He lowered his head and held out his paw to Stet, saying, "Let me borrow your glasses."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by caelei »

Jayda. Was. Horrified. Her room was pink. PINK! All pink. She had to stop herself from lying on the floor and going into a coma. How was she to survive this? She had lived through a lot before, but this... this... this was just too much. She was going to die. Her mother was trying to kill her. Jayda turned around to face her mother, who was standing close behind her, waiting excitedly, bubbly as ever. "Isn't it simply goooorgeous, Jay? Just so beautiful! Wish it were mine, really I do. Your father's always so dreary, never wants any fun colors. Ugh. Him and his earth tones. But this is a masterpiece!" Jay's mother beamed about the room, rushing through the door and pulling Jayda along, running her hands over all the fabrics, inspecting the view from the window. "It's simply puuuuurfect, isn't it, Jay-bean?" Lilian turned and noticed the expression on Jayda's face at last. Immediately, her mother was scooping her up in her arms, cuddling the annoyed kitty-cat. Jayda took the 'love' like she always did; her body immediately relaxed as her mother grabbed her, and she was held, in the fashion of a kitten, in Lilian's arms. "What's the matter Jayda-bear, huh? What's the matter, my little baby-girl?" Jayda didn't resist, but her expression was far from pleased.

"Lilian. You know I hate pink." Jayda's tone was flat. Her mother looked offended.

"I can't let my 'lil Fuzzums have a boy-colored room, can I now? What would the neighbors think if they heard about it?" Jayda rolled her eyes, about to respond, but suddenly her mother's pouty expression changed, and she looked determined... Uh oh. Jayda was rushed across the room (still in Lilian's arms) and bounced onto her mother's lap as Lilian settled herself on one of the leather couches. Her mom whipped out a cell and pushed speed dial, then immediately began talking into the reciever. "James? Yes, thank you, this is Lilly Grey. My little girl wants her room redone right away. WE can't stand it another minute! I told you, no pink!" Her mother winked slyly at her, as Jayda's face grew even more terrified. Lilian ignored Jayda's expression, stroking and scratching behind Jayda's ears, and continuing to talk. "Yes, right away! Who do you think I am? Do you think I have time to wait around all day for you and the guys to get here? NO! Hmm... be a dear and bring along Theo and Charlie, they always are so respectful and work the hardest, and oh, I know! Let Robert come as well." Jayda's face twisted into a look of disgust, and she started to protest. Her mother shushed her, tickling under her chin, and then said, "James, you know that money isn't a concern. And I'll be sooooo happy if you guys can be over and have it all planned out by lunch. We'll figure out colors when you arrive. Thanks again, buh-bye now." There was a snap as Lilian shut her cellphone, placing it back into her purse. "There you go, sweetie-kins! Now who's gonna be a happy kitty? My little Jay-Jay will, that's who! Isn't that right, my little --" Her coddling was cut short as Jay let out a shriek, trying to push herself away from Lilian. In shock, her mother let go of her, and Jayda was suddenly halfway across the room, and fuming.

"What's wrong with you?!? I didn't want it redone! I never said I wanted it redone! Aren't I aloud to simply complain without you tripping all over yourself to make it all better? And why did you invite Robert over, Lilian? You KNOW I hate him!" Her whiskers quivered, her tail puffing out.

Lilian looked hurt. "Well... I just figured... I just want you to be happy, Jay. Is that so bad?" Her mom paused, then said in a defiant tone, "And Robert isn't a bad kid. I wish you'd give him a chance. He'd make such a good boyfriend, is always so agreeable, so complimentary... plus, he's not bad-looking, either. Any sensible female cat would love to have him, and he really does like you, James told me..." Her voice trailed off. Jayda's tail flicked back and forth agressively, then settled.

"You just... don't understand me too well, Lilian. It's not about what I have... or who I have, when you're trying to play Miss E-harmony..." She sighed, flopping back down on the couch. Her mother stroked the top of her head distractedly, uttering cooing noises.

They were silent as they waited for the decorators to come over. James would be over in a few minutes; he always drove fast when there was an 'emergency'. Jayda looked around, taking in the details of the rest of the house for the first time, having oriented on her room before. There were two bedrooms, two baths, a large, open area that combined a spacey kitchen and the living room, as well as a study/library for Mr. Grey, when he was home and had to do some work. The furniture and decorations were all classy and expensive, all of it relatively modern looking, with just enough color to entice visitors into looking around. Various paintings hung on the walls, all originals from big artists, all abstract and colorful. There were shiny vases of varying sizes and shapes, and all appliances were sleek and black. It looked like the stereotypical rich-person's home.

There came a knock upon the door. Jayda panicked as her mother jumped up to answer the door. She looked around, spotted a closet, and bolted in, just as Robert and the visitors were invited in. "Now, Jayda," Lilian said, before she turned and noticed that her 'baby' was nowhere to be seen. "Hmm. Where did that silly kitty get off to, now?" James and the others chuckled, and through the hardly opened closet door, Jayda could see Robert looking around for her. She held her breath, and waited for them to move away... the group, Robert included, started heading slowly towards her room. Jayda let her breath out; now was her chance, before they turned around and spotted her! She slid out of the closet, looking around for a better hiding place... and saw that they had left the door open. Aha! As quick as her feet could carry her, she was out of their living quarters and down the hall, looking nervously behind. Her blue eyes searched the area in front of her... there! An elevator! She pressed the 'down' button, and waited for the elevator to get up here. It seemed to be taking forever as her heart pounded in her ears, sure that someone was bound to come looking for her in a moment and drag her back down the hall to redecorate. She began bouncing from foot-to-foot impatiently, jabbing the button again and again. There must be a lot of people on the elevator for it to take this long... it must be stopping at nearly every floor...
((Long post!))
Last edited by caelei on Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by D-Singer »

“Hmm? My shades?” Stetson took off his sunglasses and folded them in his hand, then glanced over the nervous dog. “Ahhh, what the h***, knock yourself out.” He skillfully spun the sunglasses around his fingers then placed them in Marc’s paw. “So, there somethin you wanna to show us?” He asked eagerly.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ArgentFlame »

Bastion exited the pool and quickly made his way to the elevator. He went inside and pushed the button for the sixth floor. He waited impatiently for the elevator to arrive and hurriedly walked towards his apartment. He went inside once he had reached it. He headed towards one of the bathrooms, and gave a short greeting to his 'mom' as he passed her in the living room. Once he had reached his destination, he searched the cupboards until he found the one that contained the towels and retrieved two of them. With the towels slung over his shoulder he made his way back to the elevator and entered it once again.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Teh Brawler »

D-Singer wrote:“Hmm? My shades?” Stetson took off his sunglasses and folded them in his hand, then glanced over the nervous dog. “Ahhh, what the h***, knock yourself out.” He skillfully spun the sunglasses around his fingers then placed them in Marc’s paw. “So, there somethin you wanna to show us?” He asked eagerly.
Marc took the glasses, and sighed again. Then, he put them on, moved his headphones to his ears, looked up, and said in a deep voice, "....Hey." While pointing at Steph with a slightly pouty look on his face. It was his classic pose a Projection, but he wasn't sure if anyone would recognize it; he had a fanbase, but he wasn't sure how far it stretched, or how popular he really was. He stood there in the same pose, waiting to see if anyone recognized him.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ctcmjh »

Tobias looked at Marc. He had a name on the tip of his tongue, "Wait, I know this... Projection!" Tobias clapped his hands as he realized it, "Yeah! You DJ'ed at this one place before! I can't remember where, my clients like to meet at those places so I've been to more clubs than I care to count." Tobias said. He realized he let the word 'clients' slip, and he hoped nobody would ask for him to elaborate.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Keeshah »

Tobee wrote: Li covered from massive waves rushing towards him. He looked at Precious and gave a weak smile. "Heh, no I don't think so and don't worry about it. My name is William, but you can call me Li if you want to."

Li heard Andre and turned towards him. "Uh, I think so, but I'm not sure." Li turned towards Precious once again. "Is this pool really for pets?" He whispered

That's good to know, Hmmmm Li.. that sounds Asian.
Tobee wrote:I moved to the US from Edinburgh when I was younger, originally from Serbia though.
thrasherblades wrote:I'm Andre Rigatelli. I moved here from Italy. What about you??

Hello to you Andre! she calls out from the pool.
Must be nice to travel around so much, My family has moved several times to different houses they were working on, then selling. but we have always stayed in Az.
Dog paddling out into the deeper water.. not much of a workout, if your feet can touch the bottom of the pool.
An, yes this area is for us pets. if you ever have any question on if your allowed in, or if the area is for a pet, it will have that little black blocky pet icon on the door with the green tail.. if pets are not allowed, it has that blocky icon of a human holding there red hand out in-front of them.
Precious rolls her eyes a bit.
The person who designed those must think all us pets can't read, or understand something more pleasing or complex.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by D-Singer »

Teh Brawler wrote:Marc took the glasses, and sighed again. Then, he put them on, moved his headphones to his ears, looked up, and said in a deep voice, "....Hey." While pointing at Steph with a slightly pouty look on his face. It was his classic pose a Projection, but he wasn't sure if anyone would recognize it; he had a fanbase, but he wasn't sure how far it stretched, or how popular he really was. He stood there in the same pose, waiting to see if anyone recognized him.
To Stet, the pose looked familiar, he knew he had seen it before but he didn’t know when or where he did. He had held a few ‘pet-concerts’ himself in his life, maybe that had something to do with it. Maybe it was one of the more exclusive clubs he had been to...He just need more of a reminder.
ctcmjh wrote:Tobias looked at Marc. He had a name on the tip of his tongue, "Wait, I know this... Projection!" Tobias clapped his hands as he realized it, "Yeah! You DJ'ed at this one place before! I can't remember where, my clients like to meet at those places so I've been to more clubs than I care to count." Tobias said. He realized he let the word 'clients' slip, and he hoped nobody would ask for him to elaborate.
“Projeciton? DJ? ...Ahh! hey, I was at one of those clubs! And ***n he was really givin us a beat!” Stet turned to ‘Projection’ a huge smile on his face. He put his paw on his shoulder. “Y’know without your black pants and stylin shades you're pretty easy to miss, what’s the deal with hiding the title?” He leaned in a bit closer in a whisper. “Too much fame for ya?”

While the four pets were caught up in the moment, something seemed to be bothering one of Stet’s bodyguards. The Doberman sniffed at the air and scanned the room for anyone else. Nearby a lighting setup, he spotted a German shepherd wearing a collar similar to theirs, trying to sneak off. “HEY! You over there with the dogtags! What are you doing?!” He shouted in a demanding tone. Stet gave a quick glance towards the commotion.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Vadiant »


Oasis Towers seemed to be a great place to live. Ryan and his dad, Nathan, lived on the fourth floor of the tower. When the place had first opened, Nathan had been eager to move in-- Even the small apartments in the tower were pretty roomy... At any rate, they definitely beat living in the back of the store. Though Nathan may not have been as rich as some of the apartment complex's other occupants, the tower itself was barely down the road from his movie shop; and who could argue with a place to live so close to work?


At any rate, not having to pay for transportation made it easier to afford an apartment in the first place. Two rooms in all: A main room, and one bedroom with bathroom attached. The main room was sectioned off into a living room and a kitchen, both still sparsely filled with furniture after the move in. Mainly this included standard amenities from the hotel, like a refrigerator and a few chairs around a table in the kitchen; or a sofa and television in the main room. Of course, the room had it's personal touches in the forms of a coffee table and a clearly out of place lamp, but not anything particularly notable.

Blink, blink.

As for the bedroom, aside from a sloppily made bed, it was relatively clean. Another lamp sat on a bedside table over a short stack of paperback books. A book case sat on the other side, but it was already crammed full-- various books on the top shelves, a thick line of movies on the bottom shelf, and little room for anything else in between. All this said, there was little sign of life in the entire room, while Nathan was out at work. No sign of life, that is, aside from a slightly ajar closet door beside the book shelf.

Blink, blink, bl--WHAM--

"Agh, for the love of!!..." With a loud clatter, the door of the closet swung open as a bat came rolling out, head-first. When the room stopped spinning, though still dazed, Ryan rubbed his head where he'd fallen on it, and got to his feet. Of course, one of the hazards of sleeping upside down is that waking up can be a literal pain in the neck once in a while. He'd have to remember to leave a pillow or something under the bar in there... But, for the moment, Ryan just gave a groggy look around the apartment. It seemed like he'd sleapt in, with Nathan long gone. He checked the main room to be sure, before stopping in the kitchen to grab a bite out of an apple from the fridge. "A doctor a day... *Yawn*... Keeps the apples at bay." Still partially asleep, Ryan didn't listen much to his own 'breakfast' mumblings, just going about the daily motions.

When he was slightly more awake, Ryan decided to take a look around the building. Stepping out the door of apartment 426, the door clicked softly behind him, as he scanned down both ends of the hallway. With no one immediately in sight, Ryan settled on an elevator across the hallway. After waiting a few seconds for the elevator to respond to it's call button, he walked in, and thought carefully about what floor he ought to head to... Before just pushing a handful of buttons at random. With a toothy grin, Ryan stood back for the doors to slide shut, and let the elevator move along-- in a building with 20 floors, he was bound to find an interesting stop somewhere along the way.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Dusty »

Ranger snapped to attention as the body guard yelled. "Uh, I'm new here, me and my Dad just moved in and I thougt I would look at the auditorium since I'm a musician and all," and stammered. His tail wagged nervously as he waited for what he assumed was a body guard to respond. I told Dad this place was too upscale, the other PETS have body guards!
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by The Game »

Stephi gasped. "That's so cool! You're Projection! I was there when you were the DJ more then once! Why didn't you wanna tell someone?" she asked, totally confused. What was the point of being having hidden fame? Being famous was fun! "Why would you wanna keep something like this a secret?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Alex »

The elevator finally stopped on the 18th floor, and a woman & dog came out of it, accompanied by several men wearing boxes. They all entered room 1810. The men left the boxes on the floor of the pre-furnished room, and left. The apartment wasn't as huge as others in this building. It had one living room, which was arguably the biggest room in the apartment, with a plasma-screen TV on the wall, and ready furniture. There was a kitchen, which was connected to the dining room. There were three more unused rooms, and one of them is soon gonna be Glenn's. He skipped over the boxes, and examined all three of them. There was furniture in every one of them. One had a bed and a table with chairs, nothing for him. The second was almost empty, but it was quite big, and it was connected to a second bathroom. The third one was smaller, but it suited him well. Connected to yet another bathroom, making it three in the whole apartment, a bed, a TV, a desk, a table+chairs and a wardrobe were present in it. Perfect.
Moom? Can I have this room?
"Of course, this one is for you. The middle one is my bedroom, and Joe's when he gets home, and the first one is a guest room. Here's the box with your stuff in it, decorate the room while I unpack, alright?"
She put one box on the floor, left and closed the door, leaving Glenn alone to decorate.

Glenn opened the box, and first thing he did was set up the electronics. PC on the desk, various consoles around the TV, plugged in joysticks and it was done. Now for his clothes and other things. Being a pet, he didn't have much of it. There were just several t-shirts he loved to wear from time to time, and winter clothes, like jackets. Having placed all of that, he looked in the box, there was just one thing left: Posters. Lots of them. Some were of popular heavy metal bands, but most were of pet top-models.... male ones. Glenn blushed, wondering how the pets here will react if they found out. What if some of them come to his room? Once they see these posters, they'll know. Whatever. Knowing that he can't hide it forever, he picked up the posters, and placed them on every of the walls. Satisfied with the result, Glenn came out of his room, to discover that most of the apartment was decorated, too. Since it was all pre-furnished, it didn't take long to unpack. Hannah was sitting in the living room, watching TV.
Mom? Can I take a look at the building? I heard they have a pool for pets!
"Yes you can, but be careful."

Glenn said "I will", and with a smile, ran out of the apartment, and into the elevator, going to the second floor. The restaurant Hannah owns is here, too, but that didn't matter. He found the door that said "Pool for pets", and entered. There were already some pets inside. A female corgi, a boarder collie, and... a tiger! Lucky it was a pet tiger, tamed, and short, too. Glenn went to the edge of the pool, and without much hesitating, jumped in, splashing the folks that were inside. Once he dived out, he faced the boarder collie.
Hey, folks! I'm Glenn, I just moved in. Sorry for splashing you, but it's all good fun, right?
He gave a smile, while waiting for their replies. (CHA: 9, good chance they will think it's good fun and not get angry)
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Teh Brawler »

Marc took off the glasses, and moved the headphones down to his neck again. "'s not that I'm afraid of fame," he responded, as each person had asked practically the same question. "But, rather, I'm afraid of me. I mean, look at me; I freak out pretty easily, and I'm kind of a baby, even at my age," he felt more confident, and continued. "I love music, and I love having a fanbase and making music that makes people happy, but I'm still Marc Dellis. If people saw the softie I am, they might not like Projection anymore. I'm not worried about pleasing everyone, but DJs are confident and sociable, and I'm not." He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. "But I don't think I'm so worried now. I'm not going to tell everyone, 'cause I don't want to press my fame on anyone, and I want to ask you all to not tell anyone, but I don't think I'll be afraid of people finding out, either." He again took another deep breath, to keep his strength up. "I am sensitive, I know, and I'm not going to change. But I will work to be more confident as Marc around pets, now that I'm living at Oasis Towers. And it's nice to have people to trust........I can trust you all, right?" he scanned over the three pets, with a questioning look in his eyes.

At that point, he noticed the German Shepherd talking with one of the bodyguards of Stet. He flinched at the newcomer, but regained his composure, and walked over with a firm facial expression and a terrified look in his eye. He stuck his paw out, not looking at Ranger, but at the ground, and said, "H-h-hey, I'm Marc."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ctcmjh »

Tobias nodded as he smiled, "Don't worry Marc, I'm the cat who's kept a million secrets. I won't tell a soul." He said reassuringly. He turned around and walked around the room with a map of this floor in his hand. He compared the map to the room and saw the security camera. He looked at it and waved. He marked on his map where the camera was and walked over to Ranger and Stet's bodyguard, "Oh come on now, he's doing nothing wrong. Look at him, I don't think he's gonna hurt anyone." Tobias told Stet's bodyguard, "I'm Tobias, the greatest mind this side of the equator." He said extending his paw for a handshake.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by The Game »

"I've kept more secrets then you know." Stephi said. She gave a half smile to Ranger, and rolled her eyes at Toby. "You're also the most modest. Hey, I'm Stephanie, but you can call me Stephi." she said.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Buckdida »

ctcmjh wrote:"My name is Grace." She said to Jaxeh. She smiled at how he got Klack's attention, "No, you're not interrupting anything." She told him.
"Ah, good to hear. Nice to meet you Grace. I see you've made acquaintance with Jaxeh? He's quite a good friend of mine. But usually not as approachable without me around," Klack said, smiling.
"Yeah, yeah, no need to get silly, sappy, or sentimental. Now that I've found ya, let's hit the pool. I'd say about half of everyone else is there!"
"I'd prefer if we didn't. You know I'm not very athletic."
"Too bad!" Jaxeh said, giving Klack a slight noogie. Klack just smiled and rolled his eyes. "So, Grace, I'm sure you've deducted this already, but the nickname I prefer to go by is 'Klack,' spelled with a 'k' at the start."
"Yeah, he's pretty much always this meticulous and anal."
"No need to be vulgar!" Klack said, mock scolding Jaxeh.
"We'll see who's spouting swears when I knock you into the pool!"
"You wouldn't dare!"
"You know I would!"
Clack shook his head and sighed. "Let's see the pool, then." He started walking down the hall in the direction Jaxeh noted. "So, how is it here so far, you two?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ArgentFlame »

Bastion hit the button to take him back to the second floor and waited while the elevator descended and stepped out once the doors had opened. He walked down the hallway towards the pool and briefly stopped to glance into the auditorium wen he heard voices inside, before conituing on to the pool. He went inside to find several other pets had arrived and were already in the pool. he quickly went over to one of the chairs and placed the towels, and his beret, on it. He walked over to the pool and dove into the deeper end.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by D-Singer »

Listening carefully as everything was explained, Stet took his shades back as Projection took them off, now just being known at Marc. “The secret’s safe with us!” He assured with a wink, as he placed his glasses back over his headband, then turning to the shepherd who had been caught sneaking around by one of his guards. “Hey there!” He casually greeted as the guard addressed both Tobias and Ranger. “My apologies, I just found it a little suspicious for someone to be trying to sneak by. Not like you have anything to hide...” The Dobe said, sounding collected and professional, he leaned towards Ranger and crossed his arms. “...Do you?” His partner just stood beside him, not saying a word or looking to question. Stet however, decided to step in, cutting between his guard and the shy Alsatian.

“Hey, don’t mind them, it’s not like they bite on sight or anythin. Name’s Stetson, new to these parts, and these are my ‘guns-for-hire’ Mike and Chopper.” He said, gesturing to the Doberman and Shepherd mix. He playfully reached out and flicked Mike’s guard-dog tags, making them clink together, the escort just ignored it. “So you’re a musician. Awesome me too! Maybe we could practice together sometime. We were headin to the pool, but I couldn’t let myself miss a chance to drop in on a place like this. Anyways, you wanna come?”
Last edited by D-Singer on Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Tiggy »

ArgentFlame wrote:Bastion hit the button to take him back to the second floor and waited while the elevator descended and stepped out once the doors had opened. He walked down the hallway towards the pool and briefly stopped to glance into the auditorium wen he heard voices inside, before conituing on to the pool. He went inside to find several other pets had arrived and were already in the pool. he quickly went over to one of the chairs and placed the towels, and his beret, on it. He walked over to the pool and dove into the deeper end.

Li noticed that Bastion was back. "Hey Bastion! Welcome back, these two are uhm, Andre and Precious. Li swam closer to Bastion. "Did you manage to get a pair of towels by the way?" He whispered
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Dusty »

The sudden mass of attention did little to put Ranger at ease. He blankly shook hands with Tobias, his eyes never leaving the two guards. "Uh.... My name is Ranger I'm new here obviously. Me and my Dad just moved into the tower," he stammered. He then turned to the Aussie who was apparently the employer of the body guards. "I mostly do solo gigs with my Tenor Pan but uh, I guess we could working something out. I'm rusty, I wasn't able to take my pan to Iraq so its been awhile. The pool sounds nice though, I'd love to join you."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ctcmjh »

Buckdida wrote:
ctcmjh wrote:"My name is Grace." She said to Jaxeh. She smiled at how he got Klack's attention, "No, you're not interrupting anything." She told him.
"Ah, good to hear. Nice to meet you Grace. I see you've made acquaintance with Jaxeh? He's quite a good friend of mine. But usually not as approachable without me around," Klack said, smiling.
"Yeah, yeah, no need to get silly, sappy, or sentimental. Now that I've found ya, let's hit the pool. I'd say about half of everyone else is there!"
"I'd prefer if we didn't. You know I'm not very athletic."
"Too bad!" Jaxeh said, giving Klack a slight noogie. Klack just smiled and rolled his eyes. "So, Grace, I'm sure you've deducted this already, but the nickname I prefer to go by is 'Klack,' spelled with a 'k' at the start."
"Yeah, he's pretty much always this meticulous and anal."
"No need to be vulgar!" Klack said, mock scolding Jaxeh.
"We'll see who's spouting swears when I knock you into the pool!"
"You wouldn't dare!"
"You know I would!"
Clack shook his head and sighed. "Let's see the pool, then." He started walking down the hall in the direction Jaxeh noted. "So, how is it here so far, you two?"
Grace couldn't help but laugh a little bit at their arguing. She followed them down the hallway, "Well, I just moved in, and I think this place is pretty good." She said, nonchalantly.


Tobias listened to the others, nodding at the appropriate moments. He honestly felt a little uncomfortable around Stet's bodyguards, but he was always uncomfortable around musclemen. His attention was drawn back to Ranger, "Iraq you say? I can respect a pet in uniform." Tobias told him.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Dusty »

ctcmjh wrote:
Tobias listened to the others, nodding at the appropriate moments. He honestly felt a little uncomfortable around Stet's bodyguards, but he was always uncomfortable around musclemen. His attention was drawn back to Ranger, "Iraq you say? I can respect a pet in uniform." Tobias told him.
"Yeah uh.... My Dad and eye we're in the National Guard. He was my Handler. We've actually only been back in the states for about two months. He got a job at a Electronics Factory and decided to move here on a military discount."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Kalvin »

Cap slowly walked up the stairs and finally made it to the pool. There is no words from him, he simply stares at the floor and then the water, sitting down at the edge and letting his legs lay in the water.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Keeshah »

Alex wrote: He found the door that said "Pool for pets", and entered. There were already some pets inside. A female corgi, a boarder collie, and... a tiger! Lucky it was a pet tiger, tamed, and short, too. Glenn went to the edge of the pool, and without much hesitating, jumped in, splashing the folks that were inside. Once he dived out, he faced the boarder collie.
Hey, folks! I'm Glenn, I just moved in. Sorry for splashing you, but it's all good fun, right?

The big she rottie splashes back at the spottydog, as he resurfaces...
It's all great fun here, don't be so worried about splashing about, you cutie!She replies.
ArgentFlame wrote:He went inside to find several other pets had arrived and were already in the pool. he quickly went over to one of the chairs and placed the towels, and his beret, on it. He walked over to the pool and dove into the deeper end.

Precious was so busy splashing with Glenn, that she didn't notice the Stoat's approch until he dived into the pool under her.
Woo hey?... hey is that an otter?trying to make out the underwater form.. then diving down under the water after him..
kalvin wrote:Cap slowly walked up the stairs and finally made it to the pool. There is no words from him, he simply stares at the floor and then the water, sitting down at the edge and letting his legs lay in the water.

Precious comes up from out of the water like a great black and brown shark!, grasping Cap's dangling legs from below..
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Alex »

Glenn smiled and blushed when the rottweiler called him "cutie". However, before saying anything, or even asking for her name, she swam away, leaving him alone. Looking around, he noticed that there are more pets at the pool now. He started swimming and diving around the pool, enjoying the water, until he bumped underwater into someone. Glenn emerged on the surface, and saw that it was the tiger. Tiger! Scary. Despite them being almost the same height, it was still a tiger. Glenn backed away slowly....
I'm... I'm sorry... didn't mean to!
It was hard to notice he was nervous, despite his nervousness (High CHA). However, after a couple of seconds, his brain kicked in. The tiger was talking to a stoat, and he is domesticated. They would never let a dangerous animal into this building, after all. And even if he's aggressive, would he dare to start anything here? Glenn hesitated a little, but then came closer and extended his paw, eying the tiger for any unusual behavior.
Hello, I'm Glenn. I just moved here with my mom. And who are you? How long are you here?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Tiggy »

Li turned around and saw the spotted dog that had bumped into him. "Rawr!!" Li roared. "Heh, I'm just kidding, and don't worry about it. I'm Li, and I moved to the US a couple of years ago, we heard about this place and arrived earlier today." Li patted Glenn on the head "You're cute!" He said.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Alex »

Glenn chuckled at the silly roar. It seemed like this guy isn't bad.
Li wrote:Heh, I'm just kidding, and don't worry about it. I'm Li, and I moved to the US a couple of years ago, we heard about this place and arrived earlier today.
Oh, so you arrived just today, too? Wait... hasn't this place just opened today? That means we're all newcomers, right?
Glenn smiled. Some of these pets arrived earlier, but they still mostly don't know each other. It's a great opportunity to make new friends. There's so much to discover here, it's a 20-floor building with a garden, after all, and it's more fun to do it with company.
The tiger extended his paw, and petted Glenn, making him blush.
Li wrote:You're cute!
His blush got deeper. The second time in.. less than 10 minutes that someone calls him cute.
Thanks... I get that a lot. So wanna go swim around? Or are you hungry? My mom keeps a pet restaurant here on this floor!
The truth was that Glenn wanted to change the subject. Not that he disliked being complimented, it's actually the opposite. But this time, he didn't want to tell Li "You're cute, too", because that would be a lie, in his opinion. Glenn doesn't really like tigers. Like, their appearance, not their personality. Actually, he didn't like how most felines look. Common housecats were okay, but... that's all. He lolled his tongue out, enjoying being pet on the head, while waiting for an answer.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Zander »

(Sorry but it has been 6 days...)

After plenty of Games of Poker Matt Finally Gave in.
"Fine- you two win." He looked at his Stack of Chips, which only contained about 5 chips, and then back at them. "I think i better get going , My agents are probably worried."
He thanked them for having him over, and made his way out the door and over to the elevator. He walked in and pressed "20".
The elevator opened up to reveal the hallway for the 20th story.

He pulled the little sheet out from his collar and walked down the hall, looking for his room.
"Aha! here it is."
He unlocked and opened the door to reveal a Lavishly Furnished penthouse, with 70 in flat panel television in the main room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 of the bathrooms contain a full size Jacuzzi, and 3 of the 4 bedrooms have there own slightly smaller flat panel television.
"I see the moving crew has been to work lately." He walked over to one of the couches and noticed a small card on it.
"Huh- whats this for?" He picked it up and read it "So this gets me into secret places? why would they have secret places in a apartment building?" He put it in one of the credit card slots in his collar and headed back out the door, and over to the elevator. He pressed the button and waited.
Fursona! :3

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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Teh Brawler »

Marc looked at Stet after the dog mentioned practicing together. "Um, I play the keyboard, as well," he threw in, hoping to be included in the potential jam session.

((Yes, I know I didn't put that in Marc's bio, but I figure it's implied. Also, blargh short post))
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Kalvin »

Keeshah wrote:YYaarroOoowww!
Cap jumped up in genuine fear as she comes up. "AAAAAH!" He tries to scramble away but the dog has too strong a grip on his legs, he falls face first on the floor and tries to scramble away. "NO! I CAN'T SWIM! PLEASE LET ME GO! HELP!"

(He has an amazingly strong bladder btw)
Last edited by Kalvin on Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Tiggy »

Glenn wrote:Or are you hungry?
"Hmm, yeah I am quite hungry, haven't eaten anything today. What kinda restaurant is it?" Li replied, removing his paw from Glenns head and splashed some water at him instead.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Alex »

Glenn, glad that they changed the topic, jumped out of the water, shook himself dry and motioned for Li to follow him.
I'm glad you're hungry. Come on, I'll lead the way!
He ran out of the pool room, and, three doors down the hallway, entered the restaurant, named Aden. In it, there were many tables designed for pets, with chairs around them, all of it made of wood. The whole place resembled a garden, with real flowers here and there, and a fountain, which was very expensive. Glenn sat at one of the tables and waited for Li to arrive.
Last edited by Alex on Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by D-Singer »

Dusty wrote:The sudden mass of attention did little to put Ranger at ease. He blankly shook hands with Tobias, his eyes never leaving the two guards. "Uh.... My name is Ranger I'm new here obviously. Me and my Dad just moved into the tower," he stammered. He then turned to the Aussie who was apparently the employer of the body guards. "I mostly do solo gigs with my Tenor Pan but uh, I guess we could working something out. I'm rusty; I wasn't able to take my pan to Iraq so it’s been awhile. The pool sounds nice though, I'd love to join you."
Teh Brawler wrote:Marc looked at Stet after the dog mentioned practicing together. "Um, I play the keyboard, as well," he threw in, hoping to be included in the potential jam session.
Stet became ecstatic at the thought of putting a small band together. A guitarist, steel pan player, and DJ, would defiantly make for some killer practice sessions later, but he had the resources to take it a step further. “Don’t you worry about bein rusty, I’ve got friends who were in the service too. All ya need is some time laid back, now that you’re home. C’mon, let’s start at the pool! Later we can head up to my place, I’ve got a new, private studio I’ve been dying to break in!” The hyped Aussie started off towards the exit to get to the pool, glancing over his shoulder to make sure the others were following. His guards just trailed wordlessly behind as usual. With a few more members, a little practice, and some advertising, he could easily set up plans for another one of his awesome pet-concerts soon. Stet began planning as he strolled out of the auditorium, endless ideas coming into consideration.
Last edited by D-Singer on Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Dusty »

D-Singer wrote:.
Stet became ecstatic at the thought of putting a small band together. A guitarist, steel pan player, and DJ, would defiantly make for some killer practice sessions later, but he had the recourses to take it a step further. “Don’t you worry about bein rusty, I’ve got friends who were in the service too. All ya need is some time laid back, now that you’re home. C’mon, let’s start at the pool! Later we can head up to my place, I’ve got a new, private studio I’ve been dying to break in!” The hyped Aussie started off towards the exit to get to the pool, glancing over his shoulder to make sure the others were following. His guards just trailed wordlessly behind as usual. With a few more members, a little practice, and some advertising, he could easily set up plans for another one of his awesome pet-concerts soon. Stet began planning as he strolled out of the auditorium, endless ideas coming into consideration.
I uh..... you have your own studio? How big?" Ranger asked, a look of suprise written across his face. He was becoming a little bit more comfortable now that the crowd of people around him didn't seem ready to cause him bodily harm. His tail wagged a bit as the thought of a jam session warmed up in his mind, "I've never tried integrating a steel pan with anything besides a pan band, but it does sound interesting."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Tiggy »

Li got out of the pool and turned to Bastion. "Hey Bastion, I'm going to eat, I'll see you later?" He said while he shook himself off, ignoring the towels.

He followed Glenn to the restaurant and sat down at table he was sitting at. "Wow, this place looks really cool!" Li said with excitement. He heard a familiar sound, and when he noticed what it was he started to hum the tune that was being played. After a while, he began to quietly sing with the music. Tonight, I'm gonna have myself a real good time, When he realized he was singing, he immediately stopped and began to blush. "Stupid stupid stupid!" He thought to himself, covering his face in his paws.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ArgentFlame »

Bastion turned as he swam under Precious and made a face at her when she looked down at him, before surfacing near Li. He nodded at the tiger's question and motioned towards the chair the towels were hung on. He turned to face the dog when he approached. "Hi there, I'm Bastion." He introduced himself, then swam off a little ways as Li talked to the dog, Glenn. He waved at the two as they got out of the pool to go eat. He was kind of hungry himself, but his dad wouldn't be happy with him if he went out and ate something and ruined his appetite before dinner.
Del S2 P6 E2 C5 I10 A8 L3
Sean S6 P5 E10 C3 I6 A6 L6
Bastion S5 P6 E4 C8 I5 A10 L4