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No, I'll just stay here. Thanks for the call though. Like I said, I'm not that good at handling it when a member of my crew dies, so the information was appreciated. Liz out. Liz hung up the communicator and turned to her son, wordlessly indicating for him to start up the show again. He obliged, and they watched as an animated robot was transformed into a more powerful form by the artifact he held in his hands, rock music playing in the background, in a reference to a movie that no one under the age of 12 would even know existed.
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Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Doris powered her chair over to Barry and kept him from falling. She helped him back up onto a bed and told him not to move.
Corp sent the sticky substance for analysis and was told by the night team leader that it would be analysed as soon as possible. Night-time. He'd not realized it was that late. Even the bars were quiet tonight and that frustrated him more than anything. They were expecting something to happen despite his best efforts. He couldn't say he blamed them.

He didn't head back to his room tonight. Bed was an unearned luxury. The office would do him tonight. He ran his checks on the security systems and took up his seat after switching them on. A few hours here would do. If he could drift off with the helmet on.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Same time as always, Liz' alarm went off. She was thinking of changing the noise it made. Waking up was bad enough by itself, and having it be to a horrendous, shrill, beeping noise didn't exactly help. Though this day in particular was doomed from the start.
That was how much they had discovered about their would-be assassin after their attempt on the brothers had failed yesterday. Everyone had their own ideas, Mayonettes in particular had made sense, but they were all missing something. And now, she thought, I have to let them escape. They couldn't delay the docking at the Tarn station, whereupon the perp would slip out amongst the masses. She sighed. At least she could visit the museum while she was there.
Last edited by Legotron123 on Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Post by Hlaoroo »

Twenty four hours. It's amazing what the body can do in just twenty four hours, Colorado reflects. Even with his years of experience and with all his technology the dog still marvels at how well nature can surpass his expectations. Barry and Sam were well enough, the doctor judged, to have been sent away first thign in the morning for a proper breakfast in the cafeteria and light duties during the day. Cailean and Conall are still in hospital though, having had such a massive dose of the gas. Conall's pain medication for his broken ribs has been reduced during the night to such a level that the dog can sign relatively coherently but still be comfortable and Colorado plans to remove the pacemaker later in the day. Cailean is all but normal aside from a lingering cough, a slight hoarseness in his voice and a slight shortness of breath. Both dogs no longer need masks or breathing tubes in their throats but both still have two-pronged oxygen tubes sitting in their nostrils. Colorado hopes to discharge them both later tomorrow.

A beep from the computer indicates that the test results had come back on the type of gas used in the attack. Reading the email turns Colorado pale. Such a simple molecule and so easily made yet so deadly. A combination of Nitrogen Dioxide, easily made from the supposedly secure stores of spare rocket fuel and copper wiring, and Viverrinium Trihydride, a handy yet highly toxic gas used in the mysterious mechanisms of the teleportation systems and traction beams, again easily found in locked storage areas in the ship. You'd need access to high credentials, a very good hacker, or both to get those chemicals...

Unsure if the captain and Corp are awake yet, Colorado makes sure the border collies are comfortable and provides them with breakfast, tilting their beds up into sitting positions, and then in leu of using his comms, he sends the captain and security chief an email that they can read in their own time with the test results as well as the news that the lads are ready to provide statements at the chief and captain's leisure.
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Trinity woke up quite early to head to docking bay 2. She was extremely excited to be on the STEELHAVEN, she had researched about it last night, all the missions it had been on, even about Sevastopol. And she was told at the bay yesterday that it was docking today.

She was determined to be on it as soon as it docked.

As she headed toward the docking bay, her stomach suddenly grumbled beneath her. Regretting grabbing a quick breakfast in her teporary quaters, she made a turn for the shopping plaza, hoping the 'Waystation Cafeteria' was open this early..
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Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Corp woke up in about as foul a mood as he'd gone to sleep in. The first thing he did was delete his own name from the monthly pay listings for this one month and, after a minor bathroom break, he forewent breakfast to look over the details from the forensics people with regards that substance he'd found last night. With that done he scheduled a meeting with Mayotte to occur in half an hour or so and clomped out of the office towards the medical bay.

Doris wheeled herself past him in the corridors and entered the medical bay with him a moment or so behind. "Chief Davidstow's on an incoming," she warned. "Looks like his mood's stinking."
"Can I talk to the boys," Corp asked as soon as the door opened.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Sensing Corp's mood, and with Doris' warning in mind, Colorado decides to be a little more formal than usual. He turns to Corp after settling Cailean's lap table over the dog's legs so he can eat comfortably.
"Yes, sir. I take it you got my email?" he answers, checking the drips going into the dogs' arms.

Still not strong enough to get up, the two dogs wait until Corp is in sight before saluting him from their beds, Conall a few moments after Cailean as he doesn't hear the mouse approach.
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"I did indeed, Doctor," Corp said. "Thank you for that. I'll be following things up in a short while." He turned to the boys and returned the salute. "As for you two," he said. "The idea of secrecy was to try and protect you. As that has failed," he growled, "I think we should try going public. People need something to hope for, a symbol for the fight. You can be that."
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Post by Jacey »

Sam and Barry were up the next morning, both either sore or tired.
Barry couldn't remember much of what happened after Doris told him to lie down, but being as he was in a bed, he guessed he fell asleep the instant his head reached the pillow.

Though Mayotte did protest about the two getting light duties, he grudgingly okayed the two to sit in on camera monitor duty. There were enough monitors that it was normally a two person job anyways since there were so many monitors.

The two sat quietly in silence for a while, eventually Barry worked on his paper work for the events yesterday. He still felt dizzy from the gas and had wondered if it was normal.
"I am going on my break Sam, going to check with Colorado about the dizzy feelings"
"Great, see you soon Barry."Sam said, looking still at the computer screens, watching the cameras and occasionally sending security people to check on things. Barry noticed Sam seemed distant this morning, even act breakfast he didn't talk much about his favorite TV show.
He saw Corp storm inside the medical bay, in a foul mood. It would be best for him to steer clear, he went instead to the cafeteria. Where he was greeted by Jim the chef with an enthusiastic hello. Ordering a small snack of crackers and cheese, he sat down at a table and listened to the chatter around him. A few members of the crew where whispering about Insignia and the spy on board, one or two people from the engineering section kept talking about and speculating that there were two or more spies on the ship, and they could tell the captain was unnerved by it all. He wasn't sure who was saying it, but he overheard one voice behind him say they saw Mayotte near some of the new passengers quarters earlier while the two dogs were gone.
"Wasn't Mayotte supposed to be in the security office all day yesterday?" Barry thought. He heard a few others say they think the security team know about the killer and spies but refused to act until there was a real threat. Barry was going to have to talk to Corp about this, see why people thought the security team were letting spies walk around.
Noticing the time, Barry had to return to the monitor room. He got two drinks and a small bag of crackers and cheese with him so Sam could eat something.
"Did you get some medication?" Sam asked as he put his radio down from a recent call about another shoplifter.
"Corp was there, seemed to not be happy, so I went to get something to snack on instead." Barry lifted up the snacks in his hands. Sam smiled, glad for some food. "I did hear some rumors going around, about the security team being corrupt and Mayotte sneaking around."
Sam had a mouth full of cheese and crackers in his mouth, and tried to swallow it down quickly with his soda. "Make a note of it, though don't send any emails. Best to be one on one with the captain about rumors around here."
Sam had said after clearing his throat.

Barry nodded and started to look around at the cameras, everything seemed quiet on the starboard side of the ship.
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"I'll give you guys some privacy. I need to take inventory so I'll be in the store next door. Just hit one of the buzzers by the beds if you need me." Colorado says, as much to the boys as to Corp, as is evidenced by his signing the phrase to Conall as he talks. Conall gives the doctor a thumbs up and then watches Cailean's paws as he translates Corp's words for him. Nodding, Conall signs back with Cailean translating for Corp.
"Conall says: aye. It'll be harder tae kill us if we're in th' public eye. An' - hehe - he's glad tae be yer Mockingjay, especially if he gets a cool bow that fires explodin' arrows." Both dogs can't help but giggle at this, but Conall's laugh soon turns to a suppressed yelp as the motion sends a stab of pain through his broken ribs.
"Seriously though, sir, we're glad tae dae anythin' we can tae strike back against Insignia." Conall nods in confirmation of this, having read Cailean's paws.
"Ah suppose ye'd like tae hear oor account o' what happened yesterday?" Cailean queries. "Is there anythin' in particular ye'd like tae ken, sir, oor dae ye just want just th' full story?"

In the store room, Colorado starts checking supplies against the list on his data pad. To fill in the near-silence in the room and to give the boys and Corp an additional modicum of privacy, he sets his comms earpiece to the news channel and listens idly as he works.
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Corp crossed his arms and activated his helmets' recording device. "As much as you can," he said. "From after you left in the morning. Did you see anyone?"
Doris took herself off into the corridor.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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"No one out of the ordinary." Cailean answers before looking at his brother who's attracted his attention.
"Ah was first awake. Ah didnae sleep tae well sae Ah was up early. Ah tried tae get food but th' replicator was broken." he signs with Cailean translating. "Ah tried tae leave tae go tae th' cafeteria but oor door was locked. Ah guess nae one had been in durin' the night. Ah sat by th' door until Dabry opened it aboot... ooh... Ten minutes later, maybe? Ah didnae see anyone in the corridor aside frae Dabry an' another cat Ah think was guardin' us. Ah dinnae his name. I didnae speak tae him at all. He was a tuxedo cat. Anyway, Dabry came in tae th' room and took a piece frae the replicator - said it was tae stop it goin' haywire. That's when Cailean got up. When he was dressed an' ready Dabry took us tae th' cafeteria - ye'll recall tha' tha' was when ye called fer us on th' holodeck. We didnae get tae th' cafeteria but headed straight tae ye. We were told th' problem an' Ah got tae work. Er... Ye'd better tak it frae here, Cailean, since ah was distracted."
"Sure. Sae it was just me, th' Cap'n, Stan, that yorkie, Dabry an' yersel' at the holodeck. We just chatted uneventfully until Conall finished the repairs an' had a little competition wi' Stan tae test the security o' th' ship's computers. Stan won, o' course. After that we headed tae the cafeteria but had barely gotten there when we got yer call tae th' murder... Ah think ye have oor full report o' tha' already so Ah'll nae go intae it unless ye have any questions. After we'd finished there it was time fer dinner sae Dabry took us up tae a bar and we had drinks and lunch wi' him, th' cap'n, Barry an' a squirrel kit called Andy. Ah think ye rescued him frae Insignia recently."
"Ah had on some gloves tha' cuid translate mah sign intae spoken words. Lieutenant Karl, a German Shepherd gave them tae me when we were in Engineerin' when we were investigatin' th' murder... Ah dinnae if they have any relevance tae this but Ah thought ye shuid ken anywye." Conall interrupts. "Ah thought they cuid be part o' the detonator or somethin'." This last is directed at Cailean who takes a moment to ponder.
"It's possible, Ah suppose, but Ah didnae see anythin' tha' looked suspicious when Ah was lookin at them when you were on th' computer in Engineerin'. Nothin' Ah can recall anywye... Anywye, after dinner, Conall, Dabry and Ah were th' last in oor group tae leave th' bar. We took Andy back tae his family and then headed back intae oor room. We left Dabry outside oor room. Ah remember th' door made a strange soond when it was closed - like a gratin', crunchin noise, but Ah didnae think tae much o' it at first. Ah figured Engineerin' or Maintenance wuid sort it in th' mornin'. We smelled tha' someone had been in th' room. We'd smelled tha' scent on th' ship before but cuidnae work out tae whom it belonged sae we figured it was the engineer fixin' th' replicator. Ah went tae get a drink and but found tha' th' replicator was still broken. I was aboot tae fiddle when Conall barked at me frae th' latrine. He'd foond a device under there."
"Aye. It was aboot this big," Conall holds his paws up, having taken over the story again. "An' fixed behind th' bowl. It was a cylindrical an' had a red flashin' light. Tha' was what caught mah attention. Ah think the attacker spilled somethin' there, that or oor latrine has a leak, because Ah saw the light reflect on th' floor. Ah called Cailen o'er but before he cuid dae anythin' th' light changed tae solid green."
"Ah threw us o'er th' couch, anticipatin' an explosion," Cailen continues, "But it didnae come. Instead there was a hissin' sound and when Ah looked there was a kind o' shimmerin' haze comin' frae it. There was also somethin' right near us under the couch so we got awye frae tha'. Ah'm pretty sure there were two or three other devices in th' room but Ah didnae stop tae check. Oor eyes and noses started burnin' and we ran fer th' door but couldnae open it. Ah remember we ran aroond th' room, trying tae find some wye out but we were trapped... Then... Ah think the gas was gettin' tae me... Ah remember coughin'... An' mah lungs burning... Ah think Ah found mah comms on th' floor... Ah guess Ah must hae called fer help but Ah don' remember... Next thing I ken Ah'm wakin' up here wi' a mask on mah face and a pain in mah arm an' mah heart... Ah think Ah passed oot again after tha' because th' next thing Ah remember it was early mornin'. Ah'm afraid Ah cannae tell ye much more than tha'. Conall says he cannae think o' anythin' either. Ah'm sure there's somethin' though... Perhaps if ye ask us some questions?"
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Post by Civilization »

Sylvester and Zoroaster spent the last part of yesterday keeping an eye over their patients with Colorado, before calling it in for another day. With everything going back into a calmer period for the time being they took the time to relax themselves over the 'night'. After a quick breakfast they headed back to the medical bay, seeing Doris outside, "Is everything okay?"
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"Oh," Doris said after starting at the unexpected voice, "it's fine, Doctors. Just Chief Davidstow and the boys needing a few is all." She looked to face the younger one. "And how are you two today," she asked.
Corp listened to what they told him. Much of it he knew already but it all still helped. Especially when they confirmed his belief that something had been attached to the toilet bowl. He knew where this was headed and he didn't much like it, a fact that crossed his mouth in an unpleasant curl. The room had been security sealed after the attack. Very few people could have accessed it. "Very few," he muttered. "This scent. Would you say it was... Feline? Canine? Human? Something else?"
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Barry thought more on the rumors he had heard, and decided to send a message to the captain. Reaching over to his communicator he typed out. "Captain, I need to talk to you about something, but its best to be said one on one.-

He sent out the message, "Good idea there" Sam stood up and grabbed his crutch. "I'm still feeling a little week, so Corp or not I am going to take my break and head to the medical bay, see if Colorado can help me out. Oh, and I will get something for the light headedness as well" He said.
"See you in a little bit" Replied Barry as he relaxed a little more in the chair.
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Post by WeirdGamer »

Issac and Desmond had gotten up early in order to make last minute inspections and changes to the supplies. Desmond was busy tapping away on his data pad, occasionally giving orders to the supply crew.

"No, the other box marked explosive...and hang on...the one that's red and looks like it would explode!" He was having stressful day. Any day involving this much supplies was bad enough, but now he had to smuggle a person with fake credentials on board a ship.

Issac seemed much more calm by comparison, but even with a smile on his face deep down he was uncharacteristically worried too. "Who knew a ship could need this much cooking supplies?"

I did," replied Desmond absentmindedly while staring at his datapad. "Now if we make room there..."
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The lads consult for a moment, combining their fuzzy memories.
"Er... Canine, we think... But there was another smell... Herbs an' somethin' sweet like wine... Ah think whomever it was spilled their dinner on themselves. Ah'm sorry we cannae be more specific... If Ah may ask, have ye any leads, sir?"
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"Leads," Corp mused. he considered that the gas could only have been obtained by someone with high security clearance. HIS level and above, in fact. He considered the missing device in the boy's bathroom. It had been there when they were gassed so, logically, it had been there when the boys were rescued and it must have been there when the security seal was put on the room. But it hadn't been there later. Someone had got through the seal. He gritted his teeth. Putting the items together and what they'd just said about the scent... He growled slightly. Only a security chief could have got in to that stock. Or an acting one. And he'd sent that same person into the room to sweep it... "Leads," he repeated. "You've just confirmed one I think," he said tightly, before turning away. "Now I just have to put it around a certain someone's neck and strangle them with it!" With that he stormed out of the room and headed for security whilst checking who was on monitor duties yesterday.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Marking off another item on his list, Colorado pauses as a special report on the news channel catches his attention. His eye grows wide as he listens and he whips out his data pad and opens a live feed, not quite believing what he's seeing.
"Colorado to Chief Davidstowe... Uh, you better see this, Chief... News Channel 3. It's Cailean and Conall - or... Someone very like them." Colorado stares at his screen as the reporter describes how the boys have at last been freed from the wreckage of their home and are being taken to hospital. Behind the reporter, the two dogs are seen being loaded into an ambulance and the camera manages to get a brief but clear shot as the medics bustling around them part for a moment. The resemblance is uncanny.
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Corp watched the video whilst keeping Colorado on the line. He huffed. "I have something to deal with right now, Doctor," he said sharply. "Get on to Sergeant MacAuliffe - their balding local policeman - and tell him he has imposters. Remind him I called a few days ago to ask on the Lamont boys. Tell him we have them here! If needs be, let them tell him but keep this new part from them. Corp out." He hung up the line.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Oh," Doris said after starting at the unexpected voice, "it's fine, Doctors. Just Chief Davidstow and the boys needing a few is all." She looked to face the younger one. "And how are you two today," she asked.
"Ah." Sylvester looked at Zoroaster, seems like the start of the day was already going to be busy, and they were starting it waiting outside. Proving to be a great experience. He thought to himself.

"Very well, thank you." Zoroaster looked at Sylvester, who gave a slight nod. Since they would probably be standing there for an unknown amount of time, he added, "And you?"
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"...Aye aye, sir." Colorado says to the empty air, not having been able to get another word in before Corp cut the line. He leans on the wall, pondering, and then enters the medbay again. He glances at the dogs briefly before opening the door to admit Doris and the ferrets.
"Come on in, guys. Sorry about that. We can get to work now that Corp's gone though. Zoroaster, it's inventory day. Could you finish taking inventory of the storeroom please? I've sent the list I've done so far to your data pad. Pretty simple - just note what we have versus what we should have. You'll see how I've done it easily enough. Sorry it's boring but it's one of those jobs that needs doing before we make port. Doris, could you keep an eye on the boys, please, and keep them entertained? They're just finishing breakfast now. Sylvester... Could you please finish filling in the med logs from last night and then hold down the fort for a while? I need to make a phone call or two on Corp's orders."
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Liz walked into the bridge, still slightly sluggish as the usual morning energy drink hadn't kicked in yet. She made her way over to her chair and sat down before turning to one of the bridge crew. What's our position in regards to Tarn?
The techie, a fox, turned her wheelie-chair towards the captain. We're coming up to it now captain.
Have you gotten permission to dock yet, lieutenant?
Yes ma'am, just before you came in.
Excellent. Engage docking procedure. The various techies began enacting a procedure they'd all performed a million times. Line the ship up with the station, extend a port to connect to the one on the station, lock in, and let the passengers off. It was so easy to perform that Liz felt comfortable with ignoring it to check the message from Barry. She sighed as she read its contents. I swear, if he just has more bad news...
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Post by ~\Rook/~ »

As Trinity munched halfway through a tuna sandwich, she glanced out the window to see large painted letters writing out 'STEELHAVEN'. It was a few seconds before she jumped up and ran out the shopping plaza, leaving her sandwich and drink on the table..

"Gotta.. get.. to.. the.. ship..!" She huffed to herself as she zipped past people and places toward docking bay 2.

Reaching the bay in record time, Trinity skids to a halt and looks to the arrivals board. On the second line it says; Just now: Emperion-Class Ship STEELHAVEN. Trinity sighs and takes a seat nearby, waiting until the ship is fully docked and she can meet all the new, interesting people working and living on this rather presteigous ship..
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Sam slowly progressed to the medical bay, he was feeling better but didn't feel like risking moving much if he was still feeling wobbly. On his way, he ran into Chief Davidstow. "Chief, hey. Do you mind talking for a moment actually? Its about Mayotte." He said, Sam knew the Chief was busy and wasn't going to be mad if he was ignored at all. Corp didn't look very happy anyway.
Barry saw that the captain had seen is message with a small "received" alert on the end. He couldn't go to her, she would need to stop by and talk with him. in the meantime he continued his duties of watching the cameras
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Corp stopped as soon as he heard that name and turned towards Sam. "What about Mayotte," he asked heavily, gravel almost audible in his voice. "Have you seen him today?"
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Sam froze, he only heard Corp say that tone of voice once before and that was not a pleasant experience that day. "Aside from when Barry and myself got our assignment, which was odd to put us together to watch video feeds. Ite like he wants us to only do that..." he caught himself trailing off. "um, sorry about trailing off. Anyway no, actually I haven't even seen him on any security cameras. However during his break Barry heard a lot of people talking and spreading rumors, according to him a majority of the rumors were or Mayotte or the security teams. It was something that Barry wasn't sure how to respond to being new to the ship and all." Sam stood and waited to be dismissed or the chiefs reaction.
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Corp nodded. "And he was supposed to be watching the monitors yesterday. Drat him." Corp looked on sam with a tiny touch more softness. "You were headed to the medbay? You want to continue on or come with me and have a word with Mayotte?" Over the last few words his voice attained the growl again. After the answer he called the security customs point and told them that, if they docked with the station before he got there, Mayotte was NOT to pass. Then he headed that way.
Doris wheeled herself into the office and let the door close behind her. "Well, boys," she started, making sure Conall could follow her lips, "this is better than where last we met, eh?"
Last edited by Welsh Halfwit on Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Hlaoroo wrote:"...Aye aye, sir.""Come on in, guys. Sorry about that. We can get to work now that Corp's gone though. Zoroaster, it's inventory day. Could you finish taking inventory of the storeroom please? I've sent the list I've done so far to your data pad. Pretty simple - just note what we have versus what we should have. You'll see how I've done it easily enough. Sorry it's boring but it's one of those jobs that needs doing before we make port. Doris, could you keep an eye on the boys, please, and keep them entertained? They're just finishing breakfast now. Sylvester... Could you please finish filling in the med logs from last night and then hold down the fort for a while? I need to make a phone call or two on Corp's orders."
Zoroaster and Sylvester nodded, "Not a problem." With that they both when to doing the task set before each of them. Catching up on what probably could have been done with yesterday's series of checkups that never were able to be fully completed.
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Welsh Halfwit wrote: Doris wheeled herself into the office and let the door close behind her. "Well, boys," she started, making sure Conall could follow her lips, "this is better than where last we met, eh?"
"Aye." Cailean agrees as Conall nods. The boys exchange a look and then Cailean speaks again, signing his words for Conall's benefit.
"Thank ye fer helpin' save us yesterday, Doris. We owe ye an' th' doctors oor lives. Tha's somethin' we can never repay." Conall nods seriously in agreement before sipping at his coffee.

It actually takes Colorado three calls before he finally finds the number for the Portree local police, the station looking after Cailean and Conall's estate, about four miles north of the township.
"Ah. Good morning Sergeant MacAuliffe. I'm Colorado Vanderblit, lead doctor on the Starship Steelhaven. I believe you've talked to our Chief of Security, Corp Davidstowe. I need to talk to you again with regards to Cailean and Conall Lamont. Do you have a few minutes please?"
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Sergeant MacAuliffe had just got back in for the afternoon after lunch at the Breezes - the oysters were still repeating on him as he sat down and saw a call was coming in. Unknown caller but with a ship, off-world, ID. They'd had a good night last night, celebrating the boys return and he knew things were in good hands with the Fiscals so what could..? He noted the entire code. Hadn't that mouse called from a similar code? He pressed the button to let the call through.

He nodded as the dog talked although he did have a little trouble following the accent. "Ah cert'nly do," he replied, checking the dogs' ID on the police system. "Wha's th' flap?"
Doris gave a small grin, then indicated the boys should come closer. "I can't come to you," she said, "so you'll have to come to me."
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Kiara finished tinkering around in the workshop and decided to take a walk around the ship, humming a tune as she twirled her wrench in her paw.
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"Are you sitting down, Sergeant? Well, I'm afraid the two dogs you pulled out of the rubble of Lamont Estate this morning aren't the real Lamonts. I know because we have the real ones here on the ship." Colorado pauses to let that sink in and to gauge MacAuliffe's response.

Conall signs something, looking apologetic.
"Conall's sorry but he cannae get tae ye. He's tae sore tae lean like tha' at th' moment on account o' his ribs." Cailean leans over the railing on his bed and hugs the squirrel as best he can from high above her.
"Thank ye, though. An' Ah mean tha'." Straightening again, he picks up his spoon.
"Have ye eaten yet, Doris? Ah'm sure we can spare a little fer ye, although it is just hospital food."
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Oookay, the Sergeant thought, this is unexpected. If it wasn't for the call yesterday he... He shrugged lightly. "Can ye prove what ye're sayin'?"
"Oh, I'm fine boys," Doris said. "I had something with my husband and Andy earlier."
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"Yes, I can." Colorado briefly outlines all he knows of the boys' story and sends MacAuliffe the identifying markers from the boys' blood samples with the photos he has on file, although he keeps the bulk of their medical records private as the law demands. He'll gladly reveal anything the cop wants to know though.
"I'll take you to them too if you want to talk to them directly. Chief Davidstowe does wish to keep the knowledge of the imposters from them for now though, so if you could avoid mentioning that when you talk to them and just make it sound as though you're checking in with them then that'd be good. And from a medical standpoint they don't need to be stressing about that while they're healing anyway."

"All right. So how are ye doin'? Are ye copin' all right wi'oot yer leg? Does it hurt at all?"
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"Aye," MacAuliffe said, hearing the pings as his computer received the files. "Ah'll have t' send the bloodwork t' Broadford o'course... Aye," he added, "Aye, I'll speak wi' 'em."
"Only when I try to walk," Doris confessed. "It'll take some time to get used to, M'loves. But I'll get there. Probably right before they fit the artificial, then I'll have to get used to that!"
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Welsh Halfwit wrote:Corp nodded. "And he was supposed to be watching the monitors yesterday. Drat him." Corp looked on sam with a tiny touch more softness. "You were headed to the medbay? You want to continue on or come with me and have a word with Mayotte?" Over the last few words his voice attained the growl again. After the answer he called the security customs point and told them that, if they docked with the station before he got there, Mayotte was NOT to pass. Then he headed that way.
Doris wheeled herself into the office and let the door close behind her. "Well, boys," she started, making sure Conall could follow her lips, "this is better than where last we met, eh?"
"I am a tad slow today, but yes sir." Sam said as he followed Corp.
(OOC: sorry, things got weird. was hard to post)
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"Heh. Colorado seems tae be a guid doctor. Ye'll be back on ye paws in noo time."

"Okay. I'll take you to them." Colorado knocks on the door before entering the medbay and crossing to the boys.
"I have someone who's dying to talk to you two if you're up to it." he smiles. The boys indicate that they are so Colorado slides MacAuliffe's face to the side of his screen and presses some buttons. A moment later a panel unfolds from the roof and lowers itself to easy an easy viewing position in front of the boys. Colorado steps around the screen so that he's visible with the boys and Doris.
Recognising the figure who appears on the screen, the boys' faces light up.
"Boomer!" Cailean exclaims. "Haow are ye?"
"Hi, Cop-Boom!" Conall signs happily, using the name-sign - the sign language equivalent of a nickname - that he's given the Sergeant. Both his and Cailean's nicknames for him stem to a certain incident during Cailean's explosives training where the cop, an old friend of their father, had inadvertently triggered a premature explosion and had had to grab the boys and leap over the hill for safety. They'd rolled down the slope and landed in the loch just in the nick of time as the shock-wave passed harmlessly overhead, deflected by the solid earth. Unharmed, they'd been able to laugh the incident off, however for MacAuliffe, the nickname had stuck.
"Here they are, and this is Doris, one of our nurses. Doris, this is Sergeant MacAuliffe, the lads' local policeman from Scotland on Earth. Would you like a few moments alone with the boys, Sergeant?"
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Well, MacAuliffe thought as they greeted him, that answers how they were going to prove their identity. He laughed at the screen and greeted Doris before saying that it would be greet if he could talk tae the boys for a moment. "A' th' better fer seein' you twa bairns," he said, thankful he'd hit the record function on his end. With the recent developments he'd need this to get to the local Fiscal as soon as possible. "Wha' in glory's name happened tae youse twa?"
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"All right. Use your call buttons if you need anything, guys." Colorado says and signs before wheeling Doris into the next room.
"How's that paperwork going, Sylvester? Sorry to lump you with it. Doris, lets get you up on this table and get those bandages off. I'd like to check how your wound is healing now that I think about it."

Once the doctor and nurse are gone, the boys turn their attention back to their friend.
"Ah, it's a long story. Dae ye hae time? Ah'm nae sure haow much Colorado has told ye so Ah guess we'd better go frae th' start." After a brief signed discussion about where to start the boys relate their tale to the cop with Cailean translating Conall's parts. They struggle through the tale of their family's deaths, both using some tissues from their bedside tables, before becoming more animated and angry as they relate the attacks on their lives and the threat these attacks have posed to the Steelhaven. At the conclusion of their tale, they fall silent, waiting to see how "Boomer" will react.
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