2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by LunarFox »

I was really hoping this would be the start of a new arc.... maybe if all of us wheedle and plead enough. Now why are there quotes around frisbee? It makes it seem like Craig's up to something...
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by HundKatzeMaus »

LunarFox wrote:I was really hoping this would be the start of a new arc.... maybe if all of us wheedle and plead enough. Now why are there quotes around frisbee? It makes it seem like Craig's up to something...
It could become the fundament of a new arc.
Also I think the reason why frisbee is in quotes is because Craig/Pete simply does not know what to do with a frisbee, which could be because before he became immortal he never cared about it.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by SeanWolf »

HundKatzeMaus wrote:
LunarFox wrote:I was really hoping this would be the start of a new arc.... maybe if all of us wheedle and plead enough. Now why are there quotes around frisbee? It makes it seem like Craig's up to something...
It could become the fundament of a new arc.
Also I think the reason why frisbee is in quotes is because Craig/Pete simply does not know what to do with a frisbee, which could be because before he became immortal he never cared about it.
Same time, i was thinking he was saying the word with a disgusted tone of voice as, to him still, mortal games are beneath him (if one could quote Loki)
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by LunarFox »

Oh, okay. I took it as it not really being a frisbee and some sort of trick, but I'm probably reading into it too much.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by fenrirblack »

You know what I just realized, This is some major déjà vu.

leinglo wrote:Just had a thought, but is it just me, or do Pete and Dragon's memory and knowledge of their divine lives seem to be...fading as they get older? Like, when they were sifting through the ruins of the destroyed temple they seemed to have a fairly complete knowledge of their past selves. At least, they knew what was in the temple, presumably how to use it, and they knew that Dragon's temple is in Egypt. Now Pete doesn't even know how to use a Frisbee.

Makes me wonder, as the two grow up, will memory of their divinity gradually fade into the realm of childhood imagination, leaving them effectively mortal in mind once they reach adulthood? I kinda hope so. Knowledge of their past lives, and a desire to find some way of regaining them, seems to be the biggest obstacle standing in the way of Pete and Dragon actually developing, learning, or otherwise growing as characters through this experience.

Who knows, maybe friendship with the pups will help with that.
Kitsune being there will serve as a constant reminder of what he did to them, Pete especially so they’re sure to remember. Probably counting the days, weeks, months, years until they done (even if they don’t know the exact time). Dragon might grow up and find closure with her mortal existence but Pete is too stubborn. Anger runs deep and so does a grudge. Again the most we can hope for is begrudging acceptance and leave the immortal memory in the back their minds as a reminder of why they exist and are suffering.
This is Pete we’re talking about so the concept of whatever a “frisbee” is and/or does never was a concern for him. He was too busy being a you-know-what to everyone.
If the pups do help them find acceptance and grow then you know Kitsune would have planned/intended it to happen.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can't wait to see King's reaction that his daughter is friends with the same demigod that tried to ruin his life multiple times for his own selfish purposes. :D
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by TeflonCougar »

"Here I am, brain the size of a planet and what do they ask me to do? Escort you the the bridge." Marvin the paranoid android.

Somewhere out there King's dad sense is screaming.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Cesco »

Oooh, it's Olive! :o She's so cute! :D King's puppies are growing so fast. ;) Uhm, maybe it's not so safe for her to move in the woods, especially with those two ex demigods foxes... :P Meh, Craig, do you want to get a point with that? :| Eheh, I love Olive's reply, it's like "kthxbai". :lol: But you thought it over, Craig, you would really play with someone. ;) Aww, it's a shame you two don't know how to play with a simple flat disk where one throws it away and the other runs to catch it. :P
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Douglas Collier »

*Olive saves the frisbee after someone steals it from Craig and throws it into the water*
Craig: Why does she smell even better now?
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by NHWestoN »

HundKatzeMaus wrote:
LunarFox wrote:I was really hoping this would be the start of a new arc.... maybe if all of us wheedle and plead enough. Now why are there quotes around frisbee? It makes it seem like Craig's up to something...
It could become the fundament of a new arc.
Also I think the reason why frisbee is in quotes is because Craig/Pete simply does not know what to do with a frisbee, which could be because before he became immortal he never cared about it.
Kinda why I was a little suspicious that the Celestial Realm wasn't exactly Heaven - no one playing frisbee with a dog. Or a fox. Or a camel. Or a unicorn.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by GameCobra »

This was a beautiful one-off. Love that the pups and Pete/Craig get more involved.

Also, Frisbees are hard.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by fenrirblack »

For anyone who's curious. Pete/Craig should be 4 by now. Olive and the other pups are 3 1/2, they'll be four in Aug.

It is curious though. Was Pete asking about the frisbee because he simply want to play with it or with Olive?
GameCobra wrote:Also, Frisbees are hard.
It is important to remember that this is a guy who spent most if not all his time playing role-playing games. I doubt playing "sports" or being active or being outside was high on his list of priorities.

It's fun to think about maybe there was a tournament in Heaven where all the gods got together to compete against each other like the Olympics or something. Kitsune calling Pete who's in his room hunched over a U&U book.
Kitsune: Where are you? Don't you want to play with everyone else?
Pete: Why would I want to do something stupid like that?
Kitsune: I don't know. To get out of your room. To be active. To socialize with other people. (Man, that sounds like my sister)
Last edited by fenrirblack on Mon Apr 22, 2019 6:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Bandit1990 »

I've been waiting for the pups to grow up some, I like the idea of seeing them around more.
GameCobra wrote:Also, Frisbees are hard.
Frisbees are super easy, provided you don't care about them flying in a straight line for any significant distance. :P

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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Obbl »

fenrirblack wrote:For anyone who's curious. Pete/Craig should be 4 by now. Olive and the other pups are 3 1/2, they'll be four in Aug.
Time for my customary reminder that the pets age exactly when and as the plot demands and Rick decides. ^^
As further proof of this, 4 translates to about 14 in pet years (going by our 3.5 pet years per human year rule) which is just a touch younger than what we pegged for Peanut's age (about 15) way back when, whereas Craig appears to be about as old as the wolf cubs were when they first arrived (an age clearly much younger than Peanut). I'd put Olive in the 4-5 age range (about 1-1.5 in human years) and Craig at about 7-9? (about 2-2.5 in human years). The seasons in the comic may line up nicely with the seasons in real life, but the ages of the characters clearly don't follow our years (else over the course of this comic the main cast would have all gained about 38 pet years on top of whatever age they started at, and I wouldn't put almost any of them at more than 20) ;)

And as far as the metaphysics behind Craig's statement about his intellect, my thoughts are that he remembers being a demigod which means that he remembers knowing all of these things, but his current mortal mind cannot comprehend them anymore. It's not that he's forgetting anything in particular, just that if he can't wrap his brain around it, it's useless to him to remember that he used to understand.
I hadn't considered him and Draig meeting King's pups and becoming friends, but now I really want to see it :D
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Gameb18oy »

fenrirblack wrote:For anyone who's curious. Pete/Craig should be 4 by now. Olive and the other pups are 3 1/2, they'll be four in Aug.

It is curious though. Was Pete asking about the frisbee because he simply want to play with it or with Olive?
GameCobra wrote:Also, Frisbees are hard.
It is important to remember that this is a guy who spent most if not all his time playing role-playing games. I doubt playing "sports" or being active or being outside was high on his list of priorities.

It's fun to think about maybe there was a tournament in Heaven where all the gods got together to compete against each other like the Olympics or something. Kitsune calling Pete who's in his room hunched over a U&U book.
Kitsune: Where are you? Don't you want to play with everyone else?
Pete: Why would I want to do something stupid like that?
Kitsune: I don't know. To get out of your room. To be active. To socialize with other people. (Man, that sounds like my sister)
The true reason Kitsune orchestrated the game that got his pals stuck as mortals for a bit, he kinda would like them to enjoy more than U&U and leave their rooms (Dragon was probably a little better considering she did stuff like wrestle that ice giant, but that’s only because Pete/Craig was heaven’s version of Bino)

On less dorky matters, unless Dragon’s the one that adopted her, light confirmation that Tarot does have an owner with that adopted line
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by NHWestoN »

Between the puppies, Draig and Craig, and Tiny Tum, that's a nice little play circle. Wonder what would happen if they got their little fingers on Badger's coin …..?
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by fenrirblack »

It’s fun to think that Pete would get his grubby little fingers on the coin and be the antagonist again but that isn’t going go happen. He’s reached the stage in his character development where he simply is going to have to adjust to mortal life and that’ll be his focus. If this was a different kind of story he’d might be put in a situation where he’d have to choose mortality over vengeance and absolute power. Possibly with a certain puppy trying to convince him to make the right choice for her sake. ;) oh the dilemma of love.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by SeanWolf »

fenrirblack wrote:It’s fun to think that Pete would get his grubby little fingers on the coin and be the antagonist again but that isn’t going go happen. He’s reached the stage in his character development where he simply is going to have to adjust to mortal life and that’ll be his focus. If this was a different kind of story he’d might be put in a situation where he’d have to choose mortality over vengeance and absolute power. Possibly with a certain puppy trying to convince him to make the right choice for her sake. ;) oh the dilemma of love.
Wouldn't, theoretically, the coin not do anything to him but, instead, turn him into a different animal/human then he intended?
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by fenrirblack »

SeanWolf wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:It’s fun to think that Pete would get his grubby little fingers on the coin and be the antagonist again but that isn’t going go happen. He’s reached the stage in his character development where he simply is going to have to adjust to mortal life and that’ll be his focus. If this was a different kind of story he’d might be put in a situation where he’d have to choose mortality over vengeance and absolute power. Possibly with a certain puppy trying to convince him to make the right choice for her sake. ;) oh the dilemma of love.
Wouldn't, theoretically, the coin not do anything to him but, instead, turn him into a different animal/human then he intended?
The coin wouldn't do anything to him because it doesn't affect animals but he could theoretically use it to cause untold chaos and unimaginable damage propelling himself to the role of antagonist again. Possibly leading to a series of events that leads him and Dragon back to her temple where they would have access to her mana pool.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Gameb18oy »

fenrirblack wrote:
SeanWolf wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:It’s fun to think that Pete would get his grubby little fingers on the coin and be the antagonist again but that isn’t going go happen. He’s reached the stage in his character development where he simply is going to have to adjust to mortal life and that’ll be his focus. If this was a different kind of story he’d might be put in a situation where he’d have to choose mortality over vengeance and absolute power. Possibly with a certain puppy trying to convince him to make the right choice for her sake. ;) oh the dilemma of love.
Wouldn't, theoretically, the coin not do anything to him but, instead, turn him into a different animal/human then he intended?
The coin wouldn't do anything to him because it doesn't affect animals but he could theoretically use it to cause untold chaos and unimaginable damage propelling himself to the role of antagonist again. Possibly leading to a series of events that leads him and Dragon back to her temple where they would have access to her mana pool.
You guys really are taking the nerds touching gold that was clearly not setup in the room with the curse to heart aren’t you? At this point in time, we don’t know if the coin has an impact on anything besides humans, so let’s not decide we know the rules of the death note at this point without them being told to us (that’s a metaphor, in case it’s not immediately clear)
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by fenrirblack »

Gameb18oy wrote: You guys really are taking the nerds touching gold that was clearly not setup in the room with the curse to heart aren’t you? At this point in time, we don’t know if the coin has an impact on anything besides humans, so let’s not decide we know the rules of the death note at this point without them being told to us (that’s a metaphor, in case it’s not immediately clear)
Pete said "no human hands". Again I ask, who was this "offering" for because it makes it seem like there is some shadowy figure lurking behind the curtain that we have not seen yet.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Postcard »

This is too cute. I'm so happy to see King and Bailey's pups growing up.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Argent »

Pity Olive didn't offer to go ask her dad about the Frisbee.


Could still happen.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I honestly can't wait until Craig figures out that King is Olive's father. :mrgreen:
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Champion Wallace »

[quote="Welsh Halfwit...Maybe Olive can be the third Girl he knows...[/quote]Spirit Dragon, Cerberus, and Bailey is already three.
Douglas Collier wrote:I wonder when the pups going to get collars. Peanut had one when he was younger than Olive, and I’m guessing a license would be important to get as soon as possible; then again, she could be chipped - but that’d still be going against the convention of “modesty” that’s been established in Housepets pet culture. I just can’t imagine King sending his kids outside in a state of “advanced” nakedness. :|
I agree. King's one of the few pets to be show to care about that.
anhedral wrote:All together now? SQUEEEEEEE!
anhedral wrote:Seriously, Olive makes for one adorable pup. That little kink in her ear is a really nice touch to her character design. Careful King, your daughter's going to be breaking hearts before you know it.
I think the bent ear is just here confused face. It's not really present in panel one or her previous appearances.
Nathan Kerbonaut wrote:I had no idea King's kids were so old! Olive is adorable :D
Pete doesn't know Olive is King's kid, right?
As far as we're aware, Pete does not know.
SeanWolf wrote:
leinglo wrote:Makes me wonder, as the two grow up, will memory of their divinity gradually fade into the realm of childhood imagination, leaving them effectively mortal in mind once they reach adulthood? I kinda hope so. Knowledge of their past lives, and a desire to find some way of regaining them, seems to be the biggest obstacle standing in the way of Pete and Dragon actually developing, learning, or otherwise growing as characters through this experience.
Would it be a interesting (but odd) twist to see if when they finish their sentence, they have to live it again and again until they grow up?
That would certainly be odd, considering it wasn't in the terms of the mortal sentence and it wasn't created with the intent of making them "grow up".
Amazee Dayzee wrote:I can't wait to see King's reaction that his daughter is friends with the same demigod that tried to ruin his life multiple times for his own selfish purposes. :D
[Pete] never [did] anything that life doesn't already do to them.
fenrirblack wrote:For anyone who's curious. Pete/Craig should be 4 by now. Olive and the other pups are 3 1/2, they'll be four in Aug.

It is curious though. Was Pete asking about the frisbee because he simply want to play with it or with Olive?
GameCobra wrote:Also, Frisbees are hard.
It is important to remember that this is a guy who spent most if not all his time playing role-playing games. I doubt playing "sports" or being active or being outside was high on his list of priorities.

It's fun to think about maybe there was a tournament in Heaven where all the gods got together to compete against each other like the Olympics or something. Kitsune calling Pete who's in his room hunched over a U&U book.
Kitsune: Where are you? Don't you want to play with everyone else?
Pete: Why would I want to do something stupid like that?
Kitsune: I don't know. To get out of your room. To be active. To socialize with other people. (Man, that sounds like my sister)
Comic aging has already been addressed, so I'll just point out the timeline is wrong in your hypothetical. Spirit Dragon didn't become Pete's sister until they got incarnated as foxes.
Bandit1990 wrote:I've been waiting for the pups to grow up some, I like the idea of seeing them around more.
GameCobra wrote:Also, Frisbees are hard.
Frisbees are super easy, provided you don't care about them flying in a straight line for any significant distance. :P
So... Frisbees are easy if you not using it as a Frisbee 8-).
Gameb18oy wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:The coin wouldn't do anything to him because it doesn't affect animals but he could theoretically use it to cause untold chaos and unimaginable damage propelling himself to the role of antagonist again. Possibly leading to a series of events that leads him and Dragon back to her temple where they would have access to her mana pool.
You guys really are taking the nerds touching gold that was clearly not setup in the room with the curse to heart aren’t you? At this point in time, we don’t know if the coin has an impact on anything besides humans, so let’s not decide we know the rules of the death note at this point without them being told to us (that’s a metaphor, in case it’s not immediately clear)
I am taking the nerds touching Pete's gold to heart, but even if you're disregarding that, it's not the only case of an animal touching the gold without consequence. It will be harder to deny the case where Sofia interacted with the gold as it was the same bag that cursed Thomas.
fenrirblack wrote:
Gameb18oy wrote:You guys really are taking the nerds touching gold that was clearly not setup in the room with the curse to heart aren’t you? At this point in time, we don’t know if the coin has an impact on anything besides humans, so let’s not decide we know the rules of the death note at this point without them being told to us (that’s a metaphor, in case it’s not immediately clear)
Pete said "no human hands". Again I ask, who was this "offering" for because it makes it seem like there is some shadowy figure lurking behind the curtain that we have not seen yet.
The offering was for Pete seeing as it's his temple and Pete made a promise to Henry Milton.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by D-Rock »

What implied that Dragon and Pete didn't become siblings until their incarnation? :?:
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Sorry but that's wrong. Right before Pete and Dragon entered into the portal to be reincarnated as the fox kits, Dragon clearly stated that she was Pete's big sister.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Champion Wallace »

After Dragon says "your big sister will (future tense, though that's not definitive) take care of you", Pete responds "that only dredges up emotions WORSE than fear" and Dragon agrees. I thought the emotion was Pete is disgusted at the idea that his friend (most of the time) and gaming partner is going to become his blood relative, his sibling no less.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by D-Rock »

That line is often used to comfort a sibling. Besides, it's likely that as foxes, they were born at the same time.

I held it that it was more like Pete was still in the phase of not entirely liking his elder sister, a not too uncommon trope.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by fenrirblack »

Champion Wallace wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:
GameCobra wrote:Also, Frisbees are hard.
It is important to remember that this is a guy who spent most if not all his time playing role-playing games. I doubt playing "sports" or being active or being outside was high on his list of priorities.

It's fun to think about maybe there was a tournament in Heaven where all the gods got together to compete against each other like the Olympics or something. Kitsune calling Pete who's in his room hunched over a U&U book.
Kitsune: Where are you? Don't you want to play with everyone else?
Pete: Why would I want to do something stupid like that?
Kitsune: I don't know. To get out of your room. To be active. To socialize with other people. (Man, that sounds like my sister)
Comic aging has already been addressed, so I'll just point out the timeline is wrong in your hypothetical. Spirit Dragon didn't become Pete's sister until they got incarnated as foxes.
I realize that but even if they don't "age" in the traditional sense (or at all techinally) so there are many ways of viewing their aging depending on how you interrupt it. My method is using real time.
No, I was referring to my actual sister. I was speaking in my voice which is why it was red. There was no good way of saying that without it coming off as confusing so I went with the best choice I could think of.
Champion Wallace wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:
Gameb18oy wrote:You guys really are taking the nerds touching gold that was clearly not setup in the room with the curse to heart aren’t you? At this point in time, we don’t know if the coin has an impact on anything besides humans, so let’s not decide we know the rules of the death note at this point without them being told to us (that’s a metaphor, in case it’s not immediately clear)
Pete said "no human hands". Again I ask, who was this "offering" for because it makes it seem like there is some shadowy figure lurking behind the curtain that we have not seen yet.
The offering was for Pete seeing as it's his temple and Pete made a promise to Henry Milton.
That makes sense when you think about it that way but there was nothing that actually confirms that is what actually happened. Pete could have promised Henry Milton just about anything and had nothing to do with the gold.
Last edited by fenrirblack on Wed Apr 24, 2019 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Gameb18oy »

Gameb18oy wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:The coin wouldn't do anything to him because it doesn't affect animals but he could theoretically use it to cause untold chaos and unimaginable damage propelling himself to the role of antagonist again. Possibly leading to a series of events that leads him and Dragon back to her temple where they would have access to her mana pool.
You guys really are taking the nerds touching gold that was clearly not setup in the room with the curse to heart aren’t you? At this point in time, we don’t know if the coin has an impact on anything besides humans, so let’s not decide we know the rules of the death note at this point without them being told to us (that’s a metaphor, in case it’s not immediately clear)
I am taking the nerds touching Pete's gold to heart, but even if you're disregarding that, it's not the only case of an animal touching the gold without consequence. It will be harder to deny the case where Sofia interacted with the gold as it was the same bag that cursed Thomas.
fenrirblack wrote:
Gameb18oy wrote:You guys really are taking the nerds touching gold that was clearly not setup in the room with the curse to heart aren’t you? At this point in time, we don’t know if the coin has an impact on anything besides humans, so let’s not decide we know the rules of the death note at this point without them being told to us (that’s a metaphor, in case it’s not immediately clear)
Pete said "no human hands". Again I ask, who was this "offering" for because it makes it seem like there is some shadowy figure lurking behind the curtain that we have not seen yet.
The offering was for Pete seeing as it's his temple and Pete made a promise to Henry Milton.[/quote]
I think the human hands thing convinced me already... but Wallace, you kinda ignored the coins were in the bag, she never directly touched the gold
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Champion Wallace »

I thought about the bag possibly being an issue, but Thomas was wearing gloves so there was fabric physically between the gold and the character in both instances. Remember, there isn't only one meaning to the word touching.
The cape comes with the promotion.
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Gameb18oy »

Champion Wallace wrote:I thought about the bag possibly being an issue, but Thomas was wearing gloves so there was fabric physically between the gold and the character in both instances. Remember, there isn't only one meaning to the word touching.
This strip is my evidence as to why we should see more Bino Max interactions. Nobody is as intent to get on your nerves as a sibling, and Max still feels more like a brother in that sense to Bino than either of the dog’s actual brothers
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

But I do wonder if Bino actually feels like Max is more of his brother than his actual brothers (or in Joey's case, his biological brother and adoptive cousin)?
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Re: 2019/04/22 - The Fox And The Hound

Post by Gameb18oy »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:But I do wonder if Bino actually feels like Max is more of his brother than his actual brothers (or in Joey's case, his biological brother and adoptive cousin)?
He'd never admit it even to himself as a cat hater, so thats a question that will most likely never be answered.
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