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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Yeah, Bino is almost all Max has left of Jeff, so preserving his relationship with Bino can help keep his dad’s memory alive. Thanks for reading!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

It's really nice to hear from Bino. But Duchess turning him away legit makes me mad. :x Another great chapter!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

We can't really blame Duchess for her attitude because she gets it from seeing how her wonderful parents treat everybody and they probably spoil her.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Nathan Kerbonaut wrote:It's really nice to hear from Bino. But Duchess turning him away legit makes me mad. :x Another great chapter!
Thank you! Don’t worry about Duchess, she and her family will get their comeuppance. Not only for the way they treated Bino, but for other things they do later in the story. And Dayzee, pies will be involved, as well as some of the K-9s.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

As long as the K-9s involved are single by that time and they are all different flavors, I'm all for seeing that.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

trekkie wrote:
Nathan Kerbonaut wrote:It's really nice to hear from Bino. But Duchess turning him away legit makes me mad. :x Another great chapter!
Thank you! Don’t worry about Duchess, she and her family will get their comeuppance. Not only for the way they treated Bino, but for other things they do later in the story. And Dayzee, pies will be involved, as well as some of the K-9s.

Pies are always welcome … especially in autumn!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I need them to hit specific people though. XD
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

I'd like to see everybody get splattered but, of course, the "villains" get the worse of the flings.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You have that wrong by the way. It's the good guys who should get the worst of it because its something unexpected plus I enjoy throwing pies at male characters to show my affection and endearment towards them. =D
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thanks for reading, and for the encouragement, I'm glad I've got some people excited for pies.

Chapter 9: Breakfast, sympathy, and game shows

"We're glad you're here, Max" Peanut said as he and Grape made their way into the kitchen, "and we're lucky to have you in our lives, and although I hate the way that it happened, both Garpe and I are lucky to have you as a housemate. I me, i don't want to sound like we're glad what happened, last night happened, but..."

"Don't worry, i know what you're saying, Peanut and thank you." Max stopped Peanut's anxious flow of words, " I know I've said this before, I know I just said it, but I am just so thankful to be taken in by this family."

"Like we said before, hon, it was no problem." Jill said as she poured herself another glass of coffee, "We care about you. We wouldn't want you to end up in the pound or the shelter."

"Thanks. I, um, I have a question. Can i go get my stuff at my home- I mean my old home at some point? Now that I know I have a place to stay permanently, I'd like to make my room feel more like, well, my room. It doesn't have to be right away, but I would like to do it at some point." Max looked at Earl and Jill anxiously

"That's no problem, sweetie, Earl can take you over there after he gets off work today. " Jill reassured Max

"What am I doing after work?" Earl looked up from the newspaper

"Taking Max over to his old home and helping him collect his things." Jill said, "I'm sure Peanut or Grape would help too."

"I'll go" Peanut said, "It'll give me some time with Max."

"Thanks," Max said, "and thanks , Peanut, I appreciate you helping me with this."

"No problem." Peanut said

"Okay then." Earl said, "I'll pick up some boxes for his things at the shop. Speaking of which, I'd better go and open up. a customer said he wanted to bring his car in as soon as I was open. See you guys later, be good for your mother." He then hugged all three animals, kissed his wife goodbye and went off to work.

As the three animals sat down at the table, Jill began to make breakfast for them. She decided to make her mother's special French toast (with French bread) and sausage. She made it on holidays or when Grape or Peanut seemed down, and she hoped the food might cheer Max up a little. The poor cat was trying to put up a brave front to her and Earl, but she could see the pain and grief in the cat's turquoise eyes. Upon finishing up, she set plates with large helpings of the breakfast, in front of the three pets, along with milk for Grape and orange juice for Max and Peanut. She set another plate with extras French toast and sausage in the center of the table. The animals thanked her, and Jill headed into the living room to watch TV, she decided to watch Babylon Gardens in the Morning, a program that covered local news and events. When the report of Max's dad's death came on, she turned down the volume to avoid upsetting the cat. She shook her head in disgust after watching the report, six people were dead because of one girl's reckless decision.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen the three animals were eating breakfast. Peanut and Grape upon smelling and seeing their breakfast realized that mom had made the meal to tray and comfort Max. Max, for his part was starving as he hadn't eaten since the previous afternoon, and he ate the large helpings of sausage and French Toast that were on his plate, and after making sure it was okay with his housemates, grabbed another large helping. While they talked, Grape and Peanut let Max steer the conversation, and he told them about how Bino was now living with Fido and how Duchess had turned Bino away. They also, all three being fans, talked about the upcoming Pridelands movie, hoping that it was as good as the previous films. While the movies, weren't as good as the books, they were, in the opinions of all three, excellent.

"This French toast is amazing. " Max said as he ate the last forkful from his plate, "so's the sausage."

"It is. " Grape agreed, "Mom makes it for us on Christmas or when she knows we could use some extra love."

"You've got me looking forward to Christmas already." Max smiled faintly as he finished his sausage, "You know both Bino and I looked forward to dad's bancakes and Italian sausage. He made it when he was especially proud of us, on our adoption anniversaries and on Christmas. He made a big batch for me when I said I was giving up catnip and we got rid of my stash. He, he was going to make me some this weekend to celebrate me staying off catnip. "

Tears swam in the cat's eyes. "I'm sorry ," he said as he wiped at his eyes, "I just though about the pancakes and how he said he'd make a double batch because he was proud of me and everything."

"Oh, Maxie, it's okay," Grape said as she and Peanut comforted Max, "It's okay. You've been through a lot. Don't worry about crying in our presence. It doesn't make you weak, it just shows that you really loved your dad, and you're going through a lot of pain. "

"I know. I guess I just thought of having to go back into my old house and take out my stuff. I mean, i know that dad is dead but removing my stuff will make it seem so final, you know?" Max said as he took a tissue from a box that Peanut brought over

"I know it's hard Maxie, but you've got to do what's best for you, and make yourself comfortable here. You're not betraying your dad's memory in any way if that is what you are worried about." Grape said

"It's not so much a feeling that I'm betraying him as much of the fact that I'll be closing a chapter in my life. I'll be moving out of the house that was home for me for most of my life, and I am a little scared about that. I mean, i know you guys will take care of me, and that I'll be okay, but it is still scary." Max said

"I know, Max, but we'll be here for you, for whatever you need us to do. You are a member of our family and we we will help you through this. " Peanut assured the cat

"I know, and thank you for that." Max said as he got up and put his plate and glass in the sink, "I really do appreciate it."

"No problem, Maxie. " Grape said as she and Peanut put their glasses and plates in the sink, "Though, I have to admit it'll be a little odd seeing you here all the time at first. Don't get me wrong, i am glad to have you here, and I'm not complaining at all, I'm just saying it'll be odd for a little while, that's all."

"I know, it'll be odd for me too, living in a new home with new housemates and parents." Max said as the three animals entered the living room

"We'll get through it together, don't worry Max." Peanut said

"Done with breakfast, guys?" Jill asked when the three animals entered

"Yes, it was very good. Thank you Mrs-, mom." Max said and then smiled sheepishly, " Don't worry, I'll get that right eventually."

"You're welcome, hon, and don't worry about the name thing, i know you'll get it right. You guys can have the TV if you want just don't play that awful Dance Dogs show." Jill said

"Thanks, mom, we hate that show too so we won't. Do you need any help with the dishes? " Grape asked

"No, hon, i can take care of them. Thank you anyway." Jill said as she went to the kitchen to rinse the dishes

The three pets sat on the couch and Peanut turned on the TV. A game show featuring absurdly dressed people was just coming on. The host and his co-hosts called their first contestant, a woman wearing a garish red and yellow shirt with red polka dots. The contestant claimed to be "a piece of pepperoni pizza with the crust cut off" . She was trying to win a dinette set , and after shrieking and jumping around in a joyous frenzy as if she'd been cured of a serious disease, she turned frantically to the audience for help.

"Mind if we watch this, Maxie? " Grape asked, "It's one that Peanut and I particularly like."

"No, not at all. In fact I like it a lot too, I missed it yesterday." Max said then wondered, "Why do they they always turn to the audience? Do they think that the audience is full of dinette set salespeople?"

"I guess they just want help. " Peanut said, " Although how they can make out what anyone is saying is beyond me."

The three pets sat watching the show occasionally remarking as to the shabbiness of the costumes and the unreliability of the audience's suggestions. Max settled in with his housemates, and they had fun watching people make complete and utter fools of themselves for a chance at cash and prizes. He could use some fun, Max, thought after all that had happened and now he felt a little more secure in his home. Max smiled faintly as the program continued, on next was the bidding program he was watching when Grape called him yesterday. A lot had happened in twenty-four hours and his life had been flipped upside down. However, Max now knew that Peanut was right; they'd face whatever lay ahead as a family, and that thought gave him comfort.
Last edited by trekkie on Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

A good breakfast makes everything better. Wholesome stuff, trekkie :)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really glad with how this chapter came out! A very wonderful job here!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thank you for reading everyone, and thanks for the compliments.

Chapter 10: A B-Movie and chatting with Sabrina

The news came on after the bidding game show and Grape, after checking with her housemates turned off the tV. She told Max and Peanut that she was going to her room to take a two-hour nap and went to her bedroom to do so. Peanut also decided to take a nap or, alternatively maybe work on his Spot(Superdog) comics and headed to his room. Both assured Max, that if he needed to them he could wake them up or interrupt them. Max was feeling tired himself as he hadn't gotten any sleep the previous night and hadn't his full night's sleep the night before that. He yawned and headed to his bedroom, hoping to catch a nap as well. Max climbed into bed and closed his eyes hoping to get at lest a few hours sleep. When he awoke it was a little over two hours later, he got out of bed, stretched and heded out into the living room where Peanut and grape were watching TV.

"Anything good on?" Max asked

"Kinda." Grape said as she turned to face Max, "we're just about to watch a kaiju movie that we haven't seen. According to the reviews Peanut found, it's not very well-made but that's part of the fun . They say the bad dubbing and cheap effects are unintentionally hilarious. Do you want to join us?"

"Sure, " Max said as he settled next to Peanut, "I actually caught the end of a kaiju movie last night, or this morning I guess. Maybe this is the same film."

"I don' t think it is, " Peanut said as le looked at his cell phone, "it doesn't have any additional showings listed."

"Well, that's even better," Max said as a balding bespectacled man introduced the movie, "none of us have seen it so we can experience it together."

The movie started to play and the three animals turned their attention to the TV . As they watched they realized that the overly bombastic score that played over the opening credits and the rambling overexcited opening narration told the trio that if they were looking for a cheaply done though enjoyable movie they came to the right place. They watched the movie in it's entirety and all three enjoyed it. Peanut, fascinated as to how one could make a movie this bad and yet enjoyable, made a note to add it to his Christmas wish list. He, Grape, and Max also enjoyed mocking some of the more blatant examples of the movie's cheapness.

After the film ended, Grape turned off the TV and the three were given a small snack of kibble and juice by Jill. After finishing their snack, Grape headed off to take another nap, Peanut headed off to play his 3DS, and Max headed off to read or work on his fan fiction. As he was headed to the bedroom the doorbell rang, Max considered answering, but Peanut shot ahead of him and answered to door. Peanut's girlfriend, the Pomeranian , Tarot, and he black cat housemate Sabrina entered. Max froze. Sabrina was his ex, and their were times that he'd rather have been fed tail-first into a stump grinder than be in the same room as her. Those days had passed, fortunately and their relationship had improved.

"Hi Tarot. Hi Sabrina. How are you guys? Tarot, I don't remember us having a date of any sort, did I forget to write it down?" Peanut sounded anxious

"We're pretty good, Peanut and no we didn't have anything planned. We actually came came over to see how Max was doing. Fido said he was staying here." Tarot said as she and Sabrina spotted Max

"Of course, I should have figured that out when i saw Sabrina. I'll be in my room if you want or need me." Peanut said and headed for his room

"How are you holding up Max?" Sabrina asked as he hugged the cat

"I'm doing okay, Kitty Whiskers. " Max sais as he returned the hug. "I'm still getting used to the fact that dad is dead, and that I'll be living with the Sanwiches but I'll be okay, I think."

"Oh course, you'll be okay. You have more strength than you think." Sabrina said than looked puzzled, "I though Grape was your Kitty Whiskers now."

"Nah, we talked it over and decided that we shouldn't use my pet name for you. So you'll always be my Kitty Whiskers." Max said and got a smile from Sabrina

"I'm so sorry this happened, Max." Tarot said as she also hugged the cat, "I wish i could say or do more, because you've helped me and Peanut and I've had a good time on our double dates and Imaginates. "

"Thanks Tarot, and thanks for your helps with the teas. They're helping me get off catnip." Max said hugging the dog

"You're welcome Max. I'm glad that they're helping you." Tarot said, and as she sensed the cats wanted to be alone took her leave, " I'm going to go see what Peanut is up to. He said he wanted me to look at some new chapters of his comic. " She then headed off to join her boyfriend

"So you're giving up catnip." Sabrina said as she and Max settled on the couch, "I'm glad hon. Even though out relationship wasn't always harmonious, I do care about you."

"I care about you too, Sabs." Max said, " When i heard that you almost drowned because of that leopard prince. I felt so bad about demanding catnip to help you. I wanted to go throttle that prince with his own tail, or something."

"Aw, Max, that's so sweet. Crazy but sweet." Sabrina said, "Don't worry too much about what happened back then. That's all in the past. Fido and I needed to be honest about our relationship, anyway. Also, we've reconciled."

"Yes, we have and I'm glad that we did. I'd hate to think that either of us could've died with us still at odds. I don't know, maybe its me giving up catnip or maybe its dad dying or a combination of both, but I just couldn't stop thinking about those in my life I care about. I want to say, Sabrina, that if you ever need anyone to talk to, if you are having trouble with Fido, or you're lonely for your dad or you just want to talk to another cat, I am here for you." Max said as he squeezed Sabrina's paw, "I wouldn't want anyone to think that nobody cared for them because I've been there, and it's no fun."

"Thanks, Max, that's so sweet of you. " Sabrina smiled, " Same goes for you, if you ever need someone to talk to don't hesitate to come to me. I also wanted to apologize again for teasing you at the spa. I shouldn't have done so."

"Thanks, Sabs, it turned out okay actually, I reconciled with Rufus' ghost and got some closure. " Max said

"Well, I felt bad about it, I realized we hurt you pretty badly. I'm glad you were able to get some closure and that you have someone like Grape to help you." Sabrina said

"Peanut made a drawing of Rufus watching over me, I mean me as I am now, with Rufus telling me that he loved me and would always be there for me. I think i left it my home, er, my old home." Max said, "It feels weird calling it that."

"I know it does hon. When Fido told me what happened I was so mad, and I felt so bad for you and Bino. It angers me that someone could hurt you like this by doing something so stupid and preventable." Sabrina said

"You know Sabs, Grape told me that you were concerned about me when she was pretending to be Concord, and you wanted to make sure you knew that I was okay. Fido is a lucky guy to have you. Tell him i said so." Max said

"Thanks Max, I will. Fido told me you wanted him to take care of me and that his dating me proves that he has good taste. That's so sweet of you." Sabrina said, " I really do appreciate the fact that i can call you at any time. Sometimes it does get lonely with Fido working, dad being away and Tarot dating Peanut. Also sometimes I do need to talk to another cat, and to know that I am loved."

"Well, you are. Sabs. I know what loneliness feels like, and it is no fun. Fido had better take care of you, or else he'll have to deal with me and my crushing sarcasm. I know he'd kick my tail in a physical fight." Max smiled at Sabrina

"That's my Max." Sabrina also smiled, "I don't think you have to worry though; Fidey knows that if he hurts me they'll be howl to pay."

"I figured you could take care of yourself." Max said, "But, Sabs, remember, as long as you are my friend you will never have to stand alone. I will always be there for you."

"Thanks, Max. I will be here for you too. Never forget that. " Sabrina said

The two cats smiled at each other. Both knew, that they would never again be truly alone, and despite all that happened in the past day the thought made them both happy.
Last edited by trekkie on Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wonderful job as always! Its become a habit of me to check to see if the next chapter of the story has been posted! Great work! ^_^
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Great chapter, Tarot and Sabrina are two of my favorite characters so it's nice to see them. The way Max and Sabrina are with each other is very sweet.
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Re: Resurgemus

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thanks Dayzee, Nathan and NWestoN, for your compliments and thank you everybody for reading.
Chapter 11: Talking to Fox and First Dinner an the Sandwiches

The two cats talked a little more until they heard Tarot come down the hallway into the living room. Sabrina then remembered that she had a date with Fido and called her boyfriend to let him know she might be a little late. Sabrina then hugged her ex, tapping her tail on his shoulder, just as he liked when they were dating, she wanted to squeeze all of the pain out of him, as she hated seeing pain in others, but knew that it probably wasn't possible to take away all his pain. Sabrina reminded Max that he could call at any time, and then Tarot hugged Max, telling him to contact her if he needed any more teas, and the black cat and Pomeranian, escorted by Max, stepped to the door.

"Thanks, Sabs." Max said, as he saw the two to the door, "I appreciate the shoulder tail tap."

"No problem, hon I figured you could use it." Sabrina said, "You're not alone either, remember that. Call me anytime."

"Thanks again for the teas, Tarot, they've helped me more than I can say." Max told the Pomeranian

"No problem, hon, I'm glad you drink them without having to be told it's a magic(k) potion." Tarot said rolling her eyes in the direction of Peanut's room.

After the housemates left, Max went to the couch and turned on the TV. He had just settled on an old sci-fi TV show, when he heard another knock on the door and as Peanut wasn't around, Max went to the door and answered it. Fox was at the door and at Max's invitation came in. The husky followed Max to the couch and joined him in watching the show.

"The Outer Limits, huh? Good show." Fox said as the show's title appeared onscreen, "Max, I hope you don't mind, but I came by to say I'm so sorry about what happened to your dad. Fido told me you were here, i stopped by to give my condolence to Bino but he wasn't there. I was actually one of the K-9s on the scene of the crash. I know I haven't always gotten along with you or Bino but nobody deserves to lose their parent like that. "

"Thanks, Fox." Max said, "I appreciate your sympathy."

"No problem, Max. I've been trying to be more open with my feelings." Fox said, "In the past I kept them inside and that did me no good."

"I covered up my feelings with catnip." Max said, " I didn't want to be too sad or mad so I just got some catnip and it took the edge off. Not healthy in the long run. Look, Fox, I'd like to apologize again for saying you deserved to be kidnapped, well dognapped, when we were younger. I meant to apologize for a long time now, and i feel kinda cowardly for not doing it sooner."

"Max. it's okay." Fox said, "That was ages ago. I was kind of a jerk back then and I followed Bino way too much. But, I've grown up. So have you for that matter. Bino, on the other paw, makes me frustrated, I mean we had some good times, he and I and I just hope he realizes that if he changes his ways a lot of dogs will be more open to following him. "

"Well, he has Duchess as a girlfriend." Max said, "She's not exactly good for him."

"She's not good for anyone, in my opinion." Fox said, "I'm glad you're here with the Sandwiches, Max, I'm glad you have a good home. You and Grape make a good couple, and I know that you'll get through this. I believe in you."

"Thanks Fox," Max said, " I really appreciate it, and don't worry you'll find a love. You're a good guy and if no one wants to be with you than that's their loss i will always be your friend if you'll have me."

"Thanks, Max." Fox said, "That's nice of you to say. I will take accept your friendship. It'll be good for me to broaden my horizons."

"Part of my new way of living," Max said, "I want to make sure that no one feels alone, and anyone who likes The Outer Limits is my kind of folk."

"Dad watches it." Fox said

"Mine does, er, did, too." Max said, "We watched that, the Twilight Zone, and Star Trek together."

"We watched those too. Carp, I need to get home." Fox said looking at his watch, "Here's my number, Max, don't hesitate to call if you need to talk to someone."

"Thanks, Fox. Be careful out there." Max said as he saw the husky to the door and out.

As Max went back to the TV, the living room suddenly became very busy. First Grape and Peanut emerged from their rooms, then Jill came in from the kitchen, and finally Earl came into the hose carrying several large boxes. Earl placed the boxes on the floor hugged all three animals and kissed and hugged his wife. Jill said that dinner was just about ready and that the four of them should wash up. Max followed Grape and Peanut to the bathroom to do so, and on his way past the kitchen smelled meatloaf, one of his favorite meals. He wondered if the Sandwiches made it to cheer him up, and make him feel like a member of the family. While he appreciated the gesture, Max kind of hoped that this wasn't the case. He did feel like a member of the family, he didn't need a special meal to make him welcome.

"Grape?" Max asked as they waited for Peanut to get done washing his face and paws

"Yes, Maxie?" Grape turned to face him

"Did you tell your parents that I love meatloaf?" Max asked

"No, we always have meatloaf on Thursdays. Don't worry, Maxie, while you wre napping before I told mom all about how you wanted to be treated just like me and Peanut, and she said they were going to do that anyway." Grape assured him, "Now, we'll probably all give you some extra attention and care to help you cope with your dad's death, but you won't be treated the same. Don't worry, mom and dad gave me extra care when they first adopted me from the shelter, so you aren't being treated any differently."

"Oh, thank you Grape." Max said, "Listen, i don't want to sound like I'm ungrateful, because I really appreciate you guys taking me in, but I really don't want to hurt the dynamics of the family, I mean-"

"I know what you mean Maxie, and don't worry." Grape reassured the cat, " You're not going to hurt the dynamics of the family. It'll be different of course, but you aren't going to hurt things. You'll probably help things, actually. I now have another cat in the house with whom to discuss cat things, and Peanut has another guy he can talk to and someone he can talk to without waking me up. I might be able to get some decent naps, so you'll help us both. Also, mom and dad have more than enough love to take care of all three of us, so don't worry. We will get through this together." Grape squeezed Max's paw reassuringly.

After washing up, the animals headed to the dining room to eat. The meatloaf was very good, not too ketchupy, Max thought, as were the rolls which he learned were homemade. The family talked while they ate, and Earl told Earl and Jill about the goofy kaiju film that the animals enjoyed. Max told his new family about fully reconciling with Sabrina and making friends with Fox. Peanut told everyone about the latest adventures of Spot(Superdog)and, with Max's permission told everyone about the new character based on Max.Earl told the family about his day, which included some annoying clients who expected him to be a miracle worker who worked for free, which earned him sympathetic words from his family. Jill told everyone that the meatloaf recipe was a new recipe from a new cookbook. Everyone gave the meatloaf rave reviews and Jill blushed a little at their complements. It was, Max thought, much different that meals at his old house where he and Bino, when they say together at all, sat in sullen silence. Max liked the Sandwiches' way of doing things a lot better and he regretted the part he played in the sullenness of the meals in his old home. He wouldn't go back to that, he decided, and turned his attention back to the delicious meal and his lovng family.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really glad that you are continuing this! Anyway I can't wait for the K-9 pie arc. :mrgreen:

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

It's good to see that Max is tying up loose ends. Fox is a great friend to have. The entire neighborhood's been so supportive, reading about it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :)
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Dayzee: The pies won't come for a while later, but I promise you they will come, I'll PM you if I need

Nathan: Yeah, Fox actually fits into the story later, and everyone, in BG, save a few, is rallying around Max and Bino.

Thanks for reading and for the compliments.

Chapter 12 Moving out Part I

After finishing Dinner and dessert, which was peach pie made by Jill and pet-safe vanilla ice-cream, Max, Peanut, and Earl packed the boxes for Max's possessions in the car. Grape and Jill said they would help the three unpack when they got back home. Earl also took a small briefcase for Max's vet records and anything else they'd need to make Max's adoption official. Before leaving, Max made sure that Earl knew how to operate the wi-fi lock and that he had a key to the back door. After being assured that Earl knew how to use the lock and had a key the Sandwich guys left the house. Max and Peanut were put in their car seats and Earl drove the back to Max's former home. Upon entering the house, Max remembered the first time he had set foot in the house after his late father adopted him. There are so many memories here he thought it'll be hard knowing this might be last time I ever come here. Max looked at the walls, pictures and furniture as if in a dream, part of him still not believing that this was really happening. He stared at the couch where he spent many an hour napping, or watching TV, and where just last night he was told of his father's death. He looked at the kitchen where his father used to make he and Bino pancakes and where he had, just yesterday morning tried to convince Bino that Duchess didn't care for him. Max's eyes fell on a picture of Bino, his late father , and himself taken at a pet photography studio last December. Seeing, that picture and remembering, all the memories mad Max's eyes tear up again . He tried to blink them away , and turned to see Earl and Peanut.

"Memories." Max said explaining the tears in his eyes, "There are so many memories here. Everything I see reminds me of something."

"Are you going to be okay doing this today, Max?" Earl asked , "It'll be no problem if you want to come back tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'll be fine Mr.-I mean, dad. I'll probably feel the same no matter when we do it so we might as well get it done." Max said taking a deep and steadying breath

"Okay, but Max, if you want to come back tomorrow, it really is no problem. This is a lot for anyone to deal with." Mr. Sandwich told the cat

"No, I'll be alright. I guess, it's hitting me that I'm not going to live here anymore, and I spent so much of my life here that I am just scared." I mean I know I'll be alright with you guys but the change is still scary." Max said

"That's perfectly natural Max. When i moved out of my parent's home I was scared and I didn't do it under the same circumstances as you. We'll help you through this don't worry." Earl said comfortingly

"Yeah, Peanut and Grape have already made sure that I know we'll get through things as a family, believe me I am so grateful for that." Max said as he walked towards what had been his bedroom

"It's no problem, Max," Earl said, "we care about you and we want to make sure that you know that you'll be alright."

"Don't worry, Max. You are a member of this family and we love you." Peanut said as he followed the cat towards Max's old bedroom

"Thanks guys, I love you too. You know it's odd how easily I can say that i love you guys. i struggled with saying it to Bino and dad, I mean my late dad, not because I didn't love them, but because, well, I don't know why." Max said

"Sometimes it is hard, " Earl said, "I did tell your father that he should be more open of his love to you and Bino. I hope he was; I know he cared about you two very much even if he didn't openly state it."

"He was." Max said, "Thanks for telling him to do that. I think it helped all three of us."

"No problem Earl said, " Max do you know where your father kept your vet records, I need them to make your adoption official. I also need any medications you were taking, and your leash and food bowl."

"I think dad kept the vet records in his office. That's the room next to mine, I am taking medications for anxiety and Nipporette. My leash is in the closet next to where we came in and my food bowl is in the kitchen. If I had to guess, I'd say you'd find my medications and the Nipporette in the kitchen because that is where dad kept his vitamins." Max said

"Nippoerette? Is that the stuff i se advertised on TV?' Peanut asked

" 'Want to quit nipping? Nipporette can help.' " Max quoted the product's motto and then said, "Yeah that's the stuff, the vet said it would be healthier for me to use that rather than quitting catnip cold pheasant."

"Turkey." Earl corrected

"What?" Max asked

"The expression is cold turkey not cold pheasant." Earl said

"Oh. I wonder why the expression is cold turkey. Do people not like cold turkey meat or something?" Max wondered, " I happen to love turkey myself."

"I like cold turkey meat with warm gravy and turkey skin on stuffing." Peanut said

"Yeah, isn't that delicious?" Max agreed

"It's amazing." Peanut said, "Grape and I both love it."

"C'mon guys you two are making me hungry and we just ate. Also, Max where are the office and kitchen?" Earl said

"Oh. Sorry. The office is right there and the kitchen is right over there. My papers should be in a blue folder" Max said as he pointed out the two rooms, and walked toward his old bedroom with Peanut

"All right. I'll pack up your papers and meds and such, and then i'll help you guys pack up the rest of your stuff." Earl said as he entered the office. Upon entering the office he found it neatly organized, and soon found Max's blue folder. After checking the folder and verifying that Max's records were up to date, Earl put them in his briefcase. In the folder, Earl also found plans for a crawfish boil and barbecue, that Jeff had planned to reward Max for staying off catnip, and a thick, shiny, and sealed rectangular envelope, which had Max's name on the outside. He put these in the briefcase too, and headed for the kitchen, where , as Max had guessed, he found the cat's medications and Nipporette. He also found the cat's food bowl, and leash, and took these items, along with the briefcase out to the car.

While Earl was packing the briefcase, Max and Peanut were packing Max's possessions into the cardboard boxes that they had brought over. It was Peanut thought, as he helped Max put his things into boxes, a rather grim task, after all this might be the last time Max ever saw his old bedroom and he understood why the cat seemed to be taking his time, not wasting time, exactly but being very methodical. For Max, every possession that he packed seemed to stir up memories of Christmases or the anniversaries of his adoption when father would give him some gifts, and the items he purchased when he saved up his allowance. Max was glad that Peanut was there with him. The caring dog's mere presence calmed him, and made him feel a little less upset about packing up his property. In a way, having Peanut there, reminded Max that he had a future and that he was cared for and those thoughts comforted the cat as he packed his items.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am so enjoying how this chapter fits in with the rest of the story! I can't wait to read more!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Wonderful chapter, trekkie. Peanut is so sweet to Max, it melts my heart <3 This is a big step for him. He's in good paws :)
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thank you Dayzee and Nathan, for your kind comments and thanks to everyone who read.

Chapter 13: Moving Out Part II

Peanut and Max continued to pack in silence for a while. Peanut noticed that Max was looking at the room as if trying to memorize the walls and layout. It must be a hard thing the kind-hearted dog thought, watching Max continue to pack to move out under the best of circumstances , let alone circumstances like these. As for Max, part of him still struggled with the reality of the situation, that all this was really happening and that he would never see his long-time father alive again. That's what the reality was, though, the cat thought as he took down his Pridelands posters, and packed up some pictures, and what the howl, he had a good home, good housemates, and good parents, he'd make it through.

"Peanut?" Max asked as he handed the dog a case which held his portable DVD player, its remote and his cell phone charger, "I wanted to thank you for helping me with this. I know I haven't said it much, if at all, but I really appreciate you helping me out with this."

"Not a problem, Max." Said Peanut as he placed the case in a box that contained some of Max's sheets and blankets, "I'm glad to help you out. Was that a portable DVD player you just packed up?"

"Yeah, dad got it for me a couple of Christmases ago, so i could watch the Pridelands DVDs and Bino wouldn't have a conniption." Max said, "Bino always used to get upset when i watched the Pridelands DVDs in the living room because it might hurt his reputation should Duchess or a club member come over, They might think he was a cat lover. After dad got me this, Bino bragged that he watched his movies on the big TV while I was forced to use this tiny screen. Of course once Bino saw that I could use the DVD player in the car, or at a hotel, he demanded that dad buy him a portable Blu-ray/DVD player. Claimed it was his right as president of the Good Old Dogs Club and boyfriend of Duchess, to have the latest and the best. He brought it up so often I think dad got it for him just to shut him up."

"Sounds like the Bino I know. He got jealous that I had a new easel and art set, and wanted one for himself. I didn't know he was an artist." Peanut said

"He isn't." Max said, "He actually fancies himself a poet. So that's why he got an easel and canvas. It didn't last long. Duchess took exception to one of uh, masterpieces and creamed him with the easel and canvas.I think she shoved the palette somewhere unmentionable. I tried to warn him that not everyone is into post-modernism or modernism, and he'd be better off doing landscapes or seascapes. Might not "wow" people but they're solid investments, of course, I like them myself so I might be biased. He didn't listen of course." He noticed that Peanut was staring at him. "What? I watched a couple of art programs with my dad."

"Never knew you liked art." Peanut said, then asked "Do you mind if I use your DVD player? Grape doesn't care for all the movies I have and she is sometimes sarcastic about them. I didn't mind us making fun of that movie earlier because we were all doing it, and I didn't think it was very good. But sometimes I'd rather not hear Grape's comments about my quirky movies."

"Yeah, I've experienced Grape's sarcasm, it can be biting." Max, said, "No problem borrowing the DVD player, just tell me first so I don't panic, and so I can take my movie out." Max said as he handed Peanut a box containing his DVDs and books. Peanut took it and placed it with the other boxes in the hallway.

"Thanks. I will. Is that the picture of Rufus and you I that I drew for you?" Peanut asked

"Yeah. It is. Thanks for drawing it it does give me comfort." Max said, "By the way. Peanut, I'd like to apologize for how I met when I first dated Grape. I acted like a jerk towards you and I'm sorry. I didn't understand the relationship you two had, and I realize I hurt you. I know we're friends, well, housemates now but I did want to apologize for how I acted back then. I'd hate to think of me or you dying with my apology unsaid."

"Max, I forgave you a long time ago. We've all made mistakes, some of the things I did while in the club make me wince." Peanut said, " Anyway, since then, you've been good to me and to Grape. You've helped me out with Tarot. You and Grape showed me I should be more openly romantic. Grape told me how you cooked for her and got her flowers on some of your dates. I've done it too, Tarot is impressed. Now, I'd like to apologize about how I acted at the spa. I shouldn't have treated your past so lightly. When you left, Grape and Tarot told me why you were upset, and I felt so bad.How'd you learn to cook anyway?"

"Dad taught me." Max said, " He gave me a raise in my allowance for cooking three meals a week."

"Does Bino cook?" Peanut asked

"No, he didn't want to learn even after dad offered him the same allowance raise, and he refuses to eat anything I cook saying he doesn't eat anything made by a cat. I've caught him eating the leftovers, though. Of course he got mad that i now had a bigger allowance than him and threw a fit. You know, it might not sound good, but sometimes I think Bino has been smacked over the head once to often. Or not enough. One of the two."

"Sometimes I think the same thing about Bino." Peanut said shaking his head, "By the way that was a good sized duffel bag you have there. Looks like it would carry a lot."

"It does," Max said, "I am able to carry all the Pridelands and some Star Trek books and my fan fiction journals. Dad was always saying I overpacked but I was tired of getting bored. "

"Grape says I overpack too." Peanut said, "But like you, i don't want to be bored."

"Don't you just hate that? " Max said, "You're sitting in a strange house and you don't want to get too involved in something, should you have to leave but the conversations just go on and on."

"And then everyone drinks coffee, " Peanut said, "and talk more and you're so bored. That is annoying."

"Yes it is, and Peanut don't worry about your taking, uh, creative liberties, with my past. It was actually kind of cool. But if you ever sell it. I want a cut of the money." Max said smiling

"Deal." Peanut said, also smiling

"How are you guys going?" Earl said as he entered the room, "Max, I've packed your records, leash, meds and bowl, in the car as well as the boxes you guys put in the hallway."

"Thank you." Max said "We're doing good. These boxes should be it. Oh wait, I have some stuff in the linen closet." Max then collected Pridelands characters dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus, his Pridelands Halloween costume and his scarves and placed them in a box. He then went to the bathroom and collected his brush and toothbrush. He, Peanut and Earl, each took a box down to the car and packed them inside. Max then went back inside to take down his large duffel bag and have one last look around his old room and house. After making sure he had everything he wanted, he turned off the lights and walked out of the house, locking the door behind him.
Last edited by trekkie on Sun Dec 08, 2019 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Much empathy.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by CunningFox »

Another sweet chapter.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

There's real brotherly love between Max and Peanut. Heartwarming chapter :D
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really do love to see that Max is fitting in well with the Sandwich's after Jeff's untimely death. Makes my heart feel all fuzzy. Just as long as it stays with him being family because he is Grape's boyfriend and not getting adopted by them I'm fine. Adoptive siblings dating are WEIRD.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thanks, everybody. The conversation between Maxwell and Peanut about being bored is based on a conversation my cousin and I had. I’ll be adding a new chapter, Saturday, probably, and if you’re a Rufus fan, I believe you’ll like the next two chapters. Once again, everyone, thanks for reading and for your kind words. They mean a lot.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm glad that you are finding all of these words we are telling you positive! I don't think we will be able to contain ourselves until the next chapter but we will try because we don't want to rush you.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thank you Dayzee, and thanks once again thanks everyone who read and everyone who left a compliment. Sorry the next chapter took a bit longer to get up, the site being offline threw me off schedule.

Chapter 14 Moving In and Rufus appears

"Peanut?" Max said as he joined the dog by the Sandwich vehicle and watched Earl pack the boxes, "I'd like to say that I am really glad that you are in my life. You're a great guy and I'm glad that Grape has someone like you to turn to. Well, so do I now. "

"Thank you, Max" Peanut said, "I'm glad you're in my life too. It'll be nice to be able to talk to another guy without waiting for dad to get home and be able to talk to another pet without having to wake up Grape."

"All right, that stuff is all packed up. You guys ready to go home?" Earl asked

"We are." Max said, and Earl lifted him and Peanut into their car sets to make the short journey back to the Sandwich house.

When Max, Peanut and Earl arrived at the house Grape and Jill came out to help the three unpack. Each member of the family grabbed a box and carried it into Max's room, to help the cat unpack his possessions. Max placed Peanut's drawing of Rufus and himself above his bed and placed a group picture of himself, Grape, Peanut and Tarot on the bedside table, and picture of himself Bino and his late father next to it. At his request Earl hung up his Pridelands posters and put the DVD player on the table as well. On the room's bookshelf, Max put his Star Trek, Pridelands and other books along with a picture of he and Sabrina. He put a picture of Grape next to the DVD player. In the drawer of the bedside table Max put a weather radio and tactical flashlight(gifts from his father in case of an emergency) and a "Quitting Catnip Journal" that he kept for his recovery support group. He unpacked his radio and put it on the bookshelf as a bookend to his Star Trek books and looked about the room approvingly. The room really felt like his and he felt less like a guest and more like a member of the family. After plugging in his cell phone, he walked into the living room and found his new family watching I Love Lucy.

"Come in and sit down, Max" Jill invited him in, "we're just watching I Love Lucy. You're more than welcome to join us."

"I can see. You have good taste in TV shows." Max said, " Actually, i wanted to find out if Bino had called. I left a message for him to do so."

"Bino? No he didn't hon. Sabrina called while you were at your old house to make sure you were doing okay, but we haven't heard from Bino at all." Jill said

"I hope he's okay." Max said, "Can i call Fido's house again. i want to check in on him."

"Of course, hon. We understand you're anxious about Bino's well-being." Jill said

"Okay, thanks." Max said and dialed the number. Fido's father Ryan Byron answered, " Hi Mr. Byron, this is Maxwell, I want to make sure that Bino is okay."

"Hey, Max, I am so sorry about what happened to your dad. I haven't seen Bino all day , but his bedroom door is closed so he might be getting some sleep. I could knock on the door if you'd like." Mr. Byron offered

"No, thanks, Mr. Byron, i don't want to wake him. If you see him just tell him to call me at the Sandwiches or on my cell phone." Max said, "Good night."

Max hung up the phone and bade his new family good night. He went to his room and settled down in bed with a Star Trek book that the dalmation Dallas had recommended. He was enjoying the book and had read three chapter when he heard a knock on the doorframe. Looking towards the door he saw Grape, and invited her in.

"Hey, Grape, what's up?" he asked

"Just checking on you, Maxie," Grape said "Do you mind if I sit down?"

"No, of course not. Sit down anywhere." Max said, Actually I'd like to talk to you in private if you don't mind."

"Of course not, Maxie, what's on your mind?" Grape asked

"Grape I-I'd like to apologize for how I acted when we were in Gallifrax, i was such a jerk there. Also for not taking your feelings into consideration after you met Res. Also, for not thanking you properly after you rescued me and Fox from Fluffy and for not going back to help you in the temple. If anything would've happened to you I never would've forgiven myself." Max stared at the floor as tears ran down his muzzle

"Oh, Maxie, why are you holding on to that?" Grape said as she hugged Max, " I forgave you as soon as you brought me that letter from Res. Maxie, if it hadn't been for that, I never would've met Res again. Gallifrax is partially my fault. i was jealous of Peanut and Tarot always doing cool things, and i shouldn't have grabbed you like that and forced you to come along. As for the temple, it got very dangerous there, so I'm glad you were safe, and you are much different cat than the one I rescued from Fluffy. You don't have a monopoly on making mistakes, none of us are perfect, I've made mistakes too, so has Peanut."

"Thanks Grape, I just needed to get that off my chest, I felt so bad about it. There is another thing I want to talk to you about." Max said

"What else do you want to talk about, Maxie?" Grape said

"About us." Max said, " Believe me I have been thrilled beyond words to be your boyfriend, and I am so honored that you saw fit to go out with me. You are the most awesome cat i know. However, with us living together, well, i know this might sound weird but I think of you more as a sibling or a good friend rather than a romantic mate. Maybe its the lack of sleep but it just feels weird "

"Maxie? Would you like to have the same relationship as I have with Peanut ? Best friends with mushy stuff benefits?" Grape asked

"I would love that. Peanut doesn't mind? " Max said

"It was his idea." Grape said, "He could sense you felt down about something. You're a good guy Maxie, Sabrina told me all about what you said to her. It is so sweet that you are good to her. As for us, we can still snuggle and just go out as friends, if you'd like. We'll take it as fast or as slow as you'd like. One thing puzzles me though."

"What's that Grape?" Max asked

"I thought I told you about being abandoned as a kitten." Grape said

"No, you didn't, at least not that I can remember." Max said, "You told me all about how Peanut got your, well, our parents to adopt you and you told me your shelter name. But being at the shelter seemed like a painful subject for you so I didn't bring it up. Now there's one thing that puzzles me."

"What's that Maxie?" Grape asked as she got up to leave

"How did you grab me when we went to Gallifrax?" Max asked

"Now, some secrets a girl must keep to herself." Grape said as she walked out the door , "Good night Maxie, hope you get some good sleep."

"Good night, Grape." Max said as he smiled and went back to reading

Max read a few more chapters and then turned off the light and went to sleep. He got up at two in the morning to use the bathroom and get a glass of water. After returning to bed, he just lay there. He hoped dad was in heaven. and was at peace. Suddenly a ghostly figure of a friendly-looking dog wearing a red bandanna manifested itself next to Max's bed. Despite knowing the figure was friendly, Max fought an impulse to scream. After his heartbeat returned to normal. Max turned to the figure.

"Hi Rufus" Max said, "How are you?"
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

No need to apologize for the delay, good things are worth holding out for.
It's endearing that Max is making up for all of his past mistakes, even if he's the only one who remembers or cares about them. He's come a long way as a character, both in the comic and this story.
And hooray, Rufus is here :D
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nice job on this chapter! Thought that it came out very well!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by dr_eirik »

Rufus is an interesting appearance, since his visit could be comforting ("Your dad is OK now and loves you") or the start of a quest ("Your dad isn't in heaven... and he isn't supposed to be dead.")

Should be interesting to see where this goes. Nice work!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Yeah, that is an intriguing and unexpected turn - not exactly "You will be visited tonight by three spirits" when it's good ol'Rufus but something's comin' .........
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I do like how this chapter has came out! Really nice job on it and everything that happened! ^^
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Aw, thanks everyone for you compliments, and, of course, thank you for reading.

Chapter 15 Talking with Rufus

"Hello Max." Rufus said, "I am doing pretty good. The sabertooth and I are now an item, and I am literally in heaven. You're probably wondering why I came down to see you. Well, i just wanted to help you cope with your father's death and to say i am really proud of you for giving up catnip."

"Thanks Rufus, i appreciate you coming down. It's been rough dealing with dad's death but with help from family and friends, I'm getting through it." Max said

"I can see that," Rufus said, "but I figured I'd better check in on you, because i know that you wanted to talk to me. Don't worry about your father, he is in heaven. He told me all about what happened. Right now your dad is going through orientation but..."

"Wait, " Max interrupted, "heaven has orientation?"

"Indeed it does." Rufus said, "It ain't that bad though, you just find out about the good stuff they have up here, where you'll be staying, and about the admittedly few rules."

"Oh." Max said, "That makes sense. Rufus, I am so sorry I didn't write back to you. Everything I could come up with just sounded so dumb and inadequate, that I was afraid you'd be disappointed and hate me or consider me a disappointment or something. I realize I must've seemed ungrateful."

"Aw, now Max, I told you not to worry about that. I figured you were just too busy living your life to write. I never would've wanted you to feel guilty, but I understand. You're a good guy Max, so you do feel guilty even when there is no reason to do so." Rufus said

"Thanks Rufus, I know I'll never be able to repay you for all you've done for me but I do appreciate it." Max said

"I know you do Max, and all you have to do to pay me back is live your life the best you can, and take care of Peanut and Grape. You'll do them some good, trust me." Rufus said

"I don't know they're both so awesome and I feel do inadequate compared to them." Max said

"Now don't say that. You aren't any less of a pet than Grape or Peanut. They both care for you and think you're pretty awesome too." Rufus told Max

"I don't know. Sometimes, and this goes back to before dad died, I feel like I am just a common alley cat and any minute everyone will realize it and kick back out into the alley where I belong." Max said wiping a tear from his eye

"Now don't give me any of that, Max." Rufus said gently "You're quite worthy of love and are quite a decent cat. Mr and Mrs Sandwich agreed to take you in and they are excellent judges of character. Also, think of Peanut, Grape, Sabrina, and Tarot. They all care about you too. So does Bino. He'll need your help soon, by the way."

Bino?" Max asked

"Yes." Rufus said, "That saluki is about to try and wreck his life if my suspicions are correct."

" I tried to warn him about Duchess." Max said, "It gives me no pleasure to be right. Okay, maybe some pleasure, but if she hurts Bino, I swear she'll have howl to pay. She's already on my carp list, she refused to take Bino in. I know that Grape or even Sabrina would've taken me in. I really care about Bino I wish I could've said that more openly in the past, maybe things would've been less stressful for dad to have two pets who got along."

"Maybe," Rufus said, "but you can't change the past. You can just be better in the present and future,and you're already doing that. Again, i am really proud of you for giving up catnip. That took a lot of strength."

"Thanks Rufus. It was strange, I just woke up and realized that I didn't need catnip anymore. When I told dad I was quitting he spat out his coffee. Took me three hours to get all the coffee out of my fur. I've had support giving it up, you know. Tarot has made teas for me. I've worked out with a police dog, Kevin, and Sabrina, Peanut, Grape and Marvin have all been so encouraging. Also, of course, my support group." Max said

"I know that Max. However, don't downplay your own role, you made the decision to quit. That was a brave decision, and I am proud of you. You also resisted temptation, every time you faced it recently, and I am quite proud of you." Rufus said

"Thanks Rufus" Max said, "Sometimes, I think it would've been better off if I had stayed on the farm with you and become a barn cat or something. Maybe dad wouldn't be dead then. I mean I know in my brain that dad's death isn't my fault, but in my heart I just feel guilty."

"Well, if you had stayed on the farm, I'm sure we would've found something for you to do, you could’ve helped me if you weren't a barn cat, but i don't know if you would've been happy, and that's important. Also, your friends here would've had one less friend and Bino wouldn't have a brother. Also, you had nothing to do with your father's death a drunken girl killed him not you. " Rufus said

"I know Rufus, I saw her on TV yesterday, and she just looked so ordinary. I guess I expected her to look like a monster or something. Now, you want to hear something crazy? I'm thinking of going out for the K-9s. Kevin says they're opening up to all pets."

"Now, that's not crazy at all. I think you'd be a darn good police cat. Go for it Max, I believe in you. " Rufus encouraged Max

"Thanks Rufus, I will. Rufus, I want you to know I never stopped loving you, even if it looked like I did, and I miss you every day, the barn cats too. I miss dad too, and I love him so much." Max said

"Aw, I know that Max. I love and miss you too. So do the barn cats. Your father loves and misses both you and Bino. Don't worry though, you'll see us all again in heaven. But hopefully, not for a while yet. Now, it's time for me to go." Rufus said

"I know I say this every time you come down but I wish you could stay longer." Max said

"I know Max, but just call on me and I'll be down as soon as I can, I'm glad to help you out." Rufus aid as he kissed Max goodbye, "I'd better get going, I've got a date for dinner with sabertooth."

"Dinner?" Max said looking at the clock

"Yeah, we can eat any meal at any time, up in heaven, and we don't have to worry about money." Rufus said

"Ah, I see. Well, give my love to my human dad, you'll always be my canine dad, and to the barn cats, and my regards to sabertooth. By the way, does she have a name other than sabertooth? " Max asked

"She asked me to call he sabertooth, so I'm sticking with that. Stay strong, Max, and take care of yourself and your family." Rufus said as he faded from fiew

"I will, Rufus, thank you." Max sais

After Rufus left, Max felt a bit better, as he tended to after discussing things with Rufus. Rufus's suspicions about Duchess were probably correct, and he considered calling Bino to warn him. Seeing it was past three in the morning Max decided to put it off til later and put his head against the pillow and went back to sleep. Out in the hallway Earl Sandwich blinked as he moved back to the bedroom he shared with Jill. Did he just see the ghost of Rufus talking to Max? He must be dreaming. No more midnight snacks of pizza and ice cream for me, Earl thought as he climbed back into bed
Last edited by trekkie on Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:21 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Choose your ice cream flavor wisely, Earl … very, very wisely.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nice job on this chapter! I look forward to more from you!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by CunningFox »

Another nice chapter. Maybe Jeff can take haunting classes so he can see Max and Bino again.
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Nathan Kerbonaut
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

They're are such a wholesome pair. But Max, I'd heed Rufus' warning about Duchess :?
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