Housepets And The Enneagram

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Housepets And The Enneagram

Post by xachmustel »

Which enneagram personalities fit which Housepets characters? Here's what I think:

Ones are a body-based type with an emphasis on personal integrity and self control. Their attention goes toward seeing and correcting what is wrong, and doing the right thing. They are known for their honesty, dependability and common sense. Ones are very responsible, so much so that they may resent other people who don't take life as seriously as they do. They have high standards and tend to see things in black and white, right and wrong. It's easy for them to be critical, of themselves and others. They work hard at being right all the time. They are idealistic and will exert great effort to improve the world around them, which often puts them in the role of social reformer. Their crucial elements of growth are to learn to accept their imperfections and tolerate other people's points of view.
Ones: Sergeant Ralph, Miles

Twos are a feeling-based type with a focus on relationship. They excel at making connections and empathizing with the needs and feelings of other people. They are usually good at supporting others and helping bring out their potential. However, turning their attention toward themselves and knowing what they themselves need is much more difficult. They want to be accepted and liked by others, and they will adapt or change themselves to earn this approval. A bit like emotional sponges, Twos have to be very careful what they absorb from the people around them. Getting angry or setting personal boundaries can be very hard to do, although they may have emotional outbursts to relieve the pressure. While being a special person or earning the approval of others has its advantages, it doesn't substitute for being loved for oneself.
Twos: Mungo, Breel, Rex, Lucretia, Cerberus

Threes are feeling-based types, but they channel their emotional energy into getting things done. They take the initiative and work hard to accomplish their goals. They are highly adaptable, and they excel at "feeling out" and meeting the expectations of others when that will lead them to success. They like to stay active and on the go, so it's hard to stop or slow down. Their focus on keeping up their image and achieving results can get in the way of personal needs and health. American business is a particularly strong Three culture where performers get a lot of positive reinforcement for being productive and efficient. A danger for Threes is concentrating on external praise or material rewards while losing contact with who they are inside. It's difficult for them to step out of their roles, feel their own feelings, and decide for themselves what is important.
Threes: Maxwell, Keene, Pete, Falstaff, Duchess, All the Milton ferrets except for Pit (whose a 7)

Fours are feeling-based types who often experience a sense of longing and melancholy. Something is missing for them, which can lead to a quest for wholeness through romantic idealism, healing, or aesthetics. When they compare themselves to others, Fours experience feelings of envy. They seek meaning and depth in their relationships, their work, or in a quest for personal creativity. Many Fours are artists who excel at expressing universal human emotions in dance, music, and poetry. While they seek to have a good image, it's most important for them to be authentic. Often passionate, sometimes overly emotional, their attention moves back and forth from empathizing with others to their own inner experience. They need time alone. The key to healing and growth for Fours is to balance sadness with the capacity for happiness and satisfaction, even if the relationship or the experience seems flawed or incomplete.
Fours: Sasha, Spirit Dragon

Fives are mental types who focus on intellectual understanding and accumulating knowledge. They are often scholars or technical experts because of their keen perception and analytical ability. Privacy and personal autonomy are very important to them, and other people may be experienced as intrusive. The ability to detach from other people and from emotional pressure confers personal freedom, but may also create loneliness. Some people of this type may be intellectually brilliant or knowledgeable, while feelings and relationships present an enormous challenge. For others, family and friends are very important, but they will still need lots of time alone to pursue their own interests and re-create themselves. Fives need to balance their tendency to withdraw or withhold from people by reaching out to others, even if this involves discomfort or conflict.
Fives: Fox, Tarot, Joey, Marvin, Terrance

Sixes are mental types who use their perception and intellect to understand the world and figure out whether other people are friendly or hostile. They focus on guarding the safety of the group, project or community. Sixes are good at anticipating problems and coming up with solutions. Knowing the rules and making agreements with other people is important, yet at the same time they tend to doubt themselves and question others. They can oscillate between skepticism and certainty, rebel or true believer. Some Sixes are in the "cautious" mode; they hesitate, they worry a lot, and they procrastinate. Other Sixes prefer to stay in the "strength" mode: they rush into action and they seek to brace themselves physically or ideologically as a way of overcoming their fear. As Sixes learn to trust themselves as well as other people, they become more flexible and they develop the courage to act even in the presence of doubt or ambivalence.
Sixes: Grape, King, Tiger, Marion, Spo

Sevens are mental types who are forward thinkers and forward movers. They usually bring an optimistic and positive attitude to all of their activities. They are interested in many different subjects. They don't want to be limited to doing one thing and they prefer to keep their options and possibilities open. Although they can be excellent communicators, they are less concerned with image and other people's approval than other types. It's most important to have fun (or get to do one's own thing), whether that's found in travel and adventure or more intellectual pursuits. They are enthusiastic consumers of new ideas, new technology, and pleasurable experiences. However, too much of a good thing can be a problem for them. Because their attention shifts so quickly, it's challenging for them to go into things in depth and to stay the course in work and relationships. Slowing down, being in the moment, and learning to tolerate their own and other people's suffering – all can bring needed balance.
Sevens: Peanut, Truck, Pit

Eights are a body-based type who tend to take charge of situations and step into a leadership role. They are energetic and intense, and they can be intimidating at times to other people. Impatient with rules and regulations, they like to do things their way. By asserting control over their environment, they do their best to protect themselves and anyone else who is part of their family or group. Fairness or justice is a high priority. If they feel wronged, they will fight back since in their experience weakness or vulnerability will precipitate an attack from the outside world. The strength (and aggression) that are generated in this mission can be admirable, but also misapplied. The challenge for Eights is to combine assertion and control with interdependency and cooperation, as well as learning how to curb their often excessive appetites.
Eights: Bino, Bailey, Jess, Lester

Balanced at the top of the Enneagram, Nines are the most basic and most numerous personality type. They are the "salt of the earth" and the "glue" that holds the community together. People of this type come in all shapes and sizes, but they share a common problem with inertia (or momentum). Whether they are lazy in the traditional sense or hard workers continually on the move, "Nines" have a problem finding and staying with their own priorities. It's hard to change directions or shift attention to what is most important. They "forget" themselves. Nines excel at seeing all points of view. This can make it difficult for them to make personal decisions, but at the same time, they can be excellent mediators and peacemakers for others. Nines seek harmony in their environment and will go to great lengths to avoid conflict (although at times championing others). They are body-based types, with a strong gut sense of knowing, although they can also be out of touch with their bodies.
Nines: Zach, Res

Not sure what types Fido, Sabrina, Kevin, Karishad, Dallas, Rufus, Poncho, Great Kitsune, Daryl, etc could be categorized as. Also, did I mistype any of the characters while doing this?
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Re: Housepets And The Enneagram

Post by Gameb18oy »

Eh, nothing looks too off here, though its more fun to see which characters fit with your own type. I'm a five for anyone wondering mine, not upset by the idea I act a little like Joey or Fox considering they are high up on my rankings of characters in my head

Also, 7 probably would fit GK and karishad the best, at least from what we know about them currently
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Re: Housepets And The Enneagram

Post by Vertigo Fox »

Hah... are you sure you're not just describing the different Doctors?
I mean I guess that would fit better if you switch bits of five and eight, and change seven entirely after one year... okay so maybe you're not doing that. :P It's still remarkably close, 'specially on number six.

I don't know that I'm a believer in personality "types", I think if any part of who you are is genetic then there has to be more room for combinations and new random mutations. For a writer I can see it being a useful tool though, provided it's taken mainly as a suggestion... I will have to do some more reading on this. I studied psychology for a while, it's all fascinating to me.
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Re: Housepets And The Enneagram

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Never heard of an "enneagram" before, but your analysis seems on-point. But all "personality types" system will generate outliers, it's just the natural result of simplifying such a complex phenomenon. Plus not every character personality is developed enough to classify. That said...
Fido is a mix of one and six (a trusted cop who sometimes breaks the rules), Sabrina is a one/five (idealistic and outspoken, also a diligent student of magic(k)), Rufus is a two (he's just so wholesome), and GK is a seven/eight (always doing his own thing, even to spite others, but he always makes things right in his own mischievous way).
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Re: Housepets And The Enneagram

Post by trekkie »

I think you did a pretty good job on this, I see elements of a "4" as well as a "3" in Maxwell, but I think overall you did a pretty good job.
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