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Probly that it likes cats.
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Or it wants you to magically transform into a cat. LOL
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

Oh dear... And then there's my knack for finding ways to do things I really should not be able to find ways to do. Sometimes by accident.

Best thing is probably just not to think about it. :P
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

But that will make you start thinking about it more. :mrgreen:
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Post by OdedZeituni98 »

In my dream I was in Japan
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Post by Zesortinge »

I believe it was one of my more recent dreams that actually had me touch on the fact that I would have woken up if it was a dream (even though it was a dream). The length of time that was observed to have occurred in the dream was shorter than actual time that I was asleep, and at the end of it things were set up like a fight; if the fight had gone wrong, it was implied that I wouldn't have woken up or that something would've gone wrong. I even woke up right when the opponent was correctly beaten. There were other people involved in the dream, and the in dream consequences would've been severe if things had gone wrong. There was also someone saying that it wouldn't be the end at the end of the dream.
Does anyone have any idea of what the dream could mean?
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

That you like a good story?
I've had dreams like that and far as I can tell, the subconscious is just trying to tell a story to the conscious mind in a way it thinks will be understood.

I think I'd usually have them when I'd just finished a good book or hadn't found one in a while.
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Post by FireworkFox »

I once had a dream where I drove a monster truck!
Also, a lot of my dreams seem to involve theme parks.
Also, I dreamed about Peanut once. But I don't remember much, just that he was in it.
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Post by CuriousCnidarian »

This is a dream I had a couple months ago now, and one of the few that's stuck with my in great detail, being able to recall the vast majority. It's something I've been meaning to write down for a while now, so why not here?

First off, the colors in this dream were, unusually for me, very muted. Not quite sepia tone, but still very muted colors.
I find myself standing on the outskirts of a large city - A cubic apartment building to my left, a highway overpass in front of me, separating me from downtown. I knew the city to be Dallas, Texas, though the skyline was completely different. It's maybe mid-afternoon, and I'm standing in the middle of an empty street. The sky was completely overcast, and I knew there to be a large storm coming. I had just finished conversing with a man walking away from the city - over what I cannot recall. As I turn from this man and look towards downtown, I see a massive stovepipe tornado in the middle of the city; almost perfectly cylindrical, rotating counter-clockwise, and taking up maybe 4 or 5 city blocks. There's no rain, and very little wind. This Storm didn't seem to be damaging any surrounding structures, but I could see debris rotating around the cloud - mainly shrubbery and moss, splotches of dark green that stood out against the otherwise ubiquitous grays and tans of the Storm and surrounding architecture. I take a minute to watch the Storm, until I see a skull rotate around from the far side of the cloud; not a human skull, but a deer skull with no antlers. I took this as my cue to take shelter. The whole time I could feel the malevolence of the Storm.

I entered the apartment building that was to my left. I knew in my head what to do - whenever I found shelter, close and lock all doors and windows, and if someone knocks at the door or asks to enter, DO NOT ANSWER. I found myself on the top floor. The building was set up with a rectangular staircase in the middle of the building, with an apartment on each wall and flight. I start making my way down the stairs, trying a few doors as I passed but all were locked. Near the bottom, I see a Hispanic(?) man in a blue t-shirt and khaki shorts, rather tall with dark hair. He asks if I was looking for a room to take shelter in, and I said yes. We go back up a couple flights to his apartment. He unlocks the door and I enter ahead of him. The door opened into the bathroom (tub on the left, toilet and sink on right), which then led directly into the living room. Both these rooms were on the left wall of the apartment; across from the living room was the kitchen, and across from the bathroom but separates by the only wall in the apartment was the bedroom. Only window in the apartment was the kitchen sink, which I walked over to to make sure it was closed and locked. When the Blue Shirt Guy entered the apartment, he looked at me with a sense of confusion and a bit of disgust, like he had forgotten why I was in there to begin with. He walked towards the bedroom, and he and I exchanged some words about he he should not open the door if anyone else wants to enter.

I turned towards the bedroom as well, when suddenly there was a knock at the door in the living room, directly opposite from where the door we entered via the bathroom was, which had appeared from nowhere. Blue Shirt Guy walked up to the door to answer it. I yelled at him to stop, but he didn't listen. He opened the door - and immediately collapsed, dead. I had been standing at the threshold between the kitchen and the living room, but suddenly I was directly in front of the open door, a few steps behind the body of Blue Shirt Guy. I looked out the door, and say a tall figure completely covered by a black cloak so that only its head was visible, but I could still tell it was hominid. It's head was a stark white deer skull, the exact same as was in the Storm, except instead of the absence of antlers, it had a single straight horn across the back of the head that stretched from shoulder to shoulder, covered in mosses and lichens of the same color of what I saw in the Storm. I knew that the Storm was upon me, and I stood completely still. The Creature took a couple steps, seemingly glided, into the room, and I could feel its gaze sweep across the room. I knew that if I didn't move, it wouldn't see me. As it's gaze fell on me, I could sense that it only saw a mirror of itself where I stood. As it turns to leave, I woke up.

I certainly wouldn't call this a nightmare; I never felt any real fear during any of it, maybe a bit of trepidation or worry at parts, but not much. I was left feeling rather disoriented when I woke up, but was able to go back to sleep. One of the things I like to do with dreams I can remember is try to pick out what things I've seen or read that inspired that part of the dream. With the whole tornado in Dallas thing, I had recently watched parts of a docu-thriller from the 90s about a megatornado hitting Dallas, and for the "lock all doors and windows, don't answer the door", I had been doing some reading on Padre Pio, and that was part of what was supposedly revealed to him about what the faithful should do during the Rapture.

Regardless, this dream was very different and much darker than the dreams I usually had; this unique nature being a large part of the reason it's stuck with me. I've always though I could turn this into a nice short story or film, or maybe an SCP.
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Post by FireworkFox »

Once, I had a dream where I was at a water park. I went on some water slides, and it was fun. The park had some kind of cable car to get from one side of the park to the other. I got on to the cable car and as it started moving I got this feeling of dread. The an evil spirit/demon attacked the car and it started to swing around like crazy.(I'm pretty sure it went upside down a few times!) But then I pressed a button and then the spirit/demon left. Then I continued my water park visit like nothing had happened.
In another dream, I was hunting ghosts in a local church. I had a Proton Pack, but it looked like a plunger.
In another, I went to visit my grandpa, who was at an old barn for some reason.
And I had one where I was snowboarding inside of a ski lodge.
I also had one where I drove a monster truck.
I recently had a dream where I was chillin' in my room with Peanut and Kitsune.
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

It must be really awesome to have cool dreams like that.
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

I visited a zoo once that had cable cars. Well, twice. Weeeelll, and it was more like a ski lift. Still, cables... and cars... of a sort. A cabley-car-y thing.
FoxyBoi wrote:In another dream, I was hunting ghosts in a local church. I had a Proton Pack, but it looked like a plunger.
A plunger? Are you sure you weren't really a Dalek, hunting people? :o :D

As for me I'm still trying to think of an interesting one to share... I don't remember them very often, maybe because I have an outlet for that kind of creativity in my day-to-day life.
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Post by FireworkFox »

Last night I had a dream where I was playing a racing game(similar in style to GRID or The Crew 2). I was doing well, but then it was suddenly a Donkey Kong game and I was attacked by Sesame Street characters.
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

...are you sure you're sane?

No knock on you if you aren't, crazy's one of the best things to be.
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Real life can be crazier. I remember when I was on a field trip in the 6th grade 16 years ago on the bus for some reason everybody starting singing "I Love You" from Barney. I kid you not.

Sixteen years later, I still have NO clue why a bunch of elementary school kids about to go on to middle school (Sixth grade is elementary level. Deal with it) were singing that song.
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Post by FireworkFox »

Last night I had a dream where I was babysitting a bunch of freakish ghost kids, and they scared me so much that I ran out of the house. Then I encountered a generic horror movie slasher who turned out to be a really nice guy. Then, the intro music from The Twilight Zone started playing, and Rod Serling appeared and told us about, "a scary story so scary it can raise the dead." And then I saw what appeared to be a room in a very old hospital(probably from the 1800s). The nice slasher guy's wife was there. She was sick
And then I woke up.

The moral of the story: My dreams would make good Twilight Zone episodes.
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If they ever do a reboot of the series, make sure you get hired as a writer. xP
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They're doing a reboot right now actually. You didn't hear?
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Question is, are they setting it... in Night Springs?

Old reference, probably nobody gets it, but it's fun anyway.
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Post by lilium mortem »

I had a dream where King transformed into a Kaiju by Steward and was going to trash an idyllic appalachian mountain town. Marion turned into an otter to navigate the mountain stream to get to King and give a big 'remember who you are' speech to get King to snap out of kaiju instincts.
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Post by FireworkFox »

Vertigo Fox wrote:Question is, are they setting it... in Night Springs?
No, I don't get the reference. Sorry.

Last night, I had an ACTUAL NIGHTMARE. Someone tried to feed Fox to a python. And then I woke up, and I was in such a panic that I somehow rammed my head against the wall.
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

A short dream of mine from a few years ago came to mind while I was writing today:
I'm walking along this beautiful forested beach along the bank of a muddy sorta river (so, like, the trees aren't growing from the sand but the sandy area is narrow enough and the trees big enough that their branches stretch over it anyway)... it looks kinda like Trackmania Lagoon but it's more forest-y and no rollercoasters to be seen ;). All vivid greens and browns and yellows and muddy water... like I said, it's beautiful. But moving on from that, for some reason I feel like this place belongs to me.
Then a tiger shows up in front of me, and he pounces... but I realize in that moment that I am actually the tiger, or something along those lines, and I'm not scared. Then I wake up with no further explanation of this mindscrewery. Subconsciousness cop out...
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Post by FireworkFox »

Last night I had a dream where I was in a giant nerf war!
I finally got to put my sniper skills to good use.
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Did the nerf balls that you fired at the other combatants explode in impact? XD
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Sadly no.
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That would have made it a very action-packed dream though. XD
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Post by Zesortinge »

The dream I had last night was related to Housepets!

Initially it started off with my family and me in a house where there was a problem with the food, and it was decided that the food would be grown by the family. Soon after there was a flood and me and my sister went off somewhere while someone stayed behind to grow some food. The focus then shifted from me to Fox as he was observing things after the flood when he heard that the bank had lost all of its files (the bank had almost everyone's files for almost everything), so he decided to swim and search for the files which were surprisingly waterproof. He also wound up finding files for Keene that would allow him to stay and a picture of a friend that had disappeared. He went after Keene to hand over the files that would let him stay and had to lie and say he found a lost invitation to someone's birthday party. The dream then cut back to me at my return to the house which was partially turned into a restaurant where I hit my head on the flat ceiling then very quickly found out that I had hit my head on the large and obvious protrusions from the higher ceiling that were supposedly heaters.

Are you confused about my dream?
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Post by OdedZeituni98 »

I had the dream when we reached the end of housepets, it was very sad dream
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Not really confused Zeso, it's kinda like something I wrote for a mod once
...the flood took us at the gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates
THEY WERE TAKEN at the gaaaaaates
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Post by FireworkFox »

Several nights ago, I had a dream in which my family and I were putting up Christmas decorations. And one of the decorations was literally a picture of Grape. I don't know why.
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:o CAT LOVER! :o
you're no longer welcome in the good old dogs club
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I wouldn't worry too much about it anyway. Ever since Bino has taken it over from Fido it has been going downhill. xD
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Anyways, a few nights ago I had a dream where I was in Starfleet, and Dallas and I were crew members on a starship.
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Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I had a lots of dreams last night but I remember only a few scenes.

In one I was in a AI apocalypse. I encountered a big grassy field with a yellow mansion in the middle. I entered with some other random people and the place seemed empty and unusually safe from the AI robots. At some point another group appeared, claimed the mansion was theirs, a gunfight broke out, my group was defeated, and we were escorted back to the apocalyptic wasteland with our heads held low.

The next one started funny but ended up creepy. I was chilling in my living room when a woman drove up beside my back door in a sedan. I asked her what she was doing but she spoke nonsense. I threatened to call the cops but more people showed up outside my door. They approached me and forced their way inside. I got in my car and tried to escape but everywhere I went traffic pulled out into the road to block my path. I ran on foot, passing through various buildings, but everywhere I went random people tried to stop me and every room I passed through was more dizzying and unusual. Eventually I collapsed in a parking lot, where I had a vision of a horrible demonic being turning the world mad (apparently it was responsible for all these anomalous occurrences).

In my last dream I was a commander in the Elite Dangerous universe, flying my Type-10 ship. I was doing my usual combat duties in a combat zone when an Imperial Captial ship emerged from hyperspace and entered the fight. But this ship was different than the one in the game. It lacked the rotating ring, had a more geometric shape, had more guns, and had an awesome red livery design. I love Imperial ships so for me this was a sight to behold.
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Post by trekkie »

I had a dream wherein I joined Maxwell, Grape, Peanut, and Tarot on a trip to Rueben’s farm. We visited Rufus’s grave and had dinner with the barn cats.
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Post by NHWestoN »

Must be getting close to a dentist appointment, keep dreaming about dental problems. :(
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I dreamed the other night that I ran a red light near my condo... except the ran part was literal because I realized I was some type of prehistoric cheetah...
What I was doing on a modern road is anyone's guess, but on the bright side, where would you even put a ticket on a cat, eh?
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Post by FireworkFox »

I had a dream where my dad an' I were on a hike in the woods, and as we were approaching some cabins, we were approached by skunks. I hid in one of the cabins, and a bear started attacking the door. I also noticed this cabin had a HUGE spiderweb in it, which I didn't find very reassuring(I'm slightly arachnophobic). With all that being said, I was very afraid. Eventually, I saw a chance to escape and took it. I met up with my dad at his truck, and we escaped. As we drove away, I said to him, "Let's never do this hike again!"

I also had a dream where my family and I were visiting a National Park. I was exploring some old mines as part of a self-guided tour(side note: I had been given an assault rifle for some reason) when I encountered a demon, which began stalking me and my family. Thankfully, we were able to escape in our car(by the time we did, it had gotten very dark-probably the work of that demon).
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Post by Zesortinge »

The dream I had last night took place in a world I had a dream previously. I have problems remembering thing from the dream before Endeavor was introduced. He was a fleet commander, and he was leading a raid on two different islands. One of the islands was the Japanese name of the Power Pole from the Dragon Ball series. The one that was actually went to in the dream was the home to Banjo and Kazooie, which was overflowing with monsters that I think were from the Dragon Quest series. I now some of them were from the series. Endeavor actually took the advice to not go to the other island with the reasoning that there were probably other monsters there and that the item he was told to look for was probably taken. The crew split up at that point. There was something Endeavor wanted to know so he sent off half of the fleet somewhere else. The dream continued to follow the ship Endeavor was on as the steerer accidently steered the ship into a magical set of flags that forced the ship to sail to the middle of the four rock walls that only appeared at that moment of the dream. Some of the volunteers got a bit curious but were told to be quiet by Endeavor as they took the path back. The next point they stumbled across was a puzzle island with a time limit that appeared in a previous dream. The time ran out and the island sank. The two volunteers most curious about the rock walls (one of them gave Endeavor the advice about the other island) had gotten separated from everyone else and they stumbled across a hidden puzzle based dungeon. They had to stand on a thing to make outcroppings of the wall turn. The puzzle to get to the next puzzle was that the female volunteer had to bit a cup that was red on the inside and black on the outside. The male suggested that it was the solution as Endeavor had handed out red ribbons to the men and black ribbons to the women. He also mentioned protection over aggression. (I now have thoughts that the male might have been a black haired Kaminari and that the women was a black haired Jirou.) Solving the puzzle lead to two more puzzles opening up. Some shuffling occurred as the wall turners also turned the puzzle clock except for the hands. The male had figured out one part because he just ignored the confusion from the improper numbers and solved the puzzle by only looking at one hand and setting the clock to where the puzzles are solved to 9:25. It opened one of the two locked doors that were up there. Then the dream ended.

I did remember an earlier part where the group Endeavor was looking for arrived near a burnt village and one of them and a bout of dizziness and the group fought soldiers until they reached the plateau where the destroyed village was. That part cut off there.
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Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Had a short but freaky dream last night. All I remember is the end scene: I was in my room and was holding my phone near my face. I was looking around the room through my phone's camera. I said "I'm looking for anomalies" when the lights suddenly went out. Then the light coming in from outside went dark. Illuminated only my phone's screen, I spun around to face a black humanoid with red eyes teleporting in a circle around me, getting closer to me with every jump. Then it was in front of me. I lowered my phone to see it with my own eyes, and its face was inches from my face. That's what woke me up.
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