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Welsh Halfwit
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Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Just a reminder. Savra is a BAD GUY. All the people he leads will do, more or less, what they have to to survive. Savra will kill where he needs to and, sometimes, when he hates the person enough. He's the 'hero' of the story simply because he has a few more morals than others. But he's not trying to be a nice guy in any way.


The Raitchian ran through the evening rain on Titan III in the run up to Sanctamas. The girl he was pursuing had taken his comm and he wanted it back. Quite badly. Badly enough that he didn’t want help with the effort, he needed it back himself. His muscles strained as he pushed them to their limit, closing in on the waif who’d picked his pocket and almost done it without him noticing. But he had noticed and, if it hadn’t been for that Dober Canine… female he’d bumped into straight after, he’d have caught her then.

He watched as the girl who, judging by the speed she was running, was quite obviously scared, ducked down a side passage between the steel and brick buildings and knew he had her, unless she could jump a ten foot high wall. He smiled and thought about the blade in his pocket. It wasn’t like this was the first time, after all. The thought brought a smile to his lips as he pushed into the tight area after her.

She was looking around at the end of the alley, seemingly desperate for a route out of there as he came in, taking the knife out from his pocket and flicked it out to glint in the light of the lamp attached to the side of one of the buildings. There was thirty yards between them. Time for her fear. He liked it when they showed fear. “There’s no escape, Chickadee,” he goaded. “No way past me. Gonna make you bleed.”

She straightened up. She looked unconcerned, to his surprise. “There’s always a way out,” she said as a rope ladder fell down from one of the windows. The girl leapt for the ladder and grabbed on as someone pulled it back up sharply, meaning he just missed her with his lunge. He cursed but knew it wasn’t over. He’d simply have to catch them around the front, was all. He spun around in the rain, beginning to feel it soaking into his fur now.

“You having a go at my younger sister,” demanded a confident voice. The Raitchian looked up into the rain sodden face of the Dober he’d bounced off of earlier. So it was a set up? Her loss. He swiped with the knife and the leather clad female pulled back, out of the arc before grasping his wrist after the blade had passed her and twisting the joint painfully. He cried out, seeing someone in shadow just outside the cone of light. The Dober brought her free arm down on his inner elbow hard, making him drop the knife as he felt something in the arm break. His assailant took the time to grip him tightly around the back of the head and slam him, muzzle first, into the side of the building, cracking his teeth and his nose under the impact. He gasped slightly as her claws tightened on the back of his skull in the wet and pulled his face back for another strike. “Did you think we wouldn’t find out,” she hissed, before slamming him forward again. “Did you think we wouldn’t know where to find you, Darlan? Or what bait to use?” She punched him in the stomach now, her grip on his head so tight that he couldn’t double up and his feet left the floor instead. “Captain wants a word,” she finished, throwing him towards the shadow.

“I’d rather him a little less destroyed, Hastur,” Savra told his weapons officer as he stood atop the snivelling Raitchian, He put a boot down on the Raitchian’s closest hand and ground it into the concrete slightly. “I wanted to do it.”

“So,” Pantha asked as she and Gallen put away the rope ladder they’d ‘rescued’ Shandy with back into the pack, “what are you planning for Sanctamas?”

The steel toothed Celican looked coolly at the jet black Feline he’d mated with and considered his answer. “I’d never considered it,” he said honestly, “it’s not like it’s something easily celebrated on our ship, after all.”

“Do we have to celebrate it on ship,”Pantha asked, standing so close he couldn’t help but taste her aroma in his mouth. Feel it in his heart. Taste her on his tongue. But that was probably because she was kissing him and he was kissing her. His hands matched hers as she put one around his back and the other one gripped the base of his tail inside his trousers. He could feel her purring in his chest as they thought of what was to come later.

“I’d say ‘get a room’,” Shandy complained as she came back in from the bathroom in bright, dry clothes and finished towelling off her headfur, “but I’ve said that fifty times already.”. The ten year old’s head spiked up spectacularly as Barnabus stuck his head around the bathroom door and pulled the bathroom towel Shandy had just put over his head off it.

“Mom and Uncle Gallen snoggin’ again,” he asked his girlfriend.

Gallen pulled back slightly. “Like you two weren’t in there,” he asked ‘innocently’. Your front is wet, Barnabus.”

He looked down instinctively. “No I…”

Shandy laughed and Barnabus realised he’d been had. “Not fair,” he protested, throwing the towel at her. “So this is it,” he asked, grinning at her as he held up the comm she’d stolen.

Her face fell for a moment as her hands went to the pockets she’d thought it was still in but she covered it with a nonchalant look. “I figured you’d taken it,” she claimed, lilting her head in pure ‘innocence’. She was enjoying life with the ‘family’, her ‘big sister’ and the occasional kiss and cuddle with her boyfriend/brother. It was much better than life in the asteroid.

“We need to get that up to Kurmak,” Gallen told them, finally separating from Pantha’s embrace.

“It’s the only thing we need to ‘get up’,” Shandy commented, earning herself a sharp clip around the head from Gallen. “Ow,” she laughed.

The rain was making a large puddle in the alley, mixing with the Raitchian’s blood as he lay in front of Savra. He started to rise but Savra’s boot put him back down. “I like you down there, Darlan,” he said heavily, “so stay there. The Police were waiting at that bank, Darlan,” he stated, crouching down and grinding the trapped hand a bit more under boot. He knew the palm pads must have ripped by now and the Raitchian would be in a lot of pain. Not enough, he reckoned. “I lost two in the fight,” he growled. “According to sources, the information leading to an attempt on the bank came from you. The very person who gave US the information to rob the bank in the first place.” He lifted the Raitchian’s head up off the floor to look him in the eye. “Did you think we’d not find out?”

“I…” He stammered. “I had no… no choice. A Cop… had me. He found out about…”

“We KNOW what he found out,” Savra told his prey quietly., his tone a vicious whisper. “He really should have handed you in. That information shouldn’t trump the murder of a child.”

“Made it easier to know how to get you,” Hastur contributed.

Savra nodded, soaked in the rain where the coat wasn’t covering. “When he gets out of hospital he might remember that. And that mystery accidents can happen to people we have things on if they don’t do as we say.”

Darlan’s hope surged. “So.. we can… deal? I’ll, um, owe you..?” He sniffed his own blood.

He sniffed more of it when Savra kicked him in the face. “You murder Children, Darlan,” Savra told him over the rainfall that had increased in volume. “You should have known this was coming.” Without another word, Savra knelt on Darlan’s back, put a hand under his muzzle and the other to the back of his head and killed him with a twist and a sharp, wet, snap. “Let’s go catch up with the others,” he said as he stood up a moment later, putting something in his pocket. “Leave that for the local plods.”
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
David Campbell - 7 – 8 – 9 – 5 – 4 – 4 – 6
Corp Davidstow 6 - 6 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 6 - 5 (reactions 7 Combat 9)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad that you are back to writing again! This story does seem like it will be very interesting!
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

Well this chapter certainly ended with a bang.

Also... Sanctamas. I’d love to know the lore behind this holiday, lol, I hope it was a cargo cult situation where they find out about Christmas and warp it into their own thing.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If that is the case I would find it very amusing. But I am right now just happy with anything that is uploaded!
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Welsh Halfwit
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Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Sanctamas is a federally sanctioned holiday that replaces a good dozen of the local ones... Some decry it as cheap, artificial, tawdry and what the heck, let's have a party.


Savra threw the padd onto the table in front of the Feline called Kurmak. The science Officer picked the small device up and looked it over. “You want me to get into this, I take it,” he said simply.

“Everything you can get off it. His financials, his contacts, everything. The Raitchian was scum but he was crafty in his own way. He may well have had things he didn’t want anyone knowing about and there’s probably hints on there.”

“It won’t be easy to break the biosecurity,” Kurmak mused. “Not without…” something thumped onto the table. “Well, that’s one way to get a bio print from his fingerpads,” he said of the dripping item. “Oh, and an eye!”

“Figured he’d have some form of security on it,” Savra groused. “Didn’t know what sort.”

“I’ll have to chemically replump the pads but we’ll see where we go after.”

It had taken an hour for the team to get back up to the Kerbal from the surface, using a shuttle built with the stealth panels they’d taken last year. It had passed in near silence, with the exception of Barnabus still teaching Shandy to read with books for seven year olds. The girl was stumbling over some of the words still but the boy, who’d been taught by vidteachers and Pantha on his father’s ship, was doing quite well as a teacher, it seemed. And the girl was improving at her pickpocketing. Tonight was a bit different. Tonight he’d needed her to be detected doing it and run to make him chase her. It had almost been textbook. In textbook he wouldn’t have let Hastur have any ‘fun’, keeping the operational exposure down to him and Shandy. Then he’d learned of Darlan’s ‘foibles’ and knew Hastur would want first strike. She was protective of the children. A good mother to be, perhaps. He knew she let them sleep in the same bed but didn’t care as long as they were clothed. Boyfriends and Girlfriends did that sort of thing. And Barnabus’s mother wasn’t objecting much.

As he stepped out of Kurmak’s domain, he walked into said mother. “Watch it,” he growled. “I’m walking here.”

“Of course,” the powerful feline replied. “I’ve had the components we, uh, located, installed, Cap’n,” Pantha told him. “Should increase the intermix by ten percent. Allow us extra power from the engines.”

“Should,” Savra demanded, “you said ‘would’, not ‘should’ earlier.”

“I believe they will,” she declared. “I also believe you wouldn’t have authorised a burglary on a ‘should’.”

Savra raised a finger and pointed the chipped nail at her, still marked with Raitchian blood. “You’re still new to this, Pantha. NEVER soft soap me again. Never guess. Be certain. If you’re wrong, that’s one thing. But you almost lied to me. And that I don’t allow. Got it?”

Pantha swallowed and nodded. “Got it, Captain.”

“Right. Have the engines ready in an hour. We’ll be moving out then.”

“Right, sir.”

“Good job, Chief,” Savra commented, relenting slightly.

A half hour passed with Savra in the ‘dining zoo’, as Barnabus had tagged it, before he checked in on Virrik in her medical torture bay. He entered the code to access ‘Vera’s place – as the fugitive medic was known to the general crew to try and stop them accidentally mentioning Virrik’s name in public – and stepped inside. It was still cold and sterile in here but the smell of tainted blood still lingered. Perhaps it was just a memory of the crimes the Brockian had committed but he wanted her off his ship as soon as he found someone better. Or nearly as good. For now, he needed her, even if he had to keep her secret. The door closed behind him. “Virrik,” he called.

A figure in a hazardous material suit looked out from the side office before stepping out completely and removing the headgear. “Oh,” she said, “it’s you.”

“Who else would it be,” Savra demanded, casting his eye over the room to make sure all the supplies were still where they should be.

“Someone with the command code. Has Janus recovered from that case of Rithar syndrome?”

“He’ll be by to tell you at some point, ‘Doctor’.”

“I think I scare him.”

“This isn’t ‘small talk’, Doctor. I want to know about the treatments you’ve been giving the crew. In case there’s anything I should know about.”

They’d had this talk many times. On the Kerbal, there was no such thing as Doctor/Patient confidentiality when the Captain came asking and the medical mass murderer knew it. She told him of the bumps and scrapes several of the crew had brought her, who she suspected of fighting over money or a slight miscommunication – or a total understanding of what was said. She held nothing back.

“How’s your dad,” Savra asked Barnabus as he headed for the bridge, where the boy acted as a back up communications officer for Marran, earning his daily wage, just as Shandy did in the mess hall.

“Dad’s still recovering, Captain,” Barnabus stated. “Still getting over all they did to him.” he sighed slightly. “I still miss him,” he claimed sadly.

With no-one else around, Savra ruffled the boy’s headfur. “Yeah, he’s a good guy. I’m told he’s sent you a package that’s now waiting at the asteroid, by the way. A Sanctamas gift.”

“Can I..?”

“Next time we stop,” Savra said, cutting across the youth, “you can use some of your credits to buy something. We have ways of sending things that won’t lead back to us.” The lift came to station. “Take your post, Barnabus.”

Kurmak looked around from where he’d been sat. “Captain,” he said. “I’ve gotten in to the padd, thanks to your… souvenirs. I’ve found something interesting on it,” he added, putting it up on his screen. A satellite image of forests and roads with the legend of ‘Providence’ and an ‘X’ on it. “It might just be me being all Piratical and that but… Does this look like a treasure map to you?”
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
David Campbell - 7 – 8 – 9 – 5 – 4 – 4 – 6
Corp Davidstow 6 - 6 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 6 - 5 (reactions 7 Combat 9)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love where this story is going so far despite it being early in the narrative so far! Can't wait to see what you have planned next!
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Welsh Halfwit
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Savra decided he’d check into what Kurmak had just said in a moment. First he had to make an order or two. “Janus,” he snapped, making the young Celican at the helm flinch, “best speed to Minas Colta. We have an intercept to do. If we’re late I’ll have your tail!”

Savra knew it was a little more to do with his own timing than the speed if they didn’t get to the transport ambush point in time but he wasn’t going to admit that on the bridge. They still had wriggle room for one emergency if need be. He waited until the over confident and somewhat talented thief had started the engines, pushing the Kerbal away from the dark side of the planets moon and away from the planetary sensor system.

“You said treasure map,” Savra asked Kurmak, aware the ears of half the bridge were upon him. He clicked his tongue in amusement. Privateers and treasure. The stuff of legends.

“I deliberately tried to avoid using that exact phrase, Captain,” the Feline remonstrated. “As it is, we have a map that might lead to financial reward. Or it might be a map to where he stored his favourite toffees. There’s enough marked on here that we might be able to get a match from the satellite archives but it’ll take time, sir. I’ll add in locations he’s been or contacted which might help narrow it down but there’s over a hundred and fifty inhabited colonies in the patch and around that number again that could be colonized.”

“So it might be nothing. Right. You into his accounts?”

“Twenty minutes ago.”

“Drain them.” Savra put a card down on the console. “Send them to this account. Make it easy to find.” Those who protected abusers, he considered, were little better than abusers themselves. The Detective needed as much trouble as he could get.

Savra took up his command seat and holstered his electronic whip as Gallen looked on. “What are the chances, you reckon?”

Savra ground his teeth. “Who knows? Gallen, that fleck of filth was a mid level information broker. The chance that he had something valuable isn’t likely. But the chance that he traded FOR something that leads to value can’t be dismissed.” He shifted forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I wouldn’t hold my breath. OR,” he added quietly, “talk about shore leave for Sanctamas right now?” He side eyed his First Officer, letting him know he was serious. Not on the bridge.

“Hi, Miss Merran,” Barnabus said to the Mican ‘chief of department’ who handled most of the communications duties. She had the experienced ears but had occasionally accepted that his were better. What was only a possibility to her was, often, a whisper to him.

The older Mican watched him put the headset on and start listening in to the internal communications around the ship. “Morning, Barnabus,” she replied, moving as though to correct a mistake he might have made when logging in until he slapped her hand away. “Oh,” she said innocently, “you DID get it right!”

“I always get it right,” he whispered back, listening in to talk down in the crew quarters. He was fine with this sort of thing. After all, if he brought trouble to Captain Savra’s attention before it got serious, the Captain could stop it getting serious, couldn’t he? He’d done that with Crewman Labrie a couple of months back after Barnabus had told him the crewman was plotting to get the Captain removed from the ship. The Captain had ‘explained’ a few things to the Russellian and left him in an abandoned satellite with a broken comm unit rather than gutting him when events came to pass. So he’d saved Labrie by telling on him. Probably. He’d not been there when Captain went back a week later anyhow. Not that they’d let him go over, of course.

“Of course,” Merran said, chuckling slightly. “Now, keep your ears open, young Ratawan. Just like I do.” She turned back to her own console, where she listened for sounds in space. Radio waves and direct beam transmissions. “Got Militia types out past Titan five, Cap’n,” she announced. “Just heard one ordering radio silence.”

“New scanners paying for themselves,” Gallen opined, ignoring the skill of the listeners at work.

“Janus,” Savra ordered, “adjust heading so we miss them. No sense killing them if we don’t have to.”

“Fair do’s,” Janus remarked, altering the heading. Savra narrowed his eyes at the cocksure youth. One of these days…

“Gallen,” he demanded, “when we’re out of the system and at velocity three, escort Janus down to Vera. He’s in need of a check up. AGAIN.”

Hastur glanced at him from her weapons station. “And you wonder why I keep turning you down,” she jibed.

He put his hands up in near exasperation. “I have no idea how I got it! I’d never even heard of Rithar syndrome until…” He noted Savra was standing right behind him, flexing his fingers on the handle of his whip. “Never mind,” he said quickly, returning to his duty.

“Dad told me once that Rithar can transfer and then lie dominant for months.”

“DORMANT,” Savra growled. “And keep your ears on your job.” Savra placed his hands on the back of Janus’ neck and applied a little pressure to really let the idiot know he was there. He leaned over so his mouth was close to an ear. “People who cause me problems have a much more uncomfortable time on this ship than those who don’t Janus,” he whispered savagely. “Your loins are beginning to cause me problems. Get them under control or I’ll have Virrik remove them. Understand?”

Janus nodded and Savra let go, letting the tiniest trickle of blood emerge from where a claw had just broken the skin.

“Sir,” Kurmak said, after an hour had passed by, “I think we’ve got the location of the picture.” He waited until Savra was at his shoulder until he continued. He could have talked about how the system had gone through a hundred thousand pictures in the last twenty or so minutes, trying to extrapolate enough information to make a good match, locking on to things like the derelict temple and the terrain and the curve of the river but he’d long figured out he’d have a swipe to the back of his head long before he ‘d gotten to the point. Plus the picture was bleeping anyhow. “The location’s about a hundred kilometres north of the colonial city of Minas Daltin.”

“Not far from whee we’re headed,” Savra mused.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
David Campbell - 7 – 8 – 9 – 5 – 4 – 4 – 6
Corp Davidstow 6 - 6 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 6 - 5 (reactions 7 Combat 9)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You did a wonderful job on this chapter! Nice work!
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Welsh Halfwit
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Post by Welsh Halfwit »

And here's Rawton, the psychotic Lappinean...


“So,” Rawton rasped, “what’s the plan when we get over there, boss?”

Gallen looked on as the grease stained and scarred Lappinean berserker cleaned his serrated knife and chuckled at the memories of those he’d killed with it. Gallen feared no-one he knew more than this one and had made a few choices on how fast to kill him if the need ever arose. The general idea was stay twenty feet away with an energy weapon trained on him. “No-one’s to die unnecessarily, Rawton,” he told him, eliciting a sound of disgust from the Rabbit. “Not even if they look at you funny. We’re after some of their supplies. They’re carrying food for famine relief on Segonax. We’ll be taking half of that for stores. They’re also carrying the medication that extends Lappinean breeding age. It’s high priced now they know it works. So we’ll be taking all of that. It’ll make a fortune on the black market.”

“We taking hostages,” Rawton asked.

Gallen looked over at the other two coming with them on the trip. They almost looked hopeful. Were they hoping for his sort of luck? Or just to exert their will on someone who couldn’t resist? “As the situation demands,” he told them. “Captain doesn’t need unnecessary deaths encouraging law types hunting for us.” He sighed and pointed at Rawton. “Security and ONLY if they’re fighting, got it?”

Rawton snapped a mock salute, something that looked amusing considering his crouched position.

The sleek transport was ahead of them on the screen now, approaching the point where they’d have to slow to adjust course around the Trikinna asteroid belt. Savra had excitement etched over his scarred face as he watched the unassuming vehicle as a hunter in the spider racing towards the fly. He’d had Kurmak ready to run scans to make sure it wasn’t a ‘Q’ ship, an undercover police or military vessel waiting to trap them. The cat had told him they’d need to be much closer but surely it didn’t matter? The Kerbal could take a ship that size without too much trouble. Savra had grunted his assent to that thought but he didn’t necessarily share it. He’d heard the Rabbits had developed new technologies that were coming into offensive play recently. “Right,” he decided, “let’s end this hunt before it begins. Janus, I want to hit them in less than a minute. Merran, start jamming them. Hastur, target their engines. Kurmak, soon as we’re in range, scan them. Maximum intensity.”

He listened to the responding ‘ayes’ and smiled to himself. A good crew. Loyal until their death.

“We’re increasing speed,” the Mican called Techrat told Pantha as she ran the final checks over the emitters.

“Means we’re on final attack, Tech,” Pantha advised. “Things might start shaking soon. Check the shield emitters. Everyone else to your duties.” She watched as they all jumped to it. They’d accepted her as the replacement for their prior Chief quite well, she thought. Pity it was probably because she was Gallen’s mate rather than the best Engineer on the ship. But she’d chosen to take it as it came and had only had to physically reprimand a couple of her people on the one occasion after Gallen had convinced her that, if she wanted their respect, she’d have to physically hurt them somewhat. Plus she had to admit that it had made her feel better after a hard day, beating seven bells out of Vorna a few months back. “Palik,” she called, attracting the attention of a black and white Collian, “you take the newbie!” She gestured to a recent captive, who’d been put to work in the department under a shock collar that senior officers could use to fry her brain if she gave them reason to.

The Collian gave her something of an encouraging smile and clicked his fingers to ‘summon’ the Quokkan, who shuffled her way across until she came within range of her new, temporary, controller and he gripped her arm, pulling her quickly towards him. “It is safer,” he hissed, “not to resist or dispute any orders you’re given, got it, Dilla?”

She swallowed and nodded. “Yes, s...sir.”

“Don’t call me sir. I’m like you. Just been on a few ships is all. Name’s Marek. Take it from me,” he said, instructing her how to monitor weapons power, “Savra’s one of the better Pirates. Do the work, don’t threaten the ship and he’ll treat you well.”

“What if.. what if you do bad work?”

Palik shrugged. “You do good work, you get fair share of the rewards. Do bad work? He gets the money out of you some other way.” He gave her that smile again. “So do good work, eh?”

She nodded again.

“Good. Like the rest of us, you belong to the Captain now. See that,” he asked as a power surge thrummed through the monitor display. “The attack’s begun.”

They’d come out some ten thousand kilometres from the freighter and Hastur had begun her attack with a triple salvo of shots from the forward cannons. The first shaved past the underside of the vessel but the second had slammed straight onto target and fractured the hull around the nacelles before the third had hit the raised shielding. It was probably an automatic system, she reasoned, coming on as soon as a first impact was detected.

“Merran,” Savra snapped.

“Already hailing them, Cap’n.” The Mican hunched over her console for a few seconds. “You’re on,” she said, “audio only.”

Savra snorted. Not putting his face out there for systems to record seemed to be something of a thing these days. Less evidence for the feds. “Heave to,” he stated, “lower your shields and prepare to be boarded. Work with us you won’t be harmed. Resist us and we’ll kill the lot of you.” He ordered the line cut with a gesture to Merran.

In the teleport chamber, Gallen placed a flash grenade on the dais as soon as he was told the shields had been lowered, despite Rawton begging him not to. It was, apparently, less fun to kill those who couldn’t defend themselves. The Feline teleport operator sent it across before it detonated and the group assembled after it had vanished.

They arrived a few seconds later, amongst a trio of dazzled and disoriented crew. One reached blindly for Gallen so he punched him straight in the muzzle, breaking his teeth. Rawton held his blade to the throat of a Raitchian. “Reckon this one can tell us where we need to go, boss,” he replied, before changing his mind on what to do and throwing his blade through the hand of a Lappinean who’d recovered enough to start reaching for a weapon. “Cap’n said no killing,” he told his captive before sniffing her neck. “Didn’t say I can’t maim, did he? You want to be on my good side, don’cha?”

She nodded, scared beyond words.

“Then lead on.”
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
David Campbell - 7 – 8 – 9 – 5 – 4 – 4 – 6
Corp Davidstow 6 - 6 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 6 - 5 (reactions 7 Combat 9)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Always fun to have a psychotic character in a story! Well not for the characters that they interact with anyway. Swell job!
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Welsh Halfwit
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Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Enter the MacGuffin...


Rawton licked his lips as Gallen and the others attached the teleport tags to the last of the equipment they were taking and spoke to his favourite captive, namely the one he was holding at the moment. “You sure you don’t want to come over with us, sweetie,” he rasped. “I’m pretty sure I could make it entertaining for you?”

“Only if you juggled knives and… and forgot to catch them,” the captive replied, trembling a little as she did so.

The Raitchian really seemed to believe he meant her harm. And he was pretty sure too. He heard what she’d said and found himself chuckling at the mental image of distracting someone doing such a thing so they all descended onto the jugglers head. He tightened his grip a fraction. “I don’t like people who make me laugh,” he threatened. “It reminds me of good times.” A minor twitch of the blade to shave a little fur from the throat. “I hated the good times. What’s your name, anyhow?”

“Son...sonia Pakka,”

“Ah,” he said, slightly amused, “a Packrat. In name if not in nature.”

“We’re ready,” Gallen told the group, which consisted of three other ship crew and the others Gallen had brought with them. “Your communication system has been destroyed and you’ve not caused us any trouble, Captain.” He glowered. “Very smart of you.” A look to Rawton. “You know the rules. Release her.”

“Aww,” Rawton whined. “You’re my favourite captive, you are,” he told her before kissing her cheek. He took the blade away from her throat and thrust her forward, half to the floor and half into the legs of her compatriots as Gallen ordered the beam back for the group and the items.

“I could have done with that doxie,” Rawton complained as soon as they stepped from the dais. “It’d have been fun.”

“You know the rules,” Gallen replied sharply. “if they co-operate, they get rewarded. They get us doing minimal damage to them.”

“Less fun for me,” Rawton complained bitterly, before slinking off to check his weapons were still sharp. “She was funny,” he added in the distance.

Gallen slapped the comm unit on the wall. “Gallen to bridge. We’re back. We have the product. No real injuries on either side. Target radio destroyed, Cap’n.”

”Got it,” Savra replied, watching the helpless vessel on his viewer. “Get up here.” Just one order, he thought. That’s all it would take right now. They couldn’t fight back. He could understand the desire that some other Captains would act on. It made it easier when no-one was left to complain or speak to the Polices. “Kurmak, go check on the things. Make sure they’re what we were after. Janus, move us away on course 157,351,109.”

“Right, sir,” Janus replied, starting things moving as Kurmak, considering he never seemed to run out of work, strode from the bridge, passing Gallen on the way up.

“Take over here, Gallen,” Savra ordered, directing his first to stay in his own chair whilst he did so. He wasn’t going to be off the bridge long. He followed Kurmak down to the cargo hold where the chemicals and prizes had just been sent.

“Don’t trust me, Captain,” Kurmak asked slyly, keeping himself just outside of Savra’s reach as he began scanning the containers that were taking up a good quarter of the hold.

“No,” Savra remarked, running a clawtip over the top of one of the containers, eliciting a small screek of noise as it went. “I mainly want to know if you’re lying to me about this treasure map thing.”

Kurmak grunted. “Captain, I live on this ship too, you know? I profit from our successes and get nothing for sending you on wild Herrack chases. All I can tell you for certain is that, if something stinks like an unwashed Human whilst looking like an unwashed Human it’ll probably taste like an unwashed Human as, ninety-nine times out of a hundred it IS an unwashed Human.”

“They taste more like Palak,” Savra told him, speaking of a non-sentient Lapinean predator animal. “But I take your point.”

Kurmak started scanning again. “Didn’t know you’d tried it, Cap’n.”

“Rip a chunk out with your teeth and it’s the best way to make sure they can’t get it back.” He narrowed his eyes. “Same goes for Felines.”

“Understood as alwa… hello there.” He paused, standing over one of the large containers of the longevity drug they’d taken. Ignoring Savra’s question of what he’d found, the Feline walked back to one of the other containers and scanned it again before returning to the new container and repeating his scan. “You are not Calillimura,” he mused. “Oh,” he added, looking up at Savra’s grit teethed face. “This container’s chemicals, yeah, but it doesn’t have the same biological make up as these others. They,” he added, indicating the scanned containers, “are the longevity drug. THIS,” he added, indicating the current container, “is something quite different.”

Savra made to look at the readout on the scanner. Yup. As he figured. He didn’t have a clue what he was looking at. But, then, that was why he kept a scientist of sorts around the bridge. Kurmak was better than Kibble, the Mican he’d taken a year or so back. It was useful to have a back up. “What is it,” he asked.

“Well, I’d need to consult with ‘Vera’,” Kurmak insisted, rubbing his chin, “but, from this description? It COULD be bio-mimetic gel.”

Savra felt a thrill. A thrill of cash and danger ran through his body and out the fingertips. Bio-mimetic gel. Used in genetic engineering experiments. Illegal experiments. “Do they use it in… that,” he asked, gesturing to the other containers as he couldn’t remember what Kurmak had just called the contents.

“No,” Kurmak said with certainty. “Although it wouldn’t have been a bad guess if we’d not had it right here to compare. There’s no sign of half of the compounds in this barrel in any of the others. And the Calillimura is designed to trick the Lappinean genes into thinking they’re younger than they are. Virrik would have to confirm but… this stuff comes into play when you’re melding genes together. Amongst other uses.”

“So who’d want this stuff and where?”

“Oh, I can answer the second question, sir,” Kurmak admitted, scanning the codes attached to the container and handing it to Savra. “It’s Minas Daltin,” he stated. “Same colony as...”

Savra rolled his eyes. “We’re going on a treasure hunt,” he groaned.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Treasure hunts can be fun sometimes! Not sure why he's upset about that. Though it will be fun to watch. Nice chapter!
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Welsh Halfwit
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Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Sometimes Savra can do nice things. When it profits him, of course.


Savra sat in his small office and waited as Gallen rapped on the door. He let him wait a minute before allowing him to enter, a common ploy of rank. The younger Celican stepped in and stood to attention whilst Savra finished his lunch and threw the remains into the bin. The skeleton cracked into the metal before resting atop the tissues in there. “Sit, Gallen,” Savra instructed. His first took the other chair and sat, ready to be talked to. “I’m about to do you something of a favour,” the Captain stated bluntly. “A Sanctamas gift, if you will,” he added, his scar twitching ominously as he said the festive word. They’d all had their own festive days but this was the one sorted out by the Council when it became apparent that worlds that needed co-operation from other worlds couldn’t rely on them working the same days so they’d wasted twenty years creating an artificial day. He didn’t celebrate and didn’t see why others should. But he was willing to let others be deluded. “We’re going to be spending some time on Minas Daltin, Gallen. Investigating ways to find out and supply genetic chemicals to the people who bought them.”

“Sounds interesting,” Gallen said, wondering how this constituted a gift.

“You won’t be involved.” He turned his computer screen around so the first could see it. “You’ll be here,” he continued, meaning the wood lodge on the screen. It looked large and well made in the woods where the hunting might be good and… “You’re after whatever the Rat was hiding.”

“Bit large for one, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Very large for one. It’s designed for families. This is the closest holiday place to the location we’ve got for the maguffin. There are others ten to fifteen miles away so you’re taking family on this. Your mate and the three children.”

“She’ll be…” Gallen stopped short for a second. “Three?”

Savra nodded. “I’m not one hundred percent trusting you and her not to think that you can ‘vanish’ with whatever. So documents have been made stating you adopted Hastur as well as Shandy. As Dastari… I mean Barnabus IS Pantha’s biological son that’s fine. I think that, with Hastur being loyal to me and Shandy having no wilderness survival skills at all, that guarantees you’ll bring whatever you find back.”

Gallen nodded. He thought about denying that he’d betray Savra but, even though it was true, he was pretty sure Savra wouldn’t believe it right after an accusation. “We’ll find what’s there, sir.”

Shandy left the order on the table and darted back to the kitchen. She’d long ago learned not to engage in much conversation with the crew as they only wanted to eat and often told her things they figured would shock her to make her go away. None of it actually did shock her, of course, she’d heard all of it before as she’d grown up in the asteroid and around several brothels but sometimes she did get a shock from her implant, which told her the cook was waiting for her. Her path took her away from the Quokkan and Collian at one of the tables.

The Quokkan looked around nervously at the others in the room. “I… I don’t much like anyone here,” she commented drily, keeping her hands around the hot drink he’d got for her. She sipped it. “Don’t think much of this either,”

“Yeah,” Pallik agreed, taking a swallow from his own, “it’s kinda the dregs of the barrel. Waste not and all that. How’s the food?”

Dilla poked at it with a fork and thought something under the surface of the sauce might have popped, at least in her imagination. “Best thing I’ve eaten in days,” she admitted with a fake smile that almost reached her eyes.

“Hmm,” Pallik agreed, “it’s often difficult to eat before the first wage comes in,” he agreed. “You rely on charity as you’ll never find credit here.” He side eyed a Mican as the female crossed past and smacked her lips. “And you don’t want to trust the charity of some here.”

She forked a piece of… whatever it was supposed to be into her mouth and chewed it before swallowing. “And I can, uh, trust YOUR charity,” she asked.

He shrugged, exposing his dirty fingerpads as he put his hands palms upwards. “Of course you can’t,” he told her straight, keeping his voice low. “We work together. I need you in condition to work.” he gently poked her upper chest. “You being hungry makes you less able to work so I have to do more. Got it?”

She nodded, feeling her chin rub the collar. “Got it,” she told him, figuring she might have a silent friend here.

“We’re doing the ducts after lunch,” Pallik told her. “Had the general antibiotics shot yet?”

She nodded.

“Good. With the stuff in there? You’ll need it.” He ate his lunch.

Virrik examined the small splod of goop Savra had, so generously, allowed her to have in her laboratory and tutted. There were things looking familiar about this work and she almost had her fingerclaw on it. The ooze bore several biological compounds in it, various traits and enzymes amongst the makeup. Things which had been married together by someone who… Yes, she decided, that was it. Some of the baseline here was based on her work! Back in the days she’d been respected and trusted with the greatest advances in technology, not the dregs she had here. Still, she figured she might be able to get a grip on what this sludge was supposed to do. Some sort of biological weapon, she assumed, wondering if she’d get a chance to experiment. She heard the patient she had in the sickbay coming around after the minor surgery she’d carried out on him earlier to repair his ankle. She cursed her luck. She might have used him as a test subject if she’d known. Still, she doubted that Savra would have liked it. She’d have to discuss it with him. Perhaps he could supply some volunteers. For now, she thought, she’d just have to play with some of the stored blood samples.

“So we’re getting Sanctamas off,” Pantha asked as she packed the small case she’d bought a month or so back. She didn’t have the amount of clutter she used to have but she’d figured she was getting used to this place when she’d had enough stuff to actually need a case here. “What’s the weather like there at the moment?”

“Early spring,” Gallen told her. “And it’s not really a break, you know? We’re going looking for something.”

“But I’ll have you alone in a cabin,” Pantha grinned, licking her lips.

“Hardly,” Hastur complained, putting her rucksack down as Barnabus escorted her into his mums home without knocking. “The trouble twins and I’ll be there too,” she advised.

“Only if we don’t send you out to do the digging,” Pantha chided, hugging her boy and checking his growing muscles as he flexed on mention of digging. “Let Hastur do it, eh?”
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

At least he is WILLING to do the nice things. Doesn't matter how it came about so it is a good thing even if he is a bad guy. Nice chapter!
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The stealth shuttle landed quietly a mile from the nearest transit route, out in the wilder-lands in the early morning, before the locals had fully woken up. The door opened and Pantha stepped out, onto the grass. She had her small case in one hand as she sniffed the spring air. “Hope none of you have hay fever,” she jibed as the others filed out behind her.

“Why’d we have to come down miles from anywhere,” Shandy asked petulantly.

“Because, if we didn’t,” Gallen told her, “people might wonder where we came from. Kurmak located a rail transit station and we asked a local company to leave a vehicle for us there?”

“Can I drive,” Barnabus asked.

“If you drive,”Hastur remarked as Janus took the shuttle back up, “I’m walking.”

Barnabus elbowed her leg. She pushed his head.

“Break it up,” Gallen said with a slight smile as he watched the two shadows tussle playfully in the early light.

“I’m driving,” Pantha stated, starting off in the direction on the padd. “It’s my account that’s been used to hire the danged thing.”

The squad followed her across the fields, using strap on head lights to add to their nasal and ocular talents. Which Hastur was, in particular, thankful for.

The shuttle returned to the ship and Janus reported in that he’d successfully dropped the team off. “Hastur turned down my overtures again,” he griped happily after he’d heard Savra turn the commline off. “One day she’ll let me be her pilot,” he added to no-one in particular.

“You talking to me,” the deck operative asked, heading over to complete the after landing checkover of the shuttle.

“Have I ever talked to you,” he tried to growl.

“I’m not female so I doubt it,” the Canine replied before stepping into the ship.

“Cheeky sod,” Janus snarked, heading back to the bridge to get new orders.

Colonies often depended on rail for freight. That was something Pantha had noted in her time out here. The long, multi-faceted, cylinders on tracks could haul as much freight across the surface of a planet as a star freighter could and it was far more cost efficient. Locals picked up from their nearest station and the costs were split between everyone shipping, unlike star freighters, which tended to charge on items on an item by item basis. So the rails were still running and they had to make provisions for those who travelled the rails as well. That was handy for them. With her eyes, she was leading and it did surprise her slightly that Barnabus was keeping up with her. She looked him in the eye and smirked. “So you DO have my eyes,” she asked, talking of his enlarged pupils.

He shrugged. “Not as good, mom,” he confessed, before smirking up at her, “but they do help, eh?”

“I’ll remember that when Shandy stays overnight,” Pantha remarked. She glanced backwards as she realised she’d not heard the little female Rat in a while. Ah, there she was, she noted. Riding on Hastur’s shoulders as the powerful Dober followed behind.

“I see the station,” Barnabus told them, pointing ahead.

Pantha turned to look. Yeah, she reckoned, that was the place. One platform on a single track with a single light displaying the station name. “Right,” she said. “What’s the time?”

Gallen looked at his comm, which had just linked into the local signal sent out by the transmitter on the station lightpole. “Oh four fifty-seven,” he commented.

“Thirty minutes to the train and the car,” Pantha told them. “So we wait.”

Shandy dangled her pack in front of Hastur’s face. “I brought food,” she declared. “Swiped some stuff from the kitchen “

“Loose description of food,” Hastur complained, lifting the girl over her head and down to the floor so she could share the stuff out.

Savra had his feet up on the desk as he ran through the list of pharmaceutical companies and ‘interested’ peoples on this colony who might want extremely off the books genetic material in a very quiet way. Something about this was making the fur on the nape of his neck stand on end and it wasn’t a feeling he enjoyed. Then again, there was little about this he enjoyed. Even though the colony was open for all, he was, technically, in enemy clan territory and the independent Wolven criminal leaders who lived here were as much fun to deal with as a plague. He’d have to deal with this cautiously. Especially as Gallen wasn’t here right now. He had an idea that this might be something to do with Lappan corp or Bakkaria medical. Both had their local bases here. He just wished he knew more about what this thing was actually supposed to do. Perhaps Virrik had come up with something. He’d have to check on that.

He entered the code and stepped into Virriks place again. The crewman on the sickbed started to sit up but lay back down as the Captain growled at him. Savra hated the injuries. Every injury depreciated the ships medical stocks and required extra expense to resupply. Items they needed were items they couldn’t sell and medical transports were usually protected these days. More and more they were needing to do surface raids on the factories making them and that always led to direct combat. And more injuries. “Virrik!”

“I heard you come in, oh commandant,” the Brockian stated, gliding out of her lab with her boots on. “I don’t have much for you. I know it’s a biological compound of some sort that may be for use in the body but I can’t tell any more than that at the moment. Not what it does or what it’s for. Not for certain.” She shrugged her speckled shoulders. “I’d need to experiment first.”

“What do you need to do that, Virrik?”

“Well,” Virrik stated, turning away from the Captain for a few steps, “A bigger laboratory, more advanced tech? At the very least a few people to experiment on would be handy. Not you,” she snapped, hearing a distressed squeak from the medical bed. “If I’d wanted to experiment on you I’d have done it hours ago! Plus,”she added, slightly reluctantly, “I can’t risk exposing it to other chemicals if I want the purest picture of what it does and he’s coming off painkillers. It’d skew the results.”

Savra thought it was also important that he’d never have approved it anyhow. But she was probably being humorous. Probably. Besides, he might know where to find a volunteer or two...
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
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Corp Davidstow 6 - 6 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 6 - 5 (reactions 7 Combat 9)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love the way this chapter came out. The dialogue is just so good. Keep it up!
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Welsh Halfwit
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Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Well, Hastur's a big, kinda violent, kid so she has to have fun with the actual kids from time to time.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
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Corp Davidstow 6 - 6 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 6 - 5 (reactions 7 Combat 9)
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I hope dealing with Hastur hasn't put her off maybe having her own in the future. She definitely seems like she would enjoy her own kids.

Even if that enjoyment is trying to teach them how to be more like her. :|
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

I'm loving the "found family" subplot we have going with Gallen and the others. Also, I enjoy the black comedy we get from Virrik.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Yeah, Virrik's fun. Even when she's in a hazmat suit.


The early morning train pulled away, leaving only the five that had never been on it wandering about the platform, wondering where their booked vehicle was for about ten minutes until the remote drive vehicle rolled into view along the road and stopped by the entrance. The videolink inside the vehicle analysed the data on Pantha’s padd and released the door locks to allow them entry. Once inside, she turned off the remote control system and disengaged it so they wouldn’t be able to reactivate it until the group had finished using it. Then they’d be allowed it back. She glanced up as Gallen slid himself into the passenger seat and, not so subtly, gave her a chaste kiss on the lips before fastening himself in.

“I’d say ‘get a room’ but it’d be redundant,” Hastur said, slipping into the middle of the back seat and using the lap belt.

Shandy stopped as she was halfway in on her ‘big sister’s’ left side. “I made that joke,” she claimed.

“Great minds, Shandy,” Hastur replied as Barnabus finished packing the cases in the boot and jumped to press the button that closed the door. He got it on the third try and scurried in on the right side, behind his mother as she engaged her padds navigation system (as opposed to the cars) to get them to base camp.

The Kerbal stayed quiet, outside the range of the colony’s direct scanners but pretending to be a rock so the passive scanners didn’t take an interest and become direct. Janus sat at his helm control station and watched as the main viewer displayed a map of the colony’s main city. Behind him, Savra was taking it all in. Every street and alley as he planned the snatch to come. Kurmak was doing research on the ways to sell their booty here – and, more importantly, who might buy it – so Savra had time for the other side of the issue. And he had a grudge to pay back. He’d done some work hereabouts, way back when, and he’d fallen foul of the Dirok family. They’d supplied him with one of his earlier ‘marks’ on his body and he felt he’d quite like to pay them back for that. And the worse one they’d inflicted on his soul with knowledge of a crime they’d committed way before that. Of course, the two older Wolves were out of the action now, too old to keep in business, but their son and daughter were keeping up the family business. He tapped his claws on the arm rest. Who did he know here who knew their movements well enough? A smirk crept across his features.

Gallen switched on the lights and Shandy beat Barnabus into the cabin by millimetres, throwing her almost empty pack onto the sofa in the middle of the room before he dived onto it. “Careful,” Pantha called, “we’re trying NOT to destroy the place?”

“And not to attract attention to ourselves,” Hastur added, closing the door and putting her pack down on the floor. “That means no over-exuberance, no injuring the other kids and definitely no proclaiming that we’re privateers.” She waited until the pair both mumbled acceptance before choosing a room. She decided to be nice to ‘mum’ and ‘dad’ and took the room with three beds in it. “You two’ll be here with me,” she told them, but they weren’t listening. Barnabus was fiddling with the vid remote and Shandy was behind the sofa with her arms around his shoulders, watching almost cheek to cheek with him as he flicked through the channels and found something violent for Celican cubs. She vaulted the sofa to land next to him.

“Ow,” she complained as she landed on her tail.

“Never landed on a real sofa before,” he asked, not taking his eyes off the screen.

“Not really had any in my life before,” she replied. “So,” she asked, “which Ranger’ll have the biggest kill count this episode? I go for black. ‘S’ my colour.”

Now he glanced at her. “Looks good on you too,” he said gallantly. “Red always gets the biggest score.”

“I think,” Hastur told them, sliding into the seat on the other side of Barnabus, “that the answer is ‘any ranger other than blue’? Ooh, nice kick.”

Gallen took the others cases through to the main bedroom and opened to get the digging and surveying equipment out. “We should get on soon as possible,” he mentioned.

“It’s not light out yet,” Pantha reminded him, seating herself on the bed. She pushed the extendible mini shovel aside and it dropped from the bed with a clunk before she lay back on the duvet. “And this is a real bed,” she purred, arching her back slightly. “And it’s been a long day,” she finished, looking up at him with hopeful eyes. “Can’t we just enjoy it for a few hours?”

Gallen chuckled lightly, letting his teeth spark slightly. “I’ll shut the door,” he said, “you push that stuff off. And I don’t just mean the stuff in the suitcase?”

“Think we got an hour or so,” Hastur said as the door closed. “Wanna raid the fridge? I heard it comes stocked.”

Carefully. Casually. Barnabus pressed pause. And then led the sprint for the kitchen.

“Hold still,” Pallik told Dilla as he held a gun to her neck. “This won’t hurt much and it’s needed.” He put a hand around to the other side of her neck and felt the Quokkan’s pulse running fast. He moved his thumb to stroke it slightly and felt her swallow. “You want out of the collar, don’t you?”

He felt the trembling figure nod. “Not th...that I think it’s much of… of an improvement, having a b...bomb in my neck.”

He chuckled. “We’ve all got ‘em,” he said. “Yours just got held up, Dilla. Least it means you’ll be able to feel your neck again.” He cast aside the thought that it was probably a cute neck. “There’s a bit of pain coming, I’m afraid…” He fired the pellet in through her skin and she yelped as it burrowed in a few inches before coming to rest. Pallik took up the scanner and made sure the pellet was transmitting before he took the key he’d been given and disengaged the explosive collar.

Dilla almost fell back as the heavy implement was taken off and, impulsively, rubbed at her neck. “Not gonna… thank you,” she declared testily. “One prison for another.”

“Yeah,” he replied, disconnecting the collars power supply. “Wanna come with and put this into storage,” he asked, nodding to the storage cupboards. “We’ve got a moment or so before we’re needed back in engineering.” He cocked her a smile. “Benefit of being in control when the boss is away. But then we do need to get back.”

She followed him, almost willingly.

Merram sighed. She’d longed for a moment like this. She had bridge command. The ship was hers to control. And the command codes were locked out, the helm was set so they could only go to a quarter of velocity one and the stealth shuttle was on its way to the surface with the Captain, Janus and the mad Rabbit. She was in charge, yes, but it meant nothing. She watched the shuttle go.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I wouldn't mind palling around around with Virruk if she was in less life-threatening situations! Anyway I like how the chapter came out in all!
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

I honestly really love the idea of a demented furry Power Rangers lol.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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I'm gonna try to convince him to write a whole story around THAT. It would be really good. :D
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Rawton thought it should be raining. He also thought this should be a bar with knife fighters and not the back room of some sort of diner with little targets running around like they had nothing to fear in life. Didn’t they know there was danger everywhere and the best way to take it was to be the most dangerous thing in the world? Didn’t they know how to handle their knives? Some of them didn’t even use them to eat their salads! He’d have to mention that to the Captain at some point. Such bad manners couldn’t go unpunished by the parents, could it? What was the point of a parent if not to punish their loinal product when they got something wrong? He was glad he’d… left his folks when he did. Joined the gangs and made them dangerous before the army. He snorted a laugh. He could honestly say his father had been cut up to see him leave. His mother? Not so much. He’d always liked his father more. He’d respected order. She’d just let him respect order. Too much. But that was a lot of blood under the bridge and he’d gone on to do well for himself in a tough universe.

He was watching a relay signal from the hidden scanners in the main area as Captain Savra sat with a Celican Bludjuus in his hand, waiting for the owner of the establishment, A Wolven Female called Baleen, to enter. They’d been permitted into the owners office when Savra had announced himself to one of the peons with a surname Rawton hadn’t heard him use as a surname before. “These children have no manners,” he ventured, tapping the monitor.

“And you’re not going to teach them,” Savra told him straight. “Two things we don’t do, Rawton.” He quaffed his drink, leaving red stains on his teeth as it went down. “draw attention to ourselves and harm children. Got it?”

“Got it,” Rawton assented, before puckering his brow a little. “Why,” he asked. “It did me no harm.”

“That’s a matter of opinion. And, whilst I’m here,” Savra said, turning to face the Lappinean,” mine’s the only opinion that matters. Got it?”

The Lappinean nodded and wondered why Savra was still glaring at him. “Oh, you want me to say it?”

“No,” Savra growled, “I want you to realise that I’ve already dealt with one who killed children this week. I can easily make it two.”

“Now THAT’S understood,” Rawton told him, relaxing back into the chair as the door opened and the Wolven entered, making a pant suit look good as she dominated the room and stepped around to her high back chair. He reckoned her trousers cost more than he’d ever made. Heh, he was happy to imagine her underwear cost more than he’d ever made. Mind you, he was just happy to imagine her in her underwear… Oop, she’d called them by name. Best pay attention.

“...what is it you want,” she demanded politely. She put her jawline on top of an expertly manicured fist and looked coyly at Savra.

“Before I say,” Savra mooted, “let’s make sure things are private, eh?” He put a pen device on the table and activated it. Lights blinked, from green to red, and the group winced as a sonic pulse screeched through the range of everyone’s hearing and into the ultrasonics to block the bugs that were planted around the office. It became a mild ringing in the ears that was bearable to all. “Figured it’d be Mati I’d be speaking to, not yourself, Muta.”

She sat back, her fake good mood dissipated slightly by the sonic scrambler. “He’s involved elsewhere. Less he’s seen around legit business the better.” She nodded to Rawton. “Why is that here?”

“In case of a stand off, bring a berserker. He’s mine. Yours are outside? Then he’s better in here. Because he’d kill them just because he’s bored if I left him out there. Right. To business. You are aware of the new chemical treatment that extends the reproductive life of Lappinean females by at least fifteen years?”

She nodded. “I am aware of the article, yes.”

“I recently ‘found’ an extremely large amount of the drug and I’m looking for someone to help me unload it.”

“And what made you think of me, Savra? Your clan and my family haven’t gotten on over the years.”

Savra looked away deliberately. “The consideration came about from the fact that I need to turn it over quickly. The companies that can make use of it have bases here and you two control the alleged criminal enterprises on Minas Deltin.”

She chuckled. “We don’t control ALL of them,” she said, looking in her drawer for a padd. “About sixty eight percent at last estimate. I’ll need some proof, of course.”

Savra reached into an inside pocket and produced a phial of chemicals that he handed over the table to the Wolven. “That should do the trick.” He felt pleading eyes on the nape of his neck and rolled his eyes. “I’ll give you some later, Rawton. For your… proclivities. After all, this container’s been opened, it’s shelf life’s lessened, it won’t sell for quite so much so might a well indulge him, hmm,” he added to the Wolven.

She reckoned it might not be the best thing in the universe for Rawton to reproduce but kept it to herself. She could take him. Probably just as easily as she took the phial off Savra. “I’m going to need to confirm this is what you say it is,” she stated, slipping it into her own jacket. “I’m sure you can find things to do to entertain yourselves for a few hours?”

“I know a couple of addresses,” Savra admitted, standing up and taking his jamming device back. Rawton hopped off the chair and forced himself to straighten up so he didn’t look like a hunchback going through the main area. Perhaps he’d get a burger?

Ten minutes later, Rawton slurped noisily at his malkshake and wondered what they used instead of milk. The pair were waiting in an alley for the third member of their party, the black leather jacket wearing Janus, who sauntered past so the pair moved out to walk near him. “Got it done,” Savra asked over the team comm.

“Yeah,” Janus replied quietly, his hands in his pocket. “Her driver never noticed me down there. Tracker and commwig planted under the car. Got me one of those?”

“Nope,” Rawton grinned and offered his drink. “Wanna take some of mine?”

“Not even on a bet,” Janus replied as Savra thought on his revenge.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Enjoyed reading through all of that! It is just impeccable!
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

Fear the milkshake. Fear it.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Post by NHWestoN »

With my cholesterol, I have no other option.
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am sure you can ask them to use a healthier option if you wanted a milkshake. It is all about going for it.
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Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Just to point out this thing's a Malkshake. Hence Rawton wondering what replaced the milk.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
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With the later morning, the woodlands were alive with the sounds of chirping birds and cricketing insects as grazing non sentients sampled the foliage and predatory non sentients sampled the grazers around them as the warming wind ruffled the branches. Under the canopy, four people equipped for low level hiking came through, wearing thick clothes and boots as they went. Shandy led the way, despite Gallen having the map on comm so he could ensure they were going the right way. Barnabus took aim at a winged creature with a slingshot and whipped a pebble that just missed the creature and smacked into the wood behind it, startling it into flight, along with a half dozen of its closest compatriots. The furred thing on the floor also took off into the underbrush, it’s breakfast plans destroyed. “What was the purpose of that, Barnabus,” Gallen demanded, keeping his tone light and almost playful.

“Stocking up for lunch,” he replied. “For Mum.”

“You need to get better at lying, kid,” Gallen chuckled. “And aim. But it’s an interesting lesson. Every action has consequences. That stone? Disturbed all the creatures. In a small way – or a large one – you just affected all their lives an interactions.”


“You tell us,” Hastur put in as she hopped over the same log the rest had just passed. “Put yourself in their paws. Start with the predator.”

Barnabus thought on it. He tried to imagine himself as the hunter, silently stalking his prey across the forest floor. Watching every movement. Concentrating hard on the breakfast he hadn’t had yet. Getting close, it being unaware… The stone clacks noisily. It’s alert! It runs, even as he goes in the opposite direction, alarmed by the noise. Thoughts of breakfast gone for five minutes as something attacked. Panic. Heart beating nineteen to the dozen. “He missed his meal,” Barnabus claimed.

“Almost but not quite,” Hastur told him. “That prey creature survived. The predator will just hunt again. The next one he finds he’ll kill if he can when he wouldn’t have if he’d killed that one.” She patted his shoulder. “Best we just visit this world, eh? Make as little change as we can get away with. Good shot, mind you. We’ll set up targets later, eh?”

Gallen shook his head as Shandy started singing a song she probably shouldn’t have heard in the places she’d been raised. “Shandy…,” he warned. She switched it to the child friendly version as she climbed an unexpected 20 ft ridge like an expert. She pulled herself over the edge and tied one end of the rope she’d been carrying around a tree like Hastur had taught her and dangled the other end down to the others so they could join her without great diversion. Hastur was first up and Gallen watched over Barnabus as he climbed up carefully, still a little unsure of himself. When Shandy helped him over the edge, Gallen shimmied up the cable cored rope and Hastur reclaimed the rope for the girl. “Good job we brought a spider-Raitchian with us, eh,” Gallen observed, ruffling the delighted child’s head fur and wondering if Pantha had found the local shop to restock the raided fridge yet. This had been necessitated by the eyes bigger than the belly effect when they’d opened the fridge earlier. They’d eaten the lot between the three of them, leaving only scant bread and cheeses for him and Pantha when they’d returned from the bedroom. He remembered he’d been in a bit of a muddle at the time as she’d mentioned the possibility of giving Dastari – or, as she was remembering more and more to call him, Barnabus – a half brother or Sister. He was ready, he thought. It was certainly a child they’d both kill for, he knew that. Still, it might not be a great place to have a cub/kit/whatever. He’d snapped back to attention when he’d seen the wreckage. He’d told Pantha to stock up because she still had her credits from their previous life. Barnabus was with them because, even though he trusted her not to leave, keeping the boy with them ensured it. And he wanted to look after Barnabus too. The ship was a happier place with the boy in it. This, today, was just a recon trip. Take the thing if they could but see if they could locate it at least. They were getting close, according to the padd, where the map had been laid over a local survey map that monitored their G.P.S. position. They were getting close to the dimly flashing light. In fact they were almost on top of it… “Hold up,” Gallen said quickly.

“What’s up, sir,” Shandy asked as they came into something that looked a lot like a clearing.

“Not sure, Shand,” Gallen replied, stepping past the girl and scanning. “According to the map we’re here but there’s nothing… Or is there?” He knelt down and put a hand to the ground. “No, this earth’s not been disturbed in any shape recently… Interesting.”

“What’s interesting,” Hastur asked.

“Feel it. The ground’s practically buzzing.”

The kids were doing it now. “What’s it mean, Uncle Gallen,” Barnabus asked, giving the mighty Celican a small surge of emotion when he heard it. “It means...” he started.

“...That this floor’s also a ceiling,” Shandy interrupted, her tail flicking with excitement.

Gallen pointed a finger at her. “Bang on,” he snapped. “But don’t interrupt me again, Shandy. I might have been going to say something different.”

The girl in the thick black T-Shirt and puffer jacket nodded. “Sir,” she said.

“I’d prefer ‘stepdad’ or just ‘dad’ under the current play,” he told her and Barnabus. “Now, we need to know where the door is.”

Barnabus shrugged, shifting the pack weight on his shoulders. “It’s probably got something to do with that cliff we climbed.”

“The cliff WHO climbed,” Shandy goaded, giving her boyfriend a sly elbow in the ribs.

“OK,” he laughed, before tickling her, “you climbed. I went up a rope. How’d you learn to climb like that anyhow?”

She laughed under the ‘assault’ before pushing him away. “Lotsa things needed to be climbed in the asteroid,” she stated. “Into and out of.” She gave him a kiss on the lips. “Lucky for you, eh?”

He giggled shyly before getting back to work, using his senses to survey the area for doors and openings. He peered around the clearing and the scrub bushes that… “Hang on…” He wandered close to the bushes and crouched to pull out a few of the flowers for Shandy from the best bush he’d seen. He trotted back and handed her the flowers. “Summer flowers in spring,” he said casually. “There’s a heat extractor there. Making things warmer.”

“Nice spot, Barnabus,” Hastur enthused as Shandy smelled the flowers and sneezed.

“Indicates something own there needs to stay cool,” Gallen said.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I like how you have written this chapter! You did such a good job!
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Savra stepped around the medical bay bed and spoke to Virrik as Kurmak entertained the chemist the Wolven had sent in the cargo bay. The Feline was just showing the Canine the legal pharmaceutical, with the mystery barrel having been moved to a safe location well before bringing him on board. Rawton had taken the night off, with the extreme assurance by Savra that, if he did anything that got him arrested, he’d be left to rot. If he did anything that got him shot fifteen times by Police because he’d proven too dangerous to arrest, his body would be unclaimed. And, if he did anything that brought the police’s attention to him and escaped arrest, Savra would likely kill him himself. Rawton had smiled, tapped the phial and said he was just out for fun tonight. Savra had had no problem with that. It needed more than the phial had to reverse ageing, according to the reports. Janus and Savra had left him with a room in a cheap hotel and come back to the ship.

“I note you let your unwilling subject go,” the Captain stated.

Virrik finished washing her hands and sighed before putting her jacket back on and turning to face her captor. “Well, if he wasn’t going to assist me in my experiments, there wasn’t much point in having him stinking up the room, was there?” She ripped the stained sheet off the bed and threw it in the disintegrator before pulling a fresh one from stores. “Any progress on getting me a nursing replacement?”

“That you can get along with? I do NOT get you assistance simply so they can ‘accidentally’ develop Kevasta Syndrome and die in pain, Virrik. I imagine your patients prefer sheets not stained with blood?””

“Then don’t get one who argues.” The Brockian ‘wasted her time’ by remaking the bed. “And blood isn’t brown, Captain. He had a mild food allergy I didn’t know about. If you’re looking for an update on the other thing, I might remind you that even a genius like myself takes time when we have no help. I can’t tell you more about the compound now than I could then. It seems to be a healing gel that can work with any genetic make up it meets but I can’t tell why they’d be sending it hidden like this. If it’s all above board they wouldn’t hide it. As it is, it was designed to be hidden right until it got to the final delivery point.”

Savra mused. “Where it would be detected as the wrong item and a ‘courier’ would arrive to take it back. Then the company would send the real chemical or refund them one container whilst the courier takes it to its real destination. Then no-one’s any the wiser.”

“Elaborate but somewhat elegant,” Virrik supposed.

“They’re well organised, it seems,” Savra grumbled. “And they’ve kept themselves hidden, even from the local criminal overlords.”

Virrik crossed to the replication machine and ordered herself a hamburger. “You sure about that,” she asked, taking the burger down a vicious chunk with a single bite. “Local criminal overlords tend to know what’s going on, even if not involved.”

“I know that, Virrik,” Savra groused, before flexing his fingerclaws and turning to face her. “We’ll find out if they’ve got anything to do with it in due course.”

“I don’t need to know how. Any leads on getting me some test subjects?”

“I just told you.” Savra repeated darkly, hooding his eyes, “We’ll find out if they’ve got anything to do with it in due time. And we won’t ask nicely.”

Janus had his feet up on the console in the shuttle in the shuttle bay, watching the point move on a digital map of the city some thousand miles below them, as Savra stepped into the shuttle, affecting the stabilizers and tipping it slightly to the right. It righted itself as Savra clipped Janus sharply around the head. “Feet off!”

Janus didn’t complain. Personnel resources had no say on this ship and criticising the Captain just got you hit again and got your wages garnished. He simply moved his feet to the floor and put a hand to the back of his head to make sure it was still intact. “She’s been on the comm from her car,” the self admitted brilliant helm officer told his boss. “She’s made direct contact with Mati to tell him what you’re offering. She seems to think it’ll put them one up on the Clan in the area. They lost it, she found it. Something like that. She was considering letting them in on it so they deal with us, not her. But Mati’s talked her out of it. Providing, of course, her chemist here confirms we have the legit stuff.”

“Which he’ll do,” Savra stated, sitting himself in the co-pilot’s seat. “Because it IS legit.”

Janus laughed. “Kinda a strange state of affairs for us,” he confessed. “Can I ask if there’s news on the other stuff?”

“No,” Savra replied, leaving it open as to if he was saying no, Janus couldn’t ask, or no, there was no news.

“I want lunch.”

“Then go get it. There’s some new Krintas in the supply room.”

Janus pretended to consider it as he got up. “Hmmm, think I’ll use the mess.”

Savra scowled as the youngster swept away. “Call yourself a *&$%ing Celican,” he said before spitting in a bucket to get the idea of distaste out of his mouth. He took over monitoring Muta’s movements. He had the feeling she’d meet her brother for a face to face. He wanted the elusive Mati almost as much as he wanted her. Possibly in his bed after answering every question he had. It depended on the mood she left him in and how broken she was. And what Virrik did to them. Mati he intended to kill for his part. He wanted the blood of that perfidious, treacherous, snake in Wolffur on his claws and on his tongue. The worst part is Mati and Muta didn’t even really know how they’d hurt him. How they’d destroyed his past when working for their father. And they never would… But, for now he just watched her movements and made his plans.

A half hour passed before the chemist agreed to return to the surface and Janus took them down at best pace. Merran had reported nothing much happening from the bridge and had, apparently, been keeping an eye on Gallens unit as they’d gone searching for whatever they’d find outside the city. Apparently Pantha had gone shopping, not with the others. But Savra didn’t much care about that now. She’d not leave. Her heart was in Gallen’s bed now and her wisdom was Savra’s to command thanks to Barnabus. They’d find what they were looking for or they wouldn’t. That was all there was to it. Now the Canine just had to report back to get the things moving down here. Revenge was coming.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

When revenge is coming up people better start to clear out. I don't think it will be too pretty.

Which is why I am here and anticipating it!
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

Virrik is funny but I really feel bad for the poor soul who got operated on, bless his colon.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:54 am Virrik is funny but I really feel bad for the poor soul who got operated on, bless his colon.
Oh, she's a great Doctor. She just also happens to be a bit of a mass murdering Sociopath on occasion.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If those end up blending together with her patient on the table than it will be REALLY bad. Here is hoping she can keep them both separate.
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Family needs a day out sometimes...


Gallen and his ‘family’ moved around the clearing, hoping they were passing for people on a nature trek for the people who might well be watching them. Hastur had taken Barnabus over to the treeline and was extolling the virtues of birds and tree climbing creatures whilst Barnabus’s sharp eyes flicked around, checking for any surveillance devices that might be observing them whilst Gallen told Shandy about creatures that burrowed under the earth and the tracks of prey and predator on the ground whilst they both looked for wiring or any indication of where the entrance door to the complex might lie. They were, almost inevitably, going to find something before they had to head back. The sun had passed by overhead and was now starting on its downwards arc to the horizon.

Voices carried in the forest and a pair of them floated out from the trees, a Canine and a Lappinean in walking attire ventured in from the south, chatting about sports and entertainments before hailing them. “Good afternoon,” they greeted pleasantly. “We didn’t expect to see anyone here,” the Canine added.

Gallen got up from his crouching position and headed over, clapping dirt off his handpads as he went. “Just up from the city,” he said, trying not to smile in feigned innocence and show too many of his teeth. “Trying to teach the kids about nature and predation.” He stopped some ten paces from the newcomers a Hastur came closer, Barnabus ‘hiding’ behind her legs. “This seemed like a good place to come.”

The Lappinean clearly looked a mite uncomfortable but swallowed to speak up. “Surely, ah, the Lakertian ranges are better for, ah… that? The, uh, predation thing?”

Gallen scratched the back of his neck absently before replying, showing off his toned frame slightly. “Too many tourists this time of year, I think,” he bluffed. “Can’t go thirty metres without running across a sentients’ trail and confusing things for them.”

The Canine glanced at the others. “You a pack leader or summat?”

Gallen coughed a laugh.

“He’th our ‘doptive dad,” Shandy piped up.

Gallen gestured towards Shandy with an open hand. “I married their mum. We adopted Heather there,” he added, indicating Hastur. “And,” he added, looking down at Shandy again, “it’s step-dad, sweetie.”

“Eathy for you to thay,” Shandy remarked, making Barnabus giggle with the put on lisp.

“And what’s brought you two out here,” ‘Heather’ asked, making them turn towards her as she spoke from behind them.

“Oh, it’s a walking holiday,” the Canine claimed. “Going from Keely to Parrawat. It’s taken three days so far.”

From his examination of the map back at the cabin, Gallen knew that sounded about right. Two days to go based on that distance. Although he didn’t believe anything they’d been saying. And now he was sure. Neither of them had the packs needed to contain the things they’d need for a walk of that magnitude. No sleeping bags, no tins, no heater stove or water bottles. Nothing they’d need. He crouched as Shandy pulled on his belt to attract his attention. She whispered into his ear. “Right.” he stood up. “Shandy wants to know if there’s a shop or toilet around here? She’s needing food and the toilet.” He looked around at the forest. “She’s not fond of going in the woods.”

The Lappinean chuckled. “She might, uh, be out of luck here,” he ventured. “Closest shop’s about three miles thataway,” he offered, pointing back the way Gallen had come.

Good, he thought, Pantha must have found it. Also, it confirmed it as, he supposed, Shandy had guessed. They’d pointed in the opposite direction to the way they’d entered. They knew what was ahead of them. “Sorry, Shandy,” he said, “you’ll just have to put up with it for now…”

She sighed and her shoulders slumped. “OK, Daddy…” She kicked a pebble.

“Well,” Gallen commented, “we’d better move on.” He stretched. “Things to teach them and all that.”

“Nice to meetcha,” ‘Heather’ remarked, almost impressed by Shandy’s acting potential.

“Yeah,” Barnabus put in, looking concerned and nervous. Hastur could feel through her legs that his pulse was cool and steady. It was just a part to him too. She’d been training them with the help of one of the technicians who’d trod the boards for several years before turning to privateering. Savra had seen the benefits of having such a person on board to teach the practised art of the con. And the occasional show kept the crew diverted.

“Come on,” Gallen called back from the edge of the clearing and the group trotted over in the direction the others had come from. “We’ll do about half an hour more,” he said clearly, “then head back to home.” He glanced to Barnabus and Hastur. “See anything interesting up in the trees,” he asked.

“Couple of those Earth Jondahl things someone probably imported decades back,” hastur said.

“They’re called Squirrels, I think,” Gallen informed. “That it?”

“Couple of Coltavian Sparrows in the high branches,” Barnabus added.

Gallen nodded, knowing the boy was talking of a species with exceptionally good eyesight that, according to the books they’d read on the way down, weren’t known to be on this colony. Barnabus had spotted surveillance equipment.

“Coltavian Sparrows,” Hastur asked. “You sure about that?”

“He’s sure,” Gallen put in. “Probably looked right at him?”

“I suppose,” the Dober commented, twigging.

They moved five more minutes into the forest before they stopped. “Right,” Gallen said tersely, almost under his breath. His eyes turned to flint, losing all trace of the warmth they’d had in the clearing. “Now it’s time to start tracking.”

“Tracking what,” Shandy asked cheekily.

“Where our two friends came from,” Hastur replied quietly, before putting a finger to her lips.

“First things… first,” Gallen said, darting into the bushes. He returned, cracking the neck of a small non-sentient in his hands before eating it. The two young Raitchians looked at each other and simulated gagging before Gallen crouched down. “Their scents are still in the air,” he said, leading the team back through the brush and forest.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
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Harry Johnathan
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Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

A very impeccable chapter as usual! Good job!
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Location: Wales, a luverrly land with noisy neighbours.


Post by Welsh Halfwit »


The shuttle had been parked a mile or so outside the city and Savra had let the scientist disembark before they moved it a few miles to the south, to the lesser visited side of a cliff and down into the gully as Janus watched on. He wasn’t going to argue with the older Celican as he didn’t want to be blamed if someone found and stole the shuttle. He was, however, a little curious. “Can I ask a question,” he asked.

“Apparently,” Savra retorted. “But knowledge is dangerous. Before you ask, do you really want to know?”

Janus ran things around in his mind and decided there was a need to curiosity here. “You don’t have to answer, of course. But… Whenever that guy spoke of his bosses… Well, you reacted. He probably didn’t notice,” Janus added quickly, “because he doesn’t know you really, sir but I saw your hands twitch into fists and your muzzle twitch. I’ve, er, seen it a few times over the years but only with people you hate! But we’ve, uh, never dealt with these people before and please don’t kill me…”

Savra had just been motioning to rise from his seat after landing but was tightly amused by the fact that he was so angry that Janus had thought he was launching himself at him. He was angry at himself and, in point of fact, was grateful to the youth. He’d not realised he had a tell before. He’d have to work on that. “My history with their family goes back further than the Kerbal,” was all he said before leaving the ship. “Come on speed demon,” he called back. He watched the flustered face of Janus as the youth tried to deny the fact he used the ships systems to play driving games on Galnet in his off hours under that user name.

“Speed demon,” he countered, fingering a collar he didn’t have to let some air out that wasn’t trapped. “I don’t, er know who…”

“You also have a ‘tell’,” Savra said, turning away to leave the craft to where Rawton was waiting with a cheap hire vehicle. “YOU’RE **** AT LYING,” he shouted so it was clear Janus heard him.

Outside the wind blew, keeping the stench of the city blowing away from Savra’s nose and allowing the river smells from the South in instead. It was a quarter mile away across the open fields owned by Savra’s clan bosses and kept locked to all non clan members. There’d be one about somewhere, providing Rawton hadn’t killed them on the way in as a whim.

“What the **** is this thing,” Janus asked, gesturing to the lump of vehicle in front of them as Rawton straightened up off the bonnet. “Didn’t you have any money to hire a real vehicle?”

“I’m told you can drive anything,” Rawton hissed, having followed Savra’s request to get a couple of somethings’ nondescript and cheap. He was well aware Savra had only told him that because it meant he was less likely to draw attention to someone by murdering someone to get a free vehicle. He’d still had the urge, of course, but he was a good soldier, he figured, snickering to himself as he got in the back seat and threw Janus the fob. “If you can’t,” he added, tickling his own ear, “there’s not much point to you, is there?”

“Do you have to sit behind me,” Janus asked, adjusting the seat and getting behind the wheel as Savra got in the passenger side, pushing the chair all the way back.

“He’s not da*n well sitting behind ME,” Savra told Janus, leading to more snickering from Rawton. “Put your seatbelts on. Last thing we need is to be pulled over on a moving violation by an overzealous bluetop.”

Savra almost asked Rawton how his day had been but, frankly, he didn’t want to know. It probably involved an assignation with an over age lady of ill repute and the usage of that chemical, if they’d been willing to take it. The mad Rabbit went for the older ones because they were cheaper and he was nothing if not conservative with his money, so he could buy new weapons. He wondered idly if one ‘treatment’ given right before the attempt, would work. He doubted it. Anyhow, it seemed he’d done as instructed, staying out of the news.

“So, we taking them together,” Rawton asked, clearly happy about the thought of attacking a Wolf.

“If we were taking them together,” Savra told him, “we wouldn’t need two vehicles. You got a second vehicle, right?”

Rawton looked offended, his left ear tip dropping to half mast as he scowled at Savra. “Of course I did, boss! I can follow orders! I’m mad, not stupid!”

“Never called you either,” Savra said smoothly, letting his tone cool the paranoid Rabbit’s mood and encourage him not to pull the knife his hand had been sneaking towards. “So,” he added, deciding he’d probably better know, “you used that serum yet?”

Rawton snorted a laugh. “Yeah,” he said happily. “Car’s in Carpenter Street Car Park, by the way,” he told Janus. “You can take it.”

“Gotta be better than this thing,” Janus commented drily as they shifted into the city.

“I LIKE this thing,” Rawton hissed, making Savra flinch towards the shock controls as the Lappinean grasped the headpiece in front of him and brought his mouth close to Janus’s ear. “I was conceived on the back seat of one of these,” he added, before releasing his grip and sitting back. “Earlier model, of course.”

“Of… of course,” Janus gulped. “We… we making for the car park, boss,” he asked Savra.

They didn’t head for the park. Not yet. The trio tracked Muta through her conversations, following her across the city to a mansion house out in the suburbs as evening began to fall in, more than draw. Under orders not to be seen or tracked, Rawton took a micro camera and a few othe tech bits and bobs from Janus and affixed the camera to his shirt before slipping quietly from the car and through the grounds, using his Lappinean agility to avoid camera wherever he saw them. The Celicans waited, Janus being afraid to reach for the radio or, indeed, do much of anything. “At least,” he said hesitantly, by way of a joke, “I can say ‘drive a clunker’ is off my bucket list.”

“Small things distract small minds,” Savra remarked. “And it’s to do with family,” he added. “Why they have to pay. And why it has to be me that does it.”

“Right,” Janus nodded. “That I understand.”

“I’m so glad,” Savra said, clearly being sarcastic.

The time passed quietly until Rawton returned and they moved to a location where they could talk properly. “There’s another Wolf there,” he enthused. “In the house, I mean. There’s a few servant Wolves but one in control of them. He passed the camera back to Janus. “There’s guards in the garden but they’re stupid. Some Celicans, some Canine, a Wolf or two but they’re useless. Didn’t even scent me. Even saw their door code.”

“Well, you don’t smell Lappinean,” Janus observed, pulling up the pictures on a padd after he connected the camera.

“It’s the blood,” Rawton said happily. “We don’t like it. Usually. But I bathe in it. Changes the scent. That him?”

Savra looked at the picture. “That’s him. Now we go for the other car. Rawton?”


“You come back here tonight with a door kit. I want Mati alive.”

The Rabbit nodded. “And the rest?”

“I want Mati alive,” he repeated, leaving the inference clear. Rawton giggled as Janus made off.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
David Campbell - 7 – 8 – 9 – 5 – 4 – 4 – 6
Corp Davidstow 6 - 6 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 6 - 5 (reactions 7 Combat 9)
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