Untitled Bino Drabble

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Untitled Bino Drabble

Post by OtherStr8aura »

Inspired by a conversation on the Unofficial Official Housepets Server, written in under an hour. Don't expect a followup. I also wrote Tarotnomics (https://archiveofourown.org/works/43682 ... /109844607). Anyway here it is, Nameless Bino Story. Enjoy.

My name is Bino. And my eyes are green.

I squint closer into the mirror. I'm sitting on my knees by the kitchen sink, precariously perched by the canyon the faucet pours into. The door is ajar slightly behind me, a clue as to the state of casualty this realization struck me in.

They can't be green. They're black circles, little dots of India ink. They've only ever been one color, since I was a puppy.

And yet, unmistakably, my eyes are green.

I stare at myself for another few minutes.

Then I hear the stirring of my owner upstairs, and quickly get down again, my brooding eclipsed by the much more present thought of food.


Later, on a full stomach, the thought occurs to me again.

"Duchess..." I ask unsurely. "...What color are my eyes?"

Duchess glances up from her book, tilting her sunglasses down to look at me. Her eyes are black.

"White." She replies dismissively, not even questioning why I'd ask that.

"Not that part." I cross my arms, sitting on the edge of the pool and dipping my toes into it cautiously. "The... middle part. The pupil. What color are they?"

Duchess sighs, leaning back in her pool chair. "What kind of a question is that?"

"The... kind I want an answer to?" I try. "C'mon, duchie-poo. Just humor me?"

"Don't call me that." She snaps. "Black."

I turn back to the pool.

"But they can't be black. They're green."

Duchess temples her fingers on her forehead. "Bino, I don't know what to tell you. If you think your eyes are green, or purple, or heliotrope, that's your problem. But please, leave me out of it until-"

"Your eyes are blue." I interrupt. It just occurred to me- I'm not even looking at her.

Duchess groans.

"Fine. My eyes are blue. Can we shut up about it now?"

I fall silent, a small part of me proud of my victory. Victories against Duchess are rare for me, much as I'm unwilling to admit it.

But it's only a small part.


At night, it keeps me up. I'm alone in my bed- Duchess gets her own. Queen sized, human bed. I don't even get to be in the same house as her at night.

But a different thought preoccupies me. Thoughts of eyes. I lift my paw up to the moonlight from the window, admiring how the shadows dance over it. One side dark, the other side light.

Has it always been like that?

I don't want it to be like that.

I don't want this to be.

I command, and so it is.


The next morning, my eyes are green.

Really green. Yes, I see it now for sure. The same green as my beautiful collar, a pretty lime that makes me think of fantasy dragons.

There are other things too. I feel... messier. Rougher. A little darker shaded. I turn behind me, and see my shadow missing.

I look out the window. The sky is a single, monotonous blue. Bright, baby, robin's egg blue. Was it like that yesterday, all encompassing? I remember more colors. Fading, melting into each other, a nice boiling pot of creativity. I liked staring at the sky, when I wasn't rushing back and forth.

I don't like looking at it now. It feels familiar.

There are no clouds. I find myself unsure what a cloud even is.

Maybe I don't like this either.

What did I say last night?

I don't want this to be

I blink, and it is not.

My lines are thinner- lines? The very state that encompasses me, strings of ink laced across every point at which my form ends.

My eyes are green, large pools with a single dot in the center. Black.

I need to tell Sasha- Duchess. I'm with Duchess. When was I with Sasha? Was I ever?

Yes, I was. But that time feels different- simpler. Less shaded.

No, no, this is all wrong.

I don't want this to-.


Is this what I meant?

Names linger in my memory. I do not recognize them. Duchess. Sasha. Green. Blac- No! I know what black is.

Black is everything in existence which is not white.

I look around the bathroom, then the entire house. It moves around me, and I admire the beauty of a simple line. No sky, no ground- only black, and only white.

Yes, this is good. This is how it is meant to be.

My eyes are no longer that pretty green, but it is okay.

That pretty green never existed.

Are you lost, canine?

A voice comes into my head. Terror seizes my heart.

It is not black, nor is it white. It is eldritch, cosmic, unknowable.

It is gold.

"Go away." I snap, watching my words form before me. "Stop talking."

You are not supposed to be back here. It is bad to change things, but it is even worse to try and reverse those changes. I am afraid I must step in.

"I don't want you to step in. I like this." I sniff in annoyance, looking around for the source of the speech I am seeing. Trying to look away from the gold words.

The world has always bent to what you 'like'. Perhaps it is time to let someone else have a turn.

I glance around in confusion. Worry. "...What?"

It's funny. All you have done to reality, and you never even noticed. Have you ever heard the expression 'the world doesn't revolve around you?' I'm afraid, in your case, it does.

Suddenly, I see color again- Every color, every stage of existence I have passed through, laid out in front of me like a collage. Like static images. A black and white panel. A colored panel, a shaded panel, numerous designs of reality, back to back like panels of a comic.

You wanted, Bino. And inexplicably, when you wanted, you got. You wanted a brother. You wanted an entire club where people would listen to you. You wanted a girlfriend. When you tired of her, you wanted a new girlfriend. And it was handed to you on a silver platter, matter and life borne ex nihlo to serve you.

"I wanted too much? Is that it?" I grow angry now, spitting my annoyance. A small fish, angry at a large pond. "How about all the things I didn't get? I'm a loser. Nobody likes me, no matter how much I pretend they do. If I always get what I want, why haven't I gotten that much? Even my own girlfriend thinks I'm a joke!"

You are a joke, Bino. One big cosmic joke, from yourself to yourself. Because early on in existence, you created me- and many, many cosmic beings of my ilk. I do not know why. I do not know how. From the minute I came into existence, all I have ever known is impermanence- and a world subject to your whim is no world at all.

So yes, Bino. You are a loser. If you are not a loser... what will happen to Earth? To the multiverse, to Heaven? It has changed so much already. It will change in the future, without you even realizing. You are simply too... simple to notice what you are doing. It is my job to mitigate damages.

"Who are you?" I growl. "Show yourself!"

Then wish me into existence. I am holding on barely as it is- but I will reset this, to where it was, or I will die trying.

I feel a force tug on me. Colors and lines swim around me. Strange, awful sounds fill my ears.


I fight back, and find to my pleasure the force ebbing. I am more powerful than it. I am more powerful than Earth.

I am the reason the planet exists.

I am...

"What have I ever wanted?" I growl, still fighting the gold words off as light begins to fill the air around me. "What, but for a modicum of respect? Some people to like me? I'm just a dog, for Opener's sake!" Ironic to say that, perhaps. I did create the Opener, after all.

The force falls back.

I have angered the gold words.

You want to know your wish? Your big wish, the very first one that created the very world you live in? It used to be a lot different.

I see another state of reality.

A brand new one- confined to a single page.

Lined paper, scrawled lines. An old reality. A long dead one.

Meet Bino. The voice sighs. An innocent, unintelligent, stupid animal. A dog who loves his owner, who sees them as his parent. Who wants all pets to love their owners as he does, and to be loved. And to know that they are loved. To know.

He sleeps. He thinks. And when he wakes up... he is in a new world. One where pets understand love, and human emotion. Intelligent enough to want to be treated as equals.

I finally shut up, staring at the tiny, tiny reality floating in front of me, and the quadrupedal dog doodle inside. No colors, simple lines. Smiling. A single page, and one where I am happy.

You dug this hole, Bino.

I am the one who ensures you lay in it.

I hear a snap. And then, a great light encompasses all.


My name is Bino.

I'm staring into my bathroom mirror. My owner is asleep upstairs. Duchess is in her own house, still sleeping late into the morning.

My eyes are black.

And I am a loser.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Untitled Bino Drabble

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That was definitely a very intriguing story that you posted! Really came out really well!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Untitled Bino Drabble

Post by Harry Johnathan »

This is great, lol.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Untitled Bino Drabble

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Kind of makes me feel sorry for Bino. Even if all of this is undeniably all HIS fault.
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Re: Untitled Bino Drabble

Post by MischaTheWolf »

He won, but at what cost?
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Re: Untitled Bino Drabble

Post by elizabethwaldo »

A funny story...lol :lol:
No matter how you're feeling, a little dog gonna love youterritorial io
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Untitled Bino Drabble

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Don't really see how it is funny because it is Bino baring his soul for all to see his pain. It gives you a good glimpse over how he view himself and its shown that it's really depressing. :|
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Re: Untitled Bino Drabble

Post by MischaTheWolf »

It’s only funny if you like seeing Bino suffer in a revenge sort of way, which personally, I do not. Even though I hate him.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Untitled Bino Drabble

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:57 pm Don't really see how it is funny because it is Bino baring his soul for all to see his pain. It gives you a good glimpse over how he view himself and its shown that it's really depressing. :|
It's funny because it's absurd.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Untitled Bino Drabble

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I guess it all depends on your sense of humor then. I don't mean to insult anybody who finds this funny but I just can't get my head around it being amusing even if only a little bit.
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