HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Disastrous Transports
Chapter 6: Out Of One Nightmare…

Dallas lets out a small yawn and blinks the sleep out of his eyes. He pulls himself upright, weary muscles crying out for just a bit more time to lie down, but it is time for him to wake from his cat-nap. Though it hasn’t been a proper sleep, it’s just enough to refresh him, and he had gotten a nice dream as a bonus. Looking around, he knows what occurred earlier hadn’t been a dream.
He’s in a medical tent of sorts. A nearby medical officer, dressed in a HAZMAT suit hears Dallas wake up and glances up from his clipboard at the dog.

“Well, good morning there, Dallas,” The officer says, approaching Dallas. “Did you have a good nap?”

Dallas nods as he grabs the cup of water from the officer and takes a small sip.

“You can thank your friend over there for saving you earlier. Without him, I doubt you’d even be here.” Across from where Dallas and the officer are, slouched in a chair and napping away the hours, is Dakota. He slowly wakes after hearing his name mentioned.

“How are you doing, kid?” He asks.

“Better, but still a bit shaken up,” Dallas answered, taking another sip of the water.

“Well, you did have a close encounter with death, so being shaken up is not unusual,” the HAZMAT officer said as he helped Dallas off the bed. “Thankfully, neither you nor Dakota here were bitten, so whenever you two want, you’re free to leave the area. Though, I do recommend at least heading to the tent over there and getting something to eat.” He points at the tent across the way. “It ain’t the best food, but at least it’ll be something in you.”

Both Dallas and Dakota nodded and thanked the HAZMAT officer for the help, then exited the tent.

While they walk, Dallas looks up at Dakota and thanks him for saving him.

Dakota smiles, ruffling Dallas’ head. “Like I told Hagus, I wasn’t going to let you become zombie chow.”

Once inside the tent, which was filled with other survivors from the attack, Dallas and Dakota get in line for food.

“Looks better than what they served us when I went to Elementary School,” Dakota quietly jokes to Dallas as the food is placed on their trays. Dakota chuckles as he and Dallas look around for a place to sit, then spot Misty waving them over.

“How are you feeling, Dallas? We were worried about you!” The Mayor says as Dallas and Dakota take a seat at their table.

“Shaken, but I’ll survive,” Dallas replies. “If it wasn’t for Dakota, I don’t think I’d even be here now.” The Mayor smiles and thanks Dakota for rescuing Dallas.

Monte appears with a soda bottle, and hands it to Dallas. “I think you deserve this more than I do.” Dallas smiles and accepts the soda.

The rest of their meal consists of them chatting about the events that have just occurred, each one speculating as to what exactly caused this new zombie outbreak. Theories range from a bioterrorist attack, to the act of a resentful Celestial, to even something natural, all of which they agree are good theories, but with no concrete evidence, those theories are just that; simple theories.

As they continue to talk, a K9 Officer approaches the table. “I’m sorry to interrupt your conversation,” The K9 says. “But, if you folks are done with your meals, we need you to come outside with me.”

The group is puzzled by the K9’s request, though the officer assures them that it isn’t anything serious, and that they’re not being detained or anything, they just need to be checked over by someone else before being allowed to leave.

“But I was always already checked by that officer in that tent over there,” Dallas says.

“True, but these guys are from the C.D.C. and they want to be doubly sure you weren’t infected in any way and they want to be sure this isn’t linked to the Osiris Virus from years ago.” He answers, before leaning in to say quietly to the group, “It’s a Celestial named Sekhmet checking you folks over. She helped develop the cure for Babylon Gardens when they had that huge ultra-virus epidemic a few years ago, so you’re in safe hands.”

“Oh, her! OK, I know who you are talking about. Yes, she’s trustworthy,” the Mayor replied. Although the others, especially Dallas, are still just a bit hesitant, they agree to be checked out and follow the K9 and the Mayor to the waiting C.D.C. vehicles.
Three C.D.C. vans are parked outside, all wide-open and ready to check over the survivors and administer any aid they require. A few members dressed in HAZMAT gear and carrying special cases are lead into the airport in an effort to find more survivors, in case there are any still inside.

The Mayor and others approach the closest van, where a one-armed wolf checks over a mother and child.

“There you go! You’re all cleared,” The wolf says to the child, who gives him a hug before hopping into her mother’s arms.

The Mayor smiles at the interaction. “That was adorable, sir. Looks like you have a way with kids.”

“Thanks, and it’s Jack, sir,” the wolf replies, while checking the Mayor over. “And, yeah, I’ve always had a unique connection with kids. Probably because I grew up surrounded by my pack for so long. And there we go, you're cleared.”

Up next is Misty, followed by Monte, Dakota, and lastly Dallas, who Jack checks over a bit more thoroughly, just to be absolutely sure he hadn't been infected. Thankfully, he hasn’t. Jack pats him on the back, informing him he was cleared to go, and Dallas walks back over to where the others are, relieved that he isn’t infected.

“Say, Dallas?” Misty asks. “New Rhodia City’s just a few miles away and me, Monte, and Dakota are thinking about getting a hotel there, since we’re allowed to leave. Want to join us?”

“What about the Mayor?” He asks.

“I’d love to come, but I gotta stay here and give a speech….again,” The Mayor replies, sounding just a bit annoyed about having to give another long-winded speech about zombies. “You four go ahead. And Dallas?” Dallas looks at the Mayor as he crouches down to his level. “You were very brave today. Whenever you get back to Babylon Gardens, come to my office. I have something I’d like to give you, OK?”

Though he doesn’t want to leave his new friend, Dallas smiles and nods, agreeing to do just that whenever he finally gets home. With one last hug, Dallas, Dakota, Misty, and Monte depart the camp and get into a car provided to them by a K9 Officer.

Once in the car, with Misty driving, the four leave the camp and head up the road to New Rhodia City, and hopefully, away from this nightmare for good.

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

The effort you put into this chapter is really great! I like how it came out!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ Updates:

Let's get the bad out of the way first: So uh the whole PHASES thing didn't work out as I planned as I made one small mistake: I planned the stories within each of the arcs without planning out how each one flows into each other. So, I had to do some story editing and figuring out what to keep and what to get rid of and BOY was that not fun >.< (I have NO idea how Marvel Studios does it). Heck, I did so much editing, Phase 1 is now only one main arc, which is Return Of Undead Nightmares, while Phases 2 and 3 are only two arcs (Phase 4, surprisingly, is the only one that came out unscathed, mainly cause I didn't figure out the story for it yet).

Speaking of Phase 1, I originally had intended on having two arcs, Return Of Undead Nightmares and Outbreak: Nights Of Terror, which the later would've seen the return of a few characters I've introduced. However, I couldn't get the arc to be anything other than a Dead Rising series reference, so I decided to scrap it and, instead, any of the ideas and characters I was going to use will be utilized in either Return Of Undead Nightmares and Phase 2, which is The Cursed Coin Returns. This mean those waiting for Slayder may have to wait a bit for him to return (Plus, I want to be sure his appearance makes sense for the story and isn't either a throwaway character, just there for plot sakes, or a cameo).

As for the good? Well, as you've all read, I recently got WrenIsProbablyB0red as an editor on HousepetZ and he has been a HUGE help (didn't realize I made this many mistakes while writing) and, even though I had to do alot of reorganization, I am happy with the current HPZ plan I have, so I hope you guys are looking forward to the future of HousepetZ!

Also, and this one is something I've been wanting to do for a while now, I'm going to start adapting certain moments from HousepetZ into either a short comic or a one page scene (which includes a story line I have in the works). This one I have no time-frame for nor do I know when I'll even start it (I'm still getting back into drawing, for pete's sakes), so consider this announcement a teaser of sorts. The only thing I do know is what scenes I'm adapting to comic form, one of which being Bino's battle against Eudoant from Bat Out Of Pandemonium WAY early in HPZ's life!

So, yeah, just some updates as to what's going on with HousepetZ as of now! Again, thank you all for your continued enjoyment of HousepetZ and I look forward to bringing even more stories of this world to you guys!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You don't have to worry about us getting annoyed for all the delays. After all a story as FABULOUS as yours are definitely will be worth the wait!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:12 am You don't have to worry about us getting annoyed for all the delays. After all a story as FABULOUS as yours are definitely will be worth the wait!
I understand but *sigh* making you guys wait for a new chapter is starting to actually bug me a bit. I hate making folks wait for anything, if I can be honest.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Sometimes it can't be avoided. But in the end it will all be worth it.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Important Update:

I've cancelled every arc past HousepetZ: Return of Undead Nightmares and been rewriting the storyline after Beware, The Beast (Coming after Residences Of Evil) as my original idea for the next storylines were, admittedly, kind of mean spirited as I was wanting to do a version of Heckraiser: Revelations but better (in my own words). I realized earlier this month that it was wrong of me to be doing that and, because I now had some changes of heart and thoughts on the current HP arc, I've decided to cancelled every arc after the current HPZ arc and I've, again, rewriting everything to be original and actually be some of my best work and not, well, how I originally had it. Which is why there hasn't been an update for a while as I really want to make sure this is some of my better work.

All that being said, the next story line, after Return Of Undead Nightmares, is HousepetZ: Storm Of The Century.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad tha you were able to share that with us! I'm sure your revised work and your new chapters will be very awesome!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Hiatus is ALMOST done! Sorry it's taken so long but I REALLY want to make sure this story, along with the next, are good!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am sure that it will be really great! You are such a good writer and I am working on my patience so I won't be overly brusque when waiting for the next chapter!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

The KODAT (Keeper Of Dimensions And Time)
Location: Somewhere between time and space

*Audio Begins*
Is this thing on? Test...test...1...2...*ahem*...Hello, dear readers of HousepetZ! It is I, Chronos, once again!

So…I’ve been keeping an eye on this timeline ever since its inception. While it started out really good and was consistent, I started to notice some irregularities popping up, like events that weren’t supposed to happen in the first place. Truthfully, I got lazy and just brushed them aside, figuring the timeline would fix it itself…how wrong I was. This whole HPZ Timeline? If I could show you what I’m looking at, then you’d describe it as a big mess of yarn that would take hours to sort out and you’d be right. As it stands? The timeline is, for lack of a better term, messed up beyond repair, though I did notice it was trying to repair itself with this story about Dallas…and by ‘repair’, I mean it’s taking elements from other dimensions in order to repair itself and that is a big No-No. Last time I had that happen to a dimension, it took me weeks to repair it!

Thankfully, I was able to catch it this time and I quite literally hit the Pause button on it (Yes, all dimensions and timelines have a Pause button) in order to look at the damage and, yeah, it’s a mess, like I said. Which left me with two options, with the first being to simply repair the damaged timeline and try to get it back to working order. Which would be easy except this timeline, during its creation up to now, made so many other alternate timelines and events that never went anywhere - looking at it, it looks like there were multiple Mungo ones planned - or were cast aside…yes, timelines can do that. Unfortunately, because of that? Repairing this timeline will take who knows how long now….which is why I’m going with option two!

Now, I rarely do an Option Two with timelines as that is something I save for only the messiest of timelines, which is this one in this case. What is Option Two? I’m gonna split the timeline at a specific point in its early days, bring over elements from the messy timeline and incorporate them into the new timeline and then, assign a special Celestial to it to make sure the timeline stays accurate and on course, with the options to split off and change if necessary. I only ever did this a few times and, those few times I did it, it worked out beautifully. So, with all that said and done…let’s get to work!

*sounds of timeline fixing commences*
Where’s my time fixer thing…Is that? No, that’s a back scratcher…Hey, the keys to the HouseDinos dimension! Was wondering where those went!…ah there it is!...Ok, let’s see…Don’t need that…he can stay…Mungo can keep his girlfriend, Kelly…Hm, Fox can go to Heaven instead of whatever the old timeline did…No MultiVerse, so I’ll alter how mine and Peanut’s adventure went…gonna bring a few of these back to life…think I’ll also make the DreamMaster, Marko, the Timeline watcher and….
…did I leave that on? Oh fluff…everyone on the Housepets Forums can hear me…uh….whoops!
*Audio Ends*
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Apologies for the delay but life's been a bit hectic here lately. I'm slowly getting back on track and been working on HPZ: Reborn off and on, so I will try to get it here by the end of the month.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Its OK if you aren't able to because Christmas and New Years is coming up and that is a big holiday. Just get to it when you can because we can all wait!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


Sorry for the lack of updates to the story. Honestly, the past few months were not kind to me mentally. I am doing better now and I have been working on the first chapter off and on as I know you guys are looking forward to reading it! I have no time frame of when it'll release but it will be done before summer starts (my current plan).

So, yes, the story is NOT DEAD! Life decided to throw a few curveballs that didn't agree with me heh.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really was worried that this was an abandoned fan fiction as it has been 4 months though it seems to be a lot longer. I am glad that you still have plans to continue this and can't wait to see what ideas you are gonna include in here.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Didn't want to seem pushy, Sean, but I've been worried about you. Glad to know you'll return to the adventure once you've crushed a few more cobras.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

NHWestoN wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:36 pm Didn't want to seem pushy, Sean, but I've been worried about you. Glad to know you'll return to the adventure once you've crushed a few more cobras.
Aww thanks man. Yeah, past few months were kinda rough for me mentally but I'm doing a heck of a lot better now.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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