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Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:53 am
by Seth
IceKitsune wrote:
Seth wrote:
IceKitsune wrote:Well either that symbol is something having to do with Magic of some sort, or its the thief’s signature. I'm going with something Magic right now.
considering it's similar to a pentagram magic would be my bet as well.
I also go off the fact that this is the Halloween Arc as well
that too
totally forgot this was the halloween arc

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:09 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
Maybe its less of a enchantment and more of a summon type spell. since it was in two places.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:20 pm
by Seth
that would explain how it went missing out of the back of the truck

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:54 pm
by IceKitsune
Jimmy Jazz wrote:Maybe its less of a enchantment and more of a summon type spell. since it was in two places.
Yeah it could be a teleport spell of some kind that would make a lot of sense

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:03 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
but how did they get the symbol drawn inside the truck without first teleporting in there, which may require a symbol to already be there? unless it's a magical being that can teleport itself without the symbol but needs the symbol to teleport other things.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:06 pm
by Alex
Jimmy Jazz wrote:Maybe its less of a enchantment and more of a summon type spell. since it was in two places.
Whoa... I haven't seen you, in like, more than a year!

And that sign is probably something about the cosmic nerds.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:38 pm
by IceKitsune
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:but how did they get the symbol drawn inside the truck without first teleporting in there, which may require a symbol to already be there? unless it's a magical being that can teleport itself without the symbol but needs the symbol to teleport other things.
It could be he/she used it as an escape (and to easily get the gold/artifacts out) rather then a way in and got in some other way (like being invisible or making him/her self small or something like that) and the one in the cave was drawn in advance.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:26 pm
by Seth
or maybe someone drew the symbol in the truck before it left
an inside man perhaps?

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:36 pm
by IceKitsune
Seth wrote:or maybe someone drew the symbol in the truck before it left
an inside man perhaps?
That is also a possibility

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:53 pm
by Tattorack
Ah! magic symbols!
So we are actually going to deal with omnipotent beings, Kevin is going
to have a heart attack.

About the symbol; try this:
1# suspect draws symbol on back of cave.
2# before transport, suspect hides in one of the booby-boxes.
Since these things are lifted by fork trucks no one would've
noticed the weight difference.
3# when inside truck, suspect draws another symbol on the inside
of the trailer and uses it to transport himself to the cave along
with the gold.

I think the symbol is for site-to-site teleport since its like, but not
exactly like, the normal five star "teleport to the spirits" symbol.
Or it could just be a serial mark, like a psycho leaving rose petals
over all his kills.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:57 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
That was exactly what i was thinking when i said a summon-type spell.

Maybe the person/demi-god/demon/pet didn't even need to be in the crates, rather just in the car before the delivery.

plus. Gold is insanely high-security, so I doubt he'd be able to jump in a box full of it.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:01 pm
by Tattorack
I meant one of the boxes not with gold,
and besides, if he can do transport magic, what about a simple mind illusion?

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:38 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
Well, I doubt they'd transport anything other than gold with gold, they take that stuff seriously.
wait. do we even know if it is gold?

But in theory, he would probably need runes on himself and the gold to make an illusion. although I guess i don't see any reason he couldn't do that.
it does seem like a tad to much work if you can put a rune there, hide in the caves to be sure no one see's you before hand and then wait for the stuff to teleport in. I think that would be easier and less risky.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:57 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
Jimmy Jazz wrote:Well, I doubt they'd transport anything other than gold with gold, they take that stuff seriously.
wait. do we even know if it is gold?

But in theory, he would probably need runes on himself and the gold to make an illusion. although I guess i don't see any reason he couldn't do that.
it does seem like a tad to much work if you can put a rune there, hide in the caves to be sure no one see's you before hand and then wait for the stuff to teleport in. I think that would be easier and less risky.
It was stated here that there were 20 decoy crates full of paper being transported with the 10 boxes of gold.

and they're artifacts, but because of the arc title, we're assuming they're gold artifacts.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:13 pm
by Tattorack
So... they could be wooden Inca Hoonka-Poonka statues?

I read through it again and have a question to ponder:
The decoy crates were said to have been scattered after the gold was stolen (I wouldn't know how
they found that out), this would mean that the person might not have been hiding inside the decoy......
Unless they're wrong...

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:46 am
by Sleet
♪Turn around, briiiiight eeeeeeyes!♪

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:50 am
by IceKitsune
Yay! A Ghost! So I guess It was the ghost directing someone or doing it him self depending on how much he can interact with the world. Also lol at the Turnaround stuff XD

Edit: Depending on how much is actually figured out about this case we might find out how well known magic is in this world among Pets and Humans since its most likely (I don't want to say for sure but I'm like 95% sure it is right now) the ghost (either directing some one or doing it himself or maybe possessing someone to do it for him) stealing the gold.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:56 am
by GameCobra
Turn around? Turnabout!

Also: That eye clearly is twitching.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:57 am
by Seth

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:01 am
by copper
I do believe the gold is cursed now. Why can't ghosts ever just say hello? I mean, it's just common courtesy...

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:08 am
by Dissension
Yay, I got a cameo!



Rick, that looks nothing like me.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:27 am
by Sinder
Fido may be a brute, hulking monster of a dog, but he's got nothing on Player Three back there

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:33 am
by angelusbr
And then, they were cursed for the rest of their lives to never look foward again.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:52 am
by GameCobra
Where's your paranormal animal senses when you need them?

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:27 pm
by Barkeron
Okay, its been a while since I commented on a strip and as for today's strip:

Does anybody else notice the strange figure behind them. xD.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:30 pm
by Sleet
Barkeron wrote:Does anybody else notice the strange figure behind them. xD.
No? What strange figure?

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:46 pm
by Alex
Okay, this was just awesome xD And that strange figure looks actually cute. It's the ghost of the animal Indian tribe that the gold belonged to. And now that they finally got it back, they probably put a curse on it.

Whoever touches it will make puns in everything they say.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:21 pm
by CaptainPea
Arc 42: Not All Dogs is looking rather buff today, even moreso than usual.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:35 pm
by PhoenixAsper
CaptainPea wrote:Arc 42: Not All Dogs is looking rather buff today, even moreso than usual.
Huh? :|
Alex wrote:Okay, this was just awesome xD And that strange figure looks actually cute. It's the ghost of the animal Indian tribe that the gold belonged to. And now that they finally got it back, they probably put a curse on it.

Whoever touches it will make puns in everything they say.
Hence why a certain fox in the zoo speaks that way. HE found that gold!!

Anyway, an Aztec warrior ghost? I'm guessing this is a one arc appearance, but we'll see.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:45 pm
by CaptainPea
PhoenixAsper wrote:
CaptainPea wrote:Arc 42: Not All Dogs is looking rather buff today, even moreso than usual.
Huh? :|
In which I explain the admittedly obtuse joke: That arc was named, in its first few updates, as simply "Arc 42: ???" to avoid spoiling the plot. This is a tactic Rick employs often, for example today, in which the figure standing behind the dogs is credited as "???".
Alex wrote:Okay, this was just awesome xD And that strange figure looks actually cute. It's the ghost of the animal Indian tribe that the gold belonged to. And now that they finally got it back, they probably put a curse on it.

Whoever touches it will make puns in everything they say.
Oh **** that had better not be how it works out

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:26 pm
by Tattorack
Um... who ever said the ghost stole the gold?! I hope you guys noticed your own words, but...
ITS A GHOST!, so why would it need strange symbols to get gold? And since its a ghost
(and probably immaterial) it wouldn't be able to hold anything, let alone gold, and if it used
the symbols to transport gold, how would it have gotten it out of the cave?
(and how would it have drawn the symbols with char in the first place?)
I think the ghost belongs to the gold, yes, but I don't think he stole it.
(last panel expression is priceless: "You kidd'n me?!")

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:07 am
by Foxstar
PhoenixAsper wrote:Hence why a certain fox in the zoo speaks that way. HE found that gold!!

Anyway, an Aztec warrior ghost? I'm guessing this is a one arc appearance, but we'll see.
No, Kari speaks that way all the time, Ask him yourself, he's on Twitter.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:19 am
by Dissension
Thus began the next wave of 'Why am I suddenly being followed by 10,000 people?' tweets.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:34 am
by Macsen
Sleet wrote:♪Turn around, briiiiight eeeeeeyes!♪

“DOUBLE DOORS OPEN” “Why aren’t I reacting in this shot?!”

Sorry, I love literal music videos. :mrgreen:

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:27 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
this version is better quality. It's posted by the person who makes the literal video versions.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:03 am
by Sinder
those are not nefarious villains

no one is wearing a dress

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:06 am
by IceKitsune
Yay more of that Ghost/God/Whatever he is. lol at them trying to sound like bats XD clever yet stupid at the same time. Also I don't think we are actually going to know who did take the gold until Rick just tells us. (I'm slightly disappointed really) Unless it was the Trucker or the Banker or the ghost is controlling them (which looks unlikely) we have no other suspects.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:08 am
by Sleet
That is not that far off how bats acted previously.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:13 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
but we only saw one for long enough to know how he acts. judging how all bats act on that one bat is racist.

Re: ARC 46: The Case of The Aztec Gold

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:22 am
by copper
Oh no!!! Nefarious Villains! Someone send in the Stripe!!!!!! :lol:

Great update. I can't wait to see the ghost speaking.