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Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:17 am
by valerio
sokahu wrote:OK, I hate to be that person, but...I thought they lived near the east coast? American Magpies only live on the west coast. What could it mean dun dun dun DUH
Please! I mean, seriously, how could a scam involving animals in the US of A work without a thieving magpie?!

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:07 am
by dtlux1
I love the way this new arc is going. And I still say that the golden ring was stolen from someone that Zach knows. :D

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:22 am
by Dissension
sokahu wrote:OK, I hate to be that person, but...I thought they lived near the east coast? American Magpies only live on the west coast. What could it mean dun dun dun DUH
The location of Babylon Gardens hasn't been revealed, but I believe it's in the Midwest (which is well within the Americam Magpie's range). It's entirely possible Cory calls all corvids "magpies," since not everyone is an aviary expert and a wild skunk who presumably isn't literate can't be reasonably expected to know such trivial details. American Magpies also are not, as far as I know, typically blue. Trinket could be any variety or none, a generic bird.

I suppose those are things it could mean.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:09 pm
by dtlux1
Dissension wrote:
sokahu wrote:OK, I hate to be that person, but...I thought they lived near the east coast? American Magpies only live on the west coast. What could it mean dun dun dun DUH
The location of Babylon Gardens hasn't been revealed, but I believe it's in the Midwest (which is well within the Americam Magpie's range). It's entirely possible Cory calls all corvids "magpies," since not everyone is an aviary expert and a wild skunk who presumably isn't literate can't be reasonably expected to know such trivial details. American Magpies also are not, as far as I know, typically blue. Trinket could be any variety or none, a generic bird.

I suppose those are things it could mean.
From the pictures I have seen, it seems that they have some blue. Not as bright as in the comic, but that is probably because it is in a comic.


Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:14 pm
by deepskycyan
Aww. Trinket is such a befitting (and cute!) name :)

Also, magpie victory dance.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:13 pm
by Rikunda
I called it! Cory is a guy. :D Now he just needs to hook up with Zach. *evil laugh*

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:19 pm
by Saturn381
Yay, another new character! :D

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:24 pm
by Douglas Collier
dtlux1 wrote:
Dissension wrote:
sokahu wrote:OK, I hate to be that person, but...I thought they lived near the east coast? American Magpies only live on the west coast. What could it mean dun dun dun DUH
The location of Babylon Gardens hasn't been revealed, but I believe it's in the Midwest (which is well within the Americam Magpie's range). It's entirely possible Cory calls all corvids "magpies," since not everyone is an aviary expert and a wild skunk who presumably isn't literate can't be reasonably expected to know such trivial details. American Magpies also are not, as far as I know, typically blue. Trinket could be any variety or none, a generic bird.

I suppose those are things it could mean.
From the pictures I have seen, it seems that they have some blue. Not as bright as in the comic, but that is probably because it is in a comic.

By overlapping maps of the ranges of both opossums (Jessica) and black-beaked magpies (Trinket), I have created a map of potential states where Babylon Gardens could be located: Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Oregon, Colorado, Washington, California, Oklahoma, and Texas. (I left out Kansas because it had to be travelled to in order to visit Bailey).

If we are to understand that Babylon Gardens is located in the Midwest, we could eliminate California, Washington, and Oregon.
Potential Locations of Babylon Gardens.png
Potential Locations of Babylon Gardens.png (18.22 KiB) Viewed 17333 times
I wonder if I'm going to be censored for posting this (cover-up). :P :?

Or Rick will throw in some random forest animals to throw us off and wreck the theory of animals being native to respective areas in connection with our universe. :|

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:00 pm
by Dissension
Again, don't assume a particular species or variety. *giggles* Even if your assumption is correct, ferals are known to hitchhike and could otherwise wind up outside a given "range." This happens in our world, too, albeit without thumbing.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:14 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Trinket probably got lost and that is how she ended up in the gardens because her sense of direction stinks. xD

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:16 pm
by Argent
Douglas Collier wrote: Image
By overlapping maps of the ranges of both opossums (Jessica) and black-beaked magpies (Trinket), I have created a map of potential states where Babylon Gardens could be located: Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Oregon, Colorado, Washington, California, Oklahoma, and Texas. (I left out Kansas because it had to be travelled to in order to visit Bailey).
We can narrow it down further using the map I previously created showing where they could be based on driving distance from locations in Kansas. Eliminate the darkest blue circle-ish-square area (which is less than nine hours from any location in Kansas) and you get:


This eliminates Oregon, Washington, and California. Leaving the kidney-shaped area in the center of your map.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:19 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I still like my theory of a directionally challenged Trinket better.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:42 pm
by Frank
You know animals can just ride or drive in this world, right? They don't have to be restricted to their original ranges

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:55 pm
by Cesco
There's the ring, or better, there it was. :P The magpie is correct, anyway, it's your fault, Cory. :P The proposition was going to be good. ;) Humble skunk? And the magpie was flying over there for pure coincidence? All is looking fake (in particular, Cory's reaction to the theft) and smells of organized scam... :roll: What are they searching from Zach? If really there are Pete and Spirit Dragon behind them, the finality can get more sense...
What could Zach do to go away from they? It's a Cory's problem, now, if it really exists...

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:05 pm
by Douglas Collier
Frank wrote:You know animals can just ride or drive in this world, right? They don't have to be restricted to their original ranges
True. However, I don't think ferals have much access to cars (those two never did figure out how to drive that thing). Though birds probably don't have much need for cars.

Come to think of it, I don't think we've seen Falstaff since then. I'm not so sure he made it back to Babylon Gardens. :shock: It'd be funny to see a strip or an arc showing him finally arriving all haggard from an incredible 8 month journey. :P

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:09 pm
by Argent
Frank wrote:You know animals can just ride or drive in this world, right? They don't have to be restricted to their original ranges
Oh hush, we're detectiving!

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:24 pm
by ChekeBello
I dont think those two ferals are locals, if they are true scammers, scammers dont stay too long in one place and they doesnt look two know Zach is the opener of ways, even Jess who dont believe in him know who he is. I think they just arrived the zone, so their species and usual location for them are not something that tell us too much about where BG is located

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:13 pm
by IdleCurator
Chekebello is right they are almost definitely out of town. It is only common sense to steal something from one place and then inconspicuously sell it somewhere completely different in order to prevent suspicion.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:21 pm
by Mistacheeeez
Argent wrote:
Douglas Collier wrote: Image
By overlapping maps of the ranges of both opossums (Jessica) and black-beaked magpies (Trinket), I have created a map of potential states where Babylon Gardens could be located: Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Oregon, Colorado, Washington, California, Oklahoma, and Texas. (I left out Kansas because it had to be travelled to in order to visit Bailey).
We can narrow it down further using the map I previously created showing where they could be based on driving distance from locations in Kansas. Eliminate the darkest blue circle-ish-square area (which is less than nine hours from any location in Kansas) and you get:


This eliminates Oregon, Washington, and California. Leaving the kidney-shaped area in the center of your map.
Also remember how Peanut had Spot (Superdog) in Colorado, which is also one of the places it could potentially be?
Coincidence? I think... maybe... I don't know... :|

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:31 pm
by IdleCurator
We have nearly found the precious (said like Smegle/gollum) it will be ours HA Ha Ha!!!

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:14 pm
by ArcWolf
Mistacheeeez wrote:
Argent wrote:
Douglas Collier wrote: Image
By overlapping maps of the ranges of both opossums (Jessica) and black-beaked magpies (Trinket), I have created a map of potential states where Babylon Gardens could be located: Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Oregon, Colorado, Washington, California, Oklahoma, and Texas. (I left out Kansas because it had to be travelled to in order to visit Bailey).
We can narrow it down further using the map I previously created showing where they could be based on driving distance from locations in Kansas. Eliminate the darkest blue circle-ish-square area (which is less than nine hours from any location in Kansas) and you get:


This eliminates Oregon, Washington, and California. Leaving the kidney-shaped area in the center of your map.
Also remember how Peanut had Spot (Superdog) in Colorado, which is also one of the places it could potentially be?
Coincidence? I think... maybe... I don't know... :|


Very impressive.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:18 pm
by IdleCurator
You said it arc wolf these poeple are serious. Out of curiosity does anyone know which state rich griffin lives in, that may be a clue.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:35 pm
by Prof
Zach wrote:"Try having someone throw a cloak on you just so they can touch its hem."
Sounds like the squirrel nuns :D
Hlaoroo wrote:Hey, did anybody else notice Zach wiping his sholder with a handkerchief in panel 3? At least, I think that's what he's doing.
Either Cory has sticky paws or Zach's a bit of a germaphobe. :P
It looks like he does. I have a similar reaction when I have to shake hands with peoole I don't like ;)
deepskycyan wrote:Aww. Trinket is such a befitting (and cute!) name :)
The first thing I associate with "Trinket" is "annoying", guess I'm a tad Elfquest impaired (nevertheless, the association fits also in this case :roll: ).


Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:59 pm
by Obbl
Number9Dysonsphere wrote:You said it arc wolf these poeple are serious. Out of curiosity does anyone know which state rich griffin lives in, that may be a clue.
Rick lives in Alabama, though only so much of Alabama shows up on Argent's map (and in the lightest colored area), so maybe not as likely.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:01 pm
by Liam
Trinket simply moved here after finding a nice condo furnished in Bauhaus style.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:11 am
by dryideabat
Well, I'm going to jump on the band wagon and suspect that the true identities of Cory and Trinket are Pete and Dragon, respectively. I wonder what is the deal with the ring and why Cory was so trusting in having Zach pawn it... That thieving magpie stole my precious.

Also, I too suspect that Babylon Gardens is located somewhere east of the Rockies, considering the four seasons they seem to experience each year.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:25 am
by rourkie
Xane wrote:Wanna rub Cory's belly in panel 2.
This. Absolutely.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:16 am
by yellowcrash10
Argent wrote:
Douglas Collier wrote: [map]
By overlapping maps of the ranges of both opossums (Jessica) and black-beaked magpies (Trinket), I have created a map of potential states where Babylon Gardens could be located: Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Oregon, Colorado, Washington, California, Oklahoma, and Texas. (I left out Kansas because it had to be travelled to in order to visit Bailey).
We can narrow it down further using the map I previously created showing where they could be based on driving distance from locations in Kansas. Eliminate the darkest blue circle-ish-square area (which is less than nine hours from any location in Kansas) and you get:

[fancier map]

This eliminates Oregon, Washington, and California. Leaving the kidney-shaped area in the center of your map.
Woah. That's some awesome detective work! :D

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:47 am
by Warriorcat1313
Am I the only one that is shipping these two hard?

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:36 pm
by matthew Wolf
I don't think ive seen a talking bird besides Pete

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:50 pm
by Sleet
Warriorcat1313 wrote:Am I the only one that is shipping these two hard?
I strongly doubt it.

Also, you guys are crazy with that map. Well done.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:57 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Pretty sure Pete was the only talking "birdy" we have seen so far, even if he wasn't an actual bird. I'm still going with my theory that (spoilered bubblegum to not annoy other people with said theory):

Pete is Cory and Dragon is Trinket

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:17 pm
by Argent
Number9Dysonsphere wrote:You said it arc wolf these poeple are serious. Out of curiosity does anyone know which state rich griffin lives in, that may be a clue.
I think he's in Alabama.

[Edit: oh, someone else already mentioned that]
matthew Wolf wrote:I don't think ive seen a talking bird besides Pete

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:33 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
She's got to step on it again

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:39 pm
by matthew Wolf
Argent wrote:
Number9Dysonsphere wrote:You said it arc wolf these poeple are serious. Out of curiosity does anyone know which state rich griffin lives in, that may be a clue.
I think he's in Alabama.

[Edit: oh, someone else already mentioned that]
matthew Wolf wrote:I don't think ive seen a talking bird besides Pete
I love the fact that this has a monty python reference

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:34 pm
by WhoElseButQuagmire
matthew Wolf wrote:I don't think ive seen a talking bird besides Pete
And technically Tarot during the Pridelands Imagineate.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:10 am
by SuperStar
Am I the only one who noticed that he said "What" instead of "That"? Shouldn't that be fixed or something?

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:30 am
by Hlaoroo
I think that's intentional, Superstar. ;) Gives him a bit of an uneducated feel.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:06 am
by IdleCurator
Can't wait until tomorrow's post comes out!
I bet they are conmen and have no relation to Pete or Dragon.
I hope I am wrong though Pete and Dragon were hilarious!
Hurray I finally got the avatar and other (words below thingy) sorted.

Re: 2014/11/07 - A Little Birdie Told Me

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:26 am
by Dissension
SuperStar wrote:Am I the only one who noticed that he said "What" instead of "That"? Shouldn't that be fixed or something?
It's part of some New York City and other dialects, typically associated by pop culture with gangsters.