Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Douglas Collier »

It's Homer from The Not-So Dynamic Duo! :mrgreen:
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by dryideabat »

Me: "Homer, is that you?"
Chimera: "What? No! You mistaken me for that jerk?!"
Me: "Sorry, I just... You all look kinda..."
Chimera: "You think all chimera's look alike, huh?... Specie-ist." :lol:

But seriously, I look forward to how this latest development plays-out... Bino, just give them the flowers.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looks like all that jerkness Bino had was a result from keeping his actual feelings pent up so long.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

The next part is on my computer, so that'll be up soon. But I came here to ask you people/pets/heavenly and cosmic bodies a question.

My friend read this, despite not knowing what Housepets is. She liked it, but questioned if Bino and Delmira would have puppens (her weird word for puppy/kittens) in the future. There's the question right there.

Should they?

What would those adorable, little, orange and brown, brash, power-hungry, Italian/Brooklyn/Babylonian, puppy-catseven look like? Or be named?

Should Bino and Delmira have kids?
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm not sure if cats and dogs can biologically have children in this universe. I know in valerio's fan fic, one of his female dog characters was mated to a male cat, and Ralph had to be the biological father of the children. Bino would either have to use a surrogate dog, or Delmira would have to be impregnated by a male cat.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

I know, I know. That's why either Pete or Great Kitsune would make their appearance. They would do a heavenly magic to allow Bino and Delmira to have puppens (why do I keep saying that?)

Pete would be doing it to either gain a new and unique avatar (selfish Pete) for the next U&U game or because Bino went on an adventure with Peanut and Joey, where he meets Pete and befriends him. Something weird happens and Pete owes Bino a favor. (Slightly less selfish Pete)

Great Kitsune would just do it cause he's awesome. Oh, and because he saw that Bino deserved a small nudge from the universe.

(Also, I'm starting to draw Bino and Delmira using Sabrina and Fido reference)
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Do Kitsune. He IS awesome.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

Bino, don't die! Wait, I'm writing the story. Anyway, guess who I thought would be a nice touch!

Bino ran as fast as he could, but the beast was getting close. Bino had an idea, something Delmira had done in a fight against a bull wrestler. He still question why she jumped in the ring with that thing, even if she did win. He put the flower in his mouth, whipped around and slid under the chimera. The beast was confused and looked around, before looking down.

Of course, Bino hadn't gained enough speed to slide under and passed the chimera.

The dog chuckled and waved at the chimera, who's lion head growled and blew smoke from it's nose.

"Hehe. Bye!"

Bino pulled himself out from under the beast as fast as he could, running in the opposite direction. He hid in a thicket of trees, the green and brown hiding him perfectly. The chimera didn't react fast enough, losing sight of the thief. It huffed and began looking around, finding nothing and leaving the area.

Bino waited a few minutes after it left to come out of hiding. He sighed and pulled the flower from its safe place around his collar. He straightened the stem and fluffed and smoothed the flower.

"Safe and sound. It's fine, still in good condition. Just wait until-"

"A white carnation?!"

Bino looked up to see a skunk with mix-matched eyes. He ran over and looked at the flower in Bino's paws.

"Please, let me have it! For I am nothing but a skunk and cannot find food."

"Aren't you feral? You're supposed to have those instincts."

The skunk opened his eyes, dropping the Shakespeare pose. He reached out to the flower, which Bino pulled back.

"Why should I give it to you, huh? I don't even know you!"

"Yes, yes. Of course! I'm CiLantro, but you can call me "Cory"!"

Bino refused to shake paws with Cory, putting the flower in his collar. He brushed himself off, eyeing Cory. The skunk was eyeing the flower, which was starting to irritate Bino.

"Ey! The flower is mine! I found it myself, you can't have it! It's for my girlfriend."

Cory sighed and nodded, walking over to Bino. He pulled a golden ring from the his hair, holding it up.

"I understand, but if you could please take this and buy me a meal. I would be-"

A magpie suddenly flew down and snatched it form Cory's paw. It began to dance, holding it in it's beak. Cory growled and shook his fist at the bird. He turned to Bino, worry in his eyes.

"Please! Sir, give me your collar. I can distract her with it's shininess and get my meal ticket back!"

Bino looked down at his collar, taking the tag into his paw. Then he looked at Cory then the magpie.

"What would Delmira do," he thought to himself.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Don't do it Bino! Zach fell for the same trick and he ended up getting humiliated in front of his girlfriend!

Of course if it were Delmira, she would shove his face in the nearest mud pit.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

You know, Chimera was originally a gargoyle. Then he became a griffon. Then an ancient celestial body. Finally, I got bored and looked up, "Stupid Mythical Animals," and Chimera was born!

Bino grabbed Cory and shoved his muzzle into a tree. He brushed his hands off, walking passed him.

"That's what'cha get for-AHHHH!!"

Bino had walked off, smiling, before stepping off an incline. He tumbled downward, getting covered in mud and sticks. He skid face first at the bottom, getting a muzzle fill of mud. He sat up and spat it out, gagging and wiping it of his tongue.

"The forest is terrible! I wanna go home to my nice fluffy bed and Delmira!"

He rubbed the flower, smoothing it out again. He stood up, brushing himself off. He began walking.

"At least nothing can come in between me and home."

Then he ran into a furry chest. He slowly looked up to see the Chimera. Lion huffed and growled at Bino.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?!"

Lion roared and Bino bolted. It thundered after him, after the flower.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Hey that works well for me! I like how the idea came out!
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by dryideabat »

Oh, thank dog Bino was savvy enough to see through that little ruse. I'm guessing that Delmira would have probably done the same thing... But curse Bino's hubris!

And yeah, chimeras are the stupidest, ugliest, most useless creatures of Greek mythology or of fictional animals in general that I- *Number of registered users on the forum drops down by 1.*
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Darn it! Now who is gonna help me with my story?

Anyway, I can't wait for the next chapter. I wanna see more mud-covered Bino!
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

Yay! Second to last installment of this arc!

Bino used the tree trick again, watching Chimera run passed. He sighed and came out, looking up at the setting sun. He rubbed the flower, shook his head, and began walking again.

"It's for Delmira. It's for Delmira."

Bino walked through the forest, tripping and rolling down another hill, this time onto the porch of an old shack. He spat out more mud and gagged. He shook his head and looked at the door. He stood up and pounded on it.

"Hey! Open up! I'm freezing my tail off and I need to get home!"

The door opened to reveal an old shaggy man.

"Hehehe! If home is what you seek, go over the hill and take a peek! Follow the path and unleash your wrath. But not in a monster that finds you weak."

Bino glared at the old man.

"You are of no help."

"You ask , I pass, no get out of here fast."

The man went back in, leaving Bino to his shivering and filthy self. He scoffed and looked up at the hill he fell off. He rolled his eyes and began to climb back up. When he got back up, he looked out from over the edge.He squinted through the darkness of the night.

Lights caught his sight and he smiled brightly.

"Babylon Gardens! Yes! I'm going home! I can warm up next to Delmira and we can watch Lady and the-"

Bino felt a breath of hot air go down his back. He whipped around to see Chimera, growling at him. Instead of running, Bino let out a shout of pure anger. Chimera recoiled.

"Are you serious?! You've been chasing me around all flipping day! And for what?! A stinking flower?!"

Chimera looked at each other. Snake pointed at said plant with his head.


Bino removed the flower from his collar and threw it on the ground. Surprisingly, it was still in good condition.

"TAKE IT!!!!"

Bino dropped to his knees and glared at Chimera, tears starting to pour from his eyes.

"Every time I try to do something nice for ANYONE, it backfires! That's why I'm such a jerk! I used to be nice, but I became a jerk because I couldn't be that way because the universe WOULDN'T ALLOW IT!!"

Chimera began to look guilty. Lion gulped a little.

"Delmira luckily helped me change my ways a bit! She's so sweet, kind, brash, and powerful. She makes me forget my sadness and watches movies with me. She rubs me behind the ears in that one spot that I really, really like. Wait..oh yeah. And THAT FLOWER WAS FOR HER!!!"

Chimera winced and looked down and away from Bino. Snake looked at Goat, whispering something in her ear. Goat nodded and whispered the same thing in Lion's ear. Chimera nodded and looked back at Bino.

Bino had his head in his hands and was sobbing a little. He heard footsteps and looked up. Goat held the flower and Lion looked at Bino.

"What do you want? You got your stupid flower."

Lion bowed and Snake lashed out at Bino.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Awwwww. I sort of feel bad for Bino here.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

Final installment! Also, thank you to everyone who follows my stories. I'm always thinking of new stories for this section, but I choose to limit myself to two. I like to call them Mickey's Pencil Productions! Anyway, I should get back to the story! Also, I say Chimera when referring to the whole creature.

Bino thought he was dead, for he didn't feel the ground under his paws. But he opened his eyes he felt himself being dropped carefully into something furry.


He looked forward to see Lion and Goat looking back at him. Goat looked at her brother, who nodded his head toward Bino. She nodded and set the flower in front of him. Bino carefully picked it up, looking at the two suspiciously.

"What are you giving me this for?"

Lion gave a sly smile, one to rival Max's. Bino blushed and glared back at him.

"Stop looking at me like that! I know who it's for! Let's just go before I freeze!"

Chimera nodded and bounded off for Babylon Gardens.

*At Babylon Gardens*

Delmira's watch went off and she sighed. She whisked, catching every pet's attention.

"Alright! Class is over!"

Delmira began to remove the bandage from around her paws, when a raised paw caught her attention. She looked up, rewrapping the bandage.

"Yeah, Rex?"

"Last week you said you'd show us one of your personal moves."

"I did?"

Responses of, "Yeah!", "Uh-hu!", and, "I remember!" rose up from the crowd of gi-wearing pets. Delmira raised her hands, silencing her students.

"I guess I did. Alright, I'll show you one!"

Cheers rose up and Delmira clapped. A crate was pushed in and opened, revealing a bull.

"Why am I here?"


The bull looked over at Delmira, who had her paws behind her back. He gave her a confused looked until she revealed her red-colored bandaged paws. The bulls calm demeanor dropped and he bellowed.

"Watch closely everyone."

The bull ran toward Delmira, horns downward. Delmira ran toward him, dropping to the ground and sliding under him. He stopped and looked around. Delmira took the chance to quickly use all her paws to push up and flip him over. She stomped on his chest to hold him in place.

Everyone whooped and cheered while Delmira wrapped the red bandage back around her waist in a thick X. She helped the bull up with a, "Sorry man." before turning to the class.

"Alright, now that's really it! See you all next week!"

Everyone spoke to themselves as they walked out. Kevin and Ralph talked about how a strong cat like Delmira might be a good trainer for newbies.

Maxwell joined Delmira in walking home. He removing his bandages when Delmira hopped over a puddle.

"So, what movie are you watching with Bino tonight?"

"Lady and the Tramp and Aristocats! What are you doing with Grape?"

"Probably a nice dinner and some cuddles."

The two continued to talk about their date nights as they walked on.

*In the Forest*

Bino rode on Chimera's back toward Babylon Gardens.

"That house right there!"

Chimera bounded for the house, skidding to a stop in the backyard. Bino began to run inside, when he noticed his mud covered paw.

"I can't go in like this!"

Snake grabbed the flower while Goat and Lion picked up the hose. Bino nodded and removed his winter clothes. He felt the water hit him and clean him off.

It stopped and he got down on all fours, shaking off. He put his collar back on, wrapping the flower around it and looking at Chimera.

"Thank you. Stay right here for a second."

Bino used his key to get in and looked in the fridge. He pulled out some leftover chicken and a half a had of lettuce. He ran back out, setting it down in front of Chimera.

"All I can give without getting in trouble."

Chimera nodded and picked up the gifts, walking off back into the forest. Bino nodded and dove into the house, around the corner of the kitchen, and onto the couch just as Max and Delmira walked in.

"Hey, Bino. I'm over Grape's tonight."

"Alright, just don't bring home any crawfish! It's stinks!"

Delmira smiled before walking into the bathroom to remove her gi. Max left out after removing his, while Delmira cuddled up to Bino with her bandaged paws.

"I found something cool in the forest today."


Bino revealed the flower, much to Delmira's surprise. She squealed and began to repeatedly kiss Bino's cheek. He blushed and put the flower behind her ear.

"Eeeeeeee! Thank you so much, Bino! I love you so much, honeybunch! I don't know how I could possibly repay you!"

"Just you being here is payment enough."

Delmira kissed him again, before they settled down and snuggled to the movie.

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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Awwwww. Looks like Bino and Delmira got their happily ever after despite everything after all.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by dryideabat »

That was a nice little story. I'm happy for the little egomaniac.
So, wait, the goat's head on the chimera was female? Wow, must be awkward sharing the same body with two guys :lol: .
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

I honestly don't know where this came from. I thought of it and suddenly couldn't stop typing.
Babylon Gardens was hosting a cutest/singing pet couple contest! Many people had signed up their pets for the contest, some to their delight others to their chagrin. While Fiddler and Keys practically dragged their owners to the registration table, Bino and Delmira were literally dragged to the table. Bino trudged along, pulling on his leash.

"Not that I don't love Delmira, but I don't wanna sing!"

"Yeah, me neither!"

Mario and Ventai walked with their sister, pushing her along a little. Ventai set a paw on her shoulder.

"Come on, Del! It ain't that bad!"

"Yeah, it'll be real sweet for you two!"

"A'ight. A'ight! Get ya mangy paws offa me!"

Delmira shrugged their paws off and looked down at the clipboard before her. She and Bino picked up the pencils and wrote their names down, throwing them back on the table and walking off. They locked paws and continued to home.

*At Delmira's House*

Delmira was looking for a song on the computer while Bino bounced his Mega Ball. Delmira whistled, catching his attention and causing him to get hit in the head with the ball. He walked over and and looked at the screen, skimming over the lyrics.

"What is this from? A kids movie?"

"I think. I've never seen it, but the songs seems fine."

"There's a video."

Bino clicked play and they watched with neutral expressions. After it was over, Bino and Delmira shrugged. Delmira playfully booped his nose, prompting a small kiss to the forehead.

"It doesn't seem hard at all."

"And we are signed up."

"Let's get it over with."

Delmira stood up after burning the song to a disc. She grabbed the player and the two walked downstairs to practice. The two locked paws, still feeling stupid for needing to do the performance.

*Four Days Later*

Adults sat in the audience while pets did their performances. Fiddler and Keys were performing Cotton-Eyed Joe, dancing together. Keys walked around Fiddler as she played her keytar. He was dressed as "Cotton-Eyed Joe" as he played his fiddle.

"He came to town like a midwinter storm. He rode through the fields so handsome and strong. His eyes was his tools and his smile was his gun. But all he had come for was having some fun!"

Fiddler winked as the gun shot sounded. The two jumped back into the dance, the crowd enjoying it immensely. Backstage, many other couples stood in costumes. Tiger and Duchess, Ralph and Dragon, and many others. Some danced with each other, others cuddled and laughed.

Bino and Delmira were dressed in costumes as well, thanks to Max, Mario, and Ventai. Bino was wearing a black jacket with a navy blue shirt underneath and a pair of jeans. Delmira wore striped, finger-less gloves, a light blue shirt, a jean jacket, and a blue skirt.

"Grape and Max, you're up next. After them is Kevin and Sasha and after them, it's Bino and Delmira."

The two cats, dressed in sweet shop owners costumes, smiled and nuzzled each other before walking out to the stage. "Candy Girl" began to play. Bino leaned against the wall, Delmira next to him. She locked his paw with hers and kissed his cheek.

"We're gonna win."

After Kevin and Sasha had sung "Dirty Diana", the assistant came and looked around.

"Bino and Delmira, you're up next."

The two groaned and walked out on stage, their microphones fitted around their heads. They went to separate sides of the stage, facing away from each other, as music started to play. Bino sighed away from his microphone, before looking down and angry.

("I Can Not Believe My Eyes" from "Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog" is playing. The performance is Bino saw Delmira with another male cat he's never seen before earlier and thinks she's cheating on him, and begins to sing about the evils of the world. Truth is, the cat is Delmira's brother and he was becoming a father soon. Delmira takes him out to dinner for it and afterward sings about the good of the world. I color coded this cause I'm lazy. Bino is green, Delmira is orange. Their backs are turned to each other the whole time. They don't turn to look at each other or the audience at all through the performance. Enjoy!)

"Any dolt with half a brain. Can see that human-kind has gone insane."

Bino took one step backwards, touching a hand to his head, before swirling his finger by his head to emphases the "insane".

"To the point where I don't know. If I'll upset the status quo."

Bino eyes begin to tear up a little.

"If I throw poison in the water main."

But they disappear as his eyes turn crazy.

"Listen close to everybody's heart. And hear that breaking sound."

He put a paw to his heart, flexing his fingers.

"Hopes and dreams are shattering apart. And crashing to the ground."

He clenched his fist and slowly lowered his paw.

"I cannot believe my eyes. How the world's filled with filth and lies."

He placed a paw over his eyes, doubling over.

"But it's plain to see. Evil inside of me."

Bino straightened and stopped walking backwards, half-way to the middle of the stage. He fell to his knees and looked down as his spotlight dimmed.

"Is on the rise."

Delmira sighed away from her mic before looking up and happy.

"Look around. We're living with the lost and found."

Delmira looked around in front of her while taking a step back, frowning a bit.

"Just when you feel you've almost drowned. You find yourself on solid ground."

She put a paw to her neck, eyes going wide. But she removed it, smiling at the stage floor.

"And you believe there's good in everybody's heart. Keep it safe and sound."

She puts a paw to her heart, smiling and slowly throwing her paw out. She slowly makes a fist.

"With hope you can do your part. To turn a life around."

She opens her paw, tossing something invisible into the air. She smiled and closed her eyes.

"I cannot believe my eyes. Is the world finally growing wise?"

She snapped open her eyes, rising on her toes a little as she looked up.

"‘Cause it seems to me. Some kind of harmony is on the rise."

She lowers and smiles as she puts a paw to her heart, nose up. She was halfway to the middle of the stage, freezing as Bino's spotlight comes back on and he stands up. The two start singing at the same time, walking backwards still.

"Anyone with half a brain..." "Take it slow."

Bino held a paw to his head, covering half, while Delmira extended her paw slowly.

"Could spend their whole life howling in pain..." "He looks at me and seems to know..."

Bino howled a little on the word "howl", looking sad and hurt. Delmira smiled happily, looking off in front of her.

"'Cause the dark is everywhere..." "The things that I'm afraid to show..."

Bino sighed and looked around, Delmira pulling in a bit.

"And Penny doesn't seem to care that..."

He sighs and closes his eyes.

"Soon the dark in me is all that will remain." "And suddenly I feel this glow."

Bino opens his eye, looking evil and angry. Delmira jumped a bit while slowly leaning on her left leg.

"Listen close to everybody's heart..." "And I believe there's good in everybody's heart..."

Bino put a paw to his heart, flexing his fingers. She puts a paw to her heart, smiling and slowly throwing her paw out. She slowly makes a fist.

"And hear that breaking sound." "Keep it safe and sound."

They both made a fist.

"Hopes and dreams are shattering apart..." "With hope you can do your part..."

Bino lowers his paw while Delmira tossed something invisible into the air. She smiled and closed her eyes. They both took one more step back.

"And crashing to the ground." "To turn a life around."

Their backs met and they began singing with all their heart.

"I cannot believe my eyes!" "I cannot believe my eyes!"

Bino looked downward, eyes closed and a scowl apparent on his muzzle. Delmira looked up, eyes open and a smile shown as she sang.

"How the world's filled with filth and lies." "How the world's finally growing wise!"

Bino turned his head toward Delmira's side, still looking down. Delmira turned her head to Bino's side, her chin still up. They acted as if the other wasn't there.

"But it's plain to see..."

He pulls his head back, singing with his eyes closed.
"And it's plain to see..."

Delmira yanked her head back, singing with her eyes shining with happiness.

"Evil inside of me..."

Bino put a paw to his chest, hurt clear in his tear-stained eyes.
"Rapture inside of me."

Delmira put a paw to her heart, happiness apparent in her glowing blue eyes.

"Is on the rise." "Is on the rise."

Bino looked up while Delmira looked down, as if the other was there. Delmira smiled, Bino flinching away in hurt. Their spotlight dimmed and the crowd clapped and cheered. The two bowed and walked backstage, passing a Fix-it Felix King and a Sargent Calhoun Bailey. "When Can I See You Again?" started playing while Bino and Delmira leaned against the wall again. Max leaned over, Chesire grin plastered to his muzzle.

"Don't wanna sing, huh?"

"Shut up!"

"In fifth...Peanut and Tarot with the song, "I'll Put A Spell On You"!"

The crowd cheered as the two dogs stepped up to the front. Peanut leaned down and snuggled his Pillow-ranian.

"In fourth...King and Bailey with the song, "When Can I See You Again?"!"

The couple smiled and nuzzled each other as they stepped up.

"In third...Fiddler and Keys with the song, "Cotton-Eyed Joe"!"

The cats wrapped their tails around each as they walked up.

"In second...Bino and Delmira with the song, "I Cannot Believe My Eyes"!"

Their mouths went ajar and they stomped up and, though they were angry, locked paws and nuzzled a little.

"And in first...Ralph and Dragon with the song, "Devil's Train"!"

The two cheered and kissed as they walked up.

"Give it up for our winners!"

The crowd cheered as everyone bowed. They all received medals, each two on a different colored band. Ralph and Dragon held up a trophy as pictures were taken. Bino and Delmira smiled a little for the two, before realizing they didn't win.
The two laid on the couch at Bino's house, medals at their respective houses. They were currently watching Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2.

"Hey, Bino?"


"Isn't Valentine's Day in two weeks?"
Last edited by Mickey on Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love how this chapter came out! It is really good! Especially with the unexpected couple! Nice job on this!
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

A sneak peak of something that's gonna take forever!
Bino and Delmira shook their heads as the sparkly dust cleared. They looked around, confused.

"Where are we?"

"I dunno."

They were in a shed-sized dog house. It had a section of to the side, full of beds. One was large and the other for were small. Cat and dog toys alike were scattered about the green and orange place.



The couples heads forward just in time to see a brown dog with pointed ears and a medium-long tail jump into Delmira's arms. He had a patch of white over his left blue eye. Bino felt something clamp onto his leg and looked down to see a light orange cat with light brown spot on her back. Her ears were floppy, her medium-short tail wrapped around his leg. Her green eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Sorry, sweetie, but we aren't your-"

"Amy! Barlow! Get back-"


Bino and Delmira's jaw dropped when they saw... Bino and Delmira!

The other Bino was taller and more well built and now wore visor shades, which were on his forehead. His collar was green and orange with a BB tag. He held a light brown kitten on his hip.

The other Delmira was also taller and her muscles peaked ever so slightly from her fur. The white patch of fur over her eye had grown to her shoulder. Her collar was green and orange with a DB tag. She held an orange puppy on his hip.

The four each held up one paw, looking at the rings on their fingers. While Bino and Delmira have the green and orange banded mood rings, the others having actual weddings.




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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Saturn381 »

Great update, Mickey!
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'd much rather have Bino hook up with Delmira then that rotten witch Duchess! Great job!
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

The previous installment of CSF was a part of an arc of "Puppens In The Cradle". Bino and Delmira, now young adults (they're about 15 in pet years when the story began) decided to have kids, but do to their genes, it's impossible. The couple is devastated by the news from the vet. The walk home, Bino holding a crying Delmira, but a stray car, the driver blinded by the heavy rain, flies toward them. They get hit so hard, the vets think they're is no surefire to save them. They climb Heavens Stairs, meeting Kitsune and Cerberus. Bino refuses to accept Heaven, saying Delmira is all the Heaven he needs and nothing could change that, not even actual Heaven. Kitsune, however, knows of Bino and Delmira's wish to have children. He also knows it's impossible. He, as an act of sympathy of all they went through, grants them one wish of their choice after showing them their future based on the choice they chose. When they wake up at the vets, the vet says their are four other signatures coming from within Delmira.

I have the names, looks, and personalities for the Byron Puppens. They're all the same age, but they base themselves on who came out before the other. They are:

Barlow Charlie Byron
A brown, the shade of Bino's underbelly, dog with slightly pointed ears and a medium-long tail with a tip of white. He has a patch of white over his left blue eye. He wears a dark green collar with Loki's Symbol (his choice) on a square pendant as a tag. Barlow is power-crazy, often attempting to rule over his younger siblings. Because he's the oldest, they often listen, but there are times when he's dethroned. His throne is starts taken by...

Amy Annabelle Byron
A light orange, lighter than pastel orange Delmira, cat with light brown, lighter than Bino's underbelly, spot on her back. Her ears are floppy and her medium-short tail had a brown tip. She had green eyes that often said, "Touch me and I'll rip you apart." She wears a dark red collar with Dark Pit's Staff (her choice) as a tag. She isn't afraid of anything, ranging from older pups to spiders. She is skilled in martial arts, like her mom, and sports. But do to her small size, she isn't allowed to play football with the boys. Or are the boys not allowed to play football with her?

Bingo Thomas Byron
A dark orange puppy with a white patch over his left blue eye. Unlike his brother, who's eyes are both green, Bingo's left eye is blue and the right one of green. His tail is short like Bino's and his ears are like his father's as well. He has a light red collar with the Japanese symbol for luck (his choice) as a tag. He likes anime and manga, often talking about it with Uncle Joey and his friends, whom he tags along with most of the time. He often draws comics with the help of Aunt Squeak, the mouse helping him with minute details. He likes small rodents, often giving them things to eat. His best friend is a feral rabbit named Mitsukuni. They often watch different anime with each other. Bingo takes pride in his ability to speak fluent Japanese and his ability to endure watching anime with his father. He is the twin brother to...

Danielle Duchess Byron
A light brown kitten with dark brown spot on her, which leads out to her long tail. Her ears are pointed and dark brown. Her left eye is green and her right eye is blue, but the term "Green-Eyed Monster" still applies. She wears a light green collar with three green dollar signs (her choice) as her tag. Danielle is a bit of a thief, liking shiny things and often borrowing them for a bit before turning them when she's bored. She likes money, often making legal schemes to get the green. Last time she did something slightly illegal, Uncle Fido was gave her an earfull about the laws. And no matter how many times people tell her, Duchess believes Danielle's middle name is named after her when it's really from "Aristocats", as is Bingo's middle name. She is twin sister to him.

I'll try to draw them, it can't be that hard! (That's a bigger lie than the cake...) I hope everyone likes the Byron Puppens, they're all bundles of mischief. They were not easy to think of, oh my Kitsune, they were difficult. But the arc will be soon, but probably not all that soon. The next arc involves Joey and Squeak so watch out for it.
Last edited by Mickey on Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice job on the name of their kids! Maybe sometime in the future medical science will come through and make it possible for species to mate with each other! I like where this is going.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

Valentine's Daaaaaay! (The mouse Delmira's trying to eat is me)
Bino walked along the sidewalk, a red bag behind his back, toward the Corters house. Delmira was in the front yard, pouncing at a brown mouse with a black muzzle and paws. The mouse wore long green pants and ran for her life from the stomping Delmira. Bino smiled and watched from the sidewalk.

The mouse screamed and ran to Bino. She clung to his leg, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

"Ya gotta help me, dog! That cat's gonna skin my furry hide! And I lost my notebook and pencil in the grass!"

"Why? What's in it for me?"

"I'll get the mailman to chase me toward your house?"

"Deal. Delmira!"


The mouse plunged into the grass, collecting her pencil and notebook before bolting. Delmira gave Bino a fake sad look.

"Aw, Bino, you made me lose my lunch."

Bino rolled his eyes before walking over and hugging Delmira. His tail wagged when they parted, for he had presented the red bag.

"Aw! Bi, you didn't have to!"

"It's Valentine's day, so yes I did. I forgot with Sasha, so I have to remember some time."

Delmira smiled and opened the bag, eyes bugging at all the stuff. It was full of green, orange, light brown, and red pillows, assorted candies, and other little trinkets. She pulled out a long blue box, opening it to reveal a necklace with a knife charm on it. She started to smile, eventually throwing her arms around Bino.

"You rock! I love you!"

"Heh...I-It's nothing."

"But now I feel my gift isn't good enough."

"Anything you have for me is probably just as good."



Delmira smiles and kisses his nose before grabbing his hand and leading him over to his backyard. Bino's jaw dropped at the sight of his gift.

"A doghouse..."

"Look inside."

Bino squealed a bit and stuck his head inside the green pethouse, gasping happily. Inside, was the tied up mailman Bino could never catch. The msn shook with fear, but Bino pulled his head out to see Delmira leaning on the house.

"Do you like it?"

Bino hugged Delmira as tight as he could, his tail creating a wind strong enough to move some grass blades.

"This gift is even better than what Peanut got me for Christmas some years ago."

"And that was?"

"A mailman pinata filed with four different kind of tripe. I still have it."

"Go get it!"


Delmira patted the top of the house, holding the bag on one finger.

"It's pretty empty in here."

Bino smiled and jogged into the house.
The two leaned on each other, the mailman still tied up and gagged. Four of the pillows from Delmira's bag were in the house, but the rest were half of the ones off Bino's bed. It was carpeted and had filter and ventilation. The pinata hung from the roof.

"You're amazing, Del."

"You're awesome, Bino."

"You're the only person to call me Be-no and I don't get mad."

"I don't call you that often, Bye-no."

The two snuggled a bit before they took the mailman outside and untied him. Delmira laughed as she watched Bino chase him and claim a piece of his pants as his prize. He came back, smiling and panting. He laughed add he held it up to the sky.

"Victory! I'm the first dog to have caught all mailmen!"

Delmira clapped, boosting his ego. They went back into the house and continued snuggling.
"There's some more stuff in the bag, I think."

Delmira gave him a quizzical look before turning around to rut through the bag. Unaware of Bino's smirking face behind her. Her gasp just increase his smirk meter, and it finally hits 100 when she hugs him tightly enough to break a rib.

"This is my number one, favorite gift!"

In her paw, was a white hoodie. It was covered in red splotches and had double ended pockets. It was black inside and had s circle with an X in it on the chest.

"A "Jeff the Killer" hoodie! I couldn't ask for more!"

"I made it myself."

"Even better! You awesome, Charlie!"

"Annabelle. You got me a dog house and a mailman."

They laughed and proceeded to snuggle, Delmira wearing her new hoodie.
Last edited by Mickey on Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This is really getting good! I love how twisted Delino is!
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

Bino stood in front of his dad's car, green tote bag slung over his sounder. Delmira hugged him tightly, nuzzling the crook of his neck. He pulled back and rubbed her nose with his. Delmira wouldn't admittedly say she had tears in her, but she did.

"I'll be back in a few months, ok? Probably earlier since everyone there a loser compared to me!"

"A'ight. Yous be careful!"

"Delmira, I'll be fine. I just need to finish my training."

"Come on, By!"

"Shut it, Fido! I'm saying goodbyes over here!"

Bino and Delmira hugged and kissed before Bino got in the car to go to the K-9 academy. Delmira waved, but instinctively shot out her elbow when someone tapped her shoulder.



Delmira had luckily stopped her elbow short, leaving Joey his muzzle. She lowered elbow with an apology.

"Thanks for not sending my muzzle into my brain. Happened to Bino once. He had apparently spoken to Bailey at the wrong time."

Delmira winced and made a hissing noise, feeling her own nose. Joey looked up at Squeak, who waved her paws toward Delmira. He nodded and cleared his throat.

"So, Delmira. Would you like to come and watch anime with me and Squeak?"

"You mean those cartoons you watch?"


"Uh, sure, why not?"

Joey smiled and grabbed her paw, leading her to his house.
Joey and Delmira were on the couch, watching Black Butler. Delmira didn't understand the opening, but Joey and Squeak were singing along with perfect Japanese.

"So which one is the butler?"

"Him, " Joey said, pointing to the tall raven-haired man.

"And he's a demon?"


"How are these two-"

"Just watch."

Joey used his paw to push Delmira's muzzle toward the screen. She shrugged and started to watch.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I never realized that you were a girl. I thought you were a guy at first. Now I feel bad! xD But great job on this!
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

Think nothing of it! I should have realized that by using Fiddler as an icon would have stirred up confusion. But yes, little Mickey is a girl.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Douglas Collier »

Wait, as in you are a girl, or just your character? :shock:
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

Both, Dougy. Me and my fursona are girls.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Douglas Collier »

I thought you were a guy this whole time. :?
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

Like I said before, don't worry about it. I even thought about pulling the old "I'm a dude online until I slip up and say my gender", but I decided against it. It feels nice to but this awesomely young writer that's female!
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by The-J-Man »

wow. just wow.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

It's been, like, 5 months since I joined and NONE of you knew my gender?
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Douglas Collier »

I think we just assumed that Mickey was a boy's name, and from that we took it that you were a guy.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

Well, I'm just full of surprises, Dougy!
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Mickey is unisex as I know someone whose nicknamed that with her first name being Michaela. I thought you were a guy because of "Mortality" in which you wrote so well for Tyler. But yeah, people did mistake me for a guy also.
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Re: Housepets: Cat Scratch Fever

Post by Mickey »

Yeah. I'm a girl, just don't go all Peanut and develop a crush on me then get teased by your respective clubs. I'm a mouse, whom has no relation to Walter Disney's second oldest cartoon son, and most of you are dogs. Anyway, gender clarification aside, here's another installment.
"Grell is a guy that wants to be a girl, but since he's not a girl, he is technically omosessuale for Sebastian?"


Delmira fist-pumped with a, "Yes!", before turning to the screen again. The episode ended and another one started, prompting Delmira and Joey to sing the opening in Japanese once more. Squeak had go off to get something to eat for herself. With the episode underway, Delmira turned to Joey.

"Since your teaching me Japanese and anime, I want to teach you how to defend yourself."

"Really? But I already go to your class with Zach and the others."

"Yeah, but you never join in like the others. You like to just watch. It's about time you learned."

Joey thought it over before turning to the orange cat and nodding. She fist-pumped again and turned back to the TV
"Watch and learn."

Joey watched as Delmira punched and kicked the dummy. She was going fast, despite the gi she was wearing. She ended the assault with a roundhouse kick, looking down at Joey gesturing toward the dummy. The young dog gulped, glancing toward Squeak for advance, but she more concerned with checking him over while he was still wearing the gi.

"It's alright, Joey. You don't have to do what I did."

Delmira carefully guided his paws to attack the dummy, before stepping back to let him down it on his own. Joey fumbled in his movements, the closest thing to a fight he's ever had being a slap fight with Peanut.

"Watch, Joey."

Joey watched and followed as Delmira slowly preformed the attack routine again. He tried again, making progress by landing three correct hits in a row.

"There you go!"

Joey danced a little.

"Un! Yatta yo!"


"Yes! I did it!"

"Oh! Care to teach me?"

Joey smiled and pulled a small dictionary from his collar, showing it to Delmira and saying phrases for her.
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