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Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:13 pm
by Jacey
Yeah twitter is nice and fun. I like using it, though I sometimes get a little lost/sidetracked and loose/miss posts. It is also nice to have followers.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:52 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I prefer using Facebook to Twitter though I do have a Twitter account I don't have any followers. x_x

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:15 pm
by SergeiTheFox
I never really got the hang of Twitter and Facebook would only stress me out. These forums turned out nice though :D

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:17 am
by ds-al-coda
A bit late but:


Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:24 am
by Kitela
Best Chat Thread name ever! :D

As for social media... I tried Facebook. Found it to be a waste of time.
I may, however, one day try twitter.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:32 am
by Mickey the Luxray
So, HP!F, what was your best post of 2014?

Personally I think mine was this old gem., it's hard to believe that Chat Thread 41 lasted more than an entire year. That's incredible.

In terms of social media, I actually have a Tumblr.

It was a terrible decision to get that. If you're lucky enough to not have been there, do yourself a favor and don't go. Ever. You will become an apathetic husk of a person that fears saying anything about anything because your personal information might find its way to some seriously messed up people if you do.

I have a mouth but I cannot scream, for if I scream those I scream in fear of will find me.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:14 am
by ds-al-coda
Mickey the Luxray wrote:It was a terrible decision to get that. If you're lucky enough to not have been there, do yourself a favor and don't go. Ever. You will become an apathetic husk of a person that fears saying anything about anything because your personal information might find its way to some seriously messed up people if you do.
Tumblr isn't so bad - as long as you get on with the right people :P Most of my internet friends come from Tumblr!

That might simply be because I joined with a roleplaying blog

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:08 am
by Punchy
Mickey the Luxray wrote:So, HP!F, what was your best post of 2014?
All my posts were gold.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:35 am
by The Blue Fox
I've been avoiding getting a Facebook or Twitter account like the plague ever since I first heard of them both.

I tried out similar profile sites in the past...(one of them being Bebo, I forget the names of the others)...and I just didn't really do anything with them, so I kinda figure profile sites aren't really for me.

Also Facebook had that bad reputation right from day 1 of people committing suicide coz of bad stuff other users have commented. That kinda put me off in the early days.

I do have a Tumblr account of's more for a character of mine at the moment. I will be creating one more for myself in future.

Tumblr doesn't seem to be as much a profile site as the's more a "post whatever" kinda thing. I don't recall having to enter any really personal info that hackers could get at.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:47 am
by ds-al-coda
The Blue Fox wrote:Tumblr doesn't seem to be as much a profile site as the's more a "post whatever" kinda thing.
EDIT: oops sorry

you're right about that

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:00 am
by Dissension
Wow, that's a lot of against-the-rules drug references. *wags*

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:10 pm
by Deske
Dissension wrote:Wow, that's a lot of against-the-rules drug references. *wags*
Where? Or were they deleted or something?
Mickey the Luxray wrote:So, HP!F, what was your best post of 2014?

Personally I think mine was this old gem., it's hard to believe that Chat Thread 41 lasted more than an entire year. That's incredible.

In terms of social media, I actually have a Tumblr.

It was a terrible decision to get that. If you're lucky enough to not have been there, do yourself a favor and don't go. Ever. You will become an apathetic husk of a person that fears saying anything about anything because your personal information might find its way to some seriously messed up people if you do.

I have a mouth but I cannot scream, for if I scream those I scream in fear of will find me.
Hahahahah that quote instills fear in me. But yeah, I'm gonna say it, when it comes to ruining the lives of others, Tumblr is by far worse than any other website.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:14 pm
by Mickey the Luxray
Punchy wrote:
Mickey the Luxray wrote:So, HP!F, what was your best post of 2014?
All my posts were gold.
Liar! You wrote in black! :P

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:31 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I had a Tumblr. I tried it once then I said never again. Of course, one of my favorite comic authors moved to it so I have no choice.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:29 pm
by Sleet
I used to follow a lot of Housepetters on Tumblr. All the fan posting... it got overwhelming. Way too much to read.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:05 pm
by dtlux1
I got my Facebook in 2010. I used it for the Facebook games like Farmville and Cityville only. It was my dad's Facebook. At some point I started to make posts, and changed it to my Facebook. So technically, I don't have a Facebook, I use my dad's. :lol:

Now I only use it for looking at Housepets and posting random pictures of me (most of which are on the thread for posting pictures of yourself). I hardly ever log on. I do remember setting my birthday to April 1st one year for April Fool's Day. I got so many random Happy Birthdays that day. Then I changed it for the last time it would allow me to.

I think Tumblr is the same case with Twitter, now that I think of it, I think I made one in 2012. I never use Tumblr anymore though.

I have no idea what my best post of 2014 would be. Even if I came in the last 4 months of 2014, I still have over 400 posts to look through. I will eventually find it.

On another subject, I don't get fire drills at my school. We get our stuff before the last class on a half day, go to class, and at the end of the day the fire alarm goes off and we get out of school and go home. This does teach us how to get out of the building, but we were never told what to do or where to go if there was an actual fire. I suppose the teachers have a plan though.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:05 am
by Amazee Dayzee
I use FaceBook mostly to play Slingo Adventure now.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:47 am
by Hlaoroo
I have both facebook and twitter. My twitter is @FurrhanB if you wanna follow me. I'm more of a watcher than a poster but I do post things occasionally. I won't give out my facebook here though just because that's under my real name.
dtlux1 wrote:On another subject, I don't get fire drills at my school. We get our stuff before the last class on a half day, go to class, and at the end of the day the fire alarm goes off and we get out of school and go home. This does teach us how to get out of the building, but we were never told what to do or where to go if there was an actual fire. I suppose the teachers have a plan though.
In my old high school there was one wing that didn't have any fire alarms and the alarms from the main part of the school also weren't audible in that wing so the teachers actually had to either jump on the PA or go doorknocking to get everyone to evacuate.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:15 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
I have a facebook, twitter, and Tumblr. I rarely post anything on Facebook, mostly use Twitter for replying to things or hashtag games, and I use Tumblr mostly for reblogs.
if those interest you I'm SomeRandomGeek on Twitter and my tumblr is the same as my username. be warned I don;t always keep things forum friendly on either account.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:53 am
by dtlux1
Hlaoroo wrote: In my old high school there was one wing that didn't have any fire alarms and the alarms from the main part of the school also weren't audible in that wing so the teachers actually had to either jump on the PA or go doorknocking to get everyone to evacuate.
Ha, sounds exactly like the art, music, and band rooms in my old school. We would be sitting there, and a teacher would come down and say the fire alarm was going off. It was even worse because there was no PA system int hose rooms, just a phone. It was the basement of the school, don't think anyone intended it to be a class room, as the art room used to be up where the middle school is now.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:01 am
by ShadowLightning
I have a Facebook and two Tumblr blogs.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:15 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
My middle school used to do fire drill dismissals. It was a unique experience.

As for my high school, 3 years before I entered it (sixth grade which half of the schools counted as elementary and the other half counted as middle school; my elementary school counted it as elementary school), one of the buildings didn't have their alarm system hooked up. There were three buildings, the main building (which had a north building and a south building with the south building being newer), an aquaculture building (which was converted into two classrooms) and the modular building. The modular building didn't have their alarm system hooked up until I was there. They had to announce there was a drill over the PA system and if the alarm was triggered some other way, one of the secretaries would have to go running to the building to tell them to evacuate.

Also, I'm a big fire alarm enthusiast. I can name most fire alarms, I like watching videos of fire drills on YouTube and I was on a forum where people collected them (I don't though). It was actually pretty interesting knowing how many different fire alarms there are. xD

Though I doubt no one will care, here is what we had in high school: ... 838-12.jpg
These were replaced: ... 0light.JPG
With these: ... wh-str.jpg ... _1_1_1.jpg ... C01231.JPG

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:57 pm
by Dissension
My uncommon interest is in emergency vehicles and warning equipment. *giggles*

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:50 pm
by Deske
I just made a panini with some chicken, pepperjack cheese and two pans. It tastes like the ones I had in France.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:32 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
so it was more of a pan-ini?

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:40 am
by dtlux1
I went to Pokemon Symphonic Evolutions today, it was great. Far better than the Zelda one. I also got over 100 street passes. :D

The fire alarm at my old school is probably about 50 years old. It is a solid siren that doesn't go off until the drill is over. The pull stations are ones where you break glass to trigger the alarm. Those fire drills were always fun.

In my basement there is an old pull station and one of those boxed that went on a phone pole to signal for a fire. Those are nice, I like them.

Also, this fire alarm is cool.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:02 am
by Render
The only fire drills I was part of have been with the navy on board a ship.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:34 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Then I would assume that your fire alarms dtlux were these: ... 1.jpg.html

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:29 pm
by dtlux1
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Then I would assume that your fire alarms dtlux were these: ... 1.jpg.html
No, the ones in my school had a cone horn coming out of a box, and the pull stations didn't have a hammer, they had a metal plate that said pull back and break glass to trigger alarm. The metal plate was covering the glass, so you couldn't really see what was under it.

Also, this would make a great holiday 2011 card. :lol:


Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:14 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Some fire alarms have projectors coming out of them but I never experienced that.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:35 pm
by Douglas Collier
THE SQUIRRELPOCALYPSE IS COMING!!! D8 *Gets gagged by a horde of squirrels*
Squirrel Appreciation Day is on the 21st. ^^ (Seriously, prepare for it)

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:47 pm
by SergeiTheFox
Douglas Collier wrote:THE SQUIRRELPOCALYPSE IS COMING!!! D8 *Gets gagged by a horde of squirrels*
Squirrel Appreciation Day is on the 21st. ^^ (Seriously, prepare for it)
Well, I know exactly what I'm going to do... *Hides the acorns* I am safe now.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:49 pm
by Douglas Collier
SergeiTheFox wrote:
Douglas Collier wrote:THE SQUIRRELPOCALYPSE IS COMING!!! D8 *Gets gagged by a horde of squirrels*
Squirrel Appreciation Day is on the 21st. ^^ (Seriously, prepare for it)
Well, I know exactly what I'm going to do... *Hides the acorns* I am safe now.
Are you crazy?! You've just made it worse! :shock:

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:31 am
by SergeiTheFox
How? I get to eat all the acorns and the squirrels don't. Win=Win. Although, I probably won't eat the acorns, I just like the crunch they make when I step on them :D

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:07 am
by deepskycyan
Awwhh, we don't get squirrels where I'm at.
Don't think I've ever seen one, even.

We have plenty roaches though!
And no, I don't want a roach appreciation day.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:59 am
by Douglas Collier
SergeiTheFox wrote:How? I get to eat all the acorns and the squirrels don't. Win=Win. Although, I probably won't eat the acorns, I just like the crunch they make when I step on them :D
Taking away a squirrel's acorns just makes it angry and then it attacks you - what makes that a win=win situation? :|

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:41 pm
by Render
Douglas Collier wrote:
SergeiTheFox wrote:How? I get to eat all the acorns and the squirrels don't. Win=Win. Although, I probably won't eat the acorns, I just like the crunch they make when I step on them :D
Taking away a squirrel's acorns just makes it angry and then it attacks you - what makes that a win=win situation? :|
Maybe he loves to be bitten by squirrels. :?

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:58 pm
by Kitela
SergeiTheFox wrote:How? I get to eat all the acorns and the squirrels don't. Win=Win. Although, I probably won't eat the acorns, I just like the crunch they make when I step on them :D
Squirrels are tasty to us fox's
But you're messing with forces that you don't understand, when you separate the squirrel from his nuts. :shock:

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:09 pm
by The Blue Fox
I think you're better off leaving well alone, lest you taste some squirrely wrath.


Especially if it's Foamy's squirrely wrath.

Re: Chat Thread 42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Eve

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:28 pm
by SergeiTheFox
Well, it gets a little boring in my neck of the woods, so I'd like to see the squirrel wrath. Maybe taste it too :lol: