[Fan-Fic] Housepets! : THE CENTIPEDE'S QUEST!

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Re: [Fan-Fic] Housepets! : THE CENTIPEDE'S QUEST!

Post by The-J-Man »

(short, but important, post. i will update this later.)

Chapter 2 part 3 : No pain, No gain!

Sabrina and Tarot walk down the stairs to the living room below while they were still half asleep, but they both snap their eyes open as far as they could go when they realize they were Training with Venn today.


“Yeah Sabrina…?”

“We’re training with Venn today aren’t we?”

“That’s right Ladies…you are MY students now. Now come down to the living room so we can get started.”

Sabrina and Tarot shrug at each other and enter the living room to see Venn waiting in the middle of the hex drawn on the floor. He was just standing there patiently. “Okay…let’s get this started. The first thing I need to teach you two is how to channel your rage. The easiest way to do that is with a PRIMAL SCREAM…”

“What’s a Primal Scream?” Tarot asks.

“it's where you channel all of your inner rage into a vocal release. Like this: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!”

Sabrina and Tarot both rub their ears after hearing Venn’s scream. They really didn’t know how to achieve that level of rage Venn constantly had inside of him.

“So…like this:” Sabrina tries to scream out her anger, but she had none, so her scream came out as a soft whimper.

“That sounded pathetic. Tarot, show some backbone and yell!”

Tarot also tries to scream, but it just comes out as a soft breath. Screaming in rage was something that she had never done before.

“Okay…this isn’t working…luckily that lesson can wait until later. Lets move on to “Hitting back”


A few minutes later:

Tarot struggles to hold up a heavy stack of very heavy books while Sabrina holds up an identical stack. They both shake and strain to hold up the books as Venn continues to add more.

“Come on guys, are you really gonna take this from me and hold up all those books?! This is the opposite of how I wanted you to react. You both know that I'm gonna keep adding books until you collapse, so say something back to me!”

Tarot strains as she replies. “We cant, it goes against everything a pacifist believes in.”

Venn continues to add books until he reaches the point where Sabrina and Tarot were on their last limbs. “Come on guys… whats it gonna take for you to yell at me…again!”

Sabrina couldn’t take it anymore. “Venn I give, just take the books off my arms.”

Venn crawls down to the floor and stands in front of Sabrina and Tarot. “No, not until you show me what kind of anger you have inside!”

Sabrina tries her best to keep the books held up but she fails to notice that Tarot had lost her balance. Their stacks of books collide with each other and one of the large dictionaries lands right on top of one of Venn’s antennae. He inhales deeply from the pain and lets out a few high-pitched squeaks of pain

Sabrina and Tarot both cover their mouths in shock and wait for Venn’s reaction to his antennae being crushed.

“…Venn…are you alright?” Tarot asks

Venn’s voice is noticeably higher as he responds: “If I had tear-ducts, I would cry; but I don’t, so I'm just gonna scream… https://youtu.be/hRLQwN8Ho2Y?t=85 (watch for five seconds and turn your volume up.)
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Re: [Fan-Fic] Housepets! : THE CENTIPEDE'S QUEST!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Good idea to give a warning before blowing out other people's eardrums Venn. Wonderful work!
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Re: [Fan-Fic] Housepets! : THE CENTIPEDE'S QUEST!

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 2 part 4 : Ghosts of the Past are real

The next day:

Venn sits in the center of the couch with a very angry expression on his face and a bandage wrapped around his broken antenna. Tarot and Sabrina sit on either side of him with concerned looks, but Venn gives them no attention.

“Venn…are you still mad at me from yesterday?” Sabrina asks.

“Yes, and you should be ashamed of yourself! Because of you, I can’t find my way around the house!”

Tarot gets off the couch and heads over to the front door. “Sabrina, I'm gonna go out and find something to do before Venn blows a fuse, see you later.” She closes the door behind her, leaving Sabrina and Venn alone.

Sabrina wants to go with tarot, but she also feels guilty about hurting Venn. “So…does it hurt?”

“Very much so. I’m also very dizzy and I can’t see straight.”

“Why are you dizzy?”

“Sabrina, my antennae help me to see, hear, taste, orient my sense of direction, and help me keep my balance. Since you damaged one of mine, I'm seeing double and everything is blurry.”

“Well it's your own fault for stacking those books in our arms.”

“I know that! I just didn’t want to admit it.”

“Why not?”

Venn turns towards Sabrina. “Why do you think?! I’ve lived my whole life as a warrior and all these lessons and new experiences are messing with my head.”

“The fact that you have a Nuclear-grade temper is not our fault; and quite frankly, it's becoming a problem. You need to address it before we continue with the lessons.”

“And how do you propose I do that?”

“Well for starters, you can show some respect by talking to my face.”

“…What are you talking about? I AM looking at your face.”

Sabrina gives Venn a confused look, because the whole time they were talking, Venn was looking to the right of where Sabrina was sitting. He really wasn’t lying about the double vision. “Look to your right Venn.”

Venn turns his head to the right a little and continues the conversation, now that he was looking at the real Sabrina and not a double image of her. “…Am I looking in the right place now?”

“Yes. Now Venn, I think it's time you attended a therapy session with me; specifically ‘Anger Management’, until your antenna heals.”

Venn widens his eyes and steps back a little. “There is no way that you can make me sit through a therapy session.”

“Oh yes there is Venn. Whether you like it or not, I'm going to fix your temper.”

“Oh yeah, do your worst.”

Sabrina and Venn stare down with each other for a few seconds, but Sabrina had already planned everything out. She punches down on the cushion Venn was standing on and sends him flying into the air, she then pulls out a plastic crate meant to hold hermit crabs out from under a table and opens the top. She positions it just right and catches Venn inside, finally, she slams and locks the top of the crate shut with Venn now trapped.

Venn slams the side of his long body into the plastic walls in an attempt to break out, but it didn’t give way. He sees Sabrina look through the clear plastic and he tries to bite her through the air vents of the crate, but they were to close together for Venn’s fangs to fit through. It was then that a very intense sense of dizziness and a splitting headache came over him.

“Venn, are you okay?”

“I was dizzy BEFORE you launched me into the air and now I have a really bad headache.”

“Well get over it. Your therapy starts as soon as we get over to the chairs.”

Venn just plants his feet on the floor of the crate and goes along for the ride, he knew that there was no way for him to escape anymore. “Fine…let’s get this over with.”

Sabrina grabs a handle on top of Venn’s crate and carries him over to the reclined couch he sat on before. She places the crate on top of the couch and takes a seat on a nearby stool, where a red book was placed on top. Venn’s vision was still really blurry so he couldn’t make out the title of the book.

“Alright Venn, let’s start with addressing your triggers.”

“Why are we talking about weapon parts?”

"No Venn, I mean ‘Stress triggers’. What kinds of things make you angry or stressed?”

“You mean; other than you and Tarot?”

“Venn please take this seriously, I'm only trying to help you be a better person.”

“Yeah and you broke one of my antenna. What makes you think I need to be a better person?”

“First off, dropping that book on you was an accident. Second, you have an uncanny habit of blowing a fuse whenever someone brings up your past. Its a major problem.”

“…I know it was an accident, but I'm still mad at you. I’ve lived with my past for years now, I don’t see why keeping my feelings inside is bad.”

“It's bad, because it's turned you into a Rage-ball. So come on, spill the beans.”

Venn raises an eyebrow in confusion. “Wait…spill my what? Is this about those coffee beans from yesterday?”

“It's a figure of speech Venn, just tell me about your past and why it makes you mad.”

“*Sigh* Fine…it all happened a long time ago…when I met the REAL ‘Mr. J’…”


Ten years ago, in the Amazon jungle:

Venn crawls along the branches of a giant jungle tree in pursuit of a spider, intending to make it into a snack. He zips along the branches and leaves as the spider does the same, but they eventually come across an empty space in the forest. The empty space was void of any plants and extended all the way through the thicket of trees, like a rut. Venn had never seen anything like this before and it draws enough of his attention for him to stop and let the spider he was chasing get away.

“<What kind of animal could make a rut like this?>”

Venn then notices that there were many strange tracks in the dirt, some were long with five toes and others were long and toe-less, but he soon found out why. A human approaches Venn’s position on the dirt path and catches sight of him. Venn was half the size of his future self at this point in time, but his black and red body was easy to spot amongst the dirt. The human stops dead in his tracks the moment he caught sight of Venn, and they both stare at each other. Venn had never seen a human before so the only reasonable response was to just stand still and wait for the human to either fight or flee.

The human looks around and reaches over to grab a branch from the ground. Venn knows that he stood no chance against this behemoth, so he just scurried away into the thicket of plants behind him. He peeks out and sees the human sigh in relief. The human then dropped the stick right in front of where Venn was hiding. To the human, it was just a branch thudding to the ground; but to Venn, it was a giant, falling tree-trunk that caused a seismic event when it hit the ground in front of him.

“<Okay that was close…What kind of animal was that? It looked like a tall monkey, but a whole lot smarter. And why was he wearing those things on his body, maybe it was some kind of armor…?>”

Venn continued walking and catching prey as he followed the dirt path. Soon enough, the path seemed to split into two parallel paths, but they both went in the same direction and they had strange tracks on them. The tracks looked like patterned lines, like a comb was drug through the dirt. Venn chooses one of the paths, seeing that both of them went on in the same direction.

Soon enough, Venn was starting to get tired and looked out for a hole to sleep in, but his attention was drawn to a strange sound, like a huge boulder rolling down the path behind him. All of a sudden, a machine with four wheels and three loud humans zoomed down the path and would have crushed Venn if he had not been paying attention. He had scurried into a nearby hole where he waited until the machine could no longer be heard.

“<Okay…that was weird…>” Venn’s attention is again drawn to a strange sound, this one coming from deeper in the hole he was hiding in. Venn could easily see in the dark thanks to his antennae, so he makes his way down the hole until he comes across a sliver of light coming from a crack on a wall. He tapped the crack with one of his front legs and the wall just crumbled to pieces, revealing a gigantic cavern with all kinds of humans using tools to carve into the rocks and unearth strange-looking rocks. These rocks were shiny and clear, and they could not be damaged by the tools the humans were using.

“<What is this place? And why are all these mammals here?>”

Venn then feels the floor of the cave he was standing on start to crumble and before he could say “Oops”, he found himself falling straight into a box made of a substance that was shiny and very tough. Venn tried to dig his mandibles into the shiny walls, but they failed to even scratch the hard surface. He then notices the smell of meat coming from behind him, it smelled so good that he failed to notice the top of the box being closed by a much older human with lighter skin. He hears the human talking outside while he clung to the inside of the moving box:

“Okay guys, I found my lunch-box! I hope to see you back in the states soon!”

He hears another reply in the distance, but with a strange accent: "Goodbye Mr. J, safe travels!"

Before Venn knew it, he was being placed in the back of a plane bound for a land he didn’t know. It wasn’t until the cargo hatch was closed that Venn was able to figure out how the device holding the box closed worked, he used his fangs to grab ahold of the zipper from the inside and then runs it along it's tracks, opening the box to the sight of others. And some of them had the same type of zipper as the lunch-box. He found many things inside the other boxes like books and puzzle games.

Venn eventually opened a box and found a strange, brightly colored device. The device had lots of buttons with strange symbols on it; Venn pressed one of the buttons marked: “A” and the same symbol came up on a screen attached to the device. The device recited the pronunciation of the symbol in the native language Venn had learned from listening to other animals, and then said the same thing in another language that he heard the pale-skinned primate speak in.

“<Oh I get it, this device translates my language into the one that skin-sack was speaking…oh well, I got nothing to do anyway.>”

Venn drags the device over to the warm lunchbox he arrived in, because the air was getting cold and he knew that there was food available there. He studied the language with the device non-stop until he could speak a basic level of English, he then came up with a plan to stay alive and get back home:

“<Okay, that primate called ‘Mr. J’ will most likely be picking up the box I arrived in, and he is familiar with my land. He might be my best bet for getting home…I just hope I don’t scare him like that other primate.>”

(Legend: Any dialogue placed in between "<" and ">" is spoken in another language in the story.)
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Re: [Fan-Fic] Housepets! : THE CENTIPEDE'S QUEST!

Post by The-J-Man »

Hello readers of this Fan-fic, unfortunately I am going to have to discontinue this story because I got a few bits of information and facts wrong. So this fic should be moved to the abandoned thread soon.

But fear not. I am going to be writing another Fan-fic in place of this one, it's going to make more sense and have more characters that I thought up awhile ago.