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Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:42 pm
by MrNeonShot
I didn't think that would come from Peanut!

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:49 pm
by Buster
Number9Dysonsphere wrote:
Buster wrote:This has me wondering if the sphinx was built by pete's followers,who couldn't find the temple so they tried to make one, and the wings and beak fell off at some point.
That would make a lot of sense all though I imagine that it would be an egotistical statue ordered by Pete in a previous game.
Unfortunately Pete was locked up in his temple during the time of the sphinx and time travel is banned. But it could be a previous game.
that's where the 'they couldn't find the temple so they tried to make one' bit comes in. after all, it's easy to misinterpret dreams...

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:01 pm
by cuteycindyhoney
I love these rare times when Peanut shows himself to be the voice of reason!

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:23 pm
by TheOne
I have to say I much preferred the original RR theme song over the newer one. They actually did have a RR reboot, but it was so different from the original that it didn't last.

Shiningtime Station was my preferred show, back when they still had George Carlin as Mr. Conductor.

Wishbone was a cool show, though I liked the intro more than most of the actual episodes. The only one I actually remember is the one where they set the barn on fire.

For those who don't have a clue what we're talking about, these are old shows that used to be on the PBS television network in the U.S.A.

My favorites, though, were Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, The Magic School Bus, and Sesame Street. Oscar the Grouch, Bert & Ernie, Mr. Gordon, and Elmo were my favorites. I liked Big Bird, too, but not as much as Daniel Tiger, though he was a puppet on Mr. Roger's instead of Sesame Street. Oh...I liked pretty much all of the old PBS stuff. I liked Nova, I still like Dr. Who, I liked Barney (I was 5, so it was ok.) I liked the Bernstein Bears, Reading Rainbow, (I liked Reading Rainbow before I learned about STNG.) and at least two others I've forgotten the names of. And some shows I never grew out of. Occasionally I find Shiningtime Station episodes on YouTube, and I have a DVD of a Mr. Roger's Neighborhood episode. I loved that show for its variety. People make fun of it, but it had elements of a lot of things. It showed videos of assembly lines for various things. (I wish I knew what happened to the electric car company.) It had that wonderful streetcar on its track, which Mr Rogers would occasionally take off the track and explain how it worked. I don't think the show "How It's Made" would exist if Mr. Rogers hadn't made that part of his show. Then there was "The Neighborhood of Make-Believe." There we had all kinds of neat characters. We had King Friday, who was "correct as usual," and his family. We had Daniel Tiger, (my personal favorite) Friend Owl and the cat one, (sorry I can't remember her name) the platypus family, the factory owner, and finally the lady lady who owned the museum-go-round. Then there were all the guest characters. Lady Evelyn (I think) Mr. McFeely, and that one guy from the neighboring town. And finally Mr. Rogers himself. A man who wasn't afraid to play with toy cars on camera, use building blocks to teach a lesson, bring guests on set, (including kids with disabilities, making for some really precious moments) and even occasionally walk right off the set with the cameras rolling to introduce someone who normally worked behind the scenes. In my mind, he basically created the "the making of" special feature.

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:40 am
by Amazee Dayzee
Looks like Peanut has a lot more hidden depths then we all realized.

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:27 pm
by Acritic2
Wait. Since Max and Peanut brought up those in the past, does that mean they influences them being built 2 millennia later?


Butterfly affect?

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:17 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I never really thought of it quite like that. That would be so awesome though! They would make history!

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:32 pm
by Frank
How dare you call Merrimde a "proto"dynasty! We are the most advanced dynastic power that has ever existed!

...also, if you have 2600 BCs, ...can we have some?

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:02 pm
by Blackspots
gamepopper wrote:
valerio wrote: "Reading Rainbow", it is a kids show to encourage them to read.
justaxposed to the reference in the AT, "Wishbone", another show to encourage love of books
I've heard of Reading Rainbow, it was hosted by Gordi from Star Trek (I think) and there was a kickstarter to revive it. Wishbone is new to me though.
The person you think of is Levar Burton, who played as Gordie in Star Trek

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:22 pm
by Sketchygenet
Levar Burton needs to make an appearance in Housepets as a minor reoccurring character.

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:08 pm
by Adoring Fan
You know... Peanut Butter never struck me as the intellectual type, huh...

I am still clinging to that dim and forlorn hope that Peanut and Grape will end up together... For a while it seemed impossible but now with Grape suddenly having a crush on Satau it suddenly seems like it may be plausible as a plot arc in the future at some....distant... point.....

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:59 pm
by SuperStar
Adoring Fan wrote:You know... Peanut Butter never struck me as the intellectual type, huh...

I am still clinging to that dim and forlorn hope that Peanut and Grape will end up together... For a while it seemed impossible but now with Grape suddenly having a crush on Satau it suddenly seems like it may be plausible as a plot arc in the future at some....distant... point.....
Dude, just take one look at this community, almost everyone supports it here.

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:17 pm
by Buster
Not everyone.

Bring back Dragut.

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:59 pm
by SuperStar
I know, I don't support it, hence "almost".

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:41 am
by Amazee Dayzee
I'm very sure then when Rick decides to call it a day on the comic, Peanut and Grape will be end game but for now it looks like Tarnut and Grax are staying together. Grape falling for muscular hot guys is within her character but I'm also very sure that she would never cheat on Max or dump him.

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:50 pm
by Obbl
Adoring Fan wrote:You know... Peanut Butter never struck me as the intellectual type, huh...
Well, Peanut has read every book in the library ;) He's just also a major doof :P

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:01 pm
by Saturn381
Obbl wrote:
Adoring Fan wrote:You know... Peanut Butter never struck me as the intellectual type, huh...
Well, Peanut has read every book in the library ;) He's just also a major doof :P
Like I said, I always think Peanut is similar to Calvin in Calvin and Hobbs and the kids in Home Movies in that he's actually a very smart dog, but he would rather do his own thing.

Re: 2015/09/23 - I Can Go Anywhere

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:02 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I'm sure we will find a lot more about Peanut as the comic progresses.