Name one flaw of your favorite characters

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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by RemonyRavine »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Officially, Grapewell and Tarnut are canon. However, I have a feeling that when Rick decides to call it a day on the comic, we might get Grapenut together as a couple.
You literally say that every single time the topic comes up. Opinions are opinions, but I am still baffled how you are so absolutely sure of this.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by GameCobra »

I just can't see how Peanut and Grape are always rooted for when Max is the one that has the harder time proving himself for Grape. I always felt like Max was a nice guy for Grape and he's had one of the hardest starts of a relationship - gender confusion :3

Granted, Peanut started the same way as well, but he's known Grape for years at that time. If they were going to have a relationship, i'm sure it would've been easy for them.

Maxwell's flaw would be that he loves to think he knows everything, but at least he knows enough now to trust Grape. It's the Jata incident that made him insecure, but the more the comic moves on, the more it makes me think growing out of these problems is going to be a thing.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by tsMKG »

Remony, yeah, is the fanwork, you are right.

As for Fox fur now I notice more purplish on it.
Later, I will test the color picker on it.

But none of them are major flaws ;)
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by tsMKG »

As i said:

R:235 G:231 B:255

It's very slighty. But it's there.

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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by RemonyRavine »

Interesting detailed in-sight on that, but I still don't think that's a flaw in the character itself.

But I digress.
GameCobra wrote:Maxwell's flaw would be that he loves to think he knows everything, but at least he knows enough now to trust Grape. It's the Jata incident that made him insecure, but the more the comic moves on, the more it makes me think growing out of these problems is going to be a thing.
Indeed, there's hope for that poor kitty after all. It's kind of funny to think that earlier in the comic, we see him so confident and sure of himself (also a heck of a lot snarkier), but as he started to lose more and more battles, he slowly began collapsing in his lack of self-esteem.

That is not to say Max is always gloom in doom, as he has his moments in one-offs...but when something big is happening and he's caught in the middle of it, he has a really bad time. It'd sure be nice to see at least one arc in the future where he wins the game (and the girl :3 )
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by tsMKG »

RemonyRavine wrote:Interesting detailed in-sight on that, but I still don't think that's a flaw in the character itself.
I never said it was a major flaw, just a minor aesthetic error, just that.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

RemonyRavine wrote:
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Officially, Grapewell and Tarnut are canon. However, I have a feeling that when Rick decides to call it a day on the comic, we might get Grapenut together as a couple.
You literally say that every single time the topic comes up. Opinions are opinions, but I am still baffled how you are so absolutely sure of this.
Grapenut may be one of the biggest couples in the comic up there with Kingley. I have a feeling that if Rick were to end the comic, I'd ASSUME (and I'm not saying he would actually do this. Like I said before, its a FEELING. I'm NOT sure.) he would make the last arc come around full circle with them ending up together.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by RemonyRavine »

That's...nice and all, but why do you have this feeling? You can't just assume something will happen because it "may be one of the biggest couples." Especially when they are not canonically a couple. Peanut is in a relationship with Tarot, and Grape is in one with Maxwell.

Do you just believe that Tarot and Maxwell cannot stay commited to their love-lives? Unless you can show me otherwise, I have not seen any indication of this being the case. You have an assumption--speculation--but it is entirely baseless. "It's what the fans want" is not a legitament answer, especially when it's only a fraction of the fandom. That's also saying that Rick would succumb to "what the fans want," and I don't believe that is the right assumption to make.

This page was the final indication of any romance between Peanut and Grape. This was posted on 2010, at the end of the second year of Housepets. This was five and a half years ago. This was also after the conclusion of Peanut and Grape resolving their feelings for eachother, as well as their own for Tarot and Maxwell respectively. They have learned, and they moved on with their lives. It's silly to assume a total 180-turn completely out of nowhere.

You say it's a "feeling" you have, but there is no reasoning behind it, and that's what I was looking for when I stated the fact you are constantly saying you have this feeling of Grapenut being "endgame." This is an answer I am currently looking for, so please. . . Elaborate more besides what's supposedly popular opinion.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Saturn381 »

Well to be honest Remony, with how Grape flirted with Satau (who is a dog) in the last arc, everything is up in the air at this point. And I know you'll say "But Grape said she likes anyone who's big, strong, and handsome in that arc. And Maxwell's alright with it.", I should remind you that in the "just friends" strip, she said that she only thinks of cats when it comes to romance, and in the "Housepets Babies" arc, she threw a fit when the idea of her being with dogs when she was young was brought up. Having her flirt with a dog kinda goes against with what she said. And while Max is fine with it now, will he be fine with it in the future?

Thought of another flaw: Sasha can be a little air headed sometimes.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

And I just like to point out, once again, and I will make this bolded and in a bigger font size and underlined so people can see it, its a FEELING I have. I'm not saying that it is going to happen or it isn't gonna happen. Its just something that I BELIEVE will happen. I don't read minds and I don't know what the heck Rick thinks so I can't speak for him, but it is something I COULD see happening. Do you UNDERSTAND that?
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by RemonyRavine »

But that doesn't really pertain to Peanut specifically. Those two have lived under the same roof every day since puppy/kittenhood--even if Grape is also interested in dogs, if she had any romantic interest in Peanut, it could have been very easily established and done with a long time ago.

Perhaps something could happen between her and Maxwell. . . much as I cringe to say it (and to be totally honest, at one point I did totally ship Fox and Grape. . . shhh, it was a phase!) But I don't see enough weight to hold the possibility of Grape and Peanut becoming the one true pairing in the comic.

Besides, we continue to miss the other points of view; Peanut has been happy with Tarot for all these years. The dispute between him, Tarot, and Dragon was resolved relatively peacefully (with only a bit of a literal and figurative earful), and even despite that, his commitment to Tarot has never really been broken.

EDIT: If this page is any indication, it's safe to say Tarot feels the same way.


Awright, awright, I'll think of another too, so as to not totally churn this topic. . . King's got too big of a mouth for such a small guy! And I mean as in how he tries to take too much control of things that would seem controllable, were he still Joel. . . he's still got that darn human-like mentality
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Saturn381 »

Another flaw: Ralph needs to stop being serious all the time. :lol:
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Obbl »

Amazee Dayzee is 100 percent allowed to believe anything may happen in this comic whether or not she has "proof" or "supporting facts" to back up her feelings or assumptions. Please do not be overly antagonistic in your questioning of other people's hopes and dreams.

Fox has not (until perhaps recently) really stood up for what he believed, instead going along with the crowd (or Bino). He was trying too hard not to rock the boat.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by tsMKG »

After "Love and War" sure. Especially when he joined K-9.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Now he needs to learn how to give verbal beatdowns instead of physical beatdowns. He beat Bino twice and both times he had to go to the hospital and if he went any farther with Joel I'm sure he might have some internal bleeding.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by John-056 »

Personally, my favorite characters are Peanut, Sasha, Grape, Fox and Tarot.

And here are the flaws I find in them.

Peanut: In previous arcs, I found his airheadedness to be rather annoying. (Gallifrax Protocol was where I found that trait at it's worst, since he was already established to be fairly intelligent, it's just that his childishness gets in the way.) Thankfully, it's recently been balanced out by his random moments of intellect (or the fact that he loves to read).

Sasha: Cute she may be, but her airheadedness can be annoying... (One of my favorite moments was way back when she was still dating Bino. She threatened to staple his ears to his eyeballs if he ever regifted her again, after a really well made piano theme. It proved she might not be as dumb as one would have expected...)

Grape: Loose with relationships, kind of annoying. (Thankfully, she's already past that, pointing that out in HP 5000 BC pt. 3 where she said she prefers a Sweet and Considerable dork (Maxwell) over an Arrogant Hunk (Ptah).)

Fox: Loyal to the point of ridiculousness. And he's still got no Pre-Mate (Girlfriend)!!! :evil:

Tarot: Too Stiff at times, seems demanding. (Was most notable at the stinger of Gallifrax Protocol. Cleared up a bit, thankfully.)

Also, I might be A Grapenut guy, but I'd rather give the Canon Relationships a try before jumping to end conclusions (meaning, I keep Grapenut in the fanfics unless Rick says otherwise.). Also, even though Max is another favorite of mine, I didn't put his flaws down since I couldn't find any that wouldn't make me seem biased.

King wasn't included either, since most of his flaws are the remnants of his human self and in my opinion, don't really count against him.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by CanzetYote »


Tiger: Literally has the scariest temper of any male character in the comic. Characters like Bino and Lester only throw hissy fits and come up with kooky revenge schemes when they get mad but Tiger? He wrecks a TV station, causes explosions, makes death threats and breaks out weapons. As much as I love Tiger, he really needs a chill pill.

Res: Way too submissive for his own good. Although, he seems to have toughened up a bit in the new Temple Crashers arc.

Peanut: Just a tad flighty but to be honest, it never really grates on my nerves.

Dallas: Is kinda two-faced. On the surface, he seems nerdy and adorable but he's also threatened to collapse Lester's wave function, made fun of Peanut's Imaginate bags and spray painted on a wall.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Douglas Collier »

King has a bit of a temper.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by CanzetYote »

Douglas Collier wrote:King has a bit of a temper.
I'd say King's worst quality is his severe anxiety.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Sleet »

Since this is getting bumped, I'll answer for another favorite.

Tiger consists almost entirely of flaws. :P
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by GameCobra »

Dragon thinks romances are all about Yes and No. =P

Maxwell thinks everyone can put up with his attitude x3

Sabrina I noticed has little patience, but that can be good given the circumstances.

Res is too reclusive, but that's what makes him adorable <3
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by NHWestoN »

Some random notes.....

At times, both Peanut and Grape can be pretty obtuse towards the other's feelings, usually when a third party is involved. (I don't want to get into any "shipping wars" but - full disclosure, I'm in the Grapenut camp.)

I like Fox at lot but, boy, the lad's got baggage. I like the idea of him spending some time with Grape (they have a history) and/or Sabrina as he struggles with that "cat-thing".

I do not understand how he often gives loyalty to Bino still and remains unrecognized with Fido.

Summer and Spring are gorgeous creatures, but I'd like to see Fox court a terrestrial being, maybe Daisy or even challenge Kevin for the affections of Sasha.

I want to like Maxwell and Tarot, but I don't for reasons you good folks have sorted pretty thoroughly. That said, on rare and beguiling occasions, Maxwell will drop all his posturing, pour out his brokenness, reveal the pain he carries, and just break your heart. Tarot's an iceberg, but - as we saw when Karishad began chumming around with her after the Australia return - she can feel JOY.

And that's enough from me. Regards.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Invertebrate1837 »

Cerberus has a nonchalant attitude toward time, but I guess since she is a demigod it makes sense :D
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by NHWestoN »

Have real narrative possibilities but virtually invisible - Daisy, Terrance, Yeltsin, Rex, Marvin, and Jeeves.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Buster »

Well, second favorite, but everything worth saying about daisy already has been...

eenyhoo, Steve's eye. and his lack of back story in general. I want more of the resident frootloop.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by NHWestoN »

Yeah, and Cathy from the reptile house ... her sense of humor just bites.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by NHWestoN »

Jeeves still hasn`t displayed his covert super-powers.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Kitsune takes too much of a backseat with the fate of the world that Bahamut trusted him to look after and only really got more involved when it was almost too late.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by MischaTheWolf »

Tarot has somewhat narcissistic tendencies. Though having powers that can save the world can do that to you, I guess.
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Re: Name one flaw of your favorite characters

Post by NHWestoN »

Despite his obvious command and organizational skills, Sargeant Ralph has yet to find a role for Terrance that would get him more stage time (or consider any one of a number of female recruits for the force).
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