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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:23 pm
by Lifio13
Hlaoroo wrote:"I think they're OK, Lucky. Oh, hi, Rusty. Come on in. Everyone, this is Rusty. Rusty, this is... everyone. Did you hear the storm last night, Rusty?"
"Hi Flynn!" Rusty, replied cheerfully whilst giving an air fist bump to acknowledge Hutch, "Also Hi everyone else! Although, I did meet quite a few of you yesterday.
wolfbrothren wrote:Stryder turns to wave at the new dog that just arrived, "Hello, I'm Stryder."
Laxan wrote:Bear was about to question Radar but was interrupted by Piper's notion on food. "Oh yes. Will never say no to getting food-" Which is when she saw Rusty and stepped closer to introduce herself. "Well hello~ there little fella. I'm Bear, Bear Bailey, but please call me Mama Bear." She smiled broadly at the small dog.

"It's nice to meet you Stryder and Mama Bear!" He added, giving a small wave.
Hlaoroo wrote:Piper hobbles to the kitchen and gets a loaf of rye bread and a loaf of white bread out and sets them on the bench. Next she fetches a stack of plates and cutlery, and spreads from the cupboard, cold meats (including the leg of lamb, some ham and some sausages), and salads, and a jug of chilled water from the fridge.
"Help yourselves, everybody. I hope you have your glasses from before since we're starting to run out."
"Thank you for the offer, but I'm fine just now. I've got this to finish first." Rusty, said, raising his take-away tea cup slightly.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:52 pm
by Hlaoroo
John, Paul and Sandy follow the jackal out the door. After exchanging a few more words, John heads home while Paul heads into the cage shed and is nearly bowled over by Faust running out.
"Woah, woah, woah, what's the rush? Everything OK in there?" he asks.

Flynn makes himself a salad sandwhich on rye bread. "Could you chuck us the dead horse please?" he asks Radar.

Piper notices Radar looking between her and the meaty sandwich. "What?" she asks, adjusting the slice of tomato in her own sandwich, guessing what the other doe is thinking. "Radar, when you've worked in retail for a while very little surprises you. So you like meat. So what? It's no different to liking tomatoes or lettuce or timothy pellets really. Speaking of which..." she pulls a tub of pellets from a cupboard and transfers a handful to her plate, leaving the tub on the bench for the other vegetarians in the room.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:24 pm
by WeirdGamer
"I know a duck who likes meat," Lucky mused. He made himself a sandwich with extra lettuce and began to eat.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:34 pm
by 69eist
Hlaoroo wrote:John, Paul and Sandy follow the jackal out the door. After exchanging a few more words, John heads home while Paul heads into the cage shed and is nearly bowled over by Faust running out.
"Woah, woah, woah, what's the rush? Everything OK in there?" he asks.
Faust turns around and bows in apology.

"Sorry mister, I shouldn't keep my brother and Dr.Sparagmos waiting. Gotta go."

Faust continues towards Elliot.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 10:41 pm
by wolfbrothren
MrNeonShot wrote:Exorcism is usually for demons. That almost never works with out someone being hurt, and I have no idea how to. I'm pretty sure the ghosts were just people who were... imprinted maybe? A copy of their subconsciousness? I'm not sure. We just let them alone for a few days. When we got back, there was no sign of them. Kinda sad, really. Hutch explained.
Piper brought out all of the snacks for everyone to eat.
I'm actually not hungry right now. Hutch says, unknowingly taking a sausage and eating it.
" they just fade away? That is kinda sad. Have you ever encountered a demon?" Stryder pauses then smiles nervously, "Sorry, I'm asking too many questions aren't I? I..uh..well, just find this stuff really interesting." He shifts slightly, then busies himself making a small sandwich of ham and sausage.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:57 pm
by MrNeonShot
Nope. On both questions. Hutch answered.
Mostly because its a suicide run. But, now we do commissions, like finding lost items. Hutch says.
Lost from history. I still have one of them. Hutch commented.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:27 am
by Kateleo007
Esper wrote:"Gotta be Bowser." Mercury responded, "It's kinda funny seeing him on a tiny racing cart, y'know?"
"I always love to see Bowser in his clown kart! Could we race on the mushroom cup? I love playing, but I'm not too good at videogames..." Blick says with a slight tone of embarrassment.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:59 am
by Keeshah
69eist wrote:
Hlaoroo wrote:John, Paul and Sandy follow the jackal out the door. After exchanging a few more words, John heads home while Paul heads into the cage shed and is nearly bowled over by Faust running out.
"Woah, woah, woah, what's the rush? Everything OK in there?" he asks.

:lol: *** Don't worry.... the fires out, gotta go...*** :lol:

Faust turns around and bows in apology.

"Sorry mister, I shouldn't keep my brother and Dr.Sparagmos waiting. Gotta go."

Faust continues towards Elliot.

There you two are.. you ready to get back into town?

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:24 am
by ~\Rook/~
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Kewl, Unkle Leroy," Leslie drawled, unaware of at least one word he'd said as he hopped to his feet and sped to the door. He slowed and entered, wiping his paws on his legs to clean them as he did so. "Heylo" he said, walking up to Vera and offering the paw. "I's Leslie. Yew're very pritty."
Vera leaned over and shook Leslie's paw, smiling. "Well thank you, Leslie!" She says, then looks to Samantha entering behind Leroy.
Hlaoroo wrote:"How are you doing, Vera?"
"I'm feeling much better, Mrs Walton." Vera says, letting go of Leslie's paw. "Are you here to teach me how to use crutches?"

(Ooc: Thought I'd get Vera talking more.)

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:37 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Leslie looked around the room, with its bright lights and clean walls and shiny things. He heard - or thought he heard - whispering voices telling him it'd be fine but there was something troubling him. Pointy instruments... "Nyce room" he said, hoping he wasn't lying.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:07 am
by 69eist
Keeshah wrote:
There you two are.. you ready to get back into town?
"I'm ready to go."

"Dr. would you mind giving my directions on coming here? I didn't memorize the road as I normally do due to Elliot messing with me on the way here."

Faust gives a stern look at Elliot. Elliot responds by putting his hands up and said.

"Oh c'mon Faust, road trips are fun and you have been too serious all morning."

Faust gives an annoyed look and contains his frustration.

"Why do I even put up with you?..."

Elliot gives him a hug.

"Because you love me and we both know it, dear brother."

Faust is caught off by surprise but he couldn't help but smile at what Elliot did.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:48 am
by Hlaoroo
Paul walks into the shed and over to Nadia's cage.
"That jackal seems to have a lot of energy. I hope he hasn't tired you out too much. How are you feeling, Nadia?" He flips briefly through her chart.

"That's good to hear. You're looking brighter too. I'm not going to give you the crutches just yet. I want to get those fluids into you first. I think that by the time we're done with Aron and Les we'll be able to get you set up with them. How's your head? Do you have a headache or dizziness at all?" She passes Aron's file to Leroy.
"Nothing major in there by the look if it. They're just in for their annual health check and vaccinations, are they? Is Aron up to date with worm and flea treatments? I'll probably give Leslie something since the computer says he's only just joined you."

"Where did you meet a duck, Lucky?" enquires Flynn between mouthfulls.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:54 am
by LovingCorgi
Koa and Kousa leaned against each other on the couch. "Well I guess we're alone now." Koa was staring at Elliot's phone number. "It's weird how people want to be my friend even after all the problems I caused..." "For someone whose smart, your pretty stupid. I haven't been around the people you've met for very long and even I can tell that they care for you. Elliot is a good example. You just met him and he wanted to make you smile....that or he's nosy, but that's not my point. John even cares about you I can see your old owner in him. Other than her, he seems like the best owner you could have." Koa sat in silence contemplating over all the events that happened since his arrival.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:57 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Hlaoroo wrote:"Nothing major in there by the look if it. They're just in for their annual health check and vaccinations, are they? Is Aron up to date with worm and flea treatments? I'll probably give Leslie something since the computer says he's only just joined you."
"Wurms?" Leslie said, twitching an ear towards the voice. "Slept on mud few nites bak but don't rekal any wigglies on me."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:37 am
by ~\Rook/~
Hlaoroo wrote:"That's good to hear. You're looking brighter too. I'm not going to give you the crutches just yet. I want to get those fluids into you first. I think that by the time we're done with Aron and Les we'll be able to get you set up with them. How's your head? Do you have a headache or dizziness at all?" She passes Aron's file to Leroy.
"Nothing major in there by the look if it. They're just in for their annual health check and vaccinations, are they? Is Aron up to date with worm and flea treatments? I'll probably give Leslie something since the computer says he's only just joined you."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Wurms?" Leslie said, twitching an ear towards the voice. "Slept on mud few nites bak but don't rekal any wigglies on me."
"She means inside your skin, Leslie.. As for Aron, he was up to date last time I checked, but that was back in the airport.. Vera, I have no clue.." Leroy said, rubbing the back of his head and looking to Aron.

"Yeah, they did check me over when we went on the plane.." Aron nodded.

"I've had a bit of an itch since getting over to here, thinking about it.." Vera muttered, looking down at the floor.

"What?!" Aron seethed, turning around.

"Well, stowing away in a cargo hold isn't a first-class flight and trekking through forest isn't like in the brochures.." Vera said lowly, rubbing her arm.

Aron said nothing, shaking his head and pinching his muzzle.

"Is that enough information?" Leroy says, turning to Samantha.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:06 pm
by Hlaoroo
"Yes, they're a different sort of worms, Leslie. And they aren't very nice which is why we give you medicine to make sure they don't make you sick." Samantha turns back to Leroy.
"Almost. Do Aron or Vera or Leslie have any allergies you know of or any other medical conditions like asthma, epilepsy or diabetes, or is there anything else that's not recorded here that I should know?" She turns to the doe still sitting on the table.
"Where is this itch, Vera? Is it all over or anywhere in particular?"

Almost before he knows it, John has arrived back at the house. Just in time too, as the truck from the furniture store follows him into the driveway. After exchanging a few words with the driver, he enters the house, looking for Joan, and finds her entering the kitchen from the laundry.
"You'll never guess where I've just found Sixtoes sleeping." she giggles.
"In the refrigerator?"
"No, in the laundry cupboard near the hot water cylinder. I suppose it's nice and warm there."
"Huh, there you go. I forgot he was still here. It was rather rude of me to suddenly take all the other pets and leave him here alone, wasn't it?"
"Not at all. He was asleep before you left. I suppose we'll leave him there and let him wake in his own time. Have you had lunch? How's Koa doing?"
"I haven't had lunch yet, no. Koa's fine. He's awake and talking. Paul wants to keep him for a few more hours just to make sure the anaesthetic wears off properly. I've left Kousa to look after him. Speaking of Koa, I've got the furniture for his room. Got some very good deals too. The furniture guys are outside so I'll get them to bring the stuff upstairs." John heads back out, followed by Joan and directs the men to place the furniture according to Kousa's instructions.
After the men have left the two of them head back to the kitchen.
"Why don't we have pancakes for lunch? I have a craving for them for some reason."
"Pancakes? OK, why not?" Working together, the two mix the batter using a spoon instead of the mixer so as to avoid waking Sixtoes and before long the pancakes are sizzling in the frying pan, their sweet aroma mixed with that of the melted butter in which they are being cooked filtering through the house and laundry.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:13 pm
by Serence Frostbite
Hlaoroo wrote:Paul walks into the shed and over to Nadia's cage.
"That jackal seems to have a lot of energy. I hope he hasn't tired you out too much. How are you feeling, Nadia?" He flips briefly through her chart.
"Oh ! Morning Mr.Walton . I feel fine , thank you , and not tired at all , well...except that-*cough*-erm...nevermind"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:48 pm
by Welsh Halfwit
Leslie wasn't sure he liked the idea of wiggly-wormies inside him and took a moment to scratch his ear to stop the tickly feeling he'd thought of as soon as Miss Samamfa had mentioned them. "IN mye skin? EW! Icky, icky!"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:58 pm
by Esper
Kateleo007 wrote:"I always love to see Bowser in his clown kart! Could we race on the mushroom cup? I love playing, but I'm not too good at videogames..." Blick says with a slight tone of embarrassment.
Mercury was finalizing his character selection, "Yeah I can do the Mushroom Cup! I'm not too good at racing games either,hehe." the cat purred reassuringly

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:04 pm
by ~\Rook/~
Hlaoroo wrote:"Yes, they're a different sort of worms, Leslie. And they aren't very nice which is why we give you medicine to make sure they don't make you sick."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:Leslie wasn't sure he liked the idea of wiggly-wormies inside him and took a moment to scratch his ear to stop the tickly feeling he'd thought of as soon as Miss Samamfa had mentioned them. "IN mye skin? EW! Icky, icky!"
"Don't worry too much, Leslie. Mrs Walton here can help with that." Leroy consoled.
Hlaoroo wrote:Samantha turns back to Leroy. "Do Aron or Vera or Leslie have any allergies you know of or any other medical conditions like asthma, epilepsy or diabetes, or is there anything else that's not recorded here that I should know?"
"I do not know about Leslie, but Aron has a slight allergic reaction to Penicillin.."

"My inner ears turn bright red.." Aron murmurs, shuffling his feet on the spot.

"And Vera has nothing that I know of. Nothing else but that, really.."
Hlaoroo wrote:She turns to the doe still sitting on the table.
"Where is this itch, Vera? Is it all over or anywhere in particular?"
"Kinda all over.." Vera says, still looking at the floor.

"Of course you'll treat her for that too, right?" Aron says, looking up.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:19 pm
by WeirdGamer
Hlaoroo wrote:Paul walks into the shed and over to Nadia's cage.
"That jackal seems to have a lot of energy. I hope he hasn't tired you out too much. How are you feeling, Nadia?" He flips briefly through her chart.

"That's good to hear. You're looking brighter too. I'm not going to give you the crutches just yet. I want to get those fluids into you first. I think that by the time we're done with Aron and Les we'll be able to get you set up with them. How's your head? Do you have a headache or dizziness at all?" She passes Aron's file to Leroy.
"Nothing major in there by the look if it. They're just in for their annual health check and vaccinations, are they? Is Aron up to date with worm and flea treatments? I'll probably give Leslie something since the computer says he's only just joined you."

"Where did you meet a duck, Lucky?" enquires Flynn between mouthfulls.
Lucky shuddered. "If it's okay with you I'd rather not talk about it."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:15 pm
by Marine Fox
Doc stayed with Nadia while she and the Jackal talked, he sort of just listened and waited until Faust had to leave and then another Human walked in, Doc saw the vet garb on (at least im assuming that is what he is wearing correct me if im wrong) and stayed quiet and content hoping there would be no procedures to be done. But as he had come in Doc instead of speaking just gave a small welcoming nod

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:20 pm
by Argent
A small rusty torpedo explodes in the kitchen, or so it seems.

"Hey, you let me sleep, I missed the show-and-tell! Did Sandy come by? I didn't go anywhere I'd have told you if I was leaving because you know I was waiting for Sandy! What are you cooking? Something sweet? I'm not supposed to have too much sweet stuff, but I'll take one or two if you have some extras."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:12 pm
by Hlaoroo
Seeing Leslie's scratching, Samantha makes a not to check his ears later on. "Yes, we'll keep you worm-free, don't worry. No penecillin for Aron, got it. I'll write that in our records." Samantha jots it down.
"Of course we'll treat Vera. Let's have a look at you." Samantha begins carefully searching through Vera's fur in a number of spots. It doesn't take her very long to find what she's looking for.
"You do have some fleas but it's not a severe infestation. A bath with flea shampoo should get rid of them. There's a bit more inflammation than I'd normally expect also so you might be having a mild allergic reaction to them. After your bath I'll give you a shot of an anti-inflammatory which should help with the itching and I might send you home with some tablets in case this happens again. We have a wet area where animals can bathe here. I'll get sandy to show you there once we get you on the crutches. But for now, I think I ought to take a look at Aron and Les. Who'd like to go first?" she finishes by shifting her attention from Vera to the buck and kitten.

"Sure. Sorry." replies Flynn. "Timothy pellets?" he offers Lucky the tub.

"Don't worry, you haven't missed anything. You talked to Sandy on the landline earlier. You told us that he said it was postponed, remember? We're making pancakes. Would they be too sweet? We have plenty of other stuff if you'd rather, but you're welcome to the pancakes too."

Paul smiles. "Morning? It's early afternoon now. Except for what, exactly? Has something gone wrong? That jackal seemed in quite a hurry to get out of here. If anything has happened, I need to know."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:20 pm
by WeirdGamer
"I'm fine thanks," replied Lucky. "So what happened after the I left the house yesterday?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:06 pm
by MrNeonShot
I showed up? Hutch replies.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:08 pm
by Serence Frostbite
Hlaoroo wrote: Paul smiles. "Morning? It's early afternoon now. Except for what, exactly? Has something gone wrong? That jackal seemed in quite a hurry to get out of here. If anything has happened, I need to know."
"Oh ! I mean..." Nadia tried to answered , but facepawed mid way and giggled at her own mistake . "I'm sorry , but anyway , nothing gone wrong Mr.Walton , that jackal was just in a hurry to go somewhere with his brother after they paid me a visit this morning that's all"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:49 pm
by Hlaoroo
"Yeah, Hutch showed up looking for information about the house so I told him about the tunnels. Then Sixtoes found a ghost in the car - although he calls it a "quantum memory artifact" so we looked through that box of portraits to try to work out who it was but we didn't find anything. Then Sixtoes had a nap while Zanna explored the car and the rest of us chucked a ball around and then Dad got home so I woke Sixtoes up and then Radar turned up and tried to run off and threatened to shoot me when I tried to follow but then we talked her out of it and then Aron and Leslie turned up and we all went back into the house to look at the tunnel but we didn't go in except to get Hutch who fell in and hit his head. Then we sat and chatted and then Nadia ran though my back yard and then there was the forest fire so everyone got sent home in case we needed to evacuate and then the fire was put out and we had pizza for dinner, Mercury painted a rose, Koa wrote a story and we went to bed. I think that's everything." answers Flynn, deliberately omitting Hutch's story.

"Ah. Right. Well, if you're not tired that's a good sign. How's your head? Any headache or dizziness?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:51 pm
by Welsh Halfwit
Hlaoroo wrote: "...for now, I think I ought to take a look at Aron and Les. Who'd like to go first?" she finishes by shifting her attention from Vera to the buck and kitten.
As soon as Samantha said it, Leslie jammed his left hand-paw into the air, holding it up with his right gripped onto the elbow, and said "Mee! Mee!" before realising that he needn't have rushed. Aron hadn't even tried to get in before him. Leslie wondered what Aron seemed to have against these 'Vets' but decided he'd find out sooner or later. He shucked the pack from his back and held it by the arm strap. "What dew I dew?" He asked the nice Vetlady when she'd finished with Vera.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 12:16 am
by Kateleo007
Esper wrote:Mercury was finalizing his character selection, "Yeah I can do the Mushroom Cup! I'm not too good at racing games either,hehe." the cat purred reassuringly
Blick sits down next to Mercury while waiting for the game to load, "Are you ready?".

The game loads and the preview of the track plays. Finally the koopa-thing flies down on his cloud with the stoplight on a stick. 1...2...3...GO!

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:07 am
by 69eist
"(Faust sighs) Fine Elliot.... I'll relax now.... Could you let go off me now? Your kinda embarrassing us...."

"(Elliot laughs) Faust, you don't have to feel embarrassed. Besides, I'm pretty sure Dr. Sparagmos in mature enough to make fun of you."

"Thank you for the hug brother but if you don't let go off me in 3 seconds, I will throw you into that tree."

"(Elliot gives smiles at Faust)You wouldn't dare."

"(Faust smiles back)You're right..... Because I decided to do THIS!"

Faust starts to playful wrestle with Elliot.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:15 am
by Keeshah
69eist wrote:"(Faust sighs) Fine Elliot.... I'll relax now.... Could you let go off me now? Your kinda embarrassing us...."
You wouldn't believe the things i have seen animals do before..
Kandi says with a wink.
69eist wrote:"(Elliot laughs) Faust, you don't have to feel embarrassed. Besides, I'm pretty sure Dr. Sparagmos in mature enough to make fun of you."
"Thank you for the hug brother but if you don't let go off me in 3 seconds, I will throw you into that tree."
"(Elliot gives smiles at Faust)You wouldn't dare."
"(Faust smiles back)You're right..... Because I decided to do THIS!"
Faust starts to playful wrestle with Elliot.
Alright you two.. get in the truck, before i send the cougar to come collect you two up.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 3:12 am
by Hlaoroo
"Alright then. You can go first, Leslie. You three can wait in here if you like. Call for Sandy if you need anything. We'll just be next door. Come on, Leslie. It's quite simple, really. All you have to do is co-operate. Think you can do that? If you're really good I might even have a lollypop for you." Samantha leads Leslie out of the room and into the neighbouring consult room and shuts the door.
"Firstly we'd better see how big you are. Put your bag and jacket on the chair over there and then stand up agains the wall here." As Leslie obliges, Samantha pulls down the tape measure to rest on topof Leslie's head.
"Just stand normally, not on tip-paw please. Excellent. Look how tall you are!" She shows Leslie the numbers on the tape measure as she writes it on her record sheet.
"Now onto the scales. Just stand still for me please. Perfect." She writes that measurement down too.
"Alright. Can you hop up on the table here? Wow! What a jump! Well done! Let's have a listen to your chest... Breathe in... and stop purring please. I can't hear anything over that. Breathe in... and out... and in... and out... Excellent." Samantha takes Leslie's pulse and then begins palpating Leslie, feeling for lymph nodes, glands, kidneys, and anything out of the ordinary, beginning from his head and working her way down his neck, shoulders, chest, and legs.
"You're doing very well. Let's check some reflexes now." She shines a penlight in his eyes, noting some small scars under them and watching the pupils dilate and contract and the eyes following the light. Next she picks up a small hammer and has Les dangle his legs over the side of the table. Tapping them lightly below the knee she watches them jerk.
"Excellent. Mouth and ears next." She pulls on a pair of gloves.
"Open wide." Taking gentle hold of Leslie's jaw, she manipulates his mouth and tongue, examining all his teeth and pressing lightly on the gums to assess capillary refill time and colour. She then lets him close his mouth and looks in his ears.
"We'll need to clean your teeth in the next couple of weeks. Ooh, these ears are a bit gunky. I might take a swab of these." She pulls out a cotton bud and a microscope slide and twirls the bud in Les's ear before wiping it onto the slide and repeating with the other ear. She then puts the slide under the microscope.
"I thought so. You have ear mites. But we can get rid of those easily. We're nearly done for now and then I'll have to have a quick chat with Mr. Jenkins." She picks up the thermometer.
"Lie down on your tummy on the table for me please, and hold onto the end of the table there. Perfect." She takes hold of Leslie's tail and ten seconds later the thermometer beeps and Samantha writes Leslie's temperature on the sheet with her other findings.
"Well done. Now for your vaccine and deworming. Stay there for a little bit longer please." She strips off the gloves and loads up a syringe with the vaccine.
"You'll feel a small sting but try to hold still, OK?" Taking the scruff of Leslie's neck, she jabs him with the needle and depresses the plunger.
"There. All done. Now all you've got to do is eat this tablet for me. Try to swallow it without chewing." As she speaks she pops a large pill out of a foil packet and passes it along with a disposable plastic cup of water to the kitten.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 3:43 am
by 69eist
Elliot gets up and prances towards the truck.

"WOOH, we're going on a road trip, we're going on a road trip!"

"Elliot cut it out. (We're going on a road trip, we're going on a road trip!)"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:14 am
by ~\Rook/~
Hlaoroo wrote:Seeing Leslie's scratching, Samantha makes a not to check his ears later on. "Yes, we'll keep you worm-free, don't worry. No penecillin for Aron, got it. I'll write that in our records." Samantha jots it down.
"Of course we'll treat Vera. Let's have a look at you." Samantha begins carefully searching through Vera's fur in a number of spots.
Vera tries not to squirm under Samantha's pinching.
Hlaoroo wrote:It doesn't take her very long to find what she's looking for. "You do have some fleas but it's not a severe infestation. A bath with flea shampoo should get rid of them. There's a bit more inflammation than I'd normally expect also so you might be having a mild allergic reaction to them. After your bath I'll give you a shot of an anti-inflammatory which should help with the itching and I might send you home with some tablets in case this happens again. We have a wet area where animals can bathe here. I'll get sandy to show you there once we get you on the crutches.."
Vera sighs and rubs her side where Samantha had pinched.
Hlaoroo wrote:"..But for now, I think I ought to take a look at Aron and Les. Who'd like to go first?" she finishes by shifting her attention from Vera to the buck and kitten.
Aron crossed his arms and looked away form Samantha.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:As soon as Samantha said it, Leslie jammed his left hand-paw into the air, holding it up with his right gripped onto the elbow, and said "Mee! Mee!" before realising that he needn't have rushed. Aron hadn't even tried to get in before him. Leslie wondered what Aron seemed to have against these 'Vets' but decided he'd find out sooner or later. He shucked the pack from his back and held it by the arm strap. "What dew I dew?" He asked the nice Vetlady when she'd finished with Vera.
Hlaoroo wrote:"Alright then. You can go first, Leslie. You three can wait in here if you like. Call for Sandy if you need anything. We'll just be next door. Come on, Leslie. It's quite simple, really. All you have to do is co-operate. Think you can do that? If you're really good I might even have a lollypop for you." Samantha leads Leslie out of the room.
"Aron, why didn't you go first?" Vera says, looking up at him.

"You know how I feel about vets.." Aron said, still with his arms crossed. Remember last time? He thought to her.

"Well.. I guess you have your reasons.." Vera says, looking to Leroy.

"What?" Leroy says, being knocked out of his thoughts by Vera's look.

"Nothing.." Vera said, looking back to Aron.

Aron just sighs and looks up at the ceiling.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:29 am
by Keeshah
69eist wrote:Elliot gets up and prances towards the truck.

"WOOH, we're going on a road trip, we're going on a road trip!"

"Elliot cut it out. (We're going on a road trip, we're going on a road trip!)"

Kandi finally gets all the critters back into the truck.

Ok this is the road that lead back into town.. So if youre going to come back out here this is the way you will want to go..
Now do you want to be dropped off at the park, of that shop i picked you up at?

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:47 am
by 69eist
Keeshah wrote:
69eist wrote:Elliot gets up and prances towards the truck.

"WOOH, we're going on a road trip, we're going on a road trip!"

"Elliot cut it out. (We're going on a road trip, we're going on a road trip!)"

Kandi finally gets all the critters back into the truck.

Ok this is the road that lead back into town.. So if youre going to come back out here this is the way you will want to go..
Now do you want to be dropped off at the park, of that shop i picked you up at?
"The park please."

"Our house is just a few minutes away from the parks and we'll be cleaning up first."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:22 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Hlaoroo wrote: "Lie down on your tummy on the table for me please, and hold onto the end of the table there. Perfect." She takes hold of Leslie's tail and ten seconds later the thermometer beeps and Samantha writes Leslie's temperature on the sheet with her other findings.
Mommy says Preydators don't cri Leslie told himself before thinking that that didn't sound much like mommy at all. And he was not a Preydator, he was a cat wasn't he? He had to tell himself these things as he wasn't quite sure why the ladyvet had put the thermything up his bottom but she probably had a good reason. Did it just make a popping sownd when she puled it owt?
Hlaoroo wrote:"Well done. Now for your vaccine and deworming. Stay there for a little bit longer please." She strips off the gloves and loads up a syringe with the vaccine.
"You'll feel a small sting but try to hold still, OK?" Taking the scruff of Leslie's neck, she jabs him with the needle and depresses the plunger.
"Owie" was all Leslie could think of to say as he gripped the edge of the bed. She waz hurting him but... for his bennyfit? He'd heard that before too. But Mommy had said all ufer vets were good. Trust in mommy he told himself.
Hlaoroo wrote:"There. All done. Now all you've got to do is eat this tablet for me. Try to swallow it without chewing." As she speaks she pops a large pill out of a foil packet and passes it along with a disposable plastic cup of water to the kitten.
Leslie regarded the pill with suspicion, sniffing it first before swallowing it. The last one of these had made him wake alone but this sniffed different and Aron wouldn't let that happen again, right? He sipped at the water and swung his feet, trying to keep rhythm and happiness intact. Oop, he'd punctured the cup with a claw. So he drank faster, trying to stop the spill.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:08 am
by ~\Rook/~
The consulting room was quiet for a moment, the three occupants were silent.

Vera broke the silence after tapping a paw-digit on her lower muzzle. "Lee, how did you find me?" She asked, almost from nowhere. "I was totally alone in that forest, well, apart from those hunters.."

Leroy sighed, and put his head in his hands. "That's just it. I didn't find you, those hunters did. They called me via my mobile, the number is on the inside of your collar.. I've had that darn thing since London, thinking you'd call me on it through a payphone or something.. You were always the smart one, you'd find some way of contacting me, I thought.."

Vera looked down and pulled at her collar, seeing the number on an aged patch stitched into the collar. "I-I.."

"It's alright, you didn't know it was there.. I should have told you.. It's the same with Aron's collar.. Specially made, for the both of you.." Leroy sighs, then he stands up. "The thing is, they found that number, they called me. It was fate you were found now, for a reason. And that is what matters.." And with that, he went to the door.

"Wh-Where are you going?" Aron asked, looking up at Leroy.

"To go see if Leslie's okay.." He huffed, then exited the room.


Leroy barges into the consulting room Leslie and Samantha are in. "Sorry to waltz in, but are you finished with Leslie?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:43 am
by Argent
"Oh right I forgot it takes me a while to wake up after a nap I'm not sure why carnivores are normally pretty quick to get going so it's probably just me Doc says I'm part ferret 'cos I sleep like a ferret but that's kind of creepy if you think about it we're different species so I can't be part ferret can I? I'm sure he's teasing. Right?"