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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:39 am
by Kalvin
Cap gave a nervous chuckle, still looking away. "Heh, I've never been very sociable either. I'm just normally so nervous around other people." Twiddling his thumbs and swinging his short legs off the edge of the bench. Looking down at the bench he takes a sniff and looks closely at the bench. "Huh, imported Camphor wood. Normally they use it for benches in China. High quality stuff, most park benches these days are made of recycled plastics and metals."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 1:17 am
by ctcmjh
Grace nodded as she returned to the poem, ignoring Cap. It wasn't because she didn't like him, it was just because she didn't like socializing, nor was she good at it at all.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:16 am
by caelei
"You know, you two aren't exactly making it hard to tell what you're thinking. Go on, I can find someone else to partner with, or simply walk the park alone. I've done it many times, and it's no less enjoyable than walking the park with another."
"Do you want to go and explore the park?"
Jayda nodded at Klack thankfully, beaming. She then turned to face Tobias, and said excitedly, "Yes! Where should we go first?" She looked around eagerly, happy enough to see all the trees and people walking around, not to mention the giant fountain.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:33 am
by ctcmjh
Tobias couldn't stop smiling around Jayda, her good attitude was just so infectious, "How about we take a walk down the main path? It'll lead us past all the attractions in the park." He offered.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:05 pm
by Bolly
Alex wrote:
bollythewolf wrote:Tom tilted his head at Glenn. "Another pet?" he said. "That sounds like it could be lots of fun! Do you know what type of animal?" He walked over and sat down next to him.
Glenn immediately laid down, placing his head on Tom's knees, and smiled while watching his face.
No, I'm gonna let Li and Nat decide. Hopefully they don't bring back something dangerous, though...
As soon as he said that, he started thinking about some dog-like green monster with huge claws, entering his apartment, with Li and Nat behind it. Hopefully that was just imagination.
Tom ran his paw through Glenn's fur and ruffled his headfur a bit. "I'm sure they'll make a good choice of pet, Glenn. Who knows, maybe it'll be like us having a child. Hehehe..." He chuckled, and bent his body over to kiss Glenn on his forehead. "As long as I'm with you, I don't care what pet your mom adopts."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 1:35 pm
by Kalvin
Cap sat there awkwardly silent for a second while Grace said nothing. After a second he keeps talking, "I understand, sometimes other people can seem like idiots, insensitive, so on, but they don't seem all bad. I mean if they were why would they invite the two of us? Look at us a couple of nerdy losers." He gives a scoff at the thought, obviously not thinking it himself but being used to referred to that way.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:22 pm
by ctcmjh
Grace looked at Cap angrilly, "I am not a nerdy loser! And neither are you. You're just observant and talkative." She said. If there was one thing she didn't like, it was people putting themselves down.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:16 pm
Neko wrote:Zoey quickly sat up at hearing new voices, Is that the pretty kitty?! She moved to the cage door and stuck her snout between the bars, seeing Nat, Li and Hannah. It's Kitty, and he brought a big pretty kitty with him, and someone who is adopting! She started wagging her tail, "Kitty your back, and you brought another big kitty with you!" Zoey said happily, smiling at Nat.
Nat jerked his head around at the voice, smiling at the little fox girl. "Oh hey! Er... Zoey right?" He stepped up to the cage, dragging Li over. "Yeah, this is Li. He's a tiger!" A giggle escaped him. Nat was always so friendly around the younger strays.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:19 pm
by Tiggy
Li looked at the fox and smiled "Hi there!" He giggled. Was funny to see Nat so friendly towards the little fox girl, which made Li's smile grow even bigger.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:36 pm
by Neko
JOFOXX wrote: Nat jerked his head around at the voice, smiling at the little fox girl. "Oh hey! Er... Zoey right?"

Zoey nodded, her tail still wagging back and forth. "Yep, that's me!"

Tobee wrote:Li looked at the fox and smiled "Hi there!" He giggled. Was funny to see Nat so friendly towards the little fox girl, which made Li's smile grow even bigger.

She smiled, "A Tiger? Is that a special breed of cat, cause your really big kitties!" She giggled, turning to Nat. "Are you a Tiger too? You both have white fur with black markings and your really tall!"

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:58 pm
Nat laughed. "No, I'm not a tiger. I'm a leopard." He blinked down at the little fox. He knew this was the first stray they'd looked at, but she seemed really carefree and gleeful. Maybe she'd rub off on Glenn if Hannah decided to get her. He glanced back at Glenn's mother. Would she want such an out of the ordinary pet?

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:26 pm
by caelei
"How about we take a walk down the main path? It'll lead us past all the attractions in the park."
Jayda nodded, glad that Tobias seemed to be enjoying himself as well. "Alright. So what are all the attractions?" She looked forward eagerly, but the main path, wide as it was, was crowded with quite a few people, and the trees overhead blocked the view further down. Plus, there was a sharp bend in the path in front, which made her view even poorer. She squinted ahead in suspense, still gripping Tobias' hand, and sometimes staring around at the people in the park. Every once and a while she heard the faintest sound of music, over the babble of voices; a man playing a guitar was on the other side of the big plaza with the fountain, a small audience watching and applauding at necessary times.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:44 pm
by ctcmjh
Tobias squeezes Jayda's hand as they continued down the path, "Well, as you can see there a lot of well maintained trees and hedges along the park. There are also always a variety of street performers to watch. There are also some vendors selling hot dogs, pretzels, ice cream and other treats. There's also the lake, where they have a water show on the hour, every hour. In fact..." He said, as they rounded the corner to see the lake and the water show just starting.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:06 am
by Kalvin
Cap cringed when Grace had a sudden outburst. He scrambled so frantically in fact he fell off the bench. Immediately his hand went to make sure his hat didn't fall off. Hitting the ground he stands back up before stating, "No, I don't really think I'm a nerd, it's just what I've heard people say about me all the time... at least I used to until I moved here, but we've only been here a couple of days."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:15 am
by ctcmjh
Kalvin wrote:Cap cringed when Grace had a sudden outburst. He scrambled so frantically in fact he fell off the bench. Immediately his hand went to make sure his hat didn't fall off. Hitting the ground he stands back up before stating, "No, I don't really think I'm a nerd, it's just what I've heard people say about me all the time... at least I used to until I moved here, but we've only been here a couple of days."
Grace nodded and closed her notepad, "Well, the people who call others names are the most insecure. They have the worst problems out of anyone, that they feel like they have to belittle others to make themselves feel better. I just ignore them, pity them, and move on." She told him. She didn't talk that often, but she did seem to talk more openly with others who were socially inept like her, "I don't think we've actually met. I'm Grace." She said.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:18 am
by Kalvin
Cap smiled, and involuntarily his tail gave a small twitchy kind of motion, sort of like a wag. Adjusting his aviator cap he said back, "Oh, right. Introductions. You can call me Cap." He felt oddly... comfortable around this cat, he wasn't sure why though since he didn't feel comfortable around anyone normally.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:20 am
by ctcmjh
Grace smiled softly, "Alright Cap. It's nice to meet you." She said. A smile rarely graced Grace's face.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:22 am
by Alex
bollythewolf wrote:I'm sure they'll make a good choice of pet, Glenn. Who knows, maybe it'll be like us having a child. Hehehe... As long as I'm with you, I don't care what pet your mom adopts.
Glenn smiled as Tom kissed his forehead. He used that opportunity to wrap his arms around the husky's neck, and lick his cheek.
Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine. I trust Nat and Li... and I love you... - he said, a giggle escaping his mouth.

Hannah noticed the two cats staring at a cage. In it, there was a small red fox. She came closer. "Oh, did you two decide? Do you think this is a good sibling for Glenn?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:52 am
by Buckdida
Teh Brawler wrote:Carrie was thrown off-guard by Jaxeh's movement, and looked around, slightly dazed. She then listened to him speaking, and blushed out of embarrasment. "Oh, uh, whoops. Sorry, I tend to get carried away sometimes. Mom is always telling me I'm going to kill myself one day." She quickly shook it off and said, "Alright then, lead the way, mon capitaine."
Jaxeh followed somewhat behind Tobias and Klack, due to the fact that Jaxeh's sense of direction was...poor at best. Jaxeh liked being on foot, which was somewhat odd for such a rich dog, and he knew where everything was...he just often couldn't figure out how to note some of the details "Turn left at the bush, what bush?!" Klack, of course, had an extremely good sense of direction and an eye for detail, so between the two of them, travel times were often cut in half. But at the moment, Jaxeh was distracted anyway. Upon arriving at the park, Tobias recommended that they split in groups of two, and it wasn't a hard decision for Jaxeh. "Hey babe. Wanna stay partnered up for this?" Jaxeh asked with his trademark grin. "See that dog park over there? I can destroy at Ultimate Frisbee. Of course, there are other things, I suppose. Food, music, secluded name it."
Klack looked around. Grace and Cap, Tobias and Jayda, Bastion and Decon seemed to be hovering near each other, as with Mark and Al ('If I caught those names correctly, anyway'), then Jaxeh and that girl, whomever she might be. Who was left?

There was one other pet in the tour group, a corgi that was wearing a purple tank-top. Klack personally felt that wasn't quite a complimentary color to her light brown fur, but fashion hardly had anything to do with meeting new pets. He walked up to her and nodded hello.
"Hello there! I noticed you haven't talked to anyone the entire walk here. You wouldn't be shy, now would you? You certainly don't seem like you would be. My name is Klack," he said, extending a hand to her. "Yours?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:14 am
by Tiggy
Li nodded, still looking at the fox and stuck a finger in the cage, not caring what could happen, maybe a bite, who knows? "I think Glenn would like her!" He giggled.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:13 pm
by Bolly
Alex wrote:
bollythewolf wrote:I'm sure they'll make a good choice of pet, Glenn. Who knows, maybe it'll be like us having a child. Hehehe... As long as I'm with you, I don't care what pet your mom adopts.
Glenn smiled as Tom kissed his forehead. He used that opportunity to wrap his arms around the husky's neck, and lick his cheek.
Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine. I trust Nat and Li... and I love you... - he said, a giggle escaping his mouth.
"D'awwwww..." Tom couldn't help but do that. Glenn was just so adorable to him.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:26 pm
by Neko
JOFOXX wrote:Nat laughed. "No, I'm not a tiger. I'm a leopard." He blinked down at the little fox.
Zoey giggled, "A leopard and a tiger? I never heard of those before!"
Alex wrote: Hannah noticed the two cats staring at a cage. In it, there was a small red fox. She came closer. "Oh, did you two decide? Do you think this is a good sibling for Glenn?"
She looked at them confused,"A sibling?"
Tobee wrote:Li nodded, still looking at the fox and stuck a finger in the cage, not caring what could happen, maybe a bite, who knows?
Zoey grabbed the Tiger's finger, holding it with her hands. She giggled, "I got you now kitty!"
Tobee wrote: "I think Glenn would like her!" He giggled.
She held onto Li's finger, looking confused again. "Who's Glenn?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:05 pm
by The Game
Stephi looked up at Klack. "Oh, I'm Stephanie. Castle. But you can call Stephi, everybody does." she shook his paw. "And trust me, I'm not the shy type but you're the second pet who has said I act like it I just didn't know who to have a partner."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:17 am
by Teh Brawler
Carrie's eyes went wide at what Jaxeh had said. "Di-did you just say....." There was a particular name Jaxeh had used, one that Carrie didn't hear often, but always caused strong emotion to well up in her. RIght on que, her face turned red with said emotion.

".......Ultimate Frisbee?"

Without letting Jaxeh answer, Carrie gave out an excited cheer, and squeezed Jaxeh's arm. "I LOVE ultimate frisbee! I haven't played it in so long! Oh, PLEASE, Jaxeh, let's play Ultimate!"

((Because you thought she was upset at being called "babe" :mrgreen: ))

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:38 am
by Kalvin
Cap returned the smile, looking rather dignified and coordinated for a moment, until a strong breeze came by, knocking him over again. "GAH!" He fell to the ground looking very embarassed.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:38 pm
by ctcmjh
Grace stood up and offered her hand to Cap to help him up, "You really aren't the strongest dog, are you?" She joked.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:01 pm
by Alex
Hannah walked over to the caged fox. The poor animal. So young, and already caged, without parents, and without a home. She didn't seem dangerous at all.
"Okay, it's decided. I'm gonna adopt that fox you two found. Now where's that receptionist?"
She walked away, leaving the two cats with the fox, and returned to the receptionist.
"Excuse me... I'd like to adopt that fox over there."

Glenn tightened the grip around Tom, and closed his eyes while cuddling, enjoying the moment.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:08 pm
Neko wrote:She held onto Li's finger, looking confused again. "Who's Glenn?"
Nat nodded to the others, smiling down at Zoey. "Glenn's a really nice dog that lives back at the apartments with us. It was his idea to come adopt a sibling." Nay tilted his head slightly. "Something came up and he couldn't come with us though..."


The receptionist looked up form her work with a surprised expression. "Oh? We usually don't get most of the exotic pets adopted." She smiled, flipping through some paperwork on the desk. She pulled out a packet, handing it to Hannah. "Just fill these out and I can get her for you."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:37 pm
by Tiggy
Li smiled at Zoey and began wiggling his finger around. "Yeah, you'll get to meet him when you get home!"

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:14 pm
by caelei
"Well, as you can see there a lot of well maintained trees and hedges along the park. There are also always a variety of street performers to watch. There are also some vendors selling hot dogs, pretzels, ice cream and other treats. There's also the lake, where they have a water show on the hour, every hour. In fact..."
Jayda's expression became a little confused. Water show? A show... with water? What else could it be? But that didn't sound like something extraordinary, definitely not something that belonged in the park... and then they turned the corner, and she saw, out of the lake, come spouting huge 'fountain-like' sprays of water, so very high in the air, and with organized patterns and even lights that seemed to cast rainbow colors over the water misting in the air. Her eyes grew wide and round, and she suddenly broke into a sprint, dragging Tobias along with her. "OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshlookatTHAT!" she said, her voice breathless from sheer astonishment as she brought them closer to the show. The water... how could water be so beautiful, so... magnificent, so aweinspiring?

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:34 pm
by Buckdida
Teh Brawler wrote:Carrie's eyes went wide at what Jaxeh had said. "Di-did you just say....." There was a particular name Jaxeh had used, one that Carrie didn't hear often, but always caused strong emotion to well up in her. RIght on que, her face turned red with said emotion.

".......Ultimate Frisbee?"

Without letting Jaxeh answer, Carrie gave out an excited cheer, and squeezed Jaxeh's arm. "I LOVE ultimate frisbee! I haven't played it in so long! Oh, PLEASE, Jaxeh, let's play Ultimate!"

((Because you thought she was upset at being called "babe" :mrgreen: ))
"Heh, we might only have time for one goal, 'cause the tour group's gonna move fast. But yeah, we can show off some skills. We're off to the DOG PARK!" Jaxeh grabbed Carrie's arm and pulled her into a run towards the dog park at the end of the park, where an ultimate Frisbee game was already going on.
The Game wrote:Stephi looked up at Klack. "Oh, I'm Stephanie. Castle. But you can call Stephi, everybody does." she shook his paw. "And trust me, I'm not the shy type but you're the second pet who has said I act like it I just didn't know who to have a partner."
"Well, as it would so happen, I do not have a partner as well. Let's explore this Oasis, shall we? I've been to the park plenty of times, myself. Look around. Is there anything here in the park that catches your interest? I should be able to easily explain it."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:57 pm
by Neko
Zoey watched Hannah walk away, her tail now wagging madly. "A-Adopted?!"
JOFOXX wrote: Nat nodded to the others, smiling down at Zoey. "Glenn's a really nice dog that lives back at the apartments with us. It was his idea to come adopt a sibling." Nay tilted his head slightly. "Something came up and he couldn't come with us though..."
A big smile crossed her face, to excited to question the whole sibling thing. "Yaaaay! I thought I'd be here forever! Wait....We're gonna live in the same building, and I'll be able to visit you?!" She smiled up at Nat and Li.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:33 am
by ctcmjh
caelei wrote:Jayda's expression became a little confused. Water show? A show... with water? What else could it be? But that didn't sound like something extraordinary, definitely not something that belonged in the park... and then they turned the corner, and she saw, out of the lake, come spouting huge 'fountain-like' sprays of water, so very high in the air, and with organized patterns and even lights that seemed to cast rainbow colors over the water misting in the air. Her eyes grew wide and round, and she suddenly broke into a sprint, dragging Tobias along with her. "OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshlookatTHAT!" she said, her voice breathless from sheer astonishment as she brought them closer to the show. The water... how could water be so beautiful, so... magnificent, so aweinspiring?
Tobias, yet again, couldn't help but be happy as he saw Jayda's expression. As she suddenly broke into a sprint, he was a little shocked, but quickly regained his balance and followed her. They stopped right at the water's edge, and were close enough that a bit of the water vapor hit their fur: not enough to soak them, but just enough to cool them down, "I knew you would like it. I see the water show at least three times a week and it still never fails to amaze me." He said, squeezing her hand. He looked around at the other pets and humans around the water show, and couldn't help but notice that most of them were couples, and that Jayda and he could easily be mistaken for one. He smiles at the thought and enjoys the show with her.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:07 pm
by Teh Brawler
Carrie felt herself being pulled towards the dog park, but didn't let it stay that way. She began to sprint, letting go of Jaxeh's arm, and shooting forward. She laughed, and looked back to see if Jaxeh was catching up. (Carrie-Agil:5).


Marc walked over to a tree near the dog park, and sat down for a second to rest and watch the ultimate game, before the group moved on.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:12 pm
by Kalvin
Cap reached up and took Grace's hand pulling himself up. "Er... thanks. I'm not that weak. Pound for pound I'm... only a little below average." He sighs and looks down, kicking the dirt shyly.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:19 pm
by ctcmjh
Grace patted the top of Cap's head, "So Cap, how do you know so much about everything?" She asked, referring to the way he analyzed most things he came in contact with.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:34 pm
by The Game
Stephi had never been to an actual dog park. Or rather, she had, but not to play. If she was there it was for a shoot, or because she had to follow her parents for a scene shot. But never just to play. She looked curiously at the frisbee game, then back at Klack. "Actually, I kind of wanted to know what those pets are doing over there. I think I've seen something that looks a lot like that, but I've never done it before and I can't remember the name of it."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:06 pm
by Alex
"Just fill these out and I can get her for you."
"Sure, whatever." - said Hannah, took the papers, sat down and started filling them. Once she was done, she returned to the receptionist and handed them over. "There, I'm done."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:56 pm
Neko wrote:A big smile crossed her face, to excited to question the whole sibling thing. "Yaaaay! I thought I'd be here forever! Wait....We're gonna live in the same building, and I'll be able to visit you?!" She smiled up at Nat and Li.
Zoey's happy expression caused a grin to spread across Nat's face as well. He chuckled. "Yup, We'll just a few floors below you I think..."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:21 pm
by caelei
"I knew you would like it. I see the water show at least three times a week and it still never fails to amaze me."
Jayda smiled over at Tobias, feeling the light speckles of misting water settle on her white fur. It was just warm enough that the cool water felt pretty good; she couldn't think of a time in her whole life that she had been happier. "Does it change every week? Or is the water show the same every time?" Either way, she'd probably like to see it again sometime. She turned her face back towards the front, watching the water, which had been given temporary life by the machinery of the show. It truly was marvelous... and she wondered, suddenly, if she would ever have a chance to see the actual mechanics of it. She had always wondered about machines, as her dad was a mechanical engineer, but she didn't know anything about them, since Lilian believed that the topic wasn't 'lady-like' and her dad was never around to teach her. Maybe sometime she could come back and find the engineer of the show, have a quick discussion about how the water show worked... Tobias squeezed her hand, and she gave it a squeeze in return, her smile and eyes bright. Suddenly, she noticed as well that there only seemed to be pairs of two around. Couples. She wondered if anyone thought that she and Tobias were a couple... Probably. It would seem so, since they were holding hands and everything. She smiled.