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What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:39 am
by JeffCvt
We all share the common ground of using the internet. I know this because this forum is on the internet and you wouldn't be reading this without using it. :P

But there is more than one way to access it. We call the programs we use to access and search it "web browsers." Which one do you use?

Do you use the super fast and not much else Google Chrome? Or perhaps you're a fan of FireFox and the tons of useless add-ons it comes with? Maybe you prefer Safari, Apple's web browser named after an expedition to observe animals in Africa? Or do you use Internet Explorer, probably the most creative name ever devised for a program that explores the internet?

Vote up top and talk about it down below. We'd love to hear why you use what you do!

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:47 am
by Hlaoroo
I used to use IE because I didn't know any better. Then I got Firefox to make some stuff work for uni and I never went back. :)

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:50 am
by The Blue Fox
I used to use Internet Explorer...then a couple of years ago a friend converted me to Firefox. It didn't take much convincing...can't go far wrong with a browser with "fox" in it's name. ;3
It certainly works a lot better than Internet Explorer did.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:57 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
I used IE for a while, then I tried Firefox since my brother had been saying it was better, and I liked it.
I've never used chrome other than on my phone, and I don't care to try since I hear that it isn't much if at all better than firefox.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:02 pm
by Jacey
I alternate between Chrome and Firefox.
I of course used IE long ago but once I learned about chrome can pretty much have all my google stuff in one browser (I use gmail. its nice that I can just jump to it). It also is nice to have google drive be just a button away.

But recently I been using firefox. since chrome kept giving me weird ads when I would look up random stuff (like cut cat pictures=obviously I am a cat owner and need to know about a flea removal product)

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:33 pm
by JeffCvt
Guess I should make a post seeing how I'm the one who made a topic.

I use Google Chrome. I have a several reasons why I don't want to change, but first let's start with why I started with it in the first place.

When I got my first laptop, I used Internet Explorer because that's what it came with. I never had any reason to not like it, so I wasn't going to search for something else unless it gave me a reason to.

Well, needless to say, it eventually gave me a reason. After starting to have troubles with it when it came to Gifs and some pages, I discovered that it was letting a *ton* of stuff on my computer that is shouldn't have been letting on. At that point, I decided to give another web browser a try and see if it really was IE that was letting stuff on my computer or if it was my Virus protection. (Because it was easier to download a new web browser than a new virus protection software)

The only other web browsers that I knew of at the time were Google Chrome and Firefox. So I decided to give Chrome a try since I was familiar with Google's name and I was already using Gmail.

Well, I pretty much fell in love right away. It was quick and worked well for me. And after a month of using it, I did a full computer virus scan and not a thing was found. Just a note: I was doing weekly "quick scans" when I used IE and I would find at least a dozen issues every time I did it. So not finding anything after a month using a full scan was what sold me from them out.

Now after that, I downloaded Firefox and gave it a try just to see how it was different and who knew, maybe I would prefer it. Unfortunately, Firefox didn't have some of the features that I liked about Chrome. I'm not saying it's bad, but after falling in love with Chrome as much as I did, FireFox was just too different for me. I can see the appeal, and I still keep it on my computer, but I don't use it unless I need to see if an issue I'm having is with Chrome or the Website I'm on.

So beyond falling in love with it, I have two reasons that have since come up after I started using it as to why I don't want to switch.
1: I use an Android phone. Android is pretty much Google's smartphone OS, so using Google and their services has some advantages.
2: I have two Chromebooks. They only run on Chrome. So using Chrome allows me to keep all of my bookmarks and settings universal across any computer I own. All I do is log into my Google Account, and everything comes up just the way I like it. (That also includes my Music because I use Google Play)

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:44 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I use Safari as my main web browser but I also have Firefox also.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:41 pm
by Cesco
The same is with me, in past I used to use only Internet Explorer, but then since many years now I'm with Firefox, which became my favourite browser. Its add-ons are great, I use several ones. Rarely, I still use Internet Explorer, and also Chrome.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:10 pm
by Deske
FireFox users UNITE!

I used to us IE too. Then I switched to Firefox because I saw someone else using it. Never looked back.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:40 pm
by Obbl
I heard about Firefox pretty soon after it came out, and everyone was saying it was a lot faster than IE, so I switched. It was indeed astoundingly faster than IE. Back then it had some issues with Flash, but those got mostly resolved after a few months, so I've never had much reason to go back. :D
(Now it's got issues with eating up my memory and slowing the computer down after a while... >_> but so does everybody... :roll: )

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:07 pm
by Shadowstar23
I'm still using IE. Mostly because I'm more familiar with it. One of these days I will try Firefox. I am not particularly fond of GC. I have never even heard of Safari.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:35 pm
by D-Rock
Have always used and still use IE. Thing is, lately I'm starting to think it may be my browser that's giving me issues on DeviantART. Having a ton of difficulty just getting the page to load. Anyone know if this has happened to anyone else, and does another browser help?

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:51 pm
by Deske
Shadowstar23 wrote:I'm still using IE. Mostly because I'm more familiar with it. One of these days I will try Firefox. I am not particularly fond of GC. I have never even heard of Safari.
Safari is the Internet Explorer of Apple computers. It's what comes on it to begin with.
D-Rock wrote:Have always used and still use IE. Thing is, lately I'm starting to think it may be my browser that's giving me issues on DeviantART. Having a ton of difficulty just getting the page to load. Anyone know if this has happened to anyone else, and does another browser help?
The answer is FireFox. Use it.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:55 pm
by Hlaoroo
Yeah, IE has lots of things that don't work. I'd certainly recommend trying another browser. What OS and version of IE are you on?

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:01 pm
by D-Rock
Hlaoroo wrote:Yeah, IE has lots of things that don't work. I'd certainly recommend trying another browser. What OS and version of IE are you on?
Had this exact conversation with a DA tech. If I'm reading it right, IE is version 11, OS is Windows 7.
Deske wrote:
D-Rock wrote:Have always used and still use IE. Thing is, lately I'm starting to think it may be my browser that's giving me issues on DeviantART. Having a ton of difficulty just getting the page to load. Anyone know if this has happened to anyone else, and does another browser help?
The answer is FireFox. Use it.
I tried it at school a few times, but wasn't too fond of it. I guess it's worth another try.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:13 pm
by Hlaoroo
Windows 7 is good, IE not so much. :P

If you don't like Firefox though you can always try one of the other popular browsers listed above. Find something that's right for you. ;)

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:16 pm
by Deske
Depending on how long ago that was, things change. It's a lot more minimal looking now than it was a year ago I think. Couldn't hurt. I haven't used IE in a long time so I don't know what could be causing problems with connection to a webpage. It actually loaded find for me just now on IE. Though I'm not sure of my version.

Yeah, Chrome is a nice browser, though not my preferred one, obviously. I personally stray a bit from Opera though it's not the worst out there, just a bit needlessly complicated the last time I tried it, which was years ago, so it's probably changed since then.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:24 pm
by D-Rock
Alright, I guess I'll be giving firefox another shot.

And had this conversation with the tech only a month ago. Issue couldn't be resolved. Tried changing cookie settings, turned off add-ons that I didn't even know I had but knew were wasting space, nothing worked. Off to download, let you know how it goes.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:26 pm
by Hlaoroo
Yeah, Firefox has changed a lot in the last five years. It's gone from looking like IE to looking like Chrome.

Good luck, D-Rock!

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:34 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Dang only 2 people use Safari? We gotta spread the word that Safari is love!

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:55 pm
by D-Rock
Alright, got FireFox, got a little familiar with it, and tried it out. Think it makes some of the pages look nicer, or at least bigger.

As to DA...

IT'S JUST AS BAD! :evil:

Sorry, but DA is really starting to irritate me right know. Haven't been able to even load the page for the last ten minutes!

I'm starting to think it's one of two things; my internet connection, which is odd as the problems have only been going on for a year, and used this same connection for at least three, or DA itself. So seriously, any regular DA user having these problems?

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:20 am
by Deske
DA was just fine for me. I'm going to go ahead and say it's probably your internet connection. Prior connection use never foretells future connection stability. I'd tell you to do a whole bunch of things, but I honestly don't really remember what order to do them in.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:27 am
by Shadowstar23
Try resetting the router.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:28 am
by Hlaoroo
Hmm. My DA isn't working either.
Either its this particular version of Firefox (my computer just auto-updated itself a few nights ago) or DA itself is down. Maybe try it againin a few hours. ;)

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:31 am
by D-Rock
I will be at school tomorrow, I'll test that out. Didn't really use DA while I was there prior. But I'll be graduating this year, really hindering that possibility. Please let me know what I need to do when you remember.
Shadowstar23 wrote:Try resetting the router.
I recall doing that with my brother a long while ago when we couldn't log on with any of our devices for some reason. I guess it's worth a shot.
Hlaoroo wrote:Hmm. My DA isn't working either.
Either its this particular version of Firefox (my computer just auto-updated itself a few nights ago) or DA itself is down. Maybe try it againin a few hours. ;)
Does DA often have issues that require shutdown? Think I've only experienced maybe two in the past three years. But my issue is the fact that the inability to load has been plaguing me for months.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:33 am
by Hlaoroo
I've no idea. Every website will be shut down every now and again for routine maintenance though. It even happens here occasionally. You could just be getting unlucky with picking your times to log on.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:34 am
by Deske
Hlaoroo wrote:Hmm. My DA isn't working either.
Either its this particular version of Firefox (my computer just auto-updated itself a few nights ago) or DA itself is down. Maybe try it againin a few hours. ;)
My firefox updated friday night but I haven't restarted it until about a minute ago. dA still loads fine for me. This is weird, I'm not entirely sure what the problem would be anymore.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:35 am
by Shadowstar23
Or its possible that they're updating?

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:37 am
by Deske
Wouldn't it effect everyone if they were? And usually they shut down the site to do updates? That's how a lot of websites do it because they have to access files that make it tick. Like how Windows can't update without restarting.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:39 am
by Shadowstar23
Deske wrote:Wouldn't it effect everyone if they were? And usually they shut down the site to do updates? That's how a lot of websites do it because they have to access files that make it tick. Like how Windows can't update without restarting.
I know.Just trying to help get this cleared up. Actually not long ago, I was having internet problems. All I did was reset the router.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:00 am
by Hlaoroo
I dunno then. :P I'm no techspert. We need Obbl for that. :P

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:41 am
by Lang
Firefox, made the switch back in 07, it's UI options made it a coder's dream, back when I took classes. Not to mention the visual customization was amazing. Never got on the Chrome wagon, I've never trusted google and the rumors of it's policy on user data, so I'm distrustful of a product that they have complete jurisdiction with.
Besides I've never had any issue with FF. :P

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:45 pm
by ratdeathtrap
I use Chrome. Viva la viva Chrome master race!

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:24 pm
by Sleet
I use Firefox. Chrome is probably better but I'm biased. :P

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:29 pm
by Cesco
I'm always using the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome, due to the default auto-updating. Internet Explorer gets updated too through Windows Update, less frequently and only for major releases, and the 11 is the current version. Opera is one of the oldest around, existed a licensed version and its qualities were ahead the others already more than 10 years ago; I got to use it a little in those years, but never installed it on my PCs. Never got to use Safari, I stay away from it.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:21 pm
by JeffCvt
This is kinda surprising me. I thought that Chrome and Firefox would be pretty equal. Then again, I guess a forum full of furries would use the one named after a fox :P

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:30 pm
by Render
I use the IE ... in case I need to download another browser or to test something.

In all other cases I use FireFox. I once tried Chrome, but I was so confused as I couldn't find any menus... So after some searching without success I deinstalled it directly again and never got back. Honestly, Chrome looked like a colorful toy to me without the easy things I like and know. It is probably a good browser, but not the right thing for me.
And hey, with the last update, FireFox is noticeable quicker for me :D

I'll stay with the Fox! Next thing I wish for is a 64bit version...

Speaking of that, does anybody know the Waterfox? Seems to be the 64bit version of the Firefox.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:59 pm
by InDaZone1219
I was using firefox way before I discovered Housepets!.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:10 pm
by JeffCvt
Render wrote:Honestly, Chrome looked like a colorful toy to me without the easy things I like and know. It is probably a good browser, but not the right thing for me.
That is... exactly how I view FireFox. More of a colorful toy without the features that I like in Chrome. And I don't doubt that it's a good browser, it just isn't for me now that I'm used to Chrome.

In all honesty, if I had tried FireFox before Chrome, I'd probably be using it instead because I would have gotten used to its features instead.

Re: What Web Browser Do You Use?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:10 pm
by Beagle
I always use IE to install Chrome, and then promptly uninstall it. I also keep Firefox on my computer just in case.

Firefox is much more open source than Chrome so it's useful to have from a programmer/developer point of view.

I use Safari for my iPod Touch and I used to use Opera when I had multimedia phones with Verizon. Opera got really slow over the years from my experience. DX

I shamelessly used AOL for the first 15-16 years of my life due to dial-up internet. Then I found out that you can still use Chrome on dial-up (and it's faster) so I made the switch and never looked back.