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2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:05 am
by Obbl
[ The Dogpen ]

Title Text: the flag constitutes your recommended dose of america, do not exceed recommended dosage

Go Fox Go! :D

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:06 am
by Gbr23
Look at it ! This is new ! I Like it !

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:06 am
by Saturn381
A new character! :D

Also, I like the new format.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:08 am
by Welsh Halfwit
And now back to the story,
Where a new day is dawning;
The day of mighty Mungo
Who just broke the wall in.
The title’s on the board
And Fox is the squad’s newest;
Now to see if he’s floored
Or if he rises to the test.
Who attacked bankroll Milton?
Who has set the K-9 task?
Will Fox close on the suspect?
Will he know the questions to ask?

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:14 am
by Douglas Collier
Ah, a new method of nose coloration, I see. Looks nice! :)

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:20 am
by D-Rock
I like how the title of the arc is actually a part of the chalkboard. Seems that there are those that don't really care for their bankrobber benefactor, though one has to admit, he's not really a good person.

Also, Fox, don't let Mungo pat you on the back, hug you, ruffle your head, etc., because from the look of the door, it could easily be fatal.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:25 am
by WishIWasHearEarlier
Wow, is the new format for the strips? If so, I think the dead-tree-version are going to be a lot thicker, right after the next two volumes.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:38 am
by valerio
Satau is back!!! :shock:
Poor Maxie, Grape is So going to spend more time at the charity parties :lol:
Also, GO FOX! You deserve this spotlight!

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:44 am
by SergeiTheFox
I think Kevin finally has a tackle buddy.....

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:59 am
by MrNeonShot
I freaking love Mungo!!
He's so cute and muscular and ships are already being formed in my head!

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:00 am
by bjchan95
I'm getting a strong Zootopia vibe out of this one 8-)

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:04 am
by CHAOKOCartoons
Wait, lemme get a grasp on this new style:
1: The comic arcs now have full pages
2: The colors look more hand painted
3: The lines are thicker and look more naturally drawn (not really sure how to explain that)
4: The lines are shaded
5: The background is white, much like the books
6: Fancy noses
7: More shading in the environment
8: The Pupils are just solid black
9: Thicker word bubbles?
10: The title of the arc is apart of the environment, either that or someone really wanted to show off their chalk skills
11: New uniforms!
12: Mungo

Not quite used to it yet, but it looks great so far! :D

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:14 am
by SergeiTheFox
I just realized: Where are the character tags?

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:21 am
by Douglas Collier
Wait, are eye colors kaput? :o :(

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:45 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
D-Rock wrote:I like how the title of the arc is actually a part of the chalkboard. Seems that there are those that don't really care for their bankrobber benefactor, though one has to admit, he's not really a good person.
actually I think he was gonna say bankroll, since it pretty much means "where our money comes from" and benefactor is a nicer way to say that.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:45 am
by valerio
The new style is really awesome! :D

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:13 am
by CHAOKOCartoons
SergeiTheFox wrote:I just realized: Where are the character tags?
Mungo seems to have one (a lightning bolt), but for some reason the others' are not visible.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:20 am
by SergeiTheFox
CHAOKOCartoons wrote:
SergeiTheFox wrote:I just realized: Where are the character tags?
Mungo seems to have one (a lightning bolt), but for some reason the others' are not visible.
I mean like the tags that signify which characters are in the strip under the strip title and arc name

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:47 am
by Foreigner
SergeiTheFox wrote:
CHAOKOCartoons wrote:
SergeiTheFox wrote:I just realized: Where are the character tags?
Mungo seems to have one (a lightning bolt), but for some reason the others' are not visible.
I mean like the tags that signify which characters are in the strip under the strip title and arc name
Maybe it doesn't matter now because a new site is coming

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:39 am
by SuperStar
Wow, the new artstyle(and format!) looks pretty interesting, but I think I'm gonna miss the eye colors...

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:50 am
by Not A Furry
Yay new everything! New style looks different, more alive and digital I'd say (Missing a bit of eye colour there tho :P)

Also I'd give Rick time to update the website and make some tweaks here and there, for example you can no longer preview the comics posted on x month/day, and it's missing a buncha stuff (Like the in-site comments)

Regarding the white background, I think it's just to experiment with the web style

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:33 am
by Fish Preferred
Mungo is obviously classic KAOS henchdog material.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:27 am
by Pecan
Well Fox, look on the bright side. It isn't parking duty.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:00 am
by Zarpaulus
Anyone else having trouble getting onto the forum from desktop now?

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:04 am
by Mistacheeeez
bjchan95 wrote:I'm getting a strong Zootopia vibe out of this one 8-)
So no matter what kind of dog you are: from our biggest Mungo, to our first Fox, I implore you to try, try to make Babylon Gardens a better place! (preferably without destroying the entire city in the process... Mungo...)

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:42 am
by Argent
Saturn381 wrote:A new character! :D

Also, I like the new format.
I couldn't find a link to this post though! Or character tags!

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:03 pm
by Cesco
Whoa, I'm impressed by all the chances! :D I like the small style changes, like nose drawing and coloring, and the new full page format. :)
This looks an interesting story arc. :D Eheh, who's Keene Milton for you, Ralph? :P Great choice for Fox, I hope he'll sniff important traces useful for the investigation. ;) Oh my... That's his new job partner? :? Ahah, he looks Satau's descendent, and I'm not talking about the only physical look. :lol: Take patience with you, Fox, you'll need it. ;)
So, no eyes colors? :| It's a shame, because it has always been a mark of this comic (it even helped with characters recognizing for various times).

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:58 pm
by gamepopper
Woo! A K-9 story arc! :D

Also I noticed Rick saying he's moving from three a week to two a week, but didn't see which days those would be. I don't mind considering there will be a new format and all, but I like knowing which days to check the site. ^^;

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:12 pm
by rickgriffin
gamepopper wrote:Woo! A K-9 story arc! :D

Also I noticed Rick saying he's moving from three a week to two a week, but didn't see which days those would be. I don't mind considering there will be a new format and all, but I like knowing which days to check the site. ^^;
I haven't decided if Monday/Thursday or Monday/Friday yet

Also I haven't decided if I'll keep JPG or go back to PNG . . . the main issue being that PNG is 2x the file size of JPG.

Also I haven't decided whether to keep no-color pupils or what, given I've been omitting them a lot and it's bothersome to remember

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:28 pm
by Douglas Collier
I'd say keep the colored eyes - it gives the dogs more personality and individuality (less beast-like); also, it would be a tragedy never to see what color Ace's eyes are.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:28 pm
by Argent
So, I predict hijinks and wacky adventures and Fox finding Keene but getting separated from his officer and having to work through several important plot-holes to get them all back to safety.

And after all that, Keene finally goes "oh, yes, I was supposed to give you this" and hands Fox a completely unreadable wad of wet and partly burned paper.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:28 pm
by CHAOKOCartoons
rickgriffin wrote:Also I haven't decided whether to keep no-color pupils or what, given I've been omitting them a lot and it's bothersome to remember
Personally, I've always liked seeing the characters without the eyecolors and just the black pupils, and like you said it's a bit more convenient just to leave them like that when drawing. Though I can see why people would miss that, as it did bring a bit more unique-ness to the characters. But I don't think this version of the eyes really needs the eye colors.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:18 pm
by D-Rock
Okay, new website looks really nice! Seems more professional to me, and the mobile version isn't cluttered, either. Not that it was a mess in the old version, but zooming in was a necessity at times to select a link or tab.

I can see the benefits of JPG, it's smaller in file size and in this case, it makes it seem more like an actual comic page. Bottom left corner of Fox would have looked weird if you made it a PNG with transparent background, though I'm sure you would have remedied that easily with a simple backdrop.

If I may, I do like being able to see their eye color. It's among the last things I notice, but it does add personality.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:42 pm
by FancyHat
Hey careful what ya say 'bout Keene, Ralph or else your payroll's going to the dogs....*hears distant Ba-dum-tiss*Oh jeez I just realized I made a HORRIBLE, horrible pun....

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:13 pm
by Bucky-Roo
Hooray for format change and more fox! Hoping for a great buddy-cop arc :D

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:15 pm
by Saturn381
rickgriffin wrote:I haven't decided if Monday/Thursday or Monday/Friday yet.
How about Tuesdays and Thursdays?

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:24 pm
by dryideabat
Neat, lots of interesting format changes. :D I too will miss the eye colors a bit, but I respect the artistic choice. Even in this one strip, it doesn't take away from the richness of the characters.
Nice to see how much Fox has developed. I smell a sitcom between him and the new recruit. :lol:

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:42 pm
by ChekeBello
The new style is cool, I will really miss the eye's colors if U you choose not to keep them.

I wouldn't mind helping with the re-tagging on the comics, tbh to me that sounds like something fun to do on spare time xD

I understand that PNG is a bigger file format (regarding file sizes) but the white in the back of the panels looks somehow off for me.

What about the Stories that were in the old site? I hope they can return, I knew I should have saved them but I didn't >.<

Edit: Also, is there any problem if we use the new site's background on the wikia?

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:00 am
by Argent
rickgriffin wrote:Also I haven't decided whether to keep no-color pupils or what, given I've been omitting them a lot and it's bothersome to remember
One vote for iris colors here.
D-Rock wrote:Bottom left corner of Fox would have looked weird if you made it a PNG with transparent background, though I'm sure you would have remedied that easily with a simple backdrop.
PNG doesn't require transparency.

Re: 2016/07/04 - The Dogpen

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:46 am
by Not A Furry
Yeah I gotta say the eye colours gave more life to the characters IMO, but it's your choice rick :D

Also if it's not too inconvenient for ikani, I think PNG would be better for transparency, this kinda gave me the feel of a spot/guest week comic in that sense, more like a comic and less like a webcomic :P