Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Buster »

Looking out at the ghosts the twins speak in unison despite being separate at the moment, "And that makes item number six on the 'logic went out the window' list."

face down on the floor kol just groans. "Not so loud. head still hurts."
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

Legotron123 wrote:Lewis frowned as he kept checking out items. ”Do you at least call them often? This might sound weird, but being around billions of people won’t necessarily stop you from feeling lonely.”
"Yeah, I call. Not as much as I should though... I also try to visit when on Earth, but..." He shook his head. "Anyway, we should get back to the others soon. Almost done here?"
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Right," Corp said, picking up a six pack of cat food tins that had a happy Feline on them as the cat kept a grip on the feather, "next is the... How does one of these go to the toilet?"
"Litter Boxes." Hivemind said simply. "Since you aren't used to caring for a non-sentient animal, I suggest you get one of those self-cleaning ones. All you'll have to do is take the bag to the trash and replace the litter when it starts to get low. A little light will light up when that happens."
Legotron123 wrote:Meanwhile, Liz watched as Hivemind toyed with Snowball, dangling the little feather in front of her face. ”Such a simple creature. She doesn’t have to worry about alien invaders or getting lost in another dimension. She only has to worry about how she’s going to amuse herself. In a way, she is to envied, for she knows not of the greater struggles this world has to offer.” She said, waxing poetically.
"Yeah. Quite a few people feel uncomfortable with keeping a living thing as a pet. They don't seem to realize that it's a mutual relationship. The animal gets everything they could want or need, and the person taking care of the animal gets a close friend. Honestly the pet gets the better end of the deal typically."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Jaken finished his work in the the covered room and washed his hands before hopping back through the portal. "Am I needed back there," he said, sort of hopefully. Who else was going to look after Miss Rika?
"Needed? Not particularly. You can go back if you want though."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"That sounds like a good idea," Hannabelle nodded. "There's a fe routes out of there through the woods and, as I recall, one old militia outpost. A fair few may have headed there. Local law enforcement learnt about that after the Militia 'left' it."
"Then we should get going immediately." Hivemind said, standing up from the bench he was sitting on. "We'll take a Sparrow. No time to loose." He started leading Hannabelle outside. "Mind telling me why the Militia 'left' it? Does it pose a danger to the missing people, or safety?"

Welsh Halfwit wrote:<<Couldn't be helped,>> Postlethwaite replied. <<We got an active distress call from a freighter under pirate assault. Small scale but regulations demanded a response. Medical and security teams are being put on stand by.>>
"Understood. We had to do the same recently. I will send you coordinates you can send your medical teams to. Keep me updated in case you need assistance." Hivemind said before sending the coordinates and cutting out. "Can you connect me to our other allies now? I need to tell them what happened as well."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"You will need to remove EVERY Varanian from the planet," Dragere warned Hivemind. "My people don't have the best record when it comes to restraint after attack."
"I will remove them. In the meantime, however..." Hivemind addressed him, his tone very serious. "Celica needs to show restraint. Revenge is the hallmark of Odium, demon of hatred. The last thing this planet needs right now is another demon gaining strength in the void Cupiditas left behind. Cupiditas might be more evil, powerful, influential, and selfish, but Odium is by far more destructive."

Deske wrote:Chris stared at the field of ghost, at a loss for words of how to console the mech. "I'm- I'm glad you didn't..." Wow I actually suck at this, he thought to himself.
"I..." MT started before noticing the field of people who weren't as lucky as he was. "I'll tell you later... Looks like Nocturl is going to have some company..."
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Tatiana focused a bit more, in time to see Titan crush the orb. "You know. Beating that guy was kinda more satisfying than Odium. And I'm pretty sure that's not a sentence that should exist." As she looked out over the practical sea of spirits, Tatiana couldn't help but feel odd, a personal disgust at the idea that all these people were bound to that orb and she couldn't place why. "Didn't feel bad about Warlord getting atomed. Feel even less bad seeing this."
"Can't say I blame you..." Predator said, feeling a measure of revulsion at the shear number of souls that were trapped in that orb.
Legotron123 wrote:”Man, that guy doesn’t know how to take a hint.” Kolt said, sounding tired from the days events. He didn’t even seem all that phased by the field of ghosts, letting out a long, non-existent sigh in the weird mental space before speaking up again. ”Can you let me out now? I think I’ve had enough giant robot action for one day.”
(I’ll post Liz’ stuff after work)
Predator opened it's mouth and ejected the team with the exception of Jenny, who needed the speaker, and the twins, one of which wasn't stable enough to leave and the other couldn't be separate from the first. Even the telepresence droid was lying on the ground now, deactivated while Jaken wasn't using it.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Can you put me on speaker, Predator," Jenny asked. "Thanks," she added as the speaker turned on. "To those on the ground I say welcome back. I can't speak for what you have gone though and for how long but I can say this. It's over and done now. You are free. I know you did everything you could to help us during that fight, I felt your efforts and I thank you for them. You have been amazing and whatever help we can give you to acclimatise or move on we will help with. There is always hope in decency where we stand and you are those we stand for as Champions. As for you Varanians, your warlord is dead and your Shipmaster defeated. Your challenge is ended. Stand down now and let us avoid further bloodshed."
Buster wrote:Looking out at the ghosts the twins speak in unison despite being separate at the moment, "And that makes item number six on the 'logic went out the window' list."

face down on the floor kol just groans. "Not so loud. head still hurts."
"You..." One of the spirits, an adolescent human male who had curled up on the grass said. "You don't know what we've... You don't know what... What he did... We can't just..." the spirit started to sob.
Another one, a Celican soldier knelt down beside him in an attempt to comfort the soul. "This isn't something we can just move on from. It was bad enough, dying slowly in the belly of that cursed beast. Then it had to go and... torture us. Tear our ghosts apart over and over and over again, taking pieces of us from us for it's own use. This kid here was in that orb for years now. He had powers in life too, meaning the pain was worse and more frequent." the Celican's voice was shaky, trying to keep his composure. Celicans didn't cry, and soldiers especially didn't.
"I was the one he got the healing factor from." A third human stated. "I... it was a slow process... I didn't die until my healing factor gave in. It took weeks..."
Some of the other ghosts, spirits mostly of those with powers, were in even worse condition than the young man. The old woman who, according to the Shipmaster, had telekinesis looked faded, dark, and seemed to be missing limbs. Or at least, her limbs were unable to retain their shape. Her expression was empty and withdrawn. The Wyverns the Warlord had stolen fire breath from looked beaten down and broken. Easily over a thousand Corytophians were in varying states of trauma. Even an alarming number of Varanians were among the more abused spirits.
"I don't know if we can move on... So much is... wrong. Damaged. Broken. How... How do we get past all of that? How do we get past what happened to us?"
Last edited by CyberDragon on Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Legotron123 »

Kolt forced himself to stand up, stumbling a few times before he got a handle on it. ”I, I’m not going to act like I know I know what you’ve been through.” He said, clearly looking very tired. ”But I’ve dealt with pain, and I’ve learned that two of the most important things is to focus on moving forward and to never. Blame. Yourself. And I know that can be hard. I struggle with both every day. But you can’t focus on the pain. You can’t focus on what he did to you. I’m not saying act like it never happened, I’m saying you can’t let it occupy your every waking moment. Don’t let consume you, and don’t let it control you. As for the blame, well, it’s not your fault you died. It’s not your fault you were used. It’s not your fault you were abused. You are not responsible for any of the things he did, regardless of whether he used your powers to do it.” He panted for a moment. ”Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to collapse onto the ground, and take a much needed nap.” He said, before doing exactly as he described, collapsing on the ground and falling asleep.
”...But there’s never any time.” Lewis said, finishing Hivemind’s sentence as he checked out the last of his items. ”I’d suggest you make the time. Before it becomes a habit.”
”I bet they’re great listeners too.” Liz said half jokingly. ”But yeah, that seems like the perfect example of a symbiotic relationship. I can see how they’re so popular.”
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Buster »

"So, do we need a plan... what letter are we on?"
"How should i know?"
"whatever, How quickly can you cobble together a proton pack?"
"Those don't exist"
"neither do ghosts"
"...fair point. gimme, uh... i honestly have no idea how long this is going to take?"
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Suppose you'd better let me down there, Pred," Jenny said with a sigh. "Oh, and if they do any pictures of the team? Make sure you're in them, right? As far as I'm concerned, you're a part of the team, friend."

When released, Jenny checked on Kolt, then took her helmet off and made her way close to the first two who'd spoken. She knelt by them to keep eye contact and spoke directly to the pair at normal volume but clearly, so as many as possible heard her. "As Kolt said, we don't have all the answers, yeah? Not even sure we know the questions at times but we've come from hurt in all our lives, fighting through it for the hope of something better and that's your challenge now, making things better. I can't be sorry enough for all the things that have happened to you but I know that you guys never gave up. We heard the message you sent." She tried a smile but her facial muscles weren't quite up to carrying it off convincingly so she put it away again. "When we scanned the orb, someone was using it to ask for help and that was brilliant, it really was. It gave us inspiration to fight on when we had so little left to fight for. It gave us hope to be able to free you. Now? It's time for you to hope a little, eh? Because we have people who can help you. Others who've been through similar things and are doing what they can to move past it. Believe it or not there's an entire city of Spirits like yourself up on the Beacon and we're doing all we can for them, my friend. What are your names, by the way," she asked the Human and Celican in a quieter tone, subconsciously holding out a hand for a handshake. "I'm Jenny. From colony 14 "
"Nah," Hannabelle mentioned, keeping up with the Hivebot, "the base isn't dangerous. They were becoming dangerous. A lot of 'lower downs' ended up in local jail cells afterwards but the camp was cleared of weapons and the army kept an eye on it remotely."
Jaken was about to put the helmet back on when his favourite internal organ growled a protest. "S'pose I'd... better have a meat sandwich first," he grinned. "And can I try coffee," he asked hopefully.
Corp let the Cat up onto his shoulder so he could carry the items to the checkout, including toys, litter trays, litter and sundry items that were going to make carrying things difficult at first. "You're not going to go into a box, are you," he asked the Cat-Parrot.
"Rebuilding comes first," Dragere agreed. "By then, hopefully, more of the real situation will have leaked out by unofficial means."
Last edited by Welsh Halfwit on Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Tatiana stayed mostly silent as she was ejected back to reality and sat on the ground her teammates consoled the spirits. A part of her wanted to add her own words, but another felt her's wouldn't be as welcome as her comrade's, so instead she merely muttered to herself, "Time keeps marching... might as well walk along as much you can..." While she felt a bit drained, and a bit lost on what to do next and simply awaiting orders, she felt content that the invasion was over and that she at least helped partially.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

Rika, who surprisingly didn't look to be as tired as the others, started making a headcount of how many spirits were ambling around and planned out how she was going to check through them.

She had met with a ghost once before, a patient of hers became one. The patient didn't even realise until a colleague of Rika's screamed when they saw them. Dealing with loss is hard, even moreso when it's yourself. Not to mention the horrors these poor people had to go through..


Meanwhile, Traci is fast asleep where she is. It seems the multiple uses of her power really wore her out..
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Hlaoroo »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Nedd'd t' check y' could dae it under stress, man," Sarah told Cailean before giving him a polite kiss. "Were eith'r that or start shootin' at ye." She crossed over to Conall and squatted besides the Laird. "And ye're doin' pretty good too, hen," she said and signed. "Now," she added, "yuir in charge. Where d'youse want ta go aft'r we've done here?"
"Ah think it must nearly be time fer dinner. But we probably hae time fer a stroll first."
"Aye," Cailean agrees, buttoning his pistol into the holster on his belt. "We need tae find a shop anywye. Ah need some new gloves. These ones are gettin' a bit ick." He peels the thin plastic away from his palms slightly to demonstrate his point.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

Legotron123 wrote:”...But there’s never any time.” Lewis said, finishing Hivemind’s sentence as he checked out the last of his items. ”I’d suggest you make the time. Before it becomes a habit.”
”I bet they’re great listeners too.” Liz said half jokingly. ”But yeah, that seems like the perfect example of a symbiotic relationship. I can see how they’re so popular.”
"That's not it..." Hivemind said to Lewis. "Remember how I said I can't speak except for to my brother and through these droids? How just being around people is physically uncomfortable? That... unfortunately includes my family. I want to spend time with them, but it feels wrong visiting as a droid. And it feels uncomfortable visiting as myself. So how do I visit them?"
Welsh Halfwit wrote:Corp let the Cat up onto his shoulder so he could carry the items to the checkout, including toys, litter trays, litter and sundry items that were going to make carrying things difficult at first. "You're not going to go into a box, are you," he asked the Cat-Parrot.
"A kitty carrier might help out." Hivemind suggested. "Or I could hold her."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Nah," Hannabelle mentioned, keeping up with the Hivebot, "the base isn't dangerous. They were becoming dangerous. A lot of 'lower downs' ended up in local jail cells afterwards but the camp was cleared of weapons and the army kept an eye on it remotely."
"Right then. If they haven't gone there, it could be a base to launch a search from." Hivemind started up one of the Sparrow Dropships. "Climb aboard and let's get going."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Jaken was about to put the helmet back on when his favourite internal organ growled a protest. "S'pose I'd... better have a meat sandwich first," he grinned. "And can I try coffee," he asked hopefully.
Hivemind let out a laugh. "Glad you've got an appetite still. I'll get you a sandwich. You sure you want coffee? People don't tend to drink that for it's taste..."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Rebuilding comes first," Dragere agreed. "By then, hopefully, more of the real situation will have leaked out by unofficial means."
"I plan on releasing much of what has happened once things calm down. The plot, the betrayal, the arrests, once everyone involved in this has been arrested I plan to release as much information as I safely can. I'll likely leave out the demonic possession though." He said, his tone indicating that Dragere didn't have too much say in this. "The people need to know. They need to know so that steps can be taken to keep it from happening again. They deserve to know exactly what caused all of this destruction."

Legotron123 wrote:Kolt forced himself to stand up, stumbling a few times before he got a handle on it. ”I, I’m not going to act like I know I know what you’ve been through.” He said, clearly looking very tired. ”But I’ve dealt with pain, and I’ve learned that two of the most important things is to focus on moving forward and to never. Blame. Yourself. And I know that can be hard. I struggle with both every day. But you can’t focus on the pain. You can’t focus on what he did to you. I’m not saying act like it never happened, I’m saying you can’t let it occupy your every waking moment. Don’t let consume you, and don’t let it control you. As for the blame, well, it’s not your fault you died. It’s not your fault you were used. It’s not your fault you were abused. You are not responsible for any of the things he did, regardless of whether he used your powers to do it.” He panted for a moment. ”Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to collapse onto the ground, and take a much needed nap.” He said, before doing exactly as he described, collapsing on the ground and falling asleep.
This didn't seem to work so well. The spirits weren't feeling guilty until he reminded them the Warlord used their powers.

"I... I fought back though..." the alien feline with laser vision said, beginning to tear up. "I could have fought back earlier... Could have overloaded the heat vision... I could have..."

Others didn't seem particularly moved by Kolt urging them not to let the trauma consume them. They didn't seem to appreciate his claims that he dealt with pain, as there was serious doubt that his pain could compare to being melted alive in a vat of acid before having your soul stolen and torn apart by a super-powered kaiju.
~\Rook/~ wrote:Rika, who surprisingly didn't look to be as tired as the others, started making a headcount of how many spirits were ambling around and planned out how she was going to check through them.

She had met with a ghost once before, a patient of hers became one. The patient didn't even realise until a colleague of Rika's screamed when they saw them. Dealing with loss is hard, even moreso when it's yourself. Not to mention the horrors these poor people had to go through..
Rika would find that the number of spirits there were too many to count.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Suppose you'd better let me down there, Pred," Jenny said with a sigh. "Oh, and if they do any pictures of the team? Make sure you're in them, right? As far as I'm concerned, you're a part of the team, friend."

When released, Jenny checked on Kolt, then took her helmet off and made her way close to the first two who'd spoken. She knelt by them to keep eye contact and spoke directly to the pair at normal volume but clearly, so as many as possible heard her. "As Kolt said, we don't have all the answers, yeah? Not even sure we know the questions at times but we've come from hurt in all our lives, fighting through it for the hope of something better and that's your challenge now, making things better. I can't be sorry enough for all the things that have happened to you but I know that you guys never gave up. We heard the message you sent." She tried a smile but her facial muscles weren't quite up to carrying it off convincingly so she put it away again. "When we scanned the orb, someone was using it to ask for help and that was brilliant, it really was. It gave us inspiration to fight on when we had so little left to fight for. It gave us hope to be able to free you. Now? It's time for you to hope a little, eh? Because we have people who can help you. Others who've been through similar things and are doing what they can to move past it. Believe it or not there's an entire city of Spirits like yourself up on the Beacon and we're doing all we can for them, my friend. What are your names, by the way," she asked the Human and Celican in a quieter tone, subconsciously holding out a hand for a handshake. "I'm Jenny. From colony 14 "
"...Samuel..." the human said.
"Jacob." replied the Celican. "Thank you, but... I don't want to be stuck here. I want to move on. I want to see my parents and grandparents again. I don't think even your Hivemind can help with that..."

"Hmm... Perhaps not. But I believe I know who can!" A familiar voice said cheerily. An old, cloaked, blind man with a long Santa-beard and an ornate cane seemed to appear out of nowhere. It was the hobo wizard once again.
"It's not my job to seek the truth.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Nice to meet the pair of you," Jenny offered, keeping the hand where it was. "I have to ask, Samuel, did you expect rescue to look so much like 'Redwall' meets 'Lord of the rings..." she looked up as the Hobo wizard arrived and spoke. "...complete with Gandalf the hedged?" She gave off a slight smile. "If you want to go on to the hunting grounds, Jacob, he's the guy to talk to." She stood and gave the soldier a salute.
"...Then what do they drink it for," Jaken asked. "I keep getting told I'm not old enough to have it but I'm pretty sure what that Vixen did earlier was some sort of adult kiss so I must be... I think?"
"Probably smart to take one of the Dog Squad medics too," Hannabelle mentioned on boarding the ship. "There could be injuries down there."
"You are doing irreparable harm to my image," Corp reminded Snowball whilst scritching her behind the ears. "I think she prefers being carried," he told Hive. "There seems to be some... wariness about the cat carriers."
Sarah grimaced slightly as Cailean pulled the gloves off. "Aye," she said, "Reckon y've got that right, Hen." After making sure everything was tidied and stored, she led the pair out into the ship in search of a park and shops.
"Got them all listening," Sana said, indicating to Hive that he could probably start talking now as Seena took herself off to a quiet corner for a minute.
"Calling handsome Hunk Colorado," she whispered into the comm, "Come in, Colorado. Now it's safe...ish, are you going to be long, love?" She glanced oer towards the little Fennec. "ANd how's Denver getting on? Others wish to know."
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Hlaoroo »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Sarah grimaced slightly as Cailean pulled the gloves off. "Aye," she said, "Reckon y've got that right, Hen." After making sure everything was tidied and stored, she led the pair out into the ship in search of a park and shops.
As the "ick" is mostly just Cailean's sweat confined to the interior of the latex gloves, the border collie quietly slips his paw into Sarah's as they stroll. Although he feels slightly clammy inside the gloves, the exterior will be warm and dry to Sarah's touch although it will slide slightly over Cailean's moist pads.
"This is nice, isn't it? Ye'd almost think we were back hame* on Earth." he comments as Conall tries not to watch them too closely in order to give them a modicum of privacy.

*hame = home
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Legotron123 »

Kolt was lying on the pavement, completely passed out from all that fighting. A little bit of drool was starting to pool on the ground.
”Well doesn’t your family know about that? I have to imagine they’d understand if you can only meet with them via drone.” Lewis said as he started bagging his various items. ”And if they don’t, that’s their problem, not yours.”
”Honestly, I kinda like you like this.” Liz said, faintly smiling at Corp. ”You’re more open, more.. talkative, for lack of a better word.”
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Deske »

Colorado chuckled as he heard the voice of his love inside his head again, "We're actually doing pretty okay right now. Bit of a scare with the ship crashing, but honestly it wasn't anything I haven't been through before. Less bullets this time too, so that was nice." Colorado looked around for some sort of clock to tell the time with, "Ahh well, I don't think I'll be too long. Whenever Hive is done with us, I should be able to head back. Duty calls and all that."


"Maybe, maybe not," Chris commented as the hobo wizard made himself known.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Tatiana decided to flop onto the ground completely, her second shell next to her, unsure of what to really do, though turned to face the hobo wizard. "Ah, hobo wizard sir. Fancy seeing you here. How's things?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"...Then what do they drink it for," Jaken asked. "I keep getting told I'm not old enough to have it but I'm pretty sure what that Vixen did earlier was some sort of adult kiss so I must be... I think?"
"Energy." Hivemind answered simply. "It helps them wake up in the morning. I don't think you're too old to try a cup, but it does stain your teeth if you drink it regularly."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Probably smart to take one of the Dog Squad medics too," Hannabelle mentioned on boarding the ship. "There could be injuries down there."
"Good idea."

- - - - -
Deske wrote:Colorado chuckled as he heard the voice of his love inside his head again, "We're actually doing pretty okay right now. Bit of a scare with the ship crashing, but honestly it wasn't anything I haven't been through before. Less bullets this time too, so that was nice." Colorado looked around for some sort of clock to tell the time with, "Ahh well, I don't think I'll be too long. Whenever Hive is done with us, I should be able to head back. Duty calls and all that."
A hive droid walked up to Colorado. "Colorado, could you and any of your available clones follow me please? We're going on a search and rescue assignment. There's the possibility that the people we're looking for are injured."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"You are doing irreparable harm to my image," Corp reminded Snowball whilst scritching her behind the ears. "I think she prefers being carried," he told Hive. "There seems to be some... wariness about the cat carriers."
The cat continued to purr as they walked out of the shop.
Legotron123 wrote:”Well doesn’t your family know about that? I have to imagine they’d understand if you can only meet with them via drone.” Lewis said as he started bagging his various items. ”And if they don’t, that’s their problem, not yours.”
”Honestly, I kinda like you like this.” Liz said, faintly smiling at Corp. ”You’re more open, more.. talkative, for lack of a better word.”
Hivemind helped Lewis carry the bags out of the store considering how many there were. "I think they understand cognitively, but I can't help but feel a certain... sadness... in their voices when I visit as a droid."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Got them all listening," Sana said, indicating to Hive that he could probably start talking now as Seena took herself off to a quiet corner for a minute.
"Calling handsome Hunk Colorado," she whispered into the comm, "Come in, Colorado. Now it's safe...ish, are you going to be long, love?" She glanced oer towards the little Fennec. "ANd how's Denver getting on? Others wish to know."
"Attention all allied forces." Hivemind spoke into the comm device. "The Warlord has been killed. The fleet has been captured, and the enemy forces have surrendered. The Beacon will stay here and help with repairs, search and rescue, and medical treatment of the injured. We request you lend your strength to these efforts."

Meanwhile, the satellite cameras found the team and was currently showing the field of spirits.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Nice to meet the pair of you," Jenny offered, keeping the hand where it was. "I have to ask, Samuel, did you expect rescue to look so much like 'Redwall' meets 'Lord of the rings..." she looked up as the Hobo wizard arrived and spoke. "...complete with Gandalf the hedged?" She gave off a slight smile. "If you want to go on to the hunting grounds, Jacob, he's the guy to talk to." She stood and gave the soldier a salute.
Deske wrote:"Maybe, maybe not," Chris commented as the hobo wizard made himself known.
The hobomancer let out a hearty laugh. "You shall pass on!" He declared, mimicking the famous scene before lifting his staff up and thudding it down on the grass.
The human ghost gave short laugh and a small smile. "No... I can't say I did."
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Tatiana decided to flop onto the ground completely, her second shell next to her, unsure of what to really do, though turned to face the hobo wizard. "Ah, hobo wizard sir. Fancy seeing you here. How's things?"
"Oh..." he let out a sad sigh. "It could be better. I'm less than a fan of this side of the job. Looking the result of four thousand three hundred and sixty two tragedies."

The Celican turned to Hobomancer. "Who are you?"

The old man simply smiled. "These nice people have taken to calling me 'Hobo Wizard'. I'm just a slightly annoying old man who's friendly with the aspect of love."

"Can you do what she says? Can you help me move on?" he asked, looking hopeful.

"Hmm... I believe I can. Or, I know someone who can. Those of you who are ready..." he called out, his voice projecting across the field of ghosts surprisingly well for someone of his size. "Prepare yourselves."

The old man turned his head to the sky, opening his arms to the ghosts gathered in front of him. "Today, you will move on to paradise. Whether you lived a life of luxury or pain, whether you died swiftly or suffered, it no longer matters. From this point on, you shall suffer no longer. You shall not endure the pain of injury nor torment of the mind ever again. There is hope in the future, no matter how much hopelessness was in the past. Now rest. Diligitus... They are ready."

The ghosts started to shimmer. Many let out relaxed and relieved sighs as their spirits were carried away, vanishing in the shining light they gave off. Others said their thank yous to both the team and the Hobomancer. Samuel stayed around longer than most of the others. He drifted up to Jenny, and tried to give her a sort of hug. Being made of nothing but thought and emotion however, his arms simply phased through. "I... Wanted to thank you in particular. I don't know how I know, but I know you were the one who heard us."

The alien feline also hung around for a bit. He was standing over Kolt's sleeping form. "I wish to say thank you to this one, but..."
"Hmm..." The wizard walked up to Kolt. He gave the Concertian a light poke with his cane. "Kolt, wake up please. One of the spirits wishes to speak to you."

Not every spirit left. Many of the empowered ghosts remained, particularly the ones exhibiting the largest signs of damage. One who remained, however, looked like her spirit was unharmed. She was a Celican woman, in her late thirties or early forties. "I cannot leave though! I have to live! Please! I can't die now!" The Hobomancer turned his head to face her. "Please, my children... They don't have any other family! I... I hid them. I hid them from the attackers when the monster showed up, before it grabbed me and... They can't be without their mother, they're only four years old. Please, please, I have to live!"

The Hobomancer sighed and turned his head to the sky. "This is why I don't do this anymore... Diligitis, I know it's frowned upon, but... Really? I see..." He faced the spirit. "Go. Find your children. Raise them well, and love them unconditionally. They need you." The hobo wizard reached out and placed a hand on the Celican's now solid shoulder. She looked down at her very much physical body, feeling her own heartbeat, breathing, and pulse, an expression of absolute shock on her face. "You... I... How...?"

MT and Predator were just as speechless at this.
"It's not my job to seek the truth.
It's not my job to pick a side.
It's not my job to judge your sins.
It's my job to save your life."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Buster »

"As soon as we get home i'm getting a full psych eval done on myself cause i'm pretty sure crashing into the ocean did something to my core. there is no way this week is real."
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"It's no trouble," Jenny said, doing her best to simulate a hug with someone who wasn't really there and trying not to tear up. "I think we all heard you. Is <snf> there anyone you'd like me to pass a message onto, Samuel," she asked with a slightly wavering smile, watching the Celican woman return and knowing the miracles were done for the day.

After the reply*, Jenny just walked up to the Celican female and hugged her. "We needed the miracle right now," she said, bone tired, "so thank you for that. But I wouldn't tell your kids quite how close you came."
"Are those... what I think they are," Sana commented, staring at the screen.
"Depends what you think they are," Seena said, crossing back to her station.
"Silver special effects on the screen," Sana commented sarcastically.
"Meh. Give the local press twenty-four hours and they will be."
"More like twenty-six hours. And our press claims to 'hunt down the truth'" She sighed. "But then they tend to butcher it and put whatever they like up. Some of them anyway."
"Universal constants." Seena waved to the screen. "Afterlife confirmed. And nothing's more terrifying to the press than confirming a religious belief."
"I'll stop short of smiling in public, Captain," Corp stated drily as they moved along. "Unless I'm intimidating someone."
"Of course," Dragere continued, "one thing - that I'd never call a positive - that comes out of this is that the Army will need new weapons. Weapons more capable of fighting a threat like these Varanians. The public's going to insist on that as much as they are with closer ties with other races. More so, probably. I think I'll have some people go get me some of those ones Monta dropped around Lakarian City." He sent the command to a team before continuing. "I've asked... ordered a couple to be brought here. So you can analyse them or give them out or whatever."
"Well, I'll only try it the once," Jaken insisted, taking a seat. "And I might not tell Miss Rika," he added, just in case.
"Star's 'r diff'rent," Sarah admitted, "But, as Charles used ta say, 'Home? It's not where y' are that's a home, it's who yer with.'" She looked back at Conall, then at Cailean. "Always thought it a Donnart thing t'say. Until now."

((Donnart = Foolish))

*(and any other interaction)
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Tatiana felt a bit happy at the Hobo Mancer's abilities bringing the mother back. "Kinda nice to have some of the crazy aspect power on our side from time to time. Ya know?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Legotron123 »

Kolt slowly grumbled his way into a sitting position, clearly still very tired. ”Did my advice help?” He asked, eyes still mostly closed. ”I was too tired to think of how to word it properly, so I might’ve implied something I didn’t mean to imply. I just didn’t want them to be like I was after my Wards died.” He said, mumbling a bit due to exhaustion. It was clear he really wanted to go back to sleep, but someone needed him, so that was more important.
Lewis was silent for a moment as he and Hivemind carried the bags back to the house. ”I don’t know how bad your anxiety gets, so this might not be possible, but have you tried meeting in person for a quick second at the end? Just walk in, give them a hug, then walk out? Or is even that too much?”
Liz gave a short laugh. ”The day you start smiling is the day I call an exorcist.” She said, before realizing something. ”Actually, considering the way this universe is, that might be necessary if you start smiling.”
Last edited by Legotron123 on Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Deske »

"Yeah," he answered as himself and 3 others joined in behind him.

"How many people are we expecting?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"I'll stop short of smiling in public, Captain," Corp stated drily as they moved along. "Unless I'm intimidating someone."
Legotron123 wrote:Lewis was silent for a moment as he and Hivemind carried the bags back to the house. ”I don’t know how bad your anxiety gets, so this might not be possible, but have you tried meeting in person for a quick second at the end? Just walk in, give them a hug, then walk out? Or is even that too much?”
Liz gave a short laugh. ”The day you start smiling is the day I call an exorcist.” She said, before realizing something. ”Actually, considering the way this universe is, that might be necessary if you start smiling.”
Hivemind thought for a moment about what Lewis had said. "That... I can do that. And... I suppose I could also have a droid go with me in case they wanted to talk..."

The two droids led the three back to their house. When they were together again, Hivemind helped them bring the cat supplies and Lewis's new collection inside. "Thanks, Lewis. Sometimes it helps to just talk through things. Forces you to think about them, and that helps come up with solutions." He turned to the others. "Anyway, you wanted to check on how the others were doing, right? Well, a few of them aren't here. Colorado and the clones took jobs as medics on the surface. They're going to help with search and rescue. I believe Keeva and Dan are getting some dinner. Sarah, Cailean, and Conall just finished target practice and are headed out to get some new gloves for Cailean. And Seena is helping Sana and me with communications and keeping in touch with our allies. And of course, MT and Chris are planetside. The Nocturls are busy planning the lieutenant's funeral. Most others are out doing interviews or getting food and supplies or exploring the ship."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Of course," Dragere continued, "one thing - that I'd never call a positive - that comes out of this is that the Army will need new weapons. Weapons more capable of fighting a threat like these Varanians. The public's going to insist on that as much as they are with closer ties with other races. More so, probably. I think I'll have some people go get me some of those ones Monta dropped around Lakarian City." He sent the command to a team before continuing. "I've asked... ordered a couple to be brought here. So you can analyse them or give them out or whatever."
"I would like to inspect them. We must confiscate the weapons anyway. I believe that Monta was one of the people replaced by our conspirators. If he survived, we have to bring him in. Consider any weapons you find evidence in the investigation until further notice. I will have Tempest assist in apprehending Monta."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Well, I'll only try it the once," Jaken insisted, taking a seat. "And I might not tell Miss Rika," he added, just in case.
"Well, alright then." Hivemind said. "I won't tell anyone." He let out a small laugh. In not too long, a second droid walked in carrying a small mug of coffee.

Deske wrote:"Yeah," he answered as himself and 3 others joined in behind him.

"How many people are we expecting?"
"The group we're searching for consisted of about twelve individuals." Hivemind said, leading them to the Sparrow where Hannabelle was waiting. Once they were inside, the ship took off.

Buster wrote:"As soon as we get home i'm getting a full psych eval done on myself cause i'm pretty sure crashing into the ocean did something to my core. there is no way this week is real."
"Don't worry..." Predator said, still having trouble wrapping his own head around what had just happened. "You aren't alone. We're all seeing it, and none of us are believing it."

"I've... honestly never seen power like that... Not since the Dragon Knight..." Archangel pitched in, his face full of disbelief at the hobomancer literally bringing a ghost to life with a touch.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"It's no trouble," Jenny said, doing her best to simulate a hug with someone who wasn't really there and trying not to tear up. "I think we all heard you. Is <snf> there anyone you'd like me to pass a message onto, Samuel," she asked with a slightly wavering smile, watching the Celican woman return and knowing the miracles were done for the day.[/color]"
"Too many to list..." he responded with a sad sigh. "Friends... Family... brothers, sisters, cousins, Mom, Dad, Grandparents... I don't know if they ever found out what happened to me, and I don't think you'll meet them all... It was so stupid to risk so much."
Legotron123 wrote:Kolt slowly grumbled his way into a sitting position, clearly still very tired. ”Did my advice help?” He asked, eyes still mostly closed. ”I was too tired to think of how to word it properly, so I might’ve implied something I didn’t mean to imply. I just didn’t want them to be like I was after my Wards died.” He said, mumbling a bit due to exhaustion. It was clear he really wanted to go back to sleep, but someone needed him, so that was more important.
"I wanted to say thank you to you... You were right. I shouldn't blame myself for what he did. Still though... I can't help but feel I failed. I, like all of the other supers among the ghosts here, was supposed to put an end to the Warlord, and instead, I only made him stronger. It was foolish to go alone." The spirit turned to the hobo wizard. "I don't know if I can move on with that weight over me... Even if I can, I want to stay. I want to help. I couldn't save the people the Warlord killed, but I want to save someone. I don't want my life and my death to mean nothing."

"It doesn't mean nothing, and didn't mean nothing. However, knowing you, nothing I say will convince you of that." Hobomancer said, shaking his head.

The feline looked over to the abandoned telepressence droid. "And I think I might know how I can help people, even in death." The ghost said before vanishing.

The telepressence droid started seizing up and shaking violently. Suddenly, it shifted much like when Jaken controlled it, except for this time it took the form of the feline alien. The droid stood up. "I... I think that worked..." he waved a hand in front of his face. "For a moment, I thought... I thought I was alive again. This droid's senses are just like mine were in life... It feels so much like my old body, yet... It also feels so different." He concluded, sadly.

The other ghosts took notice of this. Starting with Samuel. One by one, they vanished, and one by one they filled the droid with souls of the tortured empowered. For once, the hobomancer didn't look happy about this. "This isn't ideal, but... What do you think, Diligitis? ...hmm... I suppose you're right... They were too damaged to move on anyway. Too much baggage. This could give them time to heal..." the old man seemed to be speaking to himself, but by now it was pretty clear he wasn't.

At the moment, Samuel was in control of the droid, and it took his form. "Listen..." He said to Jenny, before hugging her properly. "Thank you. I... We want to join you. We want to help people. I want to see my family again, and I think the others want the same. I want to tell them how sorry I am." He let go. "So... We're going to join you."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:After the reply*, Jenny just walked up to the Celican female and hugged her. "We needed the miracle right now," she said, bone tired, "so thank you for that. But I wouldn't tell your kids quite how close you came."
The mother was too overjoyed to consider it odd that a complete stranger was hugging her. "I won't... I just hope they didn't see... That they weren't looking when..." She went silent for a moment. "I need to get back to them. I need to get back to them immediately."
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Tatiana felt a bit happy at the Hobo Mancer's abilities bringing the mother back. "Kinda nice to have some of the crazy aspect power on our side from time to time. Ya know?"
"Ah, that reminds me." The hobomancer walked over to Traci and tried waking her up. "Traci, you might want to wake up. I know you'll probably be annoyed with yourself if you sleep through this." The Hobomancer stepped away from the group and started walking towards the crater. "Speaking of crazy aspect power, I think it's time my cosmic friend and I ensured no more crazy demon aspect powers can hurt this planet. This would be a good spot for it, if it weren't for this darn crater. Let's see here..."

The old man lifted his staff and tapped it down on the ledge of the crater. Only there wasn't a crater anymore. There were only miles of fields and forests to be seen, with no signs of the devastation caused by Titan's earth-shattering punch. "Diligitis! This world is ready for your love! For your protection! The taint of greed has weakened! Now, it is your turn to shine through the remaining darkness!"

The ground began to shake violently like during a particularly aggressive earthquake. Then, something erupted from the ground in the dead center of where the crater was. It shot up, stretching high as a mountain and shining brighter than the brightest day and illuminating the already sunny sky. As the crystalline structure grew taller and wider, branches shot off of it like the prongs of an antler. Each branch extended and split off perfectly evenly, and more branches split off from those perfectly evenly, forming a beautiful fractal tree made of some sort of strange crystal that refracted the light passing through it into an array of strange, beautiful, and mysterious colors the likes of which the mortal eye should not even be able to comprehend. The tips of the branches, once the strange structure stopped growing, extended beyond what the eye could even see, fading out of existence without ever actually ending.

"WHAT?! WHAT IS THAT?!" Predator said. Apparently he could empathize with Kobor and Talya in that things were far too insane right now for even him to deal with.

"Chris... Are you seeing this?"

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Are those... what I think they are," Sana commented, staring at the screen.
"Depends what you think they are," Seena said, crossing back to her station.
"Silver special effects on the screen," Sana commented sarcastically.
"Meh. Give the local press twenty-four hours and they will be."
"More like twenty-six hours. And our press claims to 'hunt down the truth'" She sighed. "But then they tend to butcher it and put whatever they like up. Some of them anyway."
"Universal constants." Seena waved to the screen. "Afterlife confirmed. And nothing's more terrifying to the press than confirming a religious belief."
"I don't know if the press will see this. It's not like there are a whole lot of cameras trained on what's happening save for the satellites and the champion helmet cameras. I don't know if our allies are watching this happen from their own ships though. I'm not sure if I'm going to show the press this footage. I don't know how Celica would react to it. I'll have to ask Dragere or Hannabelle."

- - - - -

"Hey..." Hivemind asked Dragere once he responded to the comment about Monta, "Kind of a weird question, but hypothetically how would the population of Celica respond to, oh, say, video proof of life after death?"

- - - - -

"In the meantime..." Hivemind continued with Sana and Seena. "We need to... What...?" He looked at a live feed of the planet to see that Titan's crater was completely gone, then jumped back when the close up image showed the crystal structure shoot out of the ground. "HOLY...! Well, there's no hiding that thing! That... That's an antler!"
"It's not my job to seek the truth.
It's not my job to pick a side.
It's not my job to judge your sins.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Tatiana began to feel better as the whole thing went on, especially as the ghosts took hold of the abandoned droid, but what came next caused her to actually sit up from the ground. Her helmet lit up, her eyes becoming happy little 'u's as she began a laughing fit at the hobo mancer creating a giant crystalline structure. "HA HA HA HA AH HA HA! EAT YOUR HEART OUT LAZARUS! SOMEBODY JUST TOPPED YOUR LEVEL OF CRAZY FOR ME!" All the while her second shell was clapping.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"I agree," Jenny said to the Vixen. "but I don't know what it's like out there and you may decide you want to come with us rather than..." she paused as the crystal structure erupted from the ground. Then she blinked twice at it. "What..? What was I saying? Oh, yeah. You may, um, decide you want to come with us to the beacon. So, for that and speed, I'd like someone to escort you to them? C'mon and I'll ask." That done, she turned to Samuel before moving off. "Taking stupid risks to save others," she said. "Sounds like you'll be right at home on the Beacon. Been with 'em half a week an' never taken so many daft risks," she said, slipping into dialect as she led the pair to the others. "Ulrich," she called, "can you escort..." She paused, realising she didn't know the Vixens' name, "...the lady to her kids?" She sat down by Kolt. "Good t' get the weight off me feet. Kolt? Samuel. Samuel? Kolt. Samuel - and the others - are 'oping to head back wi' us."
"That would be appreciated," Dragere admitted about the offer of help before the topic change.

"There'd be religious problems, of course," Dragere mentioned, slightly thrown by the shift. "The Carranit believed in bringing people to the higher plain through releasing their souls from their bodies but they largely died out following the first mass ascension - ninety percent of them took the drug meant to simulate death and their leader became the biggest mass murderer in our history as a result. Most believe that, on death, your soul joins a heaven with all the ones who have gone before. Heavenly Hunting grounds, so to speak, where there's always prey and joy until you choose to return. Hell's the same place. You're just the prey for five hundred years. Why do you ask? "
Jaken grimaced as he took a sip but didn't spit it back out. "See why you say it wakes you up," he managed after swallowing.
"There's... only one thing I can think of to say..," Seena managed.
Sana pointed a finger at her. "Do NOT say 'oh, Deer'!"
Seena slapped her friends' arm. "I was going to say 'imagine the size of the hat'..." she lied.
"Hive, you might want to call this your first peace monument or something," Sana tried. "although you might get accused of tagging on a planetary scale..."
"Good to know we're proving useful," Corp said, inviting the feline to jump onto the sofa.
Keeva ordered for herself and Dan.
"Should only be about twelve, yeah," Hannabelle admitted, looking over her weapons, "but always plan on more. And they're probably a bit paranoid. You should be OK," she told Colorado. "Canids don't generally have a beef with us. Or anyone, come to that. Any chance you can look Celican," she asked the Hivebot.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Buster »

from where kol had taken to sitting during the whole 'ghosts' thing, throughly unnerved by yet another round of dead things not acting properly dead, she missed the whole antler-tree nonsense by virtue of facing the other direction. her attention fixated on a certain haunted droid she's now following, and fixing with a distrustful gaze...

"did... what..."
the virtual crew cabin video feed just shut off.
"no more of that. you're already too stressed out."
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Legotron123 »

While Kolt was too tired to properly comprehend what happened with the spirits and the drone, he was shaken out of this state when the giant crystal antler tree. He stared in awe for a few seconds, before Jenny got his attention. ”Oh, right.” He said, standing up and holding his hand out for a handshake. ”So you’re sticking around for a while then?” Kolt went silent for a moment, looking like he was internally debating something, before opening up his hammerspace pocket and digging through. ”This isn’t like to happen for a while, but if it’s not too much trouble, when you decide to pass on to, uh, whatever is the proper name for the Other Place, there’s something I’d like you to do for me.” He pulled out a locket, one that Hivemind and Jenny had seen before.
”Seems like all of them are busy then.” Liz said, as Lewis put most of his purchases on the living room table, then the couch and floor when that wasn’t enough space. She thought for a moment before coming to a decision. Let’s set up this stuff for Snowball, then go talk to the grunt. We’ll see who’s still busy after that.”
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Deske »

"...Yeah..." Chris answered, not really believing what he was seeing, flipping through a few different ranges of the em spectrum to try and get a better view of it, "Sure is beautiful, whatever it is."
Ulrich stared at the antlers of crystal before them for a few seconds before nodding to Jenny and heading over to the celican woman to help her find her children, "Let's find them as soon as we can."
"That's good to know. I'd love to walk into a situation, get mistaken for a similar species and be immediately attacked for it," Colorado said with a small grin.

"So while we're here, I have a question. Why do supposedly alien species use the same root words for Earth creatures for their species names? Lappineans, Canids, you're probably going to say there's something called a Felis," One of the other doctors asked.

"Probably for translation reasons. Lappinean is probably easier to say than indistinct chittering, Canid is probably easier to say than barking."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"That would be appreciated," Dragere admitted about the offer of help before the topic change.

"There'd be religious problems, of course," Dragere mentioned, slightly thrown by the shift. "The Carranit believed in bringing people to the higher plain through releasing their souls from their bodies but they largely died out following the first mass ascension - ninety percent of them took the drug meant to simulate death and their leader became the biggest mass murderer in our history as a result. Most believe that, on death, your soul joins a heaven with all the ones who have gone before. Heavenly Hunting grounds, so to speak, where there's always prey and joy until you choose to return. Hell's the same place. You're just the prey for five hundred years. Why do you ask? "
"Uh..." Hivemind didn't want to tell Dragere what had just happened, but he also felt he needed to keep the security chief informed. "Well..." He started, deciding it was best to be straightforward with him. "The Warlord's powers apparently came from the trapped souls of his victims, stored in the gem on his abdomen. When we destroyed the gem, all of the souls were released and filled the area with ghosts. Then a... I guess priest of Diligitis showed up and helped most of them move on, but then resurrected a widowed mother so she could return to her four-year-old kids. Then the remaining ghosts possessed a dormant droid I had down there and Diligitis may have planted a branch from his antlers on the surface of the planet. The plus side of that is that no other aspect can physically manifest here again and I've completely lost you, haven't I?"

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Jaken grimaced as he took a sip but didn't spit it back out. "See why you say it wakes you up," he managed after swallowing.
"Normally you put a bunch of cream and sugar and flavoring in there until it's not even legally considered coffee anymore. I've always been more of a fan of tea myself." Hivemind then remembered he should probably tell Jaken about what happened with the droid he was using. "Oh... and I'm afraid if you want to go back down, we'll have to send another tele-presence droid. The first one's haunted now, apparently." he said, again as if nothing was weird in that statement at all.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"There's... only one thing I can think of to say..," Seena managed.
Sana pointed a finger at her. "Do NOT say 'oh, Deer'!"
Seena slapped her friends' arm. "I was going to say 'imagine the size of the hat'..." she lied.
"Hive, you might want to call this your first peace monument or something," Sana tried. "although you might get accused of tagging on a planetary scale..."
"Ugh... I don't like this... I wonder how fast I can buy the land that antler showed up on. If the land belongs to anyone, either they'll consider the antler property damage or probably try to monetize it. I don't think Diligitis would like that." Hivemind thought out loud. "Buying that land and declaring the antler a peace monument might be the best way to make sure it isn't abused."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Good to know we're proving useful," Corp said, inviting the feline to jump onto the sofa.
Snowball immediately jumped up, curled up on the sofa, and started trying to sleep.
Legotron123 wrote:”Seems like all of them are busy then.” Liz said, as Lewis put most of his purchases on the living room table, then the couch and floor when that wasn’t enough space. She thought for a moment before coming to a decision. Let’s set up this stuff for Snowball, then go talk to the grunt. We’ll see who’s still busy after that.”
"The Varanian Grunt is at the hospital awaiting news about the Shipmaster." Hivemind said as he filled the food and water bowls, set up and plugged in the litterbox and assembled some of the cat toys. When he finished, he stood up led the group out. "Be aware, Liz, he might not listen to you. He's pretty upset about what happened to the Shipmaster."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Should only be about twelve, yeah," Hannabelle admitted, looking over her weapons, "but always plan on more. And they're probably a bit paranoid. You should be OK," she told Colorado. "Canids don't generally have a beef with us. Or anyone, come to that. Any chance you can look Celican," she asked the Hivebot.
"Afraid not. These droids don't have any ability to transform or change their appearances. That said, they should recognize the logos." He pointed to his forehead where five dots were connected around a central dot in a pentagon. "This identifies this droid as part of the hive." He also pointed to a symbol that looked like a c with a line through it, or the light at the end of a lunar eclipse. "Then that's the champion logo. They should recognize one or the other. Hopefully."
Deske wrote:"That's good to know. I'd love to walk into a situation, get mistaken for a similar species and be immediately attacked for it," Colorado said with a small grin.

"So while we're here, I have a question. Why do supposedly alien species use the same root words for Earth creatures for their species names? Lappineans, Canids, you're probably going to say there's something called a Felis," One of the other doctors asked.

"Probably for translation reasons. Lappinean is probably easier to say than indistinct chittering, Canid is probably easier to say than barking."
The ship was already slowing down as it approached it's destination. The Sparrow stopped, and the doors opened. The aircraft was parked on the roof of the base. "Right. Time to get searching."

Neon Icy Wings wrote:Tatiana began to feel better as the whole thing went on, especially as the ghosts took hold of the abandoned droid, but what came next caused her to actually sit up from the ground. Her helmet lit up, her eyes becoming happy little 'u's as she began a laughing fit at the hobo mancer creating a giant crystalline structure. "HA HA HA HA AH HA HA! EAT YOUR HEART OUT LAZARUS! SOMEBODY JUST TOPPED YOUR LEVEL OF CRAZY FOR ME!" All the while her second shell was clapping.
"Thank you, thank you..." the old man said, bowing to the applause. "Unfortunately that was the showstopper, I'm afraid. I've already drawn too much attention here. Diligitis is going to catch a lot of flak from the other aspects about this."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"I agree," Jenny said to the Vixen. "but I don't know what it's like out there and you may decide you want to come with us rather than..." she paused as the crystal structure erupted from the ground. Then she blinked twice at it. "What..? What was I saying? Oh, yeah. You may, um, decide you want to come with us to the beacon. So, for that and speed, I'd like someone to escort you to them? C'mon and I'll ask." That done, she turned to Samuel before moving off. "Taking stupid risks to save others," she said. "Sounds like you'll be right at home on the Beacon. Been with 'em half a week an' never taken so many daft risks," she said, slipping into dialect as she led the pair to the others. "Ulrich," she called, "can you escort..." She paused, realising she didn't know the Vixens' name, "...the lady to her kids?" She sat down by Kolt. "Good t' get the weight off me feet. Kolt? Samuel. Samuel? Kolt. Samuel - and the others - are 'oping to head back wi' us."
"Not just Samuel..." The Droid said, shifting into a Wyvern, before shifting into the feline. "A lot of us will be joining you, I think." It shifted to Samuel again. "Some were damaged. They need time to heal. They need time and care to mend the trauma." The droid started shifting between the various more tortured souls before stopping at the droid's default endo-skeleton appearance. "This isn't going to work if we don't agree on an appearance. So if multiple people need to speak, we should use this thing's robot appearance. Is that acceptable for everyone?" The droid let out the murmurs of agreement from a lot of different people before the droid turned back into Samuel. "Ok. They were talking to me specifically, so I'll take over for now." The human reached out to shake Kolt's hand. "I... guess we're going to be heroes after all. Just wish it could have been in our lifetimes."

"You can call us Legion." A whole bunch of voices spoke from the droid's mouth at once. "Honestly it was such an obvious codename we didn't even plan to speak it all at once." the haunted droid laughed.
Legotron123 wrote:While Kolt was too tired to properly comprehend what happened with the spirits and the drone, he was shaken out of this state when the giant crystal antler tree. He stared in awe for a few seconds, before Jenny got his attention. ”Oh, right.” He said, standing up and holding his hand out for a handshake. ”So you’re sticking around for a while then?” Kolt went silent for a moment, looking like he was internally debating something, before opening up his hammerspace pocket and digging through. ”This isn’t like to happen for a while, but if it’s not too much trouble, when you decide to pass on to, uh, whatever is the proper name for the Other Place, there’s something I’d like you to do for me.” He pulled out a locket, one that Hivemind and Jenny had seen before.
"Hmm..." The old man said, observing the interaction.

"Uh... Okay? I... don't know when we're going to be moving on, and I'm not sure what I can do..."

"If I may, considering I actually know the big man in charge of the other place, perhaps I can help?"

- - - - -
Buster wrote:from where kol had taken to sitting during the whole 'ghosts' thing, throughly unnerved by yet another round of dead things not acting properly dead, she missed the whole antler-tree nonsense by virtue of facing the other direction. her attention fixated on a certain haunted droid she's now following, and fixing with a distrustful gaze...

"did... what..."
the virtual crew cabin video feed just shut off.
"no more of that. you're already too stressed out."
"Right... Let me see if I can't get you into a more comfortable environment." Predator said. He then took the twins out of the cockpit and put them in one of the simulated spaces. This time, using scans from their memory as well as descriptions requested from the Hive, the room around them started to build itself to look like Kobor and Talya's ship.

- - - - -
Deske wrote:"...Yeah..." Chris answered, not really believing what he was seeing, flipping through a few different ranges of the em spectrum to try and get a better view of it, "Sure is beautiful, whatever it is."
"I'm getting a lot of alerts about unrecognizable input just looking at it... And... Is it singing? Or is that just my EM Audio interpreting it's light as song? Because it sounds like a... Latin choir."

From their distance, the crystal antler was silent. It appears the light itself is what is singing.

- - - - -
Deske wrote:Ulrich stared at the antlers of crystal before them for a few seconds before nodding to Jenny and heading over to the celican woman to help her find her children, "Let's find them as soon as we can."
"Thank you..." The vixen said. "We were in Lakarian City when it was attacked and I was... eaten... Wow... It's only really sinking in now..."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Hlaoroo »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Star's 'r diff'rent," Sarah admitted, "But, as Charles used ta say, 'Home? It's not where y' are that's a home, it's who yer with.'" She looked back at Conall, then at Cailean. "Always thought it a Donnart thing t'say. Until now."

((Donnart = Foolish))
"He sounds wise, tha' brother o' yers." Cailean replies.
"Aye." Conall agrees, having read their lips. "Ah just wish Ah kenned what it was like tae hae a wise brother."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"A lot of religions believe life doesn't end until the spirit passes on, Sam," Jenny said, speaking with her eyes closed for a rest, "and you're still here. Still time yet..." Her eyes opened as she heard the Celican female talk. "Lakarian city," she sighed, pulling herself to her feet, "it couldn't have been easy, could it? Hive, we're going to need to borrow a Sparrow and have you got any teams in Lakarian City? What IS your name anyhow," she added, addressing the Vixen.
Hannabelle stalked out of the Sparrow and took point, somehow heading through the damp forest without making much of a sound. She stopped to examine a low, thin, broken branch. "Well, someone's been past recently. The exposed core of the branch is still dry and it rained... five hours back?" She looked further on and saw half a shoe print in a spot of mud. "Amateur hour," she complained. "Thankfully. THIS IS HANNABELLE PRESANA," she called loudly. "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?" She continued to stalk towards the fort, calling out as she went.
"Well," Corp said, taking a moment to sort out the litter box, "it should be interesting. Now," he added, after coughing at the litter dust, "Snowball, try not to shed when we're out, yes?" He gave the feline a tentative pet and followed the others out.
"Yes, I...WHAT," Jaken asked, his ears standing straight up as his eyes boggled slightly. "Sp...Spirits?" He spoke again, sounding both worried and hopeful. "Um.... Any I know?"
"This..," Dragere started, "is an impossible day." He sat down. "I wish I'd taken early retirement now. I'd be growing Kata blossoms in the Grasska Valley. Not just Ghosts but a RESSURECTION?"
"Hmm," Sana muttered theatrically, "it's a shame you don't know someone currently inside government servers with a particular eye on the land purchase documents, isn't it?"
"TAren't you bending the law a bit that way?"
"Not if the acting head of the Celican government gives me permission."
"Has he?"
"Well, that depends on if Hive asks him."
"Aye," Sarah admitted, "that he be. An' one day, we'll be back wi' 'im. 'Till then? No better guys t' take the journey with in mah reck'ning."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Deske »

"I guess it'd be fitting for it to be a Latin choir." Chris stayed silent to listen to it for a few more seconds, "Think we could record it and make a 'Sounds of Diligitis' album?" He laughed at the thought.


Colorado and his crew stepped off of the ship and onto the roof, heads and ears in constant motion, looking for any signs of survivors as they followed Hannabelle into the forest.


Ulrich lifted his hand up slightly, raising a platform of light from the ground. He held out his hand to help the vixen up onto the platform, "Just point in the direction and I will take you there."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Ulrich," Jenny said simply, stifling a yawn, "We're in the Capital. Lakarian City's a hundred and fifty miles off. We should, uh, take a Sparrow to the area. Then you head from there." She headed towards one of the shuttles (same as Ulrich) and hoped it had Coffee before she got into the cockpit.
Last edited by Welsh Halfwit on Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Deske »

"Ah, perhaps I should read a map or two," He placed a finger to his earpiece and called for Hivemind. "I need a Sparrow to take myself and a mother to Lakarian City to look for her children."
Last edited by Deske on Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Tatiana quieted down for a moment, taking in the giant structure a tab longer before lazily floating after Ulrich and Jenny, trusting them to know where they're going compared to her own sense of direction, giving Legion a light wave as she passed him. She caught up with her two comrades, commenting, "Eh, I don't really read maps either. I just go where pointed. Worked so far."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Legotron123 »

”Yeah, it doesn’t really matter who sends the message, just as long as it gets to them.” Kolt said, turning to the hobomancer and opening up the lock, his fingers pointing to two pictures in particular. ”Their names are Ayla Superbia and Lila Altitudo. They were two Wa- two kids who died on my watch.” He said, starting to tear up a little. ”I want you to tell them that I miss them and I’m sorry I couldn’t save them. Tell Alya I’m sorry I wasn’t quick enough, and tell Lila I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to her example.”
”I don’t expect to be easy, but that’s not going to stop me from trying.” Liz said, as Lewis started sorting his purchases in the background. ”I think he’d make for a useful teammate, and that he deserves better than an army that wouldn’t even let him have a name.”
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Well," Corp said, taking a moment to sort out the litter box, "it should be interesting. Now," he added, after coughing at the litter dust, "Snowball, try not to shed when we're out, yes?" He gave the feline a tentative pet and followed the others out.
The cat gave Corp a somewhat sly look that seemed to say "no promises" before curling up on the sofa and going to sleep.
Legotron123 wrote:”I don’t expect to be easy, but that’s not going to stop me from trying.” Liz said, as Lewis started sorting his purchases in the background. ”I think he’d make for a useful teammate, and that he deserves better than an army that wouldn’t even let him have a name.”
Hivemind lead the three through the nearest portal kiosk to the hospital where they found the Varanian Soldier sitting alone in the waiting room. It seemed the other people were giving him a wide berth. He didn't seem to notice the group enter the room.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Yes, I...WHAT," Jaken asked, his ears standing straight up as his eyes boggled slightly. "Sp...Spirits?" He spoke again, sounding both worried and hopeful. "Um.... Any I know?"
"Um... No. Not that I know of." Hivemind said, not sure if that would be a relief or a disappointment. Realizing though that Jaken was probably hoping for someone specific, Hivemind changed subject. "Do you want to try another droid?"

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Hmm," Sana muttered theatrically, "it's a shame you don't know someone currently inside government servers with a particular eye on the land purchase documents, isn't it?"
"TAren't you bending the law a bit that way?"
"Not if the acting head of the Celican government gives me permission."
"Has he?"
"Well, that depends on if Hive asks him."
"Right. Give me a minute."

- - - - -
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"This..," Dragere started, "is an impossible day." He sat down. "I wish I'd taken early retirement now. I'd be growing Kata blossoms in the Grasska Valley. Not just Ghosts but a RESSURECTION?"
"Ghosts, resurrection, alien invasion, global conspiracies, super-powered soul-eating demon possessed alien kaiju warlords, and demigod antlers sprouting from the ground. This might be the strangest and busiest day I've had all week." Hivemind said, only half joking. Sort of. Not really. Then he moved on to what he needed to ask. He showed Dragere a photo of the antler Predator took. "This is a branch from Diligitis's antlers. It's a massively powerful artifact that can guard a whole planet from a number of threats, and one appeared in the middle of a field near the capitol. I've got a number of concerns about the ramifications of having a chunk of a demigod lying around, including religious problems like you mentioned. I am also concerned about the possibility it could be abused either by people looking to damage it for one reason or another, or by people looking to monetize it. To avoid these problems, I would like to purchase the land it is on and have it declared a monument to peace and to those who lost their lives in today's fighting."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Hannabelle stalked out of the Sparrow and took point, somehow heading through the damp forest without making much of a sound. She stopped to examine a low, thin, broken branch. "Well, someone's been past recently. The exposed core of the branch is still dry and it rained... five hours back?" She looked further on and saw half a shoe print in a spot of mud. "Amateur hour," she complained. "Thankfully. THIS IS HANNABELLE PRESANA," she called loudly. "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?" She continued to stalk towards the fort, calling out as she went.
As they approached the fort and Hannabelle called out, a few voices could be heard.
"Oh, god! They're right outside! They've caught us!"
"Quiet! That didn't sound like one of those lizard things..."

A third person called out from the fort.
"What do you want? Don't come closer! We're armed!"

"This is Hivemind of the Beacon of Hope. I've brought a group of medics and have an Ibis dropship inbound to pick you up and take you to safety. What are your worst injuries?"

"Champions? Injuries... right, Steven's got a broken ankle, Jennifer got grazed by a shot from one of those invaders, and I think something in the woods bit Crystal. Something poisonous. She's got a high fever, and there's some swelling around the bite."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"A lot of religions believe life doesn't end until the spirit passes on, Sam," Jenny said, speaking with her eyes closed for a rest, "and you're still here. Still time yet..." Her eyes opened as she heard the Celican female talk. "Lakarian city," she sighed, pulling herself to her feet, "it couldn't have been easy, could it? Hive, we're going to need to borrow a Sparrow and have you got any teams in Lakarian City? What IS your name anyhow," she added, addressing the Vixen.
"Helen. Helen Blakesley" The Vixen said in response.

"I believe the Steeles are still in Lakarian City. They will meet you there."
Deske wrote:"Ah, perhaps I should read a map or two," He placed a finger to his earpiece and called for Hivemind. "I need a Sparrow to take myself and a mother to Lakarian City to look for her children."
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Tatiana quieted down for a moment, taking in the giant structure a tab longer before lazily floating after Ulrich and Jenny, trusting them to know where they're going compared to her own sense of direction, giving Legion a light wave as she passed him. She caught up with her two comrades, commenting, "Eh, I don't really read maps either. I just go where pointed. Worked so far."
"Sending in a Sparrow and two Ibis dropships. Lakarian City is in rough shape. It fared worse than the capitol. The Warlord did a number on it, and they could use as much help as they can."

- - - - -
Deske wrote:"I guess it'd be fitting for it to be a Latin choir." Chris stayed silent to listen to it for a few more seconds, "Think we could record it and make a 'Sounds of Diligitis' album?" He laughed at the thought.
"Whether we turn it into an album or not, I'm saving this singing. It's fascinating, and probably the best choral music I've heard. I'd love to try to translate it." MT replied.

- - - - -
Legotron123 wrote:”Yeah, it doesn’t really matter who sends the message, just as long as it gets to them.” Kolt said, turning to the hobomancer and opening up the lock, his fingers pointing to two pictures in particular. ”Their names are Ayla Superbia and Lila Altitudo. They were two Wa- two kids who died on my watch.” He said, starting to tear up a little. ”I want you to tell them that I miss them and I’m sorry I couldn’t save them. Tell Alya I’m sorry I wasn’t quick enough, and tell Lila I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to her example.”
The old man smiled lightly and nodded. He was silent for a while, but then he spoke again after a few minutes. "I've delivered the message. They were happy to hear from you, but wanted me to bop you over the head for still blaming yourself." He chuckled. "They are very sweet, and they care about you a great deal."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Nice to meet you, Helen," Jenny said, doing pre-flight checks as she took a caffeine pill and set up the back up manual controls at her seat, activating the visual system a few seconds later to act as a window.. "We'll have you at Lakerian in ten so strap yourself in. Hive," she continued, "I'll take the stick if I may? I'd rather get a feel for how the Sparrow handles now than wait for a life or death emergency when you get cut off or something." When everyone coming was aboard, she pulled the small ship up, off the ground and set off for Lakarian. She pulled up a digital, stored, map of Lakarian city after a moment and asked Helen to point out roughly where she'd left the cubs.
"I just thought... my parents might..." He paused as a thought struck him. "But they weren't eaten by..." he sighed and pulled a face. "Am I really wishing my parents had been eaten?" He shook his head. "No. Better like this. Suppose I'd better go down again," he continued, trying to believe his own smile. "Gotta look after Miss Rika!"
"Whoever said 'legend in my own lifetime," Hannabelle complained as Hive got the accolades, "didn't live long enough to outlast that fame." She stalked into the compound, keeping her guard up. "Those who can get ready to move," she declared, "get ready now. The invasion's done and transport is here. Be fast and orderly! Though a bit of awed adulation might be nice."
"They told you anything," Corp asked the Varanian grunt.
"I'll ... get that sorted," Dragere replied hollowly, really wanting to go and have a lie down.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Legotron123 »

Kolt let out a quiet laugh that sounded sad, yet relieved. ”That does sound like them.” He said, a faint smile on his face. That smile turned into a frown, his eyes turning distant as he realized something. ”Could you try contacting this one? Nino Saluari.” He said, pointing to the picture in the middle. ”He’s not dead, but he was taken by a group of extra dimensional slavers, so I’m not if you can reach him. If you can reach across dimensions, I want you to tell him I’m sorry I didn’t save him, and I’m still looking for a way to rescue him.”
Liz sent a message to the others, telling them not to interfere if the grunt got violent unless she gave a signal. Once that was done, she plopped herself into the seat next to him. ”I was told he’s going to live.”
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Hlaoroo »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Aye," Sarah admitted, "that he be. An' one day, we'll be back wi' 'im. 'Till then? No better guys t' take the journey with in mah reck'ning."
"A pom speakin' highly o' a' Scotsman. Naow Ah've seen everythin!" Cailean jokes.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Buster »

Still uncomfortable with the idea that something like legion exists, Kol is sticking close to it, watchful and wary. her only prior experience with Dead Ones, leading her to be a bit distrustful.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"I just thought... my parents might..." He paused as a thought struck him. "But they weren't eaten by..." he sighed and pulled a face. "Am I really wishing my parents had been eaten?" He shook his head. "No. Better like this. Suppose I'd better go down again," he continued, trying to believe his own smile. "Gotta look after Miss Rika!"
"Of course, Jaken. Here..." Hivemind pulled another helmet from one of the dormant telepresence droids and handed it to Jaken. "Same deal as last time."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Whoever said 'legend in my own lifetime," Hannabelle complained as Hive got the accolades, "didn't live long enough to outlast that fame." She stalked into the compound, keeping her guard up. "Those who can get ready to move," she declared, "get ready now. The invasion's done and transport is here. Be fast and orderly! Though a bit of awed adulation might be nice."
Several of the civilians filed out and made their way to an open area where the Ibis was about to land. However, many didn't move. Some were too injured. One was barely conscious, suffering from the mysterious bite. "Where's your doctors? He needs help, now!"

A second Celican, much older than the first, walked up to Hannabelle. "I thought I recognized the name. I watched you hunt some thirty years ago. Hunters today don't have half the skill you did back then. Forgive me if I don't seem too excited. It's been a horrible day for all of us."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"I'll ... get that sorted," Dragere replied hollowly, really wanting to go and have a lie down.
"Thank you..." Hivemind said. "But I can handle it. I just needed your permission to access the purchase documents. You should rest for a bit."

- - - - -

"He's OK'ed the purchase, Sana. Let's get this done." Hivemind said to the fennec.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"They told you anything," Corp asked the Varanian grunt.
Legotron123 wrote:Liz sent a message to the others, telling them not to interfere if the grunt got violent unless she gave a signal. Once that was done, she plopped herself into the seat next to him. ”I was told he’s going to live.”
"No thanks you." the grunt hissed at Liz, though he didn't get violent. In fact, he seemed to be refusing to look in Liz's direction.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Nice to meet you, Helen," Jenny said, doing pre-flight checks as she took a caffeine pill and set up the back up manual controls at her seat, activating the visual system a few seconds later to act as a window.. "We'll have you at Lakerian in ten so strap yourself in. Hive," she continued, "I'll take the stick if I may? I'd rather get a feel for how the Sparrow handles now than wait for a life or death emergency when you get cut off or something." When everyone coming was aboard, she pulled the small ship up, off the ground and set off for Lakarian. She pulled up a digital, stored, map of Lakarian city after a moment and asked Helen to point out roughly where she'd left the cubs.
Once Ulrich, Tatiana, Jenny, and Helen were in the Sparrow, it took off.

Jenny would find the vehicle actually fairly difficult to handle. "Jenny, these vehicles are drones. They weren't meant to fly under the control of a living pilot except for in an emergency landing."

- - - - -

"Rika, her kids might need medical attention. Could you pick Traci up and get on the next Sparrow to Lakerian City?" Hivemind asked Rika as the rest of the dropships started flying in.

- - - - -
Buster wrote:Still uncomfortable with the idea that something like legion exists, Kol is sticking close to it, watchful and wary. her only prior experience with Dead Ones, leading her to be a bit distrustful.
"She's still following us? She's still following us. What did we do? Well, we're dead for one thing. I imagine that doesn't help our case..." the Legion spoke among itself before climbing into the next Sparrow as it landed. "You don't have to be so suspicious of us." they said to Kol.

- - - - -
Legotron123 wrote:Kolt let out a quiet laugh that sounded sad, yet relieved. ”That does sound like them.” He said, a faint smile on his face. That smile turned into a frown, his eyes turning distant as he realized something. ”Could you try contacting this one? Nino Saluari.” He said, pointing to the picture in the middle. ”He’s not dead, but he was taken by a group of extra dimensional slavers, so I’m not if you can reach him. If you can reach across dimensions, I want you to tell him I’m sorry I didn’t save him, and I’m still looking for a way to rescue him.”
"Hmm..." the old man sighed. "The living are more difficult than the dead to contact. Hard to make them hear you when their senses say they don't. I will try, but it could take some time. In the meantime, I believe you have somewhere to be." He said, pointing to the dropship. "So do I, actually. We will see each other again soon. Now go and save the world once again."
"It's not my job to seek the truth.
It's not my job to pick a side.
It's not my job to judge your sins.
It's my job to save your life."
-Champion Motto

Game Master for Beacon of Hope. The one and only superhero RP! Join here!
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