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Return of the "magic(k)al" saga?

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:53 am
by Zenir
Hi guys! I'm an avid housepet reader and I followed the comic since it's very beginning. I also read the forum as a guest, but decided to make an account because I can't keep some doubts to myself any longer.

Lately, with the temple crashers arc(s) I was truly hoping to finally know what happened to 2 ex-major characters (the antagonists): Pete and Dragon!
I know they are disliked by the majority of people, but I think they are great antagonists and feel very "alive" with all their flaws and quirks, much like Peanut and Grape. However, since they lost the game they disappeared from the comic. (it's been 3 years I think)

Since this arc revolves around celestial magic, do you think we will finally know more about what happened? maybe we will see Ponbon again in Pandemonium? :P after all, he has been forgotten by the world XD

Congratulations to Rick for this awesome arc, and sorry for my english ^_^ bye

Re: Return of the "magic(k)al" saga?

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:59 am
by NHWestoN
Your english is first rate.

I'd love to see an arc with a mortal Pete and a mortal Dragon. At the same time, I can see some issues with bringing them back (they are going to stand out pretty dramatically in the mortal world).

For now, Rick seems to be exploring a whole new cosmic dimension...the Infernal. Like Heaven, the dark realm seems to have its own topography and architecture, a social and economic structure, and an environmental mood and mode (despair instead of delight as in Heaven). He's also added three new fascinating personalities as he starts to people Infernality.... Eudoant, the little allosaur-imp, and the terrifying "forgotten". So I think his own is pretty preoccupied for now.

BUT Rick does take reader suggestions! The strip "Winner, Winner" with Maxwell and Jeeves clearly follows a very recent guest contribution.

Anyhow, welcome to your voice and to you, Zenir. Enjoy and regards.

Re: Return of the "magic(k)al" saga?

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:31 pm
by MX682XM
Zenir, I doubt we will see them in the normal timeline again. Maybe Rick is going to draw them in a strip showing the future or something from the past again, but I highly doubt we see them in their mortal forms. We don't even know if they are in this universe or another, afterall Kitsune said that there are an endless amount of theese.

And NHWestoN: I doubt he goes after reader suggestions... I think the main reason for the strip are the many repeadely asked questions in the forum about the remains of Maxwell. I bet there are at least two in each thread after his disappereance. And since my comic had a nice idea that fitted well to Max' character, he used it as an inspiration for his.

P.S Zenir: your english is quite good, nothing to be sorry for.

Re: Return of the "magic(k)al" saga?

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:21 pm
by NHWestoN
I can't disagree with you much, MX. It's Rick's world and we' re just guests. I have noted a couple of apparent suggestions taken...don't ask for documentation, been too long...but an artist who opens up to too much fan hooting will eventually regret it. So, like the Mad Batter said, 'Nothing's impossible, only improbable." But some probabilities is more improbable than others.

Wheaton, huh? Well, that's a new one. I kinda like it but I'll still keep NHWestoN.
Regards to you two.

Re: Return of the "magic(k)al" saga?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:38 am
by Zenir
wow guys! :D thank you very much for the warm welcome (even though it feels kinda weird since I've actually been reading this comic for at least six-seven years).

I guess I'll have to accept the fact that characters sometimes get out of the picture... at least I can enjoy this arc that stars my dear Keene as a protagonist so I got that going for me, which is nice ;)

So, thank you MX682 and Weston, and sorry for the late reply! ^^

Re: Return of the "magic(k)al" saga?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:28 pm
by NHWestoN
Not a rub, Zenir. This a very friendly, if slightly deranged forum, and you'll find lots of folks who share your interests, puzzlement, and reflection. It's another example displaying not only Rick's creative and artistic genius that he can create a whole community of characters that his readers delight in and care about passionately. Have a good weekend. Regards.

Re: Return of the "magic(k)al" saga?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:27 pm
by Sleet
Everyone has their own tastes, and none are right, but I'll admit I hope that doesn't happen. Housepets! was a slice of life comic first and foremost and that's where I feel it most shines!