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2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:02 am
by D-Rock
[2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really]
Title Text: "I was picked up by a rich drunk ferret in his limo and taken to his estate, I didn't have a chance to go back!"
"At least have the decency to come up with a believable lie"

See, she was just lonely.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:05 am
by 007a83
Xane wrote:even though I think there was no obvious subtext for that until now.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:05 am
by fenrirblack
It’s been a long week (long month, long summer). Okay, but let’s analyze it to death anyway!!! :D
The saddest part is, a few years from now we’re all going to look back at this scene and think “Why did Jack say tha...oh right.”

Forget the therapist, it’s time to bring in Dr. Phil. I think everyone is going to need therapy after this.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:06 am
by Saturn381
I love how even after all of this, Poncho is still in love with Gale. :lol:

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:09 am
by Gbr23
Poncho, we need you to reevaluate who you’re rooting for

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:19 am
by Champion Wallace
Poncho's without his poncho! I hope by the end of this he'll get it back. He's naked without it! Miles, you had a chance after you were picked up by the rich drunk ferret in his limo and taken to his estate. Howl, we know you returned to the wild afterwards because you had to tell the pack and get everyone uprooted so they could move into the house.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:25 am
by HundKatzeMaus
Now I do really feel sad for her. Not that I can blame Miles, but I really do feel bad for her :cry:

Poncho's reaction though is pretty funny :lol:

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:28 am
by Bandit1990
Champion Wallace wrote:Poncho's without his poncho! I hope by the end of this he'll get it back. He's naked without it! Miles, you had a chance after you were picked up by the rich drunk ferret in his limo and taken to his estate. Howl, we know you returned to the wild afterwards because you had to tell the pack and get everyone uprooted so they could move into the house.
True, but in that flashback she made it pretty clear she didn't want to see him. (Which sets up the classic RomCom* trope of "I did exactly what you said you wanted, why are you mad?")

Good luck Poncho, it looks like you're going to need it...

*Note: I am simply indicating that this setup is common in Romantic Comedies, I am not specifically making any inferences as to the nature of the relationship Miles and Gale may or may not have had.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:29 am
by fenrirblack
Omg, this is the feral version of Peanut and Grape. Only stranger and much more complicated. And Poncho, please get ahold of yourself, shes like twice your age and has a kid. You do not want to get involved in that....whatever that is.

I think the wolves need to introduce Gale to online dating, haagen dazs, and “the Notebook.”
If nothing else I think this situation calls for a woman’s touch. Let’s bring Lucretia out of the pit so she can take care of this.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:49 am
by Champion Wallace
I see the characters when back to their "moonlit cave" coloration. It looks like the force-field keeping miles' glasses on his face wore off. Jack is Miles' brother in-law, shouldn't he already know more then us about the relationship between Miles and Gale or at least know Gale first hand? I guess that could be explained away if Miles just "never talked about her".
fenrirblack wrote:I think the wolves need to introduce Gale to online dating, haagen dazs, and “the Notebook.”
Everyone could do with being introduced to Häagen-Dazs. You don't need to be a lonely cougar to enjoy it.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:00 am
by NHWestoN
"Would you hit a wolf with glasses?"

"No, I'd hit him with a brick !"

Sorry, old vaudeville routine... Pre - Three Stooges. Hey, I'm old. I get to do that. ;)

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:20 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Gale, you threw him out and told him never to come back. He should have guessed that meant you wanted him to come back? Ah, well.

And we get down to fighting words
in the battle between Canine and Cat;
as Gale breaks Miles’ glasses
and Poncho wants a piece of that.
Jack’s is just about to clue in
on another source of strife;
far beyond the normal hate
did she once want to be Miles’ wife?
The friend became the enemy
long before this day, it seems;
now, as Wolves and cubs watch,
the truth’s coming apart at the seams.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:31 am
by Titanium Dragon
I think there's a term for this, but I forget what it is.

Really, Gale isn't angry about any particular thing; I think she's angry in general, and all of the things she's shouting about are just attempts to justify her anger. That's not to say that she's not angry about them, but... it's more that she wants to be angry, because she feels wronged/offended/ect. by Miles, and also wants an excuse to hurt him.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:59 am
by Not A Furry
Champion Wallace wrote:Poncho's without his poncho! I hope by the end of this he'll get it back. He's naked without it!
We should start calling him Scar instead

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:07 am
by Frank
The glasses are off, people! The glasses are off!

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:28 am
by vulpinator
Oh my dog, she actually hit a guy with glasses!

And we’ve now know the whereabouts of Poncho and implicitly North Star. I thought Gale left them knocked out outside the pit as they weren’t in sight when Miles arrived.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:35 am
by Timmie
"Too bad, I saw her first"

Awww, puppy love!

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:11 am
by NHWestoN
Well, cross-species romances do work in Rick's world. Jessica and Zach Rabbit pioneered that for ferals so maybe there's hope for "Galoncho". .................. maybe.

... once we get past the starve-everybody-to-death issue.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:13 am
by KJOokami
Actually, Poncho, we--the audience--saw her first. And thus, courtship rights shall be determined by a free-for-all, cage-style wrestling match between all infatuated forum-goers.


Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 2:59 pm
by Yamitora1
"I was picked up by a rich drunk ferret in his limo and taken to his estate, I didn't have a chance to go back!" are there not more comics that have this plot line?

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:32 pm
by kavviyenta
fenrirblack wrote:Omg, this is the feral version of Peanut and Grape. Only stranger and much more complicated. And Poncho, please get ahold of yourself, shes like twice your age and has a kid. You do not want to get involved in that....whatever that is.

I think the wolves need to introduce Gale to online dating, haagen dazs, and “the Notebook.”
If nothing else I think this situation calls for a woman’s touch. Let’s bring Lucretia out of the pit so she can take care of this.
You mean like this, according to the first sentence? ... n-the-raw/

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:43 pm
by fenrirblack
Exactly like that. The more you look at them the more similarities pop up.
It reminds me of what Miles said about the myth about feral life being more grander. It’s exactly the same as domestic life with the same domestic problems.
Champion Wallace wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:I think the wolves need to introduce Gale to online dating, haagen dazs, and “the Notebook.”
Everyone could do with being introduced to Häagen-Dazs. You don't need to be a lonely cougar to enjoy it.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:25 pm
by Sleet
Yamitora1 wrote:"I was picked up by a rich drunk ferret in his limo and taken to his estate, I didn't have a chance to go back!" are there not more comics that have this plot line?
It's such a cliche at this point. That plot is all over the place. :P

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:44 pm
by fenrirblack
There is a really good line from “My Hero Academia” that applies here. Something All Might says “From what I can tell they have so many complicated feelings about each other piled up that they don’t even know how to interact anymore.”

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:07 pm
by GameCobra
Can't wait when Poncho starts asking her about these things. Gale will probably obliged, but then again ~ too young, pup.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:06 pm
by fenrirblack
I’m just putting this out there. I wonder if this anger stems from not the fact that Miles had kids and she couldn’t, but that he had kids with someone else and not her? :shock:
When she says “You stole years from my life” maybe she was also referring to the the possibility that she was waiting for Miles to reciprocate her feelings toward him. :o

Also has anyone ever heard of something called a barghest? It’s a mythical black dog that lives in the mountains. I was thinking how cool if one randomly popped up and attacked while Gale and Miles were arguing.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:00 am
by Obbl
I dunno, I'm still thinking dogs and cats can't have children together even in the Housepets! universe

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:10 am
by NHWestoN
"Nothing's impossible, only improbable." The Mad Hatter.
But, yeah, Obbi, I'm with you on the breeding barriers...

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:29 pm
by tych
Well Obbi, NHWestoN you don't know that they probably could have kids
just the kids would be sterile also Kitsune is still kicking around never know
what that guy could or couldn't do for the fun of it

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:15 pm
by NHWestoN
Granted, tych, it is Rick's world … and the Mad Hatter never met the Great Kitsune...….. ;)

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:49 pm
by fenrirblack
I doubt crossbreeding is a thing in the HPU but we won't know until they try. Or you know it could be something like this
Gale: "I wanted to have a family with you!"
Miles: "We aren't even the same species or genus!"
Gale: "I don't care! You hurt me deeply! Someone get me some Haagen-Dazs!"

This is what Fan Fiction is made of.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:11 am
by Champion Wallace
I don't believe either of these theories are true, but I feel youse guys are making the species barrier out to be more relevant than it is, so I'm proposing some alternate hypothesis.

1. Even if Gale and Miles couldn't conceive their own child, that doesn't mean they couldn't adopt a cub. Orphanages might not be a thing in the wild, but that doesn't mean cubs never get orphaned and adoptive parents aren't any less of a parent because they aren't "biological" parents. If they wanted to, Gale could even get impregnated by a roaming cougar and then raise the cub with Miles.
2. On the other hand, maybe Gale just wanted to love and to be physically intimate with someone. Without access to birth control, she couldn't pair with another cougar without creating another mouth to feed and going over the predator limit. If she was with Miles, the species barrier would act as birth control by default. Wolfs don't marry, so its possible from Gale's perspective, Miles and Lucretia were just close boyfriend/girlfriend with the possibility of a breakup that would let Gale have Miles for herself. Lucretia getting pregnant would be a big deal to Gale because it signifies Miles has mated for life and is off limits. He attitude now would be of the mentality of "if I can't have you, no one can!".
Again, I don't think everything else that has happened would indicate Gale is attracted to Miles, but I agree with your concussion and not your evidence. Gale and Miles being of different species is not a significant enough roadblock if they both were serious.

Re: 2018/09/21 - Why Does Anyone Do Anything Really

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:20 pm
by Cesco
Oh no, the thing is getting heavy... Nobody should hit someone who wears glasses... :| Well, Gale, if Miles didn't say you goodbye, maybe it was because of his sadness against your angriness... :roll: That's indeed so, Jack, there's so much behind them. Ahah, you silly lovely Poncho. :D Go find a young she wolf, who's proper for you. :P