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Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:50 am
by fenrirblack
Something that I’ve been thinking about is whether or not the romances in the HPU are being forced or is there actual substance in them.

The biggest is King’s and Bailey’s relationship. I love them both to death but I worry that their entire relationship was too forced. Looking back I can’t help but think that King’s attraction to Bailey was based on a lie and it was just dog hormones that caused it. King suffered a lot and was vulnerable when he met Baile. By the end of Thanksgiving that he just decided to “roll” with it and enjoy being a dog. I wonder if he thought that there was no better option so he dived into the relationship. If he knew there was an out would he still have chosen Bailey back then. By the time he was given an out there were so many other factors influencing his decision. Kitsune pushed the whole free choice/your own fate thing pretty hard. I think it’s pretty much safe to say Joel the man would have died alone and I also think that King knew that deep down. In Kitsunes alternate timeline, he never mentioned a wife or family.
What I’m getting at is do you think King and Bailey’s relationship was developed in a way that would qualify as “true love” or was it a matter of environmental and celestial influence? Or even that Rick pushed the “dog” lifestyle on Joel without earning it?

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:59 am
by Obbl
We had this discussion once before here, so I'll just pull over my thoughts and then Rick's thoughts. Note that this doesn't have to be the end of the discussion, but it's definitely my feelings on the subject. ^^
Obbl wrote:I actually agree that their "on-screen" relationship has leaned a little toward tropes for establishment at the beginning, but I think that actual relationship building does take place enough for me to see what chemistry exists. For me that is what The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Dog is all about. This is where we see the two personalities and get to see how much King really cares about Bailey and how much Bailey cares for King. The way they handled their fight is where I see the depth of their relationship. It's establishing their willingness to keep trying. And at the end, King pours out his heart and Bailey decides to go through with marriage, looking past society's position on it because she sees what it means to King.
There are other smaller things in other arcs (in particular here), and yes, self-sacrifice on both sides which I consider a rather important indicator as well. But also the general attitude of contentedness in each other. To me it just appears that they genuinely enjoy being together -- and not even always romantically, just togetherness. They reinforce that with their words: "I will move heaven and earth to get you", "Understand when I say 'I love you' I do not say it lightly". This is a serious commitment to them, and I really like seeing that. There's not a whole lot of bells, whistles or sparkle-dust about the whole thing. After the love at first sight part, things seem to have settled down to more of what relationships really are about.
So I kinda want to leave this on a question. You say they're "loving" and "devoted" and ask what else is there, but I ask what more is needed when two people love each other and are truly devoted to a long and lasting relationship?
Obbl wrote:Sorry to nitpick, but... :P
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Two strips later we have Bailey diving in and saving King's watch when we didn't see the two of them start any friendship or anything to why Bailey would dive into a pond for a complete stranger.
Well, King is a good friend of her cousin. And that's really her character, is it not? The bully kid is picking on the smaller, more helpless dog and she jumps in to save him. It does perhaps show a certain amount of fondness for King, and that would have developed off-screen, but I don't personally feel it's too much to expect out of general goodwill.
Amazee Dayzee wrote:The next time we see them, a significant amount of time has passed as the next arc after that was about Grape rescuing Fox and Max and they are already in a relationship. They spent a huge amount of time together in "The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Dog" and then he proposed... that was way too quick. Like soap opera speed in my opinion.
Well, it had been a year. While a lot of the relationship building between those two by this point was indeed off-screen... it had been a year. That's not entirely out of the question for a relationship where two people go into it with the understanding this is intended to be a permanent thing.

So, yes, the initial relationship building was done mostly off-screen, but I feel like Rick does a good job establishing that it is there. And what about Grape and Max's relationship. If you go back and do the same analysis, you'll find it follows a not too dissimilar pattern ;) Sure there are moments, like AuraSight pointed out, of relationship stuff, but a lot of the initial build up just seems to suddenly appear. But that's not too dissimilar from a lot of relationships, right? I mean, some people are more guarded and take a while to warm up to a relationship, but others are more willing to dive in a bit and see what happens. For those, it would look rather sudden.
But I feel like, for most people, if they can get into a conversation with someone and their senses of humor are fairly in line, you wouldn't be able to tell a new friendship from an old one. And when someone decides to seriously pursue a relationship it's bound to look like it took a sudden jump from casual relationship to more something more romantic, right?
rickgriffin wrote:It bothers me a bit that this thread had to be marked with a plea to not castigate someone who'd question my storytelling.

Because my storytelling is not perfect. I don't like to pretend it is. The only thing I'd really ask anyone is that they approach it in good faith, rather than assuming that the fact I've written a series that's maybe marginally successful means I'm basking in the glow of tiny personal compliments and ignoring everything else.

If you think that of me, you reeeally don't know me very well.

That said, here's something I've noticed early on about my writing style: I do not like to belabor a point.

My writing has been criticized as "breakneck". I recognize this; I'm always looking for better ways to approach it without falling into padding-for-padding's sake or losing the impact that brevity has on storytelling. Especially when it comes to points where things are bogged down by technical explanations: I do not like these, but certainly don't want to stretch the story even further just to get it all in; I'd rather have two overly-technical comics than ten (my own personal criticism with the arc The Trial In Heaven)

As far as anything goes with the King/Bailey arc, I started where I felt comfortable and moved on from there. When it comes to people saying it's not "enough" I always have to ask, "What more do you want?" And there certainly could be more that can be said, which I have not written about. But I often do not write about it because I'm not sure it needs to be said, nor do I have anything particularly special to say: I feel like doing so belabors the point.

For some reason, readers readily accept certain "skips" in the explanation of certain story elements, but not others. For a lot of people, romance is the one that needs to be hammered in hard. For me, the specifics of the King/Bailey romance hasn't been as important as the circumstances of their relationship; this is why I've often focused on stories that work on their dynamic rather than their specific reasons for involvement with one another.

It is not my opinion that every story needs to involve all of its POSSIBLE elements equally. Especially when one of those elements necessitates finding the humor in situations.

Yes I did lampshade that in the wedding arc. I lampshaded it because I know it bothers people when they don't always "feel" the specific reasons characters are connected to one another. But the thing is: I can really only give you an argument for why they're together. A reader can easily reject any such explanation I give. "There's no reason they should have blah blah, why did they forgive each other, this matter was entirely irrelevant, etc".

Such matters I usually don't feel like need full arcs to dig into. But I don't think it's irrelevant: I talk about it here and there. I presume it's already built-in to the characters, and it comes out in various ways during other stories. That's the way I usually operate. I want to trust the reader to pick up on the nature of the relationship without having to spell it out across the screen, unless I think spelling across the screen is otherwise relevant.

Why do I do it like that? Probably because I don't like the idea that I have to "earn" the clearance to tell certain stories only when I reach a certain threshold of prerequisite stories. Or something.

I don't think this is the best way of going about it, but I only have so long to work on these and I'm not a machine. I know it has problems. I have said in the past Housepets is a perpetual experiment, and I don't expect to try and tell a romance the same way I told King and Bailey's. There are always things I would do differently if I could go back, but it's always difficult to compare how things did turn out with how they could have turned out.

But I mean, there was that guy on the forums who insisted that a proper story had to literally connect every single plot and character point together all the time and there could not be any skipping inbetween steps that can easily be presumed. That way lies utter madness.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:45 am
by fenrirblack
Peanut and Tarot? What is the deal with that relationship?

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:03 am
by Bandit1990
Well, it was originally forced by Dragon, Then Tarot developed feelings for Peanut over time. I think Peanut also has feelings for Tarot, he's said he does, and he's shown on multiple occasions that he takes the relationship seriously. I know it doesn't look like they have a lot of chemistry when they appear together, but keep in mind that when we see them both it's usually in the middle of some big, ongoing magic(k)al hi-jinx. I can't think of a real example of them just hanging out outside of Tarot's introduction.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:19 am
by Gameb18oy
Okay, most of these relationships I feel can be criticized, but they don’t feel wholly artificial. If we actually want to talk artificial relationships, we have to talk Grape and Max, mostly because it’s even more obvious how artificial it feels in comparison to how Res and Grape interact

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:47 pm
by NHWestoN
Well, as far as the origins of the King-Bailey courtship go, gang … sometimes life's just like that. That's about how me and the missus got launched and we've been adventurously and happily married for forty-seven years. (You remember I'm old, right?)

...and that's enough disclosure from me. ;)

This is also where I grab the opportunity once again to suggest a Fox-Daisy relationship as an arc. ;) ;)

...and that's also where I pivot and run briskly off stage as members start reaching into their grocery bags for produce projectiles! Regards.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:34 pm
by Gameb18oy
NHWestoN wrote:Well, as far as the origins of the King-Bailey courtship go, gang … sometimes life's just like that. That's about how me and the missus got launched and we've been adventurously and happily married for forty-seven years. (You remember I'm old, right?)

...and that's enough disclosure from me. ;)

This is also where I grab the opportunity once again to suggest a Fox-Daisy relationship as an arc. ;) ;)

...and that's also where I pivot and run briskly off stage as members start reaching into their grocery bags for produce projectiles! Regards.
Fox has his heavenly gals, I don’t think he’ll be getting into a relationship

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:35 pm
by NHWestoN
T'aint our call..... ;)

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:46 pm
by Obbl
I feel like there may be a bit of conflating of "I don't think these characters are right for each other" and "This relationship doesn't feel like a real relationship" here. If you don't like a particular pairing and/or you feel like a character would be better paired with another character, that's a valid feeling, but it doesn't make the relationship artificial. After all, lots and lots of real people stay in relationships far longer than they should. :( And some of them even have lots of good moments together even as the relationship starts to drift away or fall apart.

I personally don't expect you'll be able to find much in the way of artificial relationships among this cast, but feel free to keep looking

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:04 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I think that when it comes to relationships, the ones that we have seen may have been too forced or quick but over time they ended up turning into something really for both of the pets involved in it. I don't believe in love at first sight and you have to work at a relationship in order to get it to work but after seeing characters entering them, we see them slowly start to get closer. I feel like it should be the other way around, but that is how the couples in the comic have come together.

A few of these couples do seem to have to relationship growing naturally rather than being put together for reasons other than love. Breel and Keane and Zach and Jessica had their romances grown organically. Other relationships were put together because of Pete and Dragon's D&D antics (Peanut/Tarot and Fido/Sabrina), a small infatuation before really knowing the other pet (King/Bailey and Bino/Duchess) and a rebound (Kevin/Sasha). Max/Grape happened because Grape thought of it as a fling until Tarot forced her to either dump Max and get with Peanut or stay with Max. It was also implied that Sasha only settled for Bino to get to Fido. Jata and Sabrina were promised to each other as kids. We also don't know anything about Max/Sabrina, Joey/Squeak or Pete/Cerberus in terms of how they started.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:20 pm
by NHWestoN
What you've written, Obbi, seems to speak to the mysteries of the Peanut-Tarot relationship. While Dragon may have brought them together for her own nefarious purposes, they've created themselves a companionship that, if not textbook romantic, is certainly a very special friendship. Tarot's very intellectual, aloof, detached if not actually rather cold. She's serious, a bit haughty, has no sense of play, and is highly responsible in matters that few understand, not the sort you'd think Peanut would enjoy as a chum.

Tarot's certainly very different from Grape, Peanut's first love (full disclosure: I'm a "Grapenut"). She does share Grape's sense of adventure but (by her own admission) is not very imaginative. At times, Peanut comforts her and he's always kind, but more often he's obtuse about her needs or trying to be "a good boyfriend" as if he's playing a role. Conversely, we only seem to encounter Tarot when she's obsessing on a mission, and Peanut - if he's involved at all - is an interference.

It's a pairing that bothers many readers, partly because many find Tarot just an obnoxious pill. There's also lingering resentment and suspicion about Dragon's matchmaking intrigues tainting her engagement with Peanut. Still, even if Peanut and Tarot are a very, very odd couple, I think Rick feels that their attraction has rich and complex story-telling opportunities exactly because of their personality mismatches. If Tarot has her emotional hang-ups and inhibitions, well, no more so than Fox or Maxwell or Jessica. If Peanut seems naive and a little immature, that's always been part of his charm.

So, if you like, he and Tarot present us a sort of mystery couple, no less than Fido and Sabrina or Zach and Jessica (or Marvin and Tiger, for that matter). I'm intrigued, then, to see where Rick takes them ... and us.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:27 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
This goes with what I have said before. Even though some relationships begin just because the character are put together, eventually it evolves into stable and loving relationship. That is what happened with Parot.

In a roundabout way, Dragon is responsible for 4 relationships in the comic. She broke up Max and Sabrina to put Sabrina with Fido so Pete couldn't use him as his first choice avatar. She put Tarot with Peanut so Pete couldn't use him as his second choice avatar. This necessitated him turning Joel into King and eventually King and Bailey becoming an item. And Grape who was just having fun with Max started up a real relationship with him in response to Tarot refusing to break up with Peanut unless Grape broke it off with Max.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:59 pm
by Douglas Collier
It would be fun to see Tarot and Peanut going on a non-Dragon influenced date. =3 I can’t recall the last time we saw her truly enjoy herself with him since she was introduced. Magic shenanigans have always gotten in the way.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:35 pm
by Gameb18oy
Yeah, I don’t think they have a bad relationship, though it probably be good to do that just to reinforce why they started dating in the first place, heck Grape and Max might actually need that soon.
Also, can we change the title of this to dating in Housepets? It feels so harsh calling it artificial dating

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:30 am
by Amazee Dayzee
I never felt it should be called that just for the record. My idea for a title name would be "Reverse Dating" :mrgreen:

Only because every relationship except Breel/Keen and Zach/Jessica did it the opposite way. You are supposed to get to know a person before you actually begin to date them. Not the other way around. While Grape and Max knew each other since they were kittens, they only knew each other as friends and not potential mates until Tarot forced Grape's hand.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:40 am
by Champion Wallace
In the current state of the comic, I don't feel like any of the relationships are artificial. As Rick said in the quote at the top, a lot of the mushy bits and hanging out and stuff are supposed to be implied to be happening off screen. Parot and Fibrina were artificial at the start (of the respective relationships, not Housepets!) because Dragon ordered her followers to make the dogs fall in love, but fortunately (or unfortunately if you're a shipper), an earnest relationship came out of both. I don't think Kingley was ever artificial. Dismissing love as the result of hormones just undermines how love is defined. When King decided to date Bailey, he didn't think becoming human again wasn't possible, he was just making the decision that he'd rather be a happy dog before being transformed back then an unhappy dog.
Gameb18oy wrote:Also, can we change the title of this to dating in Housepets? It feels so harsh calling it artificial dating
Well, one solution involves changing the title to "On King and Bailey's Relationship (BE GENTLE!)".
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Jata and Sabrina were promised to each other as kids.
Saying they were promised to each other is kinda taking things out of context. They pledged their love for each other; they way you said it makes it seem like an arranged marriage set up by their parents.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:42 am
by Douglas Collier
I think it’s pretty obvious that Max and Grape were friends from the beginning - she saved his life as a kitten after all. But what really cinched it was Max finally finding out Grape was a girl and asking her out (and her finally taking him up on that offer). She appreciates his efforts to impress her (sometimes at his own expense) and he likes her spunk. They’re a pretty good pair, to be honest - though Grape needs to learn to tune out her hunk senses.

King and Bailey were pretty much meant for each other. Kitsune said that a boon would soon be granted to King to make up for Pete’s infraction, and soon afterward he met Bailey (who literally got involved with his fate when she saved it from the pond). Other than Fox, no other dog had been so nice to him - pheromones might have played a big role, but so did her care for him. That care continued even long distance over the phone when he needed guidance. When she moved to Babylon Gardens, their relationship continued to develop until King decided to propose and married her. She then sacrificed herself for him and he rescued her. Now they have puppies. That’s a pretty solid relationship there.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:57 am
by Gameb18oy
Amazee Dayzee wrote:I never felt it should be called that just for the record. My idea for a title name would be "Reverse Dating" :mrgreen:

Only because every relationship except Breel/Keen and Zach/Jessica did it the opposite way. You are supposed to get to know a person before you actually begin to date them. Not the other way around. While Grape and Max knew each other since they were kittens, they only knew each other as friends and not potential mates until Tarot forced Grape's hand.
So basically, what you’re saying is if a relationship feels rushed, it probably means Dragon considered you as possible threat for the future... you know with that interpretation, intentionally or not, those relationships suddenly get a lot more interesting

You know actually, there’s nothing wrong with dating someone because you get a sense you’d like to hang out more often, but need a reason to do so. Being honest, that might be kinda the idea behind Max before the backstory stuff. They’ve always come across as friends more than boyfriend and girlfriend, and as much as I’d prefer the latter, maybe that was Rick’s intent.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:18 am
by Douglas Collier
Well, no wonder most of the relationships seem unstable - they were arranged by an emotionally unbalanced teenage demigod. :P

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 9:48 am
by Gameb18oy
Douglas Collier wrote:Well, no wonder most of the relationships seem unstable - they were arranged by an emotionally unbalanced teenage demigod. :P
I would not be surprised if Joey and squeak were brought together by Dragon, despite weirdly being one of the relationships that’s best understood by us the viewers and seems fairly healthy, even back in Joey’s creepier days, he wasn’t an idiot. Demigod meddling does explain why they started dating in the first place.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:15 pm
by NHWestoN
Rick's earliest reflection on attraction between the pets suggest a blend of confusion, loneliness, Junior High School hormones, and forces within us and beyond us and our control.

On their first date at Heathcliff's, Grape and Maxwell wander about and ponder the problems of pet romance. "Is it just me or are there no normal couples among us pets?", asks Max, watching Jasper try to put moves on another feline. Grape responds with "I'm not sure why that is; maybe because we're trying awfully hard to mirror humans." She reflects on how hard it seems for pets to avoid triangulations, tells Max their date was pretty much a bust, and turns to go home by herself. Totally crushed, Max murmurs about having to give his advanced tickets to "Hunters of the Pridelands to someone else. Suddenly, he and Grape are in the theatre, watching the movie in full dress snuggle mode. Grape will return to find Peanut in the company of a completely strange stranger (Tarot) who addresses him as "sweetie" and talks in occultic gabble.

Grape's implied question, "Just how human are we?" is both serious and part of the fun in the strip. Since "relations of affection" are both human and humerous, seems only natural they would factor in the storylines and each character finds a way of their own to love. Sorta like people.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:25 pm
by Gameb18oy
NHWestoN wrote:Rick's earliest reflection on attraction between the pets suggest a blend of confusion, loneliness, Junior High School hormones, and forces within us and beyond us and our control.

On their first date at Heathcliff's, Grape and Maxwell wander about and ponder the problems of pet romance. "Is it just me or are there no normal couples among us pets?", asks Max, watching Jasper try to put moves on another feline. Grape responds with "I'm not sure why that is; maybe because we're trying awfully hard to mirror humans." She reflects on how hard it seems for pets to avoid triangulations, tells Max their date was pretty much a bust, and turns to go home by herself. Totally crushed, Max murmurs about having to give his advanced tickets to "Hunters of the Pridelands to someone else. Suddenly, he and Grape are in the theatre, watching the movie in full dress snuggle mode. Grape will return to find Peanut in the company of a completely strange stranger (Tarot) who addresses him as "sweetie" and talks in occultic gabble.

Grape's implied question, "Just how human are we?" is both serious and part of the fun in the strip. Since "relations of affection" are both human and humerous, seems only natural they would factor in the storylines and each character finds a way of their own to love. Sorta like people.
I feel like that overtime kinda became the idea of what Housepets is about

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:27 pm
by NHWestoN
… among other things, yeah, prett'much. ;)

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:09 pm
by GameCobra
Gameb18oy wrote:Okay, most of these relationships I feel can be criticized, but they don’t feel wholly artificial. If we actually want to talk artificial relationships, we have to talk Grape and Max, mostly because it’s even more obvious how artificial it feels in comparison to how Res and Grape interact
This was a bit of a problem at first, but when you look at the way the relationship has developed over the years, it's shown that the relationship is stronger than it looks. Call us all spoiled, me included, but i think we just want to be reminded more that they are lovey dovey. Rick loves teasing the fans with this i find and sometimes dangles the scary proposition that "Max's relation is totally over, guys. Grape found some hot juicy meat to snuggle", only to pull the rug under our noses. Pretty much seeing a pattern here. <3

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:19 pm
by Gameb18oy
GameCobra wrote:
Gameb18oy wrote:Okay, most of these relationships I feel can be criticized, but they don’t feel wholly artificial. If we actually want to talk artificial relationships, we have to talk Grape and Max, mostly because it’s even more obvious how artificial it feels in comparison to how Res and Grape interact
This was a bit of a problem at first, but when you look at the way the relationship has developed over the years, it's shown that the relationship is stronger than it looks. Call us all spoiled, me included, but i think we just want to be reminded more that they are lovey dovey. Rick loves teasing the fans with this i find and sometimes dangles the scary proposition that "Max's relation is totally over, guys. Grape found some hot juicy meat to snuggle", only to pull the rug under our noses. Pretty much seeing a pattern here. <3
I mean, I'll be honest and say I kinda just want Grape to date both Max and Res considering kittens clearly arent in the cards. Make it like Archie Andrews with Betty and Veronica. (I will be sad if no one knows who I'm talking about, and if you guys say Riverdale, you might hear my groans)

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:46 pm
by GameCobra
Gameb18oy wrote:
GameCobra wrote:
Gameb18oy wrote:Okay, most of these relationships I feel can be criticized, but they don’t feel wholly artificial. If we actually want to talk artificial relationships, we have to talk Grape and Max, mostly because it’s even more obvious how artificial it feels in comparison to how Res and Grape interact
This was a bit of a problem at first, but when you look at the way the relationship has developed over the years, it's shown that the relationship is stronger than it looks. Call us all spoiled, me included, but i think we just want to be reminded more that they are lovey dovey. Rick loves teasing the fans with this i find and sometimes dangles the scary proposition that "Max's relation is totally over, guys. Grape found some hot juicy meat to snuggle", only to pull the rug under our noses. Pretty much seeing a pattern here. <3
I mean, I'll be honest and say I kinda just want Grape to date both Max and Res considering kittens clearly arent in the cards. Make it like Archie Andrews with Betty and Veronica. (I will be sad if no one knows who I'm talking about, and if you guys say Riverdale, you might hear my groans)
That's actually one of the things i'm trying to get Rick to avoid doing in the comics.

It's not that it's entirely a bad idea, but one of the issues I have with a romantic static comic is it never goes anywhere. Housepets avoids that dilema. At least Rick gives us ideas of where the comic is going to go.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:22 am
by Douglas Collier
But Rick could troll us SO HARD if he decided to go that route. :P

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:39 am
by Gameb18oy
And I think a large part of us would even like it

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:38 am
by Douglas Collier
A lot of the relationships have felt kind of lackluster for a while - it might be fun to shake things up. The current spa arc might do just that. ;)

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:47 am
by Gameb18oy
Douglas Collier wrote:A lot of the relationships have felt kind of lackluster for a while - it might be fun to shake things up. The current spa arc might do just that. ;)
Considering Sasha is seen with Kevin for the first time since possibly they became a couple, think there’s a good chance... man I’m enjoying this arc

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:41 am
by Amazee Dayzee
Anything that breaks them up is so fine with me. XD

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 2:21 am
by Sleet
I never really treat any of the pets' relationships as "stable." They're basically dumb teenagers and date accordingly.

If anything that just opens up more plots since they don't have to be together all the time (except King and Bailey obviously).

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 2:39 am
by Gameb18oy
Sleet wrote:I never really treat any of the pets' relationships as "stable." They're basically dumb teenagers and date accordingly.

If anything that just opens up more plots since they don't have to be together all the time (except King and Bailey obviously).
This... actually is one of the enduring reasons I criticize the Grape and Max relationship. I feel we almost never see Max away from Grape for more than a single comic, and if he is in more than one without her present, they never are back to back. I like both characters, but I feel like I have no idea who Max is without Grape

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:00 am
by furrygamer793
I think that they all worked out in the end and the characters are happy with their relationship.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 2:39 pm
by NHWestoN
...agreed … although, to return to Gameboyss comment, it's been a while since we've seen (1) Maxwell drive Bino bonkers and (2) Max and Marvin have real potential as a pair that I'd like to see develop. Heck, even Maxwell and Peanut seem like they could be occasional chums.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 3:29 pm
by GameCobra
Gameb18oy wrote:
Sleet wrote:I never really treat any of the pets' relationships as "stable." They're basically dumb teenagers and date accordingly.

If anything that just opens up more plots since they don't have to be together all the time (except King and Bailey obviously).
This... actually is one of the enduring reasons I criticize the Grape and Max relationship. I feel we almost never see Max away from Grape for more than a single comic, and if he is in more than one without her present, they never are back to back. I like both characters, but I feel like I have no idea who Max is without Grape
The comic I find over the years established how the relationships work in the comic, but when i first read the comic it was pretty much what i would call "Romance, but with pets.". This was done alot over the years, but what I thought was different with Housepets initially would avoid the comedy part and get into the romantic side of it more. Guess it's a thing comic writers love to do =P

When you think about it, though - their relationships aren't as different as humans in this comic.

Grape and Max's relationship is hot and cold
Peanut and Tarot's relationship is fun and work
Fido and Sabrina's relationship is daring
Kevin and Sasha's relationship for the most part is emotionally driven. Fox fits this narrative as well with Sasha.
King and Bailey's relationship I would define as natural, funny enough - King worries and overthinks things alot while Bailey just goes with it.
Bino and Duchess for the most part fit a sitcom nemesis relationship. They could be the evil rich or neighborly type in the future. x3

Considering how long these relationships lasted over the years, i'm underthe safe bet these relationships are not going to change, though you never know.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 3:35 pm
by Gameb18oy
NHWestoN wrote:...agreed … although, to return to Gameboyss comment, it's been a while since we've seen (1) Maxwell drive Bino bonkers and (2) Max and Marvin have real potential as a pair that I'd like to see develop. Heck, even Maxwell and Peanut seem like they could be occasional chums.
You know, funny enough these are both things that seemed to get dropped in the black and white days that I don’t know why they did. I’d actually forgotten Bino and Max had the same owner until I reread stuff, and it be a nice dynamic to have the most enduring cat-hater be the only one who actually lives with one besides Peanut. Marvin and Max actually did seem to be buddies before they both became sidekicks to other characters. Considering how small a list of cat characters Rick has made, I’m surprised they don’t interact any, especially as Marvin literally has less of a presence now than many characters that have only appeared once, like Tiger’s teddy bear.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:01 pm
by Bandit1990
GameCobra wrote:Bino and Duchess for the most part fit a sitcom nemesis relationship. They could be the evil rich or neighborly type in the future. x3
Their relationship struck me as interesting. Bino seems to be legitimately infatuated with Duchess, while she has pretty much openly stated that she sees relationships as tools and is using him to take advantage of his position in the community. (And that doesn't seem to bother him, if he's even noticed.)

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:08 pm
by NHWestoN
Along with infactuation, though, Bino seems to see Duchess as he once saw Sasha - the resident "babe" whose attraction to him further underscores his superiority over all other dogs and thus his natural position as the supreme supremity over the Good Ol' Dogs Club. Even though Duchess almost rubs his nose in her contempt, Bino's managed to maintain his delusion of their romantic intensity for some time. As my old man used to say, "Nobody even lost money betting on the human capacity for self-delusion." Apparently, pets fit into that category, too.

Re: Artificial Relationships

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:11 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Is it wrong for me to hope that Bino eventually gets the self-respect to see how horrible Duchess is and break up with her?