Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

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Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by SeanWolf »

(Another lil' fun fic I wanted to do that was inspired by one of my favorite PC games ever)
Chapter 1: One Fine Afternoon In The House Of Sandwiches

"I'm HOME!" a happy-go-lucky Peanut shouted as he opened the front door to his home, for he had spent most of the day at Tarot's house. His home, while not a million-dollar mansion or upscale apartment, was a lovely little home in Babylon Gardens, filled with all the amenities one needed to live. There was plenty of food and drinks in the kitchen, a peaceful atmosphere floating about the house, and, most importantly to Peanut, plenty of video games and drawing utensils. But there was something missing from this house that Peanut couldn't place a paw on. He checked the living room: Empty. He checked the bedrooms: Devoid of life. He checked the bathrooms: Not a soul in sight, though this was a blessing in disguise. He checked the garage: Nothing. He finally checked the kitchen and, like the rest of the house, it was empty save for a note on the fridge that brought a sigh of relief to him. The note, which was written on simple notebook paper, was created by his mother and read 'GONE OUT FOR THE DAY WITH DAD AND GRAPE. WILL BE BACK LATER TONIGHT!' Peanut, being known for having a wild imagination, sighed happily as he had thought they were abducted by aliens and he'd have to go and rescue them. But they weren't so he was relieved. Checking the wall-clock, he notices he has a good bit of time before the family gets home and he does have the whole house to himself so...what should he do? Well, first thing he does is make something to eat, which in this case was a sandwich using only the finest ingredients he could find in the kitchen, for he was a bit hungry, then he while he was munching away, he began to think about what he could do to past sometime before they get home. Should he boot up the Switch and play some more Dark Souls? Should he hop on Netflix and watch another episode of Love, Death, & Robots? Should he head to his room and do some more work on his latest Spot comic entitled 'Super Spot VS Ultra Spot'? All good choices, he thought, but the later sounded better and more fun to do in this time of his existence. Plus, he could throw on some music and enjoy some nice alone time! With a smile on his face, he finished his meal and ran upstairs to his room, closing the door, and grabbing all his drawing supplies that he needed, sat down at his desk, and was then surprised to see his lamp nearby shaking a little bit. He knew he just ate but he didn't think that little sandwich added that many pounds to him to the point where it shook his lamp. The only thing that shook then was his head as he, as usual, chose to ignore the lamp's odd dance moves and went to work on his comic, working on the page where Spot rescues a group of tourists from a falling tree. As he colored in the bark, he casually glances up and notices his lamp shaking again though, this time, the desk it was on began to shake too, which was followed by his bed, then his dresser then, finally, himself. "Earthquake?" he thought as he quickly grabbed all his drawing supplies and threw them into his backpack and was just about to rush downstairs to grab the Switch and exit the house when, and quite suddenly, a loud crashing sound soon entered his ears as dust and various wood particles soon filled the air and the room that was once his! But, as quickly as it began, it was all over and Peanut, coughing from the dust, looked over his shoulder from his hunched position to see if a tree had fell onto his room. What he saw next, however, wasn't a tree, nor was it anything he was familiar with. In fact, it was unlike anything of Earth that he was familiar with, even though whatever was in his room at that moment looked like it was made of steel. What was even stranger was that another noise was then heard as Peanut's attention was soon directed to a rectangular shaped object coming down said steel object, like an elevator though Peanut knew he never saw an elevator that looked like what he saw. As it hit the bottom of said steel thing, the single door opened up and a set of stairs protruded out of the box and connected with the floor below, but that wasn't as strange and weird as what Peanut would see next. For arriving out of the elevator appeared to be a man, except his head seemed to have two large domes on each side and the head itself seemed to be shaped like a cylinder. What was stranger still was that it appeared to have no legs but a single tube that was hooked to, what Peanut thought, a dome-like Roomba, which he then deduced it was how the thing moved about. Then, even stranger still? It began to speak....

"Oh dear," it said, "Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear." Peanut then watched in amazement as the thing seemingly glided down the stairs and stopped at his dresser to reset a fallen picture while quipping "Tidy up as you go. Tidy up as you go." After it was done, however, it made its way over to Peanut, which gave him a better look at it which, to his surprise, was somewhat human but overall a robot.
"Ah," The robot began "Oh I forgotten what I was going to say...Oh yes! My name is Fentible, I am the doorbot serving on this the maiden voyage of the Starship Titanic: The ship that can not go wrong. Now, as you can see the ship, this thing behind me, we had a little 'accident', no worries, Just a scratch to the paint job. Luckily, your house was quite's your name?" Peanut, still a bit amazed at what he was looking at, stumbled a bit before answering "P-P-P-Peanut. I'm Peanut."
"Well, it's a pleasure to make your, Mr. Peanut." Fentible replied, extending his robotic-yet-thin arm to shake Peanut's paw, "And may I add you are a cute looking dog" the later statement making Peanut smile and blush as he returns the shake, "But it's time to get down to business and I know this is going to sound a bit odd, but we need your help urgently. Will you help?" Peanut's eyes went wide. A robot needed his help? Can this be his true calling? Without hesitation, Peanut cheerfully replied that he would help!
"Oh good," Fentible replied with a sigh of relief, "I was worried you wouldn't. But not to worries, you won't regret it...well, maybe you will, but let's get you on board any..." Suddenly, a laugh, that was more of a chuckle, then came out of Fentible's mouth, "Oh silly me, oh strange and deluded me. You need your own Personal Electronic Thing before we get you on board. We call it a PET, here." Extending his hand again, Peanut took a small device from Fentible's hand and observed what he was given.
"The PET simply keeps track of your room numbers, gives you access to all the various rooms, and allows you to contact any of the bots working on the ship." Fentible explained before looking over to the dresser and adding "Oh? What a lovely view of your house and the sky above it. I think you should take that with you." Peanut, also seeing the picture and a bit confused, nodded and placed said picture into his bag that held his drawing supplies. Fentible said then "The way this trip is going, that may be the only thing you'll see of your house ever again, but no worries. Come on." before leading Peanut up the stairs into the same elevator that he came out of, to which the stairs behind them are pulled back into the elevator and the door shuts behind them.
"It's our maiden voyage and the ship, oddly, has lost it's mind! Including some of it's crew...even me, though I do have some of my lucid moments...I only hope this is one of them" Fentible said, causing Peanut to raise an eyebrow in confusion, for he was used to all the crazy shenanigans that Tarot and the Celestials have done but this? This topped them all. But Peanut would soon see that maybe there was some loose screws inside this Fentible's head as it panicked and quipped "Oh no! Things have gone from bad to worse! I can't even find the buttons now! Could Top button. Sorry, it's my cell-point settings at times." Peanut nodded, though he was confused why Fentible had the freak-out as there was only three buttons on the panel. One was for the floor they were on, one was labeled Bilge Room, and the other was labeled Embarkation Lobby. Figuring the later was the one he meant, Peanut pressed the button and a lady voice soon entered the elevator stating 'EMBARKATION LOBBY. GOING UP!' As the elevator traveled up, Peanut looked over to Fentilble and asked " you need my help?"
"Well, you see," Fentible explained, "I'm hoping you can figure out this issue as none of us can. We're all robots you see and the ships central intelligence has been lobotomized...Sabotaged, if you ask me, and it's left us all unable to function properly and you may find that we're a bit off, for the most part. I know that I am, so it's going to be up to you. As soon as we get to the Embarkation lobby, you'll need to talk to Marsinta, she's the desk-bot and she'll check you in, though at times she can be a bit of a dragon if here settings are wrong. I understand you'd probably want something a bit nicer, but all I managed to secure for you is a SuperGalactic Traveler Class Room, but I'm pretty sure you'll manage. You could always ask her for an upgrade but be ready to duck. You'll then meet Kraig the Bell-Bot, who SHOULD, theoretically, take you to your room, if he's functioning properly. Once you are settled in and made yourself comfortable, you'll be able to get to work and figure out what's gone wrong with this ship and fixing it." While this was a lot to take it, Peanut was able to understand it: It was basically up to him to save everyone on the ship.
'EMBARKATION LOBBY' the voice once again said as the elevator stopped, leading to Fentible to reply, "Ah, here we are...I THINK we are about ready to take off again, though I'm pretty sure no one is in control so I better go down and secure things but I'll be back a bit later, Mister Peanut. Good luck!"
"Th-thank you" Peanut replied as he stepped off the elevator into the main lobby of the Starship Titanic. As the doors closed behind him and the elevator, and Fentible, went back down, all Peanut could do is look around in awe at the lobby's interior and think to himself "I'm either still at Tarot's house...or I'm really am on a space ship...This is cool!"
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I saw the title of this story and I was already preparing myself for the ship to hit an astroid and sink into a black hole, killing everybody aboard with Grapenut enacting the Jack/Rose scene. :ugeek:
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I saw the title of this story and I was already preparing myself for the ship to hit an astroid and sink into a black hole, killing everybody aboard with Grapenut enacting the Jack/Rose scene. :ugeek:
Don't worry, it's not that type of Titanic :)
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well yeah of course, I know that now. LOL
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Buster »

what about the type the doctor has to save from falling out of orbit and crashing into london on christmas due to sabotage?
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by SeanWolf »

Buster wrote:what about the type the doctor has to save from falling out of orbit and crashing into london on christmas due to sabotage?
...That depends...did Douglas Adams do that episode?
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Buster »

SeanWolf wrote:
Buster wrote:what about the type the doctor has to save from falling out of orbit and crashing into london on christmas due to sabotage?
...That depends...did Douglas Adams do that episode?
pretty sure he died a decade before it was written.
also i was trying to make a joke out of dayzee not being the only one who got something completely different from what they were expecting based on the title. the comparison to the episode in question isn't actually accurate in the slightest.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by SeanWolf »

Chapter 2: The Ship That Can Not Possibly Go Wrong...But Somehow Has Gone Wrong

"Wonder where Marsinta is..." Peanut thought to himself as he explored the embarkation lobby, still amazed at the lovely interior decor of the place but also surprised to see the place devoid of any form of life, be it mammal, animal, or robot, though the plants there he was surprised to see weren't made of plastic of any kind but actually real. Walking over to the desk, he looked around, behind, above, and below it for any sign of life but, alas, there was nothing there, save for a bell on the desk. Thinking that this 'Marsinta' is probably somewhere sleeping or busy with something, Peanut reaches his paw over the bell and taps it and, to his amazement, the bell suddenly comes to life and forms another robot, one that not only looked to be as tall as him if it was removed from the desk, but also was a bit snooty as Peanut would soon find out as it spoke,
"Welcome guest number...One, to the most glamorous cruise liner in all the space-time continuum! The Starship Titanic: The Ship that can not possibly go wrong...HAH! The name's Drewbish: Marsinta Drewbish. I am The Deskbot. Do you have a reservation?" She needed an attitude adjustment, Peanut thought to himself, and as for a reservation? He knew Fentible set him up with a Super Galactic Travelers Class-thing but he wasn't sure if it was 'reserved' so, going by a instincts, he replied "I think.."
"I THOUGHT NOT!" Marsinta loudly interrupted, startling poor Peanut, "But, I see Fentible thinks we should take you in. Hmmph, softhearted fool, I don't see how a canine can help us. To me, you're just another free loader." Peanut was just about to raise his own voice when, out of the blue, Marsinta's tone suddenly turned friendly, "Better get you checked in then! First hand me your PET." Taking a bit back by her suddenly change in attitude, Peanut hands her the PET and Marsinta began her room questioning to him:
"What sort of breakfast do you want: The Continental or the Full Porky?"
"Er...Continental" Peanut replied, though he rather have a small of Frosted Flakes.
"Good choice. Newspaper - The Berontan Bugle? The Saxophone? Trumpet? Kazoo?"
"Erm, Kazoo?" Peanut answered with a hint of ignored confusion from Marsinta.
"Ok, How do you like your room-With a view?"
"Oh, yes please!" Peanut happily answered as he always wanted to see space!
"Alright, Corner or Balcony?"
"Hm, I'll take a balcony" he replied
"OK. Bed: Imperial? Royal? Presidential? Despotic?"
"Uh, Royal" Peanut replied, though he never heard of those types of beds.
"King size? Queen size? Prince? Princess? Princess Plus?"
"Ah, King Size." Peanut said
"Constitutional or Absolute?"
"" Peanut replied with, yet-again, ignored-confusion by Marsinta
"Hm good choice. Fish?"
"Oooooh YES!" Peanut, with his child like glee and a happy-go-lucky smile, replied
"Thought so. Separate or En Suite?"
"I'll take it on En suite" Peanut replied as he was feeling very happy about his new room, which was then brought down to annoyance as Marsinta remarked, "Good, well you certainly won't like the room you got then! You've been assigned to Super Galactic Travelers Class Room 10, Floor 30, which you will reach by Elevator 2. There you are...and it's better then you deserve" she quipped while handing Peanut back the PET before shouting "KRAIG!" and returning back to her bell status. A voice over the ships intercom then came on, startling Peanut again, and announced "BELLBOT: TO THE EMBARKATION LOBBY" Peanut looked over to the one nearby door and watched as another robot, this one completely black with gold trimmings and a head like a lamp, came sauntering in, approached Peanut and, with a surprising and odd-choice for a voice, surfer dude attitude spoke "Hey, I'm Kraig. I'm your BellBot today. I see you aren't carrying any luggage! That's great! I can take a lil' time off!" While a bit odd, Peanut was OK with this as, while he did have some luggage (that being his bag he brought with his drawing stuff), it was light enough for him to carry so this was fine. Perhaps this Bellbot could help him..."And I see you're Super Galactic Travelers Class, so I guess that means you can find your own way to your room! Heh, door's over there! The elevator's around someplace. Relax, Stay Cool, Enjoy!" Kraig suddenly remarked before walking off with an swagger that could make Bino jealous, if he still had his attitude from before those events. Yet, with a shrug of his shoulders and a sigh in his voice, Peanut figured the best thing to do right now is to find his room and settle in. So, walking over to a nearby door, which automatically opens to him, he enters the main area of the ship that can't possibly go wrong and is immediately amazed at what he saw. In stark contrast to the brown colored lobby, the main hall was a pristine white with glamorous lighting, a lake on each side of the area that was off limits to him as he wasn't First Class, and three more doors (four if one would count the door Peanut just came out of) with two of them off-limits to his class and one he can enter, along with the door to the Embarkation lobby. Once the amazement factor had settled down, Peanut decided to look around for an elevator yet could only find four tubes, though he quickly deduced they were the elevators he needed to take so he looked around for Elevator 2 and, after looking for a button to open it, he simply and politely knocks on the door and, after they open, he walks in and is greeted by yet another robot, though like Fentible, this one was not only friendly, but very talkative.

"Good evenin' sir, madam, or thing and a great deal pleasure to make your acquaintance on this here fine day!" The LiftBot said as Peanut entered the lift.
"Good evening to you too...May I ask as to what your name is?" Peanut replied to which the LiftBot proudly responds "Nobby's the name! I takes you up and I takes you down! Which is it to be then?"
"Well, hello Nobby! I'm Peanut and...I'd like to go to Floor 30, please." Peanut said and, to his surprise, Nobby responded with "Floor 30: As you wish, Master Peanut!" For once, Peanut met a friendly bot who's bolts seemed to be all tightened and gears properly working! As the lift traveled down the tube, Peanut was in awe at how many floors there are and how deep this ship went.
"How many floors are on this ship, Nobby?" Peanut inquired as he watched the floors whiz by. Nobby, ever the gentleman as he fought in many a war from the Battle Of Nebula Prime to The 26-Minute War Of Gas'tro'ten'la'po in the Dol'Se'cen Systen, told him "Why, there are 100 floors goings down and 100 floors goings up, Master Peanut! Each floor is dedicated to either Super Galactic, Second, or First class." This was very impressive to Peanut though a bit odd but he wasn't one to question space ships so he returned to the scenery outside the elevator as the various floors flashed by until the arrived at their destination.
"Here is your floor, sir!" Nobby proclaimed as the doors of the elevator opened, letting Peanut get off on his designated floor, though before he left, he turned to Nobby and thanked him for the ride, to which Nobby replied "Why, you are quite welcome, Sir! Though I'm pretty sure we'll be doing this again throughout your trip! Enjoy your stay!" before closing the doors, leaving Peanut once again alone, though at least this time he had a friendly face to chat with, compared with the previous two bots, with the exception of Fentible as he seemed all there, for the most part.
"Let's see...Room 10" Peanut mumbled while looking for his room as each room was stacked on top of each other, with the higher ones accessible by a nearby elevator. Thankfully, he didn't have to take it as, after counting each of the rooms, he found his on the ground floor which he opens the door and...where's the bed? Where's the TV? Where's the cabinet? Where's the toilet? All that was in the room was two white walls, along with a white ceiling and floor, and another wall with various squares of differentiating colors. Peanut was, as anyone would be in his case, confused as he was pretty sure that even Super Galactic Traveler Rooms would have at least some basic room things. Digging the PET out of his bag, he starts to look through it and hit some random buttons, hoping to find something to either help him or maybe...*WHRRR* Peanut jumped as a table suddenly makes itself appear from the wall.
"D-d-did I do that?" Peanut was surprised at the sudden appearance of a table before looking back down at his PET and seeing the name of the page he was on: SGT ROOM OPERATION. With a sigh of relief, he starts to operate the room, forming a desk for drawing, the TV, a toilet, and most importantly, a bed so he could watch the TV. With everything in place, Peanut hopped onto the bed, which while not the best mattress, was still comfortable, and turned the TV on, hoping to catch the beginning of Chip & Dale: Paranormal Investigators. To his other bewilderment, the very first channel he turned to? Had the temperature and pollen count. So he turned to channel 2, which had footage of the outside star field. Where were the cartoons? Where was the classic TV Shows? Where was the cooking channel? He turned to channel 3..."SUPER GALACTIC TRAVELER! THIS COULD BE YOUR LUCK, LUCK, LUCKY DAY! YES, YOU MAY HAVE ALREADY WON AN UPGRADE TO SECOND CLASS AND A WHOLE NEW WORLD OF LUXURY! YOU MAY COLLECT YOUR COMPLEMENTARY IN-FLIGHT MAGAZINE FROM THE SUCC-U-BUS IN YOUR LOBBY! IF THE COUPON ON PAGE 2 HAS LUCKY NUMBER 1138 ON IT! THEN YOU ARE JUST ONE STEP AWAY FROM A TRAVEL EXPERIENCE, MOST BIPEDS CAN ONLY DREAM ABOUT! TAKE THE MAGAZINE TO THE EMBARKATION LOBBY AND OUR HELPFUL DESK-STAFF WILL DELIGHT IN HELPING YOU!" Well, that was a thing! Peanut looked about for a bit before, after turning the telly off, jumping off the bed, putting everything he spawned back into the wall, and after grabbing his bag, walking out to the lobby to find this 'Succ-U-Bus'. At first, he didn't see anything that resembled a bot until his eyes caught a glimpse of, what appeared to him at first, a very large trash can. Walking over, he taps the window and was surprised to see what the TV informed him of: A Succ-U-Bus, which was the Starship Titanic's main mode of transporting goods and supplies throughout the ship.
"I got something for you" the guttural voice of the Succ-U-Bus told Peanut and began to make some sickeningly hacking and coughing noises before a cylinder plops out of it's mouth and onto the tray that was wielded into its arms. Opening the container, Peanut spots the magazine and, after getting the sounds of the day out of his head, turns to page 2 and was excited to see the number 1138 on the coupon!
"Guess it's time for an upgrade!" Peanut exclaimed, rushing to a nearby elevator and taking it back to the top of the well and running to the Embarkation Lobby. Ringing Marsinta's bell, he shows her the magazine and...
"Ah, I hate when they do that, very BAD for passenger discipline" Marsinta grumbled as she looks it over before taking the PET from a smiling Peanut, "Very well...I assigned you to a Second Class Room, Room 3, Floor 15, which you can reach by Elevator 3. Don't get drunk at the bar, don't mess with the musicians, don't touch the artworks, don't futz with the statues, and if you head up to the Promenade Deck, don't scuff the woodwork." Handing the PET back to Peanut, she adds "There you go...and do NOT come whining to me for a First Class Upgrade. Because you won't get one." before returning to her bell status, leading Peanut to mumble "Someone needs an oil change" before leaving the Embarkation Lobby once again.
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Liking your work so far! Keep it up!
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by NHWestoN »

Reminds me of trains I traveled on in North Africa, except you brought your own beverages and sometimes there were small goats....
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can only imagine what it smelled like. :lol:
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by SeanWolf »

Chapter 3: No One Likes A Smart-Alleck

"I wonder what's in this room..." Peanut thought as he exited the Embarkation Lobby and spotted the door across the hall. It wasn't that interesting of a door being all white but something about it, for reasons only known to him at this moment of time, attracted Peanut and he just had to know what was behind the door. It was like he was on the show Deal Or No Deal as he was wondering if he would see something amazing or something similar to a zonk. As the door whooshed open, however, Peanut would frantically wish that it was something amazing as the very first thing he saw, or rather heard...
"SQUAWK! You are enterin' parrot space! SQUAWK! Are you a barer of Chicken? PisTACHio nuts? I thought not SQUAWK!" In the middle of the room, which was a simple supply room, was a nice medium sized cage housing one very annoying and loud parrot, one whom reminded Peanut of the late Pete The Gryphon, if he was small and actually more of an annoyance and less of a idiot.
"SQUAWK!" The parrot chirped loudly again, "I smell no Chicken on you! No PisTACHio nuts either! Off with you! SQUAWK!" What a very rude bird, Peanut had thought to himself as he made his way back to the door, but not before the parrot chirped "SQUAWK! Goodbye! I'd say it was nice seeing someone new...but it wasn't! SQUAWK!"
"Good grief!" Peanut exclaimed as the door whooshed shut behind him, "and I thought Delusional Steve was annoying!" Shaking the squawking from the deep recesses of his head, Peanut went over and sat himself down at one of the nearby benches, procures his drawing book and pencils from his bag, and did some doodling. For him, drawing was the best thing he could do to clear his head of any thoughts that was troubling him or just plain stupidity and it was also a way for him to simply kick back and relax after a long day. Normally, he'd be drawing the latest Super Spot comic but, as he didn't have any ideas for one at the moment, he felt it'd be best to draw the first thing that came to his mind which, in this case, was a simple picture of his friend Sabrina. As he drew her, a sense of relaxation came over him and he felt more at peace then ever before. It was as if someone took a heavy blanket off of him and replaced it with a nice quilted one, made by only the finest of quilters.

"Why, hello there, Peanut." A voice suddenly snaps Peanut out of his state, causing him to look up to the face of one Fentible, the doorbot who brought him on board the Starship Titanic, "How are you enjoying your stay?"
"Other then a rude DeskBot, a lazy BellBot, that parrot...I'm actually enjoying my stay!" Peanut explained with a smile, leaving out some details like he couldn't figure out his room, "Recently got upgraded to Second Class so now I'm...just drawing to put my mind at ease." A smile crossed Fentible's face as he said "That's wonderful" before asking if he could see what he was drawing. Peanut, the ever generous puppy, nodded and handed Fentible his drawing book and he looked over the picture Peanut was working on.
"My word, this is exquisive!" Fentible said as his eyes took in the fine line-work, the bright colors, and the dark shading on the paper in his hands, "You are quite the artist, young pup." Peanut blushed, his cheeks turning redder then the red pencil he held in his paws, for he never had a compliment like that before.
"Th-thank you" he then said, regaining his composure, reaching out for the drawing pad that Fentible was returning to him, who in turn said "I can tell there is a bright future for you in the field of drawing!" before switching gears and asking him if he made any progress yet on figuring out what is wrong with the ship that couldn't go wrong.
"Honestly? I haven't made any progress at all" Peanut admitted sheepishly, "I was mainly just figuring out the room I had before I was awarded a second class upgrade. I haven't even had the chance to explore the ship."
"Ah, well, with second class, you do have a bit more of the ship open to you now," Fentible explained before asking the young pup, "Have you 'ventured down the stairs behind you, yet?" Peanut shook his head as not only did he not venture down the stairs behind him but he didn't even know they were there in the first place. But of course Fentible, being the only 'bot on board who still knew how to be a friendly sort of chap, smiled and asked Peanut to follow him, which he did and down the stairs they went into the very heart of the Starship Titanic. Within the round room were three doors with two leading to rooms and one to the captain's chambers, but the more important thing of note was a very blue looking humanoid figure in the center of the room, one of whom attracted Peanut's eyes very quickly thanks in part to the sheer beauty of the humanoid.
"This is Titania" Fentible explained as both he and Peanut walked around the figure, "She is the very living soul of this ship."
"She...uh...she seems dead..." Peanut brought up to which Fentible chuckled and told him "Oh no, she is very much alive like you and I. But, alas, this is why I brought you on board" before pointing his robotic gloved hand towards Titania's black face, "You see, someone on board stole her face and brain and, well, with us being robots, we can't really do much. So you see now why I brought you on board, right?" While a bit freaked out by the blank face of Titania, Peanut understood Fentible completely which gave Fentible a nice smile before telling him "Now I'll let you get back to work as I need to get back to my duties. Cheerio and keep up the excellent drawing, Master Peanut." Master Peanut...Peanut blushed as Fentible called him that as he left, leaving Peanut down there with Titania and the three rooms. He had never been called anything like that before so this was amazing for him! With that new found praise, Peanut decided to get right to work looking for the missing pieces..but there was one thing he needed to check first and that was one of the two rooms. Choosing the door to the right of him, he was surprised to find a small library, filled with a substantial amount of books, a small chair with a lamp next to it and, the most puzzling thing of all, a giant silver box with a red button. Under normal circumstances, seeing a red button on any sort of giant box would scream DO NOT PUSH, but this was Peanut and anything that looked tempting was going to be pushed, pulled, shoved, pureed, and hopefully make Julian fries. So what does our brave adventurer do? Why of course, he pushes the button...

"The Mega Scuttler is now armed and is preparing to explode. This will be a farly big explosion so, please, stand back about 22 miles. Countdown commencing now...1000....999...998..." The giant silver box was, indeed, a bomb (The Mega Scuttle Bomb to be more specific) and Peanut pressing the red button had, indeed, armed it. Panic soon set in as Peanut tried everything to disarm the bomb from kicking it to yelling very un-Peanuty things at it to even trying to press the button again, which resulted in the bomb scolding him before resorting to very un-bomb like things to yell at well. Peanut was now in full-on panic until he noticed a small keyboard on the base of the bomb that wasn't there before.
"Maybe...there's a code?" Peanut thought as he leaned down and began typing everything he could think of, from asking it politely to disarm it self to even using the title of Grand Marshal Of The Tenth Terran Homecoming Fleet of The YubnubSith Galactic Federation.
"How about 'Winty Wurdle Fruit Cake'?" The bomb suddenly said, breaking Peanut from his concentration, "That fits..oh wait it doesn't, it's too short...uh How about 'Poodle Stomping Knight'? Or what about 'Spattering Ghastliness"...oh that reminds me, I need to be exploding, aren't I? Ahem, darn. Recommencing countdown now! 1000...999..." Peanut was dumbfounded as the bomb, for some reason, restarted itself AGAIN (the first few times it did was when he kept pressing the button). Shaking his head, Peanut went back to trying word combinations, yet he was frustrated as he wasn't using a full QWERTY keyboard as some of the keys were missing.
"Look at it this way: You can try all the combinations of letters on the keyboard which will approximately take you until the death of the universe. Which won't also do you any good as seeing nobody likes a smart-alleck. You can still just run away as you how many seconds left...darn it, lost count. Recommencing countdown...." Peanut ears perked up as the bomb spoke. What did the bomb say? 'Nobody likes a smart-alleck'?
"Worth a shot," Peanut thought as he proceed to type in N-O-B-O-D-Y--L-I-K-E-S--A--S-M-A-R-T-A-L-L-E-C-K.
"Well, that's that. Closing down sequence now! Disarming! Have a nice life!" Somehow, that code was the answer! Peanut left out a humongous sigh of relief as the bomb went back to being a simple yet giant silver box complete with the red button.
"I'm not doing that again" Peanut quipped as he left the room in a hurry and ran back up stairs, completely ignoring the other room on the other side and the captain's chambers, which was actually smart as he didn't have clearance to go to said chambers any way.
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Good idea that you don't try anything like that again. Next time you may not be so lucky.
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by SeanWolf »

Just letting you folks know I haven't forgotten this one. I will get around to finishing this fic this month if all goes to plan!
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I didn't even realize that this was still a thing. I can't even remember it to be honest! :lol:
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by NHWestoN »

No iceberg?
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by SeanWolf »

NHWestoN wrote:No iceberg?
Heh, wrong Titanic :) This story is inspired by the late Douglas Adams book and game of the same name :)
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by NHWestoN »

Sorry, the other one was more my time..... :oops:
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Seems I missed this story when it was active. This is a fun read, I'm looking forward to more :)
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

According to Sean, it still is gonna be active and he will still write it because he plans on working on it later this month.
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by SeanWolf »

Sorry for the wait. It's taking me a bit longer as I've been doing more research into making sure I honor the game that this fic is inspired by. If all goes well, I should be able to get a new chapter up soon.
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

We are all gonna look forward to it when it happens! I am really sure that you will do it the justice it deserves!
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by SeanWolf »

*wipes some dust away*

Sorry for the wait! I WILL be returning to this soon! I promise! Just haven't been in the writing mood lately, tbh, but I will get back to both this AND HousepetZ soon!
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: Peanut's Adventures On The Starship Titanic

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am sure that everybody here wants to see you write again and are rooting for you to get back into that mood!