Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

For all those times you're not in character, try new "Out of Character"

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Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

At the height of the empire’s longest uninterrupted period of peace, two shocking declarations have been made. Outsiders are no longer barred from attending the imperial mages academy, ending a century long ban. And the explorer’s guild are being allowed to re-open the planar portals, allowing those from other worlds gifted enough to find them to reach this world.

Now you, an initiate of the academy, are able step foot inside its ancient halls for the first time, and see first hand all of the newcomers that have arrived from beyond our borders. We even have a few from some place called ‘earth’... Maybe you’re even one yourself?

- - - - - - - -

How it works: I’ll be playing the headmaster and most of the teachers, anyone who wants an assistant GM position can be a teacher as well (max 1 per 4 students), the rest of the rpers are students. Welcome to a magic school populated by a bunch of animal people.

Example Characters:
Character Name: Headmaster Casseryn Volq, Heritor of the Tome.
Color: THIS
Type: Special
Species/Breed: Kigrei Sha, Heritor (Yeah, your headmaster is basically a dragon.)
Age: 81

At 2.25m, despite his pronounced hunch, Casseryn actually manages to have a grandfatherly air to him. Never seen without his cane, and with his once jet black scales flecked with white and silver and almost hanging off him in loose sheets, the old lizard certainly shows his years.

Wise and quick witted, the prankster he was in his youth while mellowed out significantly is not entirely gone.
Casseryn is loyal to a fault, and unwilling to see the flaws in those close to him at times.

A former general and veteran of the Siren Isles campaign, where he served during the last operations before the occupation was finalized. Casseryn grew tired of warfare and returned home, only to find life in his childhood home province nolonger satisfying, lacking the unity and brotherhood of the Legion. Now he teaches at the Academy, seeking to instill that sens of all standing together side by side to the new generation.

He was the one who pushed the council to lift the ban, spearheading efforts to re-open the borders to student exchange. Something that had been set up then promptly abandoned generations earlier because it's intended if secret goal of indoctrinating foreign youth into loyalty to the empire was backfiring and reducing Legion enlistment among those who had been taught alongside outsiders. Caseryn's program though, has no such ulterior motive.

As a heritor, Casseryn caries one of seven sacred relics, The Tome of the First Archmagus. A spellbook that, while woefully incomplete by current standards was once wielded by the greatest mage in the empire, at a pivotal point in history. It seems to change appearance with every wielder it's passed to, but is otherwise just a book. it's literally the most boring Heritor relic.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 6
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 6
- Intelligence: 8
- Agility: 4
- Luck: 6
Character Name: Rua Tolor Natanya III, Junior Mage Knight of the Eighteenth Order, Second heiress to house Arcanas, Heritor of the Sword.

(Will be making a cameo in the intro post, As it takes place the day she left home to visit Earth, but is otherwise is not actually in this RP, even if it is her homeland.)

Color: THIS
Type: Special
Species/Breed: Laurae Rou, Heritor

Age: 17.

Like all full-blooded members of House Arcanas, her fur is jet black with only one or two secondary colors. In her case a short-cropped lavender mane (both genders have lion-like manes. Male Laurae tend to favor growing them long and styling them while females are more likely to keep them short and cut patterns into them. Rua’s mother for example has an elaborate flower petal pattern that goes through her entire mane down her back and into her tail.) and pearl markings on her fur and feathers. her wings are under developed and not yet big enough to fly with, that’s a few years out.

equal parts overconfident pretentious noble brat, and altruistic overeager bookworm. Though the former tends to win out around strangers.

Constantly in the shadow of her older sister Rheyla, the house's Heir, despite being a Herritor, basically the mortal voice of one of their gods, Rua has been getting more and more fed up with her lot in life, and lately has been contemplating leaving home along side her Bodyguard Soqhu.

As a heritor, Rua caries one of seven sacred relics, The Unbreakable Blade Alma. With each wielder Alma takes a new form, personalized to her current master. In Rua’s case though Alma’s form is not strictly a sword, she’s a Feather Edge. A weapon more commonly known incorrectly as a Bowman’s Cleaver, though that’s a little like calling a gun-sword a bayonet; a bowman’s cleaver is a bladed accessory you attach to a bow so it can be used as a crude melee weapon in a pinch, while a feather edge is a single edge double ended long sword that’s been specifically designed so that it can flex and have it’s blunt reverse edge strung like a bow. The name comes from the appearance of it’s cutting edge separating into segments like a feather when it flexes from it’s cord being drawn. They are leagues apart both in effectiveness at their dual combat role (one is purpose built and properly balanced/reinforced, the other is improvised and rather clumsy), and the amount of training needed to use them properly (feather edges require extensive training due to their unusual, but learnable, balance as a blade, bowman's cleavers are, again, improvised and little to no training is given). Rua’s preferred method of using her spells is via forming arrows from various conjured elements/materials.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 5
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 10
- Agility: 5 (would be higher but the late development of her wings messes with her balance)
- Luck: 6
for ethereal characters you can skip age, as etherials don't visibly age. the form they come into being with is the form they will always have and comes with at least a basic understanding of how things work. They live a long time but they're far from immortal.
Character Name: Rhyn
Color: THIS
Type: Minor
Species/Breed: Etherial, Electric Affinity

Rhyn resembles a young Fenrae, if said fenrae were a bizarrely solid looking mass of mist with constant electric arcs running through it. his body and arcs both have a greensish tinge to them, and the amount of electricity running along the surface of his limbs seems to be in proportion to how excited he is.

equal parts curious and playful, when not assisting his partner rhyn is constantly on the move, investigating everything and occasionally forgetting how difficult it is for his kind to touch solid objects.

Naquil, Rhyn's current partner, is actually his third, and the grandchild of his second. he has been with the Ambras family for a few generations now. While most of the family are smiths, every now and then one will crop up who has an interest in the Magical arts.

Rhyn is partner to the current defensive arts teacher and technically a teaching assistant.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 7
- Charisma: 5
- Intelligence: 6
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 3
Character info:

Casters nearly always need the help of an ethereal to use magic, so you'll want to make one of each, or find a partner.
Laurae has a fully developed magic system, but you'll be learning about that as you go. It is a school after all.

On to your characters, Firstly there's two kinds: mortals and ethereals.

Each ethereal has a specific type and affinity. They are either of light or of darkness, and have an affinity for an element. The element in question tends to define their appearance. Their form is generally the same as one of the races of mortals albeit with an elemental motif, like being transparent due to being made out of crystals, or being covered in what look like smoldering coals. Dark etherials tend to look reptilian while Light Etherials are mammalian usually, though not always. Each caster likewise tends to have a particular talent relating to one of the forms. The combination of which tends to determine what spells they have the easiest time learning together.

the afinities are: Darkness, Water, Nature, Earth, Metal, Light, Fire, Lightning, Air, and Ice
The three main forms are: Caller, Channeler, and Shaper, though there are also specializations but we can get into those later

You can play an ethereal, but without a mortal partner, you’re incorporeal. Once you have a partner, the two of you can summon or shape constructs which are empty shells you can possess and bring to life. Or you can just possess your partner...

Etherials are often referred to by titles like Daemon, Demon, and Amon, depending on whether their relationship to their mortal partner is equal, parasitic, or dependent respectively.

now to mortals

Kigrei (Meaning Lizard Kin) are the less populous of the two main mortal races, and are less common than Laurae within the empire. Often kept as servants, or guards, and are seen as lower class citizens in about a third of the provinces despite several important theological figures being as Kigrei. Kigrei are reptilian in appearance and are divided into three sub races. Kigrei Sha look draconic. Winged, partially humanoid save for their saurian like digitgrade leg structure and hunched default posture, and the largest of the three by a significant margin. Kigrei Rou meanwhile have an extremely long thick prehensile tail and lack back legs, making them resemble the Naga (the modern fantasy interpretation anyway), second largest subtype and the least humanoid. Lastly are Kigrei Nav who are derived largely from kobolds and are about the same size as Laurae Rou.

Laurae (Meaning Panther Kin) on the other hand are mammalian in appearance, the dominant side of the empire. Earlier laurae generations saw themselves as superior, which is why the both the world, and the empire that represents it’s dominant power are named after them. Laurae Sha are best described as humanoid tiger-gryphons, and are comparable in size wingspan and bodyshape to Kigrei Sha. Laurae Rou meanwhile are also winged but their wings aren’t functional for full flight like either of the Shas, just gliding. also their feline traits are specifically lion-like and their chest and facial furs are shorter than the other races, which tends to make them look better groomed. The most humanoid of all the imperials, and Inspired by Sphinx, aside from anomalies are the smallest of the laurae, even Laurae Nav, who are basically basically bipedal anthropomorphic cheetah.

The qualifier ‘Nav’ just means “normal” so those ones are often referred to just as Kigrei & Laurae, unless it’s necessary to differentiate. The other two qualifiers mean ‘Strong’ and ‘Swift’.

Thirdly there’s the Rurae (a word that means “half breed”), an uncommon group which have mishmashed features frequently looking like some kind of chimera between two of the above, or an imperial race and a non imperial race. It’s rare to see a Rurae who isn’t on the street, but there are a few. Strangely, Etherials who normally resemble a pureblood race, will sometimes come into being looking like this. The ones who do usually lack an elemental affinity (which despite being weaker, is actually an advantage, as it doesn’t lock off opposing elements), and are frequently viewed as ‘deformed’. Rurae are possible because the races actually all share the same genome and about 80% of their anatomy, making them more like wildly divergent breeds of one species than several separate ones. That said dating outside ones own kind is stigmatized heavily.

There’s also the Fenrae (Foxkin), Lunae (Wolfkin), Anre (Bird-men), Pahre (bipedal ungulates) and their beastly sub-races (haven’t designed said sub-races yet, go nuts. The majority should be derived from myths. Kitsune, direwolves, Harpies, Minotaurs and the like.), but they’re not imperial citizens at all and are only going to be found among the first years like the players. Most of the ones you may encounter are going to be traders and students from abroad, save for anre who are more heavily involved with the black market and organized criminal activity than others as a form of rebellion over their homeland being under imperial occupation. Most Pahre come from beyond the empire's southern border and they have a somewhat 'fantasy barbarian'-ish culture, while the Fenrae and Lunae are from various parts of the west, fenrae more common along the coast Lunae more common among the mesas and plateaus of the central uplift, and the Anre hail from the occupied islands to the south east. Feel free to play one if you want.

Lastly are wanderers, beings that have reached this world via portal and are not even a local species at all. About equally common to non-imperial races.

(Note: Population norms only refer to the NPC population, they're not a restriction on player characters.)
Creator's note: The setting isn't meant to come off as dark so much as just period accurate. it's an empire that got stuck in the feudal age and never grew past it due to the complications of magic and living gods taking things down a different path. Most of this part is history from the casts parents and grandparents generations at the closest.
World: (Optional reading)

The Old Kingdom of Laurae is about the size of modern Greece and is denoted on the map below in red. The academy is near the south coast of the northern half.
The empire it expanded into meanwhile is just a teensy bit bigger...
The empire is a guild-driven feudal society, led by an emperor. Beneath the emperor are the three high lords, the war-master, the anointed of the holy order, and the archmagus. Beneath them are the heads of all 36 guilds, and the heads of the houses who oversee each province, whom are considered equals. The guilds are akin to national labor unions and act as a counterbalance to the houses, and vise versa. Ostensibly they're to give the common folk a voice, in practice their actual job is creating a class divide, ensuring no one house or guild ever gets strong enough to be a threat to the imperial throne. The houses occasionally change in number due to infighting. Technologically, they’re mid-roman era.

The empire is nearly 4000 years old, and has been slowly expanding over that time, first in the unification of all the Laurae tribes of the north. After that the nomadic sea faring Fenrae were driven from the coasts of their territory. Later the push into the equitorial teritories of the Kigrei, leading to the treaty of brothers. The current milenium has been marked by the push toards the southern hemisphere and the teritories of the Anrei and Pahre. One campaign successful one not.

In the last century, expansion has ground to a halt, with the Fenrae having a far superior -if largely disorganized and roughly one third pirate- navy, albeit in numbers more than anything, they’ve been forced to expand largely by land. they’ve already spread north as far as reasonable ability to transport food into barren lands will allow, hit ocean to the east, and the Ketros Union to the south. a collection of thirty-some-odd nomadic Pahre herds under a shared banner, that nation is largely protected by an impassible mountain range along it’s northern border and the world’s biggest wall along the east. Forcing imperial troops to enter from the west via the marshlands that also border Lunae territory. effectively meaning the imperials have to flank themselves in an area with long, problematic to protect, supply-lines. (Technically everything south of Phaton's Crossing, the little strip of land sticking onto that inland sea there, is disputed territory, and is known as the Red Marshes due to the region's messy history.) The last major victory was the occupation of the south east isles fifty years ago, with the stalemate in the red marshes eventually becoming a cease fire that’s been active for 71 years.

The empire’s existence is largely the sole reason behind the other races banding together into three large nations rather than the few hundred little ones that make up their constituent parts. Despite it's history, the current era while still in it's fledgling years is one of peace.
so, here we’ve got the magic system and the faith of the seven, which are interconnected.
Firstly are the herriors, if normal spellcasters are like a wizard/familiar duo, herritors are their cleric counterparts.

The 7 herritors have 'traditional names' based on the roles their predecessors played in the unification war, when their presence was first revealed. The names also correspond to the items that house their soul-shards, seven sacred relics that are unbreakable and choose their masters. it's said that each herritor carries their predecessor's soul, which is said to give them access to a certain degree of inherited knowledge, and how the soulshard recognizes it's master. at any one time there are seven herritors in all existence. any time a new herritor appears, it is because their predecessor has died. all seven are special npcs and you're unlikely to encounter most of them.

Each herritor is believed to be a messenger of one of their gods, and that connection is why they are able to cast without the aid of a partner. There are some who believe the Order has misunderstood the domains of the divines. The incarnations seen during the unification war are know as the ‘first’ version of each, historically.

Code: Select all

Name            Role            Patron
the shield   (Protector)     Deity, Valour
the cloak    (Scout)         Deity, Magic
the staff    (Healer)        Deity, Healing
the crown    (Leader)        Deity, Death
the sword    (Warrior)       Deity, The Hunt
the tome     (Scholar)       Deity, Creation
the mask     (Spy)           Deity, Theatre
Herritors can access the memories of their predecessors by awakening. The last herritor who ever fully awakened was Daeus the worldshaper, Or Daeus the fifth Tome as some know him, this is common knowledge. It is believed the spell for which he is Titled is what killed him. His next incarnation refused to awaken even partially thanks to how painful the memories of those last moments were.
Magic has subgroups tied to the element of the ethereal you're bonded with. these effect how the spells look and behave, and what damage type, summoned creatures, resistance type, etc they offer. though there are two cases in particular where the damage & resistance types are a bit... weird.
each element is subordinate to one of the two prime forces (light/Destruction & darkness/creation), and associated with two others (two adjacent to it in the list), and lastly opposes one (it's counterpart in the other group). opposing elements act as counter-spells to each other, and a caster initially only has access to her bonded element, and the associated elements, or associated element & light/darkness if there's only one.

Code: Select all

Elements, in order of association, and opposite their counter: 
Darkness    (Creation)         = Light      (Destruction)

Water  (darkness, Healing*)    < Ice        (light, Cold)
Nature (darkness, Toxic)       < Fire       (light, Heat)
Earth  (darkness, Physical)    > Air        (light, Sonic)
Metal  (darkness, Absorption*) > Lightning  (light, Electric)
*These are the two oddballs mentioned above. On the offensive water actually does physical damage, and metal doesn’t have any direct attack spells, but on the defensive they have special effects rather than protecting against one particular type of damage. Water heals, and metal acts like a conductor, absorbing and redirecting energies, giving it the best overall defense, even if it can’t tank raw damage the way earth can (earth can create walls of ANY natural mineral. Including a few stupidly hard to break types of stones).

You might also notice that the light and dark associations are switched compared to what you’re probably used to. The easiest way to describe it is just to quote the Laurae legends about the Origin of All: “The void is darkness, The void is the beginning; all that is created, is born from the void, even light. Order born of nothing. From light comes life, Destruction given purpose; to consume, to shape, to carve. Chaos bringing change to order. To be neither is death. From chaos back to nothing. The cycle begins anew.”
Neither is seen as inherently good or evil, each has its purpose and both are necessary.

Casters are grouped into circles by skill level, As are spells, but that’s slightly different. Casters are also given titles based on their preferred spell form. It does not mean that’s their only type of spell, just what they’re best with. Ninth Circle is the lowest, (if you haven't even done that, you’re an initiate, not a caster) achieved after learning one’s first spell, through to first signifying one has mastered at least one spell from each Circle and form, then master for Firsts who have crafted new spells of their own (extremely hard to do and very rare), and Grandmaster for a master who has also learned to use all spells of their main group (excluding those that are forbidden, or were lost due to the one that made them dying before they could be passed on).

Laurian magic has multiple forms,

Channeller spells
- use yourself or something you’re holding as a conduit for your element. Easiest, but most limited. This is he most common type to learn. (Ie: Chaneling ice through yourself to make your touch freeze things)

Shaper spells
- reshape the world around yourself (Ie: Changing a rock into a statue via spell)

Caller spells
- call forth the power of the ether to summon new matter into being. More taxing than the others but has the advantage of versatility, as it’s never constrained by what’s on hand, the way many of the others are. (Ie: Making a cage of shadow spikes appear out of nowhere)

Summoner Spells
- Specialization of of caller, skilled in creating constructs that have wills and minds of their own, rather than simple objects. Not forbidden, but somewhat rare anyway as constructs are frequently non-permanent, and unless you attach an artificial soul to them or let your partner inhabit them, they don't retain training or instruction from one summoning to the next. Which limits the number of them you can have active.

Shifter Spells
- Specialization of Channeler or Shaper, instead of reshaping the world or merely channelling that energy into yourself, you become one with it and are reshaping your own body. (ie: Turning yourself into an elemental and or animal)

Crafter Spells
- Specialization of Channeler or Caller, Sometimes also known as a wand maker, this type specialize in making objects that house Channeler spells.

Bound Spells
- Specialization of Caller, drawing the the soul into physical form, or crafting new ones from ether. Can raise the dead, forge artificial souls, and create soulshards. Forbidden & excluded from the requirements for mastery, due to the heresy and crimes of one who greatly abused it in the past.

Warper Spells
- Specialization of Shaper, Forcibly reshaping another living being. This one is frowned upon as while it can produce healers who are more skilled than usual, it can also lead to 'monster makers'. (ie: spells like baleful polymorph)

Seer spells
- Specialization of Shaper or Caller, the focus for your spells is not an object in physical world, but the mind. Bridging the mindspace and physical world the way callers bridge the world and ether.

How to Call, Channel, or Shape a barrier is ALWAYS the first thing taught, no matter your specialisation, and it gets drilled into you to the point that you can do it instinctively. This is done as a safety precaution against malformed spells getting ‘explodey’. Which happens sometimes. ...more than we like to admit.

As to spell circles, language is complicated. The circle classification for casters came first and initially the same system was applied to the spells... until it became apparent that spells could have more discreet layers of complexity to them than here were ranks of caster. This resulted in the scale getting inverted for how spells work. Where a first circle caster is near mastery, a first circle spell means a spell that needs only a single array of runes. In contrast, a ninth circle caster is a newly trained beginner while a ninth circle spell has nine sets of runes in it’s array stacked on top of each other, and is likely something only a second circle or higher has the skill and stamina to cast. Then there’s the number of active nodes per layer, referred to as how many ‘points’ (never goes below 2) that layer has after how they wind up being notated when drawn out in reference material, and whether the node is a single rune or multirune node.

In general the amount of mana consumed by a spell increases additively for number of layers and multiplicatively for nodes per layer. things get squirrelly when you throw in multi-rune nodes as they have variable draw and act like logic-gates within the spell's functon.

as a quick shorthand of spell complexity, spells can easily be described as "(Number of layers)th circle, (Average number of runes per layer)pointer"

The most complex spell ever constructed is a twenty seventh circle spell with a four hundred eight point array. Only one person has ever successfully used it, and it the backlash killed him despite his being a grandmaster. It’s a shaper spell that can restore an unblemished natural state to an entire world in one go. It was made to undo the apocalyptic ravages of a war of mages centuries ago.

For comparison, rua’s shadow cage is a fifth circle three pointer, and her clockwork, a fourth circle fourteen pointer.

Your average spellcaster will master 10-12 spells at most in their lifetime, and will likely have one signature spell that represents the upper limit of their abilities, which is enough for fourth circle. Third through first is the domain of the truly talented, with first representing the top 5% of the magic community. Mastery is the domain of prodigies, there’s maybe two to three individuals per generation. not counting herritors who can cheat by inheriting the spells, both learned and created, of their past lives (it’s where the name first came from). even if they don't actually have the stamina to use most of that without being re-trained from scratch.
Runes: the spell circles are all made of runes, and each one has a meaning:

There's the Function runes, which are the core of channeling:

The function runes everyone who's not a channeler uses:

Target Runes:


Component runes if the spell involves Multirune Nodes, it needs these:

Element Runes:

and then there's another 300 or so that are alchemic discriptors for complex shaping creation and summoning.
Last edited by Buster on Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Could we get a bit more of a description of what the different forms of caster mean? What's the difference between Callers, Channelers, and shapers?
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

In simplest terms, Callers bring things into being that weren't previously there, Shapers re-shape the world around them, which while less taxing than Calling is limited to what's readily available already, Channelers use themself or an object as a focus which again further limits the range of what the spells can do but is also less taxing.

Callers tend to have the least number of spells and the most mana consuming ones, but can do the widest range of things. Channelers are at the opposite end of that having a lot of largely similar easy spells that mostly do the same few things. Shapers are in the middle, and the advanced specializations scattered are in between them.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

So, assuming I’m understanding the difference, Callers can make goats, Shapers can turn other people into goats, and Channelers can turn themselves into goats?
Also no, I don’t know why I used goats as a metaphor.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

almost. channeler would be more giving yourself goat powers by half-doing that or turning a stick into a Wand Of Goat. turning yourself fully into one would fall under a specialization called 'Shifter', but thats advanced techniques.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by furrygamer793 »

I want a wand of goat. Though my character idea would better fit as a shifter…
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

anybody else have questions?
anyone come up with a character?
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

If I have the time after work, I'll try to come up with a character then. I've already got sort of an idea.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by furrygamer793 »

It would be nice to have an example of an ethereal
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

furrygamer793 wrote:It would be nice to have an example of an ethereal
you can skip age, as etherials don't visibly age. the form they come into being with is the form they will always have and at least a basic understanding of how things work. They live a long time but they're far from immortal.
Character Name: Rhyn
Color: THIS
Type: Minor
Species/Breed: Etherial, Electric Affinity

Rhyn resembles a young Fenrae, if said fenrae were a bizarrely solid looking mass of mist with constant electric arcs running through it. his body and arcs both have a greensish tinge to them, and the amount of electricity running along the surface of his limbs seems to be in proportion to how excited he is.

equal parts curious and playful, when not assisting his partner rhyn is constantly on the move, investigating everything and occasionally forgetting how difficult it is for his kind to touch solid objects.

Naquil, Rhyn's current partner, is actually his third, and the grandchild of his second. he has been with the Ambras family for a few generations now. While most of the family are smiths, every now and then one will crop up who has an interest in the Magical arts.

Rhyn is partner to the current defensive arts teacher and technically a teaching assistant.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 7
- Charisma: 5
- Intelligence: 6
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 3
Last edited by Buster on Tue Aug 06, 2019 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Sorry, Buster. I've been a bit busy. Haven't even had the time or energy to write for BoH. I will get a character created. I hope to do it at some point between now and Sunday.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

i was going to do this in the actual RP itself to limit how much was frontloaded, but would it help if i posted the notes on how the magic system works?
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I feel that would help in character creation. If we're deciding what our magic powers are, it would help to know how the system works.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

so, here we’ve got the magic system and the faith of the seven, which are interconnected.
Firstly are the herriors, if normal spellcasters are like a wizard/familiar duo, herritors are their cleric counterparts.

The 7 herritors have 'traditional names' based on the roles their predecessors played in the unification war, when their presence was first revealed. The names also correspond to the items that house their soul-shards, seven sacred relics that are unbreakable and choose their masters. it's said that each herritor carries their predecessor's soul, which is said to give them access to a certain degree of inherited knowledge, and how the soulshard recognizes it's master. at any one time there are seven herritors in all existence. any time a new herritor appears, it is because their predecessor has died. all seven are special npcs and you're unlikely to encounter most of them.

Each herritor is believed to be a messenger of one of their gods, and that connection is why they are able to cast without the aid of a partner. There are some who believe the Order has misunderstood the domains of the divines. The incarnations seen during the unification war are know as the ‘first’ version of each, historically.

Code: Select all

Name            Role            Patron
the shield   (Protector)     Deity, Valour
the cloak    (Scout)         Deity, Magic
the staff    (Healer)        Deity, Healing
the crown    (Leader)        Deity, Death
the sword    (Warrior)       Deity, The Hunt
the tome     (Scholar)       Deity, Creation
the mask     (Spy)           Deity, Theatre
Herritors can access the memories of their predecessors by awakening. The last herritor who ever fully awakened was Daeus the worldshaper, Or Daeus the fifth Tome as some know him, this is common knowledge. It is believed the spell for which he is Titled is what killed him. His next incarnation refused to awaken even partially thanks to how painful the memories of those last moments were.
Magic has subgroups tied to the element of the ethereal you're bonded with. these effect how the spells look and behave, and what damage type, summoned creatures, resistance type, etc they offer. though there are two cases in particular where the damage & resistance types are a bit... weird.
each element is subordinate to one of the two prime forces (light/Destruction & darkness/creation), and associated with two others (two adjacent to it in the list), and lastly opposes one (it's counterpart in the other group). opposing elements act as counter-spells to each other, and a caster initially only has access to her bonded element, and the associated elements, or associated element & light/darkness if there's only one.

Code: Select all

Elements, in order of association, and opposite their counter: 
Darkness    (Creation)         = Light      (Destruction)

Water  (darkness, Healing*)    < Ice        (light, Cold)
Nature (darkness, Toxic)       < Fire       (light, Heat)
Earth  (darkness, Physical)    > Air        (light, Sonic)
Metal  (darkness, Absorption*) > Lightning  (light, Electric)
*These are the two oddballs mentioned above. On the offensive water actually does physical damage, and metal doesn’t have any direct attack spells, but on the defensive they have special effects rather than protecting against one particular type of damage. Water heals, and metal acts like a conductor, absorbing and redirecting energies, giving it the best overall defense, even if it can’t tank raw damage the way earth can (earth can create walls of ANY natural mineral. Including a few stupidly hard to break types of stones).

You might also notice that the light and dark associations are switched compared to what you’re probably used to. The easiest way to describe it is just to quote the Laurae legends about the Origin of All: “The void is darkness, The void is the beginning; all that is created, is born from the void, even light. Order born of nothing. From light comes life, Destruction given purpose; to consume, to shape, to carve. Chaos bringing change to order. To be neither is death. From chaos back to nothing. The cycle begins anew.”
Neither is seen as inherently good or evil, each has its purpose and both are necessary.

Casters are grouped into circles by skill level, As are spells, but that’s slightly different. Casters are also given titles based on their preferred spell form. It does not mean that’s their only type of spell, just what they’re best with. Ninth Circle is the lowest, (if you haven't even done that, you’re an initiate, not a caster) achieved after learning one’s first spell, through to first signifying one has mastered at least one spell from each Circle and form, then master for Firsts who have crafted new spells of their own (extremely hard to do and very rare), and Grandmaster for a master who has also learned to use all spells of their main group (excluding those that are forbidden, or were lost due to the one that made them dying before they could be passed on).

Laurian magic has multiple forms,

Channeller spells
- use yourself or something you’re holding as a conduit for your element. Easiest, but most limited. This is he most common type to learn. (Ie: Chaneling ice through yourself to make your touch freeze things)

Shaper spells
- reshape the world around yourself (Ie: Changing a rock into a statue via spell)

Caller spells
- call forth the power of the ether to summon new matter into being. More taxing than the others but has the advantage of versatility, as it’s never constrained by what’s on hand, the way many of the others are. (Ie: Making a cage of shadow spikes appear out of nowhere)

Summoner Spells
- Specialization of of caller, skilled in creating constructs that have wills and minds of their own, rather than simple objects. Not forbidden, but somewhat rare anyway as constructs are frequently non-permanent, and unless you attach an artificial soul to them or let your partner inhabit them, they don't retain training or instruction from one summoning to the next. Which limits the number of them you can have active.

Shifter Spells
- Specialization of Channeler or Shaper, instead of reshaping the world or merely channelling that energy into yourself, you become one with it and are reshaping your own body. (ie: Turning yourself into an elemental and or animal)

Crafter Spells
- Specialization of Channeler or Caller, Sometimes also known as a wand maker, this type specialize in making objects that house Channeler spells.

Bound Spells
- Specialization of Caller, drawing the the soul into physical form, or crafting new ones from ether. Can raise the dead, forge artificial souls, and create soulshards. Forbidden & excluded from the requirements for mastery, due to the heresy and crimes of one who greatly abused it in the past.

Warper Spells
- Specialization of Shaper, Forcibly reshaping another living being. This one is frowned upon as while it can produce healers who are more skilled than usual, it can also lead to 'monster makers'. (ie: spells like baleful polymorph)

Seer spells
- Specialization of Shaper or Caller, the focus for your spells is not an object in physical world, but the mind. Bridging the mindspace and physical world the way callers bridge the world and ether.

How to Call, Channel, or Shape a barrier is ALWAYS the first thing taught, no matter your specialisation, and it gets drilled into you to the point that you can do it instinctively. This is done as a safety precaution against malformed spells getting ‘explodey’. Which happens sometimes. ...more than we like to admit.

As to spell circles, language is complicated. The circle classification for casters came first and initially the same system was applied to the spells... until it became apparent that spells could have more discreet layers of complexity to them than here were ranks of caster. This resulted in the scale getting inverted for how spells work. Where a first circle caster is near mastery, a first circle spell means a spell that needs only a single array of runes. In contrast, a ninth circle caster is a newly trained beginner while a ninth circle spell has nine sets of runes in it’s array stacked on top of each other, and is likely something only a second circle or higher has the skill and stamina to cast. Then there’s the number of active nodes per layer, referred to as how many ‘points’ (never goes below 2) that layer has after how they wind up being notated when drawn out in reference material, and whether the node is a single rune or multirune node.

In general the amount of mana consumed by a spell increases additively for number of layers and multiplicatively for nodes per layer. things get squirrelly when you throw in multi-rune nodes as they have variable draw and act like logic-gates within the spell's functon.

as a quick shorthand of spell complexity, spells can easily be described as "(Number of layers)th circle, (Average number of runes per layer)pointer"

The most complex spell ever constructed is a twenty seventh circle spell with a four hundred eight point array. Only one person has ever successfully used it, and it the backlash killed him despite his being a grandmaster. It’s a shaper spell that can restore an unblemished natural state to an entire world in one go. It was made to undo the apocalyptic ravages of a war of mages centuries ago.

For comparison, rua’s shadow cage is a fifth circle three pointer, and her clockwork, a fourth circle fourteen pointer.

Your average spellcaster will master 10-12 spells at most in their lifetime, and will likely have one signature spell that represents the upper limit of their abilities, which is enough for fourth circle. Third through first is the domain of the truly talented, with first representing the top 5% of the magic community. Mastery is the domain of prodigies, there’s maybe two to three individuals per generation. not counting herritors who can cheat by inheriting the spells, both learned and created, of their past lives (it’s where the name first came from). even if they don't actually have the stamina to use most of that without being re-trained from scratch.
Runes: the spell circles are all made of runes, and each one has a meaning:

There's the Function runes, which are the core of channeling:

The function runes everyone who's not a channeler uses:

Target Runes:


Component runes if the spell involves Multirune Nodes, it needs these:

Element Runes:

and then there's another 300 or so that are alchemic discriptors for complex shaping creation and summoning.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Deske »

Are there any grammar rules you want us to tend toward when naming our characters or just some in general to try and match the flow of the world?
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

i don't think i've ever thought through any rules for how they're named, i know the way i say them tends to be more growled and guttural than straight English pronunciation of the letters would be, but i'm not sure...

look through these, do you see a patern? they're all first names.

Rutyll, Rua, Toloq, Casseryn, Volmynr, Ruyyn, Lum, Qon, Jyto, Helyia, Synaa, Kyrhee, Caspas, Vuruys, Rheyla, Alma, Synoq, Tolor, Soqhu, Naquil, Rhyn, Shiriya, Feyrn.

if you want to make something similar, go ahead, if you'd rather do your own thing, that's fine too.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Roarin »

This looks pretty interesting, and after playing Three Houses I've been in kind of an academy vibe!
I'll try to come up with something in the next few days.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I'm sorry Buster. I meant to write the character sheet this weekend, but completely forgot. I'll get started on it today, though probably won't get it finished today.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

CyberDragon wrote:Character Name: David “Dynamo” Donner
Color: This
Type: Main
Species/Breed: Glitched Empowered Human
Age: 19

David is a rather inconspicuous human male where he comes from. He’s somewhat short, being only slightly taller than 5 feet. He is rather thin, and seems to have a difficult time keeping any weight or muscle he gains. His skin is mildly pale, and his hair is jet black and mildly messy. He generally wears clothes that have some sort of insulating properties, and usually wears gloves. He wears a pair of basic square glasses that give him a somewhat nerdy appearance.

The most notable thing about his appearance, however, is usually only noticeable when it’s dark and he isn’t wearing his typical insulating clothes. In the dark, his eyes glow blue. Wisps of blue light will float from his skin, and parts of his body will sometimes start to glow with what can be compared to Saint Elmo’s Fire. This is due to the amount of electric power coursing through him.

David is a somewhat shy, yet kind individual. He tries to keep his head down and not attract too much attention. However, while he is reluctant to confront his fears and nerves, he has in the past stepped up when people needed him to be there. Sometimes, it’s just being emotional support, but he has (rarely) used his powers to help others.

David is incredibly smart and picks up on new knowledge quickly. He is eager to learn, even if he is apprehensive about being in a strange place with strange people.

Back in his own universe, David grew up on a human colony in the Alpha Centauri system. He lived most of his life in the capital of Proxima Centauri B, New Chiron. When the city was attacked by a hostile alien force, a ship known as the Beacon of Hope arrived and repelled them.

It was during this attack that David discovered his abilities. He realized that he had the ability to generate massive amounts of electricity in his body, and project it outwardly. He could even turn himself into a sort of golem of electricity, kind of like an elemental. He had no knowledge of how to control this power, however.

The leader of the Beacon of Hope told him that his abilities were closer related to magic due to their dependence on an internal store of GPE (Glitched Potential Energy, more commonly known as Magic energy, magika, mana, etc) and the potential versatility of the power. He was told that, if he learned of a way to control his abilities, he would be able to accomplish more with his special brand of “lightning” than a regular electrokinetic would be able to do.

Not long after, a friend of his pressured him into exploring one of the wrecked invader ships. They came across a strange generator, exposed by the crash. When David got close to it, sparks shot from him and struck the generator, which sprang to life and produced a portal that pulled David through before closing.

When he arrived, he was immediately picked up by the explorer's guild. They quickly found out that he would not have the ability to go back the same way he got there (after all, he got there by a freak accident and Hivemind hasn't developed the small-scale trans-dimensional void warp drive yet), and he had nothing but the clothes on his back. As he explained how he got there, he let slip his still newly discovered abilities. The explorer's guild mentioned the academy, and he caught the first transport there. He figured he might be able to learn how to control his powers better while he was stuck there.

At least it beats being on the streets.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 4
- Perception: 4
- Endurance: 4
- Charisma: 6
- Intelligence: 10
- Agility: 8
- Luck: 6
Alright! I have a character in!
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

kinda redundant since i already approved this one by PM, but saying it here anyway: Good to go.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I'm really looking forward to playing this game! I hope we can get the players to start reasonably soon.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Deske »

Cyber I hope you don't mind if I steal that idea of a one liner at the end of the History tab.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Not at all. Go right ahead.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

well, the second new student is probably going to simultaneously have an easier and harder time blending in than the first...
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Well now I'm really curious.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Deske »

I need to do a bit of formatting, but I'm on my phone and about to head off for work.
Thomas Watson wrote:Character Name: Thomas "Tom, Tom Wats, Watson, Tommy" Watson. Prefers Tom or Watson.

Color: Red

Type: Main

Species/Breed: Human. Afflicted with Lycanthropy.

Age: 24 years of age.

As a Man: Tall and well built, measuring about 1.8 meters tall and about 73 kilograms. Grows a fine beard that he tries to keep cut short. Light grey eyes and slightly tanned skin give him an air of being well traveled.

As a Wolf: Taller and more heavily muscled, though still trim for his stature. Stands about 2.3 meters tall and weighs about 138-139 kilograms. Base coat is a darker grey color with interspersed whites and tans. Well colored for camouflaging in a variety of places. Maintains his eye color. Currently sporting a thinner 'summer' coat, giving a somewhat more trim look. Winter coat consists of a grey coat with mixed white, whilst lacking the tan of his summer coat.

Personality: Well enough spoken and accepting of people, Tom Watson isn't the loudest, but he is friendly. He's not afraid to make his opinions heard, but he tends to refrain from talking over others, considering it rude, unless the point being made is of great importance. His personality does seem to carry over during his 'changes', but it tends to clash with the more wild and carefree nature of 'the beast.' He keeps himself in line best he can and doesn't tend to let it get the better of him.


"I was born in London, around 1801 as I'm told by the hospital. I grew up rather poor, street urchin you see. For the first years of my life I was moved from foster home to foster home. Eventually I turned ten and they kicked me out, keeping space for the younger kids, the desireables, you know. So I turned to the streets. Didn't last much long out there, eventually got picked up by the local snatchers. You wouldn't believe my luck when I tell you that the very butcher I'd been stealing from had a sort of soft spot in his heart for the kids on the street. Decided he'd not hand me over to them and, instead, that he'd raise me as his own. Sent me to school and everything. Taught me how to cut meat, how to barter, rules for running the lot down on the corner, the like. We had a pretty good business going together. Better salesman than I, he was. I'd run the back where the meat was cut, younger and faster I was, and he'd run the front where the customers were. It was funny business I guess, after the years of nobody wanting to see me, now all of a sudden here I was, a job, someone who cared and people respected me. Should've known it wasn't going to last. Two months after my Twenty-second, the shop burned down. I'd been out delivering some of the meat, see a fire cart run past me. Didn't think much of it at the time. Guess I should've turned and went back to see what was the commotion."

There's a short silence as if he's trying to figure out what to say next.

"They told me he died pretty quickly. Or at least that he didn't feel it. Said he breathed in the smoke, fell unconscious and burned with the store. They told me they found him behind the
counter. They told me that it looked like he'd smelled it too late and hadn't been fast enough. Least I know it didn't hurt.

After that, well, I was out of a job. I didn't have the money to open up the store again. So, like anyone, I looked around for a job. Asked around, put up a poster or two and sat and waited while rent ran out. Near the end of my last month staying in the apartment I finally heard the knock on the door I was listening for. A man dressed up smartly, waistcoat, clean pants and even a pocketwatch, stood on my doorstep. I invited him in, gave him the last of my tea and I heard what he'd come for. He'd come with a job offer, much to my delight, an offer he said I wouldn't be able to refuse. He told me that it was a hunting position. That I'd go out, shoot a few creatures, and come back and get paid for it. Easy work, pay too good to be true, but I was on my last month so believe me when I say I didn't question it. I stood up, shook his hand, and asked when I could start. I was told tomorrow of all days; tomorrow at nine p.m.

Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking 'Tom, why would a strange man come to your door and offer you a strange job like hunting, with a strange time like late at night? Surely you must have been suspicious?' And I'd like to tell you that I was. That I looked him up and down and decided of my own volition to take the job. But I wouldn't lie to you like that. Sorry to say I didn't look him down and up. I took it right then and there, desperate as I was for employ. That was a turn in my life.

So the next day I get ready and head over to the meeting area on the outskirts of town and I see him leaned against a tree, fancy looking rifle in one hand and not one, but TWO pistols slung on his belt. He opened a sharp looking leather case and withdrew another rifle that he held out towards me. I took it and loaded it with some clumsiness as I hadn't handled one before, you see. The ammunition for it looked shiny, almost like some sort of precious metal, but I paid it no mind as I slipped the round into the rifle. The man, oh, uh, his name was Obediah Taylor, he gave me some vials of some kind of liquid that I didn't, for the life of me, recognize. He also handed me a knife that had the same shiny look to it as the bullets, he told me to use it as a last resort. I'd finally worked up the sense to ask him what exactly we were hunting. He turned me to, seemed to size me up and then simply said 'Wolves.' I didn't heed this much. There wasn't much a wolf problem around London, but I figured maybe a farmer or two had been having troubles with them.

Anyway, once we'd finished preparing he motioned for me to follow him and off we went into the countryside. Eventually we came upon some forests and entered them quietly. We set up a small camp, no fire, no food, nothing to lure them to us, and we waited for what felt like hours. I watch the moon rise high above the trees before I heard the first howl. The man stood up quickly and I followed suit, not wanting to be caught sitting down. He pointed in what seemed like a random direction and we headed off, leaving our makeshift camp behind. Eventually we came upon it and it was then that I realized we were not hunting mere wolves. This wolf, this /beast/, was some half breed, some amalgamation of man and wolf. An abomination in my eyes at the time. Overzealous I was I raised my rifle and fired almost immediately. By the time I lowered the barrel to see if I'd hit it, it was upon us. Fast as lightning but dark as night. I saw the man raise his rifle to fire at the beast, but at this range it merely batted the barrel away like a child's toy. With nothing between it and me, it lunged and grabbed hold of my arm. I felt its teeth pierce my flesh as easily as one might bite the air. I don't know what took hold of my mind in that minute, but I grabbed the knife and plunged it deep into the beasts arm. What little good it did was apparently enough to cause the beast to release me and with a howl of anger or maybe pain, it disappeared into the forest. Mr. Taylor had recovered enough to take a few good shots as it left, apparently one grazing its leg as it left. He grabbed me and quickly retrieved a cloth wrap from his bag, and began wrapping it around my arm. He looked me over, taking a look into my eyes that felt almost uncomfortably long before practically dragging me out of the forest, but not towards the city. I don't know much of what happened next. Once we left the forest I began to feel faint and slowly lost consciousness before we arrived where he was taking me.

The next morning when I woke up, where there should have been a great pain in my arm there was none. The cloth bandage had been changed so the blood was light, but I dared not look at the wound underneath to see how grievous it may have been. I wasn't ready to die from the first night on my new job. Apparently I had begun to worry much and the resulting stress forced me back into unconsciousness. Hours later I woke to Mr. Taylor taking off my bandage and observing my wound which, terrifyingly, had healed to the point of scabbing. He looked at me with sad eyes before leaving the room, taking with him the bandage and the bowl of scented water they had apparently been cleaning my arm with. I overheard him talk to someone outside of the room about letting me stay for a few months but then taking me out to the forest for the 'last time'. Contrary to before, I was now aware enough of what this meant that I decided I had to act and act quickly if I didn't want to lose my life. So I began studying.

I picked up books from odd stores once Mr. Taylor took me back to London, I took books from libraries, grimoires deemed fictional and I studied. I learned about what had happened and if there was a way to reverse it if what had happened had truly, well you know, /happened/. Long hours in the night which used to leave me exhausted in the morning slowly became easier to tolerate. My appetite increased a worrying degree and I found that I could now see clearer in darkness than before. After these new changes, my studying increase. I began following along, brewing my own 'potions,' digging into the depths of London in search of information far more furiously than I had been before. Nothing was too outlandish to try now, nothing could be passed up now that I'd truly seen the supernatural first hand. It was a strange mix of excitement and gut-wrenching terror that plagued me as I studied incantations, circles and signs. I was truly practicing the occult. I'd found a brew that was told to 'restore the mind of the afflicted,' by trading other information with the right people. I'd neglected to notice my mind clouding ever so slightly over the past weeks until I ingested the foul liquid and found that suddenly I no longer felt as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I brought it up to Mr. Taylor, but he remained steadfast in his deception, acting innocent of any future plans for my demise. Excited by my discovery and yet further terrified by Mr. Taylor's dismissal, I delved deeper into the occult."

Thomas pauses and checks the time on his pocketwatch. Though it does not read the exact time, he's grown accustomed to the new clock and simply translates it when needed.

"I know this story is dragging on so I'll get to the point. I escaped. What was to be the final time we went to London I slipped away from Mr. Taylor and fled deeper into London. I'd made friends in the past month, so I was able to stay with them while I continued practicing witchcraft, looking for a cure of any sort. It was that night that the first 'change' occured. I had just taken my dose of 'Clearmind' when I felt an incredible pain in my chest. Then a splitting headache ensued nearly causing me to slip into unconsciousness. I don't know for how long I screamed or when it stopped hurting, but when it did I looked upon my friend and saw the terror etched on his face. I stood up, nearly smashing my head into the ceiling. I was about to ask what the matter was, when I stopped and took a closer look at myself. If I do say so myself, that was a fun night. Eventually my friend had calmed down enough to help me calm down and to stop me from breaking anything else in the room when I tried to stagger away from my new form. The next day I'd returned to normal, save for torn clothing and some shattered baubles in my friends place of residence."

He stopped to check his watch again, sighing to himself.

"Anyway, this continued on for the better part of a year. During the earlier part, the changes were infrequent, less than once a month, if that, and lasting for no more than the night. But as the year dragged on, I noticed the changes becoming more frequent and occasionally longer as well. Once I woke up from sleeping having not changed back, I dedicated even more of my time to finding a cure, or at least a permanent alternative to the 'Clearmind' I had brewed. Lately the two forms have practically swapped places. For the months now, I am more beast than man. Lucid, but still... Now it's more of a choice to become human. It is easier to stay a monster and it requires effort to remain human."

With slightly more haste, Thomas checks his watch, snapping it closed and stuffing it back into his pocket.

"Yes yes the big conclusion. As for how I got here. I was dabbling in magic circles and incantations. Witchcraft is not an exact science, nor is it truly well documented. One misplaced sign, a misdrawn line and a misspoken rhyme were all it took to cause the spell to go awry. I grabbed for my friend as he grabbed for me and for a second it seemed like we would prevail and I would not be sucked into the gaping abyss that I had just opened on the floor of that home. We fought to grip each other, to find some purchase on one anothers hands, arms, clothes, anything and yet the pull was strong, it had an otherworldly effect, almost seeming to simply seperate me from my world as soon as I touched it. I remember seeming my friends face as my hands simply phased through his. It was not fear, it was simply sadness. I suppose that was a punishment for practicing uneducated witchcraft. But I hear there's a school here. And,"

He frowns slightly, showing a slightly sharper tooth than something a normal human might have in their mouth,

"I really must get going."

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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I imagine David would introduce himself to Thomas with a "Please don't eat me..."

Actually that's probably what he said to the tiger-gryffin when he first arrived. And probably the Headmaster as well...

A Gryffindor he is not.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Deske »

I don't think Tom would be a Gryffindor either. He's an affinity for learning, but I wouldn't stick him in Ravenclaw just for that. I think he's kind of a toss up between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Either way, he'd definitely try his best to make friends with someone to show them that he isn't really that scary.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

Thankfully dorm and class placement is based on aptitude not personality.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Well, originally I was just going to say my comment about David not being Gryffindor was a comment on how ridiculously timid he is considering he's got the power of a lightning elemental, but now I'm just curious about how dorm and class placement works. Like, are there houses like in Harry Potter, they're just divided based on innate ability? Or is it more like a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior type classes where you go through one to get to the other?
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

there are major divisions by which of the three main forms you show most promise with early on, that effect your classes, with minor divisions based on circle (Ie: proficiency). think of it as being grouped based on what the teachers predict your major will be, with characters that are more highschool age than university age.

plus while not official, there's a bit of a social divide between the noble class (members of the houses, and family of the Order Of The Seven's members), warrior class (descendants of past/current Legion & Guard), working class (everyone else), and outsider, that tends to bias who get which areas in the dorms. noble at the top, worker at the bottom, warrior kinda in the middle because they overlap the other two, and outsiders a wild card since they don't have a known family reputation or affiliation.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

David doesn't have any wealthy family or connections... but he does have a minor endorsement by the most powerful man in his own universe, so he has that going for him.

He's also got a lot of power in him. His first demonstration of proficiency would probably be to turn himself into his Plasma Golem form (because that's the only thing he actually knows how to do without training).
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

Which would be equivalent to the fire/thunder version of Elemental Fusion, a mid tier dual element shifter spell, and likely to confuse his teachers to no end.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Well, technically it's actually a lightning golem, but lightning is a kind of plasma...

Either way, it's sure to leave his teachers with tons of questions.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

thunder spells dont generate any heat (Because Magic), that's exclusively a fire magic thing (again Because Magic), but plasma has a thermal component to it, not just charge.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Ah. I suppose then David's lightning would look a lot like plasma specifically. His electricity generates heat because. Probably not as much as true electricity, but I imagine it at least generates some heat. His electricity isn't visible without the plasma. He'd be completely invisible if he tried turning into a golem in a vacuum.

Plus there's the St. Elmo's Fire, which is definitely plasma, that accumulates around him when he has a high magic store.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

...can someone explain to me why a 'furry monster-kid magic school' in a medival fantasy setting keeps attracting adult humans?

cause there may or may not be a third one in the area soon?

not complaining, just confused.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

So given the character I want to submit is a familiar, would I need to post anything special about Dusk before I put him in here?
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

if you want them to already have a partner like your PM's have indicated you should include a sheet for said partner.
otherwise, as long as the character sheet has everything relevant on it, that should be all you need.
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Re: Non-HPU RP: Jade Star Academy OOC

Post by Buster »

there are a few things with this one...
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:Despite his dark being, he himself is far from sinister in nature.
this bit is nonsensical in context. NONE of the elemental affinities are inherently good/evil, and even if they were this system links dark magic to creation not destruction.
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:(Repeated mentions of Hope)
please give Hope a sheet. since these two are a package deal, i can't approve one till the other is posted.
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:When summoned can be used as a conduit for Hope other spells.
this bit is almost giberish, also possibly redundant since all summons can do what i think you're saying if their partner knows how to channel, please clarify.
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