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The Dead Thread Bed - Info

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:37 pm
by Buckdida
Welcome, my friends, to the Dead Thread Bed. Here we have a small archive of locked threads for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure).

Some threads are here simply because they've outlived their usefulness, and were locked and put away, so that's why they're here.

Others needed to be slapped in the face with a padlock because someone was forgetting rules or saying something stupid. It's the internet, so no matter where you are...that will happen occasionally. Those such threads are examples of what NOT to do. Or perhaps just good for a chuckle...

So, yeah, if a thread you made surreptitiously vanishes, check here for it. Don't ask for threads to be unlocked, moved out from here, or deleted. You can, however, ask a mod WHY a topic was locked or moved if they didn't provide it; PM them.

That's all!
