Non-HPU: Crater City

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Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

Titus blinked awake. Light filtered in from the large window wall in his room. The totally ordinary and not at all special human rubbed his eyes and checked the time. It was about an hour before he was scheduled to get up, which suited him just fine. He never liked waking up to the sound of an alarm anyway. Titus climbed out of his bed and started his morning routine. He stepped into the shower and turned the heat all the way up. A few minutes later, he stepped out of the shower, brushed his teeth, and got dressed up in a business formal suit. He spent a few minutes brushing and straightening up his hair, checking the mirror to make sure he was presentable. Appearances mattered. First impressions were based on them, and Titus found people were more relaxed around him if he looked nice. Today was Saturday, and he had a meeting, so he wanted to look as nice as he could.

Titus exited his house and walked down through his neighborhood to the local cafe. It was a military neighborhood, of sorts. Everyone who lived here was a member of the same branch, and Titus had personally trained all of them. He stepped into the cafe to be greeted by several of the people there, including the owner working the bar.

"Hey! Mornin' sleepy head! What are you, two hours early? Keep sleeping in like this and the higher ups might think you're slackin' off!" The cafe owner, a rather robust Eagle Zoomorph, laughed. "So what'll you be having then? The usual princess and a half-dozen knights?" he joked.

Titus snorted and rolled his eyes, but played along. "Best make it two princesses. I'm pretty hungry this morning."

The owner laughed, putting two slices of ham and pouring out enough batter for a stack of six pancakes. He poured Titus a coffee on the house, and pretty soon Titus had a rather hearty plate of food in front of him.

As he was eating, the bell on the door rang and a tall, imposing human woman in military garb entered behind Titus. It was Heather, one of Titus's closest friends and colleagues. "Sup, Smaug?" she said, grinning. "Hey, listen... I need to borrow the truck today. I've got errands to run after the interviews."

Titus looked up at her, lifting an eyebrow. "I need it though. I have a meeting with the City Counsel today, and the car's in the shop."

Heather crossed her arms and scowled at him. "You can fly. Besides, I wouldn't have to borrow the truck if someone hadn't flattened mine." She held up two fingers and continued with "That's two vehicles you owe me since I still haven't gotten a replacement for my boat, which in and of itself was a replacement for the one you swallowed. "

"Alright, alright. Fine, take the truck. I'll fly." He shook his head, hands up in surrender. "I haven't had the chance to look for cars yet, but I'll get on finding a replacement this weekend, sound good?"

Heather nodded and started walking out. "Fine." She said, pointing at him. "You still owe me a boat though!" She turned, then left through the door, causing the bell to ring again.

Titus turned back to his food, and saw the cafe owner smirking at him. "Should I start putting boats on the menu?" He said with a large grin that immediately told Titus he would never live this down.

"Oh, shut up." Titus said, laughing despite himself.

Titus finished up his breakfast, paid the cafe owner, and walked outside. He quickly ran by his house to grab the paperwork he needed, then stood out in front of his house. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He concentrated, and a pair of fire red wings with obsidian black leather erupted from his back. A thick, scaled tail sprouted from his lower spine, and fiery red scales grew across his body. His face grew into a reptilian muzzle, and two black antlers burst from the top of his head. At the end, Titus had turned into a six foot tall anthropomorphic dragon, a partial shift. Titus spread his wings, held on tightly to his briefcase, and launched himself into the air, flying west towards the bustling Crater City.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

Mist wakes with an eager start, eyes shooting open as he flips over and throws the long-broken electric blanket off him. He hops off the futon onto his feet, dashing from the living room to the hall in his oversized flannel pajama pants. He bursts into the bedroom at the end of the hall, causing its inhabitant to stir slightly as he whisper-shouts "Mom! Mom!" He steps in gingerly, pushing at the 6' Tiger Zoomorph's shoulder in an attempt to wake her.

She mumbles her annoyance in a quiet growl, not moving from her position under the covers. "If this isn't Mist you better start running now." He smiles and pushes harder, finally managing to roll her from her side onto her back, leading her to sit up groggily. "What? It's Saturday, isn't it? There's no work. Or school. Go back to sleep, bud." She looks over at the alarm on her nightstand, evidently judging it too early as she grabs at her comforter and lays back down.

"Today's the day!" He doesn't shake her again, just sits on his knees at her bedside. Tigress rubs her palms in her eyes, trying to figure out what Mist is so excited about, quickly conceding that she doesn't remember what it could be. She reaches vaguely behind her, and Mist grabs her phone from the nightstand, putting it in her hand. The display lights up, and the phone displays an event set in the calendar. MIST'S B-DAY/KDF scrawls across the screen, and she quickly mutes it and sits back up, looking down at him over the side of the bed. She isn't pleased.

"You really should've slept in."

"Too nervous, too excited." He beams at her, no obvious signs of fatigue as he steps back from the bed. She slowly climbs out, shaking her head.

"I was going to cook you breakfast in bed and everything." She grumbles, pushing him out of the room and shutting the door. He leans against the wall next to the doorway, speaking aloud to the hall knowing she can hear him.

"Eh, I was up and didn't see the point in going back for a catnap." A soft thud comes from inside the room as his mother headbutts the wall, Mist looking worriedly at the door until his mother sighs and continues preparing for the day. His smile returns quickly, and he jogs back into the living room to grab some real clothes from a dresser nearby, ducking into the restroom to change. By the time his mother leaves the room, still half-stumbling but now in pants and a t-shirt, he's seated at the table in his full magician's outfit, two steaming plates at the table. He waves her over with the same broad smile, grabbing her glass and filling it with orange juice. She makes her way to the kitchen, grabbing at the mugs and coffeepot before sitting down with Mist.

"Trying to get the heat fields to work again?" She mumbles as she sips her coffee. Mist's face falls as he pokes at the scrambled eggs with his fork, finding the bottom of the whole spread burnt black. She notices his disappointment and sets the mug down, attempting to comfort him. "You could wait. Get some actual control over all this instead of burning it all at once." She gives a short laugh, but the joke doesn't seem to register to him. He turns his gaze over to the TV in front of the futon, powered off. "Really, bud, no one's making you do this. I'd prefer for you to stay." His gaze turns to his food as he picks at it quietly.

"No. We trained for this, I can't waste that."

"It's only wasted if you die. Especially for some stupid reason like this. Plus I meant for it to be in case of a hunter attack, you were the one who made it about the KDF." The last line is pure vitriol, her enmity for the KDF apparent. "And they're just going to retrain you anyway, make you their little pet super-soldiers." They both sit silently for a moment before Tigress returns to eating, spearing a sausage patty and biting it off the fork. Mist takes small bites of the egg, not looking up as she keeps peeking up at him. Finishing her food in silence, she watches him continue to eat at a snail's pace. "I know you want to believe in this group. But Mist, kiddo, you can't trust him just because he fronts some party that argues about Kaiju rights." She gives a dismissive wave towards the TV again, stating Kaiju rights as if it were a ridiculous fantasy. "Things don't just change, especially not at the hands of a politician." She finishes her coffee in one long drink, then gets up and puts her dishes in the sink.

"He doesn't have to make change. Change is what we do." A little smile grows on his face as she rolls her eyes. "And it doesn't matter. Odds are I'm not getting accepted anyway." He returns to eating, taking quick breaks to speak. "My skillset doesn't complement anything. Especially since I can't produce raw energy. I'll be weaker than all the others joining right off the bat." He chirps, then starts to eat faster, noticing Tigress's nodded agreement to his statement. He finishes, putting his dishes in the sink and then heads over to the front door. "Let's table this discussion, we've gotta be there when they open. If it's as impressive as rumors say I'll be shocked and I may freeze up, then someone waiting behind us might get hot under the collar and then my chances'd be ruined." A ridiculous grin accompanies the litany of terrible puns he spouts, trying to shake the nervousness evident in his tail twitches.

She walks over to him, trying to hide the stupid smile he's brought to her face. Gesturing around as she speaks, a slight twinge of hope in her voice, she asks "You're certain? Dressed like that? No more last-second preparation, no more TV, reminiscing, nothing?"

"Dressed like-you got me this!" Tigress smiles sadly as she hears Mist's laugh, then cuts to a curious expression as he draws his phone from his vest and displays the downloaded map. "I've got everything, I'm ready." He throws the front door open, grinning as he springs over to Tigress's dinged-up red motorcycle. She follows behind him with a slower pace and sulky air as she locks the apartment door and grabs their helmets from the seat compartment. Mist throws his hat in and puts his phone on the console's holder, letting her get on the motorcycle before he hops up and sits down behind her, tightly wrapping his arms around her stomach and hugging tightly to her. "Love you, mom."

She rests her hands on the bars in front of her, breathing shakily as she tries not to fall into memories of riding with him when he was younger, back when she thought he'd stay with her forever. The two of them against the world. Her voice, quieted as she chokes back tears, replies "Happy birthday, Mist." Mist pulls his helmet on and the motorcycle roars to life, propelling the miniature family through Crater City's morning traffic on to the KDF recruitment center.
Last edited by DdeeStar on Tue May 05, 2020 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Mordecai, a large somewhat imposing Clydesdale horse, sips some water from a glass as the city council members took their seats. Earlier that week, he had received a summons to the Crater City Council to discuss and find out why he has never registered his Kaiju side, along with a sword that is said to reside within his village. While it wasn't mandatory as they were curious, Mordecai was always adamant that, like his ancestors before him, he would never register himself. To him, Kaijus were beings sent to help the innocent and live in peace and not as a weapon or something to strike fear. While he, and his ancestors, had fought off rouge Kaiju before, those were few and far between and he rather live within his village as not a weapon, but a friend of his people he calls family. "Apologies, but that sword is locked away and is never to be used to taste death any more," Mordecai said in response to said sword then adding, "And I do understand that the registering isn't mandatory, hence why I choose not to. My ancestors never did and I'm continuing that. We Tikbalang are meant to be free and helpers of the innocents. Registering shows that we aren't to be trusted and that we are nothing more than weapons."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Foxfan2164 »

Hyper, a stereotypical grey wolf, slowly blinked his eyes open and got up to make some breakfast. He dragged his grey body over to his kitchen to make breakfast for himself. As he sat by the counter, he wasn't feeling in a good mood and thought about treating himself to some breakfast outside. He got up abruptly and slung on his sky blue jacket. He then headed out the door of his small apartment.

He swiftly walked through the bustling crowd, to eventually stop at a modest cafe. He entered the cafe and decided to buy something simple from the cafe.

"Hello!" He said in a curious voice to the barista. The barista was a friendly 5' tall cat zoomorph."Oh hi!" said the barista in a welcoming, somewhat startled tone. "I didn't see you there; what would you like?" "Could I have a muffin?" he said simply. "Thats it? Ok" The cat walked over to the counter and grabbed a muffin. They put it into a bag and handed it to Hyper. "Thanks!" Hyper said while paying for the muffin. He walked out of the door and walked towards the West side of Crater City while eating his muffin.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian yawned the sort of yawn that, had he been asleep, would have woken him up. As it was, even after a half hour of being awake, it was still capable of making him think he needed coffee, despite having already had a mug of Instant. with a bowl of milked cereal for breakfast. He slopped a great coat over his insignificant shoulders and pushed his size tens into a pair of size eleven shoes that matched neither his shorts nor his shirt (that had the legend 'Dawson's Electronics' on it, despite being run by a Woman called Tracy Fowles) and stepped out of his small apartment/flat/whatever into the hallway. He muttered non committal 'Morning's to the people in the elevator and outside and, after making sure (for the third time since he'd left the flat) that his keys and mini-tools were in his pocket and around his midriff on a belt, he headed for the bus stop. He sat amongst the Zoomophs and Humans until he got close to his destination, the stop nearest the industrial estate the small shop and tech bay was located on. He wondered if he'd be soldering things and cannibalising old motherboards to save other computers again today?

He entered the estate and mused how there seemed to be a queue at the coffee caravan today. He checked his change and discovered he just about had enough spare for a coffee so he joined the queue.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

Foxfan2164 wrote:Hyper, a stereotypical grey wolf, slowly blinked his eyes open and got up to make some breakfast. He dragged his grey body over to his kitchen to make breakfast for himself. As he sat by the counter, he wasn't feeling in a good mood and thought about treating himself to some breakfast outside. He got up abruptly and slung on his sky blue jacket. He then headed out the door of his small apartment.

He swiftly walked through the bustling crowd, to eventually stop at a modest cafe. He entered the cafe and decided to buy something simple from the cafe.

"Hello!" He said in a curious voice to the barista. The barista was a friendly 5' tall cat zoomorph."Oh hi!" said the barista in a welcoming, somewhat startled tone. "I didn't see you there; what would you like?" "Could I have a muffin?" he said simply. "Thats it? Ok" The cat walked over to the counter and grabbed a muffin. They put it into a bag and handed it to Hyper. "Thanks!" Hyper said while paying for the muffin. He walked out of the door and walked towards the West side of Crater City while eating his muffin.
As he walked, Hyper might notice a large shadow passing overhead. If he looked up, he might notice something flying fast, just over the rooftops. It had large wings that were black as night, like a bat the size of a human and with a long tail.

Apparently, someone else noticed it whether Hyper did or not. A golden lab Zoomorph saw the shadow and immediately pulled out his camera to take a picture. "Woah! What's that thing?" he asked in Hyper's general direction. "It looked like a dragon!"

SeanWolf wrote:Mordecai, a large somewhat imposing Clydesdale horse, sips some water from a glass as the city council members took their seats. Earlier that week, he had received a summons to the Crater City Council to discuss and find out why he has never registered his Kaiju side, along with a sword that is said to reside within his village. While it wasn't mandatory as they were curious, Mordecai was always adamant that, like his ancestors before him, he would never register himself. To him, Kaijus were beings sent to help the innocent and live in peace and not as a weapon or something to strike fear. While he, and his ancestors, had fought off rouge Kaiju before, those were few and far between and he rather live within his village as not a weapon, but a friend of his people he calls family. "Apologies, but that sword is locked away and is never to be used to taste death any more," Mordecai said in response to said sword then adding, "And I do understand that the registering isn't mandatory, hence why I choose not to. My ancestors never did and I'm continuing that. We Tikbalang are meant to be free and helpers of the innocents. Registering shows that we aren't to be trusted and that we are nothing more than weapons."
The members of the city counsel sat behind their desk, observing Mordecai. Their expressions ranged from clear nervousness, to anger, to calm curiosity. One of the angrier members, a portly middle aged human with thinning grey hair, screwed up his face to force himself to look like one of the calm, accepting members of the counsel. He spoke, addressing the Clydesdale. "On the contrary! Registering is a sign of good faith, and that you are willing to take accountability for any actions you might take, be they good or ill. Registering goes a long way towards trust. As the mayor of your home town, I would think you would want to foster greater trust with your people?"

Before anyone could say any more, the counsel doors opened up. Standing in the doorway was a six foot tall anthropomorphic dragon. This dragon had flaming red hair on his head, with two charcoal black antlers sticking out from the top. His wings, folded against his back, had burning red scales and black leather. The plates from his neck down were like obsidian, and the scales on the rest of his body were various shades of yellow, orange, and red with specks of grey. The dragon wore a very fine and formal suit. It was Titus, having done a partial transformation into Wildfire to avoid exposing his human form. "I apologize for being late." he said.

The old portly man's eye twitched, and he forced a smile. "Ah... Wildfire..." He checked his watch. "You are five minutes late, as a matter of fact." He looked up again. "You... got the message that the time of the meeting had been changed?" the councilman asked.

Wildfire shook his head, his mane of hair shifting and waving with the motion of his head and looking even more like a burning fire. "I am afraid I didn't receive the message. Poor cell service, I'm sure. But, I wished to make a good impression, and so I left two hours early."

Some of the counsel members glanced sideways at the counsel man who was speaking. He glared at Wildfire, but then turned his attention back to Mordecai. "As for the other issue... The sword. You are aware that such an item is clearly a weapon of mass destruction, correct? You can understand why nobody wishes to have something like that in an undisclosed location, locked away and accessible by an unknown number of people?"


Heather drove down the mountain path on her way to the city. The trip took easily half an hour, even with surprisingly light traffic. Eventually she reached the location where she had told the potential recruit to meet her. It was an old warehouse, abandoned before being discretely purchased by the KDF. Heather parked the electric truck in the back, where it would be difficult to see. She got out, took out her keys, and opened the rear door to the warehouse.
DdeeStar wrote:She rests her hands on the bars in front of her, breathing shakily as she tries not to fall into memories of riding with him when he was younger, back when she thought he'd stay with her forever. The two of them against the world. Her voice, quieted as she chokes back tears, replies "Happy birthday, Mist." Mist pulls his helmet on and the motorcycle roars to life, propelling the miniature family through Crater City's morning traffic on to the KDF recruitment center.
The two would find the coordinates they were following lead to an apparently abandoned warehouse in the middle of an industrial complex. It might seem like they had gotten the address wrong if it weren't for the six-and-a-half foot tall human woman standing in front of the door dressed in military garb, waiting patiently for their arrival.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Julian yawned the sort of yawn that, had he been asleep, would have woken him up. As it was, even after a half hour of being awake, it was still capable of making him think he needed coffee, despite having already had a mug of Instant. with a bowl of milked cereal for breakfast. He slopped a great coat over his insignificant shoulders and pushed his size tens into a pair of size eleven shoes that matched neither his shorts nor his shirt (that had the legend 'Dawson's Electronics' on it, despite being run by a Woman called Tracy Fowles) and stepped out of his small apartment/flat/whatever into the hallway. He muttered non committal 'Morning's to the people in the elevator and outside and, after making sure (for the third time since he'd left the flat) that his keys and mini-tools were in his pocket and around his midriff on a belt, he headed for the bus stop. He sat amongst the Zoomophs and Humans until he got close to his destination, the stop nearest the industrial estate the small shop and tech bay was located on. He wondered if he'd be soldering things and cannibalising old motherboards to save other computers again today?

He entered the estate and mused how there seemed to be a queue at the coffee caravan today. He checked his change and discovered he just about had enough spare for a coffee so he joined the queue.
The line advanced forward slightly when one of the people at the front obtained their coffee. They turned to leave, carrying the coffee with them, when their watch went off as they passed by Julian. He paused, checked the watch, and for the slightest moment, his eyes shifted in Julian's direction before he muttered something about being late and walked out.

Soon after, it was Julian's turn. "Hey there!" the barista, a young adult vixen, cheerfully said. "What can I get for ya?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

"Jörmungandr can only be held by us Tikbalang, therefore only accessible by me. No one else." Mordecai said in response to the member, his eyes honing in on them in particular. For years, many have been trying to get the sword locked away safely due to its destructive capabilities, but Mordecai, and his ancestors before him, never gave in and the sword remains in its current location. A location that only the Tikbalang know of. "And no matter how you say it, like my ancestors before me, I will not register. My people already have a trust as strong as the mountains with us. They know I would put their safety first before mine and they know the Tikbalang are Protectors first and Weapons last," he went on to say, still addressing the middle-aged member, "As for being a sign of 'good faith' look at you? You rather put your faith in money and paperwork then actual people. So, let me be as clear as the summer breeze: I will not register and the sword will remain locked away." Mordecai then observed the dragon walking in, but kept silent the rest of the time.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"I'm pretty sure I have enough for a flat white," Julian said with some of the morning cheer in his tone, "and, possibly, the winning lottery numbers for tomorrow?" He knew her name was Tracie from past meetings but he'd never dared call her it. Too nervous. He glanced around at the others instead. "What's with the queue? Don't tell me the secret of this place is finally out," he asked Tracie
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: The two would find the coordinates they were following lead to an apparently abandoned warehouse in the middle of an industrial complex. It might seem like they had gotten the address wrong if it weren't for the six-and-a-half foot tall human woman standing in front of the door dressed in military garb, waiting patiently for their arrival.
The motorcycle flies past the warehouse, swinging widely into an empty parking lot nearby. Tigress watches Mist struggle and hop off the back of the cycle, silent. He pops open the compartment again, yanking the helmet off and pulling his top hat on. Tigress then gently steps off herself, pulling the motorcycle over to the fence post. "Go ahead, Mist. I'll catch up. Wait, take this." She pulls a stun gun from the seat compartment and holds it out to him, holding the motorcycle up with her other hand.

"Ah-ha no, I'm fine, don't... wannaknowwhereyougotthat. BUT she's gonna need your permission for me to join though, remember? Don't be long." Tigress sighs and nods. The stun gun falls back into the compartment as she returns to pulling the bike along. Mist, trying to stay completely calm, walks over to the building's edge and stops to steady his breathing. He then steels his nerves and steps out onto the sidewalk. Quickly considering his appearance, he tucks his arms behind him as he turns the corner to hide the single wrap of gauze around his right hand, then starts a mechanical walk towards the woman in front of the warehouse. He reviews the Kaiju terms he's learned on the news and the combat advice Tigress has drilled into his mind as he walks, wearing a shy smile as he proceeds. Once he gets within roughly six feet he bows at the waist, tail flicking as he stands and announces: "Hi! I'm Mist. Can I assume you're here for the, ah..." The line trails off as he considers the fact that none of this looks like what he expected. Seeing a giant human doesn't help since his gaze has to raise over a foot to look her in the eyes.

Tigress, in the meantime, has propped up and locked up her ride, throwing the helmet in and peeking around the side of the building to watch Mist's approach. Her claws and teeth are prepared, her own Kaiju traits causing the two living creatures to appear as powerful green silhouettes against the black and grey backdrop of the various buildings and cars. She waits silently for any sign of aggression, her tail flicking similarly, though instead for anticipation and fear of being proven right.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Foxfan2164 »

Hyper turned around to see the golden Labrador telling him about the kaiju that flew overhead. "Oh, that? I'm not sure." he lied. "It's probably a plane." He continued on his way while eating his muffin, going in the direction of the large kaiju that passed overhead.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:"Jörmungandr can only be held by us Tikbalang, therefore only accessible by me. No one else." Mordecai said in response to the member, his eyes honing in on them in particular. For years, many have been trying to get the sword locked away safely due to its destructive capabilities, but Mordecai, and his ancestors before him, never gave in and the sword remains in its current location. A location that only the Tikbalang know of. "And no matter how you say it, like my ancestors before me, I will not register. My people already have a trust as strong as the mountains with us. They know I would put their safety first before mine and they know the Tikbalang are Protectors first and Weapons last," he went on to say, still addressing the middle-aged member, "As for being a sign of 'good faith' look at you? You rather put your faith in money and paperwork then actual people. So, let me be as clear as the summer breeze: I will not register and the sword will remain locked away." Mordecai then observed the dragon walking in, but kept silent the rest of the time.
The counsel member glared at Mordecai. His nostril twitched and his temple throbbed as he tried to suppress his anger at Mordecai's accusation. He finally was able to regain his composure, and turned his snarl into a smirk. "It seems appearances are quite deceiving, as I'm sure you know, being a Kaiju. I have no interest in the sword's use, nor in controlling it. When I was elected to sit in this counsel, I swore to protect the city and it's people. The city has been half razed and rebuilt nearly every few years and you expect me to trust that you will never use that sword? Supposing you can be trusted, what about your children? Or your grandchildren? Or their grandchildren!" He said, growing more animated. "You cannot know for sure how trustworthy future generations of Tikbalang will end up being. Nobody can predict the character of their descendants, But won't all of them have access to that sword?" There was a murmur of agreement from some of the counsel members. "I never had intent on controlling that sword. I would rather it be destroyed or contained where no one may use it." This got somewhat less agreement from the rest of the counsel members, but there was still a general approval of the statement on average.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"I'm pretty sure I have enough for a flat white," Julian said with some of the morning cheer in his tone, "and, possibly, the winning lottery numbers for tomorrow?" He knew her name was Tracie from past meetings but he'd never dared call her it. Too nervous. He glanced around at the others instead. "What's with the queue? Don't tell me the secret of this place is finally out," he asked Tracie
"Yep!" the vixen named Traci said, cheerfully. "Best coffee stop in the complex!" She leaned forward and whispered an addition to that. "Also the only coffee stop in the complex today. Apparently the coffee machine at the other place broke down, and they're closed up until they can get a repairman to fix it." She smiled and pulled back, grabbing a cup and pouring out a simple flat white coffee, even making a basic leaf pattern with the cream on top.

She stepped back up to the counter and handed Julian his coffee, then printed his receipt. She pulled a pen out of her apron pocket and started scribbling something on the back of the receipt. She handed the receipt to him as well as a lottery ticket. "Now don't go loosing that receipt! I wrote tomorrow's winning numbers on it," she said with a wink and a smile. If he checked, Julian would likely notice that there weren't the right number of digits for the lottery. In fact, there were ten digits arranged in three groups. Two groups of three, and one group of four. "Those are some good numbers to put to use tomorrow! Or, you know, today after 1." She smiled again.

Foxfan2164 wrote:Hyper turned around to see the golden Labrador telling him about the kaiju that flew overhead. "Oh, that? I'm not sure." he lied. "It's probably a plane." He continued on his way while eating his muffin, going in the direction of the large kaiju that passed overhead.
The lab looked up again. "Really?" He tried seeing where the odd shape in the sky went, but it was already gone. "It was flying kinda low for an airplane... Darn. I was hoping I'd see a Kaiju. Maybe get a picture so I can prove to Mom and Dad that they're real." He said, holding up his camera. He noticed that Hyper was already walking past, and he went after him. "Hey! Um... Could I get some help? I'm kind of not from around here on vacation with my family. We were heading to this one museum, but I saw something shiny, and I wanted to take a picture, and so I can't find them anymore. Do you live in the area, and can you help me?"

DdeeStar wrote:Once he gets within roughly six feet he bows at the waist, tail flicking as he stands and announces: "Hi! I'm Mist. Can I assume you're here for the, ah..." The line trails off as he considers the fact that none of this looks like what he expected. Seeing a giant human doesn't help since his gaze has to raise over a foot to look her in the eyes.

Tigress, in the meantime, has propped up and locked up her ride, throwing the helmet in and peeking around the side of the building to watch Mist's approach. Her claws and teeth are prepared, her own Kaiju traits causing the two living creatures to appear as powerful green silhouettes against the black and grey backdrop of the various buildings and cars. She waits silently for any sign of aggression, her tail flicking similarly, though instead for anticipation and fear of being proven right.
Heather was just wondering when the person she was waiting for was going to show up when her watch started vibrating. She rolled down her sleeve and saw it was indicating a disguised Kaiju was nearby. She looked up and saw the cat in magician's clothes and quickly turned off her watch's gravimeter app. When he introduced himself, she pulled a clip board up in front of her. She checked it and verified that he was indeed the person she was meant to meet today. In fact, he was the only scheduled interview she had that day. Heather stowed the clip board away and smiled at Mist. She reached in a pocket with two fingers and pulled out her badge which clearly read KDF. "Hello, Mist. My name is Heather. I'm Wildfire's partner." She said, holding out a rather massive hand to shake his. "Why don't you and your mother come on inside? There's seats in there and it's a little more discrete than an interview on the sidewalk." She said, using the other hand to give a friendly wave to Tigress.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Mordecai closed his eyes, lowered his head, and let out a sigh before looking back up at the council member, with eyes that could spark fear into a demon, "All Tikbalang before me were deemed worthy to wield it and were instructed to only use it as a very last resort and the same will go with future Tikbalang. If one shows they aren't worthy, then they shall not have access to it nor be able to wield it," he answered before his voice turned to that of an almost guttural growl and spoke the warning past down from every generation of his people: "If one who is not pure touches the sword, then let their body be forever tainted and their soul removed from the Tikbalang," After speaking the warning, he then stands up from the chair and finishes with, "I will not register and the sword will remain locked away," before making his way to the exit. But he then stops, turns back around to face the council, and points at the one eldest council member, "By the way, thank you for the gardening tips. It really helped out with the crops this year. You and your family are always welcome within our village."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Heather was just wondering when the person she was waiting for was going to show up when her watch started vibrating. She rolled down her sleeve and saw it was indicating a disguised Kaiju was nearby. She looked up and saw the cat in magician's clothes and quickly turned off her watch's gravimeter app. When he introduced himself, she pulled a clip board up in front of her. She checked it and verified that he was indeed the person she was meant to meet today. In fact, he was the only scheduled interview she had that day. Heather stowed the clip board away and smiled at Mist. She reached in a pocket with two fingers and pulled out her badge which clearly read KDF. "Hello, Mist. My name is Heather. I'm Wildfire's partner." She said, holding out a rather massive hand to shake his. "Why don't you and your mother come on inside? There's seats in there and it's a little more discrete than an interview on the sidewalk." She said, using the other hand to give a friendly wave to Tigress.
Mist grins, pulling off the top hat with his left to hold it to his chest while the right jumps up to shake hers. He's seemingly forgotten about the burn in favor of pleasantries, though he doesn't show any sign of pain and the burn isn't overly noticeable other than the bandage. "Top of the morning! Thanks for coming to meet us, and, as for mom-" He peeks back quickly. His ears drop as he notices her dimly glowing eyes along the side of the building, but he turns back to Heather with the same big smile. "She's pretty much ready to leave but I'm sure I can get her sit and be civil for a spell." He turns back to Tigress again and hisses "It's fine!" leading Tigress to roll her eyes and start walking over. He thinks silently about the things Heather's said as Tigress walks. Wildfire? He could swear he's heard the name somewhere before.

One step flows into the next. Fangs still slightly bared as she makes the approach. Tigress stops half a step closer to Heather than Mist, partially blocking his left side. As soon as she stops and realizes she'll have to look up to meet Heather's eyes, her attention turns straight to the building as if appraising it, despite the fact that there aren't even traces of energy left. Her view consists of greyscale surfaces with blurry textures and uncertain depth, but as long as Heather thinks she's looking for danger she's achieved her goal. She starts to speak, but then remembers that Mist is not only present but trying to make a good impression. She instead contents herself with just acting uncivilized in the hopes of making the human react. It's not a hard sell for her.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Thank you," Julian beamed, putting the receipt in a very safe pocket, "I shall use it well. And," he added, leaning in conspiratorially, "I absolutely deny sabotaging any machines and, if they call me, I don't know how to fix them!" Paying and chuckling, he headed off across the estate, sipping his drink as he went.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Foxfan2164 »

Hyper stopped and turned around to face the lab. "Uhh... sure I could help you." he replied. "What do you want to get a picture of? The kai- I mean the plane?" He was a bit confused as to what the lab wanted from him.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

Foxfan2164 wrote:Hyper stopped and turned around to face the lab. "Uhh... sure I could help you." he replied. "What do you want to get a picture of? The kai- I mean the plane?" He was a bit confused as to what the lab wanted from him.
"Huh? Oh!" The lab fidgeted. "Mostly, I was wondering if you could point out the direction to the Modern Art Museum*? That's where I last left my family. We're visiting there, then to the Ice Cream Museum** at my little sister's request. Though if you did know where I could find Kaiju to take pictures of, that'd be pretty cool too."

* You can just make up the directions if you'd like.
** Yes, the Ice Cream Museum is a real thing.

SeanWolf wrote:Mordecai closed his eyes, lowered his head, and let out a sigh before looking back up at the council member, with eyes that could spark fear into a demon, "All Tikbalang before me were deemed worthy to wield it and were instructed to only use it as a very last resort and the same will go with future Tikbalang. If one shows they aren't worthy, then they shall not have access to it nor be able to wield it," he answered before his voice turned to that of an almost guttural growl and spoke the warning past down from every generation of his people: "If one who is not pure touches the sword, then let their body be forever tainted and their soul removed from the Tikbalang," After speaking the warning, he then stands up from the chair and finishes with, "I will not register and the sword will remain locked away," before making his way to the exit. But he then stops, turns back around to face the council, and points at the one eldest council member, "By the way, thank you for the gardening tips. It really helped out with the crops this year. You and your family are always welcome within our village."
The octogenarian woman he had pointed to smiled and sat up straight, clearly proud. This earned a somewhat indescribable sideways look from McCarthy.

"Ah... Well then, if that was all I was needed for, I will take my leave." Wildfire bowed to the counsel, then followed Mordecai out.

Once he was outside, he jogged up to the Clydesdale from behind. "That could have gone better." Wildfire said. "Don't give Counselman McCarthy a second thought. He's quite protective of his city, and forgets that we are as well. Are you going to be staying in town for long?"

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Thank you," Julian beamed, putting the receipt in a very safe pocket, "I shall use it well. And," he added, leaning in conspiratorially, "I absolutely deny sabotaging any machines and, if they call me, I don't know how to fix them!" Paying and chuckling, he headed off across the estate, sipping his drink as he went.
Traci giggled at Julian's joke and returned to work, a noticeable bounce in her step.

As Julian walked, he might notice Heather, Mist, and Tiger entering a warehouse that has been effectively abandoned for several months. Given he works in the area, he might recognize this as odd. Adding to the oddity is that someone was watching them. It was the human who was ahead of Julian in the coffee queue, and he couldn't have been making his observation of the human soldier, child magician, and paranoid tiger any more suspicious. He was glancing around the corner, taking photos, and checking his vibrating watch.

- - - - -
DdeeStar wrote:Mist grins, pulling off the top hat with his left to hold it to his chest while the right jumps up to shake hers. He's seemingly forgotten about the burn in favor of pleasantries, though he doesn't show any sign of pain and the burn isn't overly noticeable other than the bandage. "Top of the morning! Thanks for coming to meet us, and, as for mom-" He peeks back quickly. His ears drop as he notices her dimly glowing eyes along the side of the building, but he turns back to Heather with the same big smile. "She's pretty much ready to leave but I'm sure I can get her sit and be civil for a spell." He turns back to Tigress again and hisses "It's fine!" leading Tigress to roll her eyes and start walking over. He thinks silently about the things Heather's said as Tigress walks. Wildfire? He could swear he's heard the name somewhere before.

One step flows into the next. Fangs still slightly bared as she makes the approach. Tigress stops half a step closer to Heather than Mist, partially blocking his left side. As soon as she stops and realizes she'll have to look up to meet Heather's eyes, her attention turns straight to the building as if appraising it, despite the fact that there aren't even traces of energy left. Her view consists of greyscale surfaces with blurry textures and uncertain depth, but as long as Heather thinks she's looking for danger she's achieved her goal. She starts to speak, but then remembers that Mist is not only present but trying to make a good impression. She instead contents herself with just acting uncivilized in the hopes of making the human react. It's not a hard sell for her.
Heather smiled politely at Tigress. She was used to Kaiju being nervous or suspicious when being recruited. "Alright then. Follow me, please." Heather said. She led the two into the building and down one of the isles of shelves. The shelves were covered in what apparently were empty boxes. Sitting on the floor of the isle was a desk and three chairs. Heather took the chair on the far side and gestured for the others to sit. "This should be a bit more private." she said. "I want to thank you for taking the time to come out here. Could you tell me why you want to join the KDF?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

"I have a few personal errands to run," Mordecai said in response to Wildfire's question, "As for McCarthy...I do see where he is coming from, but he doesn't see the forest for the trees." He then stops in his tracks and looks up towards the sky in silence for a bit then asks, "Tell me something: What do you see when you look up?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian sighed. He had a choice to make. He really didn't want to get involved but, if he didn't and something happened, it'd be just as bad, wouldn't it? His phone was hardly state of the art but it had a camera with video facility and he put it to use, looking to 'answer a text' some distance from the weirdo and taking a few snapshots of him on occasion whilst sipping his drink.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Heather smiled politely at Tigress. She was used to Kaiju being nervous or suspicious when being recruited. "Alright then. Follow me, please." Heather said. She led the two into the building and down one of the isles of shelves. The shelves were covered in what apparently were empty boxes. Sitting on the floor of the isle was a desk and three chairs. Heather took the chair on the far side and gestured for the others to sit. "This should be a bit more private." she said. "I want to thank you for taking the time to come out here. Could you tell me why you want to join the KDF?"
Tigress chooses to stand with her hands on the back of the chair, scanning around for a moment before turning all her attention to Heather. Mist has no reservations, sitting immediately and placing the hat back on his head. Why did he want to join? Naturally he'd thought about it before, but... He look away and speaks quietly. "Ah... I've got a lot of reasons, some kinda selfish, but I'll keep this short. I'm sure you hear plenty of these." Mist looks back over to Heather, giving a dismissive wave with his last few words. "Basically I've been hiding for my whole life, you know, people aren't normally fans of us. So when a random human pops up on TV and starts explaining that Kaiju shouldn't have to register because we deserve the same rights as everyone else..." His smile crooks. He recalls the cynical feelings of surprise and disbelief that caused him to disregard the human's speech. "And he succeeded. Madman. I started following politics so I'd be there when they announced his removal from office, his resignation, his assassination, something that showed that mom was right, things don't change." Mist looks up at Tigress with the smile back to normal. She gives a small laugh and shakes her head. "That guy's still going. So my reasoning... if he's going to put his life on the line to help us, I should do the same! I can either sit somewhere on my tail waiting to waste away, or I can actually do something to help!"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Hlaoroo »

Ryan exits the small office deep in the bowels of Town Hall, a small smile on his face as he tucks the folio of freshly-signed papers into his satchel-style leather briefcase.

The deal is done. he texts his father as he walks down the hall and out of the building. His grin widens as he sees an old friend staring at the sky beside a horse he doesn't recognise. Quietly he pads up beside the dragon and also looks up.
"Is the sky falling again, Titus?" he asks after a few moments, still grinning playfully.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:"I have a few personal errands to run," Mordecai said in response to Wildfire's question, "As for McCarthy...I do see where he is coming from, but he doesn't see the forest for the trees." He then stops in his tracks and looks up towards the sky in silence for a bit then asks, "Tell me something: What do you see when you look up?"
Wildfire looked up at the sky above them. "I see the sky... And the buildings around us. I see the sun to the East, and the rim of the crater to the West. I see a few clouds... One looks kind of like a butterfly or hourglass. Another looks like a boat..."

He looked back down at Mordecai. "Why do you ask?"
Hlaoroo wrote:Ryan exits the small office deep in the bowels of Town Hall, a small smile on his face as he tucks the folio of freshly-signed papers into his satchel-style leather briefcase.

The deal is done. he texts his father as he walks down the hall and out of the building. His grin widens as he sees an old friend staring at the sky beside a horse he doesn't recognise. Quietly he pads up beside the dragon and also looks up.
"Is the sky falling again, Titus?" he asks after a few moments, still grinning playfully.
"Wildfire, please." the dragon reminded his friend. While he was partially shifted, he was a Kaiju. While he wasn't super secretive about his human form, he did prefer as few people knew about it as he could manage. Despite this, he smiled back at his friend. "Not today. Hello, Ryan. I wasn't expecting to run into you here."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Julian sighed. He had a choice to make. He really didn't want to get involved but, if he didn't and something happened, it'd be just as bad, wouldn't it? His phone was hardly state of the art but it had a camera with video facility and he put it to use, looking to 'answer a text' some distance from the weirdo and taking a few snapshots of him on occasion whilst sipping his drink.
The man's watch buzzed once more as Julian got closer to him. He took it off and looked at it with a confused expression on his face when he noticed Julian standing there. He dropped the watch in surprise and reached for his coat pocket, but apparently changed his mind about retrieving whatever he was reaching for. The man, realizing it was too late to act casual, bolted down the street.

He left his smart watch on the ground. It was still buzzing, and there was text on the screen that couldn't be read from where Julian was.

DdeeStar wrote:Tigress chooses to stand with her hands on the back of the chair, scanning around for a moment before turning all her attention to Heather. Mist has no reservations, sitting immediately and placing the hat back on his head. Why did he want to join? Naturally he'd thought about it before, but... He look away and speaks quietly. "Ah... I've got a lot of reasons, some kinda selfish, but I'll keep this short. I'm sure you hear plenty of these." Mist looks back over to Heather, giving a dismissive wave with his last few words. "Basically I've been hiding for my whole life, you know, people aren't normally fans of us. So when a random human pops up on TV and starts explaining that Kaiju shouldn't have to register because we deserve the same rights as everyone else..." His smile crooks. He recalls the cynical feelings of surprise and disbelief that caused him to disregard the human's speech. "And he succeeded. Madman. I started following politics so I'd be there when they announced his removal from office, his resignation, his assassination, something that showed that mom was right, things don't change." Mist looks up at Tigress with the smile back to normal. She gives a small laugh and shakes her head. "That guy's still going. So my reasoning... if he's going to put his life on the line to help us, I should do the same! I can either sit somewhere on my tail waiting to waste away, or I can actually do something to help!"
"A fair reason." Heather said, nodding. "At the KDF, we aren't just about defending against attack and fighting crime. One of the primary goals of the organization is to foster positive public relations between the Kaiju and non-Kaiju members of society. Our Kaiju members often perform tasks such as aiding in the construction of public projects. Kaiju and their partners in the KDF also provide aid to civilians in the event of natural disaster. Around here that could mean fighting forest fires, evacuating low elevation areas in the event of a tsunami, and clearing rubble and putting out smaller fires in the aftermath of Earthquakes." The massive human checked her notes. "Would you be willing to accept tasks such as these?" she asked.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Mordecai chuckled a bit at Wildfire's reply before explaining what he meant while still looking up: "Do you ever feel at peace with yourself when you look up towards the sky? Do you ever feel that need to just slow down and enjoy life for what it is? Because when I look up at the sky here, I don't feel at peace. I feel dread. Dread that one night's sleep will be ones last. Dread that tomorrow will bring another bout of destruction. Then I look down at you, a Kaiju, and I feel not peace, but fear. I don't look at you and think you are here to protect the innocent. I look at you before me and think I could perish beneath you someday. Life isn't supposed to be filled with fear, but joy and peace. I don't get that here...I don't get it at all." Lowering his head, he looks towards the newcomer, then back at Wildfire, before continuing, "Where I come from, when one looks up at the can feel at peace with both one selves and the land around them. They can look at their home and feel at ease with their lives. They can go to bed and wake up, knowing that it is going to be another wonderful day for them. They can look at me, a Kaiju, and feel at peace. Why? Because for millennium, my Tikbalang ancestors and I have been protectors of both their land and lives. We put their safety before us. To them, looking up at the sky and seeing a Tikbalang is like seeing their mother awaiting them with open arms," He then placed his hand onto Wildfire's shoulder, "Let me ask you something, but do not answer: Are you happy when you see the sun?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Hlaoroo »

CyberDragon wrote:"Wildfire, please." the dragon reminded his friend. While he was partially shifted, he was a Kaiju. While he wasn't super secretive about his human form, he did prefer as few people knew about it as he could manage. Despite this, he smiled back at his friend. "Not today. Hello, Ryan. I wasn't expecting to run into you here."
"Right, Wildfire, sorry." Ryan apologises, grin faltering as he mentally berates himself for the slip-up.
"Well, technically you didn't. I kinda ran into you." he jokes, grin returning.
"I was just here on business. You know how it is." he says, tapping his briefcase.
"So who's your friend? Hope I'm not interrupting anything. Buuuuut I kinda feel like I am..." he trails off as Mordecai soliloquises.
"Should I... Come back another time?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: "A fair reason." Heather said, nodding. "At the KDF, we aren't just about defending against attack and fighting crime. One of the primary goals of the organization is to foster positive public relations between the Kaiju and non-Kaiju members of society. Our Kaiju members often perform tasks such as aiding in the construction of public projects. Kaiju and their partners in the KDF also provide aid to civilians in the event of natural disaster. Around here that could mean fighting forest fires, evacuating low elevation areas in the event of a tsunami, and clearing rubble and putting out smaller fires in the aftermath of Earthquakes." The massive human checked her notes. "Would you be willing to accept tasks such as these?" she asked.
"Absolutely. If you can find a use for my skills, they're yours! I, I'm not the most graceful, socially, but I'll do my best." He chirps. The subject of public relations unnerves him slightly, as Rakshasas are widely regarded as demons and he doubts he'll be a good representative there.

Tigress cuts in with a short comment. "Cold beats fires, and ruin'll make quick work of rubble. Evacuation's gonna need some work though unless you can pull them out of your hat." She chuckles at her joke, but Mist's focus is locked on Heather. Tigress sullenly returns to watching the entrances. At this point, she's ignoring Heather as a threat, assuming any weapon or trick from her would've happened by now.
Last edited by DdeeStar on Sun Jan 12, 2020 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Don't get involved," Kulian told himself as he put his phone away and moved over to pick up the watch, "don't get involved. Nothing to do with you..." He picked up the watch and decided whether or not to bring it to the attenton of the people who'd gone into the warehouse.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Deske »

Gregg firmly clutched a briefcase in his hand as he made his way towards the coffee shop that he'd heard had fairly good reviews despite not being an actual shop. He thumbed the clasp of the briefcase as he walked which, containing all of the measurements, notes, and drawings he'd made of his design, was securely locked with not only the clasp, but also a rotary combination lock. He was about to turn the corner when he was unceremoniously shoved out of the way by an odd looking man who didn't look like he really belonged or knew where he was going. "Hey, watch it!" Gregg shouted as he watched the man run off down the street. He took a deep breath and sighed, glancing over at the fox Zoomorph that was nearby, "That guy nearly bowl you over running away from whatever, too?" He looked back down the street, then back at the Zoomorph, "Tch, some people."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian looked the Human over and didn't feel a sense of danger from him so spoke again. "Um, yeah, yeah," he said, holding up the watch. "He was watching people going in there." He nodded to the warehouse.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Deske »

Gregg looked from the watch to the warehouse. "Isn't that building supposed to be abandoned? Did the people going inside look like contractors?" He paused and frowned, "This feels like one of those mysteries that you're supposed to just ignore..."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian sighed. "Absolutely," he agreed, "we'd be nuts to.
" His ears folded down and he cringed slightly. "One of them WAS a child and I'd hate if something happened... Oh, well..." He started for the door.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Foxfan2164 »

"Oh the modern art museum is down the street, over by that building." Hyper pointed at the modernistic buildings down the block. "About those kaiju pictures, I'm pretty sure you can't just take pictures of them." he added with a shrug. "Anyways, if you need any more help I'll be down the street." he said with a smile to the lab.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:Mordecai chuckled a bit at Wildfire's reply before explaining what he meant while still looking up: "Do you ever feel at peace with yourself when you look up towards the sky? Do you ever feel that need to just slow down and enjoy life for what it is? Because when I look up at the sky here, I don't feel at peace. I feel dread. Dread that one night's sleep will be ones last. Dread that tomorrow will bring another bout of destruction. Then I look down at you, a Kaiju, and I feel not peace, but fear. I don't look at you and think you are here to protect the innocent. I look at you before me and think I could perish beneath you someday. Life isn't supposed to be filled with fear, but joy and peace. I don't get that here...I don't get it at all." Lowering his head, he looks towards the newcomer, then back at Wildfire, before continuing, "Where I come from, when one looks up at the can feel at peace with both one selves and the land around them. They can look at their home and feel at ease with their lives. They can go to bed and wake up, knowing that it is going to be another wonderful day for them. They can look at me, a Kaiju, and feel at peace. Why? Because for millennium, my Tikbalang ancestors and I have been protectors of both their land and lives. We put their safety before us. To them, looking up at the sky and seeing a Tikbalang is like seeing their mother awaiting them with open arms," He then placed his hand onto Wildfire's shoulder, "Let me ask you something, but do not answer: Are you happy when you see the sun?"
Wildfire considered his question. He looked up at the sky and was reminded of the times he was able to simply go up there and fly, not having to worry about the pressures and stress of the world. While he couldn't feel peace while he lived in this city, up there he could. "I doubt we will ever be fighting each other." Wildfire said. "We both take on a guardian role. You as mayor, me as National Guard." He looked down again and smiled at Mordecai. "That's all my role really is. National Guardsmen don't get sent after elected officials."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Right, Wildfire, sorry." Ryan apologises, grin faltering as he mentally berates himself for the slip-up.
"Well, technically you didn't. I kinda ran into you." he jokes, grin returning.
"I was just here on business. You know how it is." he says, tapping his briefcase.
"So who's your friend? Hope I'm not interrupting anything. Buuuuut I kinda feel like I am..." he trails off as Mordecai soliloquises.
"Should I... Come back another time?"
"Hmm?" Wildfire turned his attention back to Ryan. "Oh no, you're not interrupting. Well... you kind of are, but we're probably going to finish up soon." he said, smiling. "The meeting ended earlier than expected, so I've got a couple hours before my next task. I was thinking of going for a swim down by the fishing piers." his smile turned into a mischievous sharp-toothed grin. "Maybe give some of the tourists a bit of a show. As long as I don't block any boating routes, it should be fine."

DdeeStar wrote:"Absolutely. If you can find a use for my skills, they're yours! I, I'm not the most graceful, socially, but I'll do my best." He chirps. The subject of public relations unnerves him slightly, as Rakshasas are widely regarded as demons and he doubts he'll be a good representative there.

Tigress cuts in with a short comment. "Cold beats fires, and ruin'll make quick work of rubble. Evacuation's gonna need some work though unless you can pull them out of your hat." She chuckles at her joke, but Mist's focus is locked on Heather. Tigress sullenly returns to watching the entrances. At this point, she's ignoring Heather as a threat, assuming any weapon or trick from her would've happened by now.
Heather smiled and nodded. "That's fine. In fact, it brings us quite nicely to the next point." she said. "At the KDF, Kaiju are often partnered with non-Kaiju. There are a number of reasons for this." She checked her notes again. "One is because there are important support tasks that a fully shifted Kaiju would be unable to do because they literally require smaller hands, and the Kaiju is occupied with larger scale tasks. Partnering Kaiju with non-Kaiju is also an effort to show cooperation between the two groups, which of course aids in fostering trust." She glanced at Tigress, then focused on Mist and asked him the question, "You would be assigned a partner, and would be expected to get to know them. You'd be expected to work together to complete tasks. Would you be willing to work with a non-Kaiju partner?"

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Don't get involved," Julian told himself as he put his phone away and moved over to pick up the watch, "don't get involved. Nothing to do with you..." He picked up the watch and decided whether or not to bring it to the attenton of the people who'd gone into the warehouse.
The watch started buzzing even harder in Julian's hand. On it's face, the words "Gravitometric Disturbance Detected" were on the top of the smart watch's screen. Below that, the word "Targets" followed by three arrows, each with two numbers on them. One of the numbers was in meters. Two of the arrows pointed towards the building the mother, son, and soldier went into, and listed a distance of about ten meters. The third arrow pointed straight at Julian with a distance of zero meters.
Deske wrote:Gregg firmly clutched a briefcase in his hand as he made his way towards the coffee shop that he'd heard had fairly good reviews despite not being an actual shop. He thumbed the clasp of the briefcase as he walked which, containing all of the measurements, notes, and drawings he'd made of his design, was securely locked with not only the clasp, but also a rotary combination lock. He was about to turn the corner when he was unceremoniously shoved out of the way by an odd looking man who didn't look like he really belonged or knew where he was going. "Hey, watch it!" Gregg shouted as he watched the man run off down the street. He took a deep breath and sighed, glancing over at the fox Zoomorph that was nearby, "That guy nearly bowl you over running away from whatever, too?" He looked back down the street, then back at the Zoomorph, "Tch, some people."
When Gregg got close, the watch vibrated again, and a fourth arrow appeared, pointing at him. The meter marker on the new arrow decreased as he got closer.

Foxfan2164 wrote:"Oh the modern art museum is down the street, over by that building." Hyper pointed at the modernistic buildings down the block. "About those kaiju pictures, I'm pretty sure you can't just take pictures of them." he added with a shrug. "Anyways, if you need any more help I'll be down the street." he said with a smile to the lab.
"Oh!" The lab looked over his shoulder down where Hyper was pointing. "Ok! Thanks!" he said. He hesitated for a little bit. "But... they're real, right? Why can't I take pictures of them? Or... find them. I kind of expected to see one by now... Something that size, you'd think they'd be easy to spot." He said, demonstrating a clear ignorance about the nature of Kaiju. He was obviously not lying about not being from around here.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Mordecai smiles and removes his hand from their shoulder. "I doubt we'll ever fight each other as well. We both share the same goal, even if we have our own means of achieving the goal," he said before chuckling again and asking, "Look at me, I haven't introduce myself properly to you. My name is Mordecai...what is the name you two been given?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Ah," Julian said, realising what the watch was for, "yeah, I definitely think we should leave this alone. Largely because I'm not.... 100% sure Im registered. I should just walk away and..." He sighed, looking at his colleague. "But I can't. They could be about to attack right now and... That's a child..." He opened the door. "Hello," he called, stepping in and leaving the door open. "Peaceable type who means no harm needing to talk to someone rather quickly!"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Deske »

"Er, secrets out I guess, and uh don't worry, I'm not registered either. S'not compulsory anyway, others might just lift an eyebrow at it." He let out a sigh, "There would be a kid involved wouldn't there be." Gregg stepped through the door after the Fox, shutting it behind him and latching the door so that nobody could follow them in. "I looked the door, shouldn't be hard to open if we have to get out quickly, but nobody should be able to easily get in." Gregg looked around, "So, how far in do you think they went?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: She glanced at Tigress, then focused on Mist and asked him the question, "You would be assigned a partner, and would be expected to get to know them. You'd be expected to work together to complete tasks. Would you be willing to work with a non-Kaiju partner?"
Mist hesitates before answering. With his powers best in dire straits he can hardly call himself reliable, and in this form he's a raw energy bomb waiting to go off. His response is less certain, with a worried expression. "Well, sure, as long as they're really willing to-"
Welsh Halfwit wrote: He opened the door. "Hello," he called, stepping in and leaving the door open. "Peaceable type who means no harm needing to talk to someone rather quickly!"
Mist's ears pop up as he glances towards the door. He didn't catch what was said, but someone is here and Heather didn't mention any visitors. Quickly choosing safety over dignity, he shifts to evasive maneuvers. His hat falls aside as he dives over the desk sideways, ending up on the short end leaning into it as cover. He warily looks past the side of it for movement.

Tigress, while having heard nothing, is more than ready to expect an attack. She glares down towards the door, with no apparent energy signatures catching her gaze she throws herself into cover against the end of an aisle and draws her stun gun from her pocket. The hostile disposition is back and turned on Heather. "You'd better start talking." She growls. The stun gun buzzes softly as she discharges it into her thigh, the normal crackling missing as the electricity disappears along her fur. She shows no pain or discomfort to this, just a hateful glare.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"I'd say not too far," Julian said, indicating the watch, "this loathsome thing can tell us more." He started walking in the direction it told them. "I'd just like to say," he announced loudly, "that, if we were dangerous, we're being pretty stupid about it!" He brought his voice down. "Julian, by the way."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

DdeeStar wrote:Mist's ears pop up as he glances towards the door. He didn't catch what was said, but someone is here and Heather didn't mention any visitors. Quickly choosing safety over dignity, he shifts to evasive maneuvers. His hat falls aside as he dives over the desk sideways, ending up on the short end leaning into it as cover. He warily looks past the side of it for movement.

Tigress, while having heard nothing, is more than ready to expect an attack. She glares down towards the door, with no apparent energy signatures catching her gaze she throws herself into cover against the end of an aisle and draws her stun gun from her pocket. The hostile disposition is back and turned on Heather. "You'd better start talking." She growls. The stun gun buzzes softly as she discharges it into her thigh, the normal crackling missing as the electricity disappears along her fur. She shows no pain or discomfort to this, just a hateful glare.
Heather stood up, staring down the isle. "Calm down." She said to Tigress. "I thought I locked that door... I'm going to check it out. Stay here, you two." Heather backtracked away from the sound of the voice so that she could go down a different isle to confront them. Misdirection, in case they were hostile.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"I'd say not too far," Julian said, indicating the watch, "this loathsome thing can tell us more." He started walking in the direction it told them. "I'd just like to say," he announced loudly, "that, if we were dangerous, we're being pretty stupid about it!" He brought his voice down. "Julian, by the way."
"Stupid people exist." Heather said, stepping out of one of the isles. She walked towards the human and the fox. As she got close, her watch started vibrating. She ignored it for now. As she got closer, the two would be quick to realize what a tank of a human Heather was. Six and a half feet tall with broad shoulders and arms that looked like they could hold back a grizzly bear. "This building is military property. The two of you shouldn't... be... here..." She slowed down as her eyes were drawn to the watch in Julian's hand. Her eyes darted from the watch to the fox holding it and back. She put her hand on the gun in her holster, but didn't draw it. "Against the wall, both of you! Drop the watch and keep your hands where I can see them!" She barked.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Really should have left it where the guy dropped it," Julian said, putting the watch down and leaning back against the wall. "I have pictures of the Human if you want them? Not him, by the way. Obviously," he added, gesturing to his co-'infiltrator'.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote:"Against the wall, both of you! Drop the watch and keep your hands where I can see them!" She barked.
"Mist. Come here. We can get all three with one shot and be gone before they're up." Tigress commands, hushed. Mist shakes his head, looks around, and silently dashes to the other aisle, sliding against the side to keep his profile low. This could easily be part of the test, since she said to stay there... But what if she needed help? Tigress bares her fangs at him to get his attention, but he keeps his eyes on Heather. She turns back as well, preparing the energy strike for any aggressive movements.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Hlaoroo »

CyberDragon wrote:
Hlaoroo wrote:"Right, Wildfire, sorry." Ryan apologises, grin faltering as he mentally berates himself for the slip-up.
"Well, technically you didn't. I kinda ran into you." he jokes, grin returning.
"I was just here on business. You know how it is." he says, tapping his briefcase.
"So who's your friend? Hope I'm not interrupting anything. Buuuuut I kinda feel like I am..." he trails off as Mordecai soliloquises.
"Should I... Come back another time?"
"Hmm?" Wildfire turned his attention back to Ryan. "Oh no, you're not interrupting. Well... you kind of are, but we're probably going to finish up soon." he said, smiling. "The meeting ended earlier than expected, so I've got a couple hours before my next task. I was thinking of going for a swim down by the fishing piers." his smile turned into a mischievous sharp-toothed grin. "Maybe give some of the tourists a bit of a show. As long as I don't block any boating routes, it should be fine."
"Sounds like fun! Mind if I join you? I have a feeling today will be a good day to see the Crater Bay Creature - or is it just a whale?" Ryan grins cryptically.
"Just gotta drop these papers at my father's office first, then I'll be free."
SeanWolf wrote:Mordecai smiles and removes his hand from their shoulder. "I doubt we'll ever fight each other as well. We both share the same goal, even if we have our own means of achieving the goal," he said before chuckling again and asking, "Look at me, I haven't introduce myself properly to you. My name is Mordecai...what is the name you two been given?"
"I'm Ryan. Ryan O'Connor." says Ryan, sticking out a webbed paw and idly wondering if the horse will recognise his name as he's hardly a low-profile figure. He's not arrogant enough to point it out if not though.
"Wildfire here you've already met. And who might you be?"
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