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Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:16 pm
by Enty
Movie, Book, Comic, Song, Games anything. The greatest, most powerful moments in any medium you can think of.

Personally, I think-
Movies: I don't watch many, but... as an example, the "Why so serious?" scen from Dark Knight
Book: From Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, hands down for me. "Alright, fine, I'll go to hell then."
Comic: ....not all that sure XD Something from here, I'd say, ... ful-house/ the start of this strip was pretty good.
Song: The entirety of "O' Danny Boy"
Game: ...errr..... xD AC2, the death of Ezio's family. Things got serious right there.
TV: The ending of the Scrubs episode, "My Lunch"

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:42 pm
by Sleet
Movie: The opening of Up.
Book: The courtroom scene from To Kill a Mockingbird
Comic: I don't read a lot of print comics, so I'm not working with a very big pool when I say it'd probably be at the end of Death Note when Light is dying.
Song: There's no way I can narrow this one down to one. I'm not even going to try.
Video game: Watching the princess get rescued in Braid.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:40 pm
by Dubiousity
I can only think of one.

Look up the "German Final Flash" on youtube.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:55 pm
by FlintTheSquirrel
Does saddest count?

(Saddest) Movies: Probably the intro to UP.
Music: The intro to Tales of Vesperia (Ring a Bell)
(Saddest) Games: I likely have a better one, but the one that comes to mind is the death of Yeager on Tales of Vesperia. Even though he was your enemy, he was awesome in a funny way. The real best probably comes from Tales of Symphonia but I can not remember any.

A lot of my favorites revolve around the Tales of _____ Series, if you haven't already, I suggest you give one a try. Just a suggestion.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:36 am
by EvilTwin
In games mine is probably in metal gear solid 3 when the player is forced to finish off The Boss in the final boss fight.

The climax of the matirx is probably my favourite cinema moment.

There are too many awesome moments in books to count.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:48 am
by zeekgenateer
Game: In SW: Knights of the Old Republic when you find out you are Revan. Probably the most jaw dropping moment in a game.
Book: In Cryptonomicon, when the protagonist figures out the guy shooting arrows at them in a minefield is none other than a crazy lawyer who wrongfully sued him back in school. (The book is so much more than that, go read it)
Music: (TOO MUCH GOOD STUFF) The ending of Cats in the Cradle "and as I hung up the phone it occurred to me, He'd grown up just like me, My boy was just like me". That line just makes me tear up at the idea of that kind of behavior repetition.
Movie: (ALSO TOO MUCH GOOD STUFF) The cast of Princess Bride. Such good character acting, from "Inconceivable" to "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die", and even the grandfather and grandkid, they all make that movie. It's not a moment, but its too good to pass up.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:57 am
by Kaido
Game: In Final Fantasy VII when Aeris dies. That was so sad. >:
Book: Series of Unfortunate Events, when they're pushed down an elevator shaft.
Music: Ah, I'm not too sure. I don't listen to lots of music.
Movie: Ice Age, when you think Diego dies but then he comes back.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:13 am
by 44R0NM10
Game: Bioshock 2. Where the player is forced to kill your only real friend, whom seemed like he was gonna betray you at any second. He was loyal until the end, and still tried helping you after he lost control of his body. The fact you are expecting his to betray you just makes you feel like a bad person. I swear, my heart dropped when I played it. The actor gives a great performance, the music is pefect. Mostly, It just had me thinking "There has to be another way"

Music: Dragonforce. I can't really pick a fav'. They all speak to me on so many levals!

Movie: I love the battle scene at the end of "tales of the past 3". Also some great lines. I was saddened by the ending, but it was great.

TV: Red vs blue. It'll do for an internet series I guess. Anybody who's seen the latest battle scene knows just how awesome it is.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:31 pm
by yoyodude
Movie: The beginning of Resident Evil Extinction. The post apocalyptic/ road warrior theme was sick. I could think of more meaningful movie moments, but my mind is drawing a blank at the moment...
Music: Listen to the Octavarium album by Dream Theater. The entire album ties together in so many rediculous ways, and the end is fantastic. I also really enjoy Close Your Eyes to Die With the Sun by M83.
Book: I'm going to cheat here a little bit since I dont read books that much: The dance scene in Teh Brawler's A Spark from the Matches.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:34 pm
by Sleet
yoyodude wrote:Music: Listen to the Octavarium album by Dream Theater. The entire album ties together in so many rediculous ways, and the end is fantastic.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:02 pm
by Anthroguy101
From Chad Kroeger's "Hero":

"Someone told me that love would all save us.
But how can that be?
Look what love gave us.
A world full of killing, and blood-spilling, that
world never came.

And they say that a hero can save us.
I'm not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles.
Watch as we all fly away."

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 3:12 pm
by 44R0NM10
Song. I thought of 1 for Dragonforce. "Inside the winter storm". All because of 8 words. It's just 1 wasted man, in 1 wasted land. It just feels so... Cold...

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:20 pm
by Dubiousity
44R0NM10 wrote:Song. I thought of 1 for Studioforce. "Inside the winter storm". All because of 8 words. It's just 1 wasted man, in 1 wasted land. It just feels so... Cold...

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:32 pm
by Sleet
Be nice.

Besides, does it being terrible live make a studio version of a song any less powerful?

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:38 pm
by FlintTheSquirrel
I for one really like that band. It is one of the only bands of that genre that I like listening to instead of enduring it.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:06 pm
by Enty
Personally, I find that they have almost no musical sense (most of their songs seem like a bunch of elements thrown together with no sense of how they'd compliment eachother) but I admit that they do have some technical skill.

Anyways, back on topic?

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:13 pm
by Senator_Sunburst
Sleet wrote:Be nice.

Besides, does it being terrible live make a studio version of a song any less powerful?

Have you seen them live? I've seen them live. I thought they were awesome. And when I saw them I didn't' even know who they were.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:15 pm
by Sleet
No, but I was just saying that Dubiosity's allegation doesn't mean anything in regards to Fourtyfourrzeronmten's statement.

Sorry for continuing the tangent.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:09 am
by Divinaparadiso4
Movie: The beginning of Reservoir Dogs when they are talking about the nature of tipping.
Game: In Fable II when your dog takes a bullet for you and dies. I almost cried...almost
Music: The song "Nemo" by the band Nightwish. It's so elegant.
TV: On House when Chase, Cameron, and Wilson (the original supporting cast) all leaves. This was also the JTS moment sadly.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:31 am
by mariomarc
movies: Toy Story 3's climax and ending scene
that was the most sad, happy and beautiful way to finish a movie
Love Actually
this movie was just perfectly done in every way i could think of, one of the few romantic movies i enjoy
The opening to Up, i was depressed after that
The ending to Wall-E, i was honestly scared that Wall-E was going to die, i was just about to burst into tears, and it didn't help when he lost his memory.

everything: My favorite things are when they fill you with absolute happiness, especially after something incredibly tragic. It just shows that no matter what happens to us we can always find something that will make us happy.

trying to remember all these moments has gotten me very sad now :cry:

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:40 am
by Teh Brawler
mariomarc wrote:movies: Toy Story 3's climax and ending scene
that was the most sad, happy and beautiful way to finish a movie
Love Actually
this movie was just perfectly done in every way i could think of, one of the few romantic movies i enjoy
The opening to Up, i was depressed after that
The ending to Wall-E, i was honestly scared that Wall-E was going to die, i was just about to burst into tears, and it didn't help when he lost his memory.

everything: My favorite things are when they fill you with absolute happiness, especially after something incredibly tragic. It just shows that no matter what happens to us we can always find something that will make us happy.

trying to remember all these moments has gotten me very sad now :cry:

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:43 am
by mariomarc
Teh Brawler wrote:
mariomarc wrote:movies: Toy Story 3's climax and ending scene
that was the most sad, happy and beautiful way to finish a movie
Love Actually
this movie was just perfectly done in every way i could think of, one of the few romantic movies i enjoy
The opening to Up, i was depressed after that
The ending to Wall-E, i was honestly scared that Wall-E was going to die, i was just about to burst into tears, and it didn't help when he lost his memory.

everything: My favorite things are when they fill you with absolute happiness, especially after something incredibly tragic. It just shows that no matter what happens to us we can always find something that will make us happy.

trying to remember all these moments has gotten me very sad now :cry:
thanks for that
*hugs back*

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:44 am
by Teh Brawler
The best moments in life for me are when I get to have a deep conversation with someone, about anything. It just excites me that someone's willing to ask the big questions, and to not verbally destroy those who disagree.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:08 am
by Anthroguy101
I consider "Big Yellow Taxi" to be one of the best songs in music history.
For those you not aware that's the one where they paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:49 am
by yoyodude
In the movie Blood Diamond when Danny Archer calls Maddy Bowen while he's dying of a bullet wound and says "I'm excatly where I'm supposed to be."

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:08 pm
by Blue Braixen
Song: So Cold by Breaking Benjamin
Show me how it is, it's alright
Show me how defenseless you really are
Satisfy an empty inside
Well, that's alright, let's give this another try

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:20 pm
by Alex
Song: Are You Ready by AC/DC

After the intro on guitar, the band says "Are you ready" 4 times. However, the 1st and 3rd time, the whole band says it except the lead singer, Brian Johnson. The awesome moments are the 2nd and 4th time, when Brian shouts "Are you ready" with them!

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:25 pm
by Psykeout
Book: like, every other page in "a series of unfortunate events" something miserable happens. if i had to pick one... the time they (spoiler) figured out that there parents were dead, after they found evidence to suggest otherwise.
Movie:... IDK. but there is one moment is Intersella 5555 when the pilot dude like died, and then later his like, spirit or whatever came back and saved them. probably not the most powerful, but still.
Comic: well, i only read one non-web-comic, sandman. definately the part where lyta goes crazy. poor lyta :'-(
Webcomic: ima pretty sure ima not uspossed to bring it up, but that comic discussed a few pages back in the chat thread. theres a part when a character who's name starts with "f" has to leave the main character. poor ____ :'-(

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:51 pm
by Adzo
Alex wrote:Song: Are You Ready by AC/DC
AC/DC's entire repertoire is Awesome.
My Best Musical Moment is probably seeing "A whole lot of Rosie" live. AC/DC put on a great show.
Nothing beats a 50 foot inflatable woman riding a fire breathing steam train!

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:12 pm
by LucidDarkness
Movies: The scene in Baby Mama where they're discussing natural child-birth vs. medicated birth
Book: Pretty much all of 'Perks of Being a Wallflower'
Comic: The ending of 'Love Hina'
Song: In the song 'Mr. Bright Side' where it say "Destiny is calling me!". It gives me chills every time, even though it's not at all my favorite song.
Game: The opening credits of Final Fantasy: Crystal Cronicles
TV: Dexter.... Need I say more?

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:05 am
by DigiManiac
Movie: "The Pursuit of Happyness" when he gets hired by the company and starts tearing up. Gets me every time.
Book: "The Pilgrimage" by Paulo Coelho. The entire book, really.
Comic: ... u-hanging/
Song: "Everlong" by Foo Fighters. Always sends shivers down my spine.
Game: The final cut-scenes in MGS 4. That fantastic music...
TV-show: The final episode of Stargate: SG1. In particular the relationship between Daniel and Vala. The very definition of bitter-sweet.. Yes I know, I'm a nerd :ugeek:

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:09 pm
by Sketcherofstuff
Movie: Adrian Brody chasing the train in slow motion with in the Darjeeling limited. Also, the last shot of the lighthouse in Shutter Island.
Video game: ... eo_game%29
Book: ... y_Bradbury Contained everything I ever needed to become a writer.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:18 pm
by p33wii
Personally- When I was at a 2-acre playground called st.Kilda and there was this spinning pushy thing and each time a kid went round a kid who wasn't on it punched him. As soon as I saw it when he pulled back his arm to punch I caught it. The kid on the spinning thing was ecstatic with laughter.
movie- The point in the matrix original at the end when Neo realizes he can fend off the agents and starts doing it with one hand.
song- Probably thee entirety of "Cooler than me" by Mike Posner.
book- Any one point in third transmission by Jack Heath.
Comic- Last panel.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:10 am
by Alex M.
Movies: The opening of The Song Remains the Same.
Book: Cien AƱos de Soledad.
Comic: ... like-that/ Peanut panel 6 :lol:
Song: Thank You of Led Zeppelin "If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me." Just perfect...
Game: The end of Max Payne 2.
TV: Well i don't see to much tv since a have internet :roll:

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:57 pm
by CaptainPea
I can only think of two for now, but I'll go with

Book- Tie between ending moments of Mice and Men/Animal Farm.
TV- Season 2 Lost opener which still gives me shivers.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:20 pm
by ArgentFlame
Song: "Baba yetu, yetu uliye. Mbinguni yetu, yetu, amina..."
Book: The climax of the Dresden Files book Dead Beat, Where the main character rides a zombie t-rex through the streets of Chicago to fight a group of necromancers.
Cartoon: From CN's show Sym-Bionic Titan, when the secret agent Solomon smiles after hearing a song about teamwork from a children's show broadcast from the main characters' giant mecha.

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:33 pm
by Aarden
Best moments on Xbox: the entirety of SW: Republic Commando
Best moments on 360: the last cutscene in Halo: Reach (where noble 6 goes John Rambo)
Best moments in a book: Ghosts of Onyx. Enough said.
Best moments in a song: the chorus' for "Praise the lord and pass the ammunition" and "left of center" by Serj Tankian

Re: Best Moments in a ___

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:35 pm
by Alex
I've got a few more (Songs only):
Fear of the Dark (Iron Maiden) - Intro
Highway Star (Deep Purple) - Solo
Helldorado (W.A.S.P.) - Chorus
Gangland (Iron Maiden) - First part of the solo, with the ascending triplets
Flight of the Rat (Deep Purple) - The little solos that Blackmore adds from time to time.