Blackest Night.

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Blackest Night.

Post by JageshemashFTW »

Just a random little idea that popped into my head. I probably won't even go past this first entry but who knows.

Fox and King in The Blackest Night: Prologue
"We don't like your kind around here" was all the very large doberman said before punching the husky named Fox in the chest, sending him flying towards the dead-end wall of the alley they were in. To bring you all up to speed: Fox was taking a stroll through Babylon Garden's neighboring town of Xander Meadows.

Don't let it's serene name fool you. Xander Meadows was essentially Babylon's reflection in a cracked mirror. Whereas Babylon was famed for it's pet friendly environment, it is such becuase the Founder of Babylon Gardens, Mayor Milton, wanted to create a society where pets could be viewed as equals to the humans as was his dream.

The exact opposite could be said for the ruling class of Xander Meadows. They view pets as an inferior race and should be treated as such. Whereas the pets of Babylon live a carefree and pituresque life, it would be nearly impossible to find a happy pet within Xander Meadows. The people of this town have all been molded to follow this mindset, power of authority and all, and treat their pets as garbage. Nothing but burden. The law enforcement turns a blind eye to any animal crying for help, and no one ever stops to help an injured cat on the road.

It is because of all these things that the pets in this town have become angry at anyone who even gives them the wrong look. It's even gotten to the point of pets rioting and looting in the streets to the point of severe injuries and even some casualties to both man and animal. It also made them grow jealous of their neighbors in Babylon and their near perfect life.

Fox heard of the things that the Xander Meadows pets do to pets from Babylon, but he dismissed it all as over-acting imagination. After all, when was the last time anyone from Babylon went to Xander Meadows. Fox decided to end all the gossip once and for all and go there himself to prove that the pets there were no more dangerous the ones at home.

Fox made a mental not that night to listen to others more carefully.

Fox, feeling sure he had a fractured rib, slowly got back to his feet. Their were four in that alley: A doberman (obviously the leader), a dalmation with a tell-tale scar across his face, a very filthy looking chihuahua, and a female collie with at least three missing teeth. Fox was starting to understand why no one came to this town. He felt a bit of pity for these strays, but that was quickly dashed away when the chihuahua smacked him across the face, pulling his collar of as Fox went down. The chihuahua reached into Fox's collar and pulled out his wallet, handing it over to the brutish doberman. The four started to walk away leaving an injured Fox on the cold concrete floor...

That is until the doberman felt something hard hit him in the back of the skull. He turned around to see Fox still standing, a look of... No, not rage. Something else in his eyes. The doberman could honestly care less about that. What he did care about was the rock he noticed at the base of his feet.

The doberman put 2 and 2 together and started to march towards Fox. His cronies taking the hint and following him towards the husky. Now, Fox was not a pushover. When your best friends with the top dog of the K9 police force, you tend to learn how to fight. But Fox had to realize that the odds were against him greatly. But if he was going to end up in the hospital, he was going to make sure that these thugs know he didn't go don crying.

A notion his friend King seconded when he appeared behind the dalmation and put him in a chokehold.

Now, King was a lot less trusting than Fox. He knew that if people were talking about dangerous animals, than they were probably dangerous. So, in concern of Fox's well being, King tailed Fox throughout the town to keep an eye on him.

In truth, King had no idea what he would do if Fox found himself in trouble. But now that trouble found Fox, he had an idea.

After getting a firm hold on the (much taller) dalmation, King forced all of his weight to the closest wall in that alley. Twisting his body midway to make sure that he would be cushioned by the dalmations body. King shut his eyes, heard a loud CRACK!, and let go of the dalmation who instantly fell to the ground unconcious.

The surprise left the other three thugs in shock resulting in Fox running towards them, jumping on a nearby dumpster (while still in pain mind you) and leaping towards one of the thug's heads. A swift kick resulted in a knocked-out collie. But Fox was probably worse for wear. Still in pain from the rib, Fox tried to gain his balance as he landed on the ground but lost his footing and fell to floor. The chihuahua attempted to finish of this nuisance by pulling out a small switchblade from his collar... which was knocked (rather painfully) out of his hands by a large 2-by-4 wielded by King as if he were holding a sword.

King swung hard at the chihuahua and sent him clear across the alley, crashing into a couple of trash cans for good measure. King's lucky streak was at an end when the doberman, finally snapping out of his stupor of seeing his group getting utterly thrashed, reached out and grabbed King's neck, pushing him into the ground.

The doberman punched King in the face...

Joel, keep up.
Flash! Marcus! Wait up!
They tried to hurt us Joel, so we're leaving. I came to ask you... to come with us.

He punched King again...

We have to stick together now Joel. It's just the three of us now.
O-okay. I... I trust you guys.

He punched King again...

For god's sake! Shut up!!!!
I don't like this place. I'm cold. I wanna go home guys.
Joel, if you don't stop crying!
Flash, stop. He's just a kid.
I wanna go home. I wanna go-OUCH!

He punched King again...

Oww... Flash, please.... owwoww.

King had enough.

He pushed the doberman off his body with thw last of his strength and tackled him to the ground. King proceded to wail on the doberman's entire body. He let his fist fly any direction they wanted as long as they hit flesh.

"Stupid.... Worthless.... DIRTY.... FILTHY.... ANIMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!"

King would have continued, but his wrath was calmed by Fox's gentle hand holding his fist back. King stopped, struggled in Fox's grip slightly. Then King just broke down, slumping into Fox's chest. King looked at the doberman, he was still awake but one listen to his whimpering ragged breathing told them both that he had enough fighting. The two got up, held on to one another for support, and began their walk back home.


"These two show great strength and will in the face of danger. Plus, their compassion and comradere for each other can only be viewed as a good thing."
"The husky perhaps, but I'm not too sure about the corgi. He is strong in both body and mind to be sure. But both of these are impeded by his endless rage. He is angry, maybe too angry to be of any use to us."
"But that is exactly why I want him. Our enemies are utilizing rage and hate to make themselves stronger. Something we can not allow. Imagine what would happen if they got there hands on King."
"Yes, but then we would be stuck with his anger."
"We could teach him to control it, this is nothing new to us. The way I see it, we have much to gain from King and much to lose if we let him slip from our fingers."
"...Very well. King and Fox shall be their replacements. We lost two of our finest members. I want these two to be just as good. Send the rings."

Fox and King said nothing to each as they walked back home. There was nothing to say. King felt as though he should explain to Fox what happened in the alley. Why he had suddenly snapped like that. It was obvious that Fox was afraid of King at this moment. And who could blame him? No one should see their friend do something like that. King was about to say something, anything, that would break this awkward silence. But Fox beat him to the punch.

"Hey, what's that?"

King looked up to where Fox was pointing and found that he could not answer Fox's question. It wasn't like anything King has seen before. It was a glowing green light, no... two lights, zipping every which way in the air coming closer to King and Fox with every zip and turn.

Eventualy, they stopped in front of the two beaten dogs. One light for facing each of them. Then the lights spoke:

"Fox Delgado and King Lupine of Earth. You have the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."

And that's the prologue. Well, what do you think?
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Penwrite »

I love you. :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:

Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Samson »

More. Give us more please. This is very good. :shock:
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by copper »

Pretty good, but I never followed comics. This ought to be interesting if you continue....
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Private Elliot »

*dies from the epicness*
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Penwrite »

The opinion is unanimous Jage, you should DEFINITELY continue! :D So tell us, will any other characters be becoming lanterns?
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by JageshemashFTW »

naylorfan90 wrote:I love you. :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
Aww, I love you too kiddo.

Here, have a cookie.
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by JageshemashFTW »

Alright, to everyone. I want to continue this. But there is a lot of things going on right now that will keep me from doing so. I will try my best to update as often as I can but they will take a while.
naylorfan90 wrote:The opinion is unanimous Jage, you should DEFINITELY continue! :D So tell us, will any other characters be becoming lanterns?
Well, I have some ideas. Let me give you guys a couple of hints:

And maybe King
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by copper »

King of Hearts!? You are now my favorite fanfic writer! :D
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Penwrite »

JageshemashFTW wrote:
naylorfan90 wrote:I love you. :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
Aww, I love you too kiddo.

Here, have a cookie.
*takes cookie and happily munches it* Thanks! And as for those hints...awesome.
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by KizerZin »

HA HA HAaaaa

What a wonderful change from all that lovey-doveyness... the ending part is not my cup of tea but a amazing fight seen is worth it… my hat is off to you!
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Blue Braixen »

copper wrote:King of Hearts!? You are now my favorite fanfic writer! :D
THINK about it. He said Bino and Sasha were definite, and "maybe King." It's obviously not KoH :P
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by copper »

Tha Housedog wrote:
copper wrote:King of Hearts!? You are now my favorite fanfic writer! :D
THINK about it. He said Bino and Sasha were definite, and "maybe King." It's obviously not KoH :P
I can still hope, can't I? LET ME KEEP MY DELUSIONS! THEY ARE ALL I HAVE! :lol:
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by IceKitsune »

I have actually thought of what rings each character would have before this Ironically. It went something like this (note its a bit old because King was still with Pete at the time.)

Peanut: Green
Grape: Green
King:Red or Green (Green now since hes not with Pete and has no reason to rage)
Joey:Green or Blue
Pete: Yellow (not that he would really need it hes just the only one I could think of to get yellow)
Henry Milton: Black (well hes dead so its the only one he could get)

I can't wait to see more :mrgreen:
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Penwrite »

IceKitsune wrote:I have actually thought of what rings each character would have before this Ironically. It went something like this (note its a bit old because King was still with Pete at the time.)

Peanut: Green
Grape: Green
King:Red or Green (Green now since hes not with Pete and has no reason to rage)
Joey:Green or Blue
Pete: Yellow (not that he would really need it hes just the only one I could think of to get yellow)
Henry Milton: Black (well hes dead so its the only one he could get)

I can't wait to see more :mrgreen:
That's really awesome! :geek:
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by valerio »

it was an interesting change of pace, grim but good...until the finale. Sorry, but that killed my interest like a cigar on a balloon. *pop*
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Barkeron »

Awesome. That's all I got to say on this fic. :mrgreen:
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by yoyodude »

First I was like

But by then end I was like

Sorry, just a bit to wacky for me haha.
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Coatl_Ruu »

I was going to point out a couple of spelling errors and miscellaneous grammar nit-pickings. Then I read the last line.

Sir, I salute you. 8-)

This also reminds me of the idea for a Doctor Who crossover I had... hmm...

Anyway, I encourage you to write more of this! and proofread. Just a bit. The spelling errors are really the only problem with this.
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Macsen »

...oh wow.

So which DC metaverse number does this make the Housepets universe? x3
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by JageshemashFTW »

Wow, a lot of people arn't liking this whole Green Lantern angle to the fic, are they?
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by copper »

JageshemashFTW wrote:Wow, a lot of people arn't liking this whole Green Lantern angle to the fic, are they?

Wait. Who's against it? It's a great idea.

Oh. And I have a point that maybe you can clarify. How does King have a last name? King Lupine? Is it because he lives with the wolves? Oh, and does The Green Lantern Corps know that King was once human?

*sigh* I guess these answers will come in time, huh...
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by valerio »

Not true. So far, only I explictly stated I didn't like it. Unless my vote counts for 4... :mrgreen:
yoyodude was...perplexed, but I didn't see any negativity in his reaction.
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by JageshemashFTW »

copper wrote:
JageshemashFTW wrote:Wow, a lot of people arn't liking this whole Green Lantern angle to the fic, are they?

Wait. Who's against it? It's a great idea.

Oh. And I have a point that maybe you can clarify. How does King have a last name? King Lupine? Is it because he lives with the wolves? Oh, and does The Green Lantern Corps know that King was once human?

*sigh* I guess these answers will come in time, huh...
To answer your first question: Yes.
Technically, the wolves are trying to live as humans and that requires a full name. So I just went with Lupine for obvious reasons. And remember that King isn't just living with the wolves. He is, legally speaking, a full fledged member of their family. So King would infact take their surname if he wished. And why not? It's not like he could use his human last name.

As for the second question: No.
The GLC didn't start monitoring King until he stayed overnight with Sasha when she was locked out of her home. That was King's first major act of willpower to stay out in the cold with someone in need instead of going to his own home or someplace warm. And he just kept adding to the corps requirements as time went on. So the Green Lantern Corps do not know King used to be a human. But some other Corps has been monitoring King for longer than that. Much much longer.
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by copper »

Wait. Was that a hint that King's past will be revealed to Fox during a duel to the death, resulting in Fox letting his guard down and distrusting King, and allowing the enemy to deal an incapacitating blow to fox, allowing him to be captured, and force King to rescue him? Man, now I'm out of breath. :lol:
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Penwrite »

copper wrote:Wait. Was that a hint that King's past will be revealed to Fox during a duel to the death, resulting in Fox letting his guard down and distrusting King, and allowing the enemy to deal an incapacitating blow to fox, allowing him to be captured, and force King to rescue him? Man, now I'm out of breath. :lol:
Shhhhh, you'll jinx us!
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by yoyodude »

valerio wrote:Not true. So far, only I explictly stated I didn't like it. Unless my vote counts for 4... :mrgreen:
yoyodude was...perplexed, but I didn't see any negativity in his reaction.
Right. It IS well written, just not the story for me. Others enjoy it so keep up the good work :)
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by angelusbr »

This is great so far.
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by Macsen »

copper wrote:Wait. Was that a hint that King's past will be revealed to Fox during a duel to the death, resulting in Fox letting his guard down and distrusting King, and allowing the enemy to deal an incapacitating blow to fox, allowing him to be captured, and force King to rescue him? Man, now I'm out of breath. :lol:
That sounds like the kind of thing you'd see on a comic book cover. As Super Dickery. :lol:

BTW: The surname given for Fox doesn't seem right. His "dad" doesn't feel Hispanic to me. Bill has been drawn white, and he seems like your stereotypical hard-boiled cop. The character I would liken him to is either Jon Baker from CHiPs or Eugene Tackleberry from the Police Academy films. :p
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by JageshemashFTW »

Alright everyone, I'm hoping to have the next entry done by the end of the weekend. But until then, I have a request for you. This fic is not going to have a front-to-back plotline but rather have a story-arc system. Meaning the fic will focus on one plot for a bit, resolve it, then move on to another plot while keeping them all tied together and keeping with the subject matter (Fox and King being GLs). I already have most of the major arcs planned out but that's about it.
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Re: Blackest Night.

Post by JageshemashFTW »

My request is that you guys could, if you want, send in ideas for 'fillerarcs'. Basically arcs that won't have much impact on the overall plot but would be a nice breather inbetween major arcs while still giving out the good stuff. Any ideas?
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