(Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

NosWaster wrote:*Glomps Hopper and purrs*
*Huggles!* Yay!
NosWaster wrote:Thank you! I finally was able to get myself caught up.
I've been quite the busy kitty lately. Eheheheh...
Life comes before reading Fan Fictions. :D
NosWaster wrote:Well, I guess it's good that Raspberry got a cameo that portrayed him as a normal cat.
I woulda laughed so hard if it showed his emotions or cuddly sides. He's quite... interesting... and clingy...
I was going to try and squeeze Blackberry in there, But it kinda all got messy, so I couldn't.
NosWaster wrote:Sorry for my lack of replies. I have Spring Break this week so I should be able to check without falling behind. :)
No problem!

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

~Part 18~

Midnight yawned and smiled as she nuzzled the back of Streak's neck.
"Mm. Doesn't mater." Midnight said tiredly as she closed her eyes.
Streak smiled and nodded.
"Okay. I...I love you, Midnight." Streak whispered blushing.
"Oh, I love you, too." Midnight said smiling as a purr escaped from her mouth.
Streak smiled as his blush slowly faded.
"Well, hun," Midnight started with a yawn. "I'm going to get some sleep, 'kay?"
"Okay. Goodnight, Midnight." Streak said as his eyes got a little droopy.
Midnight sighed happily and started to purr. Streak smirked and yawned. They both quickly fell back to sleep.
Dear Dairy,
Yesterday I awoke in my bed with, guess who, Streak! At first, I felt bad for him, because I thought that I was pushing him to get him to do things that he didn't want to do. But, As time moved on I noticed that he might have been enjoying himself! Then, as more time moved on, I realized that, he was! Well, that made me happy. At first, when I start to like him, I thought that getting him to share our feelings would be nearly impossible. Well, It seems, that it wasn't that hard at all. This morning, after we woke up, he asked me out! Well, I, of course, said yes. I guess I should really get to my point. My past was awful. I had probably the worst life in the history of anything. Yes, because of the abusive parts of my past, when ever someone other than Streak and Dad touches me I tend to tense up. Not that big of a deal, I think. And, from living on the streets I know how blessed I am. But, I am trying to forget about the past and look forward to the future. Why whine about my bad past when I now have a life of Happiness, Friendship, and Love.

~End Of Midnight's Past~

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by copper »

The End!? Ahhhh.... Oh well.

It was a good ending. Nice call on the Diary entry. I wouldn't think of Midnight as the type to have a diary, but it sure could come in handy for Streak! :twisted:
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:The End!? Ahhhh.... Oh well.
I still have something for today's update. ;)
copper wrote:It was a good ending. Nice call on the Diary entry. I wouldn't think of Midnight as the type to have a diary, but it sure could come in handy for Streak! :twisted:
:twisted: *Evil laugh*

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

Hey, Everyone! It's me, Streak. As you noticed, the story about the lovely Midnight just ended yesterday, so I'm going to talk a little bit about time travel, space travel, and thing like that. So, please, bear with me. And, also, I shall try and keep the goofy sci-fi references to myself. First of all, almost every time machine works differently. But, I shall explain my ship. But before that, I will simple explain time. Time is just like a take a pencil and dragging it from one end of a piece of paper to the other. Now, imagine the pencil is the current date. The present. Also imagine that the line that was previously drawn is the past! Simple? Good. And, of course, the line that you were going to draw, is the present. Let me get one thing straight, The present is always the current the time. The time you were born. Nothing can change that. When I travel to the future it is always the future! It's like a picture or a 4D movie. It is what the future will be, if time "flows" correctly. If time does not "flow" correctly, the future will change. Now, if I took someone to the future and they decided to stay in the future and then time changed in the past well, not good. Not good at all. It depends on what get changed, but, It will most likely be very bad. That is why I never, let me repeat, never let anyone stay in the future when they're from the past. Moving on. My ship. You see, My ship takes the line that resembles time and bends it. It takes the present and puts it whet ever time the ship lands in. Any questions? No? Good. Now, if you stay in the past or future for five minutes, five minutes will pass in the present. So, at if I leave the present at 5:00 and return to the present five minutes later it would be 5:05 in the present. If I return to 5:00 I would be in the past. No matter what. Now, I bet you're all thinking: "What's the difference?". Well, in the past changing events is very hard to do. If you change something or someone in the past they or it will be jinxed for life.
Example: One man fell down a stair case and died. Then, someone traveled back in time and saved this man from the wall. That man would fall somewhere else and die. If he was saved from that fall, he'd fall again. And again. And so on.
Understood? Good. Stop asking questions. I can't explain most of my ship. Sorry. I didn't make it. I do understand how most of the electronics work and I happen to know how to drill a few things but seriously? I'm not a mechanic. I almost became a surgeon, though. But, enough of all that. Now, for the many time travelers in the universe, our timeline is very messed up. You see, a time traveler's timeline is more of a scribble than a line. So, I do hope you all understand clearly. If not please fill free to message me. And, if you have any questions at all also message me. With that, I shall simply said "fair well".

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by NosWaster »

Streak seems to be very... abrupt. :lol:
Maybe a little blunt, as well?

I dunno, but that was a great ending to Midnight's story and that little tidbit from Streak is interesting.

Now, I must ask a question. Will there be a "Streak's past" story? ;)
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

NosWaster wrote:Streak seems to be very... abrupt. :lol:
Maybe a little blunt, as well?
Yes, for both of those.
NosWaster wrote:that was a great ending to Midnight's story and that little tidbit from Streak is interesting.
Thanks! :D
NosWaster wrote:Now, I must ask a question. Will there be a "Streak's past" story? ;)
Hmm...I think that that might be explained later.... :?

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by copper »

Eh, interesting concept, but I think Streak might be hiding something...
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:Streak might be hiding something...
OooOoo? IIIssss he?

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

Special Update 1

Dear readers, Instead of that geeky black cat talking about geeky things, I have thrown an update of basically another part about Midnight. Yes, it's kinda a weird way of doing things, but, that's what todays update is. Think of it as a break for me. But, Tomorrow, I will be writing a short story about Streak taking Midnight on a special little trip. (; (Wow, a lot of stuff about Midnight...)

Midnight was relaxed on the soft light green couch. She curled up, snuggling close to one of the soft pillows. She enjoyed sleeping on the couch, but would much rather have a cuddle buddy. Speaking of which, Streak was out traveling. He had told her the night before that he had to do something important to do, and that he would be back the next day. So, instead of napping, she was mostly waiting. She had been sleeping for roughly two hours. Finally, she heard his ship slowly appear in the garage and land against the floor. Her ears perked up and she smiled. Midnight sat up and waited for Streak to come through the door. She swayed her legs and her tail curled around her left ankle. Seconds that seemed like hours later, Streak walked through the door smiling.
"He-" Streak attempted to say.
"Streak!!" Midnight yelled as she jumped over to him.
She landed next to him and stared at him smiling. He chuckled.
"Hello, Midnight." Streak said smiling.
"Welcome back!" She said hugging him.
Streak hugged her back. Midnight slowly pulled away and plopped back onto the couch. Streak sat next to her.
"So, how were you while I was gone?" He asked as he smiled at her.
"Oh, so very lonely..." She said hinting the obvious.
"Yeah, sorry about that...I had to take care of a few things."
"Oh, it's okay. I'm just glad you're here now."
Streak smiled and nodded. She yawned and acted tired, pretending that she wasn't asleep for the last two hours. She leaned her head on Streak's shoulder and faked a shiver.
"You cold?" Streak asked curiously.
"Yes..." Midnight answered closing her eyes.
Streak gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. She smiled and crawled into his lap. He wrapped his other arm around her to keep her warm.
"Oo. That feels nice..." Midnight said looking Streak.
"Good...Um, Midnight? We...We need to talk..." Streak said shyly.
"Okay? What about?" She asked closing her eyes once again.
"Oh! I love talking about you." She said with a quiet giggle.
"Yeah..." Streak said holding her close.
"So, what about you?"
"Um, Well...Being a time traveler...You meet lots of different people..."
"Okay?" Midnight asked opening her eyes looking puzzled.
"Yeah, and...Some...will uh, start to feel for me..."
"Feel...You mean, like, some will fall in love with you?"
"A-...Are you...Breaking up with me?" Midnight asked cautiously.
"What? No! Oh course not. It's just, I want you to know that some other people will uh, fall in love with certain other people..."
"Right." Midnight started yawning. "Okay..."
She closed her eyes and laid her head on Streak's chest.
"You're not...Mad?"
"Not really. What does that prove? That I date an attractive guy? I don't really mind as long as you don't share the same feelings." She explained as her eyes drooped down.
"I...I guess your right." Streak said sighing a sigh of relief.
"You don't share their feelings, right?" Midnight said as she extending her claws and gently pressed them against Streak.
"Right." He answered smiling.
"Good." Midnight said as her claws retraced back into her paws.
Streak held her close and she started to purr. She was soon asleep which just left Streak to sit and think. It was hard to stay awake though. The sound of Midnight's soft purr just made him want to sleep. He tried to keep his eyes open, but they soon fell down and he was asleep in a matter of minutes.

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by copper »

Midnight is so understanding. Streak is lucky she isn't that much of the jealous type.

Very sweet little update Hopper. I wonder if Streak really does feel nothing for Deirdre. That is an answer to her, correct?
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:Midnight is so understanding. Streak is lucky she isn't that much of the jealous type.
I know. And, just so all the women that Streak meets know he's taken, we'll have to make a Tee shirt for Streak that says: "Not Single." :lol:
copper wrote:Very sweet little update Hopper. I wonder if Streak really does feel nothing for Deirdre. That is an answer to her, correct?
Correct. :D

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

Well. Look. There isn't an update today. Sorry. >.<
I was kinda..err..."Busy" today. (I blame Minecraft.)
Unless you guys don't mind random pieces of dialog between characters or random scenes.
I could take requests of things from people. Which ever.

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

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Ooh, requests?

How about a nice scene between Sabrina and Midnight talking about Streak? They have met now...
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:Ooh, requests?
How about a nice scene between Sabrina and Midnight talking about Streak? They have met now...
Request taken.
It should be up tonight. ;)

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by copper »

Yay! I can't wait to see what you do with it.
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

Request: 1 From: copper

A breeze flew past the small coffee shop on the corner of the street. It was fairly early in the morning. Around nine or nine thrity-ish. Midnight was sitting at one of the seven tables in it. Each table had two chairs next to them. Sabrina was sitting in front of Midnight. They both had small paper cups with black coffee lids. Midnight sipped hers.
"And, that's why I don't let Tarot have caffeine anymore." Sabrina said chuckling.
Midnight couldn't help but let out pretty loud chuckle with her.
"I didn't think dogs liked caffeine." Midnight said taking another sip.
"Apparently they do. But, enough about me. How have you and Streak been?"
"Me and Streak?..." Midnight looked down at the table thinking.
"Well, good I guess. I haven't really seen him lately."
"Oh?" Sabrina started smiling. "Has he gone somewhere?"
"Um..." Midnight said as she noticed what she had said. "Um...Yyyyeah...He went to visit his uh, uncle in Washington."
"Really? Wow, have you met him?"
"His uncle?...No. I haven't met much of his family. Come to think of it...He doesn't mention his family."
"Oh, okay. We should have a party sometime and he could invite his family!" Sabrina suggested smiling.
Midnight faked a smile. "Err...That'd be great but...M-Most of his family is..."
Sabrina tilted her head confused.
"Out of town?" Sabrina asked curiously.
"Y-...Yeah! I think he said that his family lives uh...Very far away." Midnight hid her nervousness with a fake smile.
"Oh, I see." Sabrina nodded. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine."
"You sure?"
"Yup. Peachy." Midnight replied smiling.

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

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yay! Sabrina worried over nothing and Midnight hedging questions. Awesome.

I love how the sisters are each involved in different extremes. Sabrina is on the far side of Fantasy while Midnight is stuck in a SciFi nightmare! :lol:
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:I love how the sisters are each involved in different extremes. Sabrina is on the far side of Fantasy while Midnight is stuck in a SciFi nightmare! :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Very true. I never really thought of that! I should base a chapter off that!

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

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Dot dee do, More requests. :P

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

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How about Peanut and Streak with a heart to heart/ teasing talk about their interspecies relationships?
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:How about Peanut and Streak with a heart to heart/ teasing talk about their interspecies relationships?
Workin' on iiittttttt.

Edit: The request may be late. Late as in, Next Saturday. :cry:

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

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That's alright, Hopper. I can wait for it.
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Post by Hopper200456 »

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
More requests. Do-De-Do...
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Request 2 From: copper

Streak was sitting on the couch in his ship. He was fiddling with his wristband. Peanut plopped next to him and looked over his shoulder.
"May I help you?" Streak said with a smirk.
Peanut smiled and shrugged. "Nah, just a little bored."
"It'd be a good idea to find something to do then."
"Normally, yes." Peanut chuckled.
"Oh, come on. This is your planet." Streak pushed a button on his wristband and the screen flicked off. "How can you be bored?"
"Like this." Peanut replied with a slight smile. "Anyway, do you travel on earth often?"
"Meh, just as often as any planet. But,-" Streak's face turned a faint purple color. "Ever since I met Midnight I guess I've been coming here more..."
Peanut chuckled.
"Yes, I figured. How are you two doing anyway?"
"Um, fine. Any reason why you ask?" Streak said with his blush fading.
"No. Well, Kind of. I mean, is it hard dating a different species?"
"Hard? No. I think it'd be harder on Midnight..."
"Well, just because most 'earthlings' don't believe in my race, and such."
"Good point. But, still. Does 'your race' frown upon dating her?"
"Just as much as your community frowns upon you dating a cat."
Peanut blushed. "Um, I'm not dating her."
"But, you want to." Streak said leaning back onto the couch.
"Err....I..." Peanut's voice faded into a mumble as he spoke. "I might maybe kinda...."
"Mm. You can't go wrong with 'might maybe kinda." Streak said chuckling.
"Well, you tend to get made fun of a lot if you talk about it publicly..." Peanut said slowly fiddling his fingers.
"I'll bet." Streak said with a small yawn.
"Hey, you're lucky." Peanut started as he shrugged slightly. "You have a disguise. You can be, and do, whatever you want."
"Yes...But, trust is a very big thing, and if I constantly change my shape, it can be quickly lost."
"I guess you right." Peanut said with a slight sigh.
They both sat in the silence for minutes.
"So. I guess we're just different." Streak said grinning.
"Well, I'm not so different." Peanut started with a chuckle. "I mean, you're from outer space. You're a freak... I'm joking."
Streak laughed.
"Yes, I am." He replied snickering.

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Revius »

This series is on my to read list but I still go :shock: becuse every time I click the uppdate site button theres a new uppdate of this fanfic. And sense the site won't allow me to swear I have to say something strange instead ( -.- this is you fault admin) Holy macaronis you uppdate fast.
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

Revius wrote:This series is on my to read list but I still go :shock: becuse every time I click the update site button theres a new update of this fanfic. And since the site won't allow me to swear I have to say something strange instead ( -.- this is you fault, admin) Holy macaronis, you update fast.
^^" Heh...Sorry.
But, Yes, I guess I do update fast.
:oops: I don't really know what else to say. :lol:

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by copper »

So a secret of Streak's is revealed. Good. He is too mysterious for his own good.

Peanut is so adorable here. And Streak playing the wise man giving sage advice? Preposterously funny! :lol:

That didn't come out right...

Great update, Hopper. Can't wait to see what you do next.
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:So a secret of Streak's is revealed. Good. He is too mysterious for his own good.
Waaaaaay too mysterious.;)
copper wrote:Peanut is so adorable here. And Streak playing the wise man giving sage advice? Preposterously funny! :lol:
An old wise man. ^^
copper wrote:Great update, Hopper. Can't wait to see what you do next.
Thanks! Neither can I!

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Kondog »

This series is on my to read list but I still go :shock: becuse every time I click the uppdate site button theres a new uppdate of this fanfic. And sense the site won't allow me to swear I have to say something strange instead ( -.- this is you fault admin) Holy macaronis you uppdate fast.

Haha i feel you there Revius. I am so far behind i don't think I'll ever catch up! I would have to admit this is a really I really like this Fic :D And Holy Bajesus, you update fast Hopper!
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

Kondog wrote:Haha i feel you there Revius. I am so far behind i don't think I'll ever catch up!
Aww..Sorry. I won't be updating tomorrow, If that helps any. :P (unless I get a request)
Kondog wrote:I would have to admit this is a really I really like this Fic :D
Thanks! ^^
Kondog wrote:And Holy Bajesus, you update fast Hopper!
I take that as a complement so, thank you!

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by copper »

Go ahead and give yourself a day off, Hopper. You deserve it.
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:Go ahead and give yourself a day off, Hopper. You deserve it.
Thanks. ^^ I will.

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

Hey, Peoples.
This is my recovery update. ;)
Enjoy. Warning, the art -was- done in the car, so expect sloppy art. :(
Plus, I thought it seemed rushed, but it is a side comic.
As I said, ENJOY!

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

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Now that is a motivator! :lol:

Great comic, Hopper. Now Streak knows his place!
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:Now that is a motivator! :lol:
I know! That cat is just waiting for Streak to retire get married die quit.

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by copper »

That cat just wants to cuddle with Midnight, probably.

Streak ...... I think that other cat is probably just an alternate timeline Streak. Am I wrong?
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:That cat just wants to cuddle with Midnight, probably.
Maybe. That'd be bad for Streak to see. He'll just have to wait until Streak is on a trip.
*Added to "List of Ideas to use for Side Stories"*
copper wrote:Streak ...... I think that other cat is probably just an alternate timeline Streak. Am I wrong?
Streak: Mm. A possibility. I honestly don't know. Maybe we'll meet someday.....

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by copper »

It is another Streak. The Midnight in his timeline is with another person, so he is trying to take this Midnight away. All Streaks love all Midnights. It is the way of the universe.
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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by Hopper200456 »

copper wrote:It is another Streak. The Midnight in his timeline is with another person, so he is trying to take this Midnight away. All Streaks love all Midnights. It is the way of the universe.
Streak: How many versions me are there??
Midnight: There are never enough Streaks. ~<3

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Re: (Changing Time) Character Backgrounds and Side Stories

Post by copper »

There are an infinite number of Streaks and Midnights, as well as all of us. You know that...
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