Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

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Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

Post by Alastair »

Hey, everyone! This is my first fanfic!!! I've decided to go ahead and do a two part story, with each part detailing how the families are adjusting to life in the world of Bablyon Gardens. Part 1 is about Gauge and his crew, and is going to be told in 1st person by him. (This is also the first story I have written in a LONG time, so it may be sketchy in some parts...)
Hope you guys enjoy!


"Guys, we're here," Dad said, sounding kind of excited that the trip was finally over. We went through a huge entrance gate with a sign that said "Welcome to Bablyon Gardens" written elegantly on it. As we drove through the subdivision, I couldn't help but notice how well kept the houses and yards were. Every home was emaculate; almost utopia like... It was a warm, summer evening, so there were people outside doing different chores and whatnot.

"Honey, help me look for the street name, Evergreen road. It should be up here somewhere. The house is like the second on the right at the beginning of it," Dad told mom, seemingly needing help finding our new home. We drove a little bit longer and then came upon our street name. Our new home was dead ahead.

"Man, I have to get out of this car." I said, moving around in discomfort. "My butt is numb."

"Me too," J.C. replied. We then pulled up in the driveway and stopped.

"Bo, go ahead and grab that for sale sign in the yard," Dad said. Boken immediately jumped out and removed the sign, placing it in the trash bin on the sidewalk. Me and J.C. got out after him and bolted for the front door.

"Wait a minute guys. Help us carry in things," Boken said, somewhat irritated.

"Don't worry, we will. We just want to go check the house out first," I replied, walking up on the porch.
We went inside and explored each room of the house, me in the living room and kitchen area, and J.C. in the back rooms.

"Whoa! This place is huge!" I exclaimed.

J.C. then walked out of one of the bedrooms. "Oh yeah it is! I think this is our room right here," he said, pointing inside of a large, fully furnished room. We both looked inside, then to each other, grinning in excitement.

"Come on, we better go help the folks carry in junk," I told J.C., turning around, heading back outside.

"But I'm hungry," he replied, whinning.

"Dude, we drove through like an hour ago," I said, still heading for the door. "Don't be such a baby."

"Whatever," he replied, kind of put out. He then followed me through the house and out the door.

When we stepped outside, we saw our parents and Bo setting things beside the car, ordered in such a way that the neccesities would be carried in first, then our personal belongings. It took us a while to get all of the stuff inside the house, and our stuff in the room.

"Let's see..." Bo said, going over in his mind what should go where. "Guage, put your guitar and everything over there on the right side in front of that bed, J.C., your stuff can go on the left side, and I can put all my stuff on the back wall beside the door."
About a half hour went by and we finally got everything organized the way we wanted to. Everyone was exhausted from the trip, so we crashed on our beds.

"Man, that was a long trip," I said, yawning afterward.

"Yeah," J.C. replied as he suddenly got up from his bed. "I am seriously hungry."

"You just ate!" I said, laughing. "Mom hasn't even put the food up yet!"

"I'm going to find out for myself," he replied. He then walked out the bedroom door, heading for the kitchen. Me and Boken looked at each other briefly, knowing that Mom will quickly tell him to "beat it". We could hear him ask Mom about food, and then we heard her tell him to "beat it". Walking back into the room he said, "Man, no food." Me and Boken started laughing.

"You do realize that was never going to work, right?" I asked him, still laughing.

"Yeah. It was worth a shot though."

He flopped down on the bed again.
I then started to think of things that I could do, instead of just laying on my bed. It didn't take me long to remember something....We have a GARAGE....
The one part of the house that I, as a gear head, absolutely NEED to explore. I quickly got up and went over to J.C.

"You want to go and check out the garage?" I asked. He agreed so we exited the room, and walked past the kitchen toward the door leading into the garage.
Mom was still in there working.

"Where are you two going?" She asked, wanting info.

"To check out the garage," I answered, stopping to hear what she was going to say next.

"Okay. Be careful though, there's a bunch of old tools and things along the wall. Don't knock something off and hurt yourself," Mom warned us.

"No promises," I jokingly replied.

We came to the door and I opened it. It was extremely dark inside, but I was able to see the sillouette of the car and boxes lining the walls. A small sliver of light was coming from underneath the garage door.

"Where is that light switch at?" I asked rhetorically, feeling along the wall. I finally found it and switched it on, but the light bulb was so dim that it barely lit up the top of the car. I made my way toward the garage door so I could open it up and let in more light.

"This is nice," J.C. said. "It's a bit cluttered from all the boxes though."

"Yeah. All that is from the people that used to live here. I'm surprised that the contractors didn't clean all this up." We explored the contents of numerous boxes, and found everything from cresent wrenches to toasters.

"Man, this place is like a ghetto Sears," J.C. said to me.

"Oh yeah," I replied, chuckling."A bunch of this stuff we could probably keep, but most of it just needs to be thrown out."

After a little while longer of looking through the garage, I stepped outside. I stood there scanning the neighborhood, taking in all the new sights and sounds. It was a very nice area, although not as nice as living in the country. (There was, however, many acres of forest behind our fenced in yard, which I was for sure going to explore at some time or another.) I wasn't there much longer when I saw a tall brown dog coming down the sidewalk. He was a good distance away, but I could tell that he was heading for us because he would sometimes look directly at me.

"Hey," I said turning to J.C. "I think we have someone coming up here."
J.C. immediately walked over to where I was standing and I showed him what I was talking about. The dog seemed to have picked up the pace a little bit once he saw the both of us standing there.

"Well, this is new," J.C. said.

"Yes. Yes it is," I answered.


"Hello," the strange dog said as he approached us. "I heard we had new neighbors moving in today."

"Yep. Were just getting settled in," I replied reaching my paw out to shake with his. "Gauge Thompson."

"Fido Byron," he replied, turning to J.C. beside me. "And who's this?"

My friend introduced himself.

"So what brings you to the Gardens?" Fido asked us.

"Well, Mom and Dad found work in town, and it just so happened that there was a house for sale here. It was a good price and we didn't want the opportunity to leave us, so we decided to buy it," I told him.

"Where did you used to live?"


"That was a long drive," he said, grinning.

"Yeah, it was. I'm still trying to recover," I replied, pretending to stretch my back. He snickered a little. "I have to ask you Fido, how did you know that we'd be in today around this time?"

"Word travels pretty fast in this neighborhood. I was outside my house and looked down the road and saw a different car pull down this lane, and I figured it was the new neighbors. I had to do some chores, so after I was done, I decided to come introduce myself."

"Okay," I said. "You want to come in and meet everyone?"


"Great. You wait here while I go ask if you can come in."

I ran through the yard and up the porch steps to the door. I opened it and looked inside. Everyone was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Are you guys done putting everything up?" I asked from the doorway.

"Yeah, we got done just a minute ago. Why?" Dad asked.

"Well, we have a guest outside, and I said he could meet everyone. Is that okay?"

"Sure, bring him in," Dad replied.

I closed the door and walked back to where J.C. and Fido were on the driveway.

"You can come in," I said to him.

He followed me and J.C. to the front of the house and I opened the door, J.C. and I entering first. Everyone on the couch looked at the stranger that walked in.

"Guy's, this is Fido Byron," I introduced.

Everyone got up to meet our visitor. Dad and Mom introduced themselves, and then Bo walked up to Fido.

"Hi, I'm Boken," he said, shaking Fido's paw. Fido looked up at him, noticing his intimidating appearance.

"Nice to meet you," he replied.

"Would you like to sit down?" Bo said to him, gesturing to a chair facing the couch.

"Sure," Fido accepted. He went and sat down in the chair Bo designated for him.
Everyone sat down as well, with me and J.C. between Mom and Dad on the couch, and Bo in a chair beside Fido. We talked for upwards of an hour, sharing information about each other (like how Bo is in no way, shape, or form related to me, haha.) Fido explained that he was a trained Police Dog, which totally explained the radio receiver on his collar, and his blue vest which said K-9 on it. He also told us where he lived and who his owner was. "Wow, he seems to be really nice," I thought to myself. "He really went out of his way just to visit the new guys."
I thought of some way to show appreciation...Maybe he'd like something to drink...I almost got out of my seat, when I heard speech coming from his collar radio.

"10-4," he responded. "I'm down Evergreen road in the second house on the right, visiting neighbors. Come get me." He then got out of the chair. "Sorry guys, somethings happening at the grocery store in town."

"No worries. You come back any time you want," Dad said.

"Alright. Thanks!"

Everyone said bye to Fido as he went out the door, except me. I followed him outside.

"Fido, thanks for comin' man," I said.

He turned around to face me.

"Your welcome," he replied. "You know, let me give you something before I leave."

He pulled out a small piece of paper out of a pocket in his vest, and handed it to me. It read "Good Ol' Dogs Club" on it with the address underneath.

"I try to invite new dogs to come," he said. "We have a meet tonight at 8, and I thought you should come and meet everyone. Bring your pals too."

"Cool. Thanks Fido," I happily accepted.

"No problem. I should be there tonight; calls like this don't last long."

"Okay, see you there," I said.

A Crown Victoria police car pulled up almost as soon as we were done talking, like it was timed. Fido continued on to the car and got in. The lights and sirens came on, and the car sped off. I stood there on the sidewalk watching until it went out of sight. "This is neat," I thought, "First day here and I'm already being invited to shin-digs." I went back into the house. Mom, Dad, and Boken were seated in the living room talking. They stopped and looked up at me as I walked in.

"Well that was nice," Mom said, smiling. "It was sweet of him to come see us like that."

"Yeah," I replied. I walked over to the couch where Mom and Dad were to show them the piece of paper. "He gave me this before he left."

They both read it and handed it back to me.

"They're having a meet tonight at 8:00. Can I go?"

There was a short pause as the descision was being made.

"You can go," Dad said, "But don't stay out too late, or I'll get Bo to come get you."

Boken looked at me and pounded his fist into his other hand, pretending to threaten me. I looked at him and snickered, not giving in to intimidation.

"Where's J-dog at?" I asked Bo.

"In our room playing PS3," he answered.

I walked out of the living room and down the hall to our bedroom door and looked inside. J.C. was sitting in the floor playing a racing game.

"Hey, man. Playing NFS?" I asked, walking up behind him. He continued to play.

"Yeah. These cops are giving me problems. I've been arrested 3 times already," He replied. It didn't take long for him to loose the game again.

"Dang it!" He yelled. "This game is impossible."

He then paused it, set the controller on the T.V stand, and got up. I laughed at his failure.

"You know, J.C. The object of the game is to NOT get busted," I said, taunting him. He angrily glared a me.

"I'm just kiddin'," I said. "I actually wanted to show you this."

I handed him the piece of paper Fido gave me. He looked it over quickly.
"Good Ol' Dogs Club?" He asked, looking at me intrigued.

"Yeah, it's somekind of social club for dogs. There having a get-together tonight at 8. Wanna come?"

"Sure, as long a there's food," he said seriously.

I sighed.

"There will probably be food there."

"Alright then. What time is it now?" He asked.

"Like 6:30, I think."

"We've got some time before we have to leave. Maybe we should be there at 7 so we can eat and whatever," he suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed. "You want to play some more Need for Speed? Hot Pursuit mode, 2 player?" I asked, picking up two controllers off the T.V. stand.

"Your on!" He said, accepting the challenge."




I need to do a rough draft on paper first, cause that's how I roll... :lol:
I will update the story ASAP.
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by valerio »

good, intriguing start.
Melikes ;)
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by copper »

Very nice story so far, Tougefox. I liked it.
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by KizerZin »

it's a good start... new Kids get picked on~ HA HA HAaaa!
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by Alastair »

KizerZin wrote:it's a good start... new Kids get picked on~ HA HA HAaaa!
Wait until Bino gets in the mix... :D
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by Kondog »

Great first update man! -- You did a really good job with Fido BTW. - I like where this is going keep it up. the only Thing i could think of that this update could use is some formatting if you added Spaces between lines new paragraphs or dialogue would make this update quite a bit easier to read especially for those who use different platforms and your standard PC.

it also helps avoid confusion when more than two characters are talking in the same scene-- other than that what an awesome first update indeed I can't wait to see what happens next :D
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by Alastair »

Okay. Thanks Kondog. I went ahead and did what you suggested. It should be much easier to read now.
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by Kondog »

It sure dose, I just got the chance to re-read it and I gotta say its flows a whole lot better now. -you rock TougeFoxJ.D.M.! :D
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by Alastair »

You also rock Kondog :D

I should have an update by the beginning of next week, hopefully. Gotta go see family this weekend, so I'll try to work on the story as much as I can before I have to leave.
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by Alastair »

Hey guys! Here's the update I promised. Sorry it's a little late, but you know how things come up...
Oh, and I decided to change Chapter 3's title. The other one I was going to use seemed too plain to me.


We were playing hardcore when I looked up and noticed the clock. It read 6:45. I stopped the game suddenly.

"Why'd you pause it?" J.C. asked, irritated.

"Look at the clock," I said, pointing to it.

"Oh, yeah. We better go."

We both got up off the floor, turned the game console off, and walked out of the room, heading for the front door. Dad saw us come into the living room.

"You guys leaving right now?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're going early so we can eat and meet," I responded, stopping to explain.

"Okay. Just remember what I told you earlier."

"Okay, Dad," I replied.

Bo was in sitting down on the couch, chillin'.

"You comin', Bo?" I asked, half-way walking over to him.

"Clubs aren't my thing, little man," he replied. "I have to do martial arts practice here in a little bit anyway."

"Okay, see ya' later," I said.

Me and J.C. continued on out of the house, walking down our driveway and onto the sidewalk. I stopped to look at the address that was on the paper, and J.C. stopped behind me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Trying to see where we need to go."

As I looked down the road, I tried to picture in my mind where the street was that Fido had written on the invite.

"I think we passed this as we drove in here. It should be a couple of blocks down," I said, pointing down the road. "Let's go to the end of that second street and see where we're at."

We went on, going passed our street entrance and into the next block. Neither of us were sure where the place was, but it wasn't too long before we found out.

Coming to an intersection at the end of the street, we could hear all sorts of commotion coming from the cul-de-sac on our left. Looking down it, we saw numerous dogs heading behind one of the houses on the right side of the street.

"There it is," I said. "Come on J-dog."

I started running toward the house and J.C. tailed behind me. As we were crossing the road, we passed several neighborhood dogs who gave us surprised looks, wondering who we were. We just simply waved at them as we went by... All the dogs were going around the back, so I figured that's where the club was taking place. I slowed to a walking pace when I stepped onto the yard. J.C. also slowed down, coming up next to me. We both went around the house and saw a rather large metal storage-type building in the back part of the yard along the fence. Dogs were lined up in front of the door.

"Man, there's a lot of people here," I said. "Looks like we'll have to get in line, bud."

"Yeah. I DO NOT want to wait very long," he said with a serious look on his face.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Unfortunately, I know my best friend a little too well...

We walked up to the end of the line. It was noisy because everyone was talking to each other about things they had done over the weekend, or what their status was on this game called "D&D". We just stood there, inching ever closer to the door as the line shortened, and in the course of a few minutes, we came to it. Standing on the left side was a rather large Bulldog with a red, spiked collar, and on the right was a Husky wearing a yellow bandana, him being about my height. Both looked a little bit older than us. They looked at me and my pal.

"Hello," I said to both of them. "My friend and I got an invite for a meet here? We're new to the neighborhood, sooo-"

"Oh yeah! You guys are the new neighbors that moved in today!" The Husky said to us, excitedly, with him and his Bulldog friend walking up to greet us. "It's nice to have you here. I'm Fox. What's your names?"

"Hi, Fox. I'm Gauge, and this is J.C."

He shook our paws, and then the Bulldog came up to us.

"I'm Rex. Nice to meet you," The Bulldog said to us, shaking both our paws.

"Well guys, do you want to come inside so we can talk?" Fox asked us, pointing to the door.

"Sure. Lead the way," I replied.

"Great!" He exclaimed. He turned around to the Bulldog. "Rex, would you mind taking care of things by yourself for a bit?"

"No problem, Fox," Rex answered, returning to his post.

"Follow me, guys," Fox said, walking inside the door.

Me and J.C. looked at each other happily, and then followed him into the building. It was quite loud inside, partly because of the dogs talking to each other, but also because of music playing in the background. We worked our way through the crowd, struggling to stay beside Fox. We finally made our way to a clearing away from the heavy crowd, and stopped. He turned around, facing us.

"So, how's the move going?" He asked.

"It's going," I replied. "All we have to do now is get used to everything."

"I hear ya'," Fox replied, smiling. "I remember how I felt when I moved here; Didn't like it at first, but it grew on me... Where are you from?"

"Kentucky," I answered.

"That's a drive," he said.

"Yeah. It was like 8 hours or something. We got up early this morning and drove."

Me and J.C. continued to talk to him for several minutes, sharing things about ourselves, and him likewise. (We almost had the exact same conversation as we did with Fido earlier, only shorter.) I told him about Fido coming to our house and giving us the invitation to the club, which he already figured, since it was Fox's dad that went to pick Fido up at our house for the call concerning the grocery store.

As we talked, I noticed that J.C. would sometimes glance over at the back wall. I quickly looked to see what caught his attention...The food table...I knew it was only a matter of time before he left for it.

"Guys, I'm going to grab something to eat," J.C. said, excusing himself.

"Okay. Help yourself," Fox told him.

J.C. quickly made his way through the crowd to the table. I could clearly see that he was ecstatic as he picked out what he wanted.

"That's the only reason why he came here with me," I said to Fox, irritated that my friend bailed on us.

He started to laugh a bit.

"That's okay," he responded, smiling. "You want something?"

"No man, I'm good."

No sooner had I answered when someone shouted from behind me.

"New dog!!!" The unfamiliar voice yelled out, loud enough to quiet the crowd a little, and draw some attention in our direction.

Me and Fox both looked and saw a brown dog coming toward us, looking at the both of us intently.

"Oh, hey Bino," Fox said to him as the dog walked up beside me. "This is Guage."

"Gauge, welcome to the club!" He said to me, shaking my paw.

"Uh, thanks."

"Pleasures all mine," he replied. "Has Fox showed you around the place yet?"

"Well, actually we--"

"Great! In that case, I would like to show you something in honor of your new membership!"

The dog started to walk away, motioning me to follow him. I looked at Fox, kind of confused. He acknowledged me and shrugged, not quite sure what was going on either. I went ahead and followed him through the crowd to an area in front of a closet into which Bino entered, and I, standing close to the doorway, could see him rummaging through junk trying to find something. I heard him say "Ah-ha, here it is" and then he came back out carrying a small wrapped present.

I looked behind me quickly, trying to see if Fox was nearby, but I didn't see him.

"This is a gift that we give to all the new members," Bino said, handing me the box. "You should go ahead and open it up."

He walked away after he handed me the present and stood at a distance, which I thought was odd, but didn't pay much attention to it. I just stood there holding the box, wondering what was inside. I also noticed an odd smell, two actually, coming from the box. It was an odd, kind of plant type smell, mixed with something else. The box wasn't heavy, so there wasn't much inside...

I pulled on one of the laces to untie it, and all of a sudden, there was this loud BANGnoise. It startled me so much, that at first I didn't even realize what happened, but then I knew that I had been pranked....Hard...
The "gift" was a catnip bomb, and when it exploded, I got a face full.

"AHHH!" I yelled, trying to wipe some of it off. "WHAT THE HECK, MAN?!?!"

Bino started laughing at me immediately, almost doubling over.

"I can't believe that worked again!" Bino said in his laughter. "Consider that your initiation, new dog!"

Everthing stopped once the bomb went off, and everyone stared at me, shock written on most of their faces. I felt so many different emotions at once: shock, embarassment, even pain from getting catnip exploded in my face. But once the initial surprise went away, I felt an entirely new emotion...anger

I threw the box away from me, and glared at Bino who was still laughing. "This jerk needs to be taught a lesson," I thought to myself. In anger, I started to charge at him, but Fox yelling in the background stopped me in my tracks.

"BIINNOOO!" He yelled, pushing his way through the crowd. He stormed over to where Bino was and got in his face. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!"

Bino looked at Fox with what seemed like a look of accomplishment.

"NOTHING!!! It was just a joke!"

It started to get heated between them.

"Yeah, right!" Fox argued. "Remember how King felt after you did the same thing to him a couple of years ago? No wonder he's not been here since then!"

He contnued to argue at Bino while I stood at a distance, allowing Fox to hand it to him instead of me. I tried to regain my composure, which was difficult.

I heard J.C. coming through the crowd.

"Gauge? What happened?" He said, coming out of the forest of dogs.

He stepped out and saw my blackened, cat-nipped face.

"Uh-Oh," he said, running up to me. "What's going on?"

"This LOSER here, pulled a stupid prank on me!" I replied, pointing to Bino, who heard me.

He started to say a come-back, but Fox stopped him and came over to where me and my friend were standing.

"Gauge, I'm really sorry," Fox said to me.

"It's not your fault."

"Yeah. But I should have known that something was wrong. He's pulled stunts like this before," he told me. "I wouldn't blame you if you left."

No matter how much I wanted too, I couldn't let this ruin my day. I had to show that what happened didn't bother me, even though I felt like crying.

"No, it's alright. I really need to try to get this stuff off me though."

"Okay. There's a water hose outside. And when you come back in, I'll make sure that Bino doesn't give you more problems."

"Great. Thanks, Fox," I said, starting to walk away. "Come with me, J-dog."

Me and J.C. passed Bino as we headed for the door, I didn't even bother to make eye contact with him, but I noticed he had a snied look on his face. "I know who to avoid here now," I thought. "I made an enemy, and didn't even do anything." The more I thought about what happened, the more I felt dejected. "How could I be so gullible?"

Unfortunately, this wasn't the end of my problems...

Last edited by Alastair on Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by KizerZin »

HA HA HAAaaa! A wonderfully pain filled chapter~ good work TougeFoxJ.D.M!

I still can't understand why I'm the only one that supports Bino in his evil ambitions...
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by valerio »

great update. *sigh* Bino will be Bino...
I'll give my POV abou the spacing: unnecessary, the story can be read without double-lining, since it's mostly 1-lines dialogues
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by Kondog »

Great update! your dialogue flowed a lot better on this one! And i gotta say the Catnip bomb was awesome - I love how much of a jerk Bino can be. ( I also find it fun to pick on new kids) And Kizerzin I also love Bino in his evil ambitions..that might be why he's my favorite HP character. anyway great work - I don't know if I have said this before but absolutely love the names J.C. and Guage. and the way you use urban dialect when they're having conversations is a very well done and refreshing change of pace. As always I can't wait to see what happens next :)
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by Alastair »

Thanks guys, I'm glad you all like the story so far! I really appreciate the compliments!

I chose to do chapter 3 like this because I felt that Bino just had to be in it to cause strife... Which is what he does best. And you can't leave one of the best characters in the comic out either! :D

I have an idea on how chapter 4 is going to go down, and I'll try to have it posted soon. I'm not going to spoil anything, but I'll go ahead and show you the title I picked for the next chapter.
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by valerio »

I see a happy KizerZin in the immediate future... :twisted:
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by Alastair »

Oh yes... There is going to be a little more emotional pain in the next chapter for sure...
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Re: Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

Post by Alastair »

I thought I'd post this to hold you guys over until I get chapter 4 done. It's a rough sketch, but I was planning on doing more with the other characters.

I should have the new chapter up soon. Thanks!
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Re: Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

Post by KizerZin »

not bad... not bad... and it goive a better idea of just cazy you really are about this madness
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Re: New Kids on the Block[part 1]

Post by Alastair »


"...And then, I pulled the ribbon and POW, cat-nip and junk was all over me," I told J.C., pausing to splash water on my face.

"Dude, that's wrong," he replied. "You don't just prank someone like that, especially if you don't even know 'em."

"No kidding," I responded, then turning shake excess water off my fur. "That was the most embarassing thing that has ever happened to me."

"I bet. I would probably have ran out of there crying if I were you."

"Well, I felt like it," I responded. "I didn't so I could save myself from further embarassment."

There was a slight pause as I bent down to turn the water hose off.

"You sure you want to go back in?" J.C. inquired. "I could go tell Fox that we're going to leave?"

After hearing J.C.'s suggestion, I stood there quietly, trying to make a decision. I knew that I would see Bino again when I went inside, but I figured that I could just ignore him, and Fox said he'd keep an eye on him for me, so I got nothing else to worry about, right?

Suddenly, I recalled something.

"Actually, we should stay, J.C. Fido's not even here yet, and I don't want to leave and make him think we skipped out on him."

"Yeah, that's right," he replied, realization marking his face. "He's the one that invited us here in the first place."

We left the side of the club house where we were, and made our way to the door. I was ahead of J.C., so I opened it, and we both entered. We walked through the noisy crowd, and as we did, I noticed that some of the dogs around us sniffed the air and then looked at me, quickly turning away. Then, I heard one of them, "Is that him smelling like that?" At that point I sniffed the fur on my arm... "Shoot! That IS me smelling.... I thought washing it off would get rid of that!" I hadn't noticed outside because the water masked the scent, but now, I started feeling embarassed again because it was emanating from me.

"Dude, do you smell that?" I discreetly asked J.C., looking back at him.

He sniffed the air, and quickly covered his nose.

"Yeah. Is that smell still on you?"

"Uh-huh. Were going to have to live with it for now, 'cause I can't do anything about it."

We continued on until I looked ahead of me a short distance and saw Fox talking to another dog. He didn't notice the both of us until we got closer to him, and when he finally did, he excused himself from his conversation and came towards me.

"Well, I managed to get it all off, except the smell," I told him, smiling.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. You should be able to get rid of it after a good bath or two."

"Okay, cool."

"Oh, and another thing, I heard that Fido just got back. He's a little later than usual though..."

"Great! I wanted to stay so I could see him aga-"

I was interuppted by someone behind me.

"Hey guys," the familiar voice said to us.

We all three turned and looked to see that it was Fido, but he wasn't dressed in his police dog uniform. He stood there obviously happy to see that me and J.C. had shown up.

"I'm glad you were able to make it!" He happily said to us.

"Well, Boken didn't come," I told him. "He said that social clubs aren't his thing."

"Eh, that's alright. Not everyone likes them...Have you guys been enjoying yourselves?"

That question made me and J.C. turn and look at each other, but as I started to say something, Fox stepped in and answered for me.

"Actually Fido," he said, walking up beside him, getting close. "We had a little incident with Bino a while ago."

Fido looked like he was confused when Fox told him that.

"What happened?" He asked, starting to sound concerned.

"Well, you know that prank he pulled on King some time back? He did the same thing to Gauge," Fox explained.

Fido had utter dissapointment written on his face. He let out a long sigh.

"I thought I smelled cat-nip in the air..." He said, looking down and shaking his head. "My little brother can be so difficult."

"WHAT?!?!" I thought to myself. "Bino is Fido's younger brother?!" That took me by surprise pretty heavy. "How can Fido be so cool and Bino be such a butt... There's like no resemblance at all except some in looks."

"Wait a minute," I said to Fido. "Bino is your brother?"

"Yeah, but I wish he wasn't sometimes," Fido replied. "I'm going to have a looong talk with him later...Your okay, right?"

"Uh-huh. I'm fine," I replied.

"Okay," he said, a little relieved. "Well, I want you two to have a good time here despite what happened earlier, so I thought you two can start off by meeting my police buddies. They came here with me, but we split up after we came in. Would you guys like that?"

"Yeah, that'd be great!" I happily answered.

I noticed that J.C. didn't seem too thrilled about that.

"I think I'm going to stay here. Me and Fox haven't talked much," he said. "If that's okay."

"Sure. Maybe some other time then," Fido said. "Come on, Gauge."

We both left Fox and J.C. and went off to search for Fido's partners. We walked around for a bit, and even asked a few club members if they had seen them. One dog knew where Fido's partner "Ralph" was, so we followed his instructions, and found who we were looking for quickly.

"Hey, Ralph," Fido said to the German Sheperd as we walked up to him. "I want you to meet the new dog that moved in today."

"New neighbor, huh? Welcome to Bablyon gardens. I'm Ralph," he said, reaching his paw out to meet mine.

"Gauge. Nice to meet you," I replied.

Fido cut in.

"Hey, Ralph. Do you know where Kevin is? I thought he'd be here with you."

"Uhhh. He was right beside me a second ago," Ralph said looking around. "He can't be far. He likes to meet new people, so I'll go get him."

Me and Fido waited for a little while, and then we saw Ralph appear from the crowd with a huge Doberman who was standing beside him. Before they both made their way to us, Ralph said something to him, and all of a sudden, the dog leaped from where he was and flew straight towards me yelling, "HI NEW DOG!!!". It was only a short distance between me and him, so I had no time to truly react. But, as if it was instinctive, I ducked and rolled out of the way, completely dodging the dog, who then hit the wall behind me...Hard...It seemed like he was fading in and out of consciousness as he laid on the floor, and Fido and Ralph immediately ran over to him to see if he was okay.

"Kevin!" Fido yelled at him. "Are you okay?!"

It took a bit for the Doberman to respond.

"Yeah, I think so...What happened?" He responded, dazed from the impact.

"You went to tackle Gauge and he dodged you," Fido told him.

The dog, even though he was out of it, seemed confused.

"What? Nobody's ever dodged my tackles before."

Fido and Ralph helped him up after he said that, and they all three looked at me, as well as the multitude of other dogs in the place, and I heard some say things to each other. Someone laughed in the background, and I figured it was Bino... I got up off the floor after a second of regaining my composure, and hurried over to where they were.

"I'm sorry, Kevin. You're not hurt, are you?" I said, worried that he might be.

"No, I'm fine," he replied. "I think..."

"Okay," I responded. "I have to ask you something though: What was that?!"

The three of them laughed a little.

"That's Kevin's signature greeting tackle," Fido answered. "He always says hi to new dogs that way."

"Greeting tackle? Seriously? " I thought to myself. "Man, this night just keeps getting weirder..."

"Greeting tackle?" I asked.

"Yeah. He didn't mean any harm by it. But how did you get out of the way quick enough? Nobody's been able to do that!" Fido continued.

I felt apprehensive about telling him.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but not in front of everyone," I said quietly to him.

Fido made the crowd go back to what they were doing before, and then he and the other two beside him looked intently at me wanting to hear what I said next. Once I was sure that no other dogs in the crowd (especially Bino) were listening in, I proceeded to tell Ralph, Kevin, and Fido.

"Well, it's a long story on exactly how I learned how to do that, but to sum it up, one of my buddies back at the house is a martial artist. Fido, you probably know who I'm talking about... He's a master of Ninjutsu, and he's been my sesai for quite a while. He's trained me almost to the point where I react in self defense before I can even think about it. When Kevin came at me, this happened... I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to."

The three looked at each other and smiled.

"But, Gauge. That's awesome! Why are you shy about telling that?" Fido said to me.

I was kind of surprised by their reaction.

"Well, I don't want people to think that I'm weird for being a Ninja. You don't hear about that too often."

"We don't think it's weird," Fido said happily with the other two agreeing. "I'm sure nobody else will either."

"Well, it still needs to be kept a secret. You guys promise not to tell anyone, at least for a while?"

They all swore that they wouldn't.

"Thanks, guys," I said, smiling.

They were the first ones outside of my family that know about me being a Ninja. I knew that I would have to trust them with my secret because it was too late now...I started to feel a little emotionally drained from today's "experiences". It's been a very LONG night it seemed, and one that I wish I could forget soon. I wanted to go home...

"Hey, guys. I think I need to leave," I said.

They all three looked at me.

"Why? The meeting hasn't even started yet. I thought you'd like to stay for that," Fido said, sounding disappointed.

"Well, I've had a long, and somewhat unusual day, so I think it's best that I go home. Thanks for everything Fido."

"Okay," Fido said as I walked away. "I guess I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, see ya' later," I responded.

I had to find J.C. so I could leave, but as I started into the crowd, he was standing right there. I walked passed him and he walked beside me.

"Gauge, I saw everything, dude. That was awesome!" He said, excitedly.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm ready to go home now, man," I told him.

He acted surprised.

"Really? Why?"

"I've had a rough day, J.C. I don't want to be here anymore," I answered.

"Yeah, I figured that."

"I want to say bye to Fox before I leave though," I said, seeing him up ahead.

"Hey, Gauge! I saw the whole thing with Kevin attempting his tackle! Ha ha! That was really cool the way you dodged him like that!" Fox happily told me as I came up to him.

"Yeah, it must have looked pretty cool... Hey, Fox, I think were going to head out," I told him.

"Uh, okay. You're going to miss the speech Fido's going to give."

"Was he giving a speech tonight? Ah, man. I'd really like to stay for it, but I've had a rough night so I'm going to go home. Is that cool?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I guess I'll see you later then. We'll have to hang out sometime later," he told me.

"Sounds good, man. We'll make plans...Thanks, Fox."

"Okay, see you later," he said.

Me and J.C. continued on until we made it to the door. But before I could open it to go outside, someone stopped me from behind.

"Hehe. What's up with the Kung Fu moves, new dog? I saw everything from back here. What are you, like somekind of dog version of Bruce Lee? Hahaha!" Bino taunted.

Me and J.C. both turned around to face him, and glared at him. I could feel my anger starting to rise, but I tried to control myself. "You have no idea what I'm capable of, Bino... But I'll let you off with a warning" I thought. I watched him laugh, and then, as quickly as I could, I got in his face and acted like I was going to hit him. He immediately stopped laughing and took a few steps back, and looked at me wide-eyed. I expected him to say something after that but nothing came; he just looked at me...I turned around and stepped out of the door with J.C. following me.

We didn't say much as we started on our way back to the house. I was thinking about taking an evening walk after I made it back, perhaps even going into the woods like I wanted to earlier. There's still plenty of light outside, and I won't be gone long. Besides, I need to do something to help me get rid of stress, and walking has always helped me. I guess I could ask J.C. to do me a solid and go tell everyone where I went...

Sound like a good idea...


Okay, that's it for chapter 4. I'm sorry it took so long to get it up. I feel like I may have lacked some details, but I hope you guys can follow it. I need to get my thoughts together for chapter 5, so I'll try to have it up soon.
Thanks! Hope you guys are enjoying this!

(Oh, and I hope you don't mind the double spacing, Valerio. I just think it's easier to read this way. If you like, I could tweak it a little. You just let me know.)
Last edited by Alastair on Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

Post by Kondog »

excellent character dialogue! you did really good job with Fido Ralph and Kevin extremely believable. I can tell you changed something but I can't put my finger on it just yet. whatever it is a deftly makes the story flow much better ;) I am also really enjoying the idea of a ninja dog in Babylon! what unique idea. I can't wait to see where you take this but wherever it goes I was feeling it's going to be quite a fun ride. great job TougeFoxJ.D.M.
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Re: Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

Post by KizerZin »

Not fair... I was so hoping for some cats to go affter them because of the cat nip...

yes yes TougeFox you have improved you'r skill... now get back to work!
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Re: Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

Post by Alastair »

Kondog wrote:excellent character dialogue! you did really good job with Fido Ralph and Kevin extremely believable. I can tell you changed something but I can't put my finger on it just yet. whatever it is a deftly makes the story flow much better ;) I am also really enjoying the idea of a ninja dog in Babylon! what unique idea. I can't wait to see where you take this but wherever it goes I was feeling it's going to be quite a fun ride. great job TougeFoxJ.D.M.

Thanks Kondog! I think I may have amped up Guage's personal feelings a bit. I was kind of worried about how this chapter was going to turn out, but I'm glad you guys like it!
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Re: Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

Post by valerio »

Hehe, loved it! :D
Poor Kevin, he just wants to be friendly! :? But anyway, another great update... And I keep thinking that guy's name should be Gauge.
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Re: Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

Post by Alastair »

valerio wrote:Hehe, loved it! :D
Poor Kevin, he just wants to be friendly! :? But anyway, another great update... And I keep thinking that guy's name should be Gauge.

.........Oh man, you're right!!! I looked up the word and it is spelled with the a before the u! I'll fix that ASAP!!!

EDIT: Problem- fixed... Dignity- Need of repair....
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Re: Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

Post by Alastair »

Hey guys. I'm working on the story right now, and I should have it up hopefully by the middle of next week. Sorry it's taken so long....
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Re: Housepets! New Kids On The Block [part 1]

Post by copper »

This is some epic material here! I am enjoying reading it, and hope you continue.

A doggy ninja in training. Bino is going to need to reserve hospital rooms from now on! :lol:
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