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Post by valerio »

Your humble writer talking.
The events portrayed in the current comic arc did happen in my continuity. Only, they have happened a couple of years later. And yes, Fox was already the nice guy by then and Max had already been nipped at his ear.
Thank you
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Post by legendario13 »

i know its out of topic cause you all are far away from this but...

EvanAierkan wrote:Image
I have no idea why I did this.



i snorted the coffee i was drinking all over my k-board
Last edited by legendario13 on Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by valerio »

Yup! Evan did just a great job! :lol:
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Re: Quick...Before they see

Post by legendario13 »

I know i say this a lot but... I love you book!
Peanut's dad is awesome. (remembers me old times)
Paralel reality frames.
The story of dayshaun (bit confussing).
Its a cliffhanger on each chapter!
And the images...
You guys complement each other, keep it like this
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Post by valerio »

The shop window looked impressive and worth of the shop’s name. It displayed uniforms from several major wars, armors, weapons from the AK-47 down to a Morningstar and a halberd… Everything was in the most perfect condition, even a museum would’ve been proud.
“Jackpot, tiger!” The Siamese cat wearing eyeglasses standing in front of the shop said, purring with satisfaction and desire. This was the place he had been looking for.
Humming a military march, the cat walked to the door. It hissed open, and he was welcomed by the delicious smell of greased metal, copper, iron, ironed suits, wood and leather that filled the large place.… He inhaled deeply. “Hmm!”
“Looks like someone knows what he likes,” came a voice from behind him! The cat startled and turned, ready to face…a fox?
A veritable, red-furred vulpine, with a bushy white-tipped tail, paws and legs of a brownish hue. His slitted-pupils eyes were of a hypnotic green. And he wore a black jacket with matching boots. The final touches to that curious concept of elegance were the monocle on his left eye and the golden chain of a watch hanging at the left pocket..
The fox bowed politely to the cat, at the same time extending his left arm. “Sorry for startling you, stranger. Allow me to introduce myself: I am Edwin Rommel, owner and manager of this humble shop. How may I be of assistance?”
“You took me by surprise,” the cat said. “I like that. My name is Benito Bigglesworth, and I am here because I need your help to set up the most formidable event to celebrate the inauguration of the first pet social club in these premises.”
The fox’s eyes shone with interest. “Benito, eh? And you talk like him too.”
“Aw, shucks. And please, call me Bennie! And you? Any relations?”
“My Dad keeps saying that I descend from the mascot of an Afrika Korps regiment, but to his merit he never favored the Germans, when it comes to running this shop.”
“I can see that,” Benito said, looking around. The interior was like the display window had promised: it was like standing in a musem. Indiana Jones could die happy, here.
Rommel rubbed his paws with renewed interest. “So? What’s this ‘event’ you were talking about? Though I can’t help wondering how could this shop get involved.”
Benito leaned on his host’s shoulder, acting like a conspirator. “Oh, it’s easy: do you know what a snowball fight is, right?”
“Keep talking.”
It took fifteen minutes for the cat to fully explain what were his intentions. “…And if this thing is a hit, of which I am most definitely sure, then we’ll do it every year to mark the anniversary of the Love For Life Social Club’s foundation. And you will get a bit richer. So? Ain’t it a deal?”
Rommel nodded, while his brain processed the necessary items. “It can be done, yes! I will only need to know how the teams are divided. For the uniforms, you know… No, wait! I think I know just the right pet!”
“You bet it you know him!” said a new, gruff voice, from behind them, startling cat and fox both.
“So, it looks like someone is a thief of ideas, eh?” said the Pug, staring angrily at Benito. “Son, your life depends on just one honest-to-dog answer: did you eavesdrop me and then ran here to pretend this was the making of your expired neurons?”
The cat gulped nervously. “Ah, peace?” He waved a small Swiss flag. “Plus, you wouldn’t dare to bite a guy wearing glasses, would you?”
Rommel turned his eyes from cat to dog and back again. “Well, this is something you two boys will resolve between yourselves. As for me, I am just happy to do business in a winning idea. Herr Linus, do I take it that everyone this cat told me was your idea?”
The small dog nodded. “Cross my Ts. And Elpis will pay every single bill.”
Now the fox was ecstatic. “My friend, this is the start of something wunderbar.”
“Thank you, foxie. Now, as for you, dear kitty…” Linus added with a malevolent stare…
“This is a stupid idea,” Volant said, munching nervously a biscuit. “Why do I have to participate in this stupid club thing?”
“Because we must prove to these silly pets that we can be friendly and social,” the parrot on his right shoulder said –again. “We just can’t keep lurking around seeking for information, and this club is the perfect opportunity to pick up secrets and gossip…and forge new allegiances. Lucky us, that dum-dum Frits had decided he owed us anyway for telling him about his Mom’s investigation, and I am not one to waste a favor. Got me, big boy?”
Any other pet or human talking to him that way would’ve been already on its way to the hospital, but Volant had this twisted conception of friendship. He didn’t mind much Piper’s manners, he just wanted to be treated with respect and honesty. And in his eyes, Piper was one most sincere bird, like his housemate, that creepy snake, Macajuel. “I got you. But I wonder how everybody will react to him.” His nose went to the snake, who was coiling lazily on a fake branch.
“Aw, I’ll just hug them to make them feel at ease,” Macajuel said.
Volant rolled his eyes. “I hope you’re a good conversationalist, at least.”
The python’s tongue flicked in amusement. “To die for.”
“Clementia you are acting even more nervous than usual,” said the minipinscher, before he took another, long sip from his coffee. “It can’t be them cats you have dealt with worse at the Academy and don’t say it’s my yapping you know it’s not true so open up what’s eating you?”
The cat was finishing filling up the papers for her shift’s activities. She didn’t even lift her eyes while answering, “You know what’s eating me, hypercharged mutt? This job is boring. And I hate dog/cat romance.”
Immediately Tobee’s ears went straight forward like two radar dishes. “This sounds interesting.”
Clementia sighed. She finished filling the report, signed it and closed the journal. “It’s not that I am ungrateful for an environment as quiet as Terrace High, but I so wish something happened at all! I mean, have you seen what happened in Babylon Gardens? Killer dogs, kidnappers, ghosts, bomb threats and that wonderful social tension that from time to time would keep everyone on edge…”
Another sigh was heard, this time of happiness, from behind her.
Clementia turned, meeting the wagging figure of Hannibal. The Alsatian was actually wagging while saying, “Oh, yes, never a moment of bore, there. Some pets are so lucky.”
Tobee made a face at them. “You two are officially weird.”
The Brazilian Shorthair leaned back in her chair. “Security should be about keeping people safe. Here there are so many electronic gizmos that the compound could watch itself, and in this you are the only one enjoying it, Tobee. The only action we got was that crazy dog, Volant, and Athena got to apprehend him. It’s not fair, when I get to use my martial arts?!”
Tobee shrugged. “You could always use your free time to go at the zoo and start wrestling with a tiger or a grizzly it would be a good exercise for the both of you.”
Clementia cocked her head, actually smiling at the idea. “Why, thank you Smart Alec: that would work great to vent some stress.” She then scratched her chin, thoughtfully. “Hmm, or I could open up a legal pet fight club in the gym. What do you say, Hooch?”
The Alsatian shook his head. “I know you are trying to get me crazy and get an excuse for a fight, chica, so I will let it pass. I am Psycho, all right? And anyway, no: even if we started a charity, pet fight is forbidden in all States, remember?”
Clementia stuck her tongue at him. “Spoilsport.”
“It’s official now you creep me out kitty but why this hate against mixed species couples I find it kinda cute and then why joining this Love For Life club at all?”
The cat started nibbling at her pen, while looking at the ceiling. “Have you read the membership list? If confirmed, that club is going to breed enough troubles to keep me occupied until next Christmas. In fact, I want to propose myself for security… Oh, and yes, I want to see them weirdos: they did a good job hiding so far, and I want to make sure to cut all my relationships with any friend of mine who dared to be engaged in an out-of-species relationship.”
“Hey!” Tobee said in an indignant tone. “I happen to like cats and I wouldn’t put Sigmund above similar interests too!”
Clementia shrugged. “So what? You’re colleagues and I respect the rank. But thank you for telling, in my free time I will avoid you as if you were plague-ridden.”
Joey examined the printouts with a much satisfied expression… Then he paused, looking over his shoulder. “Ah, guys? You don’t need to do that, you know?”
Ten Bigglesworths were piling up behind the young dog, examining with intent blue eyes at the same files. “Please go on.” “It’s such an interesting read.” “A python and a squirrel in the same place?” “Man, you need some heavy security here!” “Who’s gonna play the lunch?”
Alandra browsed through her own copy, nibbling at her pencil. “Hmm, I see that these five Security applied to extend their service for the Club. Samson too asked to be put in the staff, so we’re covered on that item… Say, Teg, what do you think? Found anyone interesting?” She wiggled her eyebrows at her friend.
Tegan blushed. “Heh, well, yes and no. I mean, there are a lot of cute guys here, and Samson, well… *sigh* He’s just the ideal guy, but I’m not sure he would like me the same way.” To make sure to get as many members as possible, and avoid any embarrassment, she had avoided inserting a ‘species preferences’ in the sign-up form. She hoped the Club’s description was explicit enough to draw out-of-species lovers spontaneously.
“I thought your ideal guy was Elliot. Not to twist the knife in your wound, of course.”
“No prob. Yes, Elliot got the finest mix of charme, personality, physical aspect… But Samson is, well, he is some boy and more. I regret so much not trying to…know him while I had the chance…”
“But you have it now,” Joey said, bending forward to pat her leg. “Believe me: Peanut went through the same dilemma. He was so worried to have lost Grape in favor of Max that he tried to start a relationship with Tarot. But his heart wasn’t in it, and that had made for more suffering.
“Tegan, I’ll say it to you as I said to Peanut: if you think you like someone, go for it. And if you want me to get corny, I’ll throw in a bunch of fortune cookies phrases.”
“Watch it,” Squeak said from the dog’s shoulder. “He collects them, and he loves Chinese food. I swear, his place smells like a take-away when he’s got D&D nights. You know, I really fear he and Fido were exchanged when their owners chose them.”
“Squeeeakie..!” Joey wanted to disappear between his shoulders. Tegan just laughed. “Ah, don’t worry about that: in fact, another thing I need you for is how to organize indoor events. Okay, every apartment here is a multimedial center in itself, and it can be connected with the others… But I would like some games that helped us forge a group mentality rather than an online personality. Suggestions? Joey? Why are you looking at me like that now?”
The young dog was looking at her with a puppyish adoration. He let out a dreamy sigh. “Why did you never join my club—Ow!” That came when he was slapped behind his skull by eleven paws. “Guys! Like, what did I say?”
“Because I was elsewhere with my heart,” Tegan answered. “Now, what board games would you suggest?”
Joey started writing down his suggestions. “Hmm, SceneIt, Magic the Gathering, Trivial Pursuit, Talisman, Scrabble, Risk, Monopoly… Yes, that would do it. I’ve browsed through your local board games store, and you won’t have a problem finding what you need.”
“’Raided’ would better describe it, luv,” Blanche said. “You spent half of your savings in reproduction.”
Joey blushed slightly as he scoffed. “So what? Those are the rarest—“
“Apart from Trivial and MtG, aren’t the rest of those games a bit too…competitive, on an individual level?” Tegan intervened before the discussion degenerated. Teasing Joey about his D&D was like breaking apart a dam filled at brim capacity.
It worked, this time. Joey waved enthusiastically his pencil. “No! well, Scrabble is, but it helps focusing off the boredom during a raining day. SceneIt is a very fun game, it’s e-entertainment and board game in one. With Monopoly, it always ends up at least two players allying to become richer at the expense of the others, literally –oh, and never accept the suggestion of using real money, believe me. With Risk, the alliances become political and shifty, better than in an Italian government! You’ll see, at a point they all start yelling like at the Congress.”
“Doesn’t sound too relaxing,” Alandra intervened shyly.
“But it helps venting our manic energies. You won’t find a player that isn’t panting or tired out at the end of every session. Oh, and books! Lots of books, culture is important and it’s a cheap and easy way to pass time. Food and beverages are okay, but not of the junky kind. Oh, and about the portables! Teg, if someone wants to bring on his or her own PC, make sure they also bring their headsets if they want to watch something. That can be annoying to the others, sometimes.”
“’Annoying…’ Alandra was writing down. She had elected herself as vice President and Secretary, and Tegan had no objections to that. “Say, what about volunteering?”
Cats and dog gave her a puzzled look.
The smaller Maine Coon nodded. “Now that would be putting our energies to a good use and make a great impression for our Club. I know how it’s like to live a barely decent life, if not worse. And since Brother Lazarus never minds some help with his activities for his church, well…”
Joey was actually gawking at her. Well, back at the Gardens it was the K-9 Unit who took care of the charity initiatives, with the support of the Good Old Dog Club and the Common Life Society (much to Bino’s scorn), while the families of the rich pets of Poe Plaza organized the charity events on the most mundane level.
Joey had never considered that a club could actually volunteering for social jobs. “That would be so awesome! That must be the first thing to put in the status and have it approved at the first meeting! Once the first pets will sign in, others will follow. And you know what’s the best thing about it? Even if someone wanted to start another no dog- or no cats- club, they will have to be more present in charities, or they’ll look like a bunch of lazy, spoiled pets. Ali, I love you!” And Joey actually bent forward and gave her a loud kiss on her cheek!
Before the cat had even the time to blush, eleven pair of paws grabbed him and pulled him back while threatening feline snarles started filling the air. Squeak jumped down just in time, before the Bigglesworth started exacting vengeance in a most painful fashion.
Squeak sighed, shaking her head. “I hope your vet is good, though I already know what this dummy will say once he’s recovered back to life.”
“And it would be?” Alandra asked.
“All worth it.”

Episode 3
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

great update as always, though I find the Bigglesworths a bit too overprotective. it was just a kiss on the cheek. he still love Blanche.
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Post by EvanAierkan »

Looks like Clementia needs a good long hug from some nice doggie.
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Post by Wolfy »

if clementia sees a dog at the social club and falls in love I would laugh at her so much. she just needs to lighten up though. I can't wait for the club to get started it will be awesome
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Post by angelusbr »

I enjoyed this Joey development.
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Re: Quick...Before they see

Post by legendario13 »

Yay! I finish season II
epic final!
I love how you use vehicles and weapons with all the stats..
Also the prologe, the pilot were awesome (i want to know where that goes)
i can wait to read more about peanut, grape and dayshaun!
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

well, you don't get much of that yet. just one scene so far in season 3.
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Post by legendario13 »

i was soo over exited but...
okay.PNG (56.34 KiB) Viewed 30654 times
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Post by Zukio »

I finally caught up, great work as always Valerio!
Can't wait till the next one!
I like Pie!!!
Go ahead and send me a message, maybe we could talk about pie!
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Post by copper »

I get sick for one week and have to read through ten updates.... I swear, your fanfic is aweosme, but it can really be taxing at times. :roll:

Great job all around. I can only find one little pet peeve with it, and it is nothing at all!

Loved the kittens, and Dayshaun's eyes.... so Peanut
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Post by legendario13 »

I..I JUST...catch up

How dare you!?
you took me to the heaven and then shoot me back on the hell!
Now i have nothing to read.......everything is lost......
nothing remains....

NO! wait..... :oops:

i was just mad...... i will be patient... i'll be waiting for you to update.


I CAN COPE WITH THAT...i can cope...
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Post by valerio »

sorry guys, depression got the best of me.
Will be back, but not for a while.
Sorry. :(
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Post by angelusbr »

valerio wrote:sorry guys, depression got the best of me.
Will be back, but not for a while.
Sorry. :(
Take care of yoruself. That's much mroe important.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

yeah. you give us much more on a regular basis than most fanfic writers do anyway. We can wait for more. hope you feel better soon.
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Post by Wolfy »

valerio wrote:sorry guys, depression got the best of me.
Will be back, but not for a while.
Sorry. :(
I wish there was something we could do for you :(
hope you feel better soon
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Post by Zukio »

I hope you feel better soon, I think we can all wait till you are better.
I like Pie!!!
Go ahead and send me a message, maybe we could talk about pie!
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Post by copper »

No worries, Valerio! You really do need a break dude. It is well deserved. I just hope you feel better, man.
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Post by kavviyenta »

Take your time, sir. Take your time.

Heh, a new club that listed the whole pet cast, san Morrigan, in a nutshell. Hope to some grumpy ones like Volant and Clementia to defrost. The latter should feel honored considering her human father, or just partner, trained Budweiser. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by valerio »

Season III
Episode 4 – Grand Opening

The Daily Fact’s Director Office, The Fulcrum, Terrace High. Two days before the opening.

“And, given your merits and your dedication to the cause of the truth, you’ll be assigned to your first reportage for this online newspaper. You will cover the opening of the Love For Life Social Club. I expect you to give us a coverage in full colors and rich of details. The Daily Fact prides itself in covering the various aspects of pets’ life. And I’m sure our readers will go D’awwww! with each update. Are you ready!”
“I am ready, Beef!” said the retriever mix, proudly posing in a smart salute. The dog wore a fedora with a Press tag stuck to its rim, and held a bloc notes, a tape recorder and two pens. A digital camera was hanging from his shoulder.
“Very well,” said the e-newspaper’s Director, holding out his hand. “Then go and get ready for the event, Frits Cardore.”
The dog shook, then left the office wagging like crazy, with the proudest grin a pet could display: this was indeed a dream come true! Since being adopted he had wanted to walk in the step of his Mom and now here he was. His first assignment! He couldn’t wait to start interviewing someone!

Back in his office, Terence Cox was smiling like a cat after the canary, satisfied with his choice.
And he smiled even more so, when they knocked at the door. “Come in,” he said, knowing perfectly who it was.
The door opened and an African American woman peered in. “Beef?”
The smile assumed the tone of a shark’s after sniffing out blood. “Guinevere, girl, please do come in.”
Guinevere had spent the morning repeating to herself that she was a mature woman, that she had to accept the consequences of her errors, that she was human and everyone could make mistakes.
The fact that since discovering that her attempt to expose Martin J. Foster for crimes he hadn’t committed had been founded on nothing but wild speculations, Beef hadn’t told her a single thing hadn’t made things easier for the reporter. She had expected, and rightfully so, that Beef would eat her up like a candy for trying to write an reportage accusing Babylon Garden’s most notable pet advocate of covering pet abuses in order to protect his brother and his business… Oh, yes, and drawing none-the-less than the Milton Foundation and none other than Raimund Radulph Gottschalk, Terrace High’s founder and owner, in the mud. Cheer up, girl, you screwed SO big time!
But Beef hadn’t yet deployed his rightful retribution. And that meant he had something worse than firing in mind.
The man gestured to her to sit down. After she had done so, Beef said, “I take it you have noticed Frits getting out of my office.”
Guinevere nodded.
“Good. Because for a while he’ll be covering the news regarding the animals of Terrace High. biopark included.”
Guinevere thought it wasn’t such a harsh punishment. She covered those kind of news, but she did feel proud for her dog after all. Frits had always wanted to be a reporter like her, and this assignment would help him grow out of his shyness. She silently thought a big ‘good luck’ for him. “And as for the news from the country and the world? We can’t let that space uncovered.”
Beef nodded. “So true. That’s why I decided to try and give someone else that seat. And since he’s new to the job you’ll be a nice girl and assist him in any possible way. And please, try not to get territorial, I know how you think. We’ll try with a stage until Christmas, what do you think?”
She thought that that was the first step to her replacement. She felt something dying inside her.
Cox clicked his tongue and shook his head, looking at her as if he wanted to reach to her and hug her. “Dear, don’t worry, that seat is yours and it will stay so until you got fingers to write, don’t worry.”
Still not relieved. Where was the catch? “This new guy… Is it someone I know?” And in the moment she spoke those words, she knew where this all was going. Oh, no…
As if he had read her mind, the new trainee said. behind her, “Oh, yes!”
Guinevere saw one of the chairs turn and showing… Harold Jagermeister III, wiggling his fingers at her, showing the widest, most leeching, triumphant smile a human face could display. “Say hello to your new boss, baby.”
Guinevere almost fainted. She desperately needed a barf bag. If possible, she almost bleached with fright. “Beef, in the name of human decency, please! I’ll clean the floor with my tongue, every day, twice a day. I will tattoo ‘welcome’ on my back and be your doormat. I will join ACROS. Anything but this.”
Beef almost licked his chops. “Guinny, really: consider this the proper retribution for almost destroying my newspaper's reputation.”
She pointed a trembling finger at the young man behind her. “I know, but…Harold?!
“Hey, I’m still here you know?”
Cox nodded. “He must learn to be a reporter, the board” namely, the newspaper’s owner, H. Jagermeister II “wants him to be a reporter, and what better teacher than you?”
“Oh, and to start,” Harold said, “what about a nice cup of coffee? I like it black,” he added with a lecherous grin.
Guinevere Cardore started facedesking repeatedly, hoping she’d fall in a coma.
For Want of a Nail – Rommel’s War Memorabilia

“Do you realize this is disturbingly stereotypical?” the Shiba Inu by the name of Tsuki asked. She was wearing a perfect uniform of an Infantry officer of the Japanese Imperial Army
Next to her, the German Sheperd/husky mixes, Gauss and Curie Gottschalk, didn’t look at ease as well as they kept examining their Wehrmacht uniforms. “Should Dad see us with this stuff on, he’ll hang us to the wall as home decoration. And it is stereotypical.”
“Tsuki is right,” Curie said. “This is a bad idea.”
“Speak for youselves!” said Benito Bigglesworth, proudly displaying his Regio Esercito Italiano uniform. “This fez rocks!”
“Well, at least someone got taste,” Edwin Rommel, fox and manager of the war memorabilia shop said. He was wearing a LUCE director uniform, and similarly dressed was the rabbit Shadow. “Guys, come on! The great snowball war is supposed to be the main event to celebrate the opening of the club! We can’t just reduce it to-to some happy snowball fight! That’s for puppies! And I am a pro!” The fox scoffed, displaying a snotty expression.
“Look,” Shadow said, while checking the old camera with a perplexed look, “we wanted your help to put up the equipment to film the snowball war and give it all a documentary look. Like in a WWII movie. Creating political alignments wasn’t the idea… And what’s this stuff, anyway?”
“That’s an original 35mm Imal movie camera. And do not open it, please, it’s loaded with original Kodachrome film. You won’t get better stuff to record the war, it’s been tested in both the European and the Pacific fronts.”
“Do you mean it’s not digital?” Shadow asked, pointing the capped objective at his own eye. “I thought this was a digital camera with a replica shell.”
Rommel whimpered, his ears and whiskers drooping in anguish. “Thou art cruel.” Then he grabbed the device. “You are unworthy, rodent!”
“Well, technically I am a—“
“I don’t care! If you dare to compare this jewel of XX century war cinematography to one of your traps for lazy minds, you are not even worthy to touch it!”
“And how are we supposed to use it anyway?!” Gauss said. “Come on, Rommel, when was the last age someone used a film camera?!”
Rommel sighed, sounding as if he was about to bear the weight of the world over his back. “Fine, fine! No playing soldiers, but I get to film the event.” Then he started to pet the camera, cooing like a mother hen. “Don’t worry, dear, I will ask the help of those nice pets of the camera shop. They will treat you like a gooood camera.”
Karahalios House, Apt. 494, Lev. 49

“A snowball fight?” Khloe Karahalios had turned very pale at the very concept.
Elpis could be blind, but he didn’t need to see her to imagine that reaction. When it came to his health, Kloe and her husband Adelphos became as protective as eagles. In the few weeks they had spent at Terrace High, they had come to the conclusion that the world was out to make muffins out of their beloved son’s fur and steal his soul.
The Karahalios family sat in the living room, furnished and decorated in the style of the villa they had to leave back at Athens. The big grandfather’s clock quietly marked the hours and minutes in defiance of the more sophisticated instruments available in the condominium.
The Australian terrier smiled comfortingly to the woman that had really cared for him like he did for her lost human son. “Yes, Mom. It will be fun, really. There are good pets in the Club—“
“Like that…dog,” Adelphos interrupted him. Of course, a lot of dogs had joined the LFL Club, but only one deserved the cold scorn in the man’s voice.
Volant Male, Rhodesian Ridgeback, a dog with a difficult past, who had grown a real attitude. Adolpho and Khloe wouldn’t have minded his presence in the compound, hadn’t he beaten their beloved dog. From that moment on, even if they were quite lenient with their son, they had strictly forbidden him from even contacting him, or they would have raised war to have Volant thrown out of Terrace High.
The problem was, Elpis knew Volant wasn’t a bad dog at heart. He had grown mean, but the short time they had spent together had told Elpis there was hope.
Elpis really wanted to meet Volant again, but the Ridgeback himself had made it clear, for how much politely, that he didn’t prefer to have other contacts with the blind dog. For now.
“Mom, Dad, you read the membership list, did you?” He didn’t even have to wait for the answer. The list was displayed in the hall’s billboard, among other service communications to the residents. The Karahalios must have been the first to examine it closely. “Then you know that there will be five security pets at the opening. I promise I will stick closely with them, I will make sure that at least one of them will be watching over me. But please, don’t isolate me from the others.” He aimed his artificial eyes at Khloe, knowing he could put up his best pleading expression all the same, as if he could look straight into her eyes and from there into her heart. “Please?”
The woman sighed, shook her head in resignation. “You know how to pull me, you little rascal.” She leaned forward and hugged him tight –despite her best intentions, 2 times out of 3 she managed to squeeze half of his life out of his body. Elpis had managed to live through that.
“Thank you Mom, really.” And, of course, he couldn’t see his parents exchanging a knowing look. They had hoped he’d come up with that proposal by himself, because they were just ready to tell him they had already asked those security pets to keep an eye on him…
Jackson house, Apt 202, Lev. 20

“Let’s see…” Joey said, running through the final checklist. “120 sandwiches, check. Cookies, 5 Kg, check. Soda, 70 cans, check. Yarn balls, 40, check. Rawhides, 40, check. First Aid kits, 30, check. Coffins, 5, che—“ The young dog sighed and threw his eyes at the ceiling. “Bigglesworth?”
“Yes?” 11 Siamese cats answered from the pile made of their furry bodies sprawled all over the big central couch in the living room.
“What did I tell you about morbid jokes?”
“Who’s joking?” Bubba said, without taking his eyes off the big TV screen that had apparently focused their attention to an unnatural level. “Man, have you read the members list? You should ask for Dr. Ross and David Fisher to join before opening that place.”
“Yeah,” Bradley added, his eyes too glued to the screen. “Worst case, your friend will make tons of money with medicare and funerals.”
Joey decided not to pursue that argument. Instead he went back to the real items on the list –after deleting the notary’s name for the last wills. “Silly cats.”
“All hail the Hypnotoad,” they said in a droning voice.
“Do you think there will be problems?” the Maine Coon asked him.
Joey shook his head, blushing lightly. He felt jittery when Tegan talked to him, she had been one of the cutest kitties in Babylon Gardens, but of course he had always been too shy to ask her out. It had taken Grape to drive him into his very first date with one of the Bigglesworth. And now he was going to marry her, just like other pets had done before him!
“No, I don’t think so. I may not know these pets, but as long as you respect the dispositions I gave you, you’ll do great. Lucky us, five security pets joined, so things should be under control.”
Tegan sighed. “I hope so. I never ran a Club, I really don’t know how will I do once you’re gone.”
Joey felt like asking her to marry him. “Aw, it’s easy once you select some volunteers to help you out. Just don’t expect to run everything by yourself: the Club’s spirit consists of as many members to do their share of work. Participation is the secret, remember.”
Tegan hugged him! “Thank you! You’ve been the greatest help ever… Something wrong?”
Joey was now sniffing repeatedly. “Nosebleed. Sorry.” He ran to the bathroom.
Tegan turned to the large window-door of the terrace.
This was so going to be a special day…
Last edited by valerio on Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by legendario13 »

No Guine, you are not going anywhere honey!

spectacular as always!
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

lol nose bleed. Too bad it didn't send him flying anime style.
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Post by copper »

Of course he nosebleeds... I am surprised he is still alive after so much blood loss! :lol:

That is quite the punishment for the news hound..... Happy for Fritz though!

Elpis is quite the blind dog, really manipulative if he wants to be! :roll:
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Post by valerio »

The Fulcrum’s hall, Terrace High

Tegan was sad.
48 hours since arranging the final details for the opening of the Love For Life social club, her mood had changed from the highest expectations to the deepest despair.
She had underestimated nothing. Food and drinks were ready, the decorations had been set up. The members had been informed about the house rules, and everyone who had pre-signed up was there and bound to have a good time.
But someone, up there, had decided to spoil their fun.
Today’s snowfall had started in the middle of the night. Despite it being widely announced, its intensity had surprised everyone, even Terrace High’s maintenance service –and they were already instructed on the worst case scenario as a routine!
The working crew had been deployed at fullest to allow the residents to walk in the park, but the general recommendation was that everyone stood indoors for the duration of the snow storm. Almost three feet of the white flakes had fallen overnight, and the weatherman was pessimistic…
“I feel like eating a bowl of whipped cream right now,” said the golden retriever next to the Maine Coon cat.
Tegan shook her head, chuckling. “Elliot Bannister, only you could think about food right now.”
The dog wagged as he flashed her a grin. “That, and I managed to distract you too.” He put his arm around her shoulder and held her to him. He did feel awkward, now that she had brought officially out her feelings for him, but right now Tegan needed a good friend.
“Thank you,” she said, abandoning herself against him. “Are you sure you won’t consider a date?”
Elliot shook his head. “You’ll find a better hound than me once we start our first official reunion. Even if we’ll have to delay it. After all, you founded the club for you bunch of weirdos too, right—Ouchie!” That came when she elbowed him in the ribs. Kitty could be soft of fur, but she had elbows and kneecaps like spikes!
“Stupid. By the way, thank you again for joining.”
“Heh, couldn’t miss it. You didn’t need the threats, you know: I am still your friend.”
“Those were for breaking my poor, innocent heart.”

“This is so getting better and better,” a certain parrot whispered in the ear of the Rhodesian Ridgeback on whose shoulder he was perching.
“And how so?” Volant asked, scanning around the crowd. He felt nervous, he hated standing in a crowd. The last time he had attended a party thrown by his former owners, one of them had dropped acid in his eye. He hadn’t lost it, but now instead of a blue eye he got a bloodshot-red one.
A paw went to the fur tuft, automatically putting it over the red eye, not wanting to show that scar that had also marked the end of his trust in any human being, including his current owner –ironically, the very same man that had rescued him from the abusive couple.
Piper could be a manipulative, heartless liar, but he knew that fleabag enough to know when it was time to distract him. He liked having his own personal bodyguard, but this boy was acting like a bomb ready to go off. “Think, Volly—“
“You know I hate that.”
“You hate my superior wits, brawn-boy. Hate them but can’t live without them. Not your fault.” He patted the dog’s head. Volant grunted, averting his eyes, and Piper knew he had him back by the leash. “Anyway, as I was saying: this day is going downhill. Everyone will get bored, eventually, and decide this happy club idea was a stupid idea to start with. And, to make sure this will be a failure,” he added with an even lower voice, “I unleashed our special agent among these silly happy pets.”
Volant found himself smiling for the first time that day. “You know how to make me feel good.”
“Yup. Life is a long, good vengeance…”

Among the crowd’s white noise, there was a terrified whisper that was repeating the same word over and over again, like the mantra of a paranoid Hare Krishna. “Germs. Germs everywhere. Too many germs…” thus was speaking the female white rabbit, too scared to move, her ears flattened against her skull, pinpoint pupils, paws frantically moving as if she was washing them.
“You see?” said the male otter at her left. “You are getting a bit paranoid after living in your apartment for so long without social contacts. Try to relax, Jasmine dear, and soon you’ll laugh these fears off.”
She still didn’t move, but her red eyes went to him like promises of horrible pain. “Errol, one more word from you and I’ll turn these walls into pop-art with your blood. I will have to wash all day to clean myself. Germs…”

From time to time, a pet in the crowd would startle as he or she felt something slithering between his or her legs.
“Hey, watch it!” said the Maximillian Rozen. “You want to end up with a broken vertebra, snake?”
“Python, please,” the creature said, rising to meet the dog’s eyes with his own cold stare, making the Finnish Lapphund gulp. “Please address properly to my breed, just as I wouldn’t call you ‘mutt’.”
“You call everyone ‘dog’, as a matter of fact—“ he shut up when he saw the enormous mouth open. “OkyourforgivenmayIhelpyou? Sir?”
Macajuel smiled –and that too was an uncomfortable expression to see. “Oh, yes, you may: you see, I am looking for this friend of ours, our nice, tasty squirrel butler. William, I think his name is. He spent all this time avoiding me, I only want him to know me better.” His eyes almost touched with Max’s. “You’re not hiding that sweet creature from me, aren’t you? That wouldn’t make me happy. At all.” Macajuel had worked on his voice, so to make it sound sweet, even amused, to a casual bystander, but cold like the voice of death to the unfortunate he was addressing.
Max was almost fainting. “Ah, ah…I…”
“You were looking for me, buddy?” said a voice behind the python.
Macajuel turned. “Actually yes, William dear! I so longed to spend some time with—you?” In turning, he had bumped his snout against a kind of furry wall.
No, not a wall, actually. A mass of finely-toned muscles with a thick layer of fur.
The body of a male Saint Bernard, who was looking at the snake with a dangerous light in his eyes.
And William the squirrel was sitting happily on his protector’s shoulder, waving his paw. “Nice to meet you. Oh, and I am sure you know my new best buddy, Samson. So, what did you want to talk about…pal?”
It was the snake’s turn to gulp, as he tried to put on a friendly smile. “Nothing, really… Just that I am not being paid enough. See ya.” He turned and slithered away –it was okay to sow nervousness and get an extra meal in the process, but Piper really hadn’t paid him enough for a close encounter with that strong guy!
Macajuel decided he had to put at better use his talents. He just couldn’t stay indoors all his life here!

“You scared of the snakes, buddy?” a persian cat asked the still trembling dog.
Max breathed deeply a couple of times to relax. “Let’s just say that sometimes I wish that asteroid extinguished all reptilian life. If I think that birds are descendant of those scaly things…” he shivered.
Drake Verde regarded the dog with a puzzled look. “Are you sure you’re the pet of a veterinarian?”
“Don’t remind me. Once, when she volunteered for Animal Control, she took care of this alligator, Fluffy or something. Lizzie here played with that thing! And she was small enough to be its snack.”
The Norwegian/Maine mix patted her housemate’s arm. “Come on, big bro! Poor Fluffy wanted only a playmate. Wasn’t she cute when I got to brush her teeth? You should’ve seen it, Drake: her mouth was soooo big!”
The dog almost lost is fur at that thought. “You will be the death of me.”
“Anyway,” Drake said, “in case that guy gives you problems, just remember.” He handed the dog a business card with the Drake & Verde logo. “Lawyers can be your friends too.”

What was the phrase? The natives are restless.
Tegan turned and faced the crowd of pets behind her. Impatience was showing, they were moments away from leaving.
She sighed: and yet, despite the weather, they had come, all of them. It showed they trusted her to organize a good time, even with that snowfall ongoing.
The cat’s expression turned to one of determination: Joey was right, she was the President and founder, it was up to her to prove them theirs was a good club!
“Listen up, guys!” she almost startled when all noises ceased abruptly and all ears pointed at her. How can Bino stand that?! She felt like hiding in a corner, but she managed to keep her voice firm as she went on. “I promised you a great time today, and I won’t back off!
“I thought well about it, and I came to the conclusion that, despite the weather, despite the warnings, we shall not be forced inside this building! This is the day we can prove our love for life, our love for the best part of our life! And that means living, not sitting in front of a TV screen!” The more she talked, the more she felt charged up. It was more exhilarating than three cans of soda drank together!
Tegan pointed her arm at the glass doors behind her. “Our clubhouse may not be used for our first meeting, but by Dog—“ “YAY!” went the canine part of the crowd “—There is still the biggest and freshest snowfield out there, waiting for us to set the first pawprints, waiting for us to prove who will be the winner of our very first contest.
“This snowball war is a celebration not only to mark the first day of this club, but also the event that will bond us as a whole! And by Tabby—“ “YAY!” went the feline part of the crowd “—We. Shall. Not. Be. Denied!
Fists were thrown up, as the whole crowd exploded in a collective cheer that made the glasses tremble.
Tegan had a wild look of satisfaction in her eyes. Elliot looked at her as if it was the first time he saw her.
And for that fleeting moment, dog forgive him, he felt definitely attracted by her.

Among the crowd, another pet had all the reasons to feel excited.
So far, Edwin Rommel had filmed this gathering, hoping that something good would came of it, though he was worried that boredom would win and mark the premature end of the LFLSC. But now…now he knew how to make this snowball war something worth fighting!
The fox quickly addressed the two twin Beauceron hounds who were taking pictures with WWII cameras. “Castor! Pollux! Run to the Yamato Shop and get the whole load of this stuff…” He quickly scribbled down the items he needed. “They must have a storeful available, bless the owners’ nostalgia.” The fox gave the paper to one of the dogs and his credit card to the other. “Now hurry, sup sup! Extra reward for doing it yesterday!”
The twins took off like rockets. Rommel ran to the front of the crowd. He quickly went by Tegan’s side and lifted his arms to call for attention. “Gentlefurs, please! A moment of your attention: I want you to organize yourselves in two teams: we are going to make this snowball war memorable, so please take a moment to make your alliances while my trusty assistants will get the uniforms for our teams—“
“Here you go, boss!” said the two dogs, each one carrying three big boxes, their legs trembling under the effort.
Rommel stood agape. “How the heck did you—“ But he knew they would really do it pronto. Castor and Pollux were shopaholics and the promise of money had been the right trigger.
Once the boxes were put down, the fox opened two with his claws and from each one he pulled out a shirt neatly wrapped in cellophane. One shirt was white, with a big red arrow on the chest, pointing down. The other was brown with black shoulders and golden buttons, more military in appearance.
Rommel grinned widely. “And if you’ll be so kind as to wait for a moment longer, I’ll have the proper guns for our snowballs. So…what will you be? Gamilon or Earth?” His question was answered by dozens of glittering eyes. When again the crowd exploded in noises, it was because everyone was engaged in recruiting allies!
“Better than Wall Street,” the fox said, nodding.
Tegan wanted to hug him. “Eddie, that was…fantastic!”
Rommel took his monocle, breathed onto it and cleaned it with a tissue. With a nonchalant tone, he said, “Tegan, dear, I am only doing my part for this Club. I believe you had a great idea, and nothing creates group like the ol’ blue team/red team thing. Just tell the Administration to organize a calory-filled brunch, we all will be needing it.”
“Hold it!” said Gauss Gottschalk. He waved a finger at the fox. “It’s still snowing and it’s not likely to end soon, we will not allow anyone here to run needles risks! And thus the doors will stay closed unless an emergency occurs!”
“AWWW!” went the crowd.
At that moment, as if the indignant heavens had heard that statements, the doors…slid open. Gauss’ expression changed to one of complete shock. “Buh.”
“YAAAY!” went the crowd.

Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ Rozen was the only one to wink at the spectral feline figure standing by the doors.
Morrigan the ghost returned the wink.
Last edited by valerio on Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by legendario13 »

How do you manage to make every piece soo memorable !

I Enjoyed Every Word.

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Post by musclecar326 »

Fantastic updates there sir. The epic snowball fight will be EPIC! Cool uniforms, and Gauss is definitely going to get trampled by the massive crowd running outside. :mrgreen: I loved the encounters between Macajuel and the other two pets. Also I'm glad you are feeling better.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I continue to look forward to more updates as always. I love your fic.
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Post by valerio »

The Hexagon Park, Terrace High

Capture the Flag.
Many variants exist of this traditional outdoor game.
The basic rule is the same everywhere, though: two teams, one flag, the first member of a team getting to the flag wins for the whole team.
It’s only a question of surviving through the path to victory.
The ideal field for this sport is one filled with rocks, bushes, tall grass…anything that allows the players to ambush, attack and ‘tag’ the enemy team one by one.
A flat snow field didn’t sound exactly as the best choice. Especially one that had covered everything lower than 3 feet.
Only the trees could make for a good hiding spot…and to further complicate things, the flag stood at the center of a circle of trees, tied to a half-submerged lamp post.
And the teams were five: Team Earth, Gamilon, Comet, Galmas, Black Nebula. The teams’ organizer, Rommel, was a Star Blazers buff and had decided, to make things more interesting, to create five smaller teams rather than two big ones. Each team was inspired, in the uniforms and the names, to the main civilizations that clashed in the various series. After a long series of fights that had thinned the global number, each team had been reduced to the following members:

- Team Earth (white uniform with red arrow on the chest, pointing down): Errol, Tegan, Alandra, Kwesi, Tsuki, T.J. e Zane
- Team Gamilon (brown and black uniforms): Samson, Elpis, Chocolate, Shadow, Volant, Jasmine
- Team Comet (eerie blue/white uniforms): Maximillian, Elizabeth and (not registered) Morrigan, Elliot, Linus, Isaac
- Team Black nebula (jet black uniforms): Gauss and Curie, William, Pawdrick, Brother Lazarus, Joey
- Team Galmas (grey uniforms): Macajuel, Piper, Drake, Butch, Gaunt

And the snow kept falling…

The black rabbit walked with all the prudence he could muster, while he kept automatically sniffing at the air and moving his ears –but it was useless, he was getting a cold with all that chilly air and the snow dampened the sounds.
And a good shot didn’t need to get close to him to hit him… “I hadn’t time to tell you so far, but…you know? It’s the first time I feel actually safe with you using your magic… Though I believed you disapproved using it in such ‘mundane’ matters.”
The female black rat sitting on his shoulder scanned the area with eyes glowing with a supernatural green light. “The Rozen housemates have the help of a ghost, and that balances my initiative.”
Shadow smiled. “So you do want to win, hm?”
Chocolate nodded. “Count on it. Working with magic implies a winning mentality, so you better stay on guard.”
Shadow was beginning to feel tired. Walking in the snow was draining his energies fast. “Why not teleporting us to the flag?”
“Bad idea. Morrigan would not take it lightly, and you don’t want to deal with an angry ghost haunting your room, I guess.”
Shadow gulped. “I hate supernatural… So, how else will you use your talents?”
“Duck!” was all she said, in a sudden sharp tone that went straight to the rabbit’s heart. Shadow obeyed, just a moment before a snowball hit the air in the point where his head had been.
“I don’t think I need a lot of them to ask you to stop drawing attention, for example.” She said, dusting the snow off her body…again.
“I guess I see your point,” he said. “And please, try not to give me a heart attack next time.”

The German Shepherd/Husky mix felt like cussing. How could that stupid celery-eater hear him!? He had trained at the best private school in order to become the best at stalking a prey!
But that stroke of luck wouldn’t save him from Curie, who was ready to launch her own attack to the unsuspecting lapin—
A snowball hit his chest! A thermal sensor sent the signal to the arbiter and to the other players that he was hit and out.
“Fare thee well, G-boy,” Maximillian Rozen said. “You’re good, but I was born for this environment.”

Curie was just about to launch her snowball against Shadow…when she heard the sound of her brother’s defeat. She got distracted –and she got two snowballs! For the first time since the beginning of the year, she cursed in a very un-PG manner.
Elizabeth Rozen jumped and squealed with delight, then she turned toward Shadow. “Please, wait there while I make a big one just for you, little rabbit. I’ll be a moment.”
“Dream on, girl!” Shadow said, and scampered away.
He was fast, Max had to concede, but he was already in his aim and still close enough. Just one hit and then—
A figure ran past him, faster than lightning, and as much fast in hitting him square on his back! Lizzie mewed as she too succumbed to the same fate!
Then the mysterious attacker stopped, revealing himself as…Volant Male! “Kaput,” he said, still posing like an anime character. Then he straightened up and patted his paws dry. “And now sorry, loser, but I got other victims waiting for me.”
“That was really good, grumpy” Shadow said, giving him a thumb up and winking. “See? Teamwork does it.”
“Watch your mouth, cotton tail,” the Ridgeback growled, making the rabbit’s mouth snap shut. “I never played this sport before. I just love being legitimated into hitting you spoiled pets. We should do it more often.”
Shadow rolled his eyes –okay, so it had been too much to hope that this weird dog could become civilized in a day. “Couldn’t you do it just for the fun?”
“Not me, carrot-eater. This is a war, and the only ones to have fun are the winners. Fair play is for wussies.”
Shadow decided to drop that argument. This canine was definitely hopeless! “I got a name, you know,” he muttered.
Volant made a new snowball. “You use mine and next time I won’t call you ‘dinner’.” He said it casually, and that scared the rabbit more than a direct threat. Shadow gulped.
Security Center, Sublevel 1

“Gauss and Curie Gottschalk, Maximillian and Elizabeth Rozen are dead,” Sigmund Follett said while watching the game from the screens set covering the whole area. His colleagues kept an eye on the other sectors. “You are asked to retire to the hall or your whole teams will be disqualified, thank you.” And when the animals complied, not without throwing a last, poisonous look at the cameras, the Weimaraner smiled happily. “Ohh, I so wanted to say it in the face of those two snobs!”
“Wooot!” Tobee’s enthusiasm was sky-high. “That taught them good it did now I can die happy!” He bit into one of his chocolate cookies. He kept following Volant’s predatory movements. Still chewing, he said, “That guy got class give him some academy and he’ll make a great guard!”
Hannibal nodded solemnly. “True that. He’s a natural at using his body with economy and efficiency. I admire him, he makes me remember of myself back when I was a fighter.”
“Will you stop a moment, you…you…” Isaac, a Tamaskan Dog, wasn’t called ‘Bolt’ only because he loved that character as to pick up that name as nickname for himself and the fictional dog’s black bolt for his collar tag. He was also very fast. He was proud of his speed and stamina.
And now there he was, a little more than halfway to a heart attack, panting so much that he seemed he was building up a dragon’s fire in his lungs. He was aimlessly throwing ball at his elusive target, a certain female white rabbit.
For once, she had to admit it, Jasmine was really enjoying herself. At home, she had grown a natural ability to avoid dangerous or unclean objects, and she never missed a chance to run her daily mile on the treadmill. Even without going to any of the gym facilities of the Fulcrum, she was one of the most athletic pets. In fact, she still had to build up a pant, while her adversary was in evident difficulty…
And then, eventually, Isaac collapsed. He just wanted to die where he was, killed by fatigue and shame.
Jasmine granted his wish by hitting him on the sensor.
She loved this game, but when the judges officialized the Tamaskan’s death, she bent down to pick him up and carry him back to the hall. It had been fun, but she had other duties to attend to.
This time, she would spare Errol’s life.
“Tell me this is too good to be true,” Kwesi Cira whispered from behind a trunk.
In front of him, there went Elliot. The Golden Retriever was whistling and proceeding as if he owned the place.
“That’s too easy,” Alandra said, while observing from the other side of the tree. Like the other residents, she had just met this elusive dog. Brother Lazarus, the cat that represented the Order of St. Anthony Abbot, had vouched for him, telling he needed to socialize.
Though many had been polite with the Basenji dog, that politeness hadn’t really reached their heart. Kwesi was tense and they perceived it.
Alandra had felt immediately drawn to this small dog. His story, as narrated by Brother Lazarus, had captured her imagination and her heart at once. And though she still must decide if it was a crush or not, Alandra Garcia had decided she liked Kwesi enough to want him in their team. “Surely he’s the bait to draw us out. That fleabag is insidious!” Elliot had dared to hurt the feelings of her best friend, Tegan. He was so bound to pay for it! Her honor would be avenged!
And yet, what seemed like a part of the most elementary strategy was also allowing him to walk toward the flag, undisturbed. He looked far enough, but Alandra knew he got an impressive dash!
“Cover my back, Kwesi!” And with that, Alandra ran like lightning! She might be still generally weak, but on the short distances she too could put up with a wolf!
And she realized she had fallen for the trap like a kitten when a familiar Pug emerged from a tree and threw his projectile! “Puppy power!” he barked.
Kwesi couldn’t hit Elliot, since Alandra was on his line of fire! He could get Linus, but his cat ally, he knew, was lost. Too bad, he had started to like her –at least she was the only one who had really treated her decently during the introductions—
And it was at that moment that the snow itself erupted, as a white shadow emerged like a rocket from under the blanket! Time seemed to crystalize, while the Shiba Inu put herself between Linus’ snowball and the pug’s intended target. One could almost count the single snowflakes falling around the Japanese dog, her piercing blue eyes fixed on her target…
“Crud!” Linus muttered, when time went back to run.
Tsuki’s foot sent the snowball back against his uniform, with such strength as to push him back against the tree!
Alandra’s snowball got Elliot in his face. He was dazed but yet not out of the game… A condition that Tsuki corrected with her own snowball!
The white-furred female landed in a perfect pose, legs spread, bent forward and a single paw sticking into the snow. Two electronic whines came from the enemies’ uniforms. “Hya!”
From the loudspeakers, came the voice of Sigmund. “Team Comet is out! Thank you for playing.”
“She’s a ninja too!” Tobee looked as if his heart could burst out with joy. “My beautiful goddess from the Mysterious Orient I want her puppies!”
For her side, Clementia hoped her unit won the bet money. Tobee had set up a site in which bet on one or more teams, no more than 4 out of 5, and the more teams you bet on, the higher the quotes to pay.
Clementia and her friends had exhausted their savings to bet on a single team. They wanted to help themselves to a nice leave in the big city, and the Brazilian Shorthair cat wanted to strangle Tobee for being so enthusiastic about that stupid Japanese girl who could ruin their chances!
Back in the Hall, Frits was ecstatic! The grey-furred Retriever mix had collected a lot of interviews from the defeated members of the various teams: he could write a book about this epic struggle!
Another very satisfied pet was Edwin Rommel: his assistants Castor and Pollux were shooting exceptional films of the battle on the field, while he kept track of the interviews with his own camera. He would get a great advertisement out of this, and so would the Yamato Shop, which had loaned the uniforms.
“Nervous?” the black, white-collared cat asked to the Scottish sheepdog walking next to him
Pawdrick just answered with a monosyllable. It was already strange enough to see Brother Lazarus without his traditional priest dress, but that the black cat could join forces for a snowball war… Well, okay, Podge found it weird. He was raised between his home and his parish, and he couldn’t imagine a devoted guy like Lazarus enjoying fun like a…normal pet.
Okay, it wasn’t less the weird to see a priest cat, but that was another matter. Lazarus had been ordered because he had survived three attempts to euthanasize him back at the pound. He was a true miracle cat.
Perhaps divine intervention could grant victory to his team, after all… Shame on you, Podge! You should wash your MIND for such thoughts!
“I am. After all, there are three of us left, father…brother.”
The cat smiled, amused. “Please, don’t be so formal with me. Sometimes, people make me feel as if I were more important than life.”
Pawdrick sighed. “I thought you’d stay by the hall, serving warm meals to the unfortunate losers. That and, well, our priest didn’t even seem to know the meaning of the word ‘relax’. He was one of those who would promise pain in this life and even more pain after. When I was a puppy, I believed Paradise was an illusion even for the believers. I still am scared when I step into a church.”
Lazarus chuckled. “Then we will have to schedule a visit. You’ll see, I am not one to promise sufferance in this life or the other in my sermons.”
“Oh, you hold mass.”
“Why, yes. Though for pets only, but we too can feel the call of our Lord.”
Pawdrick was wagging, the battle all but forgotten. He liked this guy, perhaps he could make up for the lost time since coming to Terrace High…
The sheepdog raised his head. “Hey there, Will! How’s it going, lad?”
A rustle in the nearby pine’s branches, followed by a delicate fall of snow, announced the arrival of a certain squirrel. “Butch and Drake approaching at 11, boss! No one else in sight.”
Pawdrick nodded. “Good job. Keep it up, and you’ll get an extra ration of roasted nuts tonight.”
“Okey dokey!” William disappeared back into the branches.
Podge nodded to his companion. “All right. Drake is the dangerous one, he’s the most agile of the two despite his appearance. Leave him to me, while you take care of Butch.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yup. Don’t forget, I spent my life herding. I know a trick or two. Now watch and learn!” And with that, he ran toward the enemy team, without caring to be seen nor to become a perfect target.

“Will you look at that showoff?” The Persian cat sneered while watching the collie moving in a straight line, leaving a flurry of snowy dust behind himself. “Who does he think he is? Flash? Come one, big lug, show that old guy what you can do.”
To his credit, Butch’s aim was accurate and the strength of his launches was remarkable. But the moment he threw his snowballs, Podge started changing trajectory –not much, but enough to avoid being hit and not lose his moment. The Scottish collie was used to keep under control a big bunch of frightened sheep during a storm. Those two pets were statues, in comparison!
To underline his superiority in that match, he threw a snowball while still running.
Butch realized he had been done when his Galmas uniform started bleeping to mark his defeat!
Drake didn’t even have the time to scold his partner. He was seeing the other dog scooping snow while still running, and this time he was sure he was out as well…
Here, sheep sheep sheep! Pawdrick grinned, thinking of his imminent triumph—and he tripped! He tripped and his own momentum pushed him forward, drawing a line in the snow.
The dog tried to stand on all fours, spitting snow, then shaking his muzzle clean. Impossible! I can’t have just tripped, it’s ridiculous! Not me! He turned his head, to see exactly what had caused him to disgrace himself that way…and he met the cruel smile of a python!
“Gotcha,” Macajuel said. Drake’s snowball ‘killed’ the dog.
Pawdrick stood up. He thought things not even a sailor should know, then he said, “Macajuel, you are supposed to be a cold-blooded animal! How could you hide in the snow?!”
The tail tip moved to point at the rest of the body, wrapped in the tissue with the colors of his team. “Ski underwear fabric. Wards off cold down to twenty Celsius below zero.” Then he gave Podge a forked raspberry. “Loser.”
Drake was just about to congratulate Mac for the good teamwork, an unexpected occurrence considering the snake had acted like a hostile hermit so far, when a snowball got him straight and square and behind his back! *Bleep!*
“Wuddaheck—“ The cat turned to see who had dared so much…and met the wide grin of Lazarus, who was making another ball bounce in his palm. He had been killed…by a priest?! That…that cheating, no good…
“I do not believe in vengeance, my child, but turnabout is still fair play.” Lazarus said. Then, to the snake, “Surrender now and save your honor, Mac.”
The snake fumed. Podge was so going to enjoy it—but then he caught the movement in the air, the flying shape covered by the falling snowflakes.
“Brother, watch out!” the collie barked out loud. Too late.
At the very same time, the Macaw shouted, in a curious imitation of Sting, “BOOMBS AWAY!” and Piper threw his cargo against his designed target. Lazarus died without having time to try and defend himself.
The black cat sighed and dropped his snowball. “Well, that was fun anyway. Come on, guys, there’s a meal and a warm blanket waiting for us I guess”
Pawdrick stood up and dusted himself clean. “Yup. I think I’ll have an Irish Coffee. Drake, Butch, coming?”
The Persian cat grunted a ‘coming’, but before walking away he threw a poisonous glance at Piper. “You were supposed to be our air watch! You could’ve gotten that stupid sheepdog before he got Butch! Some team mate!”
Piper, perching on a branch, shrugged. “Hey, the team may win, but I want to get that flag. Thank you for helping us get rid of more competition. See ya in the funny papers, Zero!” And he flew away. Mac had already slithered away, unnoticed.
Athena growled at the monitor displaying that scene. “Son of a charming…” She had dealt with ferals with more honor than those two exotic pets! Heck, even if Balto had stolen the rightful glory of her ancestor, Togo, at least he had saved people’s lives.
If those two Mac and Piper could be like that for a game, she feared to think to what lengths they could go for more important matters…
“I like them,” Hannibal said, ignoring the reproaching looks he got, and not only from the sturdy husky. “I like who can play dirty, if the execution is good and the objective is clear in one’s mind, not for the fun of it. Not to mention that such dissimilar companions can really work out together and good.” He nodded
Athena was asking herself if Volant wasn’t actually being manipulated by that odious parrot into being his bodyguard—
Tobee’s excited yaps caught once again the general attention. “Hey you guys watch that presto someone put on the right music and turn on the speakers now now now!”
The online bets went to a new spike.
The theme from A Fistful of Dollars sounded in the air.
White Earth Team uniform against grey Galmas uniform.
Mustelid against mustelid.
“So it seems that destiny wanted us against each other, amigo,” Errol said. The river otter was standing there, immobile, holding his snowballs along his flank.
“So it seems,” the stoat nodded. Gaunt’s eyes fixed on the other mustelid. “Marseille, don’t underestimate me for my size. Many suffered that mistake already.” He would hold one single big ball, his fingers sunk in it as if was a bowling ball.
“I’m Canadian,” Errol said in his best Clintwood imitation.
“As if that will save you.” The black furred stoat shrugged. “Surrender and I’ll concede you the honors of war. We shouldn’t be fighting among ourselves, you know. Peace should be our inspiration.”
Errol slowly shook his head, a sad expression crossing his eyes. “It is too late to stop this dreadful mechanism, my old friend…” And then he suddenly showed a ferocious grin! “My weapons will bury you, arrogant American! Get ready!” And off he went, silver bolt over the white snow.
Gaunt did the same, a black bolt himself. Only speed and dexterity counted now. No one of them would waste their energies throwing snowballs from a distance. And the audience would get bored too!
Contact! At the same time, there was this muffled explosion, followed by a single, long electronic lament.
When it was over, the two contendants were still posing in the act of throwing their snowballs, giving each other backs.
Both hit to each other’s death.
“That…was…interesting,” Errol said, staring at the horizon
The stoat looked at the sky. “You fought…well.” A tear ran down his muzzle, “I couldn’t ask for more…my friend.”
Both fell to their knees, and from there face-down in the snow—“Ow!” the otter said. “Who put a rock, here?!”
The public announcement of the two competitor’s demise raised Joey’s spirit of just a bit.
He and William were still the last of their team, while Team Earth was short of one element only now, and Team Gamilon was almost at full rooster as well.
And even worse, Macajuel and Piper were still around. Joey didn’t want to risk a hug from that python!
The young dog looked at the flag. It looked so close…
Joey drew a deep breath. He was brother to Fido and Bino, he was a proud cat-lover, he had inspired this club! Time to shine! And off he went! He was good, he was good, he—
He was going to make it! Joey decided to cover the remaining distance with a jump.
And, at the same time, Kwesi and Alandra emerged from their hideouts!
Two big snowballs were thrown against him. Perfect aim, high speed. Impossible to miss…
...But Joey had been trained by years of avoiding Bino, martial art sessions with Lester, and as of recently, collective tussles with the Bigglesworth clan! It was easy for him to turn like a living corkscrew in midair and let the snowballs intended for him…hit his own enemies instead!
And even before he touched the ground, Joey threw his own ball against Tegan, who was still there, gaping with surprise. Too bad, lady! Should’ve known better!
Tegan’s electronic demise joined the other two members’ of Team Earth.
Joey landed on all fours, then quickly stood up. He pumped his arm. “Who’s daddy, eh?” If only his brothers could see him now!
He was distracted from those reveries the moment a *bleep* sounded over his head. “Oh, no!”
William stood there, sad and snow-covered, while Piper kept flying in circles over the squirrel’s head. “Sorry for your sentinel, stranger!” The Military Macaw laughed. “Then I’ll take you little doggie too. Now run, run and don’t come back if you care for your digni—“ a multiple volley shut him up and got him out of the game! His sensor bleeped like a hysteric old woman.
Piper fell down. He looked like a snow sculpture now.
“Hope you enjoyed it, bird-brain,” Zane said, coming out together with T.J. “Unlike your own, Team Earth works together.” The tabby turned to the snake. “What about you, snake? Honor or burial?”
Macajuel sighed with resignation. “I give up. I know when I can’t—“ he was hit and formally eliminated all the same. Jeepers, did he hate cold snow on his muzzle! “But why?! I surrendered!”
“Because I don’t like you,” T.J. said.
Joey nodded enthusiastically. “Guys, that was simply great!” He went to the couple to shake paws with them…and realized his mistake one moment too late. “Oh.”
The young dog too became the target of a thick volley, and when it was over, he looked like a miniature reproduction of the Mount Vesuvio, his breath forming a smoke plume.
“Sorry,” both Zane and T. J. said, then the cat added, “We’re still adversaries, you know. But we’ll dedicate our victory to you, you were good. And now let’s go, partner: we’ve got a flag waiting for us and a team to avenge!”
Clementia’s unit almost didn’t dare to breath when Team Galmas and Team Black Nebula where eliminated.
Now it came the time where the best would take it all and make them rich…or very penniless and frustrated!
There it was! Instead of the traditional white flag, the rainbow drape with the word ‘PEACE’ printed in white at its center.
Peace could be quite a wanted item right now, and because of that the tension among the remaining forces was at its peak. No tricks would be spared.
“Where?” Shadow asked in a barely audible whisper. “Come on, Choc! Just this once. We’re in numerical advantage and I want our names on that flag!”
Chocolate nodded and her eyes glowed green. Unorthodox or not, she too wanted this to be over with her and Shadow as winners.
Her mystical sight revealed Tsuki’s position. “At three. Equidistant from the flagpole. She knows or perceives we’re watching her. She’s ready to move the moment we do the same. She’s good. And no, I won’t trip her.” Unorthodox, not cheater.
“She’s good, I’m better.” Shadow grinned. He was a prey species, he could out-wait her until Springtime… And even if she was a decoy to keep him where he was in order to allow her teammates to get to the flag, there were his other teammates to take care of that matter.
Inside the security offices, tension was palpable. Not an ear was moving. Everyone’s shackles had straightened up with excitement.
“The others are nearby,” Chocolate said.
“I’ll go then. And Choc, thank you for everything.” Shadow dropped his snowballs, a useless weight given the situation, and ran for the flagpole!
He didn’t even make it halfway, before a volley from T.J. and Zane hit him in the back! The rabbit ended up his run rolling down, humiliated, angry.
Chocolate was surprised. “The spirits lied to me?” she asked… Before seeing the ethereal form of Morrigan looking sternly at her and waving a finger ‘no’.”
“Sorry, you’re right,” the rat said. She should’ve stopped using her magic the moment Elizabeth Rozen was out… But to her detriment, she didn’t have so much fun since playing labyrinth with the rest of her litter!
It was so going bad, now! The last three members of Team Earth were bound to win, there was no trace of the others.
So close to win, while Clementia and the others were so close to lose everything.
And even worse, it had been her to convince her colleagues to bet on team Gamilon! She was so dead!
Tsuki, T.J. and Zane were running undisturbed. Only six meters to success—
Then Sigmund said, “Hey, what’s that shadow?”
It was impossible to miss: an enormous circular shadow growing rapidly over the figures and their target…
The air rush announced the imminent catastrophe. Instinctively, fatally, the Team Earth stopped on their tracks, while the branches moved under the sudden pressure and the sun was eclipsed.
T.J. whimpered.
And there it was, Samson! The hulking St. Bernard came down from the sky, holding over his head the most gigantic snowball canine paws ever realized! It did actually resemble a small asteroid, with a series of craters etched on its surface!
“GAMILON PLANET BOMB!” The dog howled.
Hanging for the muscled neck, Elpis just said, “Cowabungaaa!!”
The bomb fell straight on the spot.
The big screen set built in the Hall showing the scene went all fuzzy.
Frits and Rommel made it just in time to reach the exit to watch. A moment later, the shockwave hit their furs with the force of a Blizzard!
Not much later, a mushroom cloud made of pure snow rose up high in the sky from where the flagpole stood…and then came a wave of snow that submerged everything in its path!
“All ground cameras offline!” Tobee barked, while the technical staff tried to recover the connection. “Sectors 1 and 2 offline switching to aerial view!”
And when the long-range cameras built around the Fulcrum came online, what they showed almost defied reason. Even Hannibal, who wasn’t tight-lipped when it came to cussing, was made silent by that sight...
The place looked as if a second Tunguska had happened. The trees had bent outward and had been stripped of the accumulated snow.
The ground itself had been cleared for a width of 100 meters, revealing a precocious springtime. Around the edge of the crater, and for more one hundred meters around, the snowy ejecta formed a frozen wave that terminated in a cascade of icicles.
And, at the center of the grassy field, proudly posing for the posterity, stood Elpis! The Australian Terrier sat on Samson’s shoulders, waving the Peace flag!
Tsuki, holding her teammates under their arms, exhausted herself, just nodded, smiling with admiration. They had lost, but it had been a honorable fight, she had no remorse.
Shadow stood by the side of the big dog, waving at their viewers. Chocolate said, “I can’t wait for next year!”
Last edited by valerio on Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by angelusbr »

legendario13 wrote:How do you manage to make every piece soo memorable !

I Enjoyed Every Word.

because he's awsome.
great chapters, by the way.
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Post by kavviyenta »

The most action ever seen in this fic. WOOt!

Will you continue the bonus short story of Grape or is the Dayshaun scene the one that count? my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by valerio »

kavviyenta wrote:The most action ever seen in this fic. WOOt!

Will you continue the bonus short story of Grape or is the Dayshaun scene the one that count?
I found that harder to come up with than i thought. I still must decide...
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Post by Zukio »

That snowball battle was amazing! I can't wait to see what other adventures the club goes on.
I like Pie!!!
Go ahead and send me a message, maybe we could talk about pie!
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Post by legendario13 »

This is just amazing, I love all of this!

Epic Snowball battle is Epic!
A moment of enlightenment...aaaaand it's gone
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Post by copper »

Awesome Update! The club seems to be doing well. Quite a few talented individuals there!

Awesome ending. Like How the blind dog got the flag! :lol:
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

You are always awesome at action scenes, Val. exciting as always.
and good use of cartoon physics with the whole snowsplosion thing.
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Post by valerio »

La Rosa del Salice Restaurant, The Fulcrum, Terrace High

Edwin Rommel’s For Want of a Nail and the Yamato shops had worked together to make a memorable experience out of the first snowball fight intended to celebrate the opening of the Love For Life Social (pet) Club.
Since the LFL’s clubhouse couldn’t be temporarily used due to adverse meteorological conditions –and, also since the club’s members were definitely tired after the long fight – the celebration party both for the winning team of the snow fight and the inauguration was held at the tower’s finest Italian restaurant.
And the owners had been more than happy to make an exception and offer their place for free, in return of advertisement.
And so, now 70 pets of several species and breeds occupied the taverna. Rosa Franca and Franco Salice had organized a rustic meal, rather than going for elaborate dishes. For how much they liked animals, and were happy to have so many of them at their restaurant, it was also true that they must rightfully expect an army of hungry animals. Animals who would eat a lot and without the patience to wait for elaborate, slowly cooked meals.
But that too wasn’t a problem: any good Italian cook could prepare polenta e salsicce and make it a fine winter meal –especially if served with fagioli all’uccelletto and large fiorentina steaks, with a generous side of parmigiano and taleggio, with bruschetta toscana to finish. A lot of calories, carbohydrates, fats and taste to be served quickly and as much as one wanted. Too bad that their furry guests couldn’t wash everything down with a strong red wine, but he was happy to see how much they were enjoying it. In fact, barely anyone talked while wolfing down their food, sitting around one single table covered with the large dishes from which each pet could help itself. Occasional moans of gastronomic pleasure and burps marked the appreciation, together with the rhythmic sound of tails bumping against the seats.
“The random draw for the teams was yet another winning idea, President!” Errol said, toasting with whole milk (soda forbidden!) to the Maine Coon. “Here’s to a year of success for our Club! Prosit!”
“Prosit!” said the other 68 pets as one, even those less amiable like Volant, Piper and Macajuel.
Tegan Jackson, founder and President, blushed madly for the umpteenth time. She was sure one could lit up a match just by touching her skin. “Guys, I really don’t deserve—“ she started to say, before being interrupted by a collective knocking on the wooden surface. She was startled now –did they actually expect a speech now?
The pets stopped only when she stood up over the chair.
Tegan drank a glass of water, then put it down hoping they didn’t notice the trembling of her paw. She folded her paws against her lap then said, “Guys, I don’t deserve this, really. If today has been a success, you owe it all…to you. It doesn’t matter how many ideas I can spawn, it’s your enthusiasm that will bring them to life, as today proved. We all wanted to have some fun, to celebrate the opening as best as we could and you did your best. You expressed your love for life out there and it is me who is proud of you all.” An applause saluted her words.
Tegan drew a deep breath. Now for the part of the speech she was more afraid of –and that was telling, since she had founded that club with a specific purpose in mind beyond the fun!
“I, like my good friends Elliot and Samson, had the luck to grow up in Babylon Gardens. There, something wonderful happened, and that event eventually caused this Club to be born.
“That event is a kiss. A public display of affection and love between a cat and a dog: Grape Jelly Sandwich and Peanut Butter Sandwich.” Now everyone was listening intently.
Of course, everyone among the present knew the main reason the Club was founded for, but it was still a strong taboo. They knew but no one would open its mouth first.
Joey looked at the cat, encouraging her with his eyes. And even Elliot smiled in the same way, despite him not being into cat/dog relationships. But Tegan was his best friends since his puppyhood, he knew her and he knew she deserved his support, not his scorn.
Tegan nodded. “Until that moment, relations like theirs were being kept secret, everyone pretended it wasn’t there. But eventually that taboo was broken, and with time more and more mixed couples came out.”
Clementia wanted to roll her eyes at the mere concept but she knew her colleagues would tear her apart if she tried to speak her mind.
“And with time, another wonderful thing happened: Peanut and Grape married. They tied the knot in a church, and even if that remains a symbolic gesture, they weren’t afraid to prove to the world and the heavens that nothing would do them apart. And when Grape gave birth to her litter of five, though thanks to a donor, she and her mate were blessed with a miracle, a kitten bearing peanut’s fur pattern and eyes.
“I wanted this Club not only to keep us together as a group, to do things together, plan activities in more constructive ways than staying in our homes, but also because those of us who feel something for those beyond their species had their chance. A chance to build something special, without the fear of social stigma, knowing they can and will find others like them or even only understanding friends.
“I am a dog lover, I stated it clearly in the club’s rule chart, and I never intended to throw that in the face of those who don’t appreciate my preferences. I did so because it would be hypocrite of me to hide, to set myself as a bad example for those who need encouragement. So…” she shrugged and opened her arms as if apologizing. “I really don’t know what else I could say. I hope you’ll love your life as it is, not as the others want it to be. I don’t ask you to be fighters. I only wish you can find that same happiness that my friends Peanut and Grape, Fido and Sabrina, even Joey and Blanche did.” Her head pointed at said couple. Joey giggled.
“Thank you for listening,” Tegan said before sitting down. This time, the applause came stronger and longer than before. More than one whistled in appreciation.
“You were simply wonderful,” Alandra said, squeezing her arm. “My beloved Antonio would’ve been so proud of you!”
Tegan was rigid like a wooden statue. “Just keep talking, remind me I am still alive. I don’t know if my heart is still beating.”

“Hey, Volant,” Shadow said, approaching the big Rhodesian Ridgeback. Now that the alliances were over, the dog had gone back to his group together with the python and the macaw.
“What?” Volant said, while eating a sausage.
“Chocolate told me you were near the flag. In fact, you could’ve taken it without Samson ending the fight with that gigantic snow bomb. Why didn’t you just end the game then?”
Volant didn’t stop eating. He scooped a mouthful of polenta: “Why do you care? Our team won, right?”
The rabbit allowed himself a smile. “Oh, I just think you wanted to leave the honor of the victory to Elpis.”
Volant didn’t even flinch. “You’re entitled to your opinion, I guess.” And he went back to eating his fill.
Shadow patted him on the shoulder. “I know you care, Volant. And I think you were the real winner, today.”
In answer, the big dog turned his head and, chewing and spitting food in the process over the rabbit’s face, he said, “When you have more sappiness to share, come when the pie is served, I’ll save on the maple syrup.”
Shadow knew only that now he needed a restroom and a loooong shower.


“You managed to fill up three pages of your bloc notes with this stuff and scream at the same time?” Rommel asked, incredulous, again flipping through the pages.
Sitting next to him, Frits nodded. He chewed a piece of his steak then gulped it down. “It was a big scary snow wave. You know it, you were there. You screamed too.”
Rommel’s black paw darted and clasped tightly the retriever mix’s muzzle. He quickly looked around, but no one seemed to have noticed their exchange. The fox’s voice dropped to a whisper. “I didn’t scream, Rommel does not scream in face of the danger. Never! Got me, mutt? Am I right? Castor, Pollux?”
The two twin dogs nodded in synch, too busy eating to speak –though they cared more for the money they had been paid to be the audio engineers for Rommel’s WWII-style movie of the event.
Frits was starting to get agitated, he was emitting funny, strangled sound through the clasped muzzle.
“Oh, ja, sorry.” The fox let go of him. The dog panted heavily to regain oxygen and his life. Rommel put a paw over his shoulder, startling the poor dog. “Listen, pup, if you promise not to disclose this little…incident, which would ruin my reputation since I do run a war memorabilia shop, I’ll give you a $200 coupon to spend in whatever you want at my shop. Is that a deal?”
Frits massaged his abused snout. He showed a diffident look. “Are you trying to bribe me? A reporter?” As part of the punishment for trying to write a piece against Martin Foster, the Daily Fact’s Director had assigned this reportage to Guinevere’s dog and made it official. As a matter of fact, Frits was a freelancer and proud to be.
Rommel nodded. “Is that a problem? It’s only a line of text after all.”
Frits wagged enthusiastically. “Cool! No one ever bribed me! Mom will be proud!”

“So?” Brother Lazarus asked Kwesi. “Don’t you feel better now that you have overcome your fears to be rejected?” The black-robed black cat was the only one engaging in a polite cutlerying of his meal. Looking at him, one would think he barely ate at all.
For his part, Kwesi barely registered the feline priest’s words. Okay, he had had some ready-to-go caloric food before and after the snowball war, and he had really enjoyed it. Sweets didn’t come easy with the trash he had to rely upon too often in his stray life.
But…this?! The Basenji dog thought he had died and gone straight to heaven. He hadn’t even ever seen so much food in one place. He had made a mission of stuffing himself and lay down like a sated python for one week before starting to work for the cat as part of their deal.
For now, Kwesi was happy to have won his own resistance to join the club in return of this food. He would let time tell if there were other good reasons…
“So,” Alandra said. The Maine Coon mix too felt her duty to have a good fill. Though she hadn’t lived as a stray, she had suffered the pangs of hunger and she wouldn’t waste a crumble if she could. “You said you had studied biology.”
Given other circumstances, Kwesi would’ve been upset for being interrupted.during a meal, especially this one! But for some reason, he found this young cat…interesting. She didn’t treat him with pity or condescendence.
Kwesi paused to nod. He cleaned his mouth with the napkin before answering, “Well, to be correct I am studying botanic and mycology, with just a skim to zoology and microbiology… I have always been fascinated by everything living.”
Alandra was genuinely surprised. “Dad took years to specialize in botanics, how did you—“
“—Study all of that stuff at my age? Well, I was helped by certain…peculiarities of mine. I don’t sleep much, I am a very fast reader, and I have a photographic memory. A good photographic memory. As for the latest three, I have specialized in the medical applications. I believe in natural remedies, though it’s funny if you ask me: de facto, all modern medicine started with natural remedies… Why are you looking at me like that?”
Now Alandra had a dreamy expression, like a fangirl in front of her leonine hero from a Pridelands movie. “You are such a wonderful creature.”
Kwesi blushed, becoming rigid in the act of putting his fork in his mouth. “Err..?”
The cat reached out to caress his arm. “I really would like to get to know you better, if the idea of a date suits you.”
Lazarus winking at him did not help Kwesi’s growing embarrassment.
Because he too was getting interested in this cat!

“Looks like Valentine is working his magic,” Lazarus said to himself. To anyone else, Kwesi’s behavior must have been none less than hurried, but the cat priest knew it was only a question of finding the right leverage. Unlike Volant, Kwesi wanted to open himself, he craved his peers’ company.
Lazarus’ gaze went to the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Volant hadn’t even tried to get in touch with him after their private chat, the dog had just…retreated, instead. Whatever had happened to him had scarred his heart and soul with fear and hostility.
I imagine I should thank You, Lord, for giving him someone to relate to at all. Though those two exotic pets weren’t exactly a behavioral model… “Oh.” It was then that his attention was attracted to his plate. “Oh, my, look what we have here.”
On the plate’s edge there sat this mouse. This tiny mouse, an adult female who could’ve easily passed as Spo’s small sister.
But small or not, she was eating with gusto the polenta, her tiny paws covered in the yellow cooked maize flour. As the priest addressed her, she stopped and licked her fingers clean. “Sorry for spoiling your meal, Brother, but I couldn’t wait one second longer, not with these delicious smells filling the air.” Another trait common to the most notable Babylon Garden’s male mouse was her voice: she was tiny but she could make herself heard out.
The mouse pointed an accusing finger at the cat. “Gluttony! Confess, ye sinner! You were feasting at the expenses of this poor hungry soul, stealing her food!” Then she put her arm over her head, as if she were going to faint. “Oh, the shame! The unaccountable—“
“Excuse me,” a voice said from behind her.
She stopped in mid-motion, opening one upset eye. “Not now. I’m busy making this cat feel guilty.”
“Yes. Now.”
The mouse snorted and turned. “Look, mister, I will sign an autograph later, or I’m going to kick your…slithery belly. Hello Mac.”
Macajuel was looking at her with a renewed hunger in his eyes. “I wondered where you might have gone, snack. I really missed you, you know. Thank you for coming, anyway: I still have room for dessert. Feral.” According to what he knew, a.k.a. his prejudices, the python was fairly sure he’d complete his meal undisturbed and perhaps even be praised for getting the world rid of that pest.
Of course, he wouldn’t normally be so hurried about the matter, but that mouse had somehow escaped him. It was a matter of principles: she was supposed to be digested by now!
And thus Macajuel sprung forward, mouth opened and—
“I smite thee!” and with those words came a flow of water that drenched the snake’s head!
Half-drowned, Mac coughed heavily and shook his head. “What the [censored]?!”
“I smite thee again!” This time, when Macajuel got drenched again, he shut his mouth, letting his eyes speak for him.
Brother Lazarus put down the second empty pitcher. “It may not count as holy water, but I see it works fine all the same.” He clicked his tongue reproachfully. “My child, such manner and language with my protégé: you should be ashamed of yourself.” The cat extended his paw, to allow the mouse to seek shelter. “Now please, this is a party to celebrate an event of joy and camaraderie, not to display anger.”
Mac slithered back to his place, but his gaze still promised vengeance.
“You’re such a cute little thing,” said Samson. He introduced himself with a finger bigger than her body. “What’s your name?”
“Charmed, biggie best. Call me Saga. Saga Booke. I work for the Blues Brother here.” She pointed her thumb at Lazarus.
“Saga, I already told you—“
“What? Are you on a mission for God or not? And you can sing well too.”
That made him blush. Hard. “Saga!” he hissed, but it was too late. She had managed to get the attention of the nearby pets. “I…I just like to hum a hymn, rehearsal for the mass, you know…”
She waved nonchalantly. “Aw, look at him playing Mr. Modest. He can do wonders with that voice, better than Jackson Brown.”

“This all sounds so exciting!” Elpis said. And it was true: for the very first time in his life, he was literally surrounded by a crowd of peers. Every breath he drew was like a gust of fresh air to him –this wasn’t like when he walked in an anonymous crowd, where those who paid attention to him did so out of pity for his blindness. He was the hero of the day, they loved him! Even Mom and Dad had congratulated him, and Elpis knew that from now on he could count on a far greater liberty. He had become a true dog! “Tegan, what will be our next initiative as a club?”
That took the Maine Coon by surprise –she hadn’t really thought about it, since that her first objective had been making a successful opening. “Well, I…” she started, but she was interrupted.
By Clementia. “She’s trying to say that our next initiative will be helping some poor souls at the city shelter. I and the others here,” her gesture encompassed Sigmund, Hannibal, Athena and Tobee, “will go Monday for our monthly voluntary work. You were going to compile the list of volunteers, President. Right?”
Tegan found herself nodding –in fact, that idea was fantastic. “I was. I will use the weekend to come up with an appropriate list of names.”
A moment later, several pets started calling out for her attention as they too wanted to join.

“Wow,” Sigmund said to the cat. “For one who doesn’t like the romantic involvements in this Club, you surely came up with a great one!”
Clementia shrugged. “What can I say? One must make the best with what one’s got. Let’s just hope it won’t turn into one of those romantic interspecies things or I’ll puke.”

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Post by kavviyenta »

According to the predecessor fic, there would be the protagonists of Terrace High who become the couple. I'm sure we know who they are, not to mention they have their own antagonists.

Kwesi is very fascinating. Hope his condition won't betray his relationship.

I just noticed that while Dayshaun has been impugned, nobody thought differently about Nutella who also has brown fur. This "imply" that Alcor's pedigree has brown fur. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style