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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Tiggy »

swtor got overhyped, dont see anything about it anymore
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Daggy »

44R0NM10 wrote:I never mocked WoW, I just said that the Old Republic may manage to 'beat' WoW. A lot of people thought it could've been the new World of Warcraft on release. That was before they found out about how there was a lack of things to do at end game though.
Yeah, a lot of those games all had a lack of a real end-game, leading to their decline. Aion, WAR, TOR, Age of Conan, etc, have all started out good and then tapered off because of a distinct lack of end-game things to pursue. Hoping the ones coming out soon don't have that problem :P
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Dubiousity »

Or maybe those MMO's will add more end game content?
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by KJOokami »

The problem is that you need something to do at end-game right from the start. Most people play MMO's strictly for the end-game content. If that's not there from the beginning, then the game likely won't have a player-base long enough for them to add the content, and then they're not making enough money from the game to merit sinking hours of work into making new content. And it's a vicious cycle from there.

Guild Wars might not have that problem as badly as some other MMO's because it doesn't rely on a subscription fee to make money, but for many other competitors, the only realistic option is to simply stop making new content or run the risk of actually losing money on their investment.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Sleet »

I always found the end-game focus on WoW unfun. I loved playing the endgame, but I also loved leveling up and enjoying the whole game!
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Daggy »

That's you go like me and do it all! ...Although this leaves you with 7-8 alts with mediocre gear and 1-2 with decent gear, and then your main whom is almost fully geared in the current top end gear...

I'm so burnt out on the Cata zones, I don't know if I can do them one more time. How will my monk get to 90 D:
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by KJOokami »

Oh, absolutely. Personally (I believe we've talked about this before; if only briefly), my biggest enjoyment from WoW came with exploring the ever-expanding world, messing around in old dungeons that I out-leveled like crazy (AoE farming and whatnot), and collecting rare pets/mounts. I was also a compulsive alt-aholic. I just wanted to experience all of the different classes, and see as much content as I was physically able to. :3

Unfortunately, most of the people who play/played seemed more concerned with racing to max level to raid or get into arenas (though I guess the focus is rated BGs now, right?).
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by GameCobra »

While i most likely won't be playing WoW next expansion, i will play it again someday.

Honestly, it is one of the best games i played in terms of long term fun, but it is indeed addictive. too many of my friends go alt nuts on the game when i just want a single character mained out.

Planetside 2 is where my next year's interest is lying in, and probably Diablo 3. X3
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Daggy »

KJOokami wrote:Unfortunately, most of the people who play/played seemed more concerned with racing to max level to raid or get into arenas (though I guess the focus is rated BGs now, right?).
I'm in that group focused on max content. I log on to raid and then log off. It's kind of a bad habit...but I have so much free time now. Also, arena is still considered higher prestige than RBGs just because RBGs are relatively faceroll with the right comp.

I'm still sad Blizzard just does not understand druids or how they work and just destroyed Resto in PvP. I've had nothing to do on my main because of thaaaattttt.

Oh, as a note: Seemingly, Mists will encourage exploration and whatnot. It's honestly looking REALLY good, from my point of view as a hardcore raider/player, as long as the 14 (!!!!!) raid bosses are good...
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Shirosune »

I fall in with the exploration and collection crowd mostly when it comes to WoW. I've raided in the past and I enjoy it, but I always have the hardest time gearing for the things. I find myself on the fence in respects to Mists, I mean, I can see where they're going with it and some of what I see I like. But there are other things, like the over simplification of the 'Skill trees'(if they can even be called that after what Mists will do to them) that I just can't stand.

I know I'll end up playing it at some point, but this is probably the first expansion I haven't actually been excited for in any real way.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by KJOokami »

It's times like these that I really wish my computer didn't suck for playing games.
Daggy wrote:I'm in that group focused on max content. I log on to raid and then log off. It's kind of a bad habit...but I have so much free time now.
Hey, I totally respect that. It's a lot better than the way I played. With how often I played the game, I may as well have been an addict, heh.

Looking back, I really wish I'd been able to play it a little more like you do: only logging in to for a few hours at a time to get something done.
I'm still sad Blizzard just does not understand druids or how they work and just destroyed Resto in PvP. I've had nothing to do on my main because of thaaaattttt.

How were they throughout Cata? I only know that near the end of Wrath, they were pretty powerful. I never did any real PvP with mine at 80, but while leveling with a buddy of mine (my druid and his rogue), we were pretty evenly matched in basic Outland gear. And I was generally pretty bad at PvP, while he was usually a pretty solid player all-around. So I don't know how much of that was my class carrying me and how much was me actually getting decent as a resto dr00d. x3
Shirosune wrote:But there are other things, like the over simplification of the 'Skill trees'(if they can even be called that after what Mists will do to them) that I just can't stand.
It seems like they're taking after the new Guild Wars, in that respect, but I'm not sure how I feel about the new Skill "Trees". I only know what I've seen from OMFGcata on Youtube (which isn't much besides basic gameplay in the Pandaren starting area and the initial quests in the new level 85 section of Pandaria).

I think the main reason I'm excited is the new Monk class. Ever since I saw the Diablo III version of Monks in the Beta coverage of that, the thought of playing one in WoW sounded pretty legit. It also probably helps that I've already missed an entire expansion's worth of content; that's never happen before. :( The closest I've been to missing a full section of the game was Vanilla, which I jumped into relatively close to the end (just before Burning Crusade came out).

So I'm still thinking about what to do with Goblins and Worgen, re-exploring all of the newly shattered Azeroth, leveling through the "new" 1-60 content once or twice, etc. and then on top of that, there's all the new stuff in Mists. I'M JUST SO OUT OF THE LOOP. 8[
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Daggy »

KJOokami wrote:
I'm still sad Blizzard just does not understand druids or how they work and just destroyed Resto in PvP. I've had nothing to do on my main because of thaaaattttt.

How were they throughout Cata? I only know that near the end of Wrath, they were pretty powerful. I never did any real PvP with mine at 80, but while leveling with a buddy of mine (my druid and his rogue), we were pretty evenly matched in basic Outland gear. And I was generally pretty bad at PvP, while he was usually a pretty solid player all-around. So I don't know how much of that was my class carrying me and how much was me actually getting decent as a resto dr00d. x3
The HoTs healed the same amount as Wrath but damage and HP pools went up, on top of them losing a lot of armor from new talent trees. Left them toooooo squishy. Only way to play one well now is to play with casters whom can control anyone that tries to hit you. :P

KJOokami wrote:So I'm still thinking about what to do with Goblins and Worgen, re-exploring all of the newly shattered Azeroth, leveling through the "new" 1-60 content once or twice, etc. and then on top of that, there's all the new stuff in Mists. I'M JUST SO OUT OF THE LOOP. 8[
The new 1-60 is AMAZING, compared to originally. Really enjoyable, good quest lines. Although I still have yet to level a goblin to see their initial questing...
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Tiggy »

The old 1-60 (from when it was released) was only amazing because it was such a new and unique experience, like nothing else. It took ridicilously long to get to max level, but it was just so much fun.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by 44R0NM10 »

Daggy wrote:
KJOokami wrote:So I'm still thinking about what to do with Goblins and Worgen, re-exploring all of the newly shattered Azeroth, leveling through the "new" 1-60 content once or twice, etc. and then on top of that, there's all the new stuff in Mists. I'M JUST SO OUT OF THE LOOP. 8[
The new 1-60 is AMAZING, compared to originally. Really enjoyable, good quest lines. Although I still have yet to level a goblin to see their initial questing...
I was into it until I had to save Thrall. The leader of the horde! Saved by level 8 goblins...in fairness, the way he was captured is believable and the way you help him is also believable. I'm just saying, it wasn't as believable as the new Tauren starting area in my opinion. The scenery was nice everywhere though, not to mention there were a few comedy moments too. :D

(Wargon starting area is cooler, and better, in my opinion)
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by KJOokami »

Daggy wrote:The HoTs healed the same amount as Wrath but damage and HP pools went up, on top of them losing a lot of armor from new talent trees. Left them toooooo squishy. Only way to play one well now is to play with casters whom can control anyone that tries to hit you. :P

Gotcha. Well, that's laaaaaaaaaame. 3:
Daggy wrote:The new 1-60 is AMAZING, compared to originally. Really enjoyable, good quest lines. Although I still have yet to level a goblin to see their initial questing...
That's what I've heard. And it makes me super mad that I haven't been able to play it yet. D:
Tiggy wrote:The old 1-60 (from when it was released) was only amazing because it was such a new and unique experience, like nothing else. It took ridicilously long to get to max level, but it was just so much fun.
Truuuuuuuuuue that. It was amazing way-back-when because that's when it was all fresh and new, and it legit felt like you were actually exploring when you ran around into new areas. There was a sense of mystery to it all because every corner of every area in the world hadn't been documented on half a dozen WoW-related sites at that point.

Nowadays, there is so much information out on the game that it's hard to really surprise yourself going into a new area. :/
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Sleet »

Tiggy wrote:The old 1-60 (from when it was released) was only amazing because it was such a new and unique experience, like nothing else. It took ridicilously long to get to max level, but it was just so much fun.
Yeah it was! I loved it so much. I hate when people referred to leveling up as "grinding." It acts like it's a chore.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by FlintTheSquirrel »

Grinding is something I do on a regular basis in games, does not even have to be online. I am grinding on Fire Emblem, on Disgaea, on Dofus or any other MMO, though I guess I am one of those who likes doing it. I can not keep my attention on a single thing for over an hour though, but that keeps it from being all to boring.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Sleet »

I can do that stuff too, but I still like to enjoy myself when I do it. I hate the thought that people see WoW as a chore until they reach the highest level.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Alastair »

Played Uncharted 3 on my cousins Playstation. Pretty cool game. It's more like an interactive movie than a regular videogame.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Blue Braixen »

Inali wrote:Played Uncharted 3 on my cousins Playstation. Pretty cool game. It's more like an interactive movie than a regular videogame.
But it's oh-so-fun. And I love looking all over for the treasures. :3
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Alastair »

Tha Housefox wrote:
Inali wrote:Played Uncharted 3 on my cousins Playstation. Pretty cool game. It's more like an interactive movie than a regular videogame.
But it's oh-so-fun. And I love looking all over for the treasures. :3
I love the storyline in it too. And it's almost like a modern day Indiana jones but this guy knows parkour. ;)
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Shirosune »

Ooo, Uncharted 3. I can't speak much for the single player, but I love the multiplayer in it. It's crazy fun and something I can actually play effectively, unlike the call of duty games.

I seriously wish I had it right now, but sadly it isn't a part of my collection. Still, on the subject of it's single player playing more like an interactive movie, I'm going to place a bet that it turned out that way because they were more focused on the multiplayer for it.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by _Stu_ »

I bought Warriors Orochi 3 some day ago... i can't stop playing. I just can't.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by KJOokami »

Shirosune wrote:I seriously wish I had it right now, but sadly it isn't a part of my collection. Still, on the subject of it's single player playing more like an interactive movie, I'm going to place a bet that it turned out that way because they were more focused on the multiplayer for it.
I haven't played any of the games in that series, personally, but is it possible that they were simply designed to play more like interactive movies? That's the way most of the old Metal Gear Solid games were, and they didn't even have multi-player modes (to my knowledge).

Just thought I'd throw that out there.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Dubiousity »

I'm not sure if I want to get Dead Island while it's on sale or not, hmmmmmmm.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Liam »

KJOokami wrote:
Shirosune wrote:I seriously wish I had it right now, but sadly it isn't a part of my collection. Still, on the subject of it's single player playing more like an interactive movie, I'm going to place a bet that it turned out that way because they were more focused on the multiplayer for it.
I haven't played any of the games in that series, personally, but is it possible that they were simply designed to play more like interactive movies? That's the way most of the old Metal Gear Solid games were, and they didn't even have multi-player modes (to my knowledge).
Quantic Dream do that all the time. "Cinematic" seems to be the new design paradigm.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by The Grey Wolverine »

Dubiousity wrote:I'm not sure if I want to get Dead Island while it's on sale or not, hmmmmmmm.
Don't bother, its just not worth the money. There isn't much of a story, your weapons break way to fast, the violence gets boring, the only thing it does well is a thing called analog controls for hand to hand weapons, also the RPG elements are just, so shallow. If freind has it, I say play it with them online if you can get it for cheap, but if your going to be doing it alone, its not worth the money because it is meant to be done with more people online like Borderlands. However, Borderlands is a great game IMO.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Nitrosparxx »

I could never play games like that on my own. Well not on a console. The whole weird thing with using control sticks at a time baffles me too much.

I usually stick to classic games like platformers, fighters, puzzles, etc., which is kinda bad since all my friends hate those types of games (and they let me know it every time I see them)
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Therolyn »

I'm not sure if I will be getting Neverwinter when it comes out. I've heard nothing but bad things about Cryptic so it doesn't fill me with much confidence.

I'm also having an urge to play the first game that ever fell in love in and the game that defined my likes of games even up to the present day, Dragon Crystal (Sega Master System). Not even Neverwinter Nights, Pokemon or Civilization II can match how defining a game was to me. Before that I only purely played arcade style games. It was an introduction for me not only RPG style of game but to the fact there were other types of games out there to play. I still have the cartridge and its still in working order (since last I checked) after all these years too...
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Dubiousity »

The Grey Wolverine wrote:
Dubiousity wrote:I'm not sure if I want to get Dead Island while it's on sale or not, hmmmmmmm.
Don't bother, its just not worth the money. There isn't much of a story, your weapons break way to fast, the violence gets boring, the only thing it does well is a thing called analog controls for hand to hand weapons, also the RPG elements are just, so shallow. If freind has it, I say play it with them online if you can get it for cheap, but if your going to be doing it alone, its not worth the money because it is meant to be done with more people online like Borderlands. However, Borderlands is a great game IMO.
I've already played the game before, I know what it's like.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Shirosune »

The Grey Wolverine wrote:Borderlands is a great game IMO.
This, I wholeheartedly agree with this, that I do. I'm really looking forward to Borderlands 2, sadly I probably won't have the money to get it, but still very much looking forward to it. I even already know which of the characters is going to end up being my main. Though I also know for a fact I'll end up making one of each, at the very least, just to try them all.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by _Stu_ »

Dubiousity wrote:I'm not sure if I want to get Dead Island while it's on sale or not, hmmmmmmm.
I heard it's full of annoying bugs and glitches. One of them can even erase your saves. Ugh.
Liam wrote:Quantic Dream do that all the time. "Cinematic" seems to be the new design paradigm.
Oh god, i hope not. I mean, not like Heavy Rain... it was a good experiment, but David Cage it's not good with stories. HR plot is full of holes and mcguffin with a little sense... it's not worse than Fahrenheit, but surely David should recognize his limits.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Dubiousity »

So I beat DMC3 and unlocked Vergil, and man he's fun to play.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by _Stu_ »

Uff, Street Fighter X Tekken netcode's really annoying. Even with the last patch is full of glitches and other things. Even some hitboxes are totally wrong... and it need to be rebalanced.

It's a shame because that game is quite good after all :( and shame on Capcom for the dlc's story
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by The Grey Wolverine »

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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

but it's box art megaman
can you blame them for making him fat?
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by _Stu_ »

I think that Megaman in SFxT is one of the few genial moves they made in that game :lol: i mean it's self ironic... Cole from Infamous is MUCH worse imo. He really have nothing to do with Capcom, Namco, SF, TK....
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Nyaliva »

Lol that megaman box art always weirded me out but I love the series, at least until they changed it.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by Dubiousity »

I think Boxart Megaman was an ingenious move by Capcom, even if I hate them right now.
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Re: Discussion: Video Games

Post by 44R0NM10 »

Dubiousity wrote:I think Boxart Megaman was an ingenious move by Capcom, even if I hate them right now.
erm...you're saying Capcom wanted bad publicity since 'all publicity is good publicity'?
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