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Post by legendario13 »

Mental scars instead of fisical (well both)...

Distributing kicks on the buttocks like a Sir Pro
A moment of enlightenment...aaaaand it's gone
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Post by valerio »

Camino Azul, Mexico

The VBL armored vehicle stopped on the ridge as planned, hidden from sight.
A moment later, its occupants – Kevin Fitzgerald Marsh and Colombina, Grape Jelly Sandwich, Sigmund Follett, Duke Walters and Zara – got off it.
“Status report,” the man said in his mike, both for an update and communications test.
“Sir,” the driver said from the vehicle, his voice coming loud and clear. “Still no sign that Peanut and Tegan have been found. And no sign that they took notice of us.”
Kevin nodded, and so did the others, who had been provided with a retractable collar set. God bless hi-tech and satellite imageries. “This means we still have the surprise factor, but we must be extremely cautious. Jack, set the NRL up.”
With a whirr, the back door opened, to reveal four red-tipped missiles.
Kevin felt relieved to see the heavy artillery. They would especially need this artillery if they wanted a chance at escape before the helicopter would pick them up. Speed was of the essence now more than ever, for right after this mission they would have to run and retrieve Alpha Team from Isla de la Paz –provided that in the meantime Operation Pentito had been carried out…
Too many thoughts, Lieutenant! Peanut and Tegan are your team’s target. Focus! The man took his binocular, imitated by the others. Yes, still no sign of enemy patrols. “We’ll split up: Colombina, you take Grape with you and go on the eastern sector.” He didn’t say that it was the farthest from the potential action, not to mention the most probable corner where to find Peanut and Tegan. “Duke, Zara: you cover the western sector.” Both German Shepherd and jackal nodded. “Sigmund, you are fast, you will cover the middle sector and scout for approaching patrols.” He put the binocular back in the pocket. “Questions?”
No one had. Kevin activated his mike. “Jack, activate first NRL salvo within 5 minutes, counting down from…now.”
“Roger. Over.”
The group moved.
A lot of questions were, on the other hand, passing through the mind of the enemy team’s leader: the dog Fang.
Questions he wanted to shout while thrashing these houses, tearing them down. Instead, he forced himself into a neutral tone. “Ma’am Delasangre, you and I know those two pets Marcela wants are here. Why don’t you just give them to me?”
The old woman, the mother of the ringleader that ruled Isla de la Paz and its Pet Fight Club circuit, returned an equally neutral gaze. “Because I don’t ‘have’ them. My daughter says that these cat and dog were not on her van when she came here. And we have no cameras, so we can’t know where they went. But since we have no intentions of standing in the way of your job, why waste time asking silly questions instead of joining your forces?”
Fang didn’t need a mind-reader to know that this…ape was making fun of him! He could feel it in his bones, they knew where Peanut and Tegan were, and they were having fun at his expenses, knowing he couldn’t harm them to get the truth out of their lying bones…
Fang’s eyes went to the other side of the river, where the rest of the village lay. He wanted to disperse his team to that side too, but he had just not enough men nor dogs, and the one scouting had not found…
The dog cursed himself repeatedly! He had implicitly trusted the very core members of the Delasangre Family and sent humans to search for their place, instead of doing the most obvious thing.
Sniffing them out! Fang ran at full speed toward the house. He still remembered the scent of that accursed cat, and if he was right…
Estrella Delasangre and her mother saw him hurrying toward their house, and they knew it would be a matter of time before the truth would come out.
But, at least, they also knew that those two poor pets were safe by now. There were many secrets of this land Fang didn’t know…
The fire engulfed the rag-covered tip of the torch. A powerful smell of oil filled the air, together with the flame’s crackling.
Peanut held high the torch. The narrow passage they had passed had turned into a natural corridor moist with water and lichens. Water was dripping from above in a continuous merry cascade. It made Peanut shiver, after he had endured the dry heat of the desert above.
“We’re right under the Camino Azul’s riverbed,” say the female parrot. She was perching on Tegan’s shoulder, while the raven Nevermore was standing on Peanut’s. “You see that corridor. Drug smugglers excavated it as part of a small complex to stock and smuggle the drugs into the United States. Then they used it to smuggle emigrants. And when the Delasangre family gained control of the village and then founded Isla de la Paz, the smugglers were no longer of use. The train would do the job, easy and fast.”
“Where is the rest of the complex?” Peanut asked.
The bird pointed her finger. “Down the corridor, you can’t miss it. There is tinned food, part of a stock of provisions for…family emergencies.”
“And how long are we supposed to stay down here like moles?” Tegan asked, looking around nervously. This place looked like a trap, not a shelter.
The parrot shrugged. “As long as it’s needed. See those?” she pointed at the line of small copper bells lined along the wall. “When the coast will be clear, they will ring them to warn you. They will use a code, so that you will not be lured into a trap.”
Tegan’s eyes tried to probe into the darkness. “Did they close the tunnel?”
The parrot shook her head. “That’s no longer an option: you see, all ventilation shafts were closed long ago. And without them, you’d be walking straight into a carbon monoxide trap. You three would be dead before you knew it.”
The cat was growing frustrated. “There must be something we can do! We just can’t sit down in this village, hiding in wait of the next raid! And, especially, we just can’t stay here!”
“Grape said help is on the way,” Peanut said. “So yes, I will wait for her here inst—“
“Well well well,” said another voice from the beginning of the tunnel.
A voice filled with a cruel and happy quality.
A voice that Tegan recognized! “Look where my dear friends were hiding. Seriously, Tegan, did you think I didn’t know of this tunnel? It was the first thing Marcela and I talked about.” Fang’s feet claws clicked on the stone as he kept walking. He was taking his time, enjoying the moment, enjoying their fear! “You know, it’s so ironic: I wanted to bury your remains here, so that they were never, ever found… Except for a souvenir, of course. A little present for your friends back in America, something for them to remember not to mess with me.”
As Fang would speak, Peanut and Tegan would step back, keeping their distance. If that evil dog was alone, as he probably was, they could overtake him… But they could never overtake his whole army.
Like it or not, their only hope was now the death-trap waiting ahead of them!
“Looks like we got a lead,” Kevin said, undecided if being happy or worried. Through the binocular, he saw the most of the enemy forces converging toward one single house. “They must have found where they are hiding.”
Now it was time to act.
The man and his Tibetan Mastiff were hiding behind an old column. So far, either they had been incredibly lucky, or the locals weren’t exactly in the best relationship with these people. One thing was for sure: no one had given them away. Horse’s gift, etc.
“Duke, Zara, Sigmund,” Kevin said while getting ready to shoot at the patrol at the middle bridge. Luckily, they were distanced enough. “I’ll take down the middle bridge, draw the fire to my position. You go for the east bridge and engage the enemy. Jack, set up the NRL to launch in three minutes, starting from now. Target: the enemy car fleet.”
A moment later, the other man’s voice said, “NRL set up on the established coordinates. It will be quite the fire—“ At that moment, the aether was filled with a cacophony of statics!
Kevin cursed and took off the Bluetooth receiver. “The heck was that...Uh?” He saw that even the men on patrol had just thrown their receivers away. Whatever had been, it had filled all channels, it seemed.
The LCG’s head of security bent down and took back his receiver. The thing was still crackling as if…no, this was not an interference. Kevin could tell a white noise from…
Hesitantly, he put the object near his ear.
What he heard would stay forever etched in his memory, like a brand inflicted with a white-hot iron poker. The man felt his guts contracting, his heart turning into a block of ice.
Voices. A multitude of voices, the lamentation from countless souls, as if someone had just opened the doors to the darkest bowels of hell!
At least, that was what Kevin Fitzgerald Marsh thought. And it scared the heck out of him as nothing else could do. For a moment, he was at a loss for word… “Grape?”
The cat was just looking…no, staring with unbridled horror at the other half of the village. “They are back,” she whispered.
Kevin followed her gaze.
And he saw them.
He didn’t offend his own intelligence by even thinking ‘it’s not possible’.
Because they were there. Appeared out of nowhere.
Ghosts. Kevin knew they were ghosts because they left no shadows, because they carried with them those voices of eternal pain, as if the wind had turned into their loudspeaker. Because they moved and they appeared and disappeared, as if they were still deciding how to synchronize with the flow of time.
Because no living being could carry those wounds. Kevin had seen many men and animals wounded to death, in his life, but one thing they all had in common: explosions, bullets, knives… In his line of work, it had been the war to kill them.
These…creatures had died in…very creative and gruesome ways, and Kevin knew they were the countless victims of the Delasangre family.
And they had come back for vengeance!
Screams were coming from everywhere now. The ghosts were everywhere. Guns were popping like crazy, but judging by the sounds it was obvious the bullets were only hitting other soldiers and vehicles.
In the meanwhile, Kevin had completely forgotten about the timetable he had set—
He was suddenly remembered of it, when a new sun shone in the sky.
Triumph into torment.
That was what Fang was feeling, when he found himself suddenly facing a nightmare!
The shadows of the corridor had taken a shape, and that shape belonged to a dog, a mastiff mixed breed monster taller than life, rippling with muscles, his eyes two malevolent orbs.
The thing stood between Fang and his quarry.
The leader of the Fanged teeth was not one to be easily scared, and he wasn’t surely one to be afraid of what he had done. In fact, he was proud of his accomplishments.
But he had never felt such hatred coming from someone…or something, supernatural or not. He wasn’t just physically outclassed, no –that thing was here to devour his soul.
Fang kept stepping back, whimpering.
Nova Rocket Launcher.
An apt name for a thermobaric fragmentation weapon. It exploded with a roar, turning the air around the enemy car fleet into a flaming napalm inferno! And with that, like a deadly meteor shower, came the white hot scalding fragments that finished the job, wounding those who believed they had escaped the worst of the explosion. The cars exploded like popcorn, adding to the devastation, the confusion and the terror, while the men and dogs at the service of the Delasangre tried to run, in vain, from their spiritual persecutors.
The explosion shook Kevin and his team back into lucidity. The man grabbed Grape by the wrist. “Whatever these things are, they don’t seem interested in us, so girl we better take advantage of this surreal tableau and run to your husband!”
The lavender-furred cat nodded. Thinking of Peanut gave her back the same determination and all of a sudden the panic was gone.
If this was to be like when she and Peanut went into the Otherworld to save Uncle Martin, then she’d go all the way, without fear!
Grape and Kevin started running toward Delasangre house!
The gigantic paws clasped Fang’s throat, then started squeezing.
Tegan huddled against Peanut for dear protection, not daring to look, despite knowing she wanted to be the one doing just that. But right now, for what she knew, their ‘savior’ could turn out to be far worse than their tormentor…
Peanut held Tegan to her. “He won’t harm us,” he whispered to her, caressing her neck. “He’s Argos. He was a bad dog, once, but he’s good now.” Then he addressed the creature. “Thank you.”
The creature turned his head and smiled…and, at that moment, just as it had appeared, like a mirage, the once monster dog disappeared. It had happened so suddenly that Peanut and Tegan weren’t sure they had dreamed it all. Only the wheezing and gasping form of Fang told them it had been for real—
“Boss!” The terrified bark was followed by the sounds of hurried claws on the pavement, and soon four dogs of mixed breeds were bending over their leader. “Boss!” said the male who had spoken first, helping him up. “Boss! It’s getting really bad out there! We are the only ones left, the men went crazy and shot everyone and each other, and then there were explosions everywhere, and now a mastiff is taking out all the survivors! We must use the tunnel!”
The red-eyed dog looked in the direction of the passageway, seeing that his quarry had escaped, leaving their torch behind. “No! We…are going…to find them…and…gut them…”
The four dogs wanted to tell him to drop it, that it was no longer worth it. But after all, no one of them wanted to be the first to meet his metallic fist. They knew Fang would never stop until he had gotten his revenge.
They followed him, convincing themselves that, after all, they were in the right place to attempt an escape after they were done with these two pets—
“Going somewhere?” A torch beam illuminated their shapes.
The Fanged Teeth froze at the sight: A German Shepherd and a female jackal. She was keeping a dagger in her paw.
“Surrender now,” Duke said, “And no one else will get hurt. There’s been enough of that, today.”
Fang snarled. “You get them, dolts! I am going to finish off those two meddlers!” And he sprinted toward the darkness, soon disappearing.
“Four to two?” said one of the Teeth. “You don’t impress us, pet! We were born on the streets!”
Duke grinned ferociously. “Yeah? And Uncle Sam sends us, mutt! Your funeral.” He turned off the torchlight.

The sounds of the ongoing fights filled the air, echoing in the small complex that once hosted the smugglers.
Fang heard his dogs whimper and gurgle. He knew they were goners. He knew this was it, his last chance to go with a bang.
He was fairly sure that something had gone very, very wrong at Isla de la Paz. He wasn’t stupid, he knew he had just met a ghost, and there must be a fair deal of them in that city built on pain and blood. Whatever had unleashed them must have wreaked havoc on a massive scale if they had come into this hole of a place as well.
Not to mention that he couldn’t care less for the mutts at Isla de la Paz. They were of no importance to him, and reinforcements were surely not to come on time to save him. Not if what his subjects had said was true.
“Come on out, Tegan! You know it’s over for you, you can only choose to run to asphyxiation! Come to me, and I’ll be quick, I promise! It’s only fair that you and I go together! I will let Peanut go, alright? He was just a bonus for the sake of Foster! But I want only you!”
The darkness was absolute, it was like walking into a world of ink.
But Fang had studied this place from the maps. And he had his nose. The place was humid, it preserved the scent of his quarry. “I know where you are. Heeere kitty kitty kitty, and if you don’t come out now, I’ll take you and your little dog too—“
The impact propelled Fang and against the wall. He bounced and fell down, while his nerves registered the tremendous pain at the back. “Well…” he said, massaging his offended area. “Looks like my good helper weren’t that good after all, Mr. Duke—” His grin turned into renewed stupor when the torchlight was turned on.
He recognized the newcomer from Peanut’s file.
And he knew he was in for a world of pain!
“I want you to see me well, before I off you,” Grape said, while holding…a broom. It would have looked almost comical a weapon, but the raw fury in her expression had nothing of comical.
“GRAPEY!” Peanut exclaimed happily from a corner.
She never took her eyes off Fang. “Be right with you, honey. Now cover your eyes.” She turned off the torchlight.

The two pets tried to see, but all they could do was imagine the spectacle as they heard note after note of the mayhem Grape Jelly was inflicting. And if Fang was trying to defend himself, he was miserably failing at that. And if he was begging for mercy, Grape wasn’t listening.

Eventually, it was over. Another torchlight was lit up, illuminating the bloody mess that had been ‘Fang the Terrible’ and Grape, panting, bent over her victim, what was left of the broomstick still held tight in her paws as if ready to strike again should he even think of moving.
But Fang would not move, not for a long time.
“I think you did a good job here,” Duke said. He wished he had such furies in his unit. “We’ll take care of him now.”
The cat tossed away the broomstick—and a moment later, a missile tackled her! “Ack!” The rest of her speech was drowned in the most passionate kiss a dog and a cat ever exchanged. Peanut’s tail was wagging crazy, despite it being wrapped by Grape’s purple appendage.
Zara threw Duke a scolding look. “You never kissed me like that.”
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

ooh, is Zara jealous?
That cat is dynamite with that broom of hers. I never want to be on the receiving end of a "sweeping" from Grape.
Paradigm Shift by me
I do not actually believe any of what I'm saying.
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Post by EvanAierkan »

Grape's wrath strikes again!
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Post by kavviyenta »

We really don't see much fighting scene, but who care? Grape did stand a chance against him after all. Your use of humor and heartwarming during a dark moment never cease to amaze me. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by valerio »

Grape's fury is even more the terrible when left to imagination... 8-)
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Post by legendario13 »

valerio wrote:Grape's fury is even more the terrible when left to imagination... 8-)
But I think something wrong is going on with my imagination...
A moment of enlightenment...aaaaand it's gone
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Post by angelusbr »

legendario13 wrote:
valerio wrote:Grape's fury is even more the terrible when left to imagination... 8-)
But I think something wrong is going on with my imagination...
Make the two of us.
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Post by Helmetzid »

angelusbr wrote:
legendario13 wrote:
valerio wrote:Grape's fury is even more the terrible when left to imagination... 8-)
But I think something wrong is going on with my imagination...
Make the two of us.
...add me to that tally too, great post btw
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Post by JeffCvt »

valerio wrote:Grape's fury is even more the terrible when left to imagination... 8-)
My imagination worked just fine when I read that scene, and I wish that it didn't.
This is from someone who reads Stephen King.
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Post by lightwolf21 »

Thanks for reminding me of that awesome fan fic I did with that one scene with Grape and Lester. XD Some of you may know what I'm talking about.
Heh. Look at that... I started an actual Housepets! fan-fic. ... 70#p131370
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Post by Big Fan »

lightwolf21 wrote:Thanks for reminding me of that awesome fan fic I did with that one scene with Grape and Lester. XD Some of you may know what I'm talking about.
I do! While I was upset you made Lester so powerful, his hilarious weakness more than made up for it. :lol:
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Post by valerio »

Isla de la Paz, Mexico

Army vehicles of all kind – from helicopters, to trucks, ambulances, tanks, jeeps – were moving in and out the once infamously known as the Vegas of Mexico…and also as the Pit.
Not even New York in its darkest hours had seen such a massive amount of vehicles. If someone decided to launch a land attack to the Mexican nation right now, they wouldn’t find a lot of resistance. Even aviation was involved. The city’s small airport had been taken over for the large transportation planes, there were hospital tents everywhere, like a second city and the medical staff would wear level 4 biohazard suits while the military had opted for NBC suits.
Kevin Marsh was impressed: he admitted the bias with himself, he couldn’t imagine the Mexicans being so efficient at setting up a containment cordon so tight on such a short notice. The guys at CIA must be having a field day while looking at the satellite imagery.
After all, how many times in 21st century had a whole city been declared effectively quarantined? Outside of cheap movies, that is.
But, for now, the man’s most immediate concern regarded the men sitting at the other side of the table. It felt like testifying at a Grand Jury… Only, Kevin was fairly sure that the wrong answer would earn him a bullet in the head.
There ‘committee’ was composed by a 3-stars General of the GAFE (Grupo Aeromóvil de Fuerzas Especiales, the top Special Forces), a brass from the CISEN (Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional, the local version of CIA), and one from AFI (Agencia Federal de Investigación, the counter-crime superpolice).
Kevin was glad he had given himself as the whole operation’s commander. He had the sensation that Budweiser would’ve been skinned alive if he had tried to take responsibility.
“Mr. Marsh...” said the GAFE military, visibly trying to keep his composure, while fighting to find the right words without shouting his lungs off his chest. “Mr. Marsh…”
Kevin wanted so bad to make a joke and ease the tension, but again he thought about that bullet just waiting for him. No one but the Mexican Government and his friends in high places knew he and the others were here. They could disappear and no one could make a fuss or cause a problem to the legitimate Government of this country.
“Mr Marsh,” said the AFI guy, in a more conciliatory tone, “When our Government gave you the green light to come and rescue your…friends,” the way he pronounced the word made it clear what he thought about animals in general “…Well, sending 827,449 human being into a panic-stricken coma and killing 1,321 wasn’t exactly in the conditions.”
“As we’re speaking,” the CISEN guy said, “the Ambassador, the Secretary of National Defense and our President are sweating their way through a plausible explanation for countless families, in order to avoid the most spectacular diplomatic crisis since 9/11.”
At last, the GAFE General found his words. “And you know what’s worse? We have no one to blame.
“We cannot blame terrorists, because we didn’t find the least evidence of nuclear, biological or chemical warfare. And something that could strike on such a massive scale, with such a precision and coordination would leave something, anything to be measured.”
“What we have, instead,” the CISEN guy went on, “is a city filled with madmen, comatose men, injuried and a whole bunch of people died of pure fright –that is, if the coroners will confirm each single body.”
The General shook his head. “Even if you were the responsible, even if you carried an airborne Ebola Fear or a Terror Flu, the Delasangre security proves that you had not the number and the means to contaminate one city on such a short notice. Not to mention that you had not the time, as your Alpha Team was arrested upon entering Isla de la Paz and immediately put under security in an airtight room. But you must admit, it is so much convenient that something similar happened at Camino Real, home to the Delasangre Family, where a group of their paramilitary troops killed each other in a panic frenzy and took down the elder Delasangre as well. Much convenient, for now there will be no one to carry on their vengeance on you, right?”
The ex USSOCOM, now Lucky Charm Grove head security, nodded. “You are right, it is much convenient. But as for your concerns, you are also right: we are not involved in any possible way. The only weapon of destruction we used was the one installed on our car, and that too got destroyed by the enemy forces before they started shooting at each other. We only own a civilian helicopter and a handful of conventional light weapons. All material you own now, since you confiscated everything. And it’s my guess you didn’t find anything pertinent to what happened.”
“I’d watch my mouth if I were in your position, young man,” the General said. Kevin couldn’t stop thinking this guy really looked like that ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross character.
Kevin returned the other’s cold glare. “Sir, with all due respect, my team and I are innocent and you know it. So, unless you are planning to detain us for the rest of our lives, and no one in the world could prevent you, I would like you to return at least our helicopter, or grant us a ride aboard any mean of your choice back to US.” He stood up. “Look, I am not some insensitive gringo gloating over your loss for the American fun of it. We’re talking about a city and a crisis of unprecedented proportions, but you and I know that any made-up, farfetched, blatantly absurd spin you’ll feed the media will do. Because it’s simply too big.
“You cannot hide such a number of corpses, and even less such a vast number of potential witnesses. For now, you can only hope that no one among them will ever recover from their trauma, or that, at least, it will take many years to recover. Time enough to work out a good damage control. Time enough to say that Isla de la Paz is radioactive or something, isolate it so that no one will suspect…
“In other words, if you fear we will say anything to the media, well it’s not the case and you know why? Because those poor animals we rescued want only their old life back, or at worst find a new family after being smuggled into that place for the Pet Fight Clubs. And my animal friends want only to put everything behind them. And as for me and my colleagues, we know that if we start blabbering we will conveniently disappear. Not to mention that, and forgive me guys,” he looked at the three men straight in the eyes, showing an expression of pure contempt, “I am extremely happy that all those people somehow, finally paid for their crimes. They would visit Isla de la Paz to see animals suffer and die, and in my book that makes them Nazis. Sue me.”
Bullet or not, he was glad he had said it.
“I cannot believe you did it!” Sabrina said…well, her projection did. It was rare to see the black cat angry, and she really looked mad now, just like when Tarot had crossed the worlds. “The consequences will ripple through the years, the otherworld is restless as if a tsunami swept it! What did you think you were doing, Tarot?!”
For her part, the Pomeranian looked calm, even laid back, as she answered, “I instructed Kevin (the dog) to draw the folding space symbol, to allow a temporary contact with the Otherworld.”
Sabrina snorted like a bull. “Tarot…”
This time the golden-furred female threw a genuinely upset glance at her old friend. “In the name of ethics, I didn’t make that symbol permanent or that city would be spiritually radioactive forever. We have no right to be judge and jury, I know that. the only lesson I could inflict to those evil people was a peek at what they had done. Not my fault if they were too weak to stand the consequences of their actions.”
Sabrina decided this was useless. Her friend had changed, was still changing. And whatever was wrong with her couldn’t be dealt with through this contact. She shook her head. “Tarot, just tell me one thing: it was for Peanut?”
This time, it was the dog who avoided looking into Sabrina’s eyes. “No…and yes. He was going to be safe, one way or the other, but the thought of what they wanted to do to him, of seeing him thrown into that…place…for the sadistic fun of humans who had abandoned everything that makes that species noble, well…”
Sabrina sighed. “I understand your passion, Tarot, but the passion cannot control our actions.”
“I know.”
Sabrina nodded. “We’ll speak of this when you come home.” And on that, she vanished in a wisp of wind.
“Man, did she look nervous,” the cat said. He was sitting at what he hoped was a safe distance. His black and white fur was interrupted by a brown spot on his right eye.
Tarot turned to the cat. “She is right, Riley, what I did was close to unforgivable: Our planes should never touch. The last time it happened, in the place I was supposed to guard together with my friend, the consequences came close to catastrophic. And the cause of it was unintentional—“
“Nonsense,” Riley interrupted her.
“Your pardon?”
The cat otherwise known as Riddle stood up. “You heard me the first time, lady. Look at me: I was born at Isla de la Paz, and when my talents started showing, what I did? Used them to buy myself a comfy life, despite knowing everything about the horrors that spawned the ghosts you summoned.
“And you know why? Because when you are an animal at Isla de la Paz, you will not find a loving family, you will not find food that isn’t a drug-laced trap, you won’t end up in a shelter that at least can give you TV. No, you grow up knowing that one day you will die a horrible death. It rubs off on you, becomes part of you. It steals what’s good in you.
“You spoke about this Babylon Gardens place. You know what is that, to the likes of me? A fairy tale, the promised land, a fata morgana. If I hadn’t seen that Peanut and Grape with my own eyes, I would’ve never believed love existed at all…
“So yes, you did the right thing. You showed me my errors, you showed everyone. Too bad for them if they were cowards to the bone.” He grinned. “And you didn’t even use a magical lasso.”
Tarot started walking toward the camp. She didn’t want to argue, especially not in defense of her doing. Sabrina was right, she would have to deal with her turmoil, and the sooner the better… “What will you and Darius do now?” she asked to change topic.
Riddle shrugged. “Darius needs me more than ever now. He too met the spirits of those he had killed, and the thing shook him bad. And a cage at the shelter won’t do him any good.”
“So you’re planning to escape?”
The cat chuckled. “Such a big word. We’re going to explore the world on our own, this time as friends, no longer as King of Champions and Shadow King. We will keep ourselves out of trouble and we will earn our living in a honest way. Of course, as long as we don’t become plot devices or somesuch,” he added quickly.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
Riddle put up his paws in mock self-defense. “With all due respect, ma’am, you did really more than enough as it is.”
The voice came as if someone had put a wall of cotton between him and the rest of the world. “Kevin?”
He so wanted to ignore that voice, and get back to sleep, but the voice grew stronger and eventually he understood the only way to make it stop was to open his eyes…
“Kevin, how are you?”
Friggin’ fine! He wanted to say, but only a groan escaped is throat. I’ve been punched almost to death, my ribs hurt like heck, mu teeth hurts like heck, I am sure one ear will be floppy forever and I don’t think I can…see… But he managed to open his eyes, though not wide enough as he wanted. “…fine,” he muttered through a weak smile.
He could see, and he could see Fido, and Ralph, his old teacher Bud…and Peanut and Grape.
The Doberman, laying in a bed, in a tent, had an arm in traction, a cast was protecting his ribs (it itched Holy Dog!), his eyes were still swollen, a small cast kept his damaged ear erect and he had a sort of muzzle around his snout. Enough to make him pant to cool off and mutter some words.
Fido was hesitant to even pat him, fearing to cause further damage. “We did it. And you were brave like no one else, you big lug.”
“I’ll recommend you for a promotion,” Sergeant Ralph said. “And a medal, too. Just don’t let it get over your head, okay?”
“…no way, Shahge.”
Then it was Bud’s turn. He squeezed Kevin’s thigh. “You contributed to save many, many innocent lives, including my son’s and my daughter’s. I’ll never be grateful enough.”
“Mah duty, shah…”
Grape bent over and kissed Kevin’s nose tip. “Come visit us when you’re back in shape, okay?”
“Guys,” Kevin Marsh said, entering the tent. “The authorities decided to let us go, on the ground we shall never set foot on Mexican ground ever again, no matter what. We’re officially personae non gratae, but at least they can’t ground us. We will be leaving in a hour. Kevin will be moved in an ambulance to the helicopter.”
Everyone but Kevin threw their arms in the air and went “YAY!”
Peanut broke his hug with Grape and ran out of the tent.

“Tegan!” He called out. “Tegan, we leave in one hour! We’re going home!”
The cat turned. A soft breeze ruffled her fur, while the Sun kept moving toward the horizon. Her eyes were sad.
Peanut frowned, puzzled. “Tegan, what’s up? Aren’t you happy?”
She smiled weakly and nodded. “I am.” And yet she kept her eyes glued to the rocky ground.
Peanut put a paw over her shoulder. “You look sad.”
The Maine Coon shook her head. “I’m not, I just…*sigh* you and Grape are back together now. And I…” She bent over and kissed his lips. Just a brush, a peck, but it was enough to make Peanut blush like a pepper and go BSOD.
This time Tegan chuckled. “Sorry, fangirl thing. Always wanted to know how it felt. With you, I mean.” She turned toward the sun, the golden light bathing her body in an almost ethereal hue. “I will go back home, to my family, and…and I don’t know if Elliot will stay true to what we said, in that dream…if it was a dream…”
Peanut walked until he was next to her. “Did he say he loved you?”
“Like…he meant it?”
Tegan nodded. At least, that was what she wanted to believe. She just couldn’t stand if Elliot kicked her back into ‘friend zone’, even if she hadn’t the right to impose him—
“Then you have nothing to fear.” Gone was the happy puppy she’d always known. He was really talking like a mature dog would do, like a Fido… “He was sincere, Tegan, believe me. Grape too was so scared when she confessed her feelings for me. And I hadn’t even been kidnapped then, I had just told her I was ready to get out of her life if she wanted to stay with Max. Heh, it was as if I had told her I’d run from home.
“Believe me. It’s when you’re afraid for someone you love that you’re really sincere. When you fear you will never see that someone again, you realize what really matters.”
The cat smiled, hugging her tail. “You always know how to say the right thing, you know?”
He put a paw behind his head. “Wish Grape told me that.”
This time, Tegan laughed, heartily welcoming the relief. “Oh, Kitty! If that’s the worst one in your relationship, I’d trade place any moment!” She patted his back. “Now let’s go. I want to spend the next hours back home sleeping like a rock… By the way, do you mind if I sleep next to you?”
“I guess we can make an exception,” Grape said, making then turn. Peanut was about to tackle her again, but stopped when his mate handed him her phone. “Guess you wanted to see them.”
“MOM! DAD!” Peanut barked, pressing his snout against the screen. “I missed you so much, too! And I missed little Martin, and Dayshaun, and Tarot, and Parnok, and Louise, and Nutella! We are coming home, did you know?”
Jill Sandwich nodded. “Just hurry up, love: we’re under siege, everyone wants to welcome you back.”
“Be back soon, promise promise!” The hound licked the screen in a doggy kiss then handed the phone back to Grape. “Thank you.”
Making a face, she took it and used a tissue to wipe it clean. “It was a touchscreen. Ew.”
It was…strange, to think it was over for good.
Estrella Delasangre sat on the cot in the tent they had erected for her. Two armed guards stood outside, but at this point why care?
She was the last of her Family. Her criminal empire was gone, everything she had a right to inherit was lost. She was sure the Government would declare Isla de la Paz inhabitable until the desert claimed it, and by then the luxury island would be turned into a shade of her former glory…
And the Delasangre had no one to blame but themselves. She was the last and she would endure whatever fate would throw at her. She knew this day would come, though not under such…peculiar circumstances.
At least, the Pet Fight Club business in this part of Mexico was over, and she had made it to save two innocent lives. She could walk this new path with a lighter conscience, hoping her mother would be forgiven for doing the same, before being killed by the forces of her own daughter. Irony at its best.
She only wished she had a second chance to do more to purge herself from her affiliation with Marcela, for benefitting of her gift bought with the blood of so many innocents…
“Are you being sincere on that?” asked a voice…behind her! “No! Do not turn, Estrella.”
The woman stopped in mid-gesture. She wondered who it was. It wasn’t a human, that much could tell. Whoever it was, it must be on behalf of her captors, for the guard would have barged in already on an unauthorized entry. “Yes, I am being sincere. It’s not much what I owe, but I want to use it to amend to my sins. I will even drop my family name. I want a fresh start, if I ever deserved one.”
After a minute of silence, the mysterious voice said, “Good. Of course, you must work hard to deserve forgiveness, but I can tell you’re off to a good start. Just be patient, your occasion will come soon.”
This time, Estrella turned…and all she got to see was nothing but a glowing set of green eyes, suspended in mid-air, before those too disappeared…
Milton Mansion, Babylon Gardens

“I must say,” Keene Milton was saying, looking through the window while Mr. Steward was transporting the boxes into a SUV parked just outside the garage, “I wasn’t exactly sure it’d be a good idea at first. Dad didn’t trust humans to do this job, but that’s because he was obsessed like no one else with this human/animal reconciliation thing. And not in some mumbo-jumbo spiritual sense.
“But after seeing to what length you’d go to defend our kind, I decided you are just the perfect choice for this job. I need someone who would do literally anything, and I fear I do not have the…basic requirements”
“Not to mention that, should anything happen to you, or to your brethren, your empire would collapse and with it the dream of your father,” said Martin Foster, standing behind the ferret.
Keene nodded. “That’s another reason I wanted this merging between our three firms –ours, yours and Gottschalk’s. I don’t know if he can carry on the reconciliation plan, but I’m sure he’ll manage our fortunes in the animals’ best interests should something happen to both of us. For the little I understand so far, we’re dealing with the equivalent of a nuke. Do you think you can make it?”
Martin nodded, his face a neutral mask. “I can’t promise anything, except that I will do my best with these ancient secrets.” He thought about the griffin and the dragon figures carved in that temple. He thought of Pete… “But I promise I will do my best to make sure to help more and more innocents until I got the means to do it.”

Last edited by valerio on Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by EvanAierkan »

Haha, oh wow, the TeganxPeanut OTP returns. Totally needs fanart now and you can't stop me!

On the other note, looks like the chapter is over now (and what a great chapter it was). I suppose we're going back to Terrace High now?
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Post by kavviyenta »

And that's the end of the longest episode ever. The chilling yet lovingly and awesome one done. Funny how the ending that tie in with the recent canon actually fit the flow of your story. :D

We probably forgot this, I hoped Pete's real name will be revealed. Only the Rick knows. :geek: my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I doubt we'll learn Pete's real name.

now my question: was that pair of green eyes mysterious to us, or just to Estrella? was it Riddle or Bruja. So confusing.
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Post by JeffCvt »

I don't think Valerio is going to tell us about the eyes Brent, if he wanted us to know then we would have found out.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I didn't say I expected an answer yet, that's just the question I have.
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Post by valerio »

EvanAierkan wrote:Haha, oh wow, the TeganxPeanut OTP returns. Totally needs fanart now and you can't stop me!
HOORAAY! :D :D :D Long time you gave no awesome fanart, Evan! Can't wait to see it!
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:I doubt we'll learn Pete's real name.
now my question: was that pair of green eyes mysterious to us, or just to Estrella? was it Riddle or Bruja. So confusing.
They were Bruja's, Brent. After all, I *did* quote the sentence par as in her CS ;) That was to prove you I didn't forgot about your contribution 8-)
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*parties because he contributed*
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Post by GameCobra »

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Post by copper »

Great ending to an awesome chapter of this story. Can't wait to see the Welcome Home Parties.... especially the meeting between Tegan and Elliot~ :D

Wonder if the eyes will force the Delasangre woman to move to Babylon and take the two former Kings with her as pets. :roll:

Once again, you make me smile. Thank you!
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Post by Sparky »

Gah i keep getting behind! Great story so far Valerio.
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Post by Helmetzid »

I'm thinking the eye's was some sorta Tarot/Dragon thing and thats why the guards didnt react
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Val already confirmed they belonged to my submitted character, but yes, powers. Hence her name being Spanish for Witch.
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Post by Helmetzid »

^And this is why i need to learn to read, and since i never posted this still LOVING this thing. Can't wait to see what lies for Tegan when she arrives at home
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Post by angelusbr »

I hope Kevin gets well soon. Great episode ending, Valerio.
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Post by legendario13 »

For one second I thought Marsh was the one in the bed all beaten up hahaha.

Outstanding End, I want to see what happen with tegan & Elliot...but poor Samson

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Post by Skruffy »

I'm eagerly awaiting Evan's fanart :)

and the next update
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Post by Coatl_Ruu »

A fitting end to an awesome chapter! Mission accomplished. They left a bit of a mess behind in Isla de la Paz, but hey, what's one little international incident between friends? xD
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Post by valerio »

your PSA speaking.
Due to a surgical i just had to remove a small tumor from my right palm, I can't use the keyboard for longer than a few minutes at a time (or perform any stressing task including socking politicians) for the next 10 days until the stitches are removed (heck, only a couple of them and they hurt like heck!).
So take a deep breath of relief until the beginning of May, when i should have something ready for the update.
Stay tuned!
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Oh Noes! D:

get better soon. we can wait. I have PoP to be reading and school assignments to be doing in the meantime. ^_^
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Sorry to hear about your palm. hope it heals soon =)
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Post by _Stu_ »

D: This is sudden, i hope you can come back soon val
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Post by copper »

Just relax and heal up, Valerio. We can wait. You usually spoil us with rapid succession updates anyway. :roll:
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Post by legendario13 »

My best wishes to you Val, get some rest, and thank you for the notice so we wouldnt get worried
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Post by JeffCvt »

Get better first, finish update second.
I'm sure whatever you have planned will be worth the wait.
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Post by kavviyenta »

It was a significant event, you deserve a break alright 8-) my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

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Post by Obbl »

I. AM. CAUGHT UP!!!!!! (pages 10-34: ~10hrs over 3 days) Why must your story be so awesome?!?
And of course Valerio can't post new updates for a while now that I'm finally here. :roll:

I shall now join the not-so-patient masses in the eternal quest to read this epic tale. :D
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Post by valerio »

Of all the moments to get stuck-- *sigh*
I'm really SO happy to see you again Obbl! :D :D :D :D Looks like fate had planned a bad one, eh?
Anyway, hope my English has improved some since the days you'd do the proofreading. ;)