Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

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Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Cyan Leopard »

Now that I have many of you wishing to claw my eyes out, let me make my point. At this point I'm almost done reading Housepets for the second time, and I been reading many of your comments on the comic along the way. Many of you are allowing your selfs to be fooled by Tarot's cute and innocent act, when in facet she is one of the most sinister and underhanded characters in the story. Tarot and the Spirit Dragon have manipulated the Universe it self for their own ends. Now your aksing yourself "What is this fool talking about?", Tarot and the Sperit Dragon are good guys right? The Answer to that is, yes and no. They are two females in love, and both of which would do anything to get the attantion of the one they love. Remember Tarot is a powerful psychic that can read minds and see into the future, and Spirit Dragon is a power celestial bining that can manipulate and bend reality on a whim. Their one objactive is to win Peanuts heart even if that means hurting him to drive a wedge between him and Grape. Surely this can't be true! Now I ask you all to reread "Turnabout Is Fair Play", and reconsider her actions. If we have to go back and reevaluate Tarot as a whole lets go all the way back to their first meeting. In "I Dare You To Do Otherwise" did max get locked out of the house by his owner, or did the Dragon manipulate reality so that he would be forced to stay the night at the Sandwiches? Tarot and the Dragon have manipulated not just the Universe but everyones emotions to farther their own ends. How fare are they willing to really go, and what will they do if Peanuts love for Grape never wavers? Remember my friends hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by JeffCvt »

While I see what you are saying here, I respectfully disagree with you.

Tarot has not done anything to suggest that she would do that, and if she wanted to, she would have during "Imaginate, Too!" when Peanut was already upset at Grape.

Instead she clearly helped here

And other than that, this is a comic for comedy. This comic is not something to have deep hidden meaning in everything. Just enjoy it for the fun and laughs you get.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Cyan Leopard »

Your right Jeff she didn't have to do anything. All she had to do is simply stand by and watch it happen. She know what was going on and this is evident in her sudden departure in the final fram. You see she dos not need to destroy is whole world, she just need to nudge things in the right durection. Causing to much collateral damage would be counter productive.

Rick has proven time and agian that he often has deeper meaning in his storys, and he is not beyound dark comedy, romance and slice of life concepts. Its what makes this story so rich and meaningful. The fact that we can see our own day to day lifes in this story is what helps us connect to it.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Sleet »

Tarot and Spirit Dragon have been demonstrated to not be on the same team as far as loving Peanut before; they're not one entity. Not to mention early on, near her introduction, Tarot seemed pretty accepting of Peanut liking Grape. Just because she was a good sport abou it doesn't mean she wanted them to not get together.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Cyan Leopard »

Sleet your right, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Just because Tarot and the Dragon both have ambitions to win Peanuts love dos not mean they dont know that neither one of them has a chance as long as Grape fills his heart. One thing is certin they would need to put a wedge between the two before either one would have a chance. You have to admite together with their knowledge of the fild and ability to alter reality is probably the only way Peanut and Grape would have looked out side of their already close relationship. I'm not saying they would have crossed the line but they were both content in the life they had with each other.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Sleet »

Grape doesn't like dogs. She has every reason to look outside her friendship with Peanut.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Cyan Leopard »

Sleet thats not interlay true now is it? Other thin "fantasizing" about tigers and lions up until recently Grape has been rather disinterested in pursuing any significant relationship with other cats. Shes lived there for years but only really knows one cat from the neighborhood and to be honest before they started dating she was not really that close to Max. In fact the truth is Grape hangs out with dogs more thin anything and the point can be made that the only reason she even whent to GODC meets was because Peanut was there.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Sleet »

Just because someone is attracted to cats and not dogs doesn't mean they have to hang out with cats a lot.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by JeffCvt »

Right here Grape says that when she thinks of romance she thinks of cats.
And that Peanut is her closest friend in the world, which could explain why she would tag along to a GODC meeting. That's not proof that she loves him. (In a romantic sense that is)

I would know a thing about having super close friends, my closest friend I have ever had happens to be female and some people have even mistakenly thought we were going out.
Just because we are close friends does not mean we think about each other in a romantic sense.

Tarot would have no reason to tear them apart, especially because Peanut admits here that he still thinks of Tarot a lot. And in other comics, Tarot clearly shows that she has control over what she will let Spirit Dragon do in her body, so she wouldn't let SD do anything to upset Peanut without good reason.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Cyan Leopard »

This one comic is still nether here nor there. Honestly the argument can be made that grape said this because she knows that Peanut at this moment is not ready for the social pressure they would be under if they were in a relationship. But that's not what I think. Its not that uncommon for people who want a relationship that is considered out side of the societal norm to not only find it impossible to admit to others what they truly want but they can't even admit it to them self's. We really have to look at Grapes lake of interest in other cats, because we are not just talking about one comic were talking about a history of years were really the only person that Grape has showed any real interest in is Peanut. Now psychologically the argument could be made that Grape fantasizes about cats because that's what she feels she should fantasize about, and the fact she dos not seek any outside relationship besides Peanut is because he satisfied her other basic needs.

I'm not saying the Dragon is doing anything that Tarot dos not want, I'm saying that the Dragon and Tarot are co-conspirators in manipulating not only everyone's emotions but the actual Universe it self. Remember they have access to knowledge we do not they actually have some idea of what the future holds and they are actually braking the rules of non interference. Even if they have some vague conception that what their doing is in the best interest of Peanut, it still brakes the rule because their doing it for the own benefit.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Sleet »

But Grape clearly loves Max...
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by JeffCvt »

Cyan Leopard, your argument is that Tarot and Spirit Dragon want Peanut to love them instead of Grape, and that they are willing to try and do whatever they can to achieve that.

If this is what you are trying to say, then whether Grape loves Peanut or not does not change anything. We know that Peanut loves Grape, and this is all that counts. We all started to get a little off topic.

You say earlier that when Max got locked out the night that Peanut met Tarot, there is a possibility Tarot/Spirit Dragon had something to do with that.
We already know that. We just found out that Tarot did that as a way to try and keep Pete from gaining Grape as an avatar. From then, we can assume that Tarot and Spirit Dragon fell in love after the fact, as stated in the "Dog days of summer" arc when Pete asked why Tarot was still with Peanut.

I personally don't see anything to suggest that Tarot or Spirit Dragon are going to do anything to manipulate Peanut, Grape, or anything for that matter, just to get Peanut to love them.

This is a comic that I read because it has good comedy and I just enjoy the way that Rick does it overall. I don't want to continue arguing about this because it's not going to end up playing a significant roll in the comic I think. For what it is, it's just not worth it to me.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Sinder »

he's right, you know

you can't trust pomeranians

they are sinister in their floofiness
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by GameCobra »

Sinder wrote:he's right, you know

you can't trust pomeranians

they are sinister in their floofiness
Don't listen to him! He's just trying to knock out the competition!

But seriously, If it was that obvious, I'm sure Tarot and SD would do what Pete would but much~much worse. You mentioned female scorn? I bet Spirit Dragon has something close to Grape's =P
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by IceKitsune »

While I personally no longer ever remotely like The Nerds at all and think they are nothing more then a bunch of selfish childish brats who have been lying and manipulating everyone for what really appears to be absolutely no reason other then shear boredom (really I mean it that's what it seems to be, not that any other reason beyond saving the world/universe from being destroyed would make me like them again at this point) I put no blame on Tarot at this point, for all we know (and really seems to be the case from how serious she seems to take it) she thinks that if she doesn't play along people may die or something equally serious.

So IMO you can blame Spirit Dragon for manipulating everyone but, right now anyway, you can't really blame Tarot because we don't know what she actual knows/believes about all this.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Cyan Leopard »

IceKitsune wrote:While I personally no longer ever remotely like The Nerds at all and think they are nothing more then a bunch of selfish childish brats who have been lying and manipulating everyone for what really appears to be absolutely no reason other then shear boredom (really I mean it that's what it seems to be, not that any other reason beyond saving the world/universe from being destroyed would make me like them again at this point) I put no blame on Tarot at this point, for all we know (and really seems to be the case from how serious she seems to take it) she thinks that if she doesn't play along people may die or something equally serious.
There doing it for nothing more thin there own entertainment. Witch really puts there motives into suspect from the beginning.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Foxstar »

I think your reading too much into things.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Gren »

I don't think that Cyan Leopard is right, but I also think that many of you take things too literally

I don't believe that Tarot is "evil" and manipulative. I think she love Peanut and don't have any against the others (even King as you can see in the last arc), but still, I have a theory which probably I'll going to gain the hate of everyone:
I think that Tarot has been manipulated by Dragon to love Peanut, so you can say that her love is in part fake. What make me think that? First, the thing that was revealed in the last arc, where Pete spoke about manipulate feelings. Second, the way that Tarot entered in Peanut life. She never know him and magically, the day of Grape and Max date she appear from nowhere "to stay with Peanut and confort him". Oddly enough, she seemed to know him although they never met before and treat him as if she was in love in that moment. What I think is that who really love Peanut is Dragon, and manipulate Tarot so she could stay with him without violating the rules. Because Tarot is her avatar now, it seems like she is sealed in her body, so she need her so she can stay with Peanut and manipulate her because she can't take over her body all the time witouth breaking the rules (you know, the free will) and with it, she can stay with him all the time and without the risk that Pete could take him as his avatar.

And for the feelings of Grape (and that's what I say many of you take the things literally) I think you stubbornly assume that she only love Max and have pity for Peanut and that's not how things are. I think Grape love Max but also have feelings for Peanut. It's obiously that she like him in some way, you can see that in several strips, for example, in the history channel off-on or in "The Great Water Balloon War" arc when she was dramatizing with Zach (you can't say that was pity, because in the first Peanut was already asleep so she don't have the necessity to pretend, and in the second he not even was in there). And if she really don't like him (as you say) then doing things like hug, cuddle, snuggle and stuff with him should be gross to her, but its clearly that she enjoyed that, because if it were another dog it's sure she's gonna throw up before doing that. Oh! and don't forget that we even have seen her jealous of Tarot two times.
My theory is this: I think she love him but not in the romantic way (for now) because she don't feel atracted phisically to him for being a dog. Whatever, what attract her of him is his personality, his kindness, the way that he treat her, etc, and with this, I think with the time she's gonna get more and more atracted to the point that begin think on him in the romantic way.
A curious fact is that I don't remember Grape saying to Max that she love him, but with Peanut she do it several times (at least I remember three) so why you aren't literal with this? :roll:

In brief:

-Tarot love Peanut (but she could had been manipulate and her love could be fake) and she's not evil.
-Grape love Max but also have some feelings for Peanut, so she could have doubts in her heart and probably we could see that in next future.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Cyan Leopard »

Gren don't get me wrong I'm not saying Tarot is evil I'm just saying she has her own agenda, witch is to get closer to Peanut. If anything Tarot and the Dragon are chaotic good characters.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Anthroguy101 »

Tarot came to our house, stole our bacon and used it as positive reinforcement for Peanut.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Sleet »

Cyan Leopard wrote:Gren don't get me wrong I'm not saying Tarot is evil I'm just saying she has her own agenda, witch is to get closer to Peanut. If anything Tarot and the Dragon are chaotic good characters.
I'm not sure Tarot is exactly chaotic; she seems to be concerned with the rules of the petverse's cosmology.

She loves Peanut. Of course she has an agenda to get closer to him.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by KJOokami »

I don't think that Tarot really "came out of nowhere" in liking Peanut. Since Spirit Dragon was looking to get a hold of him as a whatever-you-call-em (not avatar, but the other thing), she was likely watching him for quite some time. And due to their connection, Tarot too was likely watching him. So while she wasn't actually with him, Tarot probably developed feelings for Peanut over that period of watching from afar.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Cyan Leopard »

Celestial beings experience time on a nonlinear time frame as demonstrated by Pete in Slide Rule. We have no idea how long the SD has been watching Peanut.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by IceKitsune »

KJOokami wrote:I don't think that Tarot really "came out of nowhere" in liking Peanut. Since Spirit Dragon was looking to get a hold of him as a whatever-you-call-em (not avatar, but the other thing), she was likely watching him for quite some time. And due to their connection, Tarot too was likely watching him. So while she wasn't actually with him, Tarot probably developed feelings for Peanut over that period of watching from afar.
That just makes it creepy then, really really creepy. (and technically, from a meta perspective, she did "come out of nowhere" because Rick thought her up on the fly admitting she was a deus ex machina in this post https://www.housepetscomic.com/forums/v ... 464#p54464)
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by KJOokami »

Cyan Leopard wrote:Celestial beings experience time on a nonlinear time frame as demonstrated by Pete in Slide Rule. We have no idea how long the SD has been watching Peanut.
Experiencing time differently isn't the same thing as altering time completely. The same amount of time will have passed regardless of how long it felt like to SD.
IceKitsune wrote:That just makes it creepy then, really really creepy. (and technically, from a meta perspective, she did "come out of nowhere" because Rick thought her up on the fly admitting she was a deus ex machina in this post viewtopic.php?p=54464#p54464)

In a sense, sure. But what matters is that she didn't "come from nowhere" in the perspective of the story.

And I guess, in a way, it is a bit creepy. But no more so than an introvert who admires a person from afar before building up the courage to approach the person they admire a ways down the road.

She didn't watch him because of her feelings; she developed feelings because she was watching him. There's a difference.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

KJOokami wrote:In a sense, sure. But what matters is that she didn't "come from nowhere" in the perspective of the story.
she showed up at Peanut's house having never met him before, and we had never been introduced to her as a character. I think that kind of counts as coming out of nowhere.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Cyan Leopard »

Your right time to the SD is the same but she can be anywere in linear she wants. So she could have watched Peanut born all the way till he died for all we know, shes could be Peanuts super stalker. <.<
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by IceKitsune »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
KJOokami wrote:In a sense, sure. But what matters is that she didn't "come from nowhere" in the perspective of the story.
she showed up at Peanut's house having never met him before, and we had never been introduced to her as a character. I think that kind of counts as coming out of nowhere.
I have to agree with this even from a non-Meta perspective she came out of nowhere.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by KJOokami »

I think you're missing the point of "in the story". An outsiders perspective looking into the story doesn't qualify... >.>

In the story, Tarot has been around for just about the same amount of time as Peanut and several other characters; she just wasn't on-screen. What this means is that her affection could very much have built up over time (and likely did), rather than simply "materialized" when she showed up on the Sandwich's doorstep.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Foxstar »

Tarot has been around for a long while guys, she just wasn't brought into the comic, but she was a part of Housepets history/backstory, as she met Sabrina a fair amount of time before she came to live in BG.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by EvanAierkan »

KJOokami wrote:What this means is that her affection could very much have built up over time (and likely did), rather than simply "materialized" when she showed up on the Sandwich's doorstep.
So she's a stalker.
Foxstar wrote:Tarot has been around for a long while guys, she just wasn't brought into the comic, but she was a part of Housepets history/backstory, as she met Sabrina a fair amount of time before she came to live in BG.
Sure there are background for it, but how she wedged herself into the Peanuts love life came out of nowhere. He doesn't mind of course, but still. It is like a on-off switch, just because Grape goes for Maxwell suddenly Peanut gets a girlfriend so he won't stay single. It sounds like a placeholder or deus ex machina.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

EvanAierkan wrote:
KJOokami wrote:What this means is that her affection could very much have built up over time (and likely did), rather than simply "materialized" when she showed up on the Sandwich's doorstep.
So she's a stalker.
Foxstar wrote:Tarot has been around for a long while guys, she just wasn't brought into the comic, but she was a part of Housepets history/backstory, as she met Sabrina a fair amount of time before she came to live in BG.
Sure there are background for it, but how she wedged herself into the Peanuts love life came out of nowhere. He doesn't mind of course, but still. It is like a on-off switch, just because Grape goes for Maxwell suddenly Peanut gets a girlfriend so he won't stay single. It sounds like a placeholder or deus ex machina.
placeholder is exactly what it is. Pete needed someone with great imagination, but couldn't hold love in their hearts. Grape went with Max, meaning that Peanut needed someone to remove him from the avatar type that Pete wanted. Tarot became this person.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Gren »

KJOokami wrote:I don't think that Tarot really "came out of nowhere" in liking Peanut. Since Spirit Dragon was looking to get a hold of him as a whatever-you-call-em (not avatar, but the other thing), she was likely watching him for quite some time. And due to their connection, Tarot too was likely watching him. So while she wasn't actually with him, Tarot probably developed feelings for Peanut over that period of watching from afar.
So you are saying that she's a Hinata? I don't think that because we never saw her being timid or introverted in all the comic history line. And you're assuming that she fell in love just because Dragon was spying him? how ridiculous. I mean, I know they share the same body, but that not means she have to feel, think and likes the same as Dragon. They both have different personalities so to me is really hard to believe that both at the same time fall in love for the same person even if they were watching him "together" and "in the normal time line". Why I remarked this two things? First because they are individual entities, so what Dragon do not necessarily Tarot have to know that. Dragon shared the information that she want her to know, nothing else. And Second, like Cyan Leopard say, Dragon as a supreme being can perceive time subjectively, so she only would have needed a half of second to know everything of Peanut life. Think about it. Why she would go to waste so much time spying him if she had the power to obtain the same information instantly?

I don't say you are wrong, I just saying that for now is more probably that Tarot is being manipulated
Cyan Leopard wrote:Gren don't get me wrong I'm not saying Tarot is evil I'm just saying she has her own agenda, witch is to get closer to Peanut. If anything Tarot and the Dragon are chaotic good characters.
But then why you put "villain" and "Tarot" together in the tittle and say things like "she is one of the most sinister and underhanded characters in the story"? :roll:
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by KJOokami »

EvanAierkan wrote:So she's a stalker.
If that's how you want to interpret it, you're welcome to. But I bet if you were to tell every introvert out there who doesn't have the courage to go and talk to/ask out the guy/girl they like, but still notice walking around town from time to time, that they're a stalker, they'll probably tell you to within the automobile off.

Life isn't black and white people. There is room for an in-between area, you know. :|
EvanAierkan wrote:Sure there are background for it, but how she wedged herself into the Peanuts love life came out of nowhere. He doesn't mind of course, but still. It is like a on-off switch, just because Grape goes for Maxwell suddenly Peanut gets a girlfriend so he won't stay single. It sounds like a placeholder or deus ex machina.
The point is that the affection from her end didn't come from nowhere. Just because Peanut was perfectly content to go right along with it (which can more be left up to a mix of Rule of Funny and Cartoon Logic than anything else) doesn't really affect the situation any as the initial claim was about Tarot's love being manipulated or fake. Not Peanut's.
Gren wrote:So you are saying that she's a Hinata? I don't think that because we never saw her being timid or introverted in all the comic history line. And you're assuming that she fell in love just because Dragon was spying him? how ridiculous. I mean, I know they share the same body, but that not means she have to feel, think and likes the same as Dragon. They both have different personalities so to me is really hard to believe that both at the same time fall in love for the same person even if they were watching him "together" and "in the normal time line".

I think you're taking what I said a little too literally. She didn't fall in love with Peanut directly because SD was watching Peanut; she just developed feelings for him (hypothetically, of course; all we're dealing with here are hypotheticals) during that time.

All we really know at this point is that Tarot and SD both have feelings for Peanut. So when claims like, "SD is just manipulating Tarot" come up, naturally I have to wonder, "Well, isn't there a simpler solution?" And since we also know that SD has had her eye on Peanut for some time now, it makes sense that Tarot would have also been watching. Or at least catching glimpses of his everyday life.
Gren wrote:And Second, like Cyan Leopard say, Dragon as a supreme being can perceive time subjectively, so she only would have needed a half of second to know everything of Peanut life. Think about it. Why she would go to waste so much time spying him if she had the power to obtain the same information instantly?
That doesn't change anything. Because SD just knowing things about Peanut doesn't give her the ability to automatically use that information to instantly acquire Peanut as a game piece. That requires things to be done, measures to be taken in real time.

I don't know why you're so dead-set on this "subjective time" thing. It really doesn't affect things nearly as much as you seem to think it does.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by EvanAierkan »

KJOokami wrote:If that's how you want to interpret it, you're welcome to. But I bet if you were to tell every introvert out there who doesn't have the courage to go and talk to/ask out the guy/girl they like, but still notice walking around town from time to time, that they're a stalker, they'll probably tell you to within the automobile off.

Life isn't black and white people. There is room for an in-between area, you know.
Well it wasn't crush or anything similiar which drove Tarot appear at the Sandwiches in the first place. It was already implied at the same arc she made her first appearance that she just came there because of Spirit dragon told her to. She might have done some homework before approaching Peanut, which definitely makes her more likely a stalker than a silly girl with a lovely crush.
KJOokami wrote:The point is that the affection from her end didn't come from nowhere. Just because Peanut was perfectly content to go right along with it (which can more be left up to a mix of Rule of Funny and Cartoon Logic than anything else) doesn't really affect the situation any as the initial claim was about Tarot's love being manipulated or fake. Not Peanut's.
If the point is that her affection didn't come from nowhere, why haven't it been shown in the comic? The first strip she was in they were already dating, completely skipping anything what could imply her feelings towards Peanut before approaching him. It's more likely she developed feelings after being together for some time, rather than before.
Last edited by EvanAierkan on Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Sinder »

EvanAierkan wrote:It sounds like a placeholder or deus ex machina.
It is a deus ex machina, in a literal sense; Dragon has been mucking around with people's love lives in order to interfere with Pete's play strategy, although we don't know to what extent. At first blush, it appears that she sends Tarot to be with Peanut in order to provide him with a love interest and make him off-limits to Pete after Grape unexpectedly chooses to be with Max, but this doesn't actually make sense; Pete specifically states that Dragon prevented "the cat" from being his avatar, not Peanut. This would not have been necessary if Peanut and Grape were going to get together anyway, which suggests that he's actually talking about another character... maybe Max, maybe Sabrina, maybe someone else entirely.

I know you're aware of this already, but if it feels forced, that's because it is.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by IceKitsune »

Sinder wrote: Pete specifically states that Dragon prevented "the cat" from being his avatar, not Peanut. This would not have been necessary if Peanut and Grape were going to get together anyway, which suggests that he's actually talking about another character... maybe Max, maybe Sabrina, maybe someone else entirely.
Except that Grapes name was crossed off his character sheet so yes he was talking about Grape that time, and Max nor Sabrina was ever seen on the game board of player Pete was choosing from just Grape, Peanut, and Fido so both of them are out.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by GameCobra »

Tarot being a deus ex machina status at first was a risky move on Rick's part, honestly, but that doess't mean she's necessarily one, just how she was perceived, and I don't blame people looking at it like that. It's hard not to when she's basically Peanut's girlfriend automatically, but here is some thoughts: did Tarot really have feelings for Peanut initially? Hard to say, but the way they stuck out was alot more passive i found. Heck, the deal sealer i found is that Peanut just went along with it like it was ok to do and didn't have a second thought about what she was really up to at that time and didn't seem to treat Tarot like a second banana in this case and just thought it was neat that she came and started getting him popcorn all of a sudden.

It's too hard to judge though since we really don't have much history behind Tarot's motivations herself, just that she's meaning to get along with Peanut and is doing successfully and much more passively than Grape and Max.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by Gren »

KJOokami wrote: That doesn't change anything. Because SD just knowing things about Peanut doesn't give her the ability to automatically use that information to instantly acquire Peanut as a game piece. That requires things to be done, measures to be taken in real time.

I don't know why you're so dead-set on this "subjective time" thing. It really doesn't affect things nearly as much as you seem to think it does.
You misunderstand me. I know Dragon have to done many things to have the oportunity to get close to Peanut, but that doesn't means that Tarot was ALWAYS implied in this things (or at least don't have the necessity). What I trying to say is that Dragon had the power to get the information of Peanut life and do whatever that could have been necessary to approach him on her own, but she preferred use Tarot to get it because she has no other choice but to share the same body, so (in my opinion) the only way she had to stay with him without breaking the rules it was forcing Tarot to love him and share the time with him.
EvanAierkan wrote: If the point is that her affection didn't come from nowhere, why haven't it been shown in the comic? The first strip she was in they were already dating, completely skipping anything what could imply her feelings towards Peanut before approaching him. It's more likely she developed feelings after being together for some time, rather than before.
I don't think so. Like I said before, when she appeared she clearly seemed in love in that right moment. Come on, I know I am from another country and speak another languaje, but I'm pretty sure that no one in all the world could treat someone in the same way as Tarot doing with Peanut in the first date, and less when they only just met (calling him "sweetie", cooking for him and don't even mention that they slept together)
Last edited by Gren on Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tarot More Villain Thin Heroine

Post by KJOokami »

EvanAierkan wrote:Well it wasn't crush or anything similiar which drove Tarot appear at the Sandwiches in the first place. It was already implied at the same arc she made her first appearance that she just came there because of Spirit dragon told her to. She might have done some homework before approaching Peanut, which definitely makes her more likely a stalker than a silly girl with a lovely crush.
Except SD isn't allowed (by the rules of the game) to interfere with her avatar's free will. She couldn't just tell Tarot to go be with Peanut. She could ask it of her (and likely did), but Tarot would have to make the decision herself. And clearly she didn't have any objections to being with him. That suggest at least some form of attraction existing before she showed up at the Sandwich's door.
Gren wrote:so (in my opinion) the only way she had to stay with him without breaking the rules it was forcing Tarot to love him and share the time with him.
The only problem with that is that that is breaking the rules. Forcing your avatar to love another would be a pretty standard case of infringing upon free will, which is one of the biggest, and most heavily enforced, rules in the entire game.
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