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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:<Can be done.> A moment later, Miles and Tara appeared in the study.
"Oh...hi there," Janus said, waving shily.
Tara appeared, then flew through the wall at high speed. she came back in saying "I said I was almost here," in an annoyed tone.
xhunterko wrote:"Ah, thank you Hubert, you'll have to teach me how to do that myself one of these days," Miles said, then his attention turned to Buster and Janus.

"So, what is the alarm? Not the worse I hope?" Miles said, looking at Janus.
"The problem we handled last night may not be completely handled," Buster said.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by The Moon Howler »

serence ice fox wrote: "yes , I do hope so as well . Anyway , while my friends choosing their food , may I ask what are the options ?"
Deputy Smith's face darkened a bit as he answered. By that time Gordie managed to pass Serenade a menu.
"I rather discuss that when you're full. There's a chance that you might lose your appetite while listening and that's I would like to happen. Please, order."

sunauto wrote:Riley looked up at the person as the menu's descended before them like a gift from heaven. Well that's how it went in his mind anyways. "Ooh I see something I want. Can I have one of those meat covered pizzas? the ones with bacon and all that?"
"Of course, buddy. AGPD's paying, so order all you want." Gordie replied.

CrystallineWolf wrote:All Allens jumped up in good humor, except for Camelyn in her high chair, and Edward, who was thoroughly absorbed in his book.

"Edward washes dishes!" William declared. He then sped off, laughing, before Mrs. Allen could attack his dirty face with a washcloth.

Edward peered up from behind his book. "Everyone always ends up bribing me to do them anyway, so what would be the point?"

Arianna explained the game to Chris in an aside manner- "The point is not to be the last sitting at the table, otherwise, you wash the dishes. It's a silly game that William came up with, but everyone loves it."
"Oh, nice." replied back, glancing at Edward "Is he always so... grumpy?"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

The Moon Howler wrote: Deputy Smith's face darkened a bit as he answered. By that time Gordie managed to pass Serenade a menu.
"I rather discuss that when you're full. There's a chance that you might lose your appetite while listening and that's I would like to happen. Please, order."
Needless to say , Serenade was quite worried when the officer's expression changed . Did she do something that offended him ? Not only that , but what would these "conditions" be that might make them lose appetite ? She already knew the moment the officer said he wanted to "have a word" with her and Duke , that this wouldn't be easy ,but still . She went along with this because she didn't want any trouble , for herself, the pets , and especially Duke , but it looks like they're gonna get into some sort of troubles anyway , since it's too late to back out now , and if those conditions are as bad as he made them sound to be , then no matter if they accept or decline them , the two foxes would still be in some sort of problem.......
Even though she tried her best , the blue fox at this point couldn't help but slipped up a few signs of stress and nervousness from all the thinking , and to top it all of , she actual lost her appetite because of that already , so she decided to decline the offer
"Thank you but......I have already eaten not so long ago ,so Just sitting would be good enough for me"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Marine Fox »

serence ice fox wrote:
The Moon Howler wrote: Deputy Smith's face darkened a bit as he answered. By that time Gordie managed to pass Serenade a menu.
"I rather discuss that when you're full. There's a chance that you might lose your appetite while listening and that's I would like to happen. Please, order."
Needless to say , Serenade was quite worried when the officer's expression changed . Did she do something that offended him ? Not only that , but what would these "conditions" be that might make them lose appetite ? She already knew the moment the officer said he wanted to "have a word" with her and Duke , that this wouldn't be easy ,but still . She went along with this because she didn't want any trouble , for herself, the pets , and especially Duke , but it looks like they're gonna get into some sort of troubles anyway , since it's too late to back out now , and if those conditions are as bad as he made them sound to be , then no matter if they accept or decline them , the two foxes would still be in some sort of problem.......
Even though she tried her best , the blue fox at this point couldn't help but slipped up a few signs of stress and nervousness from all the thinking , and to top it all of , she actual lost her appetite because of that already , so she decided to decline the offer
"Thank you but......I have already eaten not so long ago ,so Just sitting would be good enough for me"
Duke didn't like the sound of this at all and even though he tempered his anger and cautiousness for what was to come he was still a bit annoyed by the fact that they may be in trouble for doing nothing. In any case Duke didn't want anything from this officer and he kept a calm and collected look and spoke still with a sense of serenity.
"Same here. I'm sure we can handle whatever news you have for us..officer"
He hung for a second before finishing, trying to fake an appeal to the officer to just get the options out.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by sunauto »

"Of course, buddy. AGPD's paying, so order all you want." Gordie replied.
Riley scoots back in the booth seat a bit before curling his tail over his left leg. "That would be good, I don't want to go to the pound for not having any money."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by CrystallineWolf »

The Moon Howler wrote:"Oh, nice." replied back, glancing at Edward "Is he always so... grumpy?"
"No, though I wouldn't say grumpy,"Arianna whispered, as Edward left the table to attend the given task. "It's more like the poor thing is bored with life in general. Outside of adventure novels and science, very little excites him."

"I don't need dog ears to know you're talking about me."

Arianna gave a nervous laugh. "A regular Sherlock you are, Edward!" Turning to Mr. Allen, who was helpfully clearing the table, she asked. "So Dad, about those bandanas?"

"And you're a regular master in the art of changing subject." The teen muttered as he began to scrub.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by valerio »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Tara appeared, then flew through the wall at high speed. she came back in saying "I said I was almost here," in an annoyed tone.
xhunterko wrote:"Ah, thank you Hubert, you'll have to teach me how to do that myself one of these days," Miles said, then his attention turned to Buster and Janus.
"So, what is the alarm? Not the worse I hope?" Miles said, looking at Janus.
"The problem we handled last night may not be completely handled," Buster said.
"I don't know what happened...but I did or said something that scared Buns. I..." Janus voice dropped to a whisper. "I'm afraid I could do something bad."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

"Well, what are we dealing with here? Exactly what happened?" Miles asked.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by The Moon Howler »

Marine Fox wrote:
serence ice fox wrote:Needless to say , Serenade was quite worried when the officer's expression changed . Did she do something that offended him ? Not only that , but what would these "conditions" be that might make them lose appetite ? She already knew the moment the officer said he wanted to "have a word" with her and Duke , that this wouldn't be easy ,but still . She went along with this because she didn't want any trouble , for herself, the pets , and especially Duke , but it looks like they're gonna get into some sort of troubles anyway , since it's too late to back out now , and if those conditions are as bad as he made them sound to be , then no matter if they accept or decline them , the two foxes would still be in some sort of problem.......
Even though she tried her best , the blue fox at this point couldn't help but slipped up a few signs of stress and nervousness from all the thinking , and to top it all of , she actual lost her appetite because of that already , so she decided to decline the offer
"Thank you but......I have already eaten not so long ago ,so Just sitting would be good enough for me"
Duke didn't like the sound of this at all and even though he tempered his anger and cautiousness for what was to come he was still a bit annoyed by the fact that they may be in trouble for doing nothing. In any case Duke didn't want anything from this officer and he kept a calm and collected look and spoke still with a sense of serenity.
"Same here. I'm sure we can handle whatever news you have for us..officer"
He hung for a second before finishing, trying to fake an appeal to the officer to just get the options out.
Deputy John Smith sighed and glanced for a second at Gordie. "Is that herbal tea of yours ready?" once he received a nod from the other man, the police officer simply added "Three cups then."
Gordie nodded once more and quickly left the table, soon returning with three cups of tea, placing one in front of the deputy and one on front of each of the foxes along with a small plate with packages of pet-friendly sugar and honey. After that the owner of the pizza quickly turned to the others.
Once he had his tea in front of him, Deputy Smith took the cup and took a small sip of the hot, steaming tea.
"I don't like this any more than you, but that's the law." he said taking another sip "Hot and pleasant as always!" he commented about the tea, then focused on the two foxes once more
"So about those three options." he said, an uncomfortable expression appeared for a moment, quickly hidden beneath the mask of the calmness "Here they are." The deputy took another sip of the tea, then began.
"Option Number One - Once you enter the town, you'll be under strict police watch from either a human or a K-9 officer until you leave the town." he said slowly "Waste of good resources if you ask me. Also I doubt it will be comfortable for you. And in case you seem sick or injured, you'll be escorted to the animal clinic. This is an option requested by some of the AGPD staff and a few citizens."
The man took another sip from his tea before continuing with the same speed of speech.
"Option Number Two - You'll get 'adopted on paper' by some willing citizen." The deputy said "If you agree to that, you must visit your owner once each week and get visited by him also once each week. You'll also have to visit the animal clinic as often as any pet. It's fair enough option, but still time-consuming since the visits must be at least 8 hours long. That's the option the Sheriff himself suggested."
The deputy took a sip and sighed
"And here we come to Option tThree - the option I suggested - expensive, but will cost minimal human and k-9 resources." Deputy Smith said "That one requires a little bit of patience and trust from your side. The third option will require for you to follow me to the animal clinic, where you'll be checked out and tracking chips will be planted in both your bodies. Nothing unusual, will hurt a bit though. Next you'll have to be tagged, but I talked with the people in the clinic and they agreed to give you a 'dog-tags on a rope' or something like that. If that is the option you choose, you'll be tracked via the chips and with the tags people will know that you're alright."


[In the meantime, same place.]
sunauto wrote:Riley scoots back in the booth seat a bit before curling his tail over his left leg. "That would be good, I don't want to go to the pound for not having any money."
Gordie chuckled "Oh you won't be going to the pound if that happens. We don't have a pound in this town. Animal who break the laws go to the arrest until their owner pay or work for a whole day under watch." the owner grinned widely and asked "Don't worry about paying this time. So, your order?"


[Meanwhile in a different place.]
CrystallineWolf wrote:"No, though I wouldn't say grumpy,"Arianna whispered, as Edward left the table to attend the given task. "It's more like the poor thing is bored with life in general. Outside of adventure novels and science, very little excites him."

"I don't need dog ears to know you're talking about me."

Arianna gave a nervous laugh. "A regular Sherlock you are, Edward!" Turning to Mr. Allen, who was helpfully clearing the table, she asked. "So Dad, about those bandanas?"

"And you're a regular master in the art of changing subject." The teen muttered as he began to scrub.
Christopher stood next to Arianna, waiting quietly and patiently for her Dad.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

xhunterko wrote:"Well, what are we dealing with here? Exactly what happened?" Miles asked.
"We were talking, then for a second at the end of his sentence, he slipped into his other state," Buster explained. "I don;t know if it was a fluke, or if we just made the problem more unpredictable and it can happen at any time from now on. But we need to be on our guard."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Miles thought for a moment.

"What were you talking about? Do you think you could recreate it?" Miles said.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Miles thought for a moment.
"What were you talking about? Do you think you could recreate it?" Miles said.
Janus felt his blood turn into ice. "Please...whatever happened, can't we just...drop it? I-I only wish to be fine."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Miles glared at the wolf-dog.

"Janus, this thing is still bothering you. As to what severity it is we don't know, and not knowing that, we don't know how to act to protect you," Miles said, "Knowing what triggered the reaction, then judging what happens when the effect is triggered, will give us a much better idea of what to do. But until we know the severity and what causes it or how you can personally avoid the triggers, we're helpless."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

The Moon Howler wrote: "So about those three options." he said, an uncomfortable expression appeared for a moment, quickly hidden beneath the mask of the calmness "Here they are." The deputy took another sip of the tea, then began.
"Option Number One - Once you enter the town, you'll be under strict police watch from either a human or a K-9 officer until you leave the town." he said slowly "Waste of good resources if you ask me. Also I doubt it will be comfortable for you. And in case you seem sick or injured, you'll be escorted to the animal clinic. This is an option requested by some of the AGPD staff and a few citizens."
The man took another sip from his tea before continuing with the same speed of speech.
"Option Number Two - You'll get 'adopted on paper' by some willing citizen." The deputy said "If you agree to that, you must visit your owner once each week and get visited by him also once each week. You'll also have to visit the animal clinic as often as any pet. It's fair enough option, but still time-consuming since the visits must be at least 8 hours long. That's the option the Sheriff himself suggested."
The deputy took a sip and sighed
"And here we come to Option Three - the option I suggested - expensive, but will cost minimal human and k-9 resources." Deputy Smith said "That one requires a little bit of patience and trust from your side. The third option will require for you to follow me to the animal clinic, where you'll be checked out and tracking chips will be planted in both your bodies. Nothing unusual, will hurt a bit though. Next you'll have to be tagged, but I talked with the people in the clinic and they agreed to give you a 'dog-tags on a rope' or something like that. If that is the option you choose, you'll be tracked via the chips and with the tags people will know that you're alright."
"I-I understand......" Serenade muttered , looking down with her ears flattened . The deputy was right , these options , while might seem normal and easy to someone else , were almost impossible for her . The fox really can't see herself going around town , know she's under constant watch like some sort of criminal . In fact , she wanted to avoid getting involve with humans , especially the authority , as much as possible . But then there's the clinic thing , which is even worse . Even though knowing these humans weren't gonna do anything bad to her , Serenade still couldn't face the image of the humans doing their medical stuff to her , even after all these years , those days were still haunting her . Even just thinking about it already made her heart beat faster , and her body slightly shaken out of fear , which she desperately , but failed , to hide . The only thing the female fox could do , was gave Duke a quick glance , hoping he could say something.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Marine Fox »

serence ice fox wrote:
The Moon Howler wrote: "So about those three options." he said, an uncomfortable expression appeared for a moment, quickly hidden beneath the mask of the calmness "Here they are." The deputy took another sip of the tea, then began.
"Option Number One - Once you enter the town, you'll be under strict police watch from either a human or a K-9 officer until you leave the town." he said slowly "Waste of good resources if you ask me. Also I doubt it will be comfortable for you. And in case you seem sick or injured, you'll be escorted to the animal clinic. This is an option requested by some of the AGPD staff and a few citizens."
The man took another sip from his tea before continuing with the same speed of speech.
"Option Number Two - You'll get 'adopted on paper' by some willing citizen." The deputy said "If you agree to that, you must visit your owner once each week and get visited by him also once each week. You'll also have to visit the animal clinic as often as any pet. It's fair enough option, but still time-consuming since the visits must be at least 8 hours long. That's the option the Sheriff himself suggested."
The deputy took a sip and sighed
"And here we come to Option Three - the option I suggested - expensive, but will cost minimal human and k-9 resources." Deputy Smith said "That one requires a little bit of patience and trust from your side. The third option will require for you to follow me to the animal clinic, where you'll be checked out and tracking chips will be planted in both your bodies. Nothing unusual, will hurt a bit though. Next you'll have to be tagged, but I talked with the people in the clinic and they agreed to give you a 'dog-tags on a rope' or something like that. If that is the option you choose, you'll be tracked via the chips and with the tags people will know that you're alright."
"I-I understand......" Serenade muttered , looking down with her ears flattened . The deputy was right , these options , while might seem normal and easy to someone else , were almost impossible for her . The fox really can't see herself going around town , know she's under constant watch like some sort of criminal . In fact , she wanted to avoid getting involve with humans , especially the authority , as much as possible . But then there's the clinic thing , which is even worse . Even though knowing these humans weren't gonna do anything bad to her , Serenade still couldn't face the image of the humans doing their medical stuff to her , even after all these years , those days were still haunting her . Even just thinking about it already made her heart beat faster , and her body slightly shaken out of fear , which she desperately , but failed , to hide . The only thing the female fox could do , was gave Duke a quick glance , hoping he could say something.

Duke listened carefully and thought over each option very carefully but the more he thought about the more it infuriated him, he forced himself to show nothing more than a very slight frown as the options were laid before them. He was irritated and highly displeased, this incident only making he want to resent the humans more and more. But as his mind fogged over with anger and thoughts of escaping and living far away he thought closely of Applegate. He wanted a new life, a new start with someone he cared deeply about and his new friends but this decision didn't seem worth it for a moment until he decided what would be the best route to take, one he knew he could deal with and bare with but as he looked over he noticed Serenade slightly shaking and her ears laid flat, she looked like she didn't agree with any of this as well. When he caught her glance he forced himself to defy his word to give her some space and he took her paw in his trying to comfort her and he just held it, Duke then turned to the officer a less than pleased look formed now but a surprisingly calm tone showing.

"What exactly will happen with Option 3?"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by kurowolfe »

As she listened to the deputy's discussion with the two foxes, Grace couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. She was also not exactly a normal pet by any means, and she was actually wondering whether she was classified as such around these parts. She certainly was considered an 'exotic' pet back in Penang, which irritated both her and Timmy, due to all the excessive paperwork they needed to make everything legal and such.

And if she was the one being confronted with the options given by the uniformed man, she wouldn't pick any one of them too. Like the Malay saying goes, "the mum dies if swallowed, the dad dies if regurgitated". The slight frown on Duke's face was as clear as day to the brown ermine, and Serenade's defeated body language needed no explanation. Thinking about all this in her head, Grace showed a small frown on her face as well.

She wanted to ask Miles about his opinion on the whole thing, but she couldn't sense him anywhere. Looking to her sketchbook, the cat figure disappeared as well. Grace let out a sigh, guess Miles couldn't stay around for long, especially in the middle of the day. He WAS a ghost, after all.

As such, she mulled over the choices herself again, her hunger forgotten. She was wondering whether she could be of any help...

"Mr. Officer sir, may I interject and ask something ah? Is a pet owner allowed to have more than one pet kah?" she asked him, courteous as always but with a slight hope in her voice.

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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Miles glared at the wolf-dog.
"Janus, this thing is still bothering you. As to what severity it is we don't know, and not knowing that, we don't know how to act to protect you," Miles said, "Knowing what triggered the reaction, then judging what happens when the effect is triggered, will give us a much better idea of what to do. But until we know the severity and what causes it or how you can personally avoid the triggers, we're helpless."
<Good,> Janus spoke...with a mind-voice! <Because I *want* you to be helpless!>
Not Janus.
The Hunter!
It was like watching at a monstrous overlapping of two pictures, the wolfdog and his feral counterpart. <Boo!> And before Miles could react, the thing reached out and...grabbed Miles as if the ghost had suddenly a consistence, claws pricking into the ethereal neck. <And just to make it clear, nobody but you interlopers can see me. One word, and you'll discover that there are worse things than death.> He showed that grin his unfortunate preys had briefly come to know.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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Miles was unafraid.

Oh good, I was hoping to talk to you. Miles thought to the entity, hoping Hubert was powerful enough to detect something like this without him doing anything.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Miles was unafraid.
Oh good, I was hoping to talk to you. Miles thought to the entity, hoping Hubert was powerful enough to detect something like this without him doing anything.
<I'm happy you wanted to see you too. Oh, and in case you wanted to check for your draggie friend...> his nose pointed at where Hubert was supposed to be...
The dragon was not there anymore!
The Hunter tapped his skull. <He's here. This chat is for the big boys, kitty.>
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Fair enough. So might I ask then, what is your reason for being? Miles asked.

Did I hear my name? :) Miles thought to Grace in a fun tone. Intending to tell her nothing of the Hunter.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by The Moon Howler »

Deputy John Smith was about to reply to duke when the ermine spoke.
kurowolfe wrote:"Mr. Officer sir, may I interject and ask something ah? Is a pet owner allowed to have more than one pet kah?" she asked him, courteous as always but with a slight hope in her voice.
"Just Deputy, please." he said "As long as the owner can provide for his pets, I see nothing wrong with it."

Then the deputy turned to the foxes once more. Mainly at Serenade. the man spoke with a calm, monotone voice.
"I may be human and may not have those keen senses you have, but I can see you're troubled, dear. My guess is either fear from strangers or fear of medical facilities. Either ways I am sure you won't tell me, nor will I want you to do so. What I will do, however is to be there for both of you, no matter what you choose."
Then he looked at Duke.
"As for you buddy, What will be done in the clinic is the regular pet check up, which I'm sure every single one of your friends can tell is nothing scary. Plus I noticed your mate earlier when she held her arm. It's my job to be observant. As for the chips - It is a standard procedure, nothing our medics can't handle. They will sting for a day or two, though, but that is entirely up to you. Next we'll make you a picture, separately of course. It's for the documentation about the chips, bureaucratic stuff. In the end, you'll be given plates like mine." the man said, pulling out a small metal chain with a couple of dog-tags on it "except that yours will only have a name and an ID number and you will have a single one on a rope of some sort. After that if anyone gives you any trouble - simply call me."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Marine Fox wrote:When he caught her glance he forced himself to defy his word to give her some space and he took her paw in his trying to comfort her and he just held it, Duke then turned to the officer a less than pleased look formed now but a surprisingly calm tone showing.

"What exactly will happen with Option 3?"
"Duke....thank you....." the shaking fox whispered under her breathe , while her own paw hold on to Duke's a bit tighter , not even sure if her friend could even hear her .
The Moon Howler wrote:Deputy John Smith was about to reply to duke when the ermine spoke.
kurowolfe wrote:"Mr. Officer sir, may I interject and ask something ah? Is a pet owner allowed to have more than one pet kah?" she asked him, courteous as always but with a slight hope in her voice.
"Just Deputy, please." he said "As long as the owner can provide for his pets, I see nothing wrong with it."

Then the deputy turned to the foxes once more. Mainly at Serenade. the man spoke with a calm, monotone voice.
"I may be human and may not have those keen senses you have, but I can see you're troubled, dear. My guess is either fear from strangers or fear of medical facilities. Either ways I am sure you won't tell me, nor will I want you to do so. What I will do, however is to be there for both of you, no matter what you choose."
"Thank you , that's....very kind of you" She said , with a slight nod toward the deputy . Even with the man's words and her own efforts of suppressing it , the memories about that nightmare kept rushing back , it's like she could hear all those cries , feel all those pain again , even though the fox knew that none of that is real , she couldn't help but feeling the terror that came with those memories .
What is happening ? I just......I why can't I stop thinking about-
The Moon Howler wrote: ".......Plus I noticed your mate earlier when she held her arm. It's my job to be observant. As for the chips - It is a standard procedure, nothing our medics can't handle. They will sting for a day or two, though, but that is entirely up to you. Next we'll make you a picture, separately of course. It's for the documentation about the chips, bureaucratic stuff. In the end, you'll be given plates like mine." the man said, pulling out a small metal chain with a couple of dog-tags on it "except that yours will only have a name and an ID number and you will have a single one on a rope of some sort. After that if anyone gives you any trouble - simply call me."
Serenade's thought was cut off when the Deputy mentioned her , along with the pain she felt earlier "M-my....arm?..." She asked , a bit shocked that the deputy noticed it . Then that genuine look of surprised quickly turned into horror as she stared at her bandaged arm , and realized she forgot something : what's under that layer of cloth must stayed hidden from everyone else , and if she was to agree to this , to go to the clinic , that will not be the case......
valerio wrote: <I'm happy you wanted to see you too. Oh, and in case you wanted to check for your draggie friend...> his nose pointed at where Hubert was supposed to be...
The dragon was not there anymore!
The Hunter tapped his skull. <He's here. This chat is for the big boys, kitty.>
Just then , the spirits can feel a very strong , yet unstable presence , direct toward them , especially the Hunter himself , but its' source wasn't near the house, in fact , it's a bit further away , and almost immediately after that , they could hear a voice , full of excitement , like a predator sensing its' equal opponent
◊Another.....I can feel you.....hunter of bloodshed.....warrior of fear.....such beautiful strength.....so much fun shall we have...◊
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Marine Fox »

serence ice fox wrote:
"Duke....thank you....." the shaking fox whispered under her breathe , while her own paw hold on to Duke's a bit tighter , not even sure if her friend could even hear her .
The Moon Howler wrote:Deputy John Smith was about to reply to duke when the ermine spoke.

"Just Deputy, please." he said "As long as the owner can provide for his pets, I see nothing wrong with it."

Then the deputy turned to the foxes once more. Mainly at Serenade. the man spoke with a calm, monotone voice.
"I may be human and may not have those keen senses you have, but I can see you're troubled, dear. My guess is either fear from strangers or fear of medical facilities. Either ways I am sure you won't tell me, nor will I want you to do so. What I will do, however is to be there for both of you, no matter what you choose."
"Thank you , that's....very kind of you" She said , with a slight nod toward the deputy . Even with the man's words and her own efforts of suppressing it , the memories about that nightmare kept rushing back , it's like she could hear all those cries , feel all those pain again , even though the fox knew that none of that is real , she couldn't help but feeling the terror that came with those memories .
What is happening ? I just......I why can't I stop thinking about-
The Moon Howler wrote: ".......Plus I noticed your mate earlier when she held her arm. It's my job to be observant. As for the chips - It is a standard procedure, nothing our medics can't handle. They will sting for a day or two, though, but that is entirely up to you. Next we'll make you a picture, separately of course. It's for the documentation about the chips, bureaucratic stuff. In the end, you'll be given plates like mine." the man said, pulling out a small metal chain with a couple of dog-tags on it "except that yours will only have a name and an ID number and you will have a single one on a rope of some sort. After that if anyone gives you any trouble - simply call me."
Serenade's thought was cut off when the Deputy mentioned her , along with the pain she felt earlier "M-my....arm?..." She asked , a bit shocked that the deputy noticed it . Then that genuine look of surprised quickly turned into horror as she stared at her bandaged arm , and realized she forgot something : what's under that layer of cloth must stayed hidden from everyone else , and if she was to agree to this , to go to the clinic , that will not be the case......
Duke thought for a second trying to decide how to go about this until he heard Serenade and hold onto his paw tighter. Duke did his best let his anger subside and actually think logically, and when the Deputy pointed out Serenades arm he knew he couldn't make a decision like this on his own account, he glanced from Serenade to the Deputy
"Can we discuss this in private?"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by The Moon Howler »

"Absolutely." The deputy stood up, taking his cup of tea with him "C'mon boys and girls, let's leave them alone for a few minutes, shall we?"
the uniformed man headed for a table on the other side of the enstablishmen.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:<Good,> Janus spoke...with a mind-voice! <Because I *want* you to be helpless!>
Not Janus.
The Hunter!
It was like watching at a monstrous overlapping of two pictures, the wolfdog and his feral counterpart. <Boo!> And before Miles could react, the thing reached out and...grabbed Miles as if the ghost had suddenly a consistence, claws pricking into the ethereal neck. <And just to make it clear, nobody but you interlopers can see me. One word, and you'll discover that there are worse things than death.> He showed that grin his unfortunate preys had briefly come to know.
xhunterko wrote:Miles was unafraid.

Oh good, I was hoping to talk to you. Miles thought to the entity, hoping Hubert was powerful enough to detect something like this without him doing anything.
valerio wrote:<I'm happy you wanted to see you too. Oh, and in case you wanted to check for your draggie friend...> his nose pointed at where Hubert was supposed to be...
The dragon was not there anymore!
The Hunter tapped his skull. <He's here. This chat is for the big boys, kitty.>
xhunterko wrote:Fair enough. So might I ask then, what is your reason for being? Miles asked.
Tara was unafraid of what would happen to her if she said anything, But she knew that as long as the Hunter was around, Buster was in danger. So she kept herself from growling at the monster and kept a worried look on her face for the others. But her rage was manifesting in a telepathic growl.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Marine Fox wrote:Duke thought for a second trying to decide how to go about this until he heard Serenade and hold onto his paw tighter. Duke did his best let his anger subside and actually think logically, and when the Deputy pointed out Serenades arm he knew he couldn't make a decision like this on his own account, he glanced from Serenade to the Deputy
"Can we discuss this in private?"
The Moon Howler wrote:"Absolutely." The deputy stood up, taking his cup of tea with him "C'mon boys and girls, let's leave them alone for a few minutes, shall we?"
the uniformed man headed for a table on the other side of the enstablishmen.
After the others are gone , leaving only the two foxes behind , Serenade muttered , her eyes still looking down half out of fear , but also because she knew it would've been much easier for Duke to decide , if she wasn't around "Duke....I'm sorry but.....I don't know what to do about this"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Oh, hey guys, how did things turn out? Miles thought to Duke.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Marine Fox »

serence ice fox wrote:
After the others are gone , leaving only the two foxes behind , Serenade muttered , her eyes still looking down half out of fear , but also because she knew it would've been much easier for Duke to decide , if she wasn't around "Duke....I'm sorry but.....I don't know what to do about this"
Duke's ears fell a bit to his head, wanting to make a decision that would work for both of them, He was almost positive neither of them would want to be under constant surveillance and living with another human and having to spend a day with them was also almost just as bad, at least in his opinion. He already didn't like the humans and having to spend forced time with them would only make it worse and then that left the medical treatment. He didn't mind taking the pain he was more irritated with having the humans have to check him and insert their little devices into his body, but Serenade didn't seem to like the idea.

"Well I don't think either of us want to be monitored all the time, so that leaves Finding a human to own us or...we can take the medical treatment and whatever chip they have for us. I don't mind the medical stuff but I want you to be comfortable with this as well"
Duke let a small smile form over, willing to support whatever Serenade decided
xhunterko wrote:Oh, hey guys, how did things turn out? Miles thought to Duke.
Miles voice startled Duke slightly, not expecting it at the moment
"Hmm? Uh Not exactly as we were hoping, we're deciding on what to do right now but I'll keep you informed"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

What's there to decide on? Can I help any? Miles thought back to Duke.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by sunauto »

The Moon Howler wrote:"Absolutely." The deputy stood up, taking his cup of tea with him "C'mon boys and girls, let's leave them alone for a few minutes, shall we?"
the uniformed man headed for a table on the other side of the enstablishmen.
He truly felt bad for the two foxes who had to make the difficult choice. He had known wild animals in the past and they had all valued their freedom. Reluctantly he leaves the both and follows to the other end of the restaurant. "Do you think they will be alright? I mean that is a hard choice to give them... can't they just wander around and be good?"
Like shadows upon the wall you see only the action, not the reason behind it.

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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by The Moon Howler »

"It's a small and quiet town, boy and people prefer it like that." the deputy said "It's up to AGPD to make sure that the town stays that way, no matter what."
the man took a sip from his tea "People are wary of ferals and it is our duty to make sure they're alright. Our opinions on the matter are just noted."
The deputy looked at the foxes "While she tried to at least seem cooperative, he did not give me anything to hold on to. Anything I can use to make their life here more acceptable..." the deputy drifted away for a second, muttering "Still it feels as if I betrayed his trust..."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by CrystallineWolf »

The Moon Howler wrote:
CrystallineWolf wrote:"No, though I wouldn't say grumpy,"Arianna whispered, as Edward left the table to attend the given task. "It's more like the poor thing is bored with life in general. Outside of adventure novels and science, very little excites him."

"I don't need dog ears to know you're talking about me."

Arianna gave a nervous laugh. "A regular Sherlock you are, Edward!" Turning to Mr. Allen, who was helpfully clearing the table, she asked. "So Dad, about those bandanas?"

"And you're a regular master in the art of changing subject." The teen muttered as he began to scrub.
Christopher stood next to Arianna, waiting quietly and patiently for her Dad.
Mr. Allen, oblivious to the exchange, answered with a good natured smile. "Right then. We'll show you my collection and you can take your pick." he told Chris. "And then after that you can try and make up with Eleanor."

Arianna's ears tilted back. "But it- ...alright."

"Let's go then, and on our way, we can show Chris his room." Depositing the acquired tableware in the sink, Mr. Allen left the kitchen towards the family room, still full of boxes.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Marine Fox wrote: Duke's ears fell a bit to his head, wanting to make a decision that would work for both of them, He was almost positive neither of them would want to be under constant surveillance and living with another human and having to spend a day with them was also almost just as bad, at least in his opinion. He already didn't like the humans and having to spend forced time with them would only make it worse and then that left the medical treatment. He didn't mind taking the pain he was more irritated with having the humans have to check him and insert their little devices into his body, but Serenade didn't seem to like the idea.

"Well I don't think either of us want to be monitored all the time, so that leaves Finding a human to own us or...we can take the medical treatment and whatever chip they have for us. I don't mind the medical stuff but I want you to be comfortable with this as well"
Duke let a small smile form over, willing to support whatever Serenade decided
Seeing Duke's supporting gesture somewhat made Serenade felt a bit safer , so after calming herself down a bit , she answered:
"yes....*sigh*....I really don't want to be involved too much with the humans , and....I don't think you would like the idea of being someone's pet anymore than I do , and I don't want you to put up with anything you don't like just because of me , even more so if it's something neither of us in favor of.......but....I don't know how to tell you this but....I just can't go to the clinic , I'm sorry but...I should never be there , bad things might happen." . Even though she didn't want Duke to worry , or to make things harder for him , the fox just couldn't find any other way around it . If only she could tell him what the real problem was.....but doing so would only make things worse.....much....worse...
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Marine Fox »

serence ice fox wrote:Seeing Duke's supporting gesture somewhat made Serenade felt a bit safer , so after calming herself down a bit , she answered:
"yes....*sigh*....I really don't want to be involved too much with the humans , and....I don't think you would like the idea of being someone's pet anymore than I do , and I don't want you to put up with anything you don't like just because of me , even more so if it's something neither of us in favor of.......but....I don't know how to tell you this but....I just can't go to the clinic , I'm sorry but...I should never be there , bad things might happen." . Even though she didn't want Duke to worry , or to make things harder for him , the fox just couldn't find any other way around it . If only she could tell him what the real problem was.....but doing so would only make things worse.....much....worse...
Duke was a bit worried and confused about Serenades condition with the clinic but just like he had his taboo's he assumed she did as well and with only the slight nod as an answer he moved on from that part of the subject, but he didn't seen another option for them that wouldn't involve the two of them being chased down from the town's humans.
"Ok well lets see about some..alternatives."

Duke thought for a second trying to think of anything but there was nothing he could see, he wanted a happy life in this town for the both of them but these humans were going to drive them out because of a pointless fear
"Mayeb we could possibly appeal to the cop to let us go....Or meybe to the head human and see if they can let us go."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by valerio »

<You see, I was *never* gone. I'm still there because I was *born* the day your precious protegée nearly died. I'm not a separate entity: I. Am. Him. And I wanted just to make sure that you all better understand a thing or two:
<One, I am going to protect myself should the need arise. And you know I am not one to goof around.
<Two, you won't tell a thing about this meeting to *any* living soul. Of course, unless you want to increase your number.>
The manifestation chuckled horribly.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Split personality, lovely. Miles thought to himself.

Well then. I just hope that you are aware of your life choices then. Such as his friends, his life partner. Miles thought to him, with a nod to Buster.

Also, are you aware of the body's health? Miles thought to the Hunter.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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<I am him. I am aware of my conditions. *That* is why I won't allow anyone to hurt me. But I'll be generous and extend my protection to Buster as well. You just keep your traps shut about me and we'll be pals. Deal?"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Marine Fox wrote:Duke was a bit worried and confused about Serenades condition with the clinic but just like he had his taboo's he assumed she did as well and with only the slight nod as an answer he moved on from that part of the subject, but he didn't seen another option for them that wouldn't involve the two of them being chased down from the town's humans.
"Ok well lets see about some..alternatives."

Duke thought for a second trying to think of anything but there was nothing he could see, he wanted a happy life in this town for the both of them but these humans were going to drive them out because of a pointless fear
"Mayeb we could possibly appeal to the cop to let us go....Or meybe to the head human and see if they can let us go."
"That would be good ,for now . I mean.....I'm not sure if we would need to go back into town that much after today , but , no matter what , without some kind of reassurances , the humans , or at least people whose responsibility are to keep the town safe , like that officer over there , would never trust ferals like us . So....I don't know....saying "no" with him now would only make him distrust us more .....maybe it would be easier if we ask him to give us some time to think about it ? " Serenade said , not even sure if it's a good idea , but that's the best thing she could come up with at the moment ,unless Duke thought of something else, or already picked one of the options
xhunterko wrote:Split personality, lovely. Miles thought to himself.

Well then. I just hope that you are aware of your life choices then. Such as his friends, his life partner. Miles thought to him, with a nod to Buster.

Also, are you aware of the body's health? Miles thought to the Hunter.
◊So....◊ A not-so-familiar voice whispered next to Miles' ear , with a light tap on his shoulder , but it's just a voice , nothing else ◊need a little help there , spirit ?◊ She asked jokingly , didn't even care if Tara , or even much worse , the Hunter , could hear her
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Listen I just want you to know all right? Janus cares for all his friends, and being able to see them. And if you respect yourself at all, you need to respect everything the other side of Janus does. Otherwise, your just like the wastes that tried to kill you that night. But you needn't worry about me. I won't say a thing. Miles thought to the hunter.
◊So....◊ A not-so-familiar voice whispered next to Miles' ear , with a light tap on his shoulder , but it's just a voice , nothing else ◊need a little help there , spirit ?◊ She asked jokingly , didn't even care if Tara , or even much worse , the Hunter , could hear her

Maybe in a minute, let's see where this goes. But I do want to talk with you later.
He thought to her.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:<I am him. I am aware of my conditions. *That* is why I won't allow anyone to hurt me. But I'll be generous and extend my protection to Buster as well. You just keep your traps shut about me and we'll be pals. Deal?"
"If you don't pose a threat to Buster, I have no quarrel with you and I'll hold my peace" Tara thought to the Hunter. "But If you do anything to make Buster's life unpleasant, I swear I'll discover a way to tear your soul apart without harming Janus."
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