HPU - Richmond Acres

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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by MrNeonShot »

Something bad happened to my owner. Something very bad. Hutch started. And he died.
Hutch slid down to the ground and wrapped himself in his overcoat.
I didn't take it very well, and I tried to do something very bad.
So, I was sent to a pet mental health hospital in London.
Hutch explained.
And every time I was set to go home, they would lock me up again. Hutch paused for a moment.
Even though I knew whatsername wasn't one of those vets, I couldn't-- Hutch stops at the end and covers his head in an attempt to block out the world, but to no avail.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Chip looked up into her 'big's' eye. "So you think Faust's handsome too, eh?" She laughed. "Kidding, hun."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Roarin »

Hlaoroo wrote:
Roarin wrote:"Skunk got me once... Stunk for days."
"I know the feeling. I stepped on a stink bug once. Couldn't get that off me for weeks!"
Senka grunts in agreement.
"Though I think humans have something they use that helps them with the smell." She looked to Kandi for help.
"What do you call that?"
hypernovatic wrote:Pyre walked over to where Flynn and Senka were. "Hi, Flynn." he greeted. Pyre turned to Senka. "Um, hi." Pyre said to Senka.
The lioness responded automatically with an outstretched hand to shake.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

John sits on the ground next to Hutch and gently rubs the dog's back.
"I'm sorry... about your owner... I know how difficult it can be, dealing with the loss of a friend... I had a dalmatian once. It was him that brought me and Joan together. He knocked us into the lake in the park." John smiles at the memory.
"I was playing fetch with him one day and I decided it was time to go home but he insisted I threw the frisbee just one more time... The smile disappears and John's hand falls back to his side.
"He missed the catch and the frisbee rolled along the ground and he chased after it. I yelled at him to stop but he kept running after it... onto the road and... right under a car... I rushed him to vets but there was nothing they could do. It was already too late..." A few tears escape John's eyes and he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself before continuing.
"I was devastated. I knew that if i hadn't listened to him, that if I hadn't thrown that frisbee, he'd still have been alive. I blamed myself for his death... I felt... ashamed... and angry... with myself and the world... If only I'd been firm and not thrown the frisbee, if only I'd thrown it in another direction, if only we'd not gone to the park that day... and I cried a lot and that made me ashamed too, because men weren't supposed to be emotional. There are more stupid myths in human society than you'd think, and that's one of them, that men don't get emotional. We do. Even Jesus himself cried when his friend died. But the pressure not to is there in society. I tried to bottle it all in, to push it out of my mind beause I thought I couldn't deal with it. I told myself that if I didn't think about it for long enough that I'd eventually accept it... but it didn't work... In the end it was Joan who brought me out of it. She told me three little things that I'll never forget. She told me it wasn't my fault, that there was nothing I could have done to prevent what happened and that when it happened I did everything I could for him and I was with him to the end. She told me that I'd made every day of his life worth living, that I'd been a great owner and friend to him, and that no one could have done any more than that. And she told me that it was OK to cry... After that she hugged me... and then I cried. I must have cried for several hours and then fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is waking up on the couch with Joan there next to me... And I felt... better... I felt... OK with myself... because I knew that what Joan had said was true..." John wipes his face and looks across at the other dog.
"I don't know what exactly happened with you and your owner but there's truth in that for you too. Whatever happened, it wasn't your fault. If you loved your owner, and I can see that you did, that's all he ever wanted and it means that you did for him the best that you could, which is all anyone could ever ask of you. And if you haven't already, you can cry. It's actually bad for you to bottle up the stress and the emotions. You need to let them out sometime, and it might as well be while you're safe and you have friends around to look after you. And I promise that no one, no one is going to lock you up again. Kandi is a lovely vet. She'll understand if you want to talk to her about this. She won't lock you up either. If she referred you to the mental health specialists like I think you heard her talking about for Flynn then they'd just talk to you in your own home or wherever you're comfortable. We'd never even consider sending Flynn away. We love him and we want him here with us where we can help him. If you wanted to talk to them too then we'd support that but we wouldn't let them take you away either. You're not crazy, Hutch, you're not a psychopath or anything like that. You're grieving, and that's a different thing entirely. It was very brave of you to be around Kandi when you were afraid like that and you were very brave to open up to me too." John rubs Hutch's back again.
"I know that nothing can bring your owner back, and I know that you'll always miss them, but it does get better, I promise. Life has so much more to offer than death and despair and being locked up. You've got friends now, people who can help you. I'm here and you've got friends out there who will look out for you. I know Flynn has taken a shine to you already. The vets here are lovely people too and they'd run to help you at the drop of a hat. It's gonna be OK, and you're gonna be OK too, OK?" John offers the dog a gentle, reassuring smile.

Roarin wrote: "Though I think humans have something they use that helps them with the smell." She looked to Kandi for help.
"What do you call that?"
"A bath." laughs Flynn.
"Hi, Pyre."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

A green animal control van pulls up in the parks parking lot, and the two officers jump out, get there gear an come running over to the group of pets.
Kateleo007 wrote: Blick sighs, and her ears droop. "See my paws?"
She scoots over to show Oreo.
"I don't really like talking about it because it changes how people see me, and of course it makes me cry." She wipes the tear from her eyes and chuckles.
"Though, that's only what I've been told. I don't remember anything except the de-clawing. But I trust that it's the truth."
Blick smiles, trying to 'happy up' as her mom would say.
Sounds like you have a very brutal kittenhood, but it seems that everything has worked out very well for you.
Oreo says looking down as his long skunk claws.

Just then Oreo's owner Gorge arrives, looking for his wayward skunk.
Oreo! Oreo where are you?
Oreo waves, An trots over from the group twords his Owner.
Over here Dad! I've found several new friends, an... Uh Oh!!
He exclaims as he sees his owner rolling up the newspaper.
Now, what did i say about not wondering off.
Slinks over next to his owner, looking down at the ground..
to stay close, and not go wondering off.....
An yet you did anyways.
Gorge takes ahold of Oreo's scruff, an delivers 3 sharp thumps with the rolled up newspaper to his backside.
Oreo's chrips! as he is punished, an right infront of all his new friends, laying back his ears.

Kandi gasps, thinking for sure Elliott was going to get his chance to experience skunk musk first paw.
Then she caught on to something, the deliberately rolling of the newspaper up in front of Oreo.
he knew he was going to be corrected, not attacked.

Gorge catches Kandi watching him.
you got something you want to say about this?
Not at all, I approve of your actions. The correction was appropriate, an timely delivered.
Gorge stood there for a moment, taken back..
Umm thank you..

Right then the Animal control officers arrive..
Alright nobody panic.. we have received several calls about a wild skunk running loose in the park. we will take care of this..
Kandi facepalms..
The skunk is not wild. He is an undocumented pet.
Oreo, slinks around to hide behind his owner..
Kandi sneaks away from animal control, to go back over next to Senka
Roarin wrote:"Though I think humans have something they use that helps them with the smell." She looked to Kandi for help.
"What do you call that?"
Nature's Miracle Skunk Odor Remover
Kandi answers the question put to her, as she stands next to Senka while the animal control officers are about.
hypernovatic wrote:Pyre walked over to where Flynn and Senka were. "Hi, Flynn." he greeted. Pyre turned to Senka. "Um, hi." Pyre said to Senka.
Roarin wrote:The lioness responded automatically with an outstretched hand to shake.

Good girl, your getting to be a natural at this.
Gorge looks confused..
undocumented what?
An undocumented pet, is one that has no ownership papers. IS this skunk licensed? sir
Umm No.. I thought that was only for Dogs and cats.
No Sir, It applies to all animals kept as pets.
Do you have Rabies an inoculation records for this animal?

Umm no sir.
Ok that is going to be a problem now sir.
I am going to write you a citation for having for harboring a feral animal. Can i see your drivers license?

The officer pulls out his ticket book.
At this time, we are going to have to take the skunk into custody.
Your going to WHAT!
Whats going to happen to me?
Nothing is going to happen, don't worry.
The skunk will be taken to the wildlife rehab center for evaluation and medical treatment.
they will then make the determination to releasing him back out into the wild, or return him to you, providing the proper documentation, care, and licenses are acquired.

An if i refuse to hand him over to you.?
Then we would have to call in the police, and you would be arrested for interfering with officials in pursuit of their duty. How would end up sitting in jail yourself, help get your pet back? Please, lets do this the easy way. You don't want to stress out your pet now, do you?
The Animal control officer pleads.
Gorge takes ahold of Oreo's hand, and leads him out front to hand him over to the Animal control officer.
Go with them Oreo, an Don't worry. I'll come for you as soon as i can. be strong..
the second animal control officer takes Oreo's hand and leads him away back to the waiting van..
I will dad!. umm Bye everyone.. Hope to see you all again some time soon.
The officer writes out the ticket, returns the ID. an explains how to pay the fine, or challenge it in court.
He then gives directions on how to get to the wildlife rehab center.
We are not doing this, just to cause you problems. We are truly concerned about his well being, an the well being of the other pets he may come in contact with. seeing as he has had no vaccinations at all, this is the only way we can be sure that at least that happens.
He has him sign the ticket, then gives him the pink copy of it.
Have a pleasant day sir.
Yea, right....he grumbles..


Kandi gets out her phone, dialing the clinic's number..
Hello? hey Samantha, your going to love this! Animal control is on there way there right now. They have just confiscated an undocumented, unlicensed, unaltered feral spotted skunk, someone has been keeping as a pet.

Ha Ha!! I knew you would love to hear that.

From the few minutes i got to spend with him, I believe him to be more pet than feral, an very well behaved one at that. Good luck with that!..

Kandi hangs up the phone..


Oreo climbs up into the cage in the van. the doors are closed, as he sits down in the cage.
after several minutes the van is started, an he is driven away.. but with no windows in the back of the van, he has no idea where he is being taken.
After a while the van stops, and the van door is opened. then the cage door is opened, and a speed leash is looped over his head.
Oreo looks around wide eyed, he is at another new place that has all kinds of new animal scents all over the place.
He is lead into a building that has more animal scents, and a strong antiseptic smell that is stinging his nose.
Hello, we have had to confiscate a feral that was being kept as a pet. subject needs to be examined, the full gambit of inoculations. Then evaluated if he can be returned to the wild, or should he be documented, licensed, and adopted out back to his owner. Here is his info, address and phone number.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"And this," Chip said, "is why I don't much like humans - Not you two" she added to Joan and Kandi, "but the attitude of 'we'll deal with you if you're a danger to us but, if we're a danger to you? Who cares?'" She sighed. "Sorry, not meaning to get political but Oreo's hardly a danger that needed THAT level of response."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"And this," Chip said, "is why I don't much like humans - Not you two" she added to Joan and Kandi, "but the attitude of 'we'll deal with you if you're a danger to us but, if we're a danger to you? Who cares?'" She sighed. "Sorry, not meaning to get political but Oreo's hardly a danger that needed THAT level of response."

Well whoever call animal control, was mostly likely screaming rabid skunk in the park!!

However Oreo could have been a danger, or be in danger. He has never had any shots, he could be carrying any kinds of disease. not to say he is. Or could have caught one from a pet out here in the park.
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Oreo (RA) - M - Spotted Skunk: Str-5 Per-6 End-6 Cha-5 Int-7 Agi-8 Luck-5
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Keeshah wrote:
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"And this," Chip said, "is why I don't much like humans - Not you two" she added to Joan and Kandi, "but the attitude of 'we'll deal with you if you're a danger to us but, if we're a danger to you? Who cares?'" She sighed. "Sorry, not meaning to get political but Oreo's hardly a danger that needed THAT level of response."

Well whoever call animal control, was mostly likely screaming rabid skunk in the park!!

However Oreo could have been a danger, or be in danger. He has never had any shots, he could be carrying any kinds of disease. not to say he is. Or could have caught one from a pet out here in the park.
"All true, I suppose," Chip agreed, "but done heavy handedly, I think? Sorry... Kandi, was it? Sorry but I lost a brother once in an accident. Then I lost more in the over-reaction. Colours me a bit, eh?" She brightened. "Still, everyone here's a good person and I don't like being a down. I do hope he'll be OK." She looked around. "Where's Faust?"
Last edited by Welsh Halfwit on Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

Distracted by Pyre and Senka, Flynn doesn't notice the correction. Joan, on the other hand, is a little taken aback, not having ever used corporal punishment or having seen it used on an animal.
"Is that even legal, punishing him like that?" she asks Kandi quietly while the owner (of whom she now secretly disapproves) is distracted by animal control.
Listening to Chip, Joan agrees with the mouse but she's also relieved to have the risk of being sprayed removed.

Paul enters the clinic as Samantha is hanging up the phone. Informing him of the situation, they head out to prepare the consult room, removing or covering things that might be damaged if the skunk sprays, and pulling out special disposable instruments and covers for instuments which aren't disposable in case the skunk is carrying rabies. They put a plastic sheet over the exam table and a paper cover on the scales, and tell Sandy to prepare the extra strong disinfectants they use for potential rabies cases. They then pull on a plastic gown and a pair of gloves each as Sandy informs them that the van has arrived. They both double glove and then they head out to greet the officers.
"Thank you, officers. We'll take him from here. We'll let you know what we decide; the usual drill." says Paul as Samantha takes the paperwork. Paul loops a leash from the clinic around the skunk's neck and unhooks the speed leash, handing it back to the officer and after farewelling the two officers, the vets head out the back to begin their examination as Sandy makes his way down the hall, disinfecting the floor where the skunk has walked. Paul picks up the skunk and sits him the scales, checking his weight, before transferring him to the examination table while Samantha puts the paperwork on the bench and then moves over to gently but firmly restrain the skunk for Paul to work, keeping a close eye on his teeth and claws.
"Hey, little guy. I'm Paul and this is Samantha and we're the vets here. We need you to stay calm and cooperate with us and don't spray us. Can you do that for us?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Hlaoroo wrote:Distracted by Pyre and Senka, Flynn doesn't notice the correction. Joan, on the other hand, is a little taken aback, not having ever used corporal punishment or having seen it used on an animal.
"Is that even legal, punishing him like that?" she asks Kandi quietly while the owner (of whom she now secretly disapproves) is distracted by animal control.
Listening to Chip, Joan agrees with the mouse but she's also relieved to have the risk of being sprayed removed.

Quite legal. with a rolled up newspaper, it's more physiological than physical. It's sounds a lot worse, than it really is physically. You never had to correct your pets?

Hlaoroo wrote: Paul loops a leash from the clinic around the skunk's neck and unhooks the speed leash, handing it back to the officer and after farewelling the two officers, the vets head out the back to begin their examination as Sandy makes his way down the hall, disinfecting the floor where the skunk has walked. Paul picks up the skunk and sits him the scales, checking his weight, before transferring him to the examination table while Samantha puts the paperwork on the bench and then moves over to gently but firmly restrain the skunk for Paul to work, keeping a close eye on his teeth and claws.
"Hey, little guy. I'm Paul and this is Samantha and we're the vets here. We need you to stay calm and cooperate with us and don't spray us. Can you do that for us?"

Oreo trembles, these people are more paranoid than Miss Cleo is that he is going to spray them. An their dressed so strangely and there gloves smelled so strangely. An there pulling him about by a rope around his neck, just like the people in the green outfits did.
he is picked up and put on some device. then he was picked up again and put on a slippery plastic covered table.
I..Ii am Oreo.. I'll try b-but i'm scared! what did i do wrong? why was i taken away from my owner??
He stutters, ears pinned back, and green/gold eyes fearfully wide.
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Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by 69eist »

Elliot couldn't help but stay silent to the sudden events. All he could think of in the end was if Oreo was going to be okay.

However, Faust rolls out of the bushes tangled up in Elliot's strings.

"Why won't these stupid strings come of!"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Elliot," Chip asked happily, "did you use glue strings?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

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Elliot snaps back into reality.

"Oh um, no... Faust just has really bad luck when it comes to my strings. It's also a bit hard to manage them."

"If you two are done talking, could you GET THEM OFF ME!"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

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Chip dashed down and across to pull some of the strings off, climbing Faust as she did so.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

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Elliot kneels down and swiftly takes the string off his twin brother.

"I love it when this happens. It's kinda fun taking them off Faust."

".... I got most of the strings down already.... Just get the rest yourself."

Elliot finishes and pulls Faust up.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Chip used a string still attached to Faust's ear to swing back across to Elliot and laughed again. "What now, guys?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Hey, it's OK. We won't hurt you. You've no need to be scared. You haven't done anything wrong. We just need to make sure that you aren't sick or hurt, that's all. And then we need to organise some vaccinations and tags for you so you can be a proper pet and go back to your owner." Samantha continues talking to the skunk reassuringly, asking about his life and experiences, what he likes to eat, and do and anything else she can think of to keep Oreo calm and not spraying. Meanwhile, Paul is examining Oreo, checking in his mouth, eyes, and ears, feeling for his pulse, listening for heart and lung sounds, and checking reflexes, lymph nodes, skin, and fur.
"Alright. You're doing really well. I have to take your temperature now. I think you just told Samantha you haven't been to the vet before so I'm going to assume you haven't had it done before. I need you to like down on your tummy and hold the end of the table there, please, and then hold still and don't spray, no matter what happens, OK?"

"Oh, Flynn's had his share of tantrums and misdemeanours growing up but we've never had any need to hit him. Besides, he's a rabbit so he probably wouldn't take it too well. Usually if he needed disciplining a loud or stern voice was enough. Occasionally we'd confiscate a toy. I guess we treated him a bit like a child rather than a pet. As for John's old dalmatian, well he was raised before I met John so I've no idea how he was trained."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by 69eist »

Faust turns to the group and announces.

"Guys, me and Elliot are going home now. Whoever wants to come, follow us. We have some unpacking to do. We'll be providing lunch and some recreational activities too."

"Let's go Chip, I gotta make you a living space. I'll also need to sew you some stuff."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"I think we all already had lunch at Piper's place. I'm up for a recreational activity though." He looks back at Joan. "May I?"
"Of course. As long as Kandi thinks you're fit and able." Joan looks at the vet.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Chip moved swiftly down to the scarf and watched with excited eyes as they headed off towards Elliots' home. What new adventures and fun await us there? she wondered.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by MrNeonShot »

Hutch took time to think about what John had said. His Dalmatian's sudden death. The words of reasoning given by Joan. Hutch just replied with
Hmm. I have heard those words many times. Well, except for the friends thing, and the not being a psycho... People would try to convince me to live with some version of those words.
Hutch paused for a short while, then continued with
I had to find my own reason to live. One goal that I would strive to reach. And as long as I could reach that goal...
Hutch went silent for John to react. If he had a reaction.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Kateleo007 »

Blick is very angry with Oreo's owner. He didn't need to do that to discipline him! I'm way more dangerous than that guy, and Sabrina has never even dreamed about hitting me. If that man really loves his pet, why does he hit him? Her ears are pinned against her head, and her hackles are raised.
69eist wrote:Faust turns to the group and announces.

"Guys, me and Elliot are going home now. Whoever wants to come, follow us. We have some unpacking to do. We'll be providing lunch and some recreational activities too."
Hmmm, did I eat lunch? No, I haven't. That means Sabrina hasn't eaten either! Blick's ears shoot up to show her alarm. Oh no, she's going to revert back to her old eating habits!
"I'll join you guys after go drop off a few things at home." Blick says, picking up her wrist wallet.
"It was really nice meeting all of ya, hope to see you guys soon!" She shouts as she leaves for her house.
Great, I have to go and wake up that smelly furball... she thinks and her ears go right back down.

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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by hypernovatic »

Roarin wrote:The lioness responded automatically with an outstretched hand to shake.
Pyre shook Senka's paw. "I'm Pyre." he said.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Hlaoroo wrote:Samantha continues talking to the skunk reassuringly, asking about his life and experiences, what he likes to eat, and do and anything else she can think of to keep Oreo calm and not spraying.

Oreo tells her how he was found at the side of a railroad track, how he eats table scraps. including his name sake cookies. Sleeps inside at night in a pet bed, behind the couch in the living room. An how his owner's girlfriend insists that he wear a puppy diaper when he is in the house, even-tho he is housebroken!
Hlaoroo wrote:Meanwhile, Paul is examining Oreo, checking in his mouth, eyes, and ears, feeling for his pulse, listening for heart and lung sounds, and checking reflexes, lymph nodes, skin, and fur.
Oreo is actually more comforted, by Paul's handling of him. the feeling him here, rubbing him there. listening to him here and there, getting his ears finally perking up.
Hlaoroo wrote:"Alright. You're doing really well. I have to take your temperature now. I think you just told Samantha you haven't been to the vet before so I'm going to assume you haven't had it done before. I need you to like down on your tummy and hold the end of the table there, please, and then hold still and don't spray, no matter what happens, OK?"

Oreo rolls over into his tummy as instructed, his legs hanging off the side of the table, as he hangs on tightly to the side of the table, else he would slide off into the floor because of the slick plastic covering on the table.
I'll try not too.. what are you going to do??

Hlaoroo wrote:"Oh, Flynn's had his share of tantrums and misdemeanors growing up but we've never had any need to hit him. Besides, he's a rabbit so he probably wouldn't take it too well. Usually if he needed disciplining a loud or stern voice was enough. Occasionally we'd confiscate a toy. I guess we treated him a bit like a child rather than a pet. As for John's old dalmatian, well he was raised before I met John so I've no idea how he was trained."

You should stay out of a troubled pet retraining facility then.
Hlaoroo wrote:"I think we all already had lunch at Piper's place. I'm up for a recreational activity though." He looks back at Joan. "May I?"
"Of course. As long as Kandi thinks you're fit and able." Joan looks at the vet.
He is physically fine. The question is, is he mentally strong enough now to be out playing with the predators?
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"They are a bit cliched." agrees John. "But true, nevertheless... So, what is your goal, may I ask? And What are you going to do once you achieve it?"

"Bye, Blick!" calls Flynn before turnign back to Joan and Kandi. "I think I should be fine, now that I know they're all friendly and now that the fox is gone. Besides, most of them know where we live and your number is in my phone anyway, if anything goes wrong, Mum. I think before it was just being trapped between the two predators who I didn't know that pushed me too far after I was already a bit nervous... Why did you single me out in the crowd anyway, Senka?" he asks.

Paul slides the skunk up a bit so that he's lying flat on the table and the small animal can hold the opposite end. "Try it like this. That way you won't fall off. I'm going to take your temperature which means that I have to... well, that I have to put the thermometer up your backside. There's not really any nice way to say it. It'll probably be uncomfortable but it wont be for long, OK? Hold on tight there. Ready? Here we go." Paul takes hold of Oreo's tail, making sure to stand to the side of the skunk, just in case, and then ten seconds later, the thermometer beeps and Paul reads out the measurement.
Last edited by Hlaoroo on Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Esper »

The cat shrunk back to the edge of the park as animal control showed up, more than a little paranoid that they might take him because his owner was away. He watched silently from his spot as the scene unfolded, only cautiously returning when the van left

Mercury was a little startled by Blick's sudden departure, but waved good bye nonetheless.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Hlaoroo wrote: "Why did you single me out in the crowd anyway, Senka?" he asks.
Kandi looks over at the rabbit..
Do you really want to know the answer to that??

Paul slides the skunk up a bit so that he's lying flat on the table and the small animal can hold the opposite end. "Try it like this. That way you won't fall off. I'm going to take your temperature which means that I have to... well, that I have to put the thermometer up your backside. There's not really any nice way to say it. It'll probably be uncomfortable but it wont be for long, OK? Hold on tight there. Ready? Here we go." Paul takes hold of Oreo's tail, making sure to stand to the side of the skunk.
Oreo??? as his tail is pulled up and away, then Chrips!
Urrf! That feels so weird and cold..
Last edited by Keeshah on Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by 69eist »

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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by MrNeonShot »

Hutch thinks about telling John for a moment, then replies
I can't say, and I'm not sure what I'll do once it's been accomplished.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Roarin »

hypernovatic wrote:Pyre shook Senka's paw. "I'm Pyre." he said.
"Senka." Said Senka.
"Nice to meet you."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Why did you single me out in the crowd anyway, Senka?" he asks.
"instincts." Senka responded as she turned to face Flynn. She licked her chops, her mind subconsciously remembering the last time she'd had some rabbit. Too long...
Her mind took a small tangent, noting that she's couldn't remember ever eating a rabbit with white fur before, and certainly not one with red ears.
"Red ears..." She mused to herself, looking at the Flynn's ears.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by hypernovatic »

"Likewise." Pyre replied. "So, how long have you been a pet?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by wolfbrothren »

Stryder shrank back when he saw the newspaper in Oreo's dad's hand, he didn't have a problem with it or anything; it just reminded him of being punished by his first owner, who did the same with him. He watched with concern as Oreo was taken away by the animal control units, surprised at how fast they responded.

Stryder starts to follow Elliot and Faust, "Sure, I'll join you guys."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Marine Fox »

serence ice fox wrote:"well yeah , but at least it's only til tomorrow , or at least that's what I hope anyway" Nadia said , putting the cards , papers , pencil , and the rest of the things she got from Paul aside
"You shouldn't be here later than tomorrow morning I would hope. Lets hope the vet keeps his word"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Esper »

Mercury stumbled after Elliot, Faust, and Stryder, "I can come too, right?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"You did really well! I've had a lot of animals kick up a fuss like you wouldn't believe over that! You can sit up again now, if you like." Paul tells Oreo as he tips the disposable cover off the thermometer and into the bin. He then has a confusing conversation with Samantha using lots of big words and small abreviations like vaccination, hypersensitivity, TPR, domesticated, BP, BCS, PLR, Macrocycic Lactones and Praziquantel after which the two vets nod at each other, appearing satisfied before returning their attention to their patient.
"Well, we've decided you're in perfect health but we think you've gotten too used to being with humans so we aren't going to release you into the wild. Instead we'll give you a vaccine, a microchip, and a deworming tablet and then we'll get you registered as a pet and you can go back to your owner, provviding he does the proper paperwork." Paul picks up the microchip scanner and runs it over Oreo's neck and shoulders.
"Nothing." he tells Samantha. He then squeezes a small amount of anaesthetic cream onto his gloved fingers and rubs it into two distinct spots on the back of Oreo's neck. Next he picks up the microchip applicator, and after making sure the chip is working with the scanner, he inserts the chip into the skunk's neck in the middle of one of the numb spots with a small click. One more pass with the reader and he's satisfied that the chip is functioning and he passes the machine to Samantha who writes down the number on their paperwork. Finally he picks up a syringe which he fills with vaccine. Giving it a flick and a tap to remove the bubbles, he injects the fluid into the other numb spot which is far enough from the microchip that the swellings shouldn't interact.
"There. All done. You've been very brave. Eat this for me and then you can have a lollypop because you've been so good." Paul passes Oreo a deworming tablet and a disposable plastic cup of water. "It's better if you don't chew it." he advises.

John looks curiously at the dog for a few moments, guessing at what he's thinking, before replying.
"I said I wouldn't press you and I won't. I will say this though. Make sure your goal is not to avenge your owner on the world or to take out your own emotions on someone else. Make it your goal instead to enrich the lives of the people you still have and those who love you, and to make your owner proud. You'll feel much happier that way. If your goal is related to your own misfortune or unhappiness then you'll only find yourself reflecting on that every time you think of why you're still alive. Reflect instead on the good people around you, on the people who care for you and make you happy and you'll find that life becomes that much better than if you just dwell on your misery." John falls silent again, contemplating.
"So... do you have an owner at the moment or anywhere to go or stay? If not, you know you'll always be welcome with us, right?" he asks suddenly.

Flynn gulps as Senka licks her chops at him, under no illusions as to what she's thinking, and resists the urge to stamp again, breathing deeply a few times to calm himself.
"I didn't think it was just my rugged good looks." he quips.
Noting Flynn's breathing and the quiver in his leg which he wasn't able to suppress, Joan is a bit concerned.
"Are you sure you're OK, Flynn? Are you sure you're up to going with them? You don't have to, you know. No one will blame you if you decide to have a quiet afternoon instead."
Flynn looks back at Joan and she is surprised to see not just fear but determination there.
"No. But I want to try. Kandi was right earlier. I have to try to stop being so fearful." Owner and pet look into each others eyes for a few moments, each reading the other's thoughts.
"Alright. But don't push yourself too hard. Call us if you need us."
"Thanks, Mum! I will!" he turns back to the two cats, one huge and one regular sized.
"So... shall we follow the jackals?"

"Do you think I've done the right thing, letting him go like that?" Joan asks Kandi as she watches Flynn heading off with the felines.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by 69eist »

"We can assure you Mrs. Porter that me and my little twin brother have been domesticated since we we're pups. We'll make sure he doesn't get into unnecessary.... unpleasantries...."

"Everyone is welcome. Okay so Flynn, Stryder and Mercury have confirmed. Who else?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Roarin »

hypernovatic wrote:"Likewise." Pyre replied. "So, how long have you been a pet?"
"Well... Kandi took me in the other day."
Hlaoroo wrote:Flynn gulps as Senka licks her chops at him, under no illusions as to what she's thinking, and resists the urge to stamp again, breathing deeply a few times to calm himself.
"I didn't think it was just my rugged good looks." he quips.
"Would it have been better if I said that instead?" Senka asked, raising a brow.
Hlaoroo wrote:"So... shall we follow the jackals?"
"Hmm..." Senka looked over to Kandi for advice.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Hlaoroo wrote:"You did really well! I've had a lot of animals kick up a fuss like you wouldn't believe over that! You can sit up again now, if you like."

I was too scared too make a fuss, An was concentrating on not spraying. I'll try better to make a fuss next time.. Oreo tries to joke.
Hlaoroo wrote:He then has a confusing conversation with Samantha using lots of big words and small abreviations like vaccination, hypersensitivity, TPR, domesticated, BP, BCS, PLR, Macrocycic Lactones and Praziquantel after which the two vets nod at each other, appearing satisfied before returning their attention to their patient.
Oreo perks up his ears, with his head tilted off to the side. understanding maybe one in twenty, of the words there tosses at each other. Wondering what all this means for him?
Hlaoroo wrote:"Well, we've decided you're in perfect health but we think you've gotten too used to being with humans so we aren't going to release you into the wild. Instead we'll give you a vaccine, a microchip, and a deworming tablet and then we'll get you registered as a pet and you can go back to your owner, providing he does the proper paperwork."

Oreo's then endures, having stuff rubbed into the his back along his shoulders, being pinched, poked and stabbed with things.
No wonder the other pets were hesitant about going to the vets.
Hlaoroo wrote:"There. All done. You've been very brave. Eat this for me and then you can have a lollypop because you've been so good." Paul passes Oreo a deworming tablet and a disposable plastic cup of water. "It's better if you don't chew it." he advises.
Oreo swallows the tablet as directed, an lapping down the water..
When will i be able to go home? Will i be able to run free, where i like now? like all the other pets seem to be able to do?

Hlaoroo wrote:"Do you think I've done the right thing, letting him go like that?" Joan asks Kandi as she watches Flynn heading off with the felines.
You are going to have to let him "man-up" so to speak. Or keep him in a hutch or on a leash at your side from now on.

Roarin wrote:
Hlaoroo wrote:"So... shall we follow the jackals?"
"Hmm..." Senka looked over to Kandi for advice.
Go ahead and do what you wish to do Senka. short of hunting anyone down.
Kandi adds, feeling the first statement was much too permissive.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"I'm going to have to get used to so many cats about my life, I suppose," Chip commented as she heard mercury was coming too.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by MrNeonShot »

Hutch is surprised at how well John was able to read him. That, or he tried to do the same for his Dalmatian.
Had be read the reports?
Hutch was stuck in thought when suddenly, John asks if he has an owner, and invited him stay with them.
Hutch is completely taken aback by the sudden offer.
Why would he care so much about me?
Then the answer came to him. Because he cares.
And just as sudden as the question was asked, Hutch was filled with sadness for the loss of his owner, and happiness for the kindness in this man. All the emotions fill up in his head, and then,
He began to cry.
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