15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

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15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by JageshemashFTW »

So, for literally no reason other than I was bored, I have decided to challenge myself into writing fifteen one-shot short stories involving crack-pairings.
I don’t know.
For added fun, the crack-pairings each one-shot will feature after this first one will be chosen by you guys.
Just take any random two characters and slam them together to see what happens.
Also, if one of the characters you picked is already in a canon relationship in the comic the one-shot will be slightly AU in that the canon pairing never got together.
For example: If a suggested crack-pairing we’re to feature King, the one-shot would take place in an alternate continuity where King and Bailey never got together.
Remember, these are supposed to be CRACK-pairings. They’re pairings that are completely random between two characters whom have little to no romantic interactions in the canon comic.
In short: This is meant to be stupid, light-hearted fun.
With that said, let’s begin…
1) MarvinXTarot

There are times when I just need to get out of the house, times when my ‘family’ becomes a little too much to bare.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my family with all my heart. But between Zach getting harassed by the neighborhood ferals for being their messiah, Dad yelling at Tiger for… well… being Tiger.

And then there’s Tiger himself.
The less said the better.

I love my family but I think I’m being polite when I say they are freaking CRAZY!
So, yeah, sometimes I just need to get away from them every once in a while.

Dad was on ‘Usual Tirade #13: Stop spending my money, Tiger’, and Tiger was on ‘Usual Rebuttal #7: I am the pet. You are the caretaker. Stop messing with the natural order of things’. As they were going at it, I stepped out of my room having just consoled a weeping rabbit whom had awoken this morning to the sight of two raccoons hovering over his bed with a pair of scissors (Apparently they were going to take a tuft of his fur for a shrine of some sort).

I looked at my screaming Dad, then to my screaming brother, then to my crying other brother and decided to leave before I started screaming or crying.

Stepping out into the fresh, and quiet, air I suddenly realized that I had no real plan outside of ‘leave as quickly as possible’. Max was on a date with Grape so he’d be unavailable for a time. Fiddler and Keys didn’t really get along with me all that well on account of me saying I hated classical music one time and they have never let me live it down. Jasper was a fun guy, but he would probably just want to chase Jinx around all day. That could be fun for a few minutes but I feel like I would get tired of that rather quickly. There were the Bigglesworths… On second thought, I think I’d rather go back and play referee for Tiger and Dad.

The only other cat in the neighborhood I knew was Sabrina. She’s pretty cool I guess, I could probably go and see what she’s up to. If nothing else, it gives me something to do.

With this plan in mind, I set forth for Sabrina’s house. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever been inside her house before. Out of my immediate group of friends, Sabrina and I weren’t exactly ‘besties’. Most of the time we hang out is because we both have a friend in common: Max. Still, she seemed like an easy-going gal so I’m sure she wouldn’t mind humoring me if only for a few minutes.

After some time walking, I found myself standing in front of her. I knocked and heard a voice call out from inside. “Give me a second, I’ll be right there.” I heard a soft voice say.

Seconds passed before the door was opened by a yellow Pomeranian. I recognized her as Sabrina’s roommate Tarot. I knew even less about her than Sabrina but she always struck me as a little… weird. Course, after what I just came from I guess I shouldn’t judge.

“Hi, Tarot, is Sabrina home?” I asked simply.

She stared at me with a confused look before a flash of surprise took her face, as if she just remembered something.

“Oh, you must be the Chosen One of the Jyrian Prophecy.” She said before giving me a friendly smile. “Pleased to meet you.”

I wondered silently if Dad and Tiger were still arguing as I felt my eye twitch a little. However, before I could run away, Tarot grabbed me by my arm and pulled me inside the house.

“Okay” she said. “First things first: How much do you know of your own destiny?”
I looked at the Pomeranian incredulously. Destiny? Chosen One? Was I being mistaken for Zach or something?

“Tarot, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I just came by to see if Sabrina wanted to hang. That’s all!” I said becoming less and less sure of the little dog’s mental health.
Again, my home life may not have made be the best judge of character in this regard but still.

“Oh dear” She said, putting a finger to her lips. “Well, there is simply too much to go over right now. I will simply have to explain it as we go.”
Before I could ask a single question, Tarot booped me on the nose and then suddenly I was in a castle courtyard.

…….Hold on……. WHAT!?

I looked around and saw it wasn’t just a courtyard. Adjacent to a stone castle was a circular field with creatures of the most bizarre sort gathering at its edges.

Werewolves, mermaids, dragons, centaurs, fairies, all kinds of extraordinary creatures that, last time I checked, only existed in fairy tales.

“Whabba-Huzzah-WHAAAA!!!!???” Was pretty much the extent of my take on the situation.

Tarot merely looked around as though looking for someone in the crowd. “Hmm, I see Lord Drakthur has already expected us and has prepared to make our executions… quite public.”

“Tarot!? What the heck is going on?!” I practically screamed in her face. If she was at all perturbed by this she didn’t show it as she gave me the slightest smile. “Oh it’s nothing to worry about Marvin. This is an alternate dimension called Jyria that is connected to our world by what we call fairy tales. It is currently in dictatorship by a tyrannical black dragon by the name of Lord Drakthur. I already sent Sabrina here to see if there are any prophecies on how to deal with this, there usually are, but sad to say she was captured. She did manage to contact me and told me the Chosen Hero who would stop Drakthur would be the next person who asked me about her. And before you ask, we’ve actually seen prophecies that were even more conveniently specific.”

I, needless to say, was silent for a good long while. “Wh… What am I supposed to say to that?”
Tarot shrugged.

Before I could say anything else, the ground below me shuddered and broke apart as a gargantuan black dragon burst out of the ground.
It turned its sickly yellow eyes on Tarot and I as it started to sneer.

“Sorceress! You presume to take my throne from me! It matters not what ‘champions’ you throw at me, I will burn them all to ash!” Drakthur (I’m assuming) boasted.
I cleared my throat to try and get the gargantuan fire-breathing reptile’s attention.
“Um... excuse me mister… um… Drakthur was it?” I stammered as the dragon peered down at me. “Yes, hello, my name is Marvin, pleased to meet you. Um… To be perfectly honest I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing here. I actually don’t believe any of this is happening and that I’ve simply gone insane. So if you’ll please excuse me, I’m going to go admit myself to a mental hospital.”

Drakthur stared at me and I swear I saw a look of disappointment on his face… before he breathed fire on me.

Now the funny thing about being on fire is that you don’t really notice it at first unless you actually feel the flames burning you… which I didn’t. That was the first thing that I noticed was weird.
The second was that despite the flames being quite red as they were exhumed out of Drakthur’s mouth, they took on a more pinkish tinge as they reached me.

As the flames died down, I saw that everything was pink now. And then I noticed there was a bit of a distortion too, as if I was seeing the world through a pane of pink-tinted glass. And that’s exactly what was happening. I was inside a pink force field that had protected me from Drakthur’s flames.

Drakthur started laughing a deep boisterous laugh. Apparently barbecuing cats whom are slowly losing their hold on reality was a lot of fun. I’ll have to try it sometime and HOLY CRAP I ALMOST DIED!!!!!!!

As I started to hyperventilate on account of being set on fire, Drakthur began mocking Tarot once more. “You see sorceress. How can you expect your champion to defeat me when he requires your aid before the battle has even begun? He is but a weakling!”

Instead of humoring him, Tarot instead turned to me, taking my hand in hers. “He’s wrong you know.”
I managed to compose myself enough to look her in the eyes. “Wh-What?”
She gave me another of her soft smiles. “With everything you go through every day, the fact that you can still keep a calm head and accept it all with love shows a great strength.”
Her smile grew slightly larger. “You are strong Marvin.”

I felt my face grow a little hot as my hand instinctively held hers a bit tighter. But apparently Drakthur wasn’t done with us.
“Bah! Enough of this sorceress!” He said before reaching down and grabbing Tarot, who let out a slightly surprised “Oh dear.”

Drakthur held Tarot in front of his face as he laughed once more. “You will be joining your apprentice in my dungeons soon enough. You should have picked a stronger champion you fool!”

I felt my face grow even hotter, this time out of anger. This guy just didn’t know when to shut up! And now he was manhandling Tarot like she was just some object. I didn’t know what I was thinking but I picked up a rock and held it tightly.

“Hey ugly!” I yelled before winding my arm back. “I am strong!” and I hurled the rock with all my might… and missed completely.

The rock didn’t even go near the black dragon as it whizzed past Drakthur and hit a poor centaur with a crossbow on the head. With a yelp of pain, the centaur accidentally fired a bolt from his crossbow… which just barely missed Drakthur’s neck. Everybody watched in stunned silence as the bolt travelled in an arc towards the castle before it hit and shattered an oil lantern on the castle’s outer wall.

The burning oil dripped down onto a large crate of fireworks that just so happened to be there, a lick of flames from the oil actually managed to light one of the fireworks wicks. In mere seconds, the resulting explosion caused major structural damage to the tower that was adjacent to the crate of fireworks causing it to tumble and fall right on Drakthur’s head.

With a pained groan, the dark dragon fell in a heap in front of his subjects. One fairy walked up to his massive paw and picked it up before letting it fall back down to the ground.
“The tyrant dragon has been defeated!” He announced.
“Huzzah!” All the other creatures cheered.

The various fantasy people cheered my name again and again as Tarot dragged herself out of Drakthur’s claw. She walked over to me with a proud look on her face.

“See, I told you that you could do it.” She said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.
I must have had quite the expression because she gave a quick cute giggle afterword.
Did I just say cute?

“Don’t worry.” She said. “Sabrina and I will take care of the actual cleanup. You can go ahead and wake up.” She said before booping me on the nose again.
I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my bed back in my house.
“Unh… weird dream.” I put my palm to my head and felt paper crinkling against. I looked up and saw a piece of paper was stuck to my forehead. Pulling it off, I saw that it had a phone-number on it along with a message.

Let me know if you want to overthrow anymore evil overlords. I know a lot.
<3 Tarot

Almost as soon as I finished reading the note, I heard Zach screaming in his room. I looked out the window and saw a duo of raccoons run into the forest. Already Dad was yelling Tiger’s name no doubt believing he was the cause for Zach’s strife.

My family is as crazy as always. I smiled as I thought that maybe a little craziness isn’t so bad.
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Saturn381 »

The idea for this seems interesting, and the one-shot is really good. As for the next one-shot, how about Maxwell/Sasha?
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Gren »

Aww, that story was hilarious and adorable. You're a pretty awesome writer, sir.
You know, I'm surprised no one came up with this idea before. Specially after so much "battle-shipping" here and there X3.
I wish you good luck with this proyect. I'll be happy to read more of your one-shots. :)

Now, ideas about crack-parings, hmm, let me see... Grape and Peanut :trollface: (just kidding, someone had to say it XD)
Here's a short list of some stupid weird couples that occurred to me just now:

-Peanut and Bigglesworth (Which of them? :O Obviously a female I guess? XD)
-Grape and King (Grumpy cat and grumpy dog? No way!)
-Maxwell and Duchess (Someone is not going to be happy)
-Fido, Bino and Joey with the Barn Cats (I dare you to keep the PG rating XD)
-Sasha and Res (Introverted guy with outgoing girl? Nice)
-Kevin and Bailey (Someone who can bear her lovingly deadly hugs. "Too much love will kill you...♪" )
-Sabrina and Griswold (Actually, they aren't that bad as a couple... Mayhaps?)
-Lester and Jessica (No. Just. No.)
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by copper »

Neat story! Charming, I must say~

I say Peanut and Sabrina!
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Legotron123 »

This looks kinda cool.
And because I can
Daisy/delusional steve

You said crack pairings right?
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by RatHead »

Legotron123 wrote:And because I can
Daisy/delusional steve

You said crack pairings right?
I wasn't gonna be the first to do that, but now...
jata/sab(if the marrage succeded)
Grape/spo(cause I can)
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Dissension »

Since Karishad is an actual person, rather than a made-up character, let's not involve him.
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Legotron123 »

Oh yea I forgot rick based him off of one of his RL friends. We probably shouldn't do him.

Though seriously how can someone be that crazy?
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by RatHead »

Oh he's had crazier pairings Diss... TRUST me, I've looked around when I was bored and found him doing some WEIRD things XD
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Dissension »

It's not really up for discussion, sorry. Don't involve Karishad. Go crazy, otherwise.
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by RatHead »

OK, sorry we won-wait did you say go crazy? :twisted:

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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Legotron123 »

RatHead wrote:OK, sorry we won-wait did you say go crazy? :twisted:

*5 gallons of orange soda later*

My hands are Elvis.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by RatHead »

Legotron123 wrote:
RatHead wrote:OK, sorry we won-wait did you say go crazy? :twisted:

*5 gallons of orange soda later*

My hands are Elvis.

OT "My Hands are Elvis" So... Much... win!!!! I was literally gasping for air on that one!
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by copper »

Guys, hate to say it, but Rick's characters are not to be put into same sex couples unless it is canon. OCs are fine, but Rick does not like it when people do that. Thanks, and have fun!

Nevermind! Seems I was mistaken on that one. An old rule that is no longer enforced, heh.... you guys have fun, and those I edited out? Feel free to add them right back in! :roll:
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Reason: I was an idiot! Sorry!
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Saturn381 »

Thought of a few more.

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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by RatHead »

Now They're Back!
Peanut/Jasper (again, I can :twisted: )
Me/grape (o.0) (or sab as well)
Joey in his catsuit/Grape
Grape/king(stubby legged KITTENS? comon...)
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Saturn381 »

Thought of a few more.

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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by rollingWolf »

Pete / The Dragon

Anyone NOT thinking of or remembering this one http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076538/ is deducted 10 points
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Legotron123 »

copper wrote:Guys, hate to say it, but Rick's characters are not to be put into same sex couples unless it is canon. OCs are fine, but Rick does not like it when people do that. Thanks, and have fun!

Nevermind! Seems I was mistaken on that one. An old rule that is no longer enforced, heh.... you guys have fun, and those I edited out? Feel free to add them right back in! :roll:
Just noticed this today. Edited king/peanut back in. Also if you thought same gender couples weren't allowed, than why didn't you edit out grape/Sasha?
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by copper »

Legotron123 wrote:
copper wrote:Guys, hate to say it, but Rick's characters are not to be put into same sex couples unless it is canon. OCs are fine, but Rick does not like it when people do that. Thanks, and have fun!

Nevermind! Seems I was mistaken on that one. An old rule that is no longer enforced, heh.... you guys have fun, and those I edited out? Feel free to add them right back in! :roll:
Just noticed this today. Edited king/peanut back in. Also if you thought same gender couples weren't allowed, than why didn't you edit out grape/Sasha?

Oh, I just kind of missed that one, heh. For a time, same sex couples were not allowed, then it was relaxed to allow OC characters, and recently the rule has been taken away completely. So have fun all! :)
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by JageshemashFTW »

2) GrapeXKing

“Let’s see… jawbreakers?” The corgi asked, looking up to the purple cat’s face.
Grape shook her head. “There’s a reason why those things are called ‘jawbreakers’”
King shrugged. “Okay, your turn.”

Grape concentrated for a bit, rubbing her boyfriend’s stomach without much thought. She felt King shift his head to find a more comfortable spot on her lap. This gave Grape an idea.
“What we’re doing now, perhaps?”

King gave a confused look. “Could you specify that for me?”
Grape smiled, showing some of her teeth. “You, on my lap.”
King shrugged. “Nah, too bony.” He said, closing his eyes. However his eyes jolt open as he felt a bit of a sting on his arm. He looked down and saw that Grape gave him a pinch. He looked up and saw she was a bit miffed.

King gave a slight smirk. “Isn’t that the whole reason we’re dating?”
Five months ago…

The Good Ol’ Dogs club had just finished another of its weekly meetings which Bino believed went well.

Of course the only one who spoke was Bino whom had a penchant for believing he could not do any wrong.

King, being the usual wallflower he is, scoffed at the ‘huge issues’ Bino brought up such as ‘Territory upkeep on the neighborhood fire hydrants’ and ‘Mailman: Villain or Menace?’.

“Personally, I thought his stance on the ‘Growing cat epidemic’ was quite enjoyable.”
King turned to face the source of the voice he assumed was talking to him, seeing how there was no one else around, and saw a purple cat sampling the snack table.

King looked at the confusing sight before deciding to make his thoughts known. “One: Why is a cat even here? And two: Don’t you think his ‘stance’ is a little… extreme?”

Grape popped a bit of jerky in her mouth before answering, not even bothering to swallow first. “First off, I just come for the food. Second off, I didn’t say I agreed with him. I said I found his speech enjoyable. Bino acting like a raving lunatic is always a highlight in my day.” She said, giving the corgi a toothy grin.

King simply shrugged, as he did more or less agree in that regard. “So what do you do if one of these big tough dogs tries to throw you out?” He asked.

“I throw them out.”

“Ooh, tough girl.” King said, unimpressed.
Instead of simply punching King, Grape decided to have some fun with him.

“Hey! Kevin!” She yelled, gaining the attention of a large Doberman. “You wanna arm wrestle re-match?”

The poor dog merely turned away from her and slunk his head.
“Okay… Now I’m impressed.” said King.
Upon hearing her voice, Bino immediately turned towards Grape and saw she was with King. “Great, as if those two aren’t enough of a headache individually.”

Bino began walking towards the two. He obviously needed to explain a few things to King.
“So what brings you to these meetings? At least I’m taking comfort in good food and messing with dogs but you act like you don’t want to be here.” Grape asked, legitimately curious about the melancholic dog.

“Oh that’s easy, I don’t want to be here.” King said, giving a slight shrug.
“So why are you here?” She asked.
‘Good question.’ King thought to himself. He immediately looked towards Fox and thought that maybe he was here for his friend’s benefit. But it’s not like the husky outright needed King to stay. Why was he here?

Suddenly, King’s train of thought was derailed by Bino’s nasty glare. “King, I hope you were telling this uninvited guest to hit the road.” He said, gesturing towards Grape.

King matched Bino’s glare. “Do I look like a bouncer? Tell her yourself.”
Bino turned her glare to Grape, who in turn gave Bino a big toothy smile.

Bino’s glare faltered a bit before turning back to King. “What’s the matter King? Why defend her?” Bino got up close to King’s face.
“You’re not a cat-lover are you?”

At this, the ambient talking of the club members dulled down to a whisper as all eyes were suddenly on the three.

King gave yet another shrug, which in all honesty was starting to hurt his shoulders. “So what if I am?”

The whispers became dead silence.

Grape decided to leave with King as the club was started to get a little too hostile, even for her.
The two walked along side each other for a bit in silence.

“I hate him.” Grape said.
“I hate him too.” King said.

Grape turned to King, stretching her hand out to his. “Let’s be friends based on mutual hate.”
King looked at Grape then at her hand before grabbing it with his own.
“Sounds good to me.”
And for better or worse ‘Mutual Hatred’, or at the very least ‘Mutual Annoyance’, became a common ground for the two to bond over. Of course, as time went on they found more things to admire in each other. King admired Grape’s undying loyalty and curt, yet caring, attitude to those she called ‘friend’. Grape admired King’s unwavering adamancy in nearly any and all adversity. The two grew to admire quite a bit about each other.

But it was always their shared pessimistic view of the world that gave them such an optimistic view of each other. They had seen each other at their worst, so they could appreciate seeing each other at their best.

And of course, coy as they were, they even made a game where they attempted to guess something, amidst the menagerie of things that annoyed them that they legitimately enjoyed.

King rubbed his chin as he tried to think of a good one. “Peanut?”
Grape shook her head. “Doesn’t count. You already used that one.”
“Ah. Okay, your turn.”

Grape thought hard. They had played this game so many times that they were each almost out of things they enjoyed. She looked down at King and saw how at peace he was on her supposed ‘bony lap’.

Grape smiled softly. “Me.”

King opened his eyes, not even realizing he was starting to fall asleep on his girlfriend’s lap, and looked up at her smiling face.

“...You win.” He said.

Grape smiled triumphantly as King closed his eyes again, resting his head against her very comfortable bony lap.
This one-shot was requested by Gren and RatHead.
Before anyone asks, I did steal the ‘Let’s be friends based on mutual hate’ line from Scott Pilgrim. It’s a great line and it worked so well.
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Legotron123 »

Awwwwwwwww so cute!
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Gren »

Delightful story. Now I ship them X3 (Although one couldn't be called a shipper if only supports the official pairings :P )
I always knew they wouldn't be bad as a couple and this fanfiction just proves my point.
copper wrote:I say Peanut and Sabrina!
Now I must insist on this one. How come I forget about it?! I think I was the first one to mention this possibility. I even teased about it on that short story I wrote for Stu's Illogical Chapter contest. Now I'm feeling like I'm betraying my own brain, my own ideas. :cry: (Please, make it happen!)

Also, adding some more options:
-Fox and Colleen (Folleen? Falling? XD)
-Jata and Natalie (I thought throughout the whole arc that that was going to happen)
-Daisy and Delusional Steve (Insane but adorable)

Can't wait for the next story! Keep doing this awesome work, bro(sis?)! XD
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Saturn381 »

Great update.

Also, here's some more ideas.
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by RatHead »

JageshemashFTW wrote: Bino turned her glare to Grape, who in turn gave Bino a big toothy smile.

This one-shot was requested by Gren and RatHead.
YAAY! You did one of mine! (and Gren's)
Also^ a mistake i found, I'm not a Grammar Nazi, but I found that a bit confusing and had to re-read that a few times to get it, just tryin to help :D

Also, I loved this, I think this is my favorite fan-fic that I have read so far PERIOD!

Very well done Jageshemash!
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by copper »

Neat story! Love the pessimistic game they made up. :lol:
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by RatHead »

Well knowin them that's what would probably happen! (or at least ONE of the things that would happen ;) )
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Saturn381 »

Thought of a few more.

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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by herobrineharry »

All the bigglesworths/gambit(one of the zoo otters)
tiger/ponbon(ponbon's canon)
What? You SAID crazy.
EDIT: Joel/king. (Assuming king embraces doggyness, that makes them separate, unrelated people!)
EDIT: TV/the swami hat guy
Last edited by herobrineharry on Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by SergeiTheFox »


oh hey look more text

now it looks pretty

and slanted uwu

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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Legotron123 »

herobrineharry wrote:hmm...
All the bigglesworths/gambit(one of the zoo otters)
tiger/ponbon(ponbon's canon)
What? You SAID crazy.
Well yea but............ Those go beyond crazy. They almost go into disturbing.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by herobrineharry »

Yes. Yes they do. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by SergeiTheFox »

Legotron123 wrote:
herobrineharry wrote:hmm...
All the bigglesworths/gambit(one of the zoo otters)
tiger/ponbon(ponbon's canon)
What? You SAID crazy.
Well yea but............ Those go beyond crazy. They almost go into disturbing.
Actually, I think the Bino/Peanut and King/Jata couples sound kinda cute
oh hey look more text

now it looks pretty

and slanted uwu

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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Deske »

I think King and Jata would be the right amount of disappointment in the world for each other.
Peanut and Bino sounds like it'd be peanut dragging Bino around and Bino furiously rejecting things.
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by herobrineharry »

Deske wrote: Peanut and Bino sounds like it'd be peanut dragging Bino around and Bino furiously rejecting things.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Macsen »

swedishWolf wrote:Pete / The Dragon
I recall val teasing this briefly in his story. :3

EDIT: This was before we found out they were siblings. :?
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by herobrineharry »

I want to see if any of mine will be written.
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by Saturn381 »

Thought of a few more.

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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by D3ath_0ps »

I love this idea! King and Grape make a very nice couple. Can't wait for the next pairing! :D
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Re: 15 Crack-Pairings Challenge

Post by MrNeonShot »

SergeiTheFox wrote:Um....
I actually wanted to write something like this myself, but it would be centered around this couple. So, dear writer.
Please do Peanut/Joey for me :3
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