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Re: Redwall

Post by Serence Frostbite »

"erm.....maybe we should ask for directions as we go along ?" Sara suggested , It's better than blindly go around the abbey after all
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Re: Redwall

Post by Esper »

Aldryd grit his teeth silently and followed in the Direction Sara had pointed to. It took some time and asking more than one abbey denizen before he reached the garden with his charge. Standing in the gateway, he shouted "Hello? We have the materials to be rid of the pests!"
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Re: Redwall

Post by CosmicCoyote »

"Aye, I do. Most o' them are in the dormitories with the other abbey dwellers The rest are in private rooms or rooms in small groups. Yer'll find them easily enough. Hares are hard to miss around here. Sister Vivienne would be the one to 'elp with your enquiries about lodgin'. If'n yer foller this path straight up to the abbey then you'll end up in the Great 'all. If Sister Viv ain't in there then there'll be some creature there as can 'elp yer. Good luck!"

"Sister Vivienne..." Rhys repeated, in order to commit the name to memory. "Thank you. And fare ye well, Miss Tilly."

He gave a gentle nod to the otter before turning an aside glance once more at Marko, only to find that the tension between himself and the badger had not eased at all. Despite his desire to defuse the situation, it seemed that all he could do for the moment was to leave the badger be and hope that Marko would pardon whatever offense Rhys had unwittingly committed. Setting himself upon the path Tilly had instructed to take, he took in a breath of crisp air and began a steady pace up towards the heart of the Abbey. As he walked forward, he couldn't help but take in, for the first time, the full view of the Abbey, unobstructed from the protective walls that surrounded it. Buried deep within his heart, a child-like giddiness awoke as he looked upon Redwall's architecture. Legends told to him years before, but that he had never forgotten, came back to life in his memory as he saw for the first time the places where they had happened. It was there in the belltower where Matthias, wielding Martin's blade brought an end to Cluny the Scourge by dropping the great Joseph Bell upon him... Mother, do you believe it? It was here! As this tale and countless others filled his mind, he thought to himself that if he had the chance, he'd have to tour the grounds and see all he could... as long as he wasn't called to any other duty after he found Lord Brock. Still, if anyone happened upon a glance of the squirrel on his way to the Abbey proper, they'd notice a wide grin across his face, in spite of his futile efforts to keep his enthusiasm suppressed.

Soon enough, though, he reached the doorway to the Abbey proper. Rhys stopped a moment to undo the knot keeping the mottled cloak about him, as well as to properly fold the piece of traveling gear - before unceremoniously stuffing it into the messenger bag he carried, which held some assorted equipment along with what remained of his rations for the trip. Grasping the door's handle, he opened it before quickly slipping into the Abbey and gently easing the door closed behind him. Entering the Great Hall, Rhys took a quick look about him, and saw an unmistakable figure sitting and eating... the badger lord he'd been looking for, Lord Brock of Salamandastron. Rhys, upon recognizing him, absent-mindedly put his paw into a pocket hidden in his vest, where his message for Lord Brock lay carefully folded - keeping it in his bag was too obvious if he ran into trouble along the way. Deciding to wait until the badger finished his meal, he took a further investigation into his surroundings until he came upon the tapestry of Martin the Warrior hanging in the hall. He had to end up biting his lip a little to keep from looking entirely awestruck... it was a seemingly simple thing, but there was something about it that words could not describe. He simply stood there, gawking at it, for a time. Forcing himself to break his gaze on the tapestry, Rhys looked once more in the direction of Lord Brock. Seeing a better opportunity to talk with him, the squirrel made his way to the imposing badger lord before giving a salute.

"Lord Brock, sir. Major Tamello sent me with a report. Word from Salamandastron."

With that, he pulled the folded paper from his vest and extended his paw out. A small wax seal sat atop the message, marking the content otherwise unread.
Last edited by CosmicCoyote on Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Hlaoroo »

The giant badger washes his mouthful down with a quaff of fresh juice before addressing the squirrel.
"Thank you. At ease, Rhys." he commands, taking the missive and placing it unopened on the table in front of him.
"How fare you? Did you travel safe? Would you like some refreshments? You must be thirsty."

"Well, they're looking a hundred percent better than what they were. Still a way to go though, particularly with that cut. That was the worst of them though. Take this journey easy, okay? Don't push yourself. If your paws are sore then stop and rest awhile. I'll give you enough salve and bandages to last. You should change the bandages daily and make sure you wash your handpaws after you rub the salve in." So saying, Evelyn puts fresh salve and bandages on Owain's footpaws and washes her own handpaws before providing him with the requisite supplies.
"Best of luck with this 'tablewear', whatever it is. Please come back and see me when you return so I can check on those paws again."

The two ferrets are greeted by what appears to be a barrel walking towards them accompanied by much grunting. Presently the barrel turns side-on and they can see a large hedgehog behind it as he trundles it to a table before placing it on the floor and panting.
"Ah, good morning, you two! I'm Ambrose, in charge of these here cellars. What can I do you for?" he asks, beckoning them over as he opens the top of the barrel and dips a beaker inside. Holding the beaker to the light of his lantern, he inspects the colour and then tastes a little.
"Ooh. Good stuff, that! It'll be perfect for tonight! Would you like to try some?"

"Ah, welcome back! Come on in! Just mind the row of parsnips I've just put in by the gate. Did you find everything all right? No trouble on the road, I hope?" Rudy greets warmly.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Civilization »

Hlaoroo wrote:The two ferrets are greeted by what appears to be a barrel walking towards them accompanied by much grunting. Presently the barrel turns side-on and they can see a large hedgehog behind it as he trundles it to a table before placing it on the floor and panting.
"Ah, good morning, you two! I'm Ambrose, in charge of these here cellars. What can I do you for?" he asks, beckoning them over as he opens the top of the barrel and dips a beaker inside. Holding the beaker to the light of his lantern, he inspects the colour and then tastes a little.
"Ooh. Good stuff, that! It'll be perfect for tonight! Would you like to try some?"
Bradley shifts the weight he is carrying around some more, smiling at what the hedgehog probably had to do a lot down here. He and Fleta walk over to him as he beckons, "Nice to meet you Ambrose." Fleta said and did a semi bow, "I'm Fleta and he is Bradley."
Bradley smiles and nods as his name is mentioned, "We're here 'cause the Friar said you have cordials to drink, we need enough for 'Four days of travelling for a party of five'."
He just shook his head no at Ambrose's question to try some.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Jacey »

Calder finally reached the tapestry of Martin the Warrior. He has passed by it a few times before. But now leaving the Abby for the first time and going on his adventure suddenly had him remembering the stories of old and all the great tales that started with someone starting a journey with no intentions of being part of a grand adventure. He wondered what possibly could be in store for him.
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Re: Redwall

Post by CosmicCoyote »

"How fare you? Did you travel safe? Would you like some refreshments? You must be thirsty."

Rhys could only smile, watching Lord Brock's paternal instincts come immediately to the fore. Letting himself relax, he takes an open seat beside the badger lord.

"The road was calm enough. Had no trouble, though I wasn't looking for it. Indeed, I was trying to avoid it." With this he gave a subtle nod towards the message on the table. His expression changed, though, as things started to click in his head. His grin born from Brock's warmth turned into a look of pensive contemplation. His voice was much quieter when he began to speak again. "...there is trouble though, isn't there, sir? I know the feast you came here for would have been -" he trailed off, trying to count the days in his head. He had left some time after Brock, but a lone squirrel scout would travel faster than Brock and his troop. "A few days ago. And if things were alright, you'd be making preparations to leave, or perhaps I'd have encountered you on the road. But you don't seem to be doing anything of the sort. And, come to think of it, I didn't get the impression talking from the gatekeeper, Tilly, that the hares were planning to leave anytime soon, either." Maybe he was getting overly suspicious and jumping to conclusions, but his curiosity was quite piqued. Was this what the message was about? A warning about something happening around Redwall? "So maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but... if you'll pardon me asking, sir, what's happening?"

He waited, as patiently as he could, for answers from Lord Brock.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote: "Ah, welcome back! Come on in! Just mind the row of parsnips I've just put in by the gate. Did you find everything all right? No trouble on the road, I hope?" Rudy greets warmly.
"yes , everything went well , thanks to Aldryd and Trevor . I hope you're doing well as well" Sara replied "We got these herbs from Alryd's home , he said they can help"
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Re: Redwall

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"A'course," Owain said, getting up and ready to leave. He gave Evelyn a careful kiss on the back of her hand. "A promise's a promise."
Downstairs, Peter had carted everything he could think of to cart and was sat on it, wondering who was going to pull it.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Esper »

Aldryd was wary not to stomp on the fledgling plants as he approached,

"Aye, we have everything but the mortar and pestle," the big otter said, "Water too, we need water."
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Re: Redwall

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Trevor stood next to lady Sara carrying a pot himself before setting it with the others when needed.he then returned to join Saras side to listen to everything
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Re: Redwall

Post by Hlaoroo »

Evelyn giggles as her paw is kissed and then envelops Owain in a bear hug.
"Stay safe and come back soon, okay? I know Brum cares for you deeply and goodness knows I've grown rather attached to your charm and manners myself."

"We can provide both of those. Follow me." Pulling off his well-worn work gloves, Rudy sends a mole off with a pail to get water from the pond and leads Aldryd to a shed containing a variety of supplies necessary for gardening. He reaches up to a shelf above a work table and brings down a decent size mortar and pestle.
"How will this do? I use it to crush chalk or limestone to fertilise the plants sometimes. Probably needs a bit of a clean but it should do the job." Shutting his eyes, Rudy blows into the mortar, sending up a small cloud of dust.

Bock catches the eye of a nearby hare and soon Rhys has a large goblet of juice and a bowl of porridge and another bowl of fruit salad big enough to feed a hare in front of him.
"Very astute." Brock replies as he leans towards the squirrel, his voice also low. "I'll fill you in in private once you've eaten and drunk. The Abbess and I don't want a panic." He sits upright again before picking up the letter.
"So how were things at Salamandastron when you left? Any idea what's in the message?"
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Re: Redwall

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote: "We can provide both of those. Follow me." Pulling off his well-worn work gloves, Rudy sends a mole off with a pail to get water from the pond and leads Aldryd to a shed containing a variety of supplies necessary for gardening. He reaches up to a shelf above a work table and brings down a decent size mortar and pestle.
"How will this do? I use it to crush chalk or limestone to fertilise the plants sometimes. Probably needs a bit of a clean but it should do the job." Shutting his eyes, Rudy blows into the mortar, sending up a small cloud of dust.
unintentionally , Sara started sneezing when the dust came up
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Re: Redwall

Post by CosmicCoyote »

"Very astute. I'll fill you in in private once you've eaten and drunk. The Abbess and I don't want a panic."

The squirrel nodded in quiet agreement. That bad, huh? As the food came out, though, his eyes widened. He had just planned on finishing what was left over of his rations, but looking at the bounty of food placed in front of him, something in his stomach reminded him of how hungry he was. It was his tendency to eat lightly on the road when scouting - never knowing when you would get back meant even generous rations were best preserved - but the thought of having a full meal awoke his slumbering appetite. Before he had his chance to indulge though, his liege had questioned him further.

"So how were things at Salamandastron when you left? Any idea what's in the message?"

Rhys suppressed the urge to start shoveling food into his mouth to answer. "The mountain is as lively as ever. As far as the message... the coast has been quiet as of late. Ever since the Patrol brought down that mad weasel who called himself 'the Brinewater King' a few years back, the pirates and corsairs seem more interested in squabbling amongst each other than plaguing the honest and decent folk of the world." His tone had become more venomous and filled with bile, though it would come to no surprise to any who knew Rhys and his history well, like Lord Brock. He did, however, resist the urge to spit in disgust and dirty the Abbey's floors. "Good riddance. No, whatever caught the Major's interest must have come from elsewhere afield, I'd wager."

With that, Rhys took a quick swig from the goblet, and re-adopted a casual tone.

"By the way, how is Bianca faring? I imagine she was none too pleased to have to yield her blade at the gate." He brought the goblet towards his lips again before briefly pausing. "And no, I don't think he asked me to travel all this way just to find out." As he began to swallow another gulp, though, he couldn't help but think to himself. At least I hope not.

The Major treated Rhys like a son, to be sure, but Bianca was his own flesh and blood daughter. He alternated between brimming with pride in her continuation of his family's long lineage of service with the Long Patrol with consternation and concern about the safety of his precious only daughter... with sometimes amusing alacrity. She, ever self-assured, was positively ecstatic upon learning she would be leaving with Lord Brock on her first major sortie, despite her disappointment that it was 'only' for a feast. The Major on the other hand, while outwardly congratulatory, could not hide the shades of nervous expression when she left. Still, the Major was far too dutiful to send him on such a wanton errand, he thought. Although, if this is really about a threat to the Abbey, he'd send advance notice. And a small army behind me. With himself at the fore.

Rhys made one more passing glance at the message in Lord Brock's hand before giving up on trying to discern the Major's intentions. I'm thinking too much over it. Guess it's natural, after carrying it so long. With that thought in mind, his attention once more drifted over to his plate.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Trevor reached into his pocket and pulled out a neatly folded and clean rag and passed it in a small offering to miss sara. "a small rag for your allergys? miss sara?" Trevor asked handing it to her
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Re: Redwall

Post by WeirdGamer »

Marko had been wandering around the abbey, avoiding socializing for now. The meeting with a member of the Long Patrol had left him in a bad mood, and he did not want to become angry or take it out on anyone. He made his way into the great hall and approached the tapestry of Martin the Warrior.

"So 'dis is 'de famous tapestry," Marko muttered to himself as he examined it, "It is quite nice."
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Re: Redwall

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"I'm ver' glad t' be on th' inside've th' cwtch," Owain said, hugging back VERY carefully. "I'll be back, Ev'lyn. Prom'se."

((Cwtch =... Cwtch. It has no direct translation but is kind of an intimate hug. Closest translation is 'Safe place'))
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Re: Redwall

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Trevor reached into his pocket and pulled out a neatly folded and clean rag and passed it in a small offering to miss sara. "a small rag for your allergys? miss sara?" Trevor asked handing it to her
"oh" Sara exclaimed , a little embarrassed "thank you"
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Re: Redwall

Post by Esper »

"Yes, this will do." Aldryd said, taking the tools and setting them down with his haul of plants

He began to take portions of these dried plants and put them into the mortar, then he ground them down with a quiet and concentrated look. Little by little he added more and more plants and crushed them into powder until the bowl was nearly half-full with it. Then Aldryd began to pour in the water while stirring the mixture with his fingers until it became like smooth porridge.

Shaking his fingers off, Aldryd picked up the bowl and said, "Alright, it is done. Where were these blighted crops again?"
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Re: Redwall

Post by Hlaoroo »

"All peaceful then. Good to hear, good to hear." nods the badger as be breaks open the seal on the missive.
"Bianca's fine. I think she got caught up in the spirit of the thing. We marched in in fine regimental style and greeted the Redwallers with a rousing Eulalia before forming a hare chain to stow everyone's weapons at once. Was quite an impressive site, I can tell you, and had almost a carnival feel to it! I think everyone was too happy to be here to worry about their weapons. And to be honest, I think the hares were more interested in the upcoming feast than anything else." Brock giggles before reading the letter.
"Hmm... I shall have to attend to this presently. Still, it can wait until you've eaten. Do you feel up for another mission already?"

"Good. I expect nothing less. Now run along. I expect you'll want to be gone by nightfall. Fare the well, Owain!" Once the mouse has left, Evelyn turns back to Biff who is starting to look more his normal colour.

"Over this way." Rudy smiles, leading the way. "So how is this applied? Is it watered in or just sprinkled on top or what? May I test what it feels like or is it best to keep paws out?"

"It is, isn't it?" a merry voice chimes into Marko's thoughts. "It's very precious to all us abbey dwellers. Welcome to Redwall Abbey! It's not often we have badgers visit. I'm Sister Vivienne. Is there anything I can do to help you? Breakfast is still being served if you're hungry and we have medical assistance if you should need it. I can also point you in the direction of the lavatories and wash-rooms as well as a bed if you need a rest."
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Re: Redwall

Post by WeirdGamer »

Hlaoroo wrote: "It is, isn't it?" a merry voice chimes into Marko's thoughts. "It's very precious to all us abbey dwellers. Welcome to Redwall Abbey! It's not often we have badgers visit. I'm Sister Vivienne. Is there anything I can do to help you? Breakfast is still being served if you're hungry and we have medical assistance if you should need it. I can also point you in the direction of the lavatories and wash-rooms as well as a bed if you need a rest."
"Thanking you very much for 'de kind show of hospitality," said Marko. "I am Marko." He took off his hat and made a sweeping bow. "'Dere is one 'ding however; I am no badger kind sister."
Last edited by WeirdGamer on Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Serence Frostbite wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:Trevor reached into his pocket and pulled out a neatly folded and clean rag and passed it in a small offering to miss sara. "a small rag for your allergys? miss sara?" Trevor asked handing it to her
"oh" Sara exclaimed , a little embarrassed "thank you"
Trevor blushed some and smiled kindly at the lady Sara
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Re: Redwall

Post by CosmicCoyote »

"Bianca's fine. I think she got caught up in the spirit of the thing. We marched in in fine regimental style and greeted the Redwallers with a rousing Eulalia before forming a hare chain to stow everyone's weapons at once. Was quite an impressive site, I can tell you, and had almost a carnival feel to it! I think everyone was too happy to be here to worry about their weapons. And to be honest, I think the hares were more interested in the upcoming feast than anything else."

"Sounds like quite the show," said Rhys, a warm grin spreading across his lips. He tried to imagine it in his head for a bit before trying to picture himself in it, only to laugh off the idea. He always felt so awkward when they paraded as a regiment. He could only think how amusing it might look for the Abbeygoers, to see a squirrel marching amongst all the hares. "I only asked because she treasured that sword from the moment she got it from the Major. I don't think it left her side for weeks. Until Mom got tired of having her wear it to the dinner table each and every night and ordered her to take it off." He couldn't help but chuckle at the memory.

"Hmm... I shall have to attend to this presently. Still, it can wait until you've eaten. Do you feel up for another mission already?"

In his head he wanted to sigh in exasperation, but his face betrayed nothing, still carrying the smile from earlier. Thoughts of a comfy bed for the night and wandering in the history of the Abbey halls lay dashed, as Rhys resigned himself to a bedroll on the hard earth with his pack as a pillow and more days of eating lightly to ration his food. No rest for the weary... Still, this was the life he had signed up for and committed to - no time to bellyache about it now, especially not in front of Brock. His face drew more serious and he brought a clenched paw up to his chest. "As ever, I am at your service, Lord Brock."


Catching him off-guard, a familiar-sounding laugh coming from behind him caught his attention. His ears perked up, but no sooner had they when two white paws came over his eyes, and he felt a certain someone lightly pushing her head down onto his. "What a proud little soldier," came the teasing voice, as she uncovered Rhys' sight, bringing her paws down to his chest, wrapping around him in a light hug. With that, she brought her arms away and her head back off his and let him turn around in his seat to confront his friendly ambusher.

"How ya doin', bro?" Bianca said to her squirrely sibling with a wide smile, before giving a courteous nod to the badger beside him. "Lord Brock."

"Hi, Bianca." Her warm enthusiasm was infectious, and he couldn't help but smile back at her. Though they had their tensions at times, as any pair of siblings would, they had become close over the years, and he appreciated the chance to see her again. "Sarge told me someone saw you walking to the Great Hall, so I had to come see. So whatcha doing here?" Rhys couldn't help himself as the opportunity to tease her arose, and broke out in a cheeky smirk. "That's between me, Lord Brock and Dad." Bianca gave a look of false indignation and loosely swept one of her paws at him. "Well, now, look who's special? Anyways, whenever you're done being Mr. Important," letting the words drip with sarcasm, "Let's catch up, alright? Later!" She gave a polite bow once more to Lord Brock and started to walk away.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Owain got himself back down to the meeting point and found Peter and Calder already there, sat on the edge of the cart. The adult Mouse joined the Vole.
"Any idea who's going to pull this thing," Peter asked.
"Well, t'won' b' me," Owain replied.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Hlaoroo »

Brum is the last to arrive by the tapestry. She's been reflecting on her conversation with Arthur on her way downstairs and appears somewhat upset. Setting her bag on the floor by her feet the squirrel leans against a pillar just near the cart and stares at her footpaws as she waits for the abbess and the badger lord to arrive.

Brock leans back in his chair, amused as the siblings interact.
"Yes, Bianca is fine." he reiterates.
"I saw your face get more serious before you answered me just now. You know, you don't have to do this mission if you don't want to. You've had a long walk getting here. I'm only sending you to Appleford and back as an escort though. You'll be back here in three days, four top, and then you can relax. But I can send someone else in your place if you want to rest now. I just thought you'd be good here as you'd be more inconspicuous than a hare. So what do you think?"

Few things can make Vivienne speechless. But this is a first, even for her.
"I... Uh... Um... Okay. I'm sorry. What are you then, if you don't mind my asking, sir?"
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Re: Redwall

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hotep the psychic wrote:
Serence Frostbite wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:Trevor reached into his pocket and pulled out a neatly folded and clean rag and passed it in a small offering to miss sara. "a small rag for your allergys? miss sara?" Trevor asked handing it to her
"oh" Sara exclaimed , a little embarrassed "thank you"
Trevor blushed some and smiled kindly at the lady Sara
"So , erm...." Sara muttered , shifting between looking at and away from Trevor .The vixen was still shy and confused , being in a big place , and now , alone with him , since Aldryd seemed to be taking care of the plants as he promised , with the help from Rudy that leaves her.......with no actual place to go or do anything .
"Sir Trevor , Thank you again for helping us on our way back to the abbey . May I ask what will you do now ?"
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Re: Redwall

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Trevor was now doing the same as sara as he thought in his mind however he was staring into miss saras eyes only making him blush more in the real world. "i will go explore more of redwall myself i heard theres a sunken tower here in the abbey." Trevor answered
James sat with the rat they saved before in the front of the abbey, the Rat and his son both sat in the grass playing. seeing them well brought joy to james as he moved from his spot of watch to head to find Lord Brock
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Re: Redwall

Post by WeirdGamer »

Hlaoroo wrote: Few things can make Vivienne speechless. But this is a first, even for her.
"I... Uh... Um... Okay. I'm sorry. What are you then, if you don't mind my asking, sir?"
Marko let out a hardy laugh. "'Vell I dress like a Fox, talk like a Fox, and 'valk like a Fox, so it standing to reason 'dat I am a Fox." Grinning, he continued, "One does not have to be born someding to be that 'ding. I 'vas not born a Fox, and yet I am Fox. Following?"
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Re: Redwall

Post by Esper »

Aldryd followed Rudy, having handed over the insecticide

"Go ahead and feel it, if you like."
he said, kneeling over a few plants, casting a broad shadow over them, "It is best to mix that with the water for these and to use it regularly. If the infestation lasts, apply the medicine directly to the soil, don't dilute it."
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Re: Redwall

Post by CosmicCoyote »

"I saw your face get more serious before you answered me just now. You know, you don't have to do this mission if you don't want to. You've had a long walk getting here. I'm only sending you to Appleford and back as an escort though. You'll be back here in three days, four top, and then you can relax. But I can send someone else in your place if you want to rest now. I just thought you'd be good here as you'd be more inconspicuous than a hare. So what do you think?"

He was still wearing the smile Bianca had brought him when Brock made his offer. There it was, a way out. To rest and relaxation. It was tempting, to be sure, but something deep within him resisted it, driving him onward to go further. He didn't want, or need to be coddled. It was just a few days, after all. He'd had longer trips, even adding in the journey from Salamandastron. He just wanted to prove himself a worthy member of the Long Patrol.

"I... merely meant to show my resolve, Lord Brock." He gave a little sigh, before trying to give Lord Brock reassurance. "Please, don't worry about me, sir. I'm not the scared young'n the Major brought to your door, all those seasons ago. He's taught me well. And not just him. Mom, Sergeant Jackie, Captain Ike, even Bianca, they've all taught me to be a worthy soldier. So please, if you think me best suited for the task, do not hesitate to ask it of me. Wherever and whenever you need me - just give me the word. I'm your squirrel. All I ask, Lord Brock," his head tilted a bit, and his eyes glanced sideways towards the table. Amongst all the conversation, his meal had more or less had been left untouched, with only a few swigs gone from the goblet he'd been given.

" that you let me finish eating." With that he gave a wide, toothy grin.
"...kindness is its own reward. Paid in ice cream."
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Re: Redwall

Post by Hlaoroo »

"There's one thing you forgot that a worthy soldier needs - and that's to know and stick to his own limits." Brock advises. "But I know you to be a sensible squirrel... For the most part." Brock pauses a moment, remembering one or two instances of Rhy's enthusiasm getting him into trouble.
"If you say you can do it then I trust you. And please, don't let me stop you eating. You must be half-starved after the walk here." Brock reads the letter again before folding it and sticking it into a pouch on his belt and contemplatively staring into the intricately stitched eyes of Martin on the tapestry.

Eventually Brum sighs and looks up at her Marcher friend.
"He thought I was my mother, Owain. Arthur kept talking to me as though I was my mother and telling me how promising a dibbun I was and how he might even take me under his wing if I kept reading as much as I did... My mother died six seasons ago, Owain. How could he not remember that? Or me? I've worked with him for so long... It's almost like... He's not himself any more... I don't know what to do or what to think... He's like a grandfather to me. I love him dearly. But what if this keeps going? I... It's the one thing I can't help him with... I... What if... " Suddenly Brum lets out a sob as a few tears escape and make tracks through her pale fur.

Rudy holds out a paw towards Aldryd and soon finds the bowl. He dips in a fingertip and rubs the concoction between his thumb and forefinger before bringing it to his nose and sniffing.
"Phwaw! You know it works if it smells like that! So how much water do you use?" he queries, handing the bowl back and rubbing his paw dry on the filthy canvas apron he's wearing to protect his clothes.

"Um... Okay... I... Guess... I think I shall have to take some time to think that through... Anyway. In the mean time, is there anything I can get you or do for you, sir?"

Civilization wrote:Bradley shifts the weight he is carrying around some more, smiling at what the hedgehog probably had to do a lot down here. He and Fleta walk over to him as he beckons, "Nice to meet you Ambrose." Fleta said and did a semi bow, "I'm Fleta and he is Bradley."
Bradley smiles and nods as his name is mentioned, "We're here 'cause the Friar said you have cordials to drink, we need enough for 'Four days of travelling for a party of five'."
He just shook his head no at Ambrose's question to try some.
"Righto. Four for five. Or was it five for for? No matter! You shall have enough either way!" Ambrose heads deeper into the cellar and there's a small amount of hmming and scuffling before he emerges again with a mid-sized cask tucked under his arm.
"Here we are. This should do the trick. Good stuff this. Invented it myself. Gives you plenty of energy for travelling and quenches your thirst all at the same time. Plus it tastes great! Careful, it's heavy." he warns, although the way he handles it would indicate otherwise due to his strength.
"And when this runs out you can just refill the cask in any stream or river so you'll have all the fluids you need. Enjoy and safe travels!"
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Re: Redwall

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Owain brought himself down off the cart and stood in front of Brum as she finished. "C'mere, m'cariad," he said, pulling her into a hug so she could cry on his shoulder. "'s nev'r fair," he said, "bu', sometimes, all y' c'n know is th' import'nt thing. He loves you. Al'aes 'as an' al'aes will. Carry tha', m'cariad?"
Peter, of course, just sighed and looked somewhere else.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Civilization »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Righto. Four for five. Or was it five for for? No matter! You shall have enough either way!" Ambrose heads deeper into the cellar and there's a small amount of hmming and scuffling before he emerges again with a mid-sized cask tucked under his arm.
"Here we are. This should do the trick. Good stuff this. Invented it myself. Gives you plenty of energy for travelling and quenches your thirst all at the same time. Plus it tastes great! Careful, it's heavy." he warns, although the way he handles it would indicate otherwise due to his strength.
"And when this runs out you can just refill the cask in any stream or river so you'll have all the fluids you need. Enjoy and safe travels!"
Bradley put down the some of food bags he was carrying to take the more heavier liquids, "Thank you." Fleta helped by taking the food bags Bradley couldn't carry, "Was that all?"
Fleta waved goodbye as they left, making their way back up and out to where Brum had said to meet up out in front of the abbey. When they got there they found the others already there. Though occupied with there own things, so the two ferrets stayed back.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Jacey »

Calder had slipped out while everyone was arriving to grab a brief snack before the trip. He returned just after Brum began to cry, rushing over and showing some worry. "Brum! Are you okay? What happened!?" He quickly said, ears and tail lowering as he reached her and Owain "Is- Did-" Calder couldn't finish his sentence and joined in comforting Brum, hoping Owain wouldn't mind if he turned the hug into a group hug.
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Re: Redwall

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Trevor was now doing the same as sara as he thought in his mind however he was staring into miss saras eyes only making him blush more in the real world. "i will go explore more of redwall myself i heard theres a sunken tower here in the abbey." Trevor answered
"Oh I see" Sara smiled , somewhat "I erm....perhaps I will go , look for Brum and Owain , to let them know that I'm back"
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Re: Redwall

Post by CosmicCoyote »

"There's one thing you forgot that a worthy soldier needs - and that's to know and stick to his own limits. But I know you to be a sensible squirrel... For the most part."

Rhys' look turned sheepish. "For the most part" stung a bit more than he would have liked to admit. He was well aware of his earlier... mistakes. A part of him wanted to try and reason with Lord Brock, try and explain away the reasons he had tried to push so hard. After all, while his fellows in the Long Patrol were more than welcoming, the very fact that he was not a hare loomed over him constantly. Instead, however, he merely grabbed a spoonful of porridge and shoveled it into his mouth.

"If you say you can do it then I trust you. And please, don't let me stop you eating. You must be half-starved after the walk here."

With a mouthful of food, Rhys could only mumble something that resembled the words "thank you" before continuing with his meal. Following Lord Brock's gaze, he too looked towards the tapestry, only to shift his focus to the group gathering in front of it. Is this the group I'm to escort? Seems like a motley bunch. His scouting senses tuned in, quietly observing as he continued to munch down on his meal.
"...kindness is its own reward. Paid in ice cream."
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Re: Redwall

Post by Hlaoroo »

Brock looks back at Rhys and catches the look on the squirrel's face. He can't help but chuckle, remembering his own youth.
"Don't worry. You're still young. You're allowed to make mistakes. Everyone is. And I can tell you I was certainly a pawful and made my own fair share of mistakes in my younger days! Did Captain Folger ever tell you how he lost his ear? Don't believe his stoat story! That was me when he was teaching me swordscreatureship. I was getting frustrated with him beating me so often so I thought I'd be clever and break the rules of our fight a bit and surprise him. Well. I surprised myself too! I still haven't made it up to him. Another time I was determined that I knew where I was and that I knew a shortcut back to the mountain. I ended up leading a platoon of hares into quicksand. Ever noticed I let the Major lead these days? Well, that's why. But the important thing is that we learn from our mistakes. And I can see that you do that, every time. So I think you've got great potential. So don't be downhearted, okay? I wouldn't be sending you on this mission if I didn't think you more than capable."

Hugging Owain, Brum struggles to rein herself in, not wanting to make a scene. Eventually, with a few deep breaths she manages to stop the flow of tears.
"I- I'm sorry. I'm m-making a scene. It's okay, Calder I'm j-just worried about Arthur, that's all." Brum answers the other squirrel in a wobbly voice.
"Um... S-sorry, Owain. I m-made your *hic* shoulder all wet *hic*. Oh dear..."
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Re: Redwall

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Serence Frostbite wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:Trevor was now doing the same as sara as he thought in his mind however he was staring into miss saras eyes only making him blush more in the real world. "i will go explore more of redwall myself i heard theres a sunken tower here in the abbey." Trevor answered
"Oh I see" Sara smiled , somewhat "I erm....perhaps I will go , look for Brum and Owain , to let them know that I'm back"
Trevor nodded. "well then um....would you mind if i joined you?" trevor asked deciding to stay and accompany the lady sara however his blushing face showed other thoughts
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Re: Redwall

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

He spoke gently to her again. "Don' worry, M'Cariad," he said, rubbing her back, "Don' worry." He led her back to the cart. "Seems we're more'n pump... five."
"Why would anyone want to pump five," Peter asked rhetorically, "And five what exactly?"
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Re: Redwall

Post by WeirdGamer »

Hlaoroo wrote:
"Um... Okay... I... Guess... I think I shall have to take some time to think that through... Anyway. In the mean time, is there anything I can get you or do for you, sir?"
"'Dere is no need to calling me sir," said Marko gently. "You mentioned someding about breakfast, yes?" There was an audible growl from Marko's stomach. "I am afraid I get little to eat 'ven on the road. Such is life!"
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