[fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

PART 2 Coming soon
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looks very nice! So I assume that Venn got a redesign?
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, J-Man!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Looks very nice! So I assume that Venn got a redesign?
Oh yeah...I've been wanting to do this for a long time. I just needed an excuse to do it.
Also...I'm redesigning another character from Book 1 of this fan-fic
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Will it be his kids or any of his family or somebody totally unrelated.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Will it be his kids or any of his family or somebody totally unrelated.
its a member of his family that you know..all..too..well...
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well then I guess we will have to wait and see where it goes.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

new chapters are coming soon!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by dryideabat »

Ah, we eagerly await to see who this "boss" is; who could possibly be worse than ignorance (the internet)? Also, with the way Fox has handled those four, I'd say he's ready for kids of any kind.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

We had no doubt that you would eventually come back to this so you can take all the time you need!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Part 2, Chapter 1: “I shall cast my Vengeance on Thee!”

From the end of the darkened hallway, pieces of the glass jar slide across the floor and come to a rest just below Ignorance’s feet. Then the image of four red eyes start to glow in the shadows, and the faint image of white teeth become visible as the creature shrouded in darkness opens it’s gaping maw, revealing more than forty razor-sharp fangs and three tendril-like tongues lashing around as the creature lets out a low growl and starts to take a few steps forward. Out from the shadow-shrouded hall came Venn, but it was an entirely different version of him.

Venn had changed his appearance dramatically from the last time Fox or Tarot had seen him. Venn still preferred to take the form of a dog, but now he was covered in pure-white fur with the same silhouette pattern of a centipede running from the tip of his snout to the tip of his tail, the only difference being that the stripe was now colored blood-red. On top of all these changes, Venn was now just as tall as Kitsune in his anthro form. He looked much more mature, but that also made him all the more frightening to Ignorance, who was still trying to find an escape route on short notice. Unfortunately; Ignorance soon had his neck in one of Venn’s razor-sharp armored claws. Ignorance also finds the tip of a red blade pointed right in between his eyes, the handle of which was in Venn’s other claw. At this moment, Fox and Tarot hear Venn speak for the first time in nearly a year, it was the same frightening and booming voice that they had come to know him by:

Ignorance...How many times now have I told you to never harm my children again?” Venn asks in a frightening tone, and while holding the tip of his red sword to Ignorance’s face.

“Uh...two times?” Ignorance answers with a nervous grin.

One time too many!” Venn yells in response.

Venn then releases Ignorance and, without missing a beat, snaps his fingers loudly. Ignorance then vanishes from sight in a poof of white smoke that dissipates as soon as Venn walks right through it. He glances at Tarot and Fox and gives them a nod before kneeling down beside Bravery; whose fur was all standing up and singed from the electricity that passed through his body, yet somehow he managed to shake it off and get back up on his feet. Venn then gathers his other three children beside Bravery and speaks to them about what happened in Heaven:

Faith, Freedom, Fury, and Bravery; I cannot tell you how sorry I am about what I did to you for in Heaven. Are you guy’s still mad at me?

Venn got his answer when all four of his children came in for a group hug around him; the whole scene almost brought a tear to Fox’s eye, but that is avoided when Venn stands up again to give his children news:

Okay you four. As I was sleeping, I was very busy talking with Bahamut about your banishment...and I have good news and...bad news. The good news is that he is reinstating you as immortals...the bad news is that not one of us can return until we find Dragon.

Despite the fact that none of the four young elementals can return to Heaven, they are all just thrilled to have their full power back at their disposal. Venn then motions with one of his paws and a wave of white energy is released upon the four children, whose bodies immediately start to change. The four elementals revert back into balls of pure energy and start forming entirely new bodies, the bodies that they were used to assuming in Heaven.

Faith’s body both grows in size, and changes it’s shape into that of a dog-sized dragon and becomes slightly transparent, due to her blue-scaled body being made up of water, but her frightened expression remained as she took her place right next to Venn.

Bravery’s body also grows and changes it’s shape into that of a dragon, but his body was slightly larger than the rest of the elementals. His green-scaled body was also much heavier than the others because he landed on the floor with a loud thud that shook the floor and almost knocked Tarot and Fox off their feet. Bravery then takes his place with Faith by Venn’s side.

Fury’s body also grew and changed its shape into a dragon, but his body was very unique in that he didn’t have scales...or skin for that matter. Instead, most of Fury’s dragon body was forged of magical flames, aside from his skeleton, black claws, black horns, and his red and yellow eyes.

Freedom’s body also changed into that of a dragon which was about the same size as Fury. Wisps of white gas form, condense, and solidify to form the silver-and-white-scaled body of a dragon who was the last to take her place with her siblings by Venn’s side. She stared up at her father with her piercing light-blue eyes and gives him a smile.

Venn looks down to a waist-level height and sees how powerful his children have become, but he seems more proud of how much they have grown to be like their mother. All four of them are the spitting image of the Spirit Dragon, and that in itself almost brings Venn to tears along with Fox and Tarot, but they were crying because of the blinding light they were staring into. Venn then turns around, wipes his eyes, and whispers to himself:

“Oh Dragon...Where are you?”
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice job on this! I was wondering when we would get to see more of it!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Nice job on this! I was wondering when we would get to see more of it!
Thanks. It actually took longer than I thought because I had to rethink the whole script for the story, not something you can do in a week...
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah I'm sure that it was a pain to figure out the new script in a timely manner but you did it and it looks great!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by dryideabat »

Yay, Venn's back to himself and more horrifying than ever. Looks like being ignorance isn't bliss.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Part 2, Chapter 2: WAR COMETH

The next day:

Freedom awakes in the middle of the night to the sound of soft crying coming from the room down the corridor. Bravery and Faith are still asleep, so she takes care not to wake them up as she opens and closes the door behind her to investigate the sound, even though she already knows who the culprit is.

the return of the four elementals immortality has been both a blessing a curse to the elementals, but more-so for Fury. Upon the return of his immortal life, he was once again curses to speak in a language that not even Bahamut could understand, forcing him to a life of silence. Now he could only be understood by his sister Freedom because of her telepathic abilities. Fury hoped that he had finally been freed from his curse, but it turns out that his voice had to be sacrificed if he wanted to remain immortal. Fury accepted that sacrifice, but it didn't mean that he wasn't sad about it

Freedom crosses the great-room to see her father Venn, a giant centipede curled up in the middle of the room, taking up the entire floor-rug with his massive size. The sound of Freedoms approach was picked up by Venn's antennae, making them twitch with each step she took, but he stayed asleep once Freedom used her power to silently hover past her father. Freedom's white and silver wings spread and acted as glider wings as she silently floated past. Freedom leaned her head against the door she heard the sobs from and confirmed that it was the sound's point of origin, so she turned the knob slowly and opened the door a crack to peek inside. Freedom instantly recognized the soft orange glow Fury's flame-forged body produced in the far corner of the room.

Fury was curled up in the corner with his head between his knees, crying softly and breathing shakily. Each time Fury let out a sob, the flames that made up his body dimmed and smothered. Fury finally noticed that the door to the room had been opened all the way and his sister was walking over towards him. Freedom could see the tears rolling down her brother's cheeks as she sat down right next to him and put her arm around his shoulder, not getting burned by his body

"Fury...are you alright?"

Fury tried to wipe his tears, but more just kept rolling down his cheeks. No matter how much he wanted to hide it, he was not only sad, but he was scared too. Fury threw his arms around his sister and cried softly into her shoulder.

"<Freedom, I'm sorry you have to see me like this.>"

"Don't feel sad Fury, you went most of your life without a voice already--"

"<No, it's not that...it's-...I'm scared. What if we never see our mother again? The spell that she was put under was unlike anything we had ever seen. What if we're next?>"

"Fury, we will see mother again. It's okay to feel scared too."

"<Promise me that?>"

"I swear."

Freedom spends the next few minutes comforting Fury until he stops crying and then leads him back towards their room. Only then did Freedom realize something about the spell her parents were put under.

"Hey, wait a minute Fury, do you remember the way father acted while under that spell?"

"<He was very violent, but there was just a hint of strategy in his strikes...wait...That sounds familiar.>"

"Fury, there is only one spirit that uses magic like that!"

"<But that's not possible, It's not their time yet!>"

"I know, someone must have let those four out..."

"<If that's true, then the earth is going to be destroyed if we don't do something. We're the only ones that can't be affected by them.>"
freedom and fury
freedom and fury
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Meanwhile, in the middle-east:

In the middle of a long abandoned war-zone, a three-fingered claw bursts out from under the Sand and dirt and starts digging out the rest of the body it was attached to. Once finished, the creature revealed itself to be what could be described as a slender wolf-dog hybrid with three-fingered claws, unnaturally shaped eyes, and covered in a coat of blood-red fur.

The creature spits out the dirt in its mouth and looks up at the sky to see a larger creature descending from the sky towards where it stood. It's size and shape suggested that it was a large dragon with red scales.

The wolf-dog jumped onto the back of the dragon, riding it like a horse as it flew back up into the clouds with one sentence said in a deep and bellowing voice:

"The end begins."
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, J-Man! Can't wait to see more!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by dryideabat »

Whelp, the ending of this chapter sounds promising and hopeful. Looks like it's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine).
I like Fury's design and that he can choose to make his flames hot or not. Keep up the awesomeness.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Illustration from the last update:
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by dryideabat »

Cool drawing. Now I'm really curious as to who is this harbinger of doom.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

dryideabat wrote:Cool drawing. Now I'm really curious as to who is this harbinger of doom.
The one that rides the red steed and was given a sword to conquer. The fact that this character spawned from a battlefield should be a major clue to his name as well
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »


After a while of being distracted, I have almost completed the next installment of this story!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Part 2, Chapter 3

Location: The African Micro-nation of Feraga

And so we meet The Disgruntled Prince Jata, Sulking in his throne after having been denied a Predestined relationship with Sabrina, his child-hood love. Perhaps it was for the best, perhaps it was fate trying to teach him a lesson...but no matter. He was hurt, humiliated, and did not share Sabrina's sense of forgiveness. All the right ingredients for a torrent of calamity.

A komodo dragon steps into the room with a smile, hoping to cheer the shamed prince up. The large lizard was a proud steward of the royal family, so he had known Jata for awhile now and was particularly good at detecting his mood.

"Hello sir, Oh I hate seeing a member of the family distressed, Is there anything I might do?" The komodo Dragon asked.

"Hmm, to tell you the truth Steward, If you could find me something to hit, that would be marvelous." Jata replied.

The Komodo dragon backed out of the room with his head bowed and soon enough, he returned with a makeshift punching bag made out of cushions and sand-bags. The Prince thanked his steward and commenced the venting of his anger on the inanimate object, wearing it down to the sand and feathers within.

All of a sudden, his exercise was interrupted by the sound of the doors to the room being opened. There, underneath the arch-way was a giganitc timber-wolf with blood-red fur, an italian-style broad sword strapped to the side of his hip, and a menacing grin upon his face. This was no ordinary muscle-bound wolf though. This was a timber wolf, he was just as tall as Fala, but he looked very slender and lean, like he had not eaten for a good while.

Jata adjusted his stance to face the evolutionary relic who once rivaled early mankind himself. "Who are you?! How did you get in here?!"

The red wolf stopped in his tracks and his grin fell to a pout. "Tsk tsk tsk, that's no way to treat a guest whom you summoned." The wolf said in a very eerie voice that sounded just short of distorted.

"I did not summon your manner of monstrosity!"

Suddenly, the Wolf appeared right behind Jata and spoke into his ear: "Oh, but you did--"

Jata reflexivly retreated to the other end of the room, trying to keep his distance from the blood-red timber wolf. "Who are you...? WHAT are you...?"

"I am known by many names: Tradgedy, Destiny, Terror, Atrocity, Glory, Strategy......Shall I go on."

Jata was now genuinely confused. "I..do not understand."

"Nevertheless, You do not need to know my name, only what I have to offer you." The red wolf replied.

Jata now became angry at the notion of a deal. "Trickery from a demon!?"

The wolf took a step back and made a calming motion to Jata. "Demon...I am no demon. I am a heavenly force."

Out of nowhere, A pair of wings sprouted from the Wolf's back as he drew the sword out of the scabbard strapped to his hip. The sword was engraved with beautiful golden designs that glowed as if it was endowed with magical power...but his wings, were just as beautiful. Forged of silver and reflective like a mirror, they off-set the wolf's frightening appearance before the light that reflected off of them dissipated and Jata was convinced he was not dealing with anything he could solve with his muscles...why he felt that way, he didn't know.

"Wh-what do you want?" Jata asked

"I want to help you. See I have a job to do here on your world, and I cannot do that without someone as my host. Think about it; Limitless power in the palm of your hand, infinate knowledge in your freshest memory...the ability to win anyone you choose with a mere gesture"

That was all Jata needed to hear. "what do I do?"

The red wolf folded in his wings and held out his sword for the prince to take hold of the handle. "Take it, and my power is yours..."

Jata was reluctant, but he eventually took ahold of the handle, which felt perfectly fitted to his hand. He gave the wolf one final look before he took hold with both hands and was immediately engulfed in a red aura that entered and permeated his body. Almost instantly, he felt everything he was promised, be he also felt angry...Very angry.

Jata bared his teeth and ripples of heat poured out from the spaces between his fangs. And within a few moments, the Royal Palace was without their Prince.


Meanwhile, in Heaven, at the trial of the Chimera:

In the midst of everything Prior, A former Heavenly being was stirring up trouble. A spirit formed of a conjoined Lion, Goat, and Snake. Venn was already aware of Pete being hunted down by the avatar of these three conjoined pranksters, but he chose not to interfere unless it was necessary...needless to say, it was now necessary. The Chimera had filled the space between heaven and earth with a spell, blocking heavenly beings from entering, but that wasn't about to stop Venn.

The trial was continuing with the Chimera, Nick-named "Homer", biding for time and asking ludicrous questions. Cerberus was busy trying to see what she could do about the blocked stairway to heaven, Kitsune was actually trying to keep his cool, and Bahamut was just trying to keep the order. But that was all interrupted when Cerb was blown back by the wall of food-stuffs that was blocking the gates to heaven. It shook with a loud bang over and over again, drawing the attention of the entire court.

A few more bangs from the wall and it suddenly broke, allowing Venn's long body to snake through just before the blocker filled in the hole he made.

Everyone was confused...everyone except Bahamut. Everyone offered half-hearted greetings to Venn as he joined the trial.

"Permission to apporach the Bench your honor. New charges have been filed on the Chimera." Venn said with a growl in his voice, But homer was quick to protest to the sudden appearance.

"Now wait just a minute! Who is this!?" The Snake, the most intelligent of the three, asked.

Bahamut explained. "This Is Vengeance, one of my Symbolic spirit's"

All three of the Chimera's heads relpied at the same time: "Never heard of him."

"I am a spirit tied to both the underworld and heaven, a peace-keeper, and a force of Karma. You Heavenly demi-gods know me as 'Koh'." Venn answered

Kitsune continued: "A Centipede, saved and given power by The underworld king, and then endowed with the ability to Shape-shift by Bahamut. He is a warrior that watches over the earth directly, living amogst the mortals with his children, the Elementals. He serves as a guard against deamons and Demi-gods alike, should the need arise."

While Kitsune was explaining, Venn was presenting the new charges on Homer to Bahamut. The purple dragon looked angry at the end of Venn's statement and motioned for him to inform Homer of what they had done.

Venn was still in the form of a gigantic Centipede as he approached homer and allowed them a glance of the claws and fangs that made up his mouth. "Homer...are you the one who filled the space between heaven and Earth?"

"Yes" the three answered sheepishly.

"Homer, the space between heaven and earth is not just some 'Stairway' it is 'Limbo' it serves as a buffer-space between My home and Your home. Understand this; That space serves as a 'holding place' for things I am not at liberty to describe. When you filled that Space, you forced whatever was in there, out into MY WORLD."

"Were not following." Home answered

Venn looked at Bahamut and he nodded, signaling Venn to tell them exactly what they had done.

"Homer, Just yesterday, you unleashed the four agents of destruction on MY home!" Venn shouted as he changed to the form of a dog.

"And how were we supposed to know that!?" Homer shouted in reply

"We figured you'd know since you seem to know every other one of our dirty secrets!"

Only now did Homer notice that Bahamut was no longer trying to keep the peace. Such affairs in the lower realm fell under the juristiction of the sprits put in place to protect it. This was Venn's trial now.

"Homer, I've fought the agents of destruction and sealed them away at the cost of so many of my dear brothers and sisters. Now they're loose in Heaven and Earth, and I had to abandon my own children to come here, AND IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Venn shouted in a spine-chilling voice.

Just then the ground shook beneath the court-room and a large cracked formed just outside the building. Everyone on trial went to see what was going on, only to see what they feared most. In the middle of the crack ,was a Female Dragon made of black wood and thorny vines. To everyones surprise, she was missing her arms, they had been broken off at the center of her upper-arms.

The dead-wood creature shook and twitched violently as if scanned the area and then laid it's eyes on Bahamut. She jumped up and produced a Ear-shattering scream before speaking in a jabbering and distorted voice:

"Bahamut, Give me back my WEAPON!"
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by dryideabat »

I quiver to think what Jata will do with that power first.

Homer(goat): "Vengeance?... Are you the night?... Are you batm- ?"
*Venn angrily lunges at Homer. Drops of sweat form on each of Homer's heads.*
Homer(lion): "...Goodness, you're almost as scary-looking as the Bahamut's mom." :lol:

Good work on this.