Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

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Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

So, Housepets! X Kingdomhearts cause why not? Initially this was my first attempt at a dedicated story, like thought out plot lines developed characters, stuff like that. Then i discovered this site exists, and gathered my courage to try and post it here so whoever takes the time to read it thanks i really appreciate it and tell me what you think cause this fic was supposed to serve as a measure for my novel writing skills.

Chapter 1

'Yes I'd like to adopt a dog, please.' When I first heard those words my tail would spring to life and wag back and forth.

'Everything seems to check out, right this way Ms.'
However now after the countless attempts I made in the past I just don't see the point of it.

I had just recently been transferred to this shelter, and I barely knew any of the dogs here, but I already knew staying in here could last forever if I didn't get out. Since I wasn't adopted yet I had no official name, I was given one, but I could feel that it was out of pity and not out of love.

A vast majority of my life so far has been devoted to staring at the ceiling just waiting for my chance to get out of this prison, but no one would give me that chance. Humans came and went, majority of the time carrying a dog in their arms or with their hands connected, and yet I stayed.

Once there was a keeper that stayed later than most. He was in charge of taking care of the pets to be adopted, which included me. He and I hit it off when all the other dogs just would not shut up save for me. We talked and vented our frustrations and eventually we got close, he even taught me how to read, which lead to my obsession with books, a weird habit for a dog living in the shelter. Nonetheless it was what fueled our conversations and kept me sane inside the cage I lived in. I would ask him to lend me some of his books to read and he would comply.

When my old shelter ran out of room the owners decided to transfer me somewhere I might have more luck in adoption. The night before the transfer I asked if he was interested in adopting me, but he told me he just couldn't afford to take care of me. He explained his deepest regrets and I had no choice but to accept them. We said our goodbyes and soon I was on my way to a new cage.

Thus began my journey from shelter to shelter to another shelter. At first I found it exciting getting a chance to see new faces, and possibly find a family who would accept me but now being transferred was basically another way of saying we don't want you here.

I have been transferred again and this time I just didn't see the point of doing any of it anymore. I'm talking about the way pets put on masks just to score points with possible owners. I used to put on a cute face just for those humans like what the other dogs were doing but I just didn't feel like it this time. Humans preferred younger pups opposed to the older ones so I used to think I had a chance but now I'm not so sure anymore.

This was not the first human to come into the kennels, there were others before, but I lost out to some pups a few months younger than me and on one occasion an old bloodhound. How I lost that one was beyond me but I could never really understand humans anyway.

The human walked in and all the other dogs got into their best position save for me and a few that had given up hope for adoption. She took her time individually between all of us trying to evaluate if we were house material. She was tall, and wore a yellow sweater vest, underneath her flowing black coat, and from what I could see she looked to be in her late thirties. Whatever, she was just another face that wasn't going to care about me and I couldn't care less either and got back into the comfy spot of my dull empty cage.

After passing through every dog before me she finally found her way to my cage and despite my reluctance to get myself adopted I still stood to greet her. Of course this was mostly out of my curiousness on what she wanted to do or say to me.

“How old are you little guy?” she asked when the cage door was open

I looked at her and answered “I-I'm two years old.”

“Is there something wrong? You look down.” she asked as she knelt down to my eye level

“Oh it's nothing.” I yawned and stretched “It just gets pretty boring around here.”

“Nice fangs lone wolf.” she pointed out with a giggle after leaning in closer

I felt my ears press down against the back of my head as I recalled every attempt at adoption. I cursed my unknown parents, these teeth were practically the reason why I lost out to those pups in the first place, after all no one would want a pet that looked practically like a feral.

I was already familiar to this scenario, so much so that it began to scare me that it was already seared into my memory. They look me in the eye and ask how old I was, and every time whoever interviewed me for adoption never failed to see my fangs. Since I was found abandoned it was never really clear if my teeth were running through my unknown family or just a genetic mishap. It was clear that I bore resemblance to a German Shepard, but they didn't know if I had any other genes running inside me.

One thing's for sure once my interviewer sees my fangs any interest they had in adopting me flew straight out the window.

Contrary to my expectations she stood up and faced the lady at the counter and said “I'd like to adopt this one. Is that alright? He seems like he could be able to keep me company.”

“What did you say?” I couldn't believe my ears, did she just say she wanted to take me home?

“You're coming home with me little guy.” she ruffled the fur on my head “Welcome to my family, you're a Rodriguez now.”

Once the lady handed him my records she began to read them aloud as she signed the adoption papers “Owner: Lei Rodriguez. Signature check. New name?” she took a moment to look me in the eyes “Hmm, you look like a Fenrir to me, but I'll just nickname you Fen.”

Fen, I said to myself, that was my new name that accompanied the new owner I would be spending time with. I never thought the day would come, I belonged somewhere now, I had a family. Emotions welled up inside me as I felt tears coming down my face soaking my fur as it dripped down.

“Now for my favorite part. I actually spent all night practicing this.” she raised her right hand, closed her eyes, cleared her throat and took a deep breath. I began to wonder what she was doing but I didn't have to wonder for long.

“I, Lei Rodriguez, hereby swear to take good care of my pet Fenrir Rodriguez. To feed him, to play with him and take care of his needs.” A pledge for me?

Why did I suddenly care? I had accepted my fate in the shelter already but I felt relieved that I didn't have to spend the rest of my days in a cage.

“What's wrong Fen?” She knelt down to get on eye level with me once more

She said my name again and I could do nothing other than cry. I don't know if I was happy that I was going to be adopted or if I was frustrated. After all this time I finally get an owner by not even trying. Emotions I thought I had under control were welling up and I didn't know what to say. I was confused; what did she ever want with me? What was different this time?

“Hey” she whispered, causing me to look her in the eyes “Can I tell you something?” I wiped my eyes and nodded “I adopted you, because you Fenrir Rodriguez, out of all those dogs in there, knew how I felt the most. While other dogs in there are just as lonely I can see that you are experiencing deeper sense of solitude. I thought that no one else could understand exactly how soul crushing it felt to be alone, how it hurt deep inside, and how it makes getting up each day harder and harder. So imagine my surprise when I see a dog sharing that same look I see in the mirror every single day. Misery loves company am I right?”

A fresh batch of tears fell from my eyes. Every word she said, had just hit the nail exactly on the head. For the longest time I have been alone, locked away in a cage, but for the first time in my life, I found someone who truly understood how I felt. I couldn't help myself but throw my arms around her and continue to unload my tears onto her shoulders.

“There, there Fen.” she patted me on the head “Let's go home.”

She broke our hug and headed for the door. I took a moment but I was ready, so I rushed a head of her and stood eagerly in front of the door. As I was about to reach for the handle I paused just to turn around and look my owner in the eyes again. I was going to leave this shelter once more, however this time I won't be coming back. Instead I was going to go home.

End of Chapter 1

End note: some of the chapters are already written I'm just going over them to make sure it complies with the rules here
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

I must admit, this was pretty good! I'm a bit of a fan of Kingdom Hearts, though I haven't played all of them, so I'm curious how this'll turn out.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

D-Rock wrote:I must admit, this was pretty good! I'm a bit of a fan of Kingdom Hearts, though I haven't played all of them, so I'm curious how this'll turn out.
Thanks for the compliment also noob question but this is how you reply right? I'm not sure how this works
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by HellishK9 »

Nice work! :D
This story sounds very familiar to me and I dont know why.
Also yes, you replied the right way.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

HellishK9 wrote:Nice work! :D
This story sounds very familiar to me and I dont know why.
Also yes, you replied the right way.
Maybe because you saw this on other sites i posted it on but forgot to continue so I'm restarting it here and continuing it on those two other sites
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by FancyHat »

Nice work mate!
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Chapter 2 and like i said in the first one some chapters are already typed I just modified it, cleaned it from some grammatical errors plugged plot holes, i think all that good stuff, anyway enjoy. Also small amounts of blood in this chapter, HEMOPHOBES BEWARE!

Chapter 2
Living Life

A year had already passed from the fateful day I had come to know as my adoption, and my life was finally getting its much deserved compensation. Gone are the days of starring at the ceiling wondering when it would be my turn to leave the shelter. I was no longer bound to a world composed of three walls and a cage door, and at first it felt strange holding this much freedom in my hands, but I've never felt more at peace than ever in my life. Now I live in a small house in a quiet suburban area, which was a definite improvement since my shelter days.

On most days Mom would be working her job as a chef from dawn till dusk, which meant I had the entire house to myself. Though she always took Sundays off to play and spend time with me whether it be reading books inside together or just playing with a Frisbee in the park, we always managed to squeeze in time between her work and rest periods just for the two of us.

I could come and go as I pleased, so long as I locked the door when I left. Neighboring pets acquainted themselves with me, some strange, and some completely normal. It didn't happen over night, but every day my world expanded from a small cage, to a small house, then to a neighborhood block. If I hadn't met Mom last year I would probably still be locked away in that cage waiting for an adoption that would never come.

My life isn't the only one to improve since I got adopted. Mom actually got a boyfriend, only because I nudged her to talk to him. She said he was very passionate about his work as a chef as well, dedicating late shifts to the restaurant to improve its recipes, and even going so far as to revive some recipes with his own flair. He was even called the feisty chef Alfonzo, someone seriously needs to lay off the anime.

He sounded like an amazing guy, from the way mom talked about him, so I suggested for her to bring him over since it had been some time since they started dating. Although when we got to meet in person for the first time he and I didn't exactly mesh together. Alfonzo wasn't a dog person at all, and when he saw my fangs he completely lost it. He tried to attack me while I was holding the door open for both of them, Yelling “Feral! Someone call animal control!” at the top of his lungs.

It took a while, and a few reassuring words from mom but he finally managed to calm down and stop calling me a feral beast. While it was one meeting only I could already tell I didn't like him. I know first impressions aren't everything but when someone calls you a beast just from your looks its gets difficult to resist the urge to smack him in the head with a frying pan.

However in that moment I did see how he really felt for my mom and how much he made her happy, so I decided to set things straight with him. I tried to make a truce for my mom that we should get along just for mom since we both love her. To my surprise Alfonzo reluctantly agreed, and after an awkward hand shake we were officially neutral. Up till now he and I still aren't very compatible but we could tolerate each others existence so baby steps I guess.

After six months of dating my mom was finally proposed to, and I couldn't be happier for her since she said yes. The only problem I had was dealing with Alfonzo for the rest of my natural life, but if it made mom happy I was willing to accept the change.

“Fen we're home!” That was mom, and ugh soon to be dad

I ran to the door, unlocked it and showed both mom, and Alfonzo inside, mom wore her usual attire while Alfonzo was wearing a button down shirt accompanied by his jeans that showed of his chiseled features “So how was work?”

“Eh, same old, same old.” she said as she took off her cloak “Cook this, cook that the usual.”

After her explanation I took a moment to marvel at mom's coat one more time. I may be a dog, and clothing may be foreign to us, but I always wanted to wear that coat. Its little red ridding hood style hood would make me look like a cool assassin, wondering through the night searching for his next target. Combine that with its long sleeves, midnight black and flowing fabric, then you get the ultimate cloak of pure and unadulterated awesomeness, which would perfectly contrast with my white fur. Mom always wore it to work, no matter the season and I've always been jealous of her whenever she wears it.

“So how about you Fen how was your day?” Mom ruffled the fur on my head playfully

I smugly recalled the days earlier events “Well I don't mean to brag but after weeks of training and practice I finally nailed that triple back flip move I've been working on in the park. You should've seen the faces of the dogs at the park all the guys were totally jealous while I may have wooed some of the ladies.”

“That's my dog.” Mom said on her way to the kitchen “Let’s see what do we have left over?”

I remembered that our food supply was beginning to run low so I compiled a list of groceries “I made a grocery list of things we need to restock on, it’s on the fridge. Also I think the heater in your room is busted. I tried to fix it but the manual didn't help at all.”

“Alright thanks, but for now I'll see what I can do.”

“Alfonzo.” I said monotonously

He looked at me then replied in the same monotony “Nice to see you too Fenrir.”

At that moment a cloud of awkwardness managed to condense around me and him. I was desperate for an excuse to be in a different room, or go somewhere else but I had no clue as to what it would be. Mom must have noticed the tension in the air and called out to Alfonzo.

“Honey why don't you come and help me prepare dinner while Fen go on and set the table.”

I silently thanked what ever powers there may be and went to work right away. Something told me Alfonzo was doing the same thing, as he was almost as fast as I was getting up and away from the cloud of awkwardness.

Before we knew it all the tasks and chores were finished and dinner was ready to be eaten. Tonight mom managed to serve a helping of French fries, with a chicken drumstick to go with it. I was served the least because I also had dog kibble to go with mine so I guess it’s fair.

While I ate Mom and Alfonzo got closer together and opened a brochure “So honey while I was on break I was looking at the cakes they had for sale for weddings, and I got an idea for the cake we could make.”

“Al, it’s our wedding.” She said with a laugh “Take it easy and let someone else do the work for us.”

“Lei you know,” Alfonzo's sentence abruptly came to a halt, and I wondered why he did so, but he found his words again “we're chefs we can't go around asking other chefs to do our work for us.”

“Hon, they're bakers, and come on what's the problem with asking someone else to do it?” It looked like Alfonzo was going to answer but mom turned to me hurriedly “Fen's right here, so why don't we plan our wedding later. It'd be rude to exclude him from our conversation.”

I smiled, that was my mom for you, instead of playing favorites she balanced her attention between me and Alfonzo. There are times dedicated to each of us and a time dedicated for all three of us. Unfortunately mom even set times where Alfonzo and I would spend time together without her. That said time slot was next as I recalled mom's overly complicated schedule sprawled on the cork board hanging just behind me.

Dinner was over and Alfonzo and I had dish duty, while mom checked the heater in her room. Since I had fur on my hands Alfonzo did the actual washing while I was the one to put it into the dish rack, with the use of a towel of course.

We mostly worked in silence, but neither one of us was going to take the first step to reach each other. This was how it was like for most of our shared slots, granted this shared time between me and Alfonzo had only been implemented a few weeks back.

I had enough of our shared silence, and since he wasn't going to be the one to take the first step I guess it would have to be me “So Al-” No, if I was going to do this I was going to do this right “dad, been on any good dates with mom lately?”

“Well I,” he seemed shocked and at a loss for words “We're just so busy with work, that we don't have that much time to ourselves lately.”

“That's weird, I mean you do work in a restaurant right? When it’s after hours just light a few candles cook some food, and there you have it, instant romantic date. You could ask the owner and I'm sure he wouldn't mind if his top chefs had some alone time together.”

“You know that's not a bad idea thanks for that Fenri~ I mean Fen.”

“Hey, its part of our truce remember? We get along, only because we do it so mom can be happy.”

“That's right for Lei.”

“For mom.”

We shared a laugh and I think a miracle had just occurred. Alfonzo and I getting along, along without mom anywhere nearby. Pinch me I must be dreaming, all it took was just to take a single step forward.

“These should be the last batch of dishes.” he said handing me a stack of plates and pots “Your mother and I need to have a talk.”

I gladly accepted the stack of dishes, and let Alfonzo have some time with mom. Again our relationship as in-laws isn't the best, but what happened earlier was a big step in the right direction. I even felt that maybe just maybe Al- I mean dad, and I can get along.

As I stacked the last of the dishes in the dish rack, I noticed how rickety and unstable it was. The supports wobbled when I barely even touched it and threatened to collapse if I so much as breathed on it. Now that I thought about it, a lot of the things in this house was really worn down. The heater was just one of the things that broke down this week and mom probably just had no time to bring those things to the shop, but still. When something breaks around here it takes like three weeks to get it fixed even more if it really isn't all that important.

I relieved my hands of the towel and turned to the living room ready to join mom with whatever she might be doing. However a slight barely noticeable creak recalled my attention to the dish rack.

Before I could react properly as I had feared, the dish rack collapsed in on itself sending a cascade of plates on my head. Disoriented I tried to step towards the table but forgot about the glass shards on the floor. Not only did they sink into my vulnerable feet, but I also slipped on them and fell towards the floor. Thankfully I reached my hand out to stop my body from hitting the floor, but the glass also sank deep into my hands as well.

Before I knew it mom was at my side, she must have heard the plates breaking and my pained howl. I tried to keep my hand clenched, but I felt it sting unbearably as I unwillingly let out a second yelp. Judging from the intensity of the pain, I would say that it’s in pretty deep.

“Fen, listen to me,” mom placed her hands on my shoulders “It’s going to be fine. Alfonzo start the car I'll be there shortly.” she picked me up, ignoring the red I was decorating her with as she ran out the door “Al is the car ready?”

“Yes, now hurry, we have to get to the vet.” he replied from the driver's seat

Mom locked the front door and took a seat next to me. Everything that happened next was a bit of a blur. I saw my assigned vet, he gave me a pill, and everything went blank.

My thoughts we unclear, and my vision murky, but I was somewhat conscious again. While my mind was not completely here I still caught glimpses of what happened around me. Mom was here, and so was dad. They're talking to the vet while I rest on the provided bed. I may not be able to see all too well, but I could still make out what they were saying.

Right now mom and dad were wearing worry ridden faces as the Vet read my charts “I was able to pull out all the shards and stitched all the wounds closed. Give it three weeks and Fen will only have a scar on his feet and right hand to remember this ordeal with. He will be able to walk tomorrow, but I would advise against letting him stand for too long. His feet will take a week to be back to their full capacity, but his right hand will take a month. He maybe groggy when he wakes up but I assure you it’s just the anesthesia is just doing its job he's perfectly fine.”

“Oh thank goodness; thank you sir.” mom took the vet's hand and shook it “Is it alright if we stay here till he wakes up?”

“That is fine, just don't wake him up. After loosing that much blood Fen needs to rest and recuperate.” said the vet as he left the room leaving mom and dad to themselves

“At least Fen's alright, that's the most important thing right now.” mom said with a sigh

Dad's face looks so sad why does he look like that? “Lei, you know you can't keep doing this right?”

“I have to try Al, its not like I have much of a choice.”

“But Lei it’s already been two weeks.” Two weeks since what? “Two weeks without a job isn't doing much good for your financial status, and I can't support the two of you forever.”

“Al, I couldn't help it. The restaurant has been going through tough times, and I was just expendable. Remember Fen cannot find out about any of this.”

“Look I know you promised him that you'd be the one to take care of him, but look at what's happening to him. Both of you are slowly running out of food, and earlier that old dish rack that I keep telling you to replace collapsed on him. You're inadvertently hurting Fen, because you can't let him go.”

“Al I can't just send him away. I made a promise, and I'm not about to break it by sending him back to the shelter. Not after what I said to him when I adopted him.”

“Lei that pledge is not legally binding, the only reason why you can't break it is because you think it's important.”

“Not that. When I adopted Fen I told him that he and I were alike in the way we've already felt what it was like to be isolated. He can't go back to that void of loneliness I won't allow it. It will destroy him.”

“Alright if sending Fen back to the shelter isn't going to be an option, how about your cousin, you told me you two used to be close.”

“Yeah, but she's not even alive anymore, and if you say try her husband it won't work either. He's terrible with pets not to mention a horrible parent. I would've asked her son, but he was recently jailed for dog-napping so there is no way I'm letting him anywhere near Fen.”

“Look all I'm saying is why prolong Fen's pain. Put up adoption posters or something; the point is if Fen stays with you you're only going to end up not being able to take care of him anymore. Plus he's another mouth to feed, and that's going to cost you some money to buy his food. You barely even managed to pay for his medical bill, if you can't support him you need to let Fen go.”

There's no way mom would agree to what dad said, her promise she wouldn't break it ever. Right? She loves me, and I love her she would never give me away.

“You have a point.” She said in between sobs “I dunno, maybe I just need time to think this through.”

I couldn't believe it she considered what dad had to say? She promised that she would be the one to take care of me. She said that I understood what it meant to be in her place. Was I not good enough anymore to keep her company anymore; was I just another mouth to feed? Just a nuisance?

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't piece together the information I had. Mom lost her job for two weeks, and I hadn't noticed, and we've been struggling to get by all this time. It made me wonder what else I was missing, what else was kept away from me. Unfortunately I was exhausted beyond my limits, and my body began to shut down without my say so.

End of Chapter 2
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Wow. I know a year passed, but that felt really fast.

Is it weird how the first person I thought of with the jailed second-cousin was Joel?
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

D-Rock wrote:Wow. I know a year passed, but that felt really fast.

Is it weird how the first person I thought of with the jailed second-cousin was Joel?
I dunno maybe :twisted: *Thunder rumbling, organ playing, and evil laughter
Hey look chapter three

Also before reading i should mention that when i write i like to draw inspiration from music. So the ending bit of this chapter comes from two songs Steven Universe's Love like you which was outdated when this chapter was written and Kingdom Heart's Dearly Beloved anyway enjoy

Chapter 3
Where Roads Cross

Morning came and I was greeted with the sight of my mom sitting by my bed with dad sitting next to her. I had heard everything straight from them last night, but I still couldn't believe what they said. Mom lost her job? We we're only getting by because dad supported us?

“Fen you're awake.” mom's voice greeted me with her normal kindness and soft tone

I winced when I remembered how much pain she hid behind that smile “Morning mom, where am I?” I asked to play off not hearing everything last night.

Mom took the time to explain everything to me, but left out the details of our financial condition. I could tell that she had very little sleep last night, the bags under her eyes said it all. That sight coupled with what I heard last night only made me feel more sorry for her and less angry at her from keep this a secret from me.

“Fen I'm sorry that you had to go through all that.” she put her hand on mine, and when I winced she immediately pulled away

“Nah its fine mom.” I tried to be as comforting as possible “Really I'm fine, besides I've always wanted a cool scar somewhere on my body. Now I'll really impress the ladies.” With that joke I was able to get a laugh out of her, and I was relieved a little bit.

“Well then I'll be expecting a cute girl to be hanging by your arms by the time dinner roles around.” At least my mom still could laugh, I took comfort in that.

Later the doctor came to give me my final check up, and gave mom some papers to sign. It still hurt to stand and walk but it was not as painful as when I first woke up. The doctor said that as much as possible I was to stay off walking or anything too strenuous.

When we got home mom gave me the couch and a pillow “I'm sorry we can't stay any longer but Al and I have to go to work. Remember if you need anything call me and I'll be there.” she kissed my forehead then walked out the door

Once I was sure that mom and dad was gone I carefully and slowly got up. The pain was minimal I felt it, but I wasn't about to let that stop me from getting the answers I needed. Somewhere in mom's room was a drawer where she kept anything important. If I was going to find anything its going to be in there.

I got into her room with very little effort, since the only door mom and I ever locked was the front. Mom tended to be the organized type, so she kept everything where she knew she could find it. Its because of mom's habits that I was able to find her drawer so easily.

As I reached out to open the drawer I hesitated. Was I really sure I wanted to find all of this out? I could live the life of ignorance, just blissfully unaware of how my world was going to slowly crumble into dust. Echoes of mom and dad's conversation last night resounded in my head

“Its been two weeks.”

“Al I made a promise.”

“You're hurting Fen because you can't let him go.”

I cleared my head and steeled my resolve. This was important and I needed to find out for myself if what they said was true. Grasping the handle tightly with my good hand I counted to three and pulled the drawer wide open.

Inside were all letters, and bank statements. One pile was dedicated to saying that mom's employers were sorry but they couldn't accept her in a chef position. Another was dedicated to telling mom that she had some money due. I couldn't believe my eyes, mom was keeping all this from me?

I slowly closed the drawer and fell to my knees crushed by disbelief. Mom was going through all this and yet she still wanted to keep her promise to me even if it meant more work for her to deal with. Why? No, none of this could be true, none of this was real. I refused to believe any of the evidence laid out in front of me. This was all an elaborate trick designed to get me to freak out.

Out of nowhere the land line in the hall, next to the kitchen rang aloud causing me to flinch. I quickly reorganized the letters and statements into their proper places to cover up any evidence that I was even here. With my tracks erased I made my way to the land line and picked it up

“H-Hello?” I asked nervously

The voice that answered back was strict and rough “Yes, is Ms Rodriguez currently at home? She's not answering her cellphone.” What did this guy want with mom?

“Uh no she's not here, but I'll be happy to take a message.” I answered masking my frustration

“Unfortunately we cannot accept her into our restaurant, as we are now sufficiently supplied with chefs. Please tell her I send my deepest regrets and wish her luck in the future. Good day.”


I felt an all too familiar weight pressed onto my back as I slowly sank to my knees. My mom was struggling to provide for me and herself, and all I ever did was just stay home and benefit from being her pet. She fed me when she could have used that money to feed herself, she spent time with me when she could have used it to look for a new job. I didn't deserve anything she gave me, I didn't deserve the kindness she was showing me.

I wish I could do something to help, I wish I wasn't such a burden to her, but there wasn't anything that I could do. Pets were hired to do minor jobs like distribute the news paper, mow the lawn, and other easy to do jobs. The problem was that no one would trust me when they see me because of these accursed fangs. It took two months for owners to even allow their pets anywhere near me and even then I still set them on unease.

Dad's words to mom replayed itself in my head against my will.

“He's another mouth to feed.”

“If you can't support him you need to let Fen go.”

Those words, no matter how much I wanted to deny them, I have to admit that they held some weight. He was right I was just a burden, another mouth to feed, and mom didn't need something like me dragging her down.

I know what must be done now. Mom would never do it, and I love her for that, but I need to be the one who does the right thing. There was no way I was going to go back to that miserable life in the shelter, but there was another way. I could live the life of a stray, it wouldn't be glorious, it would leave me starved, but I just can't go back to that life of walls and cages.

That night mom came home tired but smiling, without a trace of dad anywhere nearby. I looked at her and put on a smile

“Mom is there anything wrong?” “I lied, I knew exactly what was wrong

“Oh Fen, its nothing.” she ruffled my head and made her way towards the kitchen “I just got home from a long day of work, and right now I need some food for myself.”

“Alright what's for dinner?” I walked by her side as she made her way to the kitchen

“I already ordered pizza, should be on its way here.”

“By the way mom where's dad?”

“He said he was going to sleep in his apartment tonight.”

“Okay so it'll be like old times. Just you and me.”

“Yeah like old times.”

Once the pizza arrived, we set it on the dinner table and got our fair share of slices. I tried not to think about how much this cost her this time, so I concentrated on my food. Our silence reminded me of our first night together in this house. I was uneasy being out for the first time, afraid I'd wake up and find it was a dream. To get me to calm down mom had to put my head on her lap and sang a lullaby.

I could tell that she was lost in thought, she didn't even notice I was here as she chowed on her pizza slices. Since I was about to leave I just wanted to hear that song one more time. I savored what would probably be my only decent meal in a long while but finished it before she did. Slowly I made my way to mom's side, and rested my head on her lap.

She flinched when she noticed me, but I pretended not to care “Hey mom remember that lullaby you sang to me on my first night here?”

“Y-Yes, why?” she said holding back her tears

“Could you sing it to me?” I yawned “I just really miss that song.”

“Of course Fen, anything for you.”

She and I closed our eyes at the same time as mom began her lullaby. The song started out powerful, but slow as the words smoothly flowed out like a gentle breeze. I could hear her sincerity with each word put together in solemn harmony, but I still felt the happiness flowing from her words. Mom's love was put into the very song, and I could hear the lyrics direct themselves towards me.

Time itself was functioning in reverse as I saw the time we spent together flash by scene by scene. Christmas was when she gave me a skateboard and my first time time to get a cast since I broke my arm trying to learn how to use the darn thing. Thanksgiving, that day I tried to cook for the first time, mom couldn't hold it in and puked, she and I still laughed anyway. Halloween was the time when mom and I played with my name as I glued more fur on my body and pretended to be Fenrir himself while she was a huntsman, we got so many stares that night but I couldn't care we had so much fun and candy. April Fool's day was when me and mom waged pie war on the entire pet population of our village it was a pain to clean up but totally worth it. Valentines day was the day I watched mom kiss dad underneath the fireworks, I saw how she smiled when they broke the kiss, I swore to myself that I'd never forget it ever.

Her words and song erased my doubt and steeled my resolve. I was reminded my reasons for why I was going to run away. Mom would be sad and hurt, but it needed to be done. I wasn't going to be the reason why she was suffering so much, and if it meant that she would have an easier life I would do it for her. She deserves so much more than me.

Mom's song ended and she stroked my head fur once more. She must have thought I fell asleep since she carried me to my room and tucked me in. Mom gave me one more kiss on the forehead before she went to her room.

After the door closed shut I slowly rose up and undid the blue collar mom had given me a long time ago. I took a few moments to look at it before I put it down and took a piece of paper and began a letter.

I told mom not to worry, I was not kidnapped and that I went off to be alone. Every word I wrote hurt whenever I think about how much this would hurt mom when she read it. Again I told myself it needed to be done, and carried on despite the pain. When I finished I sealed it, wrapped it around my collar and made my way to mom's room.

There on the bed lies mom's sleeping form, I climbed up to her bed and whispered into her ear as gently as I could “Mom, I'm sorry, but I love you, and I hope you don't forget about me.”

After I placed my collar on her night stand I made my way out her room and out the front door. Once I stepped outside I noticed the chilling night air and how it rendered my fur insufficient as a source of warmth. I gripped my sides and made my way, it was going to be a long journey, and I had no idea as to where I would be going next, but I needed to start.

“FEN!” I was shocked, but I didn't need to turn around to see mom behind me with tears in her eyes

End of Chapter 3
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Man, this was a sad one. Giving up what he loves for the sake of someone else. Already we see why the thing is titled as such.

I can understand gaining inspiration from music.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

This chapter was inspired by the song A Timeless Place

Chapter 4
When you walk away

“Fen, where are you going?” mom asked with a tremble in her voice

I refused to turn around only because I didn't want to make this harder on both of us “I just want to go for a walk, I'll be back later alright?”

“No its not alright! What's this!?” she unfurled the paper, and read select few lines “I won't be a burden to you, I know what's happened, you don't need to worry about me anymore.” She crumpled the paper again and threw it at the ground “Fen there's nothing to be worried about. I don't know where you heard about my problems but they aren't true.”

“We both know that's just a lie mom. I heard you in the vet, you wouldn't joke about that with dad. Not after what happened that night.”

“Fen you were under anesthetics you probably dreamed the whole thing up.”

“I saw letters in your room, you applied for a job in loads of other places, and got rejected. You also have some debts you need to pay off.”

There was no denying it now, I already knew the truth. Mom knew this too but she couldn't keep herself standing with the weight of her sadness on her shoulders. I knew I promised myself I wouldn't turn around but the sound of her crying tore at my heart commanding me to turn around. I turned to face her once more only to be confronted with a sight that no child, pet or human otherwise should ever see in their life time. There's just something about seeing your mother on her knees crying that just causes you to break down along with her.

My world, as well as hers, is crumbling from a humble house, to a cold dark front lawn. I needed her to know that this was for her, it wouldn't be right if I left mom crying on her knees in the middle of the night.

“Mom,” I sat down beside her and wrapped her in my arms “I need you to know; I love you, and I'm not leaving because I don't love you or I feel betrayed. I'm leaving because your life would be better if I wasn't in it. You have dad now, he'll take care of you. You deserve happiness and I'd only get in the way of that. If I stayed with you we'd both be miserable, but if I leave at least you'd have a chance at a better life.”

Mom took a second to recover before she spoke again, her voice riddled with sadness “Fen, I'm so sorry. I promised to be the one to care for you, and I failed. I'm sorry.”

“Mom its okay. I'm doing this for you.”

“At least wait till you get adopted by someone else. You can't survive alone as a stray.”

“There isn't anyone in your family who would take care of me. I will never go back to the shelter, and you can't wait till I get adopted. It took me an entire two years before I was adopted and you can't wait that long.”

“Fen are you sure? There has to be some way we can fix this something, anything?”

“No I've made up my mind now please let me do this for you. It's the only thing I can do.”

She looked into my eyes and I could tell she knew I was serious “Fen, can you wait here?”

I shot her a curious glance but nodded. I undid my embrace and let her stand on her shaking knees as she made her way back inside. She was gone, this was my chance to run away so mom wouldn't have to see me go. Unfortunately mom only took a shorter time that I expected and she returned with three objects in her arms.

“Mom, presents won't convince me to stay, besides I can't take any of it.” I looked at the things in her arms I recognized some of it

She set them down one by one “I know I can't convince you to stay, and if I forced you to stay you would just sneak out. So I won't let you go unless I know I've done something to help you.” I recognized some of the things she placed in front of me. First was my collar, next was my skateboard, and last was a box “I want you to have your collar back, just to remind you of me and help you sneak past some dog catchers. Your feet are still healing, so your skateboard could prove useful when it gets hard to walk. Last this is for you, since December is just around the corner, I wanted to give this to you as a Christmas present, but I guess you can have it now. I had a friend, fastest in the business, modify it so that it would fit you instead and don't worry I got it as a favor so it didn't cost me a dime. ”

Without hesitation mom opened the box and pulled out a flowing black garb. My eyes widened, as I had come to realize that mom was giving me her coat. She opened the zipper and eased my arms into its sleeves. I expected it to be extremely loose and fall off but it fit perfectly on like it was made for me. Instantly I could feel warmth spreading through me as the coat shielded me from the cold.

“My brave, handsome, and caring dog.” she trembled with every word she managed to draw out as she pressed her hand against the side of my face “I sometimes miss the dull eyed pup from the pound, but when I look at your eyes I can see that these eyes matured from those.”

She paused to wipe the tears from her face “Fen I love you, I wish you could stay, I wish I could still be the one to take care of you. However not matter how hard I try to deny it, its just not possible anymore. Please be safe out there, and no matter what don't forget me. Okay?” She smiled saddened but I knew it was for my sake

I took in all the details of mom's face one more time, since it was probably the last time I'd see her. Her smile I swore I'd never forget, her long flowing hair that made her look like the purest of maidens, her shining emerald eyes that contrasted my crimson ones so perfectly it was a shame to separate the set. This was the woman I'd gladly give my life for, her kindness and warmth are better reserved for someone who can make her happier than I ever could.

“Mom you did the one thing nobody in this world has ever done for me. You cared about me, you gave me a chance, and even after a million concussions I'd never forget you or what you did for me. I love you too never forget that.” Like howl I would forget about my own mother

She still held my shoulders tight afraid to let go, afraid she'd never see me again, afraid this would be the last time we held each other so close, afraid she'd forget about me her son “We do this together then, alright?”

No words were needed, as we nodded together in agreement. We both stood up together and faced our backs against each other. I faced the road and the journey ahead of me, while mom faced what was once our shared home. I was going to miss mom, but this was something that needed to be done.

“Goodbye Fen.” She sighed making her way to the front door

“Goodbye mom.” I brought up my hood and started walking after all I had a long journey ahead of me

End of Chapter 4
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by FancyHat »

And now my eyes are watering a slight bit.
"Crimes?" "Crimes."
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

FancyHat wrote:And now my eyes are watering a slight bit.
i would celebrate but when taken out of context it doesn't sound right
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by FancyHat »

..Wait how is that taken out of context?
"Crimes?" "Crimes."
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

FancyHat wrote:..Wait how is that taken out of context?
I mean like I'd be saying yay i almost made someone cry but it sounded wrong in my head
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock » proper words can adequately describe this. I also had the music playing as I was reading. Just, wow. Also, this line,
I turned to face her once more only to be confronted with a sight that no child, pet or human otherwise should ever see in their life time. There's just something about seeing your mother on her knees crying that just causes you to break down along with her.
I've seen something like that a few years ago. The pain was unbearable, seeing my mom, dad, older brother, grandfather, uncles and aunt completely broken over the loss of my grandmother. People who I have never seen that vulnerable.

All in all, this is wonderful. Side note, is there an image of Fen wearing the coat? I'd like to see that.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

D-Rock proper words can adequately describe this. I also had the music playing as I was reading. Just, wow. Also, this line,
I turned to face her once more only to be confronted with a sight that no child, pet or human otherwise should ever see in their life time. There's just something about seeing your mother on her knees crying that just causes you to break down along with her.
I've seen something like that a few years ago. The pain was unbearable, seeing my mom, dad, older brother, grandfather, uncles and aunt completely broken over the loss of my grandmother. People who I have never seen that vulnerable.

All in all, this is wonderful. Side note, is there an image of Fen wearing the coat? I'd like to see that.
My workshop teacher taught me that as an author or a writer in general its our goal to express ourselves through our work and make whoever reads it feel how we felt at a time. When i was writing this i drew on the memory of losing my second sister before she was even born. Its nice to know that i was able to convey emotions clearly and that somebody understands what loss feels like. Misery loves company

anyway enough sob story I sometimes sketch so I'll make that on my to do list (fair warning though I may not be the best artist out there but I WILL TRY NONETHELESS.) Chapter 5 though promises to be a little lighter (or will it)
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

I would imagine that it's difficult for a creator to get anyone looking through their work to feel emotions, but some manage to pull at just the right places for some people. I'd say good job conveying a sense of loss., that feels wrong to say. Looking forward to whatever you can manage to draw. I have difficulty drawing anything organic or at an angle other than frontal view. All of us have something we can improve on, but practice helps in that.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Moving on to something lighter we have Chapter 5 there's an action bit in here inspired by Stray composed by Hiroyuki Sawano

Chapter 5
The World We Live In

Darkness spread far and wide, and the only source of light was from a pure white circular tower I was standing on. An earthquake shook the tower and threw me onto my tail as I started sliding towards the edge. I tried to grab on to anything I could find, but there was nothing to hold on to. The only thing I could do was to brace myself for the endless fall.

I reached the edge of the tower and found it had a thin rim and desperately hung on despite the high chance of falling off. Gravity at this point was my enemy as I was now hanging by the thin rim staring into the eternal abyss. Four eyes opened and gazed at the eternal darkness until it found me. Out of nowhere rows of serrated teeth revealed themselves, even the smallest of the fangs inside the terrifying jaws could make my own accursed fangs look like baby teeth.

To it I was probably nothing but a speck, only to be blown away for entertainment. The four eyed beast shook the tower I held on to with enough force to make me wonder how I was still hanging on in the first place. Finally my grip failed me and I fell into the row of fangs screaming at the top of my lungs.

I shot up from my slumber as my body experienced its own personal earthquake while I gasped for air to renter my lungs. My first thoughts went to wondering if it was a dream or not. What I had just experienced felt like something more, it was too vivid, too clear, and I remembered each detail so perfectly it was almost as if I had lived through it. A breeze passed by causing me to reach for my blanket only to find it missing along with my bed, and the entirety of my room. The only things that greeted me was the sight of worn down sofas and other miscellaneous furniture accompanied by the sound of a running engine and the howling wind as it passed by

It came back slowly and painfully. Every word I had said to her, how I broke her heart, how it was for the best. I shook myself; even though its only been a few hours it felt like years since that moment on our front lawn I can't keep thinking about what I just did especially when it was for her own good.

"It's okay," I said to help myself calm down "it's fine."

At that moment I heard my own stomach growl at me desiring food. With that in mind I climbed up the stack of boxes and located a sunroof which I was able to climb through. Dawn's morning sun rose in the sky and blanketing me with warmth as I saw my destination's buildings come into view from where I was. I took a deep breath and exhaled as this would be my first day in the life of a stray.

“Welcome to San Francisco, Fen.” I said aloud to myself

Living in the same area as mom wasn’t going to be the best idea so I decided that I needed a change of scenery. Somewhere new, somewhere I could start again. It was early in the night when I had left mom's place so the first chance I got I stowed away on a delivery truck that was bound for San Francisco.

After a quick errand to retrieve my board I was back on the roof awaiting for my chance to get off the ride. As soon as the truck pulled into a warehouse I jumped off the roof and landed on my feet. Unfortunately, I had all but forgotten about my condition, messed up my landing, and crashed into a box of Styrofoam. Normally I could take jumps like that, heck I've taken on worse jumps but my feet were still recovering after all luckily everyone was too busy with the machinery to notice my slip up. Without making any more noise than i already have I made my way out the opening the truck came from.

I had a feeling that breakfast wasn’t going to come easy in these parts, so I needed to be at the top of my game. Keeping that in mind I set down my skateboard and kicked off in the direction of the nearest possible food source.

Slowly but surely the city was beginning to wake up resident by resident, and that includes the ones who dump out the trash every morning. Luckily for me I found my first target which happened to be a worker of a fast food place slowly tapping his feet to the beat of his headphones.

I skid my skateboard to a halt, put up my hood and went to work “Excuse me sir, but do you have any food in there?”

My sudden appearance seemed to have thrown him off as he screamed bloody murder “Don’t scare me like that. Hmm you aren’t the regular, but oh well I’ll never understand how you guys work. Here you go.” Much to my surprise he handed me a box as if he knew I’d be here

“Thank you so much!” I accepted the package from him and set off to find a nice place to eat.

Settling down in an alley not to far off from where I met the fast food worker I opened the box to find an unfinished chicken dipped in gravy with a set of stale fries. In my position I had no right to complain, food was food, after all dogs were basically designed to eat anything anyway.

My meal was finished at a record pace, with nothing left but the bones of the chicken. I leaned back and set my sights on the sky above me, unable to help but think about what mom would be doing at this time. On normal days like today mom and I would set breakfast at the table, pancakes extra fluffy eggs extra white. I felt my mouth water at the thought especially since i could eat at least six of mom's pancakes. I shook my head as an unfamiliar scent caught my nose.

“Hey that looks like him over there.” I looked up to see two large stray dogs pointing in my direction; maybe it would be best if I didn’t stick around

After a quick check to see if I had everything with me, I bolted in the opposite direction of the dogs. One quick peek back revealed that not one of the two dogs gave chase to me. Still I quickened my pace, who knows what might have happened if I chose to stay. As I looked behind I failed to see what was in front of me and crashed into a hairy wall which threw me off my feet and onto my tail.

“Well boys it looks like we’ve got a little boy lost and alone.” I looked up to see a bulky stray dog imposing his shadow on me without really trying

I tried to remain calm and perfumey poultine the situation “I’m just passing through no harm done so, uh, how can I help you guys?” It was official I’m already dead someone plan my funeral; I‘m thinking some blue roses on my grave would do nicely.

“You see boy, its unwritten rule that this is my gang’s turf, and you just got food from one of our sources.” After I was picked up and held to the wall I mentally slapped myself, I was so hungry and sleep deprived that I forgot to pay attention to scent markings, this was dog basics

I still had the advantage of them not knowing I was a dog so I had to play this off subtly “Look we’re all dogs here so why don’t we all calm down first then talk about the issue here.” I paused for a moment only to realize I had given away my only advantage; how I was stupid enough to accomplish this I’ll never know.

“What do you mean dogs?” The leader lifted my hood to reveal my canine nature “Looks like we have a pet in our midst, and a well taken care of one if that coat and collar says anything. What’s the matter mommy and daddy’s food too good for you now?” He threw me to the floor out of disgust

“I’m sorry I took some of your food, I was just passing through please I don’t want any trouble.”

“Too bad pet, you’ve found it.”

The cracking sounds his knuckles made were signs that he was ready to deliver a punch. In order to avoid harm, I grabbed my board and used it as a shield to absorb the impact of the punch intended for me. The leader recoiled in pain causing the rest of his dog gang to surround me. Two came from behind and one attacked up front, leaving me virtually cornered. On instinct I dropped to the floor and allowed the dogs to collide above my head.

Before they could fall to the ground I rolled out of harms way and broke out into a sprint. Judging by some of the dogs' frames some of them could out run me and I wasn't about to take that chance. I threw my board ahead of me then jumped on and looked back to see a frustrated pack of dogs.

“Well? Go get him you idiots!” the leader yelled after punching one of his subordinates in the head

I exited the alley as my board ferried me to safety with my coat flapping in the winds. For now I was safe but I was now a wanted dog, I may have just arrived here but the smart thing to do would be to relocate into a new city. It’s not like I had anything to leave behind here anyway.

As I gained speed, a thought had occurred to me. I was in San Francisco, a city built onto the side of a slope, and if this city was known for its slopes why was I riding my skateboard? A quick glance ahead showed me I was too late in this realization as my board approached a steep hill. Try as I might I had already gained too much momentum and it was too late to turn back now. However before I could unwillingly ride through the slopes of San Francisco one of the dog gang members latched onto my coat and was now a passenger on for the ride.

“Boss I got the dog!” Hey foolishly yelled out unaware of the fact that we were just on the brink of the slope

I shot him a crazed look as my board began its decent and yelled at the top of my lungs “Hey let go! This thing’s important to me!”

“Not gonna happen, the boss wants you so he’s going to get you.” He replied continuing to be blissfully unaware of our gaining speed; all it took to change his perspective was a look ahead to see a steep slope that lead to a busy street lined with people “STOP THE FREAKING BOARD YOU IDIOT!”

I started to panic as my board began to gain speed “I DON’T KNOW HOW!”




The sheer speed that I was traveling caused my eyes to water. I was traveling too fast to turn or stop properly and to make things worse I was headed for a busy street of people. There was no way to avoid them, I had to go through the busy crowd whether they liked it or not.

“LOOK OUT!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!” I yelled as a warning to the ones ahead of me

They were smart enough to move out of the way, but unfortunately for us they did nothing more. Even when the gang of dogs passed through them they still continued to go about their business as if nothing was wrong. At times like this I wondered how the world continued to function when this is what they did in times of emergency.

There was no time to think about that as of now as the road ahead met with the river under the golden state bridge. I wasn't experienced enough to stop at this speed so I have two options presented to me. One I could accept my fate and fall into the river, but I never really learned how to swim. Two I could try to stop even with my inexperience, but if I failed I could sustain injuries that I had no means of treating.

Against my better judgment I attempted to stop my board by shifting my weight around to make the board turn slightly to the side and skid. Everything was turning out just as planed, I was slowing down and I was regaining control over my board. When I came to a complete stop I breathed a sigh of relief, I was lucky enough to escape that unharmed. Even the dog behind me was fine, tired and panting like there was no tomorrow sure, but still fine.

“Quick he came to a stop, get him!” the leader yelled, I had completely forgotten about the rest of them; nuts why can't I catch a break!?

Once more I kicked off to send my board on its way, but the tires were damaged due to my stunt and my board more of a hindrance now. There was no time to complain the gang was hot on my trail, I picked up the board and ran into a nearby alley. If I couldn’t lose them with my board I needed to be a little more creative. They may have the numbers and home-court advantage but I could still blend it with a crowd if I could find one thick enough.

They alleys were shady, maze like, and the smell of garbage polluted the air. If I wasn’t careful I could end up in a dead end, and have to backtrack which could lead to bumping into one of the gang members. Maybe I didn’t think this through enough, I wasn’t as well versed with this town’s ins and outs as the other dogs so this could be a little problem.

“I think I spotted him over in this alley. Come on he’s headed towards a dead end we’ve got him now.” Scratch that I definitely made a mistake, what in the world was I thinking?

I was stuck; my feet were already starting to kill me and I didn't know how much longer I could remain standing much less run. If they caught up with me who knows what they'll do. Not adding to the pressure at all was three alleyways all going in different directions. I had to choose but I wasn't sure which one would be my road to salvation.

“Over here.” A deep and masculine voice called out from the direction of a nearby door decorated in graffiti to look like a mural of a wolf howling at the moon with swords pointed at the wolf

I hesitated at first “Who’s there? Come out so I can see you.” a voice through a door didn't exactly sound trust worthy

“I’m afraid I have no time to explain to you who I am, or what I want. Actually what am I saying, I have all the time in the world. You however do not.” I rolled my eyes, I just ‘met’ the voice and already I didn’t like him “We may have just met but think about this. You have the group of dogs behind you with guaranteed hostility and you have me the one who extended his hand to assist you. Now ask yourself which is the lesser of two evils?”

I blinked in surprise “How did you know about them?”

“Again you're running out of time. Its no skin off my bones if you decide to wait a little but if you want to avoid a few cuts and bruises come inside and you’ll get out of this experience.” I was not particularly ready to trust the voice but what choice did I have?

I took a step forward but I felt my coat hold me back, a quick turn around showed me the leader had caught up to me with his gang in tow “Where do you think you’re going? We still haven’t settled our differences yet.”

There was no time to react, the boss punched me in the face and sent me tumbling into a sack of garbage next to a worn out dresser with the mirror still intact. Using the dresser I propped myself up only to see a black eye already forming on my right eye.

“Aw does the poor pet have an ouchy?” The gang leader held my board in his hands then snapped it in two “now there’s no more running away.”

I watched in abject horror as the pieces of my skateboard hit the ground and scattered. One of mom’s last gifts to me broken and in pieces, and all I heard was laughter directed at me. There was no way I could take them all on, I was all alone. While I was stunned with fear the boss grabbed my by the collar and undid it after taking a quick look at it.

“Fenrir Rodriguez?” he laughed a little bit then threw it at the floor and stepped on it, no doubt scratching the name plate “Say good night Fenrir.” That's the second gift he ruined

I felt my blood begin to boil as his foot remained on my collar. I followed the instincts inside of me and with one swift motion I kicked his stomach hard enough to take away his breath and bring him to his knees. Instantly I felt the waves of pain come off from my foot but I had to grit my teeth and bare through it. Once I was dropped and the first thing I did was to push the boss off my collar and grab it. With my collar in my hands once more I made a dart towards the door and stepped inside as I redid my collar.

“Ah so you’ve come at last.” The voice said to me with a smug tone “Right this way Fenrir.”

End of Chapter 5
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Pretty good scene.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Chapter 6 is here and the things get a little more interesting. Also because Chapter 7 is so short and mostly goes along with 6 It's just going to be posted underneath this thing.

Inspired by the soundtrack Organization XIII

Chapter 6
Lies Told to One’s Self

Again I found myself surrounded by darkness, only this time I wasn’t sure if it was because I had my eyes shut in fear, frustration, and anger or because I was covered in it for real. I knew one thing though; I had to keep running to get away. Whether it was from the dog gang or the world that just plain hated me I wasn’t sure either.

Something was wrong; I should have hit a dead end a long while ago. I came to a halt and inspected my surroundings there was no light whatsoever. How could that be the sun just rose, and I was pretty sure I saw a window or two before I entered.

“Fenrir so glad you could make it.” There it was again, that deep annoying voice that just popped out of nowhere

I grunted and tried to search for the voice’s source “Where exactly is here anyway?”

“Calm down Fenrir, I just want to talk. Like you I want answers as well” I continued to search but I couldn't even hear where his voice came from or where his scent placed him “After all I did save you from those gang members. The least you could do is answer the few questions I have.”

I had to admit he had a point and figured nothing harmful could come from it “Fine what do you want, but I’ll tell you now I don’t know much you’re better off asking someone else.”

“Oh no Fenrir I don’t want to ask someone else, I want to ask you. Only you can answer the questions I have.”

“Well fine what are they?”

“Why are you out here all alone?” That one question caught me off guard the voice didn't strike me as the concerned type “You have a collar, that means that you specifically have an owner, so where is that owner?”

“I- I don't want to talk about it.” memories of last night already resurfacing

The voice ignored my previous statement and continued “Did you run away? Was this of your own choice or did your owner kick you out?”

“No she would never kick me out.” I struggled to keep up with his barrage of questions; why was this man so interested in me?

“why did you break her heart?”

At that question everything in my mind ceased working and burned with anger “What!? WHY SHOULD I ANSWER THAT QUESTION!?”

He continued as if he didn’t hear my previous statement “Do you regret what you did? Do you want to go home?”


“Was this your choice? Did you do this of your own free will?”


“ANSWER ME!” The voice seemed to have lost his patience and so have I

If he wants answers then he’ll get what he wants “I’m alone because I chose to be; I don’t need anyone anyway! All my life being attached to anyone has only brought me more grief and pain so I choose to be alone.” I already felt the tears matting the fur on my face “I used to have an owner but I was nothing other than a burden to her. She can live an easier life without me in it. I love her, I care for her, and I want mom to be happy, even if it means I won’t be there to see it. SO SHE DOESN'T NEED ME!”

The dark space went silent and the only thing I could hear was my own sobs. I don’t know why I had opened up to a strange voice I barely even knew, but all the emotions I had to hide and bury deep down couldn’t remain hidden any longer. No matter how much I try to hide them no matter how much I tell myself I’m okay, the truth is I’m really not.

“I thank you for your time Fenrir,” The voice said, and even though I couldn’t see it I could feel that he was smiling at me “now I must be going.”

Wait he’s going? “Hey why did you bring me here!?” I ran off towards where I thought the owner of the voice would be.

When I took the first step light burst forth from where my foot met solid ground. From where I had stepped the light grew and expanded till it filled out a circular shape. The moment my eyes readjusted to the light I was greeted by a familiar sight.

Pure darkness surrounding me as it expanded for eternity with the only light source coming from the circular tower beneath me. Only this time the light not only took the shade of pure white, it took on many different colors. Blue and silver lined the rims while gold stemmed from the center; I took a step back and saw it form a stain glass like image with a depiction of me floating as if I was in an endless dream. Where in the world was I, and how did I even end up here from San Francisco?

This was the scene from my dream; even with the stain glass that depicted me I still knew this was the place. The only thing missing now was the beast with yellow eyes. I had to get out of here before that beast shows itself; if I bumped into it here I wouldn’t survive. Before was a dream, I could wake up from dreams, as far as I could tell I was wide awake.

Before I could take anther step something caught my ear and forced me to stay still “I want to go home.”

I turned around and saw a copy of myself “I want to see her again.” he cried covering his eyes

“I miss her, I want to see her again.” Another copy of me appeared crying and still covering his eyes

The process repeated itself over and over until I was surrounded by multiple copies of myself all repeating the same phrases like some sort of mantra.

“I want to go home.”

“I want to see her again.”

“I miss her.”

“I broke her heart.”

“I'm sorry.”

The sound of my own voice clogged my ears overwhelming my sense of hearing. It was too much noise, I couldn't think clearly as I dropped to my knees clutching my ears desperately trying to nab a moment of silence.

Breaking the pattern I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to look at one clone who wasn't crying but looked sad all the same “Let's go home. Please?” he held out his hand to me to help me up

“I'm sorry,” I stood up on my own “you know why we can't go home.”

His sadness instantly turned to anger “Traitor!” he shouted, his eyes turning soulless yellow “Traitor!” the other clones joined in their eyes taking on the same hue “Traitor! Traitor!”

Before anything else could happen all the clones' bodies shattered like glass and all gathered into one being away from the circle of light. After a while I saw it; two sets of glowing yellow eyes piercing the darkness to see me. Panic surged through my body; I was going to die here if I did nothing.

The shadowy figure charged after me and entered the range of light. It was exactly like my dream had depicted it except with even more detail. Large rows of serrated teeth that dwarfed my own accursed fangs, and so ridiculously large that it struggled to even hang on to the tower. The light exposed its lupine nature as well as a gaping hole where it's chest should have been.

There was nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide as the creature raised it's right hand to strike at me. I crossed my arms, braced for impact and awaited my death. In less than a moment I was swept up and tossed to the ceiling. Rather than actually hit the ceiling I kept going higher and higher, then gravity went to work sending me straight back down. In less than ten seconds I impacted the floor unceremoniously somehow managing to survive the sheer impact of the fall.

It might not have been the smartest thing to do, but I found myself standing up again despite the pain that flowed through my body. I have heard from countless places that before you die you will see a flash back of your entire life, and all I saw was loneliness and pain except for that entire year I spent with mom.

There might not be anyone to hear me, but I think I needed to hear myself say it aloud “This will not be the place I die. Not after the live I've lived through. There's only been one year where I've been happy. I will survive this and I will make my life worth living again!”

The shadow wolf raised its hand once more and I despite how foolish it might have seemed I charged straight for it.

As we drew closer and closer my heartbeat began to accelerate as I approached my doom. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact, an impact that never came. Once my eyes were open I found the shadow wolf clutching its hands and in my hand a blade in the shape of a black colored key. It had a long reach and three pointed edges that shot from its blade served as the key’s teeth, even the handle held some sharp edges that seemed to complete the look.

Where did this thing come from? I tried to survey the area but nothing of interest was around except for the four books orbiting me. As I tried to reach out to grab one of the books the wolf had recovered and howled its challenge.

I barred my accursed fangs and cried out “You want me? Here I am!” I took an offensive stance and prepared myself mentally for battle

End of Chapter 6

Chapter 7 is inspired by the OST Tension Rising

Chapter 7
Spell Master

After hearing my battle cry the wolf enveloped itself in a sphere of darkness and plummeted toward me. I got out of the way quickly and had my blade at the ready in case it tried anything.

Before I could properly perfumey poultine what happened a deep snarl escaped the dark sphere. The shadows faded away to show that the wolf had shrunken itself, but something was wrong, it was standing on four legs instead of two. The wolf charged at me and I had to use my blade to keep it at bay. While it may overpower me in terms of strength I still had a second arm and two legs at my disposal. I kicked off the shadow wolf, ignoring the pain my foot gave off, and brought my blade down on its head, and followed up with a horizontal slash to the side of its face. Injured, the wolf backed off and began to tread carefully around me. Now that we both knew what the other was capable of we were both reluctant to engage combat once more.

I had no idea I knew how to do any of these combat tricks but I could chalk it up to adrenaline, and instinct balancing each other out. Still there was a limit to what instinct and adrenaline can do so I had to end this as quickly as I could.

Steeling my courage I gripped my blade tight and made the charge forward. The shadow wolf dodged my blows by jumping up and attempted to pin me to the floor as it came back down. Unfortunately for the shadow wolf that action left its underbelly open for my blade to strike. I heaved upward and hoped for the best. The vibrations surging through my blade told me I had hit my mark, but there was more.

Due to the impact my blade was in pieces that scattered throughout the stain glass floor. Without my blade I backed off and tried to keep my distance as I was now unarmed. All that was left of my only means of defense was the handle of the blade which was completely useless in this situation. Despite my new status of being unarmed the beast kept its distance.

I studied my surroundings and saw the fragments of my blade swirling around the black book that orbited me. The black book opened and turned to several pages quickly displaying the contents of each page. Even though the pages turned at a blinding speed I saw each and every one of the titles, Fire, Aero, Thunder, and Blizzard.

Once the book shut itself back into its closed position I saw the fragments switch over to swirling around me. My heart began to pick up its pace as I felt energy being pumped into my system.

The beast looked desperate and made a charge for me. On instinct I grabbed the black book and flipped to my desired page while holding my hand outstretched. I stopped on the page that was marked thunder and felt the pulse of energy grow stronger. As if I commanded it lightning shot from my hand and struck the beast down.

The blast gave me an opening, as a result I found myself throwing one spell after another. I started off and blasted it with fire, and then followed it up with shooting crystal shards with blizzard, and finished with aero that made a hurrican form around me and fling the beast away. As I raised my palm to cast thunder once more the beast rolled out of the way and began jumping around the stain glass floor.

Try as I might I tried to keep my spells focused on it, but every time it dodged out of the way causing me to miss my mark. When I saw it settle down from all the jumping I readied to cast blizzard, but before I could the black book shut itself as my blade reappeared before me. Ignoring my blade I held my palm out once more and attempted to cast thunder, but my spells weren’t working.

The beast saw this as an opening and charged at me with its fangs bared. I was drained down to my limit from casting all those spells simultaneously, and the energy I had felt from the black book was now gone. Knowing that I was done for I overlooked the pain and grabbed the blade to assume a fighting stance. The shadow wolf drew closer and closer but my resolve did not falter.

"I am going to survive, and I will make my life worth living from this point on." I told myself once more for a morale boost

All of time seemed to slow down as the beast approached striking range. My swift motion and the shadow wolf’s were rendered in slow motion as my blade readied to meet its claws. The final blow was struck but our bodies still had to register the damage dealt to each of us.

Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. Finally the monster’s strength failed it as it collapsed to the stain glass floor. I turned to face my opponent victoriously with a weary smile etched onto my face.

End of Chapter 7
Last edited by Krytus The Dreamer on Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

:o I SO want to see this keyblade!

Also helps that I switched to listening to Riku's battle theme from 358/2 Days in the middle of reading.
Faith doesn't change circumstances. Faith changes me.
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Krytus The Dreamer
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

I wish I could post the picture here but its too large of a file so it posted it else where
Anyway here's the cover for the story HPXKH~ Hearts of The Selfless ... 1473390294
D-Rock wrote::o I SO want to see this keyblade!

Also helps that I switched to listening to Riku's battle theme from 358/2 Days in the middle of reading.
I already have a sketch but I'll retouch it and post it when i have the time
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Krytus The Dreamer
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

So like with Chapter 7 chapter 8 is short enough that i modified chapter 9 as well and am posting both in one go. thanks to D-rock for telling me how to use the image bar and as thanks here's Fen's Keyblade Lies Told to One's Self


Chapter 8

I stood proudly over the shadow wolf and marveled at my work. With my blade and my black book in hand I defeated the beast that plagued my nightmares. The only problem now was getting out of this strange place.

Aside from the floor and me, the only other thing left of interest in this place was this shadow wolf. There was no way out, which confused me as to how I got inside in the first place.

“Your heart is strong Fenrir. I am impressed, although I was not expecting a keyblade to manifest, in hind sight i should've expected it. Truly you have exceeded all of my expectations bravo Fenrir bravo.” It was the voice spewing nonsense again.

I had my blade at the ready. “You again. Are you the one doing this? Tell me where I am and how I get out.” I scanned the everlasting darkness and found no trace for the voice’s origin. It only seemed to echo from all sides

“Oh no Fenrir you are too valuable to me now that you have shown me exactly how strong your heart is.” I couldn’t make sense of what he was saying. Keyblade? Heart? There’s something he isn’t telling me.

“Let me out!” I demanded already fed up with his mysteriousness “What could you possibly want with me?”

“Now that would be telling.” I shook; the voice was right behind me.

With a vice like grip on my blade I swung it horizontally hoping to catch him with the blade’s range. The figure that owned the voice was now gone, and nowhere to be seen.

How could he just appear then disappear? “Up here Fenrir.”

Following his voice I saw him mid air; he was wearing the exact same coat I was wearing with the hood up so I couldn’t see his face. He also had it zipped up so I couldn’t see anything other than the cloak and his hands. I made a mental note; they were covered in red fur.

“Now, now Fenrir,” he scolded with a pointed finger raised “be a good dog and just accept what I have planned out for you. Trust me your life would be much easier if you do.” I replied with my blade at the ready and a snarl from my muzzle

Who was I kidding? After that last battle I was in no condition to fight. My breaths were shaky at best, my legs were near the point of exhaustion and the pain coming from my feet was almost unbearable but I had to make him think I could still take him on. I had to make him think that if I could beat that shadow wolf, then he had no chance against me.

To my deadly serious face he only laughed “Alright that’s fine too. I admire your courage Fenrir; your owner was right to name you after the savage demon wolf. I see the ferocity in your eyes,” he stopped laughing and adopted a fatal tone “but that is easily extinguished.”

The hooded figure lowered himself to the shadow wolf that I had just defeated and touched its forehead. He stood up, snapped his fingers then the wolf had gotten up like it had taken no damage from our previous battle against one another. I watched with eyes widened in horror; I was going to fight the wolf again and the hooded figure together in my completely exhausted state.

I needed another way out, a back door solution some way to defeat both of them without fighting them. The only problem was that there was nothing here that would serve that purpose; I had no choice but to prepare myself for a second round. Unfortunately my body couldn’t take much more; I was pushing it already by just holding my blade up.

When my arm gave out and dropped my blade the figure laughed once more “There you see Fenrir. Even your body betrays you. Surrender your heart to me and this will be less painful.”

As I tried to reach for my blade a noticed something; a small indent in the center of the stain glass floor. Leaning in a bit closer I noticed that it was in the shape of a keyhole. That hooded figure said that my weapon was called a keyblade. If my hunch was right I would survive this but if I was wrong I was dead. What choice do I have? I almost giggled it was funny how I keep asking myself that question.

I grabbed my blade once more and raised it up high then prayed to what ever forces that it would work. The figure noticed my actions and raced together with the wolf to strike me down.

“Wait don’t do it!” he yelled as he made a mad dash towards me

However my blade reached the keyhole first and when I twisted my keyblade a mini quake shook the tower. Thanks to my keyblade I had something to hang on to, but the hooded figure and the wolf were helplessly thrown around as they still tried to reach me.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the stain glass floors fold up and retract towards the center. After seeing this, the shadow wolf and the hooded figure pushed all their efforts to reaching the center. However it was quick enough to over take both of them, dropping the two carelessly into the pit inside the tower.

Once both were inside I twisted the keyblade back and immediately the stain glass floor was putting itself back into its place. Now that both threats were gone I could no longer hold up my facade and collapsed with raspy breaths for air. There was a strong surging pain coming from my chest that overshadowed the pain that had occurred else where on my body.

Before long the entire area had gone from shrouded by an eternity of darkness to a being showered with endless light. Was I dying? Well at least I went out fighting. If this was going to be the end I could at least pass on knowing that I went down with a fight instead of accepting it till the very end.

“You idiot.” What? The voice, he hasn’t left yet? “Do you even realize what you’ve done? This will set me back, but a heart like yours; I still need it. Though in hindsight you may have actually done me a favor. Its hard to move around when you've got so many eyes in one place. So I will wait for the day when you wake up.”

End of Chapter 8

Chapter 9

I don’t know how long I stayed motionless in my own eternal realm of light, but I did notice that as time passed the light that I once thought was eternal, was fading. It continued to dim until I was returned to the familiar dark landscape of my dreams where all I could do was drift though nothingness.

My eyes felt heavy but despite the weight I urged them to open and found myself in the middle of a red rose flower bed all the way out in the forest. The only real way I could tell the time was the moon glowing full above my head, which only made me wonder exactly how long I was out.

I knew what I experienced was real; the movement in my position was enough proof, even so there were questions that still needed to be answered. The moment I tried to sift through my mind for an explanation I felt waves of memories hit me all at once. I don’t understand; why did that hooded figure want me? He said something about my heart, but that still made no sense. There are just too many pieces missing from the puzzle to solve it right now, yet I couldn't help wondering and asking questions.

Whatever the case may be I wasn’t going to find answers by just sitting around in the middle of a forest. After a quick breather I picked myself up from the flowery bed of roses and scanned the sky. A faint glow of light from the southeast caught my attention, and told me to proceed to it. Who knows it might be a town where I could get some food to eat.

As I walked I noticed my breath visible in the night air. That’s right Christmas should be just around the corner. I wonder how mom’s doing right now. Dad better be treating her right otherwise I’m going to smack his head in and make sure he never touches her again. Still I hope she’s okay and more than anything I hope that she’s happy even if I can’t be there.

The more I walked the more visible the light from the town got. By the time I reached a nearby hill I could already see the town from where I was. It was night so like I expected there were no pets or people wandering the streets. A cold breeze passed through, which caused me to put up my hood before I made my way into town.

Like many other towns this place wasn’t that large yet that only served to make the place a little more welcoming and friendly. The streets were clean and neatly decorated in Christmas theme. I could almost see an image of people and their pets walking around in a carefree manner.

I was jealous, there was no denying it. All these pets have a home, someone to care for them. They’re all well off and yet here I am a stray forced to wander this world barely surviving. How come I’m the only one who has to give up his owner. Its true that I had a choice to stay, mom even insisted, but how could I? How could I stay with her if all I’m going to do is weigh her down.

Lightly shaking my head, I tried to silence my negative thoughts. What would I have to gain from thinking these thoughts? The only thing I need to know right now is that mom is having an easier life. That’s what matters and that’s what I set out to do in the first place.

“Hi there Mr and or mam.” I turned around only to find the question wasn't directed at me

In a large alleyway a brown dog wearing a red scarf was confronted by a tall figure wrapped in a trench coat, his face obscured by a fedora. I was just about to ignore the scene but stopped once I saw the same cold yellow eyes behind the figure in a tench coat. A closer look told me these eyes were not the ones I encountered from the shadow wolf, but they still projected the same feeling of danger into the air.

When the brown dog received no answer he slowly shrank away his tail dropping a little “You seem nice and all, but I have to get home. Mom, dad and Grape are probably worried sick.” The dog about faced, but was confronted by a second coated figure except this one wore a crooked toothy smile.

As my fellow dog stood paralyzed with fear I noticed two sets of claws slowly part both of the figure's trench coats ready to tear the dog to pieces. I looked around to find something, anything to fight back with but nothing efficient was around to use. The image of my keyblade flashed in my mind, beckoning me to call it forth.

I was sure that my experience in that realm with the stain glass floor was real but I wasn't sure if the keyblade would respond, yet I still had to try, a dog's life was at stake. Holding out my hand I waited for a second, then a ray of radiant light erupted from it. A moment later the familiar weight of my keyblade held down my arm.

I aligned my aim and hoped I was right before I shouted out and hurled my blade “GET DOWN!”

Thankfully the dog responded in time and my keyblade flew over his head and ricocheted off the attacker and hit its ally. Catching my blade before it hit the ground I took my stance next to the hunkered down brown dog as he clutched two canisters on his back.

“Whoa who are you?” He said with eyes widened in awe

“No time to explain everything,” I said as I helped the dog up “Stay behind me and when I clear a path get out of here as fast as you can.”

“And leave you here? Alone?”

“Unless you know how to fight, you'll only get hurt if you stay here.”

“But I--

“Here they come.”

First my blade met with the attacker's claws and I kicked him off as my blade held him in place. As a follow up I turned around and threw my keyblade at the one incoming from behind. With both assailants temporarily dazed I was about to tell the dog to run for it but his face was marred by a smile. A quick roll of my eyes and I grabbed the dog's hand and led him out of the alley and into the main road.

Once we were a good distance from our attackers I faced an excited dog whose tail was wagging harder by the second “Whoa you're amazing Mr! The way you threw that stick thing and how it bounced around and hit the other guy that was so awesome! Can you teach me how to do that?”

“You do realize that you're in mortal peril right?” how was he so calm, so unfazed by a near death experience?

“Well,” he scratched his head as if to recall his memories “after being in mortal peril for the hundredth time you kinda get used to it. Then it gets fun granted that you, well survive and stuff.”

I took a moment to process what he had said “Am I really having this conversation right now?”

“Hey you sound a lot like Grape.” his smile only grew brighter “You two should meet.”

Either this dog was very brave or not the brightest bulb in the bunch. Nonetheless I had no time to think about how he managed to remain calm without my reassurance as the sound of toppled trash cans called my attention to the two trench coated figures. Whether he realized that he was in danger or not I still had the means to protect him and I wasn't about to let him show up on the news dead.

“yeah, yeah, Grape okay fine.” I said snapping myself out of my thoughts “Just get out of here.”

“But there's two of them and only one of you. I can't just leave you here.” his tail drooped a little

I facepalmed “Alright fine. You want to help; go get some help. I can survive that long trust me.”

“Alright, fine I'll do it.” The dog's tail started wagging again as he set off on his merry way “Don't worry Mr., Fido will know what to do. I'll be back as soon as I can.”

Now that the dog was gone I turned my attention to the two attackers who were discarding their trench coats, and fedoras. Underneath their disguises were doll like bodies that moved less like humans and more like robots. On their chests they bore an insignia that closely resembled a heart with a stitch running across it to form an x.

My keyblade was by my side once again ready to face battle. After a twirl to reestablish the blade's weight, I assumed my fighting stance.

End of Chapter 9
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

INFORMATION: Fight scene coming up inspired by the soundtrack 13th Struggle

Chapter 10

My four books were soon at my side in four simultaneous flashes of light and rotated around me like a carousel till the book marked with a feather quill on the cover was in front of me. It opened up and flipped through the pages until it stopped on the page with the title Dusk Striker and an image that looked doll like in nature with the same soulless yellow eyes and the same crooked toothy smile plastered on their face.

Seeing an incoming attack I grabbed the feather book and managed to avoid the claws that effortlessly tore through solid concrete. While the two dusk strikers had their claws jammed into the ground I studied the book’s contents and found multiple journal like entries and proceeded to read the one on Dusk strikers.

Dusk striker

Along my travels I have encountered many heartless that fight in teams. The Dusk striker is one of those heartless, and is never seen without another one of its kind nearby. They are quick, precise, and ruthless in their coordinated strikes. I find the best tactic is to find ways to impede their movement, be as fast as they are if not faster or be able to withstand their blows long enough to mount a counter attack. Caution if one of the Dusk strikers is eliminated the remaining will be drawn into a rage and will increase in power as well as speed. ~ T

When I looked up from the book the Dusk striker duo was on top of me ready to strike horizontally. My keyblade was already riddled with cracks from the last few blows I dealt with it. If it broke like last time maybe I could receive that same energy boost again.

Once more I held out my keyblade only this time to intercept their combined attacks and as expected my keyblade broke into fragments under the pressure. However I did not think that their claws would be unhindered from my block, and now all I could do was accept the attack with my bare body.

The claws made contact, the impact and the brief air time made sure I felt it well. Yet I could easily pick myself up without having to strain myself. I looked to the books orbiting around me and saw my white book surrounded by an aura of power instead of my black book.

Like when my black book opened for the first time the white books flipped page after page only allowing me a few seconds to read its contents, and like last time the speed didn’t matter I could still read the spells. Barrier, Reflect, Cure, Haste, and Esuna. I looked over to my black book and found it ready for use despite not being given the power boost.

When the two Dusk strikers made their move once more I spread my arms wide, placing my left over the black book and my right over my white book. I waited as they got closer and closer, and it was only when they were within arms length I raised my right hand skyward to cast reflect.

Immediately a dome made of hexagons built itself around me and took the blow full force. Seconds later it shone a brilliant light and burst outward effectively separating the two Dusk Strikers. Aiming my left hand at the nearest Dusk striker I shot an aero spell to pull it in closer and threw thunder at it to inflict more damage.

As the spells flew from my hands I noticed how much harder it was to cast offensive spells right now. I tried to fire off another aero to keep the nearby Dusk striker from regrouping but it failed. It was clear that I still had a lot to learn about my powers.

With most of my offensive spells on the cool down I backed off and maintained my distance. Unfortunately this left me to play defensively and made me more open to attacks. While they tried to attack me I could easily see what the author of the feather book meant when he said ruthless in their coordinated attacks. The only reason why I was still standing was because of reflect and barrier absorbing majority of the damage.

Once the Dusk strikers’ barrage left them tired and in need of recovery my keyblade re-materialized and the glow surrounding myself and the white book faded. Without hesitation I switched my stance a little more with my blade on my left hand and the right hand ready with spells.

By this point I had already seen their attack patterns so if they were to restart their offensive I could easily maneuver myself to safety. Using this to my advantage I rushed in close to one of the Dusk striker and unleashed a flurry of slashes with my blade. With one final horizontal strike the Dusk striker in front of me was sent flying only to vanish mid-flight into inky darkness.

Presenting my blade to the second Dusk Striker I readied myself for the worst as I saw a dark aura form around it. Like the author said, it would rile up once its partner was defeated, and the attacks it unleashed were proof that the author knew what he was talking about.

I may have memorized their attack patterns but this one had more speed put into it, and I barely had room to breathe. Aiming my hand downward I threw an aero spell strong enough to fling me backwards to safety as the dusk striker struck its three claws lacerated a lamp post causing it to topple over and pin the Dusk Striker down.

This was my chance; accordingly I threw my already cracked blade at the Dusk striker’s claws and severed them completely. Due to the impact of the blow my keyblade burst into pieces once it hit the ground and a familiar energy returned to me as my black book brimmed with energy.

Immediately I got up close to the Dusk striker and unleashed my entire arsenal of spells one after the other. Since it was my black book receiving energy I could cast each individual spell simultaneously without fail.

Now the creature was desperate since it cleaved its other set of claws and struck me off my feet. As it tired to escape I hurled one more thunder at the Dusk striker to end the battle here and now. My thunder spell found its mark on the creature's back and rendered it nothing more than another inky shadow.

Now that the battle was over I let my body relax a little as I drew ragged breaths. Almost instantly I felt all the strikes dealt to my body flare up in agony. It was only due to the adrenaline flowing in my system that I didn’t feel the impact of the cleaving strike the Dusk striker performed until now. Sadly, now that the battle is over I felt the adrenaline escape from me as little by little the pain I was able to ignore confronted me full force.

I looked over to my white book and pulled it closer. Flipping through its pages I remembered that there was a spell written in its pages that would be of use to me. Once I saw the title cure I stopped and pressed my right hand on my chest and cast the spell. I promptly felt the spell taking its effect as the pain was slowly being relieved.

Once the spell resolved I breathed easily and looked at my surroundings. There were claw marks evident on majority of the buildings nearby. I stood, knowing if the help that the brown dog called would come; they'd demand an explanation. Even I didn't know most of the answers to the questions they'd ask so instead of clearing my name I'd be making myself look more suspicious. For now I think it would be best that I didn’t show myself around here for say a few years. Great another town I needed to avoid at this rate I was going to need another country to live in.

“POLICE! PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!” Two voices from behind me yelled

Oh no it’s the police; I was too slow to wrap up the fight and now I could either run or turn myself in. Before I could turn around I felt a moment of weightless as my feet lost contact with the ground. After I hit the freezing cold concrete I felt my arm held to my back and when I tried to get up my head was shoved back down.

As I was held down by my feet, arms and head I heard a deep strict voice recite the Miranda Rights. If I could sweat I'd probably sweat enough to fill two tubs and have enough left over to give salt watered fish a home. What was I going to do, more importantly what was I going to say that wouldn't get me put down on the spot.

“Dad,” the voice intervened “I mean sir,” Both the cop and I froze at the voice “I don't think that this guy is even human.”

They took a moment to process the information and soon I was brought to my feet and dragged to a nearby motorcycle which I was pressed on. Without my consent my hood was lifted and my face exposed to three police officers, two were dogs and one was a human man that would put the alley dogs I met to shame.

One I could tell looked to be a husky breed wearing a long sleeved blue vest that said K-9 accompanied by a pair of dog-tags that hung by his collar. The other was a brown dog, with a darker shade of brown on his right eye wearing the same vest.

“State your name.” The police officer demanded “Are you a pet or a feral? Did you do this?”

I felt my words clog my throat rendering it useless “Sir if I may,” The brown dog interceded for me “you aren't going to get any answers from him like that. Why don't we take him to the station and give him some time to calm down a little.”

“Alright fine, but first things first we confiscate any of his belongings and inspect him for any weapons.” The cop said as he reached for my coat

It took all I had to suppress the urge to bare my fangs, and as a result my body language everywhere else showed signs of hostility. My ears were up, my arms were tense, and a fight looked like it was going to be drawn out. I couldn't let him have mom's cloak, it was too important to have it taken away. My defensive stance threw the police officer off his guard and made his look towards me turn sour.

Before anything else happened I felt a hand on my shoulder “I promise we'll return this to you.” it was the brown dog again “From the way you act I can tell that you really treasure this thing. So I promise nothing's going to happen to it.” Even with the dog's kind and reassuring words I couldn't find it in myself to let it go “Look, right now you aren't really casting yourself in a good light. So the best thing to do is give it up and it will all be over soon.”

All my instincts were ignoring reason at this point. Mom's coat is the last untarnished gift from her. I couldn't stand to be apart from it, to be apart from the last reminder of who my mother was. I wanted to refuse, I wanted to just make a break for it, but he was right.

Unless I wanted to become a full time criminal I needed to do as asked. Reluctantly I undid the zipper of my coat and unhooked my collar from my neck. After painfully being separated from the two items I held out my two arms as requested, which were then cuffed and my mouth muzzled.

“Good dog,” he said patting me on the back, which felt odd considering we were both dogs “I'm Fido nice to meet you.”

End of Chapter 10
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by RedFoxWizard »

Being a Kingdom Hearts fan, I really enjoy the story so far, and how well you tie in reality with fantasy. I love the battle scenes so far, especially the part with Peanut. :P
Ice and fire magic? Does that result in a freezer-burn?
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

RedFoxWizard wrote:Being a Kingdom Hearts fan, I really enjoy the story so far, and how well you tie in reality with fantasy. I love the battle scenes so far, especially the part with Peanut. :P
Thanks a lot its funny cause when i first wrote this peanut was actually scared but after rereading some of the story arcs that just didn't seem like something peanut would do. so i changed it
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

another chapter. hope whoever reads this enjoys

Chapter 11
Behind Bars

Normally when I was inside a vehicle with decent enough ventilation I'd stick my head out the window and let my tongue taste the passing air. Now was completely different in the sense that my arms were bound together by cuffs, and my mouth was shut with the use of a muzzle. It was just my rotten luck to have myself arrested when I stopped to help another canine.

When we came to an abrupt stop I found myself getting off the sidecar and stepping in through the double doors of the police station. The thick scent of coffee wafted through the air as Officers both canine and human alike was darting from place to place in a classic display of organized chaos.

“Fido, Fox!” I turned to see the brown dog wearing the same red scarf rushing towards our little group “Did you make it in time? Were you able to save the guy?” the dog's now calm eyes happened upon me “Who's this?”

“We found him at the crime scene, it'd be best if you stayed away from him right now. Anyway that's not important right now, did the police get through to your parents?” The husky, Fox I presume, answered

Peanut nodded his head “Yup, they were worried at first, but they're calm now. Dad and Grape should be on their way here.”

“That's good to hear.” The police officer holding my things said tugging my bonds “Wait right here while we go lock up this suspect.” I had to restrain myself from letting out a growl at the officer, but I was at least able to take some comfort knowing the dog, or should I say Peanut, made it to safety.

“Whoa! What’s this?” Peanut came closer to the officer and was sniffing at my coat “Where did you find this?”

“It belongs to this dog, but we’ve confiscated it for now just in case. Right now he’s being detained so we have to be sure that he won’t try anything.” Fox cleared the way and led us towards the cells

Once again I was ushered unwillingly towards my waiting cell “Wait, stop!” I wanted to turn around to see why Peanut had called out, but the cop wouldn’t let me “You’re making a big mistake! He’s the one who helped me and told me to get you guys!”

While being denied the right to speak my side of the story I was led into a room with a cell. The bounds on my arms and muzzle were undone inside the cell, but I wasn’t even given a window to try and escape. The door was shut closed before I even had a chance to stand.

As I gripped the bars of the cell tightly I didn’t bother trying to say anything; my breath would just be wasted on ears that wouldn’t believe me. Though I did see sympathy on the new pair of K-9 officers that guided me to the cell, I doubt that would be enough to convince them I wasn’t the threat.

Seeing that there was no point I sat down on the rickety and clumpy bed the cell provided me with and reacquainted myself with the familiar sight of the ceiling. It was like being in all those shelters all over again. I shook my head; I didn’t want to think about that right now. Thinking about my days in the shelter would eventually bring back memories of mom, and I had enough to deal with right now.

In order to set my mind off of my imprisonment, I held out my left hand and called out to my blade. Like the first few times it responded in a bright display of light the parted to reveal my reassembled blade. I spun it around for a while to sate my boredom and took my time to study its design. The blade, aside from being shaped like a key, had nothing particularly interesting. There was no form of markings or power source that would allow it to assist me in performing any of the feats earlier, so where does it all come from?

How does it do that anyway; no matter how many times it shatters, give it a few minutes and its good as new. More importantly how did I even receive this thing in the first place? The guy, who had the same coat as mom said he wasn’t expecting a keyblade to manifest, so he couldn’t have given it to me. Then there's the four books, particularly the journal. Exactly who was this T?

My powers were just another thing to add to my growing check list of things I didn't understand. There's the four books, my keyblade, the heartless, and the mysterious hooded figure has the same coat as mine. I scratched my head out of frustration; all these questions and absolutely no answers to compliment them. What is happening?

With a defeated sigh I took one more glance at my blade just to see its odd design once more. If I could summon the blade does it mean that I could dismiss it? Of all the questions presented to me tonight I'd like it if I answered at least one of them no matter how small or insignificant.

Raising my blade to my full reach once more I cast my thoughts for it to disappear. Obeying my command the blade cloaked itself in the same light it uses to appear. As the light disappeared I felt the weight of my blade go with it, answering my question.

A few moments after I dismissed my blade the door opened with a creak “Hello,” it was Fox holding a tray of steaming food “I came by to see how you're doing and also to bring you some food.” he slipped the tray underneath the bars of my cell and sat down on the floor

The smell of freshly reheated chicken graced my nose causing my stomach to wonder why I haven't completely devoured the meal yet. I wanted nothing more than to eat but I couldn't show my fangs, they already thought I looked suspicious, I didn't want to put out the fire with gasoline.

“It's okay I won't bite.” Fox gestured with a smile and a tongue sticking out

Slowly I reached out for the meal and only took small nibbles at a time “Thank you for the food.” Content with my answer Fox leaned his back against the wall

“Peanut, that brown dog in the lobby, told me what you did,” Fox said as I continued to only take in small bites “and I believe him. Peanut's not the one to lie and besides one of his gray areas would be his blunt honesty.” He laughed a little “The most that pets would do around here if they weren't from the K-9 squad would be to call the police but you stayed behind and fought them off. That takes guts and I respect that. Something tells me that you'd make a great K-9 Officer Uh?”

“Fenrir,” I said almost in a whisper “but I'm fine with Fen.”

“I can almost hear it now; Officer Fenrir has a nice ring to it don't you think.” Fox's warm smile made me at least grin “Don't worry you'll be out of here in no time if Peanut's testimony has anything to say about it. Besides I'd sooner quit the force than let an innocent pet get blamed for something he didn't do so you can count on me.”

“I'll be waiting here till then Officer Fox.” I gave him a casual salute

He laughed again as he made his way to the door “You can just call me Fox, and you know what? You remind me a lot of a close friend of mine. Once you're free from this place I'll make sure you meet him. He's a nice guy if you can get past his grouchy exterior.”

“I'll save the date.” I called as Fox shut the door behind him

With Fox gone I was given free reign to utterly obliterate the meal set out in front of me. My belly was full and my body was exhausted. The day had an almost bittersweet taste. First I wake up to find I'm no longer in San Francisco, but in someplace else. Then I fight off heartless only to be arrested by the police and was thrown in jail not long after. While it was not clear to me how long I spent slumbering in that bed of roses I was completely drained from what happened earlier. Having nothing else left to do anyway I rolled over to face the wall and let myself slowly drift into the familiar territory of my sleep.

End of Chapter 11
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Chapter 12 was inspired by the soundtrack Rundelhaus from Log Horizon as well as the multiple Imaginate! comics enjoy and tell me what you think. First time to try focusing on more comedy for one chapter

Chapter 12

“GAH you have defeated me!” A familiar male voice said in an over the top tone “And in such a manner that is certainly not a cop out to the audience! But seriously if you could do that in the first place why didn't yoooouuuuu.”

“Stupid dragon costume, takes forever to take off, there we go.” The same voice started off as a whisper then switched over to using a higher pitch “Ahem. There over yonder Prince Grape, there lies the form of Sleeping Canine, awaiting true loves~

“Wait, wait, wait. What?” this time a feminine voice responded

“Uh Sleeping Canine, you know the princess cursed to eternal sleep.”

“Yeah I got that but what's her name?'

“That's an easy one, its uh... um.”

“Are you telling me that after sixteen years of raising her, you never learned her name?”

“What no! Of course we learned her name. It was Princess, uh... Princess... huh, Princess Borealis?” a moment of awkward silence occurred “Well how about you, you're going to marry her after this.”

“We had one duet! I'm not going to marry some girl I sang one song with!”

“Everyone knows in these kinds of movies having a duet is basically a marriage proposal. By the way remind me to thank Zach for letting us borrow his followers for the role of woodland critters. THANKS YOU GUYS!”


“Remind me again why they think he's the slumbering wolf.”

“Well this scene's gone completely off track and I don't want to argue with you and all of the woodland critters anymore so Sleeping Canine it is!”

While I could have easily ignored the two voices and drift back into sweet slumber, the dialogue they were having has already breached my tolerance for absurdity. I couldn't even tell if I was supposed to be afraid or curious about what I was hearing. I didn't even know what I was hearing. One thing's for sure I had to see what was happening with my own eyes.

At first my eyes crumpled at the feeling of opening when they've been shut for so long, but on my command they slowly opened. The light took some getting used to but first thing I noticed was that the bed was off in a way that it was soft and comfortable, unlike the rickety and clumpy bed I was introduced to last night.

However the first thing I saw made me question if I was awake or dreaming. A purple cat wearing a paper bag over her head with a crown drawn on it was wearing blue and red curtains as she held a curtain rod like it was a sword. The dog had a paper bag on his head as well except written on it was blue fairy and both his hands had one bag on theirs saying red fairy and green fairy. Yet what I saw next paled in comparison to everything else. Somehow someone thought it was funny because for some reason I was wearing a pure white wedding dress.

“Uh Grape,” the brown dog said as she started to lean closer to me “Grape.” he said a little louder “Grape!”

“Not now fairies who shouldn't have male voices, can't you see I'm trying to wake up Sleeping Canine with true love's kiss.”

“Yeah except Sleeping Canine wants to know exactly why she's in a dress.” I could almost feel my nerve twitching; I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ANYMORE! Did all of reality just decide that rules were boring and that everyone can do whatever they just felt like?

The three of us remained there in complete silence none of us bold enough to make the first move “Hi I'm Peanut! Thanks again for saving me.” I recoiled from the sudden out burst and exposure to large gray eyes; clearly I was wrong

“You'll have to excuse us.” the purple cat said as she held Peanut back with his collar while her face slowly turned red “I'm Grape, and well, you've already met this bundle of excitement.”

“While I'm sure its nice to meet the both of you, but can I ask WHAT THE HOWL IS GOING ON!? AND WHY AM I IN A DRESS! The last thing I remember was falling asleep in my prison cell. Which, by the way, looks more sane than what I'm seeing here.” I gestured to the gown that I still have taken off yet

“That's easy, you were out for an entire day.” Peanut said as he pulled out news paper snippets almost like he had them ready for when I would wake up

“A DAY!?” I screamed again, how was I able to sleep through an entire day?

“Calm down will you.” Peanut patted my head and handed me one of the snippets “The police took some time trying to piece together all the evidence they had on you but couldn't gather enough to convict you as guilty.”

One of the pictures depicted me being dragged into the station; when was this taken? “Luckily some canine units found the trench coats those thugs left behind and with a little sniffing around they figured out you and those two attackers are not affiliated with one another.” the headline said dog saves fellow dog from fatal encounter and is regarded as hero by local canines after hearing the victim's story “They were also able to recover footage from one of the traffic cams on one of the toppled lamp post of you protecting me. Though it's covered in static, all but that one moment was unwatchable because the fall damaged the memory.”

Another news snippet showed me in front of Peanut with my keyblade, except the picture wasn't very clear on the details so instead the blade looked like a steel bat.

“But since you don't have a place to go to and your owner wouldn't pick up her phone, I managed to convince dad to let you stay here at least until we can drive you back home. That unfortunately is going to have to wait till after the holidays, since the ice already settled in and traveling cross country isn't a good idea in this weather.”

My ears flattened on the back of my head once more. That's right I ran away from home. How was I going to explain to them that I can't go back? I don't want to be yammering on about the story of why I left and how I got here.

I reached for mom's cloak to draw comfort from it, only to find the black garment missing and in its place the wedding dress. Finally it came back to me; Fido said he was going to hold on to it for a while and promised me he would return it when the ordeal was over.

“Wait! Did the police return my things?” I asked as I scanned the room frantically

Grape was the one to answer me this time “Fido came by after we took you home and gave us your coat and collar, but mom found both a little worse for wear. I mean how do you put that big a hole on the back of your coat, the thing's almost useless now. So she gave your coat a quick wash and asked her friend to get it fixed while dad bought a new collar with a tag to go with it.” her tongue sticking out as she handed me a collar of a deeper shade of blue than my first

I calmly accepted the new collar and studied it closely. It bore the same scratched up metal plate that stated my general info, but the difference was that attached to the collar was a key chain depicting a fang.

“Theme tagging is a big thing here, so dad thought that this would fit the bill perfectly.” Peanut said showing me his bone chain “You're name's Fenrir right?” I nodded “So he got the fang to represent the wolf demon you were named after.”

I took a moment to take in all that Peanut had told me. Their parents had taken me in when I had no place to go, even going so far as to fix the two remaining gifts from mom. It was an odd experience for me since I'd only been shown this level of compassion from only one person, and how did I repay her for it. Some dog I turned out to be.

“Cheer up,” Peanut said catching my attention “it's okay you'll see your mom in no time. I'm sure she's worried sick about you. So hang on tight, it'll be over before you know it.”

I noticed my eyes were a little wet as I wiped them “I guess you're right. Thanks Peanut, and you too Grape” I flashed the two pets my best smile. They had a right to know about me, they took me in but I wasn't ready to tell them just yet.

“Peanut, Grape I'm back” called a new voice from outside the door “how's our guest do~”

From the open doorway stood a man sporting a brown beard and brown hair to match who looked to be in his mid-thirties. His mouth as well as his mind seemed to have ceased functioning the moment he saw the scene that was before him. Unwillingly I felt my own face redden from a perfect stranger glimpsing me in a dress

“I'll, just be... I'll be downstairs.” He immediately turned around and quivered “After the last Christmas play I've seen you produce I don't even want to know what this is all about.”

As soon as the man had left the room I felt my face slowly retain its normal color “NOW WILL SOMEONE GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!”

“Oh oh, I'll help!” Peanut came to my aid and brought me to my feet

The two of us struggled a bit with the fabric as it constricted my movements and provided an overabundance of heat “This thing's so itchy and hot. Wait, it's slightly wet, did you actually manage make me sweat? How is that possible? Dogs can't sweat, that's why we pant.”

“That's not actually sweat, it's melted snow.” Grape said as she joined Peanut in trying to free me from the confines of the fabric “We brought you outside while you were still sleeping so we could do the duet scene.”

“and it was romantic. Drool almost instantly turned into ice, the loud snoring that almost blocked out the music. It was a night for Prince Grape to remember.” Peanut mock sighed as he grabbed the back of the dress and tugged

“Peanut!” Grape's face almost reverted to red as did mine as my more embarrassing sleeping habits were exposed “I swear Fenrir, we were just bored.”

Suddenly I felt my lungs restrict themselves “Guys... Can't... Breathe!”

“Whoops wrong string.” Peanut laughed “Maybe this one'll do the trick.”

“Peanut don't pull~” Grape yelled as it was too late “that one.” She finished as she facepalmed

It was a plus that I could breathe again but I saw both Grape and Peanut staring at the dress with their mouths agape. The fabric couldn't handle the stress from all the pulling and the dress now sported a giant tear where the waistline should be. The following silence was deafening as no one dared to move a single inch.

“Bailey's so going to kill us.” Peanut said his ears drooping

End of Chapter 12
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by RedFoxWizard »

Fenrir dragged into the Sandwich household while unconscious, only to wake up in an imaginate session? Yep, that's Peanut and Grape for you. Great job!
Ice and fire magic? Does that result in a freezer-burn?
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

As good a way as any to be introduced to the family.

Forgot to say this last post, but I like the quality of the keyblade breaking, which allowed spells to be cast.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

D-Rock wrote:As good a way as any to be introduced to the family.

Forgot to say this last post, but I like the quality of the keyblade breaking, which allowed spells to be cast.
Thanks, the idea actually came from the command style mechanic from Kingdom hearts birth by sleep the one where if you use a certain set of commands enough your fighting style changes
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

...I need to play that one.

By the way, I'm guessing some sort of time skip occurred? At first, they mentioned not being able to reach his owner, so I initially thought that her phone line got cut. Then I remembered that they mentioned that her second cousin was in jail, but no mention of him disappearing, so she probably already moved somewhere else. And here in Babylon after his Awakening, we have King mentioned and Fox is a K9 dog.

Of course, feel free to ignore this if it'll be answered soon.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Once again Chapter 13 is relatively short so i was able to get it done fast and do 14 and chapter 15. that last part was because 14 and 15 is nice to read back to back and 14 ends on a cliffhanger so eh might as well. Chapter 16 isn't posted yet but is the last of the rewritten works 17 on wards is written from scratch and not modified

Chapter 13

After an entire day of sleep I just didn't feel like I needed anymore for the time being. So all I could do was lay on the bed the Sandwich family provided me with and cast my gaze into one of my books. I had the opportunity to, so I thought why not, and I seriously needed a break from the Pride Lands series Peanut forced onto me last night. I saw it blow up on the internet once but I never really found the time to actually try reading it.

Right now, though the black book had my undivided attention. Sure the standard spells I had to work with were enough to get me by but if I was going to survive something told me I had to up my game, and some of the spells looked like they packed a punch just from saying their name.

Still I can't believe that the Sandwich family was kind enough to provide me a place to stay until they could bring me home. I felt my ears droop at the thought. If they brought me home I'd have to face mom and she'd never let me go again then she'd have to force herself to support both of us.

After I read the last of the new black book spells I slammed the tome shut and dismissed it. My eyes were starting to get sore and I needed a break from my break reading. I needed some air, bad so I knotted the scarf Peanut lent me in place of my coat. I guess my own natural winter coat would have to do temporarily.

As quietly as I could I opened the door and made my way out. Immediately I encountered a fresh layer of snow on the front porch. Christmas was definitely on schedule from the way things looked. Decorations were strung about on houses of every block while, from the looks of the cars parked outside, families were already gathered and ready to spend the Christmas together.

“Come on King keep up! We have to hurry and get back while the pups are still asleep. Lucretia might be watching the pups while we jog but we still have to get back ASAP.” I turned to see what appears to be a husky wearing a white hoodie jogging circles around a small corgi wearing a black scarf

“Bailey!” he huffed clearly out of breath as he collapsed on the snow “I can't... keep up. Please just... slow down.”

“You're the one who insisted on coming with me today to protect me from those strange men, but fine we'll take a breather for now.” She knelt down and patted the smaller dog's back

“Oh thank dog! I can't feel my lungs. We've been at it for nearly fifteen minutes nonstop.”

“Yeah! Haven't even caught my second wind yet.”

“I think I'm running on my third wind.” King's eyes happened upon me “Bailey, who's that?”

When I realized they were talking about me I decided I might as well introduce myself “Um hi I'm new around here. The name's Fenrir, but just call me Fen.”

“I know you. You're that dog from the news, the one who saved Peanut right? Fox, my cousin, told me all about you.” Bailey said in the middle of the standard dog greetings

“Wait what!?” King seems to have gotten his fourth wind as he stood up “You!? You're the one who saved Peanut? It was all over the news sure but I never thought I'd see you here of all places.”

“I kinda conked out at the jail cell. When I came too I was in the Sandwich house for an entire day fast asleep. So I'm stuck here for the holidays.”

“That reminds me.” Bailey turned to King “Do we already have someone to watch over the pups while we go to the combined wolf house, good ol' dog's club Christmas party event tonight? I hate to be away from the pups but I also hate to be rude and refuse their invite.”

“I already got your dad to do it, but we've only got like an hour. Then we have to get back.” King replied a little more calm

“Hey you should come too Fen!”

“What me?” I pointed to myself “I dunno I'm new here so really the only pets I'd get to talk to is Peanut or Grape. Maybe Fido or Fox if I'm lucky.”

Bailey pulled me in closer and pointed off into the distance “Who cares this is your chance to mingle with the pet society of Babylon Gardens. Come on it'll be fun. This year its at the good ol' dog's club at the end of the street. The party starts at six sharp. We'll see you there. Come on King lets head out.”

“Already!?” he said struggling to move his legs

Was I just invited to a party? Just like that? I had to admit I was surprised at how fast I was accepted by the two dogs given that I was asleep for an entire day. And these dogs were just random ones that I just so happen to pass by while getting some fresh air.

What do I do now? Do I accept and attend even though I know next to no one in the party or do I just spend the night awkwardly with Peanut's parents? On second thought I might as well. With my fangs its only a miracle that those two haven't noticed how strangely sharp my teeth are.

“Bailey! Hold up!” huh King must really be tired

Seeing the corgi try to keep up with the husky made me remember a spell I glossed over when I was ready my white book. Conspicuously I ducked behind some nearby trash cans and summoned the book as well as my blade in my hands. With a slam to the ground I had cracked the blade and the second slam shattered it. Ignoring the boosted black book I opened the page to the haste spell. After I took my aim I cast the spell targeted for King. The moment the spell made impact King's running speed steadily shot up.

As I dismissed the white book from my grasp I felt someone grab my shoulder “There you are Fen!” It was Peanut who looked to be out of breath “For a second there I thought you had run off now lets head home before my parents find out that you left.”

Peanut didn't waste time and didn't give me a chance to argue with him as he immediately started shoving me towards the house. Without saying anything I turned my head around to get one last glimpse of King and Bailey. Instead of a warm look I was expecting them to be giving each other I found King dragging Bailey off as he looked at me with terror filled eyes.

End of Chapter 13

Inspired by Cold composed by Jeff Williams

Chapter 14
What The Heart Desires

“Do I seriously have to go?” I said as I was being pushed against my will towards the party venue

“Aw don't be like that Fen.” Peanut said as he walked next to me with a smile only he could own “You're new here and since you'll be here a while you might as well socialize with at least the pet society here.”

Grape began to grunt at my resistance “He's right being cooped up in the house isn't good for you. Everyone needs to get out every once in a while even me, besides do you want to spend the time alone with our mom and dad.”

Begrudgingly I had to admit Grape had a point, being alone with their mom and dad wasn't my idea of spending the night, and I couldn't spend it wandering the town I wouldn't want to end up in prison again for being suspicious. For now it looked like the party was the least of the two evils. I know I said I was going to make my life worth living again, but I was thinking maybe taking it one step at a time like maybe making friends first. There was literally nobody I knew at the party. The only consolation I could think of was that at least my coat came back in today, fixed and ready to be worn.

“Don't worry you'll live through it I promise.” Peanut said as if he could sense my uneasiness “If anything goes wrong you can just come to me or Grape.”

With that Grape stopped pushing my back and opened the door to the party venue “Me and Peanut have to go find out dates. We told them we'd meet them here and it would be rude to keep them waiting. So see ya.”

My heart came to a halt “Wait what? Don't leave me,” it was too late Peanut and Grape disappeared in the crowd “alone. Great just great.”

As expected the party was comprised entirely of pets that lived in this neighborhood. At least there were no people around, lately being around some of them put me on the edge and I was glad to be free of them for a while, but now I didn't know what to do or what to say. Why was this a good idea again? I know nobody here!

“Hey there you.” a black cat seemingly came out of nowhere “Aren't you Fenrir? The dog that helped Peanut out of the mess he was in a few nights ago.”

Well there goes my plans of sitting in the corner for the entirety of this party “Uh yeah that's right.”

“I thought you looked familiar. The black coat gives it away since pets don't usually wear anything indoors. Come on let's go get a drink my boyfriend's running a bit late but I guess I could kill time with you.” She said pointing at the punch bowl

I wasn't the type of dog to have a thing against cats but I wasn't expecting to mingle with a cat in this party that isn't Grape. Still this was better than being the one who engages the conversation. So as she cut through the crowd of pets I followed and when I did I felt myself under the eyes of multiple curious pets.

“You know you've created quite a buzz around the town because of what you did. The most that we pets are capable of is being all cute and cuddly for our owners with the obvious exception of the K-9 squad.” She said serving me a cup of punch

I laughed a little and accepted the cup “Yeah well you know a little karate, a little judo. Just a few martial arts I picked up on my spare time.” this was the most logical lie I could come up with? Thanks brain.

“Regardless, I find it impressive so here's to your success.” She raised her glass “I'm Sabrina by the way.”

After our glasses' met we held the bottoms up and downed the contents of each of our glasses. The punch wasn't too bad I only couldn't enjoy it a little more because of all the eyes pressing against me.

“I wouldn't give them that much thought.” Sabrina refilled her cup and offered to refill mine “Besides its me they're staring at.”

I accepted the offer “Why? I don't see anything out of the ordinary.”

“Oh its nothing they probably think I'm going to make you my new boyfriend or something. Some of them are still pretty mad that I took Fido away from the available table.”

I almost choke on my own drink “Wait what?”

“Please don't tell me you're a cat hater too.” She adopted an almost irritated look “I've had it up to here with all the hate we get.”

“No its not that I'm against what you two are, its that I've never even heard of a cat and a dog together, much less out and open to the public about it.”

She laughed a little her irritated look dissipating a little more “It was broadcast nationwide with that Feragan wedding, have you been living under a rock all this time.”

I laugh along with her to play up the fact that I had no idea what she was talking about. However my meeting with Sabrina gave me the kick I needed to at least try to tackle the crowd of multiple pets in front of me. Sure I was still a little nervous but I've faced far worse what's a little mingling going to do to me. I might be awkward, get humiliated, and stand out like a sore thumb but I would still survive the experience.

“Sorry about this but I should at least try to mingle with the other pets.” I said as politely as possible to not offend the cat

She served herself another glass “Well good luck, and don't worry the pets here are the friendliest in the area.”

I gave her a wave and was soon on my way toward the crowd of pets. However the closer I got to the party goers the slower my steps came by. Now that I was directly in front of the dancing and mingling pets I felt my courage wane as my feet freeze in place with my words refusing to sound properly.

When I tried to strike a conversation with a dog he didn't even hear me as he balanced his dance partner on his palm above his head. I tried to talk to someone else but I bumped into a German Shepard who looked like he was surveying the crowd for potential threats. Instead of apologizing I immediately turned tail and ran away from the dog leaving him with a suspicious glance.

I ran out the back door and closed it shut as I tried to calm down my breath. Who knew that trying to mingle with other pets was harder than what it appeared to be? It was simple, walk up to a pet, say hi, exchange pleasantries, then strike a conversation. How could I mess it up? I knew I wasn't the most social of butterflies but still this was beyond embarrassing.

Miserably I pulled my hood over my head and looked to the rising moon above. It was full, meaning the month was drawing to a close, and with it the end of the year. As they promised as soon as the holidays are over the Sandwich family was going to take me back to my mom. I should be excited, I should want this, but I can't. I just can't.

My head hung low as I sunk down into the soft cold snow, I felt miserable, and alone, and desperate and all I could ask for was just some form of relief some thing to cheer me up. To my actual surprise my plea was answered in the form of a voice bellowing a soothing melody. A voice so soothing, so gentle there was no mistaking who it was.

The echoes of the voice held my mind in a trance, so much so that I stood up and before I knew it I was under the cover of trees. I desperately tried to pry myself free, I had to avoid the source at all costs, but every time I found the will to resist a new wave of sound would wash my resolve away causing me to repeat the process again only to fail each time.

Step after step I took and the waves of the voice got louder and louder with it my will weaker and weaker. I had to resist, yet I couldn't I just had to see her one more time. My body said that it would only take a peek just to see if it was really her just to satisfy my loneliness. However deep down I knew that if I saw her I wouldn't be able to resist running into her arms to say I was sorry.

Eventually I found myself back in the flower beds where I first woke up. It was how I left it, flowers somehow still in bloom with crisp cold air yet I was able to spot one major difference. A woman dressed in a yellow winter jacket huddled down in order to sniff the flowers. Her long hair, the way her smile matched the ones I caught in my memories, Her shining emerald eyes glistening as if to call out to its crimson counter part.

Stop Fenrir you can't go see her, you can't talk to her, walk away now and spare yourself the heartache. I took a step. You don't know what you're doing this is only going to hurt you more! Despite my inner warnings I ran towards her.

“MOM!” I had tears in my eyes “Mom its you! I'm sorry I'm so so sorry! I just wanted to... I only wanted to...”

I didn't get to finish as I was swept back into her loving arms. Her warmth was as I remembered it, soft and comforting as if she was my real mother. Time for all I care could have stopped at this moment and I would already be happy. This was her for sure, this was my mom.

“You've gotten taller,” she laughed “Fen?” her voice told me to look into her eyes but I refused I wanted to savor her scent, her warmth, her very presence “Fen?”

“Fen?” Mom's voice dissipated and was replaced with Peanut's “Fen? What're you doing out here?” Was that really Peanut's voice? I opened my eyes only to find myself in a desolate field of snow devoid of any flowers or my mom “Why are you crying.”

I turned around to see Peanut, a worried look hung on his face as his ears drooped lower with concern. It was all a lie, a hallucination? I was right then, all I did was make my heart ache more. This was where I broke down without regard for who was there to witness. The time I spent away from mom might just have been only a week but I felt empty, like something was missing. Thinking about it like that made me realize if this was how I was after only a week, how could I stand to live the rest of my life without mom?

“Peanut, I miss her.” I cried without thinking “I miss my mom, I miss her so much that I'm starting to see and hear things.”

I could tell he was at a loss, since he took his time thinking his words through, but when he finally gathered his words Peanut spoke with a gentle tone to rival my mother's “Hey, hey, don't cry. You'll see her in a few weeks don't worry Fen, Grape and me, we'll make sure you see her again. You just have to be strong and wait out a couple more weeks alright?”

“But I can't see her again.” every word I managed to heave out my chest pained my heart as I cried into the dog's shoulder “Peanut I ran away. I ran away from my mom because she didn't have enough money to support herself and me together. I ran away so she wouldn't have to the choose between me or herself.”

“Look I'm not going to pretend like I know all the answers but I do know that you miss her. You need to see her again, you need to talk to her. If it makes you feel better I'll convince mom and dad to let you stay till you're ready to face your mom again. Take all the time you need, its hard to do what you did I understand. Does that sound nice?”

“You'd do that? For me?”

“Fen you saved my life. Its the least I could do.”

“Innocence bright enough to light up any amount of darkness,” my body tensed and my instincts flared as I rose to cover Peanut “as well as a heart of unwavering selfless nature.” Its him; the cloaked figure who brought me to this town in the first place “Not only have you finally awoken from your slumber but you've attracted the final heart I've been searching for. You have served me well, Fenrir.”

End of Chapter 14

last one is inspired by Kekkai from Blue Exorcist

Chapter 15
Old Acquaintances

“You? What are you doing here?” My bared fangs and readied hands conveyed my anger as well as my protective intent

He took a moment and shrugged “As expected you still pay homage to the name Fenrir by being as ferocious as the beast. However earlier I was able to witness one of your moments of weakness. While touching as it might be, it only provides more proof that you are the one I need and are completely irreplaceable.”

“Fen? Something's wrong, who's this? ” Peanut asked almost shaking “Please tell me you know this guy.”

Something was wrong if Peanut, the very same dog who stared down a pair of heartless unfazed was afraid, that must mean that this cloaked figure was the real deal, and not another hallucination. My focus shifted from the cloaked figure to Peanut as I noticed a stream of shadows slither underneath the brown dog. Without so much as a warning to Peanut I immediately shoved him aside and pulled myself away. As I predicted the shadows rose to form a lance like shape that would have impaled Peanut if I wasn't quick to act.

Staying on momentum I summoned my blade and presented it to the cloaked figure “PEANUT RUN!” I yelled as I charged the cloaked figure with my books orbiting me “I'll hold him off as long as I can!”

I didn't take a moment to ensure Peanut did as he was told, I couldn't. All my focus needed to be on the cloaked figure if I was going to prove myself as a serious threat, enough to take his attention away from Peanut. However despite all my strikes the figure saw through them and was able to dodge them with ease. If my physical attacks weren't going to work, I might as well field test my new spells. Without hesitation I slammed my blade into the ground effectively shattering it in one go. Not a moment later I felt the energy surge within me once more.

With my mind clear and my black book orbiting around my I threw my hand up skyward and invoked thundara one of the next level spells I had time to read up on. Like thunder, bolts of lightning shot from the my hand only since this was a higher version of that spell more lightning was called to bring forth devastating effects on the snowy field.

“I see you've been practicing,” he said like he was smiling “good I wouldn't want your heart to be weaker than I had first anticipated.”

I invoked a fira spell and shot a head sized fireball out “I don't know who you are or what you want with me or Peanut but I won't let you hurt him!” Following up the ball of fire was an aeroa spell that mixed with the fireball to create a flaming tornado

All the spells I was casting were devastating sure but none of them were hitting their mark. As I readied a blizzara spell the figure disappeared and before I knew it I felt something grip my throat.

“Come now Fenrir if I've said it before I've said it a thousand times” The figure reappeared and revealed he was using the shadows like they were strings to rob me of my air supply “You might have some ferocity but it can easily be extinguished. Besides its nothing compared to the original.”

I tried to free myself, struggle, fight back, anything but at the rate I was going I was going to black out from the lack of oxygen. Before I did screams echoed throughout the woods which caused his grip to lighten. It wasn't peanut for sure but I recognized some of the screams and from the sound of it the sources was close by.

Haphazardly I was dropped to the ground allowed to breathe once more. My sense of relief was cut short as I felt my limbs caught in the shadowy thread and carry me a few inches off the ground. I tried to summon my blade but the key shaped sword wasn't responding, maybe it was still recovering.

The screams sounded again and I recognized one of the owners as a dog and a cat was dragged into view. Little by little I saw more detail and now I know why they were screaming in the first place. Yellow piercing eyes, a lupine figure that walked on four legs instead of two. I'd recognize that wolf anywhere it was the shadow wolf from the stain glass tower, only this time the heartless insignia was displayed on its chest. I recognized the black cat to be Sabrina and the dog, it was King. The moment he saw me his face went sour as he spat fury seeded deep in his voice.

“I knew it! I knew you were a part in this! Why can't you see that they're just using you just to cushion their fat and stupid egos!?”

With the wave of his hands the cloaked figure gagged King with the shadows “Be good pets and just shut up! You all have something I need and right now I need to concentrate.”

“Even if there is a game on going you can't interfere with mortals beyond what the game specifies!” Sabrina screamed as she struggled all the more “This is a serious breach of the rules!”

“That tedious game Universe and Unrealities?” The cloaked figure laughed as he raised his red stained palms “That silly game has nothing to do with this. Dragon isn't here to help you anymore former avatar and the power you have left over isn't enough to even entertain me. So be quiet or do you want me to shut you up like that human turned dog over there.”

“KING!” All our heads turned towards the injured form of Bailey who was accompanied by Fido and Fox

“LET THEM GO!” Fox yelled as he ran in closer

Fido's muzzle was marred by his snarling as he approached the cloaked figure “LET SABRINA GO! Look I don't know who you are but If you don't let my girl go I'm going to~

“Going to what, call back up to take me into custody?” The cloaked figure said mockingly “Sorry to say it officer but there isn't anything you or your puny little force can do that can harm me.”

Instead of calmly assessing the situation like I thought he would Fido charged the cloaked figure with the shadow wolf in perfect view. However instead of paying attention to the charging dog the cloaked figure ignored Fido as he collided with an invisible field of energy.

“The time is now,” The cloaked figure raised his two hands higher, and as he did the shadow wolf sprouted three streams of shadows that aimed themselves for all of our chests “A heart once thought lost to darkness but born anew,”

In response to his words the stream of shadows reached gently into King's chest. From what I saw being gentle didn't help as King's eyes went wide with pain, but was unable to screech it out as he was gagged. After a few seconds the shadow came out but it brought out an orb of light that began to orbit around the shadow wolf's body. The result was Bailey and Fox pounding and screaming louder as King's body went limp.

“A heart unrestricted and of love so true.” the shadow did the same and reached into Sabrina's chest to pull out a second glowing orb. Fido was beyond furious at this point and was starting to push through the barrier causing electrical surges to rush into his body.

Nothing in my body was responding right. My arms couldn't move and even my keyblade refuses to respond to my commands. I had to do something, I needed to do something, but what!? With the current situation there was little that I could do I was just too weak, too useless to be of any actual help.

Finally my breath went stale as the cloaked figure turned to me “A heart...”

“NO!” To my surprise Peanut attempted to tackle the shadow wolf but failed as his target stood his ground and reached into Peanut's chest and pulled out an orb of light as well

“...of pure innocence bright enough to light up any amount of darkness.” It was here that I realized that the cloaked figure planned for this, we were bait to lure Peanut out since his innocent and loving nature couldn't allow himself to be useless when his friends were in danger

“PEANUT!” I saw Grape rush over to where Fido was starting to breech through accompanied by a small dog

Despite the various cries surrounding him the cloaked figure continued as if there wasn't any madness in his actions “Finally a heart, courageous and noble, unbound from the concerns of itself!”

I felt my eyes widen at the sensation of the shadow slithering into my chest searching for what he called my heart. The pain was so overwhelmingly concentrated that against my own will I found myself screaming in pain. All of reality seemed to blur, my sight was foggy at best, my limbs went numb and my head felt like it was bearing the weight of an elephant.

“NO! What's wrong!?” At those words the pain I felt started to ebb “Consume him, become whole once more!”

Due to my blurry sight I didn't catch it but a force tore me and the shadow wolf apart. I felt my back impact the bark of a tree, and made me thankful that at least my body was numb enough to shake off the supposedly crippling landing.

Now that my vision was starting to clear I could see it, the three orbs that the shadow wolf was able to pull out. The three orbs slowly but surely were consumed by the shadow wolf's dark fur proceeding deeper into its body. As the hearts disappeared from view the wolf convulsed and twitched as if the hearts were trying to resist its control.

“I understand,” The cloaked figure said in a now calm voice “pull back, take your time, soon you will consume them all. We'll be back for you Fenrir.” With a wave of his paw the cloaked figure drew the shadows up and formed a passageway into darkness.

When I saw the cloaked figure help the wolf into the shadows I picked myself up completely ignoring the strain I was placing on my battered form. I wasn't about to let him get away with taking those hearts.

“KING HANG IN THERE!” I turned my head to see why Fox screamed

Bailey was kneeling down beside King “Please King, you have to live through this.” King's dissolving body couldn't utter any words only caress Bailey's face “What about our pups!? We were supposed to take care of them together, please you have to live through this!”

Everyone, all their bodies were starting to decay into shadows while their closest friends and loved ones could do nothing but watch. The sight did nothing but strengthen my wrath, the cloaked figure needed to pay for this. When I turned to confront the hooded figure nothing was there but the forest. Fury drew my blade to my hand and my vice like grip caused it to crack.

Using one swift motion I threw my blade against the forest floor shattering it in less than a second. I felt the energy flow through my body but there was no target to use it on. The only thing I could do was aim a thundara spell skyward and unload the rest of my available spells on nearby trees. Once I ran out of energy I felt the toll of the battle wear me down soon I couldn't hold myself up and fell down to my knees, streams of tears falling down my face.

“Please,” a hand was on my shoulder but I was too saddened to acknowledge it “Fenrir, tell me everything.” it was the dog who was with Grape as they witnessed Peanut dissolve into nothingness.

End of Chapter 15
Last edited by Krytus The Dreamer on Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, Krytus. I'm really liking this fanfic.
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Krytus The Dreamer
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Saturn381 wrote:Great job, Krytus. I'm really liking this fanfic.
Thanks a lot for the compliment and I'll continue to do my best with this fanfic
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Krytus The Dreamer
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Here we are Chapter 16 the last of the pre written works. After this I'm going to have to start writing from scratch so no more daily updates

Chapter 16

“That can't be it! You've got to know something more, now talk!” I felt my back slam into the nearest tree, my instincts telling me to fight back but I couldn't muster up the will power, how could I after what I just witnessed

Fox was seething with rage with a fist at the ready and I couldn't blame him. King just vanished, no not even that, he just faded out of existence. Not even a body was left behind for a proper good bye. The same goes for Sabrina and Peanut, three innocent pets gone, and I should've gone with them. Grape was still staring at the spot where Peanut last was, Fido collapsed on his tail, his face spoke volumes of his disbelief, Bailey was inconsolable and the Pomeranian was in the middle of one of my books.

I had already told them all I knew, but from the looks of it they were still processing it. Their closest friends, all gone, reduced to nothing by an unknown figure who used me to lure Peanut, as well as everyone else out.

“ANSWER ME!” this time Fox delivered a jab to my stomach and let me fall to my knees his eyes gleaming with hatred

What could I possibly answer him, I knew nothing else. The only thing I could do was answer his gleaming hatred with acceptance. This was all my fault, I led that hooded figure here, so I deserved everything coming to me.

I could tell Fox wasn't satisfied as he raised his fist once more, only to have it stopped by Bailey, who wrapped him in her arms. At that moment I saw Fox's anger melt into frustration and sadness, a fresh batch of tears coming down from his eyes.

From the way he acted and the way he shouted King's name, it was clear that King was the dog he wanted me to meet, his best friend. In one fell swoop I separated a sister from her brother, two pairs lovers from each other, a father from his children and a dog from his best friend. Add that to my already impressive feat of leaving my owner behind and I was a fine example of a traitor. These pets have welcomed me into their lives and this is what they got for it, only suffering.

For a while the only sounds that could be heard were the sobbing of all the pets who had lost someone that day, save for myself and the Pomeranian. Initially she broke down like the rest of them but as I continued telling them what I knew her resolve kicked in and she went and picked up one of my nearest books.

“I knew it,” she gestured for everyone to come closer “they're not gone. They're still out there somewhere.”

“Tarot, what do you mean?” Fido moved closer a hint of hope daring to shine from his orange eyes

Tarot flipped the pages till she found what she was looking for and quoted “Through my countless travels to other worlds I have discovered that a being's soul is divided into three main parts: emotion, fate, and finally memories. Fate is not kept with us but still connected to us while emotion and memories are joined together to form what is known as the heart. A heart can be taken away but the victim will not die. They are simply turned into shells of what they once were devoid of any emotions or memories of their past life. In order for the victim to be brought back the heart must reunite with the body.”

“So what you're saying is, they're alive?” Grape asked joining in on the discussion that could very well save their friend's lives “Okay so that's great and all but their bodies are gone, and we don't know where that figure with the cloak went. How do we get around that?”

Flipping through the pages once more Tarot found her answer “We don't have time to worry about the bodies for now, but inside this journal are enclosed these,” out of the book fell three metal stars one orange, one blue and one green “These are wayfinders, charms that amplify the bond between two hearts, and with them we can track Peanut, Sabrina and King. The only catch is the bond must be powerful otherwise the wayfinder won't work.”

Tarot's words managed to snap all the surrounding pets out of their stupor, me included, as they huddled around the small dog. There was hope after all, they could bring them home.

“Let me help.” I said almost in a whisper, afraid that I might anger them “Please, I was the cause for all this, let me make it right.”

Everyone shared a glance before Tarot spoke up “Out of all of us you're the one with the best means of fighting since you have that unusual sword. Even if you refused I was going to make you go myself. All of you however still have a choice it could be dangerous, but at the very least we need someone to work one wayfinder since all three hearts are gathered in one wolf”

Not even a second went by before all three of the wayfinders were taken from their initial resting spot on the ground.

“I'll go for Sabrina,” Fido picked up the orange wayfinder and laced it to his collar

As Bailey reached out for the green wayfinder Fox grabbed it before she could “Sorry cuz but I'll be going for King, you still have your litter to take care of. He's gonna want you to be there for them.”

She looked about ready to argue with the husky but instead sighed and put her hands on her cousin's shoulders “Just be safe alright Fox. I may have lost King but I don't want to lose you too, so be careful.”

“Grape,” Tarot held out the blue wayfinder to her “this could be the work of a celestial being, something's wrong here and I have to get to the bottom of it not to mention that I have to stay here to maintain your cover, we don't know how long you'll be gone but I have to make sure none of the humans suspect a thing. Will you bring him back for me?”

Grape gladly accepted the charm with a smile finally gracing her face “I'll bring home our goofball.”

With our decision finally made on who would go Tarot reached into her collar and pulled out four rings “One more thing before you go, when Peanut told me someone supernatural was attacking I thought these might come in handy. Initially these were supposed to serve as armor for the final battle against Pete, but Spirit Dragon scrapped it since it would cost too much mana to finish.”

She handed me one ring and proceeded to move to the others “It might be rudimentary, but anything is better than nothing since we don't know what you'll be facing out there. Each ring functions as a telepathic link to everyone who has the ring and to me. It is also equipped with a stash of food and water good for about two weeks, so I suggest you ration your supplies. When you're ready all you have to do is think about your bond with them and the wayfinders should react.”

“Thank you Tarot.” Fox slipped on his ring and turned to me “Look, I'm sorry that I took out my anger on you. Its just that King's like, no he is my little brother, and I just want to bring him home. Taking it out on you wasn't one of my finer moments but can you forgive me?” he held out his hand as a show of peace

Without hesitation I shook it and looked him straight in the eyes “Believe me when I say that I know what its like to lose someone so close to you. Its unbearable and slowly eats at you,” an image of mom flashed in my head, her smile almost faded from my memories “so I'll do everything I can to get your friends back to you. Count on it.”

“Why don't the two of you get a room and kiss already?” Grape cut in holding her wayfinder tight “We've got an idiot, a dog lover and a minuscule monarch to save.”

Fox and Fido followed her example and clutched their wayfinders no doubt channeling the memories of their close friends. In response to their wills each star emanated light of the same hue as their design before detaching from their owners grasp. It was like they were dancing around each other as the three stars spiraled skyward leaving a trail of light wherever they went.

When they came back down the three stars came to an orbit around me and before I knew it the book with a star on the cover appeared. The three wayfinders circled around the book as if waiting for someone to do something. Without my say so my blade appeared in my hands and somehow I knew what must be done.

I raised my blade and aimed it at the book. Fido's hand rested on the hilt of my blade, followed by Fox, then by Grape. All of them shed their looks of sorrows and each wore one filled with determination. I answered their look with one of my own. I was given a chance to redeem myself, to bring back the other halves of these pets. Being separated from the ones you love is an unbearable curse not one I'd wish upon anyone. There was no way in howl I was going to sit by idly this time.

“In our hands we hold this key,” I spoke with my instincts fueling my words “we have the makings, we have the courage, we have the determination and we will do whatever it takes to find them. No ocean shall contain us, no more borders around or above or below for we champion the ones we love.”

As if my blade heard my words a ring of light formed around the edge of the keyblade. It concentrated and gathered till it fired off and met with the book causing it to open and flip though each page at blinding speeds, like my black and white books when I awakened them. The difference this time was that the pages were flying off the book and gathering into a small whirlwind of paper and light.

The light that surrounded the book continued to grow brighter by the second until it grew too bright to look at directly. Once it hit it's climax the three wayfinders shot back to their owners causing the light to die back down to reveal a door made of hundreds of pages from the book depicting a single red rose underneath a full moon.

Fido was the first to snap out of his amazement and open the door. Fox and Grape followed suit till I was the last one standing by the opening. I took one moment to look back at Tarot and Bailey. They didn't need to say anything, their eyes were enough to convey the message.

“I'll bring them back. I'll bring them all back safely.” With that I walked inside and shut the door behind me

End of Chapter 16

because i can I did Fen's health icons if he was playable in kingdom hearts
Fig 1(Right most) Fen at full to moderate Health Fig 2 (Top left) Fen taking damage Fig 3 (Bottom most) Fen on low health

this fanfic in general was inspired by Natewantstobattle's Hold on to you
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Well, escalated VERY quickly, then you managed to get some humor in there. Hope spots tend to do that, really. Good look for Fen, too!
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by HellishK9 »

Nice update! :D
Probably gonna be an intense battle next chapter.
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Krytus The Dreamer
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

HellishK9 wrote:Nice update! :D
Probably gonna be an intense battle next chapter.
Maybe but i still have to do research on something plus school still exists so thats a bummer :(
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