Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

For all those times you're not in character, try new "Out of Character"

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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Buster »

so... I realized Hivemind's quest to find Kol's homeworld is impossible without a hint or two, given she's from another universe, so I've decided to toss in someone else from the same general direction, so to speak. also I wanted to show off another of my home-brewed species.

Sorry it's the size of a small fic, I've kinda been toying with it for a week or two now.
Character Name: Kobor and Talya Vight
Codename: Squiddy
Color: yellow-orange and reddish-orange.
Type: Main (two character in one, in kind of a Ironman=Tony+Jarvis/Friday setup)
Species/Breed: Kaal colony within a heavily mutated cephalopod host wearing a very weird looking semi-autonomous hardsuit.
Age: they split off from their parent colony approximately 43 Terran orbital cycles prior.
Neighborhood: beacon of hope
Starting point: Will crash-land somewhere nearby during a future surface operation.

Kobor (STR) Expert grapler: when you have 16 (slightly sticky if out of the suit) limbs you are REALLY good at grabbing things, and holding onto them. And Kobor can squeeze quite hard, enough to crack armor and pulverize bones.
Kobor (END+PWR) Absurd durability: Kobor's body doesn't feel pain, He doesn't fear dying as long as he has Talya since through her part of him will survive, his body can't loose consciousness, and he can force his body to keep moving until every last muscle has necrotized. Even after the host body is dead, the colony can survive for weeks by cannibalizing it and using it as shelter, before needing to move to a new one. Assuming they don't just infest something dumb enough to try to eat it. making him insanely hard to kill permanently.

In short, both Kobor's powers come from the fact that he views his body as a disposable tool, and can push it WAY past it's normal biological limits.

Talya (PER) Active scanning: Talya's shell has a full suite of active and passive sensors, both EM and Harmonic, if the majority of her processing power is on them, she can use them to track unseen foes, prioritize targets, and assist in long range accuracy.
Talya (INT+PWR) Living supercomputer: As the suit's computer, Talya has gotten used to thinking like a machine, and can use the suit to plug into other machines and hack them as if she were an AI with a full cyberwarfare suite. And given Kali are literally made of neurons, can arrange themselves into clusters that process in parallel to each-other, and there are several million of her, that's a lot of processing power. She however can not do both efficiently at the same time.

Both (PWR) Telepathic/Technopathic immunity: Because Kali are not one being, but tens of millions of nerve-sized parasites operating in parallel, A telepath trying to read one wouldn't get a single sentient mind, they would get an information overload of several million separate but hive-linked pre-sentient minds, organized into two sentient 'biological server cluster' analogs. Commanding or deciphering that mess externally in real time, would be flat-out impossible for a tier 5 or below telepath, and a serious challenge for a 6 or 7. And while Kobor might not realize what's happening, Talya's sharper mind and senses would definitely detect the one spying on them.

Debilitated immune system: Being a parasite, it is necessary for their survival that they suppress the host's immune response. Certain virum can also jump the species barrier from host to parasite, if the infection lasts long enough. Infecting the parasite itself is one of the few ways to kill Kobor permanently.
Heavy Weapons Guy syndrome: a powerhouse that moves SOOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOOOOWWW... (unless they're in the water, they are a cephalopod after all)
Vulnerable separately: Without a host, Kali are vulnerable to the elements and not very mobile. Once converted into a host, the body they take no longer has a nervous system (or CPU, and main-board in Talya's case) and will shut down immediately if they are not there to act as a substitute. This also applies to the twins themselves psychologically, they don't function well if kept apart for too long, Kobor gradually becoming Catatonic, and Talya Psychotic as the experience can potentially cause them to flash-back to their traumatic first forced separation.

A mass of pinkish orange tentacles, operating a mechanized, hermetically sealed suit. There are regularly sterilized protein and waste cylinders in the backpack that need to be changed daily. On either side of the backpack are four ports with segmented armored tendrils hanging from them. the tendrils have no mechanical parts, they're just armor worn over eight of the creature's tentacles. There is no discernible head to the suit, nor distinct shoulders, the arms just seem to hang from the sides, and sensor nodes are scattered around seemingly randomly. (they're actually placed deliberately to give the twins 360* vision) The chest juts forward, and has had a shark-face painted onto it like the nose of a plane. The hub for the legs is directly below where the chest and backpack meet. there are six two-fingered arms, that condense into two "General Grievous (Starwars) style" compound arms, save for having four major joints instead of three (downward bending double wrist that reminds some of a praying mantis). the suit has four crablike legs spaced 90* apart. The entirety of Kobor, save tentacles is actually inside the chest, with each limb being controlled from within via tentacle. Outside the suit, Kobor looks like the mutated offspring of a squid, a cuttlefish, some kind of spiny reptile, and a piranha, that somehow evolved three-fingered hand-ish-things on the ends of ALL of it's tentacles, (when the fingers are closed, it just looks like a teardrop shaped fin, when they're apart they're kinda stubby, they seem to be able to change thickness by stretching, kinda like how your tongue does) using it's four longest and thickest ones as legs.

As for an individual Kaal, it's too small to see with the naked eye being around 50 micrometers long, and consisting of less than 20 cells. made of an unusually compact neuron cluster of 3-5 cells, with myelin and muscle cells wrapped around them, clustered unusually densely like cancerous tissue (which they would be mistaken for if a host were given a body-scan), and a 2-4 copper/silicon rich bone cells jutting out. They are able to mimic a nerve or neuron of another species, or arrange themselves into circuits by connecting the bones. Giving them the ability to infest both living and machine bodies. collectively they look like blue-green goop that likes to arrange itself into strings, if outside a body. The best comparison visually would probably be a pile of very thin severed jellyfish tendrils.

A massive nerd, particularly fond of human scifi, superheroes, and mecha anime from 1980-2250. (why do you think his body rides around in a machine?) Talya isn't much better, having originally been half of her brother's mind, and has been known to jokingly answer to 'Friday' as if she's Tony Stark's AI assistant on occasion.

if they were a single Kaal that split off from another colony they would see each other as parent and child, but because they're even halves, they refer to each other as twins. When they're not insisting on still being one being anyway. Kobor is far more inventive than Talya, and talya far more logical, this is likely due to how their mind was distributed prior to being forcibly split. That said, Kobor, while having more emotional expression, also has more control over them, with Talya sometimes going a bit crazy if her brother isn't there to calm her down.

Talya refers to the half of the colony that is infesting the suit itself in place of an on-board computer. The two still see themselves as a single colony (Ie: Person), despite their hive-link having broken years ago when the suit was briefly confiscated by pirates that had captured their survey ship. (they didn't bother to lock the suit up, because they didn't expect it to 'wake up' and start killing everyone while looking for it's owner.) This has advantages and disadvantages, advantages in that the suit knows how it's occupant thinks, and can function somewhat autonomously, allowing for better response times and more intuitive control, disadvantages in that she's starting to develop her own personality, and it happens to be both quite independent and rather clingy towards her brother/other half. This results in the twins bickering as often as they get along. Talya is also more violent than Kobor is, though that likely has to do with the circumstances of her birth. Their shuttle's on-board computer is programmed to be subordinate to her when they're connected to it, and would probably treat a hive drone with a compatible interface socket the same way.

While Kobor really likes aquatic life, and frequently picks hosts of that type, Talya has taken a liking to beetles recently, and will probably pick one as her next host when the shell wears out in a few years. She would probably rig it with cybernetics, too; it would be just like being in her shell.

Kobor works as a stellar surveyor, tasked with blind jumping to unknown sectors, mapping any systems and planets found, and dropping a nav beacon at the best site to plant an orbital gateway, before returning to his employers. It's a risky job since you never know more than rudimentary information of what's in a sector before you jump, leading to more than one instance of having to fight his way free of a black hole's gravity well that nobody knew about. Or dodge pirated that thought nobody would find their base. Even without that a single assignment can take months in some cases, and surveyors have been known to get a bit unhinged due to the isolation. But he was spawned specifically for this, and has been doing it since less than a month after taking his first host, so he's used to it. Besides, he's not alone now since he has Talya, he gets to see the stars and strange new worlds up close in a suit specifically designed for exploring hazardous environments, so the perks outweigh the risks. As for how he got to Beacon, apparently activating your rift drive while trapped within the event horizon of a newly discovered type of singularity can have weird effects.

Other notes:

Kaal=Single parasite, or the species as a whole.
Kali=A group and/or colony of Kaal.

(Spoilered section below is details about how Kaal biology effects their romantic behavior (or more precisely, makes it cease to exist), and the infestation process. Spoiler and warning since some people aren't going to want to read about that.)

Kobor's father is the twins sole biological parent.

Kaal don't actually have genders, the colony just takes the one their host body had for ease of conversation. Kali colonies in machine bodies usually refer to themselves as female, something they picked up from the Human tendency to refer to machines in feminine terms. A conversation Kobor once had about the nature of identities revealed that 'It' would probably be a more accurate descriptor for both siblings, and for most Kali in general, but He's gotten used to being referred to as male and changing now 'sounds weird'.

Kaal don't reproduce sexually, and their understanding of romance mis-constructs it as a purely social activity, rather than a bonding activity for courting mates. As a result any relationship will be platonic at it's core, rather than romantic or physical, even Kali who are 'married' will still view their spouse this way, and physical mating is avoided entirely because A) that's an infestation vector, and B) they have no drive for it because that's not how they reproduce.

Kaal get into a host's bloodstream mainly by infecting an open wound or being ingested, though there are other vectors, and then proceed to seek out, eat, and replace said host's nervous system, multiplying as needed. By the end of it, the host is functionally brain-dead and entirely dependent on their parasitic counterpart. Unless they mutate the host body during infestation, it is indistinguishable from a healthy one, save for a deep-tissue scan revealing what appears to be cancerous growths all through the nervous system. Infestation takes 16-24 hours, and only requires about 2ml of healthy Kali to get started. Mutation allows the Kali to apply genes and traits from any previous host to their current one during the infestation process, though it slows it down considerably.
Without the ability to mutate, Kobor's third (current) body, would be a 43cm cuttlefish, not a 3.5m collection of walking nightmare fuel.

Kaal refuse to infest hosts that are already sentient, as doing so previously sparked a war that nearly wiped them out. They weren't intentionally hostile to the other species or anything, they just really liked those bodies because they learned how to develop sapient minds by infesting them. The reptilian species they belonged to though, saw a parasite that can infest anything, likes to infest THEM, and can hide from detection as a MASSIVE threat to their survival. During the Exodus war, they learned how to infest machines, making their opponent that much more paranoid. To this day, hundreds of years later, there are still what humans would call regular 'inquisitions' and 'witch hunts' on their home world because their old foe isn't convinced they actually left the system. The two species will shoot on sight if they encounter each other in space, and the Ghrakk are known to attack and purge entire colony and home worlds of ANY species that they suspect has had contact with the Kaal. which to date has resulted in the genocide of two species who had nothing to do with either faction. Thankfully they're mostly just in Triangulum. The Kaal on the other hand are the backbone of a multi-species alliance spanning 40% of the local galactic cluster, with the insectoid Roka playing almost as big a role as the Kaal, their slower but portable Rift Drives being traded for the faster but stationary Gateways Kaal build resulting in the dual-FTL structure described below. Apparently when you're used to operating as a hive/colony collaborating with others comes pretty easily. Humanity is one of the newer members of the alliance being the milky way's primary space-faring species, and earth-based host species are becoming increasingly popular. Particularly mammals, analogs to which are rare outside human colony worlds. At the opposite end of the spectrum, you have the Ghrakk's rampant paranoia making them isolationists. This has considerably slowed the Ghrakk's advance and protected thousands of of worlds from their aggression.

Said empire probably would have collapsed by now if it weren't for their FTL technology being a mix of dimensional shifting and space-folding that allows instant travel between any two points with gates, or instantly blind-jumping a fixed distance in any general direction. Making the trip between any two star systems no longer than traveling out to the edge of the system and charging up the orbital gate, or flying to your planet's surface gate and connecting to another surface gate. Even going the long way (blind jumping) can get from Andromeda to Pegasus in about a week (you have to stop and recharge the drive between jumps).

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats: (Kobor)
- Strength: 9
- Perception: 6
- Endurance: 10
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 5
- Agility: 3
- Luck: 5
- Power: 6

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats: (Talya)
- Strength: 5
- Perception: 10
- Endurance: 6
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 9
- Agility: 3
- Luck: 5
- Power: 6
So yeah, a species of invasive parasites, that are the backbone of a stellar empire, but AREN'T evil by default. thats new, huh?

EDIT: In hindsight, my timing could have been better... :| Didn't actually notice Lego's duo...
EDIT II:though now that I've had a chance to read it, the only thing the pairs actually have in common is the 'two-in-one character' bit.
Last edited by Buster on Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

You go for light years without finding one parasitic race...
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Buster »

Hey at least they don't have god complexes and an obsession with ancient egypt. :P
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Buster wrote:Hey at least they don't have god complexes and an obsession with ancient egypt. :P
That's a Trilliant point.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

Sorry it took me so long to post. My dad was insistent that we go on a three hour car ride to the mile of nowhere, for no other reason than to get out of the house.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Buster »

I can understand that logic if it's 20-30 minutes, but why three hours?
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

I think he just likes driving through the mountains, and he drags me along because he doesn't want me lying on the couch all day.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Sorry it took me so long to respond Buster. I started on Morgan's character sheet so I could post it at the same time as I checked out your character. Your character(s) is (are) approved. I admit, I am curious though. Their technopathic immunity doesn't seem like it would apply to Hivemind, as he is used to having trillions of individual complex thoughts, so he wouldn't be overwhelmed. He can't take over a sentient mind, but he would probably be able to communicate with Talya psychically. In addition if she tried to hack a hive droid she'd be in for quite the surprise. I'd actually be interested in seeing how that would play out. I'm also interested in seeing how people react to them crash-landing in the ocean next to a popular tropical resort in the Bahamas, the next assignment destination.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Buster »

Hivemind's experience would make him a specific exception. I seriously doubt most people with that ability have spent years using it to operate server-farms (or in hive-mind's case a cityship).

By the way, Kali usually loose their memories when they change hosts. before Talya became a thing, Kobor was using the suit as a 'cheat' to store part of himself while he transferred from one body to the next so he wouldn't completely forget. he hasn't actually clued into the fact that he can't do that anymore.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by 69eist »

Legotron123 wrote:Hey guys. I wrote up some characters for this RP, and while I didn't plan on using them unless Steelhaven went under, I kinda fell in love with them. I already got them approved by CD (albeit in the context of "what if I joined BOH"), so now I just need to post them here and wait to get the go ahead.

Character Name: Kolt Lasser

Codename: Kitsune (shares it with Quint)

Color: This one.

Type: Hero

Species/Breed: Canidae Dolor

Age: 32

Neighborhood: Beacon Of Hope

Powers: Kolt has relatively high powered telekinesis, as part of a rare genetic deviance in his species biology. He can use it to fly, lift objects, create force fields, and enhance his physical strikes. It's mainly based on line of sight though, and it can fail if he gets distracted. He also has mildly enhanced physical and mental capabilities as long as Quint is in his head.

Weakness: Since his powers are part of his biology, they draw upon the same calories that fuel the rest of his bodily functions. While something like moving a tv remote requires basically nothing, heavier objects require a lot more energy, and multitasking (say, flying and generating a force field) drains him twice as much as the normal cost of those two combined). This drain is made even worse by the fact that Quint also drains nutrients from him in order to feed. As a result, he has to eat a lot of high calorie foods in order to remain at full power. He also carries energy bars with him to help refuel on the battle field, but those take a few minutes to digest, so if he expends his fuel source, he's out of the fight for at least 5 to 10 minutes.

Appearance: Kolt resembles a tall anthropomorphic fox. He's mainly silver in color, with red markings scattered across his body, and has dark blue eyes. He tends to be a chubby, since he needs the fat to fuel his powers, though he can be skinnier if he's pushed their limits a bit.

Personality: Kolt is rather laid back fellow. He has a hard time taking things seriously, and those who don't know him very well tend to accuse him for being lazy. While that is true to some extent, he's still a very heroic person, and is willing to give it his all to save those in need.

Other notes:
-He doesn't keep his relationship with Quint a secret, but he isn't exactly in a hurry to let everyone know. If asked, he'll tell you about it, but otherwise he won't bring it up.
-Before he joined the Champions, Kolt was part of another superhero team on his home planet, a group called the Magni. When the BOH stopped by his planet he decided to join them, in order to see more sights and save more people. His teammates threw a goodbye party for him and Quint, and he still calls them on a weekly basis.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 5 (7 when hosting Quint
- Perception: 6 (9 when hosting Quint)
- Endurance: 5 (7 when hosting Quint
- Charisma: 6 (8 when hosting Quint)
- Intelligence: 7 (9 when hosting Quint)
- Agility: 6 (8 when hosting Quint)
- Luck: 7 (9 when hosting Quint)
- Power: 6

Character Name: Quint

Codename: Kitsune (shares it with Kolt)

Color: This one.

Type: Hero

Species/Breed: Genetically Engineered Symbiote

Age: 1

Neighborhood: Beacon Of Hope

Powers: Quint was illegally designed by a biotech company to enhance the body and mind of his hosts. He crawls in through the ear until he reaches their brain, and then basically soaks into it. While he's inside, he slightly drains the nutrients from their body, and in exchange he secretes a chemical that enhances their mind and body. He also gained the ability to take over the bodies of host, leaving them in a state where they can only watch as their body moves on its own, though it's much much easier to do this in a willing host. He can also read their thoughts and memories, which he currently uses to remind Kolt of things he's forgotten.

Weakness: While he's not in a host, Quint is deaf, immobile, and practically blind. He can only see about one foot around him using a mild psychic sensing power that his creators gave him. In addition, if he spends too much time in a hosts body, the two start to merge physically and mental, to the point where the two are indistinguishable, and can't be separated. While this was fine when his creators planned on him being an empty husk with no mind of its own, this isn't so good when he's his own person. As a result, he has to leave Kolts body every night in order to de-synch.

Appearance: Quint resembles an oversized slug, reddish pink in color and 8 inches in length.

Personality: If Kolt is the lazy goofball of the two, then Quint is the snarky straight man. He's fairly amoral, and the only people he cares about are himself and Kolt. He helps the fox with his heroism because despite all their differences, he really does like Kolt, and considers him a good friend. Not that he'll ever admit that.

Other notes:
-The way his power works from a meta perspective is that in exchange for not using all the available stat points, the unused stat points go to Kolt while they're connected.
-Quint first met Kolt when his team raided the company that made him. Quint managed to escape when the battle shattered his containment tube, and preceded to try to take over Kolt, who had been knocked out earlier in the fight. However, Kolts mental powers made him significantly harder to control than the people he'd controlled before, and the two had a mental battle inside Kolts head. Neither was able to beat the other, and they ultimately settled on a compromise. The two of them would share control, and work as partners. While Kolt's teammates weren't initially okay with this, they grew to accept Quint, and eventually declared him to be part of the team.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats: 33
- Strength: 2
- Perception: 2
- Endurance: 2
- Charisma: 7
- Intelligence: 7
- Agility: 2
- Luck: 7
- Power: 4
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Got it. I'm still interested in finding out how Talya and Solomon would interact if she tried to hack a hive droid. She wouldn't be able to take it over because he's the more powerful of the two, but it would lead to some fascinating revelations about Solomon.

Anywho, here is the sheet for Morgan Steele, AKA Tempest. Can you tell why she's in charge of kicking rouge Champions back in line?
Character Name: Morgan Steele

Codename: “Tempest”

Color: This

Type: Secondary

Species/Breed: Human

Age: 53 human years

Neighborhood: Beacon Of Hope

Powers: Tempest is an extremely powerful aquakinetic. If it has even a little water in it, she can control it; Ice, water, or steam, even blood and organic tissue that contains water. She is so powerful that she once held the physical form of Odium at bay by taking a nearby ice world and literally punching him with it by sending it flying at him at a tenth the speed of light (note, held him at bay, not injured him. That’s the kind of big bad you guys are up against people) and trapping him inside momentarily. She also wears shielded armor that protects her from most lower powered attacks such as gunfire and small explosives. Finally, she can sense water around her, feeling it's position. She can use this to determine the positions of other people or objects by the changes in the amount of water in a given space.

Weakness: Some serious ones. She is especially weak to electrical attacks as her body is fairly conductive, even compared to a normal human body. Underneath the armor is a normal human body with no super strength, speed, or endurance. Also, she controls water but cannot create it. Her range and power are partly dependent on the environment and her own hydration. If dehydrated in a desert environment, she is pretty much powerless. If well hydrated and in a humid or wet environment, her power increases.

Appearance: She stands at a little less than six feet tall with lightly greyed formerly jet-black medium length hair. She has a fairly average appearance with a pleasant face that nevertheless has some subtle hints to her experiences. Small scars can be seen on her face if you look closely enough, showing she’s been through quite a few battles.

Personality: Morgan has a few “blood knight” tendencies. She enjoys what she does and always looks forward to the next fight. She is aggressive in a fight, but is relatively friendly otherwise. However, she is somewhat quick to provoke and will figuratively curb-stomp opponents, normally overwhelming them within the first few seconds of the fight.

Other notes: Morgan is the wife of Randy Steele and the mother of Eira Steele of RGV. Steele is actually her last name. Randy took it when they married because he liked it better than his own last name. Morgan, like Randy and Eira, took a lot of grief as a kid because she was born with her powers. People wanted to see them, and would bully her until they did. When she met Randy and they started dating, neither knew about the others’ abilities, as each had a reason to hide them, until they were forced to defend themselves against an ambush by muggers, at which point they were each forced to reveal their abilities to the other. They then realized they had nothing to worry about from each other and have been together ever since.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 6
- Endurance: 4
- Charisma: 5
- Intelligence: 5
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 4
- Power: 10
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Deske »

So beloved that it is served in school cafeterias. Give him a glass of chocolate milk. Nothing else.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Buster »

Peperoni pizza is pretty common here, or it was 14 years ago... i haven't actually been in a highschool in a while.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

My school actually had some pretty good school lunches. Three different types of pizza everyday (cheese and pepperoni, plus some specialty pizza that changed daily), a wrap and sandwich bar, and a rotating schedule of different dishes, including tatortot casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy with corn and popcorn chicken, chicken-fried rice with spring rolls and sweet and sour sauce, bosco sticks with tomato sauce, and breakfast for lunch, with pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs. I actually kinda miss those lunches. The only problem was that they weren't very filling for only one serving.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Deske »

Sounds like my school. Once you mentioned Bosco sticks, I was immediately able to visualize every other food item you listed. Actually that sounds a lot like my school. Just missing the ice cream machine and drink refrigerator.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Hey guys. I would like to start the next day sometime later this week/early next week, but I wanted to ask you guys if you were ready to move on, or if you wanted to have the dinner conversation for a little bit longer.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

I'm fine as long as I have a chance to describe my characters room.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by 69eist »

I'll wait for the next day. For now I don't have any idea on what to post.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Buster »

i'm fine with either. don't have anything to say IC right now, but might think of something.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

69eist wrote:I'll wait for the next day. For now I don't have any idea on what to post.
Rika is trying to strike up a conversation with Reva and Kona, if you want I can just say they exchanged pleasantries and have her move on..
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Legotron123 wrote:I'm fine as long as I have a chance to describe my characters room.
You will be able to describe your own room.

I'll have my own two characters head out later today when I am less busy. Then you guys can file out and head to your rooms whenever you are ready. Once people are all done, I'll trigger the next day.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by 69eist »

~\Rook/~ wrote:
69eist wrote:I'll wait for the next day. For now I don't have any idea on what to post.
Rika is trying to strike up a conversation with Reva and Kona, if you want I can just say they exchanged pleasantries and have her move on..
My bad Rook. I didn't notice. I'll be a bit more attentive next time.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Hey guys. I couldn't help but notice a drop in activity. If you are having trouble thinking of what to say, please don't hesitate to ask me for suggestions. Also if you don't think there is anything for your character to do, you can always go to your room and end your day.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

I was waiting for one or two more people to react to Quint, but I can post sometime this evening if you'd like that.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

Sorry for double posting, but the internet at our place is on the fritz, so I don't think I'll be able to post tonight. I'm currently using my aunts wifi, but that's only a short term solution, as I don't feel comfortable imposing on her like this. Hopefully it will be up again at my place soon, preferably sometime tomorrow.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

It's OK lego. Thanks for telling us. :)
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

Good news! The internet is back up at my place! That was a lot quicker than I thought it would be. I didn't think it would be up until at least sometime tomorrow morning.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Awesome Lego! Glad to hear it!
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Buster »

ulrich >.< what happened to not talking about the villan in public?!

ugh... here we go, brace for panicked mob in 3... 2...
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

By now the majority of the crowd is gone. I'm going to say you got lucky and nobody heard him/nobody knew what he was talking about because he didn't mention Odium by name.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Hey guys. Just a heads up, I have a programming project that a potential employer wants me to complete by early to mid next week. I don't know how much time this will consume and I will probably still be able to post at a decent rate, but if I'm gone for a bit you know why.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by 69eist »

I will be out of town this weekend. Please pardon my absence. You may use my characters as you see fit until I return within 36 hours.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Thanks for letting us know. I can't actually take control of your characters aside from a minor nudge to move things along. I'm not allowed to write dialog. I'm currently modifying my last post to prompt everyone because I'm worried there might be a deadlock going on right now.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Hey guys. Sorry for the double post, but I just have to ask what people are waiting on specifically. With how fast things have been moving, an entire day without activity is very unusual for this RP. I felt it necessary to give a poke and see if there was a specific cause.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

I just had a busy day, so I'm waiting until tomorrow to post. Not sure about everyone else.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Ok. If it's just a busy day for people that's fine. I'm only not waiting to ask because I once thought people were busy to learn everyone was waiting on me, so I'm trying to make sure.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

Whenever I'm not sure who people are waiting for, I just reread the last page or so of posts to make sure I didn't miss anything.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

I'm waiting on Lego's guy(s) to ask his(their) question.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

I don't think I said it was a question, just that he had some things he wanted to say.
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