HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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He wasn’t a bad-!” Flint began to speak, shrugging off the hand on his shoulder before turning to face the other canine, teeth gritted, hands clenched into fists. Green eyes glared back at Khun, deep breaths coming out from the dog’s nostrils as he tried to control his instincts and emotions.

And upon seeing Khun’s caring expression he was hit with guilt again, replacing the momentary anger. Flint’s shoulders slumped, hands hugging his chest as he looked away with a deep sigh.

You know, you’re really makin it hard for me to play this whole distant, angsty teenager archtype I’ve got going on, really crimping my style.” He let out a dry snort at his own joke before looking back at Khun, his expression unsure for once, despite the forced smile

Let’s say I agree to this, you know you’re not taking in some clean pampered pup from a corner pet shop in Beverly Hills right? You’re gonna have to deal with some stray off the streets of New York and all the stupid carp that comes with him.” Up until now Flint hasn’t realized he hand a finger jabbed against Khun’s chest, or the tremble in voice, and the shaking in his arms.

Are you okay with that?
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

"Hey hey, easy. Sorry. I said may, not was. But let's see, herm," Khun said, pretending to play with a beard that wasn't there, stroking his chin, "Let's see now. I've slept in cockroach filled leaf huts. Hugged natives that had paint for clothes. Sang next to a former five year maximum security prisoner in the choir. I've fallen in love with, and married a witch's cat. Slept next too a 300 pound man that hadn't bathed in months in a shelter. Slept in the dirt huts of a violence torn Congo village and had my girlfriend shot out from me under a hug. Spent two years in the sewers of New York as a vigilante. Overdosed on drugs and alcohol. And I may have a split personality disorder from time to time but we're not sure. Now come on, no we don't." Khun added a smile with the last part.

"And don't worry about the churchy stuff we haven't gone in ages, I think they're burnt out," Khun said, "That's not what this is about. My parents adopted me because they themselves were adopted. They wanted to give someone else the same opportunities they had. And for some reason, they chose to adopt me. If I can do the same for someone else and give them a different chance at life, then Hubert forbid I don't extend the offer to someone else."

"You can think about it for a bit if you want," Khun said, "But I'm only doing this to give you a different chance at life, Flint."

"So, yes, I AM okay with your past," Khun said, "And am willing to help you put it behind you for good."
"Hello Mr. Spencers, this is Benjamin Grandestaffe of Grandstaffe village. I am just calling on behest of my wife, again, to ensure that everything is set in place and ready for our arrival?" Said the other end of Mr. Spencer's line.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

xhunterko wrote:Amber looked at Koros, smiling.

"I know," she said. Looking about the rest of the temple
The wedding party sighs happily and kiss one another, embracing the new pack. A noise of small applause as Ichabod's cousin, and a number of wolves cheer them on.

"I figured you'd need witnesses at least, heh," he said, to Ichabod, then he bowed before the shaman, with three she-wolves behind him with their heads bowed. There were five other wolves, and a few cougars as audience within the door.

"High shaman, I am Trevor Braven, I have broke with these she-wolves behind me and they have agreed to marriage," he said, "I have tried twice and failed to produce cubs on my own. However, these she-wolves mates, due to the nature of the lack of ceremony, have abandoned them. I therefore would like to take on the challenge of raising their cubs." He looked up.

"If you still be in the marrying mood," he asked with a grin, "Will ye marry the three, er, four of us, please?"

Anubis waved the new group forward and set his staff in front of him. "Do you each follow to the same promises and bindings as your cousin and family? do you the wolves follow in the same promises youve heard towards each other in love and in sickness? If so you are wed if not i ask that you find peace in what you wish to occur. Weddings are not mandatory here on the island weddings are a vow of love and declaration that those in love stay to their mates forever. So long as you all can follow that you are wed." Trevor said bowing going through the same motion as he did with ichabod for his family. wed locking the next group of wolves that had joined.


Amber would see a stir in activity about the temple, as if more people had suddenly appeared to work about its halls and vast details to bring new life to the island. a flurry of different magics stirring to life all around her.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:Arina laughs.
"Horses, zey, uh, are making polluting leftovers of zeir own kind." she points out, burping Feliks and settling him back in her arms.
"I sink I vould like to see zis vagon actually." Ilya says.
"Leftovers we use for combustible and fertilizant," Jade answered. "And what's left will be cleaned by our insect population. And as for the wagon..." he gestured toward...a bird. A beautiful specimen of a glossy blue plummage. It was perching on a branch just above them. "Oy! Care to send for a wagon for our kind humans guests?"
The bird saluted. "In a jiff, boss!" Then it took off in a flurry.
"The more adventurous tourists love to ride our resident titanboa," Jada offered. "Wouldn't ye like t'try?"
Hlaoroo wrote:"Ah. Vell... Ve vill see zen."
"So, vhich locals does circus normally perform for?"
"Depends on the theme. The wolves help us setting the "Show of the Dead". it will spook you off yer fur. The rabbits have the best effects for the "Reality Warp", and the "Great Bloom" is territory of the lycaons. We hope to convince the lion high shaman to help us, what with the new feline blood in town."
xhunterko wrote:"Hello Mr. Spencers, this is Benjamin Grandestaffe of Grandstaffe village. I am just calling on behest of my wife, again, to ensure that everything is set in place and ready for our arrival?" Said the other end of Mr. Spencer's line.
"I can assure you, Your Majesty, you will find everything in orer and ready to offer you and your company the best Meriweather Island has in store. If you have any special request, just ask."
xhunterko wrote:Amber looked at Koros, smiling.
"I know," she said. Looking about the rest of the temple
Suddenly, the red wolf rubbed his temple, looking upset, as if a migraine had hit him. "Oh dear...not again."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

"... Vas bird vatching us entire time?" Arina asks as the attractive avian accelerates away.
"Vhat is titanboa?"

"Sounds fun. Zere are usually semes* for shows zen?"
"Vhat else ve should know about zis circus?"

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"... Vas bird vatching us entire time?" Arina asks as the attractive avian accelerates away.
"Vhat is titanboa?"
"Well...yes," jade answered to Arina. "They are pretty everywhere, and they make for great surveillance system. And one's never left all alone."
"A titanboa," said jada, "How can i put it? Imagine a big snake. Bigger than a truck. And you'll have an idea. Humans call them 'living fossils', ancient life forms that survived ancient extinctions."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Sounds fun. Zere are usually semes* for shows zen?"
"Vhat else ve should know about zis circus?"
"Yup. It's one rare moment when even a few humans are allowed. The locals who trained can participate and offer a glimpse of their own culture. Only rule, no cameras of any kind. Once, a kid sneaked his smartphone during a wolf show and took pictures. His soul didn't survive the result."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

Flint snorted, a small smirk forming at the edges of his muzzle as Khun finished off his story before nodding, his face pointed down at his feet. "Yeah... yeah I'll think about it, really." He looked up at his fellow canine, a moment of silent passing before he cleared his throat. "Thanks... I... don't know else what to say. Just... thanks."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Aheh, heh. You are joking about his soul, right?" Dinara chuckles nervously.

Out in the forest, Arina is saying exactly the same thing to Jade and Jada about the giant snake.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Aheh, heh. You are joking about his soul, right?" Dinara chuckles nervously.

Out in the forest, Arina is saying exactly the same thing to Jade and Jada about the giant snake.
"Nope. Magic is a thing here. You don't tamper with the unknown, unless you are under escort of a trained shaman. The red wolves used to be in contact with the...good place, you'd call it. They'd help lost souls to pass to the other side or to accept their underworld destination." The gorilla sighed. "But when war broke out, the shamans were overwhelmed by too many losses, by tragedy on a daily basis... They all turned toward the underworld, toward the vilest necromancy. Their villages are temples of rancor and unfulfilled desires. Being admitted there is quite a privilege in its own way, that's why it's dangerous to sneak cameras.
Luckily, some of the 'white shamans' survived, and it is them who took the 'dissidents' away toward Zilnawa. They want to reconcile with the otherworld, rebuild friendship..." She patted the cat's back. "If you still want perform in a wolf village, it will be a challenge like nothing before. Do well, and you'll become stars."
In response, the two lycaons, without turning, pointed their fingers toward the trees...at the back of their guests.
"Welcome on Tricania, humans. I am Bigby," The voice sounded...even sweet, considering it came from the mouth of a thing that could have swallowed a cow in one mouthful!
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

"And... What if ve do not do vell? Ve have never performed for volves before..." Dinara queries nervously.

The two humans turn and their jaws drop at the size of the mouth that's confronting them.
"Meep!" Arina turns deathly pale and crumples.
Ilya swears and lunges, stumbling as he vainly tries to catch both his wife and child simultaneously.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"And... What if ve do not do vell? Ve have never performed for volves before..." Dinara queries nervously.
"Well, you'll never be invited again of course. What did you expect? They will summon real souls of the dead, it's something that requires, on your part, the top of your prestation."
Hlaoroo wrote:The two humans turn and their jaws drop at the size of the mouth that's confronting them.
"Meep!" Arina turns deathly pale and crumples.
Ilya swears and lunges, stumbling as he vainly tries to catch both his wife and child simultaneously.
Luckily, it's the lycaons are there to grab both man, woman and baby. "I'm so sorry," Jada said, patting her face. "We tend to forget Bigby can...affect a human's fears."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

xhunterko wrote:Luke smiled.

"Heh, good luck with that," he said, "I'm more than sure you'll be put to work somewhere, heh."
"Oh I'm sure," the cat replied, "making deliveries, relaying messages, saving the world, that kinda stuff. but that can't happen everyday."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Khun patted the other dog on the shoulder, THEN he was slightly startled by the booming voice. He groaned.

"Oh come on now," Khun said, "Can you REALLY pretend to be upset when the very god of this island encouraged, dare I say, even invited us to come down here? I think not." He crossed his arms and looked up in defiance.
Amber smiled at the show. Then turned to Koros.

"Well, my husband and wife ought to be here any minute now," she said, "I will miss your company but I'll be back tomorrow. Do we have a schedule or is it just show up daily?"
"Heh, let's hope so anyway," Luke said, "Ah, we're here."

The group was at the bottom step of the temple and Luke couldn't contain his excitement. He dismounted, holding out a hand for Raijda to dismount the mare.

"You guys wanna come in and say hello to Amber and her teacher and see the lions?" He asked Levi and Reginald.
"Thank you shaman," Trevor said, "But I beg your pardon, one of the she-wolves has something to say to you." He stepped aside, and the central she-wolf stepped forward and knelt before Anubis with her head down.

"Dear shaman, you may not remember me, but I do beg your forgiveness," she said, "During our high-shaman's command, I did, in fact, find you attractive before I performed my duty and gave you a rude gesture. I should not have. You are a shaman, and as such, I ought to expect you to be above such petty mortal wants, but we are all human, and make mistakes. I thought later and did not want you to make a mistake and have you defile your own morality so I took this offer of marriage. While it was quick and fleeting, it was still indecent to do. Do forgive me for my ignorance and my action, shaman Anubis."
And here, Monique looked to Kritaros.

"As you can see, it would have been monstrous of me to command both Anubis and the she-wolf to seek each other out. I have only ever, and Hubert will assure my record, addressed myself as a Demigoddess taking on the role of a goddess, never claiming to be a full goddess. I do not have that right. In general, a goddess has minions to aid her, and at times, take on some of her responsibilities when she is absent, or perhaps, nonexistent," Monique said, "Which, is all I'm tasked with doing. It may be a different time thing, but I do not know a culture wherein someone says 'hey she likes you maybe ask her out' is the equivalent of writing their love life for them. Perhaps it was a simple cultural misunderstanding between us, but that's all it was. You and Anubis thought it to be a command from a pretender deity. I can assure you, I had only Anubis's well being in mind, and I was almost certain I was being clear was speaking in mirth and jest. I apologize for the confusion Kritaros."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

xhunterko wrote:Khun patted the other dog on the shoulder, THEN he was slightly startled by the booming voice. He groaned.

"Oh come on now," Khun said, "Can you REALLY pretend to be upset when the very god of this island encouraged, dare I say, even invited us to come down here? I think not." He crossed his arms and looked up in defiance.
Amber smiled at the show. Then turned to Koros.

"Well, my husband and wife ought to be here any minute now," she said, "I will miss your company but I'll be back tomorrow. Do we have a schedule or is it just show up daily?"
"Heh, let's hope so anyway," Luke said, "Ah, we're here."

The group was at the bottom step of the temple and Luke couldn't contain his excitement. He dismounted, holding out a hand for Raijda to dismount the mare.

"You guys wanna come in and say hello to Amber and her teacher and see the lions?" He asked Levi and Reginald.
"Thank you shaman," Trevor said, "But I beg your pardon, one of the she-wolves has something to say to you." He stepped aside, and the central she-wolf stepped forward and knelt before Anubis with her head down.

"Dear shaman, you may not remember me, but I do beg your forgiveness," she said, "During our high-shaman's command, I did, in fact, find you attractive before I performed my duty and gave you a rude gesture. I should not have. You are a shaman, and as such, I ought to expect you to be above such petty mortal wants, but we are all human, and make mistakes. I thought later and did not want you to make a mistake and have you defile your own morality so I took this offer of marriage. While it was quick and fleeting, it was still indecent to do. Do forgive me for my ignorance and my action, shaman Anubis."
And here, Monique looked to Kritaros.

"As you can see, it would have been monstrous of me to command both Anubis and the she-wolf to seek each other out. I have only ever, and Hubert will assure my record, addressed myself as a Demigoddess taking on the role of a goddess, never claiming to be a full goddess. I do not have that right. In general, a goddess has minions to aid her, and at times, take on some of her responsibilities when she is absent, or perhaps, nonexistent," Monique said, "Which, is all I'm tasked with doing. It may be a different time thing, but I do not know a culture wherein someone says 'hey she likes you maybe ask her out' is the equivalent of writing their love life for them. Perhaps it was a simple cultural misunderstanding between us, but that's all it was. You and Anubis thought it to be a command from a pretender deity. I can assure you, I had only Anubis's well being in mind, and I was almost certain I was being clear was speaking in mirth and jest. I apologize for the confusion Kritaros."

Monique would find that Kritaros had somewhat payed attention to her. an ear perked in her direction as he nods slowly. "its not a matter of confusion, its a matter of truth. Youve now shown your true place and accepted it. All i am teaching is that you keep your true title first. A goddess has many forms and they do not need minions. but the past shows many differences in your beleifs. you may never claim to be a full goddess but youve come to act and display yourself as one. And i have many times this has occured, even i can say the same to being a demigod but here i still understand that taking on that role means little to nothing. taking a role of a god or goddess is taking a title. they are only words with greater meaning. It is through your actions and words that people will come to see who you are. For myself I may be demigodly but i am still but a shaman. you may be a demigoddess but your actions and words say otherwise. remember that."
Kritaros explained somewhat ignoring the part of ANubis and love as that was long past.

He would now find himself in the great vault of kings with Monique a place of curse, life, and much more. the secrets here were invaluably known and enough treasure to conquer and buy off ten kings and their countries. However what he did not expect was to NOT be alone. arms crossed he stood above the others before hearing the mighty booming voice of the god. Here he stayed silent and watched, in secret sealing off exits that made the entire place rumble abit more.


Anubis would only look at the last wolfess. her apology nd words only had him help her to her feet once more. "whats passed is passed, there is no need for apology as you went by your beleifs and your actions and heart have always shown otherwise. its not me you need apologize too its is towards yourselves. The tribe was once mighty and grand and now must rebuild, take heart that your actions can affect such a great thing. A second chance" Anubis said looking to those around him with a smile.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:"Well, you'll never be invited again of course. What did you expect? They will summon real souls of the dead, it's something that requires, on your part, the top of your prestation."
Dinara shrugs. "Maybe zey vill kill our soul like zat kid?"
"It does not sound safe, playing viz dark magic like zis..." Sasha points out.

valerio wrote:Luckily, it's the lycaons are there to grab both man, woman and baby. "I'm so sorry," Jada said, patting her face. "We tend to forget Bigby can...affect a human's fears."
"Feliks!" Reassuring himself that his baby is okay, Ilya turns his attention to his wife.
<"Arina? Are you okay? Can you hear me, Arina?"> he asks, forgetting to speak English in his fear. Arina groans and her eyelids flicker. "She grew up on the outskirts of Moscow and was bitten by an adder when she was a little girl. She has been scared of snakes ever since. Maybe Bigby should go. Sorry."> Ilya explains, not realising he's still speaking Russian.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Khun patted the other dog on the shoulder, THEN he was slightly startled by the booming voice. He groaned.
"Oh come on now," Khun said, "Can you REALLY pretend to be upset when the very god of this island encouraged, dare I say, even invited us to come down here? I think not." He crossed his arms and looked up in defiance.
A sinister cackling came as response. "Oh. You were authorized, all right. But it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want in someone else's house. Right?"
xhunterko wrote:Amber smiled at the show. Then turned to Koros.
"Well, my husband and wife ought to be here any minute now," she said, "I will miss your company but I'll be back tomorrow. Do we have a schedule or is it just show up daily?"
The lioness bowed in respect. "You are my leader. You can set up another session at your leisure, day or night. Just make sure to not miss a single day of training."
xhunterko wrote:"Heh, let's hope so anyway," Luke said, "Ah, we're here."
The group was at the bottom step of the temple and Luke couldn't contain his excitement. He dismounted, holding out a hand for Raijda to dismount the mare.
"You guys wanna come in and say hello to Amber and her teacher and see the lions?" He asked Levi and Reginald.
"YAY! I never saw a lion before! Not one from here! They're all from the circus."
Hlaoroo wrote:Dinara shrugs. "Maybe zey vill kill our soul like zat kid?"
"It does not sound safe, playing viz dark magic like zis..." Sasha points out.
"It's all about rules. Respect them and you two will be safe. It is dangerous only for their enemies...just don't end up being their enemies.
Hlaoroo wrote:"Feliks!" Reassuring himself that his baby is okay, Ilya turns his attention to his wife.
<"Arina? Are you okay? Can you hear me, Arina?"> he asks, forgetting to speak English in his fear. Arina groans and her eyelids flicker. "She grew up on the outskirts of Moscow and was bitten by an adder when she was a little girl. She has been scared of snakes ever since. Maybe Bigby should go. Sorry."> Ilya explains, not realising he's still speaking Russian.
<"Oh dear, we weren't aware,"> Jada said in flawless Russian.
"I am sorry myself," the monster said. "I will take my leave." The monster snake turned with a soft rumble and slithered back into the thick woods, surprisingly graceful for someone that size.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:
xhunterko wrote:"Heh, let's hope so anyway," Luke said, "Ah, we're here."
The group was at the bottom step of the temple and Luke couldn't contain his excitement. He dismounted, holding out a hand for Raijda to dismount the mare.
"You guys wanna come in and say hello to Amber and her teacher and see the lions?" He asked Levi and Reginald.
"YAY! I never saw a lion before! Not one from here! They're all from the circus."
"Well, i can't say no to that," Levi chuckled at Reg's enthusiasm.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Okay. Ve vill try. Someone vill tell us rules before ve go, da?" Dinara asks.
"Maybe you can introduce us to rest of troupe? Vill be good to know who ve are to perform viz and how show vill work." Sasha suggests.

<"It is okay. You could not have kn- Wait. You speak Russian?"> Ilya asks, surprised.
<"Urgh. What happened? Feliks!" Arina sits bolt upright as she looks around for her son. The lycaon holding her will have to move quickly to avoid her head smacking into their chin.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Okay. Ve vill try. Someone vill tell us rules before ve go, da?" Dinara asks.
"Maybe you can introduce us to rest of troupe? Vill be good to know who ve are to perform viz and how show vill work." Sasha suggests.
"Fair enough. Follow me to the staff rooms. In fact, we have a lot to do, and you should be your part in the preparations. Since you'll be working with fire, the wolves will provide quite enough of it."
Hlaoroo wrote:<"It is okay. You could not have kn- Wait. You speak Russian?"> Ilya asks, surprised.
<"Urgh. What happened? Feliks!" Arina sits bolt upright as she looks around for her son. The lycaon holding her will have to move quickly to avoid her head smacking into their chin.
<"Yes, we learnt severa of the major languages to put the tourists at ease. There are a lot of Russians visiting us."> Jade said
<"Eeeasy,"> Jada said to Arina. <You met one of our resident titanoboas and you fainted right away. I'm sorry for the scare.">
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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I thought the rule was you could do whatever you want as long as they’re not home...?” Flint mumbled to himself, a look of genuine confusion on his face. But besides the point...
Loud booming voice in a treasure room filled with precious artifacts... fantastic. And as concerned as he usually would be about someone (like Kuhn) casually retorting back to a possible entity that could probably end both of their lives, it did just interrupt their touching heart to heart bonding moment.

Flint sighed. “Look, if you want I can return whatever it is we were going to take. I learned my lesson about being a good dog yadda yadda.” The canine slipped the gold ring out of his pouch and held it up.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Luke grinned and lifted the pup off the horse and set him down. He then looked to Levi, holding out a hand to him.

"Unless of course, you don't need help getting off a horse," Luke said with a smile.
---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Amber nodded.

"Well, considering I have a new husband and wife, I do not know how much time I can give you tomorrow, as well as, as you said, being your leader. I DO want to learn, it's just," Amber said, "Going to be difficult."
Monique turned to Kritaros.

"I am merely acting as what I was led to believe," she said, "Still, how should I improve my standing with you?"

Khun listened to the voice with a weary expression and a side eye,then he nodded. Then he leaned over to Flint.

"Good attempt," he whispered, "But it knows how much you took, where it is, and what you intend to do with it. It also knows we were allowed. Pretend you are taking a difficult, near impossible exam, and then being told you were allowed to cheat. Our first plan has just been foiled, time for the backup and being respectful to our host." Then here Khun knelt on the floor, folding his legs under his thighs, placing his staff behind him, and folding his hands in between his knees. He looked up in a congenial manner and spoke.

"Indeed, you are quite right," Khun said, in an even voice and respectable tone, "I do apologize if we caught you napping or taking a bath. But we were under the impression that we could come and go. While we should have, there was no door to knock on or bell to ring. We were not greeted by any underservant or staff to make us stop and pause if there were anyone living here. NOR were we told in advance of your presence here either, otherwise we'd have waited patiently to be addressed." Khun paused and took a breath.

"Now then, what would you have us do? Would you like us to start over and address you? Would you like us to return what we took and then ask what we should be able to? Lord Hubert informed us that for this single venture we would be protected from certain negativity, so if you think anything severe should happen to us perhaps you should take it up with him," Khun said, "But we are also unfamiliar with this islands culture and we apologize for anything we have missed in our entrance. Albeit ignorance is not always the best defense, however in this case, I think, encouraged ignorance should be given a little lenience. Don't you think?"

The she-wolf bowed to the shaman then hugged her husband. After all the hugs and kisses were distributed, the two packs greeted each other. They were family after all. The females were talking to themselves and the males looked at each other.

"So, how we gonna run this inn then?" Trevor said to Ichabod. Ichabod turned to him, arms crossed.
"You mean, how am I going to run MY inn?" He said, knowing the other.
"Ha ha, yeah, I guess that's how this works? I think?" Trevor said, looking around, "I guess any old owners don't have a claim, and if no one challenges you and you were first, I think it's yours?"
"Is it?" Ichabod asked again. Trevor got defensive, not liking to fight with family.
"Look, I'm not challenging you, I just, you know, island lore and culture that's all," He said, then he looked glum, "You mean, you wouldn't hire us?" Ichabod smiled.
"Of course I would, geeze cuz," Ichabod said, "But yea, I guess that means that this is my inn now, huh, well I guess we should oop!" And here, both males were picked up by there respective females, cradling their bodies in their arms.
"We can discuss ownership and rights later, however," Talli said to her husband, "There are family matters to discuss with a couple of lycaons." Ichabod blinked.
"Oh, oh, right, lead the way dear," he said, then, as he was being carted off upstairs, he turned to the shaman, "Well shaman, I suppose we won't be down til the evening, try not to drink all the mead and leave what you think is a fair trade for what you do take, alonsay!"
"It's alons-y," Talli said, carting him into a room the girls had chosen, before the door was shut close behind them. Another door was heard shutting as Trevor was carried off to his own room with his wives, leaving the shaman alone in the hall.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Khun listened to the voice with a weary expression and a side eye,then he nodded. Then he leaned over to Flint.
"Good attempt," he whispered, "But it knows how much you took, where it is, and what you intend to do with it. It also knows we were allowed. Pretend you are taking a difficult, near impossible exam, and then being told you were allowed to cheat. Our first plan has just been foiled, time for the backup and being respectful to our host." Then here Khun knelt on the floor, folding his legs under his thighs, placing his staff behind him, and folding his hands in between his knees. He looked up in a congenial manner and spoke.
"Indeed, you are quite right," Khun said, in an even voice and respectable tone, "I do apologize if we caught you napping or taking a bath. But we were under the impression that we could come and go. While we should have, there was no door to knock on or bell to ring. We were not greeted by any underservant or staff to make us stop and pause if there were anyone living here. NOR were we told in advance of your presence here either, otherwise we'd have waited patiently to be addressed." Khun paused and took a breath.
"Now then, what would you have us do? Would you like us to start over and address you? Would you like us to return what we took and then ask what we should be able to? Lord Hubert informed us that for this single venture we would be protected from certain negativity, so if you think anything severe should happen to us perhaps you should take it up with him," Khun said, "But we are also unfamiliar with this islands culture and we apologize for anything we have missed in our entrance. Albeit ignorance is not always the best defense, however in this case, I think, encouraged ignorance should be given a little lenience. Don't you think?"
The answer was...a bawling! The would-be frightening voice was now bawling indecorously, like a kid. "Not faaaiirr! You were supposed to be scared outta yer fur, n-not being reasonable!" and another lament echoed through the cave
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

"...Ah?" Flint let out a soft sound of confusion, his face registering the same level of confuzzlement as he peered around the room. "So... mean, strong, guardian archetype was all just a front? It would be mighty fine if you just show yourself, so my brain can decide if I should be scared or not."
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

xhunterko wrote:Luke grinned and lifted the pup off the horse and set him down. He then looked to Levi, holding out a hand to him.

"Unless of course, you don't need help getting off a horse," Luke said with a smile.
The cat replied by pushing himself up with his arms, swinging his leg under one arm as he briefly lifted it, then let gravity take him to the ground where he landed on his feet. "I never need help getting places," he answered.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Roarin wrote:"...Ah?" Flint let out a soft sound of confusion, his face registering the same level of confuzzlement as he peered around the room. "So... mean, strong, guardian archetype was all just a front? It would be mighty fine if you just show yourself, so my brain can decide if I should be scared or not."
*sniffle* "Promise you'll be scared at my sight? A bit?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

xhunterko wrote:Luke grinned and lifted the pup off the horse and set him down. He then looked to Levi, holding out a hand to him.

"Unless of course, you don't need help getting off a horse," Luke said with a smile.
---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Amber nodded.

"Well, considering I have a new husband and wife, I do not know how much time I can give you tomorrow, as well as, as you said, being your leader. I DO want to learn, it's just," Amber said, "Going to be difficult."
Monique turned to Kritaros.

"I am merely acting as what I was led to believe," she said, "Still, how should I improve my standing with you?"

Khun listened to the voice with a weary expression and a side eye,then he nodded. Then he leaned over to Flint.

"Good attempt," he whispered, "But it knows how much you took, where it is, and what you intend to do with it. It also knows we were allowed. Pretend you are taking a difficult, near impossible exam, and then being told you were allowed to cheat. Our first plan has just been foiled, time for the backup and being respectful to our host." Then here Khun knelt on the floor, folding his legs under his thighs, placing his staff behind him, and folding his hands in between his knees. He looked up in a congenial manner and spoke.

"Indeed, you are quite right," Khun said, in an even voice and respectable tone, "I do apologize if we caught you napping or taking a bath. But we were under the impression that we could come and go. While we should have, there was no door to knock on or bell to ring. We were not greeted by any underservant or staff to make us stop and pause if there were anyone living here. NOR were we told in advance of your presence here either, otherwise we'd have waited patiently to be addressed." Khun paused and took a breath.

"Now then, what would you have us do? Would you like us to start over and address you? Would you like us to return what we took and then ask what we should be able to? Lord Hubert informed us that for this single venture we would be protected from certain negativity, so if you think anything severe should happen to us perhaps you should take it up with him," Khun said, "But we are also unfamiliar with this islands culture and we apologize for anything we have missed in our entrance. Albeit ignorance is not always the best defense, however in this case, I think, encouraged ignorance should be given a little lenience. Don't you think?"

The she-wolf bowed to the shaman then hugged her husband. After all the hugs and kisses were distributed, the two packs greeted each other. They were family after all. The females were talking to themselves and the males looked at each other.

"So, how we gonna run this inn then?" Trevor said to Ichabod. Ichabod turned to him, arms crossed.
"You mean, how am I going to run MY inn?" He said, knowing the other.
"Ha ha, yeah, I guess that's how this works? I think?" Trevor said, looking around, "I guess any old owners don't have a claim, and if no one challenges you and you were first, I think it's yours?"
"Is it?" Ichabod asked again. Trevor got defensive, not liking to fight with family.
"Look, I'm not challenging you, I just, you know, island lore and culture that's all," He said, then he looked glum, "You mean, you wouldn't hire us?" Ichabod smiled.
"Of course I would, geeze cuz," Ichabod said, "But yea, I guess that means that this is my inn now, huh, well I guess we should oop!" And here, both males were picked up by there respective females, cradling their bodies in their arms.
"We can discuss ownership and rights later, however," Talli said to her husband, "There are family matters to discuss with a couple of lycaons." Ichabod blinked.
"Oh, oh, right, lead the way dear," he said, then, as he was being carted off upstairs, he turned to the shaman, "Well shaman, I suppose we won't be down til the evening, try not to drink all the mead and leave what you think is a fair trade for what you do take, alonsay!"
"It's alons-y," Talli said, carting him into a room the girls had chosen, before the door was shut close behind them. Another door was heard shutting as Trevor was carried off to his own room with his wives, leaving the shaman alone in the hall.

Kritaros sighed and shook his head "Understand what you really are and watch your actions and words. As a Demigod we must stay that way, mortal with the abilities of a God. Understand that not everything needs action or help. For instance say a man was stuck under the rocks and already being helped. What would be best to do?" Kritaros said watching those within the Vault now the booming voice enough to make him chuckle to himself at such familiarity. but even he wondered who it might be that defended the vaults this time.
valerio wrote:
Roarin wrote:"...Ah?" Flint let out a soft sound of confusion, his face registering the same level of confuzzlement as he peered around the room. "So... mean, strong, guardian archetype was all just a front? It would be mighty fine if you just show yourself, so my brain can decide if I should be scared or not."
*sniffle* "Promise you'll be scared at my sight? A bit?"
He would then step down to a small staircase and keep a more vigilant eye, staff glowing at his earlier act of sealing the exits.


ANubis however upon seeing everyone moving on with life would leave the inn to see the new wolf land. the Camp and home of the new tribe florished more than he had seen for the current time. but Even he knew it was not as it once had been. Looking about was a fascination and marvel that could strengthen the bonds of wolves and help them survive as a tribe. Native and new wolves made homes and taught various skills to help the tribe be more advanced. warriors were trained, craftsmen were teaching, and even the elder from what he gathered spoke to wolves more intrested in keeping the history. A sigh of releif leaving his body as he looked about and began to explore the camp. Everynow and then giving small nodding bows to those that stopped to say hello.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:"Fair enough. Follow me to the staff rooms. In fact, we have a lot to do, and you should be your part in the preparations. Since you'll be working with fire, the wolves will provide quite enough of it."
"Okay. Lead on and ve shall follow." Alex enthuses, slightly butchering the phrase.

valerio wrote:<"Yes, we learnt severa of the major languages to put the tourists at ease. There are a lot of Russians visiting us."> Jade said
<"Eeeasy,"> Jada said to Arina. <You met one of our resident titanoboas and you fainted right away. I'm sorry for the scare.">
"Ah. Well, this will make things easier. You speak it very well."
<"Ah. I am sorry." Unaware of Ilya's apology, Arina explains her phobia to Jada.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Khun could barely answer as he was, bent over trying not to laugh out loud?! He stopped convulsing after a moment, held a paw over his muzzle to stifle himself, then took a couple breaths.

He decided to go with the firm voice of an upset parent or uncle. He glared up to the ceiling, pointing, and spoke in an authoritative, sharp, yet non-threatening tone.

"NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! YOU! You think this is a game?! You think this is some sort of playtime?! Messing with people's souls and lives like that?! YOU coulda had us killed! YOU coulda had us sent to the underworld for all eternity for thinking we did something we weren't supposed to when we were allowed to! You don't get that privilege! This isn't something to mess with people with! Either you take your role seriously and with duty like your supposed to, or you shuffle off! Because if you think you can play around like that than you aren't worthy of your role down here!" Khun barked, "No, We WON'T act scared because you should have respected our decision to be reasonable and respond in kind! Yet you ball like a baby! If I were YOUR parent I'd give you a good wooping and a grounding for playing with people like toys. No. YOU get down here and apologize THIS second AND show us the way out or I WILL tell Lord Hubert himself about your failure, even though I'm SURE he already knows! You best behave or you might get a worse punishment! Get down here this instant and apologize!"
Monique didn't even glance at Kritaros, watching her uncle take a rather large risk, keeping an eye in order to protect him.

"Unless they are servants of the gods? Or they do not call out for help from the gods? Do nothing," She said plainly, "You think I don't take this seriously? We are not superheroes. I teleported Khun's bag away so Flint couldn't fill it with extra. But I left him his sword so he could defend himself if need be. We are here to observe, guide, instruct, discipline, and bless whom the gods tell us to."
"Heh, say that to Reginald and his puppies when you get old, heh," Luke said, then he took Raijda's paw, before turning to the horses.

"Don't wander off too far okay?" he said, before heading up the stairs, his heart pounding in his ears. He gave Raijda a kiss, just to reassure her.
From elsewhere, off the island entirely.

"Very well, and I am assure that we will have the utmost privacy you are capable of offering within natural limits within your control," Benjamin Grandestaffe said to Mr.Spencers, the owner of the island, "We are assured that our arrival will be as incognito as possible?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Okay. Lead on and ve shall follow." Alex enthuses, slightly butchering the phrase.
"As per contract, your equipments are waiting here. Take just what you need for the cart. So, guys," the gorilla said, walking through the door, "Here is your team. Say hi."
One thing should be said, the team didn't lack variety. Three red foxes, two rippling white male tigers, a flock of glowbats hanging inside a cage, all wrapped in their wing cocoons, five sleek lapines wearing nothing but tribal paintings.
<Hello, коллега*,> said one of the tigers, approaching Dinara, bending like a gentlefur and kissing her paw. Menya zovut Moroz**> he spoke with a Siberian accent.
**My name is Frost

Hlaoroo wrote:"Ah. Well, this will make things easier. You speak it very well."
<"Ah. I am sorry." Unaware of Ilya's apology, Arina explains her phobia to Jada.
<Again, we are so sorry,> Jade repeated. <But Bigby is like a mascot for us. I mean, all cubs, humans' included, just go crazy all over him. And the adolescents like to cosplay with him. In our tribe, it is goo luck to leave our own flesh and blood in the soils of a boa."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Heh, say that to Reginald and his puppies when you get old, heh," Luke said, then he took Raijda's paw, before turning to the horses.
"Don't wander off too far okay?" he said, before heading up the stairs, his heart pounding in his ears. He gave Raijda a kiss, just to reassure her.
The panthress nodded, the upper side of her claw tracing the cougar's snout. "Rajida is always by her mates, wherever she goes. Never forget." And with that cryptic response, she turned and left.
xhunterko wrote:From elsewhere, off the island entirely.
"Very well, and I am assure that we will have the utmost privacy you are capable of offering within natural limits within your control," Benjamin Grandestaffe said to Mr.Spencers, the owner of the island, "We are assured that our arrival will be as incognito as possible?"
"A bus will pick you all up at your residence. My Bombardier Learjet 55C I use for my own business trips is standing by at the airport. Many of my...furry guests used it to come visit me, and since I own that airport as well, no one will make questions. No prying cameras. Please, do not hesitate asking for anything else."
xhunterko wrote:Khun could barely answer as he was, bent over trying not to laugh out loud?! He stopped convulsing after a moment, held a paw over his muzzle to stifle himself, then took a couple breaths.
He decided to go with the firm voice of an upset parent or uncle. He glared up to the ceiling, pointing, and spoke in an authoritative, sharp, yet non-threatening tone.
"NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! YOU! You think this is a game?! You think this is some sort of playtime?! Messing with people's souls and lives like that?! YOU coulda had us killed! YOU coulda had us sent to the underworld for all eternity for thinking we did something we weren't supposed to when we were allowed to! You don't get that privilege! This isn't something to mess with people with! Either you take your role seriously and with duty like your supposed to, or you shuffle off! Because if you think you can play around like that than you aren't worthy of your role down here!" Khun barked, "No, We WON'T act scared because you should have respected our decision to be reasonable and respond in kind! Yet you ball like a baby! If I were YOUR parent I'd give you a good wooping and a grounding for playing with people like toys. No. YOU get down here and apologize THIS second AND show us the way out or I WILL tell Lord Hubert himself about your failure, even though I'm SURE he already knows! You best behave or you might get a worse punishment! Get down here this instant and apologize!"
That got the whole pile of gold to rumble, as if an avalanche was building up....As the air was trembling again with a roar louder and louder and louder...
And then the pile of goods exploded.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

Flint’s eyes grew wide, his mouth agape as he stared at the giant dragon in front of him. This was it. He was going to die... “You... you did a super bang up job buddy! Truly... truly terrifying.” The canine wanted applaud or do something to add to his encouraging words but all he could do was clench his fists and lock his knees to keep him from collapsing in pure fear. Why couldn’t they just have cops like they do in the states...
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

Dinara is quite taken by the handsome tiger and her blush shows clearly through her pale fur.
"Oh. Privyet. Menya zovut Dinara."*
"I sink ve vill decide vhat to bring vhen ve know vhat sort of show ve are doing." Sasha tells the gorilla before looking around at the motley group.
"Hello, ev'ry body. I am Sasha and zis is mine sister, Dinara." he greets obediently. "Is nice to meet you all."

Privately, Arina thinks that tradition is rather disgusting, but, careful not to offend her hosts, she doesn't let it show.
<"It is okay. You could not have known... There will not be a snake driving the cart, will there?"> she jokes.

*Hi. My name is Dinara.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

xhunterko wrote: "Heh, say that to Reginald and his puppies when you get old, heh," Luke said, then he took Raijda's paw, before turning to the horses.
"pffft, I'm never getting old," Levi joked.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Roarin wrote:Flint’s eyes grew wide, his mouth agape as he stared at the giant dragon in front of him. This was it. He was going to die... “You... you did a super bang up job buddy! Truly... truly terrifying.” The canine wanted applaud or do something to add to his encouraging words but all he could do was clench his fists and lock his knees to keep him from collapsing in pure fear. Why couldn’t they just have cops like they do in the states...
The...thing bent its head forward, with a sound of clinking metal bones. It opened its mouth, slowly, metallic fangs crackling with voltaic arcs. "I SMELL your fear, mortal...
Hlaoroo wrote:Dinara is quite taken by the handsome tiger and her blush shows clearly through her pale fur.
"Oh. Privyet. Menya zovut Dinara."*
"I sink ve vill decide vhat to bring vhen ve know vhat sort of show ve are doing." Sasha tells the gorilla before looking around at the motley group.
"Hello, ev'ry body. I am Sasha and zis is mine sister, Dinara." he greets obediently. "Is nice to meet you all."
"HI GUYS!" said all of them in a chorus. One of the rabbits looked with admiration at the cats. "I saw your try-out of your number, earlier. Congratulations, you could actually impress those wolves out there."
Hlaoroo wrote:Privately, Arina thinks that tradition is rather disgusting, but, careful not to offend her hosts, she doesn't let it show.
<"It is okay. You could not have known... There will not be a snake driving the cart, will there?"> she jokes.
"Oh, heavens, no," Jada chuckled. "Our boas deserve more respect than that. We have our own...oh, but here he is. Guys, meet Orson!"
Orson was one of the native horses -a Draft Stallion that could've put to shame the champion "Brooklyn Supreme". His fur was golden and glossy, his mane a velvety white cascade. He was pulling a cart large enough for the whole group. "Gentlemen," he said with a bow of his head
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

xhunterko wrote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monique didn't even glance at Kritaros, watching her uncle take a rather large risk, keeping an eye in order to protect him.

"Unless they are servants of the gods? Or they do not call out for help from the gods? Do nothing," She said plainly, "You think I don't take this seriously? We are not superheroes. I teleported Khun's bag away so Flint couldn't fill it with extra. But I left him his sword so he could defend himself if need be. We are here to observe, guide, instruct, discipline, and bless whom the gods tell us to."
Kritaros hummed to himself in some enjoyment at the show within the treasury then waved at Monique in a sigh he held too long. "teleporting khuns bag away takes away from flint learning another lesson. Learning from his own actions. what would you say that lesson would be for him?" Kritaros asked monique "proper discipline must be given when appropriate not as to deter it from occuring" Kritaros more advised.


Meanwhile Anubis began exploring the new tribe location for the wolves, his actions spreading rather fast to aid others in work and deeds to which they saw need of him.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Monique had, by now, quite had enough of Kritaros and had tolerated his arrogance long enough. She turned to him.

"Apparently, you've learned nothing from the time you spent as a mortal being," she said, keeping her tone in check, "Tell me, do you take me as a fool? As a childish schoolgirl wearing a skirt pining for your wisdom? As a peon in need of being put in place? Watch." Then she disappeared.

Lord Hubert, I dunno about you, but I don't think I'm the ONLY one annoyed with his arrogance, distaste for mortality, lack of love for life, dismissal of his peers, and disrespect for those smaller than himself. MAYBE I'm just being irritated. But he's lucky I didn't lock him in a box! I've learnt my mistake from poorly handling Erebus, so I'll leave what to do about him up to you. Should he have committed any offenses against the divinities of this island. I do not know if you two agreed in secret that he should teach me. I do not recall putting myself under his tutelage. Nor do I recall being told that somehow Kritaros or divinities other than yourself had authority over me. He is my elder god and I do respect that. But I do not believe his assessment of me to be fair OR morally justified. Monique thought to Hubert.
Khun chuckled inwardly to himself.

There most certainly is a lot of fear in this room, monster, but it isn't Flint's! Khun thought inwardly and privately to himself. He then calmly stepped between the guardian and Flint, looking up to him. Then he bowed his head in respect, then looked up and spoke.

"Revered guardian, if I may. If you present yourself as a child, without fully revealing yourself at first, what are we to expect? For all we knew, you could have been some child playing tricks on adventurers and foreigners! However, I want you to understand something about being a mortal," Khun said, then he began, "I am cocky for one reason and one reason alone. A god made me a promise, with the power and ability to back up that promise. Now when that happens between the divine and mortality, something special happens. ALL fear goes away. Fear of failure, because the god promised you wouldn't fail. Fear of sickness, because the god promised that you would succeed regardless of your situation. And finally, the fear of death. Because you have the backing of an all powerful god not even death can stop you from succeeding, and, if I dare say, from prospering with the blessing afterwards. Because so long as you are under the protection and in the favor of the god, they WILL do everything in their power to assure their promises. So do forgive me if I seem a little cocky."

Here, he bowed his head again in respect.

"So, revered guardian. I do apologize for disturbing your home in a unruly manner. I apologize for shouting and yelling at what I did not understand. I should have shown more tact. I also apologize for my ignorance. I should have asked more of Lord Hubert before I came on this venture to possibly learn about how to treat you better when we encountered you," Khun said, "Therefore, I humbly ask for forgiveness from you for us. Will you allow us to continue on our way?"
"Pffffft promises promises. It'd be a shame to lose such a talented wizard like yourself with no pupils taught. I'm sure you'd make a great wizened professor of teleporting," Luke said. Walking into the temple waiting for his guests to come in behind him before continuing.

"Koros? Avaros? Amber?" Luke yelled into the halls. Amber could hear Luke calling. She looked at Koros.

"Race you," she said, not even bothering to wait, and before Luke knew it, he was on the floor in the arms and kisses of Amber!

"MMmphhh mmmph temple, guests mpphh!" Luke managed to get out, Amber relented, giving him one more sloppy kiss before getting up. Luke sighed as he got up with her. He turned to see if Reginald and Levi had followed him and he introduced his wife.

"Levi, Reginald, my wife Amber, Amber, Levi, Reginald," Luke said, "Reginald here is here to see some lions."

"It's a pleasure," Amber said, offering a paw to shake, "He's in luck then, Avaros shouldn't be far behind."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Meanwhile Anubis began exploring the new tribe location for the wolves, his actions spreading rather fast to aid others in work and deeds to which they saw need of him.
"You are being quite kind with us, little brother," a shaman said. Like most of the native wolves, he was tall, lean but hard, suggesting deadly grace and swiftness. For some reason, he also smelled a bit like...blood. Not to the point of reeking, but as if he had just killed his meal. "Indeed, for one of your stature you do more for us than we deserve."
xhunterko wrote:Monique had, by now, quite had enough of Kritaros and had tolerated his arrogance long enough. She turned to him.
"Apparently, you've learned nothing from the time you spent as a mortal being," she said, keeping her tone in check, "Tell me, do you take me as a fool? As a childish schoolgirl wearing a skirt pining for your wisdom? As a peon in need of being put in place? Watch." Then she disappeared.
Lord Hubert, I dunno about you, but I don't think I'm the ONLY one annoyed with his arrogance, distaste for mortality, lack of love for life, dismissal of his peers, and disrespect for those smaller than himself. MAYBE I'm just being irritated. But he's lucky I didn't lock him in a box! I've learnt my mistake from poorly handling Erebus, so I'll leave what to do about him up to you. Should he have committed any offenses against the divinities of this island. I do not know if you two agreed in secret that he should teach me. I do not recall putting myself under his tutelage. Nor do I recall being told that somehow Kritaros or divinities other than yourself had authority over me. He is my elder god and I do respect that. But I do not believe his assessment of me to be fair OR morally justified. Monique thought to Hubert.
The answer came preceded by a kind chuckle. "My little goddess, Kritaros thinks he can stand up even to me. He's young, audacious, still imperfect in his discernment, but he can be guided. That is why he needs a good soulfriend like Anubis, that is why he needs you as well. Remember, even a tutor can learn from the pupil, and you are maturing faster than you can believe. Your little experiments helps you interact, know the people, learn about them. A thing he is...not much willing to do, but he will learn.
"Of course, we both know what Fate may befall on those who actually try to subvert the hierarchy, so worry not about that level of problem, eh?"

xhunterko wrote:Khun chuckled inwardly to himself.
There most certainly is a lot of fear in this room, monster, but it isn't Flint's! Khun thought inwardly and privately to himself. He then calmly stepped between the guardian and Flint, looking up to him. Then he bowed his head in respect, then looked up and spoke.
"Revered guardian, if I may. If you present yourself as a child, without fully revealing yourself at first, what are we to expect? For all we knew, you could have been some child playing tricks on adventurers and foreigners! However, I want you to understand something about being a mortal," Khun said, then he began, "I am cocky for one reason and one reason alone. A god made me a promise, with the power and ability to back up that promise. Now when that happens between the divine and mortality, something special happens. ALL fear goes away. Fear of failure, because the god promised you wouldn't fail. Fear of sickness, because the god promised that you would succeed regardless of your situation. And finally, the fear of death. Because you have the backing of an all powerful god not even death can stop you from succeeding, and, if I dare say, from prospering with the blessing afterwards. Because so long as you are under the protection and in the favor of the god, they WILL do everything in their power to assure their promises. So do forgive me if I seem a little cocky."
Here, he bowed his head again in respect.
"So, revered guardian. I do apologize for disturbing your home in a unruly manner. I apologize for shouting and yelling at what I did not understand. I should have shown more tact. I also apologize for my ignorance. I should have asked more of Lord Hubert before I came on this venture to possibly learn about how to treat you better when we encountered you," Khun said, "Therefore, I humbly ask for forgiveness from you for us. Will you allow us to continue on our way?"
The monster rumbled. Thunder growled all throughout its body, but in the end...it lowered its head.
"Tsk, the problems with real-life gods. You can count on them. The product of a delusional mind wouldn't have helped you, you self-assurance would've crumbled to dust...But you are right, this charade is useless now."
The monster disappeared in a KERFLASH!, and his place was taken by...a cub. A Ghost cub. A male lycaon ghost cub wearing, in a most adorable fashion, a pirate hat with animal skull and crossbones, a sword at his side and a blue-glowing parrot perching over his shoulder. Arr, mates, welcome t'da cave o'wonders! I am Keptin Bartholomew, or Barty, at yer service!" He pulled his hat and bowed graciously.
xhunterko wrote:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Pffffft promises promises. It'd be a shame to lose such a talented wizard like yourself with no pupils taught. I'm sure you'd make a great wizened professor of teleporting," Luke said. Walking into the temple waiting for his guests to come in behind him before continuing.
"Koros? Avaros? Amber?" Luke yelled into the halls. Amber could hear Luke calling. She looked at Koros.
"Race you," she said, not even bothering to wait, and before Luke knew it, he was on the floor in the arms and kisses of Amber!
"MMmphhh mmmph temple, guests mpphh!" Luke managed to get out, Amber relented, giving him one more sloppy kiss before getting up. Luke sighed as he got up with her. He turned to see if Reginald and Levi had followed him and he introduced his wife.
"Levi, Reginald, my wife Amber, Amber, Levi, Reginald," Luke said, "Reginald here is here to see some lions."
"It's a pleasure," Amber said, offering a paw to shake, "He's in luck then, Avaros shouldn't be far behind."
"Indeed," said the last of the lions of Tricana, accompanied by his fierce-looking daughter. The Hig Shaman of the Sun bowed respectfully his head. "A honor to meet you, Levi. Reginald, it is good to meet you again, this time in the flesh."
"YAY! Uncle Mane!" the pup didn't even wait a second before jumping and climbing all over the lion, until his head was poking out of the fluffy mane. "Rawr!"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

Ugggh, my poor poor mind...”. Flint cradled his head with both his paws in exasperation. “Life was so much easier when people had only one consistent physical form. Now there are all these conflicting emotions... like oh man I’m fighting the compulsion to pick you up and promising to take you to Disney World real hard right now, but I’m also still kinda scared for my life after the whole bone dragon display.” Raising his arms to the sky the dog shook his head for a moment before taking in a very deep breath.

Alright lemme start over. Pleasure to meet you Barty, I am Flint and the bold fellow next to me is Khun. I’d have to say your cave of wonders is very... wonderful. I know a couple dogs that would kill to see a treasure trove like this one. Though I am curious, would you happen to maybe have a backdoor ooor some sort of tunnel that leads to the surface? Just in case two strapping young gents, one maybe younger than the other may happen to be missing the feel of sunshine on their fur?”
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis chuckled as a small mirage of himself Appeared before Kritaros and Monique. "You must understand Monique that in the same occurance he did not ask for you to join him in his current task or lecture him in the same manner of repetitive answers for your place in the world. Kritaros still abides to the older methods of teachings where everything he says holds two separate and key meanings. It is not arrogance or wrongdoing that he holds but that is what you took of it in the end. Either way you look at it his words are true as the grains of sand on the beach. Even Hubert is right though, Kritaros because oyu hold to the old ways there is much you must return to while in your mortal state once more. that includes revisiting love....As to you monique show more patience and thought to his words and what occurs. Your maturing fast but in that same growth many things will go against you. Impatience, ambition, and worse the mistakes you make. Keep that in mind as you come to see both your understanding and his" Anubis said before disapearing.

Kritaros however crossed his arms after seeing such a display, "Not my fault I enjoy the Ancient methods more than today....least back in my time people saw through the teachings not cryed about them" Kritaros said to himself as monique disapeared "and off she goes to cry to him. Not my fault she tagged along, this is what i get in turn for being kind to teach her." he growled abit to himself as he watched bartholmews ghost.


As to anubis
valerio wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:Meanwhile Anubis began exploring the new tribe location for the wolves, his actions spreading rather fast to aid others in work and deeds to which they saw need of him.
"You are being quite kind with us, little brother," a shaman said. Like most of the native wolves, he was tall, lean but hard, suggesting deadly grace and swiftness. For some reason, he also smelled a bit like...blood. Not to the point of reeking, but as if he had just killed his meal. "Indeed, for one of your stature you do more for us than we deserve."
After sending his own message he would hear the wolfs voice and all too familiar as he turned to face the shaman "I am only doing what I can. In the past this tribe was far stronger and held great marks towards its people. I am only trying to revitalize what I can form the past so that it may grow with ease....And maybe find someone of my own"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Roarin wrote:Ugggh, my poor poor mind...”. Flint cradled his head with both his paws in exasperation. “Life was so much easier when people had only one consistent physical form. Now there are all these conflicting emotions... like oh man I’m fighting the compulsion to pick you up and promising to take you to Disney World real hard right now, but I’m also still kinda scared for my life after the whole bone dragon display.” Raising his arms to the sky the dog shook his head for a moment before taking in a very deep breath.

Alright lemme start over. Pleasure to meet you Barty, I am Flint and the bold fellow next to me is Khun. I’d have to say your cave of wonders is very... wonderful. I know a couple dogs that would kill to see a treasure trove like this one. Though I am curious, would you happen to maybe have a backdoor ooor some sort of tunnel that leads to the surface? Just in case two strapping young gents, one maybe younger than the other may happen to be missing the feel of sunshine on their fur?”
The ghost nodded. "Sure there is! I disc'vered it only after dyin' here, but there's one. An' I know yer good mates, or ye wouldn't've made it here at all. An' nice friende ye have here!" he tickled the bluish parrot.
"This planet is so wonderful," the Martian said. "So many aetheral prowling around. You are very lucky natives."
Hotep the psychic wrote:After sending his own message he would hear the wolfs voice and all too familiar as he turned to face the shaman "I am only doing what I can. In the past this tribe was far stronger and held great marks towards its people. I am only trying to revitalize what I can form the past so that it may grow with ease....And maybe find someone of my own"
"I hope you do find that someone for you. Even if our wilder brethren still cling to the darkest ways, we decided to go back to our true ways and get in touch with the dead of all worlds, not just the netherworld. In fact, we could even get you in touch with the departed you wish to meet again for counseling, if you desired so. For though Life is the force of this plane, it is known that help from the heavens can do miracles."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:"HI GUYS!" said all of them in a chorus. One of the rabbits looked with admiration at the cats. "I saw your try-out of your number, earlier. Congratulations, you could actually impress those wolves out there."
The two cats flinch a little at the sudden synchronicity but grin at the compliments.
"Sank you."
"So vhat do you all do in circus?"

valerio wrote:"Oh, heavens, no," Jada chuckled. "Our boas deserve more respect than that. We have our own...oh, but here he is. Guys, meet Orson!"
Orson was one of the native horses -a Draft Stallion that could've put to shame the champion "Brooklyn Supreme". His fur was golden and glossy, his mane a velvety white cascade. He was pulling a cart large enough for the whole group. "Gentlemen," he said with a bow of his head
<"Oh wow. What a handsome animal!"> Ilya nods respectfully at the horse, forgetting to switch back to English. <"Hello! It is nice to meet you, Orson! I am Ilya and this is my wife, Arina, and my son, Feliks.">
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