Can we talk about Tarot?

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Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

I want to start this discussion off on the right foot, so I’m gonna setup that I do not hate Tarot even in her current form. This is more to help me find out a few things: 1. How many people feel that Current Tarot feels a little at odds with the character she was introduced as. Not an argument on character development, more a sense she’s being portrayed and used differently. 2. How much of Tarot’s old personality was actually Dragon. I don’t know how much this gets brought up, but I feel like it’s an element people sidestep for some reason. 3. Tarot and Peanut, I expect this is the one people dislike talking about, but keeping this brief, the elements of that relationship that bug me I don’t think are gonna get ignored, heck if Rick ever awknowledges the problems, I’ll applaud him. Anyway, if anyone wants to talk about this stuff, just reply
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by fenrirblack »

Well, when Tarot was introduced she played a larger role as the gateway to the supernatural. It was one of the first instances where the comic began shifting towards what is is now, a blend of fantasy and slice of life. I don’t know the details, but it seems that she was a lot like The Game in that it was in the it’s infancy and Rick didn’t know where it was going. Like a The game, her character grew more complex when King was thrown into it. She became the brigde between the spheres of Team A and Team B and had to change to fit the role as wise sage so to speak. Then the game ended and the comic became more slice of life so her character adapted to fit in with the new style. Of course Temole Crashers changed everything but reinforced Tarot’s self claimed role as protector of the world or something. From a character perspective, she changed from odd ball with magic to the more wise sage, call it character development but I think Rick tweaked her character to something more to his liking under the guise of character development. The development continued after Dragon left. From a writing standpoint it was a good opportunity to give her depth by asking “Dragon’s gone, Tarot is weakened, what if she struggled with finding a new identity?” This idea came to focus during 5000 BC. After that it continued during temple crashers and reached its climax when she talked to Kitsune in the epilogue. As she is now I would say she’s basically the same as she’s been since Year 3, mature and driven as her relationship with Peanut became more prominent.
That relationship is strange because of the comics structure. Reading Slightly Damned and TwoKinds made me notice that those were solely focused on the relationship between the main characters so we could see it develop but because Housepets switches between character amount a large cast so often the development happens off screen so it looks like there is no development at all. It still doesn’t help that Peanut is not boyfriend material but honestly neither is Buwaro but that’s a different comic and a different discussion.
Anyway, I think Dragons influences on Tarot personality was strictly external. She gave Tarot her powers which led her down a special path that influenced her choices and effected her behavior. Rick posted something on Twitter a few nights ago about changing a character in his book that got me thinking about the subject of character in writing.
I doubt this makes much sense, in my head I understand what I’m saying but in text it’s lost.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

Okay, I can take most of this, but I will not stand for you saying Peanut is not boyfriend material. Did you not see all the sacrifices he made the moment he realized Grape might be happier pursuing someone who wasn’t him? Grapenut probably has endured so long probably due to all that self sacrifice he made. Let’s also not forget, Peanut’s always taken his relationship with Tarot seriously, his horror at the idea he might have been cheating on her in a sense with Dragon shows us that. In contrast, maybe even in her earlier days, Tarot didn’t seem to really have a good mental image of her boyfriend. I mean, so often it seems like she feels she has to talk down to him, and that kinda worked when her psychic powers meant she knew things before him... but it kinda ticks me off knowing that pooch can seem so unappreciative of him at times. Could Peanut be a better boyfriend to Tarot? Yeah I won’t pretend that part isn’t true at least. He could use work on figuring out how to read the atmosphere around him and be less compulsive, but don’t just dismiss Peanut as boyfriend material without even saying why
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Obbl »

I think you explained yourself well, Fenrir, and I really agree with your analysis of Tarot. I don't think I could really add anything there.
I do think that Fenrir didn't mean Peanut wouldn't make a good boyfriend for someone, just that Tarot and him can seem mismatched.
However, on that note I'm much a fan of their relationship. For all of their faults they honestly seem like they're trying to me. Like, Tarot's a grump and she's going to behave like a grump when things get frustrating, and Peanut's not always good at responding properly to situations. But they both have gone out of their way to be a support for the other at time's (Tarot's the one who's needed it most so I think we see mostly Peanut supporting, but the opposite has happened). I don't know quite how to put it in words, and maybe I'm just reading the author intent between them rather than just what is being shown, but they feel like they could work as long as they keep working on themselves (which everyone really should do anyway)
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

Obbl wrote:I think you explained yourself well, Fenrir, and I really agree with your analysis of Tarot. I don't think I could really add anything there.
I do think that Fenrir didn't mean Peanut wouldn't make a good boyfriend for someone, just that Tarot and him can seem mismatched.
However, on that note I'm much a fan of their relationship. For all of their faults they honestly seem like they're trying to me. Like, Tarot's a grump and she's going to behave like a grump when things get frustrating, and Peanut's not always good at responding properly to situations. But they both have gone out of their way to be a support for the other at time's (Tarot's the one who's needed it most so I think we see mostly Peanut supporting, but the opposite has happened). I don't know quite how to put it in words, and maybe I'm just reading the author intent between them rather than just what is being shown, but they feel like they could work as long as they keep working on themselves (which everyone really should do anyway)
Hmm, I think I can agree on your points, heck it’s only recently I’ve felt like I didn’t like their relationship, I honestly think in a lot of the earlier comics, they were one of the cutest and sweetest of the couples. Saying their relationship is mismatched... yeah I can agree with that, heck it could be the real core reason I’m getting upset at stuff between them. Out of curiosity, what moments do you feel Tarot has gone out of her way for Peanut? I’m not sure any specific moments are coming to mind for me.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Obbl »

I also enjoy Tarot and Peanut's argument at the PsyCon because Tarot has every reason to be frustrated with Peanut, and Peanut has every reason to feel like this wasn't entirely his fault. Then after they have it out for a little bit, they both realize what's more important and Tarot gives a hug and explicitly notes that she's not really angry at him so much as it's just a frustrating situation. It's one of those little things that's super important to communicate in relationships but is easy to forget.
Also as much guff as people gave Tarot in the Temple Crashers arc, she literally stopped in the middle of trying to block a potentially universe-ending event in order to apologize to Peanut because their relationship is that important to her. (She didn't have time to finish the conversation with him, but again, potentially universe-ending event, and one that did end up coming close).
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by GameCobra »

Tarot's interest after she lost Dragon from the audience perspective i would assume is she's no longer the dutiful Pomeranian that she once was with galactic powers. She was like Sabrina the Teenage Witch, but Rick decided to take the Witch out of Tarot at that point. I liked seeing her as dutiful and it was going to be sad to see how she coped with things without her powers, but i would've expected Rick to give her some well deserved charm, even if it was not going to come out as good (losing something that you depended on is never easy). If anything, the strains of mortality on Tarot were actually something i was looking forwards to with her and Peanut since Peanut shrugs this stuff. It's just up to Tarot to decide if this was worth it or not.

On a final note, although i miss dutiful Tarot, hard-working Tarot is also fun to watch just for the troubles she goes through while at the same time seeing these things work themselves out.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

Obbl wrote:I also enjoy Tarot and Peanut's argument at the PsyCon because Tarot has every reason to be frustrated with Peanut, and Peanut has every reason to feel like this wasn't entirely his fault. Then after they have it out for a little bit, they both realize what's more important and Tarot gives a hug and explicitly notes that she's not really angry at him so much as it's just a frustrating situation. It's one of those little things that's super important to communicate in relationships but is easy to forget.
Also as much guff as people gave Tarot in the Temple Crashers arc, she literally stopped in the middle of trying to block a potentially universe-ending event in order to apologize to Peanut because their relationship is that important to her. (She didn't have time to finish the conversation with him, but again, potentially universe-ending event, and one that did end up coming close).
I think I kinda forgot a lot of Temple Crashers 2, if I remembered that talk I think I’d have been a little less upset with her. Still, there is some worrying stuff between the two lately, so I hope they properly talk about it soon... on a slightly related note, you think Fido and Sabrina would be helpful to talk to on relationship stuff? I don’t know how much Fido knows about the supernatural stuff, but they basically are the only other couple who understands some elements of how the supernatural stuff works.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by fenrirblack »

Gameb18oy wrote:Okay, I can take most of this, but I will not stand for you saying Peanut is not boyfriend material. Did you not see all the sacrifices he made the moment he realized Grape might be happier pursuing someone who wasn’t him? Grapenut probably has endured so long probably due to all that self sacrifice he made. Let’s also not forget, Peanut’s always taken his relationship with Tarot seriously, his horror at the idea he might have been cheating on her in a sense with Dragon shows us that. In contrast, maybe even in her earlier days, Tarot didn’t seem to really have a good mental image of her boyfriend. I mean, so often it seems like she feels she has to talk down to him, and that kinda worked when her psychic powers meant she knew things before him... but it kinda ticks me off knowing that pooch can seem so unappreciative of him at times. Could Peanut be a better boyfriend to Tarot? Yeah I won’t pretend that part isn’t true at least. He could use work on figuring out how to read the atmosphere around him and be less compulsive, but don’t just dismiss Peanut as boyfriend material without even saying why
For the record I’m the last person who should be explaining what qualifies as “good boyfriend material” but here goes. Peanut’s relationship with Grape and his willingness to let her go doesn’t qualify him as a good boyfriend as much as a caring individual. We know that he has romantic feelings for her and wants her to be happy. It takes more than that to be a boyfriend. Any normal friend does that with or without romantic interest, i mean it’s a common trope on TV when the best friend doesn’t approve but sees how unhappy the friend is so they fix the relationship. I think it’s a matter of maturity on peanuts part. He is far too immature for a serious relationship hence Tarot’s most recent comment. Plus I can’t help feeling that aside from the difference in maturity, Tarot wants more...affection. When she got back from Australia she was jealous of Fido’s reaction to Sabrina. Even if it was more a joke than anything, it’s worth noting. Tarot has been the one who for years has been the dominant figure in the relationship by telling a Peanut where to take her on their dates and such. Honestly if they weren’t dogs and had more options I would think Tarot would have left Peanut by now. Clearly she sees something in him which is why she decided to keep him for herself but I do t know if that is enough to build a healthy relationship on. Again if they weren’t dogs things would be much more complicated.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

fenrirblack wrote:
Gameb18oy wrote:Okay, I can take most of this, but I will not stand for you saying Peanut is not boyfriend material. Did you not see all the sacrifices he made the moment he realized Grape might be happier pursuing someone who wasn’t him? Grapenut probably has endured so long probably due to all that self sacrifice he made. Let’s also not forget, Peanut’s always taken his relationship with Tarot seriously, his horror at the idea he might have been cheating on her in a sense with Dragon shows us that. In contrast, maybe even in her earlier days, Tarot didn’t seem to really have a good mental image of her boyfriend. I mean, so often it seems like she feels she has to talk down to him, and that kinda worked when her psychic powers meant she knew things before him... but it kinda ticks me off knowing that pooch can seem so unappreciative of him at times. Could Peanut be a better boyfriend to Tarot? Yeah I won’t pretend that part isn’t true at least. He could use work on figuring out how to read the atmosphere around him and be less compulsive, but don’t just dismiss Peanut as boyfriend material without even saying why
For the record I’m the last person who should be explaining what qualifies as “good boyfriend material” but here goes. Peanut’s relationship with Grape and his willingness to let her go doesn’t qualify him as a good boyfriend as much as a caring individual. We know that he has romantic feelings for her and wants her to be happy. It takes more than that to be a boyfriend. Any normal friend does that with or without romantic interest, i mean it’s a common trope on TV when the best friend doesn’t approve but sees how unhappy the friend is so they fix the relationship. I think it’s a matter of maturity on peanuts part. He is far too immature for a serious relationship hence Tarot’s most recent comment. Plus I can’t help feeling that aside from the difference in maturity, Tarot wants more...affection. When she got back from Australia she was jealous of Fido’s reaction to Sabrina. Even if it was more a joke than anything, it’s worth noting. Tarot has been the one who for years has been the dominant figure in the relationship by telling a Peanut where to take her on their dates and such. Honestly if they weren’t dogs and had more options I would think Tarot would have left Peanut by now. Clearly she sees something in him which is why she decided to keep him for herself but I do t know if that is enough to build a healthy relationship on. Again if they weren’t dogs things would be much more complicated.
... okay, yeah. Yeah this is probably the best way of seeing it. Both of them want different things in the relationship basically. I’m not sure a serious relationship is what Tarot is looking for though, Peanut’s a goofball, but a lot of his true personality is kinda hidden behind all his energy, that’s partially why it’s so noticeable that he’s acting different under the effects of his treats. He clearly wants Tarot to take him seriously though, that’s partially why they were having that argument in Temple Crashers 2. He could do to mature a little, but honestly Peanut’s not gonna see a reason to change that unless someone makes it clear they think it’s s problem, because when has anyone not just accepted that’s how he is? Heck I’m not even sure I’d want to see a mature Peanut
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by GameCobra »

fenrirblack wrote:
Gameb18oy wrote:Okay, I can take most of this, but I will not stand for you saying Peanut is not boyfriend material. Did you not see all the sacrifices he made the moment he realized Grape might be happier pursuing someone who wasn’t him? Grapenut probably has endured so long probably due to all that self sacrifice he made. Let’s also not forget, Peanut’s always taken his relationship with Tarot seriously, his horror at the idea he might have been cheating on her in a sense with Dragon shows us that. In contrast, maybe even in her earlier days, Tarot didn’t seem to really have a good mental image of her boyfriend. I mean, so often it seems like she feels she has to talk down to him, and that kinda worked when her psychic powers meant she knew things before him... but it kinda ticks me off knowing that pooch can seem so unappreciative of him at times. Could Peanut be a better boyfriend to Tarot? Yeah I won’t pretend that part isn’t true at least. He could use work on figuring out how to read the atmosphere around him and be less compulsive, but don’t just dismiss Peanut as boyfriend material without even saying why
For the record I’m the last person who should be explaining what qualifies as “good boyfriend material” but here goes. Peanut’s relationship with Grape and his willingness to let her go doesn’t qualify him as a good boyfriend as much as a caring individual. We know that he has romantic feelings for her and wants her to be happy. It takes more than that to be a boyfriend. Any normal friend does that with or without romantic interest, i mean it’s a common trope on TV when the best friend doesn’t approve but sees how unhappy the friend is so they fix the relationship. I think it’s a matter of maturity on peanuts part. He is far too immature for a serious relationship hence Tarot’s most recent comment. Plus I can’t help feeling that aside from the difference in maturity, Tarot wants more...affection. When she got back from Australia she was jealous of Fido’s reaction to Sabrina. Even if it was more a joke than anything, it’s worth noting. Tarot has been the one who for years has been the dominant figure in the relationship by telling a Peanut where to take her on their dates and such. Honestly if they weren’t dogs and had more options I would think Tarot would have left Peanut by now. Clearly she sees something in him which is why she decided to keep him for herself but I do t know if that is enough to build a healthy relationship on. Again if they weren’t dogs things would be much more complicated.
Tarot finds him cute and endeering. It's mostly her having a problem with him not being responsible, serious or even random at times. Heck, it wouldn't be odd to assume the way Peanut is behaving in this arc is a sign of what Tarot is hoping to see Peanut someday.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by NHWestoN »

At the risk of echoing much of what's been said, I'll just add some thoughts. Although it rarely surfaces, there is a deeply affectionate undercurrent in the relationship between Peanut and Grape but it's pretty much more brother and sister than romantic. Among the pets, Fido and Sabrina own the trans-species tie and Rick doesn't seem to like to duplicate relationships too much which probably means us "Grapenutters" cannot expect to see that revived if it ever was. (Yes, Jessica and Zachery, I know, but I don't expect another Cat-Dog thing.) Similarly, King and Bailey seem own the "married with children" role, and the lack of development with the puppies characters suggests no more blessed events in Housepets! for a while. Grape has made it evident that she's a field-player who care a lot about Max … until someone else like Rex is around … but she clearly does not think of relationships in terms of exclusivity.

Tarot and Peanut are also "a work in progress." They're kind of an odd couple. In many ways, despite having "grown up" in some aspects, Peanut seems rather immature as a partner. You get the feeling he's read - and kinda misunderstood a lot of - a guidebook entitled "How to Be a Boyfriend." Tarot, until just this very current arc, has struck me as more mature but also very emotionally guarded and uptight. True, we've seen glimpses of her vulnerability, and she actually seems to be flat out having fun in the salt bath (until Kevin splashes her "hair down - letting "her hair down"! - that's a joke, see, because to … oh … okay … sorry). Maybe they're just now turning a corner.

I'm sorta wondering where all the "Tarot-Dislikers" have gone; they sure were in full cry during the last Temple Crashers. ("Tarot-Haters" is just so strong, but some might have felt that way).

So, waiting for Monday … Maybe more of the "Hundred friends" will appear. Regards. ;)

Very Short Follow-On: Yeah, Game, I'm starting to find Peanut's "candified" condition a little unnerving.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can either take her or I can leave her. However if she seems to prefer Peanut in his sedated condition, I will go off her completely.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by NHWestoN »

Okay, that raises an intriguing question, Amayzee … does Tarot know Peanut's on medication? Given her powers of discernment, I would suppose so. Wonder where this thread is leading?
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

I really worry about that. I really hope her powers aren’t giving that knowledge, because that honestly be pretty horrible if we find out that
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by GameCobra »

I wouldn't worry about it, guys. If comics have taught us anything is that this moment is just to get the best out of Peanut for Tarot's sake, but it operates on the rule of comedy. Therefore, unless Rick starts giving Peanut the equivalent of Scooby snacks or Spinnage, then I would be worried. (Unless he does it just once more. Hah)
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by fenrirblack »

This chapter seems to be more focused on Fox and the K9 unit. I think Peanut will have a few scenes for a few laughs but nothing will come from his sedation.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Champion Wallace »

Gameb18oy wrote:1. How many people feel that Current Tarot feels a little at odds with the character she was introduced as. Not an argument on character development, more a sense she’s being portrayed and used differently.
As you acknowledged, characters change over time because of development, but in Tarot's case I think her characterization when she was introduced was unsustainable. At the start what made Tarot unique was she was connected to a world that we and the other characters didn't understand; only Tarot could use the excuse that she left a pentagram in the oven to get out of something. As we learned more about the cosmic game and Tarot's role in it she couldn't have as many throwaway gags because everything had to conform to what was already established. Later when the game ended she lost her ability to ask the spirits where the remote is or show up as soon as she's mentioned so it was impossible for her to be the same as she was introduced.
Gameb18oy wrote:2. How much of Tarot’s old personality was actually Dragon. I don’t know how much this gets brought up, but I feel like it’s an element people sidestep for some reason.
I feel like I'm missing something because as far as I know the answer is exclusively the strip Inappropriate Title except for the last panel. The end of THE GALLIFRAX PROTOCOL was confusing for me the first time because before that I didn't realize Dragon and Tarot were separate entities but it still didn't make sense for both of them to be vying for Peanut because the only time I could recall Dragon even seeing Peanut was at the end of We're Snowed In and was hardly romantic (in my opinion). Retroactively it was stated that a younger Dragon found Peanut cute in 5000BC. I guess it's to be assumed that Dragon fell in love with Peanut from afar watching the battle maps. However, even if almost all of Tarot's actions weren't literally Dragon, having a God descend from heaven to tell you you're the chosen one and to give you otherworldly powers is going to have a large impact on your worldview, even if there's no mind control involved.
Gameb18oy wrote:3. Tarot and Peanut, I expect this is the one people dislike talking about, but keeping this brief, the elements of that relationship that bug me I don’t think are gonna get ignored, heck if Rick ever awknowledges the problems, I’ll applaud him.
This would be easier to respond to if you listed the elements of the relationship that but you, but here we go. After the game ended, Tarot gets frustrated about her loss of control and some of that comes out on Peanut because they spend time together, but I don't think there's anything that would make them incompatible. There may be cases like Peanut pretending to play his 3DS when Tarot's chewing his ear, but the important part is afterward they were on good enough terms to sleep together with Peanut's arm over Tarot.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by NHWestoN »

Also, at the end of Temple Crashers, Tarot gets a bit of come-uppance from Kitsune who reminds her of her limitations and the limits of her actual actions in all the turmoil. Oh, and he gives her a very touching hug. Peanut probably got one, too. (Peanut did the same thing when he discovered Jill hugging a weeping Grape - who was also very NOT please by his intrusion on their touching moment.)
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Obbl »

To clear up some lingering points vis a vis Dragon control over Tarot, Rick used eye color to very clearly separate when Dragon was speaking through Tarot and when it was just Tarot speaking. Green eyes = Dragon's in control, Yellow eyes = Tarot. Going back through with that in mind shows us that the vast majority of Tarot's presence in the comic was actually Tarot and very rarely Dragon. Dragon had a strong crush on Peanut (which is set up way back here) and had Tarot get together with Peanut for the dual purpose of preventing Pete from getting Peanut as staying near to him herself, but Tarot also developed feelings for Peanut.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

So first Dragon used Tarot to get Peanut away from Pete, then she fell in love with him. What a classic love story. Minus the control over Tarot. :lol:

I'm assuming that Dragon only had control over Tarot and most likely Sabrina. Pete wanted Fido, Grape and Peanut and she found out about it. Max and Sabrina were still a couple. To fix this, she split up Max and Sabrina and put Sabrina with Fido and then Tarot with Peanut. She took a REAL gamble with hoping Max and Grape would get together because while I'm sure she knew that Max had feelings for Grape since they were kittens, I don't think Grape ever shown any sort of feelings toward Max until they started dating. What would have happened if Grape and Max DIDN'T get involved? Pete might have used Grape as well as King )but ended up with Bailey).
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?


ACTUALLY I Was Hoping He'd Have A Looooong Talk With Her After It And Grape Threatning Her If She Ever Hurts Him Ever Again She'll End Her Of course That's Just My Opinion"
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Buster »

whats with the overcapitalization?
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

I think Top just does that, just like I think Cesco often uses a lot of emojis
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by NHWestoN »

Yeah, it's kind of a signature style. no big deal... ;) Like me and bad grammar.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Douglas Collier »

I think Tarot is aware that Peanut is under the influence of something on their date in the onsen, but, since it doesn’t seem to be harming him, she might think this is a good time to positively reinforce the behavior in hopes that Peanut will remember and become even more to her liking. (I know that sounds bad, but sometimes people gotta change to be their best self for their partner. That being said, seeing Tarot on some mood enhancers might be fun too - she could be all excited and optimistic like Peanut - now that I would love to see! :lol: )
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

Would be nice to see a non-grump version of Tarot, but what treats out there exist that make dogs more hyper?
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well according to what I just found out online, anise seeds are basically catnip for dog.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by NHWestoN »

Wonder if the world is ready to deal with a Tarot "DUI" (Dog-Under-Influence)?
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Knowing her, she would probably just be the same monotone dog that she sometimes seems to be now.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by SeanWolf »

Douglas Collier wrote:I think Tarot is aware that Peanut is under the influence of something on their date in the onsen, but, since it doesn’t seem to be harming him, she might think this is a good time to positively reinforce the behavior in hopes that Peanut will remember and become even more to her liking. (I know that sounds bad, but sometimes people gotta change to be their best self for their partner. That being said, seeing Tarot on some mood enhancers might be fun too - she could be all excited and optimistic like Peanut - now that I would love to see! :lol: )
What is up with Peanut anyway, speaking of him? I never seen him this calm before.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

SeanWolf wrote:
Douglas Collier wrote:I think Tarot is aware that Peanut is under the influence of something on their date in the onsen, but, since it doesn’t seem to be harming him, she might think this is a good time to positively reinforce the behavior in hopes that Peanut will remember and become even more to her liking. (I know that sounds bad, but sometimes people gotta change to be their best self for their partner. That being said, seeing Tarot on some mood enhancers might be fun too - she could be all excited and optimistic like Peanut - now that I would love to see! :lol: )
What is up with Peanut anyway, speaking of him? I never seen him this calm before.
He apparently ate a lot of hemp treats before the arc started based on what rick told the server. I at first was a little upset that Tarot was attracted to him acting like this because even with limited clairvoyance, seems odd she’s the only one not noticing he’s acting a bit out of character. I am holding out that she sees a possiblity that if she shows she likes calm Peanut a lot, there’s a chance he’ll try and be like this without the calming treats.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by NHWestoN »

I'm a bit uncomfortable with "placid Peanut" continuing, but let's just see who long or where this strand goes....
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm still wondering if Tarot will eventually grow tired of placid Peanut and try to get him to be crazy again. Like that "SpongeBob Squarepants" episode where Squidward finally got tired of his idea life at the new complex he moved into.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by NHWestoN »

Hard to say … makes you wonder what drew her to Peanut in the first place. Oh...right... that avatar thing.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by GameCobra »

He was just being nice. It just grew from there. =3
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by NHWestoN »

Sure did.... When does Sabrina "graduate", I wonder ... or am I wandering off topic?
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

So I’m probably just looking too much into the magic(k) potion comic, but considering Peanut’s disappointed reaction, I’m kinda wondering if this stuff is becoming more typical in their relationship, that Peanut is finding Tarot more and more dull to interact with. I worry I’ll paint myself as a Peanut slanderer saying that, but a part of me thinks that while I doubt even Peanut would awknowledge this fact, but he probably expected the magic(k) stuff would be something he always got to involve himself with with her. He started off going on so much with her that some of the magical adventures happened off-panel, and now by comparison, not only are her powers weakened so it can’t happen as often, when she went on her adventure in the temple, she honestly didn’t seem to want him there. He’s too good a dog for that to be a reason to even consider breaking ties with her, but if I’m not pulling this out of nowhere, it could make for an interesting thought process to apply to explain their actions in each of their appearances with each other lately.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

As you wonder if Peanut is starting to go off Tarot, I'm wondering if Tarot is completely off Peanut now but only staying with him out of obligation.
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Re: Can we talk about Tarot?

Post by Gameb18oy »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:As you wonder if Peanut is starting to go off Tarot, I'm wondering if Tarot is completely off Peanut now but only staying with him out of obligation.
Well, that’s a little harder to believe, she did give up the game just because she was irritated that when she developed feelings for him and suddenly dragon wanted to take him for herself. Not saying you’re wrong, just I doubt Rick would go that route. I really hope Rick finds a way to just get them to talk already, Peanut himself seems to think they need that as well in comic so in a funny way, Rick knows that lately there relationship is making less and less sense.
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