Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

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Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, and Ishimori Productions. Everything else is owned by their respective owners. Please support the official release.

Author's note before we begin: Decided to make this Kingkaiger a universe like that of the Housepets comic, completely seperate to Chromium Idiot Box (which isn't canon.) Which means no Blueberry Bailey in this fic but still keeping Signalwoman and the various things established in what can be considered the basics to the concept. And the movie's going to this.
The Super Sentai, Kamen Riders, Metal Heroes, Power Rangers. These are the techicolored heroes are what defended the world. However, their powers were kept guarded by the Three Guardians.

We join Dragon listening to Rook as his wish is that his family would be Power Rangers. Since the fiendishly naughty Pete the Griffin is trying his darnedest to take control of the universe, she made the whole family Gokaigers with all the Ranger Keys with Riders, and Metal Heroes added on with more to come.

Bailey and King are loving Corgi and Husky couple who loved each other and their kids Ace, Olive and Rook. To defend the earth, that is now their objective.

This will be coming to your stations soon. Be ready for it!

Cue the opening Kingkaiger Sequence based off of the Gokaiger opening.


Forward! lets hoist up the flag of courage
Dashing through across the seven seas
Sink or Swim, The invincible wind will guide you all the way...
Your goal isn't on any sort of map
It's no illusion that is playing those tricks
Everyone is searching for their very own treasure in this scavenger that we call life!

I want to check and make sure that everyone is not the same at all
Just do what you want, when it comes to your goals
It's all life or death, when you want something done then do it straight away... without regrets!

Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!
Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's take the lead of the fight!
Forward these uncharted routes in the vast seas of the entire world from coast to coast!
Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!
Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's sail through the storms
Your persistent recklessness, your mighty battles will be the ones that will change the world!
Big dreams are ones that are endless
Pirate Squadron Kingkaiger!
Last edited by JamesTCat on Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:33 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

I’d laugh super hard if the 6th ranger or special ranger is the missing fourth pup everyone was going crazy over in King and Bailey’s date arc
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

I have a few plans I will share with all of you. As you well know the Kingkaiger Movie will be made in 2075, just in time for Thanksgiving and the 100th anniversary season of Super Sentai.

These plans may be subject to change but all will be Gokaiger Plus Source Materals of the season.

the first season will be adapted off of Power Rangers Turbo and Zeo (With the Ticking Time Bomb schemes for All Turbo episodes just so that Pete will be bored of it by the end of the season,) The second will be an adaptation of Goseiger, the third your choice of Shout Factory Sentai, Fourth season would be Carranger and so on and so forth...

...And then in 2075 will have the full-throttle Gokaiger adaptation with the movie finishing the epic with a super climatic battle with the very enemy Pete summoned from King's very Past... The Hyper Psycho Joel! Pete's intention with his pet creation is copy King's data to create him and use his Hyper Psycho Joel to erase King and his family from existence.

After movie content, I will be writing until either I drop dead or they stop making Tokusatsus. I might finish this by 2111, the 100th anniversary of Gokaiger

Also, I am working on a TV Movie Pilot based off of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie at the time of writing.

Furthermore, think of this fic as a animated adaptation of Tokusatsus, with Super Sentai and Gokaiger being the dominating series for all of it.
Last edited by JamesTCat on Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:04 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, and Ishimori Productions. Everything else is owned by their respective owners. Please support the official release.

Note before beginning this "E3 Expo teaser": I decided to whip this up to tide you over while working on the TV Movie Pilot. It is beta footage from the episode "Kingkaiger are on the scene!" the first proper episode after the TV Movie Pilot.

Also realized Kitsune is male and so made him "Beast-Demon Hunter Zeek" from GoGoFive with various elements of "Signalman" from Carranger. The Kingkaiger have the "Lightspeed Rescue Titanium Ranger" GoGoFive Ranger Key in place of Zeek since Kitsune has Zeek's powers after the last owner gave them up.

Also, the Kings mutated into Adult human ranger size from the Ranger Powers as well as gain Five digit hands from them. Four Fingers and a Thumb for each hand.

Furthermore, Rook is about a Human year old out of Two Years for In Universe Animal Anthro to age when he made the wish, hence despite them being little kids, they mutated with their parents, gaining their intellgence. This is Beta Footage from the first proper episode.

Anyways, enjoy and tell me what you think. If you don't know something Ranger, Rider, Metal Hero or Tokusatsu wise, Look it up on the Wikis such as RangerWiki, Kamen Rider Wiki, Metal Heroes Wiki, just do whatever you can to find out.

Also, pardon me if I go into the gory details of all the characters fights. Also assume that the cartoonists draw the Kingkaiger's eyes outlines through the visors, telling you their emotions.


After the disclaimer, we begin the Beta footage

"...This ought to be good!" Pitah said to his team of Putty Patrol Combatmen "Come on Mutt!" he challenges Ace with a racist slur.

"SHIFT INTO GOKAI!" Ace shouts out as her Mobirate appears in her 5 digit paw. The Putty Patrol are biting their nails in fear with Pitah shouting out orders as Ace proceeds to do the Carranger Morphing Handshake motion before putting her Ranger Key in it's slot and turning the key in one smooth continuous motion.

"GokaiYellow, Zyuranger TigerRanger! ON! THE! SCENE!" Ace shouts as her desired female variant Ranger Form appears on her body and her helmet forms over her head.

Ace is on one of the catacombs of the Babylon Garden Power Plant as she strikes a pose like Blue Racer towards the camera as she knocks back Putty #009 before blocking attacks from another Putty known as #011. He tries an overhead punch, then when that's blocked, a right jab. Blocked as well as he is kicked in the stomach after Putty #001's kicked back before she kicks him.

Ace kicks back Putty #019 after evading one that's headed right towards her. She grabs its arm as she pushes that one back before jabbing Putty #025 in the chest, before toppling Putty #019 over the rails with a neck chop and a throw.

Meanwhile... "GET THEM!" Pete the Griffin commands his Gormin Soldier Combatmen to attack the three of the five members of the King Family who just attended a Graduation of K-9 Police. (King, Bailey, Ace, Olive, and Rook graduated as the forces' Power Rangers after 3 Months of grueling classes, making the three puppies the youngest in the force.)

Rook, Olive and Bailey braces for battle as Gormin Soldiers are headed their way with Pete laughing evily.

The three begins to fight the wave, with Bailey in center striking Gormin #007. She then proceeds to strike Gormin #001 in the face as she blocks his strike to her right hip.

Rook strikes Gormin #010 with a kicking attack to the solar plexus on the side of the car, after blocking a strike to the head. After the strike, the Gormin falls flat on his face.

Gormin #006 is ready to strike Olive, but she grabs him by the wrist and flips him down like it's aint no thing.

Another blocked Gormin punch, another strike to a Gormin chest, Bailey is is on a roll as she sweep kicks Gormin #002, and dodges Gormin #004 with a spin.

Rook grabs Gormin #008 as the shmuck goon attempts strike him, then Rook strikes him in the shin then in the left calf with a kick. He then evades a clothesline strike from Gormin #012 as he blocks a punch from Gormin #005 before striking him in the ribs, moving onto the next one.

Olive blocks a Gormin Kick with her elbow before kicking him, said Gormin blocking her kick before she kicks again onto Gormin #006's abdomen, then Gormin #007's solar plexus with a back kick.

Bailey proceeds to tech a roundhouse grab by Gormin #003, kicking him in the knee as he attempted to throw her over as she techs the throw. She then proceeds to roundhouse kick Gormin #003 in the back, before blocking Gormin #004's strikes, which then gets her grabbed on the chest by the said Gormin.

Rook is striking Gormin #005 with an elbow strike when Bailey tells them "You two go on ahead and help your sister Ace!" as she's trying to break the grab. "Are you sure mom?!" "Positive!" as Bailey breaks the grab with a double kick jump and a double spin roundhouse on another Gormin.

"SHIFT INTO GOKAI!" Olive shouts as her and Rook's Mobirates appear in their 5 digit paws. They proceed to do the Carranger Morphing Handshake before inserting their Ranger Key into the slot and turning the key in one smooth continuous motion.

"GokaiPink, Go-Onger Go-On Black! ON! THE! SCENE!" Olive shouts as her desired female variant ranger suit appears on her body and her helmet forms over her head.

"GokaiGreen, ToQger ToQ YonGou Green! ON! THE! SCENE!" Rook shouts as his desired male variant ranger suit appears on his body and his helmet forms over his head.

We then cut to the Babylon Gardens Power Plant as the two flips through the air again and again as they're moving forward. When they land, Rock sweep kicks Putty #025 as Olive flips over Putty #011, with Ace fighting more Putties in the background as Pitah flexes his now bulging biceps. "Ace, We're here!"

Back to Bailey, she is sent tumbling towards Pete the Griffin as he picks her up by her chest. "ON YOUR FEET! YOU'RE NOT DONE YET!" as he pushes her towards the Gormins, where one kicks her in the abdomen, Pete laughing evily.

"SHIFT INTO GOKAI!" Bailey shouts as her Mobirate appear in her 5 digit paw. As the Gormins appear to be distracted while Pete's shouting out orders, she does the Carranger Morphing Handshake before inserting her Ranger Key into the slot and turning the key in one smooth contiunous motion.

"GokaiBlue, Maskman BlueMask! ON! THE! SCENE!" Bailey shouts as her desired female variant ranger suit appears over her body and her helmet forms over her head.

Bailey jump kicks Gormin #005 as she poses like Green Racer to the camera, kicking back a Gormin, and punches another Gormin away.

Jumpcut to King as he just got out of the police station with his Police badge and identification. "Oh no!" King's sixth sense is tingling "Bailey and the Pups' in trouble! Something evil's going on." he thinks to himself.

"SHIFT INTO GOKAI!" King shouts as his Mobirate appear in his 5 digit paw. Kitsune (Who too is ranger mutated complete with 5 digit paws on each arm) simply shouts "GOOD LUCK!" to him as if he too is aware of the challenge ahead. King does the Carranger Morphing Handshake before inserting his Ranger Key into the slot and and turning the key in one smooth contiunous motion.

"GokaiRed, Ninninger AkaNinger! ON! THE! SCENE!" King shouts as his desired male variant ranger suit appears over his body and his helmet forms over his head.

And just in time too! Bailey is sucker punched on her left solar plexus as she leans on a car, clutching her chest. King is super speeding onto the scene, armed with the Karakuri Hengen in Claw mode as he's taking out Gormin after Gormin until they're all knocked down. "Heard you could use a hand Honey. Are you okay?" "Yeah, thanks!"

"All Right! Then let's make this Showy and put 'em away!" Bailey equips her Masky Tonfas as husband and wife are ready to take down Pete's wave. As they are trying to finish them quickly, Pete can be seen and heard dodging and weaving in the mists of the chaos telling his troops "HAH! GET 'EM! GET 'EM! GET THOSE POWER RANGERS! FINISH THEM OFF!"

King proceeds to do a Shoryuken attack on a Gormin with his Karakuri Hengen in Sword mode, kicking down and slashing what's left for his batch of the wave. Bailey is blocking some attacks that a Gormin is attempting, procceding to throw him up, over, and gone.

The Gormins realizes that they're fighting a losing fight, so some of them run off in cowardice. "Yeah! We love to stay and finish you off..." "...But we have to help our pups!"

Pete is shoving the remaining Gormins around as he is a sore loser to the infinite power. "GO AHEAD KINGKAIGERS! HELP YOUR OFFSPRINGS IN THE POWER PLANT... IF IT'S STILL THERE!" He then proceeds to make a dramatic exit with the remaining Gormins, teleporting away.

We then cut to the Babylon Gardens Power Plant as the other three Kingkaigers are fighting Putties in the background, with Rook fighting a huge muscular Pitah with the Tunnel Ax. King is blocking and striking the Putty on his level with his Transformation Ninja Sword Ninja Ichibantou.

Bailey grabs a Putty to knee it in the abdomen, only for said putty to force her head onto a steel barricade in a stranglehold. She breaks free and throws the putty up and over the steel barricade.

"See ya! Happy Landings!" Bailey salutes mockingly ala Freakazoid as the putty falls to the concrete. (The cartoonists even gave her the same expression you could see on the visor being the same as when Freakazoid is saluting his foes mockingly.)

The Putty lands on it's back as it sits up afterwards, dazed as all get out. King is Deflecting and countering the putties.

And heck, Ace, Olive and Rook proceeds to deal out massive damage on Pitah with a set of Energy slashes from Ace's Saber Daggers, Olive's charge shots from her Cowl Laser, with Rook finishing it off with a very powerful strike from his Tunnel Ax. Sparks fly from Pitah as a Gokaiger Emblem scar forms on his chest.

"YOU LITTLE BRATS! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!!" Pitah vows revenge on the Pups. "ALL RIGHT PITAH! YOU'RE FINISHED!" King screamed heroically to Pitah "Yeah, my work here is done!" "What is Pete doing to the Power Plant?!" "That's for me to know and you to NOT know!" Pitah proceeds to make a vanishing egyptian themed exit, taking his Putty Patrol with with him.

"I got this Gokai Police Navigator when I obtained my Babylon Gardens K-9 Power Ranger unit badge and indentification." King noted to his family. "This will help us find what Pete's sinister plan for the day is!" The family shouted "RIGHT!" in agreement.

"...All right, it's really close!" the family is getting red hot to the Detonator. "That must be the Detonator" King noted "It's ticking and we don't have long before it goes off!" Ace deduced as the timer's going.

Cue sparks flying as a Human Commander of pete finds them. "That my pint-sized friend is a monumental understatment!" "Well, if it isn't my eternal nightmare!" King quipped. "What are you doing here as if I couldn't tell from your Crimers."

"Oh you know, JUST DESTROYING THE KINGKAIGERS! ATTACK!" Cue Joel Nightmare's Crimers rushing towards the Kingkaigers as King deflect the Crimer's punches, grabbing the Detonator firmly in a dodge. "We gotta get this outta here!" "Is there a switch to turn it off?" Olive asks.

King scans carefully in a second "No. Nothing."Olive shoots a Crimer with her Cowl Laser. "We gotta get rid of this thing!" King states the obvious. Olive and King dodge another Crimer as Olive tells her plan "We'll hold them off, you'll get it out of here!" "RIGHT!"

King is running with the time flow in general slowed down, the camera cutting to action shots with the first one being on the Detonator's timer. Time flow is back to normal as he dodges crimers with his family covering him. "Fox! We need to get the detonator somewhere to where it can do the least damage possible!" as Rook kicks a crimer teeth in, telling him to go.

"We're sending in the Giga Formula Robotic Arsenal Mobilizer or "Giga Formula R.A.M." for short! It should be arriving to your coordinates in an instant King!" King looks to the direction opposite to the straight and clear path. "THERE IT IS!" A Vehicular Unit that houses the Carrangers' weapons comes riding in.

As King lodges the Detonator in place, the timer speeds up, the family looks tense and fenzied. "IT'S GONNA BLOW!" Ace Screams in a close up on her Zyuranger TigerRanger helmet "HURRY!" Olive Screams in a close up on her Go-Onger Go-OnBlack Helmet "HONEY!" Bailey Screams in a close up of her Maskman BlueMask helmet "DO IT NOW!" Rook Screams in a close up of his ToQger ToQYonGouGreen helmet.

"GET GOING!" Ninninger RedNinger King commands to the Giga Formula as it speeds off with the detonator, going off when the timer hits zero, the Kingkaigers shielding themselves from the blast.

Cue the kingkaigers celebrating their victory with praise to each other and high fives.

Fade to black.


"HOW WOULD YOU REFER TO THEM AS?" Cue action scenes cutting into the sell "IT NOT MEGAFORCE!" More action footage "IT'S NOT SUPER MEGAFORCE!" Even more action footage. "IT'S NOT EVEN A NINJA STEAL!" Cue the GokaiOh Megazord doing the Radical Racing Spin Dash to finish "LAVAGRIFFIN" off. "IT'S "KAIZOKU SENTAI: POWER RANGERS KINGKAIGERS"/"PIRATE SQUADRON: POWER RANGERS KINGKAIGERS!"

After the explosive demise of LavaGriffin, Cut to a black screen with red text in front of the Gokaiger Emblem.

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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by NHWestoN »

Suspense !!!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Sorry if updates are not frequent. I will however get the Movie Pilot finished by this summer. I just have a lot of studies that's all.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

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Anything good's worth waiting for.....
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Keene Milton reforming? Well, that idea of the Milton ferrets becoming Pete's cronies is thrown out the window.

Sorry for the delays. I had passed a class and I could use the days of July 2018 to write the movie pilot as I wait for the next career class to begin.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Well, It's still in development. Not only that but my classes are underway. I will get the TV movie done soon like around my birthday (December 27th) where we get caught up with all of the housepets lore and cast for the year. For now... It's currently in development hell.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Just a opening preview of the movie that I started working on again. Yes, I am blending in elements of Dragon Ball to the Mix, among other series and this series will be live action, complete with Jim Henson's Creature Workshop providing all their Tender Love and Care for all non-human characters while toei would do the tokusatsu villains.
All of the mana in existance have been compressed into nine atom-structured atrifacts called "Ace of the Gods." The aces are "The Spade, The Diamond, The Heart, The Club, The Ten, The Jack, The Queen, The King, and The Ace."

The Oliver family (Specifically King and Bailey Oliver) have trekked far across the world for these magical aces in hopes of giving their offspring a wish. Ace, Olive and Rook Oliver on the other hand were enjoying the Tokusatsu shows based off of the various Ranger, Rider and Metal Heroes that were from long ago.

The Miltons screwed over the world one too many time and so King and his family decided to be part of Tommy Olivers' family to spite the reckless ferrets.

("Listen, I have been an unwitting pawn as a human, like you were an unwitting pawn to Rita Repulsia. I got transformed into a Corgi, I underwent various arcs of character development like you, met my wife Bailey (Who is a husky), went through even more development like you...")

("...me and my loving wife have our offspring Ace, Olive and Rook, they happen to be big fans of the tokusatsus and now we are defecting from the destructive ferrets because they have stopped at nothing to screw over the world for their own gain. So in other words, could we be a part of your family?")

("Huh. Your offspring sure know a lot about the Power Ranger legacy. Even so much as the secret identity. Tell you what, why don't I fill out your paperwork so that you can join me, and I will show you the way of the rangers.")

When the Aces were all found on the Triplets' first birthday, The two proceeds to summon the Guardians. "NOW THEN... RISE, GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE! RISE!"

And like that, the world turned dark, there were silence in the air, time seemingly stopped as the aces summoned the two Guardians in a blast of light, Kitsune and Dragon.

"We are the guardians of the universe. Make your wish and we shall grant them..." The triplets wish were for their family "to become... Power Rangers."

"Oh yeah, I know all about the legends. The Sentais, The Rangers, The Riders, The Heroes, The Troopers, The Beetleborgs, and the various heroes that were from long ago."

Kitsune have an Idea on which one they should be "Tell you what, why not have ALL of the Rangers, Riders, and Metal Heroes. From here on, you and your family shall become Gokaigers!"

And so the modifications begin. "Now a ranger is around adult human size right? So let's give your offspring the knowledge of around... your college graduates."

Kitsune then opened the youth's heads and inserted entire curriculum that King and Bailey have learned back in their classes.

"Now that we have the intellect out of the way, let's make you and your family more... Humanoid."

The Kitsune then modified the family's body structure to have five digits on each hand and foot like a human, their bodies and proportions grew to a proper human adult's size, with kitsune's own modifications of the same as well.

"Now let's see, what else should we need to prepare you... Ah, right! We will need perfect copies of all the powers you will wield."

Kitsune then energized them as they are registered to have complete access the morphing grid, obtaining the Trenger Chest cotaining all of the Ranger, Rider and Metal Hero forms in existance (with more to come as time goes on) as well as their Mobilrates morphers.

("Remember, Demon Beast Hunter Zeek is mine. Got it?")

"Now that we have that out of the way, how about..." He transforms to a gameshow host "...your very own Gokai Galleon!" The three "youths" are excited as they are given the arsenal to defend the earth.

The GokaiGalleon, GokaiJet, GokaiTrailer, GokaiRacer, and GokaiMarine. Alongside all of the Zords of the Past, Present and "More yet to come," Kitsune is giving them everything to start their Ranger career off.

"Still not enough surprises to the mix..." Kitsune, who is now sporting a designer outfit, is browsing through history when he noticed 'King and Bailey's Fourth Puppy Theory' 'I can one up that.' Kitsune thinks to himself

"What are you browsing?" When King asked him, Kitsune clasped the book down "No Spoilers for you."

"What about our enemies?" Rook asked Kitsune as he gets the Gokaiger's Civilian Outfits measured out for them. "We need some villains to fight against in order to make the most of our powers."

"Ah yes. As in 40 or so years of monsters of the week and plenty of villains as well. There will be more battles as time passes and with each year bringing more series to adapt, there will be enough action to last until the end of the century. I would also suspect that Pete the Griffin would be the main villain through all of this since he is making a mad dash for power, hence his exile."

King Oliver is Gokai Red (The leader since he's "The Man of the house,") Bailey Oliver is Gokai Blue, Ace Oliver is Gokai Yellow, Rook Oliver is Gokai Green, and Olive Oliver is Gokai Pink. They receive various clothing based off of their various counterparts.

...And so After Everything is set in stone "Now then, your brand new arsenal is all lined up, all of the keys are in place, and now you have an entire universe to defend. You will meet many new friends, rivals, enemies and more along the way. You shall forge a legend that spans both sides of the pond and across time and Space!"

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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Just a Update on how the series will end on the 100th Super Sentai Series.

I know that it will be a long road to the 100th Anniversary Season of Super Sentai but I am just posting the synopsis on the Final Kingkaiger season's Story arcs that will be posted at that time.

There will be spoilers as I will assume you will know that the fourth and fifth pup of King and Bailey's very litter from another dimension joins the Kingkaigers (Named Jack and Queen. Jack being a boy and Queen being a girl, both are Gokai Silver and (exclusive to the fic) Gokai Gold, both having a Green and Gold Mobilrate each.)

Kitsune becomes an additional "Eighth Ranger" to the Kingkaigers, getting a Black and Gold Mobilrate (Whilst also channeling The Genie from Disney's Aladdin for the comical relief from the drama)

and eventually the team adds to nine rangers with their owner Tommy Oliver joining the fight as well (But his default morphed ranger form is a mashup of Gokai Red, Gokai Silver, and his Green DragonRanger helmet with a silver and gold trim on the helmet)

the Baby Saga, The Super 17 Saga and the Shadow Dragon Saga of Dragon Ball GT will be adapted as final season's story line with the proper Gokaiger season before all that.

"The Final Evil Empire" : The final boss before the final bosses, the Zangyack intends on using the aces of the gods to destroy the entire world. They are defeated in the proper gokaiger season they are in but not before the head emperor wishes that all inferno breaks loose with the aces of the gods, which will lead to...

"FINAL BATTLE: Hellspawn Joel VS Kingkaigers" : The Super 17 saga adaptation where our rangers fights the most demonic nightmare from King Oliver's past: HIMSELF! As the "Last Man Standing" battle rages on with the loser being erased from existence while the winner stays, the entire universe is becoming unstable, all of existence is going to be erased with earth and heaven having all sorts of natural disasters from the negative energy.

Our rangers' last resort is to find the nine Ace of the Gods to wish everything back to normal. Unfortunately, the Aces are extremely unstable with all the negative energy, the chaos caused by all the foes in inferno being unleashed, not to mention the pure destruction involved in the fight against Joel. (In case you didn't know, Joel is erased from existence with King being the only one left living.)

The Aces (metaphorically speaking) shatters at the wish (In reality the aces are corrupted and cracked) unleashing the Ultimate God of Destruction that we first see in the Temple Crashers arc of the official Housepets comic.

which leads rather perfectly to...

"The FINAL Countdown to Destruction: All Inferno Breaks Loose." : The Kingkaigers have their work cut out for them. THE DEVIL, The Penultimate God of Destruction, is unleashed onto the world thanks to the corrupted Aces and all the negative energy unleashed. His ultimate goal is to destroy all of existence. His first goal is to destroy the Kingkaigers and the Heroes of legend.

The Kingkaigers pull out all of the stops, The core Kingkaigers controlling the "Gokai-Oh Megazord," Jack And Queen operating the "GoZyuJin Megazord," Kitsune operating "Sirender," Tommy Oliver operating "Guardian Beast Dragon Caesar" (Or "Dragonzord") with the rest of the Megazords both from Super Sentai and Power Rangers operated with artificial intelligence that the team can command tactics to, but ultimately they have all of their Megazords destroyed.

Eventually, despite the Olivers and Kitsune fighting at their absolute limit, they are ultimately killed. Their dying wish is that they need any energy that the world could spare for one last final attack to put an end to the Penultimate god of destruction. And the Universal Spirit Bomb scene will be the last attack to be adapted with the Penultimate FINAL Boss' demise.

The series will wrap up with an adaptation of the final episode of Dragon Ball GT just in time for the series to end on Super Sentai's 100th anniversary season.
Last edited by JamesTCat on Fri Aug 24, 2018 11:10 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by biddyfox »

Nice fanfic, James!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

"I'm sorry King but apparently all of your records, as both Joel and king have been erased from existence. You and your family will have to attend high school." "Could be good for a few refreshers."

Yeah, I had that idea for King and his family to be in high school. Also, Miles' cubs will be the "Bulk & Skull" in this fic. Still working on the fic by the way.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

So King and his kids would be the same age if they were all in high school...?
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:So King and his kids would be the same age if they were all in high school...?
Yes, King and His offspring will be physically and intellectually the same age. Bailey might be the same age as well but I think you'll be right on that part.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

It seems kind of weird but I haven't seen the whole idea so I can't comment.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, and Ishimori Productions. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.

Everything else is owned by their respective owners. Please support the official release.

Note that visually in this fic, all housepets are the same in the comic, just with Five digits each hand and foot to better suit the ranger forms. Just something minor.

Also note that I decided that the series will be Live Action with the anthropromorphic species being made by the Jim Henson Creature Workshop.

Realized Kitsune was a Male so I made him Beast-Demon Hunter Zeek when it comes to his powers.

Furthermore, Japanese Ranger, Rider and Metal Hero names for all related to the heroes are a priority, though the fic will use Power Rangers Terminology.

Also, if a character is cursing then This will show up ("CENSORED!") This on the other hand --->("FORBIDDEN")<--- shows up whenever a character uses one of the Seven Forbidden words that George Carlin made famous.

Also, there may be some situations which some may find disturbing despite the self censoring. Viewer discretion is advised.

The Super Sentai, Kamen Riders, Metal Heroes, and Power Rangers were fighters who defended the earth. After their epics were all said and done, their powers were guarded by the Three Guardians.

Now the Guardian Dragon entrusted their powers to a family in the battle against the rogue guardian Pete the Griffin. King, Bailey, Ace, Olive, Rook. The Oliver family of Corgis and Huskies must defend the earth from this great threat!

Greetings. I am the storyteller for this TV Movie pilot. Just call me Kitsune, or Beast-Demon Hunter Zeek. Whichever floats your boat.

When the pups Ace, Olive and Rook were getting to be one human year old, Rook wished for his family to become Power Rangers.

Dragon and I decided to make them Gokaigers, will all the Ranger Keys plus Kamen Riders and Metal Heroes added in to the lot with more on the way.

Oh, didn't you know? Animal anthros age like humans but with two years to age a human year.

And now I will go over what adventures they have the instant they became Kingkaigers.

Cue full opening Theme


♪Forward! lets hoist up the flag of courage♪
♪Dashing through across the seven seas♪
♪Sink or Swim, The invincible wind will guide you all the way...♪

♪Your goal isn't on any sort of map♪
♪It's no illusion that is playing those tricks♪
♪Everyone is searching for their very own treasure in this scavenger that we call life!♪

♪I want to check and make sure that everyone is not the same at all♪
♪Just do what you want, when it comes to your goals♪
♪It's all life or death, when you want something done, do it straight away... without regrets!♪

♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's take the lead of the fight!♪
♪Forward these uncharted routes in the vast seas of the entire world from coast to coast!♪
♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's sail through the storms!♪
♪Your persistent recklessness, your mighty battles will be the ones that will change the world!♪
♪Big dreams are ones that are endless!♪
♪Pirate Squadron Kingkaiger!♪

♪Go Ahead! as we raise our anchor onward♪
♪Let's raise our might for freedom and howl mightily♪
♪With our spirits as bullets, the indestructible fire calls out to you and me...♪

♪Open your eyes! Let's go forth on uncharted worlds♪
♪Defending our earth is our travel plan♪
♪There is no such things as limits that are put in place♪
♪For it's the reason that we are still alive!♪

♪Don't give up for even when the fight looks dark and grim...♪
♪Even if your body's tainted over, The thunder lights up♪
♪An immortal future will be what we strive onward... and yonward!♪

♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's give it our very best!♪
♪The fate we believe to be our very own♪
♪Is the one we're gonna plunder!♪
♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's triumph over evil!♪
♪Your feeling aren't in pieces, the places you must go♪
♪Is yours and only yours to decide!♪
♪Okay! The compass is in your heart!♪
♪Power Rangers Kingkaiger!♪

♪Let's make a promise to the world♪
♪For as long as there's light in our hearts♪
♪To never lose, we'll earn our victory with effort♪
♪That's our only oath!♪

♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's take the lead of the fight!♪
♪Forward these uncharted routes in the vast seas of the entire world from coast to coast!♪
♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's sail through the storms!♪
♪Your persistent recklessness, your mighty battles will be the ones that will change the world!♪
♪Big dreams are ones that are endless!♪
♪Pirate Squadron Kingkaiger!♪
All of the mana in existence have been compressed into nine atomic-structured atrifacts called "Ace of the Gods." The aces are "The Spade, The Diamond, The Heart, The Club, The Ten, The Jack, The Queen, The King, and The Ace."

The family have trekked far across the world for these magical aces in hopes of giving their offspring a wish. Ace, Olive and Rook on the other hand were enjoying the Tokusatsu shows based off of the various Ranger, Rider and Metal Heroes that were from long ago.

When the Aces were all found on the Triplets' first birthday, The two proceeds to summon the Guardians. "NOW THEN... RISE, GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE! RISE!"

And like that, the world turned dark, there were silence in the air, time seemingly stopped as the aces summoned the two Guardians in a blast of light, Kitsune and Dragon.

"We are the guardians of the universe. Make your wish and we shall grant them..." The triplets wish were for their family "to become... Power Rangers."

"Oh yeah, I know all about the legends. The Sentais, The Rangers, The Riders, The Heroes, The Troopers, The Beetleborgs, and the various heroes that were from long ago."

Kitsune have an Idea on which one they should be "Tell you what, why not have ALL of the Rangers, Riders, and Metal Heroes. From here on, you and your family shall become Gokaigers!"

And so the modifications begin. "Now a ranger is around adult human size right? So let's give your offspring the knowledge of around... your college graduates."

Kitsune then opened the youth's heads and inserted entire curriculum that King and Bailey learned back in their classes.

"Now that we have the intellect out of the way, let's make you and your family more... Humanoid."

The Kitsune then modified the family's body structure to have five digits on each hand and foot like a human, their bodies and proportions grew to a proper human adult's size, with his own modifications of the same as well.

"Now let's see, what else should we need to prepare you... Ah, right! We will need perfect copies of all the powers you will wield."

Kitsune then energized them as they are registered to have complete access the morphing grid, obtaining the Trenger Chest cotaining all of the Ranger, Rider and Metal Hero forms in existence (with more to come as time goes on) as well as their Mobilrates morphers.

"Now that we have that out of the way, how about your very own Gokai Galleon?" The three "youths" are excited as they are given the arsenal to defend the earth.

The GokaiGalleon, GokaiJet, GokaiTrailer, GokaiRacer, and GokaiMarine. Alongside all of the Zords of the Past, Present and "More yet to come," Kitsune is giving them everything to start their Ranger career off.

"Still not enough surprises to the mix..." Kitsune, who is now sporting a designer outfit, is browsing through history when he noticed 'King and Bailey's Fourth Puppy Theory' 'I can one up that.' Kitsune thinks to himself

"What are you browsing?" When King asked him, Kitsune clasped the book down "No Spoilers for you."

"What about our enemies?" Rook asked Kitsune as he gets the Gokaiger's Civilian Outfits measured out for them. "We need some villains to fight against in order to make the most of our powers."

"Ah yes. As in 40 or so years of monsters of the week and plenty of villains as well. There will be more battles as time passes and with each year bringing more series to adapt, there will be enough action to last until the end of the century. I would also suspect that Pete the Griffin would be the main villain since he is making a mad dash for power, hence his exile."

King is Gokai Red (The leader since he's "The Man of the house,") Bailey is Gokai Blue, Ace is Gokai Yellow, Rook Gokai Green, and Olive is Gokai Pink. They recieve various clothing based off of their various counterparts.

...And so After Everything is set in stone "Now then, your brand new arsenal is all lined up, all of the keys are in place, and now you have an entire universe to defend. You will meet many new friends, rivals, enemies and more along the way. You shall forge a legend that spans both sides of the pond and across time and Space!"



The family awakened in the sleeping quarters inside their GokaiGalleon, realizing that their wish came true.

"Bailey?" "Yes King?" "The triplet's wish came true. I am going to explore our new quarters and get my bearings."

"All right honey. We'll get our bearings a little later." With that, King exited the sleeping quarters and looked all throughout the galleon. He noted how nice the ship's interiors looked and how everything is streamlined.

He noticed the Treanger box on a pedestal, filled with Ranger keys of every Power Ranger, every Super Sentai, every Kamen Rider, every Metal Hero and even various others that can be considered as "Thrid Party Ranger Keys."

"Huh. There's everything including the kitchen sink. Actually, the proverbial kitchen sink is a robot master known as "Pump Man." King commented on the Third Party Keys.

King continued to look around the galleon, soon reaching the Zord Hanger of the ship. Every Zord and "Zord-Builder Part" are stored here until they are summoned. (Note that their Gokai Galleon is a Zord as well.)

Soon King checked the arsenal noting the various pistols, swords and weapons that can be used. King took a "Gokai Gun" pistol, aimed at a target and then fired an Energy shot, destroying the bulls-eye target.

King noted the "Gokai Galleon Buster," deciding "I'll wait till later when the family is ready for the finishing move."


... After sunrise, everyone awakened. King donned a red jacket that is fashioned with gold trimmings and buttons with the inside of the jacket being black. Everyone else in the family wore colored coded clothing. King wears red, Bailey wears blue, Ace wears yellow, Rook wears green and Olive wears pink.

"All right, we have to get our aptitude tests since we have to get jobs following the new directive." King told his owner Tommy, to which he responds "Good luck."

It's only later that the Olivers find out what's going on. "All right Mr. Oliver, let me just look up information on you, seeing as you have a varied history. You were once human correct?" "An unwitting pawn of Pete, yes."

The jaguar finds out about his data "Mr. Oliver, our data on you and your family (Barring your owners Tommy and Catherine) have been wiped clean." "Have you tried checking the files for "Joel Robinson?"

The jaguar tries looking that up "It says "no such person exists." I don't understand it. Your family's records have been wiped."

"Hey dad, I got an idea on how we can do something." Rook whispered into his ear. "Oh. Well, I could use some refreshers." King tells the jaguar "All right, our family decided to head to High School and get an education."

"But you'll have to take a benchmark test to see if you'll make it to said schooling." "No problem! I'm always up for a challenge!"


Meanwhile, in an unknown location, Pete The Griffin is scheming a vile scheme to try and take over the world. "King Oliver. Drat him! Double Drat him and his family! They have a wide array of Ranger Keys, armed to the teeth even!"

Pete is scowling at his viewing globe as he noted King and his family taking an exam in a classroom. "And futher more, they are going to Babylon Garden high! Glorified Point-To-Point of the Mighty Morphin days!"


Cue Pete zipping to a mixer and drinking what's implied to be an alcoholic mixture as he is drinking his fury out. He zips back to the room over to resume his scowling "Confound them..." He hiccups as he is intoxicated.

To make matters even more infuriating, he have a series of henchmen that he employs. "We know about your hatred for the Olivers, as King was once your pawn." A inventor for Pete replies, a scientist of the bozowack empire. "I think the audience knows that already Porto!" "And the hiring from various empires, I'm sure that won't get scattersome."

"Give the orders boss! I'll give them a tough time!" An winged apeman clad in gold is also another of the hired men from various empires. "Not now Goldar, We will wait until the time is right..."


...After the exams are finished, King, Bailey, Ace, Olive and Rook turn them in to a wolf working in the classroom who gave the exams. "I know we're a little rusty on the topics but we did the best we can." They turned in their Scantron and the exams, leaving the classroom.

"I don't believe it. They qualified for high school. If young toddlers could grasp algebra, then maybe we'll have an absurd time these next four years..." Referring to the fact that Ace, Olive and Rook are extremely young despite the physical and intelect form they now have.


"... And not a moment too soon, For I have been hired into Pete's empire to take on the Kingkaigers!" A bald buffoon with a high collar, goofy grin and a cardsword is about to jump the rangers. He answers to the name of Elgar.

"HEY DOGGIES, YOU LIKE VIOLENCE?!" He jumps King and his family with a downward thrust as they tried to block it, only for sparks to fly out. "Who the dragoon is this weirdo attacking us?!" Bailey asks in confusion as Elgard pogos off the rangers with his blade. "There is no weirdo! Only Elgar!"

The rangers defensively rolled away from the buffoon who is trying to defeat them. As Elgar jumps onto the ground, he draws his blade as he summons the foot soldiers known as "Gormins" "These are the benchmark in footsoldiers! Their strength is that they will overwhelm with their might! Also named after "Garbage."

King considered getting the arsenal ready but a voice in his mind told him 'There is a time and a place for everything but now is not the time to esclate the fight.'

The family proceed to face off against the Gormin. The family and gormins try to get good footing for their first strike. ("Playing Footsies" as it's known in the Fighting Vernacular) Ace opens with a kicking strike, striking Gormin #003 in the Sterum.

Bailey is dodging left and strikes Gormin #006 as it tries to strike her with a hook. As she is striking the Gormin in the right rib with her elbow, another one is attempting to strike her when she's not looking. She catches the schmuck, stating "How dare you attack with my back turned..." She then proceeds to strike Gormin #007 with a upward kicking motion.

Olive proceeds to strike Gormin #009 in the abdomen with a spearhand strike, two more are jumping at her to try and take her down. She kicks a soccer ball into them with force, the ball making a forceful impact onto their solar plexus.

Rook meanwhile is trying to strike Gormin #004 and #002 as he tries to get footing. They try to strike him but he slips under them with a sliding motion, then strikes with a tiger mouth onto their kidney.

King is opening his attack as Gormin #005 tries to strike him with a charging attack. He proceeds to go under the Gormin as he loops over and stomps the goon into it's back.

Gormin #008 and Gormin #001 decided to break out their weapons as they decided they are getting trounched. The other Gormins follow suit, taking out their clubs and firing the heads as they esclate the fight.

But as time slowed down, before the warheads makes impact, the Kingkaigers knew exactly what to do. "IT'S MORPHING TIME!" They spawn their mobilrates, alongside their main ranger keys, shouted "GOKAI CHANGE!" inserts their key into the keyhole, turn the keys and morphs.

The initial morphing sequence have their ranger form spawn as the roman numerals "XXXV" passes through them, forming the suit, the helmet, the visor and the Gokaiger insignia as an excited, hammy voice screams out "GOKAIGER!"

The five proceeds to roll call out their ranks "Kingkaiger 1gou GokaiRed!" "Kingkaiger 2gou GokaiBlue!" "Kingkaiger 3gou GokaiYellow!" "Kingkaiger 4gou GokaiGreen!" "Kingkaiger 5gou GokaiPink!"

After King, Bailey, Ace, Rook and Olive stated their ranks and default ranger forms (posing stylishly as they did so,) they exclamed "FIGHTING FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD! PIRATE SQUADRON POWER RANGERS KINGKAIGERS ARE ON THE SCENE!"

When the sequence is finished, a lot more Goumin spawn as they try to take them down in sheer numbers. King brandish a Gokaisaber and Gokaigun as he aims the gun, firing at some of the Gormins as the shots connects, knocking them down as sparks are flying.

The Kingkaigers proceeds to charge ahead, clashing sabers with gormins' clubs as they fire their guns, intending to charge ahead to get footing.

"So they used IDFA to get the complete arsenal eh?" Elgar noted. "Well it's a war they're going to get!"

Miles exits the building he's in as he evades the ongoing carnage, ducking behind a corner and watching the fight. "So King and his family are like the Angel Grove class of 1993. Alright, I can handle that." As more clashing occur off-screen "I wonder if they would use the first Super Sentai in America or the first Super Sentai in Japan?"

A Red grappling hook catches the side of the roof as Olive fires the Gokaigun at two Gormin before getting behind a third, kicking him down as she begins to swing around with the grappling line, firing her gokaigun at a mass of Gormins below before landing on a landmass with more Gormins, slashing her Gokaisaber into one of them.

Ace is dashing through as she jumps over a curb, firing Gokaigun at some Gormins before slashing her Gokaisaber at one and another before turning back, firing her gun at Gormin #11, slashing again at more before kicking Gormin #013 off his footing, falling back first with some oil drums.

Bailey jumps from one area to the next as she slashes with her Gokaisaber, striking Gormin #012 before jumping onto an automobile, rolling dodge as she slashes more Gormins afterward before firing her gun at one on top of the auto.

Rook backflips off a girder as small explosions occurs on the beams, falling down to a mob of Gormins that's firing at him before catching a rubber cable, slowing his fall before jumping up and firing at some Gormins.

King is dashing through the mob, walljumping as he slashes two Gormins off, before a third and a fourth tries to jump him as he's firing at some of them, the first getting shot by the Gokaigun with the second is countered with Gokaisaber.

King then jumps on an auto before blocking an attack and firing at the attackers with his Gokaigun. King then throws his saber through Gormin #012, the blade loged onto said Gormin's chest. "Need a little helper honey?" King asks Bailey as Rook throws his Gokaisaber to his dad.

Bailey states "Sure thing, give this to our boy!" as she throws her Gokaigun to her husband. King kicks the gun to Rook as he catches his Gokaisaber, slashing a oncoming Gormin.

Rook is having the time of his life as he swings on the rubber cable as he catches the Gokaigun, aiming at the enemies, whilst Bailey draws the Gokaisaber, slashing more as Rook is shooting more.

Soon Gormins fire their explosive shot at Bailey as she slashes the shots in half, the cut shells exploding on their impact.

Ace throws Olive her Gokaigun "Wanna trade sis?" Olive complied as she hands her sister her Gokaisaber with a throw so Ace slashes more.

Olive is jumping through the landscape, shooting more of those Gormins with her two Gokaiguns. Her shots are numerous as she even gets on her back to shoot some more before getting up and, whilst twirling, shooting a lot of Gormins.

Ace flips through the area slashing a gormin, stating "Not enough." before using her sabers, now connected to wires, slashing many gormins all at once in a stylish, showy manner.

Even more gormins are now showing up. "We're gonna have to fine them for late arrival!" Ace joked to her family. "Well, they're here now, so let's try some of the forms out!" King stated. ("Does he means..." "What I think..." "Of course...")

King taps his buckle revealing... Gekiranger keys. The group uses the keys ("GOKAI CHANGE!") to transform into "GEKIRANGER!"

King is now GekiRed, Bailey GekiBlue, Ace GekiYellow, Rook GekiViolet, and Olive GekiChopper.

"So they decided to use Gekiranger first." Miles noted. "All right, I won't lose sleep over it." The five are striking with melee attacks at the gormins. With several knife hand stikes King is feeling the enhanced speed he now have with this form.

Olive is slicing and dicing with the Sai-Blade Cutters, cutting through Gormins like they were ingredients.

Rook gives Olive a jumping boost as she slices more gormins with her Sai-Blades. Bailey is equipped with the GekiFan as she uses it to slice through more Gormin as well, sliding under a Gormin to evade a strike.

Ace jumps through the crowd of Gormin as she stomps them into the ground, using her Gekitonfas to electrocute them with a shocking impact.

King is trying to get footing against Gormin #014 but decided to pick the gormin up by their feet and use the "Tiger Dust Cloth Mopping" tecnique as he uses the Gormin as an actual dust mop on some of them before throwing it into the others.

The others note that they can use more than the weapons, so they decided to use some of the speed based tecniques. They use the "Haste" enhancement to speed up, striking the gormins in rapid succession as the gormins try to get a single attack in.

Soon they realize that they need to finish them off so they spawn the Gekibazooka out of thin air, King catching it as it falls. Their bond as a family charges it in about three seconds before firing it, destroying the hordes of Gormins.

Elgar decided to back off from the family "Well I guess I'll cut my losses. Guess I'll head back to Unknown Location, Report this to the Chicken Lion, get chewed out by him and make the next plan! See you again!" And with that, Elgar teleports out with a playing card based effect.

The family transform back to Gokaiger Ranger Form as they have won the first fight of theirs. But further away are two ranger figures themed after bandanna wearing pirates clad in Gold and Silver as they were watching the fight from far away through energy readings.


...It was later that they are back to civilian form, reviving some mail stating they are enrolled in Babylon Garden's High School.

"ALL RIGHT! We're enrolled!" The pups cheered as they excitedly dashed to their parents as they told them the news. "Mommy! Daddy! Guess what?" Their pups were excited like well... puppies.

"We're all enrolled. We got the news as well." King stated as Bailey is hugging him. "So, what dy'a wanna do honey?" King thought about it for a moment. "Let's celebrate!"

...And with that, their friends cooked up a feast. And King tried out curry in that feast. He liked it at first bite.

--End of Act 1
Last edited by JamesTCat on Thu Dec 27, 2018 3:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

--Beginning of Act 2

As soon as the school year begins, Miles is introducing the newest pupils. "Now the new students are great friends of mine, part of my wolf pack. I give you King Oliver, Bailey Oliver, Ace Oliver, Rook Oliver, and Olive Oliver."

The class greets the newest students as Rook were looking away, thinking about stuff. "What's wrong Rook? Don't you want to meet your new classmates?" "I want to meet them but I feel that our first fight was merely a fluke."

"A fluke? What do you mean aside from our first win?" "I mean, there will be more dangerous threats we have to face off against. Aside from possible beginner's luck, I think we will have to face off against these forces with the stakes rising."

"I'm sure we can handle it. Now let's get to know everyone, I'm sure they're excited to meet us." As they were getting to know their fellow students, they have yet to notice Miles' cubs. These wolves are not the nicest of the lot. In fact, if anything they have a bone to pick with the Olivers.

"Hey. You're the newest students right?" "Skull" asked King "Yes? You must be Miles' cubs. How's life?" North Star, Ken "Skull" Cranium, and Ivan Prower Freely have marked on their minds their targets.

"Don't take this personal, but you've been marked." North Star stated "You're our targets now. We will make your lives a humiliating nightmare..." Ivan Prower noted as the feeling would be mutual.

"All right. May the best man win." Olive told him. "Good luck~" as she blew a kiss to him, which he gaged pointing to the inside of his mouth.

"Take your seats! Class is about to begin!" Miles is ready to begin.


...Meanwhile, in the unknown location. "...And to reiterate, THAT is why I make the orders first!" Pete the Griffin is chewing out Elgar.

"Look on the bright side Chicken Lion ("Don't call me Chicken Lion!") I got a measure of their strength. If they are as strong as their familiar bonds then boy do we have a challenge on our hands!"

"Maybe but I'm hoping that my first monster will be complete so we can defeat them!" Porto tells Pete the news on the first monster "Well I have challenged myself concocting a monster based on some Rope. Therefore I present to you Pete T. Griffin for your dectitation, String Pipehead."

String Pipehead is a brute who's head and left arm is entirely made of a rope-looking pipe. The body is colored gold and purple and at one end of the pipe on the center is a eye. The other end is a mouth with shark fangs.

"Greetings my Griffon mastermind! How may I serve you this day?" Pete is intrigued. "First off, I will fill you in on your targets." Summoning training dummies that bears a striking resemblance to the Kingkaigers, Pete informs him about his enemies.

-- (the Backstory on King and his family begins here

"King was once a fool by the name of Joel Robinson, a member of the infamous PETA. I happen to transform him into a corgi by the name of King. Oh I had him obeying my every order."

"But as King met Bailey, A husky who was my pawn after King, he decided to be a corgi forever. That's when the game concluded. He married Bailey afterward and had three puppies, Ace, Olive and Rook. The family were familiar with those Tokusatsu shows and even so much as..."

He spoke really fast on this next line "...Enjoyed them un-ironically and were big fans of the entire legacy!" He gasped afterwards in mock shock.

"Soon afterward, they gave Keene Milton "The Bird" and decided to make residence with the Olivers, Thomas and Catherine. Considering both Tommy, Kat, Bailey and King were unwitting pawns to masterminds at one point, it's really a no-brainer that they would get along as fast owner and pets."

"They gathered the nine aces and on the pups' first birthday they made their wish to become Power Rangers." Porto noted "But the very first scene after the opening already told that part." Pete turned to Porto "I know that. But the audience need reinstatement."

"The entire family have been remade into Kingkaigers, the name being a mutation of King's own name and the Gokaiger name. They obtain all of Ranger Forms (from both sides of the pond,) the Rider Forms, The Metal Hero Forms, their entire arsenals, all the zords, all of the techniques, weaponry and EVERYTHING POSSIBLE!"

--(Backstory footage ends here.

Pete is scowling at this point. "Show me what you can do to these Training Dummies and you may earn your keep." String Pipehead spit energy balls out of his mouth, taking out some of the dummies limbs before using his eye beams to decapitate the other dummies and bite off the King dummy's head.

"Hope we can keep The Censors happy." A alien warrior with extremely heavy armor showed up as he witnessed the Training dummies' decapitation and head being bitten off.

"Ah, one of my many hired men. Rygog was it? You're going to help String Pipehead here defeat the Kingkaigers."

"At once Your repugnance." Rygog proceeds to teleport with a burning blade effect whilst String teleport as if he used an Escape Rope from a specific video game.


...Soon, the family's first day in school is finished. They studied dilligently throughout their classes as they refreshed their knowledge.

As soon as they left the school, toting book bags, they decided to patrol the city. King dials "5-5-0-1" on his mobilrate to summon their GokaiGalleon.

As they ziplined up to the galleon, the noticed some power levels going off the charts. As they decide to investigate, The mysterious Silver and Gold Rangers are already fighting String Pipehead.


...String Pipehead is constricting the rangers as they attempt to strike the binding pipes with their Gokaispears.

They strike the constricting pipes to break loose. As the pipes are cut, they are ready to send String packing. They tap their buckles revealing two ranger keys.

"GOKAI CHANGE!" They used their Green and Gold Mobilrates to transform into... ("ZYURANGER!" "DAIRANGER!") ...Dragonranger and Kibaranger. Green and White Sixth Rangers.

The Silver Ranger who is now Dragonranger charged up an energy ball with his hands, firing the "FIREBALL!" with force, striking String with impactful force.

The Gold Ranger who is now Kibaranger charges up Saba Byakkoshinken as she charges towards String, firing shots charged to counter the energy balls String shoots from his eye.

String Pipehead is thinking as he blocks every attack from the two "Darn, I'm gonna need some backup..." He summons some Gormins to help him out.

These Gormin's attacks involves tricks with yo-yo as they strike the two Rangers with their yo-yos, catching the Gold one by her grabbing the weapon, only for her to get a Shocking remark (if you catch my drift.)

The Gold Ranger is feeling many volts coursing through her veins, making her dazed and dizzy. "Don't worry Queen! I'll cover you!" He takes a green Dragon Dagger known as Zyusouken, and proceeds to play a rousing melody, buffing the two.

The Gold Ranger who we now know as "Queen" gets her bearings and slaps the sides of her head, at that point which she recovered from her daze. "Thanks for the buffs Jack. Now let's put these foot soldiers away!"

The Silver Ranger who we now know as "Jack" uses this opportunity to slice the Gormin's strings with the Dragon Dagger of his. Now disarmed, the gormins spawns their clubs as they scream a groaning "AAAGGGGHHHH!" now that their gimmick is shot.

The gormins tries to get their footing as they attempt to get their attack in now. The two rangers strike them but only at the tip of their blades.

The gormins then launches their club's heads like grenade launchers, to which Jack and Queen stabbed the heads back to the gormins before the club's heads exploded at the gormin's feet.

As the fight was going on, The Kingkaigers were getting closer to Jack and Queen's location, their Power Levels were genetically and biologically connected to the Kingkaigers themselves. "What is this strange connection between these readings and this very family?" King wondered in his head.

The fight now consisted of ranged attacks trying to hit their opponent. The Power Levels of the two sides are now neck and neck as they charged up their energy to pull off their finishing move.

"COMBINATION... VACUUM..." Jack and Queen charging a Fireball to send String Pipehead flying.

Just then "STOP! ALL OF YOU!" The Kingkaigers arrived, morphed and all. "We can't just stop the combination attack." Jack and Queen stated. "Maybe if we just put the attack down gently..."

A voice screamed "COMBINATION VACUUM FIREBALL" as they put the attack down, with String dodging to one side to get away from the attack.

"Oh goodie, the fam's all here. Wait 'til Pete hears about this." String Pipehead is about to leave, stating "There will be a Round 2 soon Kingkaigers." before teleport away, looking like he's using an escape rope.

Jack and Queen demorph back into GokaiSilver and GokaiGold (GokaiGold being a Distaff Counterpart to GokaiSilver) with Queen asking "Who are you guys. Your energy readings are based by family but... Could it be?"

"Mommy? Daddy?" Jack realized right then and there that they found their family despite the backstory coming up. Rygog caught up, but realizing String is not there, he asked "Where did String Pipehead go?"

"Back to Pete." King replied. "And also, I see that you're related to Silver and Gold over there." Rygog begins to teleport back "Anyways, thank you for that information." he teleport with a burning blade effect.

--End of Act 2
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

--Beginning of Act 3

The act opens with a shot of a fridge being opened by Tommy Oliver, as he's taking out some soda from around back for his family.

"So, as you can see, we're your fourth and fifth puppies. We've come from another dimensional timeline where we were born with Ace, Olive and Rook." Jack and Queen explained to their family, now helmet-less.

Jack and Queen are combination of Corgi and Husky like Ace, Olive and Rook but Jack having more grey overall and Queen having more orange overall.

"As it is we already have enough mouths to feed." Tommy stated as he hands the family some soda obtained from the fridge "But since you may be an asset to your family, why don't you stay a bit."

"We would love to. But we may need some training since we don't really have anything except the link to the family's arsenal of ranger keys."

Tommy looked bright eyed when they stated they need training. "I've got one Zordon." Jack and Queen were confused. "What d'ya mean?" "I said from now on you're an Oliver and our pupils."

"Welcome to our family Jack and Queen Oliver. Would you like to stay for dinner?" The two thought about it for a moment, then replied "Jack and Queen Oliver would."

...Over the next few days, Jack and Queen were enrolled to Babylon Gardens High with their biological family. And the family were also enduring various training from their owners.

This act is dedicated to their training.

The training programs begin. "Halt! Who goes there?" Blocky, Jagged humanoids that bears striking resemblance to various Rangers are spawning in the arena.

"Oh, you're the pets of the registered owners of this program. Welcome. The road of 100 Fights will begin soon. For now, Let's introduce you to the program. We are the instructors you will be facing off against."

"Your objective is to defeat each and every one of us. See how far you can go. And hey, if you can complete all 100 battles, let the time attack begin."

"May we switch ranger forms throughout?" "You may but the timer will still be going as you morph, as well as everything else." "Including catching our breath?" "Including Catching your breath."

Tommy Oliver is willing to fight them throughout the program as they progress, in his hands a White and Gold Mobilrate with a speed dial morph that acts like a Favorites list. (You know what his favorite ranger forms are. Zyuranger Dragonranger, Dairanger Kibaranger, Ohranger OhRed and Abaranger AbareBlack.)

"All right, with all that out of the way, shall we begin?" The low poly training actor asks. The Kingkaigers were thinking. "Don't worry, you got this. It's your time to shine when the program begins."

After some thought, they decided "All right, let the training begin." As they get to the starting location, a voice is speaking "NOBODY BLINK..." as the two sides are trying to get footing, with an even number of training actors entering the arena.

Then as if on cue, the voice alongside the kingkaigers shouted "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" They spawn their Mobilrates, and their Ranger Keys, shouted out "GOKAI CHANGE!" inserted the key into the key hole, turned the key and proceeded to morph.

The initial morphing sequence have their ranger form spawn as the roman numerals "XXXV" passes through them, forming the suit, the helmet, the visor and the Gokaiger insignia as an excited, hammy voice screams out "GOKAIGER!"

An additional morphing sequence with GokaiSilver and GokaiGold follows. The Roman Numerals "XVI" pass through Jack and Queen, forming the ranger form's suit with the "X," the visor with the "V," and the "bandanna" with the "I."

The team proceed to roll call and shout out their ranks "Kingkaiger 1gou GokaiRed!" "Kingkaiger 2gou GokaiBlue!" "Kingkaiger 3gou GokaiYellow!" "Kingkaiger 4gou GokaiGreen!" "Kingkaiger 5gou GokaiPink!" "Kingkaiger 6gou GokaiSilver!" "Kingkaiger 7gou GokaiGold!"

After King, Bailey, Ace, Rook, Olive, Jack and Queen stated their ranks and default ranger forms (posing stylishly as they did so,) they exclaimed "FIGHTING FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD! KAIZOKU SENTAI POWER RANGERS KINGKAIGERS ARE ON THE SCENE!"

"TRIUMPH OR DIE!" The voice in the program shouted after the morph completes. As the training actors begin getting their footing, the Kingkaigers begins by firing their GokaiGuns at them. "Cheeky." The training actors remarked.

Soon, more training actors are on the scene. The Gokaisabers are clashing with their punches, as the training actors proceed to throw them over their shoulders.

The training actors are parrying the Gokaiguns' shots now with precision. As they continue fighting, they are being watched by Tommy Oliver, out of sight as he notes their training progress with some paper and pen.

Soon Training actor #001 falls with a kicking throw. The other training actors decided to morph. "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Cue the morphing taking place in an instant. What follows now is Jagged, Blocky, Low Poly counterparts to the rangers the Kingkaigers have access to. (Which is all of them from both sides of the pond, Japan, and America.)

"Let's be sporting about this Honey." Bailey is thinking of some stratagems. "We should focus our skills with our default ranger forms. Then when we get to the later areas we'll have an easier time just focusing with one set of forms."

Of course, Tommy knew ahead of time, hence why the Training actors and everyone else but our heroes, with a attack type known as "Snapback Morph" they can force the Kingkaigers the change Ranger forms with a single blow.

King is focusing on the Abaranger AbareKiller White training actor while the others focused on Kakuranger NinjaBlue, Zyuranger Petraranger Pink, Goggle V GoggleBlack, Bioman Red1, Dekaranger DekaYellow, JAKQ (Say "JAKQ" as "Jacker") CloverKing Green, and Changeman ChangeMermaid White.

Bailey is focused on Petraranger Pink training actor as she is attempting to slash through the arrows the actor fires. As she slashes through each one, she's getting closer to the actor.

Both pull out their respective GokaiGuns and RangerStick BladeBlasters (in Gun Mode) firing at each other, the shots countering each other. Soon Bailey is close to the actor, proceeding to throw her to the ground.

Olive meanwhile is facing off against DekaYellow as she (DekaYellow) welds a D-Knuckle and D-Shot. Olive is telling her to "Come on, hit me!" as she makes a "Come here" motion with her hand. The Actor proceed to hit Olive with a hard punching strike, causing a "SNAPBACK MORPH!" as Olive transforms into... ("BOUKENGER!") ...BoukenRed.

Rook is facing off against GoggleBlack as the actor welds the Black Clubs. "Watch out Everyone! They have "Snapback Attacks" that will force a morph to a different form each time!" Rook asks Olive "Why don't you change back to the form you're using earlier?"

"I can't right now" Olive explains "The "Snapback Morph attacks" nulls the Mobilrates for some time, So I can't morph until it cools off from the impact!"

Queen realizes "I didn't know we can morph into more Red Rangers at once!" She taps her buckle, revealing a ranger key. "GOKAI CHANGE!" She uses the key with her Mobilrate ("GOKAI CHANGE!") Transforming into... ("B-FIGHTER!") ...Red Striker Beetleborg, B-Fighter Reddle.

"Wait, we can transform into forms other than Rangers?" Jack realizes the possibilities. "Then I guess I could use this then!" as he taps his buckle revealing a key. "GOKAI CHANGE!" He morphs into... ("EX-AID! MIGHTY ACTION X!") Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. But he looks like a small fry compared to the others.

"Level One Mighty Action X huh? Guess I'll make the most out of it then." As his speed buffs and attack power debuffs, he's evading the CloverKing actor. He is bobbing and weaving, dodging the actor's attacks as he then wall jumps, kicking CloverKing's back on the way over him.

It's only for a focused Dengeki Kick to connect behind him, focused to causing "SNAPBACK MORPH!" transforming Jack into... ("GRORAIGER!") ...KabutoRaiger Crimson, only with the Level 1 Ex-aid trade off of Power for Speed.

'Guess I'll have to wait until my Mobilrate cools off to get back to "Regulation Ranger Size.' Jack responds in his mind, as he continues to fight against the Training Actor. He strike the actor in his sternum with his Assumable Staff Ikazuchimaru.

Olive is welding Survi-Buster in blade mode, striking the DekaYellow actor in the ribs, throwing her up and over with Queen using Stinger Plasmar to finish her off with Laser attacks.

Rook meanwhile is facing off against Goggle Black as he taps his buckle, revealing a red ranger key. ("GOKAI CHANGE!") He transforms into... ("NINNINGER!") ...AkaNinger Red. The actor throws exploding clubs at him, only when the explosion is cleared it reveals a dummy that modeled after the form of a Corgi Husky hybrid.

Rook then uses burning surikens to take out the actor. ("SURIKEN ARTS! FLAME TECNIQUE!")

The Red1 Actor welds a BioSword as Jack and Olive decided to morph again, now that their Mobilrates cooled off. They tap their buckles revealing more ranger keys. ("GOKAI CHANGE!") They morph into... ("WINSPECTOR!" "METALDER!") ...Winspector Fire and Metalder respectively.

The NinjaBlue actor realizing that Red1 is facing off against two rangers, decided to help his fellow actor to even the fight. Olive is readying an attack "VACUUM..." As she begins to levitate, she unleashes vacuum energy that sucks the two actors in.

"...METAL TORNADO TATSUMAKI!" She's knocking them about as they couldn't move, sliding from various points as she unleashing a spinning tornado kick, soon taking down the two actors. "Olive! You took out my target!" "Sorry Jack, but I defeated them." "I was going to take out the Bioman Red1 actor!"

"Stow it you two!" King is scolding the two rangers, as he deflecting attacks from the AbareKiller actor. "Your bickering blinds you two to the point you can't even see straight!" The two realizes their mistake "Sorry dad..."

The ChangeMermaid White actor soon enters the fray after Bailey takes down the Petraranger Pink Actor. Bailey taps her buckle revealing a ranger key. ("GOKAI CHANGE!") She morphs into... ("BRAVE! TADDLE QUEST!") ...Kamen Rider Brave. She shouts "I AM A KAMEN RIDER POWER RANGER!" as she uses some of the Power Level to transform into Quest Gamer Level 2.

The ChangeMermaid actor welds her MermaidZooka and proceeds to fire a beam at Bailey. Bailey is trying to parry the beam but gets hit by it after a failed attempt. "Darn it, I missed the timing..." "You'll get better with practice Honey." "Thanks Sweetie."

Soon the remaining actors are combining their might as they proceed to use their team cannons, the Power Cannon and Superior Dino Bomber. However, the weight of the cannons makes it hard to aim, let alone keep upright. "Now's our chance!" The family proceed to use their forms' finishers.

Olive goes first, Firing an energy punch at the actors ("PLASMA PUNCH!") then Bailey went next with a series of kicks ("TATTLE CRITICAL STRIKE!) followed by a rider strike, slashing through them ("AND CRITICAL FINISH!") followed by Jack unleashing a powerful sword strike from a gunsword ("MAXCALIBUR FINISH!")

Queen proceeds to use a Charged Shot from Stinger Plasmar ("STINGER PLASMAR!") followed by Rook's finishing strike with the Suriken Arts ("SURIKEN ARTS! FLAME RAMPAGE SLASH!") in turn Ace and King unleashes their Final wave, locking the key in Gokaisaber's chamber, ("RED CHARGE!" "YELLOW CHARGE!") then slashing to unleash an energy slash ("FINAL WAVE!")

The Final Wave hits the two actors, taking them down and as they're collapsing, they state that "You may go to the next battle." As the family were ascending a staircase to the next area "Ace, where were you during the first battle?" "I couldn't keep up with which to take out. Save me some okay?" "All right Ace. We'll see what we can do."

--End of Act 3
Challenge James T Cat in SMASH Ultimate plus Switch Online: SW-2695-1793-4587
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

I will be posting the pilot's remaining acts every hour from here on until they are finished.

--Beginning of Act 4

To make a long training story short, every Kingkaiger have defeated around the same amount of Training Actors each by the time they made it to Battle 100.

King is Zyuranger Armed TyrannoRanger Red as he is donning the Dragon Armor, which by the way is cross compatible with every ranger form but not outside the Super Sentai and Power Rangers series. (At least not yet anyways.)

Bailey is Timeranger TimeYellow, Ace is Carranger Red Racer (No relation to the Turborangers,) Olive is Goranger Momorenger Pink, Rook is Turboranger BlackTurbo (No relation to the Carrangers,) Jack is Dairanger TenmaRanger Blue, and Queen is Zyuranger Dragonranger Green but without the Dragon Armor nor any armbands. (Those are being used by King by the way.)

"I think that they have thrown the entire fight as if they're leading up to a curbstomp Final Battle here." King is concerned over their efforts. "We'll see if that's true Dad. But right now we are getting to the top of the tower." Ace replied

Once they reached the top of the staircase, the door at the end leads to the roof of the program.

Waiting for them is their owner Tommy Oliver. With him are four jagged, blocky, low poly training actors that are dead ringers to him. They were chatting amongst themselves whilst the real Tommy is waiting with his eyes closed, focusing in on the PowerLevels.

"Well, if you're busy then we'll do another lap of training. Back to the first battle and working our way back here." Bailey noted. "Yeah, and we will try it on a harder difficulty." King stated.

As they were heading back, Tommy's eyes opened with intense focus on his pupils and pets, making the door vanish right before their eyes as they are moved Ala convener belts to near the center of the arena where he and the Kingkaigers will start on opposite sides.

"King, do you really think that they were throwing their fights?" Tommy asked him. "Well I didn't want it to be easy." King responded "If anything we have our work cut out when it comes to living up to your legacy and expectations."

"True. But I won't hold anything back." Tommy welds his White and Gold Mobilrate. "You're facing off against the master. Just because you're my pets doesn't mean you should let me win easily." "Likewise, Just because you're our owner doesn't mean you should throw the fight like battles 89 to 99."

The Lowpoly Tommys weld their mobilrates and as they get their keys ready. As if in a cold blooded tone, Tommy begins their lesson with "Gokai Change." and like that, the tommys morphs like the Kingkaigers.

As the excited, hammy voice shouted "GOKAIGER?!" in a confused manner, Tommy's morphing sequence involves magma spewing out from the ground, engulfing him in lava, forming the Dragonranger Helmet, and an almagamation of GokaiSilver and GokaiRed for the suit.

"Now then, shall we begin?" As the low poly Tommy Olivers morphed into Dragonranger, Kibaranger, OhRed and AbareBlack respectively.

The fight begins with Tommy armed with GokaiSaber and RangerStick BladeBlaster (In gun position) firing a stream of energy shots as he approaches the Kingkaigers. The Kingkaigers jumped toward him, leading to Tommy slashing in a rising uppercut styled attack. The attack connects, leading to sparks flying out of the Kingkaigers.

The Oliver actor who is Ohranger OhRed proceeds to rev up a Vacuum Hurricane Kick ("VACUUM...") As vacuum energy sucks the Kingkaigers towards him, he proceeds to use the Hurricane Kick ("...HURRICANE KICK Olé TATSUMAKI!")

"All right, Back off them actors. I will use these times to teach." The low polygon Tommys backed off. "All right, you ever wonder why we have projectile attacks? It's to control the space and therefore the fight." Tommy brings up a Blackboard and shows his examples on it.

"I started off this first setup with a barrage of shots from the BladeBlaster. You have several options." The figurines were shown doing the following. "You may either block, and get chipped in the process..." The figures shows that action and the stamina getting chipped away.

"...You may counter with your own projectiles, which will counter the projectiles and slow the pacing of these fights somewhat..." Again, the figurines show that happening and the set have same footing. "You may get hit which damages you and isn't really something you want."

"...Or you may go for high risk and try to jump at me." The figurines shows the Kingkaigers jumping at Tommy.

"...Which leads to a counter with a "Dragon Punch" styled slashing attack, knocking you into range of "Zeo Ranger V" over there," ("Zeo Ranger Five" Refering to OhRed)

"Thereby drawing you in with a Vacuum Hurricane Kick "Tatsumaki," getting his "Christmas Presents" in the process as he attacks with the super combo."

Ace, Olive, Rook, Jack and Queen are confused "Christmas Presents? The only present we had was a Birthday Wish on the Ace of the Gods."

"Think of this terminology: a "Happy Birthday" in fighting terms refers to catching multiple (but not all) targets on one team with a powerful attack and/or combo. A "Merry Christmas" refers to catching all the targets on said team with a powerful attack and/or combo. Think of the attack's carnage being unleashed on the targets as the "Presents" you open."

"Oh, all right. I get what you're saying." Ace replied in clarification "So the "Vacuum Tatsumaki Attacks" reels us in, knocking us around with the rapid fire Hurricane and we rack up damage from the attacks."

"Good. Now that we have that concept out of the way, Let's try another setup. Now you may want to watch what happens in this setup. King, I'll need you to volunteer for this one." "All right, I'll have a go."

The next setup is that the Kibaranger actor performs a Crossup attack after King got struck by the Dragon Punch styled slashing attack resulted from jumping over his shots.

Kibaranger performs a jumping kick as he's jumping over King, hitting him in the process and inducing stress onto him as he tries to block after getting back up. King tries to do a Dragon Punch styled attack with Ryugeki Sword (A "Dragon-striking" Power Sword, signature weapon of Tyrannoranger Red) only to not hit the target at all, and thereby getting sweeped, knocking him down.

"Hold it!" The footage pauses as it shows the figurines as more examples come up on the black board. "Kibaranger White performed what is known as a Crossup Attack, where as you are crossing from one side, you're attacking the other behind the target." The figurines show the hitboxes on their attacks with stats for show.

"The Crossup throws the focus of blocking for a loop as you have to focus your defense on the opposite side you're facing. Furthermore trying to attack on the other side will be much harder as you have to focus blocking on one side and pull off the attack on the other."

"Whist he's getting out of block stun, Kibaranger could force King to block special attacks to chip away at him, he could also add in a attack that he'll have to block low, middle or high, or even throw him which is fast and unblock-able. (We'll get to that in a few moments.)"

Figurines show the timing scenarios "Even if King successfully pulls off that "Wake-up Dragon Punch" attack, he'd still have a hard time because depending on Kibaranger's timing, he could right out miss and be wide open for a punishing counterattack."

Frame Advantage and Frame Disadvantage is described now. "When someone is able to start their next move before their target can start theirs', that is referred to as "Frame Advantage."

"Likewise when someone can't make their next move before their target makes theirs is referred to as "Frame Disadvantage."

"So in our classes, Miles told us about calculating time and counting the frames with mathematics. There are around 60 Frames for each second of combat (When you're dealing with NTSC standards) is that true?"

"That's correct Olive. When King had to block that jumping kick for say... fifteen frames and he wanted to do a crouching medium strength punch with six frames of startup time... That's twenty-one frames (or roughly around a third of a second) before the hit even arrives."

"We have many moves in our ranger repertoire. However, pretty much all of King's moves are really, REALLY Bad ideas, because they'll get stuffed by just about any of Kibaranger's moves due to his "Frame Advantage."

"Remember, every attack have a Startup (When your attack is "winding up" for the hit,) Active (When you're striking with the attack,) and Recovery (When you're finishing up the attack and the "Hitbox" is gone.)"

"He can either A.) Continue blocking, hoping to get out with as little damage as possible, B.) Get hit, which is not really ideal or C.) perform an attack. Of course, of all the moves King have at his disposal, the only one fast enough to have a chance of striking Kibaranger is (You guessed it) the "Dragon Punch attack."

"Question." "All right Bailey, go on.” Bailey begins her question "When King is making a decision, he's making an educated guess at what the next move will be. So when Kibaranger forced him to block that attack, is he far enough to try and react to the other's attacks?”

“Kibarangers' frame advantage allows him to either continue to attack, walk up to King and throw him or even jump again. It all involves making educated guesses on how to react accordingly.”

...After Tommy explains what a Frame Trap is (“...when you intentionally leave gaps in a blocked string of attacks to tempt your opponent, knowing that your Frame Advantage will leave almost any counterattack the defending target offers up will lose to your attack.”) he continues with the setup scenario after King's baited attack.

“You'd think that this situation screams SNAFU for King. After all, he jumped towards him, getting hit. Countering all sorts of attacks that never came out and got hit. The only thing he wants is out of this situation. But Kibaranger is reading his mind. I.E. His “Potential Get-out-of-jail-free Attack opportunities.”

“So I resolve to hold back and block all oncoming attacks. After all, I can't stay in blockstun forever. He will be pushed back and I could turn the fight around right?” Tommy's responds “Wrong Answer King. That's the part where he throws you.”

Kibaranger proceeds to throw a jab, get close enough to throw the blocking King over his shoulder. “The reason why throws exist is to keep people from thinking blocking is an invincible wall to hide behind from attacks.”

“Now you may “Tech” a throw by timing the same directional throwing motions at exactly the same time or time the throw a little later than the attacker, either reducing or nulling damage caused by a throw.”

“Also he made King block an fast light attack before throwing, what we call a “Tick Throw.”

“As attacker, you can either force the enemy to block high, block low, or throw them. Defenders have to either Counterattack (At just the right time) or defend the onslaught of attacks and throws until you either see an opening to counterattack or escape to safety.”

“To make matters worse, you'll have to make all the decisions at an extremely fast rate. Attackers could throw three jabs at defenders and make one of them a low short kick, or a throw attempt or finish the chain with a high attack. Obviously the Defender would want to avoid these situations as much as possible.”

“With that throw and knockdown we covered around nine seconds worth of fighting scenarios. All from some humble Rangerstick shots. But why did I do it?”

“Here's the thing about these fights, the objective of these battles is to make life a living Inferno for the opposing fighters as you try to defeat them outright.”

And now the projectiles click into place for our heroes. Tommy fired some projectiles to get the Kingkaigers to jump, that ill timed jump sending them through unfair decisions after unfair decisions. The right projectiles at the right time gave Tommy command of the match-in other words, Momentum.

Tommy shows figures Explaining all the possibilities that could occur on half distance, three quarters distance, two thirds distance, and so on, explaining the neutral game to them. (We only have X amount of space so we skim over many explanations.)

After that “If that's not enough to tie your brain into knots, playing poker at dizzying speeds, then wait 'till you try to detect bluffs whilst playing poker at dizzying speeds.”

They note expert fights where they try and jockey for footing, walking in and out trying to bait their enemy into doing something that will get them vulnerable, leaving them wide open for attacks.

Then they learn about stuff like parrying, focus attacks, short hops, dodging, rolling and many other ways that they can answer the question “What should I do when he fires projectiles at me?”

“Now that the basic flow is explained to you through example, remember that Fighting is essentially a violent “Rock-Paper-Scissors” at it's most basic levels. Attacks beats Throws, Blocking beats Attacks and Throws beats Blocking.”

“As we continue our training (And even when fighting outside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber System) try to think back to this lesson and what each fighter is doing and whenever those actions would win, lose or draw.”

And so, the Olivers continue their training in their Hyperbolic Time Chamber System.

...After a whole year passed in the time chamber, a single day passed outside of it. As King as his family entered the school at 4 in the morning, thinking they're early, Miles was waiting for them unamused. They brought a note for Miles, explaining what happened.

“You spent an entire year training with your owner in their Hyperbolic Time Chamber System.” “You wouldn't believe it if you knew anyways.” King replied “Oh I already figured that out.” Miles responded, Noting their secret identities being easy to figure out. Also they're still morphed since they got out of the chamber.

“Well, after a year of exposure and focus, our bodies acclimated to the elevated states. We can literally retain the ranger forms without any loss of stanama or having any biological functions.”

“What? So you don't have to...” Miles got that thought about elemination out. “Nevermind. For now I'll let this slide, but please, sincerely, don't be truants.” “Oh, Thank you Miles! We will be the best students possible!”

--End of Act 4

Reading resource for the lessons is “Beginner Fighting Game Primer “From Masher to Master” by Patrick Miller.”
Challenge James T Cat in SMASH Ultimate plus Switch Online: SW-2695-1793-4587
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

--Beginning of Act 5

As the class is ongoing, King and his family were thinking about one of their training lessons with Their owner Tommy.


“...At this point of the training, i'll consider you literate in fighting. I will assume you can take on any new form, break it in, figure out all of the special attacks and so on. You understand all of the first 40 Ranger Teams from both side of the ponds if you're counting the first 22 Ranger Teams in America along with the “New Powers” based off of teams not adapted.”

Tommy is in the elevated state with the Kingkaigers as they are catching their breath.

“That will allow you to figure out the future teams and their strengths and weaknesses. But just because you're literate does not mean you're competent. Part of being a competent fighter is knowing what they look like. And we're going to do that by talking about the polar opposite, The Scrub.”

What follows in the story is Keene Milton portraying the Scrub. (Kind of accurate description come to think of it.)

“The Scrub is the guy who walks into the fighting arena, thinking he's hot stuff even though nobody have ever seen him around before. He's the guy who enter fighting tournaments and refuses to use his fighting form (or even fighting brackets he entered entirely) because he doesn't want anyone “Countering” his Super-Secret Techniques.”

“He may yell at you for throwing him repeatedly,” As Kenne does so when he's thrown by the “Supersonic” Fiveman Power Rangers “Or doing the same moves over and over, because it's “Cheap.” As Kenne calls them “Cheap” stating “Come on! Quit being “Cheap” and fight like a honorable man!”

“He never met you, but he thinks he can probably beat you, and if you won, well, it could be because he isn't used to the arena's settings/rules, or it could be because his hands were cold, or his suit's on too tight or he ate too much food and got grease all over his equipment.” (“Eww...”)

“Note that I'm describing the Scub Mentality (Also known as Scrubbiness) independent of any skill or powerlevels for your own good.”

“Oh sure, he can learn various tactics, the match-ups, and Scrubs can become quite good at fighting – Good enough to beat you and the top fighters every now and then but it's not a matter of skill,” as the camera zooms in on Kenne Milton's cranium (where the brain is located)

“But rather one's way of thinking about fighting.” The cranial part of Kenne is revealed, filled with “Ben Franklins” and a tamborine monkey speaking the mantra “Screw the Rules, I have Money!” over and over again.

“We actually know a scrub or two.” Rook stated as he contributed to the lesson “Said scrubs were rather nice once you got to know them but they have one annoying facet about them: They were overconfident in their own fighting skill.”

“A rather vocal sort of guy? Able to put in decent results but relied on tactics that could be punished easily?” “At a tournament level, Almost never won, not because of a skill barrier but because he didn't realize that his style was a really bad game plan in skilled battles.”

“And right there the essence of the Scrub mentality: the ego and naivete to believe that the way you fight the way you fight is something only you can do when in cold hard actuality if you try to fight like a top fighter does, you'll discover you're bad at it.” Cue reality hitting Keene like a ton of bricks.

“The fact is, getting good at fighting, much like getting good at anything else – is first learning the rules before you break them.”

“It means being willing to shamelessly copy and steal anything you can see around you in order to improve, and getting exposed to painful butt-kicking after butt-kicking in order to improve. And the first thing you can do to get to that end is to lose the ego.”


“HYPERBOLIC TIME CHAMBERS?!” Pete couldn't believe what his spies are telling him when it comes to the Kingkaiger's increase in power and skill. He proceeds to take out a cell phone, dialing a number to a known monster manufacturer

“Hello, Is Rita Repulsa there?” Cue said villain getting the line and responding “This is Rita, Whaddya want Pete? You already have some of my men hired for you.” “Get me the most dangerous monster you can conjurer! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!”


...When it's time for a break from class, Miles and the Kingkaigers were discussing about the training that happened. “Crazy, so it's been over a year since you and your family entered the time chamber whilst a day passed out here.”

“Indeed, and Ace, Olive, Rook, Jack and Queen are now 2 years into life.” Lucretia instant transmits in, excited about the fact “Now THIS calls for a BIRTHDAY PARTY!”

“Ooh! Can it be Power Ranger themed?” Peanut asked “With little multi-colored frosting spikes?” Tarot inquired. “That sounds amazing~” Lucretia responds with delight. “If the theme all is in favor, I'll place the order straight away.” Miles proceeds to dial the Daryls.

“Hey bro.” “Greetings, I will give you details about the order when we get home. It'll take about a day or two when we order in advance since it's after the fact.” “Power Rangers in the pack, got it.”

Just then, the monitors turned on, and a vile being that's a dead ringer to Tommy Oliver is rising through the floor as he's destroying the floors and ceilings in the networks. He reaches to the news networks, grabbing the anchors in all the newsrooms and his foot soldiers known as “Ranger Sentries” grabbing the entire staff.

“The following contains Graphic Violence, Coarse Language, and Adult Situations not suitable for minors.” This being explains “Viewer discretion is advised.”

As the staff were executed off camera (and the monitors have the “CENSORED” screen over it. Nice Try Vulgarites.) The Kingkaigers have emotion of revulsion and horror as the carnage commence.

“HOW HORRIFYING! THAT COULDN'T BE TOMMY! THERE'S NO WAY!” Tommy Oliver instant transmits to assure the Pups “Something tells me you're right on the money.”

“Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Girls, Pets, Celestials, Heaven, Hell, Rangers, Riders, Troopers, MetalHeroes, Beetleborgs and that technicolor rainbow in between and beyond... I am Drakkon.”

He faces the camera with the entire world on the monitors in the background. “You may remember me from the following countries, cities, counties, planets and worlds.”

A list of locations in all the worlds in the various series with worlds in “Housepets!,” “Super Sentai,” “Kamen Rider,” “Metal Heroes,” “Power Rangers,” and many other series and franchises scrolling through the screen below.

“Of course if you lived in those locations then you may not remember me because you are part of my biomass as I absorbed you. But that's not what I'm here to talk about. Today I am making an announcement!”

Keene Milton is hoping and praying that Drakkon will be leaving the planet forever. “I am leaving the planet forever!” (“WOOHOO!”) “After I blow it up!” (“OH CARP!”) “Unless...” (“...”) “One of your planets-” He looks to the side in a aside glace “-Champions-” back to the camera. “Can best me and my best men in head-to-head team combat.”

“So, Kingkaigers then.” Miles stated to himself. Drakkon announces “I am hosting a “Once in your lifetime event!” A tournament so grand, it will leave you breathless! I hereby dub it “THE DRAKKON GAMES!” Be part of the conversation on [CENSORED] with “#DRAKKONGAMES.” (Don't bother with that hashtag there. This is purely fictional.)

“And... He's already trending.” Duchess checks the social media.

“For all of you familiar with your adorable Wargames known as the World Martial Arts Tournaments,” Drakkon continues “I will be borrowing the rules. No brackets this time however, yours truly will be your only opponent. And much like Silverball Feline's Bad Influences that he left behind, I will accept all comers.” He jeers with a sly wink.

“The location of this marvelous event is Mount Iwafune in Tochigi. If you don't know where that is, blame the developers of this series. The games will start at noon December 27th, one week from today. That should give you plenty of time to prepare.”

“Or for those of you who are not participating, time to connect with loved ones, get your affairs in order or maybe just kill your boss. GET A PURGE GOING! LIVE A LITTLE! Because in one week's time...” Drakkon chuckles for a moment as he charges a energy shot aimed at the monitors showing the planet in motion. “...Well, to give you an idea...”

He fires the energy shot, destroying the monitors and the news networks' buildings, and all of the bulidings lining the shots' path. “Keep that in mind and I'll see you next Thursday. Also, feel free to pray to your god. But spoilers, I won't be listening.”

As he flies out, the monitors across the world were showing static. Our heroes have their work cut out for themselves.

--End of Act 5
Challenge James T Cat in SMASH Ultimate plus Switch Online: SW-2695-1793-4587
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Note that I had to invent some moves to some characters such as the Phantom Ranger.

--Beginning of Act 6

As everyone is preparing for the DrakkonGames, a slew of things are happening. First off, every legacy hero (“Super Sentai” “Kamen Rider” “Metal Hero” “Power Ranger”) are buying up “Hyperbolic Time Chamber Systems” and a whole lot of programs for said systems.

Everyone else that are not participating is spending their last days before the fate of the world is decided. The Olivers however, are having some visitors that will join the fight for the world's fate.

“Just a Minute!” the door to the resident opens up with Kat looking out, noting “...Oh, Kitsune! What a surprise to see you here. And I see you brought a few of our allies as well.”

Kitsune indeed invite Ninjor, Blue Senturion, AkaRed, Phantom Ranger, and Deboth Defectors Candelilla and Luckyro to join him as they and the Olivers are going to fight against Drakkon in the DrakkonGames.

“Well, I decided to cash in some favors to get some friends into the fight.” “Are you going to grant a wish?” Luckyro is curious about “No Luckyro, they have to have all the Ace of the Gods in order to make a wish.” “Oh...”

Afterwards, the Olivers were training with the “Ranger-ish” allies as they are going to enter the DrakkonGames with them.


...Soon, it's the 27th of December. As the DrakkonGames is about to begin, the “Heroes” that are about to fight Drakkon are comprised of Tommy and Kat Oliver, Kitsune (Already morphed into BeastDemon Hunter Zeek,) Ninjor, Blue Senturion, AkaRed, Phantom Ranger, and the two Deboth Defectors Candelilla and Luckyro.

(Side note: Kat Oliver is a shield user Ala Captain America from the Marvel VS Capcom series)

“So, all of you are fighting me at once? Very well then. I will savor this fight for all to witness. Then I shall destroy the planet afterwards.”

“Our opponent bears a striking resemblance to you, old friend.” Ninjor noted to Tommy. “Are you sure that You and Kat have your new arsenal ready?” “It's not about the firepower but rather competence and skill that will win the day.” “Oh yeah. Let's give it our all!”

“Luckyro, let's show this doppelganger why we are stronger than any Deboth of evil.” Candelila is getting psyched, “Way ahead of you my friend!” Blue Senturion gives a nod to his friend Phantom Ranger as he nods as well in encouragement.

“Getting right down to it I see, I figured as much. A bit out of character, intending to start with a morph rather than fight in civilian form first thing. Fine, I am willing to skip to the main course!”

“Look out! He's coming at high speeds on the attack!” Kat and Tommy proceeds to whip out their Mobilrates (with Kat's Mobilrate being pink and gold like Tommy's white and gold) and with their morphing command of “Gokai Change.” they proceed to morph.

As the excited, hammy voice shouted "GOKAIGER?!" in a confused manner, Tommy's morphing sequence involves magma spewing out from the ground, engulfing him in lava, forming the Dragonranger Helmet, and an amalgamation of GokaiSilver and GokaiRed for the suit.

Kat have the same confused call of “GOKAIGER?!” as electricity spewing out of a electric plant, engulfing her in plasma, forming the OhPink helmet and an amalgamation of GokaiSilver and GokaiPink for the suit.

Drakkon proceeds to form his helmet as he is wearing his Drakkon Armor, a sinister Boss Fusion of Dragonranger and Kibaranger. The helmet is too a sinister fusion of Dragonranger and Kibaranger.

As the group proceed to start their assault, there are initial attacks as each of them get clean hits onto Drakkon, drakkon getting clean hits on them as well.

But as they were aiming for a ring out, Drakkon levitates over the ground denying the ring out after their attack. “Cheeky, but if you were expecting a ring-out then you have to do better than that.” Ninjor is thinking out loud “Well, I was hoping a ring-out would be possible but...”

Drakkon interrupts “...But if we're going to get freaky, then let's make this “ménage-moi.” The villain soon duplicates himself to multiples of four to match the group and out number each of them.

“Menagé-moi?” Luckyro is confused by the pronunciation. “What does that mean?” “It's french.” Bailey replied from the sidelines “Typically “My Household.” But it's really awkwardly...” Drakkon interrupts with “NERD!”

“But speaking of academics...” “...it's time we took all of you...” “...To Perfect University.” “We'd say “Take you to school” but clearly we're beyond the basics.”

“Doesn't that make it “P.U.?” Ninjor asked. “And we love that you got that!” Drakkon goes on the attack on each of the heroes.

Kat throws her shield in a projectile attack known as “Shield Slash!” Drakkon parry her attack attempt as she catches her shield. Luckyro gives Candielilla a boost in her jump as she wields her Kyahahalberd to cut open a Drakkon.

Drakkon proceeds to throw Luckyro as she is left wide open in the assist. Luckyro techs the throw as she does a throwing motion for reduced damage. Tommy assists Luckyro with a Gokaisaber slashing at the expense of Drakkons.

Ninjor and AkaRed are using the “HASTE” buffs in order to keep up with the sheer numbers. Blue Senturion and Phantom Ranger proceeding to punch their way through the wave, Kitsune giving Kat a lift by using his tails as helicopter propellers in order to strike the Drakkons from above.

As the fight continues on, King notes “This have got to be for fun, the doubler technique halves your powerlevels with every copy.” Rook looks on the bright side. “At least we can keep up with the action.” “Wait, you're having trouble?” Dax (Overdrive Blue) is there as well. “When did you get here and how did you know.” “Well, things will get a lot faster when they're getting serious.”

Dax spills his involvement in the DrakkonGames “I think I signed up here, but what Drakkon have in store for the roster, I'll never know till later.”

Soon things are getting hectic. “All right, time for a little hardball!” Luckyro proceeding to deal finishing blows to her Drakkons and the others following suit.

“Take notes!” Ninjor shouted as a pre-mortem team variable finisher line as he transformed to battle mode “VACUUM FIREBALL!” as he shoots a large energy fireball as it sucks in his Drakkons and knocks them out. “BLACK HOLE FINALE!” Phantom Ranger unleashes an energy shot that forms into an artificial black hole, sucking his Drakkons in, it being a powerful blow whilst sucking the other Drakkons in.

“Oh good, we still have meter.” Ninjor shoots another Vacuum Fireball as Kat Oliver is striking afterwards with a few super powered Uppercut shield strikes (“STARS & STRIPES!”) Blue Senturion energizes his Signizer in baton form to deal a energized attack (“BATON STRIKE!”) and Tommy following with a Final Wave energy shot.

He inserts the key into the Gokaisaber, locks it in place and finishes the Drakkons. Leaving only the Original drakkon left after the rest have finished.

“Haha! Looks like thirty-six divided by one is just one!” “No Luckyro, it's still thirty-six!” Bailey corrects her. “Honey, we had this before.” “I know, banging my head against a brick wall.”

“You know, I thought you would play along. making four copies of each of you but way to kill all the joy.” Drakkon rises again, knowing what to do. He destroys the arena so they can fight to the fullest extent. (“Now, let's put on something more... comfortable.”)

The arena is destroyed, the cameras are still rolling as the people are viewing the fight. (They have been since this tv movie Pilot officially began, But that's aside the cameras showing the people the DrakkonGames.)

“Now we can fight unabated.” “But the censors said that makes you go-” The other members of the Heroes tells Luckyro “Don't even say another word!”

After another barrage, the team fighting looks winded. “This is bad, Last time I've seen the legends winded is when they are overwhelmed.” Bailey noted.

Kimberly Ann Hart is also spectating as she tells them “I'm sure that they will see to it till the bitter end. For when the Pick-Me-Up is an option, they will throw it right back at you. It's not their lives at stake, it's their ranger...” Cue the team fighting depowering and telling Drakkon “We give up.” Kimberly's blood is now boiling. “I'LL PULVERIZE HIM!”

“I'm sorry, what did you just say?” “We give up. You win. Great fight.”


“Drakkon, you knew what this was, just a fight. Noting more.” “You wimps. If you dare concede, I'll... I'll just blow up the entire earth like I said.”

“Hold on a second Speedy, this is a tournament. There is still one group of fighters left to take you on, so you have to go through them first.”

“Huh? Oh I get it! This is a prank!” Drakkon is guessing which is his next opponent. “Is it Kimberly Ann Hart? Hardly, I couldn't take on anyone who's skills are rusty. The Megaforce Rangers? Well they don't have much experience and their mentor spoiled them rotten. Oh, Why not Team Lost Galaxy but then I have to deal with courtroom attacks from leo.”

“No, the fighters who will put an end to you is... Kingkaigers. Go for it.”

“Wait, what did he say?” “Well this is your owner so I think he's either saving us or dooming us all.”

“Kingkaigers. Out of all the decisions you make in your life, you decided that... These mutts will face off against me?! DAX IS ON THE LIST!” “Wait, what was I...” “HALF TIME ENTERTAINMENT!” “Frankly, I'm rather glad I'm included here...” “But yes, They are a lot stronger than we are so... Go for it Kingkaigers.”

The wolf pack are indeed concerned about this as are a slew of other spectators “Tommy, you have to back up a moment.” As Miles is chewing him out “But what in dragoon's name are you thinking?!” “You know what happened in the time chamber, they are around a Thousand-fold stronger than we are. I know they can do it.”

“All right.” King and his family understood the situation “Then let's make it showy...” As they are getting in the fray “WAIT A MINUTE!” Next thing you knew, a Pick-Me-Up is thrown to Drakkon “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING TOMMY!” “He's worn out. Don't want this to be too easy or that training would be wasted.”

Drakkon proceeds to eat the revival vitamin pack as it heals him. “OH YES! That's the ticket!” “I feel as if we're woefully unprepared...”

At this point, the fate of the world is in their hands as the cameras are rolling since the games began...

--End of Act 6
Challenge James T Cat in SMASH Ultimate plus Switch Online: SW-2695-1793-4587
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

--Beginning of Act 7

As the stragglers are entering the crowd watching live, Drakkon is beating the Kingkaigers up as they were already morphed. Soon they are smashed into some terrain. “Can someone tell the remaining Olivers what “Canicide” means, because I would ask Bailey but... She and her family have been “Canicided...”

“Canicide is...” “IT MEANS THE KINGKAIGERS ARE DEAD! AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT TOMA...” “Hey Kingkaigers! Quit hiding your power levels and come out you goofs!”

With a desperate sigh, they break the terrain with focused energy.

“Tell me Tommy, what are you even thinking?!” Kimberly thought her ex lost his mind. “Why did you think we Olivers went into the Time Chamber as a family?” “Ego?” “Because they didn't have much experience right from the outset. If we were woefully inexperienced then we would have died to the early threats.”

“So wait, what you're saying is you prepared for this?” “The world had to throw this and other threats at us if we get too powerful.” Kitsune is unamused “This is a consequence of sequence breaking. Go ahead though, I got what you're saying.”

“But the real mortal coil to all of this. We're not going to be around forever. At some point, we will reach that continue limit at some point and death is going to stick. Kat and I need successors to continue our legacy and Kingkaigers are the legacy we will get.”

“So, the IDFA (Note: “IDFA” is a cheat code for DOOM to give you “Full Arsenal.”) cheat that the puppies wished for is...” “...their dream come true. Although when they made that birthday wish, they became adults in the process and have their bodies, morality, minds and everything molded to “Ranger Regulations.”

“Of course. But there is one thing you forgot.” “What's that Kitsune?” “ACE, OLIVE, ROOK, JACK AND QUEEN ARE TECHNICALLY BABIES YOU POWER DUNCE!”

“Wait, what?” “Have you ever thought why they wanted to be rangers in the first place? It's because of their love of the entire Tokusatsu art form all over the world! Also they want to make you proud but now they'll go the way of Gai Ikari!” “The same Black Condor Jetman?” “THE VERY SAME!”

Tommy, Kat and the others who were fighting Drakkon realized they royally screwed up. “We have made a terrible mistake.” they all say in unison. “Hey Peanut, think you can infuse some of the “Pick-Me-Up” with my watering can full of “Sukusuku Joyro” restoration water?”

“Oh no! You're not using this on Drakkon!” “No, we're gonna use this on us! Trust us on this one!” “No, we're gonna use it on us, trust us!” Peanut replied in a mocking tone. “That's a laugh if I ever heard one.”

In a green, white, and gold blur, Drakkon steals all the pick-me-ups along it's related items “New addendum, Pick-Me-Ups and Recovery Items are now Tournament Illegal.” After a moment “Thank you very much.” as he jumps away with the spring sound from Sonic 1.

“My bad” Peanut replied “Don't fret, this is everybody's bad.” Candelilla responded back. “So as the axiom goes “Not all roads lead to Rome.” Drakkon is holding the Pick-Me-Ups in his grasp “Beating all of you up won't do the trick so I guess... They'll fight them.”

“Wait... What are you...” As Drakkon chest gorelessly burst open, multiple anthropomorphic house pets that bear resemblance to various rangers power animals spawns one after the other. The thought of “SICK!” is what comes to everyone's minds.

(“Wait a minute, where's the eggs?!”) (“YOU DID THIS TO ME!”) (“Uhh... Life finds a way I guess.”) (“TO MAKE ME RALPH!”) “Well, that was rather easy, I thought it'll be much more painful like all mothers said it would.” some wolf cubs are with the crowds as well witnessing the sight.

“Oh man... Now my ribs are going to be doing that for the rest of the day.” As Drakkon's chest is closing. “Tommy and Kat, I decided to return the favor of fighting your progeny in kind. So behold! MY HOUSEPETS!”

As they are being introduced “Austin, Walter, Dave, Amy, “Steve-o,” Jonathan, Karan, Catherine, Blake, Ward, Roger, Tracy, Pactricia, Walsh, Dodd, Christopher, Justin, “Danny Wright,” Reggie, Archie, Cerina...”

...And we cut back to the end of the list “...Rorrie, Jasmeet, “Lumber Jaques,” and last but not least “Marvelous Abraham.” And who else could forget “Pitah Jr. Jr.~”

All of his “Drakkon Juniors” are named after the actors who played them (except for dead actors and discraced actors such as the murderer that is Wild Force Red's actor or the petty thief that is Overdrive Black's actors.) And also a legacy character's name from the comic for good measure.

“Oh Mungo... I know your ancestor~” “It's like every nightmare I had fused themselves, cloned themselves, breed with the clones and produced those!” As the Drakkon Juniors are getting up. “That is... Terrifyingly accurate!”

“Gather round my pets, Daddy's got a play-date set for you! Now be sure to share your toys, don't leave daddy's sight... and bring me the bodies of the Heroes.” Drakkon tone turned sinister in that objective. King and the other Kingkaigers realized their horror. “But most importantly have fun!”

And so the Drakkon Jrs are off to fight the other heroes “DRAKKON JUNIORS INCOMING!” They proceeding to morph into their Ranger forms. The rest are given “Mass Produced Ranger variants” courtesy of Kitsune's magic. (He was in a hurry and had to think of something in an instant.)

As Pitah Jr. Jr. strikes Mungo as he catches him“Oh Mungo~...” Mungo is trying not to lose his mind. “I'm fighting you~!” as he strikes him in the ribs. As peanut tries to strike one of them, they evaded him. “You're too slow!” (“HOLD STILL YOU LITTLE FREAK!”)

Everyone is fighting in the background as Drakkon is pleased with himself. “You know, after I blow up the planet, at least I have a family to share the good times with. Maybe after the fact I could conquer the other seven planets.” “No...” “You're right, that's the Dark Specter talking.”

King is in shambles, screaming for their lives “Please spare them! It's not them you want, it's us! They are the ones who kick started the whole thing! This is their fight, not ours! So if you would kindly give them the Pick-Me-Ups-”

“And THERE IT IS! That right there! That is why I despise you! You know what they have in common? The rangers are dense, the humans and housepets are weak, and the celestials and aliens don't even belong but they're still out there fighting until the bitter end for this dump that you call a world!”

Cue Dax getting sent into the ground head first. “See! Even Dax is doing his best!” “Thank you!” As he gets kicked in the ribs by a Drakkon Junior “I really try!” as he continues getting kicked in the ribs.

“But you sir, King, are a coward!” “I don't want to fight! I didn't want to be involved in the cosmic games!” “Well a coward patting himself on the back! You can stand proud next to the bodies.”

But in a flash, a blur of many Psycho Rangers show up, Yes, Including a real Psycho Silver. “Pete had commissioned us in case the Kingkaigers become too powerful!” “But I see you're the threat we have to deal with!” Drakkon is concerned “I know you're revived again but we can share the kill! Split them each in half down the middle!”

“We have Detonators armed inside us!” “So if we can't kill the Kingkaigers, no one can!” They arm the detonators as they glow, ready to go off but nothing happened and they stop glowing “...CRITICAL ERROR HAVE OCCURRED! WHERE'S THE KABOOM?! THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A DRAKKON SHATTERING KABOOM!”

(Note: A mechanic removed their detonators as they were tuning-up for their fight.

“I'm sorry, you said you wanted to go off in a bang?” “Well, would we be lying if we said we-” cue the psycho rangers getting destroyed, leaving only their heads.

As their heads are sent careening to the recording setup, operated by humans with a director named James Lee, a creator who regularly wears a Gas Mask named “Akira Toriyama,” The Project DBZA team (where these final acts are coming from) and some of the Toei, Saban, Hasbro and Jim Henson Studio directors with them.

As the fourth wall is broken for the story the psychos are asking “could you lend us your bodies?” “But you're talking heads!” 'James Lee' states “So are all of you.” “That is cutting.”

So the heads are sent back to the Kingkaigers as they make a rousing speech “Listen Carefully... Grow up Joel.” King is listening as the speech continues, his eyes are opening up to the ideas. “You're the only one who thinks you're the only one suffering. And I believe that Jack, Queen, Kitsune and the others all have stories for you. And we assume they all end with “And then they died too.”

“And before you complain about your cosmic fate AGAIN, know that we Psycho Rangers are always destined to be Warmongering Killing Machines to kill the Power Rangers. And that doesn't even come close to the recklessness that is your owners.”

“Drakkon is right. You think you're better than everyone else but there you stand. The good man doing nothing. And whilst Evil triumphs, and your “Stay out of everybody's way” mentality crumbles into blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

“You are a Coward. To your last Wimper...” King is getting the point as they continue “Of fear and love, we fear not that we will die, but all that have come to love, all the good and decent, will perish with us. So Kingkaigers... Stop holding back.” If they have visible emotions, they would smirk as they say “And hey, maybe when the series begin proper, we might fight each other sometime la-”

Drakkon proceeds to smash the Psycho Rangers' heads, shattering them into pieces. The Kingkaigers are in horror. “I'd say they fought well but they were complete curbstomps.”

♪Venit aevus ille♪
♪O Messiah, O Messiah♪

The Kingkaigers undergoes the transformation to the upcoming 44th Super Sentai team. With screaming to the top of their lungs, they transform from Gokaigers to their respective Ryuusougers.


King morphed into RyuusouRed, Bailey RyuusouBlue, Ace RyuusouBlack, Olive RyuusouPink and Rook RyuusouGreen. Jack and Queen go “Gokai Anchor Armor Mode” with all the previous Sixth Rangers with AbareKiller replaced with “Lightspeed Titanium Ranger” GoSilver as AbareKiller is considered a Core Ranger in this series.

♪Feel it drawing nearer, an endless fear that takes you hold♪
♪Feel it getting closer, revealing such an evil soul♪
♪I can't surrender at the turning point of destiny♪
♪Right now it's do or die; my life is on the line and I will not flee♪
♪By my power!♪

They are surrounded in aura as their first “Preview Super Form” takes into effect. Their mission is clear as they stood there, energized as all get out, ready to triumph or die.

♪Whoa~whoa, it's clear to me!♪
♪My spirit grows and I will face this demon♪
♪Whoa~whoa, with burning energy♪
♪The day of fate has fin'ly come♪

--End of Act 7
Challenge James T Cat in SMASH Ultimate plus Switch Online: SW-2695-1793-4587
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Network is getting spotty so I'll post the last two chapters within the night.

--Beginning of Act 8

The act begins in the quarry where the tournament is taking place. The Kingkaigers are all powered up with the preview of the next sentai as “Super Forms.” Drakkon is impressed. “Dear lordy! I didn't realize that killing those Psycho Rangers would be harder for you than me! I'm confused though. Were you getting to know each other?”

“...The murder of one's pet dog or dogs.” Bailey coldly replied as they took back the Pick-Me-Ups as they transport to their first targets. “You wanted me to define Canicide.”

Their first Drakkon Junior targets tried to leap at them but they destroyed their targets head in an goreless explosion with a spear head strike.

Drakkon is shocked. Miles is more so confused “Can anyone explain THE CARP?!” “I'm kind of afraid to because that would mean giving Tommy credit for it.” “The takeway is... You're Welcome.” “THE ENDS DON'T JUSTIFY THE MEANS!”

The Drakkon Juniors are petrified at the sheer power the Kingkaigers possess. One of them attempted to use Dax as a hostage by holding a blade towards his neck.

“Really? Using Dax as a hostage? His death means a day trip for us and a week's vacation for him, go ahead.” “Actually, I kinda don't want to die.”

“Don't fret about it.” Ace is aiming an energy shot directly for the Drakkon Jrs. “You may be annoying but at least you're a good christan.” The Drakkon Juniors realizing what they're up against decided to flee.

“Too little, too late.” Rook responded as they take Dax to the crowd. The family is destroying some more Drakkon Juniors afterwards with a kicking assalut.

...Soon more Drakkon Juniors are charging towards the Kingkaigers as they throw the Pick-Me-Up container up into the air as they destroy more of them. First a Punch to one, then a Kick to the ribs, then a upper cut to tear their heads off. They catch the container from the air as the remaining ones are terrified. (“Daddy...” “I ain't no helicopter dad, sink or swim, kid.”)

The Drakkon Juniors are attempting to get away as they are blasted out of the skies “You forgot your waterwings.” as they uppercut them, slice them in a kick and gorelessly decapitate the remaining ones with a hard punch.

The last one is thinking of getting away (“Don't”) but despite the warning, it attempted to get away before getting volleyed around by the family, with Jack and Queen using a upward kick to destroy the last one.

Drakon is impressed by their sadistic power. “Gimmie! Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie!”

“...Ninjor!” as they throw the Pick-Me-Ups to him as he catches them. “Oh! Got it!” “Try to give your share to Ex-Deboths, Kat and Tommy and don't foul it up!”

Ninjor is opening the ragtag ranger armies's mouths as he serves the Pick-Me-Ups. Soon the last one is given “Great. Now I'll get to see us become irrelevent vertically instead of horizontally.” Gia notes.

Kat and Tommy are eating their Pick-Me-Ups as they recover. “So, what are we going to call this new form?” Tommy inquires “It's Not Dino Thunder, nor Dino Charge. It must be” “Power Rangers Dino Knights!” Kat enthusiastically states.

“It's actually “Kishiryu Sentai Ryuusouger” or “Knight Dragon Squadron Ryuusouger.” Kitsune corrects her “Right now they're in a super powered state that forces them to take the form of a Ranger team that currently have yet to debut in Japan, let alone be adapted into Power Rangers.”

“Look at you! I'm gonna call you whooping-cough because you decimated my children!” Drakkon is excited at all of this “For a second, I thought you wouldn't have the guts to actually fight, BUT HERE WE ARE! MY FINAL CHALLE-” The Kingkaigers punches Drakkon in the gut with sheer force. “Careful Drakkon, Your Mondo's showing.”

An super strong uppercut later, Drakkon is sent back several feet, he's hacking up a bit of bile. “You know-” Spitting up bile “You're not wrong!” he sits down, trying to get through a concussion “You know, nothing like a concussion to get the blood flowi-!” He hacks some bile.

“Lord Drakkon... You don't get it.” As Drakkon is rising up, trying to stand up straight. “I HATE being a cosmic plaything. The vibrations through our fists on contact. The taste of blood in my mouth. The sounds of our hearts ringing though our ears. I hate it all. I always have hated being a toy.”

“But right now, the only thing I hate more than that... is you!” Drakkon is powering up (“Put that on a valentine!”) “Because you were right about one thing... I was a coward.” As the Kingkaigers were marching towards Drakkon. “Always afraid of what would happen if the cosmic game players ruin my life or the lives of my family. That I might lose my mind or worse, Kill someone. But now, I'm not scared anymore.”

Cue them smashing their kick into Drakkon “But one thing is clear, and you were right about the following... There is no point delaying the inevitable.” Drakkon is getting up, his mouth drawing blood as realizes king is serious. “Oh (“FORBIDDEN”) this!” cue his rising to the sky, charging up a powerful beam attack.

“So is this a Vacuum move or...” Luckyro is confused “Speaking of moves,” Peanut is scared “We should make like The Stooges and “Spread Out”

“I should have done this from the beginning but instead I thought I could make this fun and host a tournament but (“FORBIDDEN VULGARITY!”) Bite my evil perfect kestier!” He fires his massive beam attack.

But the Kingkaigers take out their GokaiGalleonBuster, insert their “Super Preview Ranger” Ryuusouger keys into the slots, and after a charge... fire back with a beam attack of their own, dominating Drakkon's own and dealing him massive damage.


… As everyone is rising from the sand, (“Does anyone have sand in their...” “YES!” “EVERYWHERE!”) Phantom Ranger notices Drakkon's respawning body “Uh, guys?” All Mungo can scream at this point is “HOLY CARP!”

“HEY MUTT!” Drakkon is still standing with his body missing a few limbs “YOU MISSED A SPOT!”

“All Right Kingkaigers!” Tommy cheers “Think it time you brought it home!” “Hold on...” The Kingkaigers are filled with bloodlust “We're not done ripping the wings off this butterfly.” (“Red flag!”)

“Hey buddy, I understand you're angry but...” “But what? You're gonna give us advice now?!” They proceed to call their old man out.

“Let me guess, we should let him go and have him be a better fight later.” “Or maybe we should let him power up to a hundred percent so we can teach him humility!” They turn to tommy for this one “Wait, We got it. Maybe we should throw him a (“FORBIDDEN”) Pick-Me-Up and LET ALL OF YOU FIGHT HIM!”

Tommy and Kat are trembling “I see where you getting at...” Tommy begins “THEN SHUT UP AND PUT ON A PONCHO!” King tells him off “You're in the splash zone.” “Wait... Kitsune, is that also a red flag?” Kat asks worried “Crimson.” he replies.

Drakkon is regenerating his limbs as he is infuriated. (“Okay Drakkon, we saw that losing your cool got you...”) Drakkon is thinking (“So tone down the Armada and get yourself toge-”)

“Are you getting yourself together up there?” The kingkaigers speak simultaniously “Because We're starting to get bored.”

THAT made Drakkon LOSE IT COMPLETELY. “WHATDYA JUST SAY TO ME YOU HAPLESS LITTLE (“FORBIDDEN!?!”)” “We said we're bored.” Jack replied with King following with “You're boring us.”

Drakkon throws a overhead smash which the Kingkaigers dodge with ease, countering with a Powerful Kick into the stomach. “HOT DIGGITY DAFFODIL! ANYONE ELSE FEEL THAT?!” Grape reacts to the impact. “We're pretty sure our pity's all dried up” Blue Senturion remarks to that.

At that point of damage, Drakkon is about ready to throw up. He is trying to keep whatever's in as he is about to 'lose his lunch.' “Uhh, guys, probably thinking they weren't kidding about the Splash Zone!” Drakkon proceeds to throw up a living being.

“It's a Boy. Mabrook!” Mungo recognizes that being anywhere “ANCESTOR SATAU!” “Later!” “But Satau...” “I WILL CLEAN HIM UP!”

At that point, Drakkon realizes what's going to happen as he lets out a ear pearcing atomic-curse “...(“F---OR---BI---D---EN!”) (“FORBIDDEN!”) (“FORBIDDEN!”) (“FORBIDDEN!”) (“FORBIDDEN!”) (“FORBIDDEN!”) (“FORBIDDEN!”) (“FORBIDDEN!”) NO! NO! NO! (“FORBIDDEN!”) (“FORBIDDEN!”) (“FORBIDDEN!”) (“FORBIDDEN VULGARITY!”) (“FORBIDDEN VULGARITY!”) UUWAARGH!”

(“Wait a second, if he doesn't have Satau anymore than that means...”) Just as Kitsune theorized, Drakkon turned into an imperfect 'Dragon Demon Anthro.'

“Wait a second, is this his imperfect form?” Candelilla wondered “Is there any doubt?” Tommy assured her. Drakkon is getting enraged by this but mostly confused as he turns to the kingkaigers. “So uhh... You gonna eat that?” “No.” “Then uh, can I...” “No.” They proceed to strike him into destructible terrain.

“KINGKAIGERS! DO IT NOW! END THIS AT ONCE!” Queen responding “Fine, Dragoon! If you want him to die that badly, do it yourself! Pretty sure anyone who isn't in a Mass Produced Ranger Form could.”

Drakkon is watching in horror as the Kingkaigers approaches him (“Kill me... No! No! No! No! No! No! I can't die to this! They are a corgi husky family throwing a tantrum! And I'm the perfect being... At least I was... But they took it away... They took it away from me!”) “...SO I'LL TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY FROM YOU!”

Drakkon transforms into a “Vulpine demon” that is also the detonator form and begins to swell up like a balloon. “Wait! I've seen this before!” Luckyro states her thoughts “Bigglesworths, if he turns blue, you gotta go sing a song!” “FOR THE LAST TIME LUCKYRO, WE ARE NOT OOMPA LOOMPAS!”

(“Hey look James Lee! It's those bad influences you've told us about!”) (“Personally I could care less about (Names withheld out of mercy) because they died a long time ago after a betrayal I invoked online to get away from them. They're (“CENSORED”)-ing in hell now.”) (“And now you're truly free from the dark side of the fandom!”)

“So what was the plan here? Become so grotesque that we wouldn't want to touch you? Because I'll be honest, it's working.” “Oh my dear rangers, I think I finally figured out what I inherited from you.” “Not our BMI apparently” “Heh-heh. No Bailey, it's your explosive tempers!”

Everyone realizes the deadly euphemism. “Oh no...” “OH NO!” “OH YEEEEEEEEAH~! You see in less than a minute from now, I am going to burst... AND TAKE YOU, AND THIS WHOLE WRETCHED WORLD WITH ME!”

The Kingkaigers assume the battle positions. “So what you're saying is we have less than a minute to kill you.” “Ah ah ahhh! Any attack could set me off! A punch, A kick, A wafer-thin mint. So why don't you savor the time you have left, before I go POP!” As he balloons bigger “HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE DRAKKON GAMES! BYE, EVERYBODY! GO (“FORBIDDEN VULGARITY!”)”

The kingkaigers fall on their knees to the ground, defeated in the moment. “We did exactly the same thing our owners do... WHAT IS THIS GARBAGE, THE FORMULA?!” as they pound the ground twice.

All of the Legacy heroes look toward the distance, knowing what must be done. “Well, guess we better clean up our mess.” Luckyro, Candelilla, Blue Senturion, Ninjor, Phantom Ranger, Kitsune and AkaRed are concerned “All of you, Take it easy...” as they disappear. “TOMMY!!!” Kitsune is screaming for them.

As the Legacy heroes transmits in, hand onto Drakkon, Tommy and Kat proceeds to give a heartfelt goodbye. “Hey Doggies.” “Tommy... What are you...” “We're sorry. Fighting is... Well it make us happy. And I thought it would make you happy. But those years spent in the time chambers... were the best years of our lives.”

“The Sentais, Riders and Metal Heroes will still be here, as well as everything in the series' existence and more being added into your arsenal for the rest of time. Take care of yourselves and may The Power protect you.”

“Tommy... Kat... What are you?!” “We're very proud of you. See you next time... Bye doggies.” As the Rangers instant transmits out of the world with Drakkon in tow, ready to blow, the Kingkaigers were screaming a Big No.

...We cut to a slice of Heaven, with Cerberus seeing the whole ordeal for herself. “Power Rangers. For the fate of your counterparts, your friends, your family, your planet, you gave your lives... We'll see you soon... Rangers Eternal.”

Speaking of the rangers, they teleport in with a Drakkon just seconds to explode “Hey Cerberus, where should we take this detonator?” Everyone in heaven is screaming in sheer terror as the Vulpine Demon Detonator explodes (“HURF-!”) destroying paradise. Way to dispose of a detonator, you absent minded sixth ranger.


...Back on earth, the Kingkaigers are furious with their owners as tears are flowing in their eyes. A man in a jacket like that of King's usual jacket is walking up to them with his crew “You stupid, selfish, impulsive, HYPOCRITE!” King Punches the Ground “You all had one job: Get angry and KILL DRAKKON!”

The man walks up to the kingkaigers to comfort them “Hey, Kingu.” “But noooo! You not only took a page from the first Power Rangers, you wrote the sequel to their books!”

“Kingu!” “CHAPTER ONE: Kill your own (“FORBIDDEN”) owners!” “OI! JOEL!” “WHAT?!” “Ace of the gods.” “Oh... I mean, we screwed up though.” “Soshite ima, anata wa watashitachi no hitotsudesu ne." As the man and his crew helps King and his family up.

"Well..." Mungo picks up his ancestor. "Guess this gives a whole new meaning to picking up your heritage." "What are you doing with him?" "I'm taking him to a Doctor... A Vet... Medic, I am taking him to a medic."

"Put him down, you don't know where he been." The decsendant of Pitah scowls "How 'bout no." "I can tear you in half!" "I know you can." "...When did you get the guts?" "If it didn't involve my heritage then I'll be a liar."

Then a terrifying sensation occurs. A sinister sounding song is being sung

"♪How much for that doggie in the window...♪
♪The one with the waggly tail...♪
♪How much for that doggie in the window...♪
♪I do hope that doggie's for sale...♪"

There is much foreboding being spread

"♪I must take a trip to California...♪
♪And leave my poor sweetheart alone...♪
♪If he had a doggie, he won't be lonesome...♪
♪And the doggie will have a good home...♪"

As the foreboding is intensifying, a death beam is shot through Jack and Queen's chest, piercing through their armor.

It's Do or Die in the final Act. Good Luck Kingkaiger.

--End of Act 8.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

--Beginning of Act 9.

...After Jack and Queen were shot through their chest by a Death beam. One thing is clear, Drakkon is back, back in his perfect form. "Oops, that was meant for Kitsune. My Bad. But I guess it's difficult to parse your powerlevels anymore, you're all so weak!"

"Guys, DRAKKON IS BACK!" "Oh thanks Fido. I now see those shocked expressions of yours, brains racking over how I got back... And better than ever!" Drakkon proceeding to point towards his head. "And it all lies within my body."

--(Exposition begins here.
"A nucleus so small but ever so powerful. And lucky me, it survived my little kamikaze. Although the Power Rangers and Heaven did not. But the most important part is that my Ranger Biology (Thanks Dads) gave me a boost in my power. Returning me not only to my perfect form but a form even greater!"
--(Exposition ends here.

The Kingkaigers powers up as they are ready to tear him apart. “We're not even mad that you made it alive.” they proceed to assume ready position “We have some things to work out.” Kitsune meanwhile is looking at Jack and Queen in horror as they are dead.

With the horror of losing his family members, Kitsune eventually snaps (“...Oh my goodness, someone finally put it in words!” “You think it is easier the second time?”) “...MY BABY PUPPIES!” Kitsune charges ahead “ZEEK NO!” “ZEEK YES!” As Kitsune throws an energy fireball that explodes on impact. Drakkon charges out of the blast “Kitsune No!” as he backhands kitsune to the ground.

“Goodbye Kitsune. When you reach the afterlife, tell them to make some room.” As Drakkon fires a powerful beam, the Kingkaigers shields Kitsune from the blast. As they rise, their dominat arms are out of order. “as long as we're still standing... you won't kill anyone else.”

“Very well, I can free up five minutes, or however long it'll take to charge this!” as he prepares to fire a Beam attack. “Ninjor! Pick-Me-Ups!” “About that, how many people are here?” “So we're out...?” “We're out of Pick-Me-Ups!”

“I want you to know that this blast isn't just for you Kingkaigers, but it goes out to the entire world! My Grand Finale to this planet!” As Drakkon charges the attack “Kitsune you reckless, brain dead idiot! Jack and Queen could have been brought back but you pick now to be a guardian?!”

“Well look at us, we're no better because we should've let you join the Choir Invisible! Now we're in for the final struggle and Drakkon is gonna kill us all!” “Hey King, I just want to let you know that I'm sorry...” “Oh god, we truly are boned.”

“Well, if this is the end...” Mungo glances to his ancestor “I love you, ancient grand dad.” The others are saying their goodbyes as they brace for the end.

“Honestly Kingkaigers, the maraschino cherry on top of all of this, aside from rendering you out of existence for that matter, is that I don't have the evolutionary failure of aging, I will live FOREVER! Free to roam the stars!” “Going to have to pick up a hobby... How about “Craft Brewing?”

“So this is how we're going to die huh. Down an arm each, being killed by a tyrannical final boss.” “Why does this feel familiar?”

Lord Zedd now have his turn to have some words with them “KINGKAIGERS! SNAP OUT OF IT!” They glance to the side and see their owner's arch enemy, in the flesh giving his rousing pep talk. “Your owners wouldn't sit there and take it, AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU!”

“Lord Zedd. But you're the Power Rangers' arch enemy...” “YOU WANT TO DO RIGHT BY TOMMY AND KAT? WELL DON'T LET THAT (“ILLEGITIMATE SON”) SCARE YOU!” “He's right mutt. It's like you said. “There's no point in being afraid of the inevitable.”

The Kingkaigers King, Bailey, Ace, Olive and Rook are powering up as they replied “Yeah, I guess you're right.” Drakkon is intruged as they are charging up their combination Beam shot. (“VACUUM... FINAL WAVE...”) Lord Zedd and the others are amazed “...With one Arm even!” Zedd remarked.

“MAGNFICENT!” Drakkon shouts out in delight. “ONE LAST STAND AGAINST ME! A CLIMATIC BATTLE!” Kingkaigers are about to fire (“LEGENDARY...”) “GIVE ME WHAT YOUR OWNERS COULDN'T BEFORE I SEND ALL OF YOU HOME TO THEM!” Drakkon fires his Final Wave Fireball.

The Kingkaigers are fully charged in their “Super Preview Ranger Forms” (Which is Ryuusouger,) all of their power focused, ready to fire. (“...FIREBALL!”) They fire and combine their beams. As they're about to collide, Mungo gives a order to everyone “EVERYONE! GRAB YOUR BODIES AND GET GOING!” Miles picks up Jack and Queen as he proceeds to leave with everyone else.

Lord Zedd decided “I'll catch up with them later. Right now I have a bone to pick.” Kitsune also have the same idea to ruin Drakkon's day.

The beams collide as the two struggle to decide the fate of the world. “TELL ME WHEN THAT ARM GOES NUMB YOU MANGY FLEABAGS! THEN I'LL START TRYING!” They are focusing in “WORSE CASE SCENARIO? YOU DIE AND GET STRONGER! IT DID WONDERS FOR ME!”

“Wouldn't it just hurt you to shut up and fight?!” “WHAT'S THAT BOWER? I CAN'T HEAR YOU! TRY SIGN LANGUAGE!”

The Kingkaigers are thinking about this final showdown 'This is just great. Our legs feel like they're about to give out, We can't feel our arm and worse yet, everybody can't stop talking!'

Just then, a telepathic message came to them. “Oh, sorry, we'll call back later.” “Tommy? Is that you speaking to us telepathically?” All of the Power Rangers (barring their extra allies who are still alive) are with Cerberus in a temporary paradise, using Cerberus as a communicator.

“Hi Doggies. Sorry we couldn't contact you earlier, the judgement lines was the worst. It's like I've skipped it and went straight to hell.” (“You should get bent!”) “Also, our communicators have a personality that can't stop yelling at us.”

“Tommy, Kat, we... I don't think we're gonna make it.” King begins “He's so much stronger and it's all our fault! It was my Cowardice, my hubris, and now our weakness! We're all gonna-”

Tommy and Kat's images appear alongside the Kingkaigers as they begin encouraging them “King, we want to tell you, that if you don't do this then Lord Zedd is going to die, your family and friends will die, the development team on this will die, everyone will die.”

“But before all that,” Kat continues from Tommy “if you don't do this, you're all gonna die. And you're better than that! You're better than him! You're even better than us!”

The Kingkaigers gasp and puts more effort into their “Fireball Beam” which now gave them the advantage. (“WOAH NELLY!”) “You see? We're not even close to being that strong yet. You're more than “Man's Best Friend,” You're our dogs. Our family. You are King Oliver, Bailey Oliver, Ace Oliver, Rook Oliver, Olive Oliver, and the sixth rangers as well, Jack Oliver and Queen Oliver.”

“Now, plant your feet, grit your teeth and FINISH THIS FINAL SHOWDOWN!” The Kingkaigers proceeds to power up with the encouragement, overpowering Drakkon. “SO, WHAT'S THIS OLIVERS, YOU SECOND WIND OR YOUR DYING GASP? IT DOESN'T MATTER FOR BEHOLD! THE POWER OF TWO HANDS!” Drakkon puts even more power into his Beam, taking the lead and sending the Kingkaigers skidding.


Suddenly, Drakkon got hit with two energy shots, seemingly out of nowhere. (“EAUGH!”) It is revealed that Lord Zedd and Kitsune fired those shots. “Oh (“FORBIDDEN”).” “MAKE IT SHOWY AND FINISH HIM OFF!” With Tommy and Kat's encouragement, the Kingkaigers overpower “Perfect” Drakkon's Final Beam.

And now Drakkon is singing “My Way” by Frank Sinatra in his thoughts as he flashes back through his life story.

♪And now, the end is near♪
♪And so I face the final curtain♪
♪My friend, I'll say it clear♪
♪I'll state my case, of which I'm certain♪
♪I've lived a life that's full♪
♪I've traveled each and every highway♪
♪But more, much more than this♪
♪I did it my way♪
♪Regrets, I've had a few♪
♪But then again, too few to mention♪
♪I did what I had to do♪
♪And saw it through without exemption♪
♪I planned each charted course♪
♪Each careful step along the byway♪
♪And more, much more than this♪
♪I did it my way♪
♪Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew♪
♪When I bit off more than I could chew♪
♪But through it all, when there was doubt♪
♪I ate it up and spit it out♪

♪The record shows I took the blows♪
♪And did it my way♪
And so Drakkon's body proceeds to completely disintegrate, down to the very last cell, and the Kingkaiger's Beam attack dissipates into outer space.



Back on earth, the Kingkaigers reverting back to their Gokaiger Ranger forms as they're heavily gasping. “Showdown... accomplished...” They reverted back to civilian form and are now falling. “Somebody catch us!”

“It's over...” Phantom ranger is relieved as the Kingkaigers hit the ground off screen. “Drakkon is finally dead.” Ninjor greets King and his family asking “So, all of you have beat your first bad guy. How did it feel?” The Kingkaigers are barely responding. “Hello?”

“If anybody's there, our bodies' autonomic nervous systems have shut down all non critical bodily functions.” Bailey reports “We cannot See, Move or Hear. On a related note, we really have to go to the bathroom.” “Come on Kingkaigers, lets get you to the galleon.”

Lord Zedd stops to talk to Kitsune. “Well, I am rather surprised you didn't take credit for that victory.” “I'm surprised you're not thanking me for saving your lives. And by the way, shouldn't you be scheming for world domination?” “Don't worry. We'll revive your “Baby Puppies.” And with a cackling laugh, Zedd teleport away.

“...You better hope so.”

Soon, they arrived to the to the Kingkaigers' GokaiGalleon, where Alpha 6 is waiting for them. “Yo! Yo! Yo! I see the newcomers are out like a light. So they defeated the mastermind behind the mass destruction of all the worlds?” “Of course. Let's hope the Medkit Pick-Me-Ups can restore them.”

As Alpha 6 takes out a blue Medkit with a Black “E” right in the middle of it, he applies the medicine to the kingkaigers as they recover, waking up with feeble mumbling. “... Alpha, is that you?” “Thank heavens! For a second I thought you weren't gonna make it. Sorry about your owners by the way.”

“It's fine. They're dead!” “That's a lot to unpack there.” “You did a great job out there slick, without you who knows what Drakkon had in store for universal destruction!” “Yep.” “I just wanted you to know. Great job.”

“So, are we going to revive people or what?!” Grape is getting impatent as Satau wakes up. “Where am I?! What Happened?! Where's Drakkon?!” “You're in the Kingkaigers' GokaiGalleon, Kingkaigers killed Drakkon and Kingkaigers killed Drakkon.” “So, is this my decendant?” Satau asked concerning Mungo. “Yes I am.”


The Nine Aces-of-the-Gods were gathered. “Okay Spirit Dragon, there's breakfast and Dead people waiting.” Alpha 6 summons the Eternal guardian. “We are the eternal guardians, state your wishes and I shall grant them.”

“'Sup, Dragoon.” “'Sup, Alpha Racer?” “Eternal Dragoon, we wish for everyone who's been killed by drakkon to come back to life.”

“A simple matter.” Dragoon focuses as the wish brings the innocents back to life. “...I get it, we're not getting an easy pass because we're Rangers.” Jack and Queen are brought back to life. “Oh, we're back on the galleon.”

“All righty, since you've pulled off the impossible, you have one wish remaining. Make it count.”

The rangers gave it some thought. “Could you bring back all the Rangers from America?” “You want to tell 'em or should I?” “Oh please, I insist.”

“Okay, I was going to save this until the stingy ferret over there died twice but you can't bring back anyone who already died before.” “Dodged a bullet there.” Kenne remarked

“Well, Aquatar's guardians could rivive those who already died before so...” “Let's go to Aquatar with our remaining wish.”

The White Aquatar Kakuranger Delphine is telepatically responding to that thought “You want to tell 'em or should I?” “Don't talk to me!”

“Greetings Delphine, let us speak to Tommy and Kat. We're going to Aquatar to bring all of you back.” “Well, About that champ...” “Oh boy, here comes the bombshell...” King thought to himself.

“We've been thinking about it and we thought that maybe we should stay dead since all of the threats happened because of us. After all King, it's your family's turn to dominate.” “Oh, you really mean it.”

“But this doesn't have to be Good Bye for Eternity. Just that we'll be visiting on occasion when we're not busy being dead.” “... We understand. So, we'll see you again sometime.” “Thanks, I know you can do it.”

“...Just promise to call us once in a while okay.” “I AM NOT YOUR PHONE!” “Sorry guys, getting some interference, We'll call again soon!” “Okay then, take care.” “Bye Doggies!” “...Now where's the off button on this?” “GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF US!” “There it is!” Tommy boops Cerberus on one of the noses, disconnecting the “phone.”

“And now you have one wish left...” “Well, I wish we can have owners that could teach us all the ways of fighting.” “We can send you essentials like ingredients, groceries, utilities to cook, clean, wash, laundry, and more as well as pay the bills...” “But of course we're not going to abuse it. That please!”

Cue the Spirit Dragon using her power for that to occour. “AND NOW YOUR WISHES HAVE BEEN GRANTED! Farethee well! GARUDIAN DRAGON OUT!"

Ninjor speaks first as the Ranger-like allies says their goodbyes to the Kingkaigers “Well if everything is in order, I shall see you again sometime the the future Kingkaigers. You have proved that you are capable of defending the world.” Akared spoke next “I am honored to fight alongside all of you. I know that the legacy are well in your hands.”

“And to top it all off, you still have lots of work ahead of you.” Blue Senturion remarked “But to defend the world being your birthday dream come true, that is something new but still noble.” “I'm sure that Tommy and Kat are very proud of you.”

Phantom Ranger speaks after the Blue Senturion “And all without using a single Zord or Megazord. I'm sure you will practice piloting every one of them before the true marathon begins.”

“As ex-Deboths we have seen the forest for the trees and everything else. Luckyro and I will help you on your fight against the forces of evil.”

Kitsune speaks last “If everything is going to be the same to you, I will head back. I will assist you on your adventures and maybe move in if I could nab one of those mobilrates.”

And to make a long story short, as everyone is about to leave “All right everybody, one for the end of this...” The entire group high fives each other all at once as they all shout “LET'S GO HOME!”

And so everyone leaves and the pilot ends on a high note. “You're sure about this.” “Positive. After all, they can take care of themselves and protect the entire planet. Although they have a massive schedule crunch on their hands, they can do many great things.” “They can make their own futures since change is always going on. And now, I'm sure that the planet is in good hands...”

--End of Pilot Movie Cue the film's Credits roll as the background music is “Cha-la-Head-Cha-La.”

--But then a music box theme of " Day of Fate ~Spirit VS Spirit~" playing after the credits with the Psycho Rangers from earlier training with a message that says “See you in the actual series!”

Fanfiction Special Thanks
Hlaoroo for support and encouragement.
D-Rock and Housepets! forum for putting up with this
All the Staff of the various toei series
Rickgriffin for making HOUSEPETS!
To my Family
And to GOD, The Eternal Father for putting all that is good and decent here.
Last edited by JamesTCat on Sat Dec 29, 2018 4:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Challenge James T Cat in SMASH Ultimate plus Switch Online: SW-2695-1793-4587
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This fanfiction has turned out very nice! Wonderful job!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:This fanfiction has turned out very nice! Wonderful job!
Thank you Amazee Dayzee. I will be continuing the series with the first episode. The only thing I have to do is to decide on a Sentai to adapt.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

They haven't really done anything with a cowboy theme right? Then again, I only watched two seasons of Power Rangers and that was only to get to Digimon.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

So Ninninger then since they had a cowboy themed ranger. Then again, I don't have the files for it so I will try something else.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by D-Rock »

This was only the pilot?! :shock:
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Indeed it is D-Rock. the series is going to begin soon. I am guessing maybe in March I can find the Sentai to adapt first.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

So you won't be able to do Ninninger then? That stinks.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:So you won't be able to do Ninninger then? That stinks.
I will do Ninninger soon though. Don't worry.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Did they make a Power Rangers version of it? That would be something I would be really interested in.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Did they make a Power Rangers version of it? That would be something I would be really interested in.
Indeed they have. Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel are completed. I will get Ninninger this month or the nexr so that I can adapt it as the one of the first Kingkaiger seasons.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oh. OK. Maybe I will take a look into it then. I have to admit that I do love anything that has a cowboy character in it. :)
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

The following is a fan made series. Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, Hasbro and Ishimori Productions.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.
Everything else is owned by their respective owners.

Please support the official release.

Notice before we begin: I decided to take the suggestion of Amazee Dayzee to adapt Ninninger very first thing after the pilot movie. Time and Again, Rangerwiki will be your friend for Context.

After the exposition that will be filled in later, Cue opening.


♪Forward! lets hoist up the flag of courage♪
♪Dashing through across the seven seas♪
♪Sink or Swim, The invincible wind will guide you all the way...♪

♪Your goal isn't on any sort of map♪
♪It's no illusion that is playing those tricks♪
♪Everyone is searching for their very own treasure in this scavenger that we call life!♪

♪I want to check and make sure that everyone is not the same at all♪
♪Just do what you want, when it comes to your goals♪
♪It's all life or death, when you want something done, do it straight away... without regrets!♪

♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's take the lead of the fight!♪
♪Forward these uncharted routes in the vast seas of the entire world from coast to coast!♪
♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's sail through the storms!♪
♪Your persistent recklessness, your mighty battles will be the ones that will change the world!♪
♪Big dreams are ones that are endless!♪
♪Pirate Squadron Kingkaiger!♪


"Last Time on Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

A wish upon the Ace Of The Gods turned this corgi husky family into Power Rangers! Dubbed as the "Kingkaigers" the family faced off against many forces, eventually leading to a climatic battle known as the DrakkonGames.

The Power Rangers sacrificed their lives in order to stop Drakkon's kamikaze detonation but with the regenerative genetics, Drakkon returned stronger than ever. But with a hidden potental within themselves, the Kingkaigers eventually defeated Drakkon and wiped him off the face of existence!

We now join our heroes as the epic truly begins now. What new challenges await our heroes? Find out today on Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger!"


"Episode 1- SHINOBI 01! "CLASH! Enter the Mighty Morphin' Housepets!"

Our epic begins after the TV movie pilot. King is swimming in the river, catching fish. "This looks like a big one!" as he grasps the fish, he gives it a good smash to kill it ("Hey, a ranger's got to eat") before rising out into the surface and adding it to the day's catch.

"Honey, Where are you?!" "Just catching some lunch!" Bailey is concerned "Dogs don't usually eat fish... Do they?" "It's purely for omega acids and the vitamins. Besides, our pups are skinning the fish."

We cut to the pups, Ace, Olive, Rook, Jack and Queen biting the fish heads clean out as they proceed to skin the rest of the catch. "The eyes are pretty nice to crunch on." "I'll slurp up the gizzards!" "Maybe fish brains would be a tasty treat don'cha think?"

"Hey Ace! Olive! Rook! Jack! Queen! How's the skinning going?" "It's going on pretty well! We're finding new parts to eat!" "That's great! Listen, we're going on a walk soon so when you finish the skinning, let us know." "All right!"

... As King and Bailey were walking through the forest as they left the campsite, they are reminiscing of all the triumphs, all the sorrows, all of the fights they knew had to take place and the times they made Pete and his forces mad.

"Wouldn't you like to think back to all those adventures we had before?" "I know exactly how the devs are going to show it."

Montage based off of this with completely 100 Percent original footage unrealated to anything as this song plays composed by Jun Senoue, and performed by Tony Harnell & Ted Poley as vocals

The first shots the instant a whistle is heard is a colorful explosion with the five carranger turbozord vehicle zords speeding through their colored explosions.

♪Oh yeah!♪
♪All right!♪
When the first in the lyrics begins, we cut to our heroes facing off against gormins as they are striking through them.
♪Well, I don't show off, don't criticize♪
As they stylishly defeat them
♪I'm just livin' by my own feelings♪
As they show excitement and happiness as they fight more foot soldiers
♪And I won't give in, won't compromise♪
As they are knocked around by a random monster of the week
♪'Cuz I only have a steadfast heart of gold♪
As they get psyched for their morph
♪I don't know why, I can't leave though it might be tough♪
As they morph into the Gokaiger forms
♪But I ain't out of control, just livin' by my word♪
The footsoldiers are crashing a royal wedding, the kingkaigers vow to set things right
♪Don't ask me why, I don't need a reason♪
The lip reading shows the queen asking "Why are you doing this." the helmet motion reading shows the rangers stating "No special reason."
♪I got my way, my own way♪
As the Kingkaigers fight the foot soldiers
♪It doesn't matter♪
♪Now what happens, I will never give up the fight♪
As they proceed to chase after the footsoldiers
♪Long as the voice inside drives me to run and fight♪
Showing all of the Power Rangers in heaven who are dead in this series since the pilot movie but are okay otherwise aside from the halos over their heads
♪It doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right♪

As they are teleporting, the next verse begins as they enter the fray

♪Well I don't look back, I don't need to♪
King not looking back from his past as Joel Robison
♪Time won't wait and I got so much to do♪
As Kingkaigers head through the present time
♪Where do I stop now, it's all a blur and so unclear♪
As history speeds through them in a smear
♪Well, I don't know but I can't be wrong♪
As they proceeds to march to the future point

♪It doesn't matter now what happens, I will never give up the fight♪
As they rise up from being beaten up, vowing never to give up
♪Long as the voice inside drives me to run and fight♪
Tommy and Kat giving them thumbs up as they are in the same shot as them
♪Place all your bets on the one you think is right♪
As the various celestials are placing gambling bets on various things in this series

As the instrumental riff plays over the footage, King remarks to his family "All right, this is it. I want you guys to know that if I could live these adventures through eternity after eternity, I defiently would with all of you."

They Morph into the following: King morphs into Carranger Red Racer, Bailey Maskman Blue Mask, Rook Changeman ChangeGriffon Black, Ace Fiveman FiveYellow, and Olive Flashman FlashGreen

Malgore is summoned, The Turbozords are unleashed as Malgore grows massive

Cue the forming of the Turbo RV Robo Megazord to face off against Maligore

♪Oh, it doesn't matter now what happens, I will never give up the fight♪
As the megazord proceeds to wind up the Radical Racing Spin Dash Finale
♪Long as the voice inside drives me to run and fight♪
As the cockpit view shows the Kingkaigers spinning throughout the attack
♪It doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right♪
As the megazord slices through Maligore
♪No, no no no♪
♪It doesn't matter!♪
As the megazord poses it's victory pose as Maligore explodes from the finishing attack.

After the montage (There may be "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie" adaptation later) The family are all there in the campsite. The pups finished off the fish heads, and whatever else is unnessary for the fish to be cut.

"You didn't have to eat the whole head." King is astonished by the mess on the puppies' faces "But it sure was tasty wasn't it?" "Let's get you cleaned up and then we can discuss what to do with the cut meat."


...Meanwhile, in the 'Unknown Location' that Pete the Griffin owns. "So, the Lavamonster is a complete bust. What other dastardly plan do we have in the back burner?"

"Well, I have concocted a real slicer for such an occasion as good as any." Portos explains with the summoning of Weaslicer "Though he's... how do I put it?" "A loose cannon?" "Yes, definitely."

Just then, Weaslicer sliced the Kingkaiger training dummies as he finishes his demostration by decapitating the King Oliver training Dummy with a slice through it's throat, lopping the dummy's head off.

Weaslicer's appearance is a mix of a anthropromopic weasel with blue chainsaws wearing hockey masks on his face and body, Lest we forget that he is considered to be like that of a Chainsaw Murderer.

"I don't know which is more destructive. The murderous weasel's intent to kill or the censors willing to skin the dev team alive if this turns into a Video Nasty?" Elgar noted after the King training dummy is decapitated.

"Show me the target and I shall slice them to bits!" Weaslicer proceeds to laugh maniacally as he is thinking things we wouldn't dare show.

"Those training dummies' appearance should have been your first clue to your targets." Weaslicer got the idea as Pete told him. "So cut some canines into ribbons? An excellent idea of a day!"

Weaslicer then slices a corner out of thin air as he proceeds to enter the opening as his way of teleporting.

"This is an inhibitor that will keep him from provoking the censors." Portos hands Elgar a wrist watch designed to keep destructive monsters from making this series (like Elgar said) a "Video Nasty."

"Elgar, follow him and make sure he doesn't right out murder anyone. You have this device to make sure of it."

"Sure thing! I won't let Weaslicer make the censors furious!" As he teleport, we cut to the next scene.


... As the rangers pack the fish meat into a storage container using aluminum foil (With intent of using the remaining fish to cook with whilst they're in the grounds) they get attacked by Hitokarage foot soldiers, firing Tanegashimas at them as the Kingkaigers evade the shots.

"So, this must be a variety of the benchmark." Bailey noted about the Hitokarage. "Well You ain't whistling Dixie on that one!" Elgar telports in with a playing card style teleport. "Ah, new monster?" "Indeed! I just have to make sure this show won't go Nasty."

The Kingkaigers realize in horror what's in store for them. "Pete have lost his mind didn't he?" "I'll tell you as we fight!" "Very well!"

The Hitokarage arms themselves with yari spears as Elgar summons his Cardsword. They proceed to draw ("FIRST ATTACK!") with a ("SNAPBACK!") forcing the Kingkaigers morph into ("GOKAIGER!")

"What was that all about?!" Jack inquired the lunatic cardswordsman about the First Stike Snapback "We need to save some time for the major threat! In other words, we need to warm you up BECAUSE WEASLICER IS COMING AT HIGH SPEEDS!!!"

"Oh right, what's the big deal about a monster of the week?" As Gokaisabers and Gokaiguns are equiped. "Weaslicer is like that of a Chainsaw Murderer." As Elgar explains why he had to follow weaslicer as he clashed swords with King, he details that a wristwatch device given to him can be used to inhibit as well as pacify the most dangerous monsters.

As Ace and Olive slash through some Hitokarage as they are aiming Tanegashimas at them. they fire Gokaiguns to stun the Hitokarage, long enough to throw them. Rook and Bailey decides to swap weapons so they can shoot more and slash more respectively.

As Rook takes aim at some of the Hitokarage foot soldiers, on of said Hitokarage sneaks up to him, proceeding to throw him over with a "Zangeif type" throw that have it bend way back as they smash Rook into the ground. Bailey decides to slice through said Hitokarage as payback.

"Thanks mom, I hope I didn't embaress you." "Your mind was wandering a bit Rook. I'm sure with a bit of focus you can try to predict the enemy's next attack." "Thanks for that pointer."

Ace and Olive decide to swap weapons as well to slash more and shoot more respectively, Ace using her Gokaisabers to do a Tastsumaki spin attack to cut through the Hitokarage as they try to counter her. They both get counter hits on each other.

Olive decides to snipe her enemies' weapons out of their hands. They spawn new weapons, this time unorthodox weapons for what they're based off of, very sharp cards to use like shuriken. Olive evades, but just barely that the cards are leaving sparks on her as they hit the ground and other spots.

"Well, since I'm a sporting lunatic, why don't you counter Trump Cards with Trump Cards?" Elgar unorthadoxically suggested. "Sounds like a pretty good idea. Though we have to wait till our morphers cool off to do so."

...As the Kingkaigers continue to face off against Elgar and the foot soldiers he brought with him, Weaslicer is slicing up trees with his built in chainsaws. "Oh I love the sense of Destruction and Fear! That's what I should wake up in the morning to!"

A Alaskan husky in a yellow neckerchief is shocked at the destruction Weaslicer is causing to the forest. "YOU THERE! YES YOU! WITH THE CHAINSAWS!" And he's now furious. "Whaddya want from me, Geek?" "You are going to go back there and plant new trees in the place of the ones you destroyed, GOT IT?!" "What if I don't want to do so?"

As if on cue, the Alaskan husky takes out a peculiar whistle (With the Gokaiger insignia on it with the text "KINGKAIGER" to the side of said insignia) that can only be heard by the Kingkaigers themselves...


...as one toot on the whistle got their attention right after they morphed into the JAKQ. (Say "JAKQ" as "Jackers.") King is Spade Ace Red, Bailey Dia(mond) Jack Blue, Rook Clover King Green, Olive Heart Queen Pink and Ace is Big One White.

(Note: Big One is a "Wild Card Ranger Color" but is considered a White Ranger purely for argument.)

Jack and Queen are morphed into Zyuranger Dragonranger Green & Dairanger Kibaranger White respectively since those are the two ranger forms that Jack and Queen normally morph into when King, Bailey, Ace, Olive and Rook morphed into a "Ranger Team before Zyuranger."

"Sorry Elgar, something came up. We will finish this fight when we get back." "Ah, your secret whistle."

As the group begins to leave to search for Fox, wondering what he wants, Elgar realizes that Weaslicer's the reason why their secret whistle was blown. "WAIT UP! IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE!"

...As Weaslicer is trying to intimidate Fox "You will let me go on this rampage IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE!" "I don't give a darn what threats you make! You're going to plant those trees whenever you like it or not!" "You little ingrate! I will enjoy husky jerky!"

But as Weaslicer prepares for his kill, laughing manically with a "CHHHAAA--- HA HA!" he get kicked in the back, his kill interrupted with a hard hitting, 7-man Dengeki Blitzkrieg Kick attack.

As Weaslicer is slammed into a tree, he notices the Kingkaigers as they land from the kick. "Hey Fox, glad to see you're a stricter for regulation."

"King! I'm glad the secret whistle you've given to city officials works. How's your family's life as Power Rangers?" "Pretty darn great." "Neato!"

As Weaslicer rises from his fall "You must be my targets I was sent to kill! Now I will savor the fight before send you to your doom! PREPARE TO DIE KINGKAIGERS!" as he revs up the chainsaws.

"Meter's maxed out. So go for a Big Bomber?" Ace asks King. "Our Pleasure." As the attack connects when the super is setup "GO FOR BIG BOMBER!" Ace commands. "BIG BOMBER!" King is ready ("BIG BOMBER!") ("BIG BOMBER!") ("BIG BOMBER!") So is Bailey, Rook, and Olive all at once.

The super begins when Bailey spawns a wheel for the cannon as she leaps up. Rook also spawns a wheel for the cannon and leaps up as well as Olive spawns the frame for the cannon.

Bailey shouts out "SETTO ONE!" as she leaps towards the camera with the wheel. "SETTO TWO!" As Rook is leaping towards the camera with his wheel. "SETTO THREE!" As Olive is leaping towards the camera with the frame.

The three are jumping to their positions as they set up the cannon, with King arming the barrel to the cannon. "LET'S COMBINE!" "SETTO ON!" as he locks the barrel in place. "BIG ONE! YOU'RE ON!"

Ace is leaping through the air in multiple camera angles as she wields the missile, striking a pose as the footage stylistically skips a brief moment for emphasis. "The JAKQ's ultimate finisher!" as she arms the cannon with the missile.

"BIG BOMBER!" as she wields her Big Baton to fire the missile at Weaslicer. The missile rips a hole through him as it explodes on it's own impact.

"But you're forgetting that I have PICK-ME-UPS!" Weaslicer proceeds to eat some of those Vitamin recovery packs to regenerate his body.

"It's a shame when your reputation precedes you." As Weaslicer's body fully regenerate "I think I should head to the city where I can cause the most destruction!" "OH NO YOU WONT!" "OH YES I WILL! Then we will see to your doom!"

As Weaslicer teleport out, intending to head to the city Elgar is chasing after him with the wristwatch device, only for Olive to catch him by the collar "Hold on there "Motormouth." Hand us the secret weapon of yours. We'll make sure Weaslicer won't make this a Nasty."


...After getting the "Inhibitor wristwatch device," Bailey put it on her wrist as the team are morphed back to Gokaigers. "Let's hope this works as advertised."

They soon arrive at their destination as they encounter Weaslicer cutting through many things in the city, laughing manically with that distinct "CHHHAAA --- HA HA! Witness your fear of being cut! The penchance of Violence at an all time high."

As soon as they encounter Weaslicer's rampage, the Kingkaigers decide to zip-line to ground zero, morphing into... ("ZYURANGER!") ("DAIRANGER!") ...The Zyurangers with Queen as Dairanger Kibaranger White.

King Is TyrannoRanger Red, Bailey is TriceraRanger Blue, Ace is TigerRanger Yellow, Rook is MammothRanger Black, Olive is PteraRanger Pink and Jack is DragonRanger Green.

The Data Zone theme plays as they are armed to the teeth and ready to kick some keisters.

They leap into the fray armed with their respective weapons, with King after the Weaslicer as he strikes with the Ryugeki Power Sword as the others are fending off against Gormin and Hitokarage with their weapons.

Bailey is doing back flips as she attempts to get footing against the footsoldiers. All the while their weapons are snared together as they're linked in a straight line. "Blade Blaster." As the gun is firing at the foot soldiers ensnared.

Ace is swinging through a cranial beam kicking off foot soldiers as she uses some linked shurikens to reach higher ground, throwing a gormin off their footing.

King is flipping from one rooftop to another as he slices a foot soldier, rolling dodges an attack as he kicks another grunt clean off. The Gormin are firing their club heads at King as he dodges the blasts whilst red shurikens are flying, landing near the Gormins' feet before exploding, sending them tumbling down.

Queen on the otherhand is slicing head on with the Byakkoshinken Saba as she leaps into the air and performs what can be described as "NOISE Abilities" "Shuriken Noise Arts-" as the footsoldiers charges after her "-It's actually a pitfall." as foot soldiers fall into the pit.

Olive is somersaulting past shot after shot on a beam girder as one foot soldier tried to attack her but said small-fry gets shot instead. Olive leaps into the fray with a flipping motion, as she uses the Ptera Power Bow as a melee weapon, slashing through with a spin until an ill-planted banana peel causes her to slip.

"That's just... Bananas." As Olive is frustrated, the foot soldiers take aim at her as she is taken by surprise. It's only then that Rook and Jack proceeding to slice through the foot soldiers to help out their sister. "Don't worry about it, Twin bros'll keep you safe!" "Why You Little--!" "Hey, save the bickering at least 'til after the fight's over!"

"Why you insolent fools!" Weaslicer have lost it completely. "I will show you the true experience of FEAR!" "Bailey! The program!" Bailey pushes a button on the wristwatch device, proceeding to hack the mind of Weaslicer to weaken him.

As he is hacked, he is slowed down, still mad but he is getting weak by the time the program finishes. "I will still destroy you regardless of any weakening I encounter! PREPARE TO DIE KINGKAIGERS!" "Don't think so!"

As Weaslicer unleashes purple energy slashing attacks, King manages to catch it with his Ryugeki Power Sword thus sending it back at Weaslicer. "But That's only for starters!" as King is getting closer to Weaslicer, trying to get some footing.

Meanwhile Jack and Queen are charging up their attack. "FIREBALL!" "?!" King manages to evade the attack as it smashes through Weaslicer, sparks flying out of him in the process.

As he is preparing to unleash more energy slashing, Ace took advantage of the NOISE Ability to reveal herself out of a wall panel. "Ta-da~" That took Weaslicer by surprise. "Saber Power Daggers!" as she slices him with energy slashes.

He's rolling to get away from the rangers but here comes Olive armed with "Ptera Power Bow!" firing arrows to further weaken him.

And whaddya know, their super meter's maxed out. Weaslicer is about to lose. This is where the Howling Cannon Power Blaster is formed. After it's formation using the core five legendary weapons, it fires onto Weaslicer, finishing him off.

And when he's defeated he decided to use a dark-side item. A Growth Grenade (As used by Lord Zedd) to make himself grow. As he becomes Giant, Our rangers have their work cut out for themselves.

"With the growth grenade used, the chainsaw murderer Weaslicer overpowers our rangers" The Narrator remarks "The Kingkaiger's only chance is to unleash one of their Megazords! But will the city withstand a rampaging monster?! Find out on the next exciting episode of "Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger!"

Cue ending credits for the episode. Melody is Yeah! Break! Care! Break!

♪Live your life, don't stop until it's done♪
♪Once you live for love then you've already won♪

♪When I look up through the infinite sky♪
♪I never thought that it could come to this♪
♪Just take my hand and together we'll fly♪
♪Let's go, I know, how high?♪

♪Soar above the clouds and see such beauty all around♪
♪This irreplaceable world needs us now♪
♪We have to join in the fight♪

♪Live your life like a Vaccum Fireball♪
♪Give your all, don't ever give up!♪
♪When we're together, I know we can win♪
♪I have you to believe in!♪

♪Live your life, don't stop until it's done♪
♪Give your all, don't ever give up♪
♪All you need is love and to believe in yourself♪
♪It's easier when you believe♪

The preceding is a fan made series. Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, Hasbro and Ishimori Productions.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.
Everything else is owned by their respective owners.
Last edited by JamesTCat on Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

LOL so glad that you took my suggestion! I love how well this has really come out! :D
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:LOL so glad that you took my suggestion! I love how well this has really come out! :D
Thank you Amazee Dayzee. And if a season is completed going forward to the next, I will be expecting a supplement series to the fan fiction in the style of Linkara's History of Power Rangers. No rush though. ;)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well I can't wait to see how that goes.