Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Aye, we're just visitin' fer naow." Conall signs , having read Dabry's lips. "Digilitis - he's a kind o' angel - sent us here tae see oor family!"
"Sae... Are ye okay, Dabry?" Cailean asks, nervously. "Ah mean, aside frae bein' deid, o' course... Thanks fer tha', by the way. Ye died protectin' us. Ah dinnae haow we can thank ye enough fer tha'... Ah hope it didnae hurt at least..."
"Ah," Dabry said, making sure he looked straight at Conall, "him I know of. He's kinda the God around here, y'know? And it didn't hurt SO much," he continued, "other than the initial searing pain," he finished theatrically. "Nah, it's kinda an end to pain, y'know? Be nice to meet your folks too, Cailean. Met Aggie the first time I popped by, of course." Now he looked a little chagrinned and scritched the left side of his neck with his right hand. "I DID kinda tell her there were five of them..." He chuckled lightly. "And," he finally added to the Hobomancer, adding a bow, "I am Dabry. Noble former security officer and current wanderer at a loss!"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

CyberDragon wrote:Hivemind led the two off of the train stop and into the museum. It turned out that the floor was dedicated primarily to the history of Earth's empowered heroes. "Most people doing tourist-y things on the Beacon are looking for things related to the champions." Hivemind said. "Made sense to put the history of Earth's super-powered heroes right by one of the entrances."

It turned out that Earth had a particularly high number of super powered heroes throughout it's history compared to other planets. These people even dated back through archaeology to early hominids. These early humans did not demonstrate the same level of power that modern humans tend to exhibit, but seemed to gain powers in greater frequency. The powers were primarily physical, and rarely mental until Homo Sapiens Neanderthals. This was stated by a plaque in front of one of the displays. Inside of the display were ancient artifacts of the day, including a pristine Ardipithecus ramidus skeleton which had not even fossilized. The description claimed the bones were indestructible, and attempts to get a sample for research failed because of this.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Hey," Keeva told Dan, "I was impressed by the 'HAVEN after the ships I've travelled in, Dan. Suppose I'm still in a state of impress from then." She looked over several of the artefacts. "Wow. And, yet, they didn't wipe themselves out at any point? Shows how adaptable they are, I suppose."
"Indeed.." Dan replied, looking over Keeva's shoulder at the info displays. "I'm still not sure about these 'powers'.. I mean, I saw some of the steelhaven crew got powers, but me and you didn't. Are they really like 'mutations' that you get due to your 'DNA' or whatever?" He added, looking confused again.

CyberDragon wrote:Once the guards had been handed off to MT and Chris, Archangel walked up to Rika and Traci. "I'm the one taking you up, it looks like." he said. He stood in the elevator shaft and held his strong arms out for each of them to take. "Best hold my arm and hand and hold on tight!"
Traci groaned a little, but walked up to Archangel and held on to his arm. "Ready. I guess.. Again.." She said simply, muttering the last part. Rika just chuckled and grabbed a hold on to the profered free arm. "Let's go."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:As the images of the forms appeared on the screen, Hawk takes one look and mumbles a few choice words under his breath, consisting of the usual gaggle of popular swears and the like. "Shouldn't been surprised there was paperwork to do" he quips while readying to fill out the forms "But if it's to join the Champions, then alright. Uh, you got a thing I could write or type with?"
"Just tap a field or box you want to fill in." Hivemind said. "The keyboard will show up on the table when you do. Sort of like with a phone or tablet form, but it's an actual full-sized keyboard."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:<<I shall arrange it. If possible,>> the Canine Commander claimed before cutting the link.
"At least your place operates without so much politics," Sana said, tossing her sign aside. "Want me to disconnect everything from the system," she asked, getting ready to undo things she'd done earlier. "Or should I leave the Sheriff a 'phone line'?" She looked at the Hivebot. "In case you need to call her for anything? Or to talk?"
Hivemind nodded. "Politics gets in the way. Something that we can't afford on the Beacon. Not when so many lives rely on our quick action. Anyway, I feel we should leave the Sheriff some way of keeping in contact with us. Just in case." he said.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Predator," Jenny wailed, not quite taking the smile off her face as, despite herself, she did find it somewhat funny, "I don't know about a sense of humour but you certainly have a sense of timing, pal!" She reached up and patted the Droid. "Hoo, he's gonna have some therapy bills!"
"Absolutely ridiculous." Predator stated. "Completely absurd that he would have therapy bills from that." He waited a second, then finished with "Trauma therapy is covered under the Beacon's Universal Public Healthcare plan. He won't have to pay a single credit."
Hawkfang42 wrote:"I'm with Hivemind, at least, I'm pretty sure that's who he was, I'm not exactly the best with names Nat said
"I will verify that when he gets up here. Is there somewhere you are expecting to go?"
~\Rook/~ wrote:Traci groaned a little, but walked up to Archangel and held on to his arm. "Ready. I guess.. Again.." She said simply, muttering the last part. Rika just chuckled and grabbed a hold on to the profered free arm. "Let's go."
Archangel took hold of them both, one in each arm. Then, he unfurled his wings, and launched into the air up the shaft. In no time, the three of them arrived at the top. Archangel landed and let go of Rika and Traci.
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Tatiana nodded at the command. "Aye, aye, Hive." She casually walked over to Kol, seemingly not too concerned with time and spoke to her team mate, "Whenever you're ready Kol, and we can get on out of here."
Buster wrote:"May as well go now. i think we're the last out besides hivemind." Kol stated, after taking one last look around the mess in case they'd forgotten anything. as she headed to the wrecked lift, she asked "Do you think hivemind lets us keep trophies?" gesturing to the pieces of varanian and celican armor and weaponry she'd integrated into her suit and gear.

- - - - -

theres a repeating scrape of metal on metal, and pneumatic hisses before talya's drone emerges from the vertical shaft still dragging the disabled one. heading over to the others she drops it.

"Sorry about the delay, but i was not leaving a heavy pulse blaster lying around down there for some rando to salvage."
Deske wrote:"Well we are probably going to go head back to the Beacon and prepare for whatever is next. It is either that or more search and rescue type missions. Seeing as the war is over though, I assume Hive will probably try and find a replacement for any government officials involved in this. Some Champions will probably stay to peacekeep and do the odd rescue mission here or their in more unstable areas. So, he will probably send us home for now."


Chris gasped dramatically, "No! Not the free will! Anything but that!"
MT let out a chuckle as they emerged from the elevator shaft. He handed the guards off to the Predator drone. "I actually wouldn't mind putting those terrifying ideas into practice." He said. "I wonder what it feels like to simply live a life like a normal organic being. I might have to try it whenever we get some time off."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Absolutely," Hannabelle assented, nodding slightly. "Want to play the 'how many bullets can the hero fire without reloading' game? That's usually fun.|"
"Hah! That one's my favorite!" Gear laughed.

The last person to emerge from the elevator shaft was Hivemind, who leaped along the walls in a similar fashion as Gear. When he emerged, he addressed the team. "Everyone, attention!" He called out. "First of all, I wanted to congratulate all of you for what you have done today. Each of you went above and beyond anything that could have been expected. You saved this world not only from invasion, but from Hell itself. Then, going beyond that, you located and captured one of the people responsible for the horrors of this day."

"However, I am afraid our work is not quite done. With all of the devastation that has happened, chaos will follow on Celica. As such, I need people on the ground on standby in order to keep the peace. Gear, Hannabelle, the two of you are free to head back to the Beacon if you wish. Looters and rioters don't exactly need snipers sent after them. Rika, as Jaken's Guardian, you should return to the Beacon as well. He's eager to see you safe, and you should be there for him. Predator, you need socialization to develop your AI for non-combat situations. You need to return to the Beacon."

Hivemind turned to the strange Chimera creature. "Nat, was it?" he asked. "Do you have anywhere to go?"

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Sarah thought on that for a moment. "That," she eventually decided, "would int'rest, p'r'aps. Talk t' them an' get thier blessin'." the corner of her mouth curled up as she added another thought. "or their 'orror as ah'm a Sassenach, like!"
"I don't think it would be the latter." Hivemind said, shaking his head. "From what my brother told me, once you get there you are incapable of feeling or prejudice. It gets burned away, kind of? Anyway, either way we'll have to wait and see if the boys invite you first though. Would be quite rude to barge in on their reunion without permission."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Hey," Keeva told Dan, "I was impressed by the 'HAVEN after the ships I've travelled in, Dan. Suppose I'm still in a state of impress from then." She looked over several of the artefacts. "Wow. And, yet, they didn't wipe themselves out at any point? Shows how adaptable they are, I suppose."
"Humans aren't as self destructive as people tend to think." Hivemind said, a little defensively.
~\Rook/~ wrote:"Indeed.." Dan replied, looking over Keeva's shoulder at the info displays. "I'm still not sure about these 'powers'.. I mean, I saw some of the steelhaven crew got powers, but me and you didn't. Are they really like 'mutations' that you get due to your 'DNA' or whatever?" He added, looking confused again.
Hivemind pointed to another exhibit a little down the way. The exhibit had a few models of certain heroes and recordings of them demonstrating their powers. There was a sign that explained what the exhibit was about.

"What people refer to as powers come in many different forms, and have been identified to have a large variety of causes. Generally, however, many of these abilities are not technically considered "powers" and their wielders are not considered "Super powered." For an individual to be classified as "Super powered" they must possess some skill or trait that in some way defies physics. Many Champions are not considered Super Powered because their abilities, while extraordinary, are compliant with the laws of nature (The Lycan's shape-shifting and venom, Archangel's wings and radiation immunity, The Wyvern's fire breath). Technically speaking, "Super" powers are those that defy physics in one way or another, usually by changing the way physics works in a very specific manner, and normally only for a specific person (Tempest's aquakinesis, Titan's strength, Recon's speed, Legionnaire's immortality). These "glitches" in reality can have several causes, and can even link to a person's genetics as an inheritable trait (Arctos's aquakinesis), though they are by their nature inconsistent and do not abide by a specific set of physical laws. Known causes of glitches include but are not limited to unstable genetic mutation, exposure to radiation, genetic tampering, and exposure to extreme environments.

Hawkfang42 wrote:"That's even better, and actually, I do have a specific ability." He said, in a quieter, imperative voice, he told his dog, "Ken, motorcycle." Ken turned into a motorcycle and with a grin, he grew big enough to easily hold Ken, then he placed Ken down and they both went back to normal, "The name's Brad Skye, you probably haven't heard of me as not much news leaves Zevian, and even less enters, but I certainly have heard of you, mister Hivemind; and, in case you were wondering, Ken can turn into more than just a motorcycle, he can also turn into a sticky note, mech, and more
"Please be careful when doing that inside of the ship." Hivemind warned. "And I've heard of you. After all, in order to get on this ship, you would have had to fill out forms, and as I am the ship's intelligence, I would have access to that information. Those forms did not cover any abilities you might have, however. Now, please follow me." Hivemind said, gesturing for Brad to follow him. "We will get you started on the application process."

Legotron123 wrote:Quint gave a knowing sigh, having expected this conversation to happen eventually. He double checked to make sure Kolt wasn’t going to snap out of his daze any time soon before speaking. ”It is good you chose to speak to me about this. Kolt does not respond well when people bring up his, “death wish,” as you put it.” He paused for a moment, trying to figure out the proper way to word what he was about to say. ”Unfortunately, I do not know exactly why Kolt behaves this way. I do have a few observations and theory’s if that would help?”
Hivemind nodded. "Anything you can tell me will help. If nothing else, it will give me a place to start looking into it myself."

Legotron123 wrote:If Liz had any problem with being referred to as madam, she didn’t show it. ”Well, first we’re going to make sure Hivemind has a place set up for you to stay while you’re here, then I’ll leave you for the night to settle in, and if I have any time left I’ll check in on some of my old crew.”
Sal-Hleel looked around. It wasn't long before he spotted a Hive droid, which he waved down.

"Yes, I overheard. I have a place for you to stay, Sal-Hleel. There is a free room in Champion Tower you can stay in until I can get you a full house of your own."

The Varanian bowed slightly, thanking the droid.

"As for your crew, Liz, a few of them are currently busy. MT, Chris, and Seena are all on the surface right now, helping with the aftermath of the invasion. The Colorado Clones are almost back to the Beacon. Cailean and Conall are visiting their family, Sarah is watching them, and Keeva and Dan are at the Terran museum learning about this universe's version of Earth. You might be able to check on Nocturl though."

Deske wrote:"I could probably cook. I was an adult at one point," Colorado replied.
"Buuut," he continued, "I don't think grilled cheese and soup would cover for date night."
The Sparrow pulled into one of the hangers on the Beacon and gravity returned to the interior as it passed through the environment shields. The ship latched on to one of the docs, and the door opened. "We've arrived."

Randy and Eira stepped off of the ship and headed for the nearest portal door into the interior of the ship.

Hlaoroo wrote:"Aye, we're just visitin' fer naow." Conall signs , having read Dabry's lips. "Digilitis - he's a kind o' angel - sent us here tae see oor family!"
"Sae... Are ye okay, Dabry?" Cailean asks, nervously. "Ah mean, aside frae bein' deid, o' course... Thanks fer tha', by the way. Ye died protectin' us. Ah dinnae haow we can thank ye enough fer tha'... Ah hope it didnae hurt at least..."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Ah," Dabry said, making sure he looked straight at Conall, "him I know of. He's kinda the God around here, y'know? And it didn't hurt SO much," he continued, "other than the initial searing pain," he finished theatrically. "Nah, it's kinda an end to pain, y'know? Be nice to meet your folks too, Cailean. Met Aggie the first time I popped by, of course." Now he looked a little chagrinned and scritched the left side of his neck with his right hand. "I DID kinda tell her there were five of them..." He chuckled lightly. "And," he finally added to the Hobomancer, adding a bow, "I am Dabry. Noble former security officer and current wanderer at a loss!"
"Hmm! Well, if you're just wandering, why not rest for a while and join us?" the strange Hobo Wizard suggested. "There is more than enough Heaven Frushie for everyone!" He turned to face the boys. "Though I apologize. It is not my place to extend the invitation!"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by SeanWolf »

Tapping the screen, Hawk is impressed at the tech (though he personally prefers a physical keyboard) and begins to tap away, though some of the questions made him raise an eyebrow as some of them were stuff he never imagined he had to answer. "And..done...whole thing reminded me of taking those stupid standardize tests when I was a young pup" he quips he finishes up, "Now what?"
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"No, I really don't have anywhere to go." Nat said, "Any space station or underground base I've been too, that didn't explode, doesn't want me."


"Okay, mister Hivemind, actually, do you prefer mister or sir?" He asked, following behind Hivemind
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Buster »

Taking the controls for a moment, kobor asks,"Why those two things specifically? That seems more than a little wierd that you would fixate on such accomodations..."

- - - - - -
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Hey, June," Jaken said, getting a little of his strength back on seeing his friend and remembering for good which footpaw was his left one, "whatcha been doin'?"
"I was playing spies a bit. But it was less fun than i thought and it made my head hurt. also it was lunch time." June explains, finally remembering to turn the suit and morpher back into a watch. "So i ate a bunch, and met a funny lizard and a mouseman and a nice lady who payed for my food. i think there was another one with them too... but i dont remember."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Ah," Jaken enthused, nodding his head and thinking he probably knew which Mouseman she was talking about. Probably. "I've been using one of the tv-presents droids to be helping people out on Celica," he explained, before going into details about the lives he'd saved by opening a portal into someone's stomach and letting them out, along with the other contents. "I could only do that because this one was..." He tried stretching his arms apart and thinking of the words to describe the warlord. "Reeeeeaaaaaaaallllllyyyy big!" He looked to Hive for support.
"Righty-ho," Sana said, taking a small device out of her pocket and nipping back outside with a be right back. A moment, a FLASH of light and a 'do that again and I'll shoot you' later, she reappeared and plugged the device into the Sheriff's computer. It opened up a security program and accepted the retinal scan into one particular program before vanishing again. Sana began disconnecting wires. "I'll leave the comm-link line active between us and the beacon but it'll need the retinal scan of the Sheriff for her to be able to contact us." She looked up. "And it'll encrypt the line too. No recording this end. Didn't tell her that bit. Up to heading off, boss," she asked, stuffing a few wires into her pockets. " got a date." She frowned. "With Seena's mate's clone. Is'm still not sure if that's weird or not?"
"Haven't seen him since he died," Corp admitted gruffly. "We should definitely check on him." He stopped. "What do you mean, the Lamonts are visiting their parents?"
"So you're going in for the 'humour in truth' way, eh, Pred," Jenny remarked, before listening to Hive. "I think you'll take to socialising without too much effort," she said, "provided you can remember our failings." She raised her voice so Hive could hear her properly. "Like the need to eat, Hive? We've been going all day without a break. Can I suggest those remaining get some ration packs and water?"
"Oh," Hannabelle said theatrically, raising her arm to cover her eyes, "used and then cast aside! Rejected!" she put on a slump and hid a grin to Gear. "Come on, Gear! We <gasp> are no longer needed!" She started slouching away before brightening up. "Do remember my number if you need me, Hive, hm?"
"Nev'r sure I'd want t' go t' place that can't take me as I am," Sarah said thoughtfully, hand-paws behind her back. "But, f'r them, ah'd try it."
"So here," Keeva said casually, "a 'universe of infinite possibilities' really is just that, yeah?" She looked to Dan. "Everything's different so there's no point in fearing what's different simply because it's different? I kinda like that idea."
Last edited by Welsh Halfwit on Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Tatiana nodded. "Alright. Hold on tight, we won't go too fast though. Haven't practiced carrying others too much." She wrapped her arms around Kol's back in a tight grip and started to levitate their way up the chute. "Come to think of it I think I haven't carried a team mate who hasn't gotten hurt from it yet. And I don't think I could claim 'dangerous mission circumstances' should it happen now."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Deske »

"After all this? Probably pretty boring. Can you actually see yourself sitting down and reading a book about a hero saving the world when less than an hour ago you were the hero saving the world?"


"Well I'm basically home," Colorado thought to his better half. "What are trying to get so I can at least preorder it so it'll be ready by the time you get back?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Legotron123 »

Quint gave a brief nod before continuing. ”From what his teammates told me, Kolt has displayed self-sacrificial behavior since he first joined the Magni. It started out small, but got worse as time went on and he lost more people. For a while it seemed random which deaths he obsessed over, but eventually we figured it out. If Kolt believes he could have done something to prevent someone’s death, he will never stop beating himself up over it, but if he can accept that it was completely outside of his control, he gets over it in a month. Which leads me to my theory.” He paused for a moment, double checking to make sure Kolt wasn’t going to wake up in the middle of the conversation. ”I have lived in Kolt’s head for the past three years. I know that, at least consciously, he does not want to die. However, I do believe that on some level, he would welcome death as a punishment for what he views as his failings.”
”I second Corp’s question. The Lamont’s family are A, in another dimension, and B, dead. And if they’re somehow able to interact with their family regardless, that raises so many questions and contradictions, I don’t even know where to begin!” Liz said, soundly like Hivemind has given her a massive headache with less than a sentence.
Last edited by Legotron123 on Wed May 01, 2019 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Buster »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Ah," Jaken enthused, nodding his head and thinking he probably knew which Mouseman she was talking about. Probably. "I've been using one of the tv-presents droids to be helping people out on Celica," he explained, before going into details about the lives he'd saved by opening a portal into someone's stomach and letting them out, along with the other contents. "I could only do that because this one was..." He tried stretching his arms apart and thinking of the words to describe the warlord. "Reeeeeaaaaaaaallllllyyyy big!" He looked to Hive for support.
June's reaction to Jaken's portal-stomach-pump story is a facial expression best described as part way between smelling something foul and the aftermath of taking a bite out of a lemon. "ew." she whines, dragging the word out. all of a sudden having just eaten isn't seeming like all that great of a thing.

- - - - - -

Kol grinned confidently, despite Tatiana's concerning comments. "Don't worry, i'm sturdy." she states sounding sure of herself, and letting out a laugh.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Och, it's fine! We'd hae demanded he come anywye!" Cailean grins, putting his arm around Dabry's shoulders to steer the cat towards the group.
"Sae... Are ye happy up here, Dabry?" Conall signs with Cailean translating.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"There's no reason not to, I suppose," Dabry said cheerily, being led down to the others. "It's not so bad," he replied, shaking the Former Lord and Lady's handpaws and graciously giving Aggie a kiss on the back of her hand as it wasn't the first time he'd met her. "In case you had not guessed, M'lord and lady, I am Dabry. Or I was. I'll figure it out one day."
"Well," Seena said, leisurely, "I don't know how long we're going to be here but it shouldn't be too long, sexy. I'm kinda hankering for Deep pan pizza with pepperoni... and Banana." She laughed. "That's a confirmation, eh?"
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Tatiana nodded, giving a chuckle. "That's true! Though I'd like to not challenge the laws of gravity due to my inherent disregard for it." They quickly touched down outside of the chute, Tatiana herself feeling rather nice to be out of the bunker, lab, thing, place. "Don't know about you, but I'm glad to be out of there. Just hope that's the end of that. People hunting the kid down, the invasion, the replaced big wigs. Don't think I could take it escalating again."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

Rika nodded to Hive. "Understood. I think I needed a break anyway.." She replied simply before heading over to Gear and Hannabelle ready for transport.

Traci just sat down cross-legged where she was, waiting for Hive to tell her what to do next.


Dan read the display carefully. "Hm." Was all he said about it.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"So here," Keeva said casually, "a 'universe of infinite possibilities' really is just that, yeah?" She looked to Dan. "Everything's different so there's no point in fearing what's different simply because it's different? I kinda like that idea."
Dan looked down in thought before looking back to Keeva and nodding. "You're right.." He replied. "..But I think it's still going to take me a while to get used to it."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:Tapping the screen, Hawk is impressed at the tech (though he personally prefers a physical keyboard) and begins to tap away, though some of the questions made him raise an eyebrow as some of them were stuff he never imagined he had to answer. "And..done...whole thing reminded me of taking those stupid standardize tests when I was a young pup" he quips he finishes up, "Now what?"
"Now?" Hivemind repeated. "Now we introduce you to some of the people who will supervise you. The Lycan and Arctos the Ice Wolf just arrived a few minutes ago. I figure you can meet them first, as most of the other veterans are on the surface right now. The two of them will likely be headed to get some dinner. Neither has eaten since this morning." Hivemind got up and walked over to the door. Opening it, he turned back to Hawk. "Best be as respectful as possible. It's not exactly smart to annoy a hungry lycan, and you'll be meeting two of them."

Hawkfang42 wrote:"Okay, mister Hivemind, actually, do you prefer mister or sir?" He asked, following behind Hivemind
"If we're being formal, than either will do. Most simply call me Hivemind, or Hive for short." the droid said, leading Brad through a door on a phone-booth sized kiosk and emerging in the Champion Tower lobby.

The tower was relatively empty today. Most champions were down on the planet surface, dealing with the aftermath of the invasion.

Buster wrote:"I was playing spies a bit. But it was less fun than i thought and it made my head hurt. also it was lunch time." June explains, finally remembering to turn the suit and morpher back into a watch. "So i ate a bunch, and met a funny lizard and a mouseman and a nice lady who payed for my food. i think there was another one with them too... but i dont remember."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Ah," Jaken enthused, nodding his head and thinking he probably knew which Mouseman she was talking about. Probably. "I've been using one of the tv-presents droids to be helping people out on Celica," he explained, before going into details about the lives he'd saved by opening a portal into someone's stomach and letting them out, along with the other contents. "I could only do that because this one was..." He tried stretching his arms apart and thinking of the words to describe the warlord. "Reeeeeaaaaaaaallllllyyyy big!" He looked to Hive for support.
"Big enough to eat half a city and smash the rest of it." Hivemind confirmed. "Then move on to the next city for seconds."
Buster wrote:June's reaction to Jaken's portal-stomach-pump story is a facial expression best described as part way between smelling something foul and the aftermath of taking a bite out of a lemon. "ew." she whines, dragging the word out. all of a sudden having just eaten isn't seeming like all that great of a thing.
Hivemind was not expecting a disgusted reaction from the brain-eating parasite colony living in the forcibly reanimated mutant corpse of a shark. "It was actually the same creature that caused all the damage you saw when you piloted the Predator drone, June."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Righty-ho," Sana said, taking a small device out of her pocket and nipping back outside with a be right back. A moment, a FLASH of light and a 'do that again and I'll shoot you' later, she reappeared and plugged the device into the Sheriff's computer. It opened up a security program and accepted the retinal scan into one particular program before vanishing again. Sana began disconnecting wires. "I'll leave the comm-link line active between us and the beacon but it'll need the retinal scan of the Sheriff for her to be able to contact us." She looked up. "And it'll encrypt the line too. No recording this end. Didn't tell her that bit. Up to heading off, boss," she asked, stuffing a few wires into her pockets. " got a date." She frowned. "With Seena's mate's clone. Is'm still not sure if that's weird or not?"
"You're asking me if that's weird? Me? Do I have to tell about my dragon demigod brother again?" Hivemind said, sounding amused. "Anyway, thank you, Sana. I need to speak with the sheriff again."

Hivemind stepped out of the building and walked up to the sheriff. "Thank you for your patience. I actually was hoping I could ask one more thing, though this might be a better question for the mayor of the town... Would the town be open to the idea of offering quarter to a team of Champions in need of a place to stay for the night? Specifically, the team that took down the Varanian Warlord. They will be staying on the surface to handle on-call assignments in the morning."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Haven't seen him since he died," Corp admitted gruffly. "We should definitely check on him." He stopped. "What do you mean, the Lamonts are visiting their parents?"
Legotron123 wrote:”I second Corp’s question. The Lamont’s family are A, in another dimension, and B, dead. And if they’re somehow able to interact with their family regardless, that raises so many questions and contradictions, I don’t even know where to begin!” Liz said, soundly like Hivemind has given her a massive headache with less than a sentence.
"Ah! Right, that." Hivemind said casually. In mentioning it before, he kind of forgot how unusual that was, even for people here. "I'm afraid I can't give many details. You'll have to ask them about it when they return from their day trip to Heaven. I managed to get them to contact the angelic entity, Diligitis, and he's letting them visit their family for a little bit. Looks like I was able to find a way to help them after all." Again, Hivemind was showing his habit of discussing absolutely absurd things like they were completely normal.

Hawkfang42 wrote:"No, I really don't have anywhere to go." Nat said, "Any space station or underground base I've been too, that didn't explode, doesn't want me."
"Right..." Hivemind said to himself, rubbing his forehead. "Mind if I ask why they don't want you, and does it have anything to do with the others exploding?"

- - - - -
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"So you're going in for the 'humour in truth' way, eh, Pred," Jenny remarked, before listening to Hive. "I think you'll take to socialising without too much effort," she said, "provided you can remember our failings." She raised her voice so Hive could hear her properly. "Like the need to eat, Hive? We've been going all day without a break. Can I suggest those remaining get some ration packs and water?"
A different droid walked up to them while the first droid was busy with Nat. "Of course you'll get to eat, and you will get water. You're basically done for the day. Champion regulations dictate you eat food from the Beacon when on a planet where eating the local food might cause health or ethical concerns. Given much of Celican food is raw, and sometimes still living, meat, I will be sending food down to the place you'll be staying. Once that has been arranged."
~\Rook/~ wrote:Rika nodded to Hive. "Understood. I think I needed a break anyway.." She replied simply before heading over to Gear and Hannabelle ready for transport.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Oh," Hannabelle said theatrically, raising her arm to cover her eyes, "used and then cast aside! Rejected!" she put on a slump and hid a grin to Gear. "Come on, Gear! We <gasp> are no longer needed!" She started slouching away before brightening up. "Do remember my number if you need me, Hive, hm?"
"If I need your help, I'll let you know!" Hivemind called back.

Predator stepped in front of Hannabelle, Rika, and Gear. "I'll be taking you up to the Beacon. I'm heading up there anyway and can take passengers." His jaws opened, showing the digitizing portal in the back of his mouth. He rested his lower jaw on the ground. "Please step through the portal you see in front of you. It's a little easier to download that way."

It might not be immediately obvious, but Gear had locked up. His eyes were darting back and forth between Predator and seemingly everywhere else, as if he was trying to figure out all possible directions he could run in.
Deske wrote:"After all this? Probably pretty boring. Can you actually see yourself sitting down and reading a book about a hero saving the world when less than an hour ago you were the hero saving the world?"
"Authors generally are not superheroes." MT stated, shrugging. "They have a different perspective, an outside perspective, that could be interesting to analyze through their portrayal and interpretation of hero work. Anyway, it sounds like Hivemind is giving us the rest of the day off. I might be able to experiment with the idea of not being a weapon of war a little early."
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Tatiana nodded, giving a chuckle. "That's true! Though I'd like to not challenge the laws of gravity due to my inherent disregard for it." They quickly touched down outside of the chute, Tatiana herself feeling rather nice to be out of the bunker, lab, thing, place. "Don't know about you, but I'm glad to be out of there. Just hope that's the end of that. People hunting the kid down, the invasion, the replaced big wigs. Don't think I could take it escalating again."
"It's possible, even probable, that Jaken is still being hunted. Monta and Zabta were just pawns in this. That said, they were powerful pawns. Without Zabta, they won't have access to government assassins, and without Monta a large chunk of their military and financial power should be slashed. Combined with Jaken being on the Beacon guarded by the full force of the Hive network and Champions, I think he's safe."
~\Rook/~ wrote:Traci just sat down cross-legged where she was, waiting for Hive to tell her what to do next.
"I am currently attempting to arrange where you will be staying. I know of a few towns that were not touched by the fighting, and most would likely be thrilled to host the team that saved their planet." Hivemind said. "I'll have an Ibis dropship pick you up and take you there once things have been finalized."

Recon quite suddenly appeared next to Traci after Hivemind was done. "You know, once we get where we're staying, we should get to know each other. I don't run into other speedsters often."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Nev'r sure I'd want t' go t' place that can't take me as I am," Sarah said thoughtfully, hand-paws behind her back. "But, f'r them, ah'd try it."
"Well then there's a paradox." Hivemind said. "Heaven can't be heaven if you can feel unhappy there. Yet if you feel you can't be truly happy without the option of being unhappy, then what? Perhaps Heaven conforms itself to your wishes? I wouldn't know."

Legotron123 wrote:Quint gave a brief nod before continuing. ”From what his teammates told me, Kolt has displayed self-sacrificial behavior since he first joined the Magni. It started out small, but got worse as time went on and he lost more people. For a while it seemed random which deaths he obsessed over, but eventually we figured it out. If Kolt believes he could have done something to prevent someone’s death, he will never stop beating himself up over it, but if he can accept that it was completely outside of his control, he gets over it in a month. Which leads me to my theory.” He paused for a moment, double checking to make sure Kolt wasn’t going to wake up in the middle of the conversation. ”I have lived in Kolt’s head for the past three years. I know that, at least consciously, he does not want to die. However, I do believe that on some level, he would welcome death as a punishment for what he views as his failings.”
"I see..." Hivemind said. He thought to himself about how to deal with this. "Quint, I have a simple request for you. Consider it an order or not, as long as you get it done. Once Kolt regains his senses, tell him to contact Diligitis as soon as he gets a few moments in a quiet place. You may return to the others now."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"So here," Keeva said casually, "a 'universe of infinite possibilities' really is just that, yeah?" She looked to Dan. "Everything's different so there's no point in fearing what's different simply because it's different? I kinda like that idea."
~\Rook/~ wrote:Dan looked down in thought before looking back to Keeva and nodding. "You're right.." He replied. "..But I think it's still going to take me a while to get used to it."
They continued through the museum as Hivemind took them further down through the exhibits. Then they came across a smaller exhibit. Super Powered Animals. "This... should show you a rather significant difference between your universe and ours..." Hivemind said.

The exhibit displayed exactly what it sounded like. Images and models of different animals from this universe's Earth performing various feats. There was a photo of a bomb-sniffing dog that was immune to explosions, a bulletproof cavalry horse, a model of a hummingbird lifting a human off of the ground, and a number of instances of animals growing to absurd sizes and terrorizing cities, only to be stopped by local super heroes.

Hlaoroo wrote:"Och, it's fine! We'd hae demanded he come anywye!" Cailean grins, putting his arm around Dabry's shoulders to steer the cat towards the group.
"Sae... Are ye happy up here, Dabry?" Conall signs with Cailean translating.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"There's no reason not to, I suppose," Dabry said cheerily, being led down to the others. "It's not so bad," he replied, shaking the Former Lord and Lady's handpaws and graciously giving Aggie a kiss on the back of her hand as it wasn't the first time he'd met her. "In case you had not guessed, M'lord and lady, I am Dabry. Or I was. I'll figure it out one day."
The old man was already sitting down on the picnic blanket, dividing the apple frushie into slices. "You're still Dabry." Mr. C stated, putting slices of Frushie onto plates that he also somehow conveniently had kept hidden in his cloak. "You're just all soul now. The core of your being lives on, and so you live on."

He decided to serve the boys next. "There's so much for you to catch up with your family about, I'm sure!" he said, handing Conall the plate of pie and preparing another for Cailean. "New friends, new talents, a new universe, and..." he added, grinning at Cailean. "A certain someone I'm sure your family would love to meet?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by SeanWolf »

"No worries, I know it's never best to upset anyone during their meal" Hawk chuckled as he walked over to the door, "Though I'm pretty sure we'll get along just fine...on the surface? Mine if I inquire as to what happen?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by furrygamer793 »

Cyberdragon wrote:
Hawkfang42 wrote:"Okay, mister Hivemind, actually, do you prefer mister or sir?" He asked, following behind Hivemind
"If we're being formal, than either will do. Most simply call me Hivemind, or Hive for short." the droid said, leading Brad through a door on a phone-booth sized kiosk and emerging in the Champion Tower lobby.

The tower was relatively empty today. Most champions were down on the planet surface, dealing with the aftermath of the invasion.
"Well, this is a nice little tower." Brad said, looking around at the large empty space, "Nice, but empty; is it normally this empty?" he asked.

CyberDragon wrote:
Hawkfang42 wrote:"No, I really don't have anywhere to go." Nat said, "Any space station or underground base I've been too, that didn't explode, doesn't want me."
"Right..." Hivemind said to himself, rubbing his forehead. "Mind if I ask why they don't want you, and does it have anything to do with the others exploding?"
"All the times they did explode, they were accidents, except the first one, but I promise it wasn't me." Nat said, "Well, what are we going to do now?" he asked.
Last edited by furrygamer793 on Tue May 07, 2019 5:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"No problem to sort that out," Messalca said. "I happen to be cousin to the owner of the Low Front motel and it's the off-season so things are quiet - comparatively. Does mean it's a bit basic, mind. He can't hire kitchen staff in these months. How many rooms you going to need?"
As she asked, Sana nipped past, taking bit and pieces back to the shuttle and waiting for an inopportune time to enter. "Only me," she told Seena as she walked into the back section of the shuttle. She noted that Seena had obviously popped into the shop on the way through and peeked into the bag. "Think he'll like you in that, eh?"
Seena just chuckled as she didn't know how much Colorado would 'hear' if she said more.
"You worked with Predator too," Jaken asked June excitedly. He beamed. "Makes you part of the team, June!"
"It will take some time to get used to this universe," Corp muttered, shaking his head slightly.
"Well," Jenny mused, " I'll need to contact IOC Celica tomorrow to see if I can wrangle John an interview. Although I suppose Agent Sana can do that if you tell her I asked, boss?" She noted Hannabelle put a handpaw on Gear's shoulder.
"You can be brave if I can," Hannbelle said quietly to Gear. "Not a travel method I approve of," she said towards Predator, "but I'll trust you this once fella." She inclined her head and stepped forward. "C'mon, my friend, let's go for a short trip, eh?"
Keeva followed the Hive through the museum and frowned at the quadrupedal nature of the animals on show. "Seems they didn't get speech centres either," she sighed. "No wonder they made so many mistakes, I suppose."
Sarah laughed. "Tha's me, Cap'ble've causin' a ruckus on 'oly Island!"
"New fr... New UNIVERSE??" Dabry said loudly, clearly surprised. "How long has it been?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Deske »

"Banana?" Colorado repeated back to her, "Haven't ever heard of pepperoni and banana. How do those flavors even work together...?"


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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

CyberDragon wrote:Predator stepped in front of Hannabelle, Rika, and Gear. "I'll be taking you up to the Beacon. I'm heading up there anyway and can take passengers." His jaws opened, showing the digitizing portal in the back of his mouth. He rested his lower jaw on the ground. "Please step through the portal you see in front of you. It's a little easier to download that way."

It might not be immediately obvious, but Gear had locked up. His eyes were darting back and forth between Predator and seemingly everywhere else, as if he was trying to figure out all possible directions he could run in.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"You can be brave if I can," Hannbelle said quietly to Gear. "Not a travel method I approve of," she said towards Predator, "but I'll trust you this once fella." She inclined her head and stepped forward. "C'mon, my friend, let's go for a short trip, eh?"
"It's not as bad as you might think. It's a little tingly at first, not in an unpleasant way, then you're just inside a simulated room. It's all perfectly safe, and I'm a medical professional so, you can trust me." Rika said calmly, walking past the both of them right up to the open maw. "See you on the other side!" She added before stepping in and entering the portal.

CyberDragon wrote:"I am currently attempting to arrange where you will be staying. I know of a few towns that were not touched by the fighting, and most would likely be thrilled to host the team that saved their planet." Hivemind said. "I'll have an Ibis dropship pick you up and take you there once things have been finalized."

Recon quite suddenly appeared next to Traci after Hivemind was done. "You know, once we get where we're staying, we should get to know each other. I don't run into other speedsters often."
Traci wasn't at all surprised by Recon's sudden appearance. "Oh sure!" She replied happily. "I know a few other speedsters myself, they're in the C.I.D. We pretty much had our own little group because we all could keep up with each other and understand each other when we talked fast! We'd even play little lighthearted pranks on the other staff, hehe.." She added, leaning back and forth a little as she talked. "Conversations with them were always fun and interesting!"

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Keeva followed the Hive through the museum and frowned at the quadrupedal nature of the animals on show. "Seems they didn't get speech centres either," she sighed. "No wonder they made so many mistakes, I suppose."
"..That also explains why a few humans have looked at us a little strangely.." Dan murmured flatly.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Buster »

CyberDragon wrote:"Big enough to eat half a city and smash the rest of it." Hivemind confirmed. "Then move on to the next city for seconds."

Hivemind was not expecting a disgusted reaction from the brain-eating parasite colony living in the forcibly reanimated mutant corpse of a shark. "It was actually the same creature that caused all the damage you saw when you piloted the Predator drone, June."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"You worked with Predator too," Jaken asked June excitedly. He beamed. "Makes you part of the team, June!"
"I just wanted to go on an adventure though..." June whined, mourning her shattered mental image of hero work being all fun and no work. "not get impossible headaches and be out of breath all the time. being on the team sucks."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:"No worries, I know it's never best to upset anyone during their meal" Hawk chuckled as he walked over to the door, "Though I'm pretty sure we'll get along just fine...on the surface? Mine if I inquire as to what happen?"
Hivemind froze for a moment and looked at Hawk incredulously. "The surface of Celica? Where the Varanian fleet attacked? Many cities destroyed? If you didn't get on this ship until today, you would have seen the entire planet is surrounded by warships that were once hostile. If you got here yesterday or earlier, then I don't know how you missed the ship alarm or announcement that our destination was being attacked." Hivemind shook his head and led Hawk down to the lobby. Instead of turning right to get to the portal door, he turned left and led Hawk out into a courtyard where a bunch of people were getting dinner.

Hivemind spotted Randy and Eira stepping out of one of the restaurants, both carrying massive raw steaks. Hivemind waited for them to take their seats, then led Hawk up to them. "Hello, Randy. Hello Eira. I'd like you to meet Hawk. He's a new recruit."

The Lycan looked up from his meal at Hawk. Arctos did the same. "He's got a reputation, I take it then?"

"He does." Hivemind said, not bothering to ask how Randy knew. "He's going to have to spend his training and first field missions under supervision to ensure he and his partner can follow the rules."

"Right then." Randy stood up, and one thing was immediately apparent. The Lycan was absolutely massive, standing at least a foot taller than Hawk did. His fur was midnight black with grey fur mixed in due to age. He reached out and shook Hawk's hand, and his grip was like that of a grizzly bear.

Eira also stood up. She was Hawk's height. The most obvious interesting thing about her visually besides her elegant snow-white fur with translucent blue tips that gave her an almost frozen crystalline appearance was that her right arm, the one she was offering Hawk to shake, was completely made of ice from her fingers to her elbow. Should Hawk shake the icy arm, he'd find her grip even stronger than her father's.

Hawkfang42 wrote:"Well, this is a nice little tower." Brad said, looking around at the large empty space, "Nice, but empty; is it normally this empty?" he asked.
"Not normally, no." Hivemind said as he led Brad into the nearest available meeting room. "Anyone who isn't on the planet surface right now is eating dinner in the food court." Hivemind walked around the table in the meeting room and sat down, gesturing for Brad to do the same. "So tell me. Why do you want to join the Champions?"

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"No problem to sort that out," Messalca said. "I happen to be cousin to the owner of the Low Front motel and it's the off-season so things are quiet - comparatively. Does mean it's a bit basic, mind. He can't hire kitchen staff in these months. How many rooms you going to need?"
"Quite a few, I think." Hivemind said. "We've got Archangel, Gadgeteer, Recon, Traci, Jenny, Tatiana, Ulrich, Kolt, Kol, Chris, we'll need a garage or something for our sentient dragon Mech, MT... I think most of the rest of the team are headed for the Beacon. Only one I'm still figuring out is Titan, but they tend to avoid resting near buildings that can be... well, easily broken by accident. Not sure if Titan's going to be stopping by for a rest."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Keeva followed the Hive through the museum and frowned at the quadrupedal nature of the animals on show. "Seems they didn't get speech centres either," she sighed. "No wonder they made so many mistakes, I suppose."
~\Rook/~ wrote:"..That also explains why a few humans have looked at us a little strangely.." Dan murmured flatly.
"Animals never developed Sapience on our Earth. Not naturally." Hivemind said. "The exceptions are Humans, Lycans, Vampires, Dragons, and other rare or legendary species. There are a few animals that were given pieces of Human DNA and made sentient through genetic tampering. They're called Anthropomorphs, and they're fairly rare. Most elect to stay in their own country." he explained.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"You worked with Predator too," Jaken asked June excitedly. He beamed. "Makes you part of the team, June!"
Buster wrote:"I just wanted to go on an adventure though..." June whined, mourning her shattered mental image of hero work being all fun and no work. "not get impossible headaches and be out of breath all the time. being on the team sucks."
"Sorry June." Hivemind said. "I fear I encouraged you to go down there. I should have warned you more about how difficult the job can be. I was not aware your power had such a high energy cost."


(The rest of the posts so far are among the main group. The rest of the players need to post before I can compile a response to all of them)
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by SeanWolf »

"Oh I've been here a few days already" Hawk explained, "I just found a way to stay off the grid and, same time, was ignoring a lot of the events that was going on and continued my research into the Champions." As they arrived at the table in question, Hawk's eyes widen as he caught sight of the two Hivemind told him about, in particular the Lycan, who had stuck their hand out to shake his. "Pleasure to *oof* make your acquaintance, Randy and Eira." Hawk replied, the Lycan's grip catching him off-guard a bit, leading to his, what the Hivemind said, 'partner' to quip, "[i]heh I like this fella already. Let's see how he likes our grip[/i]", which resulted in Hawk's own strength being double, again, as his other-side took over the for a bit and his grip became tighter. "Apologies" Hawk said, "My 'partner' wanted to show-off." Looking over to the other, he adds "I'd shake yours, but I'm pretty sure he'll show off again, so I'm not risking it." he then turns back to the massive Lycan and inquires " know about my reputation?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Messalca got on the phone to her cousin. "Arros, you're needed to open up the Motel," she said, "you got guests for the next night or two. Yes, I KNOW it's the off season. No, I don't think they need food. Yes, I'm sure they have money! Although you're going to give them the Hero discount. Why? Arros, who have I been dealing with all afternoon?" She heard a 'klunk'. "Arros, pick the phone up. That's better. Yes, he... YES, he'll be bringing a squad by shortly. Ten rooms - I assume. Well set little Saffy onto their rooms, you know she'll do a fair job. Ten rooms and a garage. No, for... OK, for a vehicle. Now go, cousin, go!" She hung up. "Rooms'll be ready in about 45 minutes," she told Hive.
Jaken decided to take his life in his own paws again and do something he probably shouldn't do. He gave his best friend a hug. "Team mates get hugs," he said, "but not Mr Lycan."
"Some days I can't say I'd blame them," Keeva said. "Some Humans can be pains, even though most are great. And I'm not sure it's each of us they're looking at oddly, Dan. Seeing these pictures? Cats and Dogs here don't generally seem to be lovers?" She purred slightly. "I like being an exceptional exception."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:"Oh I've been here a few days already" Hawk explained, "I just found a way to stay off the grid and, same time, was ignoring a lot of the events that was going on and continued my research into the Champions." As they arrived at the table in question, Hawk's eyes widen as he caught sight of the two Hivemind told him about, in particular the Lycan, who had stuck their hand out to shake his. "Pleasure to *oof* make your acquaintance, Randy and Eira." Hawk replied, the Lycan's grip catching him off-guard a bit, leading to his, what the Hivemind said, 'partner' to quip, "[i]heh I like this fella already. Let's see how he likes our grip[/i]", which resulted in Hawk's own strength being double, again, as his other-side took over the for a bit and his grip became tighter. "Apologies" Hawk said, "My 'partner' wanted to show-off." Looking over to the other, he adds "I'd shake yours, but I'm pretty sure he'll show off again, so I'm not risking it." he then turns back to the massive Lycan and inquires " know about my reputation?"
"The ice in my arm is strong enough to deflect a 90 mm shell from a tank. I think it can handle a sturdy handshake." Eira smirked, continuing to hold out the supernaturally enhanced ice arm.

"Hivemind only personally introduces us to recruits on our off-hours when we're going to have to supervise them a lot. He does this with people who have a reputation for violence, killing, general aggression, or other behaviors that make him worried the individual might not be able to follow our strict rules. Judging by that handshake, I'd say your partner is competitive, aggressive, strong, and possibly violent."

Hawkfang42 wrote:"All the times they did explode, they were accidents, except the first one, but I promise it wasn't me." Nat said, "Well, what are we going to do now?" he asked.
Hivemind sighed, his head in his hand. "Fine." He said. "If you have nowhere to go, I suggest you hitch a ride with the Predator drone and head to the Beacon. We can figure things out from there."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"You can be brave if I can," Hannbelle said quietly to Gear. "Not a travel method I approve of," she said towards Predator, "but I'll trust you this once fella." She inclined her head and stepped forward. "C'mon, my friend, let's go for a short trip, eh?"
~\Rook/~ wrote:"It's not as bad as you might think. It's a little tingly at first, not in an unpleasant way, then you're just inside a simulated room. It's all perfectly safe, and I'm a medical professional so, you can trust me." Rika said calmly, walking past the both of them right up to the open maw. "See you on the other side!" She added before stepping in and entering the portal.
Gear didn't move an inch. "It... It ain't that... It's... I'm... A little bit... phagophobic..."

"If it would help, I can download you remotely so it's a little less similar to something that might trigger your fear." Predator suggested.

"Yeah... Yeah, I think-" Gear was interrupted when a beam of light shot out of the portal-like device and hit him, downloading him from a distance.

Predator turned to Hannabelle and the HK droid that was Tatiana and opened it's jaws. "Hannabelle, I believe your next. Talya, Hivemind wishes for you to return to the Beacon with your brother. I told him you are both in need of new bodies."

Deske wrote:"Well whatever you do, don't forget to contemplate your existence. Really helps drill in the whole longevity of life sort of deal. Adds to the fun of it."
"Oh, I already do THAT every day." MT chuckled mentally. "Kind of comes with the territory of being 250 year old hardware."

~\Rook/~ wrote:Traci wasn't at all surprised by Recon's sudden appearance. "Oh sure!" She replied happily. "I know a few other speedsters myself, they're in the C.I.D. We pretty much had our own little group because we all could keep up with each other and understand each other when we talked fast! We'd even play little lighthearted pranks on the other staff, hehe.." She added, leaning back and forth a little as she talked. "Conversations with them were always fun and interesting!"
"I have to say, I'm a little jealous." Recon said. "There's not really anyone I can really hold a conversation with for long. Titan doesn't speak, Gadgeteer's a grouch sometimes, and I always fumble with my words when trying to talk to Archangel..." She had the faintest of blushes when mentioning the team leader. "It would be nice to have someone to talk to."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Messalca got on the phone to her cousin. "Arros, you're needed to open up the Motel," she said, "you got guests for the next night or two. Yes, I KNOW it's the off season. No, I don't think they need food. Yes, I'm sure they have money! Although you're going to give them the Hero discount. Why? Arros, who have I been dealing with all afternoon?" She heard a 'klunk'. "Arros, pick the phone up. That's better. Yes, he... YES, he'll be bringing a squad by shortly. Ten rooms - I assume. Well set little Saffy onto their rooms, you know she'll do a fair job. Ten rooms and a garage. No, for... OK, for a vehicle. Now go, cousin, go!" She hung up. "Rooms'll be ready in about 45 minutes," she told Hive.
Hivemind laughed a little. "Thank you. I should have mentioned, I will provide all of the food the team needs. Some of them might have a bad reaction to Celican food, particularly one who can't have anything with iron. And we will pay full price. The Champions are not short on funds in the slightest. It's the least we can do for providing the place to stay on such short notice."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by SeanWolf »

Hawk replied "You pretty much hit the nail on the head right there. But truth is: We are only violent if the need arises, though lately we've been trying to avoid that." before turning to shake the other's hand (his other-side taking control again and gripping hard) and quipping "90 mm tank shell, eh? That's...actually pretty cool, no pun intended."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by furrygamer793 »

CyberDragon wrote:
Hawkfang42 wrote:"Well, this is a nice little tower." Brad said, looking around at the large empty space, "Nice, but empty; is it normally this empty?" he asked.
"Not normally, no." Hivemind said as he led Brad into the nearest available meeting room. "Anyone who isn't on the planet surface right now is eating dinner in the food court." Hivemind walked around the table in the meeting room and sat down, gesturing for Brad to do the same. "So tell me. Why do you want to join the Champions?"
"Why would I want to join the champions? My question is why wouldn't I? The job is amazing, thrilling, and the type of thing I've wanted to do since I was eight!" Brad exclaimed.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Figured he'd be better off thinking the garage was for a vehicle, not a war droid," Messalca admitted, "although he did say to tell you you can use his electric charging point if you want."
"If he's still concerned," Hannabelle said, steeling herself, "send me to the same place, would you?" Not that she was concerned about being broken up into a trillion pieces of code, stored in an artificial reality and reassembled again later, oh no...
"No chance of getting my bike sent down, I take it," Jenny asked, almost wistfully. "Could help blow out the cobwebs in the morning."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

CyberDragon wrote:"Animals never developed Sapience on our Earth. Not naturally." Hivemind said. "The exceptions are Humans, Lycans, Vampires, Dragons, and other rare or legendary species. There are a few animals that were given pieces of Human DNA and made sentient through genetic tampering. They're called Anthropomorphs, and they're fairly rare. Most elect to stay in their own country." he explained.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Some days I can't say I'd blame them," Keeva said. "Some Humans can be pains, even though most are great. And I'm not sure it's each of us they're looking at oddly, Dan. Seeing these pictures? Cats and Dogs here don't generally seem to be lovers?" She purred slightly. "I like being an exceptional exception."
"Heh. If it means I can be with you, I'm fine with it." Dan replied before kissing Keeva on the cheek.

CyberDragon wrote:"I have to say, I'm a little jealous." Recon said. "There's not really anyone I can really hold a conversation with for long. Titan doesn't speak, Gadgeteer's a grouch sometimes, and I always fumble with my words when trying to talk to Archangel..." She had the faintest of blushes when mentioning the team leader. "It would be nice to have someone to talk to."
"Of course! I quite enjoy talking, much to the dismay of some people, hehe. Rika, or Dr. Montoni if you prefer, is nice to talk to too. She's good to talk to about personal things as well, she takes the whole 'doctor-patient confidentiality' thing very seriously.." Traci replied.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Legotron123 »

Quint gave a quick nod to the drone before walking back to join the others, silently taking a spot behind Jenny. As he listened to the others talk, Hivemind’s mention of Diligitus caused him to ponder something. He was well aware by now that he didn’t feel emotions to the same capacity other people did. It came in handy when they faced Odium on that beach, not only did he completely bypass the aspect’s illusions, he couldn’t even hear it’s voice, forcing him to relay on context clues from Kolt’s responses to figure out what it had said. However, the same was not true for it’s counterpart. Not only could he hear every word Diligitus said during it’s numerous conversations with Kolt, he was as fooled as his partners was by its illusions during the training exercise. This seemed to indicate that while he was capable of feeling love, he was not capable of feeling hate. But what exactly did that mean? Did his inability to feel hate make him an inherently better person than the people who did? Or was it the opposite, did not having a “complete” emotional spectrum make him lesser, not truly a “person?” He doubted he’d have the answer to this any time soon, but it was something interesting to ponder until he did.
Liz did not look what Hivemind said had helped her process any of this. If anything, she looked like she was having even more trouble processing it than before he’d mentioned Dilgitus. ”I... I think I’d like to go home now. I need a moment to think about all this in private.”
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Yeah," Corp said gently, taking the lead softly as he felt Liz's confusion as much as his own. Or something. "I'll drop in on Nocturl later," he advised the Hivebot, guiding his Captain and Lewis back to their apartment, almost forgetting the strange Feline that was waiting in there for them.
"I'm not sure on the combo either," Seena admitted, wondering why Sana was looking coyly at her, "but I'll let it up to you, Love. Better head off now, Denver's date is here. Love you."
After his response she 'hung up' and turned to her companion. "What," she asked as the little agent pulled a dark green shirt with red shoulder flashes from the bag. It had obviously been bought from the tourist section as the printed 'badge' in the top left had the words 'Forest Ranger' in English on it around the Celican number 1. "Well, we don't have any clothes from this universe," Seena explained, "so I thought he'd like it..."
"Think he'll like the couple of bits you bought yourself more," the Fennekin replied with a grin. "Oh, and, even in a different universe there's only one reason for mixing Bananas and Pepper Sausage. Conga Rats and the Genetic specialists will want a word."
"Oh? Why? Nothing wrong, is there?"
"No, but they'll probably wanna know how two different species can have a kid without their help." Seena snorted. "You know what I mean," Sana remarked before giving into the giggles herself.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Buster »

"right, right... powering down." talya's drone stated before laying down and retracting it's weapons. a moment later the running lights shut off, and only the indicator marked 'standby' on the panel on it's neck still lit.

inside the simulated bridge, cycling machine code appears on one of the screens, highlighted characters in the vague shape of the conpod portion of talya's superstructure becoming noticeable.

"Alright i'm here. lack of working body notwithstanding." the code-image shifts, as if the pod hatch were moving like a jaw as she speaks.

- - - - - - - - -
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Tatiana nodded, giving a chuckle. "That's true! Though I'd like to not challenge the laws of gravity due to my inherent disregard for it." They quickly touched down outside of the chute, Tatiana herself feeling rather nice to be out of the bunker, lab, thing, place. "Don't know about you, but I'm glad to be out of there. Just hope that's the end of that. People hunting the kid down, the invasion, the replaced big wigs. Don't think I could take it escalating again."
"I don't recall any of them wearing wigs..." Kol comments questioningly as she moved to follow the others, confusion tinging her voice as she added, "why would the wigs being replaced even matter? aren't they just replacement fur?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Hlaoroo »

CyberDragon wrote:
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"There's no reason not to, I suppose," Dabry said cheerily, being led down to the others. "It's not so bad," he replied, shaking the Former Lord and Lady's handpaws and graciously giving Aggie a kiss on the back of her hand as it wasn't the first time he'd met her. "In case you had not guessed, M'lord and lady, I am Dabry. Or I was. I'll figure it out one day."
The old man was already sitting down on the picnic blanket, dividing the apple frushie into slices. "You're still Dabry." Mr. C stated, putting slices of Frushie onto plates that he also somehow conveniently had kept hidden in his cloak. "You're just all soul now. The core of your being lives on, and so you live on."

He decided to serve the boys next. "There's so much for you to catch up with your family about, I'm sure!" he said, handing Conall the plate of pie and preparing another for Cailean. "New friends, new talents, a new universe, and..." he added, grinning at Cailean. "A certain someone I'm sure your family would love to meet?"
"Charmed, Ah'm sure!" Aggie giggles, blushing and curtsying, playing along as Dabry takes her paw.
"Ye were all heart an' naow yer all soul, Dabry." Cailean grins, accepting his frushie. Then it's his turn to blush as "Mr. C" brings up his girlfriend.
"Well... Ah suppose it's naw or never..."
"Oooooooh!" Aggie practically squeals, immediately understanding what the Hobomancer is hinting at. "Cailean's got a girlfriend!"
"Good fer him. An' aboot time tae!" the Laird nods approvingly. "Sae, frae which o' th' clans is she?"
"Er... Well..."
"Nae a Campbell, by any chance?" the Lady Lamont asks curiously. The Lamonts and the Campbells have feuded ever since the the Scottish Wars of Independence in the early fourteenth century, and both clans have slaughtered many members of the other in various bloody battles. Although, somehow the feud seems unimportant now that she's in Heaven.
"Tha' wuid be ironic after all this time."
"Och, nae! Nae, definitely not!" Cailean exclaims, placating his parents. "Nae... She's English."
"Ah see." the Laird says carefully, chewing the stem of his pipe again and grinning. "Tha's just as ironic."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Dabry smiled on Aggie and her reactions before thinking on who it could possibly be that they were talking about. "Well, if it hasnae.. hasn't been that long and you're still on the ship," he mused, "there IS one who it might be..." He turned to the others and accepted a Frushie. "You'd probably get on with her. Protective and only pretends to hate those from North of... Is it Newquay? No, um... what's the name of that city? Ah. Newcastle."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:Hawk replied "You pretty much hit the nail on the head right there. But truth is: We are only violent if the need arises, though lately we've been trying to avoid that." before turning to shake the other's hand (his other-side taking control again and gripping hard) and quipping "90 mm tank shell, eh? That's...actually pretty cool, no pun intended."
Eira returned the grip with one of her own so strong, Hawk's regeneration might need to kick in if she gripped any stronger. "That's the least my ice can do." She quipped back.

"Plenty of genocidal monsters out there claim to only be violent when they need to." The Lycan countered. "We will be the ones to determine if you're Champion material."

Hawkfang42 wrote:"Why would I want to join the champions? My question is why wouldn't I? The job is amazing, thrilling, and the type of thing I've wanted to do since I was eight!" Brad exclaimed.
"It's also a deadly, high pressure job where countless lives rely on your ability to do the job perfectly." Hivemind countered. "There's glory and thrill in it, yes. But there are also horrors the Champions are exposed to that cannot be unseen once experienced. You will encounter and be expected to fight against abominations who kill for fun, cruel people who stamp out the lives of many for their own profit, legions of creatures aiming to tear you apart. Not only are you expected to fight these threats and protect civilians from them, you are expected to bring them in to me alive. You must suppress your feelings about them. The greatest threat of all is the temptation of hatred."

CyberDragon wrote:
Hawkfang42 wrote:"All the times they did explode, they were accidents, except the first one, but I promise it wasn't me." Nat said, "Well, what are we going to do now?" he asked.
Hivemind sighed, his head in his hand. "Fine." He said. "If you have nowhere to go, I suggest you hitch a ride with the Predator drone and head to the Beacon. We can figure things out from there."
"Nat, please head for the Predator Drone. He will take you to the Beacon." Hivemind urged, pointing Nat in the direction of the giant robot.

He turned to the haunted droid, Legion. "Legion, I'd like for you to head to the Beacon as well. We need to figure out what all of you are going to do now."

"I am sorry, Hivemind." Predator stated, shaking his head. "I am afraid I cannot carry them. They are around one thousand souls. I do not have the storage capacity for so many sentient minds."

Hivemind stopped for a moment, then smacked his forehead.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Figured he'd be better off thinking the garage was for a vehicle, not a war droid," Messalca admitted, "although he did say to tell you you can use his electric charging point if you want."
Hivemind let out a sigh, shaking his head. "Thanks for that. I'm afraid there's one I forgot to mention. Originally they were going to head back to the Beacon, but it's possible they may need somewhere to stay. Their name is Legion, and they are in a... complicated... situation. I'm afraid a lot about them is confidential. No need to bother your cousin though. We'll figure it out."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"If he's still concerned," Hannabelle said, steeling herself, "send me to the same place, would you?" Not that she was concerned about being broken up into a trillion pieces of code, stored in an artificial reality and reassembled again later, oh no...
Predator opened it's jaws again and allowed Hannabelle to step through the portal. She would find herself on the "bridge" standing next to a fairly annoyed looking cyborg. "A five second warning would'a been nice." he grumbled.
Buster wrote:"right, right... powering down." talya's drone stated before laying down and retracting it's weapons. a moment later the running lights shut off, and only the indicator marked 'standby' on the panel on it's neck still lit.

inside the simulated bridge, cycling machine code appears on one of the screens, highlighted characters in the vague shape of the conpod portion of talya's superstructure becoming noticeable.

"Alright i'm here. lack of working body notwithstanding." the code-image shifts, as if the pod hatch were moving like a jaw as she speaks.
"Excellent. I believe once we have Nat, we will be ready to depart."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"No chance of getting my bike sent down, I take it," Jenny asked, almost wistfully. "Could help blow out the cobwebs in the morning."
"I'll see what I can do, Jenny." Hivemind said. "But transporting a motorcycle is not high priority. Most of our transports are still evacuating people from high-risk areas. I'm not going to divert one to bring a motorcycle down to a small low-risk village motel. If things slow down, I'll try, but I'll make no promise."
Buster wrote:
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Tatiana nodded, giving a chuckle. "That's true! Though I'd like to not challenge the laws of gravity due to my inherent disregard for it." They quickly touched down outside of the chute, Tatiana herself feeling rather nice to be out of the bunker, lab, thing, place. "Don't know about you, but I'm glad to be out of there. Just hope that's the end of that. People hunting the kid down, the invasion, the replaced big wigs. Don't think I could take it escalating again."
"I don't recall any of them wearing wigs..." Kol comments questioningly as she moved to follow the others, confusion tinging her voice as she added, "why would the wigs being replaced even matter? aren't they just replacement fur?"
Legotron123 wrote:Quint gave a quick nod to the drone before walking back to join the others, silently taking a spot behind Jenny. As he listened to the others talk, Hivemind’s mention of Diligitus caused him to ponder something. He was well aware by now that he didn’t feel emotions to the same capacity other people did. It came in handy when they faced Odium on that beach, not only did he completely bypass the aspect’s illusions, he couldn’t even hear it’s voice, forcing him to relay on context clues from Kolt’s responses to figure out what it had said. However, the same was not true for it’s counterpart. Not only could he hear every word Diligitus said during it’s numerous conversations with Kolt, he was as fooled as his partners was by its illusions during the training exercise. This seemed to indicate that while he was capable of feeling love, he was not capable of feeling hate. But what exactly did that mean? Did his inability to feel hate make him an inherently better person than the people who did? Or was it the opposite, did not having a “complete” emotional spectrum make him lesser, not truly a “person?” He doubted he’d have the answer to this any time soon, but it was something interesting to ponder until he did.
Overhead of the group, an Ibis dropship was just now showing up on scene. The ship lowered itself and landed on a pile of rubble and opened it's doors.

"Alright, everyone who isn't going with Predator, pile into the Ibis." Hivemind stated. "The ship will take you to a small town where you'll be staying. You'll have the rest of the day off barring absolute emergencies. Titan, Tempest, and I will stay behind and secure the area."

Gadgeteer, Archangel, and Legion all climbed into the ship first.
~\Rook/~ wrote:"Of course! I quite enjoy talking, much to the dismay of some people, hehe. Rika, or Dr. Montoni if you prefer, is nice to talk to too. She's good to talk to about personal things as well, she takes the whole 'doctor-patient confidentiality' thing very seriously.." Traci replied.
"Oops, looks like we have to head out." Recon said, jogging over to the Ibis and hopping in, strapping herself in whatever spot was next to Traci. "Anyway, yeah. She seems very professional! Though I kind of like that I can be a bit unprofessional at times."
Deske wrote:"Well whatever you do, don't forget to contemplate your existence. Really helps drill in the whole longevity of life sort of deal. Adds to the fun of it."
CyberDragon wrote:"Oh, I already do THAT every day." MT chuckled mentally. "Kind of comes with the territory of being 250 year old hardware."
"I think utilizing the Ibis is optional for us, Chris." MT stated. "After all, we can just follow behind it. I'll leave it up to you whether we fly ourselves or use the dropship."

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"It will take some time to get used to this universe," Corp muttered, shaking his head slightly.
Legotron123 wrote:Liz did not look what Hivemind said had helped her process any of this. If anything, she looked like she was having even more trouble processing it than before he’d mentioned Dilgitus. ”I... I think I’d like to go home now. I need a moment to think about all this in private.”
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Yeah," Corp said gently, taking the lead softly as he felt Liz's confusion as much as his own. Or something. "I'll drop in on Nocturl later," he advised the Hivebot, guiding his Captain and Lewis back to their apartment, almost forgetting the strange Feline that was waiting in there for them.
When the three of them opened the door, Snowball's head perked up. The cat stretched on the couch before hopping of and trotting over to them. She started nudging against their legs and purring, clearly happy to see them.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Sarah laughed. "Tha's me, Cap'ble've causin' a ruckus on 'oly Island!"
"Not sure how it works." Hivemind shrugged. "You'd have to ask Diligitis himself if that's even possible."

CyberDragon wrote:
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"You worked with Predator too," Jaken asked June excitedly. He beamed. "Makes you part of the team, June!"
Buster wrote:"I just wanted to go on an adventure though..." June whined, mourning her shattered mental image of hero work being all fun and no work. "not get impossible headaches and be out of breath all the time. being on the team sucks."
"Sorry June." Hivemind said. "I fear I encouraged you to go down there. I should have warned you more about how difficult the job can be. I was not aware your power had such a high energy cost."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:Jaken decided to take his life in his own paws again and do something he probably shouldn't do. He gave his best friend a hug. "Team mates get hugs," he said, "but not Mr Lycan."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Some days I can't say I'd blame them," Keeva said. "Some Humans can be pains, even though most are great. And I'm not sure it's each of us they're looking at oddly, Dan. Seeing these pictures? Cats and Dogs here don't generally seem to be lovers?" She purred slightly. "I like being an exceptional exception."
"Can't say I blame them either." Hivemind said. "The people who created them were intending to make valuable labor and claim them as a product, not make a new race of people. That backfired big time. The company that made them had their heads arrested and their assets confiscated and used to ensure the new species's survival, even by purchasing land to form a sanctuary nation for them. It was an effort largely by the UN, but also done under pressure from yours truly."
~\Rook/~ wrote:"Heh. If it means I can be with you, I'm fine with it." Dan replied before kissing Keeva on the cheek.
"Is there anything else you would like to see, or have questions about?" Hivemind asked. "Or would you like to head somewhere else?"

Hlaoroo wrote:"Charmed, Ah'm sure!" Aggie giggles, blushing and curtsying, playing along as Dabry takes her paw.
"Ye were all heart an' naow yer all soul, Dabry." Cailean grins, accepting his frushie. Then it's his turn to blush as "Mr. C" brings up his girlfriend.
"Well... Ah suppose it's naw or never..."
"Oooooooh!" Aggie practically squeals, immediately understanding what the Hobomancer is hinting at. "Cailean's got a girlfriend!"
"Good fer him. An' aboot time tae!" the Laird nods approvingly. "Sae, frae which o' th' clans is she?"
"Er... Well..."
"Nae a Campbell, by any chance?" the Lady Lamont asks curiously. The Lamonts and the Campbells have feuded ever since the the Scottish Wars of Independence in the early fourteenth century, and both clans have slaughtered many members of the other in various bloody battles. Although, somehow the feud seems unimportant now that she's in Heaven.
"Tha' wuid be ironic after all this time."
"Och, nae! Nae, definitely not!" Cailean exclaims, placating his parents. "Nae... She's English."
"Ah see." the Laird says carefully, chewing the stem of his pipe again and grinning. "Tha's just as ironic."
The old man smiled. "Well?" he said to Cailean. "Why don't you invite her? I am sure she would love to meet your family, and I'm sure your family would love to meet her!" He gave Cailean a friendly prod on the shoulder with his cane. "Go on! Just shut your eyes and think of yourself back on that bench!" He said, failing to mention how he knew where the boys' physical bodies were. "It's heaven! Worst case scenario is the meeting goes well, but slightly less than perfect. Heh!"
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It's not my job to pick a side.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by SeanWolf »

"So saith the lycan kissed by Mother Moon" Hawk replies before adding "I'd watch throwing that word Genocidal Monster around like that. We dealt with your kind before on many occasions and while it appears you are in control..." Looking over, Hawk's right arm then shifts to that of his other-side, all steel and chrome along with very sharp claws, before shifting back and saying "...I wouldn't want to be near you if it's your time when the moon dances with the sun." With a cracking of his neck, he goes on to ask both of them "So what training do you have in mind for us?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Deske »

"A quarter of a millennia old and you barely look a day over a century. If I didn't know better I'd be jealous. I'm not looking forward to looking old and gross in my 60's," He said with a grin. "After having to ride in on a dropship, I don't think I'm going to pass up the opportunity to fly this time."


"Love you too!" Colorado paused for a second. "Denver said Bye to Sana," He managed to quickly add in before Seena hung up on him.


Ulrich steps up onto the dropship, taking a seat nearer to the door.
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Tatiana chuckled at Kol's misunderstanding of the phrase as they stepped into the drop ship. "It's just a phrase... I actually don't know what it came from. All I know is it's used to refer to the high and mighty or people higher up the chain of command." She sat down and strapped in. "Ah, this day feels like it's been goin' forever. Then again, for an invasion it was kinda short so I guess it balances out."
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Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

CyberDragon wrote:
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"If he's still concerned," Hannabelle said, steeling herself, "send me to the same place, would you?" Not that she was concerned about being broken up into a trillion pieces of code, stored in an artificial reality and reassembled again later, oh no...
Predator opened it's jaws again and allowed Hannabelle to step through the portal. She would find herself on the "bridge" standing next to a fairly annoyed looking cyborg. "A five second warning would'a been nice." he grumbled.
Buster wrote:"right, right... powering down." talya's drone stated before laying down and retracting it's weapons. a moment later the running lights shut off, and only the indicator marked 'standby' on the panel on it's neck still lit.

inside the simulated bridge, cycling machine code appears on one of the screens, highlighted characters in the vague shape of the conpod portion of talya's superstructure becoming noticeable.

"Alright i'm here. lack of working body notwithstanding." the code-image shifts, as if the pod hatch were moving like a jaw as she speaks.
"Excellent. I believe once we have Nat, we will be ready to depart."
Rika is sitting in one of the chairs on the bridge, leaned back slightly with her legs crossed and arms behind her head. She also seems to be humming to herself.

CyberDragon wrote:Overhead of the group, an Ibis dropship was just now showing up on scene. The ship lowered itself and landed on a pile of rubble and opened it's doors.

"Alright, everyone who isn't going with Predator, pile into the Ibis." Hivemind stated. "The ship will take you to a small town where you'll be staying. You'll have the rest of the day off barring absolute emergencies. Titan, Tempest, and I will stay behind and secure the area."

Gadgeteer, Archangel, and Legion all climbed into the ship first.

"Oops, looks like we have to head out." Recon said, jogging over to the Ibis and hopping in, strapping herself in whatever spot was next to Traci. "Anyway, yeah. She seems very professional! Though I kind of like that I can be a bit unprofessional at times."
Traci follows suit getting into the dropship and chose somewhere to sit. "Oh she doesn't mind anyone being 'unprofessional', she just forgets that she can let loose too when in public. I understand though, talking with my friends at the C.I.D was mostly about the work. Only the rare times me and Rika had time off together was when we both could talk about anything and everything~!" Traci replied as she strapped herself in, talking at a higher speed now.
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